tt Amrin scaffold, and forcing my un happy companions to abjure their region, or accept the same alternative. No rriends to the Turkikh Ooveroment would spring up from my blood ahed by her broken faith but many deadly foes. My lord, our heart a till I am sure excuse my having railed your attention to our un happy (ate, aince it has now assumed po luical importance. Abaadoned in ihia un social hind by the whole world, even the first dutiea of humanity (live us no pro mise of protection, unless my lord, you and your generous nation come forward to pro trt ua. What steps it would be expedient that yoo ahodld take, what we have a right to eipcct from the well known generosity ol England, it would be hardly fitting for me to enter on. I place my own and my com paniona' fate in your handa, my lord, and in the name of humanity throw myself under the protection of F.ngluiid. Tim3 presses our doon miy in a lew rlays be reeled. Allow me to make an humble ersonal request. I am a man, my lord, prepared 10 face th worst ; and I can die with a free look nt Heaven, at 1 lava Jiv.d. :ut I hm also, my lord ! a husband, son, and father; my poor, true hearted wife, my children, and my nubte "Id mother. are wandering about Hungary. 7 hey will probably toon fall into the hands f those AuMrianc who delight in torturing ven feeble women, and with whom the in nocence of childhood ie oo protection agaiust persecutions. I conjure your Excellency, in the name of the Moat put a atop to these crtieitiea by your powerful medita tions, and es-ccially to accord to my wile and children t-r. asylum n the soil of the generous English people. An to my poor ;?iy believed and noble country musf al.r, too, perish forever ? fthall ahe, unaided, abandoned to her fate, and unavenged, be ib.oim.d to annihilation by her tyrants ! Will Kngland once her hope, not become her connotation ? I be political interestaof civilized Europe, so many weighty consideration respecting England herself, and chiefly the mainten ance of l lie Ottoman Km pi re, are too ini maiely bound tip wilh theexiatrnteof llun gary for me to lose all hope. My lord, inn y God the Almighty for many years shield you, that you may long protect the unfurl una le, and live to be the guardian of the rights of freedom and humanity. I sub scribe myself with the most perfect pespect and esteem. Signed L. Kossuth. SPLENDID ENGRAVING. flMiE subscribers are now publishing au J elegant engraving of the Deathfof the Rev. John Wesley, v. l. .t.jk:-i. -. L. r .1.. i.. k. 1 JOHN kWaU. E-q . after lb. ctlcb- ' i rami I'tii bill of Marshall ('Is Hon Among the many good meu who have spent iheir lives in the services ot their Di vine Master, tew ever exerttd a greater in fluence for good than did John VA'esllt. With high powers of intellect he united a gentleness of disposition w hich enabled him, al the same time that he touched the tend ci chords of the human heart, to convince the understanding of the truth and in port -aiice of the holv precepts of the Guti el which he prornu'gattd. And when we take into e nsideration that his man fold labors of usefulness extended to w period of more than ball a reniuiy that duiitig the whole of (his long period an unerring course ol rectitude was manifested in his walk and eonverj-atioti we ceae to wonder at the ery high degree of estimation with which Ins memory is cherished, not only by the members ol the denomination, the upbuil ding of which his untinag energy and ex (inplary pity so much contributed, but by tl.e tru'y pious of every sect. The death of Wesle. was perfectly con sonant with the eveo rectitude or his pro tracted life, and adda another to the many proof ihal "the end ol the good man is -1 vnce.'' The closing scene of the lile of rbia venerable man is the one Mr. Claxlon has so happily ch en as tne subjtct ol his Uauti'ul painting a faithful copy of which, tnfrtit ed in an efrgnnt manner, we have tbougbt would be a memento which thous ands would wish to have framed and hung a in their parlor. In order to enable sueh a desire to do this to gratify their desires, Mr. Sartain, who stands at tne head of his prolession io lire United Stales, has been engaged to engrave this elcgsni picture in hw lst style, and, relying upon ail exien s is patr o.iKfl. the price have U e.n put ao low that none w ho desire it neid be without ii. The Liigravirg is of a large sise suit able Ice triti.ii '. will be prittle d on the ierfpa:ny ol i-e-vy plate paper, in a ve ry vi rivr n, r inipnsion pres f.ling all Ut ol nfirtl clutit proof, and will be furnislied at tne following unu aval'v low prUis : 1 eopv. r2.54); 3op es, $5,t0 ; 7 c pie. 52 ' 5 3 cop. t2.ltl ; iO c for thirty dollar! S thst .liemUr 0f congregations aud oth er bv uiiiong lOgf ther and lorimng clubs tan oliaiii tins most impftie piclura at Out d.llvr und a fil roy.V-' '.' Surroor d fig ibe Ud ol the eling patn arf h are nineteen figures, iCrCstntiiig the f..:'rtjting persona (of many ol vLom accu rate portraits are given uo.n or.gtu'ts ot streat rarity. t. lor ihe sale of this fine w ,.tk of rt a?e wanted in everv par' ol the UiuUd States, for farther r"1"" . lfes CLADDING tt HIOOlN. Tublisliers. Meth. Jist Book Sto. No. 40 Nonb F.-unh Street. I hila.-tlph-B. C7This elepnt Engraving will he lur w;wlH w RolesrW and letail, bv the Meiho ,!; ftiok K.taWishn.rt.iO Mulbt rrv bi New York, and by their- Agents ihruigi. .iit ihe 1'i.ited States. The purchasers ol this bnravng will ..bwse W ar ... mind that thi pla-e haw bee., sngravedhy Mr .Sarta.O expressly or tha. are .aim from r.,nd EnfMh Kovember 3. 1B4. Foreign News. New York, No. 1 18 P. M. The steamer Cambria, Capt.Leitch.with about 80 passengers, bringing Paris dates to the 25th and Liverpool datea to 27th, arrived at Halifax at five o'clock, P. M. Thursday. England. The Hon. Abbot Lawrence, the American Minister, had an audience of her Majesty at W indsor Casile,on Saturday lost, to deliver bis credentials. The general tone of business affairs du ring the past week have been ol a healthy character. The European Times saya that the fears which were entettained that a general war would spring out of the demand which the Czar made upon the Sultan relative to the extradition.or rather giving up the refugees aiWidd n,have been quieted by intelligence which has come to band. The altitude as sumed by ihia country and France placed the Emperor on the horns of a dilemma. He had no alternative but to lower his tone or Laie his sabre. He must either fight the English bull dog and Gallic coek, or he must cease to bully the Tujlt- lie hus pre ferred the the more pacific course. In land. Nothing of intereat transpir ed iu ihia distracted and downtrodden coun try. The difficulties between land lorda and tenants, wiih murders aud assassinations, continue. France. In the National Assembly ,thi leading leatures ol the week's debate, was, the adjourned discuss on national credit, connected with the cost of the Human in tervention, which had been adjourned over. In the couise of the remarks made by de Tocqueville, he expressed the hope that the amnesty would be granted. He said be believed that Piua,the great Pontiff who had given the signal of every liberty, and the leader of all liberal ideaa, had been re paid by violence and murder. These Inst expressions called forth denials, and M.Tu lelun rose up and cried aloud "a lie," and amid great commotion the Assembly ad journed. The difficulty was allewa-ds set lied, and t lie sittings resumed, Seventoen ol the June m.urgen's have been tried a: Versailles, and have utou ac quitted. f!hf.!era hna Milirv erAsnd. Ueporte from Paris received on the 25-b j slate, that the French Ambassador at M o.-l...... I,.. f... .,.'..,! A,,l.. ... 1... government indicating a change in the hos tile determination of Russia in its di.-agree- I mcnt with Turkev, unrn the subject ol the extradition of the Hungaiian refugees. So ; far from pushing mailers to extremities Kussia expresses itsslf noxious to settle ditficulies quietly provided no wailike inter ference w as thieatin-d ua the part of Eng land. The same rumor as pievalent at Vienna on the Jlst. Turkey .-A letter from Malta states that there is no doubt hut that the English fleet htlS I' ll the Adriatic lor tne flardrinni llcs. The Aj"tfin fleet is tinder sail for inc. Itardnnne'tli . i AtSrbitlozol ffiere was a Kussinn fiii ' ..i OA l-aclaI- iii.ln fnnr tkniir :iit iVrtin li. I " V ' i mou.h ol the Rosphorus. The 1 urknh n l j was ar.thorrd ncrets the Bosphorus at the narrowest parts to delend the p.i5t-aj:e. ! tions, ol" ibe usual character i f such prn The Tuiki-h 4imy at Waliaclua had ! .j,,,',, '1'he only point up n which it lietn ord r d buck to ('i.nslHiitinopli-. wBUinoMrd a controversy would are The French flee!, consisting of six ve. j f nhvery p-wd without e'a of the line, two friga'cs, and steamers, A,e. und unanivwiitly, mtcily prolib- witli 8,000 men and 0V0 guns, is under- Wn " ."L. , 1 Coi.siautiiioi.le to the 8;h int announcing ; ttie arnvol iu tne Buspnorus, oi me iriuii . fleet of observation. . A a ute of 20 guns reil by " j Koine. A letter Iron, l.oine ou eo on ihe 14h. says that much excitemml pre vnils in the city. young men wen arrested (or singing th Marseilles hymn in the street, anJ instead ol inging th ople now mdulge in proe recitations. Piarnnis wi h enormous letters, with -Dtath to in:amois Priesis" -Death to! the red Triumvirates," cover ttie walls ot r. t Several attempts on the lives of French officers huve be a made. A letter from V lenna to the 7'h, says tha' Venice will not become a free port again. The capital of the kingdom will hence for ward be at Verona. Nples and Sicily. A Naples and Si cily the violence of the Government conti nued. It was reported mat a reg.cine as- socia'lon had iK-en rt'cvered,in wt.icli are imtilicated about 20 000 persona. A copv of Lord Palmerton's dispatch oa Sicilian question, has been sent to the Em peror of Russia, w ho sent a courier to Na ples, recommending the king not to give way, assuring him that Russia and Austria would support him under any circumstan ce. The Government pa-wr were filled with abuse of England and against Lord Palmerston. Hungary and Austria The Emperor has granted ihe t.fS -ers ol the garrison of Peterwarden. who surrendered unconditio nally, the same rivilcve which tha Empe ror of Russia accorded tha garrison of Co morn. A courier arrived at Pesth.from Vienna, with orJers to stop the butcheries in that CifV. The organisation of the Austrian army is going on with gra( activiry. Gen. Dembinskra st-ier ana Drotner-io- law were arrested at Cracow on the 17lh. ' The had never ioterlered in politics, It is said that General Haynau has re signed his post in consequeuce of the Em oeror havine ordered him to erase his bloo- dy work. He complained bitterly of his au thority being Oiaregara oy mosc wno pro-.umr-J to shoot Cunt Bathyany, it having been hi fx press orders that he should be hanued. The latest aceounts from Pestn state that arrests were atill the orders of the day. It is mid bv tlw Washington corres pemdent of the New York Herald that the Cabinet has resolved to resist the preten tion ol England to the Mjsqui'o e eonnty, even to the extent of war. The letter wiiurs know nothing about the iuteutions or tha Cabinet oneway or another. f TlKre were six inches of snow en Tuea dsv. rvn the mouuta ns between Wheeling aud Cumberland. LEWISBURQ CIIKONICL.K AND WEST BRANCH FARMER Lewisburg, Pa. Wednesday Afternoon, Nov. 14 0"See New Advertisements. The County Advertisements take up ao much room that wacan give them but one or two insertions until we get smaller type. READING-ROOM. We are requested to call a meeting of all persona who wish to have established a Reading-Rnom in Lewisburg, at the room under Dr. Stewart' office, en Thubsday evening, Nov. 15. We second this effort for the public good, and hope enough may assemble to devise a feaaible plan. It will require but a small sum when divided among many, and its convenience, econo my, and beneficial tendi ncy on the com munity and especially upon' the young, we believs can be established by trial. Those interrstrd, will not forget to attend. Launched. Taking advantage of the high water in the river yesterday, TEN of those large class boats just finished by Messrs. FaiCK fa Slifbk of this place, were started for New York, amid the hearty cheers of the laborers w ho had so long toiled to create those excellent specimens of workmanship. We wish them a safe und speedy urrivrl at their distal' port of destination, dud a like return of the proceeds. Businfks-Meii's Almanac for 1S50 Is issued by V. R. Pai.mkb fromlhe Trib une Buildings, New Y-jik. at 12, ct.-. $1 per d.., 7 per hundiod. It is emphati cally a Rusirns. M Hi's work. We know not where the same amount of information " te opined in stimuli a compass. " PTHr.K "liw in Ami now is th time to improve it by getting T7eirery thing ready for the mud and cold to come, Fee Soil unanimously ordained in California ! The AItt Californian of the 1st of Oct. gives the following acconnt of the proceed ings of the convention, in session at M n terev. for the formation of s State con.ti'u lion and bill of rigbta. This ln.dy, up to our latest dates, had l)H,.n m session a lillle over three week M jst of the provisiors of ibe proposed Con- -tnu'.on bad been Rcted aud pSMu d upon i n M.mrtifA nf fi.i, ubtil. ' " TilC ,i, of rTpim. . ,d..,.tcd in com of the wl.olc, embraces twenty sec itipg .i(,v(,ry. tfun.e few were iu law.r of '' r "-7. "ZrjZ:Z. I T.i.'.n, .Vow ofa r nuosiK. nnd w. V(lej down ainiost ui animousiy . The sufTra(.e question was ti c oure ol c,.n.ideiJlWr s but was finally c'i all male citizens ot Sl1M -, uin,h, rt..,J. ce in u,- inn u - - - - falifornia, and twentv-one years oi age. (Indians. Africans, and llm descendants of Africans excepted, to the piivilrges of elec tors. . . The Constitution as far as adopted con- foims veiy closely to those last adopted in the several States. Il piohibits banking and lotteries, and all membera of general corporations are to lie individually liable for iheir deht. The introduction of free negroes or of slaves lor emancipation, is prohibited. N. Yoik. Nov. II, 9 o'clock P.M. The steamer Empire City, arrived hers . fc whh in,ei.0ce from Fan ' . . . . . Francisco to September the 1st, being thir ty days later (but the same as those ricei ved by Ihe Falcon at New Orleans.) 6he brings the mails and half million dollars worth of gold dust. She brings Ihe interesting and important intelligence for Baltimore city of tha arri val of no less than six vessels from that tort at San Francisco. Tho Detroit Daily Advertiser of the 4lh instaot.states.that thesteamboat Nile.on ber late trip up the lake, lost seventeen of her passengers by cholera. Tha disease was still prevailing in Mackinaw, and a few deaths were occurring daily. The Supreme Court of New Jersey has ' decided thai engineers on railroads are not reponsib:e for the loas or injury ol cattle. thai may come in contact with the locomo tive, aa it is the duty of the owners to lake care of their properly. Steam on theSusquhanna. The steam boat Tunkhannock is making daily tris between Tunkhannock and Pittston, and the enterprise is proving highly successful. An effort is making for the secession to Maryland of that portion of the District of Columbia w hich formerly belonged to her Pine Anpfea have been successfully cul tivated the present season, in Attakapas district, Louisiana. Michael Dime has beeu appointed Trea surer of the Mint at New Ocleans. vice Mr. Btal decl.ced. Election News. fThe State Offices in New York are probably divided between the Whigs and Democrats by the vote of the Anti-Reoters who voted lor some on both tickets. New York City went Whig by ,0d0. OCrBarry, Dem., is elected Governor of Michigan by 3 or 4,000 majority. Senate Democratic House uncertain. Mississirri. Gen. J. A.Quitman.Dem is elected Governor by a large maj., and the Democrats gain a Congressman in the room of Patrick Tompkins. New Orleans, Nov. 12. Gen. George Walker, the Democratic candidate for Governor of this Slate, has been elected. It is believed that the Con gresaional delegation will atand as before. The election parsed off quietly. Wheeling. Va N..V.12. Col. T. S. Haywood, W'hig, has been elected to Congress from this district. This is a Whig gain. The Louisville Journal of Monday states that Hugh Smith has been elected delegate to Congress from New Mexico. llrir Jeney. Ruth branches of the new Legislature are Whig, though the Whigs lost several Members of each by the Anti-Moaopoly and other local iaus. There is. we be lieve, an Anti.Monopoly'majority chosen, and a charter (lr a uew Railroad arnse the Stale w ill be nunted - subject, of course, to tiie judgment of the Courts as ) to its legaTy. U s'on, Nov. 13. The ciiv of Rnston has given about 2VU0 majority for the Whigs. The returns in dicate that George N. Rrigiis, the Whig candidate for Governor, is elected by the pcop'e. The coalition party have pmbn bly electfd iheir Senntora in Middlesex, Worcester, and Plymouth. In Norfolk and E-sex iho contest is doubtful. The House is largely Wh'g. In the fourth Congresaional District Hon. John (. Palfrey i riafeated by a larger majority than before. The vote for Philips (coelition) wilt be 10 000 less than last ytar. Bout well's vote has hren increased. New York, Nov. It The prospects for the Whigs in this State is this morning decidedly Letter. I' is now eowedi d on all hands that the Sen uteis Whig.ihe only question being wheth r the majority is four or two. The As sembly, too, is probably W big. though here is a probability tha' it may be equal ly divided between llie ln rii-a Tho news from California faa created quite a stir, and will add largely to il stream of emigration Iran all our principal cities. A br ut fifty young men bound to California, came to this city by tho Eastern boat-), on Saturday niuht. The ftearner Einife CiJ a()J ohio Bf b(Jh , , lrt to rrow .f.eroo, a. 3 o'clock. Intelligrnce from Oregon, received by the E npire City, stales that the overUnd emigrants report 1500 deaths on ihe route Irom Cholera, and thai 800 wagons have been left. The Oregon Spectator is to lie revived. Fears are entertained that the French disagreement at Washington is not ended ' The Snaquvhunna County Dank. We learn Irom Montrose that the failuie ( 0f ,lf. i:uqU,.hBniiB County Bank has j CBUSH(j tie ut atest excitement in that com riiunitv. I he committee oi vireciors ap pointed to investigate the aff.iirs of the lo siiiuiion. report that the Bank has at least $-100,000 at, of which probably $150 000 has recently been put in circulation at the West, through a certain agent in Cin cinnati, who was in Montrose but a week before the institution exploded. The .... w- Cashier. T. P. St. John, has been arres ted in default of tO 000 bail. He had assured the directors that there were but $49,000 in circulation, and that every dollar could be redeemed. So infuriated were the citizens that they attempted to do violence to bis person, and after his incar ceration, they took the signs from the bank, and placed them with an effigy over the jail door. Canada. The Grand Master of the Orangeman at By town has come out wilh an address to the members of all British North Amer ican, peremptorily denouncing annexation as utterlly disloyal and revolutionary, threatening disaster and danger to the country, and menancing the peace and safety of the people. It is said that Que hec is scarcely behind Mon'real in press ing the question of annexation to ihe Uni ted States. A manifesto in favor of the project ia now in circulationin Quebec, with 700 names attached, of men mostly in high standing in thai city, of both Eng lish and French origin. Quiney, (III.) Nov. . . Last night aboul filly all ages and sext-s, with lea ns, stampeded Irom the Missouri side of Ihe river. The slave were owned by Misa Miller.Mr.McKinn and Mr. McCutceon,of Sugar Creek, and Mr.Ellis, of Monticillo, Lewis county. The slaves were overhauled on Saturday morning.aod after a desperate resistance and the loss of their leader.they wera captured. The slave who was killed belonged to Misa Miller; Phiiadulphia, Thursday, Nov. 8. Hon. Henry Clay arrived in this city thia afternoon at 3 n'clnck.from Baltimore, and was heartily welcomed by his many friends and admirers. Col. Swift, Albert R. Schofield. Esq. and Henry White.Esq. met the Baltimore cars at Gray's Ferry, and brought Mr. C. to Mr. Richard Bay ard's private residence in Walnut-st. below Eleventh, where he is now staying. Mr. Clay haa made this visit to our city in or der to attend the wedding of Mr. Bayard's daughter which lakes pldcu this evening. Henry Petriken, Esq., of Harrisburg, died this morning at the Merchants' Hotel in this city, aged 52 years. Mr. Petriken had been for many years an active politi cian. Corrected litis day 90a95 Wheat Rye Corn Oits Buckwheat . Flaxseed .... Cloveiseed . . Dried Apples Butter Egl!S .... . Tallow . . Lard ....40 50 28 , .... 50 100 . ..400 ...100 15 10 10 7 In Xorihumbcrlcind, 1st ins', by Rev. : Alliinn, Joskth R. Litwi;, of Will in m port, and Mis Maris, dulitr of the late Aibu C. Bnrrctt, lii'j., r,i Northumberland. On the fiih ins'., I.v J A. Mi r z F.-o., Pctcr S.ppt, of Mifllinl urn. Union .' and Caroline Elizabeth Stiiti.ek.oI 'o:nt Twp. Northunib'rlnnd Co. In White 6lh inst., by Rev Mr Ruthrautf. Vm. li ilhvii nnd Al.o Sam ah TavJtr, both of tlmi T. III Eat Buff.lo, F'riday, Nov. 9. widow f'BBisrisji STKB.'SFa, aged 56 years. In Milton, Tuesday last. Tho's Hulihen, aged aboul 53 years. Sump day an iiifan' son of Wm. Pursel. Siiineday in Liberty Tp. Mrs. K'len Gray, ovrr 9:1 yenrs old. In Delaware To. I4 h u't , lr. Junie- ; Dunn, in his li5'h yenr. In Sunbury, oil., Mrs Mruaret ! Black. aed ainm! 42 ear. Dr. JoUM I.c KK is now- pri pa red to r'p.-ta-e in nil ihe variolic branches ef , profession, OP Mxrket flrefl. adjoining the printing i (lice. Lew Uhurg, Nnv 12 "penmanship. i Stkmikn Mikip, now leach fK? ',nf 'n Milton, wishes to give I BSI1"" toiintici that he designs op. niny I a school in Leitishurp, rif which he will j give fiirtlw-r no ic in next week's paper. ' Mr. S. ten r In s a rlain business l;ind, aur! j believes ho cm ;ie siitixfacion ns regnrds tjoih terms ami instruction. TRY THE NEV FIRM! WYKOFF k EOUEEL JOULD inform the pub'ic, thit they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower slorv of S. W. Wy kofPs old stand, opposite Hunter I ardoe s shop, w here they , w nerc mey EL keep on hand or make tn order Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, T W of various kinds.g' 14 " Settees, dtc. Alt work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the moat reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended tn by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Prod'icc and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards wOrkfi and o hm. in irivfi . CTI share of public patroiiBt-r. Z JOHN N. WYKOFr. j JOSEPH M. HOUSE1.. Lewisburg, Nov. 1649 JUST KKCKIVKU A1 FULL supply for "Wholesale or Re tail of Pure White Lead Sirm Oil Linseed Oil Pine Oil Spirits Turntine Burning Fluid Spanish Brown Prussian Bltia do Whiting Chrome Green ..Venitian Red do Yellow Red Lead Lamb Black Yellow Ochre ('opal Varnish Black Lead Japan do Litharge leather do ' Crackers by the bbl. Alcohol , Sperm Candles Tar Mould Tal'.ow do Snap Dipped do do : Castor Oil Looking Glass Plates Sweet do And a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which we will sell at a small profit, aud not "at cosi," aa some a v. Da. THORNTON & BAKER Lewisbure, Nov. 13, 1649 JUST received a jienuine article of Cod Liver Oil (or wholesak or retail. Nov 13 Or Thornt. n & Baker ANEW BDG0ET Tor sale, cheap. For further paiticulars, enquire al this otrie. , Lewisburg, Nov. ?, 1810 BRANDttKTH '6 PILLS. THE New York on aaysi "Brandreth's Pills have bran used among many of our frtends.and in our owe family we have used them nearly four years, when we re quired any medicine, la that period, no Doctor save Dr. Brandreth haa crossed our threshold, and no medicine beside the Dr'a Pills used. Our belief is, Keep your bowels and blood pure," and every kind of disease will be prevented or cured. The Brandreth Pills are eminently calculated to do this "nd thereby much lessen the sum of human misery." The genuine pill for sale by J. HAYES, sole agent for Lewisburg. 6m223 Itf ORE about M'Lane'a Vermifuge! 1VX Read the following testimonial as to the value of this great medicine for worms: This is to certify that I purchased one vial of M'Lanu's Worm Specific some two months since. 1 administered two spoons ful to a son of mine about 7 years old, and I have no doubt but that upwards of 1.000 worms passed from him, measuring from a quarter of an inch to two inches in length 'Dee.27 1847. G.W. Hollodav." AGENTS--C W Sratrrts. Lewisbarc; H J Chester, Milioo I Gerhart, Bchosfrove; J W Frilinn, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Csy, Nurtbutntruio4s M C Grist. J Mum., lWiile Apply "Trask'a Magnetic Ointment" freely on the surface over the regioo of the pain, and you can throw off the div ase. Its application i is attended with no lnoxer,and it will relieve I you more speedily thin any other remedy. ! Price 25 and 38 cents. Sold wholesale j or retail by Thornton At Buker.Lewisburg, and Joiin II. Rivr. Milton Ulcerated Sore Throat Ii is well known, if neglected, this complaint invariably leads to Consumption. Ii' ihosr siifli-nng from thi. Hi .esse would apply Dr.Trask'. Magnetic Oinimenl.lhey would find iinuwdiaie relief. For full par. ticul.irs, cull on the A gem 9. and get a pamphlet. Sftd in l.ewisburs. wholesale or retail, ( Tnornmn & Baker. Price 25 and 39 ps yet boliie. fit OTP. Tho ravages hi this dread disease, which annually sweeps so many iinunnd of interesting and lively child ren to an untiroelv grave, may alwaya he eer'ainly and imnsr-distelv arrested by the application of Dr. Trask's Magnetic Oint rept. Mo'hers whoe hearts tremble with fear at the approach of its dread rattle, try it. Price 25 to 35 ct p r bottle. Thornton Si Baker, sole Agents for Lewisburg. iirT) TC1 A ins-!e application of V UltiN O. Dr. Triad's Magnetic Ointment, will sali.vly any on of its efK. icv in removing ih:s plague of tight boots. Sold in Lewi-biirg.wholr"te and ret.ifl. by Tborn'on cV Rak r. and by John II. laser, Mitn. I'.ico 25 and 38 Us ptr '.ottle. ns5o T ENGLISH and Gennan Aiwiias for J sale by G Lawshe COUNTY CuSIt.'ESS. CIOI-KT I'KOCl.AMATtOX Where lh I H'n Aijns S Wii.... rresiileni Ju.tx i the ly'i urt nt Common Pleas for Ihe lOih Jo!i- il Tlistrict fon.i.iins f ihe ennntirs of t'ninn nd Mifflin, suil Jvka Ximttliul swl Jacob Wit Immytr Eh Atsoi-itle Julges in Union counlv, hsse isoucd tbrir prt-crpt ljrin( dais ihe -9th l of pl 1S49 snd t me rlirectrd fr the h'd iline'uf so Orphans' l-ourt, Court of Ommfln I'U is, Oyrr Ac Terminrr, and Grnrral Qusner es-ioos si N.w Berlin fur tha county of Union, . n Ihe 3J Muu.'sji nf I'-ec'r next tein the I7lh itty 1849 snd lo e-mtinue Iwn weeks MH ICK is therefira hereby Risen lo the ('i roner. Justices of the Prsca snd Constables in sn.l for ibe county of Union, to sppear io their own proper iers.mi with iheir rolls, rseonU, ia quinition, exsroinstions and etbsi rsmerabraaces io .. thnw things which of ihsir offices snd in their th'f appertain Iu ls do. a, and srl wiincs es snd uthrr persons prosscuiing in Whs If of the Commonwealth sgainst sny persons are required lo l than and there attending sad not drpait without leave al iheir peril. Justir ant reuraed to bo puneiaal in their atlsndaacs at the sp pointed liSM sflrenble to nolica. linen uudcr aiy hand arid seat al tha Sheriff's office ia New Berlin oa tha tat day of Novembsr A D. 1849 aud ia the 74th year . f Ilia Inileprif. denca of the United futes of Amariea. GOD save lbs Cnmmonwea'lb ! ARCHIBALD THOMAS, BbaiUC SHERIFF 3A1.ES. The sheriff of Union roonty will aril al Kline's Hotel in lwis burg on Saturday 1st Dec at 1 1 o'rl.-ek A M. A tract of improved laird in Lewtsburf coolai. iiing lea and "n-(irlb arrca, a :jiniig lands of Ssral Aainion, Thoa Reher, Brnj Derr and lha Uuflalos creek also a qusriet acre lot, corner of St John and Second streets, w hereon arc a frams lieosa, frame stabla, well with s pump and other buildings sold as the property of John Jonas, He will also sail on the premises in New C loml'ia, on Saturday t4ib Nov at 1 1 o'clock AM. Two tola of groand marked Nos M and 61, sarh 46 Cert wide and I6t doe, on No SI ta a two story brick house, a stable and well with a pump, and oa No 50 is s blacksmith shop sold aa the propsity of Lewis Drrehain. He will aha sell at tha Court H.ue iu New Berlin on Monday 17th Dec at , A Il of one loaith of an aers in New Berlin adjoining lands of Dasid New Market atrrci, so Alley, and lease Weaker, whereon an a two story frama bouaa. half barn, wall wilh a pomp, and fruit Uses an Id as Ik property of Lydis Swarm Also two lots of ground ia Sclinsgrova, contai ning aboat ons half sera, bounded by lands of Was By era. Main snd Wstor atresia, snd sn Alley, whereon are a log hotiar, log stable snd other oniboiMinea sUo a I' on tha Ule of Que. bouniled b Lot N i.lke Penn's CsnaL Ix No 8, siirl Psnns rreek, whareon is reeled a frame warebousr told as Ihe property of O Gun Ji urn. Also a tract of land ia l'enns township, con taining J5 serrs, adjoining land of Teicr and Jno Bsily, J. ho Trult and John Kran. whsreoa are a log house, log ham, tlaeksiniih shop,'' hoosa and spp'e orrbsni sold as the properly of An bi-nj B sUaa. ' Notice. flX) the Tax Collectors of Union coumy. X As the year will soon come to a close, and ouifjCounty Settlement will have to be made, we hope the Colieciora will make a vigorous eflort to have tlieir respective Du plicates settled up. Delinquent Collectors previous to 1849 will take this friendly hint, as it is the last thai will be given And we hereby givs notice that we will make no tExnneratioos after next December Court, so that ell iota- rested will attend. JOSEPH, W1NTEK, JWIKS dAHBI.s, C m'r, JOHN WILT. Chihii'i.' office. New Brilia. Oil. 30 !! Jury List December Term, '49 Grand Jurors. New Berlin : Jacob Mauck, Saml Askins Union : U'ilmm McPherson Middlecreek : Jacob Mohr Penns: P Gemberling, Jr., (I A Sovdsr, H W Snyder Cast Buffdlo : Daniel WSrener Lewisburg : Benjamin Riaael West Buffalo : David Shaffer, Sam'l 8 sea Kelly : Jacob Moyer White Deer : Jacob Sypher Hartley : Beneville Yarer, ChVs Eux.ry M.fflmburg : Berry hill Bell Beaver : Joel Klinger, John Breiniagsr West B-aver : Aaron Ing Perry ; Philip Weiney Chapman : Perry Kremer Washington : Jno Dubs, J S llackenbcrg Centre: Aaron G Hassiagcr 7urere Juror i. New Rr-rlin : Ilenry Auraod, Jno R;sKor. Union : Michael Benfer. Abrshm kjer, John Normon, Daniel Renter. Ken., Penns : Jacob Kreider, John Harrison, J U StouRer. Perry : Jacob Marin, John S'rauser Chapman : Francis Buchwalur. Philip Buck hart Washington : Daniel Sterner, Amhnuy Specht.Wm Trestx, Henry Reicl-nbaTrr Middlccreck : Geo Danbermao Centre ; Jn-j S Kern. Geo Byer,JnoErb, Jno Swenule. Jno Buwersm. Beaver : Jim B ngaman Wrst Beaver : Jno HarVy Lewisburtt : Alex'r M'Cluie, Bers Am mons, Jis Marsh Kellev: TImi'sI 'linznb.Tho's Ilaaard.'Wir) Wilsnn. son of K. White Deer: Michael Yost, Sam'l Gerrb ertinir, l-tae Hiyh Mifflmburit : Jos Kilert, Jac Dckad, Da vid Meitgeoer. David 1 1 err West BuflVo : John L Rocke Ceo Drsis barh, Wm Forster, Augs Garber. Elite Lambe-1. Ilartlef : John Mower. Juhn pigelmvsr. 1)skI S itger, A now Cook Buifnio : MsrliM Drei-barb. r,tit Jurnrt. fid tree ) I'n'on:' Jhn Cnrsasrnve, John l.eiHv..w - rhael M ller, lobn Guver.Chn's Cawlev Weat B aver : Jno D Ruling Win Bar I, Michael. Bar. Ih nrv Beofer Beaver: Jno Bickel,Jes I letxlncks.phi fpUarklry Centre; Ge Sampael. Sen, Fre-I Kieme-, Jim Smelker, KJw Snyder. Reuben K!- ai-rihnwer Middlecreek : J.tcob SrtTr. J"sml Yu'is' Perry : John Rnthlnn. Jnneph Shatto Washington: Isaac DMer Finns : Benjam Smith, Philip Kan'z Hartley : Jacob M Hire, Henry Vsn::. Chriatian Schnnre West Buftslo : Jacob Derr, Sam'l Yourte Buffalo : Mich Grove James SiroontnD.Jr. John Biddle, Geo Miller East Buffalo : Jermiah Rater White Deer : Henry .4I, Charles K'ios Keal lEs.alo. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR 8AIX PnUlc r Private- THE subscriber will expose lo public (if not before disposed of privaielv' " Tuesday, 26th Dec. next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., the premises no e- cupied by him, on north Fourth street, square from the Main street, marked on ;' Town Plot as HALF LOT No. 192- which is a two-storey Frame House, 34 feet front by 28 deep. (part of which ss aed for a Hal shop ii .J -mU &. y .mtA nt nin. arSTsW Shop.) also a largo Slabs, a Wood-M. H f Stable, and all asresaary outbuildinr-' never-failinc Well of good waist snd lbs back building, and a Ciatsca and Pump u yard. Aa indisputable tilts, and possession f on lha 1st of Apnl, 19S0. ; ... Also offered as above. LOT N 1; unimproved, lying immoitiaiely bark of t going, and fronting on Fifth street. Persons wishing can sisw the proper" st tiino. Tenas funber spscifisd oo the J'-K" SEMAH KbES Lswisbwrg, Nov. 1. 1849 town propert; For Salo Cbea 4 FULL Lot. on North Fourth St iL on which is a I wo storey Frame House. 16 by S3 B :.r. - n.u ..-rU ii nil NILU SI wwuw. J Pmm Siahls. 1 A hv 20 an out Kitchen. and other out-buildimp-'"" occupied by Gaoaon Fka-. Nu" . . . DAVID REBER, Ag' Lewisburg, 0U 31, 1S49 GouGCsGinallfnrm 1? UK I ho suoacriu"'" ' V home e,n th. Borough of I-1 : the intersection of S:. A" .1 . .. ain "I situated at i ty . l. .la msin isi ruunn simi i. us muinv irom rnnaasiuiim . s ...j l-J:- ft., j n.-.hnnse at I au wn. iat "ig-"" - (fi two atory Ira me, wnn a new .. and other ntsjewaary outtjuuu". '1 land comprisea 6 Acres and 60 all in high slate of cultivation. J are a variety of choice Fruit re . -i i - e-:i; .ell f Ii ia well situated for public huio1 a - a . a ll -....lrtlt ny kind urn wno Fr" f.m.Iy, or can ba "11 Lewisburg, Oct 6, 1849 T?R r3H Corn Meal for sale b Oc'31 I'G L L4U
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