T JJ 11 RONI Li BY O. X. WOUUJIX & .T. II. COIiXELlTS. An Im!'iicitlciit family t s Journal. ESTABLISHED IX I81U....WIIOLE XO!. 777. At $1.39 per Year, al-.-i:tyg I si l.n ;mce. LEWISBUIIG, UNION CO., PA., FKIDAY, MARCH 4, 1850. CLE fill b 11 CIjc ffiuisluirii Cljraniflf, iS'itl --, at If trisJ,Hrj Union Co.It. lniiid Birdology and Riilwayology. From the U.S. Paraguay Expedition We arc indebted to Senator Cameron ; r. t n;;?.v .-?:.:' i ,: ih- r.it.- I". i .1) J.:;V '"T I .1 1' l:i ll- .r i-i.'St iii u1 h--, - 'I II, l.r i i-.il . i It 1 .i r t : ii-- (u P!3 IN AlT INC : if r p. i 1 hiii - I-r -: m 'ii'li-. 1 . i tn-mllm. .!..!.! -r for Vol. 0, of "Explorations and Purveys for a railroad route from the Mississippi .-it:. I.t t ii : I. I --..-' -iaiiit. a.Ui Win. Mn-I kilW TP. f ;it tt-x lini J:" I (HI. I.--- ll::v.' a ? iTtitrm -A: v,x:i-Li r- I'. . : 1 1 t v -urv one w.' It, ft - r -li :'n, -iitu-. j .. r .-nr. II ill ; .1. :t T.!.(!i..r. --1 ;., I p. t i.vr-r oiii'-Ii'itr'ii f --.nr-in Uls t.y 111. ill t -u l ! ii-h. I. i-rl: n ii, a. i . n t.Ltl A". Ac ft l-i .1 ,. ,, , I J ii;. t. - Mi.il-,. i 1 Itti.-r i.r nt l.ir- r. A-l. Tti-.i-nr-,.r nifl 1iirr. fitN.il 1 u it.i;l!.-l. nn t.tj.w-- ..r -vii. -i ttl hit.-r.-t r-i'- f -A ticiiM- :ii"l M.tiJn . Wll i- I- .-..I. .1 in tin- .ttii.. I" fit iiiMTl u;tiirt:ii ,. r:t II.-t tvie. nr I'. ! (! . in 'I'ftliiii; t'-inli-iif v CTiinutiicaiioiia ftTl'l .v Iliii.tttl'iJ 1-V lit" i Tin- M iiMii ir i KU.i rf tin t'Urunii '". 'v lu.!i 1 U Hati'-. i f tli-l'lii!a l C.itin'tct w.ih tti - ir'ticr- ;t.- nrr.! :n l of JOB FRIKTlNtt, Iii. v E-nTii' : ntl'l I it' It str-I .n r-' i i H A I' ! ' tj.-ni tit tn lv Ii. aij-1 firk l.fii it-liiT."l. Mj -itiiii-4 L Itsxi-n.T. Vd.-d-n r nv-t 11 . . . ut, a .Ui ,1'' t-TIllS. Mft-rwLi-ti hat. I I c,.i1(I -t-r :m'IH'M:i-.. Tin: CUKOX1CLH. siovttv, 1'i:k. is, isr,;. to a stvi i j: or sii.!:.cj:. (Ml XVli.-npf romitst til-u ? 11a- ttiv vt-:iat- I 'ti t Ah1 wvrt tliua K'niit t Ml- r Tn' t.i 11; ' !.uJi.-u wttb ll if i tlif ;-irit I:in I T HT:J'-I- f lilt. i ( U f .lH.t ! J tl:ut I l:. itv.-n xicuitMr F ritli tic w.pl r.l i ' Ii.. i y ..I" Ii. uU K. iir T , ur lh In iIit x IVnr Tint Rtl2T 1U lliy Iii MI!ITh.m'i. Vr") - 1-T lii"ii;'-iit ! wit. u a l.-t t.'l l .iii, I'jt r, a !., arl Ml if -l lit Mmiiv.r? ti -t Iti-iii t. II n n w. r t!n rt".l.tt ul uM, -v.iii.!j nil. j,:i t i t Jralii' ;t lu Mill r ttii i m I r: . ' t i.t .-i- I .... I:, i ll.ul V.T.1-, MilllOt hihlN.I MCBIilW-.HMtva K .,,,1,., ... . .-,. SI.L, ,V Pl.in.rm nc.i) Mil. io!. -. Corn-jpiOiJeuce uf Hi- L.- i-huns (LpnHt 1 I Tlie IU'lllOCfatS of Snjdfr COMIltj LaJ a l'liiLin. 1'i.b. sr., lKS'j. meetioj; in fiiiM'tturg, last week, Tuos MtllfitCiMirtii We have jtiMcl.m-J j.,, Jt was CBCi,1C).rcJ Lv the I'liilaJa. i urn n nit-iiuiii imrrrMins mofiincs 1 nave v .. . i . . ... i ,, , i .... -v- ... , navy .gi-tii, as usual rmionen me enure river 10 llic 1'aciUC UccaD, HSUdl by I ho ever alicnded -1 e atit.nal ( onvenlion nf ,, . ,. , ., ... ' . . sumlay sviuuil T. tchcrs," over which your "'"f "S 1uclianan l'0'ER and i" I'oparlmcnt. It conta.nsovcr 1000 mihle iic-iu-hlwr, Jm'-e iViUii k. rcn!ej wuh ''ll uut 'Jiiorrtt inc extstrnn of V v. ' wl-H priutvd fjuarlo pages larger in short i.i'ini an.! .lenity. A better presii!in uli-ctr l'Al'KL'li decided unauimoui-ty in favor than most Family liibies. Over ten thou I havi! never seen. The u-lmle character nf of Culja. Oroon. and a Kailroad the west ' saud conies of thin work .'anil nther . fine oi ilo river, (,ui nvl a ironi jr me nmes.we know not how many.jet to ComcJ best of trim and spirits. Wo arrived at 7;.. . Messrs. Cmu tilings and Sleufcer : were ordered printed by the Senate, and , Montevideo, from IVru.nibuco, on the 7th addressed the assembly. The 7Vmcj says: we suppose another larger supply by the jnst. jue wter Witch arrived on the I4ie Sumh, Esq., cxprcrseil himself House. Well, a Kailroad to the raciue r'rrv- in, ,.i..V:r.,'.r.'-"l';',?ln" ,he : we arc in favor of; but this huge Vol. 0 .t. I..-MH it i thl ; IT il it can , ' , " . , nui be ;wtta(i uu rwunuif ifims." j 10,000 copies (and we know not bow Mr. Sleukor is a respectable ccntleman. i ma"y '"n"" more) Aim nut a p,ij,- who reads daily in the Hivine Law Hook, 1 'J '""I'', we can sec, trom , (jo guns) the sloop Falmouth, (20 guns) i "Tlwuthilt w,tc,r-l.hj neighbor's house, j bc"Sinning end, but is filled wholly with j the brigi liainbridge and l'erry, (i gtins 1 nor anything that is thy neighbor's"..! ! !icDti,ii: Ascriptions of the limns of . each) tud the store ship Supply here, on "Thou shall net steal". .."Hob not the j Nolt America from the Arctic to l'an-: our arrival. The brig Dolphin, (4 guns) j poorl.tcau!oheisp .or"...''l)ountoothcrs ama 1 'hat connection the two sul.jccts ;s at liuenos Ayres. We are daily ca-j ai you would that others should do unto j haTC j' bothc" us Euc-"8- Are they : pCcting the arrival of the frigate Sabine ! m . . i .ii i... i i I propositi!? to train birds to draw loaded .i .: i . ! ...in.l, one of me-ran.Sest spectacles everseen ' &c Ae- Slu'ilar 10 lLe are human laws. C"3 T ,or wUat do thc.v ,uteUl1 to makc : ring Shubrick aboard. We wilt soon also j in our city, five hundred men, vt alt ages, ! lioth Divine and Statute Law ho regards, j , 13 oL 9 aTallabl fur railway purposes: j Iook fur lhe remainaer of the expedition, from the earliest manhood to the veteran of j religiously, as a private citizen ; but all j I'uaJer ' ,uis tu& waJ part of "the j We have just learned ttathe Harriet) e dny, and of all dciiominaiions, and from .h.sc sacred reouirenjents n for nothing I money oes." Do you wonder Old Iluck ' r .n0 . cut fnt0 Kio l.ne;ro ;, - j tlie a. .emlily, was one to fillcvery -joml man's harl with sraiiuiilc and love, mi l showed how very general, how deep, and h..w thor ough has been the revival of lhe paM year. '1 he Ci m ention i pencil en lhe Sid itirt., mid wa. disMilved on lhe evt inn of the S till, li 'Mm; three e-.iuiis each day, and, as tin.. II. Smart remarked at the close, notunh si.ui'lms all lhe debates which had occurred, and all ihe questions considered, there was not one in the a-, inbly could say, from lhe character of ihoe debates, what denomina tion claimed his neighbor; and when making up a c.unmici-e, they were compelled to fc-o a run ml and ask the q-iestion, that all might le represented. Corn-sj-in-l-'iii-M nf tli LwlAl.urg('brbDicl. J I.'. S. Hfamcr Fulton, f Mi.Tr.vrni:i, 1'iuFitav. Dec. 1B,5S. Mkssrs. Khitdrs : After an interest ing voyage of sixty ono days, (forty of which We have spent at sea, and the re- tnaiuing twenty-one in three different ' ports,) wo have at length reached the i mouth of the ".-.ea-liku l'lata," in the ' samo day, but several hours later, so that 1 the Fulton can claim the honor of being the first of the steam fleet at this rendez-. votis. We fouud the friuatc St. Lawrence, 1 c n) , '"V-"'"' a,"J Pra"e I when he wishes to help organiza a new lV arc uanuPl ' I damaged engine, but hope she will not be ! Javnl ii' JrC:n',,"on- WCre : pUf,)nn fjr a vMtieA campaign. Ornithology is an entertaining and per- j,.t;iiDB,j long. name and service of a common Master, and I Let U3 c"'iuo I'ru.clc laid down b3 "f"1 but ,0 8m"eS1,! " '"to j Kumors are rifo of the bold and despe- I that assembly joined in singing the g!on- by 'lr- Mcuker, and draw a parallel case, i I"""'- "u.j, uiiuw F.enui.D ui a rate resistance that Lopez is preparing to j make against us. It is expected that the iik. V Hi. fii." r i :; u . .li-hi U.v li. i.rt I.; N.. w, r.l u ill n. r 1 II ..ii ti.i I....1 Hut, .ii : 1....-J. him A . '.i-- r r ' I ' -'. - II...U inl '. uiiiil.- .1 V"in 1 There wer tii in II arnloi we t il.e it for e. lol.irt.irs nn l 1 at mid .Inn W. all are n.-t ccnspicu reporn. M.it-.n ii.. .11 . 'iii '.Lir' I M nil; '" s-.-ve.ily editor-, at the inei.-t-i , W'edne'l.iv W'-i k, uii i :i:e 1 were f.mly liol'i.l I v in !', i ds, an.' l.a l t n .or. 1, to iuuu-Ii those iniyottnnt facts -u-ly paraded m any of ilie M'Mieluel, :.,i-. l'.u-l.er. cus old hymn i 44 A;l l.ail ;ln- fowi-r nf .Iiiub' tin mi t there went up such a volume ol harmony as one miulil expect to hear fn.ui some throng a-scinbicd to recount,!-,- the shores of the river ol life, the wondrous love which had rescued th'v.i I'l-. m death. '1'he ope:nn prayer, by l.Vv. llr. Tynir, was the nn st coinpreheiiMve I ever listened to. And the union of lhe whole assembly in the Lord's 1'rayer, in Us sp.mta-i.o-ty, and tile deip. low swell of the miiitiui.le voices, as it roiled through that vast hall, was as solemn and as grand as anything I ever expect to hear ihis side . f heaven. The ilitee days-proceeding Mr A ,m."iL fmni, is r... i "railroaa survey is too democratic alto- ' is a fine farm ; it lies right in Mr. A's i gether' lictter PProPriatc money direct way when he is going to town ; A. is afraid ! (r 1,10 obit'ct' 15. will sell it to C j and A. thiuk, 13. does ll",n'in l81.;' reror,c(1 2 N.Am tirJ.. ,. . ,, , .... L'Jtiararte.loS " 171 do not cultivate it as well as he ould....Mr. , Audubon, 15U " r.ihj do R, however, says, the farm is mine; my i Railway survey '58 uamee710 da father give it to ine ; I dou't wish to sell i ,, , t,x... I r ,lt TE n-WI-lil R.i liROSI. lt. at all, but ,f I do I s al sell to a. or c., , Securilv an.l I'lca.urcs of Kural Life. whoever 1 cm make the best bargain with; I , .. , , . .,,,,,, , . ,, r ! One of the most delightful conditions of and he thinks he works it very well, for, i r . , , , , i . . ; any one can wish himself so be in, is be gets tuoro from an acre than A. does, ' , , , . ' w u ,uu unuu u. u line .mui, or ivi'u ii who has thousands of acres of good land nice and convenient little country outlot, ii-fr ..i..?if-i...l which lie never vet .itir Itnt Wr c.fi w.oh ti.e most deliehuul unanimitv : and the I :., in f,vnr nf r..,. - I '"' "P'" J . , - , Deautitul n-i pee. . h.- aiid J. V. Forney imJ? ".mj f -rmer ilucers were re-e!c!i.! t. .u revised, an I i!ie :ir:i ::t, -evenm, afo-r appi ii.tin- a ha at I'ntsbur on tiie :l I d. in The b'nijit of this gath-ruis, (- .veej t the pleasures of a few hours of pain.i! p.s..nal onerviews) are i..,t apparent ; l ot eho,e ill- future may L-e more fruitful i f practical results. iies. Tbe Coijs-i:u- a !; uiri.e 1 at iness i.'.- iin A iiL'ii.-t i.exl ... '. iTThose ho a'tempt to l.e m'o-.V, sh-niM 1 -.- at least txit. ' veral have nneertaUen to rally us upon the paia-er.iph in rur lasi.-.ot n drop of snow to he seen (without hunting frit) Iht mi,!,!!.: if ', 4. A.I). f-r,9." The re-nark was literally true i f the middle of Feb," and wh-ii wicien; it u,,.. a.:o true when half of our edition a.- piiiilid, and part nf it real; but by the t.me the remainder of lhe papers came to tir readers, a few inches of snow had fallen. 'distiiu-lly visible to lhe naked eye" of people not over-critical, with out the aid of telescope fir n icr. s-eope. .s.i snow-bare a "middle of Feb." we do not rec ollect to have seen. nPArnong Ihe missives advertised :':i I.e-.v- ist'urg I'. O. last neck, was cr.e .nVicssed f '..'. ll'orW." Three of lhe er.-ht klb-rs matchinj our name, wc claimed it. and il S proved to be ours indeed, dated Jan. 3-, and Jtnforming us of the safe arrival at Sunjur, uf five bundles of paper which were near two Imonths in reaching us from Ilarr sbur". If ,a ter ef the letter had ioll.uied copy" it would have been a!! riirhi e.xce; t a single inter, the information would have r- ached its !e-tination seven weeks sooner, and served .i Ipiirposc which his blunders prevented. &tltoril!t r.ittT.ilo' 71 .m-.i r.. n.r.- ..-.v.,' f .i'..'i.. d '..v... r.fi'it. ' EARTH AND HEAVER. I t urth n T.ilf of (n, Hlii-n li..- P rii h f-lii.-t-r? f.;il ! A fii-M wli-r -orn.w- tr AnU blvhl:. .-t..rm- r -v;,il ? II. ar. n i-- n fount i.f !i.'?if, An 1 r...-y .vt- 1. 1 .,v Ki- itli tli.-ir l.ill.-w-i l..icht All U iirnit; ali'jve. I fsrth i) rli, U - . T.-.l Our l'f.-'ft you rt-ciials, ly nivu in-m every ctloll of uur Jaii l,ii liit bIt-MJ reuU t-I Sabbath .schoi'Is. ihuli jjivtu in many instances in uniuihel l.ii;ua,j and by very plan, men, was ye! ui ilie iiium elieenng and ,ntcre.niiK characier. 'J'ln re j il.uigt r, in Miiie ca: :'rt ;it dejiehiicncc, by (.'hristian u 'i'ain iciiuois aiouc dimMin the. greater Jiity ui" Jaimlv culiure in lhe rcliiiius ciiu catuui ui" their chil.hi u. Tins wri n lia loiii; beeu uracil by M..me ul' ihe Mraiter of tlic cc!s a aa objection to all abb.uh schouls. liut ;iiiv J.ir.cr there can ji.sMbIy arise on ihi ht-aJ so far uutwrighuj by the enure atlnpv rdii?ss ai.'l the entire nrceMty vt' tlie system (e.-peciaily tu the destitute ou'.caMs vt' great citiev) tliat no :aue n;an who will rj-en his eyes (,i any ol it- results, can keep aloof. Tins CYnveiiiion uiil give iutre importance tt the woric, which even then will nut occupy iiiii'ort.int a place in rhristian hearts as u shuultl. Ii'yuu and I live a half centu y !on Kt.r, we shaM see greater things from it- iiistruni-'iilality than we have yet dreamed of. ' A Ijtiie plant, niiV, up n.ay see it uhere it shuuld Lc witli its liead anions the clouds, i tliink it's my interest to have it, and jou shall sell to nobody but mo; besides, your gjuj lowers and luscious fruits, aud adorned at suitable points with picturesque I Fulton will be the flag ship of the Kivcr j expedition, and will be tho only ves-sel to ' ascend with tbe design of peaceably set- i tling our Paraguayan difSeuties. The Erst ' mau-of war steamer that ever ascended to the capitol of this "inland Japau," bore I the name of the noble 'Fulton.' She was French. In a few more wesks I hope to see the American Fulton at anchor off Assumption, waiting tie decision of the : unjust aud narrow-minded Ljpcz. lfy bis decision he may pronounce the death : warrant of many of us. liut wo have already waited too long for indemnity for his mjusticij, and at present our ouly way I IV The AUunlic Mnnt!,!;i for Feb. 19311, has lhe following capital Toem, which we are in clined t" gue's is from the pen of Juan G. WniT-rim. We 4won.ler" if it is true 1 TEI2 PALI.: AVID TEE PINE. - When Peter led lhe First Crusade, A Norseman wooed an Arab maid. He loved her lithe and palmy grace, And Ihe dark beauty ot ber facet fhe loved his cheeks, so ruddy fair, His sunny eyes and ysllow hair. He called : she left her father's tent ; the followed whereso'er he went, She left the palms of Palestine ' To sit beneath the Aurland pine. j She sans the musky Orient stiains I Where Winter swept the snowy plains. i Their nam res met like nishi and mora I What tune the morning alar is born. j The child that from their mee'lngs crew Hung, like that star, between the two. The glossy night his mother shed. From her long hair, was on his head ; Tut In its shade ihey saw arise The morning of his lather's eyes. Beneath the Orient's tawny slain W andered the orseman's crimson vein ; Beneath the Northern force was seen The Arab sense, alert and keen. His were Ihe Vikins's sinewy han-ls. 'I he arching foot of Kasiero lands. And in his soul conflicting strove .orthrrn indifference, -Southern love; The chastity of temperate blood. Impetuous passion's fiery flood ; The set-led faith that nothing shakes. The jealousy a breath awakes; The planning Reason's sober gaze, And Fancy's meteoric blajte. And stronger, as he grew lo maf. The contradicting natures ran As rr.in-rlei! streams from Tllua flow, One born of lire, and one of snow ; And one impelled, and one withheld, A nd one obeyed, and one rebelled l One gave him force, ihe other fi.-e. This, self-control; and that, desire. .. r. r . ..t - J i l.lr. d . , u i r... i.:.i unu t""u,,"i u'u In he ;.,.. in . B.s .; . . S Ulbll S. t , UUC VI. Ill V UllUU 111 -J 11 , , . , ... ... - ... .v w n.Ub. UUIUUUUII3 Js.3- ' i . i ... evergreen and deciduous. 1-or here a man. .: .i r . . . , , . , , . ! some damage, and cheated him ; but to f , , , . 1 -'CO must be bought with blood. It is I Ses, from a too make it all up I off-r you twenty dollars vegetables ra. ha ilk d b PJ tbat D' te tLC pr'Ce L' i parents, upon an aero for your land ; and you are very t"t i A i'' - 'ir"- " ,teT' Pcz may Jccide on, but, at present, cir -CO - "--i s.-".v.vu. ..ura.ira ,.ati..e. .nnn, .I.t. 1 or Ins own family use, may live happy ! i. . , t n . - i ,, , , ' ' ' , c hope to be able to civc a cood account and Iree from those anxious cares, per- e i . r - , .. ia.i, j,n . of ourselves, cosf irArit i m.-Jf. i p.exilies, and risks that aro sure to annoy , W() are ; other men m aimost every other pursuit bore anJ inconvcDincc of laying at quaran-! S rag-, since you vhttmnf,',, my I ,. , . v T ' " , ." "uu for twelve days. Whether to blame ! wile terms, I will TAKE it ; I will, . bome'.ouh h h f acre the old fogyism of the Montcvidean,, or ' ' "round be small, nrnl Ins bmiie mm lnl .. ..... uiivcyou Irom your . i i. , , kuu,;i " BUlH -ai." u -imerieans, i um : posr and needy, an, how... o, saysMr.U., somewhat olTcudcd, the farm is my own, and I will not part with it on any account, and I decline hearing any furl her propo sals. ..Very well, says -Mr. A., iu a tower- in reir ry loico and arms. I .... 1 1 e s.wn'u.v.i wiiu iijc IUIIV null COSilV eUI- ,,n.h In iT....Mn I homestead, and conG-eate vnnr nronerif . . J J unaoie to ceciac. and whatever blood is shed, or damage T T , t0WD?' C"n i We are all now, and have been, in th, done, on your own head be all tho blame "'"l anJ amoved under his own v.ne.and enjoyment of most excellent health.'' 11 one farmer in BufMoe Valley.or one I " Jt' U TT ,T ' " "r 1 ! lot-Loldir in New Berlin, should Ls at-1 ZT or T T , U M U" ! tempt to fillibuMer his neighbor out of his ZZfZwf 1 lr"h ,t '., MonteviJe,. Frmn our ve-sel it look, j farm or his bou-e, Mr. SlcBker-a, a man ' '"'"f"'' rd WOr:U 'be'r . thriving and prosp.ro-s for a city 1 , 1 . , , , : - SinJs " CVca ,nilll0DS are forceJ ,0 aP-1 ,hat ha 'a''j stained a siege almost as a lawyer, or as a judge-would say it , poiut asaignecs ao,, ali othcr ck.scs f. a3 i0I)fi a3 tll0 illu9triouj x s , x ours respectfully, (.. One filled his heart with tierce unrest ; With peace serene the oiher blessed. He knew the depth and knew lhe height, i lie bounds i t darkness and of light ; And who these far extremes has seen,4 Must needs know all thai lies between. Io, with nntaurht, instinctive art. He read the myriad-naiured heart. He met the men of many a land ; They gave their souls into his handj And none cf ihcm was long unknown : The hardest lesson was his own. Hat how he lived, and where, and when, Il matters not to other men ; For, as a fountain disappears, To gush again in later years, So na'ure lost again may rise Afier Ihe lapse of centuries May trark the hidden course of blood Through many a generation's fl .od. Till, on seme unexpected field, The latent lineage is revealed. The hearts that met in Palestine, And mingled 'neath the Norland pine, Mill beat wuh double pulse in use. Learn AH Yon Can. ...ever omit any opportunity to learn all Friday a Very Lucky Day. It is remarkably stiant-.- tLat the belief that " Friday is an unlucky day," is so popular at this culightcncd ae of the world. Some persons who profess to know all ab-iut the ehronclogy cf the eirly ages, Say that our parents ate the forbidden fruit on Friday, aud died on Fiiday; hence tho inauspicious characteristics of tbe day. Most people, however, accept this doctrine without caring to stnp and inq'i-fe into its origin and authority. It is true that ! many things of a ui-ssstroua character have transpired oa this day, bat they are I not more nunierms on this day than arty j other day of the week. It may be seen, j however, by the foihwin;;, that a sensible ! person nny opxet this stupid prejudice, ' and show that our own g'cat republic ha no reason to consider Friday unlucky : "On Friday, Aug. 21, 1192, Christo pher Columbus sailed on his great voyage of discovery; oa Friday, Oct. 12, 1492,he first discovered laud ; on Friday, Jan. 4, I 1 113, he sailed on his return to Spain. which, if he bad not reached in safety, the happy result would never have been known which led to the settlement of this vast continent; on Friday, March 15.1493, he arrived at 1'a'os in safety ; on Friday, Xov. 22, 111)3, he arrived al Hispaniola, on his second v jyag? to America ; on Fri day, J une 13,1 19 1, he discovered the con- i tinent of America. Oa Friday, March 5, U'Jb, Henry MI. of Laglaad gave to John Cabjt Lis commission, which !eJ lo the discovery of X jrth America this is the first American state-paper iu England. Oa Friday, Sep. 7, 11j, Mclendez foun ded St. A-igustiae, Ihe oldest town in the I'uited States by more than forty yeare. j Oa Friday, Xov. 1'), 1020, the Mayflower, ' :.l. .1- Ii:l : . . " , mm mc i i.jiici!, nuie ine Larbor ol Province Town, and on the same day they signed that august compact, the forerun ner of oar glorious! constitution. On Fri day, Dec. 22, 102i, the lMgrims mada their final landing at Plymouth Rock. Oa Friday, Fib. 22, lieorg; Washington, the falter cf American frce Lm.was born. On Friday, June 13, liunker Hiil was seize ! and fortified. On Friday, Oct. 7, 1777, ths surrender cf Saratoga was made, which had such power and iiiflucnce in inducing France to de!are for our cause. On Friday, Oct. 13, 175-1, the surrender at otktown, the crowning glory of Amer ican arms, occurred. On Friday, July -, 177G, the motion in Congress was made by John Adams, secoti-J..d by Kichard Henry L.. e. that the United S-ates colo nics were, ail of riht cuht to be, free and independent." Hut Sabbath schools must cet another hold wa3 aa unjust, uniawiui, unchristian, out- r,, cn-Tai.. rr ,r.. . i the allections of the ncorde I mean the raucous, beaven-darinr?. law defvino. tin. ti i . ... " ' jpi i.ic niau wuo uas euca a Lome ami is in n Artofifxlinnl 1 .:..!., l: I. . . .....-..ua., v1T..o, ..u umuoucai lrom Uubt. is not Conine ed. as his town . .her interest . them is of a very neg- aet) worthy of the most condign and ex- 1 ndci t v fr i n " . ' a!I i e notice, in lot kind. Tney know lhat they exist, and 'lar .: Iimpn( ,,, aD1 " nd city friends and acquaintances are, to of the State Librari makc their children go, and are very '"V." . Puamcnt-"aJ Jet cWy onnive at aaJ Lumor , mU M ; r..i r , ., ' simi'nr is the course he riuhlichi achms this' .-.I i r i r - . . iu. .01 .Sin n d piace 10 senu inem to; ' , . r - imniaiuMa oi uis iciiowmen, la order inir hou-n in r-irin leenmninriinr . loro ' .-mi. I : i. - .o.,,k,if L. -W.oii to punuc fto extend Slavcrvl i .i..: , ... . '. . g "ou-ln 1 accompanying a large your pnrt, will draw them out. and the Oi nu custom and present of Joo!ts for the Library. The ' will be abb to teach you something no j ro!l "ff. imseif and fam-; proprietor states in the letter.that one great ; matter how erdinary their emplovnient. i ' fa re ft i:Tt. niuf. M-.-ut r-i.-u,:- ; Un-rii.ti-;- IkIH". fuu in rliri. u If T In llciTt'ti nu flou-Jst nv ti, No . liMtir i-- I. :ir.-i ir knuwn, An l ri. h. .'ii-rl i-tui-' i-n-i-rt Ifi'iT it laiiii.-.- ttiruwti. ! -Mrth lJi loil.-r'sh 'in. U hi-n-niti'ii Uark lr;irvj- ri, 1lt.T rrti'-l nu-ti-:. r r..;iui, Aud taa-l uin-r p;i-5io trsr r 'In liicli Il'-iirfii hi? rmrrp.1, It CioWH With r;ihn JfTliChtt V if li ci-m ot plrtry einrr.-l. 1 nrjj:iur. ure.'ai.ij Liiht. -atJ.V .lurk t nniit m wdtd ",.r u. j.hiin- l rarthr I't. In- nn-liii.l.t prnr or trvtrj l.uii.mi l.rtli t people proft-5siiig to be Christians-. Too fren erailv ativc they thankful (iu-y even give ihcir money toward support- i';w;i 2rtue to exteud Slavery in t!iem ; but there their aid often ceaaes. j a'Jn '1 fyain KEADEa I THINK OF Thy dn not present them in their prayers;; IT I "An inheritance may be gotten they never visit them in their se.s-.ions ; ami ; hastily at tho beginning; but the cad if they even set down before a class they ! thereof shall not be blessed." would (eel conlauiiuated by the proiimity of i ti it . - . t . ,,, . . I. u A . v . I Ibis pica ."we want it has been little urchins, who would probably find their 4t . u-acher le.s .Miahhed than themselves lo take ! th CXCUSC f the t'"nt and tho "PPrsor, charge of a class. j everywhere, in all ages. There is hardly And many Pastors are not less blamable in ' a crime that stains the long black eata- this respect. I; is true, ihey all wish to have . loguc that is not hallowed by tho defence large Sabbath School?, and love to boast of' wante,?. The midnieht robber who is greed for life of your son. ihnrsMi beann-and cold ind,hVrenr.P rp:.M i AA1 money. J uc man wUo torses cast shadows over the hearts of the litlleones I v0Ur name to get -Pome cash, doubtless sch!,tK V,M,S'at l0"B i"";rvaIs Io lhcir pvANT-i it very badly, and perhaps you There is nothing so easily obtained, noihino- have refused his renest. The one who which will live so long, nothing which can re-1 looks with lustful eyes upon vour wife or I : ,, . . , i ICOUgUt I llect more r.al joy on ear.!., and nothing so I j,v,, , . - ' ; . " t . I 8am0 "" 19 l"Uf tappj m another school law The Pennsylvania School System. ! e notice, iu looking over the report iiic --looaiu schools, aim love io ooasi oi . K-fiHto. The midnight ro j Ihe.n; but, h.yond thai, they enter not into all j inTaJc8 Jour boU5e and ia Lis their thoughts. I know some, who, instead . .i , .-, , ,,,,,,.. . ., , , i money perhaps taiies tho life of ot sneddins; liehl and inspiring aller.tion, bv . K-Es I' Hi;H Pl-rttU O? t H lit U'TFR. Over Ihe beauty of the plum or the you can. Sir alter Scott said, even in ! aPr!::ot tLere grows a hi au'y more exqui a Stage coach he always found st.fnebody j B',e ,L',D ,,,e f'-aa itse-f a . o't, d.lijato to tell bitn something he did not know be- j l'JaB clcth i's nr. iljw checks. If fore. Conversation is often more useful j ?ou 9fr;ka yst:r ban ! over that, and it is than books for ths purpose of knowledge. ; cnc9 t?"B il ' g ''' '-r t-r, f r it never It is, therefore, mistake tj l-e nioro.R nr ' grows but on.-e. Take the wornic!' Bow- aa to the Legislature, 1 -ilcnt, when you are aracn Per-.i I crs, iniriared with .1. w-rrived as no bratcd French publish-! you thiuk ignorant : for a sociability on queenly wortian cvtr was ad rued with i: T .. n a, . . . . nee siiiixe U .) that Iho beads 1 jou may sprinkle watir over ;i. t, :. - . . t ' & , ...-.I... u-jw viuiuaiv ueir eioEiovnient. v....-a.ij .i ..u uiraye, i, u can ny. is u not, a most liumilialin fact, reason whv he selected 1 ihi r . , , . J i.iueeu, Bome oi iu moi saifactous re-i "i.;"!-! "mui wis wncn tee , - people do so con-; other of tho American States, as the one marks are made, by persons of this da- ,icw fM "ntiy on it frjm he avtn. On s etatori, in TT,.' f 7 M ' bfSt' ,hi8 T0Se ' ""' W"S P"'.cu!ar Pur- t rin8 ,. may s,c tbe F-,nes of participators in the follies end in the from tbe fact that onr slate had estahli,!,,.,! : s. -. - .. i ' P. . ! ,..i! k , ,,lni,. f ,, ? ... 1 j. . ...,' . J.ujia .Wl.icr, IDS UHIOD! cWtCD b" -' " iaJ.-r;i ra T.HIJ1DS, to sunnor, theie f.mili:. furZ i l .. 0 i , he wa, a journey- inm r , I "I ."V , 1 uag a"ractcn me attention ot distinguished : man stone-mason and worked in a rmarrv oo, of such men ? Happy, indeed, then, literary men in Europe, a compliment of Socrates said th.t there wa. but onerooT ,veiil,r,7. r 4 . I WU,CU Ur S'at may jus" ,ceI P"""1-! which is krltJo, and but one evil ry will be ob!tterated...So there Z t h. eJ n oT oil IT 1 V r ""I rWC,r ! .We.reC!!BCt thlt hcn the bil1 V ch is ignorance" Every grain cf sand " a auly, which, whm onco hat he can no only b d defiance to such ing in our Legislate in 1S54,. gentleman helps to make the heap. A gold-dig 'cached .nd deliicd, c never te restored, thoughtless and ungodly characters, but residing in Ohio, who had spent many ' tike, the smallest nuggets, ami fis not fool I '"& "'ore delicate thatt frostwork, and muster up courage and kindness enough years ia connection with the subject of . enough to throw them away because be I or troken, will never bo io point out and reprove, face to face, i Common Schools, remarked tn fheir f..li;. ;b,i., i s.i I ' . 'I """" " UU6C '""'P sometime, oo, - "i "a.- .spjucu to retain their good will and to secure a livelihood for himsei: lakes an 1 Ires-, bhn lin in beautiful fan tastic pictures ; hy your bend upon tho glass, and ly the scratch of ycer Sr.ger, or by the warmth of vourrilm, all the deli- iender.r,,,-;.aslhealiecl.onatelovea,ls, ,1li,iJUS"";r, oui. receives a rcDUKO to his confidence of children. I speak no idie word j " reasonable" advances, forces her because i Iowmcn who when 1 say liial when I stand before my school he tlr.tirr In Tl.n , l. . ul j'rtl by lhe h.ippy faces and love-lit eyes - i - - fs- ".-' i' 9sii..u..ujc. oo, i -- s. .,uv i' And the ( thought tho bill the most perfect of any in acquiring knowledge, we should never and roiltsl his garments in youth, though in another , school law in the Union. We lu.l then nn rlo.ni... or. nnnori,.,,;,. : ihe mr .prt ii r...,L-n il.. ... -i i, ....: important point of view, for while his fel- doubt of the iustioo of tho oninion. and 1 nimV If thee. ;.,.'. can never .h.ill. ,1., it . I " to. The man wh meoi. ,M .7. , ' . , kei ' be Tanous i a now bccomeconvinced that experience ! it over . good or instructive thimr with a- ifc wi-h his tears. When a vounn i:i . ' i Vla" CJ",Des 01 ma na at times bears it out. Many, perhaps, honed for : the first ner.nn .. ..t . r..Z.:. , ! man leaves hi. f .the,-. I,e. -;.i. ,xZ ... it -- x j s .. j.u it.ui 'ir'id . ......v. "..'. blessings of lis mother's tears still wet ,.i-,. h.i.ir..,, iii'inc... ,i.i. i.... ,:.i , upon the hiirhwav and offers vnn uniir n t. . . ... i ! conhdeuce 'ami "iult Ilieir lin.e he'eTs. a lie if vou will e u vn.ie ' ' " ! "'lei . . i t0 M to . "once have IliraUl. : clear and fresh, are . lablels on which lean w l . ' . . . I- , . . ... ., , - -. usi .ai lessons ol viriuc, and the nnasre of niv Sa- I "as not a uunar in me worut, and ncccssitu atst- of l.onnI.,0 l, ....i.r.... :e . . . - I tot exchange those tokens of enm,? hm lo l-nV . . . . . '.' ' . ' ' : V" . ' " " fMV uul s wv- jut uunu ucv4u;c . nri or rrAft ntn ir en i-iiii ! viour I (r .te whatever I please , tl.ZZ T m' PCrba.P8 I M rBdUCCd r0m 8,atB f WClItb ,0 ! bo expended upon th, state of hopeless poverty, be, no matter ! of system?, if it havo to take Dlaco o how great the bank failures and the gen- 50 faulty as our old. Improvement, how-1 Trrses "" a.hlrp-Rl by Rev. Jon .M..t-L-cral breaking up in business may be, re- i everywhere visible, and five years T'C'JL h'3 love' hl"n he - . . nmrn tn I'm ...... . i .. i i T Kt , i J a e;t r.i i III ll.-r,., I.t. r- ll.ilil.. i... I . -in. l.. Tlis -UK,' i. l.-- i, i. ;l In .i tiiutilj limit 1. t ls.,11. i knock you down because be trail ii it 1 Xo such acts, in themselves, would be T l'-s:ith s.o.y.c. 1 sjoinh-.on Lav JuJcc ine!i)..jiai,iirot M the various js-C. 1'r. si dent J uil"3 is-'s in Pennsylvania : Ill.-IIII'SCES. i'.i.ladel.ihia. wouoi nor exenange inose tokens ol ronu I ... .... I .r. .:. i .. . . . .. 1 , iiiiiui.i in anil aue. iionaie iiive lor ilie poiuuirs . of assembled thousands, or lhe rapt attention of .senators. ; sXz:, uU fj fr.a25 : mm w f those who pro. one, at the invitation of a lady, nearly twelve ! Fose acting in precisely the same spirit to ' that crowd around and push other men jearsajo. .,s sessions were nciu in ine sec- gel cuca... because they tr.fiif it. If Spain down into ruin To tha ;M,m,,,J ondst n v ol a llrccomoaiiv's hniise..in,lron. ... , . r uuwa uio ruiu. io me lamt-otcncr so , ' si-ted of about forty dirty children and half a ' Jieiu to sucu terms as tr may . happily situated, I would, then, in conclu' AM LOtC I OHC.ET f The following exquisite am! rassinnm. iio'-n teii.-O'-r lin-re 1 tr),-::. Tho: That Scln leac -l.-.Ti.-ilster. Ila-t. . A si l:.. 0wa! I Ti, .,.,, Henry U. I.. John K. K:i...jv K -bcrt j. White- V in. 11. M'Cmu J-ihn tJalbra lt.inul M. is; Alexander J ' llll'-s II (.-; J--erh II 1 -hn ..C, .. r'-o' .. I L . .. " ' ' J.'"" ' car.son Ilarn-ling. 'inuel A i;,:' ., r ''"Wnsead H.1:,,,. 'ra-:ri M Haniel A-: Ji a I. ran 'v days n:'.o, i as-istci lidates lor admission lolls communion "-I'.;. :!i-i:,i... '.vvr- . rd .ii-. .-.ii "ailam (a -Wi roach. 'li I'. 11 irre. owimda. c I i.ii.n'own, -! Chester. Kim !..) 1. mersi-t. ew lleav er. ! -:.t. ., V. , odcrl J. Fish-r-York. " eraiiim w ,;s.,n.i arte, vi. H-it,s-l-, "Ltse It Birr.-lt Mai: 1 nnsle Jones lb-',c'r-' Tavi.,r-.I!,. w--r-a J. W. mains safe, secure, and in a crcat deirrce I . , . e "ma rat' K1" PIaC0 our . . . , i.e., . " scnoois in too brat rank of the Union totally independent of the c.rcumstances j mUsaJiarre VU!.n. A Race Between States. In 1330, two vounj? States were ndniit- hers had gone ; ilictatc, wc noble, brave, Democratic ' si0D. sav siVi to unur f,,rm. n, .'; : C(1 into tho constellation of tho Uuion. ':l!L 'I.".'!' ?si'!" ' ClirUtiaa en will (robber like) just : home mi let no fauciful notions of iarra aiaAH, with ono haiftha extent of! I'in examining fiVe : TAKE IT ! Ia 8UCU n,en'8 calculations . profig induce you to sell your land and ,crritory f Arkansas, challenged her sis-J toils roininunion, there is no sense of Justice or Wrone no enier int.. tho -.inr,.,,iii . ,.. ! tcr State for a twentv vcar'a race. an. 1 i wh.we,ebrou-.-htin,v.e,c,Arf Th-re. I rCaIiinsr that tberc is a God above ; thev i sneculatiua business for ninn.t.nih. of ' named as ber rider. "Xtitfor Jaeer sirs is reward mr tw eive years iatur. r mm ... m j l j tl . rttj pocr fmtfnst children, we have jrrnwn to only sit eafcly at home and cooly calculate those who do so ecll, and venture, will, in ; tnroiuufttry tfrvititrfr, unless Jor punish nearly thnt hnmlnd. We have, in thai time, ' that, fur commercial or political purposes, ! tIlc cDtl Uow-'ver they may pro.-per for a ! mrnt for crime, tkall ever le tolerated in : IT,. Zl r el, : : tLry-regardlc., of the "wants," feelings j c" "V I Sl" A3KASSA3 accepted the V . . .. , .. - I., -, , . ... ... . .... .. . iir."ii)iiii.uil, !.'! ..l i ... ... . .., . .... , ... uiict.iciie, huh uaniea uer riucr, "lnr MULES V3. HORSES. ' General Astrmiry sWUiaie no fo'cer to Which is tho most profitable animal to ; ;jsj hus for the emancipation cf slaves raise, the horse or the mule f j ,riVwlU t!lc uf (he ou.ner,:, Thus j axu ,c..SD JUl oi -.no-ycar om mounted, these two States, the ono Free, our irhool now, the clnldien of many of our ot i-Mi.il seheoiri. We have paid for the cd- ingth'elmsnc!. (llr.ilapncrs.ilieMissionarv ! uav0 scourged maukiud- io (.'anion, uasoui lu st Siiperuiicndeni.) Aud ; one vast slaughter-house of human bcinss i i. . i- have originated iu just this selfish, bul ! and rights of all others, its owners inclu- ! ded irntif Cuba. The worst wars that -that made earth lying, God-dcfying principle of action mulc' 'wi,! BcU for " mucb M "n avcraE j the othcr Slave, Btarlcd, twenty years ago, i therefore we'll "" J u,u -'"""j uu j.eruaps i i -I mi t-vi'le. n.-ln.': tn?. tilf. we have a church of our own. .li-.: ( Cm! s. If any of your readers Would like t.. have something to be grateful for ten ve.irs hence, let them try Mission Sabbath tfchool work. Yours truly. K 11. F. . , .... a iiiucii rcspecicu coiorea woman, aunt treasure ti'ira ( i '.,', du d in i.ellefonte, receaily, one hundred and twelve lo fifteen yours old. ., . - ,, ,, . . ,. unsoundness. 4th. Tho mulo lives to a She wan a native of the Island of St. Do-' , .. , ' ' much greater ago than tho horse. 5ih. rr.itim, nnl wa; b.-orght 'o this country ,' Ncr(, i-ackbeard, .apt. kidd, and the ( Tbe rau,e will perform moro labor Bceor. "because wo tcan it, TAKE IT, at any sacrifice of blood or i moro. 2nd. It docs not require the same amount of food for a mulo as fur a horse. ii;-.- r.r tLs la ho La? I-ecn twenty years. and now, having arrived at the end of the I proposed race, let ns review and mark tbe progress of each. Michigan comes oat in ISoti, with three times the population of slave Arkansas, with three times the as sessed value of farms, farming implements and machiuerv. and with i iobt lime. il luui.l.rir.', buccaneers, and pirates of all 1 t,, his siz-.', oo feed oa which hoisp i number of public schools. Vet Arkaosa The irincijile and its nfilicatim, arc 3d. Tho mule is less liable to disease and ( climes, creed, colors, aud eeLcratioos. j wouid ilaivc. Guilts .iour. 1 bus tho f.i.iit.41 scii hbd ill bi..t uicc I orget thee ! If to dream by night, And muse on thee by day If all the worship, deep and wild, A pod's heart can par If prayers in absence breathed for thee, To Heaven's protecting rower If winged thoughts that flu to thee, A thousand in an hour If bu-y fancy blending thee J With alt my future lot I If lhou call'sl Ihese "for-ettlng,"' thorj j ludeed shall be forgot. Forget ihee ! Rid the forest birds Forget their sweetest innes ; Forget Ihee ! Uul Ihe sea forget To swell beneath Ihe moon; Bid Ihe fairest evening flower forget To bring refreshing dew ; Thyself b.rget thine own Hear land, lis mountains wild and bine ; Forget each old familiar face, Tach long remembered sprit When these things are forfol by thfC, Then shalt thou bt forgot. keep, if lhou wilt, Ihy maiden peace Still calm and fancy free For Ood forbid thy gladsome heart Should grow less f lad for me. Yet while that heart is still unwen, Oh, bid not mine to rore Cut let it nurse its humble faiih. And uncomplaining love. H these, preserved for patient years. At last avail me not Forget m then ! hut n r believe Trial ihou cast le U r. I. open his fsrehend, if he cr.ee lrscs that early puriiy of character, it is a loss which he can never make whole cg.-iin. Such is the consequence of crime. Its i nets can not be ctadicattd -it can only be forgiven. It is a stain of Llood which we can never make white, and which cau bo wa.-hed on ly in tho blond of Christ that "clcanscth from all sin." "Mixr v.ii it St-rs." Pj not "step" at the bar roo-.it. Merry l-ingliter may ring out from it as von pa?s by, arid voices of friends niv c-i'l you to e n'cr. Within, it may shine brijriitiy with li-iit tl.rjwn back from po!ilnd mirrors, and gleams from crystal bo'tles. and the T..ieeof rtiirlh and g licty may be h.oir:! there ; but "--tor" not; th ro is danger in its brightness. These gleaming b.-.t'.Vs coiilatn potions that lead to poverty, dishonor and death. Tho merriment there is "th? laughter i f fools," and may end in the hniribto l:!r:-hter of the mania-.. "Aroi 1 it, pa-s by it, turn I from it and psss away." Dj not "stop" at lb? gimllir hoase. Those close shutters coueeal trcacher-.-n fascinations, that you may find yourself too weak to resist. A laie llativiiic lein.,rr:it loales cat irt that borough 1 tai...'a- sohoij and i 1473 cboUe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers