il Wry SAVBD, 18 WA:, It) A POSY KABZIND. Ec4-gr3ACED 13 EQTIA TV .4. TVSf 21A4P, YOCIII WASTE PAPIER. SAVE YOUR WMOB PAYIR, -)- \ Is TAO VALUABLE TO BE PESTROYED. IS TOO VALUABLE TO BE PFSTROYED, THE PAVER MAXER WANTS It ft ik PAPER MAKER WANTS IT MP:TER Nuns rr PRINTKii NERDS 14 YOU CAR GET MORE FOR IT THAN YOU COULD FOR RAGS TWO TUBS 'M. YOU CAN' GRT MORE FOB IT THAI; '7017 COMA) FOR it,s.os TWO 'TZARS AGO. WILL BE PAW WILL BE PAID • I' THE OBSERVER OFFIOE AT THE oBsERIzER OFFICE i. THAT YOff CAN BRING 1. 141 AT 1 1011 CAN'' BIIIXI3. VOLUME 85. l~iYrrirr Cleft Wady Is lls _• al lbw irto OM% EMI Myr WINN per riti0......41 11011111 i 11. IDIMLIIII. &maw av Law, awe. ail o•Destiese as 4 Wm, besims %WI amd j W. WWISORE. Armen 41 LAW. la I WWI N. • Sus s it sliese. at* Ps• _ 17010. P MILKINS Dorm% Ilumikra UAL Ai dike Ptak Mats MIMI. kris. r/11 IL P. 1N111 , 11 4.1 awn pS W . Canso bra to tarsi* I Was tka ist gnu M Nita sad =toot oarsmen ait, way Wm MUM=ih allallat V rausull rk% Siktert or blfs 64 7- swan vanillas, at Os loam EMIs% prism a. azietia WIPMCIUL s 1111111113 1 1. Arming an Clionnaags n La.. Ono. Tinges Meet. sear Xs,* Wan smarst lbw NU* Stun, trio, JOON IL MILLAR, Orn gra brag raktroans Om* =Coupprparaa to Smog or aria name as Maar r. Ts. Olisa Orsara °assail Saar, Wright's Black. aprlllll4.y. T D. WALKII4 Tour Ammo AID Comma* llsassAft Mato /tr , Warthcrue rablls Do*. Nast Omar le od. Al" dada ia OW. 804 Mai. Pluto*, Wain Us% la. N. I..—Parflooleß ISear. titll M gives to the Rwiliviag aa4 Yorwarliai of h Ma OIL Ones sat Rolood, to ail pub et flo soulao7. afrWeatf. E . ritILO N hyenas*, mu !um 011•• Meal floor Ways, Look. AIDA betroma mg ixth. jarslS4.,- SINCLALAPS lixonalos Terroaws CIALWIT, is Block. CM Ps. jaalreilf. CILi PIN & WILBUR, Art•ZZINTI Law. Itiftway, Ps. Imam in H.ll, NoYaw, C.sainou sad hams spossim J. 0. CHAPIN. 0400111414, 0 ) W. W. WILBUR. V. W. BULL, norms:oz. MORRISON MOUS& tt srtmr Naml o s t allarketko s r i ldul oiled twinumonv, • Wili= "l"3444l' Hall. )per, Ttr 28.44 Ditldlsg - WINN. GSO. W. GUNNISON, *Team or m Taws. GS* la Gm*, botUdiair, Sostb•vost sormar of Fall sad INste IC$. does ;wetly eol soOseSeas ma* • vLeks Sseund Story ". IL= 6r It . teLi, Booz Boit Seam untsaWitse. of itiutoramo Ss* ra. L A FA TWITS. BOTEL, - Preach street, between dtbk sad I* Wrens, tear the Philadelptia Ririe Railroad Depot, Rrie, Pe n Louis Itheemater t Proprietor. arbwint sisosaimior don far Onagers and traveers. Rout Pp the da er Week. Good stabling attasbed. AA LIBeeL & Blittrll/14 • LIItIONABLI TA/UNIS as 4 Agnate tot Meer le 14= 1 1 o rates% Sevin Usebasee —the beet In we- State between Iltb sad Ilk SIN ftaie, Ps. Clones mode*/ Is lie last style. neyree-Iy. . .. • • m 1101110/4Nry Lasav aars Lisa inaulr ea •IStnet ose Mats sad Trowili. Pim imams sag diva .obis ova remosablis teem. r ‘ ILDDIBLIv a Ic m I 411 CUM I P astremassi T %smalb~siasso. N fleguim Aides Hug bapill. 20111NSA Owl 1 1m.. trio. t& z 1, W X1A41,1 1 1. mks la Woe:tlieftzlhNiffie.Pl.lll4., rru HOV/Sl4 • ILIDGVAT, SLR Co Pa. Virg >x o'.el ample rioter This is a pdir sad buboes* Stied up %QUM., is the midst ef *soil thetas% Treedig sat But: tai togiosa la Peuesyhteuia. Clemsoliesa suess,Otesa Beds, • Geed Table sad- Vedanta hies. Ur pull. petroaap t. teigmethiltf seitelted. t -agfribly• V. A. SALIIIRArrIt. • known AT tall6.,ll:espaigyromk Indy opposite** Court Raw% Irlo. La:tiooLzo, 111; D. Ontas Sawym Dor tats, ?IL Xev. 11. /184.—asumfb. 01101 C. MOM. Mews tor Dirt Germ eseassnik vinetweso, luau. Mow Seri. tiailo air of Mast sad PIAUI, sus, NI% wthaimela 4 =AIL GROCERY miss P. A. WBOLESAL AND ULM GROCER, mix&sissi Omer og Me Poi hossli Ana. tompine) amidnipietteAr t ai s l tarp Maraille GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Iliklak 4 &filmes to NM all IPMMT 1.01W11!ft POSSUBLII MOM I Ms amosisiet of 5176 ABS, . OCer 17 AACC03, FMB; it, beet to ta ibio (Oros be as prepue4 la Pow to al Tao WAS • oil. lir slop boys so,lssitly an Mod • repeter M PURE Licit:lOUS, ks the vibegral• tide, to w sklwdhuts Sig Moltke anlis rade. llle sio.tes la, 'Wok sigss, boa !Wits art . k Zestrilaset Ito lie Novirs." aplllllllt. TO CONSUMPTIVES. 4 HE subscriber will cheerful t, ly send (fees of thugs) to al orb° boobs ttito sop, of seam+ II width he woo oared Oftbstotsa Mow, Chow n. %Mom of* Cossettrrios. foestu, et az i l s m isd aftorm, hLobtosseli thi , l2roolllti aw. .11rfM with the rooalt. t liajo l I for Ms ors 000lloto osoloror tips, he to oadoicia tbs Wok or wiry oallooo the MOM of ettre. Toth eialibui tie rips w 1 tan fie, p.,ipooorogl ea or slew tesol—n Sic WY. It- ALL/111,_ Ns. el Mum Stmt. lirftw Tat. TWENTY YEARS. DR. P. HATI-J3 CELEIBILATBD COUGH'REME,In ! Tam welt establiahed and popular mmlaime ism esteadvely cued dutimg the lest tweSW curing Throat and Len diereses with mere detail clew than may other medicine before the pabils. Not a word of recommendation is necessary to tbeeedsmilliat with lie meets. Its merneroas and.peedy CUM is pest years hare won a Owes of eandilence in Wields, keg tetra remembered . This remedy iamb, plume; sad ;borough in its operation—ls adap ted all= sad r.ustitutione—anid should be kept in meg posse for Immediate use oleo required. li throat acid km 'Sections are tweeted with the um of this toed, te their earlier Magee, $ 'lees number ad deaths ea la awed by Oorteutoptiom. BALlid COUGH. DitilT.DT Is the beat remedy ksemn ler miring the followieg cos cants. • COLDS COW fa CROUP w Autruss, /d 7 Ni SI Flamsie, asoacirrts, NOAltsgatilid, 1171•01 , 1101. 0, Vet Ntreagakese /As *Wm sal hofellimili Me Us" Metall Prices—eV Costa tle V 1 41 P likridds HALL At WARTSI's lemblaetssere s vid Pseprieleels Slats Street, seem! doer earth et MoresUi NINA Mo. Pa. Ter sale by Druggists and draws theerobeet Ole cecoalay. - OPI IR WitSVAISOI I 6'. We, the andendesed Wisest el( RAI iNti sad ifil= new used Dr. P. irsAil Celebrated greatsoatess, in owing dimmed ofike TH l Vel i t all ieed and tabs pleasure to reeeaumalwild use Ile She am a speedy sad ellerleal risedy. filly wstday eff seed 40044. JalcorTbesersos, UMW, fiemiatenb. D. Job% Nelms, Sr "iCif . Rees, itehaid Jells A. traey, IlebertCoebres. 1. T. Cleer. Jobe W. Viso,. Daniel Nom. Beam Rau% Jetta Rays. J. labbesa, • Llitiat, Jetta R. 0411111. W. l."14/irrakt, j.,11•••07, Jobs IL. P. 0117t0S. W. filebes, Joie W. Wanes., Alamos Stisreseed. Wra. Joke B. Brows V. R. Cooper, A. S. L. reeirter, Joseph Deere, A. onb "l ta. a &sla a rlai. tail. C. Di/lailt 111PCMIIIII ries, _ 11. O. beets 11.14.111aReaber, Vibes Elm ir.isioN Oda& Mi. Desist lases, 1:1,, ISslga ikt, C.S. breeli, O. S. Widen. Door 21.14-1100 WX ARK OFFERING • large smarmiest ei labb. GeMbit mesa* Ms, NIS /140 1 •. GOMM sal LiMmigmate lameiparlMM rask La' shire I wan tsirte ism biles baser, . . le aro isel ortils •04 :‘ , 4 4 4 NO rose for ass Is Elio Moak md • stripe es Ws Ctrs ode bogie MS Aie irlies'lt.* sell that It is& to Weis" • ?or nab - is yet bow to spelt" opkilis Aad Neat wog siorneorpsi! (MS beiy , Or keen.) Is Wire egeoh"- For late be wait se, Its is .Mil lho Abut, US sorer 144 lip am bleb Altos fl*. Lad whoa l'd be crying, brill - leek bat tie wilds; Lad say weed I slob hr ihe wailers. &time 1 • S. ls Mime is fheigar.imid siessisly leg, Asa Mewed ilee i. wid w hiskswe's 01 .fite ottsa 1 drials of Us' snit lawi Asa s billet pas sirsligki Is iies. lessrS tt las boy. *mass And say oritl he send in a bit of his imam • For the trot and Ike itotoois bilk due bilk wool ; Well , anzoly Ann Iwo en me oyslaaloo, he Ak 1 faith rvo no right yid seek Mokpo _ - to spank. Tea're eterweek ea fie yea trenble, ril fad sows oao willies *Mt gm libel What's that is the new folded it? des - ble f YIP honer --dee't lido il•mlete Ned Ale se. Whst! Pstritt O'Ceßier I—se, se it's seas other ; Dead! desi !-se .1104 s womb souse rise by. Dead! dead I—why the kiss es the cheek of his mother—. Mason hid time yet, yes beton is 61. • Don't all . not Ida-0 clo4t On sniffy t not dead !--nk tlir toil of swoM boom lay no ; la' whet I'll do In tie "odd Mtipm4 01, bow Till I lin, u4Ol 'Vero 11141Y110 The room io so larks-lha gm wile= fee honor; I—thitic-4 1 11 to •boon ;--Gwa-Wtwok 11 1 100 ' Came eIi MN Fp from At Woos of Wm Westin, t hat novot a tsar drop villed wp Ulm spa Us tattle alluded to to the leloodai r oad whisk Moue oil dm .saute *MU Mow, sot tovaostios ago 1014 tho F. IL., tats • r ift r . 4 ot It br twin til a rrStael aaOttat dig Thar bwkstiglholoor Nl4 ilioitod to tats 6 toms toillokkiii&4l. golot wolf. It has Sven Mao Wijcpiviat r= w.' rM ' M ' r ' 77 ' Fr"rlM Zia silaskot lito trio Aad sash fill *a ids lilt; • • .• • - •:- They swore • arson 4144111 1 • -c And It, sold It, mai It Tbs strange mina tileilidafaissay tad sksitsami it. NAM, • , Sad thew tally lied" ursteurKssabs, 4 Asa St, sad 14 tit Si. Tits sat it ( tin sky Saul flosta• • And Ail Ike lassies St; Sat still tits mitten rolled ISIMPt. Aa4 , 111, sad ilk sit tt.' • • Erstleat-o• top. Asa 1,64/sa dap iftea na +mild mite • hit s The othiret aseU ti. i gram aid a* 'rimy It, *al it. earn 11.6. • - I Thi •it lit au en. the stars *ea* iota: 1 As brigitt atiashei lvit ; Ad still than *lam wire Gad wised. .tad it, sad it, aid IL • Tb. solilibers bawd thir rest they Use% Aad thingit sa sartjavutke lb 1 ' all titAwkilfCtiati acts iali ilt. sad at, 5e4.11. • ._ • , sOgis %mat ttaittbamwhar lolly anddaVolit.ll ait, • - Siloam Ass tat vallanliosam allaP lan lit, asdatiresitit. - - (no mita tortiiitititsa tbW yse sad $1 man ynatetatlio-asalataidto, . , ws . toas4 co liar',T=e, Two gusts Aff *paw, Wild* 8... OWN" "iititriir Beres s bia*-to tito_loooia 041 t mini blot HE*, baulk to the WWI !VA bloo. elm; . had bores to lotions@ It oparOtp.otol llwi hati hers'a to As boacto thakara n aut. Obi yao I to - the Marts that ass,StaioatelNi atootios that alothlaii-aai= 4 To the ortoof-the .as that ari , Vas, AMA' merry bleak ogee of as . Other., 1 •• - _ Now adad y ou, say -ladle, Token lose ere io bias, • That, hoerrer the Meow blettiles. , Thite'a will nothing tot' yea ihtillefitiCthil do But a pots of g l erie to dolight yea. 'ae dad Wait ye; tteli Oto se Ia tolackt Plat' of blai ereirte dfroweeti— . Mita/Ott of alrettlimistritateribottd bdF, , Lad pall altrays be lash to 'ear boor. Loag. loag 04 your vas ofeekle-bla* with a kiss, To , the eyes that litnt bet-to ltekoldtgee: Lem lout shell the Ghana et year stated' Is a keens ot epleadet "hid you. - Tor this to tho thoegktyteleetifitili ides-7 Of a poet whom thoughts ear-toaeleaao: Thatt to-look oa s pair et isererldook Lola Wet a pats otheigki bieceitoo, n. Row tsar auvrosllWelaw ?ha nor by all areliondatop ' tot tin ran br an; L Ireamloratea ars pries Upon ti* rosily tno• ;t -its; Anal 11 - ten b Trader sloe TWO 011161bliplosttedmisee. . Poi ti 4 ,11,41 Manitis. Wing— - UAW, 1k11.41111111W11111. .' . f rh. lin" Sal 410 1 $;'l l grf ir . ". C . :7 i . , ~ •: ~ ~ .r % - t ./: TA •' - " , ILi Uelgthkallalleillie ; '- -..,..:: - Pros 41rksoollikruwoold am d r `si: 'eat thilligigt,, 1901 1 2=, 9.-44 Bat Pio wpm thol ' ,•••1 4 .. .1141utterkooriwo2uirrigair. do Owl, tio I tore it— . • - 1311 -- tko for in. .:: ,i v. blrliolo sow . A 4114 . , , 2 , ar. • : their plow. as I,l,lialmil '''.- • . • - Utast , poto-,ie !leo; - ~., idg. VT** Ord 04 VI -11roviltlroo,e , „. rsos elk:, ilt= Itiiiip t :' ' —forjakt rosisilog-- OMWiklitimiltird for no. , ..11.1 The ap i s 110/41 liersenweethearuft., lo , "! ot Ike 110,10.1! ♦ N Illutaaketints 'UP shia f or MA esatory.olteiref wee keit . a 'Wield farmer, lie OffIlMF 41ealrap• • la his bora. Ea bit iiiollsoolvodibis hold a irboi• . ' faiNearay sari eitobelaii that boft• likasei hie Ufa elepelidol. *Poi ii. aroba* bad bolo eberoabbes of bloe; yin* Wight ireabore *mei& aid '' ' sliollisimili•C /Mak , Wailed 1 SW 'iiiiideleste eloke aloe all. J - iritiki ode siit;;.ii:lteadmses. aleez . 'mdftw rimitrasa-itall, Wolglit iip* - lii4 is vie la lir Way, what be _, ..,' iii linker**. is , old Joel Moon. Tkie elk a la' SOON Iwo had peeved a Milamisie ilo his father is working 4_ i ' *art Ilk owviees bed been made ~,,,i i. it Skid alba asoutglog to keep ", 7 etietteme,renae time after he should hiss . &gni = fter blokeelf. • , Not 1111 • at the lathes patessatoes had ever r Wield the son's ; he owned nothing Ai: i werbficeeu home, which woe •• • tact give* his when it was a sieglYseqtand Witio sheep obtained mach ,ire, ii" semi 'maser ; sad the old mss ' him the keeping of them : . alielliiiberger mid his eon differed ,'brat there were two pointain which thd t elforines mounted to something serious. The first point monoorned edu sallies, for which the old moo had the lamb refound oententptand the son had 1 mg. There was a college some dozen QIN from the libelleabarger farm, and I ther i harass thoroughly prepared him- Le_ in spits of fatherly thwarting and ' ..ism betook hinsself, in spit* Ok• se ats soatiaind opposition, and by soattivaase and another , aid helped by hieWmtfuw's small saarketing,kept Owe Wit he graduated. Joel . 111hAaiLbsifaiisatiatAd the ground inch 1 aigs she* but we* aSsid,la hia'sidiehniss, 1 14419171ittellawre thaw be *listen* I ..._ ihOwl4 . %ate him. That was _ Oat of Aillerenecendthst was iikaaa esitioi it. The second was lift* to iii of missy en arrangement. eAteelLe• Anima had found 'something palatial' honors. He had &eased ppm -a way charming combination of intbiaidesureeyes--aret-lipped.dimple• ishashmulfairy,, daughter of one of the pro- OMNI% Vie, instead of surfing her dainty 04 1 , at the homespun suit which his pover ty malls ems& eiwzdfus. wampum' MI te• WON arm waned s• _two mu mble- stvilything araltybudy el s• !hoc IhriMilly. : • - . • htzsitest,,lmsen ba4 Aiwa some one to iviiroesesibimirlist he wasted to marry, ill bo retivoly Wonted Ida father. Yon tileasbil browsess the OW faxes eyes ; it i llitilitmeroy theithey irera bet in their Naas. Here was gratitude I . That Atn , -lialtlithrairlimir 41.fislifitd his father t Ake& el WO klo4 r waa.going now to' itna-lauttool nes kia,ittintrdity and dila litioonor by Rix lying a`"toirn girl osesgle to awry any, wing his Ilitbasinsan't arm& with him yet—but, • totmaglatt skew °assent; sad llballasbaromi-msma_• l .-DA - Itt Ulm Anao*Adental& hays impsodated Isom *asp alai.' I how: • • s • ; . . 4 114 pay whit harm is then in betns t r i . tots MM r insaliassd Barbie Halstead . 141111 Asses add it, halt laughing. ha ' ' . ' eadeltimititst ateful—for without 0010tINE her hi , Wm. he could not "Wit WU* ler et hog Sisal's. , ; ~ .. . _Ai" ' lllll o 6lll lPds, ii with seats 111 ii, 'eying... Kr Woe Is 1606100 1 11400i5 , at Prewar Hal ithitiNteillet rata sitar g.od tart ar's 2=l ' Barbie hesitated, ea her little athitalsesdu, "that these petty hat* di net know *Rah about brawiai and belt -41401. •". .k lineetly", I bolievo he thinks that." ):Aillbea he thinks wrong," said Barb* teddiming. and. looking up at her lover witiiiimemisei tittle Yost "Didn't !hear pow - yaw needed a servant at hoar? I've a mind to go dews and oiler for Abe Sm."f esiluimsdarbigly, •iri ttifM vse badly monk bet my Whet' will net seer one ineido of the Moss." "Why, how do . you lire then ? Who etudislor-jea, no* that your mother is Unwell?" - "We do oar ran rmakbig.." Ammo said filth • return of tit* half samilin& half innharramtal expressicie: "We molc. for aredres, sr do without." , Thwexstis.msfrAng the ass !rid" wit 5 00.40. 411 Peltirtniatioa, Anson want booms losayinsAkinmelf over some culinary imersliene,,whoo lb, outside door, which s ol o, Nisr, was noiselessly pushed °wide epeehaada .44111 1 407.:01i5ed fele Pre- Widedlitoolf en thatikicelsold, . It rare a ' ,d Web plaid dross, ilk., riteelts werrleri* R, P/110. , Ord, and pi very W est ianildies, white - beneot: A 04 toppossoiesrly akteng asAasee's arm, . . frioND,o44,end Ash/itio um, 111.1berliejklbsi wt i gip liwirmi ittioliiilitek l "! .. " iiikiigailg tit. iiii I Ili lik M00P; 413 /Mit:' i. ll i 1 _AN) - - iiimediweir - 4160.101014 -4004, , Oak 4 .* " se /1 !" r • all OM . , ..", .1r - ' iiijirididdifiOnalf Asn -1 . _: - 11*****047 1 *• • Jim*, " , . appthdrinad4e MS r i ll,hyS, i k: . it• , r. . . • . , alliin ...f SPi T • ....1 . •/ -.1 ...Flollliik oin k .. 1 1 i hirdifinil '‘ 11016.1"kr .thlit We t OW *bah °I. ' 1 ' 118"1111". tilt *Wed% 113131 M tlidalilifighh t .- ' 4fitidsif. , -- - be air a s grie ur. --) wa i f iiiiiddi till gme,idiPsilig I 461i1.ie811011540e1=r0111.1714 e &la w W , • a di& ILitc.-:iiiiiewboriim .., 3 t , • t _ . , 412 : 1* -:* esiOir•— orilta4W 1 11 " 1 ,14'f*:.#0,11-= •', 4 , 1 - MEI CM r3RI4RY - .16, 1866.• be abaft to take me on ha essosusiiidi. ties, width 1 kas is my posketra4s' bon ifig 81a give Ida a LUAU se "Walk iwet to bsi Iris Barbie Halstoid;', Miss :ea ii with wiry 4,10444104 tilt *oak kit katd. • U I aza my lorry, my good siti,bat do not wish to biro isanitiat." your balm o&7l't 404 whist 116 sew awn the girl pendstsid Ataxia %eked et the soiled white hasaol gad . red hunker, and ropiwesed a Haub, wintieting what his father mold say. int ke was of too kindly a agate to he witting to impose even this servant to his fathsr's rough wanner. Ha twisted what was said before, assuring the girl that it, would be of no use to see his father. The &I stood a moment. "If ye Are, lust see him a momint. Sainte he may. take a liking the look o' MC" AO before he eonld also had erased the room and stood upon the threshold of the' nest. Anson followed prosently, curious to see what sort of a reception she would get. "Shure an' I'll do .plenty more than I'm worth to tees," she was saying, with innocent emphasis, as Anson entered the room. She talked rapidly, pouring oat suoh a torrent of words that the old man could not by any possibility slip one in among them, and sat regarding • her with ancxpression of the most ludiewous too ishasen t. This remarkable volubility eompletely baffled the old man's slowness. He could not say a word if he wished te, and when ohs concluded at last with, "I eau make flip jacks and oorn bread that'd bring the very eyes out iv yer head and make ye "call,' yer tounge with delightsomeness," (4f he had a weakness it was for flapjacks .0 corn bread,) he could only. twirl tie thumbs with delicious awe, and ask her with a cunning smile how mneb she. ex: panted to get for doing ail these things. "Seventy-floe cents a - week." was the prompt reply. With a still more cunning laugh Joel Offered her half the 'money. Greatly to his amazement she agreed at once, and he found himself, to use his own expression, Pin for it." To add to his chagrin. Anson stood by, laughing with intense eajoy sent. But the girl, without further ado, proceeded to disencumber herself of bon ;net and shawl, and vanished in the dire*. Lion of the kitchen before anything tumid be said. La she shut the door she stele s Om* at Anion that made)** start and bite his bps, sad presently be stelckitals 'onwards also. She was already tat work, handlinn the broom like an adept, and grumbling in her rich brogue at tit.. dust that had aocutniated in the earners foi the extent. of Ansou's and his father's . sweeping had been to brush the centre of the room, somewhat to the diaativautage of the rest.- Sba did not look up as Anson entered but he set down and, deliberately►, but furtively watched-her. For some time ski seemed %time:miens of his scrutiny; but presently ahe turned, and elarling bolt little hands upon the top of, the biers* beadle, said,.with a mixture of biaiede and arehtmes . tee natural tote mittaken: "Well, Amon, whet do you think r The young: Man leughed end looked annoyed in the same breath. . . "Then it is 7onAlari4e," be said. " war, suspecting something of the sort° " Not till I looked at you," mid the girt rciugishly, and retreating as he ap- Prwhod. "Do yeas think ft le quite the Wag, Barbie r "Shute.- tad why &het it the tids4 far I peor,girl to be gitthe. her hein. dsoietly sad .besertly 2" And that was all ha could Alt oat of her. Baring acknowledged her identity with Btable for as instant, she was the most unapproachable "Biddle" the next, and would hays nothing to say to hint ear, in that character. -"Does your father know od this,Barbiet What wohlsl he say?" persevered Anon, anxiously. • ' "Shure an' it's not me own fader would be interferin' wid me. would he fa' said Biddy. In vain were all remonstranoss with the rougish and wilful girl. Elbe persisted la being Biddy, even with. him, and resin mined a distanele between them very dif ferent from that between him and Barbie is her own proper self. Annoyed, pro voked,ehagrined,slmost angry,the advent of his father forced him to retire from the kitchen,for fear of betraying Barlde,which he would not have done for a great deal. It was several hours before he could 's. turn tb the house,his Whet having joined him, and upon one pretest and another detained him. When at last they entered together, kitchen and, sitting room, both of which had been in a meat untidy mate when 'they left there, had uadersone such a rentarkable renovating procees that.old Joel drew back at Arst, thinking that hi. 414 set foot into somebody elee's towel imbed otitis own. Supper was milting on the table, such a sapper as old Jul.e ei least, had not - seen for months. Te lereno Opiliglakeli•Olirter was gittiaB4 . , its bl Sactrt, in a rest may s aw jimirlits Wondrously mutated, and ,with renent—tiiii poor lady had sot hid a no inceu hand &bent her before sibee h illnees. They lined in such an 4944'4 4bospitible „mannter. that my of -tbeir neighbors even knew that Yrsßhd lNtbarger was not as well is ma l t. Biddy es she called herselchad_ tidied the poer .lady np in it wonderful manlier, Joel Shellenbarser down to the daintily spread table and elide. • matt hearty and keenly, relished asesl,ghardn i g Mime* it Biddy nibenwhlib. stomp to lay, site eery 'little, and be wsteisediliddi oakum tea This was oil/ ihe,b l ololll ziP• was** this !Isom. filet Isrtitat4d.— rm. ss much far hor 'lmpose REI NUMUR =CM oldolar ip rolf titan metiPm eat ell NO•MI& ma itiwegs of one egiokne;fteke fild her jiieertit to lit.. likelloatia* emd lately. iiiimmalled. her lalle epOstei. it is lato die abeek - ..hey had 'a lirse ,404 Imbedj yendrealy awasit .-- pil'o'ts.wiamtsuiv sow. ilieniiisi." aft beak la teriag lbw -, all he mesh btrigliftwakaiid 1101111611 P t iii bla sap Ike. tier"shineeeld not Ike sna Ike. help oritsiumeatokkip as as alleges addalideyemysterioas I t i e% Una to ericell Perthielars hat as geed beghtain& with a * Irish Whitt, Biddy mialdished ia a siert time 'eanaplitely is the E / s yam a the *ld ' saw a.. had a liking ter naatiess and orderand ym o f b thenecasarimi ivesie% i flay' tidy t ips . .12ader the sow ralmoeder tutof sham;, the hake seamed in gpriiill the time; and as 'mos pbaii og weld amenities@ parried ev. "ta il* ' - r . moraing—Biday had . said some. thing about leaving the day betora—the old:* ended a grumbling complaint of Ankle with. "I aster see no good oeme of eddiaatkon yet. If it hula% a bees for Uhl i college Wilms* you might have tar kali a liking to a seasible girl and she to loll." Ile glanced at Biddy as he spots. Rh? termed owlet, and came near drop , ping the dish she was holding. It was not the kilt time Anion had hosed such in =no. and kayaks. sejoyed Biddy's a. !iiiiike hare. lather." he said roguishly, 'lint yea pick ma out a wife, and sae what will eons alt." "The only girl I know of worth haying wield keve you, I dare say—would von Biddy!" Joel aid grumblistalf. but 0 ad dimly. taming skeet te l the girl. Amos wacomiling maliciously. Bridget d'illyna /mai WS &Hsieh lever at a most taataliaing sad misstating dietaries all. this lbw as. was taking his revoke how. *alai a tamarate *fort, Biddy *killed her oeseased ceases to say. with ronsiderable self possession : ' "Shore, sir, ant' isn't inimilf that'll in Oboe /win' any man till I'm asked." "Biddy, will you marry me t" said An eon, gravely samdiag kis hand. "I will that, now," mid Biddy, promptly putting4r hand is his. Old .1 came tees shaking with maw. molt. It Ina MOO 1011,10 roma* hemmers ems letaltawkited WM they sae mad* him aaderelmul. Ifo-Weet out of doors gnseatly, aid prinbely Smoked Meuse, to hicartaia if Ike toenail Ideseasse or sot. Seeing*. tie staadimitis Close oenyarei. gen. by the win date, assn after, he wept with the mein WAWA* isteation toward them, under ease alio basher that grew by the side of tha boom • 'grow; ' Bartle.° MUMS wee saying, laughlagly;"wlird Is tolie dam east t I mast sty, You've Menagairemederfit4 so tar, bat *hat de you Ammo he'll-ay e whoa "hi Mews you In not -Biddy at e n r • ..,,,:, - : 4 : _ . • , allkelleadratall 1" oresated Joel Shalt o lialogek; Neva with alsoldeerogielte iabewopo• whisk ad' bio alined ant or Tun siod 14 y, 4b. *kite hill of hiralere op es inoiaar ea veer. lb* leaghed, thee" wiles. the SSW him, sad deliberately taiat harp, shook her bright etrisall goat bar him sad resets -1m toned MO her little hard to' yeeret'ASas* la' apes" girl letioaher sari. is Serbia Wren& baud./ akadyo l / 7 111 0" f•• Mfo...yea balm* Hailers 's ear n'rolbise . t IWO* kat bass sire old Barbie la harloiellil repo, Minkitirthetrg . Barbie teleated ft • "had you are set blot" "litter a bit" The oM area abed *oho* °loads violas la he fee. - - *IPA Amos," he said, rather surlily. 'leen co . :Witted me Nola. Koh good built do you. ' You'd better g t oat th home weread Oka Rakiksiriperl koala Ike rieserreat Ogee her by this dam" "Yes, air." And /Wpm adored *hit mingled save and aaaimasal. ' liarbia did silt sheep: aaaataanhaa, howeiar. Fitradias UM pretty hand of hays again, she said 'woolly, " shako finds with no; air va Joid Shalonbarger turned bank :sad pts ltY band swinnrlll7. TO girl took it is , bosh-bov, b 0. 41 1 1 11 hor beibk *,eb fine toward ki sad awing. mj ;ball Come bilk saniktinm sir, WillrAb! to see no?' • Joel henOned and bowed, and item mered eat el lest "Yee. yes ; Come amok, lliddy-1 main Mei O'lrlynti—T moan Niee—n "Bab*" seipeted the girl. mate book; sad Ow woes the beitec. There, Amen, make the most Wt." Darhiskpi sem back. 'a • wary few weeks @ too; sad nobody was glidd•r to se** *shard 44. though ha , Ina • yitwAly it test Of 'Prefeiwei lithitok's Si* POOli . Sitipt,l**wssr. 4110146....0r0, las tai•esig aitil 11,. gni ,be, 11044' tbrik4sso 114114 MOO csOs i ef siolkulbe- UNVAII rear._ , i i:*4_,7, 6141111 bkill to Aell,psit.i}ai t o NIG the Shel• lawbaelhi, OW* 1- 'Sable has gone Wee b k Wry from Wood to tit* W Vipottossoif-RGOAVos, ra coogiitiklbous to bowl tor oil !ho sows ettb. ma oviroboi.:bios *OW in this alo astatl , sr If kor jos, Jobs ersiomotkosia . • The tkes*it (*kiwi Mr OW . stylus duo Immo* 011000)419414 4 !W make ulna 211 1,f1u***00 41 !. 1 ,0 1 t. „ Isis *OW thhiliglei &simian glikimade TM Ser. st law CU art i &if as bob. bolt as lII* &U se look devursat, Penni to tlis pees of IA Ural the Mx Matra. ' , "Dowaward Om Light klesd. l • , Seri for dm oil." tlisy Istartiii Imo of tell • Bond Ail As knallrett. , a1:41.41W do Oil *IOW Was tour • rasa dirotayel t : - Not though 140 14111101 Moor Nit Nab woo soorborel. Theirs oorto-stake reply, - Teo oat to memo VW. Then bat to bor. er C 0.. .- late do geso of Half Sorel do ut hoseiroL ?groins to Meat of Wink Zook ell to loft of thou * Coal oil lootiostit that. Quietly eictulerrett. Stereo& at with pets es 4 !ems Deeply they bowl the Irene, Down throng the reeks of NAN 'Down to the meet& of Nefl Sone the 01 lisettred. Waved they their lesiee theft With a triumphant fir , Saab grilse, goaatsd•kis yrotte while • £ll his friends wondered. • # !Imaged is the dirty soil, Ikratikt through the rodu4irloll. While the - pear ekeptle, Ivrea by the moll of eil t Thought la had hiaudeead”.. ea he Wanted, boa aft Yet the sit huadred. NI was te right of thee, • Oil was to left of theta, tXI hr beneath them— . And yet they had bluedsrell Stoned they with MINS MAI, While stocks sad eouresedela, Badly they Wished to set They woke from the[r gain drew% Cam from their oil. lwra welly All that wee left of thin, Left of air. headred t Hew cols their glory Mot Roy can - their stocks halide! All the world vender*: Look at the hale* they etas, Atd i sro tt k o s eor the Oil zttiz l nnd tr d tirsde—k l [Portrotouti, ofimp. Tba Early Walsall Ti, Was. Mhz'Milian; Room, youth: an beichg brought before the tribunal,to be anrelledf aa • soldier, relined, Baying to tie ?r,. emutu, "I am a Chrictian, and Man*, fight." On being told that there v a• alternative between bearing ems tai being pub to death, he promptly !lii imply replied, "I canitOt fight if I die.* ' Me continued firm to his prineiplee, on* way lid to execution. TIN primitive Chrlitians net esly N.. had to enlist as soldiers, Wit they is lie sirnsy who scatbraced 'Christianity, hp. 11116. diately abandoned the profession, whim*, keigard to consequences. Marceline, a Roman Ceuttuian,- as be , 'Coning a mired to Christianity, me* ty resigned his contutissien, declaring by barring beocm• $ Christian h• could ming. ICI longer.. "It is not lawful," said be, "ter ties to bear arms for say .earthly aandsiem Minn." oontinnod Bran in bia,Olt sigared death oa that aoaosat. * SUS! PAACTICS TO OSTAIII A Was.—The Cleveland Plgin Pasta imb, Was the cue of a well dressed yam we-.of good ,canners, who gave la kin income to the assessor at'several themes& dopers, paid the tax, add had the plow area seeing his come in the lists smog the nabobs of the country. On the strength of this he courted a 11218 1 11 daughter, and married her. Time limas found out ,that he had no msg. and had sold hit a:m . llWe wateh to go his income tax. The Gaetano"' made • good thing out of it—so dui tie pilaw assn: The Philadelphia T fairer publishes this aholler: "An enterpei,ing man is Dor den, .Neer York, bad the, raisfortiana tr loselfs wife on a Eutd.q; on Monday he married his tempt girl. and on Tun* thergstended the funeral of the I.s .4 ingather. the new wife wahstag ter sit ends ninths.. Tke-lrovidenca Jamie!, spealtia' genii" -Metal treatment of a child by itt sairi/tor. cOyat-"Tbei child certainly attectld ltai• the careful / attention of swan 0111;0 1, It • will of prentsturelY added t• tits, klu* dem of Heaven, and thus parlays sae% um* separated from its kindred— Adana was fond of his jokes, sod-trke, he saw h* sons and daughters 15211rrybyt opi • her, be drily remarked to Mut that there had been no apply thry • • glare been no pairing. - Why did Sherman take Savianah lazed and not by water I BMWS a.R•• What mlintsiw one vies yociii 1** , 15 op two ehildren..—Proillic . in Memoriam w im p, oak st sm i, ...i. io it, terrie4 i v "posp Jew? Mom, Jim 4,1846 Amoinotunar 1:11111CMID TO *j• ■[t=wwa p jaapik .f OE I:lnt:ism sea sittisg :mar. frith seci sod th.esichtf.,/ brew ; Bisby lies 'Aided • 3 thy msg. -But when is CI this now Mehl' oat' onsotsidloweL. The pot hob or the fotd— the }a , his pr-e•ess gams IA .- Vats it tan ass' toe = • 1210 muio et bie,votoe, usplog avast baby melody. Whleb wide oar hearts rejefee s!►heart seerasel ever rippling 0 . 1. With mirth end obildbith sloe• Aod •otee sad heart were tatted sll ro pertrot barrios,. • nodage amp 05 go slowly , 23w -O'er /arts feel aid and Itra• . Bier 011.12 no ands and bap?: Itip Wbon oar pot lamb it gun., Cat. Molds daas al sl ma Dv* to as l Om day; Vs lose Is fall Alm is ass grime ASFLltass tha• hors mirk , . Iny afreatio... Arise row reasel vials oar %est* Whoa our &mart lowans lirs *sat I,Xst *lO4 lo . . Peg parrot& time yagraieursie Urn to the "4111 mill 'Moe Thalia Shuopylrg ail erouud yes, Biddlag yusit bout , ems let your be►rirbeaoloferted, Alai ems cm 031 your ogre; DlekSe to Jesse' bosom Teets, go sweetly etcnbere tide. God Jerre Warms Om hart Than To We rower to do i , AM snot doll sel(et as ' Oat oil* *or rod IS MIN 50.11114.M11 1 . d•abt lam b$ Ig uipaph usr arts Wet lon to sty rrillatisos boo liessabold Or Ous tbs patios alibi. Pat aPsiol 'rub the tasboviet Wigp as lasi ea *a lats has^; IW Ye eisOrt or , sod amity 601 , 1 Ms vela esasat. • . Htshaslimi•lhea I War V Often e•at •••41•4 tliy •111% Amy Ind * %kris Aid • Pk. iiika Itars• pair doe lag Is est lost ta yet i 11•Sto est, roe beton, , tot Wi t" IMMO Altra w ingsesil so• *ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers