pi ft ji hi!' I f .8 4 ' u I .si. "lanror a Fiji acrordU-g to Lis FoUj."-'-'''''- 0.i of the eurliect I'rcsijenls of J, flor on College, lYnt.'a, was Dr. M'M n.t.AN, a man of much gravity mul dignity of manners. In tlioe days, it was customary f.,r stuJeDts, wlitu meeting the lVcsiJeii', to remove tho bat from the he:il, pluce It uini.T the Uft arm. make a pnf.niiiu1 bow, and fu.-t the compliment of the day- Anting the stu Junta was Tout Iov,o,:iii eccentric fellow, son i f a rich planter on the Mississippi, l'iu-h of in n:cy," the height of Tout's ambition was to sport a go J headed cat)', and gallant the Greek J'rof, gsor's daughti rs. 11 is miud was more deeply engrossed with backgammon than with mathematics, and he ai more 'deeply read' iu the lore i f (HicsteifielJ than in that of Homer and Virgil. Iu short, be was a shallow-brained, hilly headed fop, and, as may be supposed, a great favorite with i certain class of ladi'.s alio mistake impertinence for wit, and liue clothes and affected manners for refinement aud solid accomplishments. liut to our tale. Tom was one day walking down street, arm in arm with hid fi iend, John Smith, w ho had a slice of the wag about hint. Seeing the President a few paces before them, Tom hastily in quired '"Swilli, what is Cwd momiiiy, in Latin?" "Kjo sum stulius," was the reply, with out a moment's limitation. Meeting the 1'iesid, tit, Tom, aft r the uio.nI approved style f 1 Hike inn, at the game lima making a pn.l'.iti'i J bow, greet ed biui with "J'jo mm '.''' "I am aware of it," rrt-poudeJ the l'reaidcut, making a .-light bow. This proved rather tiu-atif factory. Tom posted off to the room of his friend liyles, whom Le saluted with "I'cacou, what is the translation of this sentence 'E'jo turn ttalitts T " ' am i ftn.l '" responded tho unso phisticated 'Deacon." This tolJ the whole story. As novel writers say, Tom's plfUnx may be more easily imagined than described. Whether the ttudeLts bored hi in about it or not, and whether tLa l'rofessor's daughters ever heard of it or uot, '-dcpoiiebt ssitli not," but history rccordeth that the next jltt hott'itnctl bout tli it tceitt down the Ohio bire T m ci9 a pnxtenyer. A ci.kab CilAitUE. At the c inclusion of a long trial, iu one of the Atuericau courts, the Jo. Igo thus address 1 " the patient twelve :" " If the Jury believe, from the evidence, that the plaintiff and defendant were partners in tLc grocery, and that the plaintiff bought out the de fendant and gave hi uute far the interest, and that the defendant paid for the note by delivering to tbe plaintiff a cow, which fc warranted, and the warranty was bro ken by reason of the utis lUtolucss of the cow, aud be drove the cut lack and ten dcred her to the d. f-iJ, tui ' -fondant refused to receive her, atid the plaintiff took her home, and put a heavy 7.1. m poie upou her, t) prevent her jumping the fence, and tba", owing to the poke or yok', she broke her neck, aud died, and if the jury believe that the de Seudaot's interest in the grocety were worth anything, the plaintiff's uute was worthless, and the cow good for nothing, cither for milk or beef, then the jury must find out for themselves how they will de tide this case ; for the court, if it under stands itself, aud it rather thinks it does, don't know bow such a ease should be deeided." Origin or Familiar 1'hbaseh Tl.e term "masterly inactivity" originated with Sir James Mackintosh. ''God tempers the wind to the shorn Iamb," which eve rybody who did not suppose it was in tbe liiblr, credited to Sterne, was stolen by him from George Herbert, who translated it from tbe French of Henry Kstienne. " The cup that cheers but not inebriates," was "conveyed" by Cowper from liishop Berkley, in bis " Siris." Wordsworth's " The child is father of the man," is tra ced from him to Milton, aud from Milton to Sir Thomas Moore. " Like angels' vis its, few and far between," is the offspring cf "Hook" it is not Thomas Campbell's eriginal thought. Old John Norris (lGoS) ased it, and after hiin Robert lilair as late as 1710. "There's a gude time coming" a Scott's phrase iu "li ib Koy," aud "tbe almighty dollar" is Washington Irving's bappy hit. A good one is told of the President and a committee who called upon bim about the tariff some time ago. " Ah I" taid his Excellency, "if ouly Glancy Jones were iu Cougre.-s, he could dj a great deal of good fop you." "Why, then," was the reply of one of the party, "did he resign Lis seat, and refuse to fulfill his promises made before Le was elected V Jones was dropped 1 A pious old lady could cot get the run itt a certain hymn, in which Canaan and Jordan were spoken cf. But she eould well remember it, she said : "So to tha Jew. old tomrtiryi4rxA While MvMuiliinj rolled betwecul'' t'irti run of Shad." .Mr. Shad, a olored resident of the town of Italeigh, Canada West, has been elected a council man of that township. He received a large majjnty of voles over bis white op jiouenu The lawyer's relation to society is like that of a soarecrow to tbe cornfield : con- sde that be efJiets nothing of positive good, he still exerts a wholesome iiiflu uce from the terror his presence iuspires. " Can you return my love, most adora- V Julia ?" said a lover to his inamorata. Certainty, iih pleasure," r-plieJ the Lai!.a?s w.Juii, " L ux J." I dou't want mnv omi wi" briii;? or scud us 1.5 fur a'llul) of 1-5 subscribers to ntiv a.lilipss-for the Chuoxici.e, we will present bim a coy of the follow ing most interesting book : SIXTEEN YEARS IN THE WILDS OF AFRICA. 1C Ai iits Wanted to s'11 rr.ivi!i-s:(ine"'Travi'ls&Lxi)loraiions; .ioiiii' a residence of Ifi years in ihewildsof j Ai'nca. 'i lns is a work of liiiillioR adventures j anJ liair-brea.illi 'scales anions savase beasts i aiol mere savase men. Dr. Livingstone was ; alone (or uniuieiiuVd by any while man) IraV' eltii" wiih Alrican attendants, anions nuitriu i.ii... ... all orn,Hrs to him, anit ! manv of them hostile altogether forinin; the most astonishing Book of Travels the world has ever seen. AM our Agents acknowledge it the most saleable book published. The most liberal commission made toapents in small or laree quantities. Tor particulars, address J W. llllAIU.t.V. 1'nltl isltrr, 41 North Fourth St.. rhiUuVIr-"'". )' . Ci-i.irt tent lij anil, fr.e. on mi ipl of llic price, t'-- MriPKS (F TMK 1M:K55. Frt.m innnn ihr huwlrnU r.f JiitomMn ootli--!, fnim tin- iii" t n!..r't..l,lt jfurnal ol ibo foutitry, of mr rh. n ttti-u t t I.iviucM.irifV Travels u J hii loratit-iii-in Aiiii n,"' we uk.' lUv It alt--iinlt in iJcr:.tl"l of ritmngft tul wmJ- rful Hvtiffi, timiii' a -ot:f ai.'l tn rouniry i.tirlv n-w to tl mi!i7..J wt.rJJ : ml nltcs-'tljr wf rfpird it an ni titthf mt'-t int. rtins t---k" i.-cui'il wltLtm the p.n-t .:.r "i ff wi-v.tf. J'.irtrrvtn. A' J. It t fi:iiti;itn;L,iir an vt m- i-n-i-i.-. liirh it i ii.-i'tin-. it j - t'.illv I tLytlnia -rhrutt..nt,pr.iH,it . I he U k is haling irrcat run, and will bf re -Teiv read 1 tie man. woui.m aint fliii-l. in this 4ia i.l l.v ,11 us uIImt lard- .lf(i..f 7''..-.ioA. 1'h- work istiucly iilulralil. 'fil printed, and firmly hound, ihu ti-t riiK in en rv rcact the d ntatid f r a (.. ulr mid cheap i-lition ot th -Jouru--y aui ite i. ai.-:.. iu Miiith Aini-H." Tlio i-f our rca.l- cu who 'i iil.1 hnf ad-tililful l-k for rcuiliinjr at any hour, V, ill 11 -1 In- .is..pi.oiiititl iu Ih.j murk. ". .V Jouin l. With truth we tan t-y, that -ld .iii in pre, ui.-d to th'Tcu liiu puMie.a work i-i.iitaiiiii;--in-ha :i--t aiin-mit of o!i I in.-. trii tiou a the in iui-tion. Thf volume t h.iwtl-oiii. lv illii--tratc.l. ai.-l preen t- that un:Uiau pi :.ri; t . i.Tior lor u liieh Mr. lliauh-jVpuhlii-atione mi t.oii d iiiuinf M-fpiztN. 1 hi- ii t -i-i-tine work chuil l hr in the hand of every one. lt i!it. rctinir pac-H of a lventuit -t are lull ot in Htru.ti- 11 ui.d imwiiieiit. 'i'cii lli"UiTtitd ropiett it i. M, !!.(. l,;ii hiru MMiioiie Ii'.olitli. Auburn Amsi iexu. Or. t.nin-l Jie's TraveN nml H. -ean h in rouili Af rica up. e.ir to treat advantage in tint e-iiti- u. winch i iiii..i-nl.ti-.ily the cditiou liK'Ht arceptjihle to lilt' reader w h,i re;, I- t-.r prurlical inrti uclit u aud aUUM-iut iit. Tli.- iitji.n of Ir. I.iviriih nc Trareld, puhlMied by J. U. l!r:otl. v, icji: what it purj-ort to If. Like all Mr ltr:iIIe pul licalitioj, it Ip eicclh ntly gottvu up. Ji'.M A ,t!iti.r. J'a. lecaii iifojiitueiiil thf t-ilition of Ir. l.iTini!-toiifV Trafl. T uhli-ihe.1 l-v l.ra.lh-y. of I'l.iladeiphia, a en ry way worthy f pul-hr palroiintrc It excellence and it rli. ;. u- h. i-cciuuirnd it ovc." ail other.-. Prank Istlu't t'A I'TIOX. The attention nf the PuMishpr has be.-n called lo spuuoiis edtlions of (his work p"t l.Tih as "Narratives of Dr. J,ivin2 unes 'J'ravels in Africa.' Ours is the otdy cheap American edition of this preat work published. and contains allthe important matter of the i'm-lish edition, which sells at Icciul Nolice to Agents and Can vnrr.s ! We !ia.f rfentlv puhh-ht d sereral new And ialeaiSl ItiH'k-. an hiniim tin- j'bin- and i'rivatr Life, of .i.ut Ad-yti'-Kit ; wi'h l'ivraphii at otiei- of h:e liiot lM-tin iiih.-.l MuttMn, ii' itrruk tti.'i ltrunt.t, jttd the It-tie lh.-tt.rt. ti-tiic a rnmph-tf lli--t'ry of liniia tind tl War ; "'the Af,'i l,ti if" ! mi"'.'' a tab-of thril Ui.c -ni -re-t. hy T. . Arthur: - f lr. f. A. Kaue. nt:'l l!.- J'l-lin.-tii-hed American KxpI"riT, Ac Ac. 1 lo-. wit fi our former Kxti louve I'alalotfU- of pillar liK.k-. ,-ive-11- the hot and niot --aleahle liht of l'uhii - tioii r . tf. ntl to Ajeiitu and i '-nTaM. to h"iu weosier tli- mtr lit ml t rmf. 'end f.r our Ii?tt which If M-tit !'n .-1 am (art of tlo I'nilcd Mat en. m7fl j) OJIS DiMase originate in IMl-llilTY OF Till: RLOOD? This it a i-iietion of vital iinporlaure, anl one wl.i'h t.a never lui-n njitij-faciVirily diff-rii-ed of by the nn ler.rn.rh w ho leach the lieaitii-; art. S'lm maintain tatid - t-t i:ily tl.- old x h'-il I hycuians) that lite hvcfiu the hiit. ii. atol therepire nil di.-.-a" f oriiinate in il; hut iri'-lcru fi ieinf cr- loat noiiieiitK have tin ir otujn in ; inth (In- f" -li'iK and flu ill of tl.e hodv. Tti.it th latter i ) i, r t, '-r .t. hoAi-v.r, is n fixed f.i-t. mid no deal i-Uilt j l:iieleanv deinotift rated that at ltt-t t WO-t iiird i-t till-Ill- lht I'li' i.iii II I- i" h'ir tn. Iiiv their hoiiri-e iu an I IMi'l A' r STATE tiF TIIK lU.unlH j rii-eW. .--lit I.l.eiiui. di.-t'hu:v-ti froiu th- Kir, I'ci.-r j S,pn, ,.p in n t:e i.i--aset ol any kind the.-e an- vcer- I . in d ttv m il ki.ou n innlical iau lri- ln in l-ad ' ....l. :.ile Ihe hllnl milictll authoriUei declare tliat ; nif.-I Ii . r- i-t innate in the same luaiioer. and more pur- li'-uiarlv Tvple id ai d i arlt the torno-r I" in; au in- j terual. at.d the la. i' t an external irriipliiedi.-e.i-e ; ml iu :;tl j- i -.!.! aila. ki d t v 1he-i nialiidieri. the l-h..'d fi.und to I" eilh-T toaulatcd, OT of A dulk Ui.Lcailhy dol-r. ! In ward t fT t. r'-- majority ofdifeaicc. as well an to cure a mituli-r v hich ha- kiready n-ized uju Ihi; cy- j t.-m, it 1-- Uti-e.-harv To i i-t tiiFV Tin: troop. i.imlM'jN !ini.r.ved i:ioul Scarclici do-.- uot cm. Ill ti t-e i'Mii.i:!-tL rNvrr.A f.r c ry dis.asc Uw-v u, hut the pro; rietort cltiitn fT it tt.e pom r n-t otiiy of ihaittit f "l nil iinpiirili-- of th ll aid. b:lt, I J tie hr.il I ii I Coinl.inatM.D of well-kr.on k- t'et .hli M i.i' tii' f. it ill cure nil di.eai! ari-inp from deranged -tate of the liver, drive out di-.pep-i, and iriv renewed time and vieur mi the r-tomach. That the liL.H.p .K niR In a.li that is claiuicd lor it, the proprie tors can j roduoe THE PRoor. It m1v a ff years tioee it wp difcoTernl. acl ret it l"H- v-rit n into mi h a burinep that a large IiUtr ;tlr. ,, anil i t -ry has l"n built expr Uhly f r ita manulat-tun liiruf nuiuher of men cmi-iojcu m pumu u up, mil the BI'PPI.t POFS NOT tyl-IL the fiiad: We ask mil candid man. could lliti In no. if th BlrJi- cin di'l not jo-f m all the virtue! claimed for it T The I'l-opnetort have hundreds of certificates frrm rn.-i. r.f i.rol.:tv and tandintr in the community, fhowiui hat the UH"ii".i- if dninc daily f.r thebuff- nnj. whnhaiteTir os-d the Uiowl Searcher whether relief wa CXperi' need. I Let the nfflictcd it a trial a Finale bottle will i r. iivioi-- I he liiOft .kejtiil ct itn efliaey. I told l v t'. W Siiattli. lni-hiirc. I- II. Miller. Mifflin- j hurir: M 'freight A Han. k. huflaioe X lioad.; liudy k lliiitiuh-r-i' h. 1'armer-ville; t'unili.in-f: k W itmcr, liar- j tleton; Heaver & L'u infi Id tun.ace; C. 1 Jloush, ,V Wr.m. LIN USE V k LEMON. Proprietor--. f.m7-l" Holli Inyt-burir, V, Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, H tt'C OX llM kokN latc?iit Marhlnrrr w TVs have ciniiplctcd arrangements .r niakiui: KrcKtn ll ami left aiol ti rutin M-iiers m manner a'.-l M-rfn-tj.n hitln-rto unattainnhle in the niariufa'-tiire of H is article, and are prepared to FUpp.y Iir.-. m Mi.k.-r-. Wni l'-w .h.ol- Manufactureri ai.d Mer chant mirh rjv iinatililj of tli-m at -hort not ire. 1 hey are Di.de i f the l--rt Panel ftutr, ami in a sui-e-rior niatim r. on iit-w uiarhin ry Deier b fore u.-cl. W Imi make, on Newly t'ah nted Marhinery, tbe 1-est W'lHfhn Jit-lull ami Haul JSkretct that hv ever hi ll !-fore ibe .uhlic tie trder pruiuptiy liih-d. Atl-lrew W. O. 1114 KOK, ITir-Hi-KCTii, T. f.mTi-S Aeutot lh Kirle Work. HARD TIMES! XTfllY iliin't you sell chaperV What, cheaper yet 1 hv, I am now selling SJI A.HOKIV f Oil. for $1 lo .15 per tun, according tu quality but t.ot on a j ear's cieilit ; those are the prices for cash or couatry product. I will sell by the boat loa l or by liie ton, ami deliver at any place within the borough limiit. Having Vei2h seale? fall TvetlH will he piven. Also, Hl'ichmiths' ('mil, ana W ilkct-Hnm Coat for IVtMidry purposes. Yard on Water street, near Wei.lensaui's hotel. I.ewisb-g,Mty 27,'5Syl O. HOLSTEW. t&TLAHTLlt and SALT cheap for cash by GEO. HOI.STEIN Tlie BcnI Work and Latest Mj lcs TAILORING. JOHN B. MILLER thankful for past favors would state that he has re ceived the Fall and Winter L" V. 1 ; . I . 'J J a, ,11,1,, dim , ,rart-u ,u ,il3 Cl T, MAKE, and KEPAIR ft' I IHI Sarrn""s s usual. He will If 'I I S 1 endeavor, as heretofore, to execute his wort satisfacto- t rilv to all. i.ewisbarsr, May 54, ltSS DUVAIJS GALVAMC OIL 1) EMEVK8 all pain and sorene? in fnm . 5 to 30 minulrs. &e annthrr column. Price f0 rt. per bntt) oniv. Shipped lo all rans of the I.. rr sate ly J.H-.M'-riCo, Let-hurg V W -Ml-a.V iM Cl'll n-h. Xtw Iterlin i Cmmlr, l-:.t!ttt! .1 1 ht"-rflnn. ItelryTp C nn:iat;f ti'c.I'wlieto MTTviiil.t ltaiirk.Pnf Tlti. wr vt i.iniirpmiiiib u.. iimw. tw-a.r .M.rri. JC I. r , I, II Miliar. M fainturg mi i-.Ji'.l LEWISEURG CIIIiONICLG & WEST BBAKCil TIIOHAS G. CRIER, (su-crMr toJ.L-YuDtK) Watchtuahcr iinu jinruvr, Locstrd t.. -'t- . -- of tli'-tmvl titmiIIj eiTUl i. J l-J .Mr 1,. MT-I.Ll.-lt'K.i, I'.. CliOC'kS, Witches, Ac, repaired on shoit notice and warrantnl to give saiMartmn. Is?" An excellent assortment of Watches, Ul irks ami Jewelry : o ban.! Chiapfur CmH. till.T FKAMES of all sizes made lo order. Lewisburs, April 29. l BUFFALO tiQOSEj wisni uu. iwo. cu., i'.i. hi. I I. IIUIIHCS, Iio;uie!cr. T '"JUS Utilise is the largest ami most r .... i. ii m nnil sito itej nD - . ,.,.. u,.u,e. ull ibe most elevated . , ft and pleasant part of the town. I be profit -1 tor, who has recently rnrchased of Ure ; firm of Lawshe ebi.bl, has spareil nenli .f , pains nor expense in relmiug aud re-turiiisli- . Ill" Ike House ! ...t.trf n,t nut Ill-' BlVOMl.,"!-.- - nolo rv.li-i.hu, , I In add lo llie coll Ven irnce and comfort of ibe traveling cionmiinity. but also those who would seek a ileasaut summer re sort with families. His TallC is spread with every luxury that the niaroet can afford. The liar is furnished with all the choicest liijnors. The Sfaliti'K and C'tirrtasc Uoiisp are spacious, and attended by the moat care ful rstlers. fir'J'he proprietor hopes that, fiomhts Ion? pTneriPiirp in the biisinrs, alio I'V uuieiiiie . !lt(,t-in . n hiK :ir, r.limltlllP,l with a judicious Nelftiion f tlie most carftitl and at tcnlive trrvants, he may le eniuleJ in thf la viralIe consideration ! ihff public, and re Ctri ve a share of ihriV patniiiaue. f sr Tlease give him a call ami jtidnefur yourselves. L-Ju-y I, 1 DR. V. H. VITEIOR, if Lancutfrr CVy, (late tj Vhituth Ij fu'a,) V!-ivlie Inn l-m in fl-tl .rcii'- f- r a iimnl-cr or v rs, r. tviv.-l Ins -! itli-n ml lit. 1-t M.-.iif i! V .flrir.- in tli-" t'nit' -l nt i-s-tTi'-iv utui .ni. tiff in Hit . 1 1 r r.-tit Ilo-) t-r M-Tlf-ir-; a lniiilT of ll.u AnlIi:il I.i1i'.tI lntitute of Nw Y..rk.H:ni latf a .-urn-on in thf U.$.'Snvytt ,irrs htm.trlj tit tit j'ttUii- Of ulUnd u".V J' t'-'tal mtU. T'! UK ur-'t nmlii'iin alwnyn on liaml tlinrt ft'oin tin- lef-tJ-HOnil'Mli's iu 1 tit- country aim in-: u"i;ihhi tianlinK of triu WorM. u jiat- iil mt-uu'iiif j.n.h i ibeu or ncouiui' n J. 'i. M. Ji. iu.v u--1 t.nW vlii h uiil ti.-t lrvuk 1 n th- roiKil.tutii.n. l-ut Mill r-iifTntf th fs Ifin from nil injurn-n it hii" rUstnitiiti tn-m laiin-ml ni- tliriiics. 4'hri'bk' ai il.tli' ii'i -li f-'i must tr.-:it-ni uiiun analvti'-al limij vhirl. i? lo kn.-w cuJ as frt;i;n what -JiM--e i. Iu tr-tnrrtar.il thnrartrn quirea klm 1mI. i I t U rli-lin. -.l .oli-.ttlm-lit 'I W.-ry ft.li I MIii Hill I ! thf llUlnall h-tl---l!l.'-h;lHLf tll' M rioii.is mi'l Ku.ilr. jit-rjtjT.l.lf 1 1" urnh-ri"i5- 'i kn..w th:it iii.ilii in- - t" ti.piov t" run- ili-:i--fi rfiinin Vnoif.e:f r th- chi iii!-:t I i-titiifiit- -( nil a-,--!it- ,.uiHoi-Hn in. .li' iue-f. hii I if f arf in i(t.M f.-ion n Ui iviio! iliii-, it in to cure any iii--aw no utaiti-r how )oti' clan linir ani h-a. v tl. oaticiit iu a i..-althv Hit.l n-if'.-tlv i-iircj . i.i.dtiit u. Mi lam liolv. al'i-rration, that -tnti- of alh-natinn nnl wcaKni-s i.ft'li- tiiitni. whirl. t-t. h-r-i --ioti! iin-afattlf of i t ji.iini:th" t'i.-..-urior t. nntitj l ,. '.utii-M.J iif -. In-i-i i-m. that .iihlrc-.-ii.j: tii-ca-caii.l f. II a.-str...v r i of htM.tli anj hap, iih-s-.. tin.tf riuimn X Ihw t'otiriitution. ali.ljfarly carrvinu' l!iou.-.ii.J tw ubliUn 1 grmwi can liu-t fiiiliatit-jiiu le nir- I. KilH m MlM. in ativ fdrui i-r rvifililj-.n. clironff r r iir- j cute, mtrraiili il mralilt ; I'ftt 7 . or ..tiling .-.ii Lufsf, ail chron:.- ami tuhh-rn mm t l'.-i.ial'- di-tt-.-". ra.Ii- : r.illv r-iii"-ii : r-.ilt l:ij uni. mi.Ict.tv if -rri.ti'ii of riftTHt.itti- : l't:'s ami Si-rl.i'"ud lifM-;o" f. whit h have haft! all j r. iiuu ujt.ii':it i-kill.r.iu l-f car.-J t lujr tn alinnit, Mhcii tin- coi'jtnit- n i not . xhaitcl I do av all (liM-rfitm nr. f muM)Uni mn bf cnr-I. CAXCKII tX'Kl.U W H !I"' T TIIK KMIi; (111 DRAW , K Iti.t;ilt. I will remain in my oftt.-.- on U eiii:'fc hiy anJ Satur days, fmm 9 o'.-hn k A. M . to I. M , Iu a.i'-.inm-Jj-tf -Mi-llt- IP III iJl.'UlxT. Ml-i fillMl.l III Hif Mi.-ncn and (i. iui.ili hitiirtiajri: will make vn-it if ri '-uir. d; may be addn-M-i-d hy leite 11 any di- lanr Noriii I'nnce t.. lo ar tultoii Hall. Iwiica-icr uo.i a. 71 V. II. UITM0R.M D. 1 MOV i:t 8wB:uv AM) a o x 1 ' 1 : c t 1 0 n i : u y . f J.IK sulcribtT respt-cilully ti-nes this m I thud tti inldiin lh: ciiizttiM-1 I.t'WK-lntr and vicinity Kfrn'ial.Hinl i lie I.mIhmii par licuiat. iliat he ha.s pout 1 a llal-.tl llll ..ff i4iiiiy , ti MiiiUti rt-t i. in .Mr. lifAVt-i llll.tIH., .iv uply nil who niny t;,mv Willi the best if nu . !-;:, v 'iIO.i:n ;i hand at al r litni with a call in h:i line nf lu- i iui co.fi;l'. I times, llt'ius a practical Duller and ( rnh ctioi er lortipwards of tweniv-five years, he leels confident that all who favor him with a call i r pive Initl a trial shall not he disappointed. Weddings and l'arties supplied at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. All sorts of Orna mental Work done to order. KKI2.M) delivered at U nifies at all limes when desiied. CHAIILKS I1E1NE1!. I.cwisburg, Oct. 7, is;r,. Caldwell's nammoth Drug Store. PHYSICIANS, AND 01 IIKISS.WAN- -L tinjr 1'un lime-, and MwliHm will pjitv mnn-y l.j I'uyiiic liat tln-v w ant at -J'-1' l' -1ALUWKL1AS Mil t; S'J OKK IS THE sj ,1.,. tn huy llarrl-dn'.. llmi. I anJ llli-nn'. r,-l- l.rnlit IVrl'inii. ry. Kxtr.rl. l-.r Hie lii..lk,-r.birt, lr..m lj ct to 9 1.0,1 T hotll". wiirrioiti..i Ci.rfh T..J T "kTTkII 1'Al'KlToT KVlillV yUAL- JJ ity. t-ue tii kiml. ml J ntnl nitruli l, fniiu fl.w to $J.0Un-r ream, for m at CAI-IV1 KLL' lruj; Mr-i-. !C AI.bWKLL'S UHUG STOKE IS THE i to buy ruin., Oifn. Putty, (ilasg. "ah. I'ine tiil. Kitii l, 0.iitiTti.iu-ry, Nvt-. lini-mn. rrunt-s. kc,&.. pJliTMUNNAIKS, I l lt.-KS, ANl X I'oelo-t UiK,kii, liwUiller, nt kti, !-. f..r .ule vi tt elieiip at ( Al.lin Kl.l.'s Vtat tt, re. iiaj AIR lUM'SliES AND COM US A tod aul Cue 8jiMjrtuiMit. t aliiK-t miy Tr, at H AI.U VrwiZ .-tore. AIMKS, remember that Caldwell lliiijr, Wnrntiil. KlnFs.Thn-iMl. t.'r't-ln. t Noell-n 1 iu.-, .fi.-MT', J:-it f. Piiitiiif, ic, t'li.;iT thau iiivy nerepvi-r oll-ril in l-wi.-lmrg. l?XVKI.OrKS of 1 J file. i,r fl- at CA I. pvcrv kind and IlW Itl.L . Krai Store. Allen's ccl.-l)ra ted Hair Kt-.-tcrc-r aiii tert-r anil Hair I'reine. for .ale at CAI.IiU Ki t. S Drug Slor-. 17AXCV liASKETS. Tlio litiest aud cheapeft in iown.jut rereiv. at CAI.Iiw KI.I.'S Tim- Ptore. CAST1LK Soap, Uosin Soap, and a larRe ptork of Toilet am! Kanry Soap., at CAI.IiVt l.l.l. s liruir Store. A CCOKDEOXS fur sale at CALMVKI.L'3 Pruj Store. Pomades, &c, at CAl IlVVKLt.'S Bruir Store. JJAIR Oil II KLM COLD'S l.iir-lui for Fale at CAJ.UU KL1..S Drug Store. 1AL1IWKI.L Iceeps for sale Uazor?, V llMr,1,,eh.vingso.p.,i n.m, ana rU5li. CALDWKLL'S Drujr Store is the vlacc to buy all kindf of Faocy Notions fur Khat-Nols, CVntre TMf i", 1c. 100KS ! Hooks ! ! at city wholesale ) price", chearn-r Uianthi-T rsn h- frtiijrlit rniywhtre 1)AULSKN"S Gelatine, for making J. Hi, Ulnnr-Man. P"ur"- irTii'. Ae. LnJi-t, try it. tor-ifcleftt CAl-tiU hl.l3 I'ru tier. CALDWELIvri Drug Store is the p!"(t trttuy the bwnt quality of iv.rt Win, I.i-bon Win, U hifki-T. nrnoilv. if.. fr on-itirinal (mrimwi. c Oil Liver Oil. Siiue's pure Cod Liver Oil. just rertm-(I aui f-r m! at JOl.WOOD'rf Vcralrum Viride, a niftifint' for Heart .lia anI Arteri"i. rc m- uienilt-d Lj Uae mt-dicai ruUr, Wumtnteft (roof, tor .lehy CAI.OWKI.L g Irnit IStore iKITlN(i Ink, Fluids Ac Ar- nnM'n i-plefcrntt-d Writir l lui'l. Puflr'-.!-ii- pinrtt. KifkU-y'g, l-'alinetsttK-k'.. anl If"T-r'i Inkn, f..r pat.rhrap.at i' A i.l Kl.L'i Ihic ftorr. i p. nt i r.l.l. I'riitf crore. 'IUIITH El'ushcs orovorv Stvle and ' i 1 .,u.rS r.'7-."C-..7.T, .r : . . i 1 Ji 1 I ill LI I w 1 M L-. H . . . L I 1 I ' li.i' jjjuij tj j7iu rmrc i.f nit; iiiuue ! whereeTery onrsn lt tiupM-tl with -in nli-M ra- ri.-tj t arti I-., tkiln. anil ntake your h-N-ction.. TW.ss GOODS for Ladies-a Cue 1 t ..-ortmt-it.., c'd t.T Krnaa. i ucum iiisAi iiB, sittMKtt n M'Cl.CItU. i Frceburg Academy. rpIUS Institution will open under its new. I r".mt7aii"ii on the :)d of Jan. 1''J- Ifcv. . Z. WKISKK, A M , I'rincipal, assi-ted bv- an t llicienl body of Trae.ii;rs. Fieebur?. Snyd.-r Co, Dec. SB, 'Pl1 j Iron City C'oinnirrclal Coflegc, I'lTr-w to, )'a. - - - - Co.tkiuiu 1-4-V o,i--.-i;i'K.T!' atb-n.lli.c Jt'urv. ts.'.s -Now the fltXt ,., t tVuutltJ i.,,.m. ( .,vlrll A M ,irf.,,iii,H.k kn-rinniKli1--leneef-r A.rts. A Ik inim.i. ' l Arilbuo li. uii.il'c.m t '!' -ulutiou. .1 A ll,.U.i::.iii I l.i J. klN--. ! luTMoI .a.i-il.iua. ittLirand V.A .Mi:.ii:. Pr. fr. of IVniuau.-hip. HNtil.K AM) K.n;LK KNTKV WhiVL KHIII'l.NO, ae UA'il in ei ry depariuo iil of hu-.iuer'-i, Commeicial Arithmetic, Kapid llustness n UiiL', Ietectins Cuiiiiterft'il Money, Mercan lile Coirespondence, CnmmerciaJ Law, an laiiL-ht, tind all other nulj- fU tice ary for tin- puc ciM ai-d thoi u' ntucatuiu of praeti- al bufiii a VI PHHMIUMS. lirawn aU the iTcoiiuinn in ruM-urir for the pat three yearn, ahu in K.i.-h rn and We-t.-m 1 itiei,Ur best Writ in-, MT t-XOHAVKU WilKK. imimu;taxt ixfohmation. Ptii'Ient-. t.o r at any ti:m innafati-u tune unlim-jt-d reiicw at pleaMJieKrjiiuat..airt. d iuohlaiii.it,; ciiuaii' 11- luitiun v r full Com nier rial c ur-.-, av. rauc time to week h-nrd it week stat ionery entire eint to 7ll. llii.i.i.r' u.tiit n rrll.-l at lilt 1 f-orice. Bit lur Card, Circular, fpeciuielt t Su-inefM urid Or namental Writing, incio-i- twn -Ihiiit ii 1 a.hlr.-.- ;i4V, K W. JrlNhlN . I'itt-I uii. Pa- lk w isiju i;c; aca dk.my. r'IE Fall SesMiin nf this Institution I will ci iiimencc on M..s i. T,S't. I HjS Sissn s : rach to coiinnue l.'t wei-Us. incliul- tu be ilium iliiitcly f,. Unwed l.y the VT.I iiig cme work's Vacatiuti ditrins the UnUlays. All llie llr.niches nf a tlmruuh l-'lassieal, Mailiemaiii al, ami Un;;lili Academic Course are tauulii ami Yuiiilis are lined, either lor Ti-achin?, fur Cullrge. or lr business. The liihle is a tnxl liiinl;. A lame class of V'oiins Ladies is secured. TL'I'i'lOX per session of 1:1 weeks, including contiiment expenses. I'UlMAItY Kialin.-, ri!iDS. U liuer, Arithmitir. s.. 'Jrulii. m.il t lllu.rv. I - - - - - - t all uut icrlU'11 .Vfr. i.'l AI.VAM'l II fc.Vil.l.-Il L.IMilAi.KS. - - - - ..i aiidilional char; s; also, no deductions except lor protracted sickness. Tuition paya ble immediately upon 'lie clove of the session. JOll.N KANDOU'H. Aug. S3, 1S5S Principal UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS. THE Vinli'rSesM(ii,co!iis!ii! (if two 1 Terms of l:t wetks each, will open on Tliursday, Sept. Wd. C0I.LLC A Tiiiti. n fur the Session nf V- wi-tkj $-J0 "0 Fu.l, l.il.rurv. i'nr- mill n ; ;iirs JC'j;.Vl Tuitinn f"r the .is-i. n -V' wieks : I'liifhi.nl .ml hi.lisrtiisli.-h IS H A Ivaii" .1 Ki.gli.-ti 10 l) I.owi-r n.w. s v Furl, care ar.il i. irs - 1 FEM IXSTITVTBlmtwa it F. ssirn If. weeks : i:-'i:iil.-.r Courn 21 ro l'riiiiiiiy 1-i i-i Fuel, rurr- .11.1 r.-f airs 1 Ucx in rrut nl fur io CoIji do du A. K. UKLL, Treasiut-r formal Institute and Academy, EW rulumbns, Luzrrm1 Co. Ta.-.To il luuntr l.adtes ;inu in'nih'inen winin io ln'Ciine 'i'eachers, tin liiiituiio ulU-rs Uit Itilliiwitic ndvaxiiace : l ... .....t i m ririftl rh- ol. ; "J. A 'I ln'H-uJu luatii-, iiJ 1'mcliral Cour- ot i in.-tru tii.ii. o. Aii i,orttiiiity I" tinny 1rtf tire in T'cnhin t. 4. W, T.Hi-l,ii, w,j i.i-ciurfi va lue -iiivi-r auj tmcuce oi &. V. ,-.-k!y ScirTit'Tc f.i rtnre.. o. A ri' tiiv liirnipi.eil ll.ii.liiic Itonm. T. A .Normal A..-m i.ili..n. h..M- m ekly miMitini are to it im iiil- r. wttiit Itie ni. eiiiL-snf i. I'i.nniy Io.-titule t,r Ai-Miciiitiun are to tt.e Tvm-ln r rt a tounly. Board, including room, lights and furniture (per week) ! 75 to 2 00 Tuition (per Term of 11 weeks) from t 00 to fi 00 rTTheFall and Winter Sessions will com mence on Monday, Atic HI, lsi-r) For further particulars inijuire of Hon. J. KOONS. Sec'y of Trustees, or Prof. II. V. WAI.KEli. I'rincipal New Columbus, July 31, 1CS8 1'I.AI.V A IMXIV BOOK BINDING 'J1E siibserilier, having KENTED the Bindery late of Stephen l. and I.ymail H. Wilson, of Milton, and added to it some superior iniplenients, is now prepared lo tBTiili) iiS-IyjNJ3 Bocks, Pamphlets, Magaiines, News papers, Music, &c. &c, in every style desired. Work may be either bound or ball-bound, in Calf.Koan, Turhnj Morocco, Sheep, or other Leather, or Muslin of various colon, and ornamented with .MAKIiI.E FAPEU of dill'erent figures, shades and colors. Old Dibits and other Ilooks or Papers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a family, ean be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. (jj-Illank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries. &c, JLt-ttcrcd Willi (.old in leil!e and durable characters, to order- MI MU FOUTFOMOS, &c, made to suit customers. Lettering and Binding heretofore done by the Milton Binders, can be executed by us in a currenpiindint! tile, as we have their tools, types, and designs. HTA good Bindery has long been desired in this vicinity.and we can therefore most re spectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting that it will be sufficient to repay the outlay and risk. fFKent, tools, stock, and work men all requirin; money, we shall expect J'.l Y OS DMA I KR V of all work, b We intend to charge moderate, keasiin.ble and ifit, :,. ,h. l.,ve and Let Live' principle and nope to maue it a pcrmamm business. Prmlucc anil Store Gomh taiin in pay. Office in the center of Market Square, north side. .econd storey, adjoining the Cheoxicle and Telegraph cilices. CHARLES STAHL. Lewisburg, July IB, 185M AER'M E. BOWER, Walrlmiakvr and Jeweler, Third door below Fifth and Market streets. fcJ?3Br Li ili V i S 1 L) K tr, Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Gold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of trie latest style (.old and Cameo Earrmns ic. which he intends to sell very chea p also VenM assortment of Eight-Hay andThirty j H.mrCXOCJrNdTimepiec-E,rjr,rUcle warranted to be what it is sold for. . ...... 1 The creates! care will be taken in Renal- rlRST and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and ' Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give '- , h'm " SIV h" S0Ine ,r0"hle lo.!th"W l" W atch aua Jewciry. ju:y si, ibjs aXJ:x FAKMEI!. rEl!. -1, 1859. ni.ixns ami Shlttki:.- Floorinfr, ?iling-, rruiiiiiig,:c. "-""""""""'rj-.iN. Lewlatiurz, Vt co-rAirrNKKSiiiP. rrr?- Tlio lin-li-rsi-ned have fls- r'ilj-?-"?J(.f,al,.,l ihini-tlves into co.ii:t f f ,M1.;v.....t-rliip for Ibe ptirp..se ol carrv otl the l,uinli,-rii!7, I'latin.'-', and C'iirponti ring business in all lU-ir various blal.l'lirs, at llie fciuic'anrg Gleam phuii'.tj where ilo v inleiul to keep a slock of 1'iiie, Hemlock, 'Walnut, ( lieriv, 1'opUr, Ash, Ma ple, ami all km. Is of I.timiier, Kiooiiti--' l-hc.-viti-.', Siding, f-'hiiiElrs. Ltth.Joi.ts.ftiiddut-'. reiiring, l'icl-its, I).. or and Window Frames, l)or, .'shuitrrs, lilinds, -h, MonMinxs, Bracket. Ac. I'lanii,, Slitnnp, Scroll .s.iw- in', Ac, done at short notice and all ';" j warranted to give satisfaction, loth iu rice t aud woikmaiiship. J. D. DIEFFEM'EUFKII, MAU'I'IN DKEtSllAI 11, i:i:yi:i:.s am.mons. Lrwl-l ur- Plunlnir Milis- Ai ril 1. ls. o E of ' Enijiiire ol l.cwistiur June , $3,000 Wanted! TN pursuance of an act of the last I.e. I ture of I'eiinsylvania, ihe C'oiiiinissi, ners f Union couiny desire to lion u IV money to ihe above amount, in sums not less than -jtltlti, the inleri-sl lo Le paid aiititially, and the principal within three years. Inquire of II. I'. MIKI.LKK. Treasurer. I.ewisbnrj, I'a., May '.tl, leoS. XOTAItY l'UJU.IC. William Jones, A TTOKNEY at Law. ('ulicflnir.s promptly aitei,. Id to. OiTiceon Min ket met, opposite toe rreslivtertau chinch. Slid u:Uslil 1W, I'A. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, fT-t, aiiJ "U"l3',u'Ii!i.T i':i"'-'! ts 'I'he suliscnl.er has on hand a splendid 'collection of ooih Fruit and Ornaineiii,.! TlH'.Ks, &c. c euihraciiir; the verv l est varieties of Apples. Fears, 1'eaches, I'luins. Cherries. Apricots, Nectarines, (irapesioi se berries, Kaspbeiries, Currants, Mrawherrie. 1L.II I.arie IIore I'hestnut, European Motir.taiti A-h, American Mountain Ash. stuiar Marie for street plantinc. Fver l looming K -se. atn! a splendid collection of bulbous and oilier Flowering Plants. t"?" Nursery (.'rounds on the farm cf .la's F. I. inn Ksq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile ol" l.rwi.sltirs. All orders will receive strict attention. l.JTtrin iiiruriul ly t'.isll. WIl.sON I. I. INN. Lewi -1'tinr, Jtilv V, ls.'.R. Kcw ArranseBiCBt ! Tl... n.l.-Tsiiieil tiavin- purchased llie establish- iiieni lately ouned ly livers l.nilui.is pre pared to make and it pair Coaches, Carriages, Eu?geys, Sleighs, and all olhr traveling vehicles, at the short est in, li e.in tin: best mauiier, and on ihe must reasonable terms. Mhop on North Fourth St. near St. John's, Lewisburg. Pa A. li. LVEKS. June i, IS-'.HinC NEW CONFECTIGKERY, III Jkaccr's Jllut.; Sitrth Third tticit, l.vn 11)111'?, I'a. C'ANPIFS of every variety. CKACKKUs, CHKKsK, l.'AIM.Nri, ALMONDS, PKA NL'TS, FlLllKlM'tS, WAI.N L'l's, PICS, CAKF.fi, f MALI. llKlili. sLIiARS. &c. cvc, constantly on hand and lor sale. ICE CRCAKI. An Ice Cream siai,,t.n nttai-hed will be found the best place in town for cool.delicious refreshment. Call and see. May -'(, H5S. S. A. PEED A CO. GLGVEH HOLLERS. THE subscriber is engaged in the manuf acture of the Latest Improved HUNSECKEK Clover Hullers.which he olTers at very reasonable rates. There have been a large number of these Hullers sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good satisfaction as the very best. Any person wishinj to purchase a good machine, will call or apply by letter to c. r. r.MLi.i , t 3in!);3 l.aurelton P O, Union Co, Pa CABINET WABEEOOMl T0RTII 4th Street. The snbseriber ll most respectfully informs the citizens ol Lewisburg and vicinity, that he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot ol I 1 tCNIl l ISL, for the Spring trade, comprising Drcs.siii!r and Common Bureaus, Pec r.in,.w. o,1 V.,,1.- fo-nn Ponto- rctaiiC3 ami Look tasps, tcntc, Card and 1' icT 1 allies, IMuing and UreakfllSt TaLlcf, Clipboards, Cot- tajro and other Bedsteads, tstands, Fofas, and Chairs of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOl'NG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 18."i6 James F. Linn. J. Herril! Linn. J. F. & J. M. LINN, Aflornrs at Law, LEWIsllLKtl 574 Union County, Penn'a. i.i'vis r.ii.ir.R, A KCIIITEfT and BUILDER. il LEWISHVItG. PA CyOHice in the I'niversity Building 68:1 4T 1 n ' Il . W si 1 1 1 t?M, and Jrtulry, I opposite J.& J. Wall Also, particular attention paid to KE PAIRING of all kinds. have also the agency for ihe sale of lne celebrated C'ual Oil l.a::ill which will recommend themselves to er.ry on, rail and ?,-e &ept. a, 18Js A L liENORMAN DR. I. BRUGG ER, iion.i:cr..T:ic risvMtnx, In W.ltrown'i Kew Meek, MirM ft, 38 (tKtwa nnu t sitb,) Ltwisbiiiti, r J-..r- 'r ,. i..A,,l. iiifno-.i.... , mi ti.iii' ! ii.".' ? TtS L.,.lj..l..ll- iil:r.. ..., . ,:.:.. u..-t-.:,r. .1, .'J Y. S nil . IU,,.. villi .i. -in . .i i . ! - !. !. U.at 3jT-' ; rat -- iu .'! U.I..-, It t.. l. ic.tli. J M. li.tl- MEYER'S eetilirand new f J Ai'-M t!.e OMl-u' t- -I ! - il:o-.-oi.ra!l ....-...., llOSfralel.iw. I ! -.!.-. -" : u- t : . . . THUS U.UK1LK. Is.",-! la- vi.vt:t .m i: c 1 l L-uy s r AlilLY ELV.'ir.'C- KACKIKE. " UKAT i;i:il'( HON' in l'KK'K. on mi.l hiti-r i 11..- ..f i.i.r .-. i....- .'I , 1-tTAIL I 1-1- M:W sT l.i: MAI'll! 1 1:- -ui.i li i'v di.lii 1, :,i .-nil . ni J ,- ui, -..I,. . ;i. li- ii ; i' ii 1 1 -il. . .,1 ii.n, .h. 1. vh..i. i-i. U- t!.l..J h' u.. al., Ai.U, ii. I I.f I r. Ulinri t UEU IT 1, l-crsot.s ordei ii.t; these ci Icl.rated .Machines from the Central Arei.ey, have oniy lh- fioluhi to pay In in ll.nnst.ur;! ; no ch.nu'e for boio-m. An operator will soon visit l.evii-; l.i.r- how us ere at t.caiifes ami nnuij. Machines will p!ea-e a, O Hit KtiK.H.'.iii-l -tirir. , I rtss I'a 11. .::i:t: it it, i i.mist. Maiki- Mierl.lin I 1" i,,ii-v Hitter's . j.rc ,KH lsUI i;t;. 1"A. EEriTAL CARD. HE new r'.'-i" ! . i:i.-i-rtin ariili- il Teeth, tii.iii, Ac. s ( o:i:iiiuti:s l.nou n as .ii.:i iVoi k is, will. ut exr . thl ol D -t tu.; roveii: strv. Thi wi ihe ii,,, si beii :-,e.ri st s'ret. v I,, a clear v i Mi-r kit, : r it ,il. ,-. ever made in ti when propct lv i lul the clcatiesl, w.tii d.ir i1. il:".'. di -tnu t rii ii, uh al i li lk II lli'tfd. hn.es t a.M- li. ,. thi.n in , j.. li. With- i.t. ill tl lit !!. t elli ill Hi --1 1 w- iilil take t! i- tl,i.i I I n, pan l.i. i;.f-rr in-' r . i.t I.--'.: I in I ti. i t. r tin- ui. i - .li II :it .iin- II. .1 li.t th.xi r U'- l .i iu i .Mil: West Erar-ch lr.surar.ee CcnipaEy, !() F Link lia i-i!. iiiM:rt' lv!;if is,.,:, PC I iv. itiiiiii;.,-. taiiii Pr, ,.lit ir r. I.- ir i7, ni mo'Vi,; bc ihCasii and Mm I I i"s. '..i i!;.::t.ti.i in. t fl:s. ' 11 n (i C Harvey T T Al riims 1 J .laeUn.an W While Tin s Ki'i-hen 1.11. I.l Hon John J I'liu, Ji llU II lli.il ( has A Miner ( has Crist Peter li'i-iiir-oa H. n. ;. r. li V V. . Presid.-nt. T. T. .Mil; A Ms, :ie Pres. TllO'fi KITCHEN. S ''v. JAMES i:. HAMLIN". Arer.t. 627 l.eivi-1 lire. I'nion Co. Pa. IT IE sulistril-'r vi I.l l cry l!uiEt"oi Ihe Old S'.aiol on s, i It, mm, lnrH - ' I Third street, r,rar Market, a'.-t rc-p"rt(ull) solicits the patronage ot his I'nenils and th public generally. CHAKLES F. HEbS. Lewisburg. M.1V S3, ls.'.tl C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WIIOI.LSAI.E and RETAIL lh j tind Clumivul Emporium Market Street - - - Lewisburg, Pa. James B. Hamlin, TT01.SEY at LAW, l lx on'iceon Secur. l St. west side, "tut door south of Market, l.t-u isliui ST. tini.riH.J Lniou Co. Pa. W I N FI EL D FACTORY ! Aeur IliillW-lon, Inoil ., I'a. fm-fi THE suIisi-riluT, thankful K'fc&ijSy f"r rasl patrrnase. would inform W1J7 Ins lriends and ihe public in gene- o-" ral, liiitt he continues to manufac ture all kinds of ft ! Il ;mmIs, sue h as Cloths, i-'assnneres. 'i weeus. Satlinetts, Jeans, ' SSrK kinj ln Use, and having employed the : be;t fl( W1,rkuien, he 1,-cls "sate in' saving i (hat pis work shall m i be surpassed l y any esialhshinent in the country. Acoodsnp"- piyofthe above goods kept cotistantiy on hand 'or sale or to rxrhange for wool, at prices ! , ,,, f ,,. v.. ' Carded in the best maimerand on the shortest notice. Terms for rarduir. cash on the de- livery of ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March :tlt, 18.r7. rr MARRIED G' ET married when yaoi wish, only so von call at .MP.M lilN's HAKHWAKE 1 ORH.and set a first rate COoK ST) E at first cost, as I want to close out mv stock of conk stove-. Jus. M'l'AUDIN. Lewisburs, March 11, ls.is. riviere mm 5C. LEU IsLl Kli, Is ion (o Pa. r. a. iir rzi i., -ioii i tor. T T Mils house is located in the verv ceuler of the busine-s portion ol '.lie town, and the only Hotel in M ir.Ktt Square, it is by n'.ils the largest and most .spacious in I.ewisburt;, and is kepi in the cleanrst ami best possible manner. The liliOMX are lare and airy .".' neat and clean. Tne 7.1)' t' is spread with every luxury the sia-on alords. 'Ihe HAH is furnished with pure unadulterated liquors bought ly the Proprietor out of the Custom House in Phiiad. The T.I.L and Hostler will recommend themselves. The Proprietor, haviiiij gone to a great expense in n-tittin? and furnishing his house employing at large cost a first-rate Cook and other servants uhn aie attentive and obliging hi per. by unreiiiiiiing anrntion on his pail to receive a shaieof the public pairo nare. The public will pl,-ase accept the sin cere thanks of the Proprietor for the very rjeuerous patronise he has received during tl.e four months lit- has hie, I in Liui.-tui:;. Riviere liouic, An,;. -i', IfitJ ii.. i i iv... i '! 1 h -.1 I . y. tsny '.rl Iu. tl ail.u . 1 1,1,111..-., - " - '," I f,. l.i, -, " - " 1;.' fV. ! I. : ' ill r. 1.M...1; .ai in:.,: 17 11 , v : : 1 to. , J Th.- ui.i.i I... U- l;.v. r wl.i-! t -" attn..:. 1 tl '- i:tr-.lur-,;.. 1 !.. ... r . .i- i. - 1 ?-! :' '' ' M Cl I' I.t V .-i- I I I l I" I'" " ' " " l,, -a,.il.:.i il.. .1- ;' ' ' !' '' " ' "' "" IM-fli.ll II- II' ''" ' ' '"- ' - "" ii . .....i. l- . i ii.. - Hi y ' '- " ' .!.,,. l.illn .1.. r.::.iii"l II In I, n l-"!-' ' I"'''- ' '' !.',"" ''liii! I-1 - " iii-1.. Uri. 'til. l.i.l.i-H-o,:.. ,-o l.-li.l.tlj . n-I.-.l. r.-..l.r- I u.ji.1! Hi- t o i l...-,.ii:-'-i"-'-r"i"iiil.-"!'i.-1 I u - i iili r. !. 11 Fer-oi.s u ishm Itilll'ij" W l5 iladelphia. N. S. LAVRErjCE'S n i: v PAPER, PINTERS' CARD. AND INVELCPE V A REHOUSE, No. 4Uj, fummerccSt., J'lij'aiielphia. ; J Cash l.uyers will Im l u f. , lh.;r in to call. l'liiiaj, Jan !, t-r,', y cocpen &. WORK, ti '...-.:.: I'K.tt.t .. v HATS, cm, and STRAW GOOLS IJo. 45 Korth Third street, ' l.......'ru 5!ml..t An li. iT''l; S:.-. I'lilLAWXH-H. i i firs 1 f it to. CEKT'S j7LTJ:i!IiT.T3 STORE. Patent MiouMer Sleara Shirt Maniifv AT Ti!K lii.i) MAM,, o.:5! (!:-fnut ., I'll Had. Oi'i-t iri i: ii,,- v.'ama''. ti n.w i Wl.M Iii:'i'l:l:u:il2ue,a-hnnu: his pers. i.al .-u',niMi,ii ol tl.e Vuuu.z Maiiiilii' itir i.L' i'; l.r'ii.eiils. Oi.:. i, , r t , ct-iel.rai, il si its of Shirts and O.imia ilir, K llie shone-.! to lire. 1', -r-, i.s i'i--irin to mder Mi.rts, can b, supplied w ith II." tei iiitila for ii.ca-.urrB.ento, aj p iciiii n l y n ail. (iD-tat.::v ii hi'iid a var , ' ar,.; .e.'ect su.M Of ;, l.liclliei.'l. Fuf l.lI.M.L' I . i . li' Wholesale i-i ii in lileri terms 1 V i rT7r.;. THE L!:ST i I .iili.rinT K v. vs- J . U.V Il llii CUT, QltWZr 'l" have teceirti 'I lj -I'oiir ?I The f 'ii-'t J'-"i"t ,!t ''r ,J V ( i tutor il, tl.r ihilll' .Vo'S. -i e.-.-iis. ii:t kei.:.m:a '.s.h., :, rem.. vol t.. tl.eu y-v W;,r, i.i -,. -.ii,7 i hesliail !:,,-:, 1 lu!a.;i hia, aie rj ar.i ..ff, r a hir.e -, r;n. tii! t i linn far.r liranil ;iuieat ! I -i.i.i.t l'ui. s.m i: M,ii, .1 at..! a! l.i es v. i.u h can ; t l.ui lo p!ia--c; ilescri' in e e. l!t i: i., -3 any lMi.-s- upon rp; iirni.i n. i;- -i Awt-rkan l-lv k.-urssruc & Trtt lo., , ll'l I'iii ck s..-,i!0.oi'.) , lOMI'A.M'.s li.j,; ,0, .. 'ali.u--teet,SJ , c, u.er of loiirh J 'A. ...'; L1: I.iVi-s 11. sine.; al il.e iii.:i. .'i.:i rs f, i r 1 Join! s-:i 11. r.ili s a - M -!l ; t r ( 1.:. -l al Total A--1:1. -inc nr-s :, ::, lull, . A. U ll.l.l.Ll.N, I'lCS.Je, J nil s. (". Sims. Sec. :r. i:i:n. f. .Mii.L!:n..-.-..M.eiiUti NICHOLLS HOUSE 1 l in oi-:iti l l;:n . 115, Si.:!:h Li-!,!!; Si. IcV-w llr:; i-lUl.M'LLilllA. f II Is Ii. 'i--1- i, i l ei m.-i.i i.i ai ,;Trr,t. "t 1 I 1... :. i; : . i: , ; , t it v . I I e li.ii ti- ' ; no I'l- 1 1 ', 1. i:. -.l'i:i'I.l.s, to i-.it a:.w :ac" t. I.- I -s i'aitohs. '1 Lis i:-t 1 ...-hi:., I t is -ile.-itr.l ,.. -t La-. 1 fife i-.ti . 1 , r 1 I In-.i -s, and 1 . 1..--'- ul I., i, : 1 .... - , 1 :.:i.ii 11., i.t. J l.e V. - ri in t :.i: ' Ti .1 1 f 'ii: ci 11 r. T.' 1 v:::t l.i, : it a I'.es.r.ih e jlaie torcoti.'. '. clem. in, i ,i tr, l.i ii.v. i.,ii:s ."o tt- rcr i.icl.t x :.t v.,-, k St.' .'0 ai,,! lipwrit,' ;h.'i':: t.'tp. AM. V IL- ( :tif::l M.-J.'iO.OUO. J A--e!s ;ii.s.,..i i.:. ii -,1-Mt-it in I;, i.r.s, Mc-. g;,i:Ls and oii.er ui ,-d securities. ! 1 LE ii l.M !:! l) ACAINsT Lf ! j LV I IKE !T ere aie l-at l'.w . f n eeive s mj aihy u ho incur loss ly negl.-c: j this most i,f,..ry and tulultt!tit price.'..' i. t We oMen see it ai.ni urireit that persi ii. t.-e i lo-t tlieir slot Irs ,it l.o, ds ami Fun.itnte. a : ; resiiits of years of n.,!titry swept In ni :r.-i by I ti e dev, iinng tlemtnt ivir winch at have r.o control but by leinc insuird. ; Insurance protetts ou Ir, m the n.rerJicn i nealiueiu-e of servants and ihe iasu;o!.f : I your in il. I. -rs. It a ill mil art ci ul.-i. nr,-I o if : iti-r. m..i ji.,- a , bin a. 1. 1 1,1 ruo. u.t aLd inifcilliw ; a!l ur 1 unn.-ii. trki.-i.. lions. I It liijuii tut a liT, iviu l fhm to ir.-iire in irai , r:,,,i:.,ti: lr. ni Jli-i to Io-hj. and , t 1.- a u.ni.. li r. r. vli-- 1,1,1 u. louruLir U. U .. i.,l-. r 1,1 ii.t: : r 3Ii-tlimir.t-: 1: ,-urSL,-l. i .-;ii il, L. .- Ji"," nnntit i.- ..rii-i,!,. Tin l". i.:,i,i.T in.nrr. r.l -;.,. v. .V. J.'.lM. Ut, oot'i -s. fi'KMIt II. Jf.l, ti 1.1 .i. iiw.k I'lltiM jUll) TO s.-.MI'O. at the b,.r.i iii,i,.. ei,. tl oD tl,r i:.. t I. t- i.l Tfrica ana 1'koKii I'.iituiT i u lk,- i.Jju:iii(i.t i-i U.s l'lllECTnliS. II..n Thi. n.rif-r,.nre .liioi.- K N.-all I F I T. lT.'ntr J lie, II ArR:-lr, n,; , l,i'.-Inri;r I 1 , i,rr. 1 1 1 li. ...t:uli,,...,ui I IL Munatit. IJ ! 1-i.u.. L. l, Ji tio. lit-. nit. .1.1 o. urra! s'upeui.t. n.li-nt .Ti "I!N TitoVAs'' V. 'i lln'S II H.UI.I.M.E, IT,.Jmt. IbWD K. Ill;l.Ml,..li..sr,ii.Iv. J. MLKKII.I. I INN.Aerr!. -ri LE II ISM JM;. I'nion . Vt Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all kinds, at '20 J, ( hesnut Mm;. PH1LA1). Visirni" and other CARl'N Corporation and other SEA I.s. and everyth in our line of business, promptly attended :.. in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or ders from Cuv and Ccunliv solicited. S. II. H L I ON. ' W.U. .M ASON. KeW Arrangements---KeW Goods'. nn-rim t irivv i,,,, -; , .,i-(.n (he I Vol.1 il 1.. 11.111 . lld Hl UM luc .1 veil knevn sfykkr hvi .x7..KE.ba refitted it, and tilled in an extensive variety it ILiU, Vups, GiiitUmen't tVo.'oM'.dc. Also a larie and splendid stock of l.i TJIs CASSlVtUES. Ac. which he will uivkrupf orticr. as he still continues tbe Taiiorir2 F ''' Iiess. He is prepared to execute entrusted to hiscaie,tu the salis'.act: customer. N. B. Cutting and Repainnc.! d ae 18 order. Lewisburg, pril 10, Isi, Mill LI. II. our. It.. Attorney at law FF1CE on South Second near Mai.e: si- I.f li lM l;c. I'A. r? ii! p.,, ,,i ii. ,.:. ... ri! to his care4will bejaithlully and proinj u) de.l to " Sept.' H, IS.".. RAILROAD. AT a meelin; of ihe Board of I,'r" -a ...... i i"Hii:re Spruce Creek Railroad C. mp y- Resolution was adopted, '-That in order n defray expense of survey. !?;.30 be cal1"' : on each share of stock subscribed on rothini; has b. en p.tul. and !iere notes l ,r . per cent- have been nvra. one halt of sa. ; notes be now collected. In pursuance thereof, I hereby give nc." that p.ivment is rertstred wnmn -'o uaj eeJeil , those reglectini; to pay will be proc against acc tiiiac Tu li. F. MILLER. Treasurer. I ewisbnrr;, Sept. !, ls.'ni. AM11S WASHINUTON, IIIRBIB' West basement of timer. Hottse --' 111 "' ;Latf Sam'l tVaioiiu. ) "" r m. in A
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