VOL. orniccies 111* COLI'ALIIIIIA (V. f: I A 1114CKWOOWS ADVLAIII 11t.”.. - I _fi v i t ti t rit4t4t eat 0 (Tit .........- , . 11141111010 PI ::":1 'WU JUsleil- .If,lll. Wit /1 IS a. 'eV 64'41%1114PM tit ti All ~..., . A , ; in Amer "....... +l. ~ ...." Ar,'..k - ,,:late JtJe4 , 4- f frw Don', , lational i Pekr h.. ii.:d e - ,n. ; 14 . 11:111,V11 FT F. VER V 1PEII:s1141 , tl' IN I Sit PrutL'y And GI; of et,at L. - . 1 c. -, 1 t '%- Icinon. i ts!.4o011 , 411 ; 104. l' , the i., IIY ftegilteran4 fteenui. , r-Jc.foi I ,;, Eeet .. 1 0 /11.1,1A1V403; 11. .1A41 4 1 14,. I gray or Alhm m 3,1, Tyr.. ‘, ~ ...„„,„, if not tc.iii widish 1 (I awl tt ( 'Corlittsivi,neri-- 1 , Joh t 4 F r,'lal..r. rox N l4 lVelt . l. a ,, I chi , aviditincui trill he i 'in ro ,I, 1 11l eity , , . ( , Nloreg...nory ‘.. .1 .. . , ~ - N. , . r.q. , r do,eflotinecd until all nriffutilit ,4 1 , t., i tall Nii , ei t at the cloicti or the. editor. ' l Silibitli/ ti h3tiff' -- `;•_ 1 .1m , 1 , 1 4 1,y4 .r. Troaourer-John J. Stilc-4. 1 . 1,1..T.L's or AnvEitTl'l` . ;ll. I world I l'an'e' Snyder, , 1.114 Mgr! ro4smuit,' a ittvhstot, i 4111lik tint , aitsr re ran. or tht,.o inscttiona ti , 9 Auditort - i L. II Ittp , ert, . k, , ,,,,,,) , ~,,,,, pent icycalea Itoil tc . 1... is. .. ..... tr 6 : hare t John P. Iftto;:lr.„ 1 t 4 ,T nt gm. 34, Cm, lc, 1 41 to to entamithioner ' b Cletk-Wtn. KliaLantr. '• - -•- ' - , Cotutaissicner Attorney-E. II 1,,1.Cc. , of, ,q,,,,, , , 1 e,,to I3rul 4 co 1 6.00 1 10.1.16 1 illltlnt ' Zsleteantile Arprai2er - Capt (leo. NV, i:tt. ' 1.-1 0 r . 00 . 1 'oo 1 A oil 1 ii. o o I ' l ,Oll KM/ , ,!ricon rta , , , - r,to I 7co 1 4,..5,) I P,th 1 1. , lic 1 CailtitY . " 3111t - eyer - Lane A. 'Dewitt : P'-nr # i* , sr , . 0 Cti »VO I 10,C,., 1 ipit 1 liicil , 1,, 8114 District Att • oney- - ' Milton M. T rat,,..h. , n.0r , c.0;8;.;, f lithe 1 1 , .1.011 111 t3l i It , no I VI, 04 ' _ , ~, COrOner - Wilhalli J. ll:Citr. ' tic. celen.c. 1 U.... 4 1 I • - vo I 1110 • u I :111,89 I 50,00 ' An''' . ''. three , h tp.,b , Lnu r Sh ecoanty ..upt.tinult, , knt--Chto. G 1.; , r1.b.1. '; ' ' " Arrix.c,o Int , ..rtial litr ,, n , w-H. I. t 1.4 i' l' ' ' '' ''' . " ' '"'' A ' 1""i ' """"' N'" ' 3°l' i roturn, awl , twan i ~ , %,, ~ r„ ~. %, 1,, 4. .tm (..1 , c . A.0l ` ll,tx‘. , two y ~,•%,,0..,8,,,t. t;,,,,,,,a ac 0,141 .g.t.. 0 P 00 . 1 ; give hhn !belie, town . , 3 . 4 . H. IYon-. or A til3tata A t:to 73C , 1 , J ii: t ke ' ,l ; l , - , '' on,. .4 4 qi,.... 1% 40 OatMA r ti it" sllVtit , tuenty, MOD tint up his 1u,.. 5,4 , ;',l I; , ;.,,,,, t 1 ;,,0. 11 - 60 i • ,.. e,. ~,,,,,,,,,, , , ~,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,, ~,„ ~,,yl, , t, in sat low,. a.!l lint 011th wt. ono - that tii ,' evi1...N.4,r .13 ,- tij,snes .'"?' I I .tft !Lan.....0.....,,i ,. tot”, I. h.-. ~ 6,4 ,„,., 1 „,,,, ' e,I thin deserivi• tiore it 4 ,11 0:1. - 1101 ICI:- Ili Shp., ',. 13 ,ck, ear ~t• %ND 8,, , , ; • ' . - - ........... -- .. - r - r -- - -_.-• 4......z.........7_ - , - ,..L.... -- =-- - . - 4.44 r;ir , .: 4, , 111;., , ' H./In of nion ,, ,y, snit 1,, nit(' .. Si. if. j4rtflOt. Oils E. IN* liN Ir. Ll, le t , I 011"Itio ,,, $: - !... ebt.Offhil County, Pa ; Manic of one o f d the robbers Iteli, !111 HI ,', r -. , tat To Tat. T, e. ttA nhi tf;: """"" ' W 34 a terror to tlx vonntry, to , t r; 4,.;t ri'V tilllCllltin il: 11:4)311:. , ila., ff )L.1410011,4; Si 1.. - Au., ~ 5 .4t) ti ati II . .iii tif ' ' in a t h e m ti WO, I lit' 11131 l rd' .fie 6011,,1. , ha ...-+ «it ft ~t %111 '.r j/ofVl.,t, MI, 1,1. 11, ----- ht.. tl,ll- 1 • tI. , 1, 1,c7. turn,l. 11,.... had on a door, kin 011ie. 3, IY I , , DR. W. H. BR ADLE Y, - ,,,,, ...t. in Pap, woutini Much fittipttn• I I t. n , ' ' ; • I t, ,s, ....,,,,...0 Nit 1.4 Oft ~ .cor I`. S. .1. ,a rht.%itiali wrtti S'Atirgeall. • rh,• at th« rota. tlot. t, 1. 1 ihai urf SPLt 04/04,•ii, t V,"Ez..4.1 Y WWl', A TTnksE N.: A L 41, ;4 r t, SHIVE'S CLOCK: PLfiONtirt;:t ; S' • R K Hi, it TT 0 R N EY-A T-1, AW, B LOOMS li I.: RG, PA. oinc.,„ ..:!,,,ci floor, iri 1.!;:d hinge facA., t,-: al • the "lA-L:4 r),.le utd. ' burinesp plgirre fa toy 413103 i•t i , .u,01,(,. 4,41 ca r v , l.eibly J.,. iv. 1.%,;1 M. M. TRAL 611. VITORNEV-IT-L'‘W, LI, 0 #.OISBI - jet;', Carta Qt. 111m.11•11:1...41 , 0 - C.,r, er-kv,:y att,” tt CHAS. C. BAR;.Lt.Y, Attorney :it Lan'. 61.ott3Bialttis CUt.tMIR co.* PA. r a story, ovor tot. , 1 . vog Aptil 17. 1 • t K HL E Counselor and ltlorner al Law s a BLOOM 31:MPG, Pa. onofirto. to ki4 ((kit I. Vie; tfl , , p 11,1, fv gvaoral. ,Iktt he d resoup , *rat**. t* ,, t,Vq,ar,,Ang v:-1 b vro,,,toly otteo.kb Orbit:b. to Ow rxrb.tn:o recood ,tor; otter & slo#. lltuutowourc. 11111 y I, I-4 . 7. I'.. rraciical Watchm thfr Jevsela. MAIN `:TREET lxF.)t.t~;oat It£~ I>A r , t,..tra,ry 33 4,,t1,1 3 63P 3.3 , ' , tnroit 4il and Owia4lVatchcs,Ciock. „;,.; Sr.:trick*. I . :ittiottar h'`r , tll,n r Metio/1 artd Jr..l fy. .. ur•I , T. All w k WA flktl M4(130 0 "t! , . Agnt r. 044% I AO i t, tIiTiTE - 1,- ) Sitrgeoss nelltiNt, I.:4tracti teeth without. p tin Ity s n.:4: I t . It ts.l t. time a r littt utotti torte , Ail `;•', th.blistiv tottut,:t.,l to tti eOO ane .110.4. pprovo 4 J • , egfiCe aL4I OM! I.lll o r rttet 0r c..,06' Cloth Stotn. c, . _ _ . 1.1 1,1, 1)1 (1 1 N . I. l lrbe undotottnett rives atair ,, to pqbii, taut he is a practleai , ared to do; short kwil,„ tzp, this oiathtt• tviaa*. oio .i• 10 the bIINIIII.#. ri inarkiod•-• rrrt e >e o,e as amtailig done in %%I l to W letnirg June. t.!, :EL M. PrENTES, vrrra! N.A RVr roN, NV 11.1. E) PA. 'rev alt krnft4 thrs , rs,s Iser , so L I, ,gV thiLf, Vfil• 1 V Au to ci# ERET r ESE ER CUION, imetiß pigh,Llms t) Lif)UORS, NUT . WI IR EIT, Marc b,11+ , 4.1*. ;..F. II %RIO' '''•6l.:o. A. EM NO. pp( 7, FANCY 1.4 or 7 .ANA 7- 4i' und ' ersii unary : , gi p FOR (7 ri A ror be LOA Orli all 41 , 4 IN. h. , mo.t 10.'1 , 41 ".` ORE, b /lrr.•!. 111 m►burß. ei: I to: a : I, ir 13..1017. V ai Ll 111 Of ' w ACK Uouse. that romobt wticiu h. Na BIA)01/1S131116 Itt t!..: : , ti., i• I It' t 4;!. sect i tt: ...•; 1 • ;it • rt!tt .` it; • . o ; ;•• • :••••; •• • ... •*; i; • L! •:0 • , • •; :-. • Th • ral ; • .; I ; ••••.! ', • 1..!•; itt I: ti : 111;..1 , %SW!. 1 :,, ;11" .111 to tAtort. , Y,..„ 1 4 {, Vu n t ' 4,1:F.11 :111e }`, th..t very ttto, • he...-1 4 hot r..Rint, F,•; • kerp 1U tum 'IV ;rutr o f to °Limn; in to r,llll oinlpieti• ; tiKn m foul, trwo t,f ctr.n in pm' wind ; Tkon t‘11: vc• ilAge prr , r tomtit TM :01 1111,fss eta , 4t. kVi yolt'll 6.1;010,1 i cf ,loe, '.. )1, l',t not roam, lair ia . t Tcr4 Irt , Lt r*, ••!. • II ,;,, .1., .:01.•rt:;•, ,;-. 1' ".1 ",, ' '•. i NV, Lay,: :1 1.;-;..0.- : I •11 ^, :1 , 11 I1:1• , . • . it: ft!! I. 1.•1\•• t:ws y 1 , 02. i.,:••1 oarry ti=tuft' t :r : ;,:at,tlLA w.„*. extol ;:. lea]. to 1. tit hkel, vII ht wc to up a r this kin], tit St tot th, country until it ha. the used front to month.; of di, - p'ar. to ht-tith, but the health el wir t iiorlti will e ir, w; .l l . o „ l' avora l4 w, other AY, i , lll of the • •itut ry. The W 11.1.1 ANI Lr.t:L4t,r, z.uperiority our it owing to any Ih.ttor rinality of grain, takutl tfrgr. our SS Mere khntiv tom' to to it Al.l 11` , ”, gat {lllilBll know navy ts,ll,4oid ri h r ;toe pra,,i Led with every 601 ity I`..r thot.,to 1d chotaltiz as I hulling the amt the a, tie 1•X1 Millar, are Ymphvt,d , e r •i,,l it. tip , re wait i,, that la t, tea of lion, that is as ;v as the color ni laittlolast ur Lines plater, we have an article, alutte-t ac W:tite and lively, a , the ito-t wheat ritddintertak Dohs lo at lic.ur, is n o t, 'in the neirkek as the veoy host, au,l eoututands a !Ocher price that, atty other. l.at, huonsvPr good the flout cut; Ceititireeexporionce nut calf nary , 1:111 to it,plooe the cake., in vertiattion, 1' ire necessary in a good Book whcat ctie, thyy nhouhi he, l: ht sweet hr..'for the 111'4, rood thmr, good yua l, and I roj tsly mixed are e“eli- Cad, to hero them :.elect, they should be oit ten rept wed, am t 4 I ,t s. a right tempera ton., it it almost imp" •iblo to have them ttit,oly brown, ttultrt mixed with buttermilk, and then hake them on a good thick griddle properly heated, and, with good butter and a little good honey or !Trap, you base a dish good enough to sit before a king, and with tuch hefore a portion with a good ttp• petite, as old Dr. Jackson once said, it is no wonder if be should eat to much. ancv Cages - ,7"' - ';: r ja the 4 peeved by Ito a :s 1.u:.11)3 i~ ickcn~, 111=1 Iltir 1 lie w ay 'Ley nelph hogs in Kansas Li us Follows: They first tie the bog to one end of a rail on a fence with rooks tied on the cod, awl than Ettetsi the rock weig h °"~ nit 9 1 1r 0 L , A •-•!,;”!: t v.i!! ;in 1 Onoll Of sin ; \Vt., t Ark 41,1 vil.l, )Inn:" 3 : 1 , , y • :a ; a !'r,•.; a! r—einq ,Hr 1 • r ~3.• l •‘y, ; 1".•.% .:1 ^ '..e •• ..k3 tF Tr N3ii it i 1. IL' A s‘vnol. in • Ist trot mins. at 1. skirt; n'tll , WlW S. in" t 1!!!MI=M:1=1:111 BLOOAISEURG, COLOIRIA CO P W - el t A Virgibiz, banker, who was the chair , man of a noted ltdidd Club, was once tray.. cling through gentooky, having with him bank hills of the value of twenty-lire thom• sand dollars. When he carne to a lonely whore robberies and untrdeN were said to ha frvpient, be was soon 104, through taking a wrung road. The darknet's uf night (mine over hire, anti how to escape from the throatemei danger he knew Hot. In his alarm, he suddenly espies, in the dis.. tanee, a dint light, and urging his horse on ward, he at length came to a wretched looking cabin. Ito knocked 811 4 thu d oor was opened by a woman, who said that her husband was out hunting, but would shortly return, and she was sure ho would cheerfully give Mm !Leiter Mr the night. The gentlee mon put up his horse and entered the cabin, but with ibt hogs that can be bettor imagin ed than describwl. Ilere he was, with a lot o sum of money, and perhaps in th e house of one of the robbers whose name was a terror to the etrantry. In a short time, the man of the hense re. turned. Ile had on a deer, kin shitt, a bear. .kin cap, seemed much fatigued, and in no t snood. All this boded the inthiti us ,noel. Ile felt r), his pistols ht p and placed them so as to be ready t'or imtant use. The loan asked the .• ram:, to rgtite to be I, meat he deolite,l ay'ao; that he would Zit by the fire all night. The ttimt traced, but the more he tweed, the tsi°re the int; lel war alarmed. Ile f , lt tt , * rep I thatwas Ilk I ' night upon em•tit, but he A., termined to .-- his life as do , iy Ili, infidel principles gave him raze eotaft,rt, liis fear grow into petit oeiy. 'What masto be done ? At length tine telot—ebonan rose, aryl aelt:a.- to the weeden shell trek down an old Ito • ..41 • :ringer ; it y"0.1 Wutt't h , - . 1 wis:; I ? .it it is Tart ot.tnaie alwage tc) real a 4 of the; berkr, 1 bel." What a rha.l,i.e did the,avord. produce ' Alarto was at open remove) frnto the •• , kel,- tie . s wind, Though an avowed infidel, he fro] ne w yonf:kkao., in thu [l n 1. )1.• It that a roan who kept an old 1;,h!.. 1,1.• Lne, ant read it, and his I.n. • • id in wta no router or tour nol tit the sinr o in , a,yer iaf O, I roan, I,*; di , lllk, LA all Li , r.A• yo,l v• dour,. in d, t 'l* ;Lit as eahuiy a he did under his father's roof, Fr o m that night he cause) to recite the gond oh Bible. IN Lecumu a sincere Chri Sian, an I often related the stogy td• his jollll,q, t,r I , l'^Ne the faiiy of in. th. ih;.: have tr , : nte: w at& I s al out the no ages ootuntit• t: l i, white hut the;," r. En.4ish tattaa4int', ttnt the tat , .,: - .ln • , •I tindit, 4 in Ti. h:e iet re ; e. to the wortt , :ty of the whito nut. ~ ...!,01Innt 114%i3‘t. , oharge• • ;4. i: tin the V. or, wh. r. Aq. • ' hy o • l 012 :I. • 1 • ; • c i„! c a .• ti)her -1,11,1 ath the fluor wh, re wa , When the coin way d it wit.) not to he round, but the at, tacks ‘.l . tit., nuts wore inr.ont-stible. aucl thtt story got anroai that th t• th wore ca. pal& of dovouring metal. Sonic year: after NhUtl the lao 1c will repaire , , the hol,. !um was found Peet deep iti Ow e.. 1111 iu the an One+ . atta4C+l a Briti..ll Whip of tin) lin.), the All)i•311. I.l.ligcd to jil t it i n t o ort in c , ..,equenee, and had to be hos) n Tilos° ertaptu• ••• ar,• much a)) fin d by they o r the into) ior of hit. as troll as hy Aniea. In 1.11.113, for,' the it,;..traC o f the alit:, two holc)s a r c b i r c l in the we-t each other, on the letside is placed, which has been raVo..))l with arre.mtie herbs; on he wind side, a lire is made, the smoke of which drives the insects into the These captured vi,..tiins are then securely taz.teued iu, dried over th e tiro, wel A r o mpt into flour, and mink into a pastry which is ,oct tJ pcor pople, but which, if 11 , 1.1 ZiUme ) , an tly, 1 , N duc,......) dysentery. At the time of the tui:zratiott of the ants in Africa, myriads ut them 11)11 into the water, when the natives saint of Litn antfltro with ealahashe., then grill then: - in iron cauldrons over a lar2.e fire, stirring th-in ns COG!! is e.t.irred. The na tive:, eat them by handfuls, without ar,,otn peniment or ether prepnration, and vonsid.n. 11(14 varyTl,Py are sail to re ,e 1111.1)) it) taste, sugared cream, or :-.weet almond paste. The Hottentots cat them v , us eddy wh) n boiled, and grow plump turdf , :t upon tl. f.ll. They also consume th • prti.:o th• Mlikh they call rice, on account of it- to,tatilitiwo to that grain. They conk t hes") in a :mall quantity of water. A large ne,t, will sometimes yield a bushel or the pupas• 6.47- A juror having applied to the judge to he t xett•ed from serving on account of deafness, the judge 601, "Could you hear my charge to the jury, sir ?" "Yea, I heard your honor's charge," said the juror, "but I couldn't make any sense out of it," Ho Iva.; excused. SRL A dancer once said to Soctittev, "You cannot stand on one Ili so long as I can," "True," said tho ribilknolibor. "but a goon cane.' Wbi2!151?3• Creat I;r4therhigit of the Ger- The trans in A nierirst are preparing for a vast International Festival, in which the Rifle Clubs, the singing Societies and nil the vast array of otehestral unions or the' Oil World and the New, are to be re. united in the city of New Yoak in one mammoth exhibition of skill and emulation, such es the world has never before Witness ed. The details of this tutitutilieent festi val, which have already , been decided upon, enable one to form some conception of the entertainment which ii, in preparation for the American !while. The project, eampre hensive and splendid as it is , originated about three years ago, at en immense mot in of Sharpshooters ham ahno-b, every European country held in one of the famous free towns in Germany. To thit nearly ev my Schuh:, n corps in the rolled ,:tates scot a 400: arson ; hi`:ln* the natal ritle snatches had with sntistionion to the contestants 50n...; btattV(4l tits tiling the orennit itions of the ratite:l:nel to visit A tuerioa. The idea, however, could ' hardly take a preetical form at that time. I owing to the still on.o.ttl 1,0„ lie f.trair. and ti, , I , oatoo moos of eausol by Late trondles ; but red States hard r— nme 1 that as ad or ex teroal tronqUiliity, la:lior trouble) it arm; wieldy cnity.), our Teutonic friends on each the lire) have bestir , 1 tbethiolvo.) to bring the to a brit hot Fire. it must its can diTy mittel that tit; Berman element of ty in the United Stat .s is , '!id if the va1u..1,1,) and ordcrdoviee: by any c;eantry on tl.e free oaf the dinarily intelli.o 01, to a 1:.;,.?T ine a ted and well inferno h. a - ta , d, 1 forms and preetleht* of If , ; yet I Del theani inimical to yrr:re..... meat, they form 4 doss of citiz—rt what. , the descendants of older Cm.; near nth: reo do: with ewe:nage): h. , + And nit alone is this re: p , ir pte , - to. , among us to he newer • 1,: in r. ;ea the benefits of A tutri. an csitiz. whi. they had communicated in r , torn ...rutin I ideas connected with their minor mar tit of to for *io n pk ' , hts:tees, the jut lit Mous cultiration of art, and a retimorent in all the -.mall but important tasmoluie of sof+ ty, nhi , h A merienns hav e not been slow to a s :oe dote. Their exam!-hi in this ho, b , i ~f vole» as an antidote to ) , :e and Owe. * • character win n h , .:ought to have ! its ra 'Hu iu :O•w Emeand ; beet which in ‘ 1 reality eetas it,h,.)etat in the r 5.!.) ton roe ; B +l,l hit „ 1 .12 •, the keen French ohserv.r t i n ioarli of out old an ..)-torr that — the:, iadiy," To this Tat.tiail. frame o. the Aruer lean vent, the I ;omelet Exhibit a happy contrast, which has l• , .:• .a t as a cur- reetive. They h.: nrytm this wothi aa : hunt artf.r rx , :ten.ug ; and the hilarity with the dull watur. , ::f iile, corm a 4 A ,...; 11)14'0 - Or 'A ILL 1 Ili 4. Ti. t ;L.!: :t ;; riawa: am .:11 happy in t': , 1r t. :n ...46:hiv in our Ey:A. At, C".lth ts.:!ailaren. ltiw 7f tiolor.l af,, , ••Ary to o t •mmro at i ) Jut metro 4.:0 1 It o dm, mitomrtt;•itig. ythra they do tv t li, 80, thorolor,l tttortt earrild to tivori approbation or gull conduct than your ‘lis approbatior, ht• Nothing ean more di,- courage a child than a spirit Or itiv“qtlit fault fm , 1:0;., .41 t 1 rat of its 1...0nt. And hardly anytiOnz crap cXrtt a Ware iialcove Urkti the the disposition both of parent a;: I child. Thor , - are two ;Jaen unitive, human actiote,— hope and fear. Beth of these are at times but tv:H 15' od I n pr t o have her chill I II it treed to F. , .a1 seeded by a desire of ploa..ing rather titan f y hear of oll'etnling? If a mot her never exprosse , her gratification when her children do well, and i- always censuring them when she sees any ;tildes, thy are discouraged and un happy. They feel that it is r.4.1c , s to try to phase. There disposition lieeome li iihr el and soured by this e, p re t t i n:! , et i at last, finding that whet h. : they we:l ill they are equally found i'auit relinquish all efforts to please. and become headless of reproaches. But let a mother approve of her child's conduct %thence-rt. she can. Let her reward him for his erorts to please by smilees and affection. In this way she will cherish in her child's heart teuw of the and mtctst ileirable feelings iif our mturo. She will cultivate in him an amhtli: disposition and a dr...Trail spirit. Your child has been through thi.e day very pleasant awl obedi ent, .Inst 'before putting him to sleep for the night. you take his hand and say, - My son you have brie very good to-day. It makes me very happy to see y ou and obedient. God loves Mao bop: who are dutiful to their parents, and Tie promises to wake them happy." Thisapprolattion from his mother is to him a great reward- And when, with a more affectionate tone, you say, "Good-night, my dear son," he leaves the room with his little heart full of feeling. And when be closes his eyes for sleep be is happy, and always tries to do his duty." tray Birds am the poor man's music; Hovers the poor man's poetry : end the rich man Is no hotter ow M 0 C Arr. NT 4 1 ' 4 l ir""' 41 AD JS 1)A. I. D EC .De4t `..), 1867. Courteous nenly to an Infidel. An American traveler being unexpected f b.:detained at the mole of quarantine in Oleg so, was very civilly offered "half of his ap artments and a sofa to lie on," by a young Etielidnan, acted as translator to the mole. After they had Pulped 94 intimate aopmintatice, and bad ono evening retired to rest, the traveler asked his friend how he could endure the blasphemy which wars t‘o constantly heard. The young Eng. lidunan replied, that "a.; a genthamon, dew: things were flbsagrecable to him, but a, to their being intrinsically wrong, it was a mat- ter of no concern to him, 133 he denied the truth of all revelation, and believed Jesus Chtist to ba an impo4 fr." The traveler, without supposing that the ronaßt would he heeded except by courtesy replied, "Either Christ was an impostor or bo was not. It h., was an impostor, we have the inconceivable phenouaenn of a Ul practicing virtue, self denird, char ity, l'ofi% elms of injuries throttjh hie nhebc life, in spite of scoarging, coutwudy, and ec.n crucifixion. Is it philosophical to Sapp 'o that a bad man wool I take s !emelt p dm , to make men good? Bat if he was . ar-t an impo. for, then he has toll the truth, most belie e him." it that I never aw that tc rore?" 18.4 , , the f,uly reply of the Yung ut ti.: a:4 t.:nent 3,14 ul.ca the o+2 Cr. r th- t r ' hint ~ : , pra,y;:it: I i • (.) t , :t - Ito • A .1...rv . :Icr< itant. Lti:11 , •!•• . , V :1' Yiz 6) , ,•• • 1:4 . :3!:: Pt . dv- •,1 ObC; • ,• it t putei ion, net wan own het tusra a1..0 en tho thiea.; of +oh,: :" A Inerehant in New York, dada; tit late war wade a contract with a met•hania t Ong fl} hiin \Nit!e a number of tin cacti. Not ieng after thiA the at*tin rose co novh that the contractor watt money by nen,pletina the ware at the price d nr. on, Nowa:ter, he &IA •hut yin do-liver'mg the caw. At halt the 6.-4. the pay L3rr i t h e "4tinlep:tantlytal Bre /.o:ms tith: job." rc:,1:••••: :!•• I it ; c,•: ' — lli)tv : :ticr:" a 1,•;1 gcni'i4Aulan, "(), n;:.• • ; I ;*.•: • "I in,:q ' .• y-‘1; di ••••• • ;I: •.. :•• ••• • • mach a Limdrod t " tl , i• kalif, ••Wen 4r," — 3 7, 11 I'V't 11SP thif. it WMIII AZa he right. I shall ahi tho air ...Int to coo till, au,i, asp t h e pi... - 0 .. ..aai...r1at may still I. , lvaiwu you ;h.. liar ch. roll'. - tixt, \lli:Ai, no V. • : ' ". T 1 LI, 1 11, I • • T . . ; , vtll;ol(...tt ill 11,1. ott,: 1 .1 Nva ;to • oryin••.! 110 trr. n +.1:1 AN tt ts Poom- It i , ..tat,,1tb.0 a le"'°). man wt site duwu b•r!!:e of be ; t's t a, e , s ; att 1 an itab and cats it, will f;el tint file per cent. , teak water. that eighteen per I . give him an aiderniaMetiebillic, , and that. tech? i l'r i ~,,totigattt to ‘,',1111 Lira, WO make him fee! ttAllrort;.l4o on a cold day. ttf the tle , h-formieg hyr(dicr,t coaling to Dr. Playlidly.l , -rY one, on an avvraK..! , requires ninety4w, 1.,!:0ds ally to keels up a proper 1-!,lily eou .r.!ion, If it is not oliminel from !teakg, th t it must be seenrod from t hli, g Cheese a great ILA f.i wet p. r and, taken with beer, speedily eon al trace.. 4 oti-ight*.y Two ttt!'t , of tleAldurnters per diem will Leep a man Miro it he is not forced to labor, but hard larer requites six, or the body will run ...hort of starch and rtt.zar, and go (whin I health and teeth. In 100 parts of %%heat there are lit pounds rtf flesh, hat their is nearly douhle the amount in the same quantity of oatmeal. limn - CLAY Posro.—When Henry Clay was a young an ! brilliant member of the Le g h.latore of Kentin ky, one of the old Buckskin.. .! heard him quote tke Cons* mon Law of England as dill...ire in the emu then under discussion. The old fellow was ast,mblosl, and, jumping up, began; "Mr Speaker, I want to knew ; sir, if elmt that gentleman said is true? Are we all living under thu old English law?" The Speaker informed the anxious inqui rer that the Common Law was recognized as a part of the law of the, laud, "Well, sir," resumed the Buckskin, "when I remember that our forefathers, and some of' es, tit, bled and died to be flee from English law, I don't want to be under any of it any longer. And I make a motion that it be repealed right away." The motion was seconded. The Ken tucky blood was up. The Backbiting fired off speech after speech, and Mr. Clay had as much as he could do to explain the mat ter, Iltid SEWO,OIO Legislature of Kentucky from repcalitig the Common taw of Eng lamt 'ont nor, tunv tlng. n u to rrir hio,.;, Ion". d.y iw riimo, Fofil me t o ~.leap on thy hr , :tt, AA the night ft,!#°. up the dun. ror my heart i heavy with caul Aral my Met are weary with play ifide, me Irani lenztl:#ncl years Pal me From weeping away. Tlone flower:, , n‘ Me:4-4A and ..rxtet, Fro othered from fir and from r.lar , 1 lav them all down at thy felt— 'hay are sweet with many a tear. Bet, rinthor, now , zio7 rno to rest, (mg 'ite back th 9 time child, tired with play. Fola ino to sleep on thy broast— All the day bong rtdolY straying. Fick Gleason, E. ;"rank Leslie in ivin:r a pre trait of that en"crpri:dm.; and 01(1St ,td: t' raillikti• Gleason, , rf fry.. -, in 4,3 /1- , In.tratcl Yewspan,: t .., tl,l of that gentleman: ) "ft it now ablaut a quart; st le n Mr. (it.en...or), th: 6ill al a lie v3:t the otikinetor, in a of that • pr,htieet; :or; ;•oner.l'.:y -At: polVation: • in 0,1, next : a n.als"y t ary parr, :It Le ....(mmermi. 07 :71- ree ear, o„:••,:, Li- h ty-three e title (t "l'he A Our Um. n " 1":1111,113 the ttrit real a .1 T.:).t t'At •• -I treed in the t. Notkiim the kin I iC, • el: LI in ;New , nr.nll.: er, ._•••• ' ;. •:rv. I a:: ' • 'it' ; I "; , " • C13. • 1 i . I,i) eito „, ' _I 31r. t a trr•'. -,..,rvien of , • c: o: nateo.o far what he 1 n • IL- is art in this country. ' • I a haieknact fortune, Mr cm: spring of BA, seitel for the a I 'Min on a pli-nzurn tower through' Isis c.Ol I Li- e•tablishinent and rtp:.r... I ; tit, M. 31 "fan the of v ro:e • —l, howev... ncver In Mr. 'gr.un - 1 him- 1 not to plp;:alt any paper for Oftcert yeln... 4 ‘. 1 %rt'l "lentil:: finding that the pa osfa lanilloftl l dt of Mr. II Citon w.tre r mntet: 7;V11 '2. i n,. f: l ,,,tvt - t ha I built th.a: up, h - T•; - t Batton tJ L ivo up all tali a,- ' ) '• !ye, it, !, 2,,t .t to r th,t ! ) • , ) 31r, !L., . P i in Mr. iiiea.• :dnin,) nc , :d a r‘aprx whioh he ca,'.• the ' ;.. tlttd. Ale; • :' be chill rI to t't!e. of -W.,- mion "lliie pit;.rr I has r ..I.llshell very suvi-,/ally. (' - ' , :cl" A •':: "t !caatar Sumner, A •.• o the New "t".r.l.r r. in ,he •• • It coTaln a r f. - .'a tta . 1,. .• -{ , -n Frit, thar.::),..7 th%t two tah::. were u I in tvi tit ••• -.)ty th“ tl .O. n.•• 1 It, • • 1. 1 . 1 r. ton• S. h 4 ! • r 4.11;; -• •,:enee to War,hington it , ; S.:ana:Pr is the oaly ?e.l ,r 1‘;io has lately invested i n a te- h. re. the `a, 1.4 a 11'1,10 to Li• . 1 • tip: c 4, r a': t,led to by the cl.. rt- o• B at only admitted the pnr. el: 1 th other part of the th..orip. that ) Gated Lim, at he 1141 nver on hurd,;.n , 1 with cash. This shinier n:.c;., the Scaate. I,•kttever, i ie v w ttf the t that tit( it. V.v.) 4, 11' tbe ttoaty rou to tiro h 1 ,1 : ). ;tn.l r atitio i-s 'at: t. S an'n YU'r r Y•n.k pity to practi,"e i! • in Enroi,o, fonn.l tho 1:1! , "UcV. retrele, , ,rl. then a eelete•ated T01 ., - rabst s a ~ ries of !nem , tea nun,. urns in his iitmily chnr , h. 11 ,, att:e..led front 1 !! it, rtlymy. ,, ternt tih•tnth ,, l ...vieos by at.,meting tlrt, attemi t' ti ,a 4 limes* are , m,t of 1: t{; 4 < „ ' 0. • min trio Ant A", , sxmit r llatoilton, ntel , $ l ,l int 1 1 cen telmi fer Ire cs'n. Mr. Bor elen,lre-0h....1 to relmhe him (.o' i -only. The next S; i.l ttth. when he (lime in alms( ! testy np the the t Icer , ;,mmo paused in his e t i. - ,,urse, anzl p,6 1 6 ,, , , to Barr, said in the thlnt. mmnter : - I`l,n hoary-In ;vied 01(1 ,i'ttner, api •Tr against gon ;;t the day of ja 1-t tent The prowl, ,IPfiorit ot 1 man, qtllllitT as ercet us ever, with that rerfert never deserted him, and fixing his fine grey eyes nn the neem :ott of the pulpit, replied : "Mr. Ilureharl, I have observed through a long co u rse of professional experience. that the very meanest clam of criminalx are those who turn State's cridruce!” Ahr "My dear Nellie," said a pion; min. "1 have long wished for this opportunity, but I hardly dare trust myself to speak the deep emotions of my heart ; I.ut 1 declare to you my doer Nellie, that l love you most tenderly, and that your smiles would Abed— would shed—" "Never mind the unctd shed," raid Nellie. " ;:q nn with Yrmr Pret ty talk - NIGHT SONG. I=llllE=l .~ Tito Story of u Turtle. S o me time since we pullittleot an aueount cf` &Toil Carolina t oral, whim only vir seem, i t) I that he lived seven taidir, or drinking. But !het tart!: i ; rivet toho ompoulA with 'me that I Irel than a , a.eurnon cornfield ne- J, is t , a t -.i.t:.,t? 1 #chito man In the ah.t of 186,1 my servant ;'.t from rf. , al Rockaway a small turtle 0 , 1 shell, about the size of my 1 hand minta.; the fie,z er ,,, then we h an d. led it it would draw in it 4 head and legs land Ant :'•,'f ua ss ti;:lit ei a boa ; hut it F orm bee tm , fsto;li-r with shore. tiea 1 Isa i i 'zit, ana would head 1 1 1 1 1 r Aot, id • 441 wit lout apparent _ear. ! It wa, put in the yard hae't of the house 1 and wai'd crawl a',eat amongst the Arab ! her). and ;Lr t• I, aa,i when a rainy day came would .a- , c out and promenade the walks with a ; na . .11 apparent satisfaction as a mod rn lle tr.hnenados Broadway when to; a new hat -composed of two teat li.r, three tura VI, and one ribbon. When the weather remained dry for a tt-v h era ‘.re I to taho :Ink into the kit put hull into the sink, give him a anj to pick up strA crumbs 4.4 he liked the svai very fond of fresh felt o"41,) then put h.tu down on the floor; he would crawl to the top of the step, shut up hi- ;IA and tunable down, and over and over over and ever irat<a the yard, and we avt.ohl eci nn ta,re of him fo r Ana, day s hut in a :;hart time Ruud hits at the lower P'ep, with his h.tal an l front tout stretched up. waiting far one nt to take him in and give him his bath, Thin went on al cammer. When the weather began to get 1 we found him working himself down i:rto the dirt, WO put hint into a closet that open:l into the hall between the kiteh- Ca an I C. 3 11.144 room, covered him with old and ho staid there until the hollowing spring. When the weather b cane warm he came crawling out, was al linlto go fate the yard, and the same :ad coz,monlee were gone through with a. in the previous year. When cold weatho: came again we put him into his old nraer in the clove t, and ho slept away the winter ; and on the return of warm weather ho waked up, came out, and went to his old h.tut , 7, av bdcre. In November 1864, the s-wvant d 11;71.1 41_ the Itr And. _about- tout hint in and buried tow, the h fill, awl ,tunothing the dirt r.. N )111 . r. ward thought about. , ••••. -owl du nut 1%1 , he was dead, and incre some time in One day we iimnd him at tii. , • !r.t to the kitch.m, with a load '.:l c I) 2... 1 back almost a. 3 hard as ?td and feet up on the step to ~. ..t'tan ;on notrAing we : h A whore he had lain for the !:-t ••! m I — he had worked himself up z.#r.i,?l,t to the tap, We took him in washed lairn, let him swim until he showed signs of wizting to come out. We put him on the fla rt, he would go out as it:raaarly, hut no, he turned the other way, Not - diet° the halt, where his elooet was, crawled -lew'r ahnig through into the di n i ng room, s• the bat, t board, then back in. to the 1. ,ll ; and %OKI he came to the door of where he had formerly winter. 1 , 1 WON other eiiis,ets there; he stop r ‘ • •1. tln taro (hoot: he, went •,tti;ed over tweral o* -truetions that 'tis in hi: roty down iat his d i corner ; tee, eintered him no,or and lft hiio. OFI gain; tout th ••• . tea (1:s allo . mudi we found, alai! po &rod rk repress. Hampstuire Corainz'. Thero to be but Fttie. elttubt that th• Petnotn-tt, will trry New litunNhite it the tio.:tian which takes place in tr. 4• Alt the e'tewientt reet.nt• itt the principal cities an .l tow: t:: tt State ha=•a lc o.thc Date watic, In P0t.t.12: •oth first, then in an,h.t,w Manchester the .. • Tiadi ?,.t%t• oon mt.•;',.routtni• They cattiest • I: : :tottr by ierg•re. tuajoritieg. I. tli t thitt the coning State t•!. ti ot nil ra •1 1 . t in an old LtAinned Dem. viren,h *to the f State. t t;t© is tto :ttre that he gases on a I .: ta re of perfection when he sees a welt op woman. A fine term, a heavy 4 4 .4 hair, a tramparent complexion--al are ." , Inr4l' , ll now.a days that they are no l a mstk!ralrtrwaatcd with he same inteu emi t etllotl , / li or admiratmu that t!tey formorly excited. Nut that they have ceased to be admired—O. no ' But simply because any woman may have them. What with (113111 t N, eye liquid, false hair, corsets, palpitator.., liho eatvett, hustles, plumpers, &0., how tan a man tell when to admire ? How e be distinguish between a skeleton, a!al a• r :mice n.taml I.rotty. fore is a „tr. at rilt to run. lt. beats lotteries or faro. a Win W141 0 : 4 . to marry—•he finds a pretty rl, but can't Tithe. biomes. Why? There is no way in the world to dud whether t , is artifietd or natural. p 3. To-morrow may hover ootoo to ilia We can not find it io any ttf our title deeds. The Ting V.llO w 14 vttriu Meeks of real 011t0,11,1111 se,v, does not own I 5:,1,1,) wilve to.oe , trow! It hi a ious peesibility not yet born. It is under the peal of Ini , lnight—behind the veil of el; r.ir .• ht.tit ttj hi tho Bokvite Ifo f titia ditor Of t)f ;Vrlo York NO. 43.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers