AFIN I. 'cock of Fancy Brands of Cl- i MISCELLANEOUS. t. att. , and TOBACCO Call sad saantio• theta at ,teltvorrd to toy part of the city BANYARD*4 THY BANYARD'S MOOHA, OLD Jars, Lagn,rs, Rio, roasted and ground Coffees Hanyard'a crushed, granulated, pulverised, Coffee ►• rcd CAM B , Nvir Orleans, lignseoesdo and Porto Rice stilling leer at BALKY i►lUl'!t Tli AV ELINCi BAGS.— A fine !wort meat 4t lov 'new at th• Bier. 11( Vet 13-19 OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! ' gIdvAVING accept(4l, the AgencAgency' to 'ell GYSTRILS of Messrs. GRAN . ACI , Imu now receiving a regular \_ soon„ dial. of the choicest kind, which will b. oh; Dealers —a others on the moat rassonabla terms. N 13 —A Ithersl discount toads to Trude. A WJci s independent Martel ebesils. eepail---17cud , PI AN 0 TUNING 11 R. WILLIAM. WILLING will prom' ly stucco' to calls for PIANO T 1.71111113, "1.1 ;,.writ or through kir JOHN KIENNEGA, as • e oned Piano Tuner and Itanufseturse from Rua. oa r constantly be found et Nr. Wllllng's Neste Ste lir W will bold himglflf responsible for any work • no be done lifth, ntleman under his auspices et 21-21. TO HOUSEKEEPERS! CLARIf t 43L CAUGHE,Y PURE SALERATIISI KY IT. The manufacturers of thla article, in RI IT Y IT Wieling i• to the public, have no herd- HUY IT 'RY IT. , tattoo in saving that it le the belt arti- HUY li - rtY IT oleo( the kind roanutactured One of RI'Y _ . - Y It the proprietors has been engared In the' BUY IT :KY IT manufacture of ‘alet•tus for *wane Bry lir .al IT. pesraorlufch is • guaraoter• for tb" purl- !WTI!? hy it t.. and freuutneueso of Lb. article offer- MI( .:Y IT id All they ask la for housekeeper" RCT . 1: IR) IT. and other. to , BUTIT Rrvigy 7 .. hj I i T T BUT A PAPER AND TRY IT: RUT .11% 'NV IT and II ft door not prof,. an aI. 'room- BUY IT RY I r mewled, tbe money wtll be rrfortded FOIY IT ...Y ir It fa put up in p."urrl papers, and fa BUY IT ' -.l' IT. for sale by .11 reepeciab,e erne.... BUY IT I IT CLARK. at CAIL GHE V , BUY IT, ih 1' IT Manufacturer', kale Pa 'BUY IT "el t:to— It L. A. MORRISON, W HuLenkL¢ DILALER IV Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain, CLOY Eli. TIM O THY SEED, dc. No. 1, ommercial Buildings, NuRTII stnec TUE PAWL, !Wu.. Slate awl Pradi %to , ICI, PA Yobill IyST THE DELAWARE MI."ITAL INSUR- AsczoodvAN) fir f rI ILADEIBIIIa. It KB nor Sol o i r bootie.. oa the YYpptual plan, girtai tie lu oureal a partlmpation in the pips of the Conon., tit, without liatol,ty beyond the pnarduat pald. klmt• upon the lake. and Canal. itimir.l on the most ...rorabk terms L0me...111 ne liberally mid promptly .a tested err risk.. on nwrchrindise,buildints and other property . 4,16 t, or country, fora lathed term nennanontly RECTORS. J..aeph H Jame' C Rood, rheophilu• PaalAlnt, John C Davis, Hobert Burton John Garrett, thigh Craig, ~arnuel Edward., Henry Lae by, David B Stacey, barite. Retie, lout R t William Hat, ter S l u•bt,.., I.r K. Y Huston, John Teller, Jt 4 peneer John J Needle - 'Ogren: Job,' B J 11 J„1111.. Is, H Jon.. Brook. •Ittuder, K. , be tt i, ha KL, \.r but', 1,, :tee,- FIT APplOtation ear, be made to rt., pro AFALT„ 1860.11 p ~,,,,,,,,„, 0., jaal. 'lea la. Sx-y a tat's& STOCK Gents.' Dress and Soft Rata. " Walking & Traveling Caps Boys' Cape and Soft Hats. O hildren's Fancy Hats & Oapa, LIQUIsITELY TRIMMED • 1....r ir • GENT' , rt-RvisitiNt; Ku) ail r. and Diturtyc GLOVES vENTS ' HOSIERY 01 ALL KINDS Ulu. asaurtna....l S...arta. 3toJi laud Cul. cr kt6:llfildelk.h .42 15$ ZI ESE> IX CO LT IS MU wEwr 41D [ ikosirVNTRANCk • tip stock of s fat., ap. .u; '•tra• •eaf Fhte at Rt....1•••1.• S v • Ito RR}• T, Nu k, kcal HOlia• G. A. Bennett & Co., C.141N , stk. w Or.Y. 0 :Tr --' _ _ -8 04 .4 .....-- . 41 ......... & 71 ......,_.- Nos. 11 and 12 EMPIRE BLOCK, H AVE et large mn,i well Selected bunk IHUN JAIL: :_- . 1 L k.L oNIL:- ~ ~~~~ bDI.LVN: Ames' Shovels and Spades I k I - ‘:•• FlLit II i) E II 4/ It F. 11 , 1 t. s,A. r) L) I_, .E 1 Et - Y , c.A.RSESS .‘v PLATED ttE L'ILERY t....1.1uwat cver) ihnig thc ind 6tati.l BLoCK, N 11 eassato ferrceist. Etrier. A BENNETT & m.i. 2.'" 4 L LA.; 11 I.A Ft u I n It: v.: . .1 HAIL -- -- -- - WI-1 Al look, more comfortable ita W. g at l au A LA a arit a lly e ,,, a l u etia t i esp r, b a ,ri rmr b r .r, tr, that, a b r , g ht and at a in i t aura : Ti...n um, ' iu mi. um*, yeetta, Swint rqueti done the hare priment •,....o . , t,... P•.ii.t, It ,I‘. a far brighter and Mori , e,I mud niiimiii 11 rift ausuiret of pita *rug intWorlut /p.,.. ...t u, .tr., r ict, 1,,,i t,,, ,r,t r .r, "t ray ..tbrr ertl , l4 Heactliichr, wbetbor orlgleatturvin Om serturo. .3 Arno .0, ....I :. r 1,..rj...ea. • 0 1.1t1 ' haw a deranged gists a the !mach, .. ',' It. • A KTPR It BR., rt. .stl. ',rata. to thrkr e4opurttl•s.' and . I mi st tturs irtth purfeetreArty wit beet malt sl,oo. liN E DOLL-A I{ $l,OO . fur awy ehastert dirt, 04 Mr abooore of tarp riisavre• I A 1 , ( )lib WA Rlt AXE ca n to die toot , rootawy t t ow" to itewieitesr pirms Sr itilleifr.* .a.7L. ta.aaltt 1a $1 .1 .1 I. SELDESn' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! -- ---- sCA L E s ' (~, /. as` - - fbe pung boob Got it/nature* of %nary .:.Bpaialne 8 . by mob tti boa. I au, prt•panm: to I ulut.t. -cal.* ..f a -14 Ir, .it . A... 1.1 al briaciiant and all .tut Dnabeni U. POdiletitOar ... 0.6 4.1.“4,1, ...sal s,rl. •••• Cabo •. et t.rtur. sold to tin. Cltj A BM Ida to Nat by man prepaid 010 nuntira of %b. • ,s C. SE •,, .1 LDliar __ _ . - - - - . —.....-- -_ . ? RICE 25 CIMWTIO. Bt: rI'ER ' BUTTER ':- W e will psi All brain eltould be warmed be . - sab fur EititUr U. } uluus ut ma quantity, Waal f •Le trial/NI Afuoll HENRY C. B,PAAWG, , -VINCENI,TIBBALS, sal k CO. I no , 24...45. at Omlaw 8 404 1 4 Plllw-V."l Nil if& •111•40 • 111•14010 Or LAM* WINO —llll4, gra ar• lug tan.tssey to this ay. to appropriate the 'east earner R b re word, of latmrtiagea, sad after a while to la• *arr.'s!. tiro lain nar owe; lbws Use weed %hat* //lira I. Rom ttho Urtl.l , sigateyiast "the the head," la sow tropeoatttag popularised In *our etioit wilt& It. lipaid tales Itmat " I "adaeh• milady, bet it will sew be and Is a moro gottoral way • sod the weed Osphatts will biome Is somatoit as Ithsetrotypti sod matey ellen whose dlis titiettos as foreign words has haul wont away by .sorts saw until they rasa "heaths amid to Om akaaor CARTER & RH, 1 0 . 4 _.., ~ .0 4 to kb 'wilt 'aerias 'eaglasho Itillipkaftersoura, !mad 1 it. p Pod tato the toboothltoriso hood who Id to the maa,"Coa pop home MO Off oa 'akimbo!'" "Dose Id bo l as 'ard,' rye, - `ll..zooodigyilp," soya ht, hood epos that '• gave me • iispb•Jie PUI, hood a 'mbar It ruzed am so valet tl,•t I 'redly malls.d I'o4 'ad so '•aids.s.kas J WEI., Hasosoits Is the fairiollici saga by which nature makes known say deviation whatwom from* the esters! *tat. of t h e brain, sod ,scared In Ibis light It may-be looked no as saniguard intro:l.d se lißi p. mottos of dir ram which might "theta Ise conipialtestion, WI too late ni be remedied; and its shookd sumo be boi -1 leciti-d Headaches my, Is claticilled adder two immos, Oymptomatte sod Idol. , hie v via pletnette Residache "weeding!, CORIIII.I, and a the promos., of a mat variety of iiimiones, among which an apoplexy. pout, lib.umetiem and all nitwit' dissuses. Is its nercausform i is scmpathetie of discuss the stomach enswititutia• iniodosas, nt hepatic. disease eneetituting lishominnaiduces, or si "rms. ennivlpattou acrd oiler dionrd•rs of th. bowels, as evil as r.nal sod uterine affection. Disease* of the boast are very bequeutly attended with Homitiolies, 41•- Mad. and gal.-thorn are also affections which bequest!, occasion beminebe. Idlopothie Ileadiaehe is also miry Imounom being esoall) distinguished by the same Gloors vows eimunicas, sometimes coming as soddenly In a state of appar.titlt snood health sad permitatiag at once the mental and phrsical mimeos, sad to other Motown. it cameo on slowly porruidtwi by deptirestna ofsylrltamaeae bng of tamper In most imitation the poloist. tie hoot of the beod, over or or both eyes, and eciamitlmes pro voking vomiting, soder this elmo may also b• named !Restalgut For the treatment of Mt Mir et••• of Headache the Ce phalic Pills hay. been Inued . son and •••,, ••• w it ip. Imcing the moot scum pains in • Sew miasma, asd by Its subtle powier eirmileatios lb. Meissen of wined, risucla•b • is Ins Ulierriag lodes flu eve —thrum meats y to mat day • hoe of t OW le Glue, no, &MAIM haporled Pills.—but this/L -bw that's oot Just It lesither:-but perhaps yell be either konalnyt what it is Ye wee she's sigh dead sad for with the . ..Irk Hmtischo, aott waste tome moo of that tame •• relai I her bet on /.err—Yoe wort meet. yaldtad'a Crphalir. Bredeet —Orb' au, tad ou'rr red It, berr's the qua, thor &ad r toe tor Illle ood don't he all day aawt It alther No ori• of the "many tlylesb is bear to" is so pram , Not, so lit tie undereood, sad segment neglected sa Coe Diereses OR.. originating in dissiereseaa or setletatary habits; it is regsr' as s slight disorder of too little oi•usequour. to esiaanatetv, while is reality It Is the preesame srol COM twt of many of the molt fatal and auriirernits diegattes, end unlees early eradicated It alit bring the ....deter i. •n untinsel• grave Among Übe lighter sril• of • toeh ro•ll ernes* It the usual attendant are Rheumatism, Foal Breath, Pilot and others of like ualgare, while a long train of frightful dl ono,. such as Malignant Peyote, Abnegate, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Drepepea. Apoplexy. Rpihpsr, Paralysis, Nye term If•priehrinifebishi, Mslanchniv and furiabity, lint in dint' th ei r pretence in rhe stereos hr thiseiaruongermp urm ot unfregismitly the diseases 0111104 nrigfoata In .nstipstion, bait take on an independent existence u•- lee the tau.. 11 eradicated in an feel, stage From all these cm...legations It follo•o that the disorder should re e.lte nomedista Wee torn whenever It wells, sod no perineu ohoulti be/fleet to get a boo of CephoHe Pill, on the hr.' •poteranie of lbw compialot, a• their thosely use ei ter. the appriesh, •of 1.111.10 end 4.1111 MY UL , . A ioi r er. tne In hum in P 141141.1.6.4 fir• l , gsoa, t • tir ur-t N•t braadaatare Mrs JulaSS --Gone! DOCtOr, rte! Ulu s t , u u n mt so. to just twenty sin., wye you Send 1131.17 44 that I uo bars them band l Phstuessus,—You so.t th-ot • st uuy fltugo s t. r cgohalle !and thow ousts tall, and itecomtustid lu nil oases of h....tut-h. V., Joel's -I oktall kn.) t at, ctly, *bait wttflertug rrienda, for fluty are • real Ilinahof 1...•• 1 1111,8.10.0 Lot Iryag ILO. `kpaldire L t n 11111114.41. of ales of hlamiennetsal Prepared Glue mid It t. estimoted that each tiottiaaaresat Mast leo ti4leirs •orth of aresteo furniture, [hue makhapaaamire gets id twenty atelli. dollars reelalased from tow this valuable Invention Hari 0( Pall 1061310 es iisetiold lewd, Le an. proposes ra do the world 11111 rester serele.. ler caring all the eAblag heads with his Cephalic rills, and d they are se good ae Heso *A« .111 umy 11b. 10110 to Jul. r • rat -Ira,. I find the urrlstal ...J. Sad SP .1.••• •tletitioil to business or atUd., gra aIDOCIF tb. baimerou• ,ens.. of . 41 . 1,041$ Heads, be The disordered Wen, O. r.•l and Dods incident loth IS dutres slog rouiplaint ler a fatal blow to 4/1 goers, mot •rohtti , d, sufferers by this itionnier MO slats obtala •prods retry from these distresong onsets be oats/ one of thorepbai li Pills •hrneyrr U.. •emptesos •ppeer It goirtf for o•ortasked brain, and macabre the artabard and jarrlna memos, sod retese. lid. Lemon of tho r t .h,ek al •• •• • Ileellankllill•IT a. I atv .... It• 'd. r.ll 1 , 10. ,f the bolo •1.1 • WWI it Ns , * taw -polstmg s.ettpbsils hill• sty ,yrttut3 cure Ihr tilet Restiactst, Flosslacke tyys H,stiaxba. o.ittvsnosasud qtnyts., nstwitt) IB • 1 , .1•:•••iii A uiuue tl.• uontt lai k ot taii.t if +.l the great neediesl discoveries of this are mar he ..••itivr rd the system of neetoottoo br proteetioo from •irosil the Cephiille fill for relief of flsodsche, sod the u -w uf clot nine for the preirentAnn of nests. wither of irto , l. s sure anemias. irhisie tremitte •ill be etperoo— • M Lt suffering hurnsaltr long after thlpgr alseurerers fs,r rotten 2 P P gar bst• you e'er h.• • th•r , tni fieftLta,he' re member the tbrotamne temples. lb* tetreretl your, the lonthlos earl ..11nuet st the eight of food H.* Wit were (nr Osamu rr., coo • ermatiou or etnitl, Ono e.pbatte Pole would have e•linewt ham e.I lb* 001k...tug whlria •un then azhertenowl For WL Sad AI P.Mei.. )0a shnold aln•fs have a theta .0 hand to nee Le venial.. moult** CURLk 4 C1411ea(14 % • CURE Nervausileadache 6 P I Kt ACLti SPhIN‘l , IMMI IP • k r 1 a- h• the of theca Has Ur. porioglinattorlo..t sr,iroor r boa mar 4e-yrt•roontod; aa4 if tak..o •L hi ~f•n sttrwk itutoodislo orligor yam u , l oirdwoor wilt to obtome.l 'mew Mania ha In ,ISH.• 111 it tb. Nabliedlll6.l t. which I...caale• cr• to •uhjeet. They • , -1 "rutty %poll Me booror*,—resoo% tog I . wen w. otall For i.rinwrgJAM Storikots, Wish§ Ifinalet. sad ail Know.•(oorafrearr War. they env valcahl• as Lezdcww, nroyna.luf flop grafts, giving taw and Pt/ t 4, la. da. emotive em► *. sod metering Oa. Daman! elcitivity •Istl strworth of the vlinle Pram. Tho CRPRAI4I2I ?ILIA are the moth at 406, Pruning J le=1:1 . ardly Realised. 1 C=llll Constipation or Costiveness A 'Reel Blessing At CI % ot WEST PARK I TE WRLRt STORE!! sow owootwfwits lawmooftwout of t LocKsor AMISS, Illerla AND PLOW TAR[, LADIPI• 7.003.0:01184 NITICULIM AND FANCY ARTICLU OIXERALLT. Ltioadld 'toot et +.h b. wow toe the RIIM Jewelry sad 811sar Spoor assared, mot Weldor algatrod as anal la Ilia Met maser". aay.ll-24. 'P. S. AMISS. J. C. BURGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO 7, DONNELL BLOCK, STATE STREET, THE ATTENTION OF DEALERS II OW CERIES IS REQUESTRD TO TIII WWI AND GENERAL STOCK OF THI ABOVE NAMED HOUSE IT INCLUD2II YEARLY EVERY •RTICLE HEQUIRSD IN THROW)- : CERT TRADV 4 17 24 Parsons oat oriaoopient. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL vas Bars a..,.. VIAANICIIII —W. will eve a Ome fiou t• rage, at how NU to SO par Toirtriteuriatinst 1.4.1 TN. is a Dow !Ischia% sad se eisapt• la lia 'm etro tiou that • ehtkl of IS ream alum leers to oplorstio by hail en boar's taatreelios. It im equal to say natal, !towing tlaehioe la use, sad the Arta la bat Mesa DOl lars Peol .tan etehlag as meaty ottlaidraes J. N BOYLAN, Mirenttary arta Sewing lileadaseCompaar, out 17 —01.2 t. NIL Of oak,. HEAD QIIA.II,^IrMIELS DRY GOODS. HAYES & JORDAN, • • . • I WI 1 1 11 : . 111 I I 4'J." • .41.11 r No , 71 :.: • o,`r: _• ~ • 7 -14 -1 T ' • 1. No 1, Brown's Hotel. Opening, thi4 day, at tingik CLOTH & BRAVER CLOAKS, LATIRT HMS STYII,II F ro' o► •Wt ONO. wig Twee Booror to *b. lowest price HEAVY OM NI nests MOTES, I. Of i lA , Air 4, hum $1,30 to $5,00 Fine Heavy Black Cloths, P .•r . LI. 4 1‘.24, .I vaallties mad Wilt /I.M Wool. 1./)NU AND SQUARE sHAWLSI .r I .0..1 Cow., fruit, USE tV FIVE U..Wn audit; Pries la boastital sod edisold tu,uuo Yards Latest Styles Dress Saadi ! Sow. Neu Design', WM 11Y I IV TWENTY-11V* CIJIITS KILDUCTIONI Lir plut 11lalb mad Pula Petaled as 1 higared Uttobama 1 clouts Rapt thiria Mated Korlaws Rum Colortso •ed tibe latest 3.40. Two Cases Hamilton Delwin**, LJI% holbl XL. wry uks. tijiift i ••1, ,, K 4 , A T 11% OWN Plllt Y 4 itio Dr e 0 a OS I. 1 Is. ma , FAO M tLICTION.p ►iv. w rureutv • ►l.. Ceuta . yard dordecl,4•B 2 Cases of Dark Madder Prints! •... • VI atidkutlrd l •01., etai• .1 G. k 4 ./.:' I A lILLAk 11 V MliSLIN`z, 11.. rule fres 0..".1, 40 IL I • . 1..6 NEW STYLES . FRRACH WORK LIN6N •YBKU. • 011-•11Z, k.•., r ..,..a"-.1%.11.1e at) le ria4 U.A. 14 Ladles' and Misses' Gloves and Hosiery, for Winter Wear ! vc, 1... L L DR.. , a •'t. I.ISqLN M llit-STELO Host liar tag ruatd vay to iitur Maids and the t Gab hada terievaily that every &vilely found in nal stork wlll b. sold at the lowest priers to be loam, to this ells, bad we have ver. toasty Job awl Suctloa pusrhaam• meek soder niralar prier. no. 17--24 HAYES & JORDAN. DR. W. V. R. BLIGHTON, N.:clfactio Phyeaman & Ophthalmia° hunaion WOULDre4pectfully inform the citizens of [rig 'ad its surroutattaa cougar), that he has !alien up his reatelsocti la this city, !or the purpose of yrartseing his prollradott Ile • i,l bold htsisalf to readia•na I. azia•er to all calla , e te,ral analog, cod at the NM* time will pay •pactud •t , entiou to the traatusout attar EYE .a.l Vldlt H. °meow LWW( to the laelbreaed Prseilm. , j ,..crior, Parrot, le all Its forma, Angle, Asthma, sad 13,00dlettias. sa hazardous sad Intact...di& remedies He has earnestly mooed to qualify Mu,.lf ip Ere and Ear the trot and most eciestllle tresideratt bow it, the hands of Um prate...ion. to which wad ho has ac quainted himself with the latest Imams of both the Old mial New Seim.' writer. epos the ty•and tar. MIS (SS - en! live ta.w t r • •ts•sas in th• application of ledicatod Vapors.latro oc.d by the rmilsmat Ophthalmia/8 Turubuli, Si i.••{ltiOn. sad ptactimd by WM paralteled out. - ... n. orals itIVISISTO/ o pads oingibas sod maracas tit..a..e of Vi star, klectrtetty, and the so mintetratioo •naly.otie or vapporting siecheisee The med..* which ha. atelywliere acr . o.apanied this trraf mint •py ali I n nmoist.h able language • its favor, a. separiror to 0 , • other .ow practiced ; anal the cum Ur. B I. daily ellectt nit on patleuta who bad Inns &avail rd of piglet are • ufb dielitgUalliatera t.. the afileted, whoci confider . . and patronage be Dow solicits, that halt %bar ou tblr wyo a toted vo uth thie branch of the profMaiOn . A ll are cordially utnte.i to call al bin office la Commer cial Hoick •r C I einet s l'aughey &Co's mad awe fur thee, *lt h tl,e ti mole MOOS that so rOCOU nev i T0..-.11 will to givitti that caaiotM fatly rang Dr. Dltirs• j 4,1, may 5.10.4. I ..oowlted at the fallowing USIA Sad Ow 1.11l4K1), Ikt H0W14,. . 14 Cu% AI-1 tt Trmool isit . .".. I Cowin Henn. 41 .11 aobre binae by Say be ereweind at bi. .nliec ta t „. Then .I.,arlog to catellait lam by moll ima du ..., n. ....c,•inf sump, sad diesetine to UR W C R Rt.HItITON, ID X I th. t.ullinour of • At letonsis • ho ban stake e.naltt.on to btu to tb• lellowtote brief siticht. awlersl4.le.l tool Mott tintrtliy •Jd nor Will -10001 ~,,,, Mighlon to thy bfiticted, u poi ;le a ham .speneat• ins taught us tiny 1114 . 11daor the ut „,,t s. twine en ttebthithele equal *or- e t soo *opener •toi, sod ehns• el:dodos lees be rossel• ~.041.1 and .at. all the war desire bo isee soh b ut W P1R1.11.W04 4 .Yeleey,lll. • H rrPticat, Weigdield, 4 ki 'LOLLY, ” " I H RICH, EDGERTON) " I toll 1 1 :14 OYSTERS! OYSTERS! LH. PLATT k CO., AHEAD • K. ClutPKTTIlOlll2l.—Tbe te11..... d a of this house guirsalso ler \— sou it N well prepared for tbe Oyster taw& L, t. .ewes of . eoood et There ow Meat* be insird al their Depot ilp,wo's Bowl sod Wild Aiwa" a of the ("Whetted Baltimore and Felt. Hawes = 4 1. 1 21 lows tad taus, 'matt from the beds Twolllee, Balooes and newer sautplisd Pewees Ist Dew bbortog towns or deriaz melee* lON ponds l' the Bret ezpreet, wed thee will by teetpd rich tad fresh se KV— L. R PLATT k tX). 12=1 CHAIRS! CHAIRS CHAIRS! ! ! AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Roaring ettatrs at 7/ twat*, Calm Boat Cbstra at 100 sea* idol Go cossallaroa imr Cosi h ta. or WART WANTED: LAVE CABINET FtTRNITTYNE XA 1: ma, Cub wele l 7- Ir • EL La Z Y • SPRING LOU :40103 Selling on Commis YOB OA *WO NA*: W G. W luny. BRIE PA -10 - =I AT Tilt NEW STORE 111100 ND GRAND OPENLNG! --OF FALL AND WINTIR GO homitisil — SNP Great Fall in Prices. Now Is taw lbw to Poookorstrom Po Lembo owl Clotop- owe Stool *go, olbod to thy roblio to Mk fooooty THESE M NO 17811 TALICINIP 1 1 mistemers owl Übe pow. rest 16.4 calhoil iv" si tM Ithow throni, Mao at as, ,Almor ratablishaest ta Ukii otty 1043afoLis Chaim, Oa amier ALAI t sad lair ea. look WI al boa et RICH Dna HOODR, SHAWLS I MARVIOSII, BILOCADII, BLACK, N , SELDILD ►IQURL, OHENI, PLAIN. PAL DI VIOL Was webs Stria of MOURNIJiII2,-BILKS, Latest Say \ ted 4it Glue lo a MANTILLA& \, cLOTHS, cAssIMERIB, a *LANNELS, MOB LIM, TANABE& DAMASK CLOTS MAMBO, 11311.11A0 LID ClOOOOO PRIXTB, ILPHYV., woRSTRD, HOilititY, DOMESTIC GOODS ! •lao, 14)-4 SLIM and lllin. BILAMMITS. of eopil SUbe sad natsb, at t.o• Mese, at R. J. MORRISON'S, YA BA 6 1 (41V BLOCK, uov./1-22 • - --- FALL TRADE, 1860. C=IMIIII Now is the thaw to BUY STOVBEI CARAP 1 -AT BARR & JOHNSON'S, OLD FOUNDRY, &Ate Beset, ERIE TWO TaOtFSAND sTtarza II Us bred, 'bitch aid be meld at VAR B[l-Ow foram letros. EMU or bas theft Is •Fnit AmArtiOArt of ELEVATED OVENS PARLOit YLATI, Cast, Laos i&4 Sheet lora NagaWads ♦II • FULL ASSOILTIMIT OF PLOWS !! *whim which on Mr aLLI.I, ("NTH. irt ig hi cud MR It'kismet will, Krt. Cl. Ptrilial6l Plow, warnases ll' NT CRILITAIN IRON BE ill, dm 'Awn Drsh Pio. is ass„ had Narzsated to g lv. a Ahoo %hi l'insbergl. ..catalw Itlag„W °lndic.. J .t.o s ig ,llll•rd Ihnichwi. ex SLEIGH SHOLS all Sias* KETTLES hum 1 to 120 IiALLUItai TIN WAhnt.....A POLL A/WOMINISKIIIT! BUILDING CASTINGS MAIM TO GRUBS OIL PIPS CoNsWITLY 0$ NAIOD COCHTHY PRoDUPW, LUWAHM, SLIENOLS3S Ira Übsra,_ intelisagost Idgionet iestiltet Ages CASH la WO CASS Ca sad mos. cr WO await POW SHOVIXO HOODS .*.Tallitlallllllll Z. CP IV 1P111.21110 1 Kau, New. 3-11. NEW ARRANGEINCENTS! ! BOOTS AND SHOES: LEATHER, FINDINGS, &o. JOSEPH Min:CLAIM has sagooste.l vita tikaaaelf C. XX6I.ICMAR7. at the Old Auld oak Sale erect., loatamaa Seventh said eta Park arab Alois be ex:sthma, the bastes.. of wassalartarliag for erbekeeole bad Malt 3130C1M1111 Gad MILINCONSIS I Grime, Vas sod at ell priors vainly from tie loonmot to &be 141.. t. GENTS' CONGRESS 0/LITERS, TIEB, PATENT LEATHERS so LADIES' 111188E8' k CHILDBENB' BOON AND SHOES. is st•iLt 66460460.00 Pentonler site/Mos sale to i'estoe. Work—dts pankatied All wont Isaresaasd to be ea Et4sad clomp as elm be pswassed ben so elsawboge at t,er Hoots sad Overebooe. Slipper% Brags .a .44 y's Heavy Wear al Scents am low assay REPAIRING ATTENDED TO ! [reshot sad III:44Po olio on hard ord rippird t•t order. Th.,bLia , amours old eustmeer, t aud Umr pol6ina t ."16 b to u 1 tbar to w.o bhl:Leataire, SP; hope to mei,* Übe cane at Of oho an is wed se. • le WWI' nee J CeBb3ll4lrlll 1111-26. C [NGt. PM alit PANIC IN DRY GOODS! 1 All MA ufFEJUIV Al Great Reduction ! !! DRESS GOODS, ClawDelos. (11:04:3. A N 1) IIiKtAIVIS 31 A NY OF THE, SUSPEDED BANKS AL 11 3 V 'JP .01. Et: Erie, Dec. 8-447 WANTED I 1,000 t a rt i rskir 814 ==es • larOir Peke ll abase eeetut, - . - bee '• " Illtteee , I 000 DRESSED HOGS, wilughuNg WI FOSS& '• Tara. . 9 tram( SOO 010 to See poured% for widish tie etv " lbeneentr ugliest Coal Market Price ea be pet/ by see.sll-41. TIMM?. BALI. MILK It Cta. I soc ae—gt, ynicrsT, ist&Lsoim 4 co. SOUSE PURNIAH 'NO GOODS irlitil WILL P0114)111, NIII3LIN DE LAINES, DRESS GOODS! LeSe AMD SQULU SaAWLS AXU 040444 t 9 131RICSIII 'FitIIIIIOIIN Qs. MINNOIDERIIB ♦ND LACE.% Fl A %NEL*, HOBIIitY AND GLOVE* BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIETLIGS AID SHIRTTJGS, Mew Awl besstital Styles of Ilselitb sad kowtow WitILVET, BUDISILLIS AND WOOL CAM?* ANL, ROUSE FII311:111ING GOODS To tido ohoady low ..d lesseriag burial", ►.. Mw GENTLEM EN'S CLOTHING To Corder, UNDER THE BUPERVISLO4 OF Q. S. 3LEP.NE, MirAi.. PRCTICAL TAYLOR, late of Buffalo, N Y k. liurfimoug kayo bees listploied fur PLAUN •N 11 V ANC Y For Fall and Winter Wear. h'RI ~ BiIIRTS, Col. LARS, CRAN‘ATA, GenUssion's Furnishing Goods. GOODS WARRANTED ! WV. • GIU.SWOLD, tka. Itroat Stun. State newt. &U. GROCERIES FOR CASH ! fill •Ibillonliread himigi4 tri-.1 eh. emit* systmo to tb•lr ENTIRE SATISFACTION I ! VIVINO li L. IYE. PAItLOit coos. sad eall Altamarlas lA•rmater CHEAPER MAE t►. CREAM CASH or READY PAY! •11 "jut .k an revisit's, sad dispsoes to dotal* sal TV. Wtit , b Lh. •aid bare the RCA Dr, cOll. .04 et tt. RIM WORTH OF YOUR WORRY! for we FLEWS oetsototo to toll W KIDS to our 110. CaIAPER THAN Alt', OTHER ESTA ir MEE! WM. B. MOREHOUSE SL CO., Itopurtrrs sad •b.dwl. Itraiers prill%thell, Irbil); Gina, & aeglirS, beg Mare to call the ahlestlen of Om cameo. of that' 0.t.-d Oats* le their Para Wimps •od Liquors, put up uu.tur their own eapervialoa, for Fondly mad Wroicinal we, Ia wore areorted te waft esetorarre Club', ill , ary and ethos peak lawallera who inquire t.. purchase la I. re. or Mall lawatizire, la nabs or bottle, will be Menai r twit adtli. Price lira seat us application r , A ill re) . 1 ciasoa l g :1:11I lannennesibd by Am Brat pbv *Wane a• tin, best maw • dy !soya bve Dyspepsia, ladievatios, and •I 1 Mamma, plassuara A. a bovrragr. it f. pan, altstialwatv, amid dligkioss t. U.. taste Ardd b. all Oragrata. A litißPAortiE at , Prop rt 6 It 6 Fiebaor• Mace, Citt . J I be omet.c..lto•r• •lab ••••••• • few ae , l••tuvn. •• Local ws.4 Testtlisc Alost. t., awl,. boom., to wt, saallecrurrota •CT b• offer.. r,,, p•rtiedlarn, 6.1- 41••• aa sb•••* eu•S Stoves ! Stoves H Stoves I ! AT THE KEYSTI)NL VINCEBT, TEIBALS. SHIRK & CO., RESPECITULLY d.ktho 'mention tYf On ./14) orteb yurrhare4l•••• Ist ‘, ti. , lo•ale ur ketaild b tb.te oplottillt! ukurtin.nt of Kierand Owa r Alrhag au-1 twrovas. arr Cool or W.KI lammed Itxterkor Tor, •.th rvorrroir Forint Oak 111" heat, Pavel, Milli Beam de. for C.. 1 ..r tt Purim. 14/14/11111M, fur Woo ig 's., On.. la nest varl.ty Parise C•ek. Ceases Parlor sad 41bret Imo 1114 e. PekiMaiNAIPT CORI La., lot +Writ. awl sim Mame, for Om rclut<, b.n. I U. v. it variety. ie.. to We enedhally Ise IN nompartiona am to att le and patters, --Cotnietitton we defy Our Stnew. are manelartarwd lawn tM Wt Selatela and A a:lemma tr..t.:annunted lathe Nat amasser, nail 'ivory Stove warrant...l perfect. We do tot boa.% of haelui 2,000 Store.. on hand, fwr we rani itlep tifiat tbls number to 4..1111 , * of nut orttera, but w• will bee, enough to ea le all rowannable dearnarel• YIKCENT. 11011 A L ,. SMILE t t 10. boa 3-22 na etata, bet • eon 11th and 111111 Stearn, fill WINTER MAIN; GENSHEIMER'S 1 Clinker of State and Seventh eta., Erie HEADY MADE CLOTHING, *Nina to dee 14 HA KM, Coaretealian of Dines, Frock and Sack Coats of entry style and prim, r tete of all kinds, Cravats, Shine ratter-Shirts, Drawers, Handkerebiets, Collars, Howatery ailment qualities : In short, he keep. emee7 article sassily kept la a Clothing Establish meat Hie Clothing leisakaSoryd by blzaredf„ and warrawted equal to any to the city Perwon wishing ardele• la Ma Hoe will do well to sail Nil angroJor hig Moelt,.aa hi intends not tit ha say eikkikilaitoot watt of Now Teat.-- ClwthlaiLlaNe M .slot se dile Dirtier. ofign ilissiediser's Dormer, car • qf Male load Wiwi* Anse line. Owl. 17.-11111.1. JOHN mnissixamit WM. BELL PORK ! PORK ! ! PORK ! ! PORK ! ! ' WANTED! DRY GOODS CARPETS AND _ i : Wk. A. GRISWOLD Now •brr • very lave amod attraathli stock et PLAIN •Nn PIUNTRU Argil &say other swor sad deeir&blo styled of kV MILT DIPICRIPTI I) N PRI NTs, &C., IC OIL CLOTHS ♦XI) Ir..YrRY DIPICIIIPTION Of addol the lissoiscturo of IY I F-Vt.i:LTeik/sri NOW IN STORE 113211=1:1 ►Ki.NCIi •SI, IAULLd ITI3 V ssrisut, A I,S 0 , GENTLEMEN'S Awl *very Wei is tie by .1 Irl3l AND SATLSFACTIO GIVEN ; I=l TURN OVER A NEW LEAF 11331 add Ne lb, yourself wilertier win% we eel he TROTH OR hiIIMINV LISRMNNT IN THIS CITY ." L A, ts... by 49, 0. .t)711 61U11111111741111LY LIQUOSB This Way, Gentlemen ! zezrov klelLt24oft*, re):eioti , *(kivv:*'"Aiti Sign of the Big Shoe !I 710.7 co. WEB altaam.rolret llitcore). IV Wore tits ptArs j ust roost ts, tielr=sapply of BOOTS, SHOES a FINDINGS, to Yrht larlany e. 4 Qaatides! Salldeal to oopply any torsos or parties dootrisi to vat than wad will Ondav tbolasolvor to _ gELL TEM *AMU {KALI?) O 004)D •t Cbe•pv Rage tbw any oilier fatabltatuesat to This Section of Country ! Hi• lug dadwl tu ..**o fur Tbestrby peuvl4l4 .........,• .1% Us W cumilisinhalm our pion qua *amble liJ to MAI d Lass rasoas tn., ova NZ/ 411•00141. It bu W weald solicit our !nerds %ad erg wows to CA LL .0.1 tuat. U. experiment ui 13 tr "I" I 31* 14 V 43 11. ei 43. BEL LLUTHA, We u• prepared to ell the onion ul CV R ME - CHABTS 41W DZALERS with full Awortobeota ul SAL VOA tlfilftwoor Qoalitir at tory Low hate►, sod solicit • coil trout them befure it"lue furl h.r. and plias ksightor now. Ow CAsslil6:tui LIAM ill MIIISS IlifillTlEß la olso well supplied Peron/is wtshlug to purchase will do well to look at our Stock More pucsbasitirelo.wher• IC • also retain lb. !berries, of Mr. Cotter in ear CUStOIII Department, Who. moll earlsod repaitatito• Sot N•o. r... t0...1a la ancrussint frost •• Aug. 26, 'i3U.-12 GILT PORTRAIT FRAM}S. Gilt Moult: Wogs, LooIwo" Woman, ilbt ) torch Lair ofraphe la Prange, or oat, soiling cheap at tM IJoroirso Rai t ? A in t i j2l N May STOVE BRUSH Es s,,ld by est 11-19 = CARTER a MVO PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE 7 AND " BLOOD artwe TOR. I. preeisely what It. am iodinates. .r, while :plesstat to the taste, it is ordvifytog, Jailor, sting, and strengthening 10 the rital• it! fil. also revitiftee, reinstates and renews blOod IQ ' hi all its aright& purity. and thus sesta and, tender* the system inednerable to of, 1 :› ldlitease. It Is the only preparation ireerindliredio to the world to a popolar form so as to be' within the reach et all P. ebroleally and sitillbille HI combined as to be the most powerful tunic, and, yet to pettedly adapted is ts act ape d se - , cortisone with the taws of odors, mid kenos eorniesi HW reeked seemsee, and tone up the digestive ' 4 organs, and allay all oared'. end other irritation Id le It also perfectly es hating in ill e ff ects, and , yet It Is never followed by lassitude or deposr sion of spirits. It is composed retied. of overt 1.4 ,a 0/so and tho rn thoroughly combioing porter ful t ' celtonic and soothing protertie., amid consequently ota weer 10.0 i ver Injure- duel a remedy bas lo been 1 fiat to be a desideratum In the mod Mal wor t. both! :a lio thoroughly skilled in Ilaattical .noose, end( z auwbe hl'e."6"c = debilitit Z ' tOitv. i. nl skil or Ise/ that debility follows all /alert. of diorama,, E.4:aimil4ys tbo unguarded .y stem open to the at tack, of many of the moat deflowers' to which' 11l ' poor humanity Is constantly liable Such, for 0:1 esample, all the forlooteir • Conaninotion , Brion- I shifts, Indrinti, Di 'petiole, 4..•. m ref Aopetite, en ' Faintaeowe ..nous rnitability, Near" Ida, Pal- H . t , l l,7:w o rs t th ts71 14 .aniro ' n li r lei tttkl b 7r i ?tea ' H s . rr . ri t Tl D l d t i ltr ia' at tiara of thaws, en. &Wittily fatal If norm t tooted in fJ In time, called /mak Maskeirava Auld Preto- ti Wforth. Aliso, Liver Derangement. or To , pidity,r And I ~air c.optaiuts, Diemen of the lit.ldowys,. it:siding or Ineontthetice of the ['rine, or any general seracignmeut ~1 the Urinary Oritorts,Pain M'is WI ha.-k, Stole, toad between the ‘lboultlers, bi uj p , 16 ,..,,,,,,,,„ t ., ~,,h , , olds. Hartung and ton. tinned I oath. Kurar.ciattne.lllllllculty of Breath• log and indeed • e tra,:kit er.ueerate Watt moire ti A still .. 1... IraY• a 1.., only to say, It • ill not on , y :ore th•drurltttr followille Chills and Fever, hut i... repent all at 'sett arising them Muni:nat.. 0 lutta•uora, ant cur, 'br luivarre• at once , rf .1 0 ' , set attacked Ind as it acts directly and per' ahrtentl, opon the AIM*, s• stern. aronalag the Liver to action nrrinertlor, In fort, all the en - I 0 cnthir• and ier ruin,. of the r,stenr,lt will In I . Kw, , u , , .or os .1, rireron• voneswinence• fnl - tl lowing u let 0 change "1 rillnale wart water ; bent. alt trriirder. •hou.d hsve a 1w.111., • tar them, not all .11..0 into a , a. I. ••••411%1 at learn actor . .., cal in, A•11t t. . t ..t. .1...• iv. new., strengthens' the I.a••tri. ~,,-, ,• •,... , .1 t• in the band* of AI . p r-.•u•% 1.- i' ,,.• ,1t.1., • , u-tents win , utters anditierat. a .., kn,t .01, no t nr , d to much out to -.• . ... should al ~ ..., It they will. tlor • ,Il nod an sir,- ' obi., 'dessert and ellieseot ream di against thuorr 011110 which rub them of their beauty , (or r,,,,,./, icatinort cult • ithour hen/tL, tool bra/t). rwetrut • Inist while the shove u•reollutt1•• rap , inn,— ' (I)Theo •esiu, theCoriltal i• a perh•cr Ifuther t , it.- . lie I. ken • it...nth or tea 01. 1-r• 'h. boai (Ira/ g• - t% rib. wilt p.a.. th - .1...a.tal pe• iod with r rt•el ki a) paw and safe. /err. rs Met WI ff oat a Ihnk It.l ' fins fire/haft S• on Sr riarrar.r ti M..tiers ire 4: 4 et' .kodt.. )ot, . - •i• I, , Ile. doted the ill p,•••• ITIOr 4.eltne not noir I , our dssightere beton it to. In. lat.., tint alp.. lout antla and hashoods. 6., while the former, Nous Woe detteary. QUO sae* 0> iii In..' t, a r•reuraturyr gilt, e_ratbarr thumb let t l / 8 04.11 rondifina he Steen it tiro*, the latter on Oft•ert , q i ,anmineil nn u Itb the esalteestet absentees OW O.f it we re o ut f.., ~ . o they t ee s hrsibd trwrrl in the ado. ions.. r,, path. tett& helatil to triad their f,,tat fall hut the tenths is 4,114nii. vie 0 lost. aa4 to roe •• 1 , neasatly wag lost. OK' wt. I A ..... 08 . 0 , 0 0, W.,. r 6,1; khr ILIT.Ction *o' ;UHT riogly t..,0t ~.0 to Prof If'.. .4'. Pte•t-ra , i•lt cordial and HitAni Renurntnr n• 11, record. 114 whs.+ inonl.l is ales, on Lard In time of need i nJ .a.mili, Pr..prtri. - 114 lq. , •'• •.. \.. I-.• __ . . ... . . . . York, kud 114 notrkrt / • WS, Y• ,and Sold by all g••o.l I.rug. 1,,,11,,r pot laottlo tsta - I y New Goods ! New Goods ! PRBPARID for the FALL CAMPAIGN I 11 Jr!' rlcr I, Wow Opoollog, bw twilwito, Kom4f luoy.,nusu, . No. d. Brown's Hotel. State ...t FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! to►•llw,rh.eblmrill wake up t....rder apes abort u.. tic., sad IrILITSO t 1 u gly• ratibluetwo or no rot. for rata to sai.t of saithlag to his hoe eau depend upou bolas fairly dealt with, sa be is detscusiaed sot to walla up say goods but nab as willxise sstikbv.tiou It•turpo coastaatly as 'had • food sewortsseat of ILNADY MAIM CLOTHING ! Of MAW toots and watrouttut to be u roprooeutod mow, rohauiPE Pusl a. peolotalog for CAMS...try Macao.% to call Lud MUSLIN Joy (kood• sad Primo, sit 1 sat &Umlaut to opll ib' r s k til °MI6 CUTPTVIti dot. oft abortotliro mad war-rooted. 0tt.21-41 JOBS It. JUSTICE. SPaINO BMX, a Fresh Oep_pky, . rived of th•latert ttopromoint W tea or rt. West,* neeilterig all atioutio Um • 0 and well WA' IN beaver 101 year own ellieras, wIIMK kern WOO 'sal by 110 rely astbsolisi spat. milk a 1•141, Stock of Par% ant pow% %a irnr llalamom it $3.010 each. Club burrs au W sapptiad a 1 ataessala at Lagar. Woo. ♦T Td[ (ISH Olt 1411.40 V PAT, to ► b.. CRLVIT RUBIN INA U KELSEY • wow •uJ •up►Ayr witn:k ul ro gri CELEBRATED ZOUGH REMEDY PAS bee n used during this lad 'Mani years Utonsaads at people far Hut l= i x firost sad Lug dlessass. It bus been tested—the voles or ID. p, and the cr , ban let dared their verdict by prooes•Ong It p su p grgwr, THOROUGH AND gencrt•st. —tios sissisissp known far curing Lour Caniplaints itystr person of evory aim agitated wttb either tithe Missies diseases, should ow this pleasset missy vtussis tam and Guth voices will soon Mae* with Iseibl elfetbeatin r i ustedbag Its Ohre, is their 'IOW ingghtore sod h ttir Ues Halts (twitswied, it rids aolds. oar Use Halt s UN 1! A Remaly it ewes Om. or Rattles. Mr U.. Halts thug/. Remedy tf cum Asa. • tna PAtiustc. ear Use Hall's (.:ough Remedy roe Carr& Mr Use Halts Cough .Res s y it Iflitiagussoe the Lungs. sir Use Hall's Ci.gA Remedy* Zkvischititt. Str Us. Half s CbugA Ram* for Homy filla. o ar Use Hall's CilugA Randy ie 1111‘Aesie the Voice. sir Use Halle (buy A Remedy ftor WAidjams cougA. It will greatly modify ths violent* of this dialer awl alba • tan tea tedious oourvs, one-bait from its ordiarry dura tion. lbws» of Co4.llleff•il• atta 1.. e Isoibtkorks—ell br Dr. P RAW. Ce&brated Cougb Rowdy Ned... last kb wet► sigeabre la upon tL. wrapper asd brordbles. STROPIti TESTIMIO2II7. w., the underaignod eitioros of trim Ct I,4olaft, tuna used Dr. P ffau,'• CelebroutdCouirls 11.4wwoli great moms; In curing dlasame oltb Kraal sae= sod tal g thlemar• to recomanendlog Its me is the as • and effectual reseed', 1a11; ww/thr Of PRIOR cos!' . James Thompson, Huth*. Hazatltes, D. Ihls John Delhorn, Sr J W Ryan, RtehaiJ John • Tracy, Robert CoOdue, J. Y. Om" John W. WI sae, Daniel Bear, Dante/ HUM, John W. Baja, .r Robinson, C. E libkilt. John R. Cochran, W. Y. Itintlersteelia, 11 fflossery, John R Humors, P R. Barton, J. W Oshis. John 11 Warren, A 111151.011 elberesoil, Wm H. MAL John S. Brown W. H. Cooper, A. M. ?alien. 8 I. Forster, Joseph Deemer, L.A.. Seemed J W. Hull, Benj Grant. J. Balshetrp, Onto Smith, Lucius A. Hall. M. Myer C. Damara Thomas WIG*. J. L: a aas ik . H. 0 Root, W M. Gallagher, J. itoblases, Wilson King, Chas W. Kelso, Moaned., Daniel Min. r, D, P. Roark C. G. BOMA', C B Wright SOLD IN MIK ONLY, BY P. HALL. Manufacturer and `tole Proprietor, HON Now &Waft. 'tau at PRICE 37M CEXTzt PCB BOITLI. Looutoo. VilLOSti; JUMBO A. WAitev i r• ily Becht, Storrottitolo; B. 8l r, tortoni; limo & Sb.r.ood, Randall h.lleVamwsepa I soitioo ICo , Warren, Pa , S.Proodat, CHILDREN TEETHIN MRS. WINSLOW, AL experieueed N twee and Penedo Ptylllollllll Memento, to the attention of mothers, bee SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, • bleb tr. - ratty Mel Mate* thei prolesof Worthing, by Mt- Opine the retis tedormir iralueerleeke--erin alley mg pat, mitt •iittgatii,ilie ,gimp, %/Id 11/1 Mee 11.1111111111114 Iteftentt ttpon it, at them U will pet root to youreateue. sue role 4 am: Leaitl, t, your tUote- Re hove put lif soool • t alpo fin on, too yea, and ritri lett I Mrs. In soullottwas irutti of it •hat Isel I bare Dever bees a re able c. bust boded , say of •ny imas Meer tat aNeedleleo— fay& in seam*, t. 'Peg • ewe, sties gar ly used Neviml Roothinn , did we troy se inennee of &amt. •-• 6 labietkos by say 'onio I lio appd it.— SYRUP. Oa the eoutism7. all are delighted yith Ita epees . ... .._ . _. _ twin, end speak in terms of etutuneedatian of its Itigiati effects and medical virtues We speak in this matter .-what we know," after tenyears' experience, sad pledge oat repo tithe's for the falilliment of what a hen declass. In almost evel,Testamse where the What is salleting from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in Sheen et twenty minutes alter the syrup is administered. This mama. prearetion the prescription of use 01 the most experienced sad skiUfal IS urea la New lailaod, and hae keen need eith neveralleig success in Mamas& of CAM*. it 1• • n'y reiteves th e children &ems pate, bat Invigorate* tree aniaeh end bowels, earrects acidity, mid gime torte and energy to th e whole system . It will al. mot Instaatly retie vs narrow IN VIM Yowar.a , ANN Wow Ciam, and overcomes conmilatoes, which, if not remedied, end in - death.trre lieve It the best For and areal maw dy In the world la all ammo wit Dysentery an d CHILDREN, Diarthasioata dna, whether&T eet hi ng IgilelifrOllllll , Mik log or ay other • I mace. W•woobl •a y t 0 every soaring &nes any of the foregoing complainta—to not lei your prejudices, nor the prejudices of Genoa stood bur to•oa your MOAN( child and the relief that 'Mb* man. Pm. absolutely rune—to follow this oredLeta, used Pull dinectiowl for using will accost ari= Cie. Nose genuine unless the far-edueila of & ruouxs, New York, Is on the *RCA& wrapper. yr Sold hr Druggist' throughout the world. Prtoolpol dace, Ni. 13 Coast. Nt., Now Toady oct6 PRICE war 21 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 17-1$ 1800. 180 e' FALL & WINTER GOODS I 30,1:04D4511ars !! E are now in receipt of the lar t Stock of RTAPLIC GOODS la this dty I I STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, BOOTS and SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, MENS' and BOYS' CLOTH aad PLUSH CAPS, &c., &c., &s. which have been selellte4 with gnat care sad at ti., rerr, lowest possible prices, cad wilt Ise sold thet..i ...i. "'nut" cliCe;;7,ll7lritl, credit t CO On State, between 11th k Mato I=2ll LIGHTE & BRADBURYS' Patent Insulated Fall Iron Frame New basic Grand and Square Piano Porte*. THE Insulate _ A. iron {rause . lb* ortirinal lone of am. 4 lnstrument in all lte liri wan It for time sipathal tb.t dt•artirssable %any Ass ty of ton* {availably found in all other Iron bawd Kw Porte* It great!, iorengthens the cam and Piss lbw the Nano Forte mueli L , ng. rln tune Tt velem the truniont a murk to I:er, rt h.. awl ...eater tone. It ads - the Piano to .II niet• •oni to atl chancey of atinoepk o , and la all yeersec.• it. pmnuuncird by our beet “artint the greeteet Imi-en...moot of the age In tlatio-Focto a . stsuction p1,41 , t.,nc au ,ua,uro•ut acknowledged to superior to all others mode ID this country or Eur o pe A Jr. Lestussonsisb ma reward to the suparsorstr err ,N,tur Scale Piaewt fainsfatsid Pisa* Fortes "I tmee•aamineti the Haan Forte of Lighto aad Him burrs' with entar oitti•fution I know not that thank,• an, other-,r, ut, v n ouUlatrl t 4 w henr " N•• .s "In e earut-e., n. Lt.•.• owl ••/i 611.11/ of Woo. defy. eloatleity el Woett,al2.7 tit.. repeating action. I boos. et pl.J•d upon their oquol "--H A WoLlgirliktrf. "1 , 1 roluns• rKhoesa, error., itoct purity of town, • crrtatot• olost. sod lu ti , iretrable yrt epo f 'on; 1 hs %•r k.a ••••1 111,01 4.. rich sod boa. y ' , Nam Vati• • } rfp 4111 . 11CX Vltvt-r•4l •I • ill ..t. , lll•Le I kkhkl .lelight•4l •I h like i i•kek• 1. , 11 For•ee Matte h. ve , a Thor,. mu.% I N .I k krel,,k Il,latkr k il•sdl.ur . 'ln n° Fortes." t.i., h‘ , o 1.:• ap..11 a hut ••• instrumen t F HEMS t..t.• •• •• ..•tOSO •II • rt., t • fls • ins C. It. 0. , 1101.1 • 4" .. r F tt 4 .1 .I,w. t 141, I , forts!. I etc , 1..• rtel, atoitingto t t tf‘DO in••luatrik• t• tuptuitnelut voler, I 1.••• 00% me Qv , tlir.xr - orals, 11l try.. rwydrontopl• BUI.A.or Tv , letati ,, n or ~ t t. 1..4 a0mp...1(6., STltallloAll W try- routu 42.1 Biron• Street, • few doers EnAt of' lirowdwfty. New York gar Tokl t tic %NILE GITIN MI 6- ..ply %V .VIVI IES Ci 'YEN ,k,,1T1,Aiii.1.K6,1111%. , 1 ,,, L1.APL•4 TOON, HUN ktd HIA K. 411 LN w ITH ERA" KWIC PRieg.S. At least One Watch is Gussan- teed to every twelve books. I •••••• 10•1•o•DirD are olbelNd by the SUFFOLK E.X.CRANGE COIPLNY, 37 Park Row, New York. r.,• D••••t ELIENSDAL AND Till NWT LAIIIIKAL hurt k ea ..It. t% F. mracres INTA BLIAHSD IN ISM sEnt) FUN A CATAILOGUM, rhos eetruraised other. Glft Hoarse are par %kola, 11 r ty ••••••••••1 %.• serplariat themselves .tth our teems •Litiu • taelat• AAr litlrivalled, sod prt all others Lb the .nad. 1141lati I.e,Yr N'.l, lr.o. ribbliCkg Cases. rAll•Dt Lees, ladle: leer • Op.. Yoko Lletsehrsl Le•er silver WateLee. }looting Cues. Lem., Sliver W riches, Open Yee. Gold I.oefs•t% rodeo's Slaws Lathes' sad Gent. Gold Chains, Varteirs Styles Lod*? sod Gaols' Bold Shreve Bottom, end throb, on Potions.. Avow flooo.n Pins, N•s, sod Alen 2l . ty Noels and NOS. _ ,Ladiu' and boats' bold Ringo ,Gold Watch K.?' and Pins. A grist variety of lads..' Jeoelgb h llll sad Owi erompristog all the sty Is* now oars, swat as COMIeItV aalc, Gold Stoat Laws. Floesstrue, Ars, Ars, its Gehl Brusisto, all Style.. The Lan of Books oomptiesa post aosortamost of Mod srd sorb In *eery de t of Uterstarta Intorsottos to tb• yosog and old. not hal to toad for • oattlegoo Catalogues maned bee to any oddness. Atimiky to SCITOLY. CICELAI4OI COMPANY, Ir 7 Port Nom Now Tort CM, Brooch Ulla, 116 Washingtoir St, Soeteth Wert III!!!!!MII:Ell AW A YI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers