c-- rill VOL. XXXII. 01"rit3itti OF 41401Li1M1014 t O. Proficient Judge—nom Willow Elwell. Associate Jtviges--; I Pet Ilia ler- N KrrAlerbeis. Proth'y and erig, of lAwsiets—Jett.e ( Vow n Register sad Iteconicf--- f iobit ti, Freese. .tow gmorry Cott., 1 Comraisfionere— ‘ll),eitiiiislanil'irar,.l.ol. Periff—liforiecal :It OW d. rreseurer,laciA the.. 1, El Rupert, Autlitnro— .1 oLin ' - 11:In no D. 440 , 016 • Au* :' ' . , . iunnt;r-i,inue:s4 —in AkickliArn arum i.Niouo r' e Ar t m wv—F,. H. Little. mint& A nprai,er—W, 11. .laeoll. , 4119 , 8.41.74 w —1 . 4 .4 A, Dewitt, I inept &roomy -I-Mitten M. Tranith. t mer --44* Minn' .1. Ikelf.r. linty flaperiuton.let—Chai. Ihrk we•Kor‘ latoval Rev ti enne IL F. Clark. ( John Thono , , A Want A;41404..0r S. IL In.mor, Nun') :ll•Altnry. • lector—llenjamin F. Hartman. 14 00111shUrg Normal SE hot)* awl ROAM) OF INSTRUCTION. ENItY lIVRti A. 14 1 I traitor of lutir!!..musl nod .rialscoutro. and Prsrtk. Teavkinp. 1 4 4;1,4 Sststit CstYt.r, rof Ft knth. ITtanny und wt.:nen:li Inv 0. Dem. A. 11, Evespor of AnsiPot I, , ,t,,intseri and Eog li.h J. W. Perrot.. A. M.. iiesbor or Ntebeti;ntio• *tut! rractieLl A.trobotny, Rev. C Jr+o, A. M., Proitiont of Chvo l i,try ari d M oor ,. F. M. Koss, )hrr of Ocotrupity. History ami Book- Justo-., firnwm A Want Tottat>r o." artitunaticA ausl riv,!.. Dints Gruoitnar. ?Ts:4 ?ti Caner. 1 .actie: of Stuii , tin ) 1 :34o awl Nitlotleon 31.4, I. 4ebtr of 'o.-31 :tl4 ic, aod A4,6t. Tec.oh• prof 1.?-t tfutzlitxl TP:tetqr of ,!lades rho tibitttor tarns will rometwn , o r !hex , , and antis our Roateitts, tsouly fsr walls:ltaly. on a ppraloi ot to Ow 1 itotteti, mil he fortost, %ill) , t)01, tti p:«..1 of tw0 . 04-... It is bow; : strtreot to cotonsusy at e erVIINg (4: Ijit. ; t,l“ ;.1,4:11 ',Lip L., offiiigflYo 01.1 asp tr.ter at any thaw. W#SSLEY T 0 h AT LA W. Codko tm VEMOCZAT 1,1r1) STAR Atith SHIVE'S C L oc,K 61,00MAliritri elt March t '67 CHAS. G. BARK Lt Y, Attorney nl Law, litLooNsurati. COLIMBIA ft;" Pt. est...wow 116%44 A.Mti *tory 41,04 WifltHr♦ k vutty tlrcurd 4." tr lboiry Ihr t - {rhattf,f. IMMOVAINIft rpnt , 7 0 . C. KAEJL3arr Inuesfilor and .►tt'uiu) 41 LAW, BLOOM MIT G. Ps. Wtltdalttlftlitlrr t. , tit" , ffi#lll , ow, ;Ili ;whim In ripest, that M ha* »ruli 4 Op t l/4M11„ to I um stain Cunt. ) .I Itlq 'tho .1. lepn b holm or pir.,,,,etp , ottitltdod Pi re: ill ibr rift , uner . Phitaitti. *roans* stn 0901 Vv./ & , Si. Wog AUtf , . 01 0 .01 , tour, VOM I frel, E. h. 1lit:14.8, ATTOR IN EN -AT• LAW. B14.:01 4 .-13U I.C*. PA, OIL*. I:nd fleet, trt V.xtlimwe 3rltxlA, beat the -I,..vim g e 104A bititinvs* , tr.4l to 1:1 ti itt:l nor® In *Oh r.t, 4oW t•+, oto.ie tat ttairt Jrt 411 1004. IrtiL DV. .1 1' rt,',l 11)*Irtsi sod battlees o lAV , elli Isar" god ••••4144411144011 . ) .4 t• 5 , 1 9 4,. 1 4.401 lair 11fe plibrieltrownit ift.fi It. a ~••••••••••• swot lit.inialiwtorlitithlally tom udity pot tow •• 1.1•01te• 14 ••• t.eir• .•••••••• Palo stab 1A Werth , Cr If. pay)/ arid ltlants•• o• tiattery Ili will ••/ 4•401.804 n,.tK Mt. < Or. 1$ W. st sts.s.46. OCCOMIIt TO titsr. c. Imuitamt ram at bt• iv•Veng. est ecatto IDP.t. .h' 'bird. wp yr lots 111 Oslo pot , by irapilitUSt. No. Muirn•befft nil Th IMA ins Eitsuorra ARR.aeei~f •r tnor4 6.4 h Imo ore 111111. 1/411• • I OW 1 /10/1 unn 4 , 11Ci11 , Will rb Imv« 6.•0.11 1 1,1)11•11%•1* 77.%,,, Alh Wll,l, fir Porto It lOW. (Awing iq 'bp all. gtHi 11•••1•••le. • 411 41 • it , . • 1,• he , WOW Isllll6 See lief,/ erlr•lr pan lb ut litK••.. Our 9 ,, r1, i• $11 . 110.• • i. 11.1 ‘. 1111• A oar, I • n.i •01•1, .t 1 thoo pl4r.c 6a ar• Januar, 4IU. 11l N, •-• • • - N EW OYSTEIt SALOON, -- in thr basement of 14 gATillS3iUtiin , • BILTZER I.IACOIK Krr. Oril'era frivol/110 , 1i mi.' re .1)1.00 at 6. 1 ; with all the uillet freed oh Ara *le ie tl.rtlhrhaita. XX Al. rineiniel, en WOO; trKath it with choir. Lgnem n( hrie4. tip top redo, alwei Mu* iito Arp /ilia Silt loy aloe. is Han neat or ler ' Nun 11, Ifin. Coopering ! 'SNP, RtYh ttNMf 04440.1fifiily Win 14111 ••A Mai he t. prettotod to ataimfataut* • • if BA nrt TI , Bq ir BUCKETS., sad firrir hip( IP 11, V 04 0 ,14,14. ItEl'AiltlNte 111)SE 'it) (11i1)git sad •110 IF hwi it on WON OWN 61.$10fitUrig, nest thr loft I 'on 9. ny^. M O.4VILti %Mt 11401101101441. Aral $2. IDA, ,o. : ...- -. ' '''''''' . ..i•.5.'i.. . . • _ . _ . . • . .. .. • • • - . :110016 7 :•••••••• •.-.l';'••••ii,:..• . 1 • • : . . . • • • • .... .. ,. ..... i.... ,......: i i - i i.....:;:: .. 7• • •-,.::. , . BLOO . . ... i - :• -• ••-. 1 , ,, ,. .."''',..,-,•••:-••• . • . ••••• . . , , , ( ; : •:.;••34 ' ...., • .: titt4T. • hi li ' '• .. . .• . . • . . . •:.,.... , _.. , , • • . . , ._ gloteriturg ei!tinotrat - . P111.1;33144 IV 4 tlf % , 1 'AEI F.-i-i li 13 h1.0031N1411 , 0, 1.:., hi WirllXll tRil4O3l U. J.it.OUV. Pt 44 44,4,. 441 ..0 in ,iv,r,... It iwt pntl within SIX Stritilis, 30 rest. , Atl wrist wit , t,., Otsr4l. 0 :7 - 0+ 4 4444/4.4 :firerrtraiirood quill „of ar grofro or Pahl r rertS %I the up ma hi the rilitoC Italia , 1W A ityricilsoiti, ino tok.rOIOIII7VIIN a 0040 e. no,. *Vow , roe ..r iliter ii,,,rtiosup ... $1 Est every vilivromeri toserlioh ter. VOW ft.• .. 1 ,1 ) or we. 14. 24 3s. 014. Ir. mete ries r , . I.' r 0 f ;7 1. 0 4us f r fit t 1604 r,iv..4logre s . nGo f.. 00 110,1.1 s 1 4 ts Mitt " SAI 71110 /kV 1i . vor i 1..410 P.m , 4 '1 01,1,114 . .11.' it 1 e , if) i !dm. 1 ..14.1 . - .51.4 nor,h,no. 1 hi et,lli* .1.4000 4it IS, is Oh 0... r , ,oloort fl 3 ee 1 I t , NO 1 : IP 4 0 13004 I If 10 1.:iv...0we. rod AcilillOkitutoio* :Union.. . , 3 fiq iwortoer work..-...., 14 I +the, *Omit bwholtrio ihortmleretwilittui..r.portit Mitt, .1, titeliorpo 4.111r00, Without u.i.wrii.olioritt. f*ehly tf`f to per its. , rruiod .01. u4v - rrillowntotatol irrylitiir , to itoi• ...Hr.. nit ',their 411 , ' afro. rift first oEsertion. 41 , 1w00 44.r...1101016 Roe• The Death or tht :NOV& trs nY triLLI AM 0 . 1:RI AN r. Th.! twlitic"auty •ht.••• e cow., tri ,tsar. Of wai:ing u.',:111, mid 1141ot I w•••• 11., A, 1 4 1 .,„•,1,10, 1+4%11 lin ~ ,, ,";e% Neal hf.j,,t4. The .Nith,•••••.l le:%%•••, ; Th , y • the 14 4 .1%,t, •0•4, hil I , v 11••• tea 1. 'l l .ll •••hti:4l.l'l tl.ts wr, a trt! A tet ft.,a. the Alvah the jay. At,•l frt.H: 4hc wt•o , t top calk the crow, It;rett : ,:h Jay. Wte m re tha 13*.r yowl,* iwv TI, it lately stn ' 4, rta 3;1 4 . 4 , A twat/inn! lewd ? ALis thi y ate in thitir craVC.4 Tl w g./ tele 'hive feixeri Are I) 'brit * lush 1101 4 , 11'ith t he rail awl wed The ram %hew ihoy Le; But eh- ,N , iveuilior Ctik, wit tiihn out the g.:o with TE , 4 ikivOy The wi'el 431 the e ir tt ..3 I ,ci.l T:4O n iow.;., to. P-tia , ! , way, ow , For ;,tll 83:141ebty Oat: .„ 14,40 • and i'la4l.l! ' L. t '.• It too,. ~ 1 1 • u;oillAer 14. A lady 41.11 i t.letp!or, co l ti,o(01 iittlk: &at.: • kin 1 of a g y walk ott .tali leot:y chart to k!„(pozo! pair of (ea t`ol r.Alit he t.wir risigitt hare *.,‘ it , bat ali,t a note veil h,2) f, the ne ste,toy 1141, iu lafr "A";lcw ! ejo. u.'4,te Withire her r I,h t ycl hit , :01 oeels; with the evil, atel it i‘e.s. s-ver.ll atieutiptz. tt , it pio...d) :0114 it di* apia , AMt.l V-$. 9 . ill LC di?,ittill it ta: 11 , 1! Loqi,cre4l Two 4111. 11. , . uw 44:4*$ the tinj , wts adnii: ;Mt I dristql her tew.ads trim, waist n3A ..i,tr, in lign tut gl.a.ce nom tit r dark grey eyos, an4l fie,i litict,4l tv the to , /t4 her I::+ir. AweUl ! ttriosi Diek, angrily 'V.ttiv'tt put guar t;. ,, t it, it tv.w.' /lilt tier late M rehcut now. She L. 4.1 e hoo.tl the remark, for At! na'1“ol haueittity pu , t them, liar heat! elect, her e‘ VS blazing, it pl the 'pret ty ti:et* wetting down upon the povetnout with on inclign.4l)l riu‘. Tutu otivw him4ell up to hiA full height, awl : • •Ikrcutler, I ro.k 1141 t phlise In renamtatn r &It ilt 1.1,1111 e, tNM TVIUJaZi OZ AS IIM, VW, I aw daviderrily acne to Wrack Vol Mia ail(111.- 4 4 !LW digt 'The de lace was the %P. , : may', •10.. you IL tillW chit 410 r glerie I T.IIW 4 . VI-01801* at the A6ui I.vile ; a :oat Oro ,o lil4lN .101 Pin. the y rettiq: t. iest riviv I itst eh'', it • hi, ica 'Can't sths it tele ititroilnee4l by gtinse tumee4 4 who; 141 pliwyk his • ,lkovj ‘lttloieu4ll., ;qui re• #.14,41: 'I think' it %tined Le iiiif•ov.We. family kayo ihr ti•wn 'hi" week. 1 wider •ut'ril th.•} +vele g.e.lg to tail for Europe. iltursony. in the 'Hos tput•itell Tom. Aim I, Lokh,a hi. u.lO t...rough that of hi- Diem! they mitiiittitat kto ko‘hiottl. A ti.w weyk , Biter tit it anti lout !iit.a di stsrteti ior Ftoilfield, it little voittier• thercid NAtitAi It fiat:deo had tie it:or t til him to lie ter heir toy.iitt:ctivv. After do. giv % we,u I.vcr •tet.. , it Tint' '.w') htpi tr,t.t!!). i lua• vt •L' t ut,iont..; )et.?' ; • • 'Wsp.vi'l .Is., 16,4 eamouutd tip •, • . litt:At; • •Avy eiym?' toletieti !hu fr'it dwit Ttitow nchnt ern twill by sips. if' San mean flint 1 g.,2 at tIlt! !Mim i Limb mid m tke n pette:3l rani (4 . 1104411 . . Mhr I think not: 4# ;" I .24; Torn ~o t hi. •;e 1, 1!•1.: 611 the Nil of linfiff, L;!*.!n floephip on thu tug il.fore the fire 'Yft andiaioui k44l' itrhhi bis aunt IC:::1 NAL 14 kr`CE t.l' CIMI ! IN h.) pi BLOOMSBIffiG, PA..NVEDNI'iiSDAY:,...":PITEMBEWOJB. I i.rnaping the injuroLl tel.iottiod mignon the. "I herr' I'll atop. I never meant to Wirt her.' then *die wee. eating her nevk first:lipuc-tuni• tr' Ai ttl tome tiptlegiot an the pot of 'runt 1 011 tiMMI .otldatni , he pat tor the tttairl :111pd.11 to tho ea'. they at tot pat dawn 4„:ein in entuparetive quiettet-43. hestut•-l.t t splatter le , put•aglow rte. .% i. the Wield over tite way 'ooll . t want etty nice girl,* he inter:ll;- 14AL Putt's, tit?' ' Flo, ma'am—not 414 !. etophati wily re plied its'. - • *finitAnn't know - 4h tt they want.' Met. 1-4' • Ihth? I tell you th-ire's the pretty 'CHttAdto,l the wide t;sbe or r,,,d0, oIJ }don,' 11211 it.l finger vcopieety, 4! 1141. TOM d lu h4t. MI the 4. 1 11 :trislitt , l down towards the creek. wi s sei, tu n Ossse to his ettsit's A- ha iseis I the g.:•se,l whi , •ts it in 'ls it.ht C hu be i m' eat.: iir h towt, u.. 4. 14, it, 1.11 , f a 2:-.! Isvr rave :11114.•tett..d. tho pree. fuu~urrt.:.tw, her I.stols vamly stal.ingsii the roots Ist trees winch wow rtn tint harsh. PO. d 3V,tritte tti extrimito keit itri en.t Tss as-tine htr or Isis tc.os ono thing; to nit , it W 3 . roto.lier. Cir4stsing with otte hetet bu h. he ext,elleti the other to her. ac r e. Aseeeed,ll its tsisivt.ing.h. , . etel ot ht. e5t.."... 11n siege. him:, !,,t that elf 1 • . ::ot• • .1 .n Af . er tpouy tiriobt t • her area, z.roi tt,- -,•,, • • her s,rs Kea:. F it t iltl4lool Ott 1 1 :1W 3 h1+1.7 V.lll '1 t o ilrW4 It 14 'Mitt, aotiiit 4 .. +;l6r tbat in 114:4Y. Tnete wt- moil on ..,.otte , . mutt on his foto. no.l tbd. He at.it ihtspity bit gropi breulaut, o l ,ri kt rio t h nuns' lattAter. She tin' not oppvai• to be 31i 14kLasel Kirk his nod totneil up fol.:nu:Hy link tio:t. m eouiempt. ...tw het displeanue, anti it iteltirtooi to tolooloort ,, e. OM I CollAt to it you LIMA to ylitt loo”), Lot:tent., after remet:ny the twat thiit re , iii•ateent,' ii .h.r. a link: ent Oh, not by 4oly tovans, wit*. 1 tomtre 1113 I 61 , 441 ' t tho lea. 4 de-ire to Jo ~noh att.-wered Tom, soothing lAA hill di 1 , 1 , 4 he She, eye.] hitti iaivieietvly. '1 ,suppo.e so. I thiA the hest thing we caul to gm home: , he nou I t.ryour oviltriou,' mil the itti,tbe iatbie T,ou. She gnawed up het one hand, anal, turning, he-hating:ly said I would Le Co to home the t aloe of the gentleman who rat Litilly a*,l-tell me My own i* Nate Neville, and I reside in da t t wh ite hfotoe y o u *ye ponies.' Sho toloted towarck a t•tuttiy p!tehiy matte above the lux hill* in the d,i,a,itive. ! I leg urlon, lan eallol T,oni 41 , x,te. I me ut rrel.ent vt,iting an nom, - 1:1+r m, P a aa v lit: 'Allow me to lei y•lt peel morning ?' Kate, I tjilabg. iron, 0 1 1:11+:411 . 1.W. aia.,l Tom de;ermittetile, 'An!: I loge the hotto, or milting onF you.' '1 *!tail its plra4e , l to I , eu you.' rai. ed hi hat gti;i'mtly. an! strode home i hi* mod. To that tAinetb!tt lady he would give no exit'anation for the railed r.tate hoi tel!iog her plainly that "it was tome tiara." - 110.• sts.xs slay la. lot Isis's e:r up in the pass: to awasioist muftis r. awl saktii l l' i scra to tivi ilie. I . lsu *mint ord,l i hull, , ilss• ; ass I 1 she tor , I.' woo, .itier.'d I un :ler hini. *ilia' he ssi us Is ttii the i re. doss' su nu'utll ausustilit - too, lot‘t, I -ran he; '1 S is Jeuil e.liy I.elty: he sou.tort.‘l to hiot A t uir ..t . - k wire in.ak :t.g rmvf.l tat it4i a tt&t '4'.41. i s '444 f•r:hinv. ithtil j;liO•ed the post, . tit t 'talk d oto eh tit:ll44lly, that fout f stio‘t th‘t utetruiuctm,plpftsted htly• I,u took hi- .h.tearture: Thi, (NM rust. Ittritho Prerette wen) al I V. I%.uni that :hem WWI unk0th6 . 6141P•!..11 K his ewh. So. the Inat ti.i.e 1413 turie,t on s he : hu matetl hi,, sale, pn k tloett•re4l Wu, —that , ho an-wuttl h;ut 1., a trgoo. 011 lii e•k•.4.1 hoc. rc a to t. teet•;.• hey it&t• !ti I t.... 1 ‘ l 'h"4 'ff , l W tit•talorwei of the 10gu1..,,.0.ut0 tiuutat ktul drilf.t • • .• 'l , o. girte•il • I. 1. , 4 Z I lielikru c.,11* *alL -- • 1 in. , ‘'.111.• alal 4 1 11 utimi %/'... I. a% limit mu I merrily. low Atiur thutr wsrr "i Kate het 'Tula du yule 411ov whyro xttLt oaw ale ' •tiortuittly Edo,' rettli t ta L ; a muu online, to be swo.' *No inikeir`it we* one morning last plow, 01$ BP *dint)? Tont si rung excitedly to his feet. You were stinitinA at Attains,' and 1 ttii m get initcduccit Lreatege— 'Decants. I.hed mu* pilittrfeett , %Um. r tinted his We, aligiatiod bitidArr • r Tr is raid that Luadea has a Mona china Ph% IMO amber& ••, _ - nenftliCal 4.l%trisolig. The ftelnwi,la afloat nn the sea or rea f elip feint' tan' ex-tinge. 411 out him* It+ o p ii.emtv. it eette4ht , *OU! Wlllllo.lllilit MIIII4, 1.0 orth 31mi .ertait tiOak th. 0 1 4 ." P”. a 411 ntitil th« 41 4 41 4 4 1 4 El% ne.a. theci Eire‘er rroal their ,ye., th,l truaa. OW tiNI WO, Vat tq, !•flitle 4 'Writ the nr wa,frre.„ it , on eront ant:ipso-I of tire. and th* 'std tionnifit of lb,. /ono* the : , ,l o wleton , of it ti at, ta. 'V: 4, 0 , 4 wartit en ifookuli the lost 41.;t1.th itw Ittoltt y itm 1I ti pr.l4l;w: and AiltChipFas liAt n t Wltit tit 14tt Si +Vat ti; lllu tillifl4 grass", l a k4tl ;41 ow 1133 - It If 1. of n km.: i ineit• 111414. ' ere ; th I {'tf`ll ar tdi-r tier t great Iriw wbiuh 41,19141+ nit") an 4, tovi-li an I ire ri lo 00 V. 011.4 this 114YIti ntil the tliwo that hiatim , wah• or. it it day it a frititit 11.44 twat this thins the tuih.i.:4 inotetrelk that eior tart 1.4 e “arth with hi. lit tt.tep.. Ottiatratiotat et' wen at war a', vatti.ii n 4 ate gt:l44. awl the t-attitie.. tottitit mit! that WW1!" tai ti iy it:I: 19 ift413•40 ^ll 4 44 Olt -11 WO, thq wtil,`,ll drt ut ttf lon. the in sioct hurl '11447,, PO el 94 . 1 1 16 S ti' terc.l by th Woo 1eb%.04. , i Ge 0.44. 0et..4 a 4e4p r”..potro , ito every tictachtrot IVtt , l,l a'iout Saar eti 4 tt: I at 14 a *ll,' riaee tit hte. lit, 1,44,w04 they .4r171 wit meet 40141. to whi.4l h. , iv. *1 it tve 14,1111 m 4 th- lo'h , this 10. , h er , . 00 tit r,.1 - 4 4 11 , r-qtt ttitt tt• ,, 112 ;11`.1. / 4 1 .4,10 r). ,1•11 (211 . 71 ft'A ittt'":“lth LV.I hit <+iieti OM CAMS 4 114 11 ;0 1 y - #1,44: 3; , ,aitt Cctuittah:-.." 'Saila clor uct Icbljliliiv Thins w WWI toOsj3l are F.olr „total l to Olti lt.e.holtoshon ; sltegbing kftd Or thing Lat ltf3 4 a goo" tie, t! roih.w.o ethmiy grit tots lln Ills gruel deal or sleieltim , . Art tthl utitst ay. phriveltd up, bald up olti chap whom heart neree 'expo ictied the 1,411,0114 that etlnteit With love. dig; 1,113 o r ,!eighiag. — lf you meet a eon:tle, one of whom h., 2, nude tont the other ain't awl t) e 40s that tiying to !bake figure 8i ou ift" gnow I*• WI a wittp. anti .ittirtnig tithaecojitki! to the eirOvs, wink: the woman :04 , , 1.4 raiukt o• l , ftti or 1t.3114 a lite! Collier nay. if 1.1.141! t 4, "roiY as a IIUU :OA wife or.ttene .tittditie It two : L .0,1111110 14 , 44 Is Me daWrt oV4se tonne prr;t& ulal eneitetity„on the ro!,e, white the IntrAe hat, the getting a!t, left e holly to tits di . e,ettou. tiestirstaymptom of a tettleutn4 of the tiettt t anti g , t,:rarty of :he ! When y o u ttopt a lathing iii., y,:th a twins th.tt is rtteiny • Jatth titthoin , • 1 4 i401 ail around the (Livers arm., with a 'v• ery long whit in the , socket. too). sissy he set 4 OA ft V- 40 ffet,u ebum Wirt' taking' an ly eke , hitshati,l 1 ,1 h,n you. . ev a I:bantling young widow t amstt:in up to a hener , t‘e e .at Ilk , . a .itk L ikttttot, to ah it hriek. htt f O t;ati,, t - "ttit, g Sss Is t —thus':. a: IssW era otor have her w:ti ;l , t, • uau: , Afitt ri. Marry Mre rirtl 31 . tny years ago tu what NOW a amirils• City Ij.o l :0.t01w4.1, bond sof awl bi.wke. 11),Waial , 41CattlaPI his Ltssw;og 41 ttigoter. whom, massy grams% eossws rsst • tie atieetiows ufwyeutig.i.rior.; ter. ' 1 he evuplo after a beitliar of Whit% 11104 ethallir.u►;ate d .assd infantile bust 11w, eeirwot 111 tiss: eulogy; tat•iy i. part.wis tervlat. it Ile St ta.l. ' IIII 311114 at. illterVl•+W VIA, a. I vival. awl the typo * //f u g wd a l itt iu loe ' u v lo to a and opsneitter *flits ell Oust, who at elijitysihr Ilia tip,t nt loarfeet eu . l. t tot ' 'The tip,oh a tstJ oat Hopei of th-ir wha the r talatUal attaelholletir, theft halt- for t heti lust and like mph? , ; awl taking the sloughi• t trby the hats t: I rut pww,sir, to n-k your ernsiosion to trait:4l4ot this Its, fruni It. , 'divot:64 . '-IAI his oieo vauto loos. fowl he :lirgot tho ronnointl..r 01 1 to In. ato. ir: ttstrAls, , twurtutresl ail I lim i t. ly. **Pin it pa ' erts.tl Lea into my own." The father kneitly telt - thiP IlimillilfitUry i4' the Ind tor, mud rinuisving Yris pipe uu,l blowing a alool roplitri : “Watt pontos wun, 1 desk ltosa as I blvd aly .4*.' kotion:o inivideil you Wu, ry the girl first. C %VALI rii sr lot..ir ~•ou web Pllli NIMIII die : ink; of tivy.o-Lint iy lied • t . tfat:t . 1t14 4 'r4,1 n) 11,1) 'd e ies 4 o tuial prtifu-ii.l. tip i • s. Ofri, , n aro vvri iii taiti . A t alt). rrc tarliiiike4::' Unit ,the itivaiint, arti•n •t to is ta'th'xieSei • t1V 1 . 11 ' ;1 * tik4 Ain or rII in niniiherii-.• dint taintele-s tile , . A irinvin hni a nit well title to bang well ela I. tq 'wing in L ia :l alid at a. to mak.: the moat a har apiiaar• lane. 13lw flan a ream for jowelry. To Aitit h(r litnataenti , 1i to vtitie u ;carnotite' shtlitiovintlablo instinct. But a n1111'149 pins with a von•ileruhle pnrtion or mons. coon in order to autiinly with every freak 01 lii3 tailor. and shit Nally 4100110114) have on. ly well Li• hale, win the ;ima sit neel.• is ono of the lutist pitiabk) , Paccotiovg in P. 0. 300iRr,eflit Jitim smith —yew' itmiri elf Wm —l4 very lntArtil 14 too htwhtlti. in tostift. ilct w tom n , “l rni ttd in tin mntry 115,, fhther novo him .1 volci I filnelti , to poi al. tior.,4 Mut Oen:y of mon t• .Itn. with O. V. ail , 1•41 * '11W10 4 . n•.VOl' VIIP, t 0 0 0, 0 .11 . r . / 11.0 0 • ; sl'St ti-wet-e.ho 4,141 v;rl, tut 14" H o tt a 11:4 t.hy ttihtira. Ihoot ,Writ 1 , -rotit hint t. Fttointt *HI tho fit'r It tot it to- Polo L n t VUrY hMit * lt? eif bur. Fit it Jltitt't , t'vh , tr #tl «row. I mre itn , ,oroe t t to tesq 'let in Ow city. li s 41 , 0 t 111.1 *MP) Yu 'y ittinlr4 to a' tent, to at htoto.t, * WIN littono4 Lisper omit ntrt to. not . uat tuntto. glow Ito ;tower, of uhilntty. he .lel..ulte.l 1114 mitt J..ihts ui tin.t...tot thus ht the rite. Johtt. latitht that etanati. u'ety priteoole.l t.t the eity ett 1 to the Jeuve or hi+ fltther . pi oil frimo.i., whom Le bawd c o be ti very W:CO oltl trottletn33. with 3 1):113)Ifit) t. 51.1 9.eetttele3. .I•tha w.ta a•ft.! , 4. I ioa., the itarftv, (a hew !Bari of 1400 awl in ion. La a sat —na a 4'4'). 13.1::1.1) NW!. ) 11. i t mg Hvg.4 tts#thin tat) bknell : " I t.; tk tav gear 411.friNtrinn V 11,01, 1, 41! tx tifio t Flip* edgier-. 11 t*ss4,44 , the* fi Ciao hattk.., pi lno rat , ev..rythinz. an i e.rweir!i ) it tutu YWIt(2 6 ly +OO4 WA. 01Y$ 0 1 iu rule to qt'ia. awl * h 1.1 an a flue sti fte , ittio An. , r prh tt',l g 1-..(4laatt .o . lll , )tt+ hk' t'IA 4. 1 %n bat. 140.4 ( tar a t Itittwt f)r tin 11 , 'ir or twrt I An la.. a. ttt,t with Iti» 41•Aillaur s o v 4. y t i t The Vi+ , 'l l l4 1" * H0 1 ., ler two r IL II trOdor tor a m tie. yoq , v t , et. ~,y nowli iv , ' with fie. Loy - that i I butt,cl tutu toy ko:te awl vouch :HA us:en , ,-fi biro cut ltoltF= in the cart,o, one aid st, 4il the kohr. L oloo't know whet L kroo t el have done toad it not ten tin' that 10w—hew:lot 141 go . - 4 to Ottrin't MO ' S tutelitiott, yqu know. It.tote diet he .ttltel Filtlo very wart. inn; qnuston thlant.ionally, suvit as this for itntwire: * 4 .11e you to omit i 4 r Etrily but sw:b t tAp unicr such eireuououn,v4. 31i.s th:,:kitte nn +lettly, 11,4: Ilea t n,,,•1 tro•tes,,, rite net -t keep her Alert eu •aye lin Po ver.atien. lelk•••1 :•O •3. I IlXuti ttnaltry t-tc. Mic sand that —it t ► :I 611 , 1* +NI te 1 1 .4.• r , teeth male anti kowle. rt nt, in nth • : tw at, hay to t !Nett renr'q fl that h • .1A he wfin.7.l like 3.t CoI-tints itt the e , •tint•y n tt—g,t• t with the ‘illav, hid , and thlt it O w*. tend bete a ntyrtt ry t, lwr hew thli Re ;lie tlh tree., •ut ink them, ete." In Warn. 1 110110111 Alia loall up 11b1 1.011 ut' the eutlyersdatit it wa u. ee. 4 -$.7 lur we to gime poetry 411.1 111 1114. e, wllllll did. Altiong atlal splosasiesi". I ut.tbrsu• swelY teit•atesl the well kaea !lib:. I.l' • Slitak..l.ea.e. '• !Itemi. JiYiaity skit .ha:+es out Cii(k /1"11,:!i ti•AV Meth a:, WU ismestate,t h - t.! perched a, k.. a-.:9.k.• t v.'s)*,Art a sly Sew soy lie and • 1)1V;1111y he .11 . 1 01 plic 1a.,. vet:, cu. a-. 1 ' in L.:sl.li:s ii, gt I $4.8.15,$ I a ot.le aus r . .:erlai,o due Lwi ,Lp; I r owel, •ly w 'A a, Om Or 111:4—.-11nd. Na 1111Ltpl' i5.Q.1111414, Vale.. Catiftle!• —1 1•1•1111113 le.ste.lallp. aka . the 10 , $ -s olos Hp awl nsi•l : • i -ser ' baos a truoi, lull of thou up p • air.• rip nys she) ate twat out hove: Icor." Thir fettlatina ',mirk terror iut • nal and blut•has into the ot lay fair e.ms, an. on It l o cy zn u r o be ..t ri; apparent le the that 1 "MA 1 )" vriY wuuldo.l in shat I veil le.t Pei I ho might i.ap in hi, rttirsrk:t at un culled for plare• ..' iis ram I it tutsi a'i iny l e't' et•tu .o u tg. him. I lola him ht • itught tu'ipt Lowe wi , h not en.l ;uu whet isiee Ichi Aen w t. lisel in - 1 he isetiit , y. Unitiekily ; 1,6110i thud a yoke or raker ilea soy Mee hirtutt , .rs ovrtied. The tr..r.l esters l'lgULd all. The Hole fellow PAO up tool r..i , l : - zispieep gist it il sets ~r'eu, tog phts 4as t tirstily . vtit only when :he goes til. lit towu te tirml thsys.". . 'le nye the room. you untuannervil little wretch I. — 43..1.5itut1l Miss Eiutly, "wave Immo liutelt !" In •w what pm want ter In !wive 14" *pint h : rot . DWI 64 site -y iu 0 wit to Alet in tit t 111:4'y law and kite+ hilts kit e row tj LVI4 she tither du, —you 1!311 . 4 fine, ! le.' telt )041. vnuu kettily lilt hedid. then 111 go. Ytei think I, e ,..awe you're act the Grecian Herod that yi tit'oe.ottnri! I;tteli , I know *thing*. taut! I'm two! to you, PI , I) hitW. 4001 a longht ne ta tit* top ' hadn't * been for rot a eittin thew mIrl• you'vu tart unit tihg n u one ye! You neetln't turn to red in it'llr flee, cats e I can't 4:e it toP she twilit. Theta iiin't no toe in your winking nt not with hat wheel eye 6' youth, feasno I ain't ping nnr n here. now thnei whet. the mutter with the pups. I don't eve it you arti twenty eight yeart , 014.1, you Wool no 1434 n ti wine. you oh. fltol." That ill all the ktory that Julio rc lnwd.— 110 rgti he don't know how he gut out ut the ' , agape. ploses.—Betrato at knowlea abildrm 111=1 38. ! 19 *Oppro. it rote,- (Is . The totralet nr perurus with setioatirr amide' hit ba* hetto.tte very tare. Or •!** they bteuk away, for a iloy ' s alive elettlVAt. A largo ntith;ler tha ettoe• try tor a tenuth ihtliee the ,umnier att e the 'ILI h•,.attAtttel, tur to tlkt ratmetain*. ttr'y It :tau • i.e ., ' the it it'll •1:1 eli,et, the :tl:k.t or 0001 ItTO tilt to &Mitt do' 14,1114 tit t , X wrist! beeaAt*e the e;reet Kbiisli thoee esertiobs. Without 4 tut?, the haw i* goiter ttly eve 4 •htet , or In`r"Ult`• t,ltt it , IW) tfelitti 11#411144.: their to:tle Whits rightly, the r , ollts w.itthl general:y be itioro liao 46 factory. Mow a 'than tirati. he tired on through. the *tows. It tett loot than the lea-, Now what i* the teat 1 CUM Aktr a wolk of tWtOry fir a flay ai bovine. wtolt Ory 114 er of th: hay L$ exhaa toki, the tttlittach is sttare.l with hearty Ili el. T ' ie wan g „ 3: ,- to be I with tietAld tatt. 1194 moil Nitre, Ito 1 awakeaf in the tuorohu with a Its --1 roue iu bis meat h, 10 - - , er appetite an a *ewe or lart,:eet. 1 he 1144 14.04,1 a cop 4sf t, "a owl a Ake Or t, eant ia401 , 1. ha WeOS thit Oatt, [looming ame the *vitrw for the pretiow* day's work awl Ito, We 11.1 otolor.t.tu I won when th • It , . we.ik I.,een I%lver. tt tit ..tout tclt p trtlkte. ht to.ttertoti N4...1 1 .1pe , .., Ago 1 tlitt:l hot Li ht. t ot t,f to exit to— he" oni bet or. aori et.ory fart 1 ..a , 1i0r f.r re , t, then Ac crowd ih s.o fu?i of keer‘ ot.l Lot. all t n'ait. te'l.l th th.xt la: in .111:' ;411 t• that et rei rChtt 4 ".11.. 1 .41•„1 U:110 ht., u,Vbon tee! • r vr ivy , .t .1 - 11 e.ti,to4 up I . lli haek. th.! , ..t,, tot fh, or tiny "elf t to tie. VIA,: the i.;:•11 ,1 r nd •"•,- , rua ! Jrt , l ran y dilcAi.tro 14'1 1.-4.;;. sk is t ra ulberi • A rehitke to this Al w i riest. a ' ithti mi.a ha H"friff NfITH flEf fait 144 , 4,2.! 01 4 h wt.kh it lc,. t, have been expected- = fats Africa. Nnt ' only rrica lath •ria. a lie4:0,1 0 anitle.l a, an a , vlttili toe em.in i t at. 4 l slaves ! It appea , uonii no iutn a.;t . hinity than I it of Vet; ' , lent wit) is n titi in t'ii• . wane t tor .10. Coavize. it tit -an,rion t.t twirl) . ..ta . .ety. to thi • n•T : Ymalwittil oaoy ig,tt i J e nizrant Hi• th ' a 4 tip:, atittin.mt:A if p , pn t n.+4 ~rink • v-ey attrwg. 6+ , 4. lh,'N nt ittfilt - ts iP izttite thdr or de, 'hit at Ilia tria 0.*.! uu , tiltttr uF ri i . e wit •li‘t.: e t dpep into rh- Inett ut h. 'a r t flr That i art.!. •ay.: a zing:the mei a : rovi. :Let. " I , a :•' stew's tak.n to re•euti Le!a ,ja tram this ltpre -13. - thothme LU%.`. and it wit! be welt fir thss e t~itu an 1...ite.1 in the mines of m as.tl hu manity tit ointeihn • e fU a (di.: train CAeitt. if , in.! tie*, wh0i,..1 ~;;.itai 0.1.1 :ithm 'l c 110 . it • t,t . -1nv...L.:4;1w Chit fk. wt.. non , Ite g.taith ,•!:ciery, risCher t to tilt •„ ILX(1.16041 31 NYEJIL There AN a thosi,sos.l ciskikagisttle 11.4 . 3 whoii ev •sy iser-on 11111 r Oil 1111 Wilolin ►uttni:kg the ri-k Ise'lig sloesisetl ntisteussl or rsi • The sweet Slink, unk4Lll no , mistiest nosrditiont its ntl.tro-ssing n his is I, the 111.11411111: }hoses., the urges:red sittatoisin %Mal 1 , 1 Lalniv4llillk: When I:OSSA wi . intes.4l.oSion —4 ,S4.c: will iSPUnk 4.441110 gooti regatd of is churl. Above all Moro h. sot nem mantis r lila should bis euStivasest, !Sint which. in either nom ar wsssissos. 1044 a elsstrto tli.it Assist entirely c Iwo stun lot Olt Lick Or GCJWy an 1 in. •Istgisly unit gnstass the hatter is it slows t" II W IN . 1' AritAih. 1 usatrotsly , with .1 1,4 arlientiag thitalus Ni r ou g . l: :: is ,l ssi , mut put sal the wito-sia rosut,i a , Npu. rem:ally. (.1 CtigtitY i u a al^t• 4s trial. Livia,/ !.nausea a little by ilia otiisp.s.l Ca. tilt? .11;stsm, she paulai,sp , l, r aj.. Its i :ll..tat tf Ns to har full !pig's., an I with . E!esitt. Ist triausels in her usu.. "i art.! ; ul tt. wlsolltar:'011; PP! e.in . leuart I:.e. hate Is se . .l hi tlts yeam, *spa a s s y 4)iie thit ha' I . .;the.l4`ltun y vett bt; a,,l yf the To Yomin Arai. - rely nlMm I' iun I% Don't rely upon the horse or poll. „ th "tor... I Ivin-Anibt loot. spoilt the pros , lit ilia iso,si 01' glom wooed *boy i , leilits; ihutt4telitt, hzivo ti bei;it;-u dal/ hid Colon% It.ty spiel git, 4 stn,. *Willi if, les yolk u% ..si•ro.,n.; soil kiwis th er Letter (hall the 41.1 .'ti ud pis oan have is miryttifoiumible 41..tertotortion, tutt(t.d with or chap. aster. WORK Will§ it will, an+t-slow with you: baud• and him,. It ;depth - that .aohiev. .thwervat ettbi w.trhl. Sithitt t i 4 cagy that- heti vulne..llolltitMur on i got h waver tallow* a Mill 11 , 111 Nu the glide nt' monkey. - .VVork ilne4 the Ilia right awl the whole thihs. Thule who have lievor I erfiirilied any p.hould try a lit 'tic. It is heal:liy. kit: 46m being KINDER thu s than the wine glue ; for thu kiruter revq.ul.4 4 , Ur de • ream to ountolvuo oily—the Littvr w our NVMBER 424 Oat' , W.vde Kip here iv 111 rell Of ord. rt cry etip!ol leaps vud &me** SSS XXX ZZZ 333 RsB Thew 0:43 are wail up of tuet parts of elide! nhapea. torik carefully at there nal yon ieepive that the uppal Wye. f the vharsetrts ate a very lite* 141 Otter that loir , :r huirea.—no little that en ra% 41 . 4.r; t.ar wi:i 41ce!aot tlnao to tt of equal onino. page upnhle downs and %mit on ant' uw,rli looking, rat no thin lilyren .1• in sir, in very notch ex. p.T,ate I—that the real top hail' of the let. tor in ro..y tonvit zotntlier than the hottont ILO: It %ill t nvet) fr o m this that there 14 ton.INIIV in (Le c;,• - e 10 tolutse the upper ion t no) (k 4 et Upon' which it lookn.— We /night 41;ov two dra. of uliequal Nixon anvil oOw thew that they would appear 4: put. MI :mill el 111011111. ...Nov let your liuntitit eilaiinins be ',tubed down. aro tike bZies ; they grow laiger Gy naming. I ti by 4 - lit le bird in their little neetrt t ito4.itt Op:y*4A full out if de; ..There 3r n roar. ow wed who drink* 110 ltuen hi.hy !hit ato Tawas that bus Um di4 01* (1,./linvo truult.o4. ,:o n l wool is an env obligation • but Hut t i. speak ltl rt quires ably our silence, wit lull o.eits us nothing. ntleFl►kis;g art. have been in the wtou,r ts only slowaig that we are Nicer to• ttJy in in yeAintiay. ...A st twig ilill,dtd WOlll4ll in town do. tt uaces iihoti. We totypo4c, Immo soilitubiog childi,4l about it. ...A tr ofe!or o.' our se4Viiiittance iolorais that he recent!! caught 0411 thtxt to a Wet ntlitit. re is a thrtain,w 41tath in tho d er'.4 terico,t it kills blot who Blandon, hi o who ,nsiau lcr d, uud blot.; who waives tto *LA chi 4 nqrlti i= al a fleeting slum"- sai4 a ' , via...lz to It ettirit on the gallows.-. "1 es, — wad the prompt reply, "but it' gout hqp , .. ~t, IA rather bee the show a too k . A ilow ror o_roes rAway4 his te,tei in Phl4 imwtd en "Jr.,i;.. -41/ 1 No tile wed, the rtcom rtie+l 1'4.1t/te , trtt 4114 ital neted 'let) 'lra, t 111:01.1 -n Cni,,r* I crtnnii, .t I , h a . h 1 I !Wril.l:l,4l.lWki to her Mk, Juni, rained st •;: ,. .,ft mt. ;441 ncs -he twvar 'SSA €0 happy is ehee s'avery, blua,it. the 1301210 h:r ktivt old of 4er. (Meer q oireint•li-till e1tw, 6 33 ITO.' 111 1:!k e gam/. lVt.tainsin. A 1.1:1114 4 ' W 4l 1 11:1 4417, whs. 0. INII3 a meAtino. 111- ijiit;xl from the machine, and .1:1(.10. nrstift:tits and c)plimiutti wore rill e..ra-ti.,se,l. ...Tit •Rs Veit , C , lnlreqs ate expected ID r.as A isatTr . ...m. lot I,f h.° trtf! , , rm sit its next t.teeting. a.tl f..tio•vr• : Fretioti L None :at !Iva! lIIeII eau rttte. 2. J*.yalty t:ottsi‘tm is, votitis, , Illy Radical ticket. Caof,:imion let tPII ValiOrD; of tar that lie eisithl drink u (r..:art of brno.ly and atatk a milt, Wrote it — tOtwe I Fiat " lie won the tar, but wa:, bi,t) r tly afl i bar ed. — " Firm 1 4 It ten .t. tetweett !mot - Anal! ,1,1 I to ,, i.nu-Is that t baiks bin -elf the 1114:1s i. m., 1.1 , 1 t li.! thott thinks hitn to.f the 1 4i41.1 MM. In tuu.t f.elleri.ni t O 'he 1 44 04 coal. ... t ItIW thst khe w tow! .a getitletumt etir hreafttitto an 1 tea while ott.)thet, ill the meaojtornel. settlct to recover "C hht n diet toetoogiog to a gentle. wan etude of tah•bkits." westoro.eiltor think if t h •! pmper of st a bng tho is — iliou:11," an 1 bo "bt+•►ux," 4114 pr►per wAy .4 s:wiiing potato' u+u•t Ist "p•►uNh`djehtaux." The new way of eerily is "I►.r►agloleigh." ..1► a fit,:thidiz,t u►retiu4 tha .engar who leJ 11,, 10814 1 tune, finding Om 6i.. eon• cie hag w u ►d, which was Ja:.►b, had not 41:abio. errolieh to . MI up the ediei ihws: — Ja•aia-4a-a-e fool* —c ...A ju-ti , ..e hotter ver•eil in law ihen Gass p 4, H o t lonic ego tut:lied a couple to this way: -Hold up your right hand.. Yon -solemnly swear that pin veil tierforin the J me. of your dimeis and severally, aeisi.idine to your heat skill and jitilgtuent, 4 0 he p Ye't GA. l'et . ono dollar." ...The litlfto3i. of 1. 1 ,111ril:e t fa.. are tat . 41,11 over the apooaratteo of the devil to on., or th.!iitiunther. To the oyea of the crielitelied dotal hi+ satanic majesty was latrine nit large ball of fife, which he fbr :some minutes, when the ball ~ f tire bunt bite a thousand piece.. • ...01;ver Dyer is authority for the miser• fion that StVl,OOO people below Twentieth -tram'. in New York, bye in cellar.. Ile Wet ol e ti t juei th s 49! %Al . figures of the liquor AWN. 3,44 A. Titers are 1.674 billiard va. onitititt the city and 40.(k)0 de.Ltuto and , at t e aat children. Where are the missiona ries? ...A tarriSle expiosion iniaitrred in the .rice mine eo)liery at Wigan, ling'and, No vember h. Three hunifreil non were in the pa at the that), mist, if not all. of whim have perished. Thirty two Lodi.. hive Ow,t far been teixnereil• the re l a tive. of the deal Are author:ll the mouth t h e 144.64 Usr mo Li [ 3 l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers