MEI 1121 CM!! exit bstriter. r WOW: PA, FEBRUARY, 6, Oa rims:. ?musts PT vas Pions u in Pas* dos .4MS:sass Lissyrr. , -.4tairgshorasisefs ' MUSA enters siesurexp. We T itated, several weeks ago; that the sole responsibility fbi,the failurato.orgen-: ise the State Seneta, rested uPOn the _Re°, publiqins in that body, who rejected with soornthe proposition of the Democratic members to make an equal division of t h e - offices, and thus put an end to the costly piece, of child's play which has been *M uting in Harriaburtsince the first Tues day of 'January. The facts which Iwe presented at _that time were snificiemt proof of the correctness of the_ charge, but recent developments have placed the matter in still plainer light, and fixed the stigma of preventing necessary State Leg islation, by their factious course, so strong ly upon the Republicans that all, the in genuity of their tricky leaders j cannot evade it. We alludelo' the resignation of Major White, which -knew aseeitained to ,have been delivered a number of weeks ago, and the fact of which was well known to all the prominent Republicans in the State. If any of our Administration rea ders doubt this assertion let them read the following extract from the Indiana Messexger, a Republican paper published in the town where Major White resides: "The State Senate is still at a dead lock, caused, not by Jefferson Davis at Rich mond, nor yet by - the copperheads of the Nor% but by the obstinacy of Hon. Thos. White, of Indiana, Pa. Every one knows that had Mr. White forwarded the resig nation as soon as received, there would have been none of this trouble in the Senate: A new member eould have been elected and the vacancy filled before the assembling of the Legislature, and thus a great . expense saved to the State. - But . Judge White chose to retain the resigna tion in his wallet, and . the lock in the Senate, the suspension of publio business, and an additional expense to the State is the conseqUenoe. Should Senator White be released to-morrow,,,his father will not be able to shirk the responsibility of keeping the Senate at a stand still s ince the sth of January." And if any additional testimony is needed we refer them to the Franklin Repository, edited by Hon. Alex. K. Mc- Clure, one of the leading men in his par ty, and a gentlemen whose statements on questions of a political nature should be orthodox to all "loyal" Republicans thro'- out the State. That paper explains the extraordinary course of the Adniinistra tionists in the Senate_ by the following paragraph : _ - "The Repository was well advised when it announced, some weeks ago, that the resignation of Senator White was in hie father's hands. Gov. Curtin,. has never seen it, or had any control whatever over it. Judge-White, father of the Senator, received it some sixtsr days ago, direct from Riehntend„ and with it he received a letter authorizing him to use it at his discretion. It would have been delivered to speaker Penny at once, and thus secured a Senator before the meeting of the Legislature, but for the fact that the release of Senator 'White was eanfidently expected from time to time. Now a definite proposition has gone to Richmond, to exchange him for the rebel Gen. Trimble, and if it, is rejec ted the resignation will be promptly de livered and a new election ordered, it it has not already been done. It is, there fore, safe to calculate on the.dead look in the Senate ending in the next twenty days, much to the chagrin of Jeff. Davis and his 'friends' Clymer, Hopkins & Co., of the thimble-rigging persuasion." The public, will have no difficulty, after these confessions on the subject, in fasten ing the blame on the right shoulders. Every, dollar spent in factious delays in the'or ganization of the Senate is a dollar to be charged to the Republican party, and should be remembered by the tax-paying voters at the ballot-box.-- Since wviting the above the:reiiigna-. tion of Major White has been read id the Senate, and an election for a Senator to supply the vacancy ordered. When this takes place, the JaCobins will have a ma jority in that body—for, the district is hopelessly Administration—and . the fa mons "dead-lock" will be broken by the election of a Jacobin Speaker and other officers. LAND 4061? VOA WILE. `The State of Pennsylvania holds- scrip for 780,000 acres of Western Lands, gran ted by Congress for educational purposes. This scrip is for sale, and parties may pur chase it by applying to the Stirveyor Geri era', at Harrisburg. As the State cannot locate the scrip, bat mustsell it to parties who can, and any person purchasing may do so, this will no doubt prove a very pro• Stable investment, and those Wishing to invest would do well to do it at once. It it divided into port:l6l'B_9f one quarter of a section each, and may - be located 'up on say- vacant public lands subject to sale at private entry. TUX New Orleans £re, the Administra tion organ in Louisiana, is satisfied that the abolition party will snowed in "the reestablishment of a State government on the basis l of freedom."' It• admits, however, that; such a governinent could not be sustained, it the Federal army was withdrawn. It says : "Upon the military strength of the Department we must de pend for oar safety and the ini►intsinanoe of our most sacred rights." Inrartswr Dsctstow.—The Supreme cc . purtbf Ittessohnsetts has decided in the Ow of Wood at. &diens, arising in Hamp dentounty and argued last September, thaat the plaintiff, - in an action upon a promissory note payable. On demand in spec*, :can only recover judgment for the amount of the face of the j note and interest, although he offers to prate that at the time when pSyment ~o f the note leas demanded specie - !was worth a premium above psi. ' "AssamAnation LS Till Woe*, Ann , 1 1 i Dias Paosocsca sr.7--Bnch was the lig , lnal given by Theodore Tilton, of , the• new ';policy of the Radical Abolitionists. A mulatto girl, of Phi/adelphia,_laas• caught the word, and advocates it in a book she has just , written, • under t h e title of i t fo "Ifimagenation." A neral mixture of races and, oolom, -no r matrimonial or other auspices is the rns: • • . - ,in addition to his decided Went for silence. lie - 'arrived at Loollivitio, Ky., On thellthi''indirsi oor diauy . ivwsed, bui"rifuSad to make spedili t iettfai 000. Leslie 00: ',;iti.l6'6 ay for Vateslist ha "Itis4WitOtliing , abOat speech-malting and had no disposition is " ~~~ y y 1 SIZE tali WIDTH 1111 IPIPIZAIR. - The extracts we have beeit publishing from the Southern pipers, fne,--thii Lqt week, show that the crisis or tit, plat Ve• hellion has almost been reishid. Theta is no attempt to disguise the ionic, pew fusion and almost hopeihositjlt_ligiphivrhiip interts all cleans of the Southern people. Little or nothing is said of pestle; if is true; indeed, the-chimers of a distinct nationality still bedevils the ruling minds of the South, but as one 411 .. t,e(R,emltr. tion of the dread problemiwhlch must be met in the immediate future. The cur rency is useless, the army ii discOntented, recruits are sorely needed, supplies of food; elothing and munitions of war can not be had, and, for the first time, the. whole press of the, South is in opposition. to Jett. Davis' government. The sweeping conscription law, which forces into the kr• my all the atde.bodied men of the South, without any distinction whatever, has sle veloped, as might be expected, a forma* able party' opposed to the ruling powers, and- whatever of discontent formerly ex• isted has been stimulated into a fierce activity by the violent means which the rebel government must employ to hold, much less improve, Itheir position. We are thus frank in stating the dee perste condition of the t3olith so that our warning against delusive hopes - may, have all the force which candor should give it. We are aware that the administration press will take it for granted that the re bellion is over, and will commence, the discussion of the division of the proceeds before it is fairly secured. We now solemnly warn the country to put no faith in the theory of the downfall 9f the rebellion through the process of ex haustion.. With all the signs of panto and confusion which reach us from the South, we believe that when the spring opens it will find the three great Southern armies —Lee's, Longstreet's and Johnson's—he: ger, as well fed and supplied, and anima ted with a more desperate resolution than ever before. The outcries we hear at the South are from the wealthier and more influential class of Southerners, who are willing enough that the war should go on but who have no stomach for fighting in the ranks as common soldiers.' The news• paper editors who oppose this wholisale conscription are in the same boat. Writing for the rebellion is all right, but fighting for it is not in their line. Then there is a disconted party in North Carolina who talk' ery loud against the Confederate Governinent, but who take their opposi tion out in talking. The truth is, Jeff. Davis Is still master of the sitnatibn so far as the control of the South is concerned.. All the military and civil machinery of the government is in his possession, and nothing but State action or armed resistance will check him in his designs. As we see no evidence of an open revolt against Davis at the South, we take it for granted he will be enabled to get all the men and supplies he needs to open the spring campaign with tremen dous vigor. Let us be prepared to meet him with augmented armies and si sterner resolution than his own, and perhaps the next grand campaign may really be the last.—N. Y. World. - A - party of_ soldiers from New York State; who had been attending Goy. Cur tin's inauguration, were detained a few hours at Sunbury in Consequence of the trains not connecting. While there they gat drunk and were led by some resident rascals to assault the aloe of the Sunbury Democrat. After doing much injury to the materials of, the office, and In ,a most cowardly and cruel manner beating the owner of the building, they retreated to several of the Saloons, where they "de stroyed. whatever they could put their hands oh. Their conduct is severely con demned by the Sunbury America*, a Re publican paper. The outrage was only cowardly but infamous. The Dem erol is one of the ablest and most patriot -10 papers in the State, and it. editor is one of the most efficient members of our State Legislature, whose election is • most empathic endorsement of his 'correct ciples. - The editor offers $lOO reward for the, arrest of the perpetrators of the outrage, We esteem this as useless, for, up to this time, GOT. Curtin,has promptly pardoned every miscreant convicted of destroying private property or committing 'gross aii• wilts for politial"issmiss. Of course the Governor who does that is no better the" other rascals, yet the knowledge of this fact does not protect private rights. We have ever been an advocate of the close observance of law, but if It is understood that the Governor of the State will par. don every scoundrel who may destroy property or commit perional assault' for politicalressons, then we say Democrats,. as no law IS left to you, protect yourselves harm is threatened, arm and fortify sufficiently to prevent tallied Wove—, Crosta.l Pamena. TIM WASILINGITIM ILUNAVIC4II MID MIS • DICOL/WSOSI. , . - . Phikaaphers na that nations are, subiect at timestoattealre of inanity, the same as individuals, and that wars and pestilence. are the rude correctives pro vided by nature to restore the crazy mars to a normal state. It Li rely deer that if the people of the Unite; States at. not ail out of their heads, then the governing majorities, North and South, an not in their right muses. The South foolishly persists in its chimera of independence, which is midget pasible nor desirable; while *ending party of the North insists upon a tistattinition with the negro, width reason, and instinct alike forbid. The' 'Madness of the administration party is 'shown in the absurd adulation paid to Mks Anna 11..Diskensoa. There is really nothing remarkable about this young woman. She, k a rery ordinary. looking person, with oe hank sou*, an unfeminine =arm, sad a .penot-like flow of words. What she MAP is tamely s rehash of the law and violent assemiuni of the extreme redial journals, and orators. . She attracts ear& 'when ',she Speaks, by appealing to the saki Wilt of the userveieus and monsoons, by-mktals - Barnum has made fortune's ort4bito ins wooly horses, , Dwarfs, Ades mien maids, and other queer lithe Yak thk s silly'young person was allosiedi tie the of thO Lull of 114 . 1fouso of ilesitimentatires a " ids, to isisks,* ode ei her &glom Sot' only so; • tifthe *Ain't Walston were mow bee sons MOB LklW. J~~~M.q a... ton, and she was introduced and in by the oilleist heads of the fiscal end $012114- ANOTWIR CI UM WOK W 69 • per,Feb., 1. Ordered; that a draft for aye hundred thousand ifieti to serve for three 'years or during the war, be made on the 10th day of ]larch next, for the military service of the Unit d States, crediting and deduct ing therefrom so many as may have been enlisted or drafted into the aeriiee prior ioLhir.first day Asf-lisesik, sad sot hem- Wore credited. (Signed) ABRAHAM LIiTiX)LN. ' The following explanation of, the aboie Call is male by the Washington agent of the Agent:gated Inn: It will be recollect ed. that in October a call for 300.000 men was made, This number htts , heen about half filled by volunteering mid re-enlist menti.• The call-now made for 800,000 interpreted by gentlemen seqtMinted with military aftairs, to include the above 800,- 000, being, in effect, an additional call for 200„000 men. The volunteering is supposed to furnish at present an average of 2,000 .per The cadet of the President makes a credit or deduction of so many as may have en listed or been drafted prior to the Lt of March, at which time the 8400 premium expires. !. When these arrangements are completed, the total in the army will be half a million of men. As lactpturr or via Tillll.-4re have read much if the arrests upon party grounds which have taken place in other sections of the Gauntry, but to the credit of oar people and public officers be it said, that, :although we have an ' enormous Administration - majority here, Erie county has thus _far escaped the disgrace of any of these:operations. It must not be inferred, however, that we here not Men in our community bigoted enough; to be guilty of any degree of injustice; ageinst• a political opponent, but rather that the good sense of the larger portion of the people, ap• predating the advantages of Free Speech, and understanding the theory of our govern ment, has overbalancled i and made impotent the desires of the milignant few; to imitate the occurrences thati have Ashen ,plaeo else where. An incident that transpired a few days ago will serve to( display tie 'spiiit that actuates this last mentioned elms of persons. On Saturday last. ia number sriztlemen were assembled in a hotel at Wellsburg. Among them was a young furloighed ,soldier, aged about eighteen years, who: wis relating his experience in the, army. The conversa tion soon turned upon the feeling of the sol diers for Gan. McClellan, when theyottng man denounced the General -in; severs terms, saying that any person who would uidehake to defend him now in the Army of the ,Poto mac would be hooted out of camp. One of the gentlemen present. Wm. Sherman, Rsq., as respectable and influential • a citizen as there is in the township, doubted some of the, soldier's statements. The latter became an gry, and wound up by calling Mr. ,Sherman a "Copperhead." Mr. S. retailed by 'saying that he "would as leave be* called a, Copper head as a Saphead," and Intimated to the soldier that such language ie he had used was not very becoming a young man towards an old one. The soldier then oom - - ;gained that it was not pleasant far those who had been is the army to come honie and be abused, when Mr. Sherman responded that it was not a bit pleasanter for pergola too old to enter the service, to have young men, who know little of political history, to come home and abuse' those who wersT i pitying taxes for the support of the war, and sending snide. of comfort - almost weekly to tie army. , On Monday Mr. Shermazistarted froin his home to this city, and took a seat in the same car on the Pittsburgh road occupied by the young soldier alluded to.. On the way to Girard the latter intimated :that •he would have Mr. Sherman punished, but, thinking it mere blaster, the old gentleman paid scarcely any attention to the threat. It seems, how ever, that when the train arrived l at Girard, the soldier telegraphed to Deputy Provost 12ion -to have a guard at the depot in this city, and Mr. Sherman was astonished upon getting out of the-ears, to And a couple of bayonets presented at him, and near s stern voice announcing that he was under arrest. Provost Lyon was present, also, ;and imme dined, inquired of the soldier the came fier the proceedings. The young man gave his story, and the Provost promptly pronounced his course ridiculous, saying that: Mr. Shor n= had committed no sot that could possibly be considered a crime. The pilsoner wu dis charged at once, and the ofliolowyoung sol dier received a lesson that will probably makir him a wiser man in future. Mr. Sherman is warm in his praise of Provost Lyon's on duct. , We present this case at length because it is the first instance of an wrest for political reasons that has occurred in Ow , county, and to shiow the contemptible meanness of a class of men who happen for the time to have a party majority in the loyal States. We es teem a true soldier, as much as any man in the country, bat a person who acts as this fellow did is not' worthy the 'reipect of any person in the community. Our readers can imagine the sort of nation we . would have if a lot of petty tyrants of his stamp could succeed in managing the Government to snit thsir, intolerant views t' ; Proig the Sid 'Anhui:it CAXP OP its 830 Niue. P. P., Rappahennock ',Station. Va., Jam 28th, 113434. FEUD Osemtvent—On Saturday, 3sn'y 23 41, Capt. D. C. McCoy. of Meadville, re turned from a ten day's lesie of absence, bringing with' him his commission at Clem. Colonel of the 83d, and a soinmission for Capt. 0. 8. Woodward as Colonel. On Bion day, Jan. 25th, Capt. McCoy Wes duly mus tered into the service as tient. , Oolonel of the 8841,. and on the following day took command of the regiment Owlig to then being some lies seven hundred sad fifty 'alighted mei Sn the muster rolls, Capt. Woodward • cannOt be mustered yet as Colonel. EleVenty;ieven recruits would enable 'him to get mustered; land from pre- sent appearances we serum! to wait but a Alai this; as volunteers for 'the Oa are be , *anise to,straggle into camp i Theta are four hundred enlisted men in camp, reported for duty. 'May, Jaa.22d, the ,regiment were-re lieved 'from 40, as guards on the railroad tiaina,-; • • , - H „ cot. pcversugovhe has OhaVge _of the -sell read ,frots Alezeadrie to, Qaipepper Court ouse,Arksjemanzions to luivs the regiment move to Ahlszaadria, In order to make it, more eoesesteat for the, oeidnotore ;of tbe trains, but tho bifejor commanding the regiment ob l!Potld to moving, .sad the consequence is, we era eiiniel4d, to return to leer long -tried odiee. temp., 00 2 taigas A 144. The sth Paitiilassrvmm, AM& the 44th N. Y. V., have tikes Sir place. • Qr s ahm and Link C. P. Born ex- MgCM=E=EM= I =CM MERE ZESIS Mot to lists las la! days for hose. oa sndthis sorties ingthlair rendae quiet, with the amp. Liam el a tow ttalaaptatukt eidde b 7 Ketieby'l thieelie mad rebbses. No furleighe are puma lb regionals • ere a number have re-enlisted sad gene h. " on a thirty cloys' furlough. had not been so luny redrafts is the se - tlist they could hare re-ealleted WI wen home In • body, nearly all of those who luta two years would hare rir The ' h quarters e•• • • • u spring. PePeri iMaistxies• ; Anawrio.--The A NoritAll for Febru ary has this internal list of contents : "Oink= ;" "My Btot • and I;" "A Half Life and &if • Life ;" "0 • the Relation of Art to Nature;" "Snow," Mrs. Elisabeth Akers; "House sad Mome Papers," by Har riet Beasher Stowe ; "The Couvultionists of 81. Medard," by Robert Dale Owen; "Pres ence," by Alice Cary ; "Glacial Period," by Louis ASsosil ; "Bryant:" by George 8. MI. lard ; "Annealey Hall and Nentead Abbey," by Mrs. Waterston; 'The Last Charge ) ," by Oliver Wendell Holmes; , "Northern, Inva sions," i kT Edward Everett Hale ; and the usual relieve and literary notices. - Among the noticeable features of the number is Mr. George 8. Rillarre paper en "Bryant," a fine pie** of appreciative criticism. Damosnirr's housesioria Naws.—The New York 11lyStrated News has recently been pur chased by Mr. W. .1. Demorest, 'aid will be published hereafter under the above caption. It is lhtended to make the Yews more of's family paper than any illustrated journal now extant. In addition to pc illustrations of current *vents, it is Wanted to devote a con siderable space to the 'Wats, and other matters of peculiar interest:to the gentler sex. It will also endeavor to supplptle-want of o good comic paper, which we have ,not had since Vanity fair came - to an untimely end. The Votes of the paper published since the change in proprietors, show a great improve ment, and the News' will soon be a formidable rival of Ilasper's Weekly and Frank Leslie's Illsutrstab .Papa. Ka tognasoqutz.—The February number of this old and favorite monthly has the follow ing interesting lilt of contents : Sermons, by a non-reverend, Womanhood's .CrOwn, The Blue Overcoat, The Dead Heart, The Restore tive Nature, An Oriental Poet, llntaimological Pins, A Volunteer's Story, 'lcarus, s Persian Story, The Cragaa Portrait, Bretating Heart'. The gditaia.Tabla, Mirk** the best, femora of this monthly. keeps up its old-time &alums and geniality. Otmasow.—We always gladly welcome Glea son's Literary Compsesteur, with its bright, neat, well Ailed pages, contorting something spicy and good for all clams of readers. `This su perb weekly "companion" is e, great favorite in literary tarsi* and well it may be. Mr. Gleason evinces as unusual degree of energy se well as the best of taste in the:manage meet of his periodlcal, and is deserving of the widely-extended lid rapidly increasing pa- tronage'Which he receives. • Woyanos.—One! of the oldest and most popular literary weeklies in the land is the well-known Wanly Asyssine, which is now 'Wile twenty-eighth volume. The reputation of the W4lll/11/1, is established beyond all cavil, and its enterprising editor andptprietor, L Moses Dow. Esq., is reaping a m ted re• ward for his 1'640141;6b1. efforts Ili runtish ingthe people with a first-elan weekly wage, Liao. —The rebels have suddenly displayed wonderful activity in every quarter, and we bear of guerrilla raids i n Louisiana, Virginia, Telma, North Carolina, and even in 'Kentucky. We shall be agreeably disappointed if the hopes which the Re publicans had iinted upon the public heart that the was near its end, do not, like most of the beliefs founded on the same authority, turn out to be to tally false and foolish. All iidloa tions now point to an enormous increase of the rebel armies, and an early and desperate opening on their part of the spring campaign. On the -morning of Feb. Lt, our outposts at Bachelor's Creek, N. C., were attacked by a rebel force 15,000 strong, and the forces in that neighborhood obliged to fall backwithe loss of from 50 to 100 men, their camp equipage, a few stores, and probably one section of light artillery. Our comman der in that section is reported to be con fident of holding his ground hereafter: A simultaneous movement was nude by the rebels on the op 'to side of the river to cdt off our oominunicih tion, with what success is not, reported; 'S times from Mesde ' s arm y say that ni du bi: il l tr iAckets front are frequently chap it is supposed in eontuseegqndsfes of cation and want of confidence in some of their regiments. All reports concur in stating, that food is scarce ; . a quarter of a pound of salt pork and little tour are given daily to each man ; tea, coffee and sugsi are unknown. •No cloth ing has .been distribtited to Lee's army since the' movement of Kies Run.': Inter cepted letters state that of 3,000 rebel cavalry sent into the Shenandoah Valley during the recent cold weather, not Over 600 had returned. Many were frozen to death, many others frost bitten, and the whole movement was a perfect failure.. , • From Newtown we stave farther Par ticulars of the rapidly-increasing. feeling of discontent in North Carolina. The people are urging the calling, of. a State Convention, and Dr. Leech, one of the recently-elected members of the Rebel Congress, says, through the Raleigh Stand ard, that North Carolina now claims the fulfillment of the compact, or the right to depart from the Confederacy In peace. Gov. Vance opposes the taxation of State property by the Rebel Government. The Raleigh Standard, in an article addressed to slaveholders, ; says if the war should continue twelve months longer the in stitution of SLarery would be destroyed. Gen. Foster telegraphs from Knoxiille,- on .he 28th,' Wet on the 27th our cavalry, under ten. Sturges, achieved a decided victory over the Rebel cavalry at a point ten miles east ofSeviernlle, about. -I miles east of Knoxville. Our' cavalry made a brilliant charge, driving the ene my from the field, with a loss of 65 killed and wounded left on the• field, and over 100 prisoners and two steel: cannon. An of ter from Knoxville. at lonbrrille, re; ports that about a week since the rebels drove off 1,800 head of Government ''eat.- tle, within three miles of Knoxville. Re says that our army has goose into winter quarters, aod apprehends no attack.. . A reconnoissance made on the 23d disoover ed that Longstreet had made a 'hasty te- - beat and gone beyond %abridge. Some Union transports and a small land force made a foray at the Broad= Faros. Colones River, on the 2344 cap. r turd 22 of the enemy, seven of 0'0,1318: - nal Corps, and brought away 09 n'egenea; They also destroyed 24,000 pounds of pork, and large quentities.of oats and own septum' a sloop and sehooner,And 240 boxes Of biome l- 1 0. 70 turaed iyith out the loss of a matt. i —A SO. Imported at Bevil* Misr.; - between - wbi4n sad =pose ; the whites , got want ell Air ads% bit failspisa Mai ~nag 1 . 1 4140410=44., cambia; Fames of the , min*. is good, Um sad the weather mild Latest War News. Information is rewind el a veld by Roller's rebel cavalry on the; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, near Onesberland, Morylead: -awe& te100114411114 were out, and britiges alOwaspend to lte)dwilreyed, The enemy wale repulsed, besserse, by Our troops _before!. the kg= wee effected, though= some we r e damaged bY tie Gee.-,Kelly tole graphs to.. Gov. Borman that i`they have been . driven .back from *aline of the railroad at all point!' and are :low- in fall retreat . vigorously' pursued by Saar troote. „ Gov. „ Borman, of Wsestern Vir #ds, received., dispatch troneGe!lipelis. Olio,stitiag that** stessuy Levi which left that place for CharlestoO, Western Virginia, on Wednesday night was cap tured and burnt at Red HMSO bn the Kanawha river. Brigadier Gen. Scam mond, and one of his staff Were taken prisoners. -The rest of the ' , Peseenlecs were released. The rebels also burnt the telegraph office at Bed Home., The - Baltimore :tisna;ician has the, as surance from a gentleman i Just from Richmond, who has gone to Washington to oommunicate with the Gbvernment, that the Rebel authorities are faking steps to propose to the Federal Government to lay down their arms, provided the Presi dent's Amnesty.Proolsauttioni be extend ed to their leaders. The etorris is urgent need of confirmation. I —.On the 26th ult., Gen. Palmer sent an expedition to capture a- force of rebel cavalry in Jones and Oinks* aounties, North Carolina. They !succeeded in rout ing the enemy, capturing 23 men with their horses and equipment", destroyed 150,000 to 200,000 lbs of pork; 70 bushels of salt, 10,000 of tobsuicio, 32 bbhi of beef, also capturing several mules; horses, ho. —The siege of Charleston appears to have entirely dossed, with the exception of an oeissional shell thrown into the city, Gen. Gilmore is coming North, and •the Jacobin press have alrdady taken to abusing him. Fort Stunteris said to be almost as strong as ever, and, presents an impassible barrier to the en trance of our vessels. Considerable excitement prevails in Kentucky at the prospect of a rebel inva- Sion of the state. - Hamilton' is reported 41 be moving on GlisgoW ail the head of five hundred guerrillas. The rumor about the; Invasion of Pennsylvania by Imboden proves entirely unfounded. No official Intelligence to that effect bas been received at Harris burg, or anywhere else. :1 —The Louisville Journal has the partia l:dant of an affair at Scottsville, ILy., where 500 rebels attacked 150 men of the 48th Kentucky, who finally surrendered. The rebels burned the Court Rouse, robbed stores and committed other depredations. ' —Brig. Gen. Rawlins, Chief of Staff to Gen. Grant, telegraphs from, Nashville on the 29th; confirming the reported repulse of the rebels at Athena and else on this side of Florence, Als: The rebels were badly defeated in both empivenents. —A letter dated Mobile Bay, Jan. 9, in giving an account of an attempt so destroy a rebel steamer aground otin bar. reports a sharp little ,fliht between; our fleet and Fort Morgan. We were unable to get the steamer out, but received ne dame. —A dispatch to the Chio Thiene mays Gen. Thomas' Chief of Staff, Gen. Whip-, ple a recently stated that slier seventy-three - hundred deserters from Brigg's army had come in our lines since Oct. 20, as shown, by the rolls. They were Principally from Kentucky regiments. Tito nusuber now, arriving is unusually large; Dispatches received at the War Dalt, partment from Gen. Kelly's command state that on Saturday, 30th, a supply train on-the way to Petersburg was attacked by the Rebel force under Gee. Reeser, and after a severe resistance On the part of the eioort, was captured by the rebels. —The rebel troops in Arkanass, on the east side of Bed River, number_ 21,700. Three quarters of these troops are mono ted, and the remainder are being esocut• ted as fast as horse. and nettles can be sto len., t ,--Representative Keeton of lowa stated in - the House on Tuesdajl that the Post- Moe Department is no* self staining for the first tints in fiftein.yean. which henttributed • mainly to the legislation of gress. ! ! • The !Kentucky Leglllative .on Wed nesday elected George D. Pretstioe editor of The Jowrwal, State Prinkr, on-Ithe third. ballot, by a pearly - Tote. 1 MABBI~D. Oa Thanda7 nosing, the had, try Row. J. W. seamier, Nato? of ottoes'& Pt . ..Puri Clattalt 113101YANN T. JAIIISCYI to pa C&TT both or this city. mui GOAL* semusr. „ L - It Is adadttod of in plea that Val vial wad al lOWA and lama la kmolii tha Wed sad vattouilluldi - Ot the body la Oldak dorm oliabillq. Man you f.el coutinood pals to "item! of bowals, any oontlnnod unaaainoos to any organ or °lbw auto of tab body, you can prima anioaallaimina by %Mfg samaraurrnm rims. • r • Illading may give ossimair*sm4 beam the blood lett trill Lin sirs rem Bat as Una* Is Mall triss time blood Sod sustainsd by tbs goad. to trots our Wend is to 'vista over lAN and rain 'oar, mstitatina. Etat Brandritit's Pitts rellsvo tbs Maktini as natty as Westin* by only iskise my wait it 11111 veil Opus. ea 'MT 101•1211111111 T. • Kra. /puma aissm Diti floof l / 2 was oust of fgt. Vitas Dam*, (Issas! Dotoillty,Poowo of Mood pod (Nationales of =ay years standing. 6 flas rus easo at hoetb b pisWislood li tliO pasapiiista. Sold by Dr. L. emu% respeatalie tar lea is I 1 isall4m. . ! ; 1111X11 NO MORN ! ' . ! Uneieavaat oaf Ilasale liedirlerse. ter aapleaecat lad deamenui abeam me Rautoouts =TRAM WOO; ' If filth bag received be gsdorsomest of tie meet 1 PROVININif PHYSICIANS Of ?fit 11. 8, b mew oared to Meted haaraity Mg 6 airldla OMAs the tellowiax . disseese and ayaiptae l =lavatas Erm disemearand absee et ** Orlsea7 or Owns s Omni nobility. - r Ifestat art \ i Plinio] Deireadle, . _. 113"al ipeterribraill ciamond ea ny ot staia.tiowt aises ousima teibe addatr arrai : Itiationeee cad Ebepleeseeer at With% Onset et illeeeelar Mier/. Loner! Aopttite. - 1 11h.1411.1103, . .. Low CO% • • Dinarganleetlen oe Perelyals at the • • ' Capin atikaseelliw4 Middles' etthe Ana, to kat, Fill the eonceeelteAle ed • Nevem sad De hilltstodetale et the iiten. • TY ware tee giasins art a 4 ad. 1 'O Oneras ASK FOR RlitAIElOlOll. TANK NO O?NU. tred. - theele-ta. See alewthameal i la aseeleee maims. PIN lENNIIN T CONININIaII a I 041D4 ' TO COI 1R71111,1T10. The usis«aieed haviag bort roAelod to bean is • fee weeks, by see, Ample rimeedyAfter herrn Ataired ' esserif tsars withsevere lasi Ord en. mad lime ANN dials* Otorismitiole— hi maim M EMIR WNWb Mir Allospeeihries the mesas of ore. 1 , • To sE oho Aria, Us. iss Ida solii off se no .per ptiari oast •(free of slump), with tbe disestioas pesoefing - sod 'ushr the snl., width they IMAM e Oaks CA= Air 'Colotraseses,!ilerilia. asuren*lia The air obloot state adreeibir la Stalin the hosedp flak is to benefit the MEd* sad owed filialetlee widish hi ectissiTse to: be les*eabh4 awl hr hopes env . *lll hi t& risosdy, as it eral eget thus seek% end Isty prove s bisallsig. Partin slain the prolieloe 4111 plow eilAnie RaT.IDWAIIiD A WILBOI4 • a 2 1 Vlnksillorib, "ay citseaty, Kw Twet. 013tUNIMAUI R. TOILLUP VIIIIIIIIUN Jj wait& dare kw Pau sad Ada% sad Issnawasi sups** la aap other. .4aqi it , sans; sonic b absoiukilp surakap air lila med. ylisoss s arminber this sad arta yourastt with &bolo. *Wd delay. Croup is a &amass whisk gime ma iatilak ipissitlytifinidrp this Owl bra at algid; lakes* pkwilsiolara ims , wag bOo• iiwwwabse, the Tarotisa wawa woe Prise SS sad 00 oaks mat by en eigglift Clottliadtatrea,ifewThlk. jui11,14.1..• J : TP O ~ I 4MI IIII . sare Nosh, a "Wand rl lbssit Obs " 1111 1 4 87 0 4) bresamt Mob ± r . • ?irlAt Mige01411111.11111u; • 1341.PONMER, OR CONCENTRATED WAR Slakes high prices ; Saponifier Bats tendaaa them. Beak." soap for Year erglaa pined by:aitai your Ititab" gr""P• 'or VAILTION. As "parlous !got are orrer4trit,. , , be owned s 4 maly bay the ?awited &Kiel.. put up in lees eana. all ettlers betas Cs aaterfelta: , • ITIBIESTLVAINA SALT II ANUITACIITRINI: CQ , Phlladelputs—\o 1:7 loViLlitalttest Pittobarg—Pitt Street and Daq , jesae Way waVENE4W. - • AGIENEILIL REBELLION. TRIIIIMI Or A GUAT DIAGOVLI3X The pet& lu ribelisd spina asairisire &it Dye.. Ira*los btu foram ern them. gape ut4 cu:Ltauclty W Miliird thetratead cluivramityrs 11w& USE, and forsSt remem rJ It =browns anirbtackena the lair, set tie Mts. It is a weretakle watlliteß cot bavvoing Aft. Naomi not borlowine nature with Roma int aidadbistiwrilybet reduces be own lirne kw. Ite aeeilag ellaatli Way. It ehtham detection. ' Its results ant unkerns. It meter feat. ilianntawkwawd by J. CRISTADOHO, No. 4 Astor Noon, Now No*. Sold by all Dnogzieta and applied by all flair Diums. jan3,3-Im. = MVON =moms & axerati Eric is OF a NFAVOII3; II VALID. ad for the beneet sad a' a mottos' to young MUM, and attars, who sub: from Nervous Deblitty; Ear ly Dash sad their kindred allmeots—anpPlying the Mau of ssif aars. ity one who has tared Memoir after being• Matta of misphimd eonfidenev in medical hark ant o rket7. By enclosing a post-paid envelope, stasis fio r d had of the author, NATHA.4IIL Bor. VMS, Bp, County, New Fora. j. 24 :Budaus Cards Warted in Ms column at the rate rs, asd Tlw Dollars per year.] . E . plume iumwerr, • lore= or mg •Pakeii. °ales mond laer Varee Mock, ; hunch Stilwell, between Fifth and ' _ lune lb-2._ WALLACX DX wirr. ATl*ll3filr ,AT LAW. Mee in %mit Mast. riand Boor. !ranch Arse, LI: iist. I 8 Esau= rumours °Auxin', : • Bleak, pis Psi pialre4tf. CILILFIN si WILIBUK, ATTOWT a? Lev. Ridgway, Ps. Posentie la Vk, McKean, Cameron and Jefferson mantle'. J. C. MAW , . Uars3ol6*-1 , 01 W. W. W/LBOR. IL W. HATLL, 4.ItOPRIZTOR. ILORRLSON HOUSE. Caner of ineeoad and Masked Street—one Roan east of Inhume's tridesada. WalTea. Pa. Sept. 29-17. E N. VOLE, Boos Drugs, Siam Doos Marrryaormaa, to„ . la &mod Story of ItlnSorneeht's Block, Sato, Pa. GEONSE H. CUTLER., Artois= ay Law, Girard, Erie County,' Collactipais sad other bast:teas &treaded to with womptaesa aad dispatch. j F. DOWNII I IO. Arrow: AT LAW AND JCBTITI or TER ntll6ll. Will practice fa the metal Courts of Erie County, riserpatW aeit Meal attention to alltniainese ea. to him Maas, eithw ea an Attorney or Nagictrate. Olio fa goalies mods, 1:0311“ of ROI and rum pa iISiI3B Bail , o , e WILDLEXEL3 AXD BETAIA DILLIE is and Provisions, flour and Feld,i Wood and VWow Wage, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Snarl, &c.,S tate Stmt., one door South of Fourth, Eaat aide, Erie, Pa. Janet—a/XL . zoisacm, Beaessuaz and Dealer In: 'Stationary, , Ilapairra„ Noinpapers, &a Country dialers mip Store radar Brown's Botalfrontiiii the Park. WNW. I. innrrear gyms: ig• ?AIM DAVIS. )ICITII & DAVIS; Arratnrs ArLAw Cherthnt knot. lhadvills, Pa. Vet. 15-Z7.'C'2 TAM. P. GAGGLVIL . ' XMAS"' Primus sea-asprzasi. Comaccr/au LID 11111CILMICI AWN,. Collections and 0 'manna in. itaitail **kiln pransptly &leaded to. Applications for asasanca aolicited, and Policies tensed irittlont delay, to lest atm easapaann. Mice, W right ' . Block, carter of itts awl State amt., Erie, Pa. noe=oitr. JWe WWZIEURIS, .ATTOILWIT £T LAT, in I Walker. Of. M. ea Serietti greet, Is, Pa. ling ;6 '2 Gs°. einnums warm Nay% Block, North r4tl 'Albs Park, litaaa atm a, aria, Pa... apr 11'63 tL I j A l / 4 111111n11 HOTEL, , - nth& street, between nth and Sth streets, tore thilielabelpida k We Railroad Depot, Erie, Pa., LosioSiromaker,, Proprietor. Extensive anevontioda ties foe etteairers and Vander& Board by the day , r week. Goad stabling attached. 1 a p:25 83U. AiIABBALL & BROTRILE4 • .Wassiosaata Taitinus and =g 11r Naafis & Kayser% Pleat So.lug lischttiPs bh* to soo— Mato ftod,tootwooo Bth and 9th Ste, ans, P. Clotho. made to order In the-Shpt style. grell-ly. - - JOHN C. •EiiE, Dwain lir Dar Goma, Geoczetze, Hardwon, Nal; Gls", Seed , nutter, ete., eor.. ;NT= deist and Public Square, Erin, Pa. jal7ll. r i O. WIL I ikglk & CO., • 1/02VABDIBe k coarrnamon antacrAsys, an; Wars Boa" Pardie Duct, jut °Orate Street. Ca sa Ware Hama at Mil Road , Pa. Realm ta Salt, ha,flour Plaster, Water Y. S. =rasping to and from Canal Wan HORN. LIDDSLL=II CIARTER g acrrusama at tam Ea s Ikariag. impboamitsi Railroad C las e Pa. . EV I. MAGILL, or ge;meekoteit=2lllo•Me• in iota , 12 .1 ::: a • 7. Jc6-saitskas co., IF • Woosasata Dwasa 111 Glsocnrarts sn Ikry111•0”, flteit• Stmt. No. T Dogma Blair. ElllllllOllOl/RilliitaY 2 GioassalLasnl. rsdrslisToz• Thin st this estallirdmilit has Ob. repststioa. Orders solicited and promptly Ned, Cutpore *Martyr by the qsaittity will hare it Gathered at Urethan TsarraVaas. cret24ll3-17 OTICE TO 11. S. TAX - PAYERS. - Airrineas In Erlei County, who an 'to tea yea eeinent under the "Iloited Stat. e ittnesur or "tsetse law," approved July I, 18'2, and the lowa asasoding the same, anherby notified that sack taus or duties Late be come data and oayante, and IWO I will aillsol is nearing the sou at the following time anti plums ht odd minty, to *tit For GUIs: ridding in the city of trio and tho ken** el Greene and Summit, at the Inter eatiervearee OM, in the Poet Oaloe, Building!. In the rev of bye, ea the let, ad and ad days of Feb., nat. Yoe all ant payers residlog la the borough of Girard and La the Ograddps et Girard. Fairview, oat Springfield, et Iles Betel of 41.Yertia, la the borough:of Girard, on the 4th day Of Feb" • lir all leorptell6 ataidtegia the borough of Albion oaf to the township of Conneaut and Elk Creek, at the lOW of A. Lath la the borough of Albion, on the 6th apt rab., Da Va. all Us payers residing in the boroughs of Edinboro wed FlittiLlebewea sad in-. the townships of WoOrington, Massa and Freak)* and 'that portion of Watertwa =Wag West of Cris and Waterford Turnpike, at ICC Roblasoik, In the borough of Edinboro, on no fat ilay of Feb., Ikl. Vat all lag petaUt sls the borough of Waterford NA la thetewnehlp of LelanS, and that portion of Wa leafteil toer Wailes! of the Erie and d Turepflo ob the ailibp halal of Wilma Moore: in the boroughWoterfor of no the lath day of Feb., MC • Far all Ws prows Ming la the borough of Colon Mille and la the terwaship of Union. at the Petroleum House in the Isms& of Gatos =son the lltit day of Feb.. 1544 Tor all tea men &lag in the townships of Wayoe gad dwelt the hotel oLI. Verona*, at Corry. on the ILUIt Feb. lifFL For all to perwaliviag In the borough of Wattsborg sad la the towalldpriat Floartgo ati4 Amity. at the hotel of koala iebinges„ in the borough of Wattsburgon the Lath day el NONA Fee all tax mars Eli tag In the boroug h of North Cut sad lathe bornekips o ld North East, Harbor Creek and ilemilloKaktbe lota of Robt. Fill, 14 the borough of North teak ea the lith day of Feb , MCC Aida' pump who atglist to pay the duties an 1 heel ee aftanaidaseeared %poet them to the Collector, within tlicarid,sha be liable to pay Leas our cum/ apes the antortat thereof,. collecuora to to main by distrain t. TOY mottos applies to all howl w 491 persona liable to tate out Mina ft well w to slam taxes ander said Excise Lairs. • 4111 Matinees, Cool Oil Distiller* Brewers and lasnu- Ilestnient, its troiroby required to wake their LT-I-monthly saki assatiaty reports and pay say tax that teat be 413.8 Showes to wr i st ta• foregoing Baas andplaoev. ill Okeißees wad Brararersat the time ef receiving their Lirawmai, will Is nquired to enter tato 21 Bond in double the amount (litho& probable monthly tax, with tro sue des% waretig owartltiowod for a faithful:, oparpllaueowith ail ad ofaingrog Ist, I es 2. ABneat tee nada in [hilted States lands— Chia we Ilmodeve appoistwts isewernork tlea bur payerhs se ll h s ela p d al w 4 h a a diwe te web that a nano:teal response will be nude dirge, - J. W. DOLIGIASS. CoUeener irg WI Revenge, 19th Dist. Pa. trio:4lu 19131181Ati - . ,„a mar 'mud mower A111410491111E FOR pluctranrANlA. UMW tastainor,LVANlA "FARMRRAND GARDENER, ; • . ro, .10100" - Sorio aid Nand ono MS MUM, 11 - 1111L,111. YOUNG & 00., • aLtraii aka su ir, PAileektplie • Mine UNE DOLLAR • TRAIL . , • Tehille netts with the January num. 'Rete IrAO tw services of eiresret and luso sa • _ • • • e i ig&t m icellasellst; Otook Breeders MAttire the Current volume r "rafreasum . r i aFintats.."' • , !MI FAMILY SOAP MAKER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. A. HAANIILAITIi. Aram= AT LAw—Oflce oix 6 th street, isaly oppoiiiii Use Craft HOU" Er* Ps. WHEELER & WILSONS' IMPROVED SEWING MACHINEsi ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST FAMILY MUM Iti USE Its malls bsro won for it tbo HIGHEST PEEBIIIIMEI! WORLD'S FAIR. London, 1862; INDU 4 TRIAL TION. Parts. ISil; U. w. AGRICULTURAL ko,oc t ACTION, MECHANIC'S I gRTITUTR, Wl , ton, PRAMELIN ng.• CHARM'S ASR*I4. Boston, •VSELI. CsN Ig.STITUTR, N. Y., 1813, • And it lITIRry STATE AND COUNTY pi Where Rittibitid. It employs little or no Machinery; It la alotott , in ita operation; The improvements render tom able. NO BASTING REQULIitO FOR ANT SIND Or if, guarantee It will perform all we c'eln. *Pod your toODOI for • worthies et , ois with n, Itsbed r«putation, but get a Standard Article, THE WHEELER 4V, WILSON MACH ' WARRANTED THREE YEARBI This .Ussehine will STITCLI, HEM, FELL, CORD, BRAID, BIND, GATHER AND QUILT, Without any basting or prnparatlon of Wo rir- c r .and me them to oprstion at ROKENZWEIG'S BLOCK, • opPosirs BROWN'S HOTEL, - - 5818 Constantly on band She tart Spool Timed Alachine Aeon's, Oil, to., te. - WY. SIMMS k CO. Agt's, Ronemmreles Med joall6'64tL THE EARLY PHYSICAL DEGENE AMERICAN PEOPLE JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. SR Physician to the Troy Ling and Hy gienic Institute. A Treatise on the Causes of Early ?timbal DMA.. American People : the mime of Debility, Ca sumption and Mammas. work is emelt high wire fess, smitten e get ferules, theriage, calf appeals Japer - roniretouvoeso of ALL P./RENTS wed ( any, due4U*g aciset(ifc cad reliable stifsi It will be sent by mail on the receipt of he* Stamps feW - * Parents and Guardians: Pall not to astii taro thlabook. cr. Young men! Fall not to mod and get 1,- Ire Ladies! Yon too should at ODIN secures coil thie hook A Word of solemn. C °nucleations A &ire those who will Reim'. A claim of maladies prevail to a fearful exf community, dooming at least 100,000 w- rs annually, to an early grave. imperfeetly undenitood. Their or symptorne, are Nervous Dobilikj, Relszat,„. halation; Mammas or eroding and consampt , tissue* of the whole body; shortnees orb/sat/lin, ried breathing on ascending-a hill or night of 'tau nalpita• lon of the Mean; Asthma. Bronchitis a Tama; alothing of the hands and Limbs; Ann pee!). and to buetueas or study; dimness of eye c , "temory, distlnees of the Mud, Neuralgia, P in varione parts of the bode: Pains in the back or I Lunc'sgo. 'peril Li or indigVlllol2, lneluluity bowels. deran,74 vwcretions of the Kidnee at glands of the body, Lencorrhas or Fleur Alba". at. wise Epilee, Hysteria and Nervous Spume. Now, fnrrinetr-nine cues out of every one bet all the above named di:veers, and a host of other named, as Consumption of the Lunges and that ma sidions and will form of Lontumption the: Nerres, known a. Tates Doe , al s, and Tabu I. as ea, have their teat andin diseases at the Viseera. Heses the want of MOWS& on the rats school practice In treating symptom. only. Dr. Andrew stone. Physician to the fro , *An Hygienic Institution is now engaged in tinat.ogth of modern maladies with the moat utomehing ant The treatmentadented„ by the Int:ital.:lD is ow based upon scientific principle, wi th new die remeaies, without minerals or poisons. The cure are ouch. that patients can be cured at their Fo any part of the country, from accurate descrip their use, by letterl and hate the mixticitie sent or express. Printed interrogatones stills: tom application. Consumption, Catarrh and disuses of the it se well at the honks of the patients u at the by 'ending the Cold Medicated lauumia rota, with Inhaler and ample directions tor direct correspondence. - Patients applying far intemgatires nor ad* winkles return stamps to meet attention. , :-The attending physician will be found at tin tion for consultation, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., Sunday to the forenoon. Address, DR. ANDRUW Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic and Physician for Disosaes of the-Heart, T Luso, 99 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. E. 4k H. T. ANTHONY, - Manufacturers 'of Paotagraphie 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. -- • CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our ratal , intie now ete,races considerably ore? Theissaini different subjects (to er hi ti aduitums 0 ' tia cells Ovum made) of Portraits of Eminent .• • s - e., 72 Mel , r-Generals, 525 qtateamen, 190 engadier.Generals‘ • 127 Divinia, '159 Colonels. . • 118 Authorev &I Lieut. Colonel', 3u it r WM, . • M 7 Other OM cers„ • 112 stag., 69 Nary , Moore, 16 Prownent Wow" And 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 25/04141 COPIES OF WOOlis OF AO Including reproductions of the moat celebrated Gaga lugs, Paintings, Statues, he. Catalogues •ent es ter of l' Stafp. An order for • nne Datell , I.:TrftE 4 fro! Citat ue will be filled as receipt of 41 s 7 51 1 1. 1" ' null, sew. ' Photographic Albums Of these we u.isn7'crture a `rest vanity, n prink f ro LO rents to GO dollars each. Our ILI:11:11:4 bars the reputation of lloiry• la beauty and durability to Loy otMn. The blade" can be sent safely by mail at • ;meter* of at per panes. The more exam:min can be sent byasi Ws also keep a largo umorttnent of Sterescopes and Stereseopie Vie" Otis Cat*lope of these will be sent to any 'dark'. ceipt of Stamp. E. ac 11. ANTHONY, 114121:71CITRIVI or rairroo.arale mart' 191 BRO iDWAY, NSW Y Friends or Willem' of prominent military 1211 confer a favor cy seadioo us their likeneore4 tore They will be kept carefully and returned noiefurn Fmn &Lamas MAUS TO 0/1/)%6 for Col:fire:o.z preterit to their Pastor, or for other pnepo ea, nth ab.ellOseriptions.&e. eeprfre ( - //7 i; W& z NON. WILSON WCANDLCSS, Judo of the United States Ctremit Court. COAX= hum al Sr. CLAM Srs., PI rrsirml, Trim L•RGES T. C Li E.A'PEST AND B . SW pap for • full commercial mare. Nu extra charges for Manufactures, St Railroad and Bank Book-Beeping. ltintaters' =ions at half price. Students enter iris , at any time. Thislostitution La conducted briSPerien etd and practical Aecou..tants, who maitre young act re palatinh at the least expanse and invitee for the most lucrative and responsible attestor etonse granted for merit only. Bence the preference for graduates of this College, b! • men. Poor. A. Caviar's, the best Penman of the !Tao 4 bolds the largest unniber of Ire Prkkn•7l3, ender competitors, teaches Rapid Mashies+ Writrg• Clitortske containing full information sent I application to ths.Prinelpilo. • rr - Attend whore tete E S N o K tur ani s dViae n o ' f re2 Ri 2k ,:h 'il Business Mau grulluate. joer.r. JAMES P. CROOK, DIA= IN ROUGH AND PLANED LI7 E=11! I'(D 1 / 1 11T7ACTCRSII Window Sash, Frames, Doors and NOTTLDINVOCTIM FiCERT FENCE. Scroll Sawing, Matching & Pl DOVE TO ORDEtt. Shep ea Pewit St., liettrees of aid ERIE, PA. I ripeetfully the attention of the public ff i : facilities for doing work io the Sesta sly let Pr°f' ,F 11 ,1 7 on timiboolibli tertal. flaring fitted op efte' , dip" with superior mseddisory,l foal °oddest' Slab* robatsetion. ar Orders trout a brorA JUil rotor•lmmjt 0 11E3 -OF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers