il!smohve Newt* , .U)0,01Z DEP&RTMENT. - ~ '".'~~ r sll litem 01kur t 144r,rhUll4Altto •Intolitlrlo. r o t, hot gnaw, toluene ifylltliiiilalesttes Int the public eye, et thVsittl us s brief statement of ovrrythlnt of Mtn ot 'itt their respective COM mithliles A list 0 MP , /Inv% deathe, scrldeato, drys. removals, IMO. OPPII a honprr. /pr. Wr will put Mom In room. The spurn rPCIP of llale kind WP run eel the bettor It will puh /IP nod rill , IPN.IerP. Whn will IN It t Pr train wirbint trlvrrtlermentr I osertrd. ipu.t hand thrill In flirty on Tuesday MOM I as to Insure their Inciertlon for that wrist. OW The notouits of the fine of.LtcouT StwmAN 84 fir am kent out for collection Ire in the Ilan& of the following persons : .1470/in Tficush p' i t.---,111 II N 11. I INTLER ; Oa vv. Bei VNJ. ZIMMERMAN, P. M. Iht in. —I ,J. 'Allyn I„ P. M. `f ti ”o:qx , r. --STEM EN BALI % r.nrrrillgereek, Centralia, and Ashland,— s HAHNER, Sugarloaf Township, bills foreolleetion e been placed intim handset' Monnom- Lny t'oLE, to whom payment is requested to he made at the earliest eonvenienee. In . - 34: ,, tt Tomo/111' i h ull persons knowing them-elves in arrearsllie subseription, and advertising, to the DEMOVRAT, will please make payment to JOSEPH LtLLEY. Be4t(m.—DAllEL HARTMAN. OrePige, —Maluku KELLER. - W I LLI AM 31eNtscif. Hem/wk.— DA NIEL NEI' HART. Rolir.thur ; 7—Mathias )1. Appletnan. VS" A few buphela of. now corn ail!, be taken at this office on aubscription. Ai' Job.printing done neat, cheap, and with 46p:oh, at thia office. r* See new advertisements in to-day's Drrocie. T. ice. Fnots flakes, the first of the season, acre 3cen flying in this place on Tuesday ,tzar. tire A f,:w bushels of potatoes will be token at thin office if brought in soon, for which a liberal price will be paid. Itsr. The roads in this neighborhood 'we rmtty heavy—tlll like—wet—stiff mud partly frozen. Dr. B. F. Kinney advertises card in a^ether c:•!:.-ni 4I 3 a prletivti Denti-t. Be 1.! n.x , y 3 :rlll. =1 To ora PATRON:3.— dnri'E mon ey desperately bad, but oar craiitots 00, and no doubt they owe you. If you pay up. %cull pay them. and thoYll pay yol. Ear Ladies if you desire a neat, fl4l - and cheap coat, for thin winter, call upon Mr:. Julia A. and llivSatie Bark- NY. an Nair, Street. below'aet, this t;, , t7n. They trill p!ccaey9u. =I tt 7 " CIKro VV. 31a - tglr. Latin 7 sTerd3 "Forks Hotel" neatly paintA on his hauso. hlo as much better than the old nttrinizine board which hung out in frost or - • the hotel et the tep efa po„. re- The vslu'7,rated Peal: Fatuily—the wi Bell Ringers—will give an entortain• PAW iu Sr tier's Hall, this place, on Thar; day ....w.ning tam, They urn too well known receive any mumeutlation from w;. Let's all go and see thorn. Jour K. titwroN, an e%teusive Grocer, et the South East corner of Main and Iron Street, has Just left for the east ern cities fur the purpose of replenishing hie already large stook of Groceries. Ile will tetorn in a few days. We notice that J. J. Brower, been compeller] to employ another first-class t. , lesrnati, besides has bought himself* span of fine ponies to theilitate business, all of which is rho result of his taking the :cell in this Market selling goods. Giro biota cull saJ secure the bargains. In. A bumoroua Republican editor ru inarka that the Democracy of Ohio ought tu he satisfied, they having gained the United Statea Senator, the Legiiilinure. and carried the State by about 40,0t0 against ;wow suf. pope. The Obitynetuoeirtey deserve credit for teat work.. eel 31r. Irrael Mu,note:-, ci till: "Or angeville Hotel," has lately opened 4 new raloon in tha basement of hia hotel. He will keep on bawl frclt oystzrs, ale, porter, and all thyme in sea'on. John Shuman, who h 33 had co:aid:Table experience in saloon has txten charge of the liestattrant, Glre him a call. 'lir have rccci"ed a olpr of the Novato. bet number of the Williumeport Advertiser, to afonthlr .:h.nrr.r.l, in ).:►nphlet form, for griguitous published by FLOM It. SPYDIEU, of tbia place. It it striotly an ;,dverfieing r odium. if ye tightly undor tieresend its chtr‘cter it 3 tyrgraphy ie all oral enough, but the material upon which the Joaroui is printeti Lardy paaaable. CuoMINIto FRANKC. ..... ur p. Joba duti not like the looks of Ppsoild fur 1887 es ;heti in our papers hot seeks ago. He takee clamp tins to our Pyramid lof gesins (and not of ma j or i t y/0 ap put down by nr , and attempts t) tortured.") intr. majorities f:r bis de. 'and MIA :Soo: Doctor, these figures to r cal hit next wrt " The De uocracy will gis F wig, and if the figt,res sppear to you slightly • will wake :Low LIM e "sfu thi " Id in any thiS • rinl EMI VV. ui dr I of vu FE girt The-Demeoreoy of CentretT,ownahip Columbia County, will miss a hickory tholialf-Way lime,. on Battu* nag. Polities! ipeakers havolteoe Wilted. "A 41 law turtt:out is expected: The Denioemoy ire jiibilant . . over lb. lib:Fins triumph lolitalllrift 'theism °lotions. See bills. OS. Fairbanks' Standard Scales have been before the public nearly forty years, so that any leek of merit would long since have been discovered. But every year has added to their reputation, and they are now known as the Standard throughout the world. At the great Paris Exposition th e y rece i ve d th e highest prentlif PIM Ikr The indictment against 'Jeff. Davis formaly charges him with having been in• tigatid by the devil. The Louisville Dem ocrat rays: whether his Satanic majesty is to be tried fur conspiracy doesn't appear.— As he is the instigator and therefore the greater criminal, we arc in favor of allowing Davis to turn State's evidence, only Old Brimstone might have too wavy friends on the Bench. JUST 1 - 10 W To 'DO IT.—An exchange :iaym : If you wish to keep your town from thriving turn a cold sho, I ler to every young mochatt• io or beginner in business—kill him off it you ease. Look up to every new comer with a scowl and discourage all you can ; if that won't do decry 11:s work, and go abroad for wares of his kind rather than give hint your money. Last but not least, refuse to pa tronize your village paper. "Then go to seed." There is no more effectual way to retard the growth of a town than this. Amorrrn TO Paaciwt.—Our predeces sor, T. H. Purdy, E.Jq., was admitted this week to practice law in the several Courts of Northumberland County. Mr. Purdy's eminent qualities of mind and heart are well known to our readers, hence. it is need less for In to say more than that his amts sloe to the bar will prose a credit to it, to blow:Tani to thane who employ his legal Perviees. He has formed a copartnership with J. B. James, Esq., a young Attorney of promise. Oilioo on Market Square, im mciintelr opposite our sanctum. —Aram- Gcrlwar? Comity Denocro. Ler "Bnabandet, Love sour Wives," end give thew Plantation Bitters when they are suffering from :',4krvounness, theend Debili ty, reintnew, Spasms. or rny of the thou _.and or which the weesker a , nt is liable. Hair ? ,, rfraelv , l l experien ced the benefit of ti,eir use, extend the r , 9: >rs. This inttrltrtb'e tide nili chsst: 11.. - --Aondris, or "the tittz.s"--- gire t' cto the ilatnagell gently stan,ll te v,fte-ry att. ' r; . , generlfy build up the Nv-_trn c-tistitutirm• 1 - I , r cub sex and oil area it in a gentle ctinatiant and s re freshi n M .113 of bettivs all 3 ver the wt. rid. MA1): , 414 WATEIL-A &Haul toilet artiele—.3upetiqr to Colop,: and at half di.: rt No. :hi. When*. r:rt‘r 1-nattl Rye, $2 0).) I It) • I 10 Oat)), tt I Ott t dort,rPoPti " Dri'd P0t1)(4.'4, " floor per barrel, Butter Larti Haupt, Shoulder-. ' lle per ton A CARD TO SENSIBLE PEOPLII. Ittlinnet rooter. it the neve! .r the Whether wee unasertatte, roil would not I.: NOM, •nooth to ver titre not ‘vatheut an overcoat or en nantarette. Hew. the 1.0, " 1 ", titnn•ln protect ynuraclf rd tine drawn r Imo jea. , lll with own/older more insperteo • thee eviler of three erode. threeethen your stomach nut netro•i• M 1 ken:. reeelete you ityvy w ed }ear temple. tone your or/ tni. Asa cheer yell r animal spuitn With filet xgreooldustordldi. WI. live. d atTOIAACII 11111T.R.1. 140, Mall you surely vamp Ulu disc Inns. whirls frown opeit the treble end the delohlatud. •dittifer and he gl/0.01," gays lb( proverb ; but — 0 etr , tne that you nte.V cut eutr, : r." le the WIIPI 14% the eirenethen hna thte le the eared. thn nereet, the shoat rental. Al n Imulddy. as welt re nu lititiOute. for ny.pepsia. fever and nue. and livi r dliteafe. there le no comldllatten el lecetahte apecidee of present Itnewn •ehlett even apprrachee it an elnuney The element of iiiiiniereLle dieeneeis are moat in this raw, Wimp, In pilaw reason. Will TO4 defend Inure"! :I:4mA them in 00. gull reader, That If Ulu nnr•Uoa. A bottle lif 'WO 0( 1110 unary rilititlfitltit MEMO. , or 30C NI rrERs. t do riteoctheti and brace tip year bodily powers es to ruetrlr 0.1.1 to •laudll a siege tit scorn." Tic Mot bid maim which V. as obbaled in pnespinstion threttili yew* pores in se:Pinter. finite Ito push five elrevi A powerful Col•III 104114 agent is unnpfrifis neciiell, end you Imes it in 110) 4 rFarEav milk'. Th-y neutralize ale metre's, mertii trolls % Wen dioliCle iniciii•lN•, am( replete ell the Otleftf• lie" uremia. Nenind ma tie more harinteire er inure beellliful-enotiting w omit to proft4lll OF cute WI. lietterwee. Jyripepete fort( cud ague eun.tilltium am( setters! (I , oolity.a. Who l iestadeffla Nibvi.i•bin 53. 10117....410. WISTAH'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Pees. C.d.:7.6rsoshias..fttheost. ffesup, sikseido., Cloosh, going,. anti the 10:f7terelill es well no danger two diorama of the Thr.sst. Chest awl Lungs, prevail to our changeable 4dituide at alt seasons .1' tae year : few nn tirtuttote enough to arcopo their bowlful in. Atone,l. Hove luiportaut then to have at hand eertaia antidote to all these ornipininto. Esperietreo proved that Ibis emote in Wittar's &Non to In et. teat out touthl in any other rnenudy ; however severe the &edema. the uppheattoh of Mt& fferettlioh. heal• ing end eesdtrlua Dalin/1. et once voniutehee the I , 4e:se atie: rs,teres lb.: sufferer to wonted heatets. MR. PAINT BUNTO. Or ItaihaON ellemtleie Connie, N. V.—write: "1 was urtr•a by a neighbor to get one botti , : of th• liblestio rot iny wire, bung aoeurnd by him that la tote it did not otinluce goad elects, be would pay at the both. , hi midi: tin the it Pruett; or ouch prise nal of ito moths , I pioeurod i bottle, Illy wife at this U.l/41 WN. so low with what toe phyi CUP. WririCsi Sestaj CopeUlllololl is to be unable to r.tiee Ittroulf room the bud. anuilliall coustantly load taking wore or 1,11/4 blood. 1 C. 111011.1,00/ fviuy the Balsam he di/toted. and wee no ulnas pleunod %bib n that I obtained awake, bottio, mid t;Olitiliatne yn,nßtt . Veto, • this bottle was en. Mei, toed, shy et 41.13 toughing and Wee ettuat mutual, to oat up. 71,n Milt Louie i.utt•tty matinee Isar in taus doing ilia which stveral l'hylnulatio bait tried to du but had tuned." ritlnttat by l'if W. euWLE a BON. II Tie. num: ihnotim, one for 400 Ly lituggloto gieunraily. Friday eT chits .msburg Litor• of Prof. HEN- Dr. LUGOL, of PlifiP. ora of Ina ;toot opiipont CM:1111.w of Nampo, wfd : trout botouodfni raialta !no, ha anricryabud PlThu 1.611, ray La dies.ty,,l In pall potor." Dr. H. blioon yaitro of ociontlfle re. !watch mod' asyoriwunt. has onorpedod $ dfsoolvlng allo and owl %arlor of luailbe 5 084 K04 . 1 1 4 QUO " of wow', oadfara110811110111111)41 PSI Nu hawed ei 6 ". Psr t le °lo4 4 to fkrafulaiond Wigwags tberefrow. Claraciars fru. 171,11. AsdPro' [ONO WM./ 01 ipals by 1. I'. Day, litryit. Now Voila. &Ad by all irt 4 lll 4o4 * Mar It, D/U7...4W • • t*, save a very ionsieting of la., in the Ths whole led the es y, be d sta -OP. Car• OD IN kati • IA- EwritAT sesier, ,644. to 11. trmotoo. 'of the___qaperlbe). la Giotto . B.woljA.licaribot IA" lit of Juts Ipt . t. rivt HEAD Ur • OWtiar request/4 le alma sz t , Igo Provo rotort7. MlOras Mom cool; otberwio. thopoolo lowa Ws law. WILLIAM HILL Copia Towoo4p, - 14 1 . IL istri•—br . = 1111LICKET REPORT. 2 5o ,;,o -ANTICIPATE 'rue Exeslll 6CROFULA. a a tire:' , l Ind.,- jter. C. Shah'', Mr. Harrorg'Beterand nannah Shoe maker' all of Blooteabugg. • ' • ' On the 10th inst.,. by the Rory William J. Eyer, Mr, .William A. Miller' and Miss Sarah C. Fetterman, both of Locum, Town ship, Columbia County. In Orangeville, at the parsonage, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Nathaniel Spear, J. M. haler, of Mt. Pleasant, and Manning, of Madison, Columbia County. Orangeville,At Sept. 16th by !ley. W. C. !lesser, Mr. lranklin , Kieft'''. ' of Orange villa, to Miss Susan .1. Kline, ofOreenwood. At Orangeville, Oct. 10th, by the same, Mr. Alexander liens, of Benton, to Mimi Priscilla Brink, of Jackson. At Ontnp:ville, Oct. 1 I th, by the 1 1 11111 , 3, Mr. A. L. Kline, of Orange, to Miss Mary C. Hess, of Fishingereek. At the house of the bride's father, Oct. 24th, by the same, Mr. Miner Hartman, of Columbia County, to Miss Narcissa A. Lerida, of Sullivan county. At Orangeville, Oct. 3lst,by the same Mr. David Pifer, to Milo Mary }l. Walter, both of Colutubia County. Ou Monday, the 14th ult., at him of& e in Bockhorn, by Jacob Harris, Eq., Mr. Joseph Kinsman, °Montour too ['ship, to Miss Mahal% Winn, of Iletulock tomuthip all of Columbia County. In this pines, on the St h inst., Mrs. Maria Brink, aged 3') years and 18 days. In Orungsyille, on the 9th inst., Jennie R. Stewart, daughter of A. H. and Agnes Stewart, aged 11 years, 1 month and 4 days. In Bloomsburg, on the loth inst., after a M lingering illness, rs. Rebecca Henry, aged 51 years, In Centre township, on the 23d, of Octo. ber, Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Ilagenbunh, aged 61 years, 4 mouths and—days. On Saturday, Oet. 10th, 1g67, at ilnrtey Luzern: county, Pa. William 11., 3011 of B. F. lleadly, aged 3 years and S mos. At the residence of Cr. W. Itnth, in 11.or wick, on Thursday morning last, very sud denly, Mr o. Anna M. Shen:winner, in the Suth year of her age. In A ircenwood townshi,, C4umbia Coanly on the 11th inst ; Atom mu Berger, aged 57 yelrq. SPECIAL NOTICES. DEAF ESS, BLIkiNES, An ii Crumb, trotted with the utmost AUCCCRIA, bg J, ISAACS, M. D. Oculist tool Moist (Avnerly °Me) , esu, NolliteJ.) Nu. SID PIN stoct. [FA.— Testirannialp, from the most reliable sources ie the City and Cottotry ant be seen .7J his otece. The tutid• leo: faculty ore insipid to 'tern: lonely their ieners. re he itPe nn serrotil in bib practice Awrir W wint, CY re, owned without time. Au charge ihatvt. lApril mil. Ph:ti.—ty r itEE TO EN 1:11Yll()1)Y A ' the gr2l;tvAt 01p4iittocr: 0 Awg , of i•,,0 tv•Xti. It tol,t;:t.}l hilt.: rim 11 ,,, 61013' may am. 'Ana bouottM:. the , teamr.d team t.imt aid the Comaaan Mead. No youhe lady m gentleman should tail to aamt thyl: ;Wrote, anO fittehe a roily .004 pill, by re- turn mmt. Miura e tr. trfa,wu r , at. Tiny, N. V. ro 47 IA7 - GRACE'S ChLEIIit.A.TED ,SALVE. From Mr C. Tillol , t, 4 .l.4tMatir rit dtliPOPiiy M4Pio hero be t a itaatilitil frit : ' ante w; ' , a Sail ham., ottWaNly. AN: imiletifloks h)Weuttly,- Dorthr the pest sartinter it ttreit Mote Chita uuuui nutn ttr , t9y. nail I lat.,: piiit elklt . 4. Ait ittien* ot it have over vell.loolaVt•Ctille ma 4.1101001n5, I .1,, the ktarlicltitig tiu• tate•or the " trial)• W. FOW LC, d 80M.11.tuton. PuTrioOrs. Buhl by all thuggiutu, at etc a tc.ut by mail for 33 tt. Tf,tti D E r T. K IC 0 W Madame E. F. nonMN. the mut English Mori nest. Ciattsoyant and Psychometric" who has ; astonished the monistic (lessee of the Old World. has now located lorrelf :It llllitroß, V. r. Shoham ; Mormon possesses sorb wonderful powers of sec nod med, as to enable her to Impart linowlrden of • the greatest impottanee to the moos or metric,' of chitin Son. VI" bile in a state of rva..r, silo deli ne idea the very leatorse of t h e permit )tt ars to Melf. ry. and by the aid of en t rime. !Ito"( intense pow• et. known at the Perehmeotrimr, fuarloilefot to pro. dues a life•ltkr pltture of the Warn husband or weir , of the spolirant.togrtlier niter duo of toarriase. sitinn in I. ailing mils cif charact.r, i.e This 1 is no humbug, as thousands of ttoditooniald con or. sett She sill mud when desired a certified rertid. Me. or nritbre ittOr.ntre, that the picture is what i t p or p oi s e to be. Sly raclOotti; • small loch of heir, I and Ottani place of herb, Ogr, ilieposition and emit. I lesioa.and enclosing fifty cont.: and stamped easel. I nem addressed to yourself yos will remise She pic ture and derived intimation by return mall. All Cumotuoiclttiono veered ly conaileatial. Address in d. ace, MADAME E. P.Tlit IRETON. P. O. Bog ) lid uciti.S. V. freb 's7—ly . _ A YOUNO 1,A1)1" RETURNING n it BE To her country home. Wier a sojourn of a novo mouths in the City, teas ihnrilly recognised igt bee mow.. lo Waco of 4 course. rustic ditsbed tare. she had a raft ruby complexion of almost itterble soo °Moues, and instead of twenty -three she rens, *pr aired but ui.ilitecni Upon &vitality naturise crow ef sn greet 4 change, she plainly held them that she used thy Circassian Sohn. La.! epusidera i i it nu in. roluahle aeculeition to any Lady's tcliet By its 414 any leanly or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance as hundred Old. It i Mugge in its eon,. Wootton. as Mature hcrrelf is NI yet uostinass. ed In ite *Piracy in drawing impurities ft He, atmc healing.clitaneitig und heat if) tug the skits and cow Weston. By Its action on the cuticle it draws Crook all its isuiviiritiec kindly healing the tame. and lenviug the sulistO as Nature intended it should bei deur. soft, mnotoh and beautiful. Nies sent by wail or express on rem Int of ao order ty W. I. CLASS & CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette Stir Syracure. N. V. Tho only Ataurietin Agents for the stile of the •tilue. [fah 117 AFFLICTED! SUFFER .NO MORE!! When ay the use of 181 JOIN V I I.l.E'a ELIXIR you tali he cured permanently. end et 0 tri 911 lie cu.'. Th 4 dettinithing %ocean, %vomit hen attended this Intothnble medicine for Phyricel end Net VOUS tVesintein, neitorel Debility mot Prostretiosi Lore of Mineola, Cooney Impotency. or any of the eon arritsener.• of youthful Ind ircretton, r, alders it the wort valuable preperattna ever Mannered. It st ill reififlye all minute +affection'', depresnion. inciteuteat. tarantella tooted, or Monsanto. lops of ... fl y, c ontu s ion, 'bonging of selfoieetrasction, fears of incanlty, tic. It will motors lbe appetite. renew the [went% of chase who lance destroyed It by annual exceeat or t , V.I prortiree. Young nee, It,. humbugged no more by .11 , 1'01 DOCtord"111.11 1 / 1 11 1 falli print inners. but staid without delay fnr tut, Elatir, and be at once vectored to health nod happiness. A perport curt/ it guarantied in every instant*, Price $l, or four bottle* to one aim 13. fint, heitio le outlicieut to effect a tore to ell ordinary coops. Alen, Dr loin entree Elpecific Ftlle, 1,4 the speedy and permanent cone al Gonorrhea, Meet, Urethral Ineeharges, tit:SV , I Streams and ail affection of lhd Kidneys cud Uladder. Cures effin tad in Woo nor tt. har days They are PIIOI , IINd (Mil vegetable astrame that ore h finless on the syatem. and ut cep :laureate the stomach or impregnate the bouth No turtle 01 met IS necessity while using them. mar Mare Wen action In any manner Interfere with bust• nest pur,tuite. Prate per but. Either of the above mentioned articles will be sent to coy address, dose), ideated, and yost•paid, by men or express on rsesintof. price. Addresie ell or. dere to BUIO6B, ell 1179 k. Co.. Croonelble , No. 2 83 Rim WL. Troy. N. V. f 9'097, `ll7-IY, .1 1 1 IE COLUMBIA HOUSE. B. B.aromml.:ll, Proprietor. tin new Aerie latuly fitted apt's,' tiro seitotainu dation itj tbr flublio nenerails. situated ou Mara 1141r.51. a Ili* Ow. nbnve the Cou r t tiopimi. ou whim la known as the naclibleon property." It le esaually ;erased ln U e town. aat art pleasent plea for t twos to stoup . Derides 00111 la that part of UM' II whore the roaleelly of the huelaset is Wag does. The proprietor Nolo residua that ha is prepared to pins hewn I satisfactiso to his isarto, and would oslielt a f 'II I rpontos of the peddle Nitrous ye thooroatani May IS. IMP DI ED. " gs' 440'44. t ERRORtr OF YOUIPIL Goatlima whir 'Wired fin firm rites 11•141111. ?,.Hawn ' sll , lloa r of youth foil lidlscrillua. Sill ~11* saki of.sof Hod fres so all W. semi It; IN. maps sod dirrothes for waking ski WIMP,' volisimly by whisk Ns ass clod. Ilse Moron whines So groat by Ike ashrsorilser's ssporbinci,esa do so lir addreering U perfosi cossadosou, JUIIN 01101111. 41 C•44r direct. New York. May IN, 1107. I 1)V$1.1( OIRLII AND FINTIVEI nova, owl ea LI Iltifellllllo o.llVelOpill sad IN centv.aad I will eland 701110 nm valuable. information that will plea,* yam Address MARY 11100116, iiroadway, ble Y. Nay In, NM-Iy. 11 1 11201.01tY OP MAN IN STRENU7 H. A falithi A. lain who entered for year. from Nerves. and Lionise, Debility, Nightly Einseeinas, and Residual Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion. and Cause near ending hie days in hopelare inierry, will, for the Like (Westering man, send teeny one Met , ed, the simple awake Vaild by bins, which effected cure in a tew weeke •fler the (allele of ailualcaua oullithrinta. Rend a dlreclud envelope and stamp and will cost poll nothing. Address, EDGAR TRICMAIN, PRIM RG N, Y. City. 111EAUTY! AUBURN, NOLDEN, FLAXEN &FILKPN cultes, produced by On woo of Pref. ORME:IW FEIAXX LE CH EVEUX. tine apyhenrion warrantee lo tort the wort itruiyht and ptolaborn holy or elthrr Ina Into wnvy rlngleie, in beery rolyylyy curly. Hay been used by the Itnylonnable• or Perin and London will' Inn bunts arnlifyina rerulta. Dora on Null to the hair. Palen by until, sealed and puotpaid sl. Ite.croptire yireolory mailed free. Aiblreas HEROES. & co., I henrodY. No. 203 Elver 86, Troy. N.Or „Fore Ay.ony for Nip United Water. Frb.'l7,lYo7-Iy. riXCELKOR ! EXCELSIOR ! WA HASTELLAR' 8 HAIR EXTERMINATOR roR REMOVING !WPM rialouri HAIR T o the lower et rectally, this invalueble depilatory rectonnionds itself as being en almost indiepensible article to female beauty. is easily wetted. doe* not burn or injure the skin, but acts trrintly on the route It is warranted to remove superfluous noir from low foreheads, or from any pelt of the tffidy, row. !untidy, malty and radically extirpating the safes, totem* the With gull entooth end natural. This la the only real smile used by the preach, and is the enty rest elf:taunt depilatory in esistenee. price 7S cent per package, seta post paid, to any address, no receipt of en order. by WAWA, SMITS & rote 2,, Chtualets, ette3 Rover kit. Troy, . Teen, confetti glad tiding. of Jay to an. TO young se4 to old , to great and to small ; The Woolly which once was so precious and rare, to tree fur all, and all may be fair, . . . . RIBPE It COMA. Oh t the who brhutithl and talc With starry eyeo, and radiant halt. %%how cutting tehdtile tog. tut winsti, riejahled the vary heart hitt, 'mud. citimoirsdn conic Fr , r Carling qt4Lllnfr of either BaZ into Wk •nd Mosly rtinsloto or Mary Moroire Onto. By offing this ankle Ladies and Gentlemen elm beautify themselves a lhnuashd Old, it is the only ankle in the world that will ea fl etre taht hair, and at the mime time give it a beautiful, 0000 itiqiddr. Imo. The Crisper Coma pot only curls the heir, but invigorate* beatniks and steatites it; is highly and deliatfulty perfumed, sod is the toost complete article of the kind Pd., offered to the dinette:An pdte lie. The Crisper Cows will he sent to any tidiness, sealed hod postpaid f Address all orders to W. 1.. CLAM; &CU . Castanets No. 3 West Fume St., (cell 't7 • Isla yrocpi. , .. S V. ITCH : 'I ITCH Arch et - It:atm 11 actiATC:+t in tru it 10 ta MM iv.are W , ll,..tcri'i. Ointment cores /tat. Whentcn's Oentraent cam; RAH Elie= Wht a ton 's Ointment rows TONI, WiliCS 'll. 0111IUSUnt cones store Itch Wilenton'a Ointment cones Old floret. Wheats t's Ointment cattle Every kind of Samar like Magic Prier•, sa cent en but ; by tatil,ol vents. Ai Wert. WriEKs & i'4s.llNt. no Weebtrivion Striese ilFtot , ltt, Nines. Ver. 431 C by 011 Druggists. pr. w installs AND MUSTA'CifES P;jrted to gr," ~pit, the smoothest Are In from puss to fiat. %wets 1 , 1/ using Dr. awratacts's Pew. %nutmet,. eiidiatrit. the Mad( Is modern .misers, acting upon the Board and Bair in an alinast tairaralona asinine,. It One been wird by rite stile of Parte and Lontinn with the moat nut tering BUtef , g4. Nnair.a of all tinfehasera still ha registered and if entire antioractiati is not Rivets in mr y ivetanca. the money will hr chserfany refund. ed, Price by mail, realsd and postpaid, $l. Des criptive eirentare and tr*liinOtll4l.4 nested tree. Ad. dress IltditiEtt. SHurrs a. co.. enswists. No. It 3 Rivet threkt, 'nay. N. V., 'tole lucent* VA the ("nits,: titaton. 1E44. WON DER If BUT TRUE, NIADAYIL Itflflti.:TON, the wnIJ rea::n•neJ Astrologist and nostruminitil: Clairroyent. while in a elairenynnt *We delmeates the vary festered a the person you are to many. and by the aid of an inatrument of intense power. known nil the Ps)ei t o. an o t r oye, itrasinrees to prietuee a pelted and life• like picture of the future husband or wife of the sp• plicant. w tth . 4 ste and inerri.tge, orcupet inn. leading trait■ and churaeter. etc. I'M. is no • mpuoilinn. as testimonials without nutot.• r can 11 11 10 1 L ill staling piece of birth. age. disposition. colter or eyes and Bair. and enclosing tiny cents nod stamped en•el• opt, addressed to yourself. ynu will receive picture by return of mail. together n Oh desired information Qr Addres. in en tridence. MADAME GERTRUDE gem NtiTtlat. P. u. 01.1 tiff. Well 140). N. Y. DR. SCHENCK'S PULMONIO SYRUP. 'Chia "tog seaticine eared Th. d. ii. eceR,CK, the Prapeeter, o I•ulmonary Coatouptien, when i had lasurnrd !to most ka:t.teaVc nrrt I, nit when nre , dr death appettrd to bo inet eh a ilia p!..rfc.aot pro. bounced ht. cue irc.trabtt when rolotrtored the wet thle situp'e hot powiterai r.:-led,. no braith wu raterc:l !a a us/ Olen taw. and no learn*: the Ottot.e bay Lea eyetekeedlet the in She eyeihtu.te chly dieoppearOl. and bht Preleat weight it more Ikea Iwo tatadwri ponce. Cute We rccuer... L. har &trot,' h a ettent:ea eseholvely to the ore of (:on►nn.l:leu end the dteitalle whtth are email, .o,„vioatcd wt .h It, 1.4 the tutu by Ids mtid!cin•t here been •try P111116:0•11 aul Daly itcmgeral. Dr. g.oi mace make: f. , Viattoual virile totereret et She larger eels treeltir. where he Nu It acre rueaorm of pulite* sad it Y Italy attonial.itet to too ROW tatiellltilaYSll that havete be Mod eel lit their nurture, and is • low months bean:, rotrati Da. SCHENCit'd PULAONIC sYnIT. dEtVertint TONIC. and SANDE/it PILLS are posed" ail replied in curiae Co:Aut.:UM ran dime- Itoos goottopaayy each, to teat any*** nu take them etAboso teeing IV. llotgocu bat when tt IJ Maoist tt bindle the Lin. Us (Ivor advice ft.e, MIN • alingliiilleeeteteeeleta tette bb btseptymeter We IS. Jethro* doltart. raw 'born, what ttarel,saltia, that the two Idko meet or the when In the taitibign Ol Cwientepotes, and tha whirr so IN new IA periled Leath-are on the t;arernontont lousy. Pali by WI linage ,a and Des's.. dthd pea bat*, or WA toe half dowse. Gain be advise should ellen,. he braid to Dr. Sabierdea Meets' o.bee, IS Noth nth fie dorsi Wholwale Mamie Bum k X. Y.. P. A. Ranee, Dahlman, Yd t Jahn D. Part. Cisocinotal, Oh 4; Wilker *Toiler, Chios" fietibe Miree., Lea % Ka. CM W. da. 1 .0. I 71$ ASTROLOGY: H ED A THE T TH WORLD E AS. • TONIS Wnadorhil Revelations Made by the areal Aplomb). plot, MADiMIS N. A. Flaill(0. Alm retest, va I:FLAPS Da aerial Oaf, knew. Oho rroteraa to hippi hes. those Who ham doleful events rataitretthea. crosses to lore. lord of reletion. mod frlendo, lose 1' mnupy, so., hate beg ouur ifropottlient. lithe brings Loom hrr Thare lotto reperated, gives Informatiod cou• routine nbarn l frlentle, or lovers, restores loot pronely. t.ll, you the tot..inrre you are beet pia!id o i it. pern it. and in 14110, you will bo inn.t pile I rims wetly waffle:co and tolls you the very day )nu wilt werr),ltivra you Oa r. wd. likr• Deed end rhatadterialicy of the prison. dim trld* your ref) tho”yhte, acl by lir? altuost vuorroaturel powers uttvetl• the dart and hidden utyptnrira uf the future. 'TOGO (ho 'tare we dee in the Ilruomment the malaria that nyaicoma or plediuninata tea thr cundguration froto tilt aspects add Prolatioahlor the pia out/ and the Azad stare in the heaven, et the time of birth, oh. didnhes the fount dentin, of roan. pall not to con.ult the otroetrit Astrologist on earth It 00.45 you bit a triad, awl you may Arpin baps en Padurahla an opportunity. Consultation foe with Ilk add all lierirad Information. $l. Partied 'mind II a Oilseed ten toadish the Madame by fill with drool tomboy and •atirfaction to tbeniedivea de It in Pettus A fall *ad expltelt about within , twat, will quirks aiteweried 4P01i0"4. emit by il ea reels loth* above sittillised.— The strictest misty rill be salesiaed aP4 lel liar. reepoaderita returned dr deelroyed. ILefereetws of tM plepdo order furolablid those desiring them.— Wrllla plainly the day of the wealth and your le wlleh pee were bon, eeeluaing a email lock of halt. Addrass. !MADAME - R A. PRRRIG4I, dth If 7 17- 1 r. Drawr r 903. Pitfall% X, Y. ; TH .ALI G'POOL, Aim nouul 0)!MIMICT. Rorie. goooolothro Re tos for' VOLIPIO on too erlllll 011 WI mums, or 4 the CI ABUSES sod DISSAIPOW dormers moO., porno, ao4 to lirpodlooolo to NAIR! ACIE. elto lore woos of rollot *II In ward Irmo ill veio_pia. No of cram. Arbour OIL J. OKI LLIN HOur II no . Norm/ Armchairs, Pl 4 oadolpri ro• Joao I, 1107-1.4. NEW GOODE IN BLOOMSBITRO The subscriber has taken Opal pains so replenish his Mock by mak parabolise, and he is Now 'origami to Sell se low as any Dialer In this amnion of ennatry. A call upon hint. bi shy rime who daderstanda the rite of goods, and Ike quality of the same. will make this fact plain. Of tonne no one need buy unless they are entirely motioned He will be glad to see hie friends and the pubis. generally whether they buy or Onl UlO mock ennsists of the beet varieties of crirrEE. MOLABOUiII, MUU tilt. TKA FIdH (of siren leanly.) eriecp, fIkIK Id ItArt. (_.their sew.. Ir season, SIOSTUN. AND OMR eildiVIKE SIMI. ♦ 1:A ',DLO dee. die. COAL b. 1.1‘1131110 also a nine itpronnunt of Dry floods and • Hoslery. and a fall variety nfgoods of the Wire alas. , end of oilier kinds. In addition In which he bas reointly added In his stock a line aneortatent of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; in • which vhfluily of goals be bas several gem unities of modern Invention, ehtenelvelly used where noose, and which meat coins Into use bare lie also ear a one supply of French Morocooes; and also of Morocco Linings for abosarakar's work ; and a loud aanortrarat of M ll= r.r.T Call and examine JOHN •011tTOItr. A. Corner of Melo and Iron Aprit 1%160. J . J. BROWER, (Co r. Main t bon sta.) is Low omring to the Pelolie hie STOCK OF SPRING GOODS ennideting in part of it full line u( INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CARPETS. Finn cloths and carelinere for I,oOise maw Dd.411105 ttrr I 6110110 Y nit l'Atterna atid qualities. polaioA and Prints or various tinaittle* and prices, Milit4a:4 pad Brawn lie, Ladies Preach Curette and BALIM3R4L, SKIRT. 1004 .•sottatent of Ladies and chifiireule bailers and 11.0.15, frufiu thvevries and biolrei. ?law aseortmgin or ' Glass and iseresware. es-No. 1 Natmerel io ear tritif and ono fourth Portals. Now is itte time to tonne your oelertionc at 1 am otfmitis goods at very cow pneto and our motto is fair dealing to all, and nut to be budeyeetil by any. J BEAM En. Bloomsburg. Apsql CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT, WPIOMVER k JACOBY, MANLTACTUB gait %Inv gett:lpeeers in PLAIN AND riNs V CONPECTIONERT, AND DRALEKS IN FOREIGN FItEJTS AU) NETS. tuba op Mork, Blowneburs, Pa ORANGES, Lemo PRUENS, ROCK CANDY, asismitiulWile. etTICOiI, FM. 00144. &C.. BREAD AND CAKES, or ma, 6os. ENO4 JAconv. Pnco E. WIDEVta Birtortilbutr„ Imo '3ll. Vitt A . SO 1. fib' K'S BOOT ND *llOlll Sire RE, forPOSII - E, MIL LI ili:tiPAL Clllll.Ol , On Main Street, Bloomsburg. cusorriber tik•v pl.' canto in natiountins to toe tito.nioburl, and vicinity. that he 4as on hand a !arr. find Mit aeanninent of 13 4 ,) 0 'fS AND 8110E4, fv Wive ai.d gentlemen', wear. to suit ail la,mite Hie City % . orlc is flu, Imes quality. lir m tb• eu,n reimble 103T10f0C111,11'. ; !le 11.6110 i a vacua' 1% 01 knian and a good judge of 011391.1 1 .41)3:13LEL • he is not libeiy to be titopoeed upon by fee. Is vienalead 1111110/1111 WWI) Math, up. Thutu Sewing anything in his line would do will to gip. him a CM, Wino putehising elsewhere. Ile awls a GOOD ARTICLE, 113 A Pit prices to itu;t mud:imams. All persona who det.tra liaht or holy wmk made to tooter can be accommodated at ht. amattii.litoent. gib Alen, repairing will LC Jana with imitated and Jeepateli. n•legaiit aimorimant of Likdiesand Plum hbura nu haul.• A. IkIUILIAZ *pill 3.100. NEW CLOTIIIN AK) OEMS ME?cS I~t'RYl s fl*O STO THE uodereigoeJ rerheetfulte aosteenefte to hir Mini Moir& that be ha* opened a orw nothing cod Gretlentesee rureirhia. &ere, in the lower room 0 1 the Itertutoo Neltdiug, reutheart CO, NV, of Main and Market atreeto, Illnosubsti. re. Ting jig retarad ham rhitadcty:• 4 with a ;arge ate at Fishl and Whaler Clothing and Grialrmen's Furnishing Gent;, kr . kr. fie I lan tat* him/tali that lit can please all. Ills ;tacit cum. prise* MEN' S AND BO LS' CLOTHING, well as DRESS COATS, BACK COATS, OVKII COATS, PAW& V EbTe, 811 ISTS, DERSH I R TS DRAWERS. COLLARS, COLLARS. HOSIERY SUSPLNDEItiI, H.SXDZERCHIEFS LAIN ELL4S. an. in ran averphina in tn. Ciothing or Familial off line at Ve r y Low /lief's. In addition to the above ha bore an elegant assort maul Clothes, Cam/rimers, and Vestings. 0:7" Clothing wady to order at the ahortest ontice Cali and see be purchasing alsiewhara. and BEUME GMLIT BUIGAINs. J. W. CHENSBERLIN. October ID, WA. BUSINESS CHAT. Good mornint, fiquire, wtich way with your Minnie. , of wool mu my wAy home, ear ; 1 baba got rolls ror my old to spin: Well Oquire, if It is a fair question, where did you get ,arttleig 110th no 10011 ( 0, at Vance* Vaetory• Where is that 1 Near Orangeville. 1 tall you 41 nityn ingot carding Anna Isere. Vanes cards fur 0 it• per lit, if you tabs and bring your wool. is has re.bitl4 {Nan Milan and got new cards an. Denim , OH It poor fells ire made there, as he 11 tending lilt mach Inc himself this neaano. Ifs nays, fro tor 'Whitman tins fur tieurreorrito live at a Moline-et. If they lamina their wool at sillier of 1.1611 Planes in Oraninvl 4 l., thr Sam. will be atten,tal $O. AI O. their cloth fOr. fug UP g rnroting add drenelhg. area 4/ earn, Ones Irmo 1843, 2filrlMl /1,1111, al Ile bylining, will cum insular price. 'pi and down, in his prinert, Rtoli ail pent art darned Wilts, Putney 1111111 Of 1111111/11111, Is lft, Pl.allllllll TOWS. slip, Cult India County. ozolloll VAPItI• August, 14. 31417, BLANKS t BLANKS :1 01 eel, dirteriptina. (Of Ofike I? I 111 Ott t ainfla , 8 , .4 • • vb. Ir. ow A. room is ape, aillorth in Gia: mom Ulm P. A. DAVIII PPM Pupal I. We.. I WILL milers lo WHOLUIALS DRUG AND Ma/MINI etIPINSINI MANUIAUTUII 1110 , POMP% MRSWINII4. N lb. old Mao.. Ni. lie Molina runt wider Um nano iml a( %VW B. FOOT. Baltimore, Ailey *IL 1 , 117. . SAMUEL EVERETT , HERTZLER wan dt GUION, IMMO AND DEALERS WINES AND MINIM, 11j1L 124 WALI2I+2IIIIIET, AND NQ. 19 011ANITIO 111711167'. HAM Hiltl7l4l, OW. A. MON.' August 7. SAMUEL M. PRENTISS, VETERINARY suaoEoN, ORANGEVILLE, PA. WILL treat all kinds of dime's that horse Ilorb is hair to. and *here :hero le motor, ' Ito a Wale. leper in cored to dl Wore or au pay. August 7, IMP. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE, &UTZ 0? J /WOO KURIL IrIPPOPO CURE TWP., antweran Notice is hereby Oren that lettere te.tamentser OP the lodate of Jacob 1t,.., deceased. late lof Fishing Creek tuw nOl4, VOIUMAIIII County, have twopant ad by the arailler cud Vaunt) , to Meribab Kerns who r es ides to said township: and all persons hse hgrl tine ayeluet the psute are requertrdto prreen them to the executrix for eettlement, and those below lop lb 4o:selves to be Indebted will webs payment. hlllOlllBll KERNS. Ls , marls. August VC 1867. ‘IETIF;II,fr Newlz frpptisvod LT Cui.meaCNT RALE OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, ACNNowI.EDGEN Tu NE THE PEN!' London Prise Medal mod highest rewards is Amur ti melted. Meladiun. anJ wand hand Plano.. bluele. Plo. 7111%CET April P 9, 1807-3 m beluw tab PHILA.. PA EXCUANUE RESTAURAt The Proprietor having renovated mil reGttesi his ItESTAVit•NT, in the betemstft of the tittltiAMlE BOTEL, he would most respectfully solicit • monstmense of the Oldtoospe of blo old turdowers, nod cordoally is vit.. th e Cl tatdiumul new uses to his refreshments se foll Owe : Satile VYSTritq 4 4 PO I CANNED OYSTERS firlenft OYSTERS, FRESH Wee times per week. DAM AND Eaott, Tali % tiOLOGNA,:hoet of LIQUORS ASTI) CIGARS. QT can b• served up to •uetouete •t • nouneele nr*i•e, ib V:10110144 *MIMES, IRTHWCIP. CHAFED. FRIED, OR 14W, to rate the testes of the epleurian. JOHN F. CARLOW Illnewriorg, August Rd lea, BY THE US.I4T OF CITASTELLARI 4 White Liiinid Enamel, Fnr Improving and Rratil int the Completion. Iho ',mot emitte d. end fet pr.par►too iu Ivo rot wising the skin a beautiful peirnike tint that to mak foUlid In youth • It quickly removes Tan vraek leg, PinTlee tilotahniii ►loth ratehen. nallownern Cri.ptione and atari:Tglell of the skin. kindly bantam, the same leaving the akin inhale and clear ae alarm.• ter. lie use eantoit be demigod 17 the cloasst •era tiny, and being a enviable preparation If perfect! ) harming*. It is tha oily artiste of the kind Wind by the ifrentb, and is coneidereir by tha Parmian as in 1 111114:11111111, to a perfect Millet Cowitode of 10,tiaa battles won: sold during the pest year, a soliklehl 141/11111111100 of lis offcaity. Price only 76 tants tient by mail, anonym'. 041 receipt of an Woe. b) Human. 8111.111•61 et co TO 17 Is47—ly 24 River 711. Troy, N .R. 96 111ACCO 4ND GROCERY B. H. Huneberger, Agent, Main Street, 141,A.:. the ..13ntri4:an House, /MO 078111,1711 Os P&gs Kerpo nti haul and famish** to the hum* and GAM try triad*. it Philadetphi* (iowe•t) price*. FINE I'UT AND PLUG TOBAITO4, nom ENV(' AIM IMPORTF.O (MU RP. all ktedo ot rtmoktnit Tobacto• Winotte. afeersoorner lad Briar Wood riper, and all retell,' pertnintnir to the mime era trade. Antall eonlor. vrooln no well to eivn him call Wired ol sanding to Os cuter For their raupll,.. or peon basins then. n he Fedi tir 114 nlnt, Pea rntootly on :sand r Nig ruppl) of web COFFEES . , TF.AS,SIG 10,110 ASSEs, Ffre, MT./. olorr. ke., ke. all of *bleb be offer. eneap for each ur toiletry poke* October 93.1867. . . ' j EACIIERS INSTITUTE. 4. ~- - Am Act of ti.r 14etatittnrc nt Prnnaylvarta. ap• ythted 9th day nt Apo, 1:10, entitled, A Furth., Wupplaatvnt In an Art f. , r OP. r.itilatinu amid .noon trance no a Ply Alen' of tUltoatica of C0i11141.11 gce., ammo" ■a follow.. tin. V. "That trot County Pupirrintenelent of County in thi. Commonwealth is herehy autboria d end o . quired. once In earn year. et such time and Flare see he. or a sutherl:ed Committee of Teacher.. nether who bite. tint drew 0110,1 roily. no. eta to call upon aid 111•Ite the Teacher, of the Vow and (law trirmutl. , or of framing In hie County, to aminbleingeiller and Nubia. them. ceive. into a Teacher.' Institute. In he devoted to the Improvement of Teachers to the science end art of veldration. and to continue in etsaion at least Ate dole, knit' ding a heirl day far going to, and a half *day fur rewriting from the place of meeting." dia. e 1. Provide.: " Tnot all boatels of Director. may allou the teacher. in their eineloy the pried ga of Attending the•e Instanter. witli.oit making any d e deriti o n from their ..lacy. .nd that any teacher who obiente him.elf from the lee.titnte of his roue ty. •Nlth..Ut a ywld 1.111011. may have his want f .pint and seal indicated. by a tower mare on hie certificate in the omitre of teaching. than An would otherwise have received." In accordance with the Above cited act aeronomy the weeniere of the linemen° fichrmie• and ether I. inflect/en, of learning in' County, ere here• ky incited to aeswolde for the purpose Ones stated, in the Nall of the building of the 11144).-mobuir ary Institute, at Itleuinerehure oat MOVIIA Y. NI 2.Stit day_ of oltrit 1•111. at licinelt la in. Mr. J P. Wlrk•rrhotn, enperiiitennent of Common ochoote of Pennolltleillt, and other eminent ...114E11• (Cu. will hr in attendance to addMle the ORAL G. NARKL.T. October 23, dual of eel. Co. lIEN HERS 110TT'S NEW DRUG STORE, Ara opening a Tarn avid wall • selected stork di Drage egg me& • liges eine+, Mote, Ohs. OWL Orr • I tarns-Chcalroin.l mp iso: , ya. and „a ir a large varlet) , of Toilet • IV AND FANCY ARTICLE*. 1 The mile depot f the follorviug Vetaadard greparalsona Headar. rhoti's COMPOUND CAMPHOR ICE w 1712 DLYCERINE. Balsam of Norehnond, Spreinend Sweeny Lid l ama, Hair Tonle Cad I 'ologou Aruarican flair Ka. atom, 0 K. Tonle Milers. COAIPOUND WILD CHERRY SYRUP, Shim, Wine of lion, M 440100001 candidly com pounded at all hem' Nnmr OCT coIIOLTICYT C &&&&& IMPLUTIV. Oct tew. NEW Ai Ll,to ERY GOODS. XECK Tlt Mr/ MART rtYRMAY Inked Dicaettre in orloolino• in, to the chicane of Illuornshorg and vicinity tket she has Just roplona.bod her attest, large peat of Fill aid Miter 1111111211EIST 1001,111, Ai lor old Hood. cot M oto Street. IMONVM/W/Mi • dttit invioro the opociA Ititration of the pubill to bor stock. Give Aar a cal4.lmtioro poroliatiog Erislobero Ott. SI, itlf7.—lrr ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. • • tottote - of Atlellatettaline on lb* oegllln otlffor Ic, ?Wow', We of etroor Toreotgo 'Clbartty; goosing, haws boom meted eg gaglopr of golg floret, to Ilattis *1 Wing of liereittob time. All Mares bawsog gates egoloot tbe *Arno ofilt• deereart9 teti4 proweet nolo WM, edeltalrtre. ter for oottloorkat roe teem leitOlott a lb , MANN Will MO looodiato pegorte.‘e tlo eogeri,img, SALT to eatoa, Adottototteter, NI, 9, isr -e v. . . .11,1r-11.11 • • " 4 PA. BL(V cßt. liG , Oak', 2nd boor, In Esoltange Block item the "Exchange, Hotel." All nominees plowed In Ile hands *lll lie idtoltilad to with pram nee' loth Ler( thellottleste PAO Wi th thews povidlo delay. • (Sept. gg, 028:-. HOOP 1111111711, 528 WM. T. HOPKINS, -a, Ors 41.ser." Alter more then lei years experience and osiport. matte as este onnulteurre of OTRICTI.Y I Inv": gIUAIATT Mt*, ,mete, wt 'sir .0r jolly role. twined rode. ny-ippirithapii Aid taw public ft MI eineddenee at Mel? entlarmity over , ell either. he Oa Awokenmarital too they are se asknoWleithed by all who weer or died Illjenn. deithey glee toms met. lersetloo Ulna say•dir lair. and room need* Uwe In every noose, 41,0 Is Nolo Milli. 'Wild make a note of Oils foes. 'Wiley lidy who hes •110{ Rives them a teal elluulPtio so without further dein,. Our nseerlanint endirancv every ogle, length eel vile ler Ladies. Mister , anti elilidnea. Also, Mil rte MAPS TO Qlo6ti. alibied and repaired. Agri* "Ilnlyklae . Own Mike," eiiiibe not deralv ed, sea that the letter "II" le noires on the , taper between link hoop, end this they are stamped "W. T. NOPKINI. illenufasturet. Odd Arch motel. Piffle dolphin " upon rani tape, No others ere g e nUln . • ennetantly on hand a full One of gaud tee Or Yar h 1114.1gastern Nide entitle. el very low prkiri. il'holesale and 141111, At the PHILADELPHIA HCYIP 11/lIIIT Maniere:gory end Ca:curing!, Igo, WS Arch Street Philadelphia. WIL utreEINJ „Opt, HlELetlildte, NEW MILLINERY GOODS AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. The andereigned Meal rentorlruily Inform. bar dy rustentere, and the pistils to finerßi• that she He Joel medal le het mires/ lure and Varied niiilott• mint of PAN( Y M11,1,INERYG(1008 A NEW SUPPLY, well ond teetarylielioirttorl far IA preheat and cooing leas.lll. Hee PiftW 110Nifir1'd AND HAT* are ealetPaied to take Iha teed in ails pier. sad vicinity, Misi has lestfiaoill found Ir 0 rat-clue Millinery it Fancy Stores, and mikes np and yells her goodie upon the most rat. eunsble Vigor/ Oise her a call and e asinine bar BOW Stott or goods. LIZZIE HAMELIN. STORE. Main Street, kilter:egg Building.) October EL 1017. Bionineburt, CANAta 1341tDS AND FANCY C.A... , .T3 FUR SALE. The unJarsteord Ogre ter mile a lot at hendenate Canary Birds and Fancy Cages Pflß l'Adli• The Cita ere of the bort eine. re. and for beauty they are nut outlawed by their 41nd All% thy eabotriber is desirous uf bums - • Turkeys, rucks 'and Chickens, to large and email estenthirc for the fell see win ter market. for *Writ he will pa f the sheet liberal prices. WILLIAM 011.1140/g. Shire'. Hatiajus. Main motet. October 43, ieee. ' • ' Ittoontsburg. LADIEs• FANC Y Fvus . AT jaHN FAREIII4IB Old Eatabhabee POI !Wheatmeal, NO. A Itt;tl $ mom above 7th. VII ILA It cLPIII . (lava now in Sint* of thy own importation an 4 Maneraetere on* ef tLo :arevet met tow, beauttfet aeleetteus ; FANCY far Lanitro' and eilibirra'a Wear in the City. " Also a fine a.aort.hrht Gear, Utir fihrves arid .ollaria. 1 itni ditonoa aly at very "ginn. 11th priera, and i aid iherribti aa4.:st a call Goa uly fthqs4l, oi Coition ta t.,wet r an 4 viciartt, iterhehibsr the Name. Numbs? and Strilet! JOHN FAREIRA. NO, 711 ARC(I SI. above 7th. smith et& YylL►F'4. Er I n•vB an ralIVlllll. FOR COlllll,lOl 1 / 1 111 any OTU ■ 81.1111 1 . 1111.4018•111/. oell/11P, V Mt —4lO. M=rM 'rho undersigned rerpretrulip infernal the whiling Of Uluertninorg end Columbiatenuty, that they keep ll the diffai ni nuinners sieve cm' lc, wailed lump anal for a.aithlng pommel*. on their whirr. ■d• 'melee WIC-ive. Neal &(n'. Perna , '' with A anal pair !Niftiest/Ilea on the *barrio weigh ertal.hey And agrw LsNowoo , r boo: and wagon. to deliver coal pi *boss who derive it. Ae we pun:twee'e large aumuut or cAI.Wo lolOod to keep a imparter eructs, and sell at the wary loweoi prime.. Please coil •n 4 IaiLUICO fur yourselves befGre purchasing elrumbero. W II AUGLZIErthi 31440 X. oel r t he l f l . 1 1 4 4 e. tu t ; li n s u e i h de l : ll :rt r i:le i "-- . .v heal. Kyo,Cotn.thetc Potatoes, Lard, Ham. ghoul , der, and mot meat. nutter, Riga. Hay. &c., at thi Wittiest cash poet, at hla Grocery Pore, 'dolmans coal yard. J. W. lit;Nusartivr. Bloomsburg, Ap•il yS. Intiu•—)y. ERWIYE 8, 21111?M.k.N, PLACTICAL 1101.78 E AND Sign Pilaters And Paper Hangers, BLOOMSBURG, PA flaArts haJ a long elperlene. in the obey, best nese they woulJ re.peolUlly offer their service' le the clatters rf It'oout..hure end 110.1iroUlidin4 Caltfl• try. They arepr to Shwas of Hoeft. and. Alen Painting. raVe.nit.Gralees G. 4 :Am Frailties. son nil wort' belonging to the Painting husta»os. Ordnr. kit rt Iu tr shoo to , the Court !louse Alley or at the gashing.. 'lute,. I, N. Moyer's ltrus '?lore, sod ... Parlor's llstaway. Store, ail' hr remotl ette”.l , :d tn. tilOotuatatri, .August 7, 1,441. ROOK AGENTS WANTED To Solicit Cr op An A New illustracJi BIBLE I ICIIONARY. (CTIMPLETS TN ONE VOLVME.) This Iltmossiv embodion the results of the 10614 stody. researcl.. Inveetigutinn of al.out silty Ave nt the int:interning it and %Oilmen , ' Idthli• rot tow living Clergyown of ell dettonti nattote Approve it and regarn II R. the best work of Ile kind in the I.nglisli tnngunge,. n d one which °until tube in the baud. of every Bible reader in the 100 t. In circulating thi. Work Anent* will And a pleas ant and prontable em, Inyineut. The numerous eb• jeetion• which are usually .virmintered In selling ordinary wort, will n. 4 saint MII h LAO. lint. nn the cratrary encourng• 'newt and friendly rid will attend the tgvn6 timing his labors arrow able. useful. and Wristlet.. Ladies. 'retire/ C nrisymen. lichool leacher.. runners. ittinteid•, ill nthere who posses. energy. are s, anted In resist rn Convnistng cyst, l'nwn arid enuitty in the country. IS whom the must ti nutriments lit ill be offered. C7' For rtgr tick/ lairs. north to, 41 address PA RNI Al.lll BROTH r.Re. 722 Ileum= dtesoutoglitluiseigitita, roan. IBUT—Orr. ilii -F.SV • BAKERY ARb CONFEC 'IIONER Y I.lbutv.t•Aate> l .ll:i6nEtitimmaossarl O 11111111 D PCIrIitEET REI•OW MARKET. BLOOMSBURG, PA. F. pox. Proprietor of Olio eitablirMornt, wool reepeelltilly hie old and 110 W customer.. that M. ha. , varything fitted up al hi. new eland in en • able him In rahnialt theta With 1414EAU, CAKES, ANI)t"INFECIIIIVERIEP , s heretofore, .17 . Ile har made arrangement.. (or the sale et ltrand. WI I h a m. grariptio. wbu keeps a Coutettion• err Attora directly appoelto TIE "EXCHANGE BUILDINGS," where r orenna dorlrloa broad can bi accutouldidatod at all lowa. • lierearler all persona. whet baYa Moan furnish. eA with Ald.l.ither neer, and Porter. by the whole, bait nr •tmartar barrel, 0111upwa WIULIAIIII at hi• Immo to , .1. 1,• 1-hiyee• Block, Main Street, who has been 11411:11WISP thi undaralmtwo In Pall is. same. Ito aviltemartantly Aat. •ammaly no hied, . hi , II will he .nl.l 31 the lowert.marlkyt ratios.. • Mr. V has ih.oll/Iti eft 11111 111101 Isle Ilaliarrikod Coa• tioarry , Stiedmp monitor the sal. of 11. L CREAM, too All wton may . l'avor MO with thVir cusAnnt. He I. ill.n ptepattd 1.. nu*. Isf-Creani4n Ism; giants. li r. tor potttio4. obia, or Pvial imehOtirs, d,p lb. ~10'hily b.,. ltvor s gitaill tothlnlitg rd 'firs Hakct basin!}. von roenir • earshil and 144401 II V" Ha to tlmilintei Ito kin n • wogs. 'm11 . 11401( notdiall? WIWI; n Odle: L . Aptll3, IN?. , -r--- - 4 , DA. W. H. BRADLI t i . O l io 41a•innatillialeal Aippostaq V.A. Amt.) Visysicliiii w Miu Id .geonw • . . 1, 0. 14. fir at to N llett mei . RI •a* atm rt Ps. WI" isy astseaftd 10 kwib 100ta aml 4N• Plammallpos .MN . fill, OWL GO TO BROWER'S TO BUT rOUIt C1114;04) j)48.1. I! 0
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