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Argenta sad ear ilmoss le Kos Isms. isral6-0. kr7 . .11111* IT, I.pi. tittl., Donnie. ,pilise 4401 Nat PrilL Die. 1%. eck.Ti. 11“.1.0.1. - : nil a bawkassii atta op tilift Wing WEN ef asset air Ilistbestizla w asil. iriiet=istrais Ida*. Vh• pabli: -. 4 .4 101 4' • • , 1 00# -1 1 . : • - " Llrtiaisrt4irLas.-0111hsei AVIV Milk* tioesesi litasib,lB4ll•Pa• 11 6 714/1.11111, 1111. a i m ft. likuirl_ 11 9/011,. sou 16 111011.--ame. asoogaim. • allPhillir • Wrie, Mb& etc. ear. altaksaisstase Ilsaatessise.Pa. •" A a maim GRocasty BTQR S. P t witotinAtX AND RETAIL GROCER, .stirstObrair 4 lie rari4 svasaa Tr. 6 • + 111111Jr~110 . q u it ir ti = o ot oaTimsaily kittit a ißS AN O VROVIBIONS, •: was 104100661 Waal GI Um r LOWS" APIPINUMILS Plutlar: - 4 061 A , 411114aoseftto 1 at • - - - biteteireoll la tie My, as be an 'permed to prows to el slit • kilt &mai? 8110 to adios somikkaity o 1W • Apartor lot of PUBS I.IQ-13ORS, ttlito. to Asa kir.anCtir fife aitiosioa . - 4- /, - .' l lllOlllK T..IT - 1 1 3 A Ifli; - Jr': --- i DR. P. HALVE CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY! as" MitriVaigi ti t ni".`"" Larg ‘lssams with own 61•6 1 1 . • *Sim midiablis Wore I. pablio. - 161 6 is novisma ' tot hastllmolll6l immotte4:l6 sumps" . sAll _e•ALsuris hiost 4 NZ e l r il 1 XTrIA =2. 1 31= i l6 Or 166111166 -Es 611066/6"10, lips AMU 1.4 Ws. la every bogie S t = 4 / 0 4 * .lis IN slss iin IgAP. M a ONO. If Oast sad Was trim of SW 116wedy la indigiasaftrl6,l6, 6 lam webee it dasals silt 61. -. .t I: iteireoli rmiewliltaire ' s 11.81:74,1%.10* AI TTLRO, .6A _4r. r larigrigiretirris, ... . MOW 1111OrgiOnlOkl VW rase' Got IfkrIONSM the Les" glPsle.4llloo4loll le M errs 1 1 • 111 bd &Ma. WARM, Itimobetatier maid Proprietors,' 61 1 0 1 &OF sofa 6111~0 46061. Us. • by Drassw sad deans Arodgliwit Ito ei& lt i ag tll4iiiii ma . - 4A. 11111 1161 01 1 1 1 16~~1.11116 WsissZ4l gram - 4. 1614=11=111144400 0- OW • 40114411,11101 N . giterragellba: II: k 2:. kitri alsld m * • , ~, . toolel Par, ' . amiar'ilniq, Jaholles" , 'Ct 11.11611666; .W. 7.2i66,66144. J. Notaretei . F. 11.116/66%,. J. V .osiTli,• • " Algoma Illilm:011: - Ins. P. UMW • ' , ir. II 06,16. 6. I , • ~e . .ierge Domes. It. Ai. . 10' ;• 21 ; - - 7 .: 111 4 64 1 Th - - .1. &WM& ait r I s miris. J. 11661asea, , :- -.. alas. W; : 7 WIWI. Mel IN P. ' O. 6. BErWel I. 4. /r Doc 111,14-4 as . , ••••=. • 4-. v. Li EN= I= titt mount() ou t i rwor ORM& Ki•• 4140•1•44, awns gyea hr • . • . . . _ . , : —.L. :. - -Ar.- ..., ..7 , t..**0•1111185...r..i.......1:: . ::::::::....2 . . . - . . . • • '.. , - '''' 4.-. ~. I, - • .. _ , _ • . - '- . 1 2 • .. I -- . * . er .......,..: . . . E ~ ~ . . . .... . 1:! 0 . -*. • : -'; . --e- ..._... GE AB. OTRUPS, . - Tog Ams, FISH, &C., , la. %aka RNlb sad • an firia• Mitsw.•• , : •TO9O,I3iTIPV/118., . TWO I)oLLARs AND A-H E ALF PER I Yilt, IF PAID' Iti•XDV4NCE; $3,00 IF NOT 'PAID UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAE.. imweris Tljo Sisig of the Sword. A PAIOUT "TUB MUM OP TRU SUIT." Weary, and wounded and worn, Wounded, and ready to die, A soldier they left all alone and forlorn, On the field of battle to Ile. The dead and the dying alone - Could their presence and pity afford; Whilst, with a end and terrible tone, Ile sang the song of the sword. Fight—fight—fight ! Though a thousand fathers din ! Fight—tight—fight ! , Though thousands of children cry! Fight—fight—fight ! Whilst muthers and . wi4013 lament ; And fight —fighl.- 7 fight ! Whilst millions or money are spent. Fight—tight —tight ! Should { the cause be foul or fair,, Though 01 that's gained Is an empty name, And spas too great to bear: • An empty name and a paltry fame, Anil thousands lying dead ; Whilst every glorious victory Must raise the price of bread. War—war—war: • 'I Fire, and famine, and sword; Desolate fields, and desolate towns, And thousands 'scattered abroad, With never a home and never a shed: Whilst kingdoms perish and fall, And hundreds of thousands are lying dead, And all—for nothing at all. War—war—war! hiusket, and powder, and ball; Ab ! what do we tight : SO for?, Ah! why hate we battles at all! 'Tla justice must be done, they say, The nation's honor to keep; Alas that justice is so dear, And human life so cheap. War—war—war ! , Misery, murder and' crime, Are nil the blessings I've seen in thee From' my youth to the present time. Misery, murder, and 'crime— Crime, misery, murder and wo ; Ah ! would I had known in my younger days A tenth of what now know ! Ah! had I known in my happier days, In my hours of boyish glee, A tenth of the horrors and crimes of war— A tithe of its m:sery I had now ileen joining a happy band - Of wife and children deer, And I had died in my native lend, Instead of dying here. And raany a lOng, long day of wo. And sleepless. nights untold, And drenching rain, and drifting •now, And liminess. famine and cold; - And worn out and aching heart, And grief too great to tell, And bleeding wound, and piercing smart, Had I escaped full well. Weary, and wounded and worn, Wounded and ready to die, A soldier they left, all alone and forlorn, On the field of battle_ to lie. The dead and the dying alone Could their presence sad pity afford, Whilst thus, with a sad and terrible tone. (0, would that these truths wire more perfectly known l) He sang the "song of the sword.' CV MINNIE WILLIS 11,01f.3 A sunbeam stole t 'trough' the dark green shadows of a trailing honey suckle,through the full Hoiving folds of a loose whitecur , tain.which shaded It cottage window, and touched the face of a woman sitting with in with a pale amber gleam. It was a child-like face with its pure,pale complex ion,•nd its oyes as blue as an ivy flower, holding the amulet lik:e_n name shining within them ; chestnut brown hair rip: pled across slow broad forehead. and was caught-abruptly and 'shaken out: of curl into a knot behind the oar. It was a mouth sentineled by dimples from too near an approach—a soft crimson mouth, upon which the man ' she loved might meet the soul that loved him. She was sitting beside a sewing machine, with • finished little garment just drawn from beneath the needle, leaning back with a look or rest and satisfaction at its nom pletion in her eyes. = It was afternoon—almost six--as the hand of a little French clock pointed out the boor, and she had 'a great deal to tell him. What little wife has not? Grace was asleep—Orace,lter little seven months old baby—asleep; . anil her little silver belled rattle, her tooth ring and her sea shells were all scattered about the carpet. Her hair brush and one tiny slipper lay just under the foltleof heir mother's edicts dress—wood colored field with- a white vine meandering across it. Marian stood up and shook nut the little rose-colored dreasjustlinished, folded it carefully and laid it away; then up went. the easy calico sleeves to the white polished elbow, and the little woman -counted herself ready for her kitchen--the one room lying be yond this. She was the wife of a mechan o—one of the happy poor men who ”earn their bread by .the sweat of their brow," yet live the .life of the' soul on a level above that of the body. i And this woman was like many another woman throughout • the length and breadth of the country. She had been in refinement and compare tivta ease, and her heart was as sensitive 4 mimosa plant. Her mind was not common, nor yet at that other extreme, that of being intellectual. It was an *ten . mind—a finely balanced one—a "mind whose width and depth was wide end deep eniiugh to take in the true issue of the truest life. tiers vras a happy home --humble, neat and simple, but. elegant in Its simplicity, It was tussle sweet by love, and _that tree, easy independence sebich;, is experienced by thole .within a.oertaits limit, awl feel content sot to go out lf it, knowing enough is 'enough, and.mon> is sapesiluous addition. L:vanly lone shadow lay across this little ime resche t down _ward, . seeming reidy to deluge it with darkness, 15..5t....1.1-srian Elmer locked the &UM up and turned the key, and thinigly it was still there.she tried to think it could, not pick the lock. John Elmer - elms. in presently and sat dawn by the shaded window.. The soft stunner 'breeze stole gently lo — ChroUgh -'re'' !sony-stick le without, en'l the white curtain swayed languidly up and 41or tr, back and forth. The temple curl Of-,Jolttee`black hair which Marian was lifted caressingly from his LI lit 1 ERIE, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNpoN, FEBRUARY 23, 1865 DRAFTED. I= full forehead, wont: to touch it. — fie was a tall, slender fallow, yet finely built, with a falr broad breast and slender sinewy'arms that look ed as if made for protecting just such a thing as Marian all through the days of her life. His hands did not look much as if they had worn kid gloves, but they were just such hands as a weary woman would cling to for assistanCe and uphold ing when trouble was near ,or a hope failed her. Ile sat 'veri . . - oilit; with the soft' scented sir blowing him, and looked about the sitting room. It was very pleasant—Mirlaiys pretty little:4i flea were scattered heia and therepie tuns of her drawing, hung in modest frames mades of clones and shells against the wall. There was the oval mirror iri its dirk* Polished frame that 14'oiten reflected_ her - face—there was "her low rocking Chair she sat in every - evening and rocked their baby to sleep-her work basket with airend pledging handing by the side. Then he looked at the rattle and took it up and shook it. It sounded like a funeral bell. 'The slipper he touched as rrverently"as %chilli puts its hand out to touch the white face of its dead mother. Marian came in smiling, with a pink flub on her cheek ; she had been making tea. "Why, John ! You here ? . You came in'so silently I never heard you. Tea is ready for you." She came close up to him as if to draw him with her. He: took her band and drew her to his knee ; be looked long and gently into her iry blue eyes, and then he asked her : " DO you love rue, Marisa ?" Playfully drawing his face against hers. She kissed him for an answer. She drew him closer and shuddered as she embraced him. "If there were no skeleton thought; John Elmer sighed and put her from his knee, and rose up and followed her into the kitchen. !Co silver graced theif table, but the plain queensvrare dishes were spotlessly clean—the table linen like anew. A freshly gathered bognet stood by John's plate,compossai of honeysuckles and late rose& and a few leave* from Marian's only house plant—a rose geran ium. The fare was simple but savory. Marian poured John's tea, and ,watched him drink it feverishly, but be would not eat. "What it the mattar,dear,sre you-siert" asked she. 4.0n1y said he, with a weary look. - After the table was cleared and the once more in order, Marian went in end set down on her husband's knee, sad looked tenderly , up - in his face, say ing: "! know you work too hard, dear. You -mutt be careful of yourself. Some of these times you will take nick and' die, sod then what will become of poor lit tie orace and me ? Oh ! John, it would kill me to lose . you !" and a tear fell willfully down against her cheek. Her huibanti did • not answer, but be felt truly that NMl's a tarsdor Newer need ed tender and loving culture, or it would be blighted. He . looked out of the win dow—the landscape looked dreary ; '• I am sure yolt do not feel well ; what can I do for you ?" John Eimer forced her anxious face down, upon her batons, that he might not see how sweet it was, then said : "Marian, wife, I have unpleauint news for you ; can you liaten to me now ? It will affect tie materially." Hid speech blinded her perception ; she asked : "Have your wage. been risdueed I I know old Mr. Hugh is very stingy. Per haps +moan gat along through, if we are very saving, if the winter is not to .be hard. I could get along almost anyhow with you and the baby." The strong man bowed his bead over hers and groaned. The trial of their lirla was upon them. Flow should he tell her the awful truth. _ " Marian," be faltered, "Marian, I am drafted !" She started, showed him a white, terri- tied floe, and then she Wai4 very still. It wee over. tie bad told her, and that pa tient, passionate, earnest hurt had been sentenced to• its .torture. She lay in, hie arms very still, moaning as one moans when hope has been overcome by life. Thiiwas the skeleton she had tried to bide, and now how naked, how distinct, how terrible—bow ghastly it stood up be tare her What a woman's heart suffer; —what it breaks with, was wining to this child woman. Bsby Grace wskened u • p' and stretched out her arms and smiled. Marian afoot) slowly and went - arrd .raiseJ her head to her besot s. She bed givenup ogar as to deathoutd'she Jelt witi:4ll - iliat was left to bet. Vie it had fallen on her betrt. - . - . John Elmer otiulil have bought hi.' life at a paltry ; hot he had not the aunt which unigatiuy it: Tlitvie hundred dot lave 14 a pitiful auin, but for want of it Nbuiais'it heart was beginning what she amid. - It was bid little ;' 11141 whie!t' killing het. 8e ouui.t tnika - n0 ptovirioai fur wife and - ehilit —th earapalciribE lis ihia* power., Ms care 91 Him_ who fed the ravens. The morningcazae whin ..ii)**eukk, war_ to leave 'hie and oh I so dreary. th st .for th e lest Liaie. .11, 7 eported,fiNou • 7 -oh, what,. 1a Partin so..wretotiTi,„so sorrowful, It was Just a soul torn, front thp body.. g,.et 1 0(40. wkw , / 1001 4 4:13 g:ife ail : ; an & IbM atillness,Sicheo9l 4l49 tel comes . 119 90497 countablyover-upOn Grace. Harsaatc&ed hiauelf , toispt-he (Wad :not. hook - bsoitj Marisa took (Wiser shibX• ck N iesisduit. her bosolit,Am close that it (apt trio andiaraid sad apt '` L.q .~-.~ .. ,-- • r A tich stockholder remarked late at dinner that day, having paid six bun dred,for his two sons, "That Copperhead Inser went today—oould not raise the 'spondulicks.' Good enough for him—be might have volunteered long ago." Sunh sympathy had Marian. Weeks end months passed on. It was dreary With Marian ; oh, so lonely. She had nothing but Grace now. She heard from John but seldom. it was very sel dom he sent her money, for the wages of a drafted man are not wonderful; and it wultird to make the two ends meet. The winter was scisme on, and every thing wan goitig up. Her house rent bad fallen due, and she was in need of wood. Strange what changes were wrought in so short a time. From modest ease Marian was com ing: to want-it Might be t suffering aid starvation--she could not tell. She left her baby and went out to unt work. She had her sewing machine, and she could sew. She had not counted the difficulties. Her hbaband was a drafted man—a "but ternut":—they had nothing for her to do. They gave their work 'to the families of Lincoln - volunteers. Marian looked in 1 their- faces, and wondered what they meant. Was her husband's belief a re preach ? Was it a disgrace to be drafted ? if so, it fell upon him. Sbe was proud— this little woman., But when ,she went back, and found Grace crying fer her, and the room cold, her pride began to give way r to despair. One day she received a letter. She read it tearlessly, but it was the wedge that, driven sharply in, divided the already broken leant. It was from-a companion of John's. telling how belied been unable to stand the rough usages of war; how he had fallen ill, and after liv ing a long time in the hospital, had died. He should have written her before, but hail been separate I from Jobn on de tached service during his sickness. Then it spoke of his gallantry, his close observ ance of his assumed duties, etc. But what mattered all this to Marian? He INIII3 dead—he was gone—she could never, never see his face again. She would never be held iu his arias—never feel the pres sure of his kiss. He was dead, and Grace was fatherless. But Marion's grief was silent. She rose up and took her burden, and thought she would live for the sake of the little one. But it was hard work to live., She got some little work ?tido, but she could only rent one room now, and' barely keep them in food. Sometimes they had no fire for an'entire day. Even Marian's health suffered, and the child took l severe cold, that ended in the croup, and terminated its little life. Ma rian 'thought , she bad suffered her 'hill' measure of loss ; but when this last and only treasure was taken away, the last tie that bound her to this life was broken. What was the country-to her 1 In all ita Length and breadth, she bad none to love her—no spot in- its boundariea she could. call her own-. What-was it to her that the country should be saved ? She was dying of grief and starvation. . '. Work became spares and herd to, get. Someone was always before her. One by ...e au......i.i all tier little articles of value =disposed of all those little things which had made her room so pleasant when she and John and baby were all se happy to gether. Then, when there was nothing left,--she sank down to it slow, nervous fever. After it was generally known that Mrs. ',Elmer was destitute and sick, a few neighbor; began to drop in to try and do something for the unhappy Woman ; but tardy conscience had failed tei remind' them of their duty until it was too late to aid her. She died—this broken-hearted' wife of the conscript, with John's name and that of the baby on her lips. She said; she was going to meet them in a country "'Where all was peace. And yet what mat ters it ? ' I are just such heart-achee 'and heart-breaks all-over the land. It is not one woman alone who goes down to the grave broken hearted—not merely one orphan that suffers hunger and cold. One among many is Marian Elmer—only One.. . , Scartroarton.—The intrinsic difficulties in the wny of subjugating the Southern people appear .in our very successes.— Sherman has spent nearly a year, at an enormous sacrifice of men and mousy, in marching through Georgia. He Huila hiinself at hitt in the possession of but a single town. All the rest of the State is as free an it will ever be if the indepen dence of the Confederacy is established. We have carried on the war four years, yet, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Missis: sippi,• Louisiana, 'Faxes, Arkansas and North Carolina are almost entirely inde pendent of the Washington Government. Sherman may tutrch hit army through South Carolina—be may even take and bold Charleston; but. how utterly impos-. Bible it will be to interfere materially with the operation of the local laws in the smallest conceivable fraction of the_iin tnecte territory whicti mutt be occupied before thi; work of subjugation will have been tisgun. A young lady was addressed by a young man, who though agreeable to her, wail disliked by her father. Of Course lie could not consent to the union, and she determined to elope. The night wait fixed, the hour came, he placed the ladder tothe window, and in - s few Wonted . idtir *al in his arms They mounted &double' horse and were soon some distaste. Wei' the - house. After awhile the lady - broke the silence by saying : " Well;'ydri 'hen what a proof I haveigiveifyou of my affec tion ; I hope' yon will make me s goad hushaed " Ile was a Surly fallow, 'Ott euffly answered, "Perhaps - I may aid *lmps not." She made no after i qilence of some minutes she WI: claimed : "Oh whit shall Ido? I liivelert my money behind me in my ozsiai.u-' 7 "Then," said be, *lon must go back tiad fetch it." They were-anon spin it Al 4 Wass, the !adder again placed, thii tidy -NUM,BER 39 . 'retamintad, whi t !" ibe : tosrr Erni ted.below Thit' r she delaYAO to come. and so he %en: tAy caned. "At : i you, coal — log 1" when, she looked out of tile window and said. Per baps I.may, and perhaps not," and then shut down the window and left him to return upon his datable horse alane. Was not that a happy thought on the lady's part 1 : (& lady. who Inglis herself "Mattle,!! Qom inualcates the following to . the Louisville Jountat. We bowled we were somethieg of's lover of Bluing, but "Mettle's" appreciation of the luxury throes us completely in the studs: Witei s adveuture - the ono described must hays been Yea Kissed 31.. Yoe timed mot My boil' dvoope& low oo you beast. With a Galin ofplAtewi infinite rest, • While the holy *Ward speak. 7 . .4' • - • flaatt'd up like a flame from my heart to my cheek: _ Your arms were around 'ata—Oh ! your -arms • were so bold. . Heart beat tagstastlieart. in their passionate hold ! Your glaziora'seental drawing my soul through my eyes, As the sus &smogs Riad teem the • esrtb to tlan sk4ll ; And lour, lipi ilair to mine till I prayed is my bliss They should saver depart from that pusionate • kiss. You Ulmd ma! and my heart and my breath, and my will. , Is deUrous joy tors moment stood still ! Life Awl for as ties so temptation no charms. No lots of pleasure outside of your arms. And were I Ail instant an Angel—possessed Of th, glory 'and passe that belong to the • I, mould cam My white robes us repiaingly dowi, Lad dash from my forehead • its humeri!, cesium To nestle ones snore in that Haven of Rest, With your. lips upon 'plias and my head on your bruit. You kissed as i My soul la a bUsi most divine. Reeled aad "swooned like one drunken sand initiated with wine And I thought 'mars dalicious to die Chu*— . it death . Wonld sons •whils my mouth was yet moist • with jour breath 7 - delicious to die It my heart could grow - P cold - - While your arias wrapt gni round in• that pas. slonats fold Mut chess are the qiestleas I ask day sad - aight,l Ilan my lits taste but oast* sock 'static de light 7 ' Would yo ik T lf your breast was ity shaper, as thin, And it you mere here— Would you kiss me ayain ? HATTIE. ea.VEZDARVIS Laos. Guns Asnoer.—The Loudoecorrespondeet of the Kew York Daily News says that two formidable iron clads "are afloat. on the open sea under the Confederateflag." These ammeters of the deep , repvesented,aa ; being the most powerful of the kind ; armed , with the Iteesiest , end met Affective ordnance; .and invulnerable to antproieelliee used in. wive.. • They oeitid. -with Ampex' ity, Ateounr- into Now York barber and reduce floe city to *rhea. or exatt a ransom that would Ell the Confederate treasury with greenbacks. This correspondent also rtitea that there exists a secret alliance between France and the Southern Coe. Warmly. and that the: Emperor's open not ,be long delayed. Taitoaur losa.The pzew Orissue correspoodeat' of the.. New York Nessi says; ‘,Btrangit as it mar 'seem it nev ertiteisss Arue, that the idea of the South ern g(qtes becoming Abe Colonies of Eng land:or riauctt is not confined to the eqi. tore at Rinhotrond, There . are hundreds, yea thotisands; here who would prefer becoudng English or French, subjects, as ooloulits,, to going back under_ Yankee, nal; "'Elit.they are only Filling to accept this poiition as a last resort, in case the 40, inhere . people prove unequil .te the tasksof .establishing their independence. 'flier well know that such a resort would forever. abolish alavery,".. . EXTelollolllifillY.= A bounty juniper recently escaped froth Gollop's Is ifter baring 'nine counablitinfasbitted .his irons._ It was subsequently Aisoniered that a young W0132/113, Who bid Wien permitted to come and see him, had a key in her mouth tit ling the lock of his fetters. On parting . she kissed him. tad during the operation, triuisfefred' The key fhim her mouth to his, thus facilititirig his 'eseape. • The'girt and the inin *tin tusde'the key.for her were arrested. ACoteaio L4WVICR:—) . (I9.,Roek. a aol ored wen 4nd a lawyer of_Roetoa, has been admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court on mot t iop of . 4 4enator.Smnaer. Thia is the *Mt C 01, ,where p,oegro haa.over beep ad to ,Vaqi•Pe. l o Omit QoOrt. Soon Ojai li;ing• admttteil , to.tlto has, he had to 6o t.) the 'Provost Minkel toot a pawl° leave military or derrOhihitim ,ani.pegm. from leaving town Cite:kat Uwe • vas me Oesieves.—We , have es- Irani tint &nailing peviose is Weil for' the Oainaviia 411 theitteigeeetiVelealitiee. They are anthariseth tr ealleet idle rev anbsertp thole( 4hve able olßoe, u4u..lptTot,lt+eisemsm 'Pieties, who:know thew/ppm/ Webted- to Vow oiler *III wooll 0441:-Airldr ,aulass lupin leo. :vs times 1110Nk4111110114411 payment:. e . ; , , Ames, Sto;ke., - r e ; y. r • Mitohltison. Oinffenit:::" cvtibinso/ er• cr&lieweelm. , P Waterford, 7. - Cerie• 1 at • covq, linos-.Attu. "If•M • 1. p. 4 rOor. - • Caps. O.V. Jlztsilrz 0 1 Ttelk4 fi9IWKW. 11 , -Mass le°l l T '" - -Y l COVEttrioK a M 1 1 ,1 " *et 11 ii iiiimitrhkrienuotr, sowitpapas Ind Imps it pritiod-paitei,lNUrbei oiNislittSt APIS Nsini ' Vim Mali 7Print Mg% RlVErgnitt 4 0Pro 44/I#o4, tor 4 ,1 4 mwplrtitti wags . 44 Op* Ye* nue y.W. , (ldltivitl 'Ale!, bodgboap Ittpirlies tes6indiolnutsik Iterps. unti o f . g s at 111 47 141494101%, r'4l-4... 04-1111 t 641 4Os edio idtbig okay'ii &Illy tin iris umbiiiyla Utak plume-taghtdocionWeiieffibbi 2 1 1• 11 40 11 0,. ONE at 44mk. be-pgitl tar it st Otis ARM . tt. POST Qrrtn■ Norio—RWISTER ARSANOS-.. 312211T.....011 and atter,;ll6ntlay, Oct. 33at, 1864, . . • fisWiting-stothike fitallw.will,nlose as follows: , Cissaland 4.lhigago, 0 CA }- a. 1. m. * 7.;1u. ty. Buffalo, ' • . t • .1,1-p. m. 4.7710 'pb oi t' • , ' r Net York 6r. , Washing- '. • : • ...... ton, 1. 15 p, m t 55n p. In, Cincinnati, ; - • 7iUl p to Eastern Way, supplying all otitceS + N,..- a _ between Erie and Buffalo, Western Way, rupplying nii.offirrs bPI wears hilt end elcrelen 1, e 00 p Pittsburg & Erie, Ft Pittsburg R R., ts,:ar •.- Edinboro tali Way s p. Phila.lelpisie 4 lier,rsetairg. f m,QO to Phtlasielpbse and Er►e Reilwey, i ~yl4•►Al Wettaburg. Tbure • days and Enturtl rye, .- : ;.;,;:fki 4 s oh. Office tourelrian •:, 7.40 a. re. to 500 p . ilk SuoJey, othe.e, &open ,troui 7.40 to' %I 30 a -03.: •- : ..• , • JOS; &l. iiTERE 1"f R, Y. M. • Erie; 013.144. Ibll4, if. ... . . Tull Luaus. uukl owl ngeablo weather tells terribly uu Ilu.sP who aro wank and diseased lungs. Many tire s tiering at ibis tuue with stieettous et Ate hots's, aid hags. - kftrunshilis IR bretTIIIIK a ry Com mon *fillet There who tire -ttret4tsposed to Colds, Coughs, artuuebois, Sc., should avoid the 'tight air There are wavy prepa— rations recurumetided .tor these diereses, but tbere is uuti a doubt. 'Mt that Dr- Strieklature , Mellitluuue i'eugh Haiwu is the bust remedy, Ws /111411 t ktILIII&I at to enact cures Itt the t worat cases of Cutghir, V 616. Brunekills, Asthma, and priutarr easertof Coiisuiuptiuu. ate., taut be proaore.l by the tVidowe, Crp&mat awl next of Ain-tit_thota who have died -jailor service of tlic United :Patel , ski), by soltliera and Seamen who are disabled by wonnde re ceived °lt diVesse contracted. upotLepplication to O. r. @irrstu, .Literisedlitary anti Naval_ Claim Agent. Otter in the Common .Council Rodin, Wright's 'Block, corner 'state and Fifth its , (under the iDispatch office.) Erie. Ps 7 'y We Dam just piinted a new form of pit lease to Isaiah we call the, attention - of an who are dealing in oil lands. 'lt was prepared by one of the ableit members of our bar, ma. hai been prOneunced by leveret oil men the simplest and best form they have seen. Copies: can be proahrod of ti. U. Francis, at Corry, 'N. T. Hume at Colon, and W. 0. White, at Waterford. • We call Special attention to the superior styles of Wedding and yiaiti,ng Cards printed , at title office. , Having procured several litirf fonts of type egpeoltilly for this kind 'of work;, wears enable to print cards in a style equal to thous ohtained in any of the larger cities., It is nothing less than foolishness for person,' to go ebroad and pay 'extravagant prices for engraved cards when they can get just as hand: . Bolas ones at home for less than one.third the, cost. tf. BLeft[e =We keep conetantly on hand 41, * large - selection of Legal Blanks, of appruveNl, forms, such se Deeds, Mortgages,..Tudgment sad CouunCn Notes, Summons, Subpoenas 'sct may , ethers,mot, In such general use. Those ; la need of these artloles, will find it , to their s adevyatame,te give our office s call. tf 010; Al/CIIITCS SAm, the English Eros: tour, in summing up his American expert eneie, [ pays this 'striking tribute to the . women of the Unitod Statm : In al! sariousnese anti sincerity, f ren - der to the young ladies o!' America the tribute oti btoug the most aet.omplishati„ talkers in the world. Their reatti ‘ nese of lietion, their facile tiow of ideas. their quickness of apprehension. ere really and trtily astounding." Tea gteat importance ol• the port or Wilmington to the Confederates may be judged of from the statement 'of 3. Rich. mood journal, that from October ISt4, to the end of the year, the following arti cles, with others, we're imported into Wil mington i 5,63.1,000 pounds of meat. 1.:;07- OW pounds of lead; 7,%33,000 pounds of• saltpetre; 69,000 and 544,000 pairs of. Oboes. - • The popular vote in the loyal States in 14d0 fer President was. Lincoln 1,901,616, Douglas sod Brecitinridge's vote combined was 2.024,- 1140, lesvinglincoln in a popnlar minority of of 169,421. In 18&!, the poptiler vote in State a/44)110ne wax. Democratic Republi. c►n vote I,s33,939—Republican majority 47;- . 35.3. In 18e13 the Democratic vote was 1,315;:. 8110, Republican, 1,4tr,5,000, 'wit bout counting the soldiers' vote. The Boston Pat says : 1 Among all the new banks gone into operation wo do not perceive the name Of N. P. We would rednifetttilly call the attention .1 the to our ficillttesi for doing Job Prieting 01 every sleserip-• lion. Raving rapid Preasen and the latest nty los utryi.o. we are prepared to do anything in:the jobbing line, In e InaIIDOT 414140 to any other establishment, and en tennis LS muronable as the Outlet° or Cleveland ornces. Wo lave aided neatly two thousand dollars worth of tnatn rial to the office since it has hero io our pors..toque, with the object or making It What we thought tim comment. ty needed. flow well we have RIICCeI• led we leave Ilia specimens of our Jobbing, which easy ,be area in evert part of North Western Pennsylvania, to testily. Those It) want tasty' work arm Invited to give no a call. We ems do any Undo( Printing that cau he d.ire elsewhere, —ouch for Instance an All Muds used by Coal Operators, All Mods used by ('oil Slippers „ . • All kinds tiled by Coil Sellers, All rind/ aged by Ilerthants and Storekadirra, All kinds. used by Retailers and ti. oenz 8, ' (lath awed billannfacturere, All kladriteed by Idsdlcuis Lea late, All kinds 111.1..! by Auctioneers, •II kinds eitedbpitailrea.: Aseut., All kinds used by "auks, AU kinds used by iesutium. All kip& used l.y Stuck tlannsuiesi, generally, All thidit vied by Bnikeris, , All kind, wed by Cow. and For. H., • Allll'oll - used by Rtyreas Men, /allied, used by Priors...neat Men, ' All Winds used by I.ll,ency Sodot t ,,, All kinds need by habllc l/dlres a, All brads nip! by Peteote-e, , :All kinds used by Yro.lor.q. ni \ow 4111,1ri. Alt kinds aged by Morel/ants oi at /4.3.4, Alf kinds us-1 by A r.hiteots, All blasts used by Dew armless Rolialdwitimeote, All kinds used by Artie,. yeuerallr , . _ All kinds used by Exhibitors, All blade used by lianagero of Social desdobl.a, Alt Medi used by Political Mauer r 4, all Mods used by Travelling , nand by, or seller...if real estste, Ail kirtde used by the sellers at Pa social Prop sit All blob rimed by Ito nterA bi sib4t %All 11 ids 11•3 "by ail Clasen Urdefs bpslailoben moat by leeponslblePartlee,prrjompt ly attended to, Agents for :thaws, Concerts, Ac., whoe. resnhosit. thy we are n•f a yuduted with, mnst pay fu adTIIIOCII. In cues where peekagee'Are sent ont of lily . city by evresimmi tbewersmAPTY whom:: they are laspJ! : ed.ttave not I regulu accouut at the office, tea bill ~ter eollectloa malt invariably be forwarded with them._ • ... (NM% I. TIM "ffiiiiraviut avian arils,. STaTietriiver; Ortouta tas.Pu,}..prique. .iLflll44.3ll:l7loW—Two LLAILI AND Vest 011011 w DOMINI If pall la adetace 1411/11 DOLLAR." U A9t p. 1.1 uttllALle •tpiration rt the:y ear. 13 abealtero .orted by - fault!' eillt ba eimniel rivet CICIW/11 pi*" la Daditiols. LDITIPMFLEALOTI I -4.1&.• I.f Ten /Awe" •Neryl, two I e.terti..• ; :here laser. doer )1,15: - oat li[Otta a.o . 84, 1 +1 : rnnntitA film eepaucess,sof > a Zranau .3A bA 4u it «i ftiAr+i "hi* ""ctirmi!'" t• •"i f!'"orIli!`g" Mos rut be alitly aableckaphir4 o b r y_pleM. :markt, T.lrat the -IA of Vie T:ahr.thera. A 14,11- gliralt:akiUA Want 12,40 g • rre..aaree ltrotimerilt. o o; /Arca' • Notinct Piet orate I,t;..V.arriaire . .NotlcalirwAA.T.A ilea 914141 pite.l , , • .bqc.cry }4 . ,,tlces. • re..threelcnej, - -IS eittelitt vitt. per Itwe. L 4.1 OAS INIPIONWIdtbe rer l uretet ttia vat , pet !toe h a4reettee !watt reel k etiattnueij,et . the tbes.rr r .? advettletog, imatllor.:*.tel. "diti , etto4; MADAN Feettid r ts • :.:liireptitouo tat Ile Ithiattfon. PA. ,Itattf hove . fle of th• towl"t .1" 00146 is thi hate , e t iej ere null to 4o on/ port!' r itte.7l. Native to 6i: D i 41114Vitili to may establhhinent embed, it thee oltaii;"r wi,111191114N 4111011itcCHM• • "• r • • •' Pettiivnis, Iti ' untieS. ' kirtiori of 'Pay, (111 Lease• Wedding and Visiting Cards. OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. ERIE W EMMY 08.44 ER V =I 'ULM EYs' 314a1CAII1M-41,- okawbbe,4lll4ol. Einir to tploetitly lustoni light &lad alto up dcw• lurin siadtetiii. %Out...o'loin; Cm. Oa Teioofit of le ir4ll. F9Olll. LP% . 1134 Bromplwax, N. Tert‘ it . . east*. 444reis tra GI El L CM d ikf p, in (4eB "Zweow
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers