17111 fiy in V J j JDj i IJ- 0. X. WOItDEN & J. K. CORNELIUS. .tn Independent I'iit;!il.y Xon Journal. ESTADLLS1IED LN 1S1.J....W110LK .(, 770. . At S1.50 per loar, alMi In AU itr.t -n. LEWISBUKG, UNION CO., PA., FKIDAY, FEU. 25, 1851). Cjjf fcuibbnrn (Cljrnniflf AS IMitrt?f!r'T FAMILY SLW.1'i'l n. . . ' ksucll-. i liit L ;r,s!,!,y,Li,wn Co.l,. Tf,.ws. ;l.'"rnrt";ir.ri ::r. TV v.t ni lit Jiiu'iT t-'r wm'-tV'T.' N.i-. 'rVm.-.;tV'T,U?i, itnk u- t.-p t th.ir Taiiic liftv. Mi.l kitnU tri-lu.- r.-cti in I lie . C tli tinm -ir. . t .r wiin h :i p.tj"-r i ail, (uti N-3 we liiTi a run in 11 .titit i it ! Si"' il'I'l.U. A r.Ti:nriM:M' m - taui.-iui-1v ;,tl l"T 'tuaru on wrt'i-k. :- ca-li alter ni-iTti.-u, ; I. r iv 4i, 3 .M. T -f't in l ... . 4 1-- ."-i. Tm.t. bants. Ar and iu.!mc (ue fear) is in its place. As au ..tAT.Tonr-i..urtUut ar.,1,:,,,,,. i.i.i.i. r-T v.mf . o.h.r ; example of the means by which il seeks M iii,llft t (. or it; ,,1 ii-yt hir.'.-r. a iv ri i-iu.-nt .f j prejudice the public mind against Kepubli- if uioralizin ' tcml v. jtti-t hirj--cut., in t ;tii:til U .1. i- . .t i t c.o,uoic.t.uU..i.-iivi..,.t..l.ir..i ,.ri,,1i.r. rt cauism, we refer to the subjoined correspor. "'i;""""'!" J ' "hf rin-r". r.;.i uj.ii... i.u.i a.i.ir.-. ; dence, relative to a statement made bv the rim i.iii:i'irTK'.i.i;i: Aril is .1 in u,. iis.-,. i fth-OtnoiW' . Ii.vlii.h i.l ill iu-tTl imp. rtaut , eduor of the .Irjjuj on the 31 nist. ( e of in nJtai.r.M.rih.' I'lulitl. M.ul-. ! ,,rv. ,,.,,l,t , -,, ... rl ,,! r C'ltini-N-.l Willi I'. :'! v :o.. nnii-lc neit.r!iiT f.ir m"t km-lii of JOB PBIMTIKS. ln li ill l.-K-ut.J wit li mtn-. au.l -li-..:it- h ni. t -.ii r-,.i--n.il'!-' I- mis. Hrsul A-t,Tiijriii' iti It Ijc puij t-tr wheu liau-l- il In. ! -l -l. H-.r l.i u -i.-livr. -1. nJ-iKH''Ki"i M-n--;-t i-nn-jlr Till ;'r-nj t(ri'' a-Jjuiuiui; ibv tks-k tlin lety. Voi:ni:x t CoiiXKi.irs. THE CIIKOXICLE. Motntv, n:!!. ai, t . Presbyterian Political Preaching, j We have rccenl'y read wall much interest, ' Rev. Dr. JSpraue's "Annals of ilie Aii.encan lilpii," Vuis.:i and 1, devoted to t'o.raplucal notices uf numerous preachers f the vau.nis ! branches of the I'resl.yicnaii church in Aincr- ica. Among tlie ib-ccascd notables tlicreiu ; recorded, are iiev. Matthew lirown, I). l., L. h. D., President of both Washington and Can onsburg Colleges, in Washiniun Co., i'a., j whose early years were spent 111 Wln:c Jejr Valley, Lycoming county ; Uev. W in. Stephen Potts, D. l.,a native ot tlie fVhiiig ( reek re gion, in Columbia county, why died at M. Lauis ; and ltev. C'hailes Hall, I) !-, a na tive of Wilhaiusport, whose dea;!i occurred while Secreiary for the Am. Hume Mis-ii-n l?iciety. ! In perusing lhee annab, we are often re- ! minded that the pioneer pauns ol" t!j Ires- 1 byterian churches were not deterred frum re- bukmg sin, by calling it po!iuc," or c!o:h ing it iu the drapery of I'lKcial li-ivernment sanction. Scores of them uul only praed : and preached rebellion against an oppressive government, but louli tlr'ir stand as clup-j lains, captaius,"or privates in armies inili-; tant, and fought to the death under the ban- nerofthe "higher law." IS'o denomiuation : more unitedly withstood the iiummoiis of! chartered rights. The depoti-tn of Ciieat ltnlain was not originally as &ubersive of . true Liberty as that of ihe Slave Oligarchy ! now is, but it did not shut ihe mouth-: of ihe ; veneiabic fathers of the IVeshytenaii church. ' A3 tt illu,lr-ii..r. ..T th. f.....r . f times, we give an anec-lote, related by Ur. M'Carlee, in a sketch of one of the bnghtest ornaments of the American pulpit, Juhn M. Mason, 1). V., ot New York City : There was another senm n of which I re lain a distinct remembrance, aud tu wh-ch I advert partly because 1 regard it as one of Dr. Mason's greauteilurt-, and partly aecause it serves lo illuirate a feature of character for which he was distinguished above niut men I refer to his fearless disregard of con sequences in the discharge of what he deemed a public duty. The Sermon was preached upon a Fast day, aud at a time of e jure in e political excitement. Personal violence had been threatened in case he denounced, as he had before done, the proposed alliance with France. 1 mvsetf remember to have heard a young lawyer and a violent partisan declare that if the Doctor dared to repeat the thing, even the horns of ihe altar should not protect him, for he would himself be one of the first to pull him out of ihe pulpit.' When tlie Fast day arrived, a larpe audience assembled, expecting lo hear a sermon u the times.' Tne Duclor chose lor hts text Kekiel ii. 3, aud the whole chapter was read iu his most impressive manner. Near the close of the discourse, he broke forth into a solemn and impassioned apostrophe to Deity in neatly these words !end us, if thou wilt, murrain upon our cattle, a famine upon our land, cleanness of teeth incur boiders; send us pestilence lo waste our cities; send as, if it please thee, the sword to bathe itself in the blood of our sous; but spare us, Lord God Most Merciful, spare us that direst and most dreadful of all thy curses an alliance with Napoleon Buonaparte.' As he tillered these rousing senlene.es, the blood pushed from his nostrils ; he unconciously put hts handker chief to his face, and the next instant made a gesture which looked as if he were designedly waving it before the audience like a bloody and s inbolic fla?. You ean fancy better than I cau describe ihe impression which this in cident, coupled with the awful apostrophe, ma.le unoQ the crowded assembly. Next day I asked the young lawyer why he did not pro-" ceed, as he hai proraiscl, to puii tne uoctor n,.r nf ihe nuli.it. Whv.' said lie. 'i wis1""" l""''l'" """g- uU..v.eU .u mi perfectly horror-struck when he wound up that terrible apostrophe by waving his bloody j haiiilkerchief.' i The reference to this sermon leads me to say that Dr. Mason was accustomed, durin;; tne nrst hall ot his mini -try, to oiscu-s poim- ri i.ni h..lli ni.irp I rfn ill1!. 1 1 V Jllld I'rcfle than most of his cotempor.n ies in the city of among the young in our cities, when School New York. His own political opinions were ! JuurDas pander to their vile theatres ! very decided and well known, and his aiiimad- - versions npon public men or their measures j ZiS'Iterion' Compl-le Coin Rook con sabjected him to no lillle odium, anil perhaps . rflA .... , ., .. also u, some personal danger. By some of ,a,D3 over 500 facsimiles cf gold, silver his brethren, members of the same !Sj nod and copper money now used in the world, with himself, his conduct on this head was A c - o( cur;ous w orIj wjll be given fleemed nptn t0 censure. Thev ihouqlit that ' J . . . he som-ti,n llnJulv 1111t,rt np'thin?s secular ' 1 early Subscribers to Ietcrsuns and sacred. Ii i5, h',iwcver,due lo him lo sav, Gouoteifc.it Detector, now is issued month tXiLZ: 1 -mi-monthly ,t 92, and business of the pulpit, le did so because he which wo have found the best and most believed that they were eh.sely related to the I ruiM0 of any we have used. (T. 11. moral and regions interests of society, lie , c,. nf pi deemed it to- be l.n diy as a minister of, 1 cterson & Lrotbcrs oOG Chestnut street, 'hrist to espose and denounce tin in all il Philadelphia.) .Km- whether found in the skins of Ihe I - - - 'ute, of the Statesman, or or the private cit- j 4-iJ Oa Monday a message was received 'Wn; and m di.ni" s, he was iinie imiiatin" ! . . . ....... i .i. .1... r example of .he venerated la.iiers of Ins ' Bo"er Church of Scotland in her best days." , Charles Nisbet, D.D., of Cumberland Val- H nd Rev. Samuel ,1'orter, of Western ;"sylvania, eihibiied cnual boldness in ' ttl,mine, inlh'm',Mof't-lhel,'aJers i -.j ...ui i ceiiuu wniacj e' ' ',f".a5 darling a "do- "Utunon' as Xeuroes now are in 'e refer lo the st-trhf.nrihn-e Hen, Linals, a. manifestins a fervor d l..,. -""' inaniiesun; a icrvor ,ir",'',i,ike,hrf''P-,'T r,s refcwi; . 11 far, - ""ni;c3 tur inrir king. iHbIw:V' 530 U'way, Nt 1 f , ers.) Thou sh lit nol bur KuNe Wl.nrvt nln-.l ih) Most tif our readers will remember that ! ,. f - . r t 1 like ( nttoi Arirti lirst senrs mt nnlv ri- ; j,,, 1o C( e ,rue R ,,,iran Vltra. ' in LC, but published in iis stead, a Miin; uf harsh or counterfeited sentiments, attributed ' aI,e?e,! Kepublicaus, as the .'ItrptiMiran l'latf,.rm." This biack and intentional ' - centum an! f-iieluiinL it never retracted, al- thmili tiiu n rrqucited so in do. JIuw many ! votes it matle the party .cuul J le easily Ciiuntetl. That paptr died, but one the same name ... k.lu. b H u..., fitte ell the lies fabricated against our parly, but do think it worth while, occasionally, to expose a . I ihe manner of warfare ot the Slave party :) O.'ire if ihe Chronicle, 1 I.i. iM.. .., I'a.. Feb. 13. IM'J. Pear Sir: A Kenioer iuc ' paper in ihis puce Mates mat .....', i..,,- - I - - siiys nr Ciiuia ;nl upon u targe itn- n he nmrmO'rs tiut he xvm a tlure- h fhlrr." Will ou t.ike truu to inform inc w iiniifi vim ttti it tvrr s'ltu or rvtr wrotr. I thai e,1IPnce, or anyti.i.,0 hke a ? I ask nol , t r my own aiilactnm, but to disabuse the u:i.;c mnij uuii your own assurance over yudf uwii M.'ianue. Jsp y vtirs O N. UUKDCN. Hon. Jn-.il la II. CiDiiix.s. The follow ing is the reply and no one who knows Joshua, K. Hid ings personally and in timately wnl doubt its entiie truthlu ness : Washinktox Citt. Feb. 11, 1850. My Dear Sir: 1 can hardly refuse your request in answer the slander contained in the charge referred in. although, as a general I'm'.. uiir uui iui nuiuc cais m ilieu auiii .,,,.. u... I i. ..... ... . I I U I i never said or trmftt or thought or conceived the gross and vulvar expression wh.ch you I s.tv is aitntuted lo me, or qufhiiig that; bears rtfafntu, Utirittx it t 'tmiiihtde to it. On ; the coiiirarv, 1 have at all times and on all j occasuuiMns.sted th .t Washington and his cnteinporaries should be jiiiigi'd arct.rding to1 ihe e in which ihey lived. and the circum- statics under which he and they were si.r- roundfil and tli;it s'avehntders of the pres- ! . i i 1,1,1 .it. . 1 . cut day, lued and odtirau-J amidst the tustt-; tutioii, arc a thousand times less guilty than 1 nortn-rn unghiaees, who, ih mgh bred and j and uphold ihe slave-trade (in this city, and iu our territories and southern coast) with all its atteudant crimes and revolting horrtirs. Very respectfully, O. N. Wuiinr.s. Esrj. J. It. GI DDING8. We do nol suppose the Argus originated h-is vile slander, but it circulated il. Mr. Giddiis letter may be seen at our oihee. We shall see whether ihe false accusation will be retracted, or w hether like a thou- tsanrl ;nilar fn I .ritt inn of he partV it will be adhered to, in utter contempt ol the sentence against "faUe witness." run the LLirnmciia cnitsncu. Tnc Ttuti vim to tiki; risbino. Fart-widl! farrwi'Il! my lurrj one, A t d p iee iit thiii tn lmrt: Lonk I" Jefu. fri'-n.l .f .'inin-rp, Uf uiii iifii) thv wouiiilc-l bt-art; Jr-mi Itiin 1 lir-t rert-irtd tlief, And to Him tht- blrin ciren, I n' w return with tleailu.(ff4 That e may tut et in lkaTen. Mrtiim n'-t f'ir mr. lu lored t my b dy to the dui-t, An-I think ol in.' in dory. With lite r-piril A the just ; And while you art a tt ranker, A nojonTiier ben twloir. 3I;iT lfd III Ulerrtf hleS J'ott Auderer' g'tij bealow. You'll wnt'-h an ! trunrl ourdarling, Our lovtid, unronly nue. And may the nn'iirninv: l.itht-r lli clmid- ni-1 by In c.n : You'll teach him to reinmtxr And serve bit mfther'o UoJ; AlxllTUI'le I. is enriy fortUp In wUdoot'it n.irrow rwi Uut, Lark! tli"iehiaTenIy voices! Th. y are mliin me away: In tbi.-t world d in and K-rrotr 1 bavt tin dt-fire In -t:iy : Hark I w hat ifluie! 11, what niOfic! Singly "t tbfM'Ted Hi roll i, Tli'-ir rn'rvnTf bow meloiltoiis S bilo their anthem they prolong. I mn com inc' boTt rinE an (;!, Y'U are WhillOK tn rouvey II y diM-iiilxxlii-d pirit To the n;iliu of rli'udles day ; O, I I"U to j -in tliv anOirin, 1 l"iir to ."':ir nwny, Aii'l Mnd with Him who loved 1U0 Aui-ndier, tiuke day I Cotni.ing to mr, WI.iTed, Mil!: to uic of dxinji ItiTe, Fiiijr to me of rtri-nnti-in In our Fath'-r'n hou5; abore; Conn, (-inn to liii-nt hai-n, Y a. I uiysrlf will t-inir. 0 firat. wlirrriii thy ;.-t'irv? U death, uh-rif iMby Ktiti'tC AMICUS. Ercrsxivrty Pair. A sheet in I'hilad'a, rrofessedly devoted to the interests of school goffer s to cnhaivje if we will publish :tg advertising to tho amount of 83 or 10! i rr I .1 . 5 .t - mwltst paper, wcro two long puds of The atre3,lic creatcjt curse that tho Youth , . . , . -..,,: ,i. ; Ul VU V.l.L. uu-.ui i.w .U.IU IUI.V. U UU : spring time of life. Verily, it is no won A..r il.ii i..n..li .1 .r.r-iriiu PTl.il.ita its..tf I Uer that so much depravity cxinhits itselt 10 "E " Leavenworth in Kansas. So they now have a line to Kansas, which is 2,000 miles from Now York. Oa Saturday wP. h. tha linn worked in an unbroken circuit between those points, and subse- , ejueutly to Piuirie du Chicn, Wiscoaaiu Changes. Hugh Young succeeds M II. Cobb ia the editorial chair of tbe Ti- Aithitrr. and K. A. nlerartnev takes .1 t. . iVA "'-"""" ilia Si-ranlnn Srmthfn an. tha naner of I tiU nr fliu L-a ttmn thr-ni in nhsorbelit I Thco. Smith. If tho new editors turns ' r..e tiik ttwi.neii.j cucusk-u. BUCKVHEAT. I am pleased to tee that l;Uckwheat,for , . . a long time so much neglected iu our ro- gion, is beginning to form one of the regular crops ou a g.ioj many farm?. It ' rictily deserves this when we consider its ' supclinr ciec'leuee a3 a food for all kiuds superior j of horned caUle, hoys and pouliry, aud ' also for niau's use, as ita flour makes a j cake of delicious flavor, that imparts as j much streugth ani mere atiiuial heat to our bodies than our best whet bread ean. j It is also a gouil crop fT extirpating weeds from a weedy soil, aud will moreover grow aud at times yield quit a largo crop on ground too barren fur the production of : Indian corn, H heat, or any other grain. ' As a general matter, however, it is rather j . a uncertain crop, as it suffers materially j ei,lcr from ,0(J niUell L( ,at (,r tl)Q I , , , j Cj,t3 (fros,) aIlJ ,l0,:e0 s"!liC tonicr do not ; venture sowinj; much of it. liut it is nut , ..,.: , ,lr Vli as uuciTtaiu as our heat crop Las been , or the last IlifCO or Mar years ; ali i ltH ! uuccrtaiutv. I am incliticij to tbiuk. ariMB . tit t j Jn Parl froin a to A,V "lU5 f Jti as U ; h mostly gown tvilh US from about the 25th of June to tie 10th of July wLih ijccesj-utily suljcts tlie growiug platits to the dry su.) aul weather uf August, aul aTsO to oe cut off by early frosts. Now, it poems to me that if liuekwlitat were sowd atrlirr, say froiu the 10th to the loth of Juue,it would j;row iutreeertaii.lytaud have itigrairjsso far formed iu July that it would mature finely iu August, notwithstanding ' , , . , . , - - , . . , the heat aud drouth which n.itit then oc- cur, and so Le out of danger from frost. I Surp03e reader, you try it. aud make re- I p0"1 , F. J. Cope, of Westmoreland county, a in akiug of this fiabjoct, fays : . . . . ''Considerable quantities of Luckwhat are j cultivated here, as well for the delicious ! i i i i .t a I cakes which are made (I the flour, as fr m ' the pasturage vnicu iue uiosscnia aiiora for 0UP jCCgm Xho crop is, however, a cry uncertain one, sometimes yielding 30, 40, and even 50 busheh to the acre, and often not more than from 5 to 10. I have always succeeded in having a fair average crop by sowing a month earlier . (say about the lt of June) than is com- j mon. l)y doing this, the plant obtains ' sufficient fcize luf re the hot weather sets , id, wmctt irciuwutiy ucairoys tue luuna or A.--uuaiing principle, aud it ripens early ; enout-h to esc u no thu first frosts in the i fall. If tho crop h likely to prove abor tive, we turn it under with the plough, and sow the ground with wheat. It acts as an excellent fertilizer in this way. This plant is, contrary to regular notion?, au amoliorator." (See Ag. Itep., 153, page 232.) Buckwheat seems to blossom threo times, or rather tohave buds w hich form blossoms at three different periods of time upon the : same stalk. It should be cut when it is passing out of its last blossoms, and left ; in theCeld until perfectly dry, when it ( should be immediately threshed and stor ed away in a good dry granary for preser vation. West Branch StifFarmcrs, and others who prsfcr the spriug season for planting fruit and orna- I sprung from tho depth cf poverty. Ir. i was armod with a deadly weapon, which j ubi )lue M march. With thes - things I mr.t an empin-te in Th impn's Express mental trees, cau be supplied with a great j Harris, of Uaugor, urges this point with f was not on bitn when, some hours after- in bis bauds, he can easily secure absolute ( thee, was this morning detected in the act variety from the nursery of W. I. Linn, j mucu Tjrce : j ward, ho was arrested. If ho had been a j pywer. j of robbing the mails at tbe Pest office, near Lewisburg. The planting of trees is "Tue 6ifls of poverty aro tho richest . common man and an American, and not a j The only hpc cf our country, is iu Mr. The New Yoik Olxror char-, s tweury a duty which every owuer of land owes to ! 6''' 10 lU9 sburches. I refer uot now to pothouse political captain cf a hordo of j Huchanan's imbecility. He has neither j five cents each, f. t Marriage and Ot-ituary l.i.i..lf 1.1c fbllilren nnil h t.nhlio l.n. sides it is a sourco of profit aud pleasure to himself aud to those that couio after him. lllull rAHMlNu VS INaECTS. cpcaiiing . ...... .... r . nf tlm inQiifta iiifiulitio tliA -linit ornn in i il,;, nn,l ih. nl,l nonn.re. th U,.-k ! j-. .i-.t. t . l j . ... r- f.spre&s thinks that the production cf in- I ,..i i .t, i t sects is grcatiy promoted by tbe defective I system cf agriculture it, this country, re- ! marking that when the average produce i of wheat in England was two and a half , quarters per acre, the ravages of insects , ,.,. f... ,, n,.r,i ,i , i, i,.lu.,;.. ti,a wero tar more general auJ Uestiuctive man ( thev nre now that tha average has risen to f.mp nnarters and a half. Hi.-h farmini? I - i .. . i , l.n. (ll.tiirilfLlVR III VITnilll II IIIW.'I'IS.DIIII it is rarely that the devastation committed i - it I.- i i i : 1 on highly cultivated laud is very serious, j . . j uuu, uuu iiiu. uejr ueeaiuu ..auuiuo ju-I yet DOi unu nuuiu naut uc uuitmri ... 11 Vermin Uidi.ance. Half an ounce ' chatian, whose name India will bless.when ! hung, nor would he listen to that "prayer." i f''u "e seh" , 10 ,Lcru " 6ret of soap boiled in a piut of water, and put ; tu6 namcB flf Clivc ud Hastings bio for-1 This pardon will do much toward rousing ' TXV' lay up a store fer sea on with a brush while boiling hot, iufalli- ; g,,tten. John Uunyan was a gift of pov-! the hate and antagonism between tho Na- j jn' 'U Cr"r Jlt my uestroys iue ougs auu lueir eggs. ; tiles are driven out oi a room py Hanging j up a bunch of the plantain or fleawort ' plant after it has been dipped in milk llats and mice speedily disappear by mix ing equal quantities of strong cheese and pondered squills. They devour this mix ture with greediuess, while it is iunocuous to man. Wheu it is remembered bow many persona have lost their lives by swallowing mixtures of Btrychuiuc, &e, it becomes a matter of humanity to pub lish these items. Hull" t Mutual Juurnal. . r. n.-..o , Abstbacti.no Flavor fuoji Onions, .... ... j i , . . i Lrc. When it is desired to render a v oaions mor mild ia flavor, it may ba ae- ...... . ' . ... ... comphthed by burying thcai in the soil after they have been prepared for winter j use. Oue night in the soil will abstract . ... i l.- t much of tbe redundant odor, risnyitwo acres 01 land, ana me ouuuing was r?"T HZ ti n I v.r. u-..tu v.j-.v..--... -- i :.. i,r i.....; ! psper, or s luunlw cUb, ulibtlj moit- j I jhf Koffi,,! tnurlvlllp of (apialn tlllrs SluRdKk. I k Tii'l the followiitjc l;HaJ in cirriiliitiun, with a j u"ul't"''r'"'J "'" I'nui a nirtl'Tu imi if ion. It if foundi-d upon firt, an may 1 intvi j ty rt fi.Ti'uK to mmc of the ultl .Nrw England hninirli. ':ift. Milwa Standi-h, hi wifn Itosv, John Aliti'n and AViltiain Mclliii!", cane orcr to tlie MaTlInw r. Hi licluTi-d Mrs K-a tandith m iiiiouk the wh r.rly r.r-rlidifj. Some .'im alt.-rwf rt!", t'rinriltw, a i ilitu;ltl-rf Mr. Mullina, wan ' Uht iu ninrriiije far Cnj't. Miin.li-h,hy prcxy, but nff-T J h.-nmltto Mr. Aid rn, u-t-tatcd U'luw. Tlie '.ll-prinic uf l.U niarri-i an' Tcrv uum riu amoti tt.vin u Kr. M. Aldvu, uf Ui'Iitjii, LVlmu'jja Co., I'a J A 1K1E IliMlKtli l imiWiV. Bl LLl.tS, 179'-'. Ul!ower cam MiVi"St:in.l!-h in t!. Acp.-H lli-."t'iri!,V W:iTi', n 1 in tlii.t mtlt- t iinl wsm DontJ .Mtui; ('UvruUd Or Liati'. Mi l't c-'iM if(t'rritrs K-t an-t uuw "it n.i ui.t'iih rt-t k They Uti't; Vfiik wen th' ir It.i iid", but bLiutijj th'jir bearte llml (uu pilfititu bund. Oh. Jt 1 it win. in th. ir prbnti, T b -:irtht- 't-'rm wind Mw; Ati I tt-rn!'!t. if nnli.iht f our, tt li. n .-U. d tli PiiTa.-t- f -f. And Trvb.-n th n:iTaz lit- l.i.i.rlj Wf.tk i- r r m i iiatiipi'in l-r iv. -MlKc r1! unlii'b ritn and Iiri", ii. . 1 hn-- 1 th- 111 an n tMt tut oh, lii- Iftirt wr;i it bow Willi (-I i.f nn-l piin In'l l..w. F..r i rvi.HH oil t!.e i'iriiu balid t,w ih n't a r.-attut Mow. In rmi of 'leath Tber -.irt n. Ai.d In- tli-.ir wit- rit tin' r ii, - bui i. d. u he ii nme was Ito, UK lll.d UUi.iIU ; Ih.f di-ad. f..rriw writ n"t ton 1, but dfen K-rb. r -!,il be b-m-ati; An i m: h kr.-n :ui':uili wruttgL:- h-art, llv c.-ultl uit lue aloiii. Tin n n John A! !. n ! d.-i p-a,l;, K-r Ald.-ti a. hU friend. Ami wild. "Ki ieti-1 John, unto my wleh I pray tht- now a l lend. '.Mv heart i- r.l, 'li ,-ry da-1, Sly r wif Lost- bnn i'ne; And in t rt Hill and i-arae laud 1 ran nut live ii!.iie. ToMr. W i I limn Muilin-. then, I widi von w it:. repair. And -if it ht w,ll ,tTe me lcnw 'J'o wid hid daughter Uir." I'ri--ril!a wm thic diuhter'j nMmf, t'oni'-ly and fair w;j. fliw, An l kitt.l ..1" h. trt she was withal. As any in;; id t'Oiil l L. J- tin A'.b-n. t" o! 'i. bN friind, Mrtiebtw.ir t.- MulIiiiH went. An 1 t.'l'l bin eirand likv a man. An I aM I for h:s n-u-.. ut. ...w Mr. !.il!ttn wru a -ire Vj;t. ratioi.al and kind. An I .-ti- h '-oi,-tit would ii"Trr giira Aa.it hiK daubt-r mind. II" told .b-hn A Men if hi rhi'J jfhoul 1 t ittelmel that w.iv, An l en.. tain M.n. Ji-h wan br chojru, lie bad no more to pay. He then railed in hi- i!.i ;ht.T dear, And strai'hlway did n tire. That be niuht with mor freed um Speak lu aLp-uc-t- of hiT tire. John Ahlen ha-lt bri-ht blue ere, And was a baud -u. nit man. An t wben h- --ofc. tt t leaj-ant look O'er all his features ran. He th.; and in a roiirtenus way His errand did declare. And said, "rinr uiiid. what word till all I To Cutain Mandtb UarT'' Warm blu-hes j-b.wed nt-on the chk Of that fair Ul ti ln. tt.en ; At fr-l she turned any her And thtn. witli 5ownr"t"."in'di.it mii'D, She said with trtDibliti) b ins "Now i rithee. Jnhtl, why do.-t thou Dot tieak for tliyaelf alonei ' Itrfp rid then mew John Aldan's fact, He ba.lt tlie maid c-H-d tiy; But Wi ll j-be r- ad. Ih lore he went, The language of bis eye; Ka matter what the lanifuaf rail, Whii h in that eve wa rife In ontt ph'.rt month. I'riwilla waa J"bu Aldiu's itiviujf wife. Gifts of Poverty to the Church. It is often urged as a reproach to the ; rcngiou or our uay, tuat H caters lor tne : rich by its costly churches and nreachcrs. . f 1 . .i . -. . ., an j that the poor are repelled by a deocnt pride from the sanctuaries where the hum-' Ua arb is brought into contrast with the : Bicgant dresses and oroameuts of the ; wealthy. Put any sect or church which neglects tbe poor, loses one of the chief ' elements of strength and prosperity. The i great men ot tbe cuurcu liavo generally j tlio wiJows mites, richer thouirh Ihey may ; 1)0 t!ian a11 tua fe'ifl of wosalth ; but to i B'fts ricIli;r cven ,baD tue "'Jw's mite, j A few years ago, on a wintry morning, a ' .u. l...l.:i: -f . . i u'j iu iuu uuui.iiiieiiis ui oo.eri v euierru . - waa va uuu.!.. hiiiuuk av vt I. "HI 1 J 1,i'"'. "owed to the master his t I J I .1.....: iri .... uuaiic ioi au euueauou. aueru was rov . . , , ., , tr'J laying one oi ner rieues on the altar . . . , , - f rf 'on ' ff 1 ,at b"f )n '", lum jlc "' 9 Carey lalJ lhc f""l MA liaptist Mis-1 Ti X- . i i- i . - , gregatton an unfriended school boy, whoso ; c , . . 80ul w" ,ut" Slu"'" w,,h l,1ru lu'e ' tl) thn't He took hi;u to Johu Thorn-' i ton, one of those noble merchants whose i wealth, whose piety, and whoeo benefi ceo cp, increase together. Ihey cducitcu ; ' " j cence, increase together. . .l crt, t0 tbc church. Z.vingle came forth from t-e Alpino shepherd s cabin ; Mo- i i;lcthon from an armorer's work-shop ; Luther from a miner's cottage ; the apos tles, some of them, from fishermen's huts. These arc the gifts of poveity to the church. It is the honored cfiiee of the Education Society, to bo the almoner of gifts like these,, diamonds in the rouh, aud polish them to sparkle among the jewels of the Saviour's crown." GlOANTlC HARVEST IIoJlR. The Irish j papers contain an account of the gigantic " harvest borne oa the estate of Mr. Pollock, . ' in the county of Galway. About 1,400 iUD " , . ,. . . , personsonly one-half of his (crvants)wcre r v j ' liberally eatertuiaed ia tha Home larm. stead at Lismay. The roof covered nearly . i . . .1 Tl -1 1? "8""" " . gentleman s operations may oe juugca cy the facts, that be has 1,800 acres in green ' e crops, and 4,000 id graia, with about 4,000 ed and disgusted thousands who had hoped visiting what are termed courts of jusiiee, npic.ajiO w.iifc Lii-'itj iu iy near bt-rc- that this first legal T.unihhmcnt of ruffians ! been shocked at the brutality which char- D,, bl"n t;T!i2 iiLC- u- i'r ,j-!a -rfa-, , et t ii 1 t t r t i t ? fated cireumstaiiv. , ai ac: if!t .f which whoattack mcmberi ot J.-ijiaJative bodies, i acttruea much of the comJuct ol uwytrs Mj . ); . . , . c 1 i i we puu.i.-lie l fr'Jiu'j tini" og-.", w are IaJ would have a rciiraiiiiu t fleet upco thut j towards witnesses. We 1.0 1 ice tUat Mr. . t.,e,Ta ta beca c:cvic'cJ tf the crime at aiiiruiing evil. Wc scissor a fi w extract WctiuVl l'hillipi has wado lh'13 previous C.iluuihia county Court of (1-itirti.r Session from the uiauj which c Co 1 iu Vi.ti us wrur.g ths ul j ct tf au alio litture, j thia wtvk, auJ nrcuct'I to ttrr'ct jrara' riancrs: ichieh.it is h;ircJ. msv result in iuuie ! iBirrifonment in l!,3 retiitcr.'iarv the ... 1, , , I'o.MiVA.N 1 AiitioM.o ; w e aiiu 1, fere wci ks a-o, to tho co'.varlly attack tuaar l.tr tl. u I. . . i...' i.r.r. a t li.-. ..r !,.. .1 .: 1. 1. . 1 - . r .1 V . . , : ' l i . . iji i:i4iuic I'Jl nvius r'Al.u ill w i i'. Ijii-t week, we chrouiclcj ta fuct tint hi had Lceu prosecuted and cotivicle'l, and publiiihtJ a part of the v- ry just b. iiinicu of Judge lY'n. This week, we hive t autuiuiiec that I'le hrutul ast-.siiin has been deliberately pardmed by (Jov. Ticker! I'onovan ws a democrat, and thy Iuv rn r neenis to think it is pcriectly riht t!.ut a demnerat phould have legal iiutnutiity fir any attack ho chooses to make upon a K-.;-publican. We pronouueo it an oulrjgc. if Kzccut ire clemency is thu extended tnwat 1 criiuiiiali. well may we ask Vi ho is ga'tl'' Cut. Co. Jirpubtiran. A.NOTimt I'akdos. Our Governor has just pardoned Thilip Hump, if this city, ihe general toucher for person dtvititij natumiizjtion, without regard to their term of redeye lie w.s convu-led of perjiry, and teat to prison lie d.s.rved double the sentence wh.ch bo received, inasmuch as his petjurics cjutraveued one of the most precious provisions cf the Constitution the right of mflrage; yet be ; is eel at at libert b the ardoi in ' wer 3fC .'i i tr.- ' i'6 .'r "''"ii 'jWi'r' wttbout the least jusuheatiou. I intuit . J 1 ' . Jhts is a new encouragement to political bulncs lo take the law into their own hands whenever they consider themselves ai;- grieved. Those who expected to see Gov. racker resist the influence of the 1 I1''1" house politicians, have been sadly disin- pointed. Nothing, in all his career, has tended so much to lessen Mm in thu cs j timatiou of all friends of law and order, 1 as thi pardoa of Donovau. Al!itlv:u J'-:)itcr. j Gov. Packer is no littlo censured fori the exercise of the Executive clemency iu 1 I'i''cr ,0 appoint an uiU-jut.le nuuijcr of a couplo of recent cases. His release cf teent agent lo eiimiuo the mint, assay the notorious ballot-box stull'er, Sarn Car- office, and the books uf all tho custom son, and the Irishman Donuvan, who cam-' houses aud treasurer's offices, payiu" them milled the ruffianly outrage on Mr. j Ax dulUra j nJ lriivelilg lI.Dses. Church, may be regarded as tartizan ! , . .. . , pardons. Gov. I'aeker is a good man in I lujr ,hu P"""". " tuuU"uJ " most respects, but he lacks the nerve to conanes would be appointed to take charge resist tho iuiportunitics of bis political . of the business of packing State aud Na friends. ' tional conventions. The title of this Gov. Packer is doing a flourishing bttsi- . tn ! i . i r i out I'nnip Kump, convictta hi perjury aim sentenced to an imprisonment of two years .... .i i .u i . r. .1 .i.rhl mm Ihj If IhnaA r.a r.1 . n 1 11 Governors had their just deserts, some ol them would servo out the balance of the Icrma of the convicts they let loose upon the communitv. lialtimure American. me. t ..7 . : " f , val, a still more severe artic.e of a similar tenor from the Lanmster Lrpn-st. Thus Ii i ti ! icauing journals, oi an parties, uenounce the act if not tho mothe. The h fence of the deed is founded. upon the allegation that the sentence was ' severe, and that respectable lut ti asked its remission. i We read tho evidence, which satisfied us that although the intent to kill was not proved, yet that was intended. When iast seen tetore be niaa tnc assault, Oonovau foretirners. his sentenco would have been pronounced "just right," we believe. This retreating behind " petitions,' unmanly and cowardly. Gov. Packer . :vi. . l l:..: i. ilia rpnoniioitf man. uuu i.u uo. un i'au , -it .i v- llltj aCLUaUtllllll 1 n 1" tanj V iuit. u . , all know how often very good men hate , . .. i .-.i to reiuse 10 " sici , rveu w lieu ikeir juii- . . . fc .' ?, uient and tneir bono is thai me "signing !...,, , , . . , , ' U fU,U,C-, .f ' , have got the " best name, on h.s p.per with proper efforts, and ao can any crimi - i. - i tr . re .1 . - u.v sand men in this State coul J be got to f ign . , , , , . memorial setting forth that capital pua-, ishmcnt is proper and expedient and that . ( the highest cflicer ia our Commonwealth ,. , , . . , , .. , should not be debarred from a practical . . . . . i lustration ia bis person ot l's blessings... i r ., " i tivo and the l orcign born portion of cur ! population (a breach which we had hoped , might heal:) and some are uncharitable! enough to suppose that Gov. Packer like j minority Dougla6 tlcsijns to fouieut the j Know Nothing Bpirit by this erpecial favor , lo a biutal Irishman. " Pabuons. Gov. Mokoan, of New Yotk, ', appears to be a very seusible man. See- ine the growing evil oi asking paruons ior , i f i i i convicted criminals, he has issued a circa-j lar to all the Prisons and I cmtcuuarits ol the State, cautioning them agaiust siguing i or makiDgia person application for pardoa j of convicts under their charge. He gives . them very distinctly to understand that all j such petitions from them will be returned, andfthat any interference of this kind, on . their part, will be prejudicial to those whom ; they are designed to serve. This is proper and right. All violaters Ot law, wneu ; proven guilty, should be made to suff.r it j pe asltits. tvt. Co. R'fullioin. Lavyer3 ani Witnesses. We have, on frequent oco-tiiou-S when : 1 m. w.iii;.. ..1 ...1 a '' 'm ; when it wus c n.iJcie 1 t hj an lnj a, tin .. ..... . .. "" " 1 . . 1 :.. . . 1 : r - . . whin vri'ti'.- ej wire tn -at. d Irutes. f f strip the bi:,fa!,wii.!.-sa!c ataaigunatiott lie tnrLf illy siiirun ii at, even iu the , which Slavery a'.nay i Ligcta present day, tLt re arc uiary who would j gAD Case of I)kov,-.nimj On tho rathir givo a huuJiei dollars than sec a 20th u!t , Mr. llryat.t Garriek, of l'reder wil'e or a ft'iuulo rltive plaet 1 on the iek, Iliiu' is, it ft home to visit his fa ber. wittie.s fitaud, to be sachet lo the lully- Sev m,u distant, i-xptc'ing to Lo h mi it.;; tf tha bar. tht-t is loo eften rracticed. ' aa!n ,h? "'"'"rt-. l ?tten.ptio,' lie Gives tho Kdljwin -a a cae ia pjiut C I " I )uce. iu li.tot), a young servant girl, gentle and honest, saw a transfer of mon. .... -...1 ..!.... r.: - : cecum u iu connection with it. the was fuuimou- j cJ, iu all her timid. ty and iuuocencc, into la ll.stcn court of j:entleni'.D. ?he gave ; 11: r testimony tiuthloily and well, 'lheu there cauio on to cro-nnctwu her, one h ,rn of one of the lirst families, a lawyer .,, 11 .i. .i.,t.. - .. '....f Harvard, and a pink ,.f f.,U- , Jltf kaew f , ubuk(J froia atlJ M ; ., . , J, , , . ,. , , . .,, , woman, aud asked su.h uue-ti n till the I ' almost laiuieu. in tnai c-jurc of Eenllemen never said a Wer J of rebuke. e . , . , , . , . lho poor lmiI went h 'tne almoat hen t- p ior irl almost tainted, let that court ; Lr.keu, to huld down her heal for years, , a retncmbratice of that injustice and j iusu!, Tbc lawj.t.r wetjt ,., a lar(,,.r cityi , :.lr.r fi. 1.1 r.r I.;. i,i,..i. ,,,,.1 i Lfl . ...... r0.Ili((ht in a dru:.'rJ,a pravc too irood fur such a biute as he wus." . .... n a ut - T m. n ti - The bill tut the cod li:ati ju of the rev enue laws, now befara the 11 jusc, is a mountain of corruption, aud ouht to le deftaud. Uiio ciau-e iu it gins CM 1 should have beeu, "a bill for the cstah - ; je.u;t. , ., , , - ,. . ' ' lbe Aduituistratr'n is Kefiin alug ( " e beautifully. There are now bills befoii Congress : 1. To place in the band of the Presi dent ihirtv millions cf dollars, as a cor I ri.tition fund. ' - To give him p,wer to mak, war on ,',, l-., j T , . si.,e:riM rower f 3 . to appoint au uulimited number of ativt a ients. Is our Government a UepuMic? Why docs nut Congress at ouce "declare the Ficpire," and put an nd to the farce of a free covernnictil ? With each power iu j the hands of oue man, the ti. ternnieiit is : a monarchy, aud but a limited one, for j the ruler who has au army under his com- j matnl, and tho money to fee l it, is an the abilitv ner lho Couraire t ) be a sue- j CCssful despot. How Corn is Preserved in Russia. "-"" "'" '. . .... ... - . . ScunceS, tel.l iu J'aris, a letter Irotn .'I. i do ScuicbufT a li.us.siau laud holder .1... .1 ... i " i", uiiuiuiug .ug iu.ui.ci iu nuiva . . . , .. i coru-rit are made ;u that country. The i . , , ., . - , ' pits are dug iu a dry sjil, and mstead of I masonry, the earthen sides aro hardened j continued exposure to a wood ! u ifcIr..Jllcej ,Uc ; ir jn t, e .( . Lurui straB . , . . . - .. i in it, after which the gram is throwa in, , . . ... ! ,'. , , ' , . , . f. I I .,rn ,.. l..rn r.py.. m. il in an.'lt v.. I. ' , '. , , j for f'rty years. Some of cur western far- i i win, nuv ii;rk i.i.i I. "I'l u n till u'. ,, , ... corn, should try this met boil of preserving -imong n.e utnuaritd and unlunornl graves iu tbo rural Cemetery at Camden, Arkausas, is that of a brother cf the il- lustrious Henry Cisy his only monument is an oak tree, nith the iuitiab cf his name rudely carved iu therou-h bark. He is said to have been an bumble anl devoted min- isttr of the Gj.-rel Porter Ciav, loD" time a I!apli-)t preacher. " - i Tae Qaeen of Luglaud has forbidden j r....... c .t . . t me use m tuitire cj me special jervieo iu the Dook of Common Pray.r, fer thejdiree millions of dollars auiiually ft r mrec -.sie uutu'iy.-i, Kuuitu as tue ' iiaa-, powder Plot," "Martyrdom of Charles I,1 aud '-Restoration of Charles il." These days aro not heaccfurth to be observed as holidays. A few days ago a freight train on the Erie railroad brought dowu to New York twenty barrels of turnip juice, which will he manufactured iuto champagne wiae,aad sold at 5 a Dotlle. puiikliug chauipagac is uo longer tho product of lho viueyard, tut vf the turiiii- tiol-J. ! SLkviMiM Kk.ut. The uw9 who cominitt- d the rap? up m tLe p-isou of a :,.t:u '" "i n t ( I the law. I if a:l the tcAi.'e neeuti.trt.ls who ravif h I'm-ic wnmen wero I . ' " - I -'-" ' i-"- i.e. u i .i, ...r ' trhtU- wul i t- full, tut it w.ald L-tii : ,t i in .11 the iH 31,1 W l-t tlni 1 1 14 iwitr-K anil j porte-monnaio were found ou the j tk, s;,ot wu.-re he Ir-ka throu -h 1 ice, near uud wero f !. t..n r f .;..;.-. n..f -r...--.. h;, i I,,, I Amonj the dru;i used in the adu'.tera- tion cf w:ncs at;d j iiituous liquor", ara I M,?w.w ". ? 'rjcnoioe an i An instance is r.late.l ot a p,t- S3n who, to impart the nutty flavor 0' ! ""! lniJ, to Ma Jen w:no, put in a : S ;f cockroaches, una, the in wets wcro , d.sso.ved. Marryatt s for making sherrv is to Soaic ua oil bout in a cak of Mad-ira. 1 HE USE STAtM-N, " .J.ack MorjiB, . t n.t cmlli; i. act. .ioran, ' owned by Mr. A. C. Stowtll, of IVtersham, si i- 1 .1 . i I ti i i .dass., die 1 on the .d iut. Tho Lors 1 was unwell, aud his owner intcLded to- j dese bini with linseed oil, but, through , 60uie mistake of the cletk iu the storo '. wi.ere thp tinrch.c W.14 infill tho hrr-: ! E t a buttle full tf either rj7- ! iu f tan uti ae. The animal died in j fra a''Oliv in nh .lif hirn L.n:r. : 13 - The President's recommendation to es- -tablUb military po-ts in onora aud Chi huahua has been acted on by the House Committee cn Military Affairs, anl deci ded negatively. (Guess that knocks one Slavery game.) Five children of Wm. CoTenhoven, of ' Charltstown, Moutg-mtry ccnr.ty. N. 1'., have died of scarlet fever in less lhan fivo days. Four of the little ones, all brothers, lay side by side iu death, aud Cere buried ou the same day. Montreal, Feb. 12 The Assembly pissed the vote lixitig the scat of Govern ineut at i lebec for four years, by a m- ! j .rity of .'7. This will pr.-labiv I'-sult iu i . . .i crnmeDt there. Testimonial. One hundrccd aud four" members of the ooth Congress, have pre--seated a servile of silver p!ate of six pieces, and a waiter, costing live hundred and twenty dollars, to Mr. Giddings, cf Ohio. "is. O Hearn in New YorV, jumped from the roof of a three story bouse to the eronnd with a child in her arms. Her ' drunken husband was i-ursuiu;- aud threat- t.-..i. r 11 1 euiug to kill her. In tho Massachusetts Legislature an amendment to the Slate Constitution was adopted re.iuiritig a resid. neo of two years in the State after naturalization before a man is iiua'allcd to vote. Tbe city of New York consumes annu ally l,l:iii,l'i',l'0U cubie feet of gas, a it: :i) per l.Pt'O lect, amounting to no less j tLMU 52,!ir,t (l. ,. veu io i, i notices ; ana n tt.e ocituary occupies mom than five lines, il has teu cents a liue. It is said that the p-irtits who have l..,n rl.t tK frnfri! kn.W nl II .iK.t .r tho Oir.-pf, rs i.f lh, l.r...fc .on A. - . . -. - - Tyrone railroad cuinpauy. A boy cf twelve yeavs, !f month, sc- 1 -. . ,", r ,. - : cnlmtaUl It'll :nto .iajra river. t)oVa i , , , . tbe Falls, aud was carried over it aud seen , uo more. Gen. Koble's success mak. , tho fifty, ! f urrh change of government that Mexic r j has experienced in the last thirty-seven years. There aro 1-2 Indians in li'.iole In land. The own I'JOS acres of poor land. They ate the remains t f the ai rag inselts. A Richmond, Va., frcj neress, ha been lashed by tho order of Mayor Mao for failing toiveanhi'.e mau the side aaik. The Congrei;ntion:il chttr lus in th r I'nitcd States contain ll'ilV't1'-' mi.::ibers an iner-jase of about 11,0JI' the pa.-t year. 1 rier..j ire l arxer, in bis I, -cttires r.-j : p-i-mklin f,rt, A I nns msr, Wa-,hi : next, and Jefferson fourt j. os hundred ilousand hides a mc-nttx , aro slrpp-.d fr in the Li l'latto Uivcr, ' South America. Thc official estimal.! of the cist of prin ting the PatvSe lUi.rjal lleport is ou million dollars. It is stated tlirtt in Jlinnesoia thero iri among the residents .,"i'H moro tin ts ,hau ttmales. v, Mf:m,.,.j ,k,, r ,;a. ,..u manure. The oo.;t of laeh h Iter sent to 5 iu Fr m ciseo by the overland route is sixty u.o dollars ! Geo. Walker, the filiihu.-lor, j iud tho, Catholic church at Mol.iU-, ou the ult. Seth Smith, I Im oiigiual Conn, eticut clock maker, died la-l wtt-'p, aged 71.. lelaware is now thjcn'y Staw in tli -. L uiou mt le n.j.s I .ttenes. The p :puLii.a U New Oi'e.j, da- c.-ta.-eJ y. , out as 6od work lue old oa,tboU lo. ' UueJ. 1 f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers