VOLUME 4. Select foctrg. fPCBLISHED BY RfQCKST.] AN APPEAL TO SINNERS The following II not were written many yeare afo hy Re, J. F Wall, of the Cml-Hand P. Church an* fcubllehed in the f-umherlavd prttlyfrian. They were written on the occielon of the death of a young Ud»~whe.e perent. presented her couuecUon with the ehnrcb-and are Bo* fhrniihed hy the author at the raqnatt of numeroo. friend. for publication in the A»tmic»K Citiii*. 0! ye young, ye g.ty. ye pro.fi. You mutt die and w.nr the .hmud , Dtuih will come and quickly, «"<>; I touet m.-et hltn, » inn-it V" ' CnotrlThen! 0. then! you'll went to be Happy In Eternity. Death forever roam* abroad The iteru uieeienicer of 00. I ■ All en wboin be calle, muit no, Vp to//raven, or down to Wo! CHO.— Than! O, thru! 4c All th« gay antl thougbt!«M, too Pooii inu«t bid thin world udteu ; Vn iht timr will quickly com®, hen they'll goto meet tbair doom . CBO.—Then! O, th%n ! Ac. Fathers there may meet a too, MTiiom by councils they've undone; M.-tbem, t0.., their d-.ughtom meet. Who** misery they'v* made complete CBO.—Then J O,then! Ac To an awfol llell ihey There to reap eternal ! |.o>t: forever lout to thea ! I/Oit to all Kternlty! Cuo. —Th*n ! O than! it'e too late to be Happy in Kternlty. IJtiscellarwus. IMPEACHMENT REPORTS. Hy Woe fern AiwiitH Preee. SYNOPSIBIB OF TilK MAJORITY REPORT The charges msde, an 1 to which the investigations of the Committee have been especially directed, are usurpation of power and violation of law in the cor rupt abuse of the appointing, par loniug and veto powers, in the cot rupt interfer ence in elections, and generally in the commission of acts amounting to high erimos and misdemeanors under thf ton stitution ; and upon this recital it wa* charged with the roost general duty ot inquiring into the official cohduct ot the President »l the United States, and ol reporting he hul been guilty of any acts which were designed or calcula ted to overthrow, subvert or corrupt the Government ol the I uited Stttes, or which, in tho contemplation »l the on at.tution, would c.institute a crime or misdemeanor, requiring the iulerposis tion of the coestitutiousl power ol the House It will be observed that the. great sal iout poiut of the accmation, standing out in the foregvuund and ch tllengiug the t tention of the country, is usurpation ot power, which involves of course a viola tion of In*, and here it may be remarked ihat -perhaps every great abuse, eveiy fla grant depaitue from the well settle t prin ciples of Government which has been brought home to its present admiuis ia- Mon, whether discovering itself in special infractions of the statutes or in the prof ligate us# of the high powers couferred by the Constitution on the President, or revealing itself mure maoilestly in the systematic attempt to soizc upon its m.v eroiirnty an ' disparage and supersede the jrreat council t« which '-hat s iveieignty has been entrusted in JO'cHHUee f> the •»» crest putp -e of r" v nst;uction >d fhe sh iiie-e i G ■>'•<» 1 linn :is >1 the rehel Stares in ;ic ind.iii.'e Wi-it his own wi-he-. tn the interest of th. great criminals who carried them iuto the rehelliou, and in •ucli a way as to doprive the people ot 1......1 W. 'es cf all chances of indem i .i tan i «-eu v ''v for the fu uity tor the pant ani 5..!-u.. ; ( ture, bv pardoning thf ir .ifheers ana re etoriug" their a.i.is, and bringing them back to their hearths unrepentant, and tbeir hands yet rcl wit., the blood ol our peoplo, into a condition where they could iiom ni..re embarrass and defy, if not ab» Boluicty rule, the Government which they had vaiuly endeavored to destroy. It is arouuJ this and as auxilliary to that great special id«a, that ihe special acts of roal administration we have wit nessed will be found to gravitate and res ▼olve, and it is to this point, theielorc, *s the great master key which unlocks and interprets all of them, that the at tantion of the IJous* will he tirst directed The report then goes iu.to a recital ot events since tho inauguration ol I res dent Johnson, and concludes a- f.illi.ws : In accordance with the testimony here with submitted, aud the view ot the law herein presented, the committee are ot opinion that Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, is guilty of high crimes aud misdemeanors, requiring the interposition of tne constitutional powers Of this House, 19 that upon the final sur ot the rebel armies and the over, ytbrow of the rebel government, the said Andrew Johnson, President of the I ni led States, neglected to convene the Con. gross of the United States, that by its aid and authority legal aud constitutional pleasures might havo been adopted for tho organization of loyal and constitution governments in tho States there re cently in rehelliou, and that in his proc. iamution to the people of North Carolina of ths 29th day of May, I*os, he as sumed that h * had authority to deciflt? whether the government, of North Caro lina and whether uny other (jovernmeiit that might be set up therein was repub lican in form, and that in his offi-e of President it was his duty and within his power to guarantee to said people a re publican form of government, contrary to the Constitution, which provides ti at the United States shall guarantee to ev ery State in this Union a republican form of government; coutrary to a deliberate opinion ot the Supreme Court, which declares that Cougress is vested exclusively with the power to decidt whether the government of a State is re publioeo or not; in that he did tbere^ AMKMCAX CITIZEN. fore recognize and treat a plan of gov ernment Bet up in North Carolina under and in conformity to his own advice aud direction as republican in form, and en tirely restored to its lunct : ons as a State, notwithstanding Congress is the branch ot Government in which, by the Consti tution. such power is exclusively vested, and notwithstanding Congress did refuse to recognize such Government as a legit imate Government, or as a Government republican in form ; in thst by a public proclamation and otherwise ho did, in the year 18G5, invite, solicit and convene in certain other States then recently iu re bellion, conventions of persons, many of whom were known traitors, who had been organized in an nttempt to overthrow the Government of the United Stat?s, and urged and ditcctcd such conventions to frame constitutions lor such States ; in that he thereupon assumed to accept, rat ify and confirm ceitain so called consti tutions form ."I by sueh illegal and treas onable assemblages of persona, which constitutions were never submitted to the people • 112 the respective States, nor rati fied and continued by the United States, thus usurping an 1 exercising powers vest cd by the Constitution in the Congress of the United States exclusively; in that he pardoned largo numbers ot publi- aud notorious traitors, with tho design of re ceiving from them aid in such conven tions, called by his advice and direction, for the purpose of organising aud jotting up such illegal governments in the State* then recently in'rebelhoo prior tofhe an nual meeting o r Congress, with the in •cut thus to constrain Congress to iccept. ratify and confirm such illegal aid un constitutional proceedings; in that. U did within and for the States rteentiy in re belln n create and establish s a civil of ficer the office of Provisions! Governor, and called an office unknown'a the C in stitution or laws ot the lan l in that be appoiuted to suih office so creted in said States respectively men who v. r e public and notorious tr i os, Ie well) no v tig that they had been engaged in l ,-n, per sistent aud formidable effort*ffor e „vcr. throw of the (jovernnient of th#.Jaitnd States, and well knowing also thi these men could not enter upon t|»o du e « 0 f said office without committing the-mie of perjury in manifest violation Oihe law- o! tho country ; in that lie dire c ,| the Secretary of State to promise ment ot money to said persons so iliega v i appointed as salary or co mpensation I ' services to ba performed in said office, s j illegally created, c.ntraiy the lot tne law of the United States, approved ) j February 4th, 1803, eutitled "an act m ik I ing appropriations lor the support ot the i army for the year ending oil the 30th day ~112 June, 1861, and for deficiency for the signal service for the year ending d une 30, 1860 ; ' in that lie directed the Sec retary of War to pay moneys to said per sons tor bervice performed ia said otficc. so illegally created, which moneys ware so paid under his direction without ftu thority of law, contrary to law, in viola tion of the constitution of the United States; in that he deliberately dispensed with and suspeuded the operation of a law ol the United States, passed cw the "d of July, 180?, entitled - an act to pre scribe an oath of office, and for « thcr pur. poses;" in that ho appointed to offices created bv the laws of the United states persons w'ho, us were well known to him, had been engaged in the rebellion, who were guilty ot the crime as treason, and who could not without committing the crime of perjury or otherwise violating criminally the aaiil act ot July 2u, enter upon tho duties thereof; !U that I without authority of law and contrary to i law he used and applied property taken Irom the enemy iu time of war tor the payment of expenses for the support ot the said illegal and unconstitutional gov ernments so set up in slid States recent lv in rebellion, and for like purpose aud in violation of the Constitution and his oath of office be authorized and permit ted a levy of*axes upon the people of said States, thus usurping aud exercising a power which bythe constitution is vest, ed exclusively in the Congress of the United States, all of which were a usur pation of power contrary to the laws anil constitution of the United States, and in violation ot his oath of office as I resi— l dent «112 the United States ; in that the said Andrew Johnson, President of the ' United "States, bus, in messages to Con "ress and otherwise, puMte.y oenicJ su >. stantially the right of Congress to pro vide tor the pacification, government an restoration of said States to the Uniou, and in like manner ho has asserted his exclusive right to provide gov ernments therefor, and to accept aud proclaim restoration ot the sai<f estates to the Union, all of which i.i in deroga tion of the rightful authority of Cou grcss, and calculated to subvert the Gov trnuicnt of the United States; in that, in accordance with said he has vetoed various bills passed by grcss, pacification aud Government of t.he States receutly iu rebellion, aud their speedy reflation to the (ju'on, and upon the aud for the leason that said States had been restored to their places iu the Union by his aforesaid ll aud unconstitutional proceedings thus so interposing and using a Consti tutional power of the office he held,so as to prevent tho restoration of the L uiou upon a Constitutional basis; in that he has exercised tho power of removals from and appointments to office for the pur pose of uiaintaiuing effectually his atore said usurpation, and tor the purpose of securiug recognition by Congress of the State governments so illegally and un constitutionally set up iu the States re cently in rebellion, such removals and appointments having been attended and followed with great injury to the public " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it"-- A - LINCOLN. BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, PENN'A, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1867- service, and with enormous losses to the public revenue ; in that in the cxe'cibo of pardoning power, he issued an order fjr the restoration of one hundred and ninety three men belonging to Western Virginia, who upon the records of the War Department were marked as deser ters from the army in time of war, and , this upon the representation of private and intorested persons and without the previous investigation by any offieer of tho War Department, for the sole pur> pose of enabling such person to vote in an electiou when pending in said State, and with the expectation that they would so vote as to support him in his aforesaid unconstitutional proceedings, he then well knew that the men so restored and by virtue of such restoration would be entitled to a larue sum of money from treasury of the United States, in that his message to the House of Uepr;sen tatives. on the 22d June, 1863, and oth er public and private means, he has at tempted to prevent the ratification of an amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed to tho several States by the Houses of Congress, agree* ably to the Constitution of the Uuited States, although such proposed amend jnont provided among other things for the validity of the public debt of the United States, renderiug payment of any claim for slaves emancipated, or of any debt incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States im« possible, either by tho Government of the United States «r by auy of the Slates reient'y in rebellion, he well knowing that the provisions inserted under and by his dictation in tho said illegal con stitutions tor said States were wholly in adequate to protect the loyal people of tho United States against the payment of clai.ua on account of debts m ,-urred by such States in aid of rebellion, thus rendering it practicable and easy for those in authority in the aforesaid ille gal and unconstitutional Governments itius set up to tax and oppress the loyal people of such States for the beuefit of those who have been engaged in an at tempt to overthrow tho Government of the United Slates; iu tha*. he has made tlicial and other public declarations and statements calculated and designed to in jure aud impair the creditof the United •States, and to encourago persons recent ly engaged in rebellion against its author ity, to obstruct and resist the reorgauis z-itioo of rebel States so called, upon a repu lie.in basis, and calculated and de iued to deprive the Congress of the nited States of, tho conlideneo of the ople, as WLII ai its patriotism as in its 'istitutional right to exisk and to act as ' depart . eut of tho Government, w "h, under the Constitution, possesses cx, isivo legislative powers, and all this w,t -the intent of rendering Congress inc»|,| e 0 | resisting either hi* said USUP iioua of power or of providing and Oireing measures nechssary fjr the paoiuc on aa d restoration of the Union; and thj 0 this lie has exercised the ve to powm ie po We r of removal, of ap 1 pointme tim pardoning power, and oth erconstit una | powers ol his office for the purpose Olelaying, hitidering, and ob structing | preventing tho restoration ol the Ln, jjy Constitutional uieans, and for tlio rlher purpose of alienating from the gOrnment and tho laws of the States thoso or!UUS w ho had been en gaged in reb; ODi aD j who, without the aid, comfort-j encouragement thus by him given to , m WU uld havo resumed in good faith \; r allegiance to the Con stitution, and i w ith the expectation of conciliating thl hitnsolf personally that he might h|y prevent the restor ation of the I to * upon the basis of tho laws passed by V<r r css ; and further, that said Au'l re, Shnsou, President of the Utited States, ans f er red and sur rt'wdcred and authigd aa J directed the transfer and surren 0 f railway proper ty to the va'ue of n., millions of doi lars, to persous been engaged in the rebellion, or owned wholly or in part bj lc ] 1 persons, he knowing that in souja,t am; es the raiU ways had been constrtj by t | le Uni ted States, and that m ler g such rail ways had boeu capturei„ m t j le enemy 111 war and afterwards xiroi »t great cost by the L oitad b*at an{ j transfers and surrenders being mi without au thority of law and in v t i on 0 f | aw ; in that he directed and a, e j t | lo sa | e oi large quantities of a y rolling s'ocL and other railway of tho T«lue of many mi.liou# 'ollars, the piopcrty of the United Sti pur» chase and construction ,( - r poratiotis and parties then kuown to h to un able to pay their debts then ur ed and due, and this without exactit. otn sa iJ corporations and parties a"J«urities whatever; in that he directed ori ] er . Ed subordinate officers of tbtoy €rlw metit to postpo* and delay Collec tion of moneys due and payabl, |jj 0 I'niied States on account of su«* ta , cs H> apparent conformity to an on p re . viously made by htm that tho re< t upon certain bonds issued or gu* ee j by tho State of Tennessee, iu atd, er , taiu railways, then due and unpak , period ot four yean and more, shOj |# first paid out of the earning! > )e loads in whose behalf the said » s were so issued or guarsu'w-i ; in tl\j conformity to such order *ud dircc the collection of moneys payable i huu due to the United States was layed and postpoued, and the intereat ' such bonds, of which he himself was | large holdar; was paid accordiug to if j terms of his own order, thua corrupt! 1 usiug his office to defraud and wrong ih 1 , people of the United States, and for hif j own pergonal advantage ; in that he has I not only restored to the claim thereol I large atucunto'of cotton and other aban donee! property that had been seized and taken by the agents of the Treasury in conformity to law, but his paid and di rected the payment of the actual pro ceed* of sales made thereof, and this iu violation of a law of the United States which orders and requires payment into the Treasury of the United States of all moneys received from such sales, and provided for loyal claimants a sufficient and easy remedy in the Court of Claims, and in manifest violation also of the spirit and meaning of the Constitution, wherein it is declared that no money shall bo drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and further, iu that the said An drew Johnsou, President of the United States, authorized the use of the army of the United States for the dispersion of a peaceful and lawful assembly of citizecs of Louisiana, and this by virtue of dis patch addressed to a person who was not an officer of the army, but who was a public and notorious traitor, and all with the intent to deprive the loyal people of Louisiana of the very opportunity to friuie a State government, rapublieari in form, and with the intaut iurther to con t.nue in places of trust and emolument persoug who had engaged in an attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States, expecting thus to concili ate suo'i person* to himself and secure their aid in support of his aforesaid utn constitutional designs; ail of which omis sions of duty, usurpation of power, vio lationa of his oath of office, of the laws and of the Constitution of the United States, by fa d Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the Uuited States, have retarded the public prosperity, lessend the public revenues, d sordered tho business and fi nances of the ceuntry, encouraged insus bordination iu the people of the States recently in rebellion, fostered sentimeuts if hostility between different clas-es of citizens, revived and kept alive the spirit of the rebellion humiliated the nation, dishonored Republican institutions, ob structed the restoration of said States to the Uniou. aud delayed and postponded the peaceful and fraternal reorganization of the Government of the United States. The Committee, therefore report the accompanying resolution. and recommend its passage. [Signed ] GEO. S. ROCTWELL, FRANCIS THOMAS, THOMAS WILLIAMS, WM. LA WHENCE, JOHN C. CHURCHILL, Resolution providing for the impeach* ment of the President of the United States : Resolved That Andrew .Johnson, Presi dent ol the United States, be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors. MINOHITV REPORT. Representatives Wilson nml Woolbridge handed in a report dissenting from the con elusions of tlio majority of the committee. They say : On the third day of June, ISG7, it M'us declared by a solemn vote in the com ■it iI to, that from the testimony before them it did not appear that tlic President of the United States was guilty of such high crimes and misdemeanors as called on tlio exercise of ihe impeaching powers of this House' The votrv stood, yeas 5, nays 4,. — On the 21st inst., this action of the com mittee wns reversed, and a vote of 3 to 4 de clared, in favor of recommending to the House an impeachment of the President. Forty-eight hours have not yet elapsed since we were informeJ of the character of the report which represents this changed atti ude of the coinniitttoe. Tho recentness of this event compels general treatmeut ol some feantures of the case, as it is pre sented by tha majority, which otherwise would have been treated more in detail. The report of the majority resolves all presumption against the President, closes the door against all doubt!, affirms facts as established by testimony, in support of »\hich there is not a particle of evidence, before us which would be received by any court in the land. We dissent from all of this, and trom the temper and spirit of the report. The cool and unbiased judgment of the future, when the excitement in the mid t of which we live shall have passed away, will not fail to discover that tlie po litical bitterness of the present time has, in no considerable degree, given tone to the document which we decline to approve. Dissenting as we do from the rej ort of the Committee, both as to the law of the case and the conclusions drawn from the facts developed by the testimony. A due regard for the body which impost d on us the high and transcendently imperative and impor tant duty involved in an investigation of the charges preferred against the President, impress us to present at length our views of the subject which has been committed to us by a must solemn vo'e of the House of Representatives. In approaching this duty we feel that the spirit ol the partisan should be laid aside, and that the interests of the Republic as thoy are measured by its Con stitution and laws alone shall guide us. Messrs Wilson and Woolbridge then pro coed to discuss the Constitutional question with regard to impeachment, showing by ref-rence to legal authority that an im peachment cannot be supported by any act which falls short ef nn indictable crime or misdemeanor. Euglish precedents are re ferred to at length, and copinus extracts made from the testimony of the committee in order to refute the reasoning and conclu sions of the majority. They conclude as follows : The censure and condemnation of the Pres ident either by the majority ..r minority is without our jurisdiction, not justified by the fact*, unbecoming one department of the Government ttward the other, arid calcula ted to bring rcproaeh upon the Committee, the House anl the nation. With all due respoot to the majority of the confmittee, we cannot regard the charges made against the President as a serious attempt to procure his impeach ment without dwelling upon their utter failure t» point to the commission of a tingle act that is recognized by the laws our country as a high crime or mis imcanor. The President had the sanc pn of his Cabinet for eyery act for rich he has been arraigned, yet they k recognized as especial fayorites of party of i'speaehiDcnt, Mr. Stanton gave his emphatic approval to the acts for which the President is arraigned, and yet the Kx-?ooretary is a favorite and popular martyr, and the whole country is vexed with clamors tor his restoration *o power and place. The Vresident has used every means within his power to bring Jefferson Davis to speedy trial, and yet he has been denounced through out the land for procrastination and pre venting the trial, while the Judges and prosecuting officers having entire control of tho matter have been deemed worthy of tho most honored plaudits. Were over consistencies more glaring and in explicable than these and can wo possibly be mistaken when we assert that, how ever houest may be the majority of the Committee, the verdict of the country and of posterity will be that the crime of the President consists not iu violation of, but refusals to violate, the laws: in being unable to keep pace with the par ty o'- progress in their rapidly advancing movements, or to step outside and above tho Constitution in the administration of the Government: in preferring the Constitution of his country to tho dicta* tion of an unscrupulous partizan cabal ; in bravely during to meet the maledic tions of those who arrived at tho acccm plishment of a most wicked and danger ous revolution, rather than encouuter the reproach of his own conscience and the curses ol posterity through all time. A great deal of the matter contained in the volume of testimony reported to the llous l is of no value whatever. Much of it is mere hearsay, opinions of witnesses, and no little amount of it ut terly irrelevant to tho case. Compara tively a small amount of it could be used on a trial of this case before the Senate. All of tho testimoay relating to the fail ure to try and admission to bail of .Jeff erson Davis, the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln, the diary of J. Wilkes Booth, his place of burial, the practice of pardou brokerage, and the alleged cor respondence of the President with Jeff erson Davis, may be interesting to a reader but is not of the slightest impor tance so far as a determination of this case is concerned. Still, much of this irrelevant matter has been interwoven into the majority, and has served to heighten its color and dec; e'l its tone, settle down upon the real evidence in the case, that which will establish, in view of the attending circumstances, a subs stautial crime. Dy making plain the elements which constitute it, the case in many respects dwarfs into a political coutcst. In approaching a conclusion we do not fail to recognize the stand points from whiel this case can kt> re viewed, the legal aud tho political. Viewing it front tho latter, the?.) is a suc cess. Tho President has disappointed the hopes and expectations of those who plrced him in power; ho has betrayed their confidence and joiued hands with their enemies ; ho has pioved false to the express and implicit condition which underlie his elevation to power, and, in our view of the case, deserves the cen sure aud condemnation of every well disposed citizen of the Republic. While we acquit him of impeachable crimes, wo pronounce him guilty of many wrongs. His contest with Congress has delayed reconstruction, and inflieted vast injury upon the people of tho rebel States lie has beeu bliud to the necessities of tho times, and to tho demands of a pro gressive civilization enveloped in tho darkness of the past, and seems not to have detected the dawning brightness of the future. Incapable of appreciating the grand changes wlsich the past six years have wrought, ho seeks to measure the great events which surround him by the narrow rules which adjusted public affai|s before the rebellion aud its legit imate consequences destroyed them and established others. Judge him, politi caly condemn him, but the day of polit ical impeachment would bo a sad one for the country. Political unfitness and incapacity must be tried at the ballot-box, not in the high court of impeachment. The contrary, rule might leave to Cougress but little time fur other business than the trial of impeach ment, but we are not now dealing with po litical offenses. Crimes and mil-demeanors are now demanding our attention. Do these within the mealing of the Constitution ap pear? Rest the case upon political offenses and we are prepared to pronounce against tlio President, for such offenses are numer ous, and grave. If Mexican expeiienee is desired, we need have no difficulty, for tln*ir almost ev ery elect ion is productive of a revolution. It the people jfthis Republic desire such a result we have not yer been able to discover it, nor would we favor it if its presence were manife-t. While wc condemn and censure the political c indue of the Presi dent aud judge hi in un vise in the us» of I is discretionary power, and appeal lo the peo pie of the Republic to sustain us we Hill affirm that the conclusion at which we have arrived is correct. >Ve therefore declare that the case before us, presented Iv testi mony and measured by ihe law. does not declare fuch high crimes and misdemeanors within the meaning of the Constitution as require the interposition of the constitution al powers of this House, and recommend the adoption of the following resolution. Resolved ■ That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of the proposed impeachment of the President of the United States, and that the subject be laid upon the table. [Signed,] JAMES F. WU.sojf. FREDERICK E. WOOLDRIDGE. ANOTHER UIJJORITV REPORT. Messrs. Marshall and Eldridge, in the r report, say of the President: His greatest offense, we apprehend, will be found to be that lie has not been able to follow those who elected him to his office in their mad assults upon and departure from the Con stitutional Government of the Fathers of the Republic, and that, standing where most of his party professed to stand when they ele vated him to his exulted position, he has dared to differ with the majority ofCongreet upon »rent and vital questions, lie has be lieved in the continuing and binding obli gations of the Constitution, that the suppress sion of the rebellion against the Union was the preservation of tne Union and States.— comprising it, and when the rebellion was put down, the State weit all and equally entitled t-; representation in the Congress ! of the United States. Planting himself firmly and immovably upon this position, he Ws incurred the tierce and malignant hatr ed atvi, pposition of nil those who claim, by virtue otMje alleged conquest ot the territory and the subjugation of the people of the lately rebellions State?, the power and right to dictate to them th* constitution and laws they shall live under, an«l the liberties they shall be preuiitted to enjoy. in this difference between and the President, and the desire of eacM< )r the adoption by the country of their respective views, i% we suspect, to be found not only the cause for the movement to impeach the President, but of his censure and condem nation. Out of it has growu the embittered feelings and violent hatred of the President by his former friends. The majority of Congress and of the committee have enter tained and have been prepared to declare at all times, in Congress and out of it and even more strongly than is expressed in their re port, this same cencure and condemnation. This opinion was not formed upon the testi mony taken before the committee, or upon any facts elicited by its investigation. It was a political opinion, growing out of dif ference of views upon political questions.— It was the opinion with the majority of the committee entered upon the investigation.— It was that which enspired and stimulated all its inquiries and examination, but not' withstanding thet>e pre existing opinions and prejudices, the minority of the committee have been compelled to find,nfter the fullest consideration ami great and protracted de liberation ; that the President had commit ed no offenco for which, under our laws, he can or ought to be impeached, and henco nr.ne, as wo insist, subjecting him to the of* ficialjurisdiction of the committee of the House. DINNER was spread m the cabin of the peei ICPS steamer, the New World and a splendid company were assembled about the table. Among the passengers thus prepared for gastronomic du?j was a little creature ot the genuine fob species decked daintaly as an early butterfly, with kids of irreproachable whiteness, miraculous uecktie, and spideriike quizs zing glass on his nose, and the delicate animal turned his head affectionately aside with: "Waitah!" "Sah ?" ''Bring mo a powpellah of a female woo.*tah." "Yes, sail." "And, waitah, teli the steward to wub iny plate with a wegitable called onion, which will give a delicious flavaw to my dionnh." Whila the rofinod exquisite was gir* iug his order, a jolly Western drover had listeued with open mouth and protruding eyes When the diminutive creature had paused, ho brought his fist down upou the table with a force that made ever dish bounce, and then thundered I out: "Here, you gol darnsd acs of spades!" "Yes, »ah." "Hring me a thundering big plate of skunk's gizzards " "Sah ?" "And, old ink pot, tuck a horse blank et under my chin, aud rub lue dowu with brick bats while I feed." The poor dandy showed a pair of straight tails instanier, and the whole table joined iu a tremendous roar. OCCUPATION. —What a glorious thing it is for the human heart. 'l'hoso who woik hard seldom yield themselves up to fancied or real sorrow. hen grief sits down, folds its hands aud mournful ly feads upon iti own tears, weaving the dim shadows that a little exertion might sweep away, intj a funaral pall the wrong spirit is shorn of its might, and sorrow becomes our master. When troubles flow upon you dark and heavily toil not with tho waves—wrestle not with tho torrent! —rather seek, by occu pation, to divert the dark waters they threaten to overwhelm you into a thous and channels whieh tbe duties of life always present. Before you dream of it, those waters will the present, and give birth to flowers that will be come pure and holy, in the sunshine which penetrates to the path of duty, in spite of every obstacle. Grief after all is but a selfish feeling and most selfish is tho man wuo yields hfiusolf to the in* dulyeucc of any pais on whatever. A laly was recently reading to her child— a b>>y of seven years—a story of a little fel low whose father was taken ill and died, whereupon the youngster set himself dili gently to work to assist in supporting him self and his mother. When she hud finish cd the -til v the following dialogue ensued : Mother— Now, my little man, if your pa pa WHS to die, wouldea't you woik to help your m jther t" boy —(N'ot relishing the ideaof work) Why, ma, whit foi ? Ain't wo got a good house to live in ? Mother—Oh yes, mv child, but we can't eat the house you know. Boy—Wed, ain't wo got flour and sugar and other things in the Btoreroom ? Mother—Certainly wo have my doar boy, but they wont last long, and what then ? Boy -Well, ma aint there enough to last until you get another husband ? A roar of laghter endedthe colloquy. FIRING JACKASSES.— A band of ludians male a sudden attack on a detachment of our soldiers in tho mountains, recently.— The soldiers had a loaded mountain howitzer mounted on a mule. Not having time t> take it off and put it in position, they back ed un the mule and lot drive at the Indians. The load was so heavy that mu!eandall went tumbling down the hill townids the savages whft not understanding that kind of warfare, fled likedeer*. Afterwards one of them was capturad, and when asked why be ran »o, replied: "Me big Injin, nut afraid of little guns or big gunß, hut when white man load up and fire a whole jackass at Injin, me don't know what to do." NUMBER 60 WIT A3SFD WISDOM. Never carry a sword in yaur tonga* to wound the reputation of any man. —Time never sits heavily upon as but when it u badly employed. —Prosperity is a blessing to the good, but a ourso to the evil. —"Hoops," pays "Inebrius," sur round the best things on earth— wine and women. CONUNDRUMS.—What is the first thing a boy does when he falls into the water ? He gets wet. —When does a farmer act with rude* ness towards his corn ? When he pulb its ears. —We givo away nothing so gener ously and receive nothing go reluctantly, as auvv> 0 . —ProbaV.ly tho reason why the way of the transgressoi i 8 hard, is that it is so much traveled. —An old bachelor thUVs the train of ladies dresses infornal machine,from the fact that a blow-up took place d'usetly after he put his foot on one. —What was tho difference between Joan ol Arc and Noah's ark? One was Maid of Orleans, and the ether was made ol gopher wood. —Men aro often capable of greater things than they perform. They oome into the world with bills of oredit, acd seldom diaw to their full extent. —Josh Hillings says thai if a man professes to serve the Lord, ha likes to see him do it when he measures onions as well as when he hollers glory halle luyer. —lnviolable fidelity, good humor, and complacency of temper, outshines all tha uharms of a fine face, and make tha de cay of it invisible. —Moral as well as natural wave* are checked and bounded by divine power. Surely tho wrath of man shall praise Thee and the rsmainde; of his wrath' Thou shalt restrain. —Lucy Stone said : "There is cotton in the eais of man, and hope in the bo som of woman." Lucy made a mistake and got the cotton in the wrong place. —An "improved apparatus for nursing K*:'.* is advertised Wo don't believe tV.a o.u way can bs improved verymqoh. There are somo things that are about complete at the beginning. —Wo need not care bow short cor passago out of this lite is, so it bo safe; never any traveller complained that he came too soon to his journey's end. —You are just taking loave of the world, and have you not learned to be an honest man is the only way to be a wise one 1 —A little four yoar old child in Portland told his father he was a fool. On being reprimanded by his mother and required to say he wag sorry, ho toddled up to the insulted parent and exclaimed, "Papa, I'm sorry you'so a fool." —"John," askod a physician of the apothacary's apprentice, "did Mrs. Green get tho medicine I ordered ?" "I guess so," replied John, "for I saw orapo hanging to the doorknob this morning." —"What a fine head your boy hasl"' said an admiring friend. "Yes." said the fond father, "he's a chip of tba old block ; ain't you soeny?" "I guess so, daddy, cause teacher said I was a young block-head." —A Chines# maxim soys: "We re» quire four things of woman: That virtue dwell in bcr heart; that modesty play on her brow; that sweetness flaw from her lips, and that industry occupy her hand." A lawyer had his portrait taken in IUB favorite attitude, standing with his hands in his pockets. "It would resem ble him more closely," said an acquaint* anee, " if he had his hands in somebody else's pockets. —Teach a child that thoro is harm in everything, however innocent, and an soon as it discovers the cheat it won't lee sin in anything. That's the reason dea« con's tons don't turn out wall, and presch ors' daughters aro married through a win\ dow. —Secne on tho street —Jubilant Dem ocrat—Do you hear those guns ? I telh you we can afford to burn powaor over btioh victories as these 1 Touohy Repub lican—That's BO 1 You didn't burn much during tho war and haven't burned much sinoe. —An axplosivo substance, wbo>e ef fects are somewhat like those of gun powder, has been discovered in Franse by M. I'ool. It is prepared by the no tion of chlorate an lof ni'.rate of potash on ordinary gluo or isinglass. —A Virginia negro boy, who profess ed to be dreadfully alarmed at the chol era, took to the woods, he said, "to pray." " But," said the overseor, " how is it that you went to sleep ?" " Don't know, massa, 'aaotly,/ respond ed tho tiegr>, "but 'spoot I mast have overprayed myself." —A retired English sea captain, who had made the tour of Continental Europe and the Iloly Land, was asked how ho was impressed by his visit to Jerusalem ; " Jerusalem," said he, "is tho meanest place I visited ! There is not a drop of liquor in the whole town fit to drink." A wag entered a grocer's shop some years ago, which had for its sign " The Two Baboons," and, addressing himself to tho proprietor said, "I wish to see your partner." " I have no partner, sir." "[ beg your pardon, sir. and hopo yoa will excuse the mistake." "0, there's no harm done; but what made yoa think, there were two of us?" '• Your sign,"' he replied, " 'Tho Two Baboons.' "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers