CLE M 0 Ur 0. X. AVOHDEN & J. K. CORNELIUS. An' lN'i)i:rENocNTT Family News Journal. ESTABLISHED IN 1 SIX... WHOLE NO, 7S7. . At 1,"0 Pek Yea k, always is Advance. LEWISBUPiG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1858. A WORD TO THE WISE. Love hailrj a little maid. U mrinn lfir)ii-'h ihe meadow! Mc.ll'-ss in til- sun she played, .scornful ol tin' siiaduw. (Vino villi nv" whi-pored hr ; Lisieii, sweet, lt l(ivc atnl reason.' 'Hy aii i iy," h-" mocked reply ; Love's nol i ii .'ea-ion. Years wen!, years ram, I-itrht mixed with shadow, l,vc met the maid aiTaui, Ui-eatnin-; through ihe meadow. Not s. coy," urfd the loy ; f-Lit, in timo. to love and rea.on." -liy and l' hi' inured reply; Love's still in s-eason." Years went, cars came; Li'.'hi changed to !-hadow Love saw the maid aain. Wailing in ihc mca Kiw. 'Pas n. i iiure; my dream ii o'er; I rin listen now rea'n." "Keep thei.' coy,' morkeii the t'ov, Love's out of season." Attutitic M-nthhf. MdViUl. .111 !, 1S5S. l'aiLjn., May IU, O'l the 1 7:h, I l- A liom- for a flight to iliis raMern ciiy. A fter seating my-clf in a com- fortablc position in a car at the Lewisburs siauon, aim cttuis; ti wimiiui iu- oni our r . I i , vaMey of Susquehanna, my native place, the iron h .rse ma le a putV, and off he went, but 1 "i poiuinivm, 01 cuura, 10 a sa.un. u mu- jtowsious. .1 nine praenec ai largei ia a few iiiinufN h iln-d at Norilmmberland, j extends, does not alter its nnlurr. 1 shooting, and reeling topsails, prevented very reluctantly. Then aboard a boat, we 1 Let us count up, theu, the ii. upon the men from coming to tho conclusion commenced the downward trip by water. At : the Treasury thus made by Mr. Chairman, which otherwise would have been obvious 03, A. M., at ivn Trevcrton, we again took Senator RuckaLw, whose dulieatc nerves that, they wero on a pleasure trip ; but the iron horse for our leader, and in two hours ns,i.n(.i.wi 1... i..,,,,,, Wiln.ot's n oh- the (15,. nf tl. f.ffiWr ..r not S1. ,.1. , . ,1 , leofhonr, two friends from v illiaiusport and Sullivan went wall me to the Cani'.ol, where we found rveivthine pleasant and pleasant thrivine H"rr, thought we, have cor sreat men uf jears smie by spent many w intry days j in maKing no, d and wholesome laws, (and ; maj- it ne.i be itie Iat year i f our worthy townsman. T. II.) The h.'Ur having arrived, ! , ,i Mnnn ll'Knl till. ' U- IIWIlO nil.I nirll' U".' en 'Ii tlin uh all the Li t ius, such as Iliehspire. M-rieOf, f il n ml ii n . I .:i nevi Op r ' S.1U niauv beautiful fie-lds of eraili and prass, which a fair promise uf bette-r tunes: an t then the fine fat bullocks through j l.ancasti r cr-unty made me wish to be anions tiietu with mv butcher knife iu hau l. Ar-! rive'a ill 1111s vo..i? uu t-niiy noui in tue 1 evening and found it considerably in commo-1 Hon when compared with some other tou-ns j Z?VlZl?"nChr , ,b r J On the morning of the 19th inst., the drand 1 I.c.JSe of the Independent Order of Odd f,,J ln. me. i it,. If ..ti. , r iK a Haines streets, with about five hundred rep- ( rescnia'ives of that body, from all parts of ' 1 the Ss'ta'.e, and I assure you I felt proud to represent a lodge1 111 .si respectable au asscin- ; bla;e. Urcthren : we have laia a good loun- .,.'. . ,., . ..... orphans will bies, , I s i witU brazen face, the most hopeless, un- 6' -p" p w ,uu i on the evening of tho 5th of April, with ! - ' : ' - '' '- j doubted criminal, with more tireless real , "pedit.on, as is known, and her officers ! oM WrftI fcfficcr3 nnd men Buckalew's Treasury Hauls. ! aud nndeviating energy than Senators ! wcre amouf5 tLe uumbcr tf ,hose whora I on tho sick list with yellow fever. Ad There are few if any old members of , iuckaicw ana r,tavuI of Adams. It was the fallurc of lLc Crst attemPt t0 laJ iho 1 miral Sir Houston Stewart was in the har our Legislature, who boast more of purity j barscd) Bt tbe time, that both these men ; clble wa? PorsODal "aPPointmeBt aud : ia n M Mp ((7hj The InJu3 of motives, or plead for economy as much, , were applicants for foreign appointments i SCr. "a ' . . T, , , was a blaze of lights a grand ball was as the renegade Whig, Charles R. Rucii- ALL'tv the Chairman of tho l'em. State : Cen. Com. who covered so handsomely the retreat of Gen. Packer from Judgo Wilmot's challenge, aud whose fnitnro, in the last Legislature, to oust JuJgo Wil-' wot and Superintendent Iliekok, were so mortifying. Rut, notwithstanding his. jf loud protestations of extraordinary purity, i I he aIwaJ3 found as in the above cases-,r the woi.t rat id the Treasu- ; ry.and the confederate of the j ,hoso socictic. are most prospcroa., ibu. IIis first uostinltiorj ia Amer;Ca was ! Kinncar,M.I., in charge of the royal naval peculators upon the pub ic purse. Sot j , contiDuatiou 0f tLt.;r Uiual prosperity. N;carauaiWbcre b;3 Lusincs3 was t0 a3sist j Hospital, were alongside. In the brief in on!y.s this jwj,. habit .exhibited tn . Ia some cases tberc ba3 been a falling off; !; iul"in" Walker and the Cilibusters j ,crval butwccn tho F"tare of the Fueh open instances as his holding on to ; ia 0tbcr3 theriJ ba. bocn a dc(.iJcu ga;n. f jn xieu Tbo bcat anJ burJ(.a uf Health Officer and tho visit of Commo the Public W orks, with lecch-liko tcnaci- Tbe fi,,,,reg fdot up about cfUauVt a3 will : ,; wB:ca j,,i ,c i,nf,l n ! Jwre Kellett, it had been decided to re- ty, to the last gasp-not only iu arguing for aud marshalling the Party forces to continue the Canal RoarJ, with all the ex penses it may create, after all its n?ye-fs of expense have gone but also in very equivocal and we think unroiutttuttonal forays upon the Treasury, is his predato ry bias manifest. Wc give two prominent examples : ' 1'irst. Thero had been so much paid ly the State for Attorney's Fees, here j and there, in different cases affecting the ' ('..nimnnv.'-altri. that in 150 the Lcuisla- ! ture passed a special law to stop this Irea- Fury leak. The -d section of this law declares i I That the salary of the Attorney (Jcneral i ... sliall be ion" per anntiin. payable ijuartcrly, which salarv shall be in fail ter all service's . 111 au. cases in the Supreme C urt wherein : toe ounioMiMe-aiiii is a panv. leir ill ie.ii ..pinion, or nuesii, ns of law submitted to I...11 1 y the (iovemor, the Auditor (icneral. Siate ; i reasurer, Mirveyor .ene-ral,.. L anal ton.-: tbeir rcec;pt3 u?uaHy reaching towards riissioners, an I 111 f.i teir all r ccs and 1 ro-! .. . 0 . . t. SM.mal Services whatever to be paid by the , 9-0,000, it is estimated Will not fall bc fonimouucalih." ' hind that amount. The American Sun- Hero tho salary of tho Attorney Geuer-1 al, previous, small, is raised to a large sua,; and all Loucst men supposed a - ficUHterohilitiuH against paying any more lawyer's fees was enacted. Rut, no! The same Legislature bavins Passed a i lill-against the wishes of the Canal Commissioners and the party cormorants ho had so lornr fattened in iho nnblh. I . treasury to sell tho Main Line, il,, ! a ..w Canal Commissioners in defiance of tho I plain letter aud spirit of thc Law-hired j ioftt lawyers to amtcsl the will of the l'e p!o as expressed by the Legislature ! ! o as expressed by the Legislature !; Mu win una among me cuaie Areas- tuc most severely, and the Foreign Mis ter's payments, for contesting that Act sionary Societies arc in best prosperity, lre tbe Supreme Court, the following : The Anti-Slavery Associations have been i rK ale av 91 no most Lurt- The CIo"!t s J ba- Wm. l. Hirst ing tad a windfall of legacies, displays a;,,,. iuo g00j check roll. On the whole, the 6nan- Coctrary to tie Law ia fjrm and ia sub- cial storm has becu weathered very tti!- riaece, yet tic Lo.foe0 Trea-r-r fullr -.Vrtc Yjrk L'.:ir; list. , 1 -.. ! 1 1 r . l .i. e?... T' I and Auditor General allowed these sums i tbosc lawyers fur opposing the public voice ! Ruckalcw pocketed bis share, Sixoml. To preserve Legislators as much as possible from all improper bias, ' and;. in the ouir. The rh.rktrcj nrur.i win most handsome and generous manner, j manner. No better specimen of the gen nud to prevent them from legislating . I";"4 ""!' m,"u ,,;,r-u',UJ'nJ ! "Ha cavo ordorV" to borrow the language i crous, impulsive, brtive and courteous I c- o , t y llu: I uM.e-gene-rally. Kfi. I.ew. C11F.0N. fc ' ' i - , t i money iuto their own pockets, the Cunsti- - . 1 of ouc of our countrymen on board the ; Irishman, has it ever been n:y good for- tulion wisely irovides ' Susquehanna's Last Cruise. : Susquehanna, "at once that the naval hos- tune to encounter. The Commodore talks J ! ti.. it o .i r.:. ...... i l . . . No Senator or Representative shall, lur- i inn the lime for which he snail have been ! elected, be appointed Id any mil fjlff under ' lhe Commonwealth, which shall have been the emoluments of which have been ; increased, (tilling such lime. Is uot that, plain? And yet, during the last session, this Mr. Ruckalcw, Sena- t0 sca for ilavatia. A month was spent 1 the Loapitai wbcre everything was provi tor, was conspicuous in passing a law for ' ia Central American latitudes, between Jed for their comfort that would tend to the (Governor to appoint three p.crsons-at tbo island of Cuba and the port of Aspiu- ; ,bl;ir rccovor,. The boats of tho English ! a salary of S2000 each to rttiv: tho pen- a! code cf I cnnsjjlvauia. It passed and , Charles R. liuckalew is nppoiutcd to his j utter astonishment, notliubt! one of the j Commissioners. Evidently against the intent and the terms of the Constitution ! as this is, yet f 'low-plunderers are not; ! wanting to quibble about words-, and at- j i tempt to explain aw;iy the plain article in- tended for plain men. Webster defines i ifilco" and "commission" in almost or fi,li0 ,Le sime u.rui? Any Loucst ,., i e . . . c , . , ' must coutess that the time lot which an ; . , . . cs against Slavery aud the c.vrenii c J ' ! pf ,hc S,ato Scuo1 Superintendent ! Salal' and mileage as Senator (say) tsi Co rer year, or SMI" j Vers against the sale if the- I-utitlC Works contrary to I. aw fsalary as C'oeie t'oiuiuissioner ceoi- trary to the Cousliiiiiu n , 1 otai for two 1 i:jir.i, or ?2!il0 per SO year! SIMMI This ia addition to his regular profeS' uou 10 uw regular -we shou d say was prdh ,. ...... -L,.-. siouai caruuiir-i W 1'".' I"jr a r a waicu-ue 01 me iie-oinu n money . a - guardian of the purity of the .fc . . . '. ' , , judicial ermine ! aud commissioner of the i .!.. ; yeuai voue fThosft Litre mnU thn snlariVa of -Ttii? -n K- M Uencr;l, m u - rcarpretty good for him alo ') It ill be further remembered, that . ' there has been no more willing and wait - ins allv of the Slave nower. in our Leiri- t; r . r r- nature, tor years past, than this same Sen- ator Ruckalcw. In the last session, Cff c- c;a lly, all his admitted abilities were taxed : the utmost in defence of the Lecomp- i . 'on Pwjcct No lawyer ever defended, from Mr. Ruchanan, tho purser of the j slave power. J.aic rumors amrm wnu much certainty that Ruckalcw will bo re warded with a 7,500 mission to South America. Financial Statements of the Reli gious Associations. The financial exhibit of the different re- y -s orsan;zations peatcj in Xpw york city) d(.gIUo ,bo rauic of tbo ast 6ca60rl wbicb occumJ at tho vcrv BCriod K,cn ! bc ficen . I 1SSO-T 411.i'5 lir.T-t. f.;-...l...l Amr. Tract So. icty Am. r. lliblo SeK-i, ty Ainer. lleiftnl el C'-mmipneM tfT I-reiirii li.-?.iou-. i-u.l. lvO, 10 l:iy 1, ls-"7, and Hie eaDI te-rius t" My 1. 1;"jS niii- nieii!h5, Am.r. il'-ne- Mifir.ury S,irty, I'r-'.l'y. Il'.al. K,preisn li-i"!i, Mi til. Ken. .Mi.-iDiiary S.-i. ty, M.'th. K i.. Sud.Ihv se lt.l e'niuD, Moth. K-i. Trst l S.ri. ty, Auier. lU'ti-t II. .in- .Mi-. So. i.-fy, Aui-T. Jl I'.r. in Itil'V sewicty, Ne-w Vork llit-lc s, .'i. ty, AmeT. A lnh i;n I'liri.-timD Cnion, Ami-r. l.' Churclt iooj. Mite. (une y-jtr .' May j, AmiT. Ki'i. Church 1'ri.n Miss, N. V. Seilelay sclev.'i C'niju, 1 l; S.'JHI ai...T'S li.lV.17 l.'.:'.Oi K.'i.l'Tl C'ie'.iTT st.t.J 1 1 'Je.S ie'-li 4.'..'rf -'l,7 1-.71J Tteeu.J S:..(eJ.1 lf,..'i..8 ' .V''!!"-! 1 aLeie-n s rrK'.let S'Tie't v, Fwuale ttunreiian Soriel 4W ' r ''' vniair Ma-.taivn tm-y. Nyt"t "niLou t'm-tr. ,Kt'"n:i' I'omiH-ii-.itinjf Kmnneipa- tivn JStvie-tj iirt auuive-rtar.,',', r.s.o i j 100 10l Resides these old or, arc gcvcral Others worthy .... i r . i rti . . Reformed Dutch C hurch Roard have their anuivcrsary in June; Jay School Union,which held its annivcr-1 ! ia Philadelphia, gave its receipts at i ! G5,0T 14, failing off from the pavions Ucars. Tho Young Men's Christian As- i eociation receipts 5,!5l!7 ST; New York I.9.lie. Minion Sr-deir (Pin I't- 'receipts ? 1,373 ; Swcdeuborgian Printing I ' and Publishing Society's receipts, 3,013; ! ...i 1 -.1. i..:... . : V.UI Ilir'',illlll dl I II1UII.,-'1. IJl. I IIUI UHIta ! ir . r i. i.. ..... J ov' . . Temneranee 1'nion donat ons 1 0s7 i Tbc expenditures keep about equal pace !, ,i;r r-pinfiI. The. Tract. Rible nnd ' nomfi Mi.s5on8r. fWu tirs have .!,l Home Missionary Societies have suffered . ..... j e.our your,,! frienj.j.ii A.5iitnoriwiabur,wiin : ZZSSZ i n,u rumi-imt u with it.e annex, j extracts from papcm : .Tm'T,,,,?: The Susquehanna's Last Cruise. The U.S. steam frigate Sntijuehanna has lately arrived at New Vork,aftcran event ful cruiso of some two years. She went iuto commission, Capt. Joshua It. Sands, commanding, ou 5th May,lS'0, Lul- u-o. aieam onwyntnunrm and On the 17tll Of tho SatUC mouth Stood wa;l . flcr Bhieli the Susquehanna was ordered to the Mediterraucau squadron. gho made Fayal on 12:h, and Ciibraltcr ;ojj July. The cnsu'iDg ten mouths wcre jdcasautly enough iu the Med- iierraucun. The Susquehanna visited most of the Mediterraucau ports. She lay some time at Naples, and was also familiar at Gibrul- ter, Port Mahon, Malaga, Toulon, Genoa, Sprzzia, Civita Veechia, and l'alermo. ' Th() tLi.f business of the officers and men , . . - , , - . was to keep themselves well provided with ! . . " v l ous but that they had ample time to cn joy the glorious clim ito of the Mediterra' ncan, and the many enjoyments which are oticicj iu travelers on its snores. u. . . HIU giaei IU UOllCO lU:il lUe OCUaie Ol lllO "ewt w im,..wu i""eu mej eau u. .ea), read constantly, it. a log which has been j rnUc), Statca has tc:,tiB,j iu altrcciation try to, in part, repay. As Congress ii in submitted to us,of the ship being "again , &f tii n0,jlc liot by admitting him to session I trust that the papers of the I'ni enlivened by sweet music, and the delight- j 0Q lhc fljor teJ gu.C3 wU, ,jT0,ate aa espressian of ful singing ' of Italian damsels; those sea- TLe s LaDna wa, ,;,ccJ ;n r. t!iank,, and suggest (for I trust it will men, who gallantly invited some of the .. nn ' . . . ..' .,. .. ' , onK, m,pd . .ul,MiMA that m.,!:.! he opiirarSinecrs to a bal anJ discovered, to , .1 . ,- . ! t"Cir dismay, that the mercenary vocalists 1 1 : 1 r - l - .. 1 1 KAoe-eieu iu uu uaiu lor Lueii aiieuuauce, ',.,,, , , ,, ' - are entitled to our heart s sympathy. Al - tJ,ctcer however 1 . ' ' we can not pretend to much commiseration for nenn!t who ennnt. , ...... nearly a year ,n the lUed.terraneau, on ae s'11, Wltl1 n0 rcasonable wish ' ""fc'iCcd, and nothing to do. Tl,;a i;, lOCf , l. e,.... i 1H time !t year the Susquehanna '. wa 0,Jcrcd ,0 f'0R and ,0 asslst the A.'. 1 ,,,,- in tHv intr inn i ritirrniiin p im j at tb(JDIsIo of iAt toward the n- .- . 1' "ut vl ;"'. -uu I ""V1 ' . ,n lue ",u lhe LSI '".sh-1 cd on all who wcre concerned in tho Tele-' graph enterprise. She took part in the baQDa d 1 lo was again ordered to the Mediterra- ! j ncan. Capt. Sands had received informa- i j tion that an American vessel had been ' seized by tho Rarbary pirates ; ho nrado a demonstration against tho supposed ag- j grcssors, but nothing seems to have come j J of it. After a brief visit to Algiers and j Genoa, he received orders to return to the 1 ! homo station, and accordingly weighed "" ' anchor aud made sail westward in October Com. t.auidiu Tbc'r,art rcserTcJ for tLe ! Com. Paulding. The part reserved for tho Susquehanna, was that of a mere spectator. The visit to Central America was,howcvcr, I destined to be a mcmorablo event iu hcr history. The busqtichanna was lying in the har bor of Grcytown, which at that tiuio was singularly unhealthy. Apprehensions of the consequences had for some time been j entertained ny tue oiueers, nut notuing .i , 1 appeared to justify them till about tbc ! middle of Mareh.whcn several of ;he ship's . company wcre seized with Uts of vomiting, J,..i M 1 -. 1- 1 r ! ! vu -JU i,lareu " M"w Vl u,scase ! that was pronounced to be Chagres fever. Other cases appearing, the ship was order-! '.hn. nrmc.1. ... ft. a I. ......... ..f .'A....n tuu. ne3u iu iuu uuvui u. u.ejiunil, with but slight traces of sickness on board. Rut, ou UUth March, the epidemic reap- pcared increased virulence. Ou the ......... . a'&htf tLc lat -Mm., lour ehieers and soe f"r lnca Wcre at,ackcJ auJ lho rtr'' became imminent. A council of offi- cers was al CDCe tapt. Saud.i, and U Present concurred iu his opinion that thc sbiP shoulJ run tJ tho ost United Statcs Prt wk,ch was I'sacola. Steam was immediately got up.andshc was Ucad- ed for that place. Rut, before forty-eight s.i". e-i.3y, 1 , . ...... 1 . i , , - , , ., . 1 11 . 1. , . 1 .11. , I cd to sea. At nrst, tlio cliange ot air an- I men usucrmen, mccuanies, anynoety mat i spccico colleague uaa noi eccu in sue., u i JUizauous, lucre i.i :..i..i :.i.. . i ... i h.mro to annoutieo til tho Senator from . ,j iiuu IU Uil. V IIIUU UllCUUCel mill IIIWI- eeiie. iieacu u' vinaillf , UUL lie, ftuow- " . - .. - I """" i.. ti.. j:... t...... .1: 5 1U1 ; r., .l ..: ' -ow lot-, wune no was iiscu.sipS tnj T. 1 ,. , ieui leaueia. a uu u.seasu aiuiosb uiaii.i" 1 e.,v,t .e.e. siui, uuitn- uo - . . .11, - 1 Publication: , u t t i t t proposition, that the vote hael been carnctl , luo miji, auei suu uuitw uu- rJ.,., ,e.e,e, .eU.u. .,e..,eJ, ; . , . . f . . . . . . . , hours bad elapsed,it was discovered that thc ; TCSS!:1 was s,Jort of both coaIs anJ meJU ciocs - f tLo otmCT she Lad not CD0USa t0 reBcl1 1 ensacola under steam, it was, therefore, decided to abandon thc idea of reaching a United States port, but to run for the nparcst placo, which was Jamaica, then some four hundred miles distant. All possiblo steam was wade, and the ves sel was put to thc test to reach Port Royal i . aAnei as te.iccihtn " J w - i ...... . She tuidc Pert Key', on the nirbt of : J the 5th, and a communication was instant- ! !j nt to HritkU Admiral, Sir Uous- i tou Stewart, stating her unhappy condi- ! ". Tbo Kiiglisb officer behaved iu the ,i til on shore should be put in order for the reception of our sick. The orders were most faithfully carried out by the sur- geous, who worked all night so that by -,, frt.SPVPn men ivi r tr:....enorted t, squadron from the Jwlm, Imnum, and lJtvntiwii, nobly assisted in this duty they cveu came provided with cots for the went to Kingston to coal, and tailed ou sick men. Surely such conduct deserves the Stb, having sent twenty one more men sonic suitable acknowledgement from Con- to the hospital. gress. Vice Admiral Stewart, by this one On tin 17th, the men were all dis act of humanity, has won for himself a charged from the hospital, cured, and reputatiou that will contribute more to his fame than ail the battles he has been cn-" sent on board II. M. S. Ln.ium, Com- " rut uf'uu "tr : constituii. n unless her . fctch us there," said Lis eldest, gigedia, covering a long and brilliant ca- mandor Grant, where everything that" it The l'rcsi'dent himlf i "God forgive me 1" said the poor racr rcer. Com. Kclh tt also comes in for his could conduce to their comfort was done , tu' "t" vUl lately' Every '"body c':an' bursting into tears. "I have not thare of our thanks and gratitude. All '- '"' " t5- , . n , . , ,. hail to these noble hearted Englishmen, who "onerously risked their lives ia saving the crew of this vessel ; for they did not To Commodore Kellett, to C. R Kin-: 'u b,: ""i1"",1' l tha c cf tl,c hesitate to placa themselves iu contact near, M. P., to Staff Surgeon Rurkc, aud "'' ' j'i ,T r ' 1.'' 1 . it- never sanctioned Ly the Oovernmenf. with the sick when occx-iou demanded it. to Assistant Surgeons I.arry and Lewis; j i,-pcaf, that I do not desirj to occupy The Susquehanna left as soon as possi-' to Rev. Mr. Turner, and to Commander the time cf the Senate now. I am dest ble for New Yoik, having on board Ii Grant and officers of tho Iniaum, uot ouly ', rous that the vote shall be taken. A Rhodes, a medical officer of the liritish .we, the recipients of their great kindness, ! majority, by some n;eans or other, has V,,- ..!t, ,.ite- r J,,m....,.,.l lifKtiiinliie! ,l nri. l.iil nnr friom! !.,) decided against us in tho other IInue; , hcr J'0a at tbo r;jk of bu 1;fc. Vc , r. ., . ., . r .1 "" , " " , . . . . . the lower hay. She is a noble ship ; as ... , . f . J' , l.u.,uv. w "...' u..u. uv " . . .u " , j. u. u , , 1 ... , her heavy guns will warraut as sho i 11.1.1 1-.. 11 11.1.1 1-. . 11 Calculated tO do Credit to our Davy by her . , ,, , . ,. ... admirablo Luild and the perfect discipline i.ti;i.i i q.i 11 ' established by Capt. Sands. llxrpcr t 1 - r m t- Journal, (A.J.J .l,y The Susquehanna Sufferers at Jamaica. Kingston, Jam., May 1, lSoS. TI Lave been favored withth '"VvT" statement from one ol the oilicers tett ry luo SuHjitham at l'ort Royal, cf the circumstances attending tho recent mor- 1 n b"arJ The SMcs steam frigato Sus quehanna arrived at Port Royal, Jamaica, in progress and "sounds of revelry" and of gaity on board. Ou the Susquehanna, tho contrast was fearful ; naught was to be heard but the groans of the sick aud dying. The whole spar deck was a hos pital. The Health officer soon came alongside, and the ominous answer, "we have the yellow fever,'' was made to his inquiries. Ho left the ship, and rowed to the Iudus. In a short time, Commo- iol0 Relief, C. R., and Inspector C. R ' our poor fellows iu the Hospital ; and by 0 o'clock A. M. of the Cth of April, Lrtg four men and officers were landed, and were snugly stowed away in bed, in clean, thoroughly ventilated wards, their ship clothing removed, and them selves dressed in comfortable hospital ap 1 v 1. ... .. . . 1 . ,, 1 ,.a.e.. .,u.uUers0i-m.u.ic..,,g -dL,gcis, . in the shape of black and colored female ' 1 .1 . . . .1 . e nurses, uuug over mem, wiping tne ioaru ; from their lips, applying wet applicatious , to their foreheads, administering cooling ' diinka, an.l watching over them with the ' . .1-1 1 - "UUU.CM JUU uua-'iJ vgi- j lance. I'rcvious to the appointment if Inspector Kiunear, the nurses had been j n,.ii .1)., I,, out ctliMQo ..ti.l I ' . " " .vjv wM..uwu. ewee, muv x Crmly believe that, under God, many '' lives were saved by the devotion cf these j good women, in one instance, in the . ., , case ol me on,y omcer who died u,s nurse J"r,BS Ltr fUC on I him, and had to be removed; but, itunic-j diateiy on tier recovery, snc was again ny ; bis side, nor couia sno tie persuauej u leave hcr duties to another. j 1'uriug the first day of the epidemic, i the labors ofC. R. Kinncar, Inspcetcr of fleets and hospitals, and ol bis able coad jutors, btafl Surgeon J. I age Lurke, and Assistant Surgeons J. S. Rarry and 'iu J. Lewis, wcre unrcmittiug. To their skill, kindness and humane aitcntion, and to the thorough nursing wc received, it i;', under God, owing, that thc mortality, frightful as it has been, was not much greater. Wo all owo these gentlemen a debt of gratitude never to be forgotten. During tho height of the epidemic, ofii- I errs and men were frequently visited by Ceittr.oJorc II. KcJKt', C R , ("ho com mandcd tic licfJule when it was found ncccry to abandon her,) who inquired ...,..! t..i wants and checrcil , ., ... : most kindly into their them in bis frank, hearty and sailor like of going homo via the l ulled Mates, some time in August next Sec that he gets a good reception. Iter. T. R. Turner, Rector of Port II "j al, was iulofatigablo in bis attentions. He was constantly among tho men, ad ministering spiritual consolation to the ill aud dying, and encouraging the despond ing; he also performed the last sad cCocs of the dead. ; On the 7th of April, the Susquehanna wcre, by order of Commodore Kclictt, by Commander Grant and the bfbeerd 4 ,i i : Ti,,rr...-. : i. . ;i..i inn that ship. Ihe ottieers in tuspital were discharged ou the 20th of April. ' the American people generally, owe a 1 .i..i,t , f ,...i;i.,,t.. .1. .... t 1 J CC J si ut the officers whose names I have men tioned. To Deputy United States Consul R. A. . it . i- . . ... .... i. 1 iiarrisou, j.sei., we arc also lnueuieti ror : . . .'. ' . ..... mucu kindness and attention. Hisetuties, ; u i u , 'l in the peculiar circumstances attendmg to , : , ' -.. , ., I sending to tbo hospital of tho men of tho I j Susquehanna were very laborious and vexatious; but they were performed with j 1 1 e i 1 . 1 . , '"'",r "-. " , ,' tjeneral, who possesses the respect and af fection of all classes in Jamaica, has been, . I regret to say, confined to his bed for some weeks with a broken arm. His great age (SS) makes it improbable that he will ever entirely recover. I mu tnot emit to bear I . . , testimony to the kindness wc ..... , , n Mr. llitcbms, the agent of rail steamers.-fw. X. r. received from lUli .k ,'llinitL, DILJIUI IV,. ... 4. lhmU r r..' ..,.. .,i .. a ... ; ou board tho Susqucbauua, ami CI who survived the fever. In all, f7 or 5"5 died 1 out of a crew of say 230. Gen. Cameron's Speech. Just b.fore the vote was taken on the English. Kansas bill, in the Senate of the I'uited States, Senator Cameuon said : . Rcfore tho vote is taken I desire to say a word or two in relation to my own course It was my intention at an early part of session to say something upou tne general sutject 01 Kansas allairs, but f I am, as you all know, not much of a public speaker, having but little capacity iu that way, aud no taste for it. 1 often felt disposed to take part in the debate ; but when I proposed to do so, 1 deferred to others ; and sometimes when I felt like going on, I found that some gentle man was ili;eussing the question better than I could hope to de. I rise at this time ouly to say that I disapprove of the proposition uow before the Senate, much more than I did of the origiual attempt to j force on the people of Kansas a Cuiislitu- ijou uuiiu laiy Htm uuw.iiiii to Libe-. . . ,,: ,:,: far wbich men mi"ht have voted honestly. - . . . wiiuoul subjecting tneir motives 10 ecu- sur?. This I look, upon as a dilferent nf-. fJ'r- '1 Lis, to my mind, is a trick to im ' P0tC u',on mt.n' cr l". ehMC CjU T men to make the impression upon their cons,itU(.Dtlj at bDmc that they have been acti,.T honestly. Still, I should have sai l nothing ou this subject now, it my re- ., r r le. U'e'CIUCn Ol lan;-as. IIIS aei was SO different from what I expected from an honorable Senator from Pennsylvania, that "" --"i iie..j.i.iie toforc understood that no man iu the cf ,.cl .lvalii was lllorc positive nnd decided it. the egression of , hy belief bif..rc the people, that Kansas j woulel uot only be a nee ftatc, lui mat snouo. uu.-un .-o..-...u.. .u ' alI nlc 11 !i!".'uU Lo K1'? a ma" I j ority of her eiiizons. His whole course! in me, mini nc came iierc, was in lavor Ul irteuicu unu u. it.u i.uiiueiu oeaies. His owu history was such as naturally to , make him an advocate cf free men and j free labor. Why ho has changed his j course here is no business of itiiue ; but it ' does seem to me in bad taste that he J should act as ho does. Not ouly thc , whole Opposition party in Pennsylvania, but a very large majoiity of the patty to j which he belongs in that State, are oppos ed ta the conduct of thc President of thc United Statcs in regard to it ; aud I fan- not permit mm to come nero ana rnaxc the imrression that he believes thc people i n ' , t f ;. ., , of Pennsylvania are in f'.vor of it ; nor can I r'.nsitin tuUt, aucL js 1 di-rl-le to .... . I. .. ( talk iu public, whoa the impression is at- : tempted to be made that the people of, retiiisvlvan'u are with hini ir t!.e j J , . .. , .. 1 ! I resident of the I mteJ Mates upon tLis . subject. If the vote were to be taken to. morrow, tho people of IVunsylvaiiia, ly a hundred thousaui majority, would decide that tho rrcsilent f t the 1'l:ic1 States had deci ived them iu regard to this mat- ter, and would prove also that my col league is misn presenting his constituents oil this great qiiestiou. ' The people of I'entlvnnia are confer- s vative, and ou all 'piestmus cunueeted with slavery they have a'tvays taken a moderate course; but, sir, 1 toil you that if any man, who was in their e ri.fidtncc iu the year I'-oC, couIJ have convinced tl.cui that, by any possible means, a con stitution could be t'Tccd up"n the people of Kansas iu opposition to their wishes, aiid without a vote of the people, Mr lluehauati could never have received the electoral vote of I'enu.iy lvania. lie owes it to the conduct of himself, 2nd the active influence of bis friends all over the State, asserting that ly nature Kansas must be free, aud that no man would dare, uo 1 matter wat his position wa, to attempt of; knowa that so I:itc as thu 7tU of Julj Inst, he wrote a lettur to a distinguished man in j kau-a-, telling bun that the constitution ' ,hc. '"'l? T''"' '.' ty wiil vote agiinst us. .. . ...t . j ... The above is a j ist and deserved re Luko to the fool hardy Rig linr who so ably wii'sropresents this State in tho L". S. Senate ; and we give it a place in our col- umiis with rlcaaure. It neds no com- niuut from us, r.rtliL-r tLaa wc ftel it our '..IT. j- l . a 1 j uul-' lu KUL00 slale iiuianeiius we uisai 1 rove 01 ccuaior Cn,neror' pio.rsP in rairin- irith Sr-nat.-.r 1 0 Davis, aud Lis vote on the Army Rill, . ' . . 1 ' we have never doubted that he was true ,0 tufl f'P1" uf tu Republican party. Ut"e rur. therefore, in lay - iiiu ct mucu i uia uu wuius tciu PflLfw-ftS at,e,'cotaUilkfrn'l'l tion. JIarkthat. IXtkr Cvunty Journal. ; Senator Eigler Vindicated by Sen-. j ator Cameron, I La the debate on the Fishing Rountic, ' ,Lc I'nitcJ States Senate, on tho 12th . . , , , c 1, . - , tnst., Mr. Liglcr, of 1 eunsylvania, oppos - i ,1 .- 1 f o . 1 "'e proposition before the Senaf, and moved an adjournment. Mr. Cameron J i requested that he would withdraw the mo- tion for a moment, which was done. alltl he then described Lis colleague's taritl . views as follows : Mr. Cameron "I desire only to say a word in vindication of my colleague, aud 1 think iu justice to him and myself I should be permitted to say that word, for i'ou K" 1 "J uot 0!;,-0 occupy mueU M ! " , r - - , , ! satishtd he is aetin:; in accordance with lis kn0WQ j.riucirK.,. Jle y bc. icT(?( a frt.c,rade maDj if 1 c3n ;uJ ... Ilirn , rQm b;3 att!l 1 rcmoniI)Cr lhat at tlic ; closo of tll0 ia3t tt.Sai ,he rcjl!Ction of Jut on our rcat star,i ircDi W34 .,,.,. if not by his motion, at least by his vote He) agreed to it, and was perfectly satis- fied with it. The result has been to break up every iron master in Pennsylvania who had not a fortune beyoud his bu-mess in trade". Kvery man who was at all indeb ted in his business hjs born ncd The ir 11 busiuess of IVncsylvatii 1, about whieh geutlent. u s: euk here, is uj longer an interest. No man, unless lie uas a toriune mil ue lias in in rue el or obtaiued fi ,'in s tirces beyond his lu-i wss. is e' ipable of conducting a furnace for a day. "It may be- tho po'icv of my e"!iengrf, and it mar rerli'it s I a t one, t ... 1,,-, J,,w a! tln -e interi-l-- ,i that af. tt.r a wiljl. wc baj stjj ,,,, . a Commou level, when we shall be coinrelled again to return to that protective Auieri' .m pol icy wl.ii h our lathers in-iirutcd, and whieh toe 1 care i f the eotn.try. If we were to destroy the duty on s:'.t now, a proposed by the Seuator fi.111 Rhode I.-- nd, 1 believe after a lit'Ie while the salt interests weu!d help lhe iron interests; and if we lake off the s;i .,'or duty from gentlemen down iu Louisiana, 1 thir.k af ter a while tuey will come t i uur gionnd; auil if we should repeal toe law returning fugitive slaves, all the geulletueu in the net to allow sudden changes. M'ich ex 'uigger' interest would eooU help us to ( Cjw, J,...riaes the i-rodue- t.lka C:tr.' td our iron i-c, it you run .. 1 ...:t. . .. ; ,,;..' Lton not Zto el of oil Iv es wo 6,l;ill b,gill tl ftul ,s lm.u,Xri ,.f ,P SJmo pr,,.lt couutry on ;ht to f el, eueh oue willm lo serve the other ''l thought this s'atcm. ut wis due to my colleaeue. I thought that it was due t ,iul cmig fluul my ow iState, that I should make this explanation. ' "Fenny Wise and found Foolish.'' In Cincinnati, a few daystineo, a man, who resides withiu twelve miles of that city, walked iuto the Citi.eua' Rink for the purpeisc of obtaining a sum of money which ho depo.-ited there several years agr Imngiuc his feelings on Laming, that the bank had failed si.v months ago'! lie bad uot cveu heard ot the pause . r(t(,Ilt, , CTtr bo ,U(JU, ., , . .. ' a , . . , with such a riveSiig it ttjenee f..i he t-v-lt " t"TT' Losing All A Family Scene. fTnrl.ei, L as well as 1 , . , something eicedingty ter, 1. r instructive, in the f'llowior which we take from the Child's Paper j A few years ago, a merchant failed in business He went home one etning. ; "What is the matter?" asked his wif. ; I 1 .! he exclaimed, pressing his hand upon his Lrehead, as if his brain was in whirl. "All :" said his wife, "I am left." "All, taps," paid his cldrst boy; ''hera am I." "And I too, papa," said his little girl, running up and putting her arms around his neck. "I's not lost, papa," repeated Eddie. And you Lave health left," said bis wife. "And your twj hands to work with, papa," said his eldest, "and I caa help you." "And jour two feet to carry you about." "And your twa eyes to see with, papa," said little Eddie. "Vou Lave God's promises," said tha grane''nother. "And a good God,' his wife. "And heaven to CO to,' said said the little girl. "And Jesus who came to . lo all. What are the few thousands which I called my all, to the so precious ; things which God has left me?" and he clasped bis family tj bis bosom and kissed his wife and children with a thankful heart. Ah 1 no, there are many things mora precious than geld and bank stock, valua ble as these may be iu their place. When the Central America wis foundering at i sea' M'1 ,ur5CS of PU were strew 3 atJ0Ut tI,e .jj 3j n-orttiless ss as the mere rubbish. "Life, life '." was the prayer. To some of the wretched survivors, "Wa ter, water," was the prayer. "Rreail, bread 1" it was worth its weight iu gold, if gold could have bought it. The Hygiene of Laughter. I ... i Cheerfulness is the tliiir of life. A honrtv lim.1. wii.u . k.l.L -'- j jb . .wu,.n. e- unnu 1 : .. .. , "U'J "uu luan an me potions 01 riii- bag. r. ... ., ... .. Are you sick? Almost dead? Wei, ' , , 1 do you expect health will come to you and ' take posssaion of your torpid system as j -.tu.iuuuiut mm uui u ue omnia or.LYie'Vi'fuesV t cria therefore Cultivate hopefulness in your soul. Look on the pleasant side o,f questions. Tear not, only believe." How simple! L-ok abroad on Nature's works how iti laughs in the fullness of joy ! Hut when the sun, day after day, hides his face be- lut suu, uay u:iy, utile's uis iace , . . , ' "in d gloomy clou Js. how all things chanze! . IlIJcw U'on's 00 tI,e . , . , , . rut corrodes tbc V0' ,nfects ar.imals, decay creeps over ill. Again the sun shines; earth becomes bright aud health prevails. Year after yesr, Nature writes this les son will not you learn it ? Heboid the lilies of the field ! go out into tbe sun shine, ay, face the west wind, laughing at ; ts antics, and become vigorous. Awa? I its antics, and become vigorous. Away with melancholy laugh ! laugh at some thing, anything, nothing; but laugh. .' lUutlratel. FEEDING CALVES. A calf should never be changed sudden ly from all milk to all grass, but it should be Lrevtht about gradually; otherwise the growth may be injuriously affected. Ihe food with which they are fed has powerful influe nce on milking properties tf all cows; au 1 the mode iu which thy are reared has considerable effect on their capacity to give milk. Iu milk we Lava all that is necessary fer the growth of the young animal, and it is the type and rep resentative of all food ; for, unless an ali ment contains the principles of milk, it not fitted for the romotion of the health and perfect development of thf body. It is a bad thing to feed calves ooskim miikas b. th the butter and ciscin Lave b. on removed in th" shape of cream. Karl Sp peer, of Kug'au l, wh was veiy successful iu weaning his calves, fed them first with new tni'k and then with sl.iuimilk and meal the latter supplying the rec:?-ary uitre'-geu and nitrogeoitel materials Kxereise f. r a e.If thdt i b be raised, is a necessity, but for all fattening ani- nals the rovers Care should t" talten ti. n f butt'-r, ahd increases the yield of cas:cin. Poor pa.-luies produce uiest theese", and stall feediug most butter I tti nt jjlx l!-2...ii. I have now dispod of ail my properly for my family ; time i one ll ing mcM I wi.-h I could give them, auJ that is tin t'liristian religion If ttcy Lad this, and I had not given them a shilling, they would be rich; and if they had not that, and I had given them all the world, ttVy would bopoeir. Patrick Henry's Wki L. Slrvo.n of A tJi'AktR. My friend, bridle thy t"ieue, to enable thee to le niiiin quiet; mill J thine own tu.-incse, an will not have much time to at tend to that of others ; and theo wdl Lave many fiiends and few me in its. fieu Coiuonfei'. tho exiled Picsident of M.xi. ki. airtrel in t Y tit i i, '?v t !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers