If ,lM i t .a i CniuGluirii !pnirlii O. N. WOfcX fc J. Ll. COfiNELIUS. V'f f ft 4 - ii Tin. l.i iin mi I'uniMnr. r.. . ... iu fH. .Msirni. t.- Hi Ur..it ami ut nifti IVuntv. Freedom, national: Slaverv, sectional! STATE CONVENTION. Till: lUriZi:.S 1 Philadelphia and of the several counties of the I'oinuiunwfallli, opposed to the "I.ecompton Siviiidlc,"and the , our last issue we have read carefully the df.-p.nic policy of the National Vlmini-tra- 1 substitute of Mr. English, which has DOW ti.m in forcing upon the people ot Kansas a j b , j are prcrarcd ,0 give Constitution lu dehance of their known I . . 1 . ., wishes, an,! in subversion of the great nshl " Jr opinion of that measure, as well as our of self-government, ami in favor of a sound Views of what should be done lu this crisis. Am.-n a p.dit v in (ippo-mon to the policy We, as a people, are obliged ti pursue and intrigues of foreign governments, are re-; ono 0f iw0 courses. Wc must either swal qucstel .0 send Deb-sates, equal in number , ,flw ljCC0U1pl,n ucaJ auJ ,aj, or Vote to t 1 their Iieprcsciilativc'S and Senators, iu me . . r - ,, - ... state Legislature, to meet .invention, a. remain out of the L Dion uuti wc have a Il.irri-huig. in the Hall of the Hou-e of Kep- population Which will entitle US to one 1. 'entiitnes.ou Till KsliA V, the t-.h day of Kepreseutative in Cotif-rcsa. This is as JTI.Y, A. I)., is.'.s, at i o'clock, 1'. M-, to 1 much as to sav, "If, after all your i-briek-nmninatr Slate officers, and transact such oih-, j aj bellowing : if, after all your op er bu-ine-s as the cngencics way demand. - ... - . : 11 :r .. .. ...m .., i!y o.dcr of Sulc Conimiuco, P"S1.!'0D 10 ""S 'mlle, ' " l.KMi:i:i. TO III 1, riiairman. I sacrifice your principles, and say amen to Atte-t Eiin tmi Mai rnicii-.ii. Sect'y. it, we give you for school purposes so - - - " - 'much; for the support of a State Univer- f-Tbc (.'oiutiiiisiutic rs of Union couu- ; f jty s0 much ; fur the completion of the ty have appointed the fullowiu;: Collectors tmblic Luildines so much ; til the fait ( f Tas-s for ljS : Hiiffaloe Robert Slrajhorn. K.ibt Uuffaloe Hetj Sehrack. West Liuflaloc (m o. K. Sbeary. Hartley Junies Halfpenny J.iuiojlonc Klias Jiauibert. Lewis Christian Motiadi. Kelly John Criwe!l. Lewisburg X. W. Audrow Kennedy. " S. V. Win. Cameron. Mifllinbnrq .lames Clnmlers. New lierliu t'liristian Winter. I tiiou John Stoeker. 'W Ii i 't.- 1'eer Henry lienuaca. B-i?" 1' ti e manner iu wl.r.U the lliitish naval officers treated our suffering coutitry-in-'U as de.-eribed on our first pgc ehows conclusively that there is no lad feolini on their part towards us. Napier, the lliiti.-h Minister.says the reported ag :resious tipoti our fli' if real will be discountenanced by his covr rntnent, as no ' s'ich acts wore fcouteiuplatcd. hen wc hear l-th sides of the story, we shall per haps learn that slave -traders and CUibusters base so al u-ed our 2 .g iu their nefarious j radices, that the ISritish l ave ouly used tx'ra cautions to avoid impositions. Any i , . , -it i i i i i i trouble or mistake will be hailed by s ave p wer. as a god-send, and uiaguilied as inucu as pesioio to uivcrt atieLtion irom tt.ejr k'Uldi-s to tiU-CQ luo cuains upon , K.Lsas. j - - lVeW Tariff Hove. ! Vasimngton, May P. Ilon.Win.W. i.oyee oi sou.n Carolina nas uiaue a report ; iii the House ol representatives from the Select Committee on the Tariff, &e. It takes cround that the protective policj j uhuu.d ha cutirely alan.Jonpd, and resoit i carty as rraeticable to nllL I J 1 . , as a Uici.wure ox economy. Ariit ies oi i ! -l.,...M ... .1 v .s .1 ..f iU piiuie nee.es:,.. y euouoa uc .a. .Uv . lowest ratu of duty, and the burden thrown MB UiUCU US lUML.li; I'll 1UAUU13. A uc : navigation laws hould be so modified as j , , 1 not to require any pei tion oi tue ciuccrs and crews of American ships to be Amcr-! lean seamen, and that -Vnieneau citizens . The originators and ttbettors of the move nhnnlil he freo to nurchafe and sail foreicn I ment are boasting that the inhabitants of ....... ii i ,i,; : ihir on entire efiualitv with Anier- ''"3 territory would barter their hopes in .u p., on entire erjuamy wnu -vm lU ,ife nj tbe ncxt for , grab at Uncic uilt ships, and th American coast- a pitlab,c , ide should be open on terms cf per- Vnm bl( unw(,rth liE1M M.y 61 built si; ican built ships. itig trade should be ope feet equality to foreign vessels. The Committee say that they da not cn- ' though it be painful. With that devotion tcrtain the hope that they can inaugurate and magnanimity characteristic of tho Free this new policy now. Such radical changes j w e 6houlJ droP ,b.ueht of " ' 3 , . . , , . existing State governments, go, like one must be the work of time. They do not, ! . o UD(lcr bo j,,; therefore, look so much to immediate prac-1 billj vo(0 tbe janj bribe, with its Lccomp lieal results as to the effect on public opin-j ton appendage, into eternity, and then ion, and thus ultimately insuro the tii-1 urge forward emigration, so that before umph of the principles they advocate. another year rolls around, we may count Hon. M. R. II. Garnett, of Virginia, docs ! ? rVn guaranteeing our admis.s.on ,, , , . , ,. i into the confederation, not concur in all the conclusions of the from yuinJ,ron,iDdowan, May s. Committee. j For our part, we consider it a most in- ... ' ' " ." mi . tT-' famous dode an infernal swindle a , ASIISOTON, .'lay iv. I ue i resiueuv nf the United States has lonnaiiy asKeu of ConarcM the authority to contract a ! r c i -. r.i-ifi i ,i ni r. . , not . i cceding ten jcars. The Senate Commit- tee of Finance have the matter under con- i ... i fciJirniou. 1 Judge Lnring cutcred upon his duties . to-uay as cniet justice 01 me v,our. vi Claims. Gen. Shields the hravc and intelligent Iri.-hinan it in stated has taken his scat on the ll.'Dublican side of the I. S. Senate, in favor of Liberty ; llicc goo! in ' the South. J'helps aud Cavanaugh, the Minnesota Ii-rrcMiutativcs, it is said sub- ; milted to tic South before they could get , admitted. . . 1 I!y tho advice of hit- pby. icians, Charles n H take seme umc ii ne is ever complete- U restored. . . -, ,, , ta lr ,.t.r. It is faid that no republican members . . ' .f CoiiL'rtss are luvited to White House e t lh s ly 1'iis I'ueLaLan. he counted the cost of the journey ho had commenced in the Leeompton business, replied : "Yes, I have taken a through ticket aud checked all my baggage." When rcmiudel by the .'resident, iu a conversation, of the fate of certain rebels under Jackson's administration, he signif icaully retorted : "Jni-soa it (had." Wasiii.nc.7on, May 22 The President has appointed Dr. C. II. Hunter, of Head- "g. agent for the purchase of anthracite coal for the use of the United States Gov- krnment. The t lhce is one of the most Suable in the gift of the Executive, the reeut rrcuivrDg a ccinuiistioa on Lis jtir- 1 1 ''- wir of 11 succeeds Jude'e Kvans as 1 ... i i .i t. r.i- ' On his way to Salt Lake City from Cul-I Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries, die, w.ir oi K i, tucccceis juotc i,ans as i.. We Bhal soon know the result of this con-' . ' ... ' , ,1 w ...i.i i Senator from Sauth Carolina i . e t .t . r "ornia, Mr. U ilbert met larM numbers of I.cHoroiI . tilt Cold o ta i ouih Carolina. ' ,est, aud not long afterwards also that of ; on the way as ; in legible and durable characters, to order. I Senator Pouglns, when vked whether tli0 vutc on ,he land ordinance. These ! D ' ,y . way, as Mt't-IC PORTFOLIOS, c-c, made to suit! .aSP- t . U ..t...a ;n if mimliop rf tin VCUnl'llU) lumiaiin -u " " r.u Mar. the first rer-nonsc from Kansas , 7 . . - ' in reference to the act which late.y passed Congress for the admission of that Tcrri 1 tory as a State of tlic Lnion. Y e copy enough of the artii4e to indicate its spirit: 1 1-ECoMPTUN OR ftO ADMISSION. 5iuce -priiigs within tho State not excecdiuo twelve ; also, five per cent, of all the pro- cecds of tho public lauds for building roads, ! internal improvements-, &c ; but if you will not do this you will be obliged to stay i out of the L'niou uutil your population will tutille you to ono Itcprcsuiitutivc." Having found that threats alone arc in j Fullieieut to curb the people of Kausas,our I em mies have joined a threat uud bribe, ; and hope by these mean to rttcceed in i their purposes. Wc would inform them I that tho (iovornmeiit dues not own land I iii'iugh to buy up the people of Kansas, i We would rather consign ourselves to eter ual poverty, than be the instruments of j our own degradation. Who that mingles j , with the people, hears their opinious, and j observes the spirit iu which they arc ex- ! pressed, can doubt as to what will be the lesuh of that election ? Our enemies j may consider us fools and knaves ; but give . us a chance at the ballot-box and we will rt',1"'n ,,lft compliment. In the event of the reienfinri of tlinf orilinnnpr Arid nritli it the Constitution, what harm is there to accrue from our remaining a few years in ; a territorial condition '! We can sec none, 1 unless it be that the hungerers for office, 1 the wolves who hope to gorge themselves 1 I'Uimc plunder wi.l tc lor a wtu.e, a. least, disappointed. Our population is at ' J.J,, . tue e.,.,, 'uf estah!i-h- ! iuj, a St.ltiJ 4;,,vcrnmcut erecting public buildings, Jte., must necessarily be enor- ' nmus; and, worse thun ttiat, Leavenworth 1 county will have nearly, if not quite, half ; iils tipense to pay. vi uat. voter is mere who wishes to saddle himself with a bur densome tasation Let us retain our pre sent r.osition until our population becomes I Increased salaries arc given to Members ; 1 i - ill,,, , ., , mor nulI1(.rou, our business esranded. ! an j our resources developed ; then wc n j be admitted, with honor to ourselves, a i - i . . . ri I. f "1 e 1 n,b o member of tbe great family of lie- ; publics. T ---(T- r ' ' Lccuiiipioti is thcrcfjic passed provided . ,i,n (.nrA ,r iv-,nsAQ vnt tn nt i.n.f. I'wii'tw v. "v.... ---w u v.v.. j . ii . i ..i . - It.rea mnugrao ; ot uerwisc we remain m a i territorial condition until we have 93,000 j "e wiU i 1 From the rVarenworth lJffpr, My ". GovcrnmcBt docs not owa IaDd cnou;;h to buy up the people of Kansas. Our dutv, as it appears to us, is plain Iinnr:,imf(.,l KcnundreliSni. It is ! Iow.ivcd.villaiuou.s. It has i It nas its on- in : ;t,lu.ticc : its chiefest feature is par- : .;.i:., . ; iha l..i...i iwnnlai. nFih. i. lest despotism. I The Cat of the people is just as Burclj ; pronounced as though it h id been heralded by trumpet voices from every hill-top that : divrsiQcs our beautiful prairies. No new manifesto need be made, ihe unlatrsuo- ' mission of the Leeompton Constitution I . -ll .... .1111 !l . .1.- -.til I : win uu. du..u , ." r-- '- ; through the ordinance to bury the lance of their jti6t indignation deep iu the heart ; of the swindle. At present the absorbing topc is the j probable late oi the Jcavenworm consti- i tution, which is a legal intruincut,tranied by a convention duly elected under tho provisions of a statute passed by tho tcrri- v . I 1 1 ..... A r-nr.!.' i a rnrk ia tft Yin " "c""'-" l " j i J " , alive to tho necessity of voting on this . . , - iiuestion. As there is some objection to ' ... . . . th. .nnttittitinn nmnnff the free State dem- '., , i : '" U4,c " -"" "l'"u the future fortunes of the territory or : State, and bence they are looked to with I great iutcrcst. Lancaster Examiner. FROM KANSAS. St. Ldlts, May 4. A dispatch dated from Fort Leaven - ' worth, on the 22d inst., says that Doni - phan county, Kansas, at tho recent Free State ilcction, gava about four hundred ' and fifty majority for the Leavenworth i Constitution. Several precinct polls were , not opened, and not one-half the vote of ! the county wa polled. The lt.mociat, of this city, publishes a . Itittir froui Mr .f. M. Waldec, eJitor of LEWISBURG CHRONICLE the Quinda. Chindowac (Free State,) es-1 timates the vote ofttic lerntory at o,uuu r 11 t.l 1 .1. . T .nnn.n.lh lor, ana agaiu&k mu munuivu Constitution. Tho vota both for Stato officers and the Constitution wag quite small. BgGeorgc 15. Cltecvcr is the Congreg ational preacher whose publication near llofton of his queer dream about "Deacon Giles' Distillery" subjected Liu to prose cution and fiuo. The Judge (Shaw) who allowed that, was the one who recently do creed the illegal sale of liquors a nuisance which anybody may abate. Mr. Checver is now iu New York, pastor of the large Church of the l'uritans, and foremost iu the causo of Liberty aud every good work The following tribute to him appears an nonyniously iu the X. Y. TriLunc whe ther it is from the pen of Whittieii or Aikkn, wc leave each reader to decide without appeal. tan.t up! true lit arte. mull ! SUntl till tl.y w.ik if iK.ii... Tli- !"r.-nnt 1'lt.r iu Hit. ti rtjt, Thv t.udtuniri iliauil'iou I 1 hear ttiy 1-iiriiififf w.mls liut itiunfully ai-a luU't; Tli. y llinll iu. Iik- a triuit!! l!:ist llL-lu eut ii buttle i-leui. Tti'-y ff.nn- with weight anJ Owvr, In -rili.'l' uit. rroic Inlil; . Tli.'y uiiu.l iiiv et the manly bl&rt9 Aiiti IJru lity ol yij. Iu hiiih ait.) nervous -tr-ntti Ab.iv.- the tlriW tliey (nl, Likn tliu .-rntvl-T'i. Ihittk-hh.'iit, Tile t-Ubhlug "fills U;el. I i.-c tlie f.imfn ctiw, I Br" tl.m . Imrj;.- a li.'M, 1 m tie ir l ixwiMil hiiiiul-!.' sialics, freui .H llty ml-m-a ltu-M. 1 will DL't l-i.t lht h.-p... Nor I'l.l th.-.- Ii. -t 0) I'-iir: I'll ll.l ili-ult th"-' w till lulvie.-, Nwr grevt tlaii with a i lici-r. I knw ttir I'lirrwiw f.iir.-: Tl.y vitii for th.-.- ii. iii.til-.; Tliy w.'.i. i. t-.r tin. .-.nils ..f ui. u, AU't Mliat tii'i LurU liatli eaij. Tlii. then, tliy rrwar.l, 'I In- ti -I; f .lut v ilni.-, Tl.y I. iv.- l..r limn, tin- f.-ari.f Uinl, And liiuiui'h illi.s Sou. lr--.it ti.-art an t PLilwart arm, Strike lioui with all yeur might ' arv I. .1 in trnuii.i. cl tii:mli-i i uuiue ; And liod dt-l'.'Ud the right : Increased Pay and Taxes ! It is not a little singular that tho irry 'lem-cratic govermu-iiils of Pennsylvania and of the l'nited States, with all their avowed hatred of aristocracy, aud great l.lvc. fr thn dear pcnle. are continually ,.., i, r. ,.f , , ,,. i..-. . 3 11 8 " givct. the President iu defiance of the Constituiion, by voting coal, wood, lights, anl various conveiiien ccgj uuder tlic hjuii of rcpaird for the i.:ie(.ulivc waIJSion. Extra comptusation is voted to clerks , ... and d)or keener?, vhi c reot)lo aro tdfe. r . i - , nf Comrreits. while neorle ttarre. o i i TLo uiembers of our State Legislature , ,i,..c.i s-iftrt .i,. UIU lUVUI.wllt.3 ui'tevu auua th contractcd to do the work for, J Uarv t lhc consti utiou and cood It in Iittio better than fiwiimang fur i , con- faith. tuem i .i.: r t ... . ... ; -,v ianQ tuia iiuui iuu iojiilhu. bud me iuic ' I aDI ,tarv;gi (bcir wives sufferim for comfurt Qf ,ifcj auJ Khnina co.iug for bread. It is proposed to increase the pay s fTi rr ra ,if alia nnnn t'A Iil mnn t ll At tbe game ,imc thousands of men I aro outot work, and sulk ring tor tooel, and Government is a.-kiu" a second loan anu ijovcrniucni is b.-mu" a sccouu loau of pillions of dollars. To make the mat(cr worsCi tbo Soutbcrn mcn ar0 pro. posiDS to abolish all duties of foreign im - posing to aboiisb an duties ox foreign portations, and collect means for al! this i extravagance l.y diren taxulion. lou who una it uara to pay stato and , . , , . i county, school, poor and road taxes, just i , . ! thiuk of raising Seventy Millions more to carry on this extravagaut government, 1 1 .11 ..1.:.. Il J ! lull t,(v iuhk UIU D.IUIW. 1IU uu you like such democracy ? Wc find the following in the Xvrlh American of the 21th : "I.ncp.kase or Fay for Naval Offi cers Government Ci.f.rks "stump 1 NG FOR J,EC0M1T0.. II ashtnilton.Mil The joint Committee of Naval Affairs Lave asreed to a bill, which thev will re nort on Monday, the 24th. in favor of in- it.. f nr..., : v,.mm I (including all gradc.-v) twenty dollars per month, and giving two eitra rations to the officers iu command. "A number of Clerks, in the employ of the govcrntnenf, have left Washington for Kan.sas, where they will take tho stump in favor of Locomnton. The parties in -11 -Ll. 1 1 .um.iuu . ..a j-pv j aa i o, wuu am . scnt out by the Administration their j regular pay as clerks of tho government i nicanwhlle running on. ' I Let them succeed, and northern labor- ers might inaee-l a well De slaves. HUs JJarrc luconl. Froin Utah. Washington-, May 23. The Union publishes a letter from Fort Uridgcr, dated (ulbcrt, formerly a merchant of Salt Lake ; cit tLat G,ncloot Cumming and Col. ! I , ' I 'Kane were met by him m Lcho Canon, ., ' '! ; 4i) mi.es this side or Salt Lake on the i th ... t j of April. About twenty MorinODSaccom- panied them : , il,n h.-irder. of V,. tl..-,.., I v l . i i i .Nearly one hundred wagons were lcav- , ing city daily, and so far as women and childrcn were concerned, the city was nearly depopulated It is supposed that a large portion of I ' them aro secreted on the City Creek, i. ! above Salt Lake, in the mountains, where it i known that they Lave large casks of provisions. I In conversation with Ttrigham, he was j told that if the army would give him time j he would leave, but otherwise, he would j "send them to bell across lots." ! The corrcpprtrdcnt adds : "We sre awailiug news from .ov. Cutnaiing with ' was surposcei, iu mc unite .uouniains, ; enstomers. ! & WEST BRANCH much interest and anxiety, pearly re-, ' turn lu c....p .0. -j . .. .... i i:, as he .'uPPl! 112 I.O t(.f.L- Kith ll I III 136 SUrDlieS- . Tl i i i man suctl out a writ oi naueas corpus, mi r,nLA..ELrHiAACT.ON.-ThoLeb3non!(liuiiiotIicr C0IIip,1!e(J td bt'illg ie Courier, in a late article, publishes the , daughlcr to cnurt. The Judge a-ted the following paragraph, which is about true: ; ffl11,(lJcr she wanted to marry Smith ? "Philadelphia is now engnged in a war ', She said "yes" and lie married them. upon the interior of the Male, that may lor i a tune put the people ot the country to in convenience and some loss ; but which must eventually result to the injury of the City. The lianks of tho City have al ways pursued a narrow policy toward similar institutions in the country ; and they are now particularly engaged iu 'ruuuing' country institutions, to coerce them into navinz tribute to the City through large deposits, kept there fur an ' imaginary security. If Philadelphia Lusiucss men wish to retaiu the confidence of the people through out the State, they must change their tac-.-. . : i 1. 1.. i i:i.. lies eouhiueiauijr uuu iuiouu a uiuiu iiuvi- at and enterprising line of policy. ur- I rithurg JluralJ. Mayor Tiemann of New York and Gov. j Brown of Georgia arc co-npcratinr in breaking up the illegal aud deceptive L it : teries of Swan & Co., which arc advertised through Pennsylvania aud other States. If the District Attorneys would do their duty, many of these causes of robbery, illeticss, and corruption would be supprcs- ' ted iu the germ. ' ' I It is the hairy side of leather that cracks . harness and all other such articles there fore ought to bo made with the hair side next to the horse or animal on which thev ..,..,..,1 . are uscei. i I A young man in New Yoik advertised for a wife. In less than two hours, wc are told, eighteen married men sent iu word that he might have theirs. JIST Oi i:.li:KS of Merchandize j subject to License, within the County ot I .!!., lor the year 1 .. CtA"3. Ul'I'Sf E 11 jT li - 11 7 e-i 11 7 u l.l 1 ti 11 If.' U 7 on Vi 1- 11 7 - 1.1 1'. " i 1.1 I" l ' U 7 i '. 1.1 1" l . 1 1 to i"i 14 a ...I u a .'i S -VimAn rn-i-ijat-h UtTk lljtiii.-uDy IIirtitt Ti. do L hi I.ELIOM Jo lhi.ii.ti s lo lirti:Diri.-j Ri i Cuu.iitiifr k U itmt'r W in Vouti; .Ir. I: v''-i' a llui-l.-r ..i:.- .v H..riK-r j D ;t T li rf.', a:. it T. A i ltan-i-uiilug d' (trt .11 (Id do d d) do New iiesuw do do J . X J 1 Ut. liw art? Mi!ihru- .it Thompson W. :-:;t dgntwi 7 i") ; oij 3 ,o a ;o lo uo 1. IHJ a tn a ;..) 1.) 0.1 7 fi) i . liiin. k I l. II Mili-T J i -li4r -,,crtl Wi.ob k. u . mi . .. ... Da Fid Mltrhell da da do da m. Meaner C. II. Id.ii'h iCoWrt r'win.'furtl (iir.,-11. Hoiir it CO. lt..Rvr, ifMlr., Marsh A Co. Wnnrln 15 00 lu "0 t nian.tx.rlin Hru'i Tin .limit N .-fll.it j lluraL i Gwlmin i-Ewl-bCW da da da J1.". i- rr--t 7 Ml 7 IHJ 7 m 7 u) 3 :-i 3 Oel 3 M 3 hi 15 ou 7 CO 111 0.1 f;r";A1;0 J. Uak. r 4 I.O. MTt unrfn r iv . ).H W. Sk-hatHe da 11. W. l rutx.-r da A K. lienoruiandi do ( hariep Ileiner do Samuel m-itrirh do lU'aver, Krem. r k M'Clurtt do J.w. i.h -.l. do J. S.'hreyer Aon do C Mm, h do Alex r Amnions do Win. T. Iteitmryer do . 11 U.n.r I. lo mi 7 no 3 W) rj 50 7 VO 7 3 50 7 00 7 on 15 w. a j. h. iirown John llounlitiia tvn. 1 1. u. .-. k-hou, j ,i. l. ii... J- ' J", k'",', tiran- A t o. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do KriLf Tp. Ma. C..I.1 MUI1 do Wnrrs Iirr. Tp. Itt-rrAeoK . Kahs -UllliHtlTILLK W'LiT lu ri.iL.is 00 Mra. K .Maixn 3 so ; J J I J",,''! Ib'.VO On.r 3 50 7 (m A.M. I.a llmtri, llol.tfin Wm '"pi.. s A. K. ,-d k Co. ir. m o.-normandi I'.vitii Antmcn. j: ii. natr.-mui f,"a,i,t inir.i,.r 7 M 3 n ah 1 - Haiirraaii Hrbt-r 13 13 14 14 Ml rtKlil A llaui k Kudy k Itiuuuelrvieli A. II. l.ula 3 ,'m I Isaac Kudy do Distillerir. WtoT Rt rt ALOK do Itu.ly Klirk Keirb k llro 50 oo . 50 00 An A .TEA!, will be held at the Commis- sinners' office in I.ewisburg on MONDAY the i -i-i nay oi ju.m. ncii, unen ana wnere all , inosc who .nay leei inemselves aeunrvcr! by ' the above Classification may attend if ihcy j lh.,n.k Pr',Prr bel:!!.n. .,hf h''" ..f ,',.an'1 3 ol t,,at "av- MI KM SPHiEI.MOYKR, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for ' Hartleton, I'a, May 18, 1S58 I'l.AIV AUD FA.Xt'V BOOK BINDING. ? : 'THE SllllSCrilierS, llVillfC llOHRllt lllC 1 , L Bindery late of sstcphen 11. and l.yman I C ! i. e .c.i. I n.i.i.. ... :. : j Vil,on, of Milton, and added lo it some; superior implements, and having .secured the superintendence of Mr. H. E. DOWNING, ho has lor len years been empioyeu in one oi ihe ; best ISimleries in I'hilaitelphia, ana comes with the hrst recommendations for integrity and competency, are now prepared to Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News papers, 1UUS1C, KC. S.C., in every style desired. Work may be either I bound or half-bound, in Morocco, Sheep, or other Lkatuer, or Muslim of various colors, and ornamented with MARBLE PAPER of dttVerent tiures, shades and colors. .,, ,Z , ,., ,,, , p, .a,:a, Old Bibles and other Hooks or I apers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a . 1 . . ... ''.v, can be made more secure by the Bin- i kill. Lettering and Bindin? heretofore done bv tne .union liiiuiers, can ue execuieu vy us in a mrr,imdi,r ,yfi as we have lheiry tocUt types, and designs. : A good Bindery nas long been desire.! in litis vicinity, and we can therefore most re- snectfiillv solicit the public patronage, trusting that it will be sutlictent lo repay the outlay anu risK. J v Kent, toois, siock, ana worK- men all requiring money, we shall expect i'.l V O.V lil-.Ll 'l'.K V of all workvsj We intend to charge moeterate, c9um.le and uniform prices, on the M Live and Let Live" principle and hope to make it a permanent business. Office in the center of Market Square, north side, xecond storey, adjoining the Cmhowicli and Telegraph offices, third door from Ihe Post Oitiee. WOKDEX & CORNF.MlTS.Prop-rs lir.NRY E. POWMM;, A-ent. Lewiburg, Moy l, l5s. (rt Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Praver FAR3IER MA Y 28, J 858. --T-'J Z I , j . ut the mMlcT wouMu-t cei m:irriou,uui ine gin iu.iiui.1 - consent and she being of age, the gentle- I D Executors' Notice. YT'OTIl'E is hereby Riven, that Letters X Testamentnry on lhe l.".-t w ill and testi: meiit of ') i.t.s rl.l.r;A., late cf Kelly ownship,.!..eaicd, have been pranted to the undersigned, by the l.ejri-tcr of l.'nion county, in due form of law; therefore all person- 'knowing themselves indehted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having just claims against the same are also refiiie-icd to present them properly authenticated for settlement. WM.S.I'I.IMiAX I r-xec-I'AsCJIAl. rl.lNtJAX, utors. Kelly Tp, Mav 13, IftiS Administrator's Notice. OTICK is hereby Riven that letters of administration upon the CMate c f Jull S fii i Mill. in. I A. ate ot the nornn-'n oi i.ew- isbuiL,', deceased, have been ihis .lav granted to i he subscriber by the lieji-t'-r of Wills li.r tlie ct.uiitv of l nion : all per-ous havini? claims against said e-tate will present them at once to the subscriber for seiileinent, and til e owms said e.Male are reiiursle.1 to make pavincnt imiueiliatelv. W M. II. t'HAMitKKl.l.V, Admiu'tor l.ea i-.l ur. May SO, H-'iS Real Bstate- ORPHANS" COURT SALE. ril.L Le cjj.osed to I'ublic. Sale, on the premises, in l.ime-tone township, I a. len cotinty, on Satiiritut.Junc l'.i, IH.'H, a cer tain tract or pi' ee of I. ami situate Iu the above itm-i.sliip. ailioinins lands I l.CWis T. v:, r Iiin'ii.ii'l, lwiianoei Walter, John M , . .... . . ... . and others, coiitaitii'it: I.'i.r!ij-i rr .le i and others, contaitii'isr 7i. rv-Vre . or less, with the apptufnai.ce . The Improvement- are, a one storv and half I'laiiie f - lbiiise, a small Hank liarn. a otinr1? 1 "i itliehaid.Ac. The land is ail clear. . ai.-l in a e;.n-d state of ctillivanr n. i Sale to O'tiitnetice at 10 uVlnek A. t. MAIUA Zl.iIRi:M.N, Adm'x I t:.V !'. if .1 -A3 .:vyij.M-, Jv. d. FOR RENT! T Sal. Hi: T i:.HS occupied at pre- sen i.. W'a hmct' -:i Hu'rh tiseii rt- a i. Tv v are -unable fir S I If ll'S. . Al.so lb" ri-'i: I .i . ecipv. ; 'i T.-rin liplv lo Jan !, I- -,' JOHN li. I.I.N -N". V VALUABLE i:i:AL EM'ATE r I tllH sill .-crib. r. iVcr . f..rsa!c hi- Rr-i lenee on the v. -." t - tl'.il t-ecol.'l , hrjl ecu V; i;i li.e linr. .'ith ..f I. anil ---t.I.iilli' Ml tet a hall id pr.'iuid.mri cetisi -l.iie'ol' liear a !, itiga lrentit !t'J lee: en cei. ml sire. t, and in U ntli loi feet.t; inrhe;. The improvements are a comniodi.oi- three Storey KRIt'K J W KT ,1 ,1 N r iii I KTSI . ' r,ssc,1 t-Tirk, 4 7 fet trunt by tcci dep well finil;j! wilh a marble bae, marble sills aud lnr.fls intrant a fire-j.foot" roof with a NVmg attached ot" 2-1 by I'J tec! an Out Kitchen a Well rOx rellent water, with a Tump id. uin.fr r-iof a birge Citprn also under mot' a lare v.vw Stable an Ice House anil ot'icr itcesary ut-buiMinv:. 'i'here are als on iai-tje The bicatittn is a desirable cne titlier : r a private residence vr public business. Jt is on tlie must e'evate l part oi the Uurt uch, near the r'uiirt Httuse.and but a shortd'stai-ee irdii .Market street. Terms will be made en v. June., K7 G. F. MII.U:K. FOK SALE. t-4 MY Residence, on North Third street, iTxJll.etti-burj;, :tl ft. front, and including back bnildinp: 62 ft. deep. Ba.-ement, and Attick fini.-lied. Every convenience in the way of out-btiildincs. 4lNO, a Half Lot on Market st., opposite S. Ritter's residence, with a good W ell of Wa ter and new Stable : very dcMrahle for a hu-i- ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.) AlwO, other Lots, some with and some without Uuihlinzs. JOII LOCKE. Lewisburg, Oct. 8, I.e57. ITot To rninwc Plinnr-P fur a "Rirrro.nf liVi AU11IOI.1 111UI11( lOI a Udltllli: 12 in T70R N 1 1.1 near I.cwi-but-.a Tract of 7,)1 M4 , . -. . . . . r, w'l almost lOU irm of good Farming in on ' Land, limestone soil. It will be sold On reas- lotto! enable terms at private sale for Cash. Inquire .....v . ..... . ........... I li1! I I l lllla a.l l ll'l' "..l.e. IS JJj hereby iven,thal the undersigned have i,een annointcd Kiectttors of the estate of Mrs. MARY SWARTZ. late of White Deer toa-nship.l.'nicn cotinty,deceased. All pcr-ons indcMed to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those havin; claims against it will present them properly authen ticated flT settlement. liEOlitiK J. SWARTZ, ) Excc JACOU SWARTZ, utors New ColittTibia, April 22, 1;, New Arrangements--Kew Coeds! TOSEril L. 1IAWX havinq: taken Hie ti well known v .Ati. ii .1 1 .n "A ;, has r,fllIe1 an,i mf in an lsive variety of Hutu, Cap, Gtnthmrn 's CLtliiny, (c. . . . ....... ... . in a Ur-r and snlendid stuck of CLOTHS CASSIMERE.s,&c, which he w ill makt up ., nr,i,r, as he still continues the Tailorit:? Il'i-i- 11Css. lie is prepared tn execute all work entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. N. B. Cutting and Repairinc , j done to ' order. I.ewi.-btirg, April 10, I'i7 W I N Fi EL D FACTORY! AVar ItarlH'.uil, l nion Co., I'a. THE subscriber, lliaiikfiil for past patronage. M ould inform f his friends and the public in cenc- W rul ll-ll K. 11.111 i n .. ... ... n, n .. l'.. n tiire all kinds of YTouZcil -ools, such as Cloths, CassimcTes. Tweeu, Sattinetts. Jeans, IJlankets and Flannels.; also. Carpet and Stoekin! Yarns. His mafhinprv 1)-m.it ,,f tin. kind in use, and having empu.yrd the , iiesi in wnr ;men. np ifp nrp . ,fifn( that l is work shall not be surpassed tv any e'taufi-nmrnt in tue country. A uood np p!y of the above goods kept cr.nstanr'y wi band for sale cr to exchange fc-r wind, at pners that can not fail to please. VO L w ill be Carded in the bet manner and on the shertest notice. Terms for ranlir. raJi en tlie de livery of the mils. MARK ilAl.Ki'K.NNV. Winfieid Mills, March :m, 1Sj7. i:.TKr,vii.M: isoti:i Cuitrtriltr, Snyiltr ( ., I'a. ! rpiIE undersigned takes particu!arpie.i-ure i I in announcing lo his friends that he has ' taken the above Hotel, and is ever ready and Arnitnmn.tatr all. hoth sreat ar.l ..mat:, W ho oi.j kintllv liiTor Lira with . ewlt. 1. WKlDKNSAri.. PuormtTon, April, 1S58 Smeaaor to l. Sii"Wkb. JOS I A 11 KCI.I.1, Aurlloncrr, SOLICITS the patronage of the public. Residence on South Fifth street, I.ewis burg, Pa. December S, 18i6. CHOOL ORPFKf. nenrtv prielrd and fi r tait a. itie l Animc.'f f'flice i -O.ojrewj mi: i.i vtit I ,' V T i O liATOU ! rvwAi:it tsr .v-iah.', Coiiiiioiinded entirely from (il'MS. t-'onk iHiik iikst i i h'.A'i r. amu.iwk !(.: 1 l l.NKS now Lr'-r.- tt. '.i .i'-. Uinta. 1- a. j ' I. '.-.rr..:, e:t-i. r. lui''li-r :l.l lucre vlf.-tual ll.i.li ai.y ""her ui....-ii.- known. It in n..t only u 'l"irl,c, liut a fn r in.-ly, jutii.ir Itr-t ..n I!..- i..r to .-.c. t it.- nioi).J uia'trr. then CD tin aroinio h :u..i lia vls to rrry i ll llmt mHtlrr, ii.uh a.H-oti.j lihl.ii. two j.uri' .-e!. ir.--t.oliy ailh. ut any i.f the puuitul ...-l!le..- va .ii" UCKl ill I Lo .( "lal flu .1 lut Catnarli. . 1 1 -Ti. i-l.-i l.- u", wlnir it .ur-. the Tt. m, and wi,.-ll tiikeu daltf ill ni.-deiatt- .1" will aticuth-a nlid build it uo with uuu.'Ual tdill:y. The t.ILR in i n..1 cf the priurii-tl r?"tat' f t.1 the Luciiin t-ij ; ar.d Bi w lien it p.-lloiui-1:-lun . t.. in well, the I'.w.-rJff llie BTitln r-- fully Ttl"(-'l. 'Ihe ifoiw.ii ft if fT almoi.1 eUtiielT 'I' l-end.nt en the l.,-:il:l.y a. t.c-n M the lirrr lor tho .r--.er I..-1I. riieince ii it.J funi.- Q tiona; when the ft. ui e It If at t;iuil. 1 hi- I'.-wIs ii re ,-.t fault, and th.- whole n-f.m nitT.-r. in ren-e- ' . j ti. ne ef ..He ..r.m the 1 l.'r. ik-haling r. a-..l t-. I itf duty. I r loe il rae ..t ll.'.l i.tnn. oli et . the .n. ri. lore t.aa made it Li-i-tu iv. in a i ru--t:.-e ,,,r ii,..r.r thau Iwene t,r,l mci.' r.-i..dv. hli.-riwilh In .-.ui.rii.t tin- uiuriT dian.'. iuei.li fr to w l.i. li it i- 1 1 - Tn I r th .'. thir . m . i. m l;..t f- i 1. an . f j ...II lioul.i. d wih I.; V- Q : I' :i-l.i.-T, iu i. its orm lire. n. 1 1 11..- .-.. . 1 1 1..-. .1:.-. -t l.. .. ;h I e;o--e .1 11 lt; ii:. tutt-jtry ti.t:l.-,i.i.d ' u.al Te all C5 f:i rt.:.l rt n.l r, ' oil: in th. ir .la .- a 5 a. 1 1 i o aiie. r. n . .... flip; 1 I n v i." i ii . . 1 1 j on- i. m a t1. 1 .o.-.n- i .-ll. II '.n 1 1-', lee I i - . h. li - ii' - t i. . the wnole u.a .l.i,i.r". r'H'.'-o'' the .hs.-af' .-1- f i ..(' a rn.li a' M Allvn ar.- ,i,r. !. ..M-, w, .T 1 vr-i.l', ly Hi' i.' c-niial u-e ..1 ti ll; l-w... 1 t. lull, h ii Ac 11. .-ifl. r i .1 ' : id -r A . Ii C lie .t.'Nftak.nb,' lit to ril.nr-. irw ! t. . t Vi Ms-. - Ii CV-al Cilbe low ' l.d i. I . '- :.ri . . ihr. re q ; rf o . ,1 Vy ,t i , t un :..t tl,- til-. 1 1.4a 4vI0 1 w ! - ii i- it lif ; . iu .r uiiuwi.c t'1 , ' - I ,i r. TIio f.iur Cmizornlor is A .- ibMiHi mi:i ; I I.V. mi-l i- fi ... ,.'. I: i. . ,.. - l.ai, 1 1 I l:. r.. r. kll'I i n l.i ' r . I I - ' t' : Ll..' r-.;a.M a i'- - '. w Y. rl. .lev i I 1!. i; I' tf a i'ir.o -SY I! A HI. di ll C'.I.f 1 1 . v i i- ii mi; m - h I! - n-f. : i: i. i : .til I ; n-r ti i:. i . l. tun. - 1 I...::- . t r- ii - h- .1 . I w:I.-r. n-f - if..- .1 -i I,- ( ti- cm'1 i. t;H r: I ti. i- : i-ii i J.-n.'f. ii u--. i I'Mir w i.t i; r it-. . ftrt-u." i-.il ,.. in i th- n ti t n ;tir- t ti.e ti-.- i: ; Mir. :y tl.r tin- 1 v. : (,-" it '!: i:. li- Th! -f i.- in n ;i The .,:iiit f.r I r f. V II;.t- n. r"-n. -i I- ii : 1 -l. t. it, ; :.! 1.- r:iv. i r u.-i-:i-t .1 111 -iilf. ti t : i. .I. a 'tf TJi.i.f I' t.ii ' ' url, iv.r I. w iti-'-tit i :1. :;-iiiJ':. 1.-1. tr lU-t-ruiiT, in N- w i IV.-t IU Tvlxi 10 !li . a ! w v -ii.. ; I -km- l.i-.: r!h- .-.I : 1 1.. Ji.trlM- Vr. t. o .e .run or -"in I ' u ni v i:.'7 i i r ; i.' ii ' 11 ;i 1 a. . 111 . ha. I I . him t.. ci Me UT. :r: r. T 1 l.i.r '"-'. 'i.-r. 1 ... n ill a i-w llnven ; l nl oiit 'M o. ,t a llair i. -o r:'t nr , a- a nr.-. 1 ia.1- i :it y- i:r - tor. n ll.e 1 -t . 1 ' .1 la.-l. ( it I i nr. hand .u.' loll le t.. try it, aid I 1- u'j I" ley ; -::t:-t --. i- tt it a t II. I r 1 it r-hi'l.-l tt' 'tirf .1 1 r.-w t.utr li- trrn to pr. w. it i- n- w lw... r il.r. e iin'h' . m .-i.-'.li h'T.- il ai'-allo.-r. IJaTei-r.st l..iih n. it. I wi.h u to n-n.t in.- two tfttl. ni' re l.y Mr. 1'. -t. tlie t .-iir- r . f tl.i. 1 dor. t kDf w 1.7 t.t tl.t km-1 I- iti-.-l in tl i-1 hi'.', yoi ni'.y hare anar'-t tor n..-.r.y N-ttl. s eft. r it i. kcoa ii Lu-.-, li ui.- w.'.l. r.-i' i. hill- IT. ATT. V- :i v:rirr!.P.-; t. -. Is.' W .t T. nr Sir: V,urliuir l..ti-i m.- i j :v Tin.; it.w.f i..-. Tt.. tn-nt, and r.Si- ti e li. k j .irt i f inv h-d.l aliut-r I. it rnr' m in -t B I half u'fj I. tit t i. Ii k! ; - I.t I ttU i :" c li - ft'TntiTc. (.ii.l liow tb- lip f m li-ftl4i wrll rli.tii l mitt) prom sin; ornp ot uv. liw.r. an l tl:e ii' ht i- al K rufumi; it l-nt:t. ! l.Mrtn-'l ft It r pr. arnli- rs witht-ut iinv l,vmf.twfc.t' ' r. I think lnni mv i n , ir- nai mr-n. "J "' V'J rumlinJatu n. 1 van indui.v Ciui.v ctL.rs iv Uf; l;t,-jt,ct!u:!. - I. K THOM.l.-. ! I'- . 4' s iiiv et."' t. i'- i:r. I June si. I'-.'-t. TluF i J . 'fi : A-v. u rc iit- iit t-nitmufHCtur" ' anJ t-iiJ yi ur r-'.-t-iitly di-.TtTt-l Hwir Ki.;r;.f. I i ,, , i, ... r mn,. , , that 1 hiiT.' u-.d it ...'dku. .n , ii.. r t.. u-e it-ti nt ii...e. u r-.. ,-r:.l year-, l.-en in the hi.hit el u-iii.-rtherllair I.. -1' r- ,d that 1 1 ul yor- ,,.iiv m,. n. r to.ry . -th i er 1 know. It . ntirily . !.'nriM s the lead i f danJrult, I and ith on-m-nth . irieriise .ill r.Mr- nny r- f piTii.ir it a iL-aithy. ?oir i.i.'i jio-.-y i-i i - uiui.it . cum nd i dre-f on Win. ll 11 .ir.-i I wi.ui i. u. rre .' it- H5- to rT. ry one de-iron- 1 t tAture Ui L-ir. l.i"ii. h ,t niir i I. ue r ..ul v vi nr. Vtll..-e.N KlNli t J. WOuTt A Ov. I'r jn lUr u-r. :tt N Y. 1 ir- II M.-rkt-t etrc I.M- l.. t.;-, t-; Aiitl -t uitiy i S -l i i n : W ! rift- r-'.3VJ iir'-ii .wiy. V Y., ni.u E.-tal ii.-Lui nt ' uiid IU Still Another Opportuniiy: i rCat rtIio C latap IMc fin o ?J an, j;ack A(jaj..' fE take th-s incihod of infirniiri: th ;!iens et I.cwil nr? and surrorn.iin? c un:rv, that v ' s.re arain witn mem it a NhiTt time, and now i-iU-r thorn a better arncle ar.i at lower pr.ccs than ever hereto!', re. We have tali en the old stantl above Chnl A: CV.dweii's Urui; Swre, and blvini; much let ter liht than we had in our old rooir.s. and more c, tivt i. tout rooms m every rt,5pe''t, we f-hall le beilcraKe to accrir.mr.dat. Vrons I nvipi: i tno t : it. (. :iMl frit rrl-, . r r. 'nti. w..i. h t!rV iil..'tt. .l. r tthii-ttTr- -I T" t :-; , i . n It ilu. Ii liiJ'L-- r j-ctt.-. . ;-n t.nvt; i; tii.u. mi d. rt r. ti bill l iv cf; ii - vi iii lr- w:i rr:intt J in. ! m ni t.i:.-t l -ii.-r tl. -n i... I.. i. I", r- t-t i ! I - r i riri'S r -f - n" Ir- in to C ". I' l.i. li l! .-v :t:- li'K- n t;- .-i.n I . r i-,m f-r t:ir - l t- F'i i.s ii- lm.-l t- lit. r :- - in- tin. t' ;'i s I'tTH.r.f Isikt n ;tt ll -1 . Tl- t-t i: i i.-r iii". - ' ui -1 i. ir. 1. 1; !. ki.. r-. ni l . t .1- in-, ia il:-ir n.-:iU-r ,n .1 s-''' i I in :i I julit li.-l.f. t.vU.-i r Ai.. I rr.iJt.. ( ii.' t r ll.iin 1 rn--:it-: i k i lui', l-n c, A . tk.-n t.i r r.!- r. t..k. a i n !;.r! Mul ra::i . - nu-,. iv- t . ti !: t 'i -r. -t ar 1 t rl.:. -f. I it lur. lo i 1 c;ii 1 i iu xulii .! our li. t. if i -in: ii j ur l.-ii- i 1 1: i .iti- it. nil . u- m .1 rur- ..r Arti-t. ; r.iiu.i 1 1 urn ' ;u Lit t li II- r t! ij.-.'. Ti ' O:- .-I l.Ti-t t' . kv -U.;v l- I V;i.v. ' CAKTV. - C'T n in tl . nrt. :.r l n -t ru . Vr i'i ii-. Jit r mi ' I'f T'uniiy iii-i - N. P. In Tru-'i fUT ll'r 1.. ll fct tl 1 tli-- l-u.-mej- fun r.- CAr,liETYrAIiElv003I TII -lih Sli t i t. Tie Mil -cri1,'! ntn-t r. -pec'ii'ii: v ii'l. rie- the c;t . :.- , 1 Lewi-bur and viciiirv. tlii't I..- i.ns n l,..rd and I. r sale a che.ip h i ol I I i.A I'J t 15 i:. fer the S j-ri i:rr tr;u!c, cet.;pr:-.Tig Pre- in vi ii e I CoTsimon l.tm-ans. -c-' rrttifits nti.l 11 "': Cit-tv. Cetite'r. Ct.f.l p.ii.i I'i.-r Talk.. Piniii- an.l Jr al-I'a.-t TuMe-. Cti.l'o:i-ls. Ciit-Inir-i ami other Ciidslcud, lainl.-', Sol'ii. ami Clutirs of all kinds. COFFINS rRaiIc t0 rr !f,r cr i i short notice. ! The public are ci rdia'lv invited to examine I j his work, as he i- sure that they will be saus- ; I lied with his stock of Ware, aud prices. ! .-OI.OMON YOI'SG i i I.ewisburg. Sep). 15, 14S06 (I.O(kS, ;it(hf-i. , tttrt-jiaViif ,hf p-t oir.c-rheap for I I'ash A I-'' TirMllk'M A til F r'r Lcwi'uur-, Arn! ;i. lfii. Lcwisburg Ctaietery -Election. ri'ME Annual Election of a Fresirlrnt tni J sevtu Manairers lo eondtiet the atla.rs ol the I.eiAi-btirff OrnMTy A.oeiaiioa, wr'.I hf he! I at the Oliire of i K.Miller Esq. on th Iirst .!unilay of Jane neit, (June 7.) between the hiitirs of one and four o'clock la u.e 4i.te-n.oon of said datr. THOMAS HAVEsj, fee'r. I.eut isbtir?, May IS, Isj5S Dissolution of Partnership. HE I'artnerahip heretofure existing iu.j trading under the name of tioodmaa oi 1 t.iiamherlin," is dissolved this 7lh day ot April, iow, oy mutual consent. ji in n if coiriMiY John tHAHinuu.s. Vim Persons indebted to the above firm are requested to call immediately and maka settlement. rAII accounts not satisfactorily clo-ed before ttkv' 2u:h of May Beit will l't placed in the hands of an oriicer forpererap tor' ct V clion. 'I ii- Hooks of the firm vsill be left wi'h ( '...la.bei liu Uro's" (W'olle. warehouse) who hre a'lihi-r.zed to act for Jn 4'hatnberlin. Be'li patiie will -ien in li'i'iidaiion. As we hav .!-' t- ti. pay, we must require preinpt seule n.i i t t v tli.i-e indebted to i:s. J. ii. tiHi,.na J.-. CUAwBEIll.w. I be Merchnndi?,: il.e t.!.i UAVKsj- : S btt-iness is Contii land ly i-KitR urnsH. J. It. O'liMA.-f. HIST OF THE SEASON! sniKKYKR & SON have just re- ) t ci-.v.-i! ihe;r stuck Mew Sl'ilLXC AXD SUMMER GOODS: . h .y are e.I:rijr virr ch'-ap. Those '.w. . . L'.iy ft r Cah are r ;irtjcaiarly inviied iu i a.;, LArri- ' l-ef-? E1230LUTI0N HOTICE. f It V. t'.par:i. ei-hip hertdfore exiiilnt! t. 1 t- ' '.'fi ihe Mit'-cribers, known as the rra , i l.innriPitH, iH iBirn ai. Co., has tetn iv '.: - Ive't, i y mutual enr.ent. Krubr Nii'.''f h.-.'. ,tir suM his iurcreat in said i.tth l. Jvcr-i Ari:n:cr.s. 'J'he tiisir.e.s will li ci i : j- 1 uir the .-a:ne Lame aud atj: ul li.e I. i liier lirm. J. ). bIKFFEXDERFER, T.ev?..rjr, ) MAh'II.N DKKI.IiACH, M;uci. ; Eissclution. - - -Notice. 'Ill: .;.artnmhip heretofore eii-ting be tu.'.ri tin- subscriber-, known as tha in -''f Hi avi r, (ii Mirs, Mahsii Ac l'o., hat ii 'o. . a; i.-si :ve ) by mutual ccn-er.f, K. .M' in.- having retired fn tn aid I-'irni. 1. 1. :- Til. is LK i r.. 1 1 rt' ii tint :. I.I I II!.-. AMI -11 ACO., I IM-. K. V'U'.I.IS, I ; i t.L I 1. 'OKt. Ai.-fr.fstrator's IJotice. ' I: i Ii -'. I.e.'er- i f Administration ti t:.e e-i.,-.- ! FIlKUERIfK MAR.-H, I.. tir-. I ::ieti re-untr. deceased. l ave I .-. ti ; r uite i To the snlMinber, by the K o - . r . U- e. rtler 1 1 said c untv, ail per--. i.- j.'l- i e.l in said e-ta:e are reqnfslfd to i.in'.e imiiit l..i:e paytofeut, and those havir Co.':; - n.-a.-i-t the same will present Iheai daiv ii'iiiient e i'ed for settlement to ' t II As. C.j'IinUKLEV. Administrater I.eevi-I lt.'. March l'J, rWAKTED innEDIATELY :"&J 2.0(H) IU SIJELS COKN! ."t"'f IUIJi:L,S RYE!!! F- r w!iich a lair price will he paiJ in t'aih. Ii' i" it i!t it.c J'ii.ar and fee.! itirc. Ap.:-.rl EVANfli -iv I ICHTHORN. Administrators' Notice. I! FUCAS, Letters tf JV.IminisTrarioa to the eMate rf Mrs.MARV MOORE, late of Keliv township, deceaed, have beer. luly cran'r-d tv the ur.-.ersigiif d, all perscn knt'Wi; thrni-weive ini.'.eb'.e.i to sau! estate are reueMed to make immediate pavmen, aod th"-e h;ivi:i7 claiiiw npun it will preset,! thrm lor -itr,r;Tient to me. TJIoMAS SWE.NK, Aiministrator Mikun, March, IS P.IL.MER, EUIITD.T and El'ILDEII. LEWtSBUkG. PA !T? Oi!Ve in the I niverjity Building 63 SiMl tL II. ORWIG. Attorney at Law. FFICE on Somh Second near Market lsiii hc r.. LIT AW Fri'fessional Business entrusred t? his care will be faithfully and promptly attes- cd fepl. II, IS57 LOOK THIS ...V! xotick: xoticl:: xoncr::: IT "AVINfl just returned from the (iiy XL with an unn-ally large Stock and we.! selected, and am now prepared to stll g.vrs low. r than can be bought elsewhere on ih.J side- of Philadelphia. Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware!!'. ?niis ailN Lccks. Latches. H.r.ce. creu s, liias-. Putty, Paints, Oil in fact Cl Tj tiling you may want to build yon: sell a lirst-rate house t r barn twenty rr cent. lower tiiaa ever before. 'ii,' u'c-, ' trill, .' .' t'ARPLNTFRS. here yon can ret the ce- rated (ireenlield Planes, 5pear A J.irks. r.'i ; Iiand. tenon and rip saws, Uirciier-. IJratry' and P.radv's -'hi-e!s and Plane lr. r.s. patent and romnton Uraces, Urace E.'.is, Alice.. Squares. titia res, Iren Screws, C rr.ra-s tuw', llatnond's liammers. -a.c. Ll.ieksmiths' Ii en- 1K0 V IKOX- ALL KIXI Ear, Sc.ili p.T.we.Ova!. K, ar. ! 2'i lui.i-f t.'a-t s:eel. Spring and Knr!:-ii V, Anv.ls, B.-H.iws. Screw P!nte. t: litU sKKEi:PEi;S! Table Knives irl Pol I'arvers. Spoons, Kettles. Lai" I d:. ii' li-. i" ir. e Vills. H:, !. Ih.. Mat.. I'-n-. i .'. ' MM I. I U I L Y..U will lir.,1 all the l.l "- '- tr. jt ni-i.j uii rt the ll.vm. ,rr -! Ii - -i ' ' J...-I 1 11 t i l ! ! V in thi- oU e'r.An.iA, ttanJ. Lf W I.-UI !.' Tins li.il . jll'S " il BidTicii the l'u.-i Cf'ue and Thgra (."' imo iitiirnv ' () X F F. C TI O X I '. 1. Y. f I'll I. sttb-crit'f r re-pccii'ullv talcs t! ' - tin d t.. inf. Tin the cii.:tnsel' l.f -' a i.d vic.i.i'v in reneial.and the I.a.i c -f TlT' tn u .ii. i: .. i.a- his -a, I.. . i a Ilakfn J" Vr. fill!'. ( t-nnri j. . n Market - i.'; i-13 '.- re he w:.l I .' t.. v. r h tu v. . 11 ' W..I1 !::" sees-. e 1 I 1 1 1:1: ; - in h i 'I ';" M s .n 1 -NFn--. ai llr.Ca 'I :nM'!.. . . 1 : .-.? a pi, .-.,-., 1. -,. ..dr.:.:. im 1.' .--1 1 v - :.r-, .t- :. . w l'.i. t.r. . r l.'in wrii ,t ca'l ive him am1' -1 11. 1 net be d -appoi'ited. c.l.uns Tunic- .-ni plied at il.e sh. rtcst rictice. a-i of Or- im..-' rea-i nalle terms. A'l sort? mental Work d.ne to or '1 r. BKEAII delivered at lb uses at all vc when de-ired. fHAKLES liEIEh- I.ewisl-irg. O.-t. 7, Ik'iV. I.oI X TV LAND WAKKAXT blar'-j. all entrased in the service ol the in the War of ISIS, and for Iheir ji-' ' ! the Ortireof the I f wi-rnrg t hioniclc 1 -ftrnfirBr Dr. J. F. Harvey PhvA.i.-1'tin;. ; T I li.AM:oPATliI( J aysif 1:1ns. I I ..l .i. tl. a, Ei. v".lreri l h A "! .fin l-h ir;.6( ' I in
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