I.KWJSBURG CililOXlCIaaU' ANO"Wfi5ST I5HAXCII FAHMKK Tbc Systems r Niditlae. The Newark Daily Advertiser pub lishes the foiluwing recipe ol a H'tnapu thic dose : Take a little Rum, The lis you lake the b- Iter, Mx it with the lakes O:' Viner aiid of Wetu-r. Di a spoonful iut M nH von don't r-t ero'py ; Pour it in the Lake Vinntpisiogee. Stir the mixture tsd!. Lest il prove inferior. Then put half n tiiop Into Luke Supeiijr. Kvery other day Take a drop in water; You'll be belter sunn Or at least you or't to. Toe N Y. Ji)Jrnal of Limn-rce retorts with the ful!oviig Allopathic prescription: Take some Cal'int'l, The more you lane ine writer, j Mm it with a drop Or two of cistern water. Feed gome to our dug, It will make l.im vomit. And, muy U-, t-fc aim. Or per'uips a connU Once in half un hour ThU a rousing portion ; Say a tumbler full. If that suits your notion Should you chance to H;e, And you're almost suie to. You may safely swear That il didu't cure you. Another correspondent gives the follow ing recipe for Hydropathic liealmeut : Take a linen shift. The bigger 'tis the better, Wrnp yourself up well, And plunge into the water. Any water'll do Crotort, sea or cis:ern. E-ieb should mak a ehoice Of what bebt suits Lis turn. When you're fairly soaked, ' If you doii'l leel bettiT, Take a copious shower Lath And get a lillie wetter. Touch no wine nor gin, lint pillions of cold walar i You'li be better anon l! you aint, you or'l to. ITtomtopathy. ' Take some No. 6, , The more you take the iwier, A lump or two of sugar, Ante of cajenne pepper. Make a tea of herb, Add lobelia to it, W I h such other things At you think will do it ; &tam yourself ri-ihi well. Cut take no time to th'nk ; Tour the hot stuff down As Isisi as you can drink. f K il.i yea Ti ll! but do. Yon sure will get hotter ; - Or, perhaps you'll die. liul tl iliai no iiialter. , Moonthinc-fpuihy. Take a girl of spirit The more she has the boner, Take a moonlight walk j If there's no moon, no ii a'ter. Ta'k nf thing" roman'ir Add "fcret a su.iiut I ; If ehe oi.ly smiles, , Equu-aW Iter hatid upon i. After half an liour. Pare tosteal a kiss ; Perhaps half a dozen, 1: ht's not a bashful Mi-. ir Fne riis xwi ci:, A she's alino-M sure lo, ' Then you m safely say TLat she didu't cure you. Stcamnpathy. (Jet pile ol rocks, tr 4tqipks, ifno hing lietter. Heat them hising h"t, And yourself with pepper. Put them in a basin. Underneath a chair. Wrap a blanket 'round you, T exclude the air. ' Pour some water on them, .And CoinHtsiiiun down Your throat, to start the canker, And io-disease tip brown. Of lobelia tske a portion, Wi,,d up with Xi.fi, A crisis lotions motion. And you're shortly in a fi Quaclopathy. Take of Braudreth's pills A w u'y-fivs cent box, aV-d of Tnwnsend's Sarsapaulla Kiougil kill" an ox. Before v.uti go io edr !' a quart frl Salmgunifi, And on the top ol iiiis Take a dna ol lirom.uiidy. Kvery night and morning, . Itniik i pui! ol brtndy, f!w-elen if you ph-ase. With a slick ol Cuuglt Cure Candy. Tken asld to the above, A I""1 Quack nip tea, l'i" if you are not dead, Yu surely ought to be. Srute apathy- Xks thn np!" ir. Tl r ii.oie ou lake ihe Ufer J Follow ritit'i ias To the very letter, lt the Doc-tor-. To the hay l i--ay, I,et alone ihe Gin, The Sranuy aud the VV hiskey. , Fnil exercW. Keep your spiri's cheerful. Let no dread .f sickness Make m eer Kerlul. iM the implejl ""d, ftrin tle pure eold waier, 1 :en von will he well Or ai ) ouhl to. NOTION AND VARIETY STORE ' nAVIXf? taken the new Drug Establishment of Schajpe ir Chambtrlin, I would res pectfullv announce to my friends and the puhlic thst I have replenished my stork and will keep conttsnil; on hand s Urge, fresh and well elee Ifd utork of pure Drue. Medicines ice. which I ortr at Wholei-ale and Eetail. My stock leing entirely new and purchased for cash st low ratea in the 1'hilad'a market. I am enabled to sell st lower prices than ever iifliired in Ibis region Drugs, Medicines, Chemical?, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med , Glass, rerluinerv.Uils, mints, liquors, Fancy Notions, Variety Goods, Fruits, and Confectionery, with a large variety of othi-r articlea usually k.ft in l)ru; esislitishmenta. Tbsnktul lor past lib rral pa' ronsfre. I hope lo merit its continuance. Persons wishing to io-iire pure and fresh Medicine, are partirularlv invited to givs aie a call before pureeing i rt, a all Drug; re rarefntly iosjiecU'd Ulore itTered for sale and ail Medicines niitriuftic'uieJ by myself are war- auttd good. Havii:g a praeticsl knowledge of ilie tin inem fiom upwards of ten J cars' t fieri v . nee, I flatter n.vstll ihal I am s touii tteiit juJge f I tie sume. All orders entrusted to o will be promptly alU'iled to. and n;y friends may rely upon get linr every iliing of lUe vtry quality. C. W. SC:i TFLE, noies'st. I.ewisb -7. Itft9 SI K XU2 TBT T 1&.r SAM'L AMMON, ! rpHAXKKUI. for liberal patronage heretofore ' leceived, respectluily in'orms bis old fiiends aud tue putilic generally mat na uaa removea nu Tailor frhop to the Dasement of bis Brick dwelling on Mark si reel, next door above V. Penny's saddlery (iaie the office of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hopes lu suit all who may give huu their custom, as he does all work in his line in the liest and neuesl t.tIe and on short notice. lie hif the Fashions repularlv, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep U with the limes and merit a uood share t patronage. CUTTING done in order. Charges rensontible, orni Pruduce tuken in exrbanoe for work lewisbnr-! Joii, t49 1270,7 Fancy (ionHs, ollon, &.c. J LT!ST rrce'd a lare and spt.ni'id assortueal of Ksiicy tiood- such a ,s eel B. ds Uold Pi ncils T'.iimbles Clasps " IVns Visiting CarJ I'haina Silver Pencils lmninoes Bead Necklaces Kinger Kings Thermometsrs r'atin Heads Hair Toia Ksxvra and Amber Keedle t'asea Slr..,j Buff.Io Comiia t-hirt Uut'ons Walking Cants Shell Studs nctasors Wa'er Colors Han Glasses Spanish " Dressing Pocket Hair Brushes Te.lh Emerges t igar Cases Snuff Boxes r1 nectaries Spy Pocket Mirrors Compasses Perfumery ! Nail Fleh Paint !h. j Jewelry j Hoard Chaina j Watih j Keys I Cluster Pins " Cases Satchels Night lights Uolls aud Dull heads Csrd t'ases Port monies Pork' t Books AceorJims Fiddles Parlor Limps Smellng Bottles Steel Tweezers 1'ovs for Cliildien Fancy Pi lies Pen Knives Pocket " 1 '1M ..i CITS Sll" J uie j I'smeo urs. Toselher wi'h a great variety of articles no: meiitinned in tue aVve list, for sale at t!".e new Urng. Fsncy ami Variety store of M.j 9 C W .-CIIAFFI.K EnR'.ish and German Phjsician. TIIO-S 4. SI. TiSOUSTO, M. U., "110 has been reoularly rdnrated in the I'mversitv o! Maryland, and an Honorary Gridtinle of Casileton Coilege o' vcrn'otn, anu iiicinisi tue ....u.va and Philosophical Society of the S'ate ol Maryland, c.iT. r bis pr'lessi.n.tl service in afl 1 ho hiunrhes ol tbe Healing Art ti- the ei'ir.ens ol Lewislura and its vicinity.' I He has bten eiiagei in the practice of I medicine, in Luieir.e. county in this State, (for nearly thirteen veurs from whei.ee ! he bruits b:tiers of reeoniinend.ition from the first men in lhal and Columbia county, as regards bis standing in the profession of medicine, and his genera! character, viz : Hon John N ConyngharnRev Marmaduke Pearce Ziba Bennett " . t narlea rvaib us - Andrew Beaumont " SF Hesdley ' HH WriKht II W XichoUou. Esq Jrs- lijman. Esq " J H Voung Dra A B WiiMin " Thos W Mir.er BH Warner A Yoha " M Steck Chas U Bo """a. Eq P.ev I boroas Bewiniu N R. Hr.T. may be found at his rffice f tha Drtijj store on the east side r. Mar ket St. next to Wall store, or at his rest dence 1st door hdow Kline's hotel. Iwisbut";. J011. 5, li49 FERFUHEUT ! ClCHAFFLE has received a choice n- r anrtment from aft. boussa and J. j Hauet. Perfumers, whose preparations are ' celebrated Hears' Dil Ol Marrow Bay Water Pearl Powder Fancy Soaps Hair Dy Shaving Soaps Cologne Water Curling Fluid &c. Ate. AJgo a fjeneral variety 01 jcweiry ano Fancy Arlicles.S,c!acles,Pencil8,Wa!Ieta, Toothbrushes, U- Iwi,bur2rMav 18. 149 r T I I I FRESH sopp'y reeeived at the Lewis- A bure t:bean Bookstore : I-Vke' Manual of Clasaical Literature Davies' Analytical Geometry Riair'a Rhetoric. (University edition) Cmstock's Mineralogy The Complete Farmer. I vol, 62J cts 1 a.r rZarrlortrr. 1 vol. ft I I ne ivew '" "" '.- , I be B..k that will Suit ou, or a ora ! ft.s l-'vf-rvhrrilv I can ftirnisli the above work, with a ' irrwt vara tv of otlicrs, at very ltt prices. v., 3.. ' H F LYDALL ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, KE1TLY t EXPEOITIOUSLT I EXBCTTEO ; AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COm TRY MERCHANTS. DR. J N. KEELIiU & BUO. most res pectfully solicit altemion to their fresh stock of Englith, French. German, and American lirugs. Medicines, l'uinls. Che mical. Oils, Dyestufl's, Glassw are, Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, Scc. Having opened a new store. No 2'J J. Market st, with a full supply of fresh J)iug and Medieiues, w-e resptclully solicit rounti; dealers to exam ine our stock before purcha-ing elsewhere, prom ising one and ail who may feel ("i-posed to ex tend to us il" i' patronage, to sell lliem genuine Drug- and McdiCinen, on as Iuhtri terms as any other house in the City, and to fni'hfuilv eiecu'e all oideis cntiuicd to k.s promptly and with do spascb. One of the pioprielor lieing s regular physi cian, aflbrds ample guarantee of the genuine quality ot all articles sold at their establishment. We escially invite druggists and country merchants, nbo may wish to become a xents lor Dr. Ktcler'M Celebrated family i.edicincs. (standur i and popular remedies.) to forward their ndd'fa-i Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect" 'ally remain. J. i. KEELEIJ A BKO .Wholesale Dngi-ls, Ij 88-t '.. 204, Market Hi., Plulad. ggs0 R. N A M E N T A L The si!t""V''r rfrrs fer salt! OrrtiRfn- tul Trees of every e'eseriion, porticul.ir! v the Kuropenn Lir-.dm, and Pauloriia iniit- rmlis, a splendid shade tree lately introttu eed from JupHii, reirarl-a!ile for iis etliir rrous leaves (-ometimes two feet in disir. jter,) nd Itirge c'u-;t-M of r.ise colored flowi tf, spntti-d and striped within, emittino a frajrnuire si.Tii'ar to Ihe Li'ar. Aiso Fruit Trees Penr, Chprry, Plum, Nectarine, and .Apricot tres t h i-. tnnaMe prices all the mris w trr itiied -eniiine ; also Hot-home nnd fliei n h ni .lauts, tiior tlu r lih a variety .f Fl.' i -ed-, n'l 'f hii li h? will si li n low a Jiey cau i e purchased in Philndeleren. II R.NOLL. Lewisl ur", S.-pl 12, 1849 UNIVEIISITY rpiiE TliirTEES of the I'niversity at I.en l ifl u-g w. iiHO respeeiiuny nil rm irs rsirnn. ml Kri. ndj', tlist, in 'he School under their care. (at Lewi-burg) the follooinx a e (he Classes, Sul : jecls of SiU.ly and Evercisei lot the current year. EIcpartmeuH and StiKllcs. t'KlilA H Y l)L FA H THE XT. Sir Clashes Exercised in Seiiiug, Itea.lii g D) finitiou. English Urumiuar, Arithmetic fieog raphy, Ui.-tory V S. A., I'eumiinlup, and Com- Jiyfltiotl, - ESGIJSn T)Er ARTKEXT if tat Academy. The sime studies as in Ihe Primary D'-parttnenI C'.ninued in the um of brgei tell hooks ; and to hre are added General Hi-toiy, Davies' Alg. bra, Ecgenure and Durvejing. ; CLASSICAL UEPAKTMEXTof tb" Academy I .... ...... .. ... Grog'sp! y. History V. H. A , I-alin (":.iii:ii:ii md Header, Urerk tirsmmar and K'-adit com menced. Arithmetic eompleied Sen. Arautnitc l'w. tieneml lliMorv. t'asir, Vircil, I A I'nhhtHUU Ciiss. Livj .Anabasis.Memorabiiia Iavies Leg. Mire, 1 ngoo metry commenced .SrifjhoKwe Clast. Horace, IMy sey. Ccle-.t 1 t aith. Hope, and 1 "h-iritv l!iilr.iied. I Oialions of Deu.oslhenes. Lrgendre completed, I v. l. 12 nio liilt Iu-!tn. Uaiics' Surrejing a' d Navigation, Ai..::j i.c.ii ' Friendship. I. nv. awl Truth IlluetiatcJ. (ieomilry, BUir'a l ectures. 1 vol. 'J mo, (Mi, Jun'or VIwm. Pemosihenes 0:1 the Crown 'Tales f om the Arabian Night's Entertain (jreck Tragedy, Cicero ce Clliciis, 'J'acitus, . at- t men's. ural I'hihrsophy, Atrouony. Logic. i Rohinbrod snd l.i Mt-r-v Foresters, .Students in ths Eng'ish llejiaitment recite ! Wreath of WiM Flowers, with those purriiing ihe i-ame sludits in the j Kcttular Courre. So class in the Regular mure, has less than ihree d iily recitations. All the members of t .e -chool. tin three divisionr.) are exerciM-d eer) Saturday in Resiling. Declamation, Einjliaii Com position, and Vocal Mumc Ail the stadeuts sre required to slunj. regu larly, t-ome religious meeting, itnors ire etiper ed 10 attend such mcelinza as are recoionieudeil o ihem by their parents or guardians. There sre in the Borough no less than rix places of public worship, occupied every Lord's lay by as many different I'biistian denominations. Kmntcr of Students. The number of students daring ths past year in ihe various departments, mi Mil. Toe number that baveenleied the c'ases in the Reg !ar Cocise for ihe current year (eicluMve of those in the English and i'limary departments ) is as follows : , Oolusi. Junior class 6 Roph'rtnore cl as " 13 Freshman class - - 1 2 AcsniWT. Senior dais - - l'l Junior class - - 28 . 1 TEACI1EUS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M, Professor of Malhematics snd Mslural Philosophy ; fiEOKGE K. BI.IS8, A. M.. Prolessor of Greek Lsnsoaire and Literature ; GEOKfiE W. ANDERSON, A.M., Professor of Latin language snd Literature ; ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. Principal of the Academy ; j ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the Academy. . ' In order to meet the demmds of the Institu tion, the Board have taken rmasares to supply the necessary Apparatus for lie department of Mechanical Philosophy, and to ineieae the Li brary. britHe the eommenccawnt of the. winter "salon, imnng U.e year, the buiidlng now 111 progress w ill lie completed, affording study rooms am) dormitories for 70 college students. Another Piolessor has been added lo the raeuity, ana means provided to enable students in the classes peeified above to prosecute their studies with the greatest success. Tuition and Board. TlXriON in the Colleeiale Department 30, Academic $20, Primary $12 per year. HOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can tw bad in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,37 j to $2,50 per week. Semlons, Vacations, &c. Two 8esiuus in s year the former comintn ccs on the second 1 uesday in October, snd con ,:, 7 - ih. !.., i . t vri,ion;4 . Autumumi 6 Kn session begins 1 1 lb October. The Board are bsppy to add that Lewisburg is at present, as it ever baa been, eiceeJi.igly henltby. " By order and in behalf nf the Board : ; THOMAS W4.TTSON. Pre-'t. GEO RUE F.'MJLI.EK, Secy. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1,3819. a. "j A1VF11.j) HAS removed his Watch and Jewelry establishment to hit house, opposite Ilayr s' Stores j-Buvk Jgent end Cofporteun will plcau i , ' to obntrrcj JTtVEltV citizen of ihe 1,'nited States should possess s eopy of ibese works. Tbey are ine Books of Our Country. ' T7f,i..A F'tihful tbronicle of the 14 1 " WAH ot American Indepen dence. In one large volume, 8o, Illustrated with Seventy Engraving", in handsoma Uilt liiiiding. Pi ice ii. Tlw ProsWi-nls of the United Stales, Their Memoirs and Administrations : To which is adJed an account of the Inaugura tion of each f'resiusui, tnd a history of the principal political events of bis administration, ami of the tiunsuctions of Congress at Jth ses sion durini; the period. Illustrated with rlifsnt portraita of the Presi dents, engraved on steel. This is a handsome royal 8"o, in beautiful pictorial binding. $3 5J. STATESMAN'S MANUAL. coroprNinir tliu Lin s, Addresses and Messages , t' the vnltie ol this orent remedy, has di of ihe Piesideuts of the United Suites, i of the moit Sdlisfaelory kini, and . has From V. ashinstnn to Taylor's Inauguration sd- giyn it a character and strtndurd a3 a dress, March, 18 19, p,,.,.,. 'irmfVP With a history of their Admiui-trations, and t.l.UlL, lt.iJiL IjM of each Kcs.ion of Congress-also vaiious Iflst- ' Wat ha placed it beyond conijieiition Inr orical. sUtiticsl, and oiher important public t the vaiious diseases for which it it ein .loeninen's, snd a complete Index, or analytical 1 ployed. raids ot contents to the whole work. Edited bv Eawn WtuiiHs Esq. Illustiated with por traits of our 12 Presidents, engraved on steel, from the mot approved authorities, and in ihe 'eat stjl' of the fi ; nrintcd on fine paper, and hanitsomclv bound in rmblematic stylo. It will sNo be eit bi l ished with Views of the Capitol. President's House, end the Seals of the several b'tntfs ami the United e)iates. In fnar large 8o volume. P'i-etStO. This is the citizen and Library edition. i"j"The i-fererce Hdition of the same work, in 3 Volumes large Svo, w ithout portiaiK. Price $7 60. This edition is for reference, and is intended for S atesmen, Legislator, Members of city Corporatism, l.srryers, and Individuals holding pebnc I'tru-es. The Kep(!?lfroirt!ir I ntf ed Stales, I'lllI l Oltlicll JustltuHOIIS. I'evic v, .! ai i! f. kuinioi J. lty A litis I)i Twdi-uiui. Memh.r of the I'ls'inne rf l'r.iiu e. citif t; e Chamber of Peputi-s. A c. lo nr.e p.ri'e octvo vdtime of ntjriv O.ie Thousand o-s. i'.ife 'iho H G-r3 of or IlsnnM, nr N-'limt'j. U ft In her ounj tie Zens : Containing the lives of cur 1'rtsidenU, ths oitnera of the Dccl nation. Article of ITonfei). t-isijon, lie Cons'tiiition. vkiU an hi tiienl -fcrtch i.f 'i:e Atiieirnn I'liion f'h;ra',d Aith eleg-.pt p..nrait, engrate.) on iei 1 and iPu-ni nsied pirtiir s of th.- Si-merj. ilis t'apit .l. and President's H. it? ai Washington, Bnnkrr.HiM, Vc. 4c. El. S'ln'ly bound. Hilt edges. Piice (TjfSa eTp,-rie has bten snared in lh preia iaion of t'ie volumes f lioi-unienrs, liislory, and Stati-iie. to render the same worthy of pa tronage, not only of Statesmen and I,rgil iti-r. but nf the Anierie m public eenern!!) ; bo will find in tbern the Tnt r or PoLincat IionrLEiitiE, and a mass of information. l.IT OF BK:KS puMish'-d bj E. Walker, 1 1 1 Fu!t m street. Dr. Itow line's Fli-iory of Ivom.'i i-ni lolbe present time Si) Ei.giawi.gs, price f .1.00 i be itide lo KnoA It'dtte, ' ; The wnni'ers of ihe Wuibl, I'S C.li s t'a i.ilv Monitor. Mri. Eibs's ( 'in!e to S iciil hspine, tr,o!t.-r i.d t- r. 3 Hi' t .Vi S oil .0 j I I . ,oer' 1 ee?i.- .11 I'irini'. Piog ess jl'hii-tian .M ini rol iy. I io 3- I I'lirl.l n Aie.-riSers, Knsli- b Lancusge f"' '""'I'V '"' T,,",,, T,i"""1""1 ,giL tin-ek Reader, 'MJ "', ' U "" ,or " ' 5 no t SI i,0a 1.00 ItldJ r.Kow's Opting ,ti!l, dv I Odd Fe'h.w's Oif lins fir Hoi), do i The Odd i't'llow IPusirated a'td nes'l i bound. ' 1,00 1 1.00 louin: Peoides Mirror tor 1543. 4 o. I Mjsln, , I. CO Po I.Mtiet, rt.Biwl lf ;cni:: and Colporhvrr Who msy ilere to ennvns dltrie's ftr tSe ihove iit port ii I Mai onsl V 1 i;l he ploase l to address a lion, to the pu'iih-r, statin? the p.v.ion of cour:rv lie wishes to occupy, and bv rnum nf Mail he -viii receicg a List of Prices wilh -Teims to Ajenti, which allow them a verv liberal eominis-tun. EDWsRIl WALKER. Publisher, 114 Ful ton slreut, Jd'ew Vo k Coas-jmplion disanacd of its Terrors ! i J AS I'lS'.-iH' Compound Syrup vf Nop A.JL. i hit -n po-ttivc cure for Consumption, iwline, Asthin i, nnd all iliseaccs of the clir-stniid lunys a single, bottle will prove its t lna:y. ' t 'I he proprietor not only recommends his X wriiA Svkit, hut warr.11.ls it lo cure! He wuirnnls It lo lift linon liif ehcls n.l purify ii ; he warrants it to remove all im pediments whi.-h retard the free circulation of ihe blood ; he warrants it to open the internal and external pores of the body and eject all Ihe obnoxious particles which have accumulated in the system ; he warrants it us a never-latiiu remedy in boctic lever, night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint, pu!Q in the chest, nnd asthma ; and he war. rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles 10 the lungs, and to heal those already formed, so ihut persons in consumption may take it wiih the most positive confi dence of a cure, for its great seat of action is lite lungs, w hich it penetrates in all di rections, purifying them of everything obnoxious in its progress, and which, if applied according to directions, it can not fail to leave in a perfectly healthy condi tion. Agent at Lewisburg 2t) C W SCHAFFLE. Get the Best! 4 LL voung persons should have a Standard l. Dictionary at their elbows. And while you are about it, eel ihe be I : that Dictionary is Sosh WnBSTiu's. the great work, unabridged. Ifyou are too poor, save the amount from off vour bark, to put it into your hei.PirenolxrJvur. Dr.Wehstei's great work is the best lJic'.l 'nary of the English language. London Morn.Chrnn. . i Containing three limes the amount of matter of I any other English Dictionary compiled in this J country, or any Burmgmeni ol mis work. Publit-hed by fl i C Merrism.Sj.ringfield.Mass. and for sale at the I heap Bookstore nf ' . May 30 : F LY.ND ALL, Lewisburg BEST Spanish anrl Hal t i ish, also Amnriran CKv AltS nn.l kinds of Chein2 TOR A CCO. for sa hv . , " PENNY fe FUR RAY. r.rw isl.ii rrj, Der 4, 1818 i . GOAL TOR sale by OF ALL KINDS 1 FEISEH IDDIXflS. Lwisl)urg, June, 1819 , A Tord to the Affiictei " 5,000 persons in Philndulphit alone hnv'twitiiessed with astonishment the won-d-r:ul i Iftciicy cl . Thomson's Con pound Syrup of Tar and Wocd Nupiiia in cttrino; Oiniurpptinn, Asthma, liront h itis, nhsiinn') ('onh, P;nns in the ISide or Itr'.Mst, L v r (inphiint, Stc. &;:. This piep?ir:t:;.'ui is entirely a vegetable remedy, nnd muy Le administered with perfect safety to ;hu feeble adult or child. In power h an litt ctornni is aditiirahly adipted lo rt lieve llie oppression tii pul iiii'iiur." i);sen-e. nnii while it assists nature in throwing off the viiialed mutter which collects t tite irsjury of the system, it acts tit, a genernl tonic or sir' nglhent r. . 1 he testimony of I hysici'in and others Prepnred only at the X. E. corner Fifili and Spruee streets, Philadelphia Sold by C. IF. Srhufflt, Sole Agent for Lewislitirg nnd virinily. f'273 "JfySx. H BJ "3 DECS PBs'sarS 1 1. 'pHE subscriber would inform the G n J 1 1. mo.: 11 of Lewisbttrr; nnd vicinity that he has nw re-opened a tie and elegant shop, ii st Ji..r to the Pust Oifn-e, where he w ill r-tirrv rn lie- L'J-.iinjs' of (M'T I I NG AND MA KIX'I onriti-itts as usual. Vi.r'. made) bv him warr:m:ed ?o fit. I'roltee received in pfiym-. tit ;it n.nrl;et priep. .IO I V .'!. Mlt.LKtt. L-.vi-!.ir;-, A'.r I J7, l-4- Thi ev.-cf'enr eompniutil i for sa'e l v ilir riroprbt ir's Ag'-nts J SSc.irr.rar. lAtrtsb-i'ii . iy A fine S timeriMrt ; M V 1 u;riit 10. T hiimbt rl-n I ; J H Iva r, .ii!t 'ii ; ti I A F Pip" W'atMM'ttwn LEWISBUrlG. f lHK sibs nls r w-ii';; 1 t'.r-n tb-citiz si- 1. 1 L'r- i-.'otsro ar I m 'y. !!) h i akrn and tilted It "," :i".V iitl'-!. bu'i-linp i-n tlo' -i it- nf Va U' t sl-i f !, b-'tw-eil TiiiiJ tim' F lilih, whi'10 i.o t pirparetl to Ink" Da'.-err : ; lei'm se -tl! or 111 irr.iltn-!, Ill . I s'Vif, lluriiiart ami on r. asonabie SJoreh. HI!) te rms Col. pi.d si c. John ); . k ju Sim Cure I ir i C t S a f:nsi'.v. i d never in:li-( .lleiredy L for P I L E C r Ii.Kriui', l 'rntil, bhfl or iv liinj !S.-roliila, Wwt Sae!iini;s, ljii'i rs, nl'-r r.-t'r I .'irt- i firttiit Cml"T Sore M 'it1'. I i' t"""'"tii, I'ui'in- us DiC3rs, Ulrrtwuif jf' rt rms d c ..ls for !r' -old , l.; irti. Cut L!ru t. A:-", d We feel j it Ce.l io pro-I-im:rg t! e Fact M ihe W'otli!. that of ail itie-hcii-n eer hro'i twtnre the pnbPe, none have ever been n;ore beneficial toafilici'dr hiimoiity than Slyer l.ijuij Cre 'X e know this is saying a great d.al, but if ne were to write volumes we could oot say too much i.i praise of this ,iKii.Tu-asTOHi-t6,t.iri!.i"iiotiitoiiro Br went. Hundreds, nsy thonsauda bless the happy hour rthen first they were made acquainted wiih i's truDHi-endant virmes ; and our present p"nroje is to infirm other ttinu-auds. how and -here tljt may obtsin that ulii f which ihey (arhapa ioog souihl for in vain. ' " The. supeiior esreilence of this pr- , ,01, over all other medicine, for the speed per manent cure of Flf.ES, is writ known 1 all who have tested it. it has been proved iu thousands of instances, and has sirta raiLr.u to cure the nio.f ohstinate cases, and we are confident it will never fail if used a proper length of time accord ing to directions. As a proof of our entire confi dence in it efficacy, we assure all purchasers that if. after a proper trial, it piovo ineff.clual, the Money paid for it saw all be returned. Tbe Liquid Cure is an eifectual remedy for Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Barbers' Itch, Fronted Limbs, t chilblains, fait Kheum. Musquito Bites, stings of poisonous Insects and Cutaneousdiseasee of every description. ' It is both safe and effortml f. Riicoatisx, giving imraadiate and permanent relief. Its effects tTtreul Vain Killer, are magical svf jtjvitl i -isir. nsn should provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, the cheapness of which places it within Ihe reach of all. Full Directions accompany each Bottle Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from those who have tested ihe Liquid Lure, may lie had n-ro.-s of U' anthonzed neenis Maem' Liquid Cure is prepared onlv by j E ROM E & CO. 2 1 Spruce St. New York Agents : C W SchaGIe, Lewisburg ; J II Kaser, Milton lveo532 GOAL. CO A Si CO A I,. fPHE stibff-rihrr has on hand and is 1 now recfiving from Pittstun and Sha- j mukin, Uesl Foundry, , Lump, I liroken, ' r Nut, 'and P-a f COAfa which will be disposed of on rensoniilih trrms. June, '49. I Cl. faAWSFIR. - Townseisd's extract of Sarsap'a. VL MIGE and fresh sup pi r nf Ibis ceiebraleJ Medirine just lecisssi from the principal i . : - IV' V- i. .1 , i . . . . I si'poi III sc. wn, anu iui oi ml i.iv new Drug and Chemical store of I " . T ! ; Dr Thornton v Raltrr fjCHOOrs-TICKETS printed nH os i kj at this ofneo. il;!?4afcMNi; r.QiiTtm.K life i.siKixCE,!''An ounce of Prevent ion w&rtii r r t : Annuity and Trust Cnntpany. OJpce. 74, ll'ulnul Street, PhilaJtlphia. fCiPiTAL, 250,000 Charier Perpetual. rpiIE Company are now prepared t transact JL' business upon the most litieral and advanta geous terms. TUey are aumortzeu ny tueir cnaner (sic. i) "to make all and every insurance apper. laming to life ri-ke of batner kind or nature, and to receive and esecuie tiu-ts. make endowments, and lo grant and purchase annuities, i tae Coiii pany sell annuities and endow uienU, and set a trustees for minors snd heirs. Table of Premium required for the Antttrance Atr. Hre.-n. A,e. Prem. . Age. Prem. 16 $1 50 31 $2 09 46 $3 36 17 I 53 '32 2 15 47 3 VJ 18 1 56 . S3 2 SO 4H 3 19 1 5'J Si 3 S7 4i 3 77 2U 1 60 ' 5 3 33 50 3 91 21 1 63 83 2 40 51 Hi 22 1 66 37 2 47 52 4 32 23 1 69 38 2 51 53 4 51 24 1 73 39 2 63 54 4 71 25 1 76 " 40 2 70 55 4 91 26 1 5 41 2 81 6 5 12 27 1 9 42 2 92 57 5 33 S3 1 94 43 3 01 f.S 5 51 P9 1 98 44 3 12 59 5 7S 30 2 04 45 3 23 60 6 03 The premiums are h as than sny other company and the policies effjrd are iter advantage. Mar ried women and female rhildrt n tan insure the lives i f either a huvband or parent free Irom the claims ot creditors. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, halt credit rites 01 premttirr", m'r.it rrrms, joint Uvea, survivorships, endow ments nd forms of application are to be l ad at the Ollice or of the Agent. " Rale fir insuring $100 on a riiple Life. A)te. For 1 year. For 7 veers. For Life. 20 $0 81 SI 160 30 0 99 1 30 2 ft 40 1 29 1 C4 2 70 60 1 86 2 07 3 94 59 3 43 3 97 6 03 F.iample: A person aged 30 years nevi b'rvth day by paving ihe Company 99 cts would serine to his family or heirs J 11.0 should he die in one vear.or for 9 90 he secures to them $1000, or for ' '! 10 annually for wien )tr he secures to ihem ' ItK.'O should hi die in seven y. srs. or for 20 40 v early ourtt.g life ho s -eure. t0:tlto be paid a hi 11 he ,U -a Ihe insurer securing hi- ow n l.inm t'V lite iio-rence ii amouril of pien.ium from thoe charpe bv other orfi-ea. I'.ir 49 5ll tl.e heirs would receive $5tl!l should be d in o:.e year. 1'ETEK CI"! T.rx.'l r rert. F V. KA'.VLE S c'y a 1 1 T eas. For futther pv.ticnla s. jv to nr:KY c utckok. ' J nt fnr t'llioil lrV fit' tilling co i.'lV". (',n'.l i: -'pitvsirinn W I'llis M 1. Le.vi.bar-, Cnion Co. Pa. Ju'y 21, l49 XsWsV-i skM l'l V, ricriCT : WATCH KS AN.) CLOCKS Cnrefulifj liipa '.rid.ui lit thur'tst .olire 'fflK i 1 Ll "lihs-rih-r i- ties to infurin l!ir 2 tf l w'i- Iniro ntnj tht puLii ll l-lll-I ii "I; of 1 K i 1 1 r.U-l'tt- iip 1 .! bv t.'.J ! he rftrrtr--. i.n tie U ut.-h- in 'tit li j" l'.iri!iriv's-r- .. . .: ..t I ...... " I i ' 1. 10 . .,1 . i i'.ii . , o ne. r to - 1 pr'-p.i ' 'ii i ('V'ftttf nil kllsrU ul'.WtrK iii ina i:ie! L't )tin' wtih pn.irplt e-.s ami till Hio mt! n-a-'iii.h!r 11 ruts, tint! bv s'rii-t antutiop ;n iti-. Lti"iiM" xp-ri a IMf-ral harr oi tairrnnos. il't h:is cuns;rtttt!y nn h:tt:d hp r ; ii ' i.r !" WA Tt'llKSl 1i-..i,i L vtr, KpglUh. Till Frr-f-e;. Ji:VM!;V f.iM U'a'ch rh'pa n ' J'i-!r-!. I'rtnc.Is- Pi-i.s l.-'aspin,K-jrrn2. i -; r i ; 1 , Si:i-r Sj'c-tacli.-s, Ln-kcts Sjuvoi., Tiiimb!e, &.-. hir Ii In- :! rt"'e r.-riinr-d M sell low CALL Jl.VD TRY. A. L. II TFHil.D. I.' .f'ww'.tir Xi v. !U, I JFcvcr 'ipi:e tu.kougiilv us.v..:catei Uy o .; A.-tii's a vmv j;svrt'nr M1A 1' great i aii i.ai ol a v, rite ai d .tslia. 1 teirrdy of Uiurtsi 5 V i i na" f r vm i .va it :.i' uesppeaH.e.i in its w. nJe iul sue. rs su. iitcy in the cure of t!ii wtelcLvJ c.'mp'aistl If yon cou'd escape Ihe srsei icl (poi.. nouJ -' unt..fei s. takennt a rsi'tlv lioan any ore tliat n 101 guardid !.y the t r.7 en t '-iat tre i f li.e o ij mal inventor a;i I pr j,ije .r J jhs K.l..ai), r a pnj er Isbul eroc-ii 4 tf.e mrth an-1 c..U. , 'ibis leu.i-vly has never lei n I n'slered op .v ate sad tl.ii:ui uf.,but h-s -..n it w ..y loth cMiC.-em atoi muxes .1 kJ :ji. u i f the inhal il trts of fever and Agae dulruls, sx lis uui. wr..NkS aid re r its SLtvr,tohicb si. t! rw md every peison who have used it will t-siify iVcprietot's OIUcp. 113, Arcli St. Tliilad'a Ar.iSTa: U V Schtfae. Thornton & I'.sker R ill Bowes, Lewkburg 1 A Kceostler, Willian Urowse. Sv. iiiisurove; Uasslerdr. Ann, Sweet Hone. u o uacknous, rtitp laiU.ib, M Kee s j Falls lyeoK.'.'H 8 r.tff trsgafjas, -ai-1-5.P1,rrs fPIIE subscribers, thankful for past palro- L nagp.wouiu iniorm Hik public that they vuniiiiuc to mnnuiacture all kinds or X1LL GEARIXG. Cast Water Wheels ol ,1,e mott 'Pr1'011 'tiiitri ii. Threshing iVachiucs. One and Two Horse m loilfclic, . fssgyaar iv o ::, -"TT i . ' -v iii.iiv- iinrinruiar aitrntlon to n n?w irtirle ffiartl's Patrnt C1C PLDIT.U.1. lai- srtdin? in Grain. Farmcra by this pioufjh can stted in as much grain, in nne day, as tnree clays with common ploughs. antt Fiuiojr ihe same. IIOI.LOW.W a HE. Kettles and Pols .f various sizes Snumth. tng Irons nnd Stands ct Tca Kelllcs lo suit cookinf; stovrs. 1 ."" " t COOKING STOVES. the ntost approved patterns now iu use, lor wood or coal. Fancj.ParlorAVood.Crnl Stores. AIR TW11T STOVES, . n.-rr. fctr-rcjrulatloR Alr.fixi.f I'arlor V owl ."Moves, la iww aaitclo ) Ihn'Nrtinrr HTn.iiM A ..k. - ..... ...... v. ir ir. i otl on the Q4rfrt n4c. ' CntiiiH ranted lo Je ot tUe 11 m eriili4 at prices lliat cau not fail lo plf C.KrK3 MARH. Awiabur2, rcb 25, 1848 !209 a pountl ol lure, in . that airul dixease. CONSUMPTION 1 Dil. FITOH'S Iciruivs on Prcen linn and Cure of Conuwplion. Thi p"polar work for sale in aLewitbur by S. F. Lnd;i! J. UoutiUb- and at (his r.(Hie. Trice, 75 C 0 $. TRICKS Of arAfK. I.BT FVKRVstOLY K'AD THM I J rtllTtLT.-Tr Si'nrMifi'm yf !t iii Ui J rb:lv-reit un! c.."i ft p. Tt"ii'is.V StrMpanlla. Ir fi m IS (K1I- 'Al- KMflNK.r.i all UtaX. 1.ti Tewu.fru! tf ,10 .1 nn-i wr w ; b:ii waut Umnr.y w-'i. -t or- -ai finis, nil il:r y he muniM ib u:le ot iXfar fJi i'ta purpunc qf ganiiuj cretii! fiir wtatii iK- hn-t I?-j-bvs "fj, ha jt:eili wt tnitral Khnetlt. n-1 pn-nre4 jr fisted yeir! !' N'w Iru-li i". ri nrxfio '. m!xi.Hi a day in hi T Surh wilful, vi-d .1 Cisftwi'iimg ltil(9 b:tJ t the character utitl wrrcy of i.ie i.n. I wi-Ji nuKt fineerely, he UmA tvver tr-xcx i ti i'c nn,i f t.uu wt or mi nte. When will n.n i;-r:i t te h miv-cc jJ tru'H lul in all Vf ir dfalm arel nrrcour e wt-h iiir men He ap(liti 10 one R'd Vw 10 imi mn uucfurin? Itw Diixturr . aVaiijiz (he lairr irn its wj.J make, as ar HK.uwri;fH 10 -'ri'irk in 1 i-it- Trie man have Ikm utfulti.i; ani libf tto? me in i(t p-lb oon, ft or-ler to iiMpre-w (tar pu tlu nh irr t-if th 4 thelM'J l itr's Stmp-irilta w-v r- rh" r'-. -r. prtttinm Naracrpa n-f, lo-nt Hie f:t tPvdmr'a ir-f'inol hut pip.. TniS. P. T !! i'! kw i h-.s. i u 01 my narae iwJ a w.eit, I wiil .ve Kim f h wtH pr du our iiTlr? "oritry pr-rH rf ihw.. Hi araueMaw of Tlwm-.i. Skt(:maa c C.. are ta-Hii bu: a u-iif f tiUh'H', smfy nvie 1 ds?-tv ifie p'H-M. M 1imd the trtr.h flown in f- 'iH h.' M-.f( fermtntinf tttm portr I. Tii r f '0 tbe pi'.'jai: w y':h . u i-jt Ky Mr. J On T t-vTi-"-n IV sr - -j..- 1 fun on rt fii O'd lvTnr' likir,e hi umty C4t iJ ' ArmMx1. im aignJiUnHCi-v lUtt'oit A.-t;i. t'nncittM t.Jice, 1JL Xoait-9'rt. VI, C ' 1 un ?jx:zrj -,.;?i ok 0 Dr. Jacob To-vncii!, in-t !" Ttwi.eiKl . inyy ?i.-t .y, zs -.nr.'. ne u-Hhlm-d U"r :!',' t hfrtiHKH 'ex ii f; V rt E nm.UA - TO A .si S4fvf-'t'i'.KA.'' ft-j .u,ii win f" sj It I.il lln tsul J ' r. . . . (' ; t rvU r; . . j . t '''!"f' 11 " htss. .. V IKa ! .: ' t w i- I- ' ;.t .-.f. -ill, li ui ra- l i;n rn il r.iatti i.4 ii: C t rwr .. - mY, hij f ...J.-.' . -a'; aTT'( li ttu ilcvn, fi f ttTU at W a."-" r'.ss ' t i,, ,5i";r) T u7, V- ..ii ' i 1 i "-' P.twr-.-t.T; V - m:: 'i ". 1 ' h ' ' -' n'si i- e..: ':. J a:4 kriv.i 1 cl :l. I. r it i an i y ... . -r--n- !r- j y 9.t , K4 Vi'.st. Ui-V-! V' A rj'SSi lirfl't'Jvr.'a a' -'io I ..1 .'(-". I I :.l Ltr IiV!:.ItflC jWn'.a. T at Ssr-aiEwitri' r-v-1 ci:miii p-a'tv in sir:. ( ..('". "tit t iif iifr'.l Jf !l't!', r-il is. "if i' I'.r 11 t-r - vv' ;.-!! i1 1 r"i- i iha f " S Oil .-I..." j-.r isy- un. h .. ' lurv "t i it 1 ;; sf-. Si.t oiher. n-iicft 11 P dil.- '. ' -Jl'a.' -: 01 lr-:n." S .!! ll.lt rhev v. o- "t j m m 1 m-.-.e . i" T-o- r"t. a n ."- I) er-L'.r -I ar- 'VS: , . t! !(,.-. -Ihe" 'leW' , Itjlttl .n. ll.: 'i en m .jw r Sr.y if f. fit ir. wn rhe pit a ilirk 'irr it 1 I- -.f.f srafl 'h''.i ir.n:tr'i v. -h r:ir ii.o'1' t. a-i Itr-tfH i..i;SAii!'I 1 tK'll -l!tS i-i -N in vw- - TTiiai t4 1 ir.-!ssrvj rlia 'r th- llw w. A -rTr" " tlifit t v iv jirii'i' ri lir iv,: t Tirti H itir-a tn pi.i c r ii'riii T:t; aft'l .hut t; n- rti-.e.r t V lured ui put U i - i" " r'-nu( -u! II--.- I'lf li-.ttl W" HiaU C-t7 f it- li. ii i-iv.i U titnt. iti c.i::'!: . ri.s a C V.v-;','. is i'.sr'EP! t. ll- - CO !f.,7'ii.i m RrTr.r1.Ti:-!. C'r'- 1 1. 1. i::.:: : t-fr rw.';-:-. a. trnvv. a:ui it. ." ai I l-li I' iMt . iiii v '(if rn". F.i.ooa ll p'v-'s a n.jr';:ot- t!.- im nn " 'i'. :. i i pi:i' ir-in Ii.-fi i-s vr irwu A -iJt y ihe S j.-- v f. -tarw'ttM.1 .wr.-Ui..':, -r.- i ? l-v-t to Wl; itii'-n .f -h-lrrart, etM t e: ao t tan .c. 1 Il..t lit!.. .n-.-f ur I ii is-- - ' C tl iJ Coughs ; ': t" ! rjry Ac'iJriu -t.fJ - -fiati n. r-'.i'.Ai-A: iMciu.r- ui liit; k:.r-i : e;j otieri-irt. - , , ilui m iw'tifli' i i" rei Mfni-i- rr-.f y Mu 1 kkmaLi; CO.VU u . . Fn i W the iVtr..1,, t&iTtft;7. "mt4 Pmi Ml-i''4.lrr-ye'-.v't; t-ac ip0 :.m: ' J . . ;.? -- ; a,r frV-ni ni fi uail!hei. ru.---. As - i'v '-"':' Hv TeAkisVitiS rtr-iiruci-in. r 1 'Ti'-tt' w a. J rva fm, it ati.r- r...,e it.-.-T uvr.iii t ina .ja W, laus cu:"- nil I and t'; a tim i tvoii ! nr i ':-' jp a -rut invi . iji'THU ilTCaTi -iL. AfaVU J lI, -a. .' i,LM . 1 ctt . u e Ut.--1. , iieat ira li-f-r atT-t (-t'-u. t-ti lit -t stJ. -.-h. !.' ial (iictli. K's.n-1) immi s-i.fiou ni'i!ieU. U w -i-t1 i-. riiii-a UMkM.e. urt.t- tin firru'v -l f I.- ..tht.y Mciit, ei-uwr -a.m k .Mn'-" ail -',b 1 t lHJil.s , aUsai Ua nioisMt 'slt-;n:'inr,. ntni ithttT4tr ir.e !' rt os""" r-n. W rr ! i.n cuv rait nn rr i'fri rj " r t hfV.iu-ttiH oiw I.K'.W ' 'T.th: :t,rns is IM-'AIM Bis ol l::Ti:R!.n ITW. aa i wMi fith.r T:'? Kxr:n. fr .-r ar. ! V'tri-: kettles conr?"ir!: i' .rr't-n-: ih -!. li-lfTfl ,xp!o-."'ir . r 1 Hstitrt,-. otts r i f'"f Vr - ivrrfh)e eompfun be t-vi "frtn. tt is" - I"' f put acid into a y V. -.-,r jisrtwt trf vt7 'r. ' fllWrt lJj!;tw h"' sr 1 "l inx M.I if w frtl Mnr in niirani'Hin. wlrni vhc'i:"' u ir-Nr Hatiilrnf, hMrtljtiriik p-i'iii a un of f vn. i-r r plsiint, ili-rh-v. iv7--r.',r'. f"!". irJ teri;vit :.b Wh prnttum all rr,r ij:nvir n 'tii h I1; j or I -. F'-vin, Sc:t.f Tc . fT;i-iir?. Ki viim1 , W :. SwH.int. Frr-T S'r-. tVm ' a'prrt' ir ! bttttt I' lit & li.i.a UaavK-r atf-ivatn --r ritar;.- t.::.5fsi.f. wtiich sou, and :hu ap : di; tjte flm-H o ,i.e s;iii or Whiat nn RV nrii t'ii i "tiaur ai-1 a":! Ilirfi which mfiinsfivs ite't hs;ren the je,. warn, irrii i"j..j; nud inn imitf.' 'lie .Vtici' f1i- n - ji birh ii arts? S- i n-rro(i .Hra. ot :tpii : .:i ' li'oiMf, of flmnsrrHl rrretilfuii,Hl : a. ,h--i rt- whirh altlict human nrvn.rp. Now h it nn i: rriM tt imVe anJ arl!, ani rrrCsi:' IPtTTsW tO tlsssj fK(al . . , . soi'rinu, arKRv:"jirt. n. c(o:ro! or S T. TOVNSKNT. W'J h W0i1:? 'tn lr.iv.-it nrvprwiMt. thai C, ! IW Ji UT.rv.fs.'e. a-.,. it .vrajrsrCo, ail 14 ITATION ot Ins !i'.v ! r prr-.u-f... ' 1 Heaven r!;.l w a J in a r;'e TTirh wntti! hmt the fpo-.i MvattiiUBCe V S. P. T.-an- en i'n ttrttae ! e wp h I nn f--rt.v.L bratv tw aWv trmt. that Sv P Towni!VrtiTai.J Pr. Jt-.'T n.rT!.,,i S!irBitfrii1i s.e aWitf. i u ""- mtirf, 4-ra, ;f-'variVirt. ; th.it t'v rv itiNlaV ia entry jaai'svii iar, astviitsT dm one ins!'! tHnri:tCM'Tka. S. r. 4wrif:ti ! i- T" ''"'r. Tter . Pl Ant-urn'. ik ph,rrtr-trinpaa m ntotrai mehrir.e tffeur than hf rmu'TV-n. uitcV-ien it.ttniittsi'fi-tl wlwi ewtrimt'e r.-f ihe pnb'ic hrre lhjt ihr are re- CriVilltf 4 JvliIlin-lrrMlrff nwhsSfift. etmtxti 'l llr tr- tufif tfta art-rf isFf-if ta m-uariii iL ar.-! wri:ch t- ampaiHioi cliatuatr- iuch nnui nn 'r t?.em :Ht Atiti.NTS But whU f.Hs- -Vttia x rwtrrj f-nm fre v, tnoa iwhrtif oiparaiireiT 91 u.n'i.trvf r rfi-f t v.piur pereant'i mtc xi-ri-:i-is tn iAk mi4 t if'' emiiBum tVitit tral. Ha? nrwh a-nr urrrtr it t. th fTom who manu"if turr- rt. !t : . Y- WKAK KTtlMAC US AMI EFf KPI Kf S T ahouM Wnw -M fti mitraf arwariKa u' it f. ih. E -4 manner m ayiimi ami rniruii-L..af th-tr h-,'i;.nt", ataft aa axiaore kiiilr f ilw ri-di--'r'b arfen th btimau ";ir, and bow aw a4afi tni - w thf ffl-tllsi It m lt irM arinm ujnn fS nn orini'. tt sr Sa, Into wrHintVii humanpr. To hrtt )H M lraK(e-af Bsianm. a TM'M !:. tu swl h.n.na. atvl w . t a JAf'dU Sa .ltr MI M ai fft !IHH art sssrvat -ai hl.HM hvf wittMn Dm fan- h. vi k m.w ,4 ati wV ihcjr i4if U-ai o -' fcrtvw m tssamfl f -rv.-, N . TravatateaMctaatvA Parf fa !! crT l.r ir .vU.. XVrivrtii C ton ; lrv:h rics!l. Nrrthui.b'mrii e-'TV-'ril 'V 4i s r F.XTLir.!KVS Fatvy C. V("" vl ). i'lilhs, ('a,'i..ere?, at d una-int-r Goutitt sn certera.1, tl " C. K. Biv., CI rap S:ore
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers