1 1 .5 1104 4 litMoolt Fi :,": ~ JIACOIRT, Editor. Wednesday. Nov. 13, 18417. M. M. Perowortn Co.. rt Polk tow Wow Toon are dolly ontinwiao4 to pollen on 4 rroloo'oonorolp• ton of on 4•4•01 1 ,400 M flow Dompoerat i Il,.pullk 1010 arllnonsoionr, Colombia colony. o. .4.IIIADDEVI STEVENII.” Some of our Democratic cotemporaries are disposed to receive with 'distinguished oonsideration' the addzete of Thaddeus Ste vtns, recently promulgated in the Republi can press. We will say in a word, that it is the duty of the American People to treat both this author and his lucubration with the scorn and contempt which they deserve : and it is only because of the additional no toriety which our brethren of the Democrat ic) press seem likely to give to this bad man, that we allude, in a formal manner, to him at all. To the future historian be can only be known as a practical decrier of an estab lished morel code ; a disturber of the pub lic peace ; and an insulter of public taste. The best that can be said of him is. that in his moral, social and political eiews, he has always been consistent with himsell. The fear of God wss never before his eyes ; the opinions which his neighbors might hold se to the purity of his domestic relations, nev er disturbed his equanimity ; and as to the the views, as well as the rights, of the white men of America, he entertained for both the most supreme contempt. In him was found the quintessence of egotism.— Nobody Amalfi lire, move, or have a bring except in Thaddeus Stecena. A one idea man, and that idea new exploded. The weakness of the enun rind tLe weak ness of its supporter tire equally apparent in hie rddress ; and the young men of the country Rill let the dead bury their dead, mid march forward to such reforms as an enlightened public sentiment now indicates, spurning, ft 4 they go by, the peliLealCfireiV34 t f Maidens Stevens. will be reummhered by all the in attendance at the Chicago Converitie.l in 18 I, thtit TIIO3I*LE. P. e.EYMC"II. SUS priPt 'Witt horitri , that ",:',Yavtatio4 ot.o.al.te tier the Presidency. He nab. ed the Note of Delaware, Mar3dand, Obi°, and Missouth At thi3 time the name e Mr. SEYMOVA wsa used against his Wish, us he really had no de,Me ti be 1,7 name was brought C.Arvtut:iti Mr, Stewart et Ohio, :u heirir the 1:l -egation from his mate, brit »iibsequer.-.y withdrawn ant his strength thrown upon 31eCieilun ._ who aforwardi OM: unanimous nomiian'mn The lutelligent Ne We are ta../..itttii mg extract fr - rii a Sava! r t 4. 4th instant : •.:xtee,. white n ei rc ted in Suram...l: :At " tog coon. o.*. , r ••j • .` -••1 , ' • 44 en the first morning came out sti mr.— " Let.d.i of them ewe trent the e,.of: :;‘- " and marched dim :,.`, they with hoary owl with wen " tytive-cents-a-dom United Suite:4 most or these upset , : d. , wei—rut vt.e.' " But on the second day the exeit , :o cut ended, and on the third day there Wad none at- all, and for the tai t ,ay or no thy " have been scouring dra city to fit-3 " voters. One negro voted th.: fare of the Pulaski House re. P a ' he victory avi,ioed tip, zuy overitadies!ivm, be. been eveißhcl.n -ing. It is evident the people have re. solved to display :be int.nnea. Cengrestional junto who attempted to rule tlr ceant7 per/it/aid whs, ere that the ricked hani of condemned miters who taaried reer,n struction and sought to impose negro equal ity upon the nntion in opposition to its sovereign will, will be finally and irretriev ably overthrown. new York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, and the Great West, have added their voi,-es to Pennsyl vania, Californis, Cmd.ectient, Morauns, and Maine and the xae>ea e ry , pro claim their solemn determination t , ) have a white man's government, and that in this country, white men shall govern white men in ail time to come. The people have spoken and from their decision there is no appeal ! Age, WC' When Brooks, a moult smaller man than Stunner, mined him, the Boston pet did not attempt to resist it ; but went to Europe to have the Bootless of Sunderland, and other abolition dames, bathe his bruised cranium and heal his wounded honor.— When a German Barron grow sweet on Mrs. Surnoer, the brave Senator did not chal lenge him; but wrote a letter to Bismark, reflecting on his wife's honor and rtspesting the recall of the offender. Such is the hon or of the_Radical leader of the Senate. =TI le. In consequence oh a large number of the newly made (colored) cidzens not know ing or remembering their r, , giatered mimes, the polls were kept open in several of the election districts in the Sontbern States for two or three days, by order of the Military Satraps in command. Of course these new citizens belong to the God and immotality party, where all the irtiPiligeles are found! INN A Radial spread 15.200 editor ' who 'recently addressed a aleeting in New York State, wanted wings to fly to every village and kawdot in in the brood land, there to 1.1.. a story of Andrew Johan's perfidy to the ilepablieen PM* B. wils•O, tow iiisa smite boy • - not: 'Dry op, you old tool ; eitot for * ipxos before yov limo a toile VISLA &maimin Bleioo,fitho bed served out his tiwe of thirty days in the Augipta jail, scat asked when ho Cl= out, how he liked it, "L bed a bulgy tialni" SaU he: "Zboro were toventy.dis boat** of the tail, iind not e4,--Ni Democrat alms the lot", • EZ:l= The New To 4 iVi t grotitti 1 42 =10 VA :we 1 0 11 it in Mop, but ti-li " . 1111 WaillOlDO. "Apt OW 5,00% stage "ae ire bail it yeMitaty-111 to 41 13 Democrats. 'Pb. Ammo y_ "change. the names in severallawe, and "givee the Democrat. two more, making " the footing 38 Republicair to 70 Demo "may or twelve majority." The amended lone from Nuesehnsette makes Governor Mabel'', majority 27,219. Of State Benton' elected, 28 .re for licence and only 0 in favor of prohibition, and of 165 Repreeentativee, 163 are in favor of license. The Democraticgain in the State of Wil conga by the last election is a little over 2,- 000. We also make gains in the Lees's- The election in Kansas resulted in a Rad. ical victory, but by reduced majorities. The negro and women's suffrage propositions were defeated. The returns as yet are too incomplete to give details. Marylend is all over Democratic. In some of the counties there are less than a hundred Radial votes polled. A Ifforrlble Outrage In Florida. We are called upon to chronicle one of those diabolical outrages which have too frequently, within a year or two past, shock ed the public mind in the South. It occur red in this County on the evening of Fri day last, two or three miles beyond Calla han, on the line of the Florida Railroad, and about twenty-seven wiles from thieeity. A man named James Rollason, with hie family resides at this locality. Last week Mr. Rollason, being very ill, the relatives of the family living in Columbia County were written to, and two sisters of Rollason started down to their assistance. On arriv ing at Baldwin their money was exhausted. and they were compelled to continue their Journey on feet. Arriving at a point on the railroad whew Mr. Hifi, Section Master, had his camp, they inquired of him how far it was to Rollaeon'a. and he informed them. They proceeded along the line of the rail road, but had not gone far before they were overtaken by a colored (mulatto) man, whom they reeognized as having seen in the camp. Ito at once endea rote(' to make himself agreeable, and told them they were net cor rectly instructed at the camp, that !tweed of thre=e or fear uti!tee. it was twenty or twenty e miles, en the railroad, to Rena twenty that 4311 but he «Alex a near cut across the coatit,;l', he *veld show them, by enieh they wee:: Rellas..o% , in an j e t; 00r; at 4.01" caret Aav;,io , l; of tied .I..ex.rd his eervite s, saying Ctey cr..' tht nety teiled iu i.:. plays, the fellow h. ,;gin to use able.% e at,d velene hut , nage re e nne to. st.( littql to nft, but I Limy,. en a , flee as they could. being ter lel 1 • shale d he followed them. Seen ; Jig ithde a rush for - tee e.ttd ea .1 (who is about twenty-two scare of age), when et r sister, sort.tainm With a billet of wood in her b et e!, e n .h ed e:.er the, devil who knocked her s h 'Ex • .;ipi fei! C 7 ," ' oi P • '. eicz,nl her, and after: a terrible b. cut rated bcr pt rem. "V nee ister's reached 'tore:- Was M. 0 104 and tee neigh hot elm) het the mart , ate,. It w ee tau :.‘;4 •h 0: of" , :41 lain t ht 1 / 1 0711.• f NC, rid .ili.t(ll. o t ; ...twig, at Cell thee, with s:e 111 , h, t .)k the train for ifilfs cfl.• , r ; Whore" they peeted to find him Caylett, the engineer, was . 1 40 Lu at `l' earns and nut Melee:, limn tree w: re informed thst he left that morning for Bald :n stving ho west(' cetera en the helebt tetin which would leave Baldwin en the m welt! of .ho up pee:A:neer train, Mr. Up chtvel, at al his peen. (except Me Henry whe went on to Baldwin), remain ed at the camp. The train had proceeded about four wit's, when Haelett discovered some one at a distance feeeeirg him down." Arriving at the epee !Nattier, well armed, was on the lookout, and recognizing the negro from the description 'iven hint, ho jumped from the train, told him he was his prieetetr, sod that he 'nutlet eithergo aboard of the train or go to hell." lie was taken hack to camp, while he was at once identhled by the young lady whom he hail so brutally outraged, Great excitement was caused by his arrival. The unfortunate young lady was almost frantic, knowing that men were there with arms in their hands to avenge the foul wrong that had been done her. The incarnate devil was only saved for the time by the calm counsel of Mr. Upchurch. He told those present that it was best to let the law take its course ; that they, living in the backwoods, had already been denounced as, "rebel cut-throats," and that, were they to shoot the scoundrel on the spot, as he richly deserved, it would soon be magnified Into "another outrage upon a freedman." Mr. Upchurch brought the negro to this city on Monday evening, and turned him over to the military. His name id Frank Johnson, twenty-five or twenty-six I years of age, and bails from Raleigh, North Carolina.— Fe.rtandina, (Na.) Courier. Arthur's name Magazine. The December hone closes the year with a highly attractive number, This is one of the live, progressive thagazinea, and while it rives ample space to mutters of fashion end needle work, which Department i 3 un der the tuparvislou of Mut, Demorest of New York, it t,preada bfore the reader monthly. :mph) and varied faast 0' the ()boil:mat literatnre. We nada. that a new aerial gory from the pen of Miss Virgieis P. Towniond,erill be manmenrod in the Jemmy number, and thst the author of "Tat Nights in a Bar Room" will begin, in the mane number, new eerie. of Temparsnee Talea"—lttrao• tions sulLtiont to give any Napalm, the widest popular 'favor. Tho tAntua of the HOW Magazine are $2 a year, 3 copies flr $5 ; 4 oopirm for nd ; 8 copies with an es. ea cop/ to getter up of club, ell, and j$ copitm and ono Sl*2 COPYt CAP. bpoonnen number la ants. Address T 8. Arthur, SO sad 811 Chestnut Street, - ,Iphis. TUN ORM BIT PLR 15 9'BR. The Victory is Won and the Enemy are Ours OUR CANNON BELCHES FORTH SMOKE AND FIRE LUSTILY. Its Loud and Quick Reports Proclaim Glad Tiding. Throughout the Laud. THE WAVES OF DEMOCRACY ROLLING OVER TUE LAND! TUE SOtEMBUR ELECTIONS. Immense Democratic Gains 0=3311 P.ADD*ATAAM AND NE4IEO SUP Flt ADE BURIED. The r oomatotki. ail az White Merenmeta hoeetrf The annual State eleetions in NIA4' York, New Jersey, Malahutiet',,, Maryland, 111i mbo, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Kansas were held on Tuesday of last week. The great reaction still goes on. The people in each of the States named have done their duty nobly and fearlessly for the Union and the Constitution. In thunder tones the Radical leaders have been rebuked, and told to stay their parricidal hands against, the most Metaled country the pun ever slime upon. Revolutions never go backward. but this great reaction will continue until not a ves tige 01' •olism is loft to pollute the land. The day of deliverance has conic at last, and white 111'.1) everywhere begin to have hope for the future. The • .ruter second thought" of the people has beer expressed in no uncertain way, lAA the Union and the Constitution will yet b... preserved. Let us briefly examine site of Toes lay, and sce roo,l eaase we for t yultation New Yv•i.—:he 11weire ti tats wity tit ,e.er 4;I nsoi tar th, mo. tittle Si IV.' 1:0;xt. The • I Cork, t;ra u4 in ever. thing, toll-• 1 ttiaj•i:ii.y of f•:, lk• hrctiches of the Legisiniltre ate -uppe...l tea Dcintstratic. The election in New Jers.iy was f o r mete bera et' the L-gish.ture. The gallant -Jer sey have redeemed the honor of :heir State. Roth branches of the Legisla tive are largely Dtteetiratie, and the ma jority on the popular Note is tilirttit 15.0 00 In '1" !Le eh:-Ittu -1! lice., ...ill , • • • • • • • ;ss • e. P 'eal • hit,: : 1:0 n• i vet it boks very 111”r:1 93 It wl.b.e tarn v -re wound to "rule the rtast" fret t F.ere twois!".t , lro will he s t against the. .ine- hew Caul Pry , ism has State liar years. I,th l V! 1, ‘NtY 1,4;t. raven a tt.:‘ spot of 14 adicaliad within he, L or d er , Ilteik IE, the nonfielittle, 4atxdiunte fot 1. ovt.rfor; otna the rent St/t !to . ) ttpwapl% 4.f 41 i tt. - Pi majority. I . l'oLegi toue 7 , 4 cratio. fn jUitl.-4 fLo GemoOl t sy LA: Mg/ in IV end ta, the Radi cal eundidatei fin. Governor are hardy elec ted by the "akin their teeth," and the rbluomcy have made her Legislative ii , ,nsas has gone heavily against fe male suffrage, and the Demeeride, gains throughout the state are couutal by the hundreds and thousands. EcoM MtNICAT'ED, 1 Novullatt (th, 1 567 Mn. Lbroot ---Please insert t h e p-,p, ;‘ , lug remarks in your raluable paper that the I reader of the same may see the compliment !mid to the Benton School. t)n ..isiting the I Town of Benton last :Saturday. I Wad illkorill• ed, that in the evening the vithens of that pi , eec purposed on holding bibitiOn in the church near by. Being kindly invited to attend and all appearance:: king favora ble for a pleasant evening, 1 thought 1 would go and see the peribrmano. On en• tering the horse the spectators eye was pre ' seated with very beautiful wreathes and other decorations which bad been properly arranged on the partition in front of, the rostrum by those who participated in the eveniKt's exercises. The Crowd had not been astmobled long when it was announced by the Teacher, that they ware ready to com mence. The scene was opened by three young ladies who boldly and successfully sung in eonsart a rdcx very appropriate to the occasion, after which the audience was entertained for about two hours, with decla mation, dialogues, (ways and several pieces of music played MI the Duleime, by the ladies; all exhibited to the general aatisthe Lion of those present. Gem! order prevailed considering the number in attendance. To be brief, the manlier in which the whole thing passa or, proved to all there, that the scholars of ths Benton school must have been under the instruction and training era good and competent Teacher. Ezhibitiet r cf this kind arc generally iuterealti e ; and no doubt to a certain extent are beneficial espe cially to the participants, but their impor. lance should be a secondary consideration with our cow° schools to that of other MA" bums& ma it requires a great deal of study and training to exhibit suexedully, which must of neoetilty take their time and attention &cm other and more important waters. 2 CrIZTATOIL . a & NrAu Vraser as ,i sset s e l ks lo n mia **WI 1114 c tip 116 WOW !br teu th o #oll 4 01. t 4411 "* d . * you *Wl** the I" 4 r . WO 14 mg eriett PromodS of 1 Columbia Coolily tour rte %RIMS 10 • ca mtait Ty Ilev. Oh_ Ornwesponding Beernayy rampant* Mate %operetta union, a Tom nos Convention was hold ht tis N. Munk, in Bloomsburg, on Thum day. % Bersusbor Mk, I Ao7, 4011,0116011 Par MHO to 0,41' it 'Wu , P. M., and Prof: U. W. Walker, elected temporary Chairman, and Will. J. Beidle man, SeMetary. All toluiperanee organisations and a large portion of the churoher or the ()minty were represented. The object of the Convention was stated to be to thrum a Columbia Conn ty Temperate* Union auxiliary to the State Temperance Union. The fhllowing persons were elected per manent others of the Society : President, Rev, D. J. Waller; Vice Pres ident, Prof. C. W. Walker,. Secretary, O. C. Kehler Treasurer, T. J. Vanderilice. The following resolutions, after eliciting a considerable harmonious discussion, were unaninionely adopted : Modred, That the drinking customs of society, with the combined influences of in. temperance, present one of the strongest barriers iu the way of the progress of the gospel, and the advancement of true relit• and as human skill is ineuflicient to surmount end remove these . great evils, we therefore invoke the Divine wisdom to . guide us, and his blessing open our °Miro in the accomplishment el this great work. Avolved, That it is the duty of the man agers of this to hold public meetings in their respective Townships through the Ministers, Churches, and Sabbath Schools, to provide speakers for such meetings,and to present the "pledge" fur signers, md re- port quarterly to the President the number of meetings held, and the names enrolled. Rooked, That this Convention deem it of the first importance that the t , ttliject of temperance be brought to the attention of our seperintendents and teachert of Sabbath Scho9ls, with the request that they Cc (To nto with us in mecuring the "pledges of the children under Lbw charges to vital abstinence. Reseiteei, That while we believe the min istr and Christian church are designed of trod to take a leading part in temperatext reform, we cordially welcome to one com mon platform nil temperance organixatieus, and we regard the "Good lemplars," "Sons of Temperanee," ':'temple of Honor," and "Bend of flore t " an &staling spes4al com mendation for their zeal and effietettey in the great work of moral reli rm. itt.votrsti, That to the trntlie in intolieat ing :Maks may be traced a very large por tion of the drunkenness, pauperism, insani ty, crime and ettsualities of the country : and that a Hem's! gives freedm) uh ti respeettibillty to the traffic, mei denies the proper prote-tion to the people, therefole tt is the duty and right of the citireats of this Commonwealth, in self sh.flotz , t. by it g islation end all sultahlo Means to bring sueit tt-hlie to at% end. .19 ltc /re 4'l l at a good lttvr ;4 a tpuncat is er:itirg s gOtAl public senti ment, and a buil law corrupts and deprave- , it, tied that we can tw‘cr gyro WIT UVlNent to a *stem that shall give the legal sanction or the State to the traftio in intoxicating drinks as a beverage, a business so ruinous to the morals and bests interests or society, and that prohibition is the only safe rule that can be enforced by practice. te,,, , „fr,d, That as the pulpit is a power ful 41.-tnintentatity iti - thiS country, in creat ing =trod sustaining a proper pubhc seat. Nrl,`P ret ehttlf.n has said ; it •! wat-, .uou urru ; • •1 • ' : 1 1. * M) • t Niri; 1 , •,. t' prioaell —%. ~.,,; (I •' 4 " ( "• n W CPte.t.ene , 4W O 4 tht;'.; Min I to tht ‘ s intent, -rate tOl it • tman this t iteutnot ‘ealte. Rt.,iar, ',Tvit c rovieNt all political p 4 to RIC Win'trio . l 4 . - `.l9per!TWV frlr 440.0. h. *,!, That the thfr-,,1,, T , t tort 4Al:llh:elite the cp-entitd in *Au) loom! wo revounmnd the , i'V"Honal iill!Net Ad , ot ot, aad raa l,er lit, moire NM hAeti by J. Sterne No. 17'..! St, Newytr:k. and Boro , tr juh jj;,l,A et Serthrtr.o l'a , as acient UltaLlS prosecuting the rork. The Cot - ovation then adjourned to meet tat the Cataukht M. E. Ciwoh, rtn this Thiamin). of October, at 7 P. M. SZeriND SESSION' Conventimi met in the Catawissa M. E. Chervil, October alst, at 7 P. M. President Wanor in the Chair. Prayer offered by Rev. Mr. Thomas. Secretely O. C. Kehler tendered his reit iontion which was accepted, and L. B. Kline elected to Ell the vacancy. Tho Ibllewmg resolution was adopted : gesofeed, That a Committee of three be 'limed to canvass the expediency of peti tioning our next State Legislature for a pro hibitory law for the Comity of Columbia. Boys. S. C. Swallow and D. J. Waller Ileke upon the merits the resolution, th.. latter gentleman entertaining the audi ence at OHO length. The Convention then adjourned to meet in Espy the sth of December. L. H. KLINE, Secy. Catuwissa, Nov. 6, 14(.7. ,Ns:f.a., Omura - c Amms Corwrr. A Ening While Girl Pound Gflgfp.4l and her pr-nn tat —Wt; were i tb r od last evening, by two re=reetable gi admen from Littlestown, Adams County, that on Sunday lest a young white girl named theft, about eisteen years of age, residing near that village, was assaulted by a negro who pinioned her arms, plaeed a gag in her mouth, and then forcibly violated her per son. This diabolical deed wascommitted in the house in which the girl lived, during the absence of the other members of the family. The black fiend fled, but was sub sequently captured and taken before a Rad ical justioo of the pesce, who offered to re lease him on five intadred dollars boa I Thi:, could not be obtained, and the negro was plaaed in the custody of a constable to be taken to the County prison. On their way to Gettysburg the prisoner managed to escape, and is still at large, His victim was very much injured, and has ken in a sof feiii,v condition ever since. The scoundrel ought to have been lynched en die spot by the people of Littlestown,—Aclanct /NIA Couldn't Sum. Achenlitieb and P. John look after this negro ? Who aro in the fault of all these outrageous crimes, the ne gro.s or the Republican party? We are in (dined to the belief that the Radicals of that partyare to blame ! ***do,.. Or No medicine over appearnd with stronger vouchers for Its poem' and sub. 2tantial excellence than .the Peruvian Syrup. especi2liy tho , e suZeting from dys pepiis ehould send MI P. Dins snow, r :,treat, Nov York. for a pamphlet tale: wont: nirg this re. mat kable remedy 1868. IIO A IJAKINAVIr T S COMM lOU ANT 114()_NZI. Ave Bomb Pienartnt, Ina effoll6l Yfar._, Tbo publishers of "ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE " and that depot and atroo. five eriodieal, "THE CHILDREN'S HOU " edited bp T. S. Awns, make the fellowior exceeiffnely liherat offeret—. For fifty rubmiribeys to "The Home Mew iTertne $2 a Year) they will send a WILCOX &, GIBES', n WHEELEH & WILSON, ors HOWE SEWING MA CHINE, worth $65, manufacturers milli For seventy-five mulmcribers to "The Chil dren's Hour," (Tonto sl.2' a year) they will send one of the above machines. For forty "Children's Hour," and twenty "Home Magazine," they will send a WU' Chlllo, us above. For thirty subscribers to "Children's How l " and twenty-fire to "Home Maga zine,' they will send a mewing machine. For '6O they will send ten Home 31ags sine's, twenty Children's flour, and a tew iny machine, as above. The subscribers need nut all be sent at one time nor from the seine office. tikil Specimen numbers of "Home Maga zine," lit cents. Specimen numbers of "Children's Hour," 10 cents. Circulars accompanying them, giving full particular', and mita in ill besides other and t,ery at trariire premium offers. "The Howe Magazine is too well known to require special mention, and "The Chil dren's Hour" is pronouncod the purest, most beautitbl and attractive juvenile maga zine published in this or any other country. In almost any populous neighborhood. or town of moderate size, enough subsetibers to get n machine can readily be obtained. A little concerted attention among the friends of a poor, industrons woman, anxious to help herself', would easily get bor a sew ing machine. •"rhe Children's Hour" is so beautiful at tractive and cheap. that it can be introduced without trouble into almost any family where there are children. SOT Do not be deterred from making an efitot tear it will be labor knt• Get all the subserilsers you can, end, if ece number falls short, then write to 114, and we will let you know whet additional sum of money to mend in order to secure a machine. We will always make this imm as'sr.:all as poseible. It will range between . 110 cod s2q. Ito. member that the cash price of the machine is *53. TERMS OF HOME MA(APNE —s2 year. 3 copies. 85. 4 copies, $6. S copies, an d cue to getter-up of club, $l2. 15 copi* ot.l or.c to getter-up of e!ub, $2O. 4plcudid Pretniohle. RM. Setoble eopior, 15 cents. Ty.ttartiw Cult.riitzee lint:P.-81.25 a soar. 5 copies 14 $5. 10 copier. and one to getter-up of c1ub...10. Both Magetinee for $2.50 a Year !I Address T. 8. ARTlitit & SON, tia.► 61811 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. DaHou'• MoutUty 3lagaztue. This very popular and exceedingly cheap Magazine propt ins an attractive table of contents for December. Amethist Wayne's charming stoq, "The Perron kelt and Hair," is completed ; Mrs. Edson 's excit ing serial, "The Lady or Liniewold," is intensely interesting, while "Paul's Ro mance." by Mrs. lisle. and "My Darling," a pne,w, by James Franklin Fitts, art *memo the choicest of magazine reading. The il lustrations are also remarkably good, teak hg this one uf the best notebt‘s of Ballet* ever The publiAer offer •••• 1:11.1 fir •hu 4..0:;,), yia AVi:ll T • I:. Phumbe ••( ..t :•• I i, .1 : one ',I- • ...It !•1 I A will V:11111:•:'ic Atnethvg : • :al 1 ..1, •,••• Penni story for Buys, entitled "OH ilugh's l Look-o ff ," a hich will be finely illustrated by ; Kilburn. end will appear in the new depart meta, etilled "Our luting People's Story- Itller i" a popular author will furnish a • charming story for Gals while there will be at least a doren other stories and poems of i the highest literary excellence, and intent-• intercistii,g, all complete in the January I number. It will be seen from the foregoin; that IBallon's Magazine for IStB will eclipse its present excellence, while the extraordinary , low priceretained. It is only $1.50 per I year, or 15 cent. , a nuniber. Clubs receive it for 11.23. The proprietors have good ! cause for calling it "the cheapest magazine in the world." Published by Elliott, Thom as & Talbot, Boston, Mass. NEW ADVERTISEMENT& HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ior c M W hp. veld at Moot, Rale a IfflU 4 R I and U:situated on Math and Railroad toltreote abut el fon nos? th.Plainonr RV: f 2. . robins or re., on elonnoshorg. The nous, le a OtW frame building. two stories high, with cellar. nod tern finished. The hot is of good etae, In en• Minot condition, and Walt, flatted oath awry 2 , scripir,,o of cantos (fait. All aa r** sary ouabooldongs ate trotted. The terms won Do mad. irberal, and good title glveu. For forth et poorlir Wars inquire at this office. Nov. 11, intl. [Do Cr , Min i) Nurgroh Dentist, E2t &c teeth without pain by • nuw It is vitrfectly harmless and to now user/ sii:i prod sweets. All brio., hes a lais i i • • Dentistry bltrlnicd to In the Isiest pproy• it an le. ItseiJrnect sod Oleo, ut. dour east nf titors„ eloutusloarit, Nov. 13, Inn/. N E w OYSTER SALOON, is the barautent of the a ) !It ) o r l ELL tt r ill G i tl@V.•l l l4 BILTZLIt LEACOIK, SVPT. Irraah (Valera marred up In •v•ry .tyle and at all tonne ; with all the ether fuuad in Ant eines lieetagrastd. XX Ale ronatnntly on hand, Lo ether with ebolre Liquors of I very brand . Evrrything In tip tap ander about this tinlem nnv, tom not tolorated Map la nod flod my diatom) in r lean aver nr . ler Lllonuivtrutp, Nos. 11, Ifi67-3m. tfi" Dapantss. Bunion. alto VAThIIIIII treotnd With the 'inept t.tieneee br J. 184 AL41 , 1. et, t .1/euliet and Au tiet tlntsurr ly of Leyden, Hollnal). kn. 6 .3 A tett Nut et. l'hitedtlithle, Teptintuniale from the tune( etj hle roarer. in city and uiuntry ffiq n et hie ollire. 9bp Illednal facility tiro Invitnd In cc• rtnupany patient°. a* he hall Wit to Cfild In hie previa..., A 1...Vt..4 IttlPrind twit hon t vein. I'4" r 610 rfn Int earatiu Atton hoe. 13, 11.47.—1 y. A br4INISTII ATOM' NOTICE. triter, rr Allteioietrattee en the *fulls of R•nfa mrn 1 , late 01 # Nitre tranship, &ceased hose Peso r rooted by lb, ft, r Volo WWI Winiy on 1110,11,14 C, 1 . 4111 V limr sus 0t..//tt. Cr. VPIiII/ Too priori. salit (wanly. Al. ' , twos hsv• top stilloor asolost Ihe estate are eepistell to lush.. thew Sonar to Ito, atioliotsttators mod those indeht• ed to the slums, CM mslis tromer'iote psyttient to 11101dAs C. FliVit.f.R. A I ' YOURS CREVELING, October lA, Iho7.—C tr SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY SHANOKIY, PA. EVERT & IVIEDT ) CHEMICAL EHASIVII SOAPS, ARP Mentofncort4 felno mki.riala and mey Imorldtio , d oh et..opt,ri of tqrrilanry. P.,r ti? ^ ll Gimo'c b 4 !ilia it Cat, .lees e4K, mom ttrrrt. at4py, I ft mutat note* It ratlthOUt Ile County. They keep :onetko .ly ea ht,hd (h. mire! rreorly.., thermal. t•llee, rode told Minor Snipe. Cr Wet. ecolf,llll4. Sept IL 11107 - Tftlowllw kt+ , l4, WAINAA rill rM Mllowiliti Alp fk. hrtAmlit, wimp. Town. Ifni as IM 111.4 nf Otink4f. !Ina per. rAime4 N iii esdorslinsii. IK I A Phi% I en*, I ti mine ens* Irti Mint. VI MIMS (Wm T or Nohlp. Mew.* Mit 01111311 p0.m1,,, or A rot, ro ~j 11,1 116/11.1 YOUNG; 1 1 1.1 ,1 . .4 1. 121' r.,1 rolof. r.O Am! .11001 tllO4ll I* .1 voere.44 TA. 7' 00 :: owner je riluotiatoi to corn. f0rt ,90 4 Fore p . ifiliorty. r. 17 ebergo., end take bier sway. ul rie rM lir Ire M 1:1 be .1.9640.4.4 of titt , M.* law direct., NAM; /1111V1'4:. % o r led 7. N ENV (..; (MIMI NEW GOODS ! 143 pubhe 314,14:4 try to tried tb..l U. 11. CREASY & Co. Lave catietamly Oil G►rd THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LIGHT STREET. k of gdoz Gne.it cH LAr rue teal Or iO4lllll try proJimi. Light hss.os cs. stet A NEW ARRIVAL OF MILLthERY ASD tit ° FANCY GOCDO, AT NIES. 152. ZAMA% MIT STREET, tOLLUBIA COOVIT woolOroopititfo.iy inform tov itithian, re Light Ott% ►lts 013111110. that bio n•tu►ao4 frqui by with a i wn a •1•110 1 110 nl Fa,' #4 ,1 w•intvr MILO MIMI? AND FANCY GUUb$. CaNY'diVii to nit tit lo Maw IMO% SILTS ma le tnatA:,r. w+.l ropalrinr Jose with 1111,114114•0 and flerpl,•ch. Alf %orit )n best .u.l law.* tasty sau.ariar. upon ri".4.441,61, tem*. Nttrvalst stt,sison b 6)634 In .111,16 Vs, bibs PATITANO of .very linecelptn.Cl jinlitaimists In Use trod*. os Imno imo 1 . 4 salt ei.osp. Pint al.n pap eee+lal attention b enuring. Aavtaf .1.,•,41 1111111 and ;sonny totinirti the ort in WI itetartrnin a. r in rni.fl , knt in Inv tog .alloGicUots. 4UP • Wroalk; in Wardina's ItuitUlugs. linvenber 6. 1it157 lIAPI"INESS OR MISERY. The ri , tsin of youthful inalser.ttal .Ipostnyi h 1• 117,119 his p tuusects rloymnis toarrimen na lbw pursuit of 6411,116.16 lIIIA4 PU4O thhoty ; but by thu Owns asu of gus tfiVtl u 24 Labl4l trutbdy Beil's Specific Pills, be may r: weer hie neart:r. pair, therefore iii de Ixy to -•.1.4 , 'big reiu.l7. It glees opoody reit. f end ail' t nod . Mod a cilia Id ea Cie., of Mem tom teat gallollollo, I'byncal U•rbrtty and al la • afill:4) , tllC4r d. 1 4 ••••1/11• at I. .1••ilt e.t Ov u•nlK a Adel. box Jr Ig rn , sv wok:treat an•' blended. and Ito eb•tnya of ;,tat Necessary erhillgt a•ior Price ..ne ID.•I Imr per tt• t erPO fall dlngtleni. t4.ld ay I ,, ueeloto genetahy pleme it WI IPCb fewest h.• postured i Sill sr. d Moor by '.el irbra-barg Cool N•fafa sr at ..bet remtinn on regeial lb) mots.). Cildr.• so. J. A qt, U a AT SIM lenaL l'itreta engender:Hal ratealkfill oil be fain to la•oteslir a too of ch-elz«. Lit. J. bit Y A PiIYsIcIAN Brommay Mic York, Ctlvr+ PIKVIAL TO FATM it oh us*, or C-r: al (.1 - ar , ar.! ":4 r‘.01.4 • ut 01111iale Motu. {'act 1111 CurrCopuill4bac, STMCSLI 4:l4olll.MlTtai. 1a LusTlMili I Win fond Mt priVata and coati &MIS , •••1...•4111, ha rl Mori. knit .or to eukt• N!•t':Na !:i 0'! rug, kce:dicrits try Ut $' • se, / n•T • • • - • Aa of aqui. , i ' l7 fo r 70 Ir A.i. OV IJARJ/Ii• 44. d pproll.-Mt ; 1 p. 7.41 at., 1 a y. Ma M i. t) 38 b Or I've; A it'll Willa wino deba.ing *lye $0 ignimply In h Cs fu Steuinal Weakness). tavola aa tt and Nervous 1 . 100.441k* 0141 ear.. nna r emlinhll.6 days . h 1 111 1• WIllen,trrr y. Afl.r u.tur Lusl.rua• ►.tier. WititClill illiCiAl4. ha obtr.laa , trnill a frillid 40.01. 40,HP1" 1,11.1 a"Li oral 101,e1.4 r p... ucanfrot core. UR behalf .4 •.,11,111,0 hanoro.ll; rit stud the awn. frot. 01 chin.• 10 nll one way t tire It. wdd►n.. K I'4E. Etatium If. itilo:ro N.w Fu►d Vos,,•mbert. Your sitontion is c 4110041 tale IWO inset selele Ms, t4fo, oirr lait.v.ers 6.1 tiet re Ir.. ti iwr fool, ie tt On. tud ditangeil46l4lo iaZi`l4lol lu Oleo Dr. Harvey's CiIIIONO TH Lam AL FEMALE PI LTA, hire tom orit4 for ufmarda .4 ?marl TUN with linVaryllls success. Th are aeapt.J for all oat nary cares tad paver fail to than aefiuff if talus ea Dr. Harvey's GOLDFN FEMALE PILLS. FIVE not.LARs A rim /AN tntenfled Itzt tattefal nm. regnlriaf sore Dever. llrl ttoditine. '1 bey art (oar dtgrts• etrmritt 11 4 h tar ordtPary truti and tne prrlactly itaralltra ;ad reliable. If ynu t anon! got them of your r!rucsiti 1 will si•lid than by return o ail. ps.t.pai.l and ' s cuts (rum oti starvation au rert.ttit .f She, lisiiwy I will sl.O Al lid hn 1 liusitals4 and roolldeutita eh./ uisr W Ladies Addats J. Mt YA NI MI Li 002 tlisosursiks.ii;sis you SHERIFFS SALES. Rv winos a .urtArs writs issued out of th. ("nuts of Coa.inori rototuhla I On , . 1 ' toot.. di•eeteil tti I ba .rposad to sale. MI lb. I 1111I'1' Willa(. In Illoonishorl on Monday. the ltd day of neat, al I u'elnelt in ilitraftatuonn. tae Iliftwang do• serlhinl property. via : All these ter* Villain tram or plaint of lead tvjai and haute to lb* I. worn por is It-on. IN ItillraelltlY ol Color:Asa and thaw of p r apyyivaom -a l • ti n. of lend bound,. on the az..• by laid of John on the loath by !awl of --Parka,. ant math. west sod north by food, of tarot, Ire sown acre. nines or bee—tho 'wound niers. of land twins and lyins ia the t •st..ship, C. , 10.1y and Ptak alOreini.ll. bounded as follows: 1 41 1111 . 1 0 e at red 04.1., thence by •enil of John Cliristisii anoth il•sr•••••• mot four pi has In a pa.% : thence I.y land of William rat tarsal. south 1.1 dryers west slaty perches to a ;o in the rna.l loading from flhotsbors In t,hriatiatt's sawmill; Mance along It.. Om, 1011 1 0 S/ dtlif 1.1 " 11 111 " Pith" In • pool : lhsuc« kg th 61111.• snag 13 a..s raid nine perches In a In.{ in I WI. fiehinger than& by land of John Christian north .4 tircreei. cai.t sistyo.ino perrhea to the tiaaininna cobtainins four teen aria. of land and al.owance of sts per seat for ff 1•411, kin. more or lets teemed Pak .1 DO4 seal lion and to ho sold no the ;imparts , of William Rdsar, and John litaley, sdndui•ttatnr if thaws Edgar, Seecated. A 1,110 All that errialro tractor parcel At land In ii. town 'hip of itftarinrema to the enonty of Colombin ttr•rruerly %Namur) botook. , l ti n.l de. via : on thr aortal b r Inn, of John th. fiat Sts land of Jaen" Stine on the in itt by 11'41 now of DanMt Kortenta.soder. and nn the, went by land of Jon in, Fibrins' ogootaiains c , te tlonOretl and the arr... tielltrid talon to «vet mon nrol t o pa sObli ae lb" propels of Ifttoseas Kt ram. A et.fillitithir.t or 11111 d in I. Tosynrhip or Hisnaluch enttil.y ofl!fahm.l.ll4 panteippid coupon 1.11 01010 nu. fi tiorcil on•q houndint and dowriorti ad Niows, in wit: on the ming Ly and of Jowl, KID* nry i,n lii.. stitot •y land ill, of leffillpt and P. ha Vl LlP,rer olf iar rimyth by 414 ill •liiisue liguitaii 41t.1 an alikh art • . f. rte.! n frown Ammo. is W.% ha n. with in, npaus• bairn hit. rxecuti. 11111141 1., ottid a. Ili. proilwriy of Auxiiitup • .Path. naluilow Irmo, with the will anuezon us lieu', Inidlisualles sit ceased. Ail 'hot eortaln h , lllllfle too ate I nu a lea or Atone of ,round •.tuote to Prior CreAt townebty nlun use County ptirrhaned by oho rata Vinonnt.l Dow Samuel eintith. and 11011111/..11 by land of said Amount host'', II to , ntit and a hid/ rimy ,mote butlifiny baton fourteen by Olio. n foot in pop. Inennttet Innen tato eafteutlab and to bit staid on Abe yinporty ..r elm natal 01110 f. ALAn A rotten IM Iv( it nand ilium*. In tip !tomtit' er Cootr•illn , fl, lembll Cn 'my, ouittoloing tistioly Ave filet •to LtatOst Ay. MHO end •olionoln. 44e. 4.,.4• elnoth &Hoot tow bilthdre4l sold foci, (not to an qlloy . .e !which is oreAtool 4 two ' , logy , &now govoillni bnopo Oolth 11. i 'tool. toryll elt , T4tlo4 Red to t4l ant/ as Uhl IfinPril 11114•31. lOW/PAMUEL 11,4,D4j. Plan •. ••• I wt.!. r.t. Tr) MILOWZMIS . , • TO RFT MT +.0085."' EITI?! , .Y. 1!, W. (.11.EASY a. Co. DEB MEM EMI COURT ADVEATIVIAMWATii. sue Kt IP HOCI,III4IIO‘. wsitt" ow sm. *auks wt. th. awl nyrr sib 4 wo., MI Jail 11.01147, c!lntri of (lends, = Iv" knot wr Now* an,l Coen o f Common Mesa end OrPronn% '3, • I In the Ott Jeartfl Dlatri4. tannliormi at the son oh orirn446,lllslllnes fttr JaniftirWlee Ilan. , Iwo mat Meier 11. Hallosns, AnserieVannoroorr v i, Ms OI L noire Wrung Wiling Ow V. 411 4 0y of (11, ,in Opp yr*r on Mr ttnnesanlf lon lonnetrr.l nod *Mr 1111,P11. Wee (Of hOldi, 1%3,1 or ) 1 . r nn. T..rrsl4 r onJatenriligtmr, Ir. oetwiol Winter olorrinnr nrl% , Ponre, conin 11, fin husk II An tawny 01 ti.. wog fis 1:44) o r trill 2.1 day; (hermit*, fait. I.v roams° tr. R %olio* I. horsily glvin. tu the Canni. • th• .t. ; ..,,.. 4 tif UP Muse* anti Vonetelh'e aaIAG N. • •I:' v1C4,1• INtblis that they be iben and there In t . i,,, ~, , ,„,.,. IMO at nt ecloek In tha fore nwu atoll ' ay Wt.. , L .11 ', L oyd., Inacti•ttto.no and ether reusetr,br.•,,,:,, l ~,‘, 111.4 a Itiing,i wnrh to their (Acta smolt ot I, t,i- ~,.. a A nd ht,,,,,, gnat at. bound by tttueultatt a to pr. , , .. n i, ; kiN ehog thin prionnurs lbot aro .ir ma, 1.: i., V,. J:, i suad tomtit , of ('.qua/boa to ba then an,, th •r, •., n• et,te th. in am *anal te.J./st. Juror' ry-.. ~,,,.., .. ~. , p.,betual in Welt attend:mm.l44e., . .• wit; , 30 , slo* Wiliiiii • 041 . ' 4.7 Of).* i„ At .1 1 ,1 11 t 8 13 d e. ye ar lt if our 1,001 441.• 1 1 , ..w1i et.,:itt ........ i rin.lred mad eisty•fiatria.ar.i mine ~i•oth.,n year of tab badep.•tillatsee of Oa 1,..,tt.4 Loh, ~r A.u..lta. ( Gut. flays The tanyo.or..tt %;.11*.., 11,C111%. Vit. itta. • ant Gl..rolosbuts. Oeteb, r, 30. ler:t. GRAND JURORS FOR DEC. jj:.:l 141:A VElL—ft Gc.aupt. net r.o.freitr. BP VT' WI Mau, A pplin:J.ll. J. 144 Fara,. LINN—J.4m IC trots. Nit EttrinicLic —.ll , nathys R Goritntr, LAI rW led.% —,lrtuto Ki.lt•t. COW. 111314, rr•aty t'6 %Tit ALI st ROC() - JGbo P W Irattati CEPtiTak, —.Nam" Kent r. (V% V4Oll 4 14 —rAttieli Hr4C4 .4. vR 4slac LIN —film,. 4 r!,..y, .14LLK &mood Culemoo. KV, (M K traar A I'KCIN-•0•4$/#0 Graly, Hiram anktr. LO4 lIFT- 4 .111111/10i tit,44e. M A Olti( 011—.14.108 A Ponstmi. waistam iArtseo. ri MAlAthi. BUG ‘KLA)Ar-Ki.l4.iti Mew. I;RORS FOR THE QUARTER SER. u SItINS, DEC. 2, 1i47. 0. %sons Ablohon Briarosnolg—Joim 8 1101114.1, Joseph Stackhouse. LV 00.1 th. lianolu -J.•60 r Barkl(y. Jo..tph fi6erpt‘oo. I'.LWiaes--N'a!ter neon. 1.4•4 /Oka. balei Oserhirt remit° Ahrob Knlebnor. D A ItowiiBlo,-W IVilsohhi ronyntlisch--John Anilnronn, erulrhlas Ohm • linuryesiblc. nod.. tiatok6 I Frnao. PnMiy ircu2g. Wll::aas liohnonhi• Jnt►son--Mhutt.p MeH.rsry. Locu•t—Lke. J..tos V Walser. 610.1600....1.4a0. MoUttJt. Jaw• ges fit, D r10)!; - : ‘1,04,--1 , 4 au Luis. Montour- Jalaw• ilwrt&e. J Nu, tr.l. R::ruger.,t.-•Uaaa•t 1'.0:61+, law* loavatoti4-. T6•.was W raw. Jac4to Newt. elnyJnr. tiwieri,wr ....lithium' I. Maw.. Newton liarringtue. titanic*, L. Ussa. AUBORS FOR COURT OF CO,IMON 1•141A8, !SEC. 9, 1867. St.llllgft... iirt.1.6.1-11..u.as Davi*. Pate I Peon,n2v.ri 110:uu , 4 , .:45051. tt 11.4,dtru. 11111.. b glruu.s 1% 4" 41,1 . vri•••rt , ...l.—Athe , rt smith. • 1 , 1uu.5u.4,1.1 P Wiltron 111 Pursr.cl. P visttp6ll, 41Urve.4% • quadotso. haw,. Putt:. i• I: VIM a :NA John . 15.1111.16. 11 , II:I.' , it-. Aaron P,.ter kt., I tu Goi , u‘u E4 , 4U4l;i:' I i.sits -Ps tau,.l Babe,. Jacuti Millet. %1t 15.*:1111 , . 11'4ur..sr W Vat/ hush S; s.a.cr. Non , : 11:2 Putitsoo, achtaLsebaes. Vetubur.:3l/.1k7. I 'IST 1 3F'C.V,VSE$ FOR TRIAL AT J 11ECE:t1BER TERM, 1E67. I tagyobt rpta vs .1•411. W Melt. 1 I ....ego Ittary v 4 liussier & Klattst.4. 3 Vs Ji... s• %SP.& V. Alban. et 4.1. • Wtir4 thsvPrs v. looter MIMI I 3 Jo .5. 1 , / a 8•-u... v tv.l4r i4i /shot. / • •. , r r. . . .. . ^. t•at P. Rims! . / . O.•P .4 4 i 5.4.:44 •• .4 • 1.61: r.. 1 , P 'ley V rt..... f•••••t•rt etati/ ct a V { 4 4 • ..•, .. - 1'..• .0 4.; tr.. 11... 'ev L , , ...,;,•. .a , 0,- .. 0 . !,•: ft` •.11 F. . :I tt 1 •41. t ••••.• ... :•• . ••• '.1.. • J" , ' ••. • i I ' i.s ...,..' t li. F . .t.I .4 ,' K.. I . f:•: .. •• . ... 11s 3...al . 1.1...1 v ' . / .'• I, to A. ,51...9 ‘lillue 44. '.. , . Vt.' t 117 .7arab JI• I.7l,iseh.tr v • ~ r , i Is.r• -.1 IS Jacob A liwisttos vs 11,.....rd '47 ..:.- IP Jaw • 0400411 we Whim' 4:r..34. , Pt 'Mewls 111. Brown vs Lytton, S. Ptuseu. J 1 t'.%& rautpb..ll at :3 .ra ti W. 44t.4.4)11.1144.5t st 44 Shio , i4ar. Ntillov va 1.4 V, 4: 0 14. Iv 3 eta Presto. J. Fast v. John I 3 , 1..014. 71 Willi.s.p. to:3l.ylst vs Vainuel V...u.t. es 3,.. . wit ri..... vs Gm.tes Pittekst. I Pd Tillman Vaal es P,Vlv , &fly, J Frag• / 07 Passion %later. vat`, %. 41ar3er ..... 0,,, isi o n.y..l W.4 , •ts vs tieorpe tairtits. I PIP Pla•suei Waters vs Georg. 14 i1..-sa. i 31, John 'rreutalY & Co. vs. !Nary 3 OrcaPt. St 'Of 'I Adam Straasser insignias tar“ • •/, 37 lota dtervart. rt al.,' Ktllab ... CletVit• • 1 :3 I) , lsaratt It ito sr's' I 1N..13 I. hiss 31 r ig odi s/ y. cm,' % 1 VS i'll4M T. Plbazasa. :IS Edward "ItCal.••• LI v. Juba Oviscsey. as 1444, S l an g y i ...or ...,tre C v Vs 141014112 41 Wstr• 37 1.4t0 K. fraiser vs J tsmoso K 110•4•64turs. 33 Unto& Vrau.l* ass ve P 114. •'. 310 sr. at ist. XJ Jra.s 11.43/Ine 4. pits v. 1c1.,41/.. Lysol S. wits. 40 Rupert J Lyons. •/....t• • • v.,' .3/ Loa.. 4 , F 11. Prtiou e• An.l:(•,. .., 41 r it. 1'.r..".• Vs 1.0,n c•. / n. 41 Jaw., bteVirksr vs V L. Campbell. 46 Wilber.. !Itriar v. Jolla i g avags . et l A, 43 i'Lstor 4. .liatklay v• J : brow s , . 45. Coo . Drum v.. 444 , 0 rust. 47 f rasa kr.aear it Co. vs J. ".. Brost. 4.: V. I rti..4l A. Khoo vd //asst.!: E. :Av. 4it Daniel G. Lure ri.sul Vo lascvol...attay. to Kas.l.. it. Mittel? vs.tha "10%.1.1.tp editorial St Wu lel 144•11114 . 11 Idu.r. inattho ....1..V. 34 J•dvii Th.frill V. J. Al. risen. 39 .1 ..!..b Thots.as ass Vit Usury C. Frei.. 34 Lott Parser vs *sip &was, 43 Itsas-1 Helloes vs Alai/ I tr. 1 1•1041. SO )Ivr, latstir...uty WI Koltun 43errelt. G.4114/11 . 4.011 •1 Patr.cli 31r/tinily at al. 11343 K COL:3I3K. Trolley. Woose.4bus4 Uri. 33. PC. =I Cat for I brio tams a Nrw Irani! A Sepnin prrocK oF FINE FIOLD AXF STINE W or. 41.1. 1V INTLII nr%. P. ItEGIII.AFE4). AT Tu t Lot- PRICE. or $lO EACH. AND a.vrlwrAertu , GU IRANI k.EI). InO Poled Gard II utility Igatehea WM to ~lßo 100 Ateeir rneed 41. Ili %Valehas. 250 to 3. list I•ediee' %Valente. enameled, int , to :I , 0, G•Jd Ilununy CltridottewterWateboe.2.3l to 3 tin Hold I .nntins ChialiAt I. roes , 1103 to 2' Ge .1 Iliautina Dupers Wetchne • lilt to Yu Sou J flurittet A de•ricat. Watcher, ion Ite, 23 „he• tli•ver Hunted Levers. 50 to 15 SaU atilver tunllon Deno all, 7510 15 (5••ld Lmln`e• Width. Si :AI 10 2Zi 11:11nG 1.1 Hunting spines, 30 to : I one hoe •r Watches, W I •:%•41 11(,•.1i.g gi'v..r Waterhoe, 23 to 5 3 lard easorta4 Kitchell. ail clads, 10 to 7 The above stack will ha Menem% en Ulu pop ite. one urine plan. glvlng every patron a sine.4,o ROI id silver %Vet h tor $lO. without retard to value W 1 ,1111611 Bpn. & I'd Int here,iwn, ,ao. la y oe k . w i t „ to ••• d•ritelt Illrrnee or the above niegniticrat etc rreet•lteutes. I.min/ the ertuel.e aril pissed In Nate: ante epee and wall misled Weldor. era trailed rie• erti•le • Ile mid i n tb• Ir cerillitate. open parnw• 'l4a whets. wh e ther it be a %etch worth 111,1 e or nee worth •ase. The return or any it our 0. , '. n e wer entitle, you to the article. named there. Nato pbyin , nt. irrr ;pretty., n( it, worth, end a e • Adj.. 1<• vrinrtd Itio• than Mb is earned on Any can tata it %111 et once he in rn Out loi s 1, tort a 01,1112 h, (((wit(ll , llllnotqa tranehition whin Inly I Nele , Veln.l in eve. by be moot iartirlinue A „i i yie eertillrare Will be biAl by mail pet PA! up. t 1 1 , 11 int of V% tem', liv.• for $l. arieson foe .: rho y f brltt. and el , atorl premium roe $3, stagy •••••' and more valuably p(tintipn re, $lO, lone aid Wool 1•11111Itl Wateh f•d• his To aflame or tire{ • e .0 01 venni, wit le a Yer ,, OptivltYlbly In r Itlyit•tootely connult,(l hi( Itieit, ad, Auttrlti /..1 by 1.v.-Pula t. eel OrIPII to the moat cr... NI remittal, Wrich ,, C 'tat by Knpreen, arise f or Irdl.rtronet delivery, so .hat can ocartl.kr occur Try NO. Addy,,,. hiu,,T, taturiirt & Orr , lapperter.• iCI Breadtray, Nu% V Le" 0/. SO. 1817. N oTicE. Th.•f eIPfP, hiring intim, ihipsy tat ...„,,y,,,, by funtilorl settle the balance id veld deidt.e.? With th Tneenr.r at eniumbla Geier 11 lei 11 ' 4 of nre , n)twr Nits, without delay. The INT ! 41 . * prpteleliy so need, ON HIM. tit will a 04d V-11 , Cellertira may de well by eseiplpui et 4 Ibis notice. tiy woo. et JoilN f. ) mow 1' .1,•11.11: rev' '0 ktio.t nAvio • W Karcseime.nerk. 9 , „..,„.0 oc , 33. St% • E.W. • s . tecr,sson To rfli L 9. 110;Ser , °;" . • •;44*•114 ki.tilowii Itle AWtoplean qolf. tkitii felt Mate will prompt, otten.,l hto u elite Oet. alt 9417
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