jL s "ti i" 1 - I? rrroisbnrjj CljroniriiM o. k vy. rrrs & j. r. corkelius. ultj q runv tiiifMr in l iii -o County. Fiwdom, national : Slave it, seelional! Ten meuTterB of tho Luion County Cujrtmitteo mt according to appointment on Tuesday list lavid Houuinff in the ohtiir, and Jos. 1. l'oiroy, Secretary. M. i observe is entrusted with the ofliec of Col Khckrur admitted from New Berlin in .lector of School and Horougb Taxes at tho absence of Mr. Doalieh. ! Marietta. It was voted tint all tho opponents of 0 Friday week, tho large weight at- thx ".irinr.il iii!tii.;r.i.i.in 1... intltAt t.. fM..Iirt in llii. town ili-er. in thrt Rtoel'lc hold K!.-i.iint.nt. s':..,,r,l:,r A,.., 1 SS.tb. i...vt i.. il.a T..trr..i.;. fr.m ..,'. 7,,' - l'.M., r.ni in the lionnghs from 4 to 7 1'. M.-asdfelrct from each LUtrict reject- ir. '.y t .v, Delegatus to meet i.. Oou-.-y Coavt:.ti...n in Jaowisturg, at 1, I'. M., cf AJiju'iy, .vujiisi oUin, 10 niuo Nomina- tiuns and appoint Conf. re.s. Uuioa County May Court j The ba?iu( of this week's Term was na'eria'ily curtaikd by the alsenco of thj Frcsidcut Julgo, II jn. Au'.M S. Wilsox, who wo understand w.ck bvfuro laj-t had a paralytic s'ruko in tlie right side, which j rootra'ed hiut on the fcideuulk iu Warli ingtou City. His physician forbade bis' J.wiug his home this week, and his tSort to secure auother Judge was unsuccessful. If is feared by many that be never auii, will be able to dj tT elivo tervice ou the bench, although ho is exnceied to rreoide : in Snyder county next week Th,. Awn.-i.-itn Jii.1..... 1..t Rmr and Simostos, transacted ueh bu3ine ! req-iired no tcchuioal legal lore ai.d ; m?t iio opposition the Senior promptly suppressing S3mu ''lillibust. iir.g" propen- , pities among the lawyer, aud dealing out ( that "ju-tieo" which is tho nigral savor of "Jiw," with duo discriniiaatioa. The Constables' returns wore; received and new Constables sworn in. Cliaries D. Kjush of Ne.v Derlin was Xfpointoj J'orcmaa rf tho tliaud Jury, which, returned" 0 "Truo Hills," auJ U. iguoreJ C iaiJ b. f ire t Letn. Tboy were di.-oharrre 1 on We !tiel.iv. Tho Traverse Jurv wero di.cLarr-eJ on V C Tucstiny, after trying one case only that so far proved unavailing, cf Comtu'tb vs. Joho Mayer, au Italian The i-jccie held bybe Jiatiks of I'bil vagrantjwhj nas cjuvicted ef stealing two ndeljibia aruouuts to uearly seven millions casts and a air of pants from the buiHo of of dollars. The circulation is under two llcv I'rcs Ortvig of Newll- r'ia. Penleuced : millions and a baif. ten motitiis in lVrjitentiary, costs, Ac. ' The next State Fair,. The next au Ilanry Gcutzcl, indicted for stealing a W5t;h (which to Bild lo a jewel-.r in lati- ville) from Wui. 1". IVugal of Keliy Tp, plc-al t!ui!ty, and after reiuarls iu uiitig- : n:ijn of 9uL-hnicrit by Gov. l'oil"cii, was sentence! !o a month's conliuement, costs, The remaining Commonwealth cases nd Civil lift postponed to ncitT.rin. 1 Tho applications for Tiivcrn Licenses. were all granted, as follows : j -l.'(-'..TI. Ann (jointer Win h KitTtr Jonas Kiher Peter Wehr Win Inh 1;tf V.'m 11 Sech'.er liolen liiehl Levi 1'roinly Henry (lihson Tu I' ', r-ir.rn 01 1 a s 4 r r. 7 H U 111 II I 13 1 1 15 lrt 17 1 19 NewC t.luinh do Wliite Deer town.-liip Limestone do MilUinburg borough East lluiraloe township ' do Union township A't'ii 4 v. entensaui Lewisburg .or.w j . Charles U Vox do do It (i Hetzel do do iiavid Mover Win Wolfe Davnl Stit7er eiatnuel Uauin Michael Klecknct Uanleton t 1 Hartley township New llerlin borough , diaries Crotzer West llutfaloe tow nship .Martin KuJv Ilutlaloc do Wilson inn was appointed to run the , boundary Line between I nmn and Lime-, Bicne lownsnips, unuer tnc reccni aci abolishing Jackson township. Alter Irtlliutiefino- rither mie.ellaneflus --- KtliinA r.f lin noirnl rr rmV.lie interest. I llirt fl.lirt ndi'.nrnpl until tbi ibic nfier- Loon, to transact the Orphans Court bus... nrci in nnnrionliin u-ttli tn ll.irrufur A' fc ; I . : Washington-, May 10, 1858 -Las. evening, the Itepublican Association of Washington bad a very spirited niocting ! ot their headquarters in Iudian avenue. , Gov. toward ma le an elaborate and elo- qucnt addrcss.iipwnrd of an hour in length, on tho origin, objects and po?pects of tho Anti-Plavcry movement. It is the first lime that he bas addressed a popular audi ence outside of tho 1'rco States, and this vas one of his ablest and most interesting fpecches. iW Wheat. A lUItitnora niner ' fays thit a bundle of wheat stalks in bead ..T,;i.;erf ; ti r ...a tt,t "- J ' . -J .j".. . . ........ ....... - - -- . L J UilUSIU, LUU ' IU 111 ..lHUUl.l U mu JilLll the early wbent of (he South will bo in ncaday, June 2nd, this Road will be let , Office announces, "by order of the 1'iooi inarket before the lt cf June. Thcro from Willianoiport to Farrandsville, a ' dent," the rtmocl of Calhoun's t'Cioc (as Me now immense quantities of wheat growu distance of S3 miles. Ab far as we can i Surveyor (lencral) from Lccompton to ia all tho Southern States. Georgia, in ksrn the Kaiiroad is to cross the river Nebraska city, as early as practicable, particular, is a great wheat-praducing below Linden. j Congress has postponed the Land Re- State, especially in tho Cherokee country. The Members of tho Lycoming Mutual form m auj tuC I-rtfneh Spoliation Hill, The fine premise of good crops and early Insurance Company aro notified that the ! wjtli the l'acitb Railroad Bill nothing Iiarvefits everywhere must affect the prico ' said Company have directed an assess- wj su;t this Administration but appropri of old wheat and Dour. j ment lo bo made of 3 per cent, on all pro- a(ion bills and schemes to extend Slavery. Wasui.noto.s-, May IS The Govern-: mium notes held by the Company. Jaigc ij0ring) wuo was (ootcj out ofa meat lutsnua Keeping a large military forca id Salt Lato ,alle"I and will make & Times last weik "took a tower" through a.t Lako llity a depot of stores, f.uip- tLc eireunijaccnt regions of Snyder coun x ieiits etc. Lrco if the lato Utah iiitclli-' ty duriDg which ho was "absent five days, geuco prove true, tho supply trains will and arrived safely at home, after having b pLulicJ on and ccuiiuunication ci-tab- i- ii,.., . inuea aua matntainea oeiween i-ori iveav- enworth and j-alt Lako City. JiWi'Bi.ioAN ViciOKlEr) At tho mu- uicipal cloction ia the city of 0:tawa, in Illinois, last week, Mr. Glover, tho Ho - fullicaa candidate for Mayor, wa3 elected X y 33 inajurity. Iu tho city of Mineral l'oint, Wit., last week, tho Democracy J - j....- : were uaieai.u vy ucciMe uuujutity. John Conncy was cloatcd Mayor. The latest acanuuts from Mexico confirm is utknuwn. The loss is estimated at our anticipations cf tbo triumph of the 53,r)(j0. Insured f-r ?2SoO, ia the I.y-t7-.-.iSi.iLiLt. j auuiitg CviLpnny Xcuia item; from Other Cowttico. On Wednesday of lust week, a- very valuable cow belonging to Samuel WittcD mcycr, of Middlcburg, undertook to cros Jiiddiocrcck, the water being very high , and the current stroii", bhc was carried down, the stream striking against a pile j of drift wood and was drowned. j Sinuilab.. Fred'k L. Uaker, Ex T. S-i and editor of the Mtrnttian, we -r.i... i. i fi I, Miiinn fi ll '. . - - . . i i to t ic uoor ot ttie Dasemcnt. it mauc a ., , fl , r , i ' "uare bol U'r0US'' U'C fl'f alwTC' uit ! "iried 'llu onc W aDj a l"3"'' ff' plastering. It was about wciut. auu lis iuii was occafciuutu uv iub C ' 1 rope breaking. j We learn that a Canal ltoat containing ; about 2500 buPluls .,f c .ru was sunk at j thu Muucy Dam ou Friday last. We have j not learned the cjunC of the mishap, or uucre tuo boat was Ironi. .Vniiy l-unu- j '""'! i l'liosrECTS FOR tiik FcTCRn. On the ; Mayor's vote at the late election iu l'hil- udelphiathe Itcprescntative districts stand. twelve opposition to five Democrats, j li)ils of tho cul-ri orl,C3il i .11. Tho 11. -Seven districts of tho seventeen ara close ', .,uu!iCans may well boast of the passage of and doubtful. The Senators are divided, ' Mr. FuglUh's bill. ItbrUjstlu mstrcujih, . the -2 Demo, districts by small maj .rities. j hat hriHJS Ka,clicti ,0 us as j.ariy. We . UU regarJ to tLe Longressioual districts, ! tlie Ur-iiOMtion uar etrricd the second. . tLirJ' and fdurth. auJ thc Dcn,ocra,s Lavc a VtO- sma11 majority (-7; iu tho first, j A largo grey Kaglc was shot nearMun- '7. Monday morning, by Uervey M'Mi-, chad. It measured 7 feet from tip to tip , (,f wing-". i About seven mihs from Totts'-i'ik near j llecaiiersvule, IU a vein of white a chuyikill county, I'a., i h coal iu the llroad : Mountain, has been on lire for twenty-one , 3car3 ras! aD" ls lurmiig. the fit is s-u;jaied" tu liave Letn EtartcJ by j two miacw, (who lost their lives Ijr their j temerity,) and toliava burncJ ever siuco 1 "H nieatis to cLeck or citiii"uiU it Lave 1 t tiual Fair of the State Agricultural Society j will be held at l'ittsburg, iu September. I The citizens of lhat city bavo subscribed i the necessary amount to secure it two thousand dollars. The Slate Society bas leased the County Fair grounds of the (. ouuty society. Jameit C. Vandyke, bas been reappoin ted V- 5. District Attorney in tho Eas tern District of 1'cnosylvauia. Wekvil Mr. David Clark, of Porter Tsp , brought into our office last Friday, a handful of earth literary alivowitb wee vil. The field from which it was picked up, wa latst year iu wheat which was do str"Jed l? WceviL II W" thcD PloWe(i last fall and re-ploughed thi Fpriug with .1.. :,,tpi,tinn tn nl.mt it in enrn. On cn , . . . tenug the field last week Mr. Clark found the whole surface of the erouud to bo : alive with weevil, tbo identical insect j Lund last year in the wheat. Jem-jf !wre (V)J(1V,l. As Mr. Darling, of Ilidgway, KIk Co. 1 Fa., was coins throuch the woods about milcs frora that villacc. he discover- cJ 0mc cloth whicU Ud been a coat and j a . :t gntniJ uuman b0nCs. A party ! visited the spot, who examined the re-! - i r .1 - r . .. mi mi nun 111111111 ill luu inie&tiia 1 1 1 lut . -i -i , . j f garmcri a 61lv,r peac, casc, wa.eu gara, . i ,1 . 11 l t i i : tcys ana duiici mouius, wnicn scrvea u i(3cntify ,ho rcmains a8 thosc of a wan . t. i . :Ban,ctf ":U'T !! 10 '"icomiug summer, one million of Democw , i"0 W00U!i 1U tua ",ulLr U1 l DO- , and another mat, started out on a huuting ; excursion up l-.ik Creek on the lUtU ot . 1'eccmbcr lb:to. A snort aistanccup iuo creek they separated, and Kccd was never j seen alive alterwarjs. l ho woous were , i j e .it searcneu, uui mi irace ui mm aa uiocjv- , ered. The manner of his death remains n tnrforr. 1 j j Levi 1. Read and F. Newton lole . succeed John !. Johnston in the publica-1 f I t. II f 1 YI ' tion ot the IScltetunte tug. i Col. James Cameron is proposed as a 1 IK mocratic candidate for Congress in the ; I , fcchuy.kill and orthunibcrlanu l-.strtct. s,-,r.v v.mv. T!nn nn 'We.1.' i 'l he J. litor ct the oeunsgrovc journal walked about on hundred miles, crossed ..... . , , ,, , a ihousana Hi s, coiiecica a icw -Miiucrs, a H.UI..UI.I i i ! got a god soaking, a number of new sub- ' scribers, fought a dozen dogs, and killed ; 0ue snake its dead as a hammer." j Tho dwelling house and store of Wil- Haul Y.' alt-nan, iu Overton township, , j Bradford County, was destroyed ly fire i 0u Friday night, 23d ult. Nothing was ... -. l.4.i: , gavcu, VUl Some lurniiure, a uiue ucuuiug 1 and the accounts. The origin of the fire LEWISBURG ' CHRONICLE during the tLuudor storiu which pissed j nrrr Vrk ptmntv. lust Thursdnv uinlif. .!. I,.rn of Mr .Ticnh D.Msincer. was . . ..... 11 i" . . .1 . ' struck liy liumuin" ana uurueu io : ground with two hundred bushels of oats, B,s0 whclt corn an,i hlJ Insured fjr $000. A baru belonging to Mr. Crouis tcr, in Adams county, was also struck and consumed. I Wo understand a rope ferry will bo put into operation at Seliupgrove, by Win. Gaugler, of that place, on the completion of .the Northern Central Hailroad, to ac- commodate the trade and travel from that ! point to the road. The Weft Chester AV Wi"c;h Petuo- crat closes an article on lhc passage of . ,, ... . ... , . thc huKllau bl" ,llus : "Ooo result of this whole mutter U the demoralization of the Democratic J arty. We aTe tvDt anitmals dl!Si.Uious. The . ,. , t nm l nrneno... nlmtil ia fi rl..mtif nilf mill Wft caQ nQt ceag(j t() r.,cur ,a lhc diffl.rence w,ict woulJ Laye tliotcj :c f ur ranl:g) La,j titf a(jmiIlistratiun given its influence agaiust uufa:r auj UI1ju5t effort to rir. .., i.P,,,,,,nn r.mstin.ii,.n on Kan- gM if it ujaituiucj Le original grouuds of the submission to 1I13 people of Kausas of their fuuduiucuial law, the Democratic party would, to day, havo bccu ju viucilcs at'ainst the cmibined shM ,i;4,i0Il(l.. await tlic CLd of this Cou .,;..,,. i,i,, tl.n l-Vo Kf n.. ii f . Kansas to come into the Fluju with a slave c(1Leti!utiPn. We do not inteud to i auticipalo specific difficulties, but the very J countenances of those who are known Lc- j compton men show plainly that they think j their troubles are only just beinniii". i They evidently ceo breakers ahead, aud if i liicy liud thcnii-elves on the rocks, th fault is their owu aud not that of those who have faiihfolly warned them sguinst thor d.in'"r." A New Kkmkhy. 1'ruvidea pile from one ,to two inches iu diameter; baviug squared oue end nail upon it a tin ba.-in ; into the basin put a ijuaatity of live bard ' wood oals, upon which sprinkle roll 1 V I brimstone, previously LroKen into small . , , , , ,1 pieces, or sulphur, or, for the want of . , . . . , . , . , 1 euuei, loojecu may ue ucu, uui uiuuioLe is best. Klcvato the pole among the branches, carefully moving it around iu t fjf ,tJ0 (roe bIllau m,s aDj 6mu,.,e,j wjtn thcs until the entire leaves, fruit, are thoroughly smoke of the brimstone. Always bo careful to keep tho pan mov ing, iu order to prevent the fruit cr leaves from being over boated. Let the operation, when convenient, be done in the morning when the dew is on, and for i three or four mornings in succession. Wo dj not claim that the process will kill tho circulio, but we do claim that they , ' J I will leave the plum trees. The olfaotor-: . . 1 I lcs are very sensitive, and, like other sen- siUe beiugs, avoid tho perfumes of sul-' , . 1 I pher Or tobaCCO. - j Congressional Speeches. ' WASlilMiio.N, May II, ISS.-Fcw j persous outside of Washington are aware ' of bow heavy a tax of money, time and i labor is imposed upon tho Senators and; Representatives hero by tho immenso cir- j culutiou of speeches under frank of mem- l.r, I ncrs. I lr. rr.nnd numbers the amount of conies ' , ., . ... c c .ten n,,n . .., .. . ei... , 130000. VM'ei acc'orUinz t0 rar. .-., .i . i ct t..7.:u .... i ' nnn 1 . i. a.: r rn,, ,-.an ' ' ' The Philadelphia election has so alarm- i , , . , cJ iU Democratic managers here that they Lavo made arrangements for sonding into u;dcr frau - J O tie speeches and documents. The Kcpub- licMg sUoulJ talc carlj wl efficient step, i tQ cuuntCract this immense infusion of fai - 6:til,3 lVansylvauin is more scantily sup- ! pijej w;til documents in proportion to her j nfir,u;atiorJi tfaaQ any olUL,r yne Statc. : ' ' ' n leriUb:iean Keprescutatives here, for the mJt , arc K t of lheir jBt , . v.... i.v.'i ii .e iu inia jcsjicci. ..iii, ran, uu iuu eve ui , icCtion, tLcy will cull upou tbeir ncih- Lors for aiJ M a liu, timcly cser,n j ,i ...:.. .hj -ir..sent session would have made them independent of. Cor. X. i: ' ,,-,, ( -- I J(jLq Cal0ml lei afraiJ , back . v .!.. n :u,i:(.:ai station bv the peorjlu of Massachu- I setts, bas been promoted by the 1'resident to a scat ia the Committee of c!aims,madu vacaulby the death of Judjje Gilchrist Air l.-.irrl!cll ff Tn-li,n lin cn.A m.n t , . a i . cent remarks of benator ilrodenck, con i - - . , , ,, i.irnin nia tru-ti-rr. i!illil nn Alt ccrning his trickery, called on Mr. Ii., and asked him to retract. Mr. lirodcrick's response was : uci uui ui my way, yuu i puppy." Mr. English obeyed. At the August sessions of Dauphin County Court for 17SG, wo find noted, that the name of the town Ilarrisburg had been changed from Harris' Ferry tu Louisbirrg, by "order of the Supreme Ex ecutive Couucil." At what time it was , ,, , , i ctaingcd back again, we can Cud no note. ILirritlwy Daily U.rulil. I "& WEST BRANCH FAl.M YA i-M AY il is VAsiiisoT.N,Mjr 15.153. The Min- j lifsota Senators bavo drawn lots. den. j Shields drew the term cxpiriti" in March 1J-.fl ..! XI. IS.. .1..,. .-r.,lin.. In Mureli .'..., uu h.. i ."-"-0 - 18t!:J. Tin: inr.AiAAi. Oil ? 'tin A l.'p mrnti'Tj, Hut by ft. l'atil 1 11 tiul Hi.- taiU'.m if it " J'No ans. to Misc. Kiiigina, April l'i. No ans. to Enigma of "Mohawk." t'No ans. lo ArilUm. tjucs. last week . IV Answer to last IiiJJle, -Ohio." (V Ans. to last Geographical Knigina "L'i.'(.j Seminury, at cio tltriti." I l-"Ans. to ti Misc. Enig. last week SimuH Cumeron." All answered liy Eillas I aii'l Timia Tl ; A.i Aniiimn ; Mollie ami Flora A;W. I'.. II; M.S; A. A; Frosl j'aud V. I.. A. ti'R TI1& Li:ViiLi:U (IIIIOMCLB. .viscELi.AXKurs i:.k;ma. : I am c.iiiiposeilul' M leiters My 1 5 10 a 13 n a L'limrse root fi a 4 9, a plant otlen st-eu in woo.ls IS 7 :i 13, a tur.l II 13, a pronoun i 7 1 1, a race of neprot's My whole was tioveriior of this Sr.tte. A.;iiirtu.A. .vise 1: 1. 1. a a i:m s j;. ia m. 1 . I am composed of 10 letters My 1 3 ti, is a sprin? moiiih 10 8 a knot 01 leather 1 7, a conjunction .r. 2 !, the name of a female I U In, u-cd every day My whole i tlui.k lb a very sweet rlnM. 1.1 ALI E. (;i:u;iiAi'iuAi. i:.h;ma. I am composed . t 1 lelleis My 16 - 7 Mi, is a river 111 the 1'. S. I 7 K ! II. a rucr in .ouihern Europe 1 l'i I 17 I, where a celebrated irealy was ma!e c, : jo -:u s, a town cf Europe !i IB IS 17 .'. It!, an islai-d 111 the Me.ln'n 1'J 4 IS l' 1 10 7, a c.ointy in .New Veil; Hi IIH 1 l'i ti, a oay on coast ol .. (J. Hi s ti :l 12 IC. a county scat in X. V. 1 I. IS II, a small sea'in the Old World 3 10 1 1 Hi 17, a lake of .North America 13 21 17 1 lo 3, a county of I't-iin'a My whole, what every L-otlv should have. A.ti.T. 4SHIil LIST Of VJ:.Oi:KS ofM. re.h.ii)di.:e suited lo License, within me i.'oiuiiy ol LXIO.N, for the year ISjri. CIV -.U I V-E S -lolnnn Ilr.-i-l-ii' li .Mari. il.til,.,uuy 1). II. l.ui. t Il -.!iri ;:r Te. .1-. L.11.LLH..S 11 ll.Tlj.l!..'. Hi. Ill li. V. . ll.r y.r ."iiiiitiinir .v Wittmr m. V.-uiij: .lr. It v-nr X liul.i.-r ii : io u f- .." II 7 "U I ; in i"i 1.1 I-' -' II T . 'I 11 1" wi 1.1 1" w 14 .-I ll :. ... II z. io I i 1 I'" ii ; no I I :; :.o i i n ...i 11 In o I n in i-i u s iu 1.- A lli.i b.-r Ont 'I' orwin. mt'-iit T. tl. Il..wni,lu 1)0 Ui ' "ui.- M S.l.aw int. i .-1 -. sjilili-.u.-r a Tl...m..n S. W. f ti.ltcru.-M .1. il. Jo ilii Ntw Ittrus J.. d.i Jo do Jo Jo Jo W. Kiiu.'k V-:tri--k X Ita.-5.upluj li. II. MiOi-r J. I. Il,:iir l.-lwinl W itsou i:. W. Mnizii HariJ Mil. In II M. Kl.. knir C U. lO n-h KotH-rt wiuferl llro-D. Ilivar A 10. S-lu Si'liot-h , ay. r. fi.-Jile.., Marsh Co. J.i Wi-.rti:u Cliatiilx-rlin Uru a Til lUt-Nesl'it llurdti ...K.lsiaa .1 l.ii II. II. ill- H nlf.i. Wi-Ui t k Co- l.lLWISI,tl.li Jo il.. Jo iVr'S' Jitr!!?' ''; ;i'"" II. . . rolzvr inrmndi I Imrlfi. ll.-in.-r smni ivurwi 11' "V.T, Kr.-m.-r A Sl'01ur m FniMni c. AN-x'r Ainmrilifl Wm.T. K. ilm. ji-r J. II. WiuniT ',-, ll,!si,;:Q" ;-';.j.h .1 J. Waiu mV. k. mi .!,'." i!"uVi."'.n C,'K' '"ul'in . K-sl.-y s. it, r,i t Co. Jo Jo Jo Jo dn Jo do Jo Jo Jo .1.. Jo Jo a 50 a :ki 3 50 14 11 14 tl 14 1 11 11 u 1:1 li 14 11 Jo Jo do 7 no 3 . M l"-noruiD lio 7 li-. ' Kn i.v Te. NIlW -MMBU .1 . WniTE lin: TP. 11l.-i.ilol K.i.irij K.KMI HI.VI1.1.R V3T liir.i.-B T-. '.'i'l lo Ci lo e.i J J ..'!. '""'r Hinnn.iKi.-h A. II. I.nU mac ItuJr Jo IHftilUries. WtsT Hi rriLOB do Iluy nirl' lli i-b H.o'.i 50 00 An AI'l'EAL will be held at the Commis sioners" office in Leuisburs on MONDAY the .il-t day of JI'Ni: next, when and where all those who may leel themselves Brieved by ihe'above Claiiicamay .T It they il'"li proper between the hours of in and s of ,ha,ft"raifcr Hartleton, I'a, May 18, tsr.s I'l.ilV Al I'AXCV 100K DINDING. ' VUh SUliSfTlIiCIS havms llOIIj; it Hie ' . .. T 3 . Wilson, ot .Milton, ami ait.le.1 to u some Mipfri.ir iinplements, ami havim lint: secured the .l0VNTNCi,!io , in ..... ..r I' Ol.? US, II ....l'l..,v.. ... .-lie Ol .llir 1,0.1 llmdeiies in rhiladelnhia. and eomes i with the first recommendations lor integrity and competencv. are now prepare, o mi I im FI ri !' re.. ' iM ft J" nazincs Kews books, rampniets, iid0aiincs, iwews- papers, Plusic, &c. fee, ! in every style desired. Work may be either ' bound or half-bound, in . Calj'Jloau, Tarltiy Morocco, Shirp, or other Leather, or Ml'slin of mriuu colors, and ornamented with MAItlll.E PAPEIt of Pdillerent figures, shades and colors, i Old IJibles and other Hooks or Papers which : it is desired lo preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin I dcr's skill. j rjfj'ltlanlr Hooks, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer ' Books, Pocket Books, Albums, lliaries, &c. I.ctforoil wl'Ii C'oUl in legible and durable characters, tn order. MUSIC POKTPOLIOS, &c, made to suit customers. I.etterin" anil Bindin; heretofore dune by the Milton Hinders, can be rxerut.'.! by us in a evrmiiiiniliwx .vve, as we have their tools, i types, and desmns. I t'A pood Bindery has lon been desired in this vieinitv.and we can therefore most re spectfully si4icit ihe public patronage, trusting ltml it u-ill h. iiiri.'irnl In rpnftv llip nnll.nv and r.slt. If Kent, loots, stock, and work- men all requiring money, we shall expect I'A V OS Vi:Ll YER V of all n-ork.. j We intend to charge moderate, utisoti abli and uniform prices, on the " Live and Let Live" principle and hope lo make it a permanent business. Otlice in the center of Market Sq'iare, north side, second storey, adjoining the CimnxicLi and Telegraph olfices, third door from the PostOtfice. WOKllli.N 4 TOiCNriLIUN. I'rnP rS. heshy E. DOlVMNU, Ageqt. Lewisburg. May I, I5m. t Executors' Notice. TOTI(H IS luTl'bY "iVril, lliat LfttlTS Testaii. lentarvon the int wi:l ai.d t. s'.i-- 1 MAS rl.l.A, late ol HI.'M hellvtowr.slup.ileceasfd.have hern praoleil to i the luolersiened, by the K- ijiMer of I'm- 11 ; county, in la: f-rin .1 law; iherefore all p.-r-j sons knowing tb-nwives indebted to saol estate are recuef!"d lo make immediate pay- ment, and lhos havin? jo t claims ai'amM ! the same are also requested to present the.n properly aiith. -iiticairn lr settlement. W.M. s. U.IMiAN I'.x-c-l'Arit'HAE Cl.l.MiAX, , utor.. Kelly Tp, May 12, IS.'.S Administrator's Kotice. "."rOTICK. is hereby srivn that iMh-rs ;i-(miinstr;i!ii'n Hjnui the cial .r jvtis t'U iMIUilll.l W late if lhc hnroiiih cf Lew- iiir, il'-cear.!, have been lliis d.iv crJinicii ti the Mibsfi ibt.T by Iih KciltT i.f U ills b r the enmity of I'liitm : pfrons havir. claims aimsl sai! estate will i ndent them at oucf to the subscriber t'vr setiit nieht, rni-1 ih.-se f.ttin ;-ai.l r.siaie are rej tuu-J to iiKike pavnient iiiiiiie.!i;i!eh. U M. II. rilAMIir.KMX, Atlrniii'tor -Lew isbtirir, M:iy ft. IS FOR. .sent by Wa--h S.l'ooo. Tie y are -1 RENT! IO.HS ..eetsj ! a! n:'Oin It ot'-hiii----r: -oi:.ii-:e I. r SI l ) i I'lt's: 1 i.o- 'y J')!!.N 11. l.i:. : ,m.i tin- 01 1 1 'I' mi- .1 i'-:y 1 J.;u ti, 1 roi; s.u.i:. rjt:iKi. icril-.-r.-flersr, r. ale l.i K.-.-:.kiire i o the vet sole of iV't.'.h ISeeon'l so-. . : in ti.e llorou'.'h ol I.ev.-is'.i.r:-, !ji tu ecn M;,ri.i-t a.-.d M.I.- ;ii Mu.-,--.c..ii -; I t.l' i : ee ,r a lot .il.d a lij.lt el rouni!,n::ikir.sai'r..i.i..i ''' ''' 1 n mji 1 .s.-coii-.l street, and in lei.ln l-'.'i l''i t-i inch- s. The i:ii.rovenien' ;;re a r. ino-o-i: ti I'.i'e e-r-Morey UltK.'K 1 )" Kl.l.IM! ( )T'SI', f press-.J brie::.".; net Iron l l.y M feci .1-op well ti'it-he.! v. ;:h a inarOle tae, in.'irl.le Mils ati-1 lintels it. tr- i.t a i' rof v. 't :: V. t:..' r.:. '. . I s:t l.y l! leet nn Out Kt'i-I.en a IVe'l f ex- ; ri-iient wv.i' r, wv.'.i a I'ooiji in, i:i . i-r r- . i a -lui-:--- :e; ii ;i!s-i iu...--r r.oi-:i !;:ii I ' -v f:;! I. as Ice 1!- xi.'.-ate! cf:' r me. olll-t.tuM:l.". 'J h-l.' ;ne 1 in i on s.i Lot -!.. ice Fi-iit Ti,'"s : 1 r-hroi The location is a dei-lr:'1 '.- . tie e.;l. r r a private res i. h-ue'- or p i! !:c I ..- u.e 1 1 1 i-n the most el.-vat.--l j :.rt of ihe Dor. tifli, bear the ::rt House, a i.-l t ut :i t.-.i i .)-..... c l,...i : .'.Inrl.et strret. Terms "".li be tor I" .:-v. June II. l-r.7 (i. F. .Mil. Mill. r o k s a l j: . A MY r.esidence, ell .North Tllild street. ! Ljil.eu isbur, :il It. Iroi.t, on ! ii.clndit 2 ' back boi!lit.tr f:S ft. die,-), li.isemenl. an 1 , Aitieh lini.hed. Leiy convcaienc in the wav of out-boi!il:ns. . ilso. a Half Lot on V?rl..-t s... opposite P. K tti i';, rCM.!or;ce, with a ..i d . til of Wa-ti-r and neu- Si-ibie ; very desiral.ie lira bust- ; lie.;, siand, or rrsidenre, (or bi.:h ron.lofie-'l.) llsci, oilier Lots, se-nio w ith arid si-iiie without Bniidiiitrs. JOHN LUl'KE. ' Leu isbttiLT, Oct. S, !.. i Hii! Farmers 'luince fur a llaraiii! I70R S 4I.!T. near Leu i-t titr. a Tract c f t alnio-i 1 trros of tt'iod Farmi.-ie Lar..'. Iiincstuiie soil. I; v. ill t e sold on ri-a-- nl.at.lr-I. nut al r. v me a!rf for Cai.li. ln.jiiiie at the Otfiee of the C.'.r uii!-. .lut.e lo, 'f,T "I ,1i: l TOIt.s" 1 It i:.-N ..lice i I j h'-rehy iven.that the tin ! rsine-1 have t t..-en apt.ointed Lee;iters of tho cMate c f 1. Mrs. MAKY SWAIiTZ. I.iic of White Ihe r tou-nship.rtiion ci. utiiy,.Jecea..ed. All f.erst ns in.le'.te t to said estate are requested to roitKe . inimediate payment, ntid those hnvin; eiainis against it will present them properly authen- ; tieated lor settlement. ii:ni!t;n j. swahtz, r.xcc- JACOU SWAKTZ. j un : New Columbia, April 22, lf-SS New Arransenient3---Kew Goods! I USE P1I L H.VWX Lavin? taken ihe J well known M' V A' :'.' 11 A T rTOl:i:. has ti lilted it, and tilled in an extensive variety of ! Jhits, Cups, Gcnlhmrn's Cluthlnj, tr. J Also a lar?e and splendid stock of CLOTHS CA.-dMl.l!l.." c, which he wi:l miilie up In on.r.as he still oniinnes the Taitoritii; Cusi- ! ness. He is prepared to execute all work j entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. ; J I N. II. Ciittinir and Repairing j ; done to ' j order. Lewisburg, April in, I.'jT 1 WINFiELD FACTORY! Scar ISai llcioil, IVh'oii Co., I'a. , T1IC sul'cri!;er? thankful for past patronage, wen! ! iniVrm his iVietuN and tlc pnl'ic in com- ral. ihnt he continues tn man u lac- : tun- all kinds i f Woolen floods mk h as . Cloth. CaMmeies. 'J w -Oii, Nattii;ci:s. J-ari. ' I!anl;s an-l Viiw m-'s ; al.M, (rprt and . S'.iTkiti Varus. Hi-. nai lni;ery Lon: oi' h? ht-st kind in use, aiid having entffewd t i . t : host t f workmen, he fce!s sate in s;;vini; ihut tis work Miall t bp Mirpavrd I v any fiabli'-hurnt in the countrv. A sr-i iii- p!y ol' the ahove z ds kept constant'v n !i":i ! UT sale ti r to -xi hai!e tor woe!. ;it prices that c:rx lint fail to plea-e. WOtil, v. ill l e Carded i:: ihebet ir.annerand on the slu rit -t notice. Terms for parditu. ra!i on t;!' dr. hvcrvof ihprolis. MAKiv iiAI.Ki'II.NN V. , Winficia Mills, March !S-"-7. AdmiDistrator's Uotice. "TTTHEKBAS, Loiter-, of Administration V to the estate .1' ll.Mii'.l. S-rHliADlli:, ' late of Hartley township, in Tnion cottntv, deceased, have been prrinti d to ihe subscriber, by the Keiiler of said county, in due term; all pei-M.iis iiidelileii lo said estate arc request ed to ma!:e payment, and thue htivini: el.iuns atrainst the same will present tj.eiu du!v atitheiiticaleil f.-r .--eiilemf.nt, to JACO-I MIAVI'.K, AdminiMr-.;, r Penns I're. k P.O., Snyder Co, Mau h 15.1s.? ir.Ti5tvn.!.p, iioti i,. Ctnfrfvil", .') i-ih r li. T 11F. uiidersijiied lakes panir-u'.iR: l.-asnre in Hiuieiiiiciio,' to his Irieiuls liiai be has taken the ;ibove HuUl, and is ever ready au.! waiting l.i A.-rrnimri lnti. all. hnth erriit nr.t nil:ill, l in. luiiy kiii lly f.iinr turn witti ii cull. v. tinK.sAi i.. rii.-irtiTH!, Afrit, 1S.-.8 Surixs.-or to l. Sil.:a... 41 OITOIfS AOTIC'C. 4 II. persons interested are hereby notified d V X . 111 that the undersigned ha been appointed Auditor, by the Orphans' Court ol I'meu county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of John Ilauck.l.'uardinn of Susan M'Uiure, late Susan Slrorkey. deceased ; and lhat he will attend to the dunes nf his appoint ment, at his cilice, in New Berlin, on Salnnlay, the 15th day of .May next, at ten o'clock, A. M. of said day. A. SWI.NEKOKII, April IS, ls'.S. Auditor. JOM tll KELLY, AucioitCr, OOLIl'ITS the palronace of the public. UeMuence on iSoiith r ifth street, I street, I.ewts- burg. Pa. Dccemler 5, 18J0. j QI-HIOL OKliF.KS neatly printed ajid f. r i sa!v ai the ChranUtt Ozlicc - m: i.ivi::i t ; o 1 1 a 'i 01:: I N V 1 , min i.1 .A.stur ii, ( Ollil'ICUl'Ifl. T i-i l: .a 1 1 Mt U s A 1 IM 1 . w !( rv tii- 1- . r, im;'l.-r ai ! ii. jp; i-U. t.tl.ff o.- 1 t: aii. 1: U . .t ' Hjf rT- . ' H ' In ih- : uia. h a i.J U.wfi t.. t.rry . lLat ia&;t-i, ,,-mm-:-t :i : iu f.uri- m-- l:.-!tui-:y ith-.ut uuy r ti .- j :i!f!i.l ! i-.u.l;!- i-.-.irii. D't-J 11 tli.,i-rnti'.in"-I f t t'ai:...i'sj ... it etr. it-iti' ii r.i it p. ii !. Hi --: iu. ht: !.. u r.ik-n .Uny in iii -trat.- !.-. .-trci.fe'lK u , uirl ijuiiJ it ui with uiiu?ul ri-i'iity- i '1 li.' 1 ;vi.i. 1.- ( n- ot lli (i-rin- i'.tl isui3rr f If... I:..t.:.fi Ivlv: kli'l Ji.-nit I-rl.-im-H-fuii.- thf j..fi.il ih- t-m ' . OL O .. i-.J. 1 tin- If ilitiy h. tu n t.f il." fnij' 11.1- 1.... let XT I rl' rtiuti ti Lie- v .i'U l IK' " - nl 1 niii i.t:. rJ 111 ' ii - ill- i...nu 't'J , ..; 11. ..I . r,--ii). .t.' - lu Jj . iii a l i:' l l.u.i t in- fin' i:i;ir u i:'i-.' li:'' ,t- 1 r- i- Unit t! ! -... tp.iir.:. .1 w il. I :. riu.-, la UL U : .1 li. 1.1 (ItiRi - r n.' ti' . .luij r.i ri- r t 1 : 1 TP I 1 ll . Z .1. Hi. id ti i.t y-: 9 rn 1. Hi ' : lilll' t ! .; 1. it t- ! -'; ! .1 h.-t I- u:. 1. MA o(;viy o, t in' ' US'. .... iu u. .1 '!1 ... & :. C -'-O';," iL ; . - ii CO i MI tUt tni!?;::iltr :- i i:i 1. 1 I i r-1.;. e: a t'. iv V rl. wi-l.urp. I'm : Juy l.i the At'miri'rs nf a Fiat' Ilea.! uf ! " l.IOI GLO.-SY HAIR. f In .11.1 v. it 8111 ii rii 1 lin l.-l - J :r ur l.i.. i. l'i: --i.i; Mnil- .- II it:'. i 1--1 II liAi I . I ... t - -1 : . . - 1. ..I ... in 1 .li! I... : - 1. '.iiiti- n tli. iii I ': ii. i 1 in -r, r.s . ..r I- 11- ,r.,,-. i: .- A. . nt f I I. f -. i - 11 ir I.. I tl.- f. :: i.ii -- i, e r t: t. l...-.-lrl..i- It . i k- MI f- 1 I, -nil Tru"-. ::rl ! :tr r. .1: t ! ill I iW HH?-H a- !1 my. Ifa.t r;T i ) ii" i.:t-t t. rl-l.-t "! : 'I it IIP A ) u r V . . 1 1., r. . i.i lh.-.r l-.-t, r tv. t! 1 I Att t b i r l it r TL tl :lt I w. il .rl!. - in. t- in I ! ui. :U. mi it. 1 ; Mi-ll U t l-.-r. 'r t' :i in t Li - j 1 i air. r 1; i. i. f i-i 1:.- -. I J. II t t.l. V j ii Ui . v taw t inn here, Il i v Mr. 1-. f !. th.' j ti t Kir J i- u.-. -l I Ir.i mai v lr : to s ; r-- 1 1 t. lvlrl;l'KA".T. .r: .... S. 1 1. 1. W.fi. Tl T. VTi r'ir.x .ti-.-if t.i tn t. k 1 It I.I II i.i or .- - t Tft- ' . llD'l n'fi t!: f .niii: in in- t !r? ( t j our li. - 1 l.i-ial to bit. 11. l:mJ ii lit :t ! .-C : i;.. I l.iivi- 1 iuo ij.il li w tl.i' in 1 1 mv l.fitJ ii f 1. .tu-.'.i -i I .!:..- 1 r'.ln;'tUl- t rP ffjfiici l.air. ;.ti'i tl-" tn rit i n. I -1 r. .iik it. I ii. !.t. I tr i tl 1 tlir fr--:-iiii!t u t ::li.i:t 10. y t- n. t,t tiati v, r. 1 Ibmk lr nt innv.ui . r- Hal r- ' i inliilliiUlioTi. I r;,n lliJUttf lUJUV fuLilS I' I irv it. ,ur hv?irct:uli. f THOMAS, M.I'. m -i'. l Titoe Btn-tt. j rilOF O. .T. W'i"HkT : A-yi-u nr- at r ut to mitnufaetur j nn 1 M ur i utly u: -" mI Ih.ir IL -t rarive. 1 ?iai. ,"f r T.l iM-rr it nn;v r.. rn. tl.at 1 tiT- ; u.-..i il Midkn-'Viii . n,.Ts ti- it-H.nt 1 'i Tvt- iitl v, KT-, ' in t!.. !' it i-i u-ii' i t!f r H;or i:.-t' r aiii.s :mt thiit I t.;-i u: u-t. m:p in r tonrty utt:- . tr I lii!"w. It i-ittit. lv r .ntjM.s il;.- i.i ;i I of Jjiiniru:'. ninl will. -'! t:i- iitl"l i - ; r u-- will r.-t( r.- :oiy r . -r.n"-1 -,ir t-. ti.-- rin::tl . Mul I r io -1 t a: nr.'. Clinic it ;t Ii-;tUhv. n t: ..n't n br..n-i-. aiiJ -1 1 tl:!-. v,i:l.. ili'.-i ! t!-" tl :U l I ! it. i-r li.f r.n vi.h-.t l, i; Urt j. I von'. '. rr i-. n--i i-.m- c-I 1 ii.- UM- t . ry c u- c-irt. ii- "I 1 i.v i- a t":n- t- i- r uul Uiturv lv Lh:.-. Jiv.-i'ciiu UL. Tr I'r.rlv- .v.N. Y.. b rj- i.t, lui in ,'in tl 3i: rfe-. -r. -it N. V i r. M. 1.. i. Ai. i : l !. .'kU Still Aucther Opportunity: It.tf'K At; t.' w V, ipVc this r.i- :h- I ( inuTrtiinir t; i-;:srtj c-t I.t v. urz at:d MirroLiui:o !.:!.'. that v. e w!a hi ur lu ii nine, ;;r. ! ::i J at i-tt t r or nrt:o : lire. Wo it li.-rt-to !.l Maml ai , vf f li i . -1 .V I'a'. Hull's fill?. S-.-rc. aio I liavir-; li.'uoli 1ft tt r !.: i.t ilir.n w bti.l t:i ..ur . M rHii., tni . i, ii re ol i.v. nn i.t roer..- in e . cry re.-reot, w t ; s'.a!! le t-ot'or at lo io arc.-i: mi da'..'. Pors. us ; 't i i. i in. ..f ,1 i. :. - 1 ;. -.!. i r r- 'ii s v i... u 'Ian- 1 1 i". rr.l o-1 . .1- i 11 .l it L. I ...iiiiO.- -:.h ll.. ti. run l.u.i- l -lii .n ill- r- i.- . tl i:i. I r i I-.- i I .- n;.i J 1: ln.i-.I to 1 1 :r ri. 1 .. I . in . 1 . ii.-li-.-. at tl- i-li inn:,- s. r. I.. I in 11 1-rijlii Ai-. t:ik. n t.-1 t ! r. I, I.I..1 riiinv ,lii...u:. k t. . -t I i.-l l-li lit I. -ioi It..- j ur. ! ;i- r. VI i i, i I i.iil ar.. us -Mi l .. r It: V W i.it l : IU--I -Iii. in I V I ri l t i . .it. -li- iM.-u t u i rll.. - i.- .il l'i IV St. . :3 i. V. rA'.TV, Art'-t. -If a-t. I H71 -ii.iiu-, ( . U rii -.I :L un t Id' I. -tli ik i.-l u: 1 CABlXETVAPiE 110031 IX' roUTil 4th Street. The sutscritn mosi respectlullv informs ihe citi.-ns ct i l.ewisburi and vicinity, that he bas on hand I and for sa'e a cheap lot of l l ItM I l Iii!, i lor the SpriioT trade, comprising liie.sin auj ('ottntion Utiicaii.-;, Scc- : rtitai-K's ami lo'ok Ca?c?. Center, ; ! Card ami Tier Tallr?. Pining am ' j i:.'cak!a.-t Tal-lus. t'ltj.tiuarits. Cut-i i 1a;j:e ami oilier Ueditcadi, tiai.il?, . Sola.', ami C!iaif.-i i , of all kinds. C OF F I N S m:uIe lt,f r'kr 1 r : shi.ri nonce. i The public are cordially invited to examine i his work.as he is sure that they will be saus-' 1 lied with his stock of Ware, and prices. j j MU.OMON YOl'.NC I I.ewiburg. Sept. lfi, lt"iG f i.tX Ks. M ;it hcs. v-C,. ami jru I1J . next door to Ms, he Pnvi Otlice Cheap for. fash. A. E. KI'.NOHMANDIE, IE, At't. Lewiturg, April SI. ISil. Lewisburg Cemetery-.-Electfon. riMlli Ann!i-.i E'.er.tifin r( a President a-J I seven Manntrers lo conduct the atfa-rn .- 1 the l.ewisbors l'em,tery Assocjatica, i j be lo ! 1 at the Oi'ice of U.K.M.IIer Esq. on first Monday of June neit, (dune 7.) lelwe.:i ihe h"Ui:i of .-fie and four o'clock ih3 af'iLruoou of said dav. THOMAS HAYES, r-tc'y. I.ewi-bnrr, May l'i, liiH Dissolution of Partnership. f I'HE I'arinersh.p heretofore existing nJ I Ira hn; under ihe name cf "Gooilman & Chamheriiii," is tiiisolved this 7lh day o Aoril, 15"., t.y mutual consent. JollN tUAli:l:i;i.i.v. Xc.ti Persons indented to the above Crn are r.-';ue.-teil to rail immediately and u.iU9 e::lei;ient. t?'All accounts hot salufacpjnly clo.-nl before the Stub, of May next will f :.ir.--l in the ban Is ol an i-llicer for perert t -. : y coi!ect;.,ri. The l:....k of ihe firm will be left tri:b - I i,;!oii . 1 . hi Itro'i" ; UY;tes irarehouie) din i.:- author ' I to act Ii.r J n Cbautberlia. fySt I iri:.--, wi.i .L'ii 111 iittuidaiion. As we hav? -Ir1-; t j;iv. w e 10 11.1t reijuire iirompt iettie- 1. I :. 1 . 0, ilol'.Utd to us. J. 1!. (.i.t.i-ni J.v. Chaybekliy. : h- V.i reharidin:--r business is contia- i.. I at 'ii" c;i WW ES" itand by fht'm nnt'ir. J. II 0-.ij1.MAM. 1IP.ST OF TIIK SEASON! T St !:i:VK!t &S0Xliave just re- I or."! ;i:'.';r :i rk cf New srh'x; am si'mmui goods: . 'i il v ,i rr si'il.r. vry ch ap. ThciSg :-.v I i ii ;irf anicularlj invited to EISSCLUTICri TJGTICE. i'.r. C' oar'.to r!on herei.-fore enstir.gbe- w.-i-ii w;e t.'l seiil.-es, krtou n as the trr.-i nr.Mtrroi, lj in : .a i .1 A; ( 'o., has terti :r.- .'i-- l.i i. i.iatoal Consent, lieui ca ; h.ivu c i.is nit. r't in said Lira it.. A::.ii.. lis. The LiisiLesa i!l 1-e .-! a .r li.e .-sine tau.e and st. .' ; i mer Ei'tr . J. I. UniKFEXlinilFER. .is -irr. M.ii.'IIX HKElMIAtH. i t:;:.-. j IlElliEX S.NVUER. n D;;;fI-;!ion.---lVotice. I:--r-i..:'ere enstin? te- r-bers, known a lbu .M .iRs ii A Co., htij -I I y niotual confer', : : --ire.l from sail F.rm. i ,1 -. hi hi i:. 1-hi:k MAVii:. ! 14... MAK-II ACO., nil- K. 'tm.MS, 1.1.11 L.ieil-.t:. I .: .o . : . - 1 t.. r.:; I Administrator's Notice. w 7 HLKEAS, Letter- of A !minitratton ro tiie e.tav of FLEliEKICK MARSH. !..:.- i 1 Leu. .-I i.:l', I lii.-n rounly, deceaied, !..( t-eea crit.:. d to the subscriber, by ihe l.'i t ! i:--i s-rr ft: K-.Co.'-!er U said county, all per i -j. r-. i. , indebted lo said estate are requested In nai.e imrr.. vi...ie paviijent, aim moe navm; ia-nis iu-air.st the same wil! present them iuiv aiohei.t e:.:e-.l for settlement lo (HAS. C. silOKKI.E Y, A.lmiiiistratcr I.-Kisburir, M.uch lit, K.8. e.-'-WAETrD inriEDIATELY !t i'.0(io r.r.-IiJ.LS CODN! 'J.OiiH JU SUP:lS OATS!! :'') I1US IJKLS EYE!!! F r whith a i"a:i prie wi'l te paid in Cash. In;:i re at ti:-.' f'li tir and fV"d tt-rt: Ap.-Jwl KVA.2 A FICHTHORN- Administrators' Kotice. "IltRKAS, I.riri-rs cf A.Iminitration i . th- eMate of Mrs. MAKY MOOREr Yv lat ' if Kelly tuwrship. e.eceasfd, have been dulv cratitcd to ihe uiulerMsned, alt persona kn. wit;? tht mt I e-i itu'eb.e,! to said tiiaie are requested lo make immediate )aymen ai.d tUu-e hav:-;-: chiras upon it will j-reseat them for ' t" ' !r:ent to ri). TltMM.Vs W K.K, Administrator M.lu ii, March, ls." I.1-.WIS P1I..11F.U, RCIIITECT anJ GUILDER, 1 LEW ism KG, FA Ij.' Oilice in the I'niversiiy BuiUling 6a sA.m;:t. ii. ortmc, Attorney at Law. OITH'E rn Sr.uili Sccnnd near .Market S:. . IV 7( 7.' I'A. I -."Ail Professional l!Llsine eotms:e!l to In cnri.- uii! be IaMh.'nilv an.! .rompily atten .i.il t- ffpt." H, ls;,7 LOOK TEIIS xotick: xut:ce:! xoticei:'. 1 AVI.Nfi ja.st rdurnetl frora the Ci:y J L w:!h an unosal'y larse Stock and e Uf I -.-t:-t-irr1. anil Mm now prepared lo Mli zoo is 1. u ii:;in i an t-e bought elsewhere on this s: !e i ! Philadelphia. Hnr-iwart-! HarJn-are!: Hardware!! ;:iis ;ils L. rl,s, Laiches. Hinte J'crcuv. titans. Putiv. Paints, Oil in lart ni l tiling yoa h-.ay waiato baililjour m'4 j u!-ri:i- In.ue ir barn twenty per evil-, l.-wer than eier before. 'Ihis uea f In CA lil'TN rilllS. hrre yon can set the cele 1 ra" o ti'u-. r.f el.l Planes. Spear A Jackson's l.a'i I. tenon Irr Saws. Batcher's, Beai'v's at..; Ilia-V-. t liieis and Piane Irons, pa rr.i at -.1 ci i..ino:i Braces. Trace Bills, Anders, s ;;iar. s. liiiatres.Iron Screws, i-'tmpassSaus, li..M:o;:.rs liaininers, c,c. I. a.-i. -o.i:!i-' Iron 11! OS IKilX AM. KIM'S- p.ar. Sec I!, r.T re. Oval. K nr. ; a:-.l S .nan- fas-. Sti !. Sj-r.nij aa.l KiirlUhs-.e'. Vitc. A:.v.l. lloilmv, t-orcw Plat. .. t:c. .-PKI'.CrKKS! Table Kmres a-t Forks. Cnrvrrs. S- . t r.s. K.-ttles. I.atiT'. t'n- -li. ,;. , Vj:i,. ml, ,h,. Vns,. l-,.-... l:. A.-. r. I . L i .1 1 . ii wis. f.nii iiii t: - i.:. .r w.iti A real uiai.j- t..i.- at it..- llAiir" oir m. I. . s- -f ?i J.IM I il V .- li H.V In !':.-C'.J tT.JlilJI .-;ri. II .M.-l-l i'.'i. l' Tl"S . .l i : j H.-.s lo 1 1 ' 1W. :u 1:; j I'.MO. II4Hi:RV i con n:cTioxr.i;Y. , '! s:iicr:bir respectiully takes ti.:m- : 1 !'.: to ill.: rill lllfl-i:v(lM Loio'.u'J ati.i v in ceneral.an l the Ladies in par t he has . p. i,l a Itakn i ami iOI'.H-y. on Markei street, in .Mr. Iieulai. Kcavt i' liu ng. uhrie l.e will be ri-ailv to supply all who nmy favor wiih the best of evrrvhi'-z ii si ii es. UK CAD. L'AKTs him wiih a ca l i his l:t;e ri' fil ar, d I O.N F HC- i iio.M.hi uti hand ai ail limts. Bt.ng a prai-tii-al Il-.ker and t nlVctionrr for upnar.N . o; tn - ii i y-f -e years, he le.-i.-, confident that all ; who :.!.e i- iiiiii with a cali cr give him a !r:.i' . shall not b; d .-appointed. Weddings ar.4 1 Parties s;i;,p!:e:l at Ihe shr.rlevl n.,ii,-.-! en lit nn si r.-a-onalle lerms. All sons of Orna mental Work di-r.e to er.'er. BilHAl) delivered ai lli-nses at a'! turn when de.iied. fllARLES HEl.NtK. Lewis! lit -r. Oct. 7. 1 S;7. OI'XTY LAND W ARRANT blanks lot all engaged in the service of the I'.S! iu ihe War of I IS. and for their Widows, the Od'ioe ol the Lewis.'. urg Chionirle. I Dr j Bmc'rer Dr. J. F. Harvey . 1 I O.MILoi A I lllL J BYH'Un. 1 1 south iic .Market St. between 4-1. A etn LL U ISBI KO, 1'. i.nto in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers