vessels are returning to the United States, and 'bur are used ns sten:ships, leaving the actual cruising force thirty-five vessels, ear• rying three hundred and fifty-six gtOts, The total number of vessels in the nal , is two hundred and six, mounting seventeen hun dred and forty three guns. Eighty-one ves sels of every dextiption aro in use, armed with six hawked and ninety-six guns. Tim number of enlisted men in :the service, in cluding apprentice:4, lute Vett reduced to eight thousand five bemired. Ati increase of navy yard facilities is recommended- as a measure which will, in the event of war, ho productive of economy and security. A more thorough and systewatie survey of the North Nellie Ocean is ads ised in view of recent acquisitions, of our expanding com merce, and the increasing intercourse be. tween (hi Pacific states and Asia. The naval pension fluid, which enniabi of moie ty of avails of prizes captured during the war, amounts to t 14,094),(00. Exception is taken to the act of 211 July last, which re duces the interest on the fund loaned to the Government by the Secretary, as trustee, to three per cent. instead of six per cent., which was originally atiptdated when the in. vestment was made. An atuentiment or the pension laws is suggested to remedy emis sions and delitets in existing enataments.— The expenditures of' the Department dur ing the last fiscal year were and the estimates fur the coming year a• mount to $20,993,11 , 1. ' The Postmaster General's report furnish. es a full and clear exhibit of the operations and condition of the postal service. The ordinary postal revenue for the fiseal year ending June 30, ISCO, Red the total expenditures, embracing all the service fur which martini appropriations have been made by Congress, amounted to $22,130,352; showing an excess of expen ditures of ! 6,437,491. Deducting front the expenditures the sum of $1,896,525, the amount of appropriations, for ocean steam ship and other special service, the excess of expenditures was i 5,541,46- By using the unexpended balance in the Treasury of $3,- 8.00,000, the actual earn for which a special appropriation is required to meet the defi ciency is $711,460. The causes which pro duced this large excess of expenditure over revenues were the restoration of service in the late insurgent States, and the putting in operation of new service established by acts of Congress, which amounted within the hit two years and a half' t, about ki,700 miles—equal to tame than one-third of the whole amount of the service at the close of the war. New postal conventions with ("treat Britain, North Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland rind Italy , re spectively, have been carried into effect.-- Under their provisions important improve. ments have resulted in reduced rates of in ternational postage, awl enlarged mail fa cilities with Europese countries. Tho cost of the United States otrans•Atklntie ocean mail service since January 1, IS6B, has been largely lessened under the operation of these new conventions, a reduction of over one-balf having been effected under the now arrangements fur ocean mail steamship service, which wont into effect en that date. The attention of Congress is invited to the practical suggestions and recommendations male in his report by the Postmaster Gen. cml, The President reviews the foreign aft'Airo or the nation, which are shown to be in a satisfactory condition. But slight taention Is made of the Alabamt ch infix and of the negotiations pending in EnghitsdiWith re gant to the rights of naturdized citizens. The proreut condition or thu,e questions, they being the subject of pendia4 e0n.4.1. r ation between our Minister and the British authorities, furtthhes pod mason for this Teeming omission. The Pre Went conclude., his message as follows ! renew the rocemendat ion contained, i n my communication to Congress dated the 18th July last— a copy of 011011 af.OUJ I led this fuen'age...'olllt. OR; j uJgmcnt ..)1 . the people should be taken en the :propridy ao amending the Federal CUil`titUi jOil that it obeli provide— Ist. For an election of President and Vivaresident by a di:cot vote of the peo pie, instead of through the B,:oney of ukt , tors, and making them in=vligil3le for re-clee Lion to a second term. 2d. For a dibtinct (I,;:ignation of the person who Alan dh.eharloe the dutic, o f President, in the event of a 'waney in that office by the death. ret.ignatht, or remove al of both the Pre,idet.t and Vice Prod dent. 3t.1. For the elcetien of Senator; of the United States directly by the people of ti e several Status, instead of by the Legisla tures; and. 4th. Fur the limitation to a period of years of the terms of Federal judges. Profoundly impressed with the propriety of making these important modifications in the Constitution, i respectfully submit them for the early and mature consideration of Congress. We should as for as possible re. move all pretext for violations of the organ ie law, by remedying such imperfections us time and experience may develop, ever re membering that "The Constitution which at any time exists, until changed by an ex plicit anti authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all•" In the performance of a duty imposed upon mo by the Constitution I have thus communicated to Congress information .of the state of the Union, and recommended lin their consideration such measures as have seemed to me necessary awl espedi , cnt. If carried into effect they will hasten the accomplishment of the groat and bent). Went purposes for !Welt the Constitution was ordained, and which it comprehensive -17 states WON "to forma more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defeneo promote the general weltbre, and secure the blessings of lilJorty, to ourselves and our posterity." In constosare, vested all leg islative powers, and Upon theta devolves the responsibility us well for framing un wiseeeittl executives laws, as for neglecting or our respective tenni, or Berrie°, ttow rap. idly drewintiie r , an all wipe Provi dose will ID g ,e tier oeum.oltt as to strengthen its prtiOrve the Federal 1 T inipire reverence 14 the Constitution, ree, ore prosperity anti happinesi to our whole people, awl promote "on worth potion, soca. will toward won." AN Dit PM JOHNSON. WAdItINUTOI4, 1100. 9, I SGS. fiaomobtag proftrat. 11. 11,,MCODY, Editor. EDXESDA Y... DEC. In, - !Nis. COO 1.., The Rem&Ueda of last wok . starts its leading editorial article with the following sentence : "It is a fund uncle:ll eh:tractor istic of a republioan government that the people rule." And thou, its answer to its own question, "how do they rule," replies, "All their power is °sane I through the bal lot box." Now, en's it. be possible that ts paper belonging to a party which advocat es biii.ll doctrines as have been impounded, tied such ti hue of policy as has been par sued, in and out of Congress, by that party, can have the cool presumption to tell its readers, in set and solemn phrase, that the people rule I IVere it not that we ,all have become strangely accustomed to suelt stela- Geation, our more tines special wonder would be excited, and well founded doubts might be established as to the nteutal mom loess of the propounders of these obviously illogical prapositions. What, tell us that the people rule, when in eleven of' the States ol' this (!leaven save the mark !) the great bulk of the white people are relived the ballot, and when in three of these States the people`, both white And black, were au re cently denied the privilege of holding an election at all? When civil rule, which means the rule of the people, is taken away, or virtually so, and placed in the hands of dicers of the army, whose trade is war, and who know no law but the law of subjection? When the ancient constitutional preroga tives of the President, who is the direct representative of the whole people, are taken from him mid lodged with the wry power Odd' thus dispoils hire of his and the peoples rights? "The psopfe. rule," forFoothl In the name of reason, spore us this soleum non sense. Tell us auythiug but this. The proposition is so utterly devoid of data that there is absolutely nothing tft whieh to level an arguMent. What shall Sou de with the Man who insists that white is black, or that the moon is made of green cheese? You way contradict him, but he repeats the as sertion anti laughs at your logic. Were it nut that we believe such teachings to be prompted snore by the cunning of the knave titan the instincts of the fuel, we would sug gest the expediency ot'a political mad house. We cannot, however, but believe that the istvle know better, and situp!: tolerate such owl ltke, ineuhet ent th; that they ferns no part of the general political esti mate, and that in due time these wide-eyed &lemons will be laughed at by the mass, as they stew are by the thinking few of all par- The Vret coition of Uri me The carnival of blood still continues throughout our country, and the daily pa pers are tilled with accounts of murders, some of them p.vo:tio : !, in the highest clu. tree. ;tie. h smaller crimes as outrage, rob• bevy, arson, forgery and embezzlement, have become so fashionable that they are looked upon rather as good jukes than ohm-m, and the person who tnaaa make his cope after a i11t.C..1 hd ptrii. , rmanee in any of the above nacsl plea-ant arts, 1.4 looked 11!'nn, in too luny instances, as a very ekver epr, rat highly deserving of applause. Frequently en attempt is even made to throw the We of rouninee around the crime of murder, and the :ninh,,t is too often suoco..ful. Whila such au unhealthy state of public sentiment prevails, crime will outline to increase. Thu most stringent laws cannot do as much towards the suppression of crime as the potent roice of popular opinion. Let it once be thoroughly understood that a murdeter shall be punished, and that a thief shall he despised as a thief alt mild be, whether the criminal is worth one hundred thousand dollars or only one hundred cents, and the number of criminals will be greatly le nods That mime is so prevalent is partly the fault of our people themselves. Let them resolve that the thict' who rubs the government of thousands of dollars shall be punished and outlawed the same as thu pour man who steals a loaf of bread, and that no maudlin awitiment make a hero of a murderer, and there will be fewer thieves and murderers, lighter tufts l'or the eople, acid tame peace and tea) , for orderly and well-disposed citizens. Tr tketliCF, from the report of the Secre tary of the Interior, that the mune of but one Revolutionary soldier remains upon the pension rolls, Soon the last survivor of the beroio at* Which twhieved our indepen dence will have passed away. But, it also uproars that SSB widoWeid . Revolutionary soldiers still survive. The mothers of the Revolution were evidently younger than thu t g • else they live longer. Probably Court Proceeding*. The following le a arrpais of the Court preecodiaga whiet tr*pireteittewthe Jum ble of the latzt DEtrllidT: p to; Co re, Kilo a liartnian, Suporvillora of Hugerloaf tewriship. indictment—lie. fusing to oponyublie road. True bill. Vet. diet, 'guilty.' Dotimdentr4 entered into re cognizance of $2OO each for appearance at next session. Coin. vs. Martin Welsh. Indictment,- As.,ault and Battery. Bill ignored. Pros eoutor to pay thu oostt's • Cow. vs. Conrad Poland, IndietthOni 4 . Selling Liquor without license. Bill ignor ed. Prosecutor to pay the costs. emu. VS. Jobi) Siglinggcr, 111(114A111Uni Selling Liquor on, Hill ignored. Prosecutor to Niv the Noe. 'COM. WI. W. 11. Itoittbaid. Indictment -4tcoeiving taxes not assessed. Bill ignor ed. :Prosecutor to pay the costs. Cont. vs. II tooplire.y Parker. indictment -.yelling Liquor without license. True bill. Verdiet, "guilty." Sentence, pay lino of ten dollars and costs of prosecution. COlll. vs. Harvey Parker. ludioitiont Selling Liquor without liectiso. True bill. Sentence, pay a tine of ten dollars and costs of prostitution. Con. vs. John McNinch. Indict nictit— Removing landlord. True bill. :Volk pro mpt; entered by leave of Court on the or went of cow. Cont. vs. John Brehenv. Indictment "PerJurY." True bill. Verdict, "not guil ty: Defendant pay costs. Coin. vit. James Kelley. Indictment Assault and Battery. True bill. Verdict, "guilty." Sentence, pay a fine offilly del. undergo an imprisonment of three months, an pay oasts of prosecution. Com. vs. henry .:111e. Indictment —01 ) . struming ancient public highway. True bill. Canso tried., Jury report that they could not. agree. Jury discharged by the Court. Defendant and bail enter into cognizance for appearance at next sessions. Coln. vs. Thomas Donahoe, John Duffey and Michael Prior. Indictment —" blur t/Ir." Trite bill. This trial its pestpotted until Pebrunry term. Con. vs. David I'. Thomas. Indictment —"A.n.nult, with intent to commit ntpu." True bill. Verdict, "nut guilty." County to pay the costs. Coca. vs: Joseph Vansickle: Indictment —"Jatrecny." free bill. Verdict, "not guilty." Coin. vs. John Mussleman and Joseph Pauvy. 'lndictment—"Larceny and meow ing stolen goods." Truo lall. Verdict, "guilty." Sentence, pay a fine of filly 4101- lars each, undergo an imprisonment of six i 0„ ) ,,b,,, p a y . the rusts of prosecution, and stand committed until the sentence is com plied with. Coin. vs. Napoleon Satnp ' el. Indictment —••Lareeny." True bill. Verdict, "net gui:ty." Coin. vs. Mathias J. Shaffer. went —"Compounding &holy." True bill. Verdict, "not guilty." Prosecutor, J. D. Bice, pay the eons. The f 'nitwit% is the Report of the Crawl Jury, as handed to the Court : The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of l'enusylvania, iuquiring for the body of the County of Columbia, upon their oath. told solemn affirmations respectfully do present, that Mordecai affirmation', Sheriff of Columbia county, stated to the Grand Jury, that ,lie irons for theinviter securing of prisoners in the County Jail were insufficient and that without seine action he tams by the proper authorities for procuring hand cuffs anti hobbles. at least in the present l51:41 of prisoners in his charge in County Jail, prisoners would out be secure. We thercrore 'recommend that the necessary hand cuffs and hobbleti be immediately pro cured. We f urther recommend that a guard of three (or as many wore) men armed as the Sheriff deems netlesssary, are appointed to setsiNt the Sheriff in safely SOCUrilijr, prisoners now in County Jail. All of which is re xpectively submitted. WILLIAM LA mos.. Muolubburg, Dcc. 9, ISGs. Youumo Splinters. _George Francis Train, who lino been in prison in Ireland, has been set at liberty. —Some one calls the loungers before church floors, "The Devil's Brigade." ...A eorresprot lent..of the Clarion Demo crat suggests \V, Jenks as a suitable can didate ter Gerion ...The popular vote in Hovland on Mr. Gladstone's was for, and 79P,175 avoin , !. ...A e ,, tlvrtnion of the editors of central is to meet at Bellefonte on the Bth of January. .The next style of bonnet is to be a bead and two inches of ribbon, festened with a hairpin. ...llntiertnilit is said to be good for the gout. It is also g o od for ho,ba, whi c h is about the same thing. ...Increase of the national debt dining the month of NoVi'Mber, "Let us have peace !" ...They have two feet of snow in Wit t, and three foot in some portions of t 4 ehuyikill county. ...S. B. Chao is the G. W. (' T. (what ever that may be), of the 60041 Tetnlrlars of this State. 1. B. Slno.liff, Dem.. AS I T4 re-elected Moony of Ite‘t 1' 0, on Monday last, by 1.1.. rt iueSor:ty over :awe:. liiiaball, lkitublkau. —The peyniout.i t<a the army (luting the preyent year wore sl2:s,theijoo, T ax . pay . erP, how do you like it? 'Hah for Grant A. Greeien bend which arrived in St. Albany, Vt., from Canada last week, wa.: rental at the Cu,tont llon , e to consist of *N.) worth of smuggled ...At a meeting of the Trustees of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania, hold at Harrisburg, lion. Thouuts 11. Uurrows was elected President. ...A man in Indisna was choked to death by a pieta of beef, on 'Thanksgiving thy, and Ins neighbors say it Willa a judgment on him for not eating turkey, ...In Pouglikeeptie a man Fold his vote for a barrel of flour, and was himself doubly sal when, on opening the barrel, he found it filled with sawdust rood sand, "new rebellion" hits been started in Bainbridge, Os., where she ladies it is said have resolved to leave off wearing Yankee goods and wear homespun. ihni,bur g street railrovl company advertise their limes for sale, preparatory to slispernling operations. It was nu enter prba.that never paid. ...The Rornbliran eandiflatem for F p en kp r of the next P ennsylvania H omo of ltepro sentativeo. aru Strang, of Tip ; of Allegheny, and Herr, of Dauphin. ...A Troy paper g attoes that a pig that was buried hi a DittSri Of vain in an elevator re. , Gently burnt, and after remaining there a month waa melted alive. Dentootatic candidata for Mayor in Augusta, ticarsia, wilta 'wooly olooted by about 1,510 *lily, This bliows What) thing 3 will be in ' 'South when ballots are counted, cot btOnttlia, tnv , en om , hi,ik: vt i to ivino u i lw il co , l . u u n t l i b L us er: '', Indian whom, hair .eiverwa with the Frost tors • 1 ...In lb4li blassaebiuketts did a brisk linsi• acres in trading Indians for :woo slaves. ...Slavery is being established in Auitra lia. ...A New liatupdhire hn►uba from the South, having been told to kill ten or tilt teen chickens fur Thanksgiving, actually "run down" the flock II eitratuly, catching one at a time. Ile awl' wino of them over a mile, and maye that is the way they do it down South. ...It tieoins tlie Magnires' aro also operating in the cool rugions of .Nlnrylinul• biome of theta mealy murdered Douglas Loire into Allegheny rod mining ilktilet. It is obokallogotl that throats of duath have boon niatto against certain citizens at and shout tho tnines. ...The President hen nominated !leery A. Smyth to be. Ahniotur to Itamia; Alexateler e mmuings, of Philadelphia, Commissioner of Interna Revenue ; William J. Callen Supointendent of Indian Affairs fir Hahn and Montana; and Benj. P. James Chief Examiner for the Patent 011ico. ...The regulators of Seymour visited the New Albany, Indiana, jail, Saturday morn ing, about three o'clock, tool hung the Rene brothers and Charles Anderson, the express robbers, inside the Jail, and kit the town be fore any alarm was given. ...A nunikr of bunters in Liekinrereek Valley, county, were mute days ago chased by eight or ten wolves. One of the wolves, which the hunters managed to kill, measured six ti et from the tip of the nose to theond of the tail. ...The London rin,s thinks the election of Grant evidence that "the American peo ple want a strung government." But we already have, and have lied since the elec. (ion of Lincoln, a goveiHtlielit so strong that it stinks. erThe Peringylv:tiiiit Canal is being uncle wider and deeper. The ennui will be of one uniform width along the Susquehanna from Havre-de li'rave to llollitiayshurg. I)uublu locks wine placed in it biluilar to those in the New York canals. [COMMUNICATED.] Mn. Etirmti —lt is die weakness of some minds to manifest what is willed spleen whenever immovable mental difficulties arc met with. Even greatness la not exempt from this infirmity. The editbmt.l Doctor .11 , 1111S(111, who, perhaps, possessed the most logical mind of m odern times, was impa tient of contradict ion; and it is related of a well known livingg mathematician that the torn leaves and defaced pages his books bear evidence of temper excited in the qui etude of the library, Does y our uorr y o p oo d. cut "31," of Orangeville. belong to this un fortunate class? The manner in which he nets a tilt ut your other correspondent, "Observer," would seem to wanton the suspicion. Thu latter quietly had pultlilted in per columns for the purpose of eliciting information an aril hissed:Nil question, which "31" attempted to answer, and failed; whereupon he assails . "Observer" with sen tences spenetb, sarcastic, and fiercely witty, and professes a strong desire to see his 14 iii seryer's,l solution of the question. My dear sir, "Observer" scree Ico/ a solution el the question, and never professed to have one. tee is a plain itelivelual, CVO desirous of obtaining inforination, and not mat of those peilams who go about with mouths- NU of learned qui:anon; and pockets full of prepared answers, ready at all times to astonish the world with their wentlerftil skill. "Obsetver" asks questions for the purpose of obtaining inlbrmatlon, and not to plats) himself in a position to show his teaming. as seems to ho ;mewed by "31" of Orange idle. At to the premium and its whereahents, it will be time enough fur ''-31" to institute inquiries when he shall have sitlyer.l the problem. lie would fain pursoaile himself that the grapes are sour, but I npq relietel the fruit wonla basic proved sweet enough had he not made this little failure in his "solution.'' Thin discussion, Mr. Editor, not king of general interest shall spot Le continued by rue • and once more calling attentions to the arithmetical question as published in your columns, and inviting an answer, talc kayo of the subject. Tours, truly, OngravEn. - .60.* -----•••••••-• Ain I Not a Alan. and a Brollies! It was in the shape of such nit interroga tion that l‘lenard, the nogru Congressman front Louisiana, presented himself het :Monday in the House of Representatives: at Washingtcm. He had nut yet received lri credentials host the Cloves nor of Louisi ana. He was expecting, however, to re ceive them coon, when he will offer them to the House and test the sincerity of tbo dlielieal majority which has clano red o loudly about the rights °film negro. Mean; while this majority has betrayed the most chilling indifference tushis At first for a loss;, unconifertalde time he wa: left severely alone upon one of the re far, in the rear of the hall. No member acce-tell him except of I, e uisb am The poor fellow, annoyed at the to vial traeibin to which his Radical collea gues from the Northern States most condemned him, arose and scan ht in vain for au opportunity to secure a desk.— ENcrywhere the Radicals turned up their noses as he approached; and at length he felt cistel:elleil to leave the floor of the house in disgust and to seek refuge in the gallery behind the great clock, whew a hundred or more of his own race wore eongregateil and kept him in countenance. Here he was manifestly more at home than below. But so soon as he shall have received his (Ted• entials as a claimant for a sent in Congress he twill give his Radical colleagues a chance to extend to him the hand of fellowship or to contradict their own lying professions of regard for his claims as man; brother and eitizen.—N. //ceolit. Nrwst , Arnt CIIANOIL—Messrs. Mug'. & Ilawley, of the Beading Adler, have itr. ehased the Daily and Weekly Heading (Ammo mot Democrat. The Daily ami tie and Daily Rogic are combined and publish- nil as the Pally Engle. The .I,llr r and Weekly tivreite and Democrat will be con. tinned. The editorial management will be in eliargu,of Mr. Beek, of the Adler, as• sited by Mr. J. Warren Conrad as editor of the Daily Eagle, and Alfred Sanderson, as editor of the Weekly Cantle. It is a strong combination of talent THE 01iii 1.4 . the Froethatm's Bureau is not yet. The earput,baggors and scalawags from Virginia, Mississippi and Texas aro present at Washington in strong force to Protest against its abolishment; and their entreaties it i.; said prevail, They have nice pickings about the mount which they , do net vent to give up, and it iaiduanitevrtain ,autt the people of the North riot ountinue taxed to run the concern WHITE MI MUST RUE AMEUICA, NOW IH THE TIME TO EllileltlLlE PIM viz NEW YORK DAY - BOOK rou 10109. Pcdokli Mtn ,Ittprenurev, Motu &mi. Ma Meru/ The NEW YORK DAV•1100K is an earn est, outspoken and independent paper, du voted to the equality, fraternity and proic purity of the Democratic masses, and the derelict) of the grand American system of Federated States, on a White basis, estah lisheit by ‘Yashiugton and the fathers of Atuerieun liberty. It, Ileitis that this glori ous system a hoirgovernio lf suites and he tuagenemis eitizenship, which, in Noventy years of Na l co and prosperity, never shell one drop of American blood or convieted single citizen of disloyalty, or directly taxed the peolile ono dollar Ihr its support, and might be safely extended over Ifiti whole "boundless continent," was th e best goy. eminent on the earth, and must be restored "as it wits" made by Washington, or the whole laud must needs col:afire into Chaos, anarchy and lain. 'rho DAY- Homy, therefore, demands the' restoration of the White Republie, and as this must be and will ho 11Q00111plishol,ci titer through their reason, or the Weil and por• Wrier of the people, it earnestly labors for the homer, and by boldly gray ding with the errors,. lunacies and arum of Mongrel ising it strives its utmost to save the country from the swid necessities of the latter. Thu will, however, be more than over devoted toil! the varied purposes of a UMW paper. Conseions that it reaches thousands of families who take no other juurnah . liepintl, perhaps, their local paper, it will continua and improte its "Nitrate OP ME WEEK" Summary, so as to present transcript of the World's events in each issue, &.e., &e. TERM4—Cittiel 1M ADvANer,„ One copy one year.-- ......“ 1 12 00 Three copies one year 5 (X.) Five copies oneyear, and olio to the up of the club 9 00 .%(Iditional copies. 1 75 Ton copies one year, and ono to the utter up of the club 17 Ott Additional *Tip% I 70 Twilit). copies one year, and a copy or the Old Guard for I dO9 30 00 Additional (topic..: 1 59 We write the tames on the papers at the above rate.. VAN iivntr„ lIOItTuN & Co., No. IGl.Nomou street, Now York Harper's Monthly Magazine Itatinotionably the hut Idostained work of the hi& in the world. limaui whet the 8111}17 Thl" 1110s1 ;uvular ►nonthly in the world.— Noe Oteertyr. We niti4 refer in terms of cull) , to the high tone and varied cxeellonte of Ilarper's imirmil with a monthly cirtsula• tsen of 1 t.smies-- in wheel) pages are found venue of the choicest light and general :mai% of the Jay. We speak of this work 44 WI evidence or the culture of the American prople;atl the popularity it ha + atxtnircxl is merited. Each number *attains fully (.1 lieges of reading -matter. approuriativ iilustrmed Stith good wood cuts ; awl it combines in itself the racy monthly and the wore philosophical guar liblitleit with the be features of ilhe daily ji)arnal. It has great plana r in t e 111. uuualJu of a love or pure literature. —Trsoloter's (hack to Ameticon Littrotorr, LW' lon. We can account rot its success outs by (ho simple fact that it . meet. precisely tho point t.c.te, iiiplunx a raricty of picamig and iiwilictive leading Ca nll,—Zm's thr all, rOnitt VS kale I tS( . 9. ^.` limier's Magazine, QM' year. $1 04. An extla roily or vither the MagaZaw, Wvekly, er 11.1•43 r win i,a -uhfalied gratis for evert. ';nlr ar Fird er* ac t. IN) easia, in airs remittano: ; nr Six; CeCie. tau ion 4 14 I IarPCCS 41,1 itlZ:sr e to "Of for okf:V ; or. taus Hatt Pvtika cal', to otto key:, 14 y , ar. $7 be upplivd ut ts.ny A C0m14.10 •t, now rcooorLiog Thirty tActi V01tw0..4, in ti •%t ylotri binding. wvitl bo neat by f"Xlir..• , .. • " ht nt oNpcnso of lotreho! , .er, for 25 per volitmo. Sinuhz ctshimvs, b$ Coal For eLtit.4, by 16:ii!„ poat pa;:l, ho Iccctag. , On ihritor'!4 MArt.k7jr.c. t!t volt:. 3 pltr. 01 . 101 IdaSt be 11341 ut thu ;, , ttb.. rent from BritiA North Provineex must be ttyccontoutkfi with '2l cart additional, to prepay Unitoti Addros, , , rittos,, New York, Stitttio EtsrrotNA.---Tha ,St rie (leant mouti o that "die ...;111.iture will be mktal to olmtme OW time (.1' whAt are eallekl the sting i feetlemt, when man:v*ll4d officers are eleetetl, t.) tilts fltll of the your, Fo that all our eleeti , ms may take 1h as nearly tv poittible, at the same p. IT is now cptinly stated that more than two ruiliion dollars of tho Alaika money WAS used to Beeuro the ratification of the treaty. tailiket for the 14,11- cals to invoAigate. Will tiny do o? To Aim eevoi more joag to tbe Su preme Cow t; W quath . uPle the i4ulary of the next Pee:blent, and to atil twouy per vulg. to the pay of , all the etnploye4 at Wu/ling. tou--these are the rettcnchnienbi already inopweil by the Radicals! =I j The moderato weather yeasterdny had the effect of cawing a general resump tion of buiiding, All through the town a change was perceptible from the previous du3s when the atmosphere was so intensely told. M 41tRIED. December sith, at the parsonage, in Or augelille, 1( . .. patine, of Mt. Pleasant, and Angeline Drake, of Ottawa, Poulain comay, Ohio, OttTuelAnY naviniler 10, I$ $, by Wibken AL Hve:4, Nsq., at the home of tho bride, Martin Leidy, of Bockhorn, and Lizzie Leggett, of lola. At thepar , onage in Orangeville, Devln ber liy Bev. N. lipear, Wm. T. Bess, of Benton, and Hannah B. Brink, of Judi emu, At White Pigeon, lltielaigan, November 22d, by Buy. T. Shanafelt, Leonard T. Ellis, of White Krim, and Sennottlm M. Fowler, lbrtrierly of Fovleraville, Columbia county. In ' In Pl•ileatViin December 3d, Xeigiii Weeds, 0g:4140)114N 1 wanth and 8 do) Y. In Centre township, thloomber 10, letM, William (Unglue, agull yonk In lthalm.horg, Dpootbet teem the CALISAYA 11AIIK.-ii 6 said that Messrs. Drake k Co., (proprietors of the Planta tion 'jitters) are the largest importers of Calisaya Bark In this country, allot that, With thu exwarition pf an oesasiestal Nils, all they, import la mot in thu oonTounding of then' celebrated l'lantation hitters,—to which they un4oubtadly, am intlebteti for their rrieplerfal healtii.reetering preperticet. As' a Tonic and Appetizer they are not sur passed, and we cheerfully recommend them. All first-class Druggists keep them for sale. MAUNOLIA WATER.—Superior to the Itoit itnitoritod Cternoto Cologne, and at half the price. No. 10. THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNti.(r..—Hos issuer's United States Almanaa for isfitl i for distribution,gratis, throughout the United states and all civilized (*entries of the IVestern Hemisphere, will be ptiblisheil about the first of Janunry t and M who wish to understand the trim philosophy of health alienist read and yonder the valuable :sug gestions it contains. In addition to an ad mirable medical treaties on the causes, pre vention and cure of a great variety of dis eases, it embraces a large amount of bar motion interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the l'arunw,the planter, and prordAiniiii than; and the calculations have been made for such 'meridian:void lat itudes as are most suitable f.r a correct and comprehensive National Callendar. The nature, uses, and eXtesurilittary,Blll4 , I arr a effects I ()STEW F STOMACH lii ITEHS, this staple tonic and alterative of more than half a Christian world, aro fully set forth in its pages, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, val uable receipes for the household nod farm, amusing reading matter, original and select ed. 'Among the Annuals 'to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and rimy be had fur flee ask. idg. Scud for copies to the Central Manufactory, at l'ittsbnigh. Pa., or to th nearest denier in HOSTEPTHIC the S STOM- Avit wants. The Bitters are sold in evuty city, town and village in the United States. II MK ET E11:11"011T. _ Wheat ill I,ltAel, *O2. 00 Rye, ~ 1 50 Corn, is I 09 ' Butkwlleat " 1 00 Oats, II so MA - owed " 7 00 Flaxgeol. " 2 511 Dii'd m11'103 41 2 511 l'ohl•te.t, " 100 . Flour per Larrel, 13 01) Baiter 50 14:Rgs per dozen, 25 Tallow per Imutul, II Kurd •6 25 11311114 41. 25 SltotiblEns, " I/1 Hay per ton, 15 00 NEW AUK Eirriscmc NTS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. &Into or Atameth Baker, late of Centro Town,ltip, deceased. I,riters testamentary on thet a,,4 Hen( A■onrl4 Its Itrf, Ulu 4.11 l'eutft. loWittaor. V.% l'ottatty. de• r !idea have bean grouted by floe Iteai.iter of said roomy. to 17. M. soil ti. W. Uaktr. of Crowe Owen phip. cm.ii„l.l3 I on+•ly A.I alining the estate are rromested Lo prereht aid aII 5U r-00l 1.1.,1 to thr relnte will mike immediate minim' to 1,14, M HAKIM. Ee. re. e W. DARER, f tore. Dee. 16. Litid . . . CENI'II4 TOWNSH I P 1.1,!N ACUITOR'S PTATIME‘T, Choc 11. .114.ttcricit, C'ullector of Boone!, VIA !)r. Ti balaucr Wt Duplicate. no alatod lan year VS IsP ( r. Nr e•vb yni.l J9het Ils.l, 7 riessurer„ eletV ity MS= bawls by thluml thmktd. t:1+.44 Cr r.ounu f .aou, 104.1., U 14 u, ,:u, to u .d pall tux 31.1 error at 112, roll t #l, 20.11 ..r.16.t 0 ..q. A. St:hire-pp altaqr, C ,, ,kcif or Of Mina t.., Pe. `l . O 41.1 ,,, 10L of DWI, 49, rot PAR. c I t. 3 ;A. Rp rhtli tw .101114 ' Pron 111, ei7ol 911 1:y tamiolamoita 1114 Pi W 4( I' MI Uup +lau ' ltrp.,t 1 1 1,90,9 1 ; Chdi 11;11, Tolipliror r Bortald Intid, 1)r. Tir4 malt tram 17.11. 10 , W./101,170 lett M. $172.70 11. A, tFUwcAl+uflulyui, 4,1 , 1 1704 !Hi By pm.l J. B. t na.y. bond and Itittqlmt. 317 21 oath, 3 sl,l J. W. Ilago! b o tch, ;In 330 B 1 By o Mut auto; Alb maw .1.4 11 , 7 .B 5 Ily dduturi Ortyt lin. do dt , .3.1 By H. t.% Barton, do 311.23 t.y*ro J.amby and lbooltway, pub bo.* rears otatßesult, 12 no By rub meld J. G. Ftueaa, attorney, b 3 00 toy ,* in trial with JP, Struip hicyM MIS Py.cusit paid Nryburd, f t rvic a, &00 By emr.h paid ransuul Neyhird, tax. BC?, e.ou By m4l p a id Wm, G. Multi% aWy, JOAO By 1 Inhp Crtudy ; int, ou ..$,M , ,36 for 1 your, 3.142 ry attemilt 1.4441 Brockway and Jim)* by, pub'.l.,kund IiCVAIUt I% IA By " 01, !Mid for stating this stet, 3 OD By aumout, 41uo Trousutur ou hot nottlement, 131,13 111 Treasurers tvouni.ition, S S,,d En 10.04 Dabs 1113 duo 'Premium', J Hill, We,tlm ttwit nogtool. Aodot"rg, do eertUy that vvt , have rat.”lol,y exvoined the: 1'44110111g Ile• cuutit sum! Had thotd W bt town. Lartyettii Cre:l4, Auou Kt. Maier, A udi Ltri A. I wxhimjn, `°"• ifre, I. pundu SA LE rhv otbkrtil'er 'Ant 11 at Vutgle S' l llan bi lh th e 2 6 th ‘ 1,1 :1 lireendo.r, !FAA, At Kiotines C. Wotan Coon ty, Pa., theaelilaed of all that aerial,* TRACT OF LAND, railed tho Mill," *Atom it Franklin t.mintokbip, 14111 Ia Couuty, Pa. , about, 4 utiles frual Votawisea, euatamias 03 3.4 AGUES, owe or leas, with the apourtenancee, adjoining lends of Abraham Lilly, Reuben Jiggle, Jacob Loh NUM. aod others. The lien evearchta thereon consist of it house, barn,* two Mary frame oil mill at the Roaring creek, and other too buildings. About 49 &erne thereof Arc tarns land, lb. Intone covered with hoary timber, priori. p l aly pine, titintoelt, Ads.. and Id WM wank the at minion of capitalists and ilealere. Sale to ennotirnco ditto rim*, r. M.. on said day. whentuualttonawillbe made know,* by SAMUEL, SOLLMAY. Adibibidttltat of the 'Comte of Pra,Cf e , mob. j i t . e .g. late at Frederick I p., Montgomery county. is. 1004-fit NOTICE. There will bo a opecita meet ing of the Shototkotdot• of the Ittootophoys poot o m 'Saving rood Apoutiatioa. at 8 o'clock oh thittoday evo"I811. poteatttey 10th, that to voodoo, the oLoN ins al. orations awl ante 'Wineries to the py• haw*: I Hoetlott 3 to Art 1. be amended by adding " from Aprtl t. September, and at 7 o'clock from o t t o tor t o t Seaton I to Art, X. ho omended by insertiaa the wthde read Treasurer" alter Om "surd Atefil "Atty. berairon 9 to Art. X V 3. be amend 4 by adding th folhooloy : "Att.l proyithol 410 M, there to 'annoy smash to pay the hoots thin sts kho Toottotrya t. Station 3 to Alt XVII. be stricken Ott BY errter Of Jr J. 440Wiat, A. Kllo4llo - 4ers4ear, x , Vtatideutr Dee.% 10041 Alaimo wAttren. *l* to . *l - 00 t,er month, or n commis sion haw Whit* Wee that moan' eao be made by NMI!, the latest imltrtWo4 4,3A119111 F.cMtl4YslWttli; Nice *INAS. rot VitottilitstohtV vvotti (33etht8 aftheo . a- MT. 4-m3 Me Preatir Tbril ISt. 110100010111 a; Yu. . JOB WOOK maul exceutod at this Ace. t. EVOIMER & Mt R.Erd4 l 1 DEA I. NUS r -111- MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHIWG F GOODS. SOUTH MAIN STREET, Below Market, ul.positw eurrcll'i Storw. Dtntab.► 4, 1441 tf BOOT►S 1. SHOJI'S rolowitorr hie on bard. 111 IMP 111141 khown Iv lomPht nn Nain rimer, l row 11.1 r. 3 1,,,•,1 tf4,4 l'uurl lionAn.nome std... Int largest and Wet wierAn A Jilt.? moot or BOOTS AND SHOES, • t)f Xll gr.dpi, ewer ollerell to the foible, 111. price , * SO Met, fi• tor rout nr, cinqn.4 nr purl two , Nl:B'BYs.j.,ld o vttt otyl, trent 111 , " henry Ant. lite•rooloo4 to tit. flueoot Vittotio lit orfit rifi L 0 00:ote. fidi , see' and Cllil4;t4lft' [ 4 1 ,,, ,d. I peril variety. and firorrnntelt into. of Moo iiiel uo•em• Gittoite. more t 1 boo 01 1 / 1 3.1 a: %II 11111 - 0. Ile sleek.* VP fill *tient' Oft in Oil, ear k fO.llll. i , 11..1 1 , 11 Got rioter Wear, ai buil% uf toinettul itcrs .Vlll CAPS. lit its., Ago ■ full and r ..... pl. to, rollrclion of n at4 nor! Pupa..f ovrty ki n d. and .t 1 I .1.••1 and limot •ppr,.v...1 .41,4 TIN i.••ousr *et! as-7 Mock rvir moult tit dim wattle t. of p.m.. Farb. Mink: Ptilrerl. 111 . 4 Mttor kinds. I mallets I:spre. Mlara and 111..u.1e. and Wt. Houten,' iten►rt rape. Moto, anti Collett tartta , t: tar i. tatt.taatatl for tbe,s, Pll,lll tW• solo Is toll IP, Vhll . l4"ill.M. A !area •'tlwrlatim justifier the e•eartt-rt that all the ula,%a atticlae ni I U.• ("hot •.r 11w ►.et ss.r 41141.41 Y. ~ th.•y have haat' malt atad with the grasteet cum, U.•lh a. to lwderial eod wart 111411.1m0. Ity ail sham.. slop nu., rlpiniwo M.! ober k karate Wirt liar log alwe•Uare, as riprnms et wall as dreap pointitialit homy r. V. 11()WI:It Nlnneetobarg. Pu.. Doe. 1. t,&4 w 4 route the prenti4es of the milviiliber, Ja 4:113410110.3. 03 Ihi 145 t Noyernher. a mail MHO awl FY I Ii is 111.111 0 elt. ,401 an contiiiima. Tam rnvnrr wUI Hour 1.1 vk 1. prnvn proptoy, p. v rhirtios, sod takw K away : Kt. it Kill le divvied 2.11 the law terveay. BOUNTY Me. I, ICI wr3 All phetillg . if f %o " ,lCil: • Illne•111104 Itermilit • wtlh An onhot,tiner in. r,niiirnii.4 in tan in, ih• rAtilants lifillot, and n•ttleihn 'noir hfiwtrii lb. lilt of 'a. in amber awl Mot Mb uf IlLssoulie. Nor. 13, 'r„ t-31. If l'„ 11A11110011. am J. H. MAIZE'S MAH l ffil GROCERY, Slll}`E' S BLOCK, NA LN , BLOOMSBURG, PENN. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR tvlnstßolly . 0, 7 IREI) AXI PROrISIONS. Of •II kigia. thcap I`,,r kV' Cali paid for Butter and Atm% Nut. ta, idt44.3in pd. LAMS' DRESS MAKING. SEW ASD WINTER GOODS. Tilt: uailettianeit *fluid rrapettrolly Invite the attention of the tilittOthl tr thiP prior sod oteisity, to *Act, now and latiry Ronda, at their *ter.' en Aiwa street, twtoritt Sour eil.l of Jost . lth thrtlikril " 1 " 1 " nod Chair honing, h bele they itarnetihred lii Plain:a/a d Ad&l, Dttiafica i he . Ihtert mph.. Mao aril patti Mr Dirt, 4.141:0at5. ototi t # bridrerear Welt. Giro HMI) r CAW. They bare eirt rlitrrers Of the blot in Orli Imo, fled cheap , r re evert. JIIIAA A. & s*ui M. RAMAT. Nra. DEMI NENV STORE CS.3.2I)4,DLP„AzU IN .111,0WISHI:n4i. MILLER & WOLF, Iteepee"ity announce that they barn commutate,* he Mercantile bunion,. nil Tin ',muerte. in thw Nl'Mla Mid Hp StOre 16$#MIA on Ada known to the Maus prOperty, ant bier Haw in done. A WEL AS OF GOODS, 'albeit liar, wind, they bare eakettad *kb a good deal comitad will suit lathe Lowest Possible Rates. l'lo*tr flock is tom plpto to prqty pottholar, and In quell ty awl ptito ritOPOt fail to ply o Asti patiohetton„ hey a4k thr paltoaaao of the pahlit, with the as intoner' that Fithrr.KATK 00001.1 AND VAM DUMAN° fumy Mom. b. aspect* (Sive them. trials elephelve. nem* liftafrarith aid witsry ROWS. bat with sew oses,eimil;Witilaheas and tow twice.. Arterial** hoe paid to tho aelewtion of bio, altos, fur the Fall sad IN Wet 'DAN, Ofimulpttts Cn Y e the bargain.. The hilthers market allow 11110W*4 ihr. alkilowish Vtthillittii its tat Snow for goods. *tom on Alain west, Iron frost. with lOW 11114.. windows. Sept, it; los. FORKS HOT. L, GEO. W. 1110 GER, Pro pit etp lth Tile above tvell•knewn hotel ham totted); moo_ 7 me radical chatthes In itlo intevNat IttluitiMlOSUß and iti pfdprktOr iltiltoutlClOO In his I . l= 804 the trivet/test peddle that MO rat the comfort ul" Me Melds are merpanCtehmehe tsa the country. Ilia table will altmaym be h o ed sop lOW mu poly with auterhuttial Amod,hitt' whin& the &Wacky* or the clown, . 1 11 4 Witte toed (erupt that popular beverage RIIIO*O 1 - 1 4 410 purchased direct Nis the traperthts MitiptlapthheWps ttrely pure, and free Oval ell peirruftrai drop. Wd I. theakful Mt a UMW pattualUte 14041111 , 1110400, will toutinge to deserve it in the MN% tillattatt 1111:111M11111; Jun a 13.104(4-0. W ~la DIGGING. fir lftia:undsystiard gives amiss to tbs Mil o *O4 OM h4l I . sk 0 1444 4 1 00 WASOLAIG,“*. prepared to d *en* 00 Wirt r„,14.14,041 tine 11 „,v t reasonable terms. Flo hatlig , : i rtaSt suss is the hardness teals kis Ids wititiad anything dolts ail Mt Willi tit 10. gi VtB lOW atrial, WILLMS wain* lllttanaiburg Juts, Id, Wit -AND-. GE NTS' BLOCIISMIG, Ft IRS, ENTICIT. G, CAPS car. L . MO 10E1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers