Inas Title uric Obserutr. •‘N I) PuLITICAL :lOU RN Al - - BY B. F. SLOAN -4. r. ..ka,rle tootle:l,lo6ra, II paid in /I,l•Klbet - Ore Cup,. will be &rut lo one arldrrora for SA, and t.• -*ow r>tr for larger riot" .• 11.% to pat • ttlita the tear, the • /n tle .1 •, out iclue•l tail tar. seroltut Wady ~ulsl ..t. { t 1,, • ear. awl left with a proper oltitvrio TM 1;M , ADVFIiTIAING r v.. 0 110..14% r I..sruskr Nuare „„k f 7,t I)ne Naar , . 3 luoutb) VI 00 0 , 0 14, 6 •. tbr,- • I One .. b . • ,tl.l, . w. nr, 4 1...1„q•+t41r at ylwure, $lO , a „,„0„ . it, 11 41..110,1, Ss A Month., MEE lu ..,11a,. Trat, SW6 istootb... . *I• , , the Hu.1134.11 Directory at ja pwr k 11111.0”,1 1 , 0 a Lent, Mrer aii , and tt.,lla' noticeol, 111 ceol..lln. , but U 0 e o - I userte.llltll,ktif the Special N otti-r• .. • 1,,i0 •- %ler, 1,%111• oku,l others regutruse, Inc oetti Isaygr• I. e; t ,•tueuts will be allowed two squerv't.l.lo,,. f SI.. Fur additional space, thr chart,. wIII u 4 the drertirecorato mart be .trAct I v lr otuustabiatiaepafthradvatUs.r Pay advertiarosents rtNuirv.l m alt aut. or %raw', adv.rtising grill be yrearn tea Loaf- rt.g • y M=UillM;.... I I EN .1 r ter Iv it Or rill PX•el— (Mee ~.• ••t 01 heath Street end the Public , Maivar.•, ho 11. it taAEV. It, Ai as 11.1 lt...ta and Shoe.. •t N'ti..l.• I at N., It, l'aalaail'• 1.1,1. et State .treat F. 11 KNS, f (al & IL' 0 . 1V it at IVA I X I rilberXl4, And DOlLitrl 10 /i •uJ Isoportxd WI.. mud 1,4 a.m., al*. Q./ram Fl utt, M lab, aud Aceuta for blasts Buffalo •. I and t.,u,nwremrttnildlnc., ?iorth aid/ • Jana, Ps Co. ' I.t:YDON at Wb.leoulr •11.1 lieta4l. Uruggt•ts • lid bye Stud*, N .. i Pi 41.116 ?Loan., Eno ht• N. .• r a IT i, 1% 111 I.L If 4 _ l l{l{lS 4 )N HI )I • SE &IV! Market Street—one alume mkt unm'a Ea...haulm Waxrro, l'a Sept 24-17 )It. J. L. P , TE.WkitT • PISTKICIASI aad SemUltost flour Paragon 1.11.,t1. 8r01.1 . 11 kiutvl ...ler hours V.! tot...chuck. P. W Jnnogn3—a3 - - )K. it. 1.. E. rgetl' , _,,RICSIDILST 1110.711 T DVIO/tbbg In swollt Park Row, ~ t vamt tol Rue bultdino, 113:V 10, l'ol.l{, .1 • Hoof 111Nowit, HL•t[ Boot MANI:Y.. Tv v.KA, itimiertbecht's Block, Ens, Y►. Min Wr(111.E.... W. A. IiII.IIIIIOLOi Jobber, sod Retail ••,, ever, deseription or Foreign and Dero4tie Dry „„1, cesperlots, oil Cloth &e. 't IN W I 1..e11a.N. kirn,LNKT crwee•Lt•at •T Elbe Pa.— ou grate 4 ztreet, near the Park, in the Alnerfeeh wecon,l *to r n of the baildivic, occupied F & V •,leher if e will airway!' be found fa hie utiles, acid puurtualir attended to I • . IE I II%I'IIY, 1 I Du•l rll I• I lI,ONTIM WllllOl •411 , tyro Ra, ftr•u.l...f French firmadiew, Gina, kc Ch• tpplane. ue• Chkert, Madeira., Malsg.,„, ,, herry, Port,a.nd ill ktind. 10. roe•ortle IPnv. •11.0 coetmfecturer of metaled Wlti•• Rvr. fi..,Jrioln, 11..00urabe4., kc, Reed ouae, uo • T. ; lilt:F. 11. CITLIKH. 41.111 t, VT AT I Ay, nerard. £rl4 ; • 11.-41,4;a• .u , l busluees itttotled, to stilt 11;,“ Into! •;;;;patcl; E0111:F J. mirwrtm. c..w11111,0111 mod l'otnratAmoon tkrelmult, I. Stisier Villh. Your end , Ut I a. skottaitit, Will/1.A.1A 41111 I. MOVIE., sod &vier• lu 4 1. 17... , ,1. Poodro, shot, I ►P•, Sart) , ?use, •r • F jkr , !•:\ o• i.I 4, 1 ' kris, _ _ _ BEE t 1 i• .S. JOU I 41. Z RKTAIL DI•I VW lc. Vag., • . I' , .• Itrlwt•. Flattings, (111 Clntiwo, , lt,, .1.. FV• rh, f'a I 111 l It.. E.. 110.. 101 r I)[.lr sal Ir t:ittpel/111,.. •NI w ~• 111.,k I 4IIIN F.NI • .Tl. hr•dx., Reatty'• 011% II %I! ~% •,* • • ,• tl , tmh, 60.1 p.m for • (LW, hue of ••••••••64,1., r., Pt Is% (111111 h, n.+l • I 11.•Altitact , .trt ~f to, rt , ts (Ist .I.4,furtorrl) 1,1 ruple..l 14 u,h 01I\ 41.1K44. flea r.tell Wtbolemla ►od Kraal/ ... all k.odat..f Paury, I.normg Itotau, Racking .2 un•l r.,lt,lj ur ettatra,. .. 4 Rey -tone Block. Eftw, f . N . 4:1.k... 04 , irt , ./teet AT I L Wiff, rernt, et, to •tat.. beet 1/1, 111 titretheide of the re I toil's, 11. %% I 't I .111.11., M+ „ ytt•.01,„,. Li the . 11.eattav of Land A , u ,t n,. pa. li/e4 . •,! TaIV. .41•1•••• Ml* nl,l lt,a nli •II ..r , f,• f r ft, wirehs..- 11,•*”.1 4,1 I w 4. .‘ I 4 ..4 . 1.1/k:N, Mu,. , r .ar r Irk 1 krtul kiraLet 10 all lunar t Ft.a Lal,,..rman .r.. A kikert4a4nl-4ar , r.araro, A korkix,‘ Ins tr. n, Natlok, "44.id1. , 1, and (- arrkap. irstamtak44. akhinek Brit. tug and Pa, It tog rrvntlt P 1,1 4". °Pl 44 ' .. Rewl Fr ,r, l'• V. DO G WNIN. lrfftk•) . 2? 1..1 , AN,. it NTH a UV 7141. • •" • Nrll p nrUr. to ...irto 1?:r1v County, . 1 • prompt wd fallthl.l l wt t.O 4ou t" all t tt t ktt.....t t tty 4 tr 11.41.tratt• tom` trlh r. iu told, re 14, ~F W t . I t ud hen. •F r e lA. 4 IL , u , I, I'L•nmetrial Frir, Pa 11111)K1.1., & 11411 .1 11. 1.• • KM of .le4lll . A CIGIllt r 1.1 vls.plelfi , •l4l.., R 4.1 1 .1.4 C.., P% 11 . 1)1,11., 1,.14 • '4 ..t Hi-tall • lira /...Ij./.ot IL./LI 0". ..if To ..11IL MllllO ,l rh. En.., P. rr ,ur,jutt ear, st..; f•LLLLIr t f.rtu • r .....1.1411 1 Al ebehir NI. ..41NFOItt) lilt IN ...ILI.. 14•014 r I n•lktv• • I 1110.1.1 t, (G. 9,4bt eschartgr II" , 1. , , r,,nolAllll, ‘,1 , 1 !ITER 1. tint H,tilt dent,- Lu w,te• 11., 1., tAko t %let V. tit... win . qtAtr Potill if 11 AI. 1 1 11‘1,:4(a., t.r. r and 14..40 14,1 v: 1, 14111,1,... y, Zrytor KmtUul, 3.1 Vtukew Vo r,. ar. Tuv-tlarr w, 11. a g «nrr►l kote, - .rtuketit 111 1.4L.51.• Peach Iltrevt, 4th aboilti‘.l,ut Wi lt. •1 1, :(1 1 1 ,1 :* K r. "4 1.1; flkr.ut Mikis, kati Agent W tog M5. , 4,141 . 1 , ou.• 136. ck, Fr.'. Park, Er\r,Pa. (Jr Stitching "1 ` inn" t " ' " 1 " . 4,1 reerlrolt nronthir WV. NuEß'K4l: : ' ,7t.r kti k a k E k t i; , 1t KVi irr : NI L '(, Lad ...s'era lit hour. fork, gAlt, Woo!, and sq ! I low N krr, V ells •0.1 Woo*. at No 2 Wright'. Mori! r * r k.• 1.100.1.! nT 1110 , 1,1 I,lte•lio*, 1 . 1 • _4: 1 lic•tsk. in hroeef see, Pro•tott,.o•, ero -“eror, Pork, Itelk, Salt, Grain, Flour, F ruits, N out, t:lwow, arootu, Willow and Stone Wars, Sr Terms Cash Prtres I,•er r No 4 Wright'', Block, 'tate Street. 1 dour aboe• the rust Offier, Ire, Ps TT, It °4l. KR" 45' w il w ig n 24 :6 .4 . g ut th•likrlt 114,1 Crockery, Glakorate atnactkall;ry, NOA I 1 and 11 • uvpire Block, eoroer of tftta sad State •trreta, Fele, Pa ROO Walt,r X A YIXMIMI _ _ .;itivroN A rtußsEr AT LAW ofrle• oo Cimotuut • tro,t, 1611040•01 o, e.. Erb VI, 1859 —lr3/4 11- A. 13 V ENPOILT. 1110114 KT • T I •ir —lll6 or lie Coo tr•l r.lodt, "vet coyhergrr dlk [faker'• Clothing Store 1 •• Atals Atrv.t %.21, OTT 11l HA NIILIN. E)b.• Limo In •Il Itinil..,l rilth, Lc , at. Public P uc k, Frt.., I:Z=G2 rut M. 11 - 4 TIN. DitAt.zu In r lorkn, W•telmo , , Pine J. i • , mlyer rlato.,l A - tr.., Looking Ma..., raft d-ouldiugs, Cutlery an' Piney 4;4,410, Plunges Hniiding, ~..rth *At. Went Park n•nr ir ...o._ SINICIAI kt, - - 1 s.e.nsf.or to .Steicarl It i iiiitlasi . ., I • , ilotyliaLlt Jinn krr• IL lint'i•i•prr, Cortmrf ..1 ..tat. and . th de, tinier in Pnintii 3 Otir, O. 6446, 4 7144 a, eampbotse b il . O Of Vhod, Firuetwo, *, W I I. '" '4 / 1 . 7 . L iti ‘ II N S E T " •1111,Ue.T38•11.011 •T t VW r. 1.• r.orn•r room* of R.1110.111 0 1/c . • BioCII, ro.r Otnt. Sir...tend the Public •zonase, Vete, a_ --. W I I : 1 1 :, kr ;; N T. aiOr tn [Laden 00000 CoTiL 114. of Public Syilato, formerfy ooeupi y k All tent* ernrrnatect. _ NV" - `. s.msoote the Court House, Erse, hi txr . r.. PI A tall ILL. .....- —. --_ Darriter, Othee in Hon.°. "Ifs en• V 1 • io f • Work, n. re b •Isie of the Pah, EA.. PL. =ZOE= P I: N 't.H 11 9 ft V I N TORN klr ( .1.411(1.1,0111 1.4 AT I Ut 1(.1.. Paragon Block, near Surth W, Cc.rt,tr Litho Puthe square, trie,'Pa R. F. sU)AN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR VOLUME 31 A M ERICA N GIFT E NTERP R/BE. A New Plan for Selling Goods The out, In•ntutlou of th• kia4 lb the ...rIJ THIRD 1"! , AR 01 , THE M.NTERPRISk Price of GIPTS, 26 48. 1 ; eta., & 11,00 ARTICLES DIS RIBIITED. t'l I , F 110NRY,041.11 AND SILVIaI werettr..!. oil- ()AKA's, RnON. J NOP FLRY NICAL +ll,'“A, Re, t. Positively the best CHANCE known to Make Money. pvrovu I.rtioring Gift/ tram tate lastly...two wt! L vet valual.le gifts of the very heat qudil *, worth from the anlOatit layette(' fu $l,OO ( I rr. 4, *m it on daily to our ptn..nm, trot. of transportation charges Great Indocements to torso club.. To one Ars • club of 40, at 50 ete eu l. will etre a Flantiogg caned Lever Silver Wan.h, and fulls ISO et. and upwards wollith of good. to each of the othen Iq the elon To oat to a club of SU at,Sl,OO each ere will glee • newt t trot purse cootatolug a Tr; Dollar hitel.l piece To another tu the mune chin, we will ye A euperb .di r er Watch, and warrant tt to keep time fo one ear And to all other. tu the chin we wall the ows dollar and up ward. .r.rtli of gOOdll ten tall acting so 114.3t11 ID get that op elutes nod neodiog 'lngle orders can deduct A per rent Itu all :nooses collected Thosesolietting order' for the Ainersmo thft Ktlorprser, • 111 plenme wake • re port . often n once a w... Permute order'ng Infte ■DIi out being ashamed on meth al ad the goods. two hate their money he returntog the •lifts to good order !tend mon 11, esprre• when tworenteett : or 0 ..4 car.fulif h• mall Gift. slopped to 46 bout, after the order Is received Adders.; al' order* to PRUI'IIIVTOK J 111 1111 I.IWR 414.11...111•• • 1/1., .. p t 10 1•11,° Ktn - 3. C. ItGESS GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, ' AT WHOLESALE. 7 Bunnell Block, state St.reet Krw, tkt e, 1049 J. N. KLINE & CO., Wines, Brandies, Gins, &e. Nu 1 P., .\N ult,,,t `Atrwei., mud Nu II lirauite :41 Ila.c.b S., 164.10 J. 0. BURGEBB & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS A a 4‘41.111ti1l FAIRBANK'S SCALES ! = T. . 8 / a rk r S. 11440 (a;()RGE W. Brewers, Holsters and Hop Dealers, purclial,ed the entire interest ..fneonast W WITH, In the old and woll kno•ti Point Brewery, Pittsburg, w. L., now proparrd to furnish to thw nuationots madam vr, ,4 ate old am, ■ttb an arise* of X, XX. Kinsirtt and Butter Ate*, that canard tweroollod br toywotabitob uwut to tbia ecuntry V Or the atconosiodation ul our CLlotullbtr• tkil• ru I,•ci, as bass appointed iliiroarsi Cansboy & tiros-elm, of Frio, 041 sole artils for tin. vtritot) ft-bl 7 VismtNa sturg. 8 111. K , Magazines, Paper, Station PARK ROW BOOK ST Krm, Fr 4 IYW Lkid V.'S .11,1 F tnr .II w ..•1 -hsv,l4lti .14rgriv urVi eqUi 1 Itrbi , 16k H 11% • A JUNI. \ ',ilt) FS • • Aip D tit E 41i1 Rl,l t• rKit ki.t..l 1 IN 11, 111 1 1 1,111 \liE 01111 "1.1 Ws: -k4ll ALF. 10. /. 5 11.,.4.11“-ep.r, /1.1.1, br 1411.4.4 ••it 1•, t. t• 1.1.5). 1 G. A. Benoett & Co., Nos. 11 and 12 EXPIRE BLOCK, TT AV E la rge and well 41ecteil Stn,•k of MUM ICF.S BELL011:4, Ames' Shovels and Spade. ! NAILS—F'IL'E BoXES—WABIIIO sAW -H 0 E S-H tiRSE BHOE ta HA KNEON Tltl %I NI INtl S. Ste MEETS] ~, ) pu "mit 1 . . far' alew•t every thtug, at the Old Alma. Emptm l if ill,toeK, Noi' 11 and 12, iffhtatti, letroat. jan.2B--84 TO HOUSEKEEPERS! CLARK & CAUGHEY'S PuRT SALERATIIEH! TRY IT T nissiallteturan is Ib article, la BUY n• TRY IT. one ng i• to the public, Uwe no heal- BUY IT. TRY IT tattoo In inylog dint It Is the best gull- BUY IT. TRY IT el. of the kind innoutactiared One ot BUY IT. TRY IT the proprietor. has been entagrol In the BUY IT. TRY IT os.soulactsce - oof Salem/Luz for onus. BUY IT TRY IT,lsesrooebisti 4. tusnoste• for Lb. purl- BUY IT. TRY IT ty, and genulneneas of the article aka- BUY IT. TRY IT ed. All theft sat 6 for houseknopen BUY IT. i KY IT. and others au St Y IT. ' l l :it tjr 1 4711 CY I PIPER AND TRY IT! f ag TRY It and it it dose not sone* all it 1. errant- BUT IT. TRY IT coded, the none, irall be Wended !BUY IT. TRY IT It is put alp in pawn papers and L BUY IT TRY IT. for sato by oli rospretabte proems BUY IT TRY IT. CLARK CRUMMY, ;BUY IT TRY IT. YetufaStnecers, Roe /a .BUY IT 3KLUEN lA}& IN Eta:: -' . .., - 1 •••,......1.. . . _ ..,. ~.. , THE •, ..,,,t., L. ERIE ~. , I BSERITERI ..., \ _ - -, '- - ..- 4 6 . ` 4,4444., 14 KI.I.VIL 4 1 4Nktll I IMPORTERS Me philaciell: bit. I=l FLEMING BRO'S., UCC'E S SOH 's TO WALLPAPER, &c., Iffi O. P. ENI*11:141, rrepor SHAWLS ~„ '~. s, v I L.• 3TE.EI `3 - f'IKK SPRINUQ ANVILS SADDLERY, VLATEIJ WARE! U A. BIgNINETT k CO NEW TORY & ERIE 11.411 a. 6 C H m t l / 4 11;(1 1 E . OF HOURS, OOSMENCINO T ram will Ivey., Dublark at Omit Wt. rolkm tag boar* r it Eastward Bound—Depart. ' , icy York raptor. . ...... ... ....$ 26 4. 0. Night 61tpre•• . .4 * P. ii. Mal. - .. ) 0) A. a Stock Kat nowHI be • • , Hoyt , . .401 r a Fast Freight_.. .. Way Prei l bt 41 00 • 0 Stock. 11.• yr•• •• sad Past k Mika Testa" ram 01,,r7 Sky Th• Nail train rrtnains over sighlat Bloghamoloo CHAS lITHOT, G*ol Sup't N ATH MARSH, R• 0•1000. Hunkirk. Noy IN Imo- Atli. SUNBURY &ERIERAIIWAY. &SAWN CHARGE OF TIME! ON and after Thursday, Nov. 2y, 11460 ; a MAIL and PASNENORIr TRAIN will LICAVIt W &MBA, at KAY, A. MI., daily (intit, ..rapt artlrlng d Rri. at 111.113, A. M. ILETT733.3IM3rG, 1. KA, IS EU I Pt, at 3.40 P. M., after finial or lAA. itboro Roo& ; a:cm rat Warron at TAO, Ps M. rir A Prvight and accommodation ITS 11 Will roil p a rk way dally, ( 4 sndAy esopplad, Itsviog Vim mot n rrn r..ldrlivrl al S ♦b, A II , and I lb, P Y ; arriving at f rt. •1 8 44,P Y and at Warren 6.60, P. (If SA WI. A. BLACK, Supt. W Mupt • 001ce, W W Fria, Now WS Mee.-IA, 'Boa. BIIPIPA.LO & ERIE R. IL N and after Monday. soy. WI, 1860, VI Pawner Trains will tun on this Rued as follow. • • .1 ~Phirkt grpasat,atopylaig at North but, Want bald, Ituakirk and Slim Croak, arri Val at Buffalo at 43t A. •.to P M., Mail, atom:Aug at North Vast 4ulsary, Worst Get& Salem, Datiktrlt, fillvereret I h, nriat sad It • . . . . sa 1.7.• purr. arriving/4 Baba°, at 6 06 P. V. iu A M Itiiossitaties, stopping it 611 stations sod artlri nir at datfala at 11 44 4. M. LEAVINti BUFFALO. I. uai • K., Exprair MUI, splint at Sandeugh, IS Mile Creek, Evans Centro, Irving, Silrer Creek, Dunkirk, itaken, Portland, Westfield, Quinsy, Mate Line, North Mast and I arborcreek arriving at Erie t at 3 00 A II l ul u P. IL, Arreinsaadefesna, stoppl ng at all stations, ar es riv at Erie at 4 10 P II II ,Plt , Med Urns, stopping at Silver Creek, Der - I kirk, Westaeld and North East arriving at 14.4 at I 3 30 A. 11l Ali of the abort Trains going East cormeet at Dunkirk sod Buffalo with Kaye... Trains for New Tort, Boston, Ac. Nail Road time ni about 10 minutes faster than Erie time naisrliti. itlu.- 1-, K. N. BROWN, Supt. ~ ..i eveland and Erie Railroad. liiiiiiMPINIRE PN and aftrr Monday, Nov. 96th , Istio, and until ii &her untie-. 1.11,011•111.• , I . ...I . • 11 , a follows. visa 1, EA 1 . F: CIAN ELA ND. 't. Su A 14 lla I ' r.. 1.1 ••...y4 .t 41 W•lr Atm.,.. t.,.... t T lir , ,x• 1,.01 WlehlUt ry , arAtt....l ItrM IA P. N. 4 ight F.pret. Traita st.p. .1 Palo.tvilit., 24.4 Ghat* t.ttay, azd srititrim W grid, 12 43 A. N. LEAVE ERIE. 3 .0 A IA 3.; bt &sprains Tralti stops at lilrsnl, Couusaut Ashtabula sad Pataasvilla Daly, aad arms.' at ,IYrvtl laveland 7 t 5, A. N. r N Vail Train stops at all Way titaticaaaleept Aar Calouville, Parry, Weator and W and a:artist 01•1111111/1e at 0 WI, P. W. by All tbs through Wain, going Westward, ousuipet at Cie...duel with traiructor Toledo, Chicago. Cohauboo, Cis. clonal, Indianapolis, he. he AI. the through trains gains Knotwarlonwooat at Dan iri with the trains of the N. Y A ErYst itallived • and at Ronan , with Use X Y. (antral sad Ralkdo and N. Y. City Rallr.war. f..r New York, Albany Illoobsa, Niagara Fait, lc H. Norrtmeluit, Itoperiotaidssit •••••, \ .,r 24. /8098 ►r 111.. I)ELA WARE 11l1' INSU H- I, N AKii YAN 01 , ' PRI 4DJELPHIA. it bush... oil be *eland pi&a, Owing U.,. it. rend • porttcipstsua io Ole prodla 01 the e 411091 1, othni, I lasbalty b.yoad Out prnalut pad hirlm laloono tlior labsearid Ows•Sl Lq.lMaR tbq Oust,, '111,•110.)• • 4r tux Lowe* run be I sad prueopily .4111•141 fire ri••• u.erchandiga,budifings sod utlhgr yruporty .0 t. ouotty, fur 1 1 11mIted term portgasuoutly DfRECTORA. 14 N.. 1, Jiu el.. ttauJ, fit... That.. 1'1.26144w, I,Am C na•i•, 1{...1.0rt, I ntiu, inurrtl. liuKt. Craig, tsaiy,wl Kationt.l., `it rt T.* 11,v41l Mare), artrt I , ,ttry, 1.,a, k 1141 , 11., A 11./ 1111•01 %Vahan, H. it, '4 11 111c11,4aba, ..• It I s:..vrlit. •ttar 1it.1..t. J 11. I 4.t0r,..., I. I Itet•••14 It I. • i.r•-• to. I" du, it t I ii•V•i, V • IVO 11 • \ tttof I I• 11 — ir k 1.11.01. .• ea. ....11. t.. 1,1. n. 4 K I F.,. 01 M t ill ire, A 1,1„ 140. - JutixAsgs 191. Etry visite/0 ST(ICIK Gents.' Dress and Soft Hats. " Walking as, Traveling Caps Boys' Caps and Soft Hats. Children's Fancy Hats EL Caps, EXQUISITELY t I ..it4ESITS ' VIAN IS 111 Niti GO , ifirt, if ID DIM I Nt; G1.4.%'11.4 i)F KIXI'• A .raut .1.11 .boat urea ~t Tt•••, 1., • A •ga Collars, IX' REM 11 ti H 11 No, iii IFIL MI AID IEIO Xl' MINI! U! FitoNT VSTIrAkel: I. • 1.61. e •104.4. of HMI, •isd sun.. 0.....••1•, 1•111.3 140 Hat. at H1,01...•1. Frit*, HRY 4NT, No G, Heed HOUN. This Way, Gentlemen 1 riT 3131017 fill = WINTER WHIN GENSHEIMER'S 1 Corner of State and Seventh ste., Erie HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Molted to tbo P4ltLAtt9N, Como of Dress, Frock and Back Coats of every My le and price, Vests of all kinds, Cravats, Shifts ruder-Shirts. Drawer; liamlkorelsiods, Collars. IlUmalut7 of different qua/Mo.; is short, ho harps every article %niony kept in a Clothing Establishment. His Cloth's, manufactured by hiumailf. mad warranted meal to say ID the city Persons 'Sabin articles to his lino will do well to call sod 'sane* his stock, as ho Meads not to br suomeold by say establishaseut west of Now Tort.— Cloth's, made to order no short donee. Irr" Dotal Ariel fat paws, Oeuskseroer's Corner, cor es. of Stitt owl &masa saute. Cris, Oct. 21.-116 i. JOHN arii H sum& AXLES Staves! Staves!! Staves!!! AT THE KEYSTONE WORKS. VINCENT, TIBBALE. WRY & CO., RESPECTITI.LY ask the attention of al who wish tw paatkaas Waimea. fat Wboiosala or kotoil.) to their .p). 41d autortaloat of Khowistad Owes. i &via' boo) C4lOlll wrorK. Nr Coal or Wood. Impr•ved JesuoNo Top, with rroervair Forest Oak do. WbeamoSbeal, Poo Beim dlq for Coll or Wood Parlor Ilicives, for Wood or Coal, to root variety earlier ON*, coeuire Parlor Sall i4b11414 Zr.. 44. Pakunsuider Veal 4114%, for Stores and Oillort. Sox Oloireo„ for Cburehea,..4ehool Rouraa,lte , to great variety, WI cordially tort tw as to stale and patters/ - compctitioo wo defy Our Stoves ar• toaaufactorod Imes Ow beat Scotch and Amartruu kroa, aiontatod la the brat miaow, tied ivory ikon worrautted W. do oot boost of bawls( 2,000 Stores on b for on caul keep bolt tbia auetibut a o4vaaes of our onion, but wto Hill keen roottyth b aupply OtNCWYY, BBALQ, gam 1 co.. om State, betweria 11th and 12th Streets. L. A. MORRISON, Flour, cork, Beef, Salt, Grain, cLoVER, TIM9THI" SEED, &c. No. I. ouunoroial Buildings, NORTH RIM Tee PARK. &lows Um( , iM Pesch 9te /obit ERIE, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 11$60 IMMgM LEA V I Nti ERIE WHOLISALN DZALNI IN (Theo, Hoes wore eugreeted by the abomple haidlead or ail industrious woodsawyers ready to a moo slid lold bisk hi. Was bard wort • ...Yoe, it it bard, to be I*. ►ot it bas harbor lie do swatting," was his UMW. Ho, ye who .t tll4l swat toll, Aod strike the roandbes blow, Where trout the bormios iron's bread The spathe fly Usual fro, While assereriat to W. hammer'e Her. dad are's labsawer glow? 0, o We ye Joel 'Us hold So toil Aad sat oat the loaf lay %vomit. Remember It Is thaw stlll Th thee me work to Si. . Ho, ye who till the stub ors W boas bard hawked** gegen% Who bond beneath dal eommee's NUL Wltb burning elm* sad brow , Ye deem the eon. sun atop to worth Prom old.. time till sow, but while ye feel 'Us bard to tukl Au.! labor all day tbroagb liruresabor it I. harder still re have ...era t. Is Ho, ye wbo plough Um sees blue field, Who riae realm. wave, Beamth whom gatlaot vireo hem Them Het • yewolog mire, A railed wham he& the iriStrY wile& Llbe Benda of fury meet while y feet bud W WO Awl lalwe the loog Mars tbtough. Remember it Is !wieder still T. hare a• week to de Hu, ye upon whore levered rheski The r beetie glow la bright, Vi bow mesitai toll wears out the day •nd balf the weary night, Who labor fire the ukase( wen. Champion of troth sod righal • Ittiwogh yes feel year totKla hard, Rees with thu glorious Om, Resirostrer It I. harder still Th hews ae work lir de Ye. el' who labor who strive' Ye wield a lofty pew., Do with your might, do with Yollr strength rai ,very golden boor' The glorious privilege to 'le is lama's most noble power. bk 4 to your birth-Tight sod yourselves', To your own soul. be true. I. weary, wretched life is their, We° 'civic so irons TO De flutter glittraturt. The Guest-Chamber of the inn at St. Ives. I Yr.sos ►be Joormal Of • Drt.cti,.. I received an urgent letter from the bill, - agent of St. lye.. calling we to coma and unravel the znygtery of many murders committed there, to which no clue Mould be had. Proreeding on my journey I met the sub agent lierret, in the diligence which had to convey we to St. Ivor. The excitement ixinseyueut upon this alarming state of affairs had caused the nth-agent to decide upon a personal haves. tigation ut the matter, and when I eucouti. teied him he had Orem!) started for St. so that our destination was the ilme "You entrapped the rascal, .Itieques Gui chard. so admirably," M. Bernet remark ed, 'that I am led to hope for your suc cess in the prevent case, dark and doubt ful as the matter now looks." "At all events," was my reply, eeta tt no more than justice tom sell ke a strong elfbrt.. . Monsieur }ferret, to give me 'the entire management and control of this matter in twery particular " "•I will do so, and with pleasure. Frame whatever plans nut use whateverer means )0U 10(rikte I by you in all things pelt:titling to the business" -This will le well Btu one thing tnore, Mohsteur P•erret You must ft 4 secret .4 the grave itio lint. upon any vonaidtu • atom, let it is' {.nowt' in St. Ivry that there is )1 dile* lit 1. 11 , 311.1 t. , them than to l'ans . and, above all, do not aut• fer yourself to untke tuquiry ..'•‘nivetning theme multi. is Leave me to ask all the . l uestions in in) peculiar mantle' " The sub agent promised hill compliance with my instructions, and in a few mit inents we were rolling through the dat6 ness and nun into the village of ht. Ives During these few momenta, howt•t e t , all incident occurred which_ necessarily has an important louring upon my narrative our conversation hail been held, as it matter of tourse, In so tow a tone as not to be overheard by the other occupants of the diligence in fart, I had hardly notic ed any of then faces But now, as I had finished speaking for the time to kl Beilast, anti looked around me, I discovered in the elderly gentleman who sat directly behind us, Monsieur Lemare, a wealthy wine s'l ler or Bordeaux, and t.iith whom I was quite intimate. Upon reeoicntznig me, he greeted me cordially, and we conv,ersed together upon passing topics for a moment. - Von Stop al the Ifotel of St, Ives. I sup. pose'!" he said, changing the subject some what abruptly. I consuttesl the sub agent, and learning that this was the only place in Ives at which he ever stopped. lan "wpm.' the question in the affirmative ••WelL I stied stay there also, hut it IN powAiLle I may not see you aputi, as I w ily, tend 01 leave -t Iv e. early oi t torrow morning, I am now on my way to 1.: gland, traveling, 844 my Easiness :compels e to, in a round-about way.. • Contrary to my usual custom. neglected to obtain letters of ex . . ►ud have tiow the sum of five ti franc with me. Permit me to oci over before you. that In cane any minfortune should deprive , me of rasching Calais, you lolly certity cretlitor% to; to my possession of ti at this tune Producing a plethoric pocket wine merchant counted its write sum was correct as he had stated .and francs. M. Berret.. also, quest. became a witnes,4 to hi. of the money The diligence now came to a stop before the inn, and the passengers hastened to leave the one for the other. After we had taken our supper, I accompanied the sub agent to his room, where, for an hour. we udketron the subject of our mission to St. Ives, and the probabilities of success ; and then as the hour was quite late, bade him good night and reunited to my own cham ber, and soon alter went to sleep. Nothing unusual occurred (luring the night, if I may make one exception which it may be well to mention in this place. 1 had been sleeping for morethan,two hours, and was laying in a half unconscious state, when 1 was awakened by a heavy though smothered groan. I was perfectly sure that I had not mistaken the sound. and men tally deciding that it had been occa sioned in some manner in the next room. I sat upright and listened intently. But I heard nothing more, although I placed my ear close to the wall. Whatever the strange sound may have been it was not repeated. Upon inquiring for the sub-agent the next morning. I was told he had risen be fore we and left the inn. The idea then occurred to me that I might have an opportunity to pass half an hour with Monsieur Lemare ; and addres sing the landlord, a heavy-brewed, ill-fea tured man, 1 asked for him. The maw el evated his brow in surprise, and declared SAYS, PA 1.1111 gutted. LABOR I hive 'hange, nt this unseen before to my money the . The ve thou• tits re . getetion that the wine seller had not been in the house for a month. "Perhaps you do not know M. Auguste," I said. .., • ''But I do, Monsiour x perfectly," . ber plied: "You must, be mistaken aborture log him Jiere .' "lie wan certainly here --in this town" last night." "But not in this house—you are doubt less thinking of some other poratte." As I walked away I ntsuced that he fol lowed me suspiciously with his eyes. Ills manner seemed strange t., me. It was in fact rather anxious and o verstrained, as though he wished very much to impress it. upon my mind that Monsieur Lemare had not been in the hotel. roan further re flection, howel. , I VV:SS fort"Nti ks 00f1 relOS that I reallv• not seen the wine mer chant in the inn. True, he bad inforuw.d me that he had changed his mind, and so dismissed the subject from my passing thoughts. Passing into the street, t strolled along ui search of the sub-agent. I had contin ued my walk tur buts few moments, when: upon turning a corner, I was brought ab ruptly upon a singular and horrible scene. A number of persons were crowded in 00T1- fusion upon the sidewalk—and among them as it happened M. Berret. lie quick ly saw me, and seizing my arm, conduct ed me forward to the object of common at tentitin it was, as I had already begun to suspect. another victim of the mysteri ous assassin of St.. Ives—the body of a luau lay extended upon the pavement, face downward, the back penetrated by a deep, ghastly wound. But no words can describe my astonishment and horror, when upon ttee face of the corpse being exposed, I recognised my aged acquaintance, M. Au guste Lemare' The sub-agent started back in horrified surprise, and for a moment we both gassed at the body in silence. My ha ,bitual caution, however, soon returned, and drawing M. Bernet hastily aside, I whispered a few fords in his ear. "Now. Monsieur Berret. if you will fol low my instructions. I think I shall be able to solve this mystery in the course of the next twelve hours. Have this body con veyed as quickly as issisitile to some place where it can be kept privately - , and then search and see whether those five thou sand francs can be found upon it, Do this, and rejoin me in half an hour at the inn. I will wait for you there." I returned imtnediately to tl u • hotel, and before the expiration of the appointed time. M. u•rat entered my room. ''There is," he said, in a voice laboring under great e.xedement, "no vestige of the money upon' the unfortunst. man. It has been plundered ofevervthing valuable " •• \h. I ex peetel it. Monsieur Berret, let us sit down and talk calmly of tht. af fair. I think 1 may be able to tell you will surprise you. Then )on have a doe to throe wystoriour murder ?" '•You are right I Hatter inyaell that I have not only obtained a clue, but XL/ able even to lay my finger" Upon the guil ty part it- Would t ou like to )14-ur of my diacovene- "' 'Yes -I hlll xll itapatieHee Please !to The agent ,Ifew Ili., than cluar to n4inr, and Hairnet! eagerly. while I dig. chased air aigtiffictint farts, whieh I had gained since my arrival at St. Ives. "In tLiltiont plai•e, then. Monsieur ret," "th e discovery kit tlits worn nag renders it eel Lain that we have seleete.l the right theatre for our operations. There eau be no questiim that these murders ha e heel committed In this town, since •• aye au meiveo. row* usboul agent nodded aftiunatively, and I contiutieil • "Ftnit, then, it( seems rather ietuaskatilo that titers...w • uun4-hoilht all he Inlhclyd in the hack Ar to the m ihtlei of their fill not prepared to i - xplatie hut it aroma eonelttive to Ina that 311 111.. Unita mint have hren produced by the sinnetand. In the n.•xt 011e...does it not. ht•c111 311ig11131 11131 t 4 Vt'ly of these* Lin IhrtUnale inrii ham , hreii a -lraiige - r - Now that I (hulk of it, It d 04 1 4. a. I live.'• the sub agent thouglithilly replied. {tut what do )ou argue ;row the , tact ?" "I %%111 draw my itileiyilve 111 a Itiottielit You 1% Ihy rio•titre 4 tarlre 4 ul M I mar, e.iunting 111, nwury 111 1111' 1 111 igelier in your pre 4 elier this mottling R e ha ve se,..ii bei dead body 1)1111! /11 1./11' pub tic ,tr.-et, rifled of the fuone) flirt e null o ne 911,4101% 111111 y 11111141. 11id .ii did not, 1 1 / 4 1 I.einare 1..1:!.• 1n Oil hotel I:I-t - •The landlord told ate he dish not - So he lull me but I pr. - lei to iiire-ti gate for myself WI. hiel it last Hi ght front Lemare's own lips, that it ass lii- inten tion to stay at this inn until iliorimilL and I ain inclined iti the beliet that lie ‘iel pm up here last Hight, not w ItliMit Lit lin g t fiat n o body appeArs to have seen /Inn within the house. It i• probable that he retired tin. mediately to his mom, ai I. r 1 . 1 ,111 11111111etited with no one but the keeper or one of the servant-. Non, non,leur tierret, lei toe recur to it eii en nv.tanee nitwit happen ed in the d iligence, which I think escaped your notice Just as Itl Auguste wits re placing ins pocket hook, I happened to glance Iwthird me. Said then watt an object which Instantly Attracted my attention. "It iris a man. bent torward in eager at Blade. his eves intently fixed upon the operations ut M. .t lie quiekly because mime that 1 was it atelitlig Into. and shrank back out iti -igitt but not betore I had observed ht- Lie, I hat e seen it again this morning it is that of Antoine. the hostler " "This is truly an ititts , rtalit discoyery," the sub-agent, ohbrr‘e..l - "But this is inn all, 1.a.-4 night I heard a groan trout the .iiiiinber ailjoi ll ill g mine. The discovery of this morning, considered with these whets winch I h u ts been telling you, leads toe to It-liete that this was _the death•groan of M Auguste Lemurs. In any event, you can draw tour own infer ences. It is a fact conclusive that the un fortunate man reto tat to his bed in this next chamber. NV liethet or not he ever left it alive, is a question which iii my mind admits of but little doubt." "Do you then really Illvatll to say that, your belief is that M. Lentare wits murder ed under this root ?' "I am pcsttive of it, and not only he. 1 but each ot the other victim . . And lam also I induced to believe that every one of these midnight assassinations hate been comtnit- NI in the adjoining ehnintter. •• "I have no doubt that you have arrived at the truth," the sull-agetit replied. "And now, what do you propose to do first ? Would it not lie letter to arrest this inn keeper and his hostler at once ?" "By no means, M. herret. I think that would be an ex tremely injudicions step.-- What I have been telling you are only conjectures of my own, which, though probably true in almost every particular. , would. I greatly fear, avail little as proof ' to charge the villainous inn-keeper,„entl. his servants iwho beyond all question, are the criminals) with these crimes There is now one decisive step to be taken—l 1 propose to pass the night in this mysteri oue chamber." Monsieur Barret heard my yuieily spo• 1 keu words, and looked perfectly aghast with astonishment, ••What, Guillot ! are you mad r he !X -. chtimed. "Peas the night in that infernal slaughter house ? Consider the danger of the thing, and the great loss to the service which your death would occasion." $1,50 PER ANEW IN ADVANCE NUMBER 2P: - The tamest anxiety with whichlhis lest remonstrance wasitttesed - wilellte=r ludicrous, that 1 ilizwiimel<ht- it" fromlsugliiA . ista . pot.. joat -4tran use, ceeded' in silencing his Mgeetslats, i satisfying his 'scruples. "You Imes, I bedimfe," I thtiai.weisarketi, otiesitimatike "mount of itieuelwrith I you." . . "Yes, Moe View !'had lids mina* bind- I lord known - it last night, I inlet hem be as cold amsoitiolieseent ! Can It answet yore any P wcsoaflr I : owe. Lend tue your i pocket Wit' : ' . - Still holdlintitin my hend 4 I desomuled the stairs,. time subiegent Moitely SAlkwring me. ThelissZer ff4!sitiko.s behind the bar, seettil g h ill asleefl and hal awake, btit the t ha aka' the pocket— book bis,dull erwehshted up With anestger gleamoglitti4e,Yratehed my motions with strict attenlWlL. 'The molter Is correct,' I said aloud, to M. Berettt. ^ "Two thousand haute,— this. then diachasges the debt." Then walking up to *be 4 ' 4 / ""id to the inn-keeper: "The room wltipli you hare given me does not suit we to the least— have you not srAarger one where I can lodger* " - Yes, gossaieur," the woueoreplied. with remarkable alacrity ; I should have spok en of it myself. There is a large. pleasant chamber next the one tri which you slept last night—do me the favor tooccupy it se long as you please:" "You had better deelino before it is too late." M. Berret whispered in my ear. "1 fear you will not occupy it for more than one night, If you do, you widl accomplish what no person has yet doiM." "Show me the room," I ealtu4 replied, paying uo attention to the Anxious whis pers of the sub-agent. , There seemed nothing remarkable about pee t the room, when we had firs entered it. It was n trifle larger than the her chambers of the house, and the furni 're was of no move anti ue pattern. es ly the high - "I posted "I think thiamin answer ',' I said, after surveying the aparman!, and its belongings. "Will you lodge hereto-night, that', Mon sieur?". •'C'ertainly 'rhe room 4iiiits mein eve r y particular." If the dark-browed host had eater-Wiled any suspicions of my inten i ions, they were . vertainly by this time enti•ely dissipated ; and he left the room. I bay • no doubt, gra• tified in the depths of his black heart that another victim was to fall, so easily into his trap. "You ale iletermind on this step, I per ceive," M. Barrel remarked, after be had gone. "Well, I will not attempt to dis suade you since 1 know you cannot be mor el, but t promise you, should you be miss ing in the morning, I will burn the old rookery to the ground and:hang the vil lainous inn-keeper upon his sign-putt. so surely as tuyselt live till then," "Take whatever step you please when you find me missing, M. Berret--tintil then leave the matter in toy hands. lint-ithere a material service l wb job you must not fail I to render me. YOu will, if you plow**. coneeal yourself. with two or three trust wort!" men iu the Loom next to this, which I occupied last night, and there awaiLuty signal... When you hear from me, you will iieuautly rush in and assist We to secure whoever you may find." 'These arrangements were, at the proper tune. put fully into operation. As even; mg drew on. I saw that the sub-agent atA hi" allies were properly secreted, and lint enjoining vigilanoe -upon them, I en teem! the mysterious and latalguest oham flier. The- lautpwisitsh,LosntietlmotaalsAsi reveal every part of it, and I quickly be came aware that there was nothing unusu-, ai about the appearance of the room. It wie, very much such a bed chamber as might be mat with in ahnost every vtllage inn. Nevertheless, I resolved to put no moll in Appearance. and immediately commenced a systematic examination. I -earclir.l everywhere —under the bed, in a closet and behind the window Curtains-- but my search revealed nothing. I was certain that no one tira.s concealed in the loom, and there as certainly seemed no plat . * of ingress save the door. 1 we e h e . eintiiiig to become anxious. I - reflected the danger might cone upon me un e xIH-cteil I y, and from an unexpected spume. I jai. down, and for an hour I waited- wait ed in readouts ex.pectituey for the appear mice of the assassin - - but still I waited in Looking at my watch, I perceived that it was nearly midnight. My unaceus coined vigil had wearied me, and placing in) pistols beneath the pillow, I lay down upon the hued without removing my clothes. I was not long in discovering that this lied was of somewhat singular cionstruction— t lie tormatiou of the top being rather con• cove than utilerwa.e, and aci adjusted that, Ithe occupant conhl not pomibly regt. in it luny other way than upon Ina back in the inud.ll.•. 1 . 111011i51..t. A -.num. seemed rather a singular discovery-to make just at that mo ment. Ilad um. el,•ry one of the murder ell 11 been stablied through the back? Yev - and each mw or ihrtu must have re ceived hts death wuuud While he was lying in Ills very bed just am I Three sharp. destine,. sounds, apparently elude at hand, niter: upted my reflections. I knew their limning In an in•tant- -these •ounda needed no inteepreter. I arose quickly and silently, and grasping my pis tols, awaited the next movement of the unseen asQassin. Click dick. That noise again, and now like the creAkingofahinge. Xext there was a %shuffling sound, which made me 14Ware that there was a man be neath the bed. and the next instant I saw the blade of a dagger driven up through the Ecialtrtaai, in the very place where I had been lying ! I gave a low groan, which was answere d t'y a chuckle from beneath the Ced. "Au easy death! Now for the spoils," I heard the same voice say. And st the same instant the head and shouldersof the inr keeper were thrust out from the hang ings: Covering him with the muzzle of one of my pistols, I said: "Come forth, sir, and deliver yourself up: Your innocent guest t, no other than a detective officer' Don't attempt to escape —I shall certainly tire if you do!" But he did try, and I speedily sent a pistol ball after him. The report. was suc ceeded by a deep groan, and instantly Berret and his assistants rushed in'. A hasty search was su ffi ciently to discover the landlord under the bed, weltering in his blood, and the hostler was seised before an opportunity to close the secret panel in the wall, through which he attempt e d t o esc This panel, as a short search disclosed to us, opened directly into a hol)ow partition, which .communicated with a lower room. By means of this contrivance, the assassins had always been able to enter this particu lar chamber at any time, and once through the panel without having disturbed the unsuspecting sleeper, their work was emily done. This bed was, as I have said., ocus-, stsucted in such a manner that a sleeper could maintain only one patittan hole had been worked for the the dagger, and a porterful thrust in every ipstance enough to trisl u re . heart of the victim. Matsiiiin the body. of every thing valuable, the ppU , . . socustomod - to carry it oat in' aim • public streets or the town. And" had this-woe been Played tWiko, ..- of suspicion had- ed m all. - • Tiss -ien4ceeperk . 60 watinfi yt i it i l• • . psi all, Logeo4( l o s , ler, to rector. OD. ors: • • isOstaNWINI (*erecter tram the hatide.oftheessestioe er. Ties piposadosr• — 1 in v a a a. egiablbi• n gw ta hinii4til hi Motif ftaiiiio Aragon's* ighplopiewiriiir bitrelasfoThrea; tiK dilooditairicitoto " . rd Ac! vglatantig lybar *kw aim t' lt Oast these arvi- bomb e& abd thostmiliawatiw dlltteiampteallike 4 , 4olXimuitemi suPP9II 11 , 14 4 T /FaMI/S , • Dig i gratr: sal Tatronattrtri=iol; disetit Moen- hundred hands Oren one ing establishment. llesiwkihreas and folly of trilling wit# the aleegato to. • • .y_e4, snit the Government tuid'erillhise I, • r, ,th wit i = t, :ited . 16pAbe, gin now te be - ?Ise elf starring the honest wor ai ltha tze nlasetwel as Free States in order to • the cow dition orals negro, who in South is well fed, well clothed, end , will trot turn ant so well as seas All-these things are the kuiti4l4llot RepOODattisati, sad tine to= see it. ft b e in , be that,por:ular rnitnent break out in dernonstralitni in $ sbutewhat-seselt char acter, I t Two of the shoe manufacturers is Nat ick- have recently. failed, with liabilities estimated id $125,000. Softest' tWo'last three hundred shoemakers' are out of eat ploymest, with little prospect, of improve went l i n the terrines. - The shoe %Nihau in Haverhill is about at a stand still. A large number of tneehanksore out of em plsyment, and thosit whom* at task .1* wive ordy a small cenvensition_ The liertford Tama hears at large sethip• lishnsents reducing pork. In upwards of 1,000 employees's, aut ilr =r, and in New Haven MOO. Deabsr's hoop skirt factory, at Bristol, barn stopped work. The Plantation Hoe Company and the Southern Carriage Company, both of Win s=had large Southern ardor tams- Maas Yore Hones Beatrrrret..—The man who is devoid of local pride, has very little plessurein this wOU. Thema* wile does not make an sact. adorn his home, and thin assist in ' the whole city attractive, is not a good beat*. The- re. riding of thp common nenMearies or life does noecompose the cares otafamily. Food and raiment, are not really the essentials 91 heppinewA. All these it is the duty of every man to provide. When he fails to do so, there is a law to compel him—and when he is not able to gather these coati forts for his family, there is a charity made sacred and incumbent by nature as well as cocessily, that it is always pros:opt to bestow these on the needy. Bat it is' thebeantlful that makes home really kaki/. The little b l acts to please the eye. A twig Wetted to beer a 'tingle bud. often de is the aye and ovetificrws the soul with ZOO pleasure than a glutton's dish or a rain l's attire. It bilk* heitudfalt There ',mkt no lows dem, to cheer and ohastee, no devotion to_ _ inspire conSdeliPo, no 1 10 Pd es tablish faith in one another. Without e beauti lhl, Aber world would be, if not a ' d chaos, a reality too stern for man to endure. It is the beautiful that , dianionto this 'ln"' owls, A home made beautiful by °outwit mentris of itself adorned_and made more attractive than those whose liveried lands raised the-latish, and conduct youth/cosh Inthhoofel brightness, to aboiabielk of satin and damask. Thome are net bonsai ful,unleas love lights the dame on Its altar. stattpaseb imparts its incense to ail its shrines. Added to these. the hands mast contribute their share toemobtereetiviancl. multiplyirt, g the beautiful in this world,/ Sad this is Miilyaccomplithed, It mar nothing bid, time, involfes only -a little . patiliee, s ond thebeintifelAningestiemsti us like the magitteresitious of a diary dream. POISONING Of Sitrawn's 'find the following in the Auburn dawn ger. Is there language that euilloontly denounces a wretch that would do so base *an act? BAss—"Fanny," a pet dog io Gor. Sew ard's family, imporbed and of rake breed iii this country, died this morning from the effects of poison administered by sonic unknown scoundrel.--Syruciise Journal, -Reader, wipe your weeping eyes! Repub lican. onrnals, turn your rules and go nit,• mourning, for "Fanny"—poor "Fanny. Gov. *Seward's pet dog, is dead. Site we - • •pizened"—like Vinficen's Dinah, "of c,.i‘ I pizen she died." "Fanny" was none o' your common quadrupeds—she was an ported pup of rare breed, and belonged r • Mister Seward. Poor "Fanny!" "Is e language that, Jaufliciently denounces , wretch that, would do so base an act?" I. there? We pause for a reply!—R4A, Union. Yea, ye Republicans alleendage, "w• have tears lo abed, prepare to shed now!" Let the Nation weep! Seward'4..,/,. , Fanny is no more! 800, h004x4 Fanny arisen one bright rosy morning, as usi, the picture of health, in the lovely 'rill. a of Auburn! Nature - smiled, and Fenn% (Aid too! She went about her usual vo. Lion; circulated hi the gorgeous ,parloi Mr. Seward's villa; strolled through ye!, lawns, and down the' superb walks; t.,.. lo! ere the meridian came, a ruthless' h:.i. dealt out strychnine, and Fanny, d. lovely Fanny—the enteemed, the beaut 'Scarp," Fanny—weir dead' She was like other - dorgs"—sidwaan't, for she Mr. Seward' and hence this "irrepreasib mourning ! Requist '• dorg" ;fl pact '— _li , a,.Lg, News. I.IUVI . WISCONSIN WAS --A frie witnessed a scene at the levee the otl day which is significant, and indicates t • experience of many families in the Non . west., and especially of foreigners. Sorel Norwegian fatuities were endeavoring sell their wheat, which had been hauled St. Paul from a bensiderable distant* Fifty cents bushel seemed to them a ye? • very sma,U price., and elicited oonssierab grumbling.: The grain buyer explain.- I the reason-4-told them of the politic O troubles, and said they should not ha% voted fur Linoaln, whose election ha.% caused the financial crisis, dux. "Yea,"sai I the Norwegian, I"that'sjust it. I was tol that if I voted fir Lincoln I would get s better price for my grain, and now duo Lincoln is elected. I have to sell it for ai twat nothing." We don't approve of the price of wheat affecting a =tree vote ; but the above shows that rertein arguments indulged in by rockiest politicians, like curses, nom* home to most. not Norwegian will look below the surface hereafter in the matter of voting.—miciaaani Enquirer. its' As the of the election of Lin coln a New journal estimates that the depreciation throughout the countq in the value of Smut wheat, cotton, wool, corn, State securities, railroad and bank stocks, nogroes, rail estate and other prop Made.( erty, is not less thin too stigma t i dottos. Five hundred millions would be nearer the mark; and if the present ten - decoy of political events be not arrested. pho can ray that property will have any valor d few months bane?—wito can say pat anarchy will not sweep over the own try like *flood? 4,13 We like the story of the black . who eras requested to bring a suit fdrder. He add he eould go into his Olippand hammer out a better eitateete. *swan the nouns in the Stateeemildsite Isiso6 CE ii nod eche+
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers