it eivmer. . TCTRWAY• FEBRUARY -6, 1664 r, ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. rik 01111PLERN BVILbECAS," STATIR Sy z?. Orrb•rtt ?In POET OrSICIC. :init‘re of Ton Liars one the ..:1-uSS Cen•• ; two ta.ert.•itili $1,06 ; three loser. month $1,50: tat. month% $2.50: ,ra„au. $ t,ro, six 11117tha t K.); yoe year sso9; yer advirosentent, in pntpnr.iou. Thine rates ~1 he strictly adhered to, unless chensol-be 'Tonal ~ r est, or at the option of the puhliehere. Audi. ••• Seth es, 4, Dismal., rind like a • $1,60; Administrator'a Notices $2,60; Local cents s line, Itn-ria,te Noticesinessytt i 411,10,, bi , mir: slot 'eel (neer thr e e li n ... flee rents pet ff, e nr•Kfnll poetry, rio , entleO 3: the request of the edltar, rote dollar !;as Ali advertise tents win t. env ,Inned at apes • of the per.on adverticmg, onttloolored his direction, unleu a specified period is ;upon tar its insertion. i mps Two DuLLane per annum in .4- ;51'1!:1 —We base one of the bed Jobbing 'n the -tats, and aro ready to di) any work in Uwe ttatt to entnactod to na, in squid stile sectichntant ..Acids of 11.0 largest Citie4. ids Lscrcux. - -John B. Gough, the leeturer, will deltver his address on der raiple,” in Farr sr Hall, on Friday i g next, the 12th fact. 31r. Gough fails to Attract a full house whenever ski, and the Lecture Committee antici• grand rush for seats on this occasion. ollowing are the arrang.mcuts for the ticket's: ,mites number of salts on the stage and Miles, and al , oi the seats in the body Hall and in the gallery, not already ', will be offered for eale nod reserra- Jr this lecture, at the office of A: H . 1 (the 015ce}. on Tuesday, Feb. ,otamenCing at 9 'o'clock, A. NI., at the tog rates: .s on the stage or in the ais'ea, 35 cents. ‘e gallery and body of the 11411, 30 cents. PILOO2EDI7GI3.—The following . are J 3 ili4pose , l of up to rhumlay noon, ,he Jury lets : . v Jlichcozl Beraitoll, .'eking liquor Jay— epleal guilty, fined $5) and mete. vs Cdridon Aldeman, :14!3Iling liquor license—plea d guilty, fined $25 and iNa:AfineiKelly, Se Hine; liquor with. tense . —plea 4 guilty, fined $35 era essts. 1 , y 4 Wm J. City, Menult and 131ttery id not guilty, but require i to pay lrilf 13111, and Bushly, the prosecutor, pay ther half. S 3 Andrew Seifert, Selling liquor t licease—found not guilty, but re co pay half the costs, the other half to by the prosecutor. vs Wm. llogaboom, Assault and Bat• ir hewing his wife—found guilty, fined ' sentenced to be confined in the county ty days, and pay the costs of prosecu- vs John E: . Smith, Ltrceny—plead ,and was sentenced to . pey a fine of §6 Idergo imprisonment in the .vs William :Allison, Keeping a gam hoase—nolle pros entered by ,district y on payment of costa by defendant . vs Same, Selling ligaor Co persons of crate habits—nolle pros entered on It of co - sts - by defendant. is Wm. Preston, L treeuy—sentenced a floe of $1 anl costi. , vs Frederick Cluto, Forgery—plead peicoitred .to enlist on paying costs. 1. Y 3 S , Ptrjary—F:tand guilty. t. vs Wm. Davis, Larceny—plead guilty, .01 to ealtst on paying costs. t. vs Leonard Sens, Selling liquor with tense—plead guilty, fined $35 and coat 5. vs Ernest Streck, selling liquor with tense—plead guilty, fitted $35 and costs. vs Charles Nunn, Assault and Battery ad not guilty, and prosecutor to pay costs. MARBLE'S UCTUISC.—Those of our who were not 'present- at the lecture tdeesday evening, by Manton :llarble, editor of the N. Y. World, missed what terally admitted by all who heard it, to been aid richest literary treat we have during the present S.ASOII. It was Ono Ise rare prodestions of which no abstract ire any correct conception, and in all }atures, whether considered with regard t graceful use of language, the richnesit eassicel allueiOne, the varied and en- Ming treatment of his subject, the total icetof epithetel or scurrility, or the mo-- manner of its delivery, it came up fully high standard which Mr. Marble's is had expected of him. We regret that antipathies prevented him from havin large audience that his abilities entitled to, but the almost universal praise ... 7F } who did attend, Republican and Dem ,is perhaps more gratif:iug to the leo• than the most .fashiona oho and demon te gathering would have been. Mr. le's ohief iepUtation is based on his tilled skill as a polished and arguments writer, bat he has also speaking talent of le merit. ' His melholl of. delivery is ail cultivated, his geteures few but easy appropriate, his positfen on the stage edingly self collected, and he only lacks t 4 of voice to make on of the most at re persons on the leeture board. He .aetsi man} who is thoroughly lawns .th the correctness of his beliefs, and we 4 if there was a fair minded person in audience, whatever hic . .politie 11 creed, ild not part with the lecturcr•with Is of individual respect greatly in• by listening to him, Marble, contrary to the ordinary im ea of his friends, is yet quite a young probably about thirty-three, certainly ' veer thirty-five years of age. - lie is a lumens man by birth, and has bad the stage of a thorough collegiate and clan• etucation. He was Several years con td with the Boston eontervatlve press, - occupied the p tsition of chief editor }oprietor of the World, for 'about two Purchasing the paper when it had a .circulation and the owner was losing ty at the rate of $l5OO cheek, he soon the establishment out of its pecuniary alties, and the World is now not only the It Lily journal in America, but also one the most profitable. In private life he is of the most companionable men we ever osseesing a fund of infermat ion, a facility rankness of expression, and geniality of tr, that make him an immediate favorite all who are thrown into his society. A feet type of the true American gentleman, Miter who has no superior in his profs; I imbued with the noblest convictione of tr, We are greatly mistaken if Manton ehle's is not a name that wilt yet occupy tof the highest niches in the affections of tetuaryinen. • Ile" The Glenias of Ltherty, published at Ceisenown, Fayette county, has been corn. by th'e 'depreciation of the currency, Auranee its rates to two dullora a year,— nit is now the average rate for nearly all ilpere Fisted is the State. • Reartmenose - Iva Leini.The. opefeel: of Dent will commence on the 10th, sAti continue. for seven Walk". It la generally observed by the Itomaa_Catholies„ Epkeople. tans and Lutherans. For the gehlaaee of the first named denomination the followini retsulatipas have been issued 1. All the faithful who - , have completed their 21st year, are, unless' legitimately' die. pensed, bound to observe the fast of Lent. 2. They are to make only one full Meal * day, eroepting Sundays. 3. The meals allowed on Fast days is sot to be taken tilt about noon. 4. At that meal, if on any day permission should be granted for eating flesh, both flesh and fish are not to be used at the same time. 5. A email refreshment; commonly tilled collattorg, is allowed in the evening; no gel:t -or:II rule as to the quintal of food permitted at this timely or can be made. But the pram• rice of the most regular Christians is, never to let it exceed the fourth part of an ordinary meal. 6. tieneral usage has !laid! it lawful to take in the moraiug some Warm:lliquid, as tea, coffee, thin chocolate, uncle with water, and'a cracker. , - 7. Necessity and custom have authorised the use of hog's lard instead of butter, in preparing fish, vegetables,,&a. 8. The following persons 'are exempted from the obligation of fasting; Young per. eons under twenty-one years of age, the sick, pregnant women, or those giving snack to in fants, persons Obliged to bard labor, and all who' through weakness Cannot fast without injury to their health; 9. B , f dispensation, the use Of Seth-meat will be allowed at any time on Sundays, and once a day on Mondays; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with -the exception of the Saturday in Ember Week, Spy• Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday. Milk, eggs, batter and chests are not forbidden ex cept on Good Friday.. 10. Persons dispensed from the obligation of fasting are not bound by the restriction of using meat only at one meal, en 4ya on whioh its use is granted by dispensation. Those who are obliged to fast, are permitted to use meat only at. one meal.—PAila. 'Bulletin. JUICY Ltrr.—The following is a list of the persons drawn for the Court commencing - on. the 2d Monday in March next: Eria—E. Camphaiosen, Christ. Englehart, J. B. Colton. Wm. P. Hayes, Henry Beokmen. Mdlereek —Goo. Brindle, Robt. Evans, John $. Caldwell. Ncrill East—.B.enben Barker, Thos. C. Craw ford. Venango—Wm. Yost, May Chapin, 2d. Amity —Edwin Hatoh. Wayne—Erastus Brightman. Concord—D. K. Baker. • Union—Elias Drake, Chas. W. Breed, B. Frisbee. Waterford—Solomon Sedgwiok. McKean—Erastus Washburn, Henry Meyer, John Drown, Sidney W. Jarvis, A. G. Awbrey. Elkerrek—B. L. Pulling. Conneaut —G. W. Silverthorn, Harrison Park, Jr. .Albion—L. D: Davenport, S. S. Sanders. Springfield—Riley Potter. Girard—G. P. Mills, Edina Hall, 'David Reason, Samuel Sisson. Fairview—Andrew Sturgeon, Philip Kuhl. The following Jtirors are to serve at the Court commencing on the 3d Monday in March Erie—Halsey Pelton, Eli Kendig, David Spell, G. W. Gdodrich, Henry Cadwell. Wm. Ba.s, Jarvis Harper. T. W. Moore, B. Pelton. Mdlereek—James Evans, Geo.. S. Davison, Benj. Wilkins, Daniel Bible. Venango —Calvin Washburn. U', on —amber' Gray, Wm. C. Jackson. Araterfard—R. A. Bash, Simon Himied, Jelitel Boats. .Wattsburg —James S. Jenkins, L. S. Chapin. Greene—Stephen J. Brown, Levi Davis. Su-omit—James Stewart, James Tate. McKean—Win. Meyer ' Robert G. Dunn. Washangton—Erastus Ryan, Martin_Pratt. Franklin—Charles Fry. Etkcreek— William Green. Springfield—Daniel Moon. Girard U. Burnside. - Fairview—Stephen F. Luther, Joseph Kil heifer, Daaiel We are indebted to the Gazelle for the above lists. • REBEL PAPERB.—We are indebted to Capt. T. J. lioskinson, of this city, Provost Marshal of Washington, North corollas, for copies of his official notices, ,and of the Daily 4 Joirrnal, published at Wilmington, in that &std. The Journal is le:s than half the vise of our paper, dingy looking and edited with very little, en l . terprise. A large share of its advertisementi consist of auction notices of goods that have run tho blockade. It devott4 considerable spoe to "Northern News," and we leave it to the public to imagine what effect the following proceedings in our Congress, copied late its columns, would be likely to have .upon its rebel readers : "Myers, •f Pennsylvania, on the same day, (ith.) offered a resolution asserting that the war should be waged on the Federal aide Gig* al the traitors and abettors are conquered tato love for the Union, or made obedient to the Constitution, and take the oath of allegiance and submission to Lincoln's late proclamation. When this is accomplished, ind the leading rebel traitors hung, the war should cease." Alluding to the rumored Union demonstra tions in North Carolina„ the Journal says : "We believe ❑ov. Vance to be perfectly true to the Confederate cause., and we think we have the best reasons for this belief. We are perfectly satisfied in our mind, and have no no doubt that circumstances will bear us out fully." It charges, however, that there are men in the State who will make en attempt to 'take North Carolina out of the Confedersey," 160 says "the movements for which the. Raleigh Standard and Progrus are responsible, look to; this consummation." Botrtry FusD.—The following resolutions were offered in Common Council on 'Monday eiening, and adopted : That a Committee of two members flans each Council be appointed, wbose, duty' it 'hall be to wait upon the County Commission ers and request them, in the name of the oily. to -elntinue the $3OO bounty-heretofore 'lOld to volunteers to all who shall volunteer under the recent call of the President for flOO,OOO men. That the fifty dollars bounty paid to voles,- teen, under the reaolutions of Connelly .of Jan. 18, 18dt, be extended to 141 who shall volunteer with a view to fill the quota of the city of Erie, under the late call for 500,009 men as'aforesaid. .- • .• Select Council laid-the resoltitions over for one wee's. GEN: NicCr.sitmt's Raroar.—Sheldon & ao.,intliliitiers'in- , New York city, will issue the Report of Gen. HoGlellart, as tiansmitted to Washington,ins soon as the ofticlaredition . is published there. Title will set at rest' cite minds of all who have been amnions tti amnia a copy of this molt important and interesting document. The New York *liana 'awillin4lll• twin an introduetory ahspter on the Wcitori Virginia campaign, prepared by Goa. Mahal. laa, and not forming part of the Report:J:oo book will be a handsome octavo of aboetceem hundred pages in °leer typo, sad will hi amok more valuable anti readable than the Washing ton edition. ger We see among the list of recline Trost; dentist appointaients and oonfienus ioji y ski Senate, the gum of O H. Irish, fortneeli of this city, as ileporiatesdiai othillais Mari for Utak IFtelteer % hi Vice Ii X eri~f; lyt~tph~: ;Sr -Corry borough is offering ea extra bonny ed MAO teeyelaateers. MY, Piot Delano's het hop will take plaei this (Friday) evening. in Farrar Aa important *Mies , Orem the Trees orer of the Phila. &Ade R. Co.. will be -found in our adverting; anxious. * The 'Mount derived from tavern U. Genoa in this: croupy, during the last year, soourding to the tdatte, was $2,455. ay, Oa amount of ill-health, 0. J. Bs% Esq., Wm been obliged to romp ths position of Paymaster - in the Army. . • stir Many `of our take men of the opinion that we will have an early spring, and anticipate the opening of navigation about the Ist or middle of March. tom►' !Cept. Shirk, of this city, ip in chirp of the Beet of gun - boats traversing the Ten nessee Biter. Ire is one of the bravest and best sincere in the whOle service. ler 0. B. Wright, a noted financier, for. mercy of this oily, his formed a partnership with some Philadelphia bankers, and n eutered business in that city. as. ape, five or six persons arrested for various offences have been disobarged by the Court, within . the last two weeks, on condi tion that, they folioed the army. lair Mr. D. M. James; Mail Agent on the Phila. & Erie a. R., died at his residence in Warren, on Monday, leaving a large family. He had been ill fir a considerable period. ice' The bell at Ptrview, to whit mia.- laded Wt weak, we have since been told, was got up in - honor of the officers and men of the 111th regiment from that vicinity, who were at home on furlough. Mr Limit, Col. McCreary, of the .145th regiment, is now in this city, on recruiting duty, and the regiment is under command of Majoi Linch,—Col. Brown being in charge of a brigade. M. Mr. IL Gaggin, In a communication to the Gantt*, says the Althof Well in this city is yielding 20,000 feet of perfectly pure gas ever; day. He pronounces it , of a better quality than the coal gee new in use. or sir. Cochrane has presented bilis in the Lsgiilatara authorizing the Road Commis 'stoners cif Milloreek and Washington town ships to collect a tax for the payment of lonnties. -, ~Bev. Dr. Forrester ha's resigned the pastorship of the Universalist Church in this city, to take effect on the let of April, and accepted a call from a congregation in Aurora, 111., one of the most flourishing in the West. 106 County warrants for $3OO, issued to pay the bounties of volunteers, and payable in three months' time in Connty scrip, have been sold at 90 cents on the dokr. It strikes us, that at each a price, there is a chance for a considerable speculation. 94. The family of-the rebel General Lee, according to Richmond papers, living in two rented roams, in the plainest way pos sible. The city of Richmond proposed to give him a house, but he declined to receive it, saying his family was comfortable, and the money could be expended to better advantage. air Mr. John W. Shannon, on Monday evening, resigned his position as Common _Councilman for the let Ward, bat the Coun cil unanimously refused to receive it. Mr. M. Is one of the most efficient members of Coun cils, and we trust, for the interest of the city, he will not. persist in his determination to resign. SW"' The Pittsburgh Daily Post came to us on Meaty in an entire new suit, looking as bright .and handsome as well selected type and a good quality of paper could make it. The Post is a favorite exchange, and we hail with pless'ere any token of its prosperity. We recommend it to any of our' readers want ing a reltible journal trial the "smoky city." in n , About • six handled' rebel prisoners passed through this city on Friday evening, for the But, where, we • are informed, they intend entering the naial service of the ,llnioc. Several of our citizens had brief opportuni ties of °conversing with them, and the general sentiment appeared to be that the rebellion had nearly "played out." We hope their view of the matter may be correct. sia. The lecture of B. F. Taylor, Buz., on Thursday evening of last week, was one of the best attendeir-of the course, and is the theme of praise by all wbo heard It No de scription can cornet ides of Mr. Tay lor's exquisitely tine use 'of language„ or of the fervor which - he throws into the delivery of his lectures. We have not heard_ of a per• son who was present tbst was not delighted, and Mr. Taylor may rely upon it that he wilt never fail to be greeted withan overflowing house in Brie. He made no allusion to the questions that divide political parties. mai. A young married man of this city, who has remedy enlisted, lost his bounty money, on Monday evening, in rather a pe *ajar manner. He had received one of the County warrants, sad folding it up, cerelsuly 'laded the valuable piece of paper in his rest pocket. In' the sensing he had *cession to change his and without thinking of the warrant, left it remain in the place where he deposited it, His wife, in his absence,-toot the vest up to mend it, and finding the war rant with other useless pieces of paper, threw it into the si ore. The feelings of the soldier when he ascertained the fact, can b 3 imagined. Ma "I like your 'paper first rate, and would prefer keeping on taking it, but I can get a city paper ' at less cost, and it contains more reading." Bd you ban,. sir, but have you ever reflected that if any man had as weak a spirit et local pride as yogi, there would not be *pipet; printed outside of the very largest cities! The sole resson why' the journals that you mention can be purchased cheaper than your county paper, is because they are made up 'out of dailies, and have so much' greatinreieculation than any county paper can possibly obtain, this a few cents profit on each number makes &large aggregate. These PaPers, thengh, de nothing to help your local interests, they give you no local news, and by abalehauit them, lo preference to your county paper, you do, that much towards trip pl nglti and that of your party,. 'We de not-01404,0t Conroe, to a man's taking is many foreign journals as he plows, but, first and foremost, let him subsoribe to the Lobel paper of his perky, sad induce as many of - his:neighbors to do- so no he can. Let it sot be ioad of anjlteautersi, that, when the orgies of his party had to eland up &gains; , the severest storm of obloquy they have ever encountered, and, out et from ell . official ,ps easge , were obliged to depend entirely en' the esoostragentent of ',their political Meads, he deserted them in'ithe hour of their. severest tuttroasity, ,;or the, sole, reason that hey cost him a few pennies mere than they Alin times wbon-tverybody was prosperous, and a doller pureftedell Mee the amount ft does to-day. itnther,let 111 go to work with s a d to bung up its . intereets, extend Its Olf. inflation, intioarago !tip idiom by kind sots, and,aker pokit on sioandottos, for which. it l onslokor Yiritkann 11011111. 1 giel! wire The; aerie. 14ersislitteel sod allewed Congress are as. allgittb that body anti to the country as to the indivi duals who foldulge in them. When - one her di% wither a 'babbling fool," he may be telling Oh truth, but the Senate Chamber is not the.plines for snob expresidons. It is time tlfat,sa example should be made of suet members as have no regard for their stations,' we care uot;whst party they belong to. /Mir Brigham Young, so the papers say, has taken his sixty-Bret wife. A marriage- able youtti lady at oar elbow think! his Bonne should be an 44 awful rebuke to those young men who are' afraid to telOe even one wife I" Query for the ladies :-If Brigham shonid lose one of:his sizty-ous wires, would he be a widower 'or not 1116,We find the following paragraph going the rot/oda of our exchanges, headed vThe Ruling pluisiou Strong in Death :" "Hon. B. Lowry, Senator from Erie to the Penn's, Legislature, was 'a passenger on the train run into by the Accominodation. He was thron through a window and landed bead foremost into a snow bank. The first thing he leas heard to utter after the collision was —'thel Pennsylvania Legislature can now organize with impunity !' " ' 1101)„, EVerybody has heard of the "awful" roads in the oil region. - Tho recent thaw has develOped!all their worst qualities, whereupon the Oil City Register dilates as follows: • "The 'melancholy days have come'—or are rather coming—the muddiest of the year.— Several Orions and .0111:113 are missing, but it is hoped they will turn up when the mud dries off. Puithee comments upon the dreadful state of liar streets are unnecessary." the amount of coal, says the Mead• vile Itspieblieatt, shipped front the Shanangd Valley, to the Lake at Erie, during, the past season, eras 103,000 corm of this amount about 96000 toes was shipped .from Sharon. The Erie & Pittsburgh It tilroad having pen etrated that region, the shipments are being continued without interruption. gar ;The Republican Commissioners of Crawford County have refused to offer an extra bounty of $4OO to volunteers. They say it would add $271,000 to the debt of the county.; the yearly interest 'on which would be $16472, requiring additional taxation of seven pr cent. . ipar!The Corry News says that • " a crusty old bachelor not liking a way his landlady's daughter had of appropriating his hair oil, filled his bottle with Spaldities glue the'day before a ball to which the girl was invited." She had not attended the ball up to.latest ad vices. girl The most miserly man we ever read about was one mentioned in M. About's book, Upon Shout, " it was proved"—so the, book says-;—i'that after having kindled his fire, he stuck cork in the end of the bellows to save the lit le wind that was left in them:" t 116: Fun t in the opinion of an exchange, should! be cultivated as a fine art, for it is altogether a fine thing. Whoever knew a '•funnt msn" to be a bid one '2 Oa the con trary, is be not nine times out of ten gener— ous, himane, social and good? is; The amount of coal, says the West Greentille Democrat, shipped. to Erie during the pest season, from the Skenango Valley was 193,000 tons. The amount shipped from the pot of Sharon, was abont,9o:ooo tons. mg. Erie and Crawford C ounties were formed March 12, 1800, out' of portions of what ;was then Allegheny County. Warren Count? , was formed at the same time; out of portions of Lyooming and Allegheny. sea - The citizens of Corry and vicinity were fti assemble in town meeting on Siatur— dayvening, .to - consider 'the new County question. We are not informed_ ttls'to the actiod taken. y* Persons desiring to advertise in the ObseriPer should seal in their favors by Wed nude" evening, at the latest. If they delay untidThursday it inconveniences us, and open obligis us to defer theta until the next week air The paper on which the new ten cent Federal ourrenq is printed, splits, in two qt the edges, after it becomes a little worni The inventor has been arrested tor defrauding the Government. sop- iticxunfieltl township, Crawford county, finding that no county bounty would be of fered, raised a home one of $4OO by aubscrip tion,!und her citizens are now rejoining that theylare "out of the draft." Tho Erie Gazette ' and Conneaittville Rer4d;hartbeen selected to publish the pro posals for the Post Office Department—a "fat take," said to be worth about $5OO to each p a per, stS6, The Warren Ledger thinkitho "Phil adelphia Press is a very fuOny paper—the best:joker wo know, excepting the Chatsuque Democrat and the Erie Gazette." *L. The friends of Rev. T. T. Bradford hads donation party at his residence .in Wa terford, on the 27th of last month, and pre senpsci him with $l9O. 146. During_the isst two years 6,416 pris oners have been eondned at Johnson's Island, anti!there are 2,612 still remaining .there. • sigh, The Columbia oil yard at Pittsburgh, P.a. 1 ,.„ was destroyed by fire on Saturdat nitorn -144; the 23i inc., with its contents. ' 4t,wr A. valuable tract of land in Milk-reek tovViuthip is offered for rent. See , new ttiver filaments. cilasato Irsits.—From, the " Union."—A pe 'Alen is in circulation praying thetLegisla lure to enact a law giving nit thority to the Bald Commissioners of Girard township and botiogh to levy a tax -of $4,500 for the par peso? of reimbursing those who have sub scribed bounties to volunteers.. i ii tin Rice receives last season $25,000 for, hi Iserviess in the "Great Show,!' and the coaling season Dr. G. IL Spalding, of Albany, ps l yis him $BO,OOO. Wu ItSve seen the docu ments. .14 leap year sleighing p%rtyirom Lhekport mailer merry at Keith's on fast Wednesday night. Kest dry the company drove through ttiitvn, the girls holding the whip and ribbons sad smoking cigars slll' MILL BUIVILD.—Tho steam saw tnill of Messrs. Crowell, at Lovell's Station, on the & Erie R. B. was destroyed by fire on Ralurday morning last, about 6 o'clock. The Sul • oil. • • ftald lamp, which he' -. • . co ail %,4 was burning; I It Low c.asucti, I • the building will Soton to tit eugtoe and boiler were Salted with 814;41111111ga. About ten thou - s• 44 feet of - timber were hauled. We, hare learned the amount of toss, or whether khFs was any insurance, The Messrs. ere-, :well will rebuild the mill immediately. „, .., , tiooDirtx , 4 aktoolt.--Our readers wanting .I _ . 6 aloe plate of oysters, should drop into the saloon of Peter Ooodwil, under Brown's ilotel. fie hss Made arrangements with a New Ydrk tiros for supplying hint 'with the . best quality of "tub” ojstsrai and if soma illiat we saw.there on Monday evening; are a . ple of what lei will always keep, we pre: , et such a rush toGoodivints, as was never i sEa ors known in the 'annals of asloondoni in , iyie. Godwin Is also sole agent iin thin city T.' fps the celebrated Canueliigea,4le, one ofl t .. . Ile Iplawagot.driaks imr.gmhpOwtored.'• - I CIE - 'silt run % OIL: 'ri "'' - ' of Congress frost tho 'Alleigkeny disteke, presented ii rassorial to tb. Roue int wed; ,Signod by One thotiaand 1 asassoors of painternalrevenue . of y. ' The Venally 4peelistor , 46 I,li , it a Wino: can afford to light fog' doldirs 0 month, these tiliktp,4 ought to Do - • tit' serve at ninety dollirs. , If riot dig OM 1107 re, resign-4hieh • the soldier osanot ' d their places can be filled by Competent without force or bounty." , . "Wie■ EIArIAOS or Will Mix."—Tke miaow is that downy covering "kWh God assess the earth with to protect it from the blasts of winter. The stars are holes in thi sky . to let their Maker's glory shine through. • ' Flowers are the sweetest things God ewer made and forgot to put souls into., • The store of Jas. A. MIMI is the place to buy your grocerias. Ile has . the best assort ment of Teas in the city. HIM ROBHil7.—The stori — reom of Peek. ard & Drs., of West Greenville, in which was kept th funds, &0., of the U. 8. Expresi Co., was entered on Sabbath night last, the safe opened, itnci $2,200 taken therefrom. ' The thieves got into the cellar and up , to the store room, opening tho safe with false ; keys. ,After helping themselves to the money, they looked the safe again and deeamped.—Exehonge. ngi,„ Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay, &c., can be procured by the Widows, Orphans,. and next of kin 'of those who haie died in the service of the United States; also, by Soldiers and Seamen who are ditiabled by wounds re. ceived or disease contracted, upon application to 0.. P. !Jammu, Lit:leased 'Military and Naval Claim Agent. -Otrseinthe Common Council Room, Wright's Block,.icorner State and Fifth sts., (under the Dopeteh Erie, Pa. • ..• 'Noricsa—The annual meeting of the Erie County Bible Society will be held in the city of Erie on Wednesday, the 10th . inst., at the Park Tresbyterinu church. du address win be delivered in the evening. ' l The business meeting of the society will be held at 8 o'clock S. S. SPENCER, Sec'''. DLasss.—We keep - constant on hand a large selection of Legal 13IatikS, of approved fortis, snob as Deeds, Mortgliges, Judgment and Common Notes, Summons, Subpmeaa and many others, not in such generhl use. Those in need of these artioles, -- will liod it to their advantage to give our office a Mill. tf. tESL., For Coughs, Colds andiThroat Disor ders use ! , Broton's Bronchial rrochu," having proved their efficacy by a telt of many years. The Troches are highly recommended and prescribed by physicians and surgeons in the army. Curretla Weekly by is °roc-cries cad Pr. Eigka Flour ' 600x9,001 Wheat,.... 1,4581,5.1 Corn; 1,10 Rye, 10(1 Oats, Barley, 145 Flax. 2,00 Potatoes, SO Turnips, 40 Onions, ..... _ .... ....1 70 Keens, 2 00132 2 Ilrind apple*, ....77;1 Green s• ... 75 Butter. 241126 Lard ' 4 IViallt Paras 110124 ShouVers, flit . / Obese- 12,111 Piro, 2, Pup Corn, p e r bunk ....1,25 ito-Pag'o • Choke Lots for. Sale. CORNER Third and State!Streetm, tn , l Cora«r et:Cloth acd Wrtle Streets, ;I; with Cottage Houser. at E. D. GITSNISOK. fat476l-3a• 85,00 A DAY I . WILL BE PAID. FOR ' AGENTS to & tides ' 124 Pz?Vhz rceAlestion, it a; Oka ttf,n 4 MI6 imm.dts,4li at Briviro'• febl 61., D. fl; Cif • 11.3RRT.f TAE undorsignPd•oders for Rent from th. 10 of Apr 11,1 4 .34,41 .81IALL TRACT-OP; LAND; In Ilitlerawk tp., on the 'Edinboro ptark road, 2,}i talks Err.oth tr,m otaining 7N, noroa, ander good curl, ration, with an excalkut orchard and pure dater. ii.I.VO—STORY STONE nousr, I with kttshen ettsetsed, and all the 'imams'', entballd Ines are on the premises. For terms apple ,to - Sixth, between Nstiasd and German its., Erie. , Stray Bull. STRAYED from the pretn los of MI nirlerAgned in WI city, anoc.t three mon'hs ego. a St 1,1,, *boat a year ant a-ha'f nit co' or ' a t black and white—a tine animal. There i. a ell' in one o' his ears. .tn r p. , f1.1U 11110Wtlit Of hie whereae , outs will pl-aa-2 leave information at inv tesnlence near the natlet inch. Tllo'l. CAValia - 41-1. 1'0)8'040 FIRST NATIONIia RINK OF ERIE peticnated Depteltory of the Uoited Etetes.2- 5 PER CENT, V. S. LEGIL TENDER NOTES. SEIftF.T .RY of the Treseary has authorised the Pt-at National Hank of Er e t. remise subscriptions f or the Tern Year Fore Per Cen , . Tre teary Notes, which eve mode a Ler.l Tender for their Nee tutee, by an eat onfarn't 31 HMI. The notseare of the denetni-stion of S.O $1,(0) P . c., with e,opons attached perable sendoevonually.• The notes bear. interest from date of de p tat of tine money in this flank. If. 4.pIFORD, Giblet • NOTICE. ()erica or ?tilt PRIIA k Mtn R. R. Co., NOL.2IM Wa'nat &treet.--PocaneArtu.a. Jan. IP, The holders of orbs t ertttltato, of erefarei de`A, ioroed to accordance with au act of-Aasemhty, paea-d ' Apra 12, tni, he the +abhor; k Kr a Rat'rna I Co., and dated Way la:, :850, are r,q•iested to present the tame imomplistely for redemption at the ofSee of Oto t ompauy. US febTel. CIdGE unce. • • Treason r, P. T. u G.- . LESSONS , • PSIOrgIiOR OF MUSIC THE GLOBE, THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. I did notpubltsh a Prospeetee on the lest Rose of the Ceagressama/ - Globe, of thetas* session. as has been toy custom fur Ilia prerelle& erosions, because. owingto the 1114 h had t pay far Inater.als. I did ovit believe eou'd afford to priat it at tto pricy ler ott'cle I had th carlahly printed It. • Bat I hare concluded to 'print It it those Tate. a long is thin wag eentionee,l3oleng I shalt find, that the loss no I too &Traitor no , to year. Via Daily Globe void the Concreatanal Globe and Ap• p•nd.s will be:p.eartahed dunni the nett Session Or Co • seal, (rehtati be a long one.) to convene JO nits city thh first Monday in n , at s•ezerober. The 0 try whi contains full repot'. of the debut • - In troth branches of C•sircrs t , aiso.toe news of the day tog, t er with a ch adittrnat tulle es as teazle. intidelle 4 bay passing ere•ita. z 'rob i!ongrraal .nal Mobs and Appsodlz will contain * • report of all the debates of.thil“ins.ten. revised by the, 11 Bpeaksre, the .ssage of the r Proc.:le:4 of the United Ewe% the nevelt of the Ileada of the Exoeut , ritr= inenta,the Lawir ward deride ihe eeetion, aod e indexes to ail. They told W print 4 41k,• deal& -total sheet. quarto 'Oral; esill sheet eoatainung tiallson Mai quarto pages awl %malty make aissat 6,000 pope for • long - Radon. . a • ibie—on. Globe an Lppeatils peas tree tire' the mails of the United Mate% r a feint gleohntea of Civets. papasselth nth of Ai de nslie*, Teltala.—ror onset"! of this Daily , Ogobraterfint the session &Ai -get ewe espy at tut,oagracilosal 'Motet and Appeodie &rise e s Woo sll,o*. .• The batl Y Gloturtnartra rano tor saw or laTelliwathal •at the nits.of $1 per month. Saha Aar the Con Inwlenalalobe sad Appear man bil fag the statue No &Cannon arlikta tolantaltionlitasallhensilq: mea ey seems:pan :- - • 4001 C:1111111: WAtroosesClFT; Ostallb leei , Fartirl far ; Sale. '• 1 I • • , !FILE Wfut:46A . heiontfre flit - f3aAo h . ' hiT4 to Saideaktp 006 0.., V*, wooigsigiag , sere* of rod intl. silo, miles from' Me sky,' siva* IN; tetfor 1 flastaplko , tra4 sad tour 113§, 91 frogs irstindbol V ill, P. will watered. with good WOW" blur U leattaaf. thirty mor wood food. Apply ow ping**, twit hulk } informstion. Will Would on tosaaaablo term. I i jao3Ott. . 1 loliN R.014T1411„v ! • • MVIL =TUC= 101111014 , Itilll , .1 ri i iAtesv tAdditg.i4itoirli l iietiiiiiitit , ' . n o ft itry: me bid irill ettellseadlimdimilliales I in. "644 I TIZ:Mr "g ratief= " 4* __L MIMIC thi ' eladr •l' 1200 toil spa thil Few& as Asidiss styls. . (M 111•111. ; dos ftpi4lll able. • ' !lIIBINIIK7 ; ~.:; 4 • I i EIMIii E MARKETS. ERIE PRODU I. BLISS, General Dealer Cora* f z*tata as/ btrwts. Rik Tab. 4,1464. Dried Peai ies, . 20405 u FlutOz, - 15 4 . RAsriberiles, - 25 u Blookbenies, IS Rio Coifter, 35040 Las " i 45400 'lrma thigu 14416 Co Bee A. f' . —IOW Crushed I; Pulvoried.,..2o "Trot Ind.; Y0150050...1 0 4111 1 10 9yrup...... 1.3411.28 arms Too ; S'ol.llo 1 4 set " 1 1:-041)1.2A Japan " 1 1 , 00 0 1 . 40 ti tow Candles )6 Svoirino ' " ..(•.. ..20 •• White Rini', iistro.l .- 0. 1 . 4 ?to at, do-1. —. ' 6.60 :Mackerel Sa t ...$1541118 lurrtisemodo. for Rent. Coo 1* had Again of WILLIAM WILLING, ,i, & :,. •. : --- :.,-- nuv Atlitrlitittifef tr.valgrisi r Oati THE . N i a7lllo,looloal. Thy - of learriage 2 50 -lit AND `IsoIiTGRAVIITO‘.—Prtea max _ erlwel MOO& lied free et postage to all pots at U Os the taannitios of yoath and 1 1160 1 1 dtr_ a _ ilikebilles of bola sown 0 , -au lift Maw( ~ setipanaorit, dominion of fsiftWasigi o fte n inleidal Imaginations. lataalikes, Ilessa i toditgratiora lanaltudo. with et llas latoaust D u i Basra WNW laisk Orlt i t and i Young )lattice Loki ix: bit, Ufa a htl within to the insirlid and Um* so tanao= ea co. who entertain secret lambi. De owls cbuditkow, sad who are icon' , ellioall Of hailhag hanarlid the health, kappliews and 4aggto old& wary human being Is entitled. lit XXX who are troubled with was mewl tenet. all. Ostesidlly OW habit in youh, the Peseta of which ,Misr, &mettle-nes% somatirosa a ringlet. Lithe sorsolosh 'yea soiAnsia the 'wok and tower ortraildtfueopataaloa cal ideas, of saemnry, with nalitanallWay be sand by the an ors Nt 0' PA it Ut XXO LO X TXXATXXXT., Ws hati4fre the ranch per{ of th last rear, devotea nay thee lalyisitlog thei zumpran I raipitata, h e saisahree Of thkhnouladv• and hes of the tweet Wiled paslisbilhibie and surgeons In mope and on the oontbus - t, !boil who place the *elves 'miler our can will cow 10=1i benefit of the many New and wlito we are enabled to lotrielue Inhibit! ' Oa, andt r imalla may rvit suss , ,rra arth , MEW alddalty.• IKCY and atter bon Min g pale. their imam, phi& hasabritotoesohallv distingolshrd ~,, k•MORPHO, as a Physician in oar PF:CULIA.It %IP plan:len , epollandoial praetteo, for tko plat tcenty-Sca fear. t" tlITe h lch tra — ntZlho'ilw.o'n.',',:,,°%"7,',' 6 „,,ne: and savor ad to cff .1)W! i/ic a: without an, ha . t emit. wi ll use none *. lir be ' ey g Female i'erh, :,- cal Pills. a poly p titian n , ei- ry to be 01, ervoa all, that Wilts abonid not take them ifoliey twee rea.ou tit Irrlisei titilf are In artists rifitritlina,fthe oar.irtt's re of which wet be found on the wrapp-raerompao v tut. pooh hot: though alwaye- so safe and Ile y, WI good.. yet wi tie re are they. ' Price ste box. They can he mailed to\ ny tort 01 - the Unltog tater. 1 \ - TO THE LADIEA-ATho need a coridestiel cal. ad viser with .egtrd to soy of atom. loters.tiu 4 corn, sin - t• to 'bleb tllndr &Matta, oraaniall lon renders theca 1 Ale ate partianlarty Invite to consult Ps Tan , - ICAtarao-llatv 'num"—For married ladies shoes health will not admit, or who hare no deA mire to lie their faint PA, Easy be olitanwl a• eboee. It imperfectly s fe, and has been extensively axed damn s tb• but dila years- Price minced to $lO. TB BeCitZTM OF YoUrif rt. v L ILs,r) 4 "lbarstree en Ike Caw of Prewsegre Rues - A solemn ~tint. lAN! plablialltil, • hawk gamier Ope toad:out prevent ad maanc. uroar schuois, park wade friki /sickle. • litsittai habil ; posathar oad the fat elate 1.122 attiteds de victors, cast dolor./ t a riots yr.,. ear attlis (iwow. fro - o las cover eqemt•ot to the end- A Mt 08 seat by Nisi *scatty! of two T . 3) ctei Sfsompe. rlf" Attendance daily. tom tin them erring till li at night, ¢n on on Sunday's from 2 till Ap. In iiiedl es with full directions rent to any pert of the Halted to a l l il or Canadaa , by wattents, ehatmonte.ting their ptoors by letter. Business' correspondeoce strictly sfideotial. er pt. L.'• Odwi Is still located ea estahllehed, un der the dame of DB. L t CROIX, No. 31 Mitten I no., Albany, N. tr, 1 , a ,g-2,”6.-;- Chauge the Drug Business t !The long ootabllshed and will known Ding di Medicine Store of J. 8. Carter Baa weed tiro the hands et the undersigned his sr o, who, baSng purchased the entire stock will continee the business uTherstofor• in the ram. place. The past and present4eputation of this home as a Preierlption and Fanny Itedlettle Store, place it , _ ,4,ITELD OF SYY mato Ti3F. crrT Aid at sabseriber hopes, by careful attention iiiithiudi clous management, o merit the SAMS for the tutor, Mr. i. S. Carter, although withdrawing from the =re satire bubo?' of Ilse bconoese, wilt still remain in the store, Where he hopes to meet his old friends sod may be eonsulthd as usual. SAMUEL CA.II CAR. septiFeSul, JOHN WELSH, CHEiPIIEDE, - - ERIE, PA., WLIOLZBALI DELLIS 13 BALTIMORE OYSTERS! 6 - Th ?HS COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED WITH Fresh Can and Fe g Oysters, Eeoeived every Day, and irmainn TO CM SITISF/CTION! Orderl solicited sad promptly attended to. 1 rwrlCFStr. W:': WELLS, X. R. C. i , -, 1 Frtnit LO 'DON. EN..., • No,f lu, Superior St., Cleveland, 0. .1 - 4 1rP.RY StTi ii. P..: il ea r l .LA be cured try hi* ova .ream, who:l)l3as 1 ern all •- cemattal in thou,. and. n , con to Flocland and canon, a Ca est I ne,oc, , aold grn i-n1 Del lat,. • co. suropoon. Nedra igta. A I , 1,1121 ,c,at , c,“ tat , . ttato , st !Fen.... 7e peg Oda. Rhearnitl6l2, /47. r Comnialn: Tcciat. ArrtfiTtow tali to Inaa,Ale C. DJ INO a. LP, -*III PA' VI ea4n.a..., Lops of gem ety',„ _, Secondary Sympt.r.-n..:excal Clismises, Ayphille Erupts , nit Mcerate I .. ,, re Leza, Mee!, 'Art o ttoroa. Dhaetoen of the Bladaer and Cud , ea s, and a 100 Hat of fearful Ahem' • known to 1 . et cons Coop? lota, resulting from foul ant N. reurill treatm-ut. , Tonng men who are troubled with ne 4 .eas, generally canoed by a had 'habit to youth, can 'be effectually enrol by this treatment. Platintta of either .ex Helot at a dlstarce by statlni thOr disease In writing. giving all tho al =a:ono. clo obtain medicine with directions for um. LW liedietnee are Itschsairely Vezet4 , l4 X:E na ntetm-Cnelcal ~laths, One Delhi. each. Pa deeirous ot tre 'Mug thommelvey, tan b. turr 01.a..1 with tbe most improved Electrini Inxtrumenta, and 'in struction. to their prover m.d.c,l a, pl.e. i , •n... • , Ille Doctor Treats Sereessfelle all i.iscases if tie EYE 41VD EAR. Ho we will be received (here there are any doubt., of • Ore or a relief. gym Ur. KEENCE.4.—Dr. Brett. Robert Gill, Jolla stNOi as, 14. Ppm, John ETACIII, Dr FeieD, Fl. ::rekro IL .„ T. Trivett, Esq, Geo. W. Jessup; Elat , l'ev. tieor:4 e D May. Rev. T P. 'tom,' CONSULTING nouns.- Freya 9 4. U. tog P. St. sun di,t. from 1 P. 11. P,rt...llfie 131 a. 3219. Yo LAttirri mil to aneimred anima they clnial a . re mittance or 1 postage stamp. if ucleFe a e'a n:• tar a Circular noe'2 , 'o:l -1 y. Erie Ale Brewery, 4 0RNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. !I Erie City Lager. Brewery, CORNER .OF POPLAR AND RIDGE STREETS. l Erle Malt & Barley Warehouses. , CORNER OF 7TH STREET t CANAL , . , 'Pilo and Mob. =and XXX ,Ales, !The Best Quillty and Usual Varietits of Lager, Filen, leitzto4 blistery Abp., • IThu Choicest Qnsittirs of. Matt and Mirky. e' On hand and and for save by . . [ A. KING. 1 aisvaqtr. , e Administratrix's . Notice. ErrEHS of AclintotBtralion upon the !11,4 kat .te ofJoho V oar, late of II I.ier.ek. stag been granted to the moduli , rIP , I, nn i e , s • en4l Venn ton 1 parrots todebt.4l to e Ltd e.t,te to m-.,e im mediate pa‘ment, and thole twine .ceeto.ll same win pee*ot th, to, propel Iv a'atholtimtvrt, to tne. 11, 111..Ci,A G. V, It, , 11111eratk, Ece Co., ra., AdtF.l. istal4-15w. febeT<l4 tf. 'Adnilzdetratrix's Notice. j ErrEits of Adonnt-irioioti to 0 , 1 the Fatatootioel Porter, lota or NV. terford totrrotble ne etwl. having Cern ranted In tio sotiiv 'is betel *lvan 'CO& per•on• Incle.h•e I t, a tat.. to make Inuordist• Ps, Mont. a d - tho sasnis• ac ouot• ,sg der the illecia p 'lea , tEcitri property auttventirat ;Lad, to Ma. N chntalgttatt as Bomar, elle Co. Pa. 31.1 g Farm for Sale. THE uridersiened offers i'4‘r sale, until the 15th of Pe raary next tre i",.rin in Ftvoltnit to, ern:Minh:4 one hondrrd stud fort. armee, to, e or 1. oey 0011 handrt Sere* itchdovet • the gizmo o 4 tan -1e; goad firm nal map. oretarti atdi L weft nate 0. it le inn •ted 7 sti'e. rom I. no on the Wive fo d pt-nk raid •'e 1 1 1 • above a real he r-nttd for one. , I t...• 3 Jot ; • Executor's Notice. lCijETT.Etill3 Testamenta r y on the Estate or D 1.710 TROM.V 4 . deetosed, tate of Itilteivk tp., Cis musty; Pa. Wang been gem:flail* the ender toed; nodes Islo, Oki atvottoall parson. bitizz el* , vas again 4 the semie to,present them, property sathervicet.d. 1.. r settieseat. lad those Mowing tbentectrrs indebted to the mad eatifter will mess isiteeteets p.i writ SI.IZASIMI TtIOSR9, _ *AZT K. TIIOIIA4, 11 jaer.44 6 ' ' i Executors. Ailiantitrat f or's Notice. mats of Admini,trationti having tees granted to the eadersitrued ea the estate of Wei Medians, domes* I. late et Graeae ts. tee Co, Pa.; Sadie , ul heresy giThiti to all pergola tocrw'n2 them- NOM Indebted to the acme to iroks teteleallato pvevat, theft halPtig lagniagstasatAimp Wats pe w eas this far eelttlemeat. 4LICE iIegULAY. ...Mi.. FINN ttY, aostabotara. Grams til . JIM. SO. 11141-4.,•-. PIPES! PIPES I - titAn tonifrible r lure lot or weergerars. ow. Naom i Mir!lr ot, Bosiwood sod Ism/ dila Sims. it b irdt -; tedliiiiigglisit : ..44:Tist.:t- t . .14.4•6 .t.: 4- 3:l ,i4V/MPell& - 4 r 1 M 111., . 4 4 ' . 1 ME IM BASIN. t r. •...„...... ...„, ..„,------: R-. - it:L.l FOR SALE. CH'EAPERJ- - IRTIV LitaOlt TWO STOST a l ai ltlet torn, iiiiiiiiiirefilie. brick bake armour loot wall of water. largo obtain, . ON mites tome, 1 bun, ?Sly 110, an osallont ar• • - dud or gratod trait, Lasiwilitg opPlee. oll int : . ..t paws, Is, sajolaiskr Ow; Ont We ofilliiik f t aeon of woollen! Proud. part of Idle!: oreoinlaildr an mataaPasasa via* at the Car. Biky, gartwoloo a, ' for ' I Sittki-: ":-' 25 AcnEA aAjoloting aboir, moll franto boom. largo frier b+rp, too.l orehardior grated fruit, Jos. f0r....61,060 i 3 ACRES CROIC t LaND,—!mall has bosimarami barn, orchard. to, 6 miles from Esio, thr UAW • 117 ACRES, .9 mite. Error rile, 40 improned,hatasesipood wno.l laud, 1 U2(1011;t0151 Sunbury Road mt 4 Jaskeoled haulm, barn and Ortimml rIIF. Large and Compkie OIL Ratornima's• eft" or Erie, known as tha 'l64' Refinery." wapsety Mope ; IS) barrels per wooly togther with 6 sans of 'laud, fronting on l'hira 411 Cis Railroad, f0r........14,400 Lnts, Bowles and Lots and Oat Lots in the City and h rburba, 'The Pubier.ber having teeetakr Warted mad witoo44ll Is minor, storing Walston, needs hands to tam' it os. na Is der/S.:rased to sell • fart of Ms Emil Estate. Ile the re t'o r eottes the !Storing at the *boom tow raw% lad will taste the terms favoishis sod tit/00 . perhtt. A. KINC. • dee2S'ea. McAlister's - 1--x.m.A.1.41-ri . NTMENT wa l l pee:ilia:it*: 1 11 CIITCS Diner loy °peals' ibe POMO Lad reitoring try Insenands Perspiration, it Insohariges the\Vitistid Seam/say WI - \•""' remotes the =la of Caws. - If takes Eke k4ttaa oat punts, Hares tail Wounds, and ssi,lsdnes lo Lion at ones. •, ; it'ls Absorbed b if gbe rkla a 4 dlase!es. atd • Hod in Aged. deer it Operates like 11 aisle when A ttor e of the Lunge, stomach end I It le also Equiitly Beneficial la Complaints Oar Gallant Sold)ers end rialios• PAC, it than Gold. it bas saved irCIMICILIO safTertog ' I and =pre lives on oevery gory battle•Eeld than sn other meFw inrer ref rted to - -- i It to known all proond Ike world or dm m *nothing and healing ointment in existence. /Axes lic Amelia la ttiS Larentor and Proprietor, New York. It is sold at 25 costa by all Druggists ererywbere. Fold by Ss I t. UART• !';'(). 4 West ark Bow, AI Olt for Erie. tti holeasle Depot. at SORTU.II k Co.'s, 6/.2 troadrey. der-ro3-:m. 3 3 a vc , R_IGHT'SBLOCK, STATE STREET, ERIE, PENNIA Where a fall sad choice eaaortmeat of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! DOSIF"TI(3 AND FOREIIiN FRUIT'S. WILLOW AND; WOODEN WARE, STONE WARY. VEGRTABLES, are alina}a on hand and sellmg cheap at . •14tf JOHN RASTARD'd 5e.e.Gr.6877. NEW f,URNITIJRE STORE. J. H. RIBLET & Wr aid resprcildly info m the public that 4 Uri hats opened a FURNITURE WARE-ROOK, . GABLE'S BLOCK, IL . Between and Bth Streets, on State; %%here .1a y ict nd to k--op omit. nily on band a toll assortment of , SEW AND WELL SELECTED FEUNTERE. rir We reliectiully solicit • shim of the l'nblic pct. H. W. liflloYEr- VALUABLE Store Stand and Residence for Sale. 'I I IIE urKiersigned offers for &tic. Ilia veinal:a property is the village of Bearer Pam, }..rt. Ca., ltonelsti• g of an'excellwnt More BGildlpg d Ilwelling,tiouwe, with an tare or more of hod at. twened The Sto e hoe been owed for the - purpone a rest notntwr of )eers, and is well fitted...being 11310, eDnIATI" ~nt and h, ring &km 4 cellar. A wring attached to the uut izi wlil a , !eomtuodate • small lamlir. The stand is one of the birot in the enmity. being invited' In a lathy, frrr ile anj wee neighborhood. The r.eldente lw a Teo store one, having a large, dry ecis.r, and being both r,om) and convenient. A good ituetn, Well-sad darn AIR eonpelied with the bowie I real sell or at. '.haute ter property to Erie, on reunnabie term. Ally leaLirt wishing purchase will addreSs. Jokis Call e. dee'irapi. l • Frie City, Pa. New Hardware Store, Corner of Bth and State Sta., The !iubserihere hare opeDed a SMOCK 0 F HARDWARE 1 • All now and coat received frntn the EaSteen ilarketit, - coinprmag Nulls, Cutlery, Cooper's To+ls, Hinges, Locks, FAo,-; Cie tLL rinstrarrioN - F, cad , v.r..'ar et, n,c-111v f4ti.,4 in Clel ..t.thr11011111: fit" . yn i n ru reqee ea tney can beer • any other iilae9 In the city. ttsay invite a tali frcra ali tho3e who )23‘y neat articloa in thinr line of basw..aa. • FEED . CUTTERS! .t. Large Stuck of the EqpulE- , 70.. 1. 3 *ad 3, with 4 Knives. War rtm ted to out i.i , lrter :time or StaLts equal to any Haeblue iu the wortcl. Price-- , No. 1, la; No. 3, $27 ; Nu. 3,333. Also: the Ptt.el/1 Ipf—Nee. 1 and 8. 5,411.114e5 , sod d otib!o 1,4110. tylitsb we 'well 41.51;t0n tu sum! 01 Farmers oritli midi= - Ne. 1, 'lngle knife, $18; \o. 2. unix lo km's, $l5; o.krilres, st 4; No. 2, 2 kniVal. r.„ TH F.; STA s,C,•ruer of Ninth azid..ltat4 Streets., tol•aeblanditekees N,* EloeL ;Tv:ft - Z . `f. D. PIERCE & CO. T. A. W*ItES.. J. 41.1 tliß. NE* GROCERY STORE. The undeteigned hare oven d a Isiv Cieetuy Mono, as the r4sT sins or vrerx ad HOUSE 4VORTa a.laßado atuoos, irlp•re tlwr intr Empire • fall ruppiy ot - GROCERIES, • PROVI SIONS Wm*. CIZONV PRY W. 4 IL I , l' tl YANKEE NOTION 4, WILL !..AINV WAILS, comni:trrioNAkcmi, TOBACCO & IOA Awl evetithingtisaally na hand in as edahlishateut of the tort. We are &terrains.) to °Mess goad isiainatemeata sassy other de4lers In the etty. and Insi , e the pn' La lii ' . ....n, cnntetent that we can giro saute satielaetbar." net.:::6.111. - e. A. , FC&1314-1) 4 max'. . a r czarzst GROCER ES AT WII9LESALE . AND.iRETAIL. P. SCHAAI), - • • • Wou:d iespectta 1J itif.o th% t agglo itua be has inassi • " No.j 2 Hughes' Block, Eriep_ , Wlac he wlll al ray s keep on band a larissnisiy at . GROCERIES,' CROcKERY - AND WOODEN WARE, wares, Li QOOllB, Cil An l lerreilthlng may or ale In en slistilbilibstrab et the kis'''. • - r` terms as Tbasonable as any taw- atm to Via city *WWI Valuable Property at Prints glib(e SEIRSCRit ER wilt Sed tat Pritraki: Sale, a tam of 10 atm, is Mil creek fp.. F rie Co., adjeloini Lancia titian IC:ltyais in I Ipirs df Atittway gaastasat, dreeased, esslasdneentiet% Nak.l46 sad VS to th*ln of Er • eity. ; There eroded on the tatossei tya two .tor) Brink D•elling Hew. Wale beets trate se. fr.m• butt as ettor..~ol elev. The proper y it besugally situated, ream died e eielf of the cqty *ad liartHr of Erie. It lit ,Vt. *tta oral*: fruit thee. mita debar/tad loll' ne el 51 In Erie county. Enitelweriber wilt also rill, at We, wet' • No. l between Eth tad Mfr l.lo)Nis t S LIG resew thnoats t ot. iti, 100 ft 0111011411. liens ;and is deetrabli t'w batldtt.g ~NC l e ft • • ate eh* Y. St E. it. it abort. - •^ • J.: . I..f,,abase moped: will he •014:41 nium;il4la tiripe4- 4 oo given ea the lst , I /114. =us _ ! witiag i pser It 11/ffl tun Mks W. Ryan, st7oit r `.' " - - Vat; E l t tM I = ant de. . . ../4101164•R A 4stax toT AIL otDrues .111 1411 '.'• • • , 101 9 13:72 LE
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