LEWISBURG CIjROIILE. JJY 0. X. WOIt DEN & J. An iHileponrtont r;Eiii!y CIjc fcisisl'nrii Cl-rauiclc, A IMiEI't Si-KM FMItT Xr W- it. nm in ai v,r- at tiic wilt- r.tti f r a lu .. ct av fir l-oir ni'ii'li ir ei-'lit uintitli!. 1'il. I'-r r !!.!!. r r..-l. Ihtf.. .-t- t T -IK III -n!le. 1 l .ti-fii tu .'tin.:. Jul. lor iv i- J. ;!. J U ti-r t'-ll r.'l'ie ..; v.-xr. JU. fnirl'- V.". I' infills I'V iii.i i Jin if Ir-.t tlt Tin- r .i-i'if. in p-M. tu-t;if -tii titps. oi- i ttiiue li-re. M i-t k.i. i- I'n.iii-- r -- H.Wticn the (mi- i-vj.ir- I r n li funi ' Ii;iVi- a ruiiitil.L' ' iin! i t'li 'ITl.lt. Aiv;KTlina.rs 1ih :u-lr (MMi-tn-... t .-i !- "" fUur- mie i-k. -! -- .-a li Mt'T hi-1! tiuii, lil'! I' r i In --nt ii-, Jul. i-.tr V. ir. :i f-)U r. r!. rU. '1 d.,:i.l.. T.. ,,nr.- 1 u '. Mr. lum -. hut m-i-r .Nie-t'-u. in ti i-oiiiinii, li i I. i-.rv.tr. otdr mj.-:n hi iiimv tirr.-i -l hi. A . n:-r.- i - I tin.- .-r rn-iU.-t or 1'. -. n -xt Ur-.-r. A i. ri,-. n-.-m- . I ;i tl 'iuoi jli.i'i.' t.-..f i.i-v. nd.I l;.r. rut". 11 t . until.-. I. CoinmUIlitatiou . I -i r-1 t'ti fiptf nl -vnrrsl UitTft an -I ;i--.r ni-;titi.-l " the w rit.-r"- r-:.l Mil nit ttu-t iul'!n-. Tin M V i i.TJ f l.l.K'.i: i- i.ai. -l in tin 111-- f III- fhr-nflr. I.j tli.'ll w-- .." ru insert lUlj' Tt.ut N.'t i In a-li nmv ,.1 t !..- I'lili ! V:u. r..nii.--(.. I t.- ' li-'- r- amiV m-iti-rinl fr ni't Itin U ..I JOE i'KINTIN j, utii.-h will 1- s.' iit,-.! Killi n"i'ii' i .I.--;- :'' h -it.-i uti r-f-'ii i'-'- t.-riri-. t; iV-ii'il A.I i t r if-in -ii ti t U' Miu luf licu hanJ J hi. mi. 1 J.. "rk Hti.-M .liiii-r.-.l. Oo : k Kit .m M ir'K. I --(iiiirf, iiortli Fi'Ii,Mionil stum -Ij-.Hiiii tlf . k Itin 1ry- Wokkkv A- CouxKi.irs. TJIK CIISJOMCLK. M'lllMV. 1-I:if. -J, !..'!. Losses by Superfluous Periodicals. IVj one dniiliK l-ni prinlrnhise many lln u s.m.ls i.f ili-llars, fairly their Hup, Ly II uMiiie ouithf prn.li.ci-. i-l'tlK'ir labor nulirriminate ly. Tins can l-c prevented only ly rt-iuinng advance paymonK iti every case. i Hut cintiifiunit'tx al i Miller testes 1-y having tntt many itijcrritt pup'-rs issued. There iecuis Jo be almost a muma in many ca s for jour, rials that are no more reijuircl lhau a lJlih wheel in a wagon. Some lime Miice, we gave it as our opinion that Mtwi paper in T'nion county aresujficivnl for its rtal wants, and more can not win yijtr, htmnrublr, wh'tlcsnmt A'toorf.- This; crpression, we understand, has been repre sented in a certain quarter as a tiihf.at.' Aow we certainly had no thought of fri"hien- ing or coere.inj any one. Anybody may print who desires it, undoubtedly whether lor money, love, fun, or glory be he Tom, Dick or Harry in city, town or c m. try. Every burg and township may have a dozen newspapers, and every rich farmer may issue a d'tily if he chooses, " and where is the man .-. e. ., t. .1 at 1 I.n'l Ann- a fretn fnn iilrv KU rt V 111 IU !( t llll I uui.l 11-.V. vv-niiii 1 with perfect - freedom of (he press !- Ves, w "a """" I actttttlti rxntcti in the lerntory DOW com- every man may keep a store, print a newspa-; csciped n.y mctuory. Now, if the owner flUlDlr the States of Ohio, Michigan, In fer, or praeuce law, who desires to. j of ibis vine, or some one acquainted with lliQOif) Wisconsin aud Minnesota. But the pntiry cf issuing more than two !o- it will inform me, '.Lroughyou Mr. Kditor, j jje was a Terv -;n(j muster aided in lay- al papers in our present conn.y-and he-: where I may procure a few cuttings from laus 0T fur lbe e'Ttemion but fur the s, , , , ., . " r. ,, '. for the information. West Urancii. ,,,;,.,; all whom be deemed in his What bothers me most is the wonderful jn which you can not daily seek the blcs out any invasion of human rights or being . . imanupateU all whom lie Utcnica in Did . , . . g,..y of assault and banery. More ran be sustained. There are ,ilvr hundred men in l.'iiion county, each of whom could carry on a newspaper. Their. in so doing would be undoubted. Others miht be sustained, by support drawn from oth-r counties to such, of course we , had no reference. Others still mav be sustained for a time ! hy invasion of the stale r county Tn-aMiry 1V volunteer aim other .vujerllu-'U can didates in the field, and ttu-u rr bbin lliem t.y betraying parlies, and levying black mail ou nominee. by procuring endorsements or contribution:, in high party ti;ncsby running in debt evi-ry where, and compelling patron age" in order to back unminul pay or by keeping up appearance and brau. fierre ly until 1 tit Cniiuole or Saer;lVclo.-e ibe con cern. Such journals we say, do nut u ni a fair, bonorab.e, ulinlesome live-iliO'it.' li.cy do no gooi! tn liieiiiieives, to the county or lo any one eNe. I The fact should be taken int.) consideration thai it costs five to len tunes as much lo kvp nn a naner now as it did in tortner veai's the cmes are also so near, and competition of , combined capital so effective, that coiiuny printing is not as sure and remunerative as it was 20 or 30 years ago. How many printers n lh,s county laiied-liow many prospered- , then, we do riot know. Within twelve years, we recollect the following journals to have WC ICl-Ollirii ...s - ; .-flourished," failed, or -lluied" from Union : I I'ii .ti Coitiilu Star discuiitmuid. fimtd Samaritan " 'The K'ytunt " 'The Jijfmanian " Jiuds 4' tiianmaiS " 'The ilumurist " I iiiori Wtikly HA'ir Leuiuurg llciaurrat, A. 1 " ' " An. 2 " 7'ae Americun Flag " r.! i mine diM I'.ito " Titian Argun, Ao. I " Home Uuzttte I mun Vaunt ji Hun " her Lilian ihiuikrat remorid. Lniun 'Times Yulkrufrtund " 'The Huardian " l'.tuniitlteal Messenger " hottekoftrr " Here arc TWENTY journals ir. less than a dozen years (and oihers perhaps we do not rec.llect)-each with hopes and strong assu- ranees of success-which are not now nere . ,- . . ... .- .i l J.. : puniisneu. .Most ol mose mo ue, ei.u . Unnn nitror. 'AOrt hnvunil th rntintl'. f 111 IVClL , ... .... Ihree removed to other localities, and three m the ne, countv of Snvder. which had for. merly been supplied from what is now Union I county, and ruiaTux died for wantofade- quale support Several of the unsuccessful ! ones were well ej,,ed, and much labor and j mouey were expended upon them: but they were simply NOT NEEDED, and necessari ly failed. During this lime, the CuKnwiriK has tried to work its way as it best could, and although andoubtedly favored with much the best pat rons, we have yet had no expectation of np ning a private banking shop to gel our sur plus money into active operation, nor do we d it prudent lo relax our habits of industry M economy, i. , - . . a - a r "fleeting man to cast his eye over the 1 J0, ttriinl rll .11 ik. .;........ tuuciusion, we ask every observing AttrV mv iiiiuiinimii ... puoncation 01 tnose journals t nosar if.. ...... ..... I ..y ..ne nme raorr man i wo a-ere reallv .,.,1 i!.;m.-i -,r..in . ! ' living! If not, our opinion was cor-1 J - 6......i i"i.ii"j ... 1 '"a us expression was no -throat," but fi"'6"1 aut 'fndrred advisable by ll.eso ' !arir,r ns in ;ae fate, ind woniiv ol" Tr.t . . r-wrl consideration, II. COI.XKLU'S. t-v. JcH.ri.al. I I'lie Fanners' llieli School of Pennsyl vania u i'l open 1 . s r sin 'ems on Wednesday of nex'. week. The rlinrue I .r a term of ten months is Jjiltii I. r I'o:itd,vasliin-r. liht. fuel and text books. N.. boy under Hi admitted. All students must come well qualified in rea d:u, untiiis;. r.e'r:ipliv. ci.inunar and arith metic. The iiiili-'r l'e-I.sh branches and praeneal knowledge contemplated ly the Iu sntn'.i.oi. v. ill be tae.'lit and llitee hours of active labor re.jii.ivd per day. No penna tient I'liiieipal lias yet been secured, but the follou'iu? I-rofessors have Ken selected: Vi. (i. WiiiiM!, .-f I t i.t i e county, Agricul- ture and 11 itieiiltuie ; J. S. U ihtxix, ol tx, of ! 1 uiou county, Natural eiences: h.L. Haihh, M a in e mat ics ; R. I . A i.m so v, of Jum ata county partieula i: Kneli-h Litei.itme. for further aildie-s Wm. (i. Waimno. (ieneral Super'nt, l'.ii.:i Selo.i 1 i'. U., Centre l.'o., 1'a. !H TTI:: l.t.'.M. :l T.i; Cill'.'.M. I.E. Llni. sbi; ires- d 1 j I he Ii.uih or Miss N. J. liana, Sl...i,'.l -. ,1 T ;. i;.-w .1..r IT. It,.- nco:ll.- -f ni-'l.l, T" ".nii.'rt -let ui.. 11 riii r- w ill. n. !'.- o .-.." li jlil, (" 11 i.l '. -tli' k' II "II. s. 1 1 jvi. I 11. In e c. iiij. ill 11 l:"jv ku lli.tt stto-.-t ur ;ts y -ur ima . .s. v J.INE? W .-U. iiiore tlian :d: t I.if t.nth I .-. n .1- ne l.v y..ur i...I, t ,T l..-vi.il lli' M- L.:i.:lit wirLi l-y tl-e M-r:ipl tr..!. In 1:. A-a - T.. r.: men ..t ll.- .v. 11- ul:. r.-tti irl.Titi. .1 r'ieuf li. . i- .ii 1. 1 l.n.-t liath tvl .N.SvX Jail. i-w lipr S.o :..r. I o'-t to liis voi. e. T" wi t. .r In. .mum' Itn. win t-:ir!v 1..T rhoioe; II. r . iiuil lo r " aid n it .r..v- in 14111. A11I i':..o u sl-l atn ts--ii.i Kirl uitl ble.-s Ni.sev Jane. S lii.iiiiil.. li.-r w .ilk n i(H!" t I-.' true 1 1..- ! :.l i.t'.l.- ,ir...iii-.-l i.l l!.-' u-uri- : ti new. C'lin.-l -:r. i.j;li'...il li-.r-i-Sii-f-r. .1 1..1 iu .1 ;l!i. ti 'ii hiiI pain, Alii huh l.ip r. At utiu i.l Ko Ul-Ucij .as. X JZL. Tt.ii- l.Miiiic l.ul 1.0 -.ill,, a ..li .1.. '... J to t t"lli... ill .Ul rt. tl It hiith. 11. - the M.t'l strum .1 .N am V .I asc i 1.. 1 ; .1- -oik- :!..- inn.! z.', !o I ! lt.ll L ll .1 II tllUMt Tim' L-. nliy li.. 1:1--. I :.t ti e twili.-lit ..f.-ren, 1 rem Ilie Mil.., ol rlli I" Uo- no-tun-- of lieaTf-D, Itut 11.1.4 111 our liii lliorv liti-. r the liuiie, Soil. ur to till Iiimi t.-, nt Mi.-et Nam I Jisk. Atolo: ulu-n tin- f trlittjt ..fi-artli .ImII W .Yrf V liat mr.ro..;.. tlnT.'H I..- on eternity!. ;-li..r.-; ' i Uli j.jiu tliiir lut luted nit--, tliiir u.a .Nanct Jani. R- Grai-e Vine Kmji irv. Some fifteen years ago, Dr. l'etir 1'. Nagle, then a resi dent of the liur-iugli of Milton, informed uie of a (iraj-e Vire, somewhere west of Milton or ba-k of .New ColumLia, which I. ,,e., ..,..,, ...! r . , ..( . ,.! " J " fc.-,M-. . dish iii.ee or color (not the Catawba, but a wild grape of uiik-Ii larger size,) and of a very pleasant aim sweet laste. iicgavc , . . . , 11 'ur plntitmg, I. will be very thankful- Jvj.,wa(,.w f.,. ,," 1 TnrWnnT.,n av, trrt,mrrCT ! 1 llll Hue 1. 1 n 1 iu 1111 llll. . The a.-ceut of the steep Mcuntuio of,tousieii,l.rU.iiiBiio.uu.yl..u..-B..c.j Virtue, is made far differently from any ' other, nil material mountains, we tiud - is. : the slope nt first agreeable, but,towards the summit, rongh and difficult: so, as one , ,, . , , ,,;.;,,;, 1, g.u.in-l.j ...v,.-, ..... .--.e- - the way b-conies more rugged. The Moutitain of Virtue, on the contrary, pre sents, at first, difik-ult steps, but au agree able sutLtuit. Uu who attempts the ascent, meets only stoins, briars, ninl sharp rocks, but, ns lie advances, step by step, these difficulties diminish, and a bright prospect opens l.c.":c hitn, until at ast,the summit gained, his Soul delights iu 11 iwers most beautiful, and fountains clear as crystal. The ascent is at first extremely fatiguing, aud over a path ail slippery ; syren songs come up from tbe wavy bosom of the world, alluring new converts; the liou's roar from the mountain terrifies him ; be looks back with a wistful glance to the smooth level ,,f the valley be lias left, aud at times WLn nt despairs of reaching the peak to ... , - Ailll0U,,b set frce frolu the pi.soi. ... siu, some passion ye. cu- . . l.-l 1 ill 1 e''" 1 ""3 burden, added to the difficulties of the way, renders bis progress ..i .. i-..:..f..t it, i,:... I I.:... nAi.n k Slow HUii LillUIU.. liVUlUU ill. 11 ecuu lUC .u t dolce calls of pleasure, which say to him, tit -i! ', vomc naeh. ; you win uol leave us . ii can not be that you will part with us for ever?'' lie contiuues, nevertheless, his steadfast march, a little troubled aud oc casionally interrupted in bis courso by some obstacle, liut, already the way be comes less rough, already the cries to worldly pleasures produce less impression, for they can be heard only in the distance. Advancing somewhat further, he discovers , , ., , ., , i the wav yet a little smoother ; aud.though ' i a at times as by habit memory recalls past pleasures which he once enjoyed, aud vhich he fouud difficult to live without, ";" " , . it is .a.u..j, .-ia ... - , U i: .: .I..r .i.i.icnil.r.iniiii ,Uucn u.ssaus.j .uH, .u.. .m. j 1 l,wf ..11 r. ,-i.r nvi.l V irtlio Fli'li ltd , p"-"! j i 0wn dclicht fc ' - - A GREATER Calamity THAN TI1S , ELECTION OF FREMONT. The Richmond JHysays: eection 0f Fremont, in our lin- ie-dr-mcnt. would not have been half as disastrous to the rights aud interests of the South, as has becu the reckless and unprincipled Administration of James Bu chanan I And as in the past, so iu ho future, the South will coutinuo to be de ceived by tbe llemoeraey, no matter which one of tho aspirants may bo elevated to the Presidency iu 1S0O, or fubscftucutly. We therefore go for a union of the oppo - c . . . . , . sition elements, with a view to putting in the Presidential chair a statesman aud a luc A .eBiuiuuai tumi .1 . . . . .----- patriut whoso antecedents are a sufficient r ... r .. r 1 - I guarauty lor a lanuiui auu ujuiu. .1.- uiiuistration of the allairs of the Uovcrn . . . meet. Aud we are sure mat an over- .t : r .i toco - operate in any ruovemeut to effect to WUCillllUg UlUJOll.y Ul AUU ti.oiJiii .c i.i desirable a result. Tlu-r. were-. li.,t veur C2VI.201 r.unils in 1 LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, ThathaJoe-eekin.LisLiberty- Who was ailvorti.ioJ from Mount crbon ly tho notorious J'hn A. H'.in.or.n Las passed tLrouIi li..ton on Lij way to Canada, and J. A. V. will save the S:IU0 reward money rai5ed fi r Iiim by thought- less women and ci-y Kdward Kverclt ! Our neighbor of the Arjas couica to the rescue of J. A. W., and would like to sec a picture of the "negro question, on paper as it exists in our minds. We wish uo barm to bun, but if he desires mloriua- tiou lie can have the renlily ul the mat,cr. tiou he can have the renlily of the matter. I,ct bisu darken bis complexion, go "down jA.t bUu darken his coinp'.eiion, go "down souf and become Ilia "sleek, happy sir- vant" of some grand Democratic i"'gr- driver ; endure, on a cotton plantation, for , a dozen years, all the indignitica aud suf- ferings conituon to the life of a slave;, observe, lor lumselt, Hie inuuence 01 s: .... -rt - f.l -,,. ..r.n tl, morula in:inmTs. industrv. and prosperity of State. ; then attempt- ... 1 r ' ,, - ,, 1 , ... , like any ungrateful, miidel "boy, to escape ; taste the sweetness of Bwamps and starvation . 1. . t . i n..t tic caught, si lam oy uioou 1 1 III ...IT....o" 'll. uotiuns auu stinaie j iweu luiiiaus n uu ci ilLs and other persuasives tobappincse; ... 1 i.:. ..;.. ... embrace the whippiug-post, the cat, or any ( other refined torture short of tbe supreme pastime of burning.. and perhaps by that time be woulJ waut no worJ-pamtiDg I -ii ...) of the reality of -slavery as It IS in IU strength and full vigor ! j j.ui iue anju, uuui. wuc.u cv... Washinuto.n was an "Abolitionist" Certainly, be was in no visa like that little sect of Garrisanians who told tbe Republican party in about as much abhor, enee as they do tho modern democracy. l!ut Wasuington's auti-slavcry views were identical with those of StWARK and the Kepubiicans, now. II. fought against ; anJ Lc)p(;J ,0 W(y, the sIavcrj attempt I 1 . . . ... C(j t0 ie mlposed upon us by mother lri- - - aiJcJ brandinn as pinny the , gfeat g,av(J traJe of u;s jaT je j()incd j-.;,, ,ba Sceta Slavery which ,,,,, 0f Slavery and bv his own will po Wo mtAlt cive p2es from Washing w w - w -.. ; t.. 1. M-J abstractly, 1.. Ui. rre ,j-n. J L I... .1.. . I ... 1;t,..n H ill uu.MiiULLiv iL-SLtii ir Bill VLB tiU iiucitv. ft c . , ' , ,....-- win ouiy juoie, ucrc, a lencr iruui vijui- KRAl. Washington to General Lai-ay- . . - ETf written in 1, us tbe vear belore Wa.siii.nutun's death : '1 agree with you cordially m your views ill icg.liu lo .leiuuiavcij. llldAC ll'll mil sidered it a wiotr ttfrwus erit, both soi-iallt aud ruLtTit-ALLT, and 1 should rejoice in any fea sible scheme to rid our STATES of such a burden. " The ( 'OXOKESS of 1'iS? adopted an ordi nance which I'KDHIliirS the existence of involunlarv servitude iu our Xorthwesiern Terntorv.'for ever. I COXsilDEK II' A A1CAM lit:. Ii met with lhe approval and as.ent of nearly every member of the . . : 1. ........... ....I ;n 1...- .sun- mine iiiiuic.iidicijr initit..iru in --1 n . labor. Ti-. .retailing ,.pwwa m lirg.u .;....-. ...... .-.. ..la-all la.aa A iiiiixir Hie siir'tul ol .s.l-ei- mlullu tltw ItT- il oillt tlerat J of t"l t-C MilU s.-' j It will be seen that tbe power of Con- .i . r-r. t.-.- t r-r in bis day,cvcn by slaveholders. Wnnhimj- ' t'tn hupnl fur "it Confederacy uf tree Stales" iust what SeWaKII wants ! The ,(lga, puuishu)eut Of,reaso,,, is by hanjin.j. h 1 , WL h auJ confMjcr!lt(.g tt up one gallows to hang Mr. Seward for t , - ,, - - l - 1 i t njHjj.,,," ln wishing aud hoping for ., r , , v c. . .1 it a "confederacy of tree States, they had , better erect a few more, and nail upon them the bones of Washington, Jeffer- : son, Madison, Adams, &lc. &.e for they ' are all as guilty of "treason" as Sewarlms! Dr. Franklin's last publio act and it i was one iu accordance with the whole tenor of his life was putting his signa ! lure, as President of the Anti-Slavery j Society, to a memorial presented to tbe House of Uepreseutatives, prayiug them .'r ' . nr il,n f..11 riiiiDnra mlmclm! In 1 1. em to exert tho full powers intrusted to them to discourage the revolting traffie iu tho human species. This was on tho 12th of Fubru 17s9 g tue ni0Jrl. Denl0. jU Lave tf) t FllANKLiN on the J a, fof WM tho Tcr-riDg.cad).r c ' . iu the nefarious, treasonable scheme to . .. . - abolish slavery in Pennsylvania, resulting in the act of 1780, which may be fouud iu Purdon's Digest. Ah I me, what a terrible time tbe conservatives will have in hanging all th. men who like the audacious Seward have believed that God is the common Father of the human race, and that all His people aro entitled to efjual rights ! What a vast lot of men are yet living, who like that pesky Seward believe in tho vital, central principle of the Declaration of In dependence ! But, when banging dues come into fashion let us hint many a Jltmtia will find himself adorning tbe gallows he bad erected for Mordeoai ! Judgo Douglas, in his Chicago onjun, says of the Administration party, " They may triumph at the Charleston Uonven- tion.but God help them before the people," ir-- 00s w 'bough tho Pevil wag not C0JD2 to hilVfl 3 li.nj j'a l!i mtttt T gross, not ouiy to .ron.oi. nui io uuousn ; iurecan pruperly a.,pied to such dregs) slavcry in the Territories, was not denied I . va lhat ,ne dls!eiiiination of the raper is a JFVOIH iJOUaOtWa. KxiT.ANATORY. HaviDg seen nothing frolu ur rat.y I'uiUJ. !.l.ia correspondent gjncc flire part f .September, we fiared jle Jeparlid this lifu or done some - tl0 ese ruost lauiuutablc-. To test whe- ,Der 10 was . teaUy Jead forsurtin orouly pajiu 'p0sutu," we recently directed one of our paper t0 u,;,e ,, a. 11 -" following is the response. (As to cur wbilom brother scribe IAKtR, of the : J4r,V(,i'un, we can assure him there is no Cl)pj.riybt law to prcvett htm from "ap- Cl)pj.riybt law to prcvett hiui from "ap- jnating" our mutual friend's notions, ..runriaMnc" our mutual friend s notions, fru1) tie ir0,,ic!e, for the beueht of ins owu numerous family.) Ku. Ciiuon. lCoTnflHaitn r ln. i..i.b.ir1!ci,r..niCi. u,iitimn. Jan. 2!, ln:.9. Mmibh. Eiito: As you are determined . r to play the part 01 resurrecuonisis, 1 sUl. nose I must come to li-'ht. There are but few I w.ll.ng.y, and fewer still who like to ! be killed off. Ol the latter number is your is,,h,s: j fn ha$ becn wa,cllig lhe couinns , of ,he chronicle, for some nine back (and I I . . . : I. I...,l.k.. ,.t. am gtau mat ne inuutes 111 sum ii-anj s..- ing) for the appearance of n.y name, as an excuse for blowing me UP, because 1 have neslected the Miritttiun ; and in order to save I l.n..s 1.1.1 in L-..n iturlr. iNoW, ' ' . - , f,.,., f caQ iDSliluie procecainss againsilum , jt' fl)r interfering with your business, and Uie ; load is off n.y shoulders. I am determined, fter tor.orresnond with iust who I please, . liuwcvri. iiiu Mi- Hum . ; ' ' '""uul - 7 i;olM Save OntJ UUI. 11. A ...w s-. the MarUttian can consider me as snapping mv nueers in the air as I make this announce- menu I was thinking, some, of trying to immor talize myself by asking a place 111 the - Arm lor lluilaer" for a series of -Mount Ver- JZ tt hheet I , . .,. ..,:,i l..K, there any gooa see-l woutu ui; r.o.is,, ... 1 . h,.., abandoned the idea, and shall never nrobablv share the literary fellowship ; 1 of sylvanus Cobb, Jr., and the great lecturer : on aslmiglon ana r rankiin Sensation is a great thin; now-a-days,and capable almost ol removing mountains ; why don't you try it! I think if Homier and lJarnum were to establish a chain of " Sen sation Colleges," they would do a most splen did business, and the effect on the community ! could not fail 10 be very striking. 1 . ...ir" 7". .r" ,.,,, a8raccsu " "V .... .;, 1 .. r n,nn 1 re..!., fur a few snuares 0 ' ; men in ,he fuited Stales-an editor and part - pr.Tcu.r or , 1 - ..i.,, mrnorl nn Itnimr 1 riii rnui. i;ur cuuvri 9iItHu "- -- ' . , ,, ,k.a,i, . strewed with ( uom c iv.i - - - a lvert.semeuts-half sheets of unfinished ! iI.e Mir rrieti.l denrecated mOSt Cl.rdiallV. . ' . . ... . I the kind of literature it disseminated, aud 1 agreed wiin mm musi ....). on Cndiug almost a column of his :i e... ....!... niner taken uo with euh-gtums i - ii i on Uonuers tact ana success-anua,, u4u in lhe interval. Mr. Everett had consented to in uu IH..I..I1 write for the great Xew York Dodger ! Xow, I have only one word to say in lhe matter, aud it is this: If Mr. Everett, and every .. 1 ... 1 . ...ur.i -ifi.1 u'l.riri w" 1 " .1 were lo write tor thai sneei, so ioii, udial it is-a vehicle for the d.ssem.natiun ol ' . r ...i;,l. weak useless, rjomiiasuc aim i " i,,i-u, ,,.,....,. K, l workshops of the land, draWIII the inind from more uselul and suo-1 Manual reading, and filling the brains of the j j weak and uneducated people win me vertesi I chaff of literature, (if such a term as litera- positive evil, and it is the duty of every man ' who loves his fellow men to ignore it as such, i It may be argued that Bonner is a deacon a church. So much the worse. It only - proves him lo make a profession which he i negatives in his business. Or, it may be ar gued that people will not read any more solid and useful matter. Let Mr. Bonner or some one else try, with the same means I mean with lhe same labor, capital and energy and when they fail, I will admit the argument. The circulation of papers and tracts of the American Sunday School Union, the number of readers of those publications, the care with which they are preserved, and lhe influence they exert, is a sufficient answer to all such objections. I had a call, a day or two since, of at leasl tim minutes, from Mr.Superinlendeiit Hii kok, who seems entirely nnable to shake himself clear of work, as he is always fast to hi carpet bag. He looks well, however, but de clines, entirely, the t.overnor s cnair. ii ne works as he has, he will soon be past all e Tititrj, for he will die in the harness. The whole Burg" (down here) Is jusl now full of Lectures, and all sorts of subjects are being descanted on, to the infinite delight of good naltired married folks, and lots of young folks too, who are hunting knowledge in a quick and cheap way, and pieler the ar ticle diluted. Lecturing has become such a business, that some enterprising man might make a l'orluue by publishing a catalogue of subjects, for I should imagine the present list of "American Character," "Things as ihey are," The Real in Life," "The Women of the XlXth Century," and I think one or two more, have been gone over so much, thai not an arable spot can be found among nhem all. The business can not ue a paying one, there is so much competition! and lhe wonder i lo me is thai so many men of talent can afford lo be ironed oul for the benefit of Aihenecums and Libraries anil Unions, and I don'l know how many other things, which have iheir ex istence in lhe brain of some sharp manager. The Opera has been doing lhe uiual amount of blowing and fighting, to the disgust of those who wouldjike to enjoy music without lhe usual acpompanimrni. We havs jnst escaped irom a panic, auu from observation I should say ihai this is the most extravagant season t have had for msny ruff. Tfii-y yr-ur.-. jsii-f, FEB. 11, 1859. jfS, of IJtwi.sburg, Las juat GoishcJ an iiiiporutit Jlap of SujJcr county. It isaccomptitiiej ,y diagrams of Sclinpgrovc, Kroeburj:, Ad- ' alusburg, Middkburg, Centrcville, Tori Tv-Tiri-ii, Htavcrtown, aud Fremont Etr,.ct9 all laid, and the lots numberei', the several AdJitiona designated, and a- ri0usly colored. There are about 53 pie- turcs of tho most public aud mauy private ! buildings aud places uf business in the county all showing a constant improve- uiclll ; tbe art of lithographing. Tli uiclll ; tbe art of lithograpbing. whnlo Map is CG by 42 inches in size, whlo Man is CG by 42 inches in size, and is aff irded at 52 50 per copy a very low figure for tbe large amount of work upon it. The county should buy a Iarg-j edition at that price. There are also on the map tie names of about three hundred ol the people of the county encouraging tbe work. We copy from it some of tbe items of general in formation. Iotl Oflir-FH. Un'Atl.,-1. AaMUbur. r. x. heller Sutllh. lie! el. Slemr. litfuler. -...ler. hauls, hero. Kline. ji,.,,r -Siirlng, lleertii D, leBverion i I tinlitniiti. , j;";;";;1,1 i- Ji,,,,.., ' Writ Bntfvr, Pnnt., ShKtni'liin I.Am, j " ke.-nttlt0. m-k:h fji., (r. ...a Teig utile.) K re-mier. li.iaie.-rwk. , - fhutk'. .smith. I.lr.n Ji.d-irk, w-t tk-kf r, Mnuut I IfiutiWi, rry. Vlll ,eek, tvatrrTiii. 1' Iniltiiie, S.hne, Slo.wer. lunnir Sliiul.-I. b-niiu. .-oillllv Offrm. AI..AIIAM s. ti...vpra,..t j-io-. u.utu.n. r-u jiiiiih,i..-iiai.i 11. wiwiuwu, I jiaeocifcU... ) .'lfrJ.,.. a. j. i-ktkks, Kit.-rA H-crayr, Midaibiirg. I.. S IIKKK.'I.II. slientT. . ria.m-in. rilAI.l.r llOtt EK, l!ntrict AtUroy. Minu-cruT. (Hit. SCIi VVAKTAComm..-i-ooT, Ik-mr, or Ir-uxelf'v PAM'L Hh'1-.L, " I'hiipmmn. UK'K IloYKK, Vrrmaax, Terry. i; H. W. h hi! V. Trnpnir, fi-Mlf t-urg. W1LL1AU MuV hK, tfuripjur, Fr-bur. Distances fiom M:i.ins(;i:ove to Asnni.tiir. if", mile.: AilRtut.urK. 'M: He.ert..wo. IS; t llellet-ute. Itiuifille. is; llam.-.unc..-o ; Juiieti-.n. -K : -Unraer. -V. le-wl.atnt. W: U.lt.-ri.4; Littr-nl. .; .inn -n. 1;: Mi 1.11. i.un. i-; Mimit.i-.wD, Mill New Iwlin, II ; .N..rll.unitM-riau.i, 7; I'tuln-lel shant'ikiu, 1; Suul.ury, 6; Trvvurlou, 1-; ; .n.n,1..rt,n. maxims for Business. Such suggestions as follow would se cure a race of business men who would honor the land that furnishes them so noble a theatre for successful enterprise 1. Eogago in no business inconsistent with the strictest rules of morality none ! ? i1"0 U 2- Mow your chosen vocation -and ; iimt tilnne whenever tenintattons to snec- j ...,5 OIlt .,, ' selves. t 3. AdoDt no "trick of the trade."how- j j cver sanctioned by custom, that involves d.,nAnlint, nm iitilrntlifiilnnaa , r..v, v. 4. Xver incur an unnecessary debt nn , ,,. .n,,Prflrlrlll ,. , ' ... o. Always live within your means. I li ll.iirntA . fi veil riOrrion of vntli. iti , - . . . , .- i come, beforehand, to charitable uses, to be . . . , , , - employed and aecounte rountea lor as systcmati - , ca;ly M fauil;v expenditures j t O . . , . bis business - litf itih cimrils rnloa na thsA tniiv frPO - , .u mu u. ' ..k-.inlii.niiB Irs h..Irma ti.l a.nr., Iinn.i F i .sh..,.o s. ....... v.... ; with God's blcssinir. of an honest comne- . 1 cnce,' if not ot a LentLcent allluence. Such principles make the , , character of the Amos Lawrences aud the Samuel Budgets of the business world, aud secure for a pci'plc, honored by their example, a good name among the nations, THE DRUNKARD'S DREAR. "Well, Dfrmnt, tom l"'1 hi-nlthy, now, Vtmr iirfi in uiat unJ ri in ; I nt-wr isf jou Jriuk at-uut. louir Ifll me wbere m'Ti Wn. Ynur wife and fitiu'ly ail lo.. wt-ll, nu once dill Ueke tliein ilmum; Are vuu i..ult-r to tln nj irrowu ? lluw value lUia Laj-pj cli.ui.'' It wm a.tream. a waroinff Jream, Tiiiat ileaTruth-iit l ui., T NtniU'h uiffroin the lrutikardCUra, Untn waut autl mi-ry ; My waif'! wrt all nc iu drtuk, 0 wbat a wr. ti ll. J vn-w I 1 aliiKtMt t.n.ki' iiiy Mury'n h-art, Auastarveii my vbildreti, too. 'Vh.tt wan my w if or ou --ht to inT 1 btfile.1 n't h-r ihft. II er prf-miff iraile?i oit wvlcomed m. W biir-t ti-am bedtuiuievl ker ey. Sly chil-lrvD. thr-y Wrmuuttn work oh. Father, dear they wmJ, l'iMr Mother bna lwen weriiif( aort, bt-Tau. we bate uo breaiil' MMy Mary' forn. diJ wast awayt 1 nnw her nutikfi) eyen. My balven on ittraw. In fii-kneas lay, I beanl their wailing rrw. I've latitrhf1 and nun tn UrunkwQ joy Whilt Mary'a tear did nlreaui. Aod Like a bml 1 f e UU'n ailtep And bad thuaaruiug drvaui: I dreamed onceranrt. when stagft'riog hme. There eeined a iolrnn pltviu; I mie-ikit my wife (where can be be?) And ntmiitfem in the room; 1 liard them My, l'.mr thing! 0bedtal, Mie'a led a wrutehed life. Tin Rnef and want ha broke her heart, W ho d be a druukard'c wife ?' My rhlldren they ramegatherioK 'roond. I scarcely drew my breath. They railed and kirwed her liftteM trm. Forever ntill indent h. HK Father, com and wake her up, Tha ieiile nay nhe dead 0. make ber iiutle, and t mak ov aiore, And we'll never cry fur bread M rhe U not dead . I frantic cried, Aud runhe.1 to wll'-re hlay, And madly killed her ont--a warm lips. For ever cold at clar Oh Mary '. n)xaak ou word to uie. No uiwri I'll ran you Min ; Nor efer nrtet your lof ing heart, Kur rer driuk again. Oh, Mary, dear, ti Dermot calls!' Why aoT 1 hear, ah.-eried : 1 woke and f'.und my Mary d-ar Was kneelme by my ftkle ; I rivwued her to my ihsoMnttc. heart, W hilejorcui tt-arn did atrram. And. ever tince, le heavvw bleated For setidiug mv that dreAm. Kepeat the last two lines of each fcraa. Tha wife of a Mr. Brooks, at Uomer,Nr. Y., the other day threw a kife violeutly at her husband, which put outcne of his eyes. The amount of her conjugal grief may bo measured by the fact that ale said after wards that she would have giveate dot (an Htbcf tb-n Ijaye jt harjq - At $1.30 per l'etir, uhtay In Advance. THE MOTHER WATCHER. Mother! watch the little feet. Climbing o'er the garden wall, Bcntnding throush the busy street, Kangintr cellar, shed and hall ; Never count the moments lost. Never mind the tune they cost. l.itlle feet will go astray, tiuide them, mother ! while you may. Mother! watch the litlle hand Picking berries by lhe way. Making houses in the sand. Tossing up the fragrant hay. Never dare the question ask, Why to me this heavy task !" These same little hands may prove Messengers of light and love. Mother! watch the little tongue. Prattling, eloquent, and wild ; What is said, aud whai is snug, llv the happy, j yous child ; Catch lhe word while yet unspoken ; Utop the vow while yet unbroken ; This same tongue may yet pre claim llles.siiigs in the Savior's name. Mother! wateh the little heart. Heating soft and warm fr you ; Wholesome lessons now impart. Keep, o keep that yoiin-; heart true, Extricating every weed. Sowing good and precious seed; Harvest rich you then may see Kipening for eternity. Forethought. To Lave one's wits about him under all contingencies, is one of the most valuable practical rpialities. It belongs to mind, 1 whether in man or woman, and would save thousands of lives and incalculable ? murine-) every year. One of the means by which we ean arrive at a good share of this valuable characteristic, is, to fix in the mind wbat should be done under certain eircuuistauces. If a woman's dress is suddenly envel oped in flames, instead of letting her run out of the bouse, speak disliuctly aud cotn raandingly, "Lie down, and rollover!-' Mcauwuile, rip the carpet, or drag off a bed blanket, or take any irooeu (not cot- 1 ten, silk or liucn) cloth, throw it over the person and then proceed to wrap up closely in it. This is a more certaiu and speedy extinguisher than wat- r, is more accessible, and entirely safo to the person giving aid. If a man faints away, instead of run ning at him like a savage, or runuing to him to lift hitn up, lay him at full length on bis back on tbe floor, loosen his cloth ing, push the crowd away so as to allow the air to reach him, aud let him alone. Dashing water over a person in a simple I fainting fit, is a barbarity, and soils the b ' J slotbiug Muuciisssarily. 'i'bo philosophy , , . . . . , , ., . of a faulting? nt is, the heart fails to send 3 ' ftia nr. in r slinolir r.f lilo.i.l t.A fl.rt Kr.iin if the person is erect, tint blood has to be thrown up bill ; bat if lying down, it has lo "a pr-'Jea uoriuiauy.wincu re.pairts ..I :....!!...!. ..!! l; t -. - . less power. If a person swallows a poison, deliber- . j niuijl ol oj i;iidijoi iii-imi ui uicmiiii , whmM- despatch some one ; , , . ' ' . . r , mii-.r ni.i,nwliita run M t i. toli'linii , .v. , ...... li. .i u . . i . ,i . 'J .... u . ' .. .. , : . , . ! get a glass of water iu anything that is j handy ; pat ia it atet-piotiful of lt, and Jr as much ground mustard, stir it in au in- stAQt, CsAtctl a tirtu Uild ot the r-tan s ' J I ' down with th.- mixture and np will come ,ho noison. This will answer iu a greater , , , . ,, , .. ' numoeroi cases man any otucr. ii oy mis ; . , . . , , , tune ;ne pnysiuian uas not arrived, uiaKc the pitient swallow an cg, followed by a cup of strong ciffjtf (beciue these nullify a larger nu-nber of piisins than any other : .f,or overhauling his stock iu trade with accissible artu-les,)as antidotes of any pji- 0lli being able to suit his customer, the 1 son remain. di ia llio stoicb. If a liruH or any ot!ir pirt of th.3 bdly Uni a pair to crlcr. " Aa what'Il ycr ia severely cut, &aI tbe blu'vl C"uics out ' ax to make a goJ pair of eoi?" was tho by spirts or jerks, per saltern, as doctors ' rjuery. The price was n.ian.J, the Irish say, bo in a hurry, or the mm will be j maa demurred, but, afier a "hatiu'dowo" dead ia live minuted ; th re is n tiaid to ; the thing was a traJj. Taddy was about send for a phyic,in j iy n fhtej, but out leaving when the other called after him, with your hau lk-irchief, thr w it around j asking : 'Uut what shall I make them, the liuib. tie tv?o euU together, put a 'sir?" M Ojb," criei laJJy, promptly, stiik through them, twit it ar mn 1 tighter j " uiver miud abtit tin su aL il rnaka and tighter until tlio b!oj 1 ot? ti fl vt. ; them as hi-j: u& $t cwudio ci fur l?ut stop ; it djes n . g m 1. Why ? I!e i (fa nMly.', cause only a severed artery throws bloot out iu jots, aud the arteries got their blood I from the heart; hence, to Mop the &w, 1 the remedy mu.st be applied between the heart and the wounded spot, in other w ir I.-, above the wound. If a vein bad l been severed, the blood would bavetiwed , in a regular stream, aud blow ; aud on the j other hatid, the tie should be applied be- low the wound, or the othtr side of the wound from the heart, became the bU.d , . , . . , in the vein flows toward the heart, and . , , ' there u no need of su. h great hurry. How JHuck to Eat As to the .piantity each mau should eat, wheu unrestricted, it is to be determined by himself aloue. We all, notoriously, 1 cat too much, and Consequently w!( ' , , , , ... i ni.ii.h liio.l r-.i... at hen vae ti.i tint ititurM . ourselves. Uur sensations are tbe surest guides, yet they dj uot always tell us with j sullicieut distinctness hea we have had enough : ouo thing is very ccrhiiii, that to force the appetite lo continue eating after . , , .in the stomach has uuce suggested "enough, CO C r 1 : 1.:.:...: .... 1 ' .....e.l.u 1 1.. sure- 111 ut- in iiirinu.s . auu iiiiLiiiauii - 1 . i . 1 - . . . 1 , , , a , uosis uo less mau anxious parent, suouiu , j0ug4 , Hullaud, are soou to be eintn refrain from presoiug food ou a reluctant ', cipated by the order uf the government. appetite, for it is uot kindness, although kindly meaut, Leader. , i The St. Louis Democrat is tbe organ of the Republican party in Musouri, aud the tit. Louii Republican is the Democratic 1,-Wcf- Wh,t's ia Utdii f The Dying Child. A little daughter, ten years old, lay on her death bed. It was hard parting w'nh the pet flower of tbe household. Tba g'.l len hair, the loving blue eyes, the bird, like voiee the truthful, affectionate,Urge hearted, pious child '. bow enulJ she btl given np? ISetwcen this child and her father there had always existed, not a re lationship merely, but the love of congenial natures. lie fell on his kneet by hi. darling's bedside, and wept litter tears, lie strove to say, but could not, " Thy will be done '." It was a conflict between grace aud nature, such as he had never before exp-rienced. His sobs disturbed the child, who had been lying apparently unconscious. She opened her eyes, and looked distressed. ' Papa, dear pir1." Ba'' she at Ieng-. " Wbat, my dailing?" answered tb father, striving for composure. " Papa," she a.ked, in faiut, broken tone, " how much da I cost jou every year ?" " llnsh, dear: be quiet !" ha replied.in great agitation ; for he feared delirium was coming on. " Hut please papa, how much do I cost you ?" To soothe her, he replied, though with a shaking voice, " Well, dearest, perhaps two hundred dollars. Wbat then, dar ling ?" I " I) -ciase, pipa, I thought may be ' you would lay it out this year in lible j for poor children to remember ins j by " I With what delicate instinct bad the dy ing child touched the spring of comfort ! A beam of heavenly joy glanced in ton father's heart, tbe bliss of one noble lov ing spirit mingled with its like. Self wis) forgotten, the sorrow of parting, the lone- i Iv future. NatiL-'it remained but the mis- - f . . , -,. of crat;tuj. that iu it he aud his beloved were co workers. " I will, my precious child," he replied, kissing her brow with solemn teudernet-. " Ves," be aided, after a long piuse, "I will do it, do it, every year, as long as I live. And thus my Lillian shall yet speak and draw hundreds and thousands after her to heaven." The child's very soul beamed firth in I 1.; ...,;l..n..i. ir,t,i k t.tri.r'- i H' , ... - , , ,, , 1 e... - nml .till irritirt fcliA fell .lein ; . ' m d o' akmg in a few u.mutes, she spoke 11 , , , ., , , , ' - t .. I .Ln. T-, ...... an. I vitn - l....lr nf a. 1 ' ' "Oil, papa, what a sweet sight ! J The golden gates were opened, and crowds of children came pouring out ! O, such no Is ! And tley ran up to me, and b.giu to kiss me, aud call me by a new name. I can't remember what it was, but it meant, 'Uc!oved for the Father's sake.' " She looked upward, her eyes dreamy, ! her vuiee iwi a KhlT' " Jes' I I come ! I come "' aud the lovely form i 1 clnl"" x KJm I.,. lir.i iiTiteroinri-.l nf thn lovelier snirit. 1 "J John Lec rose from b:s knees with ' . , 1 1 ! t ..I'l T. .S . : J ,rlumI'n 00 iuMkwu- , ue 1 am rK uer u",u3 uoluer ! treisure iu heaven '." Mtceifunian. : i " . ; Padhy s IktuTs. A green sprig from , the Ktuerald isle entered a boot and shoo , sbop to purchase himself a pair of brogans. I shopkeeper hinted th. hj would make i." The jtv," una of the Germati Jewish papers in Amurica, iaued in Cio f ciouatti, hy Lr. Litenthal, at the close of ; au article on the MjrUro. ease, says: 44 Now, Israelites of America! w.at docs your duty ascitiz'u uf this red republic demand of you : 41 It is told in a few worJU j 44 At ftvry election, to cast ymr tte ! ojniusf fh.it ti-b t te'tith t'ttkM-i w sp- I"'; ,' thiS ,n iJ , livorin tins country froin their bauds, t . , , " ... J . , , ! Kv doing this, we may hope to opposj ..' .. Im.sio.n, Jan. 'JH. lu the ca-e of Sarah. K. .Shaw vs. the Worcester Kailroid Cotw- pany, which has bueu on trial f r soma days in tho Supreme Ju l eiai Curt, tha jwj icsim. a terJirt Hit ifcisoo. . lhe plaintiiT, assessing the damag -s) at fj..,- ' . " . - OHO. This is the fourth lima ibis c.fcw i,. tri .1 aI1d ,i.B 1,1 verdict rendeieJ was for SItUIK). The husband uf Ihu plaiutitf was killed some years ago, and -he was seriouiy injured by a Iraia oa ,n.c roaJ V0'aS io CJU,a" "Uh 1,ha c"r raige iu which Ihey were both riding, , . r , , , , ,, . . -Tl. ; .1.. Itan.l lif r.ll t ft till. auoi..i.iu ...u t .i.iiiif . hr. I.uliia itoud whieh be - a r The L'lraetland l'mia 'a'er propo.es IQ I get tluha by swapping New l;iland f--r her. lion t me cuvue wiso inei oou.si do it ? We see it staled that f oility iHk pre viously lo u.siui; it io coffee, is a great IO-. rrjveu.eu: ia it u-e ani ft ti.e L-iW. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers