6s'e do n it know hj it is that the i Inn always Tiolt the harmless Fmm or that UJics cry "u-!. !" at their sight or tli.it Fr- ncliinen cat 'cm. TLcir music is about (he first hcar-1 in the Spring, and is curtain!; melodious auJ fjr more tender j and perfect than an; winged or stringed j iusiruuieut it U nature itself, aud wlien I heard as ba-, timing with the b'glicr keyed , notes of the. bird?,uijkrs a must charming concert. And an uukuowti author says, ! '-( f a!! the funu; things that live I In woodland, uiarli, or bog, , That creep the ground, or fly the air, The luutiiest is the frog. The frog, the geivtitificknsr Of uature's handiwork The frog, that neither walks Dor runs, liut goes it with a jerk. j "With pints and co-it nf mottled green, : And J-ellow, fane; vest, i He plunges into mud aud uiirc j All iu bis Sunda; best. W'br d he sils down he's stauding up, As I 'at O'Uinn once said, And fur convenience's rake be wears Ills eye.s ou top his bead. j 'You see bim hitting on a log, I Above the 'va-t; deep,'- j You feel inclined to nay, 'Old chap! i lu-t look before you leap '.' You raise your cane to hit bim on i His ugly looking mug, j JJut ere you get it half way up A down be goes ken-hay. I 'Tie keeps about bis native pond, J lie loves true liberty, Ne". r gets 'bow come you so, for a j 'V.J water chap is he : For earth!; woes be ne'er gets drunk Ai.d acts the .'illy fool, liui when they come he gives a jump And drowns 'cm in the pool." An Evasive and a Decided Answer. 1'lic following anecdotal illustrations of the lA'juive and Decided was of answer ing a direct question, arc rather poiuted and auiusiti". ii . ,v- -i i r it , I 1 attics () Nell, before he tetanic joined in the ''howly bond of In mlotk" with ; J-'rid"et, was in tho service of Father Cod- , . : f ly. One day, lue priest expected a call ! from a 1'rotestaiit minister, and wished to ! ... . - , . ; pet rid of hitn. So, calling Patrick, he proceeded to give Lim instructions. ''Pa-1 link, said he. -'if that mi ulster conies , i Lcic lo-day, I do not wish to sec Liui." "Vis, cr rivcreuec." Make some cxcum; to scud Liui away.' "What t-Lall I tell Lint, yer rivereucc 1 "Tell Liui I am not at home." 'Would you have tue tell a lie V So, no, I'atrick : but tet rid of bim i ' ' ' fc 6O111C way give Liin an evasive answer." "Ad evasive aoswer, is it ? I'll do it "Vou uuJcralaud me, Patrick ?" "Av Ciorse, yer rivereucc." 'i'hc matter thus arraDiied, Fa'her Con-1 c ! olv retired to his lihrary.and Patrick went about his business. About dusk, the priest came out of his room and found Patrick iu unusually good spirits. "Well, l'atritk," said be, "did tbe min ister call, to day ?" "Vis, sir." "And did you get rid uf biui ?"' "1 did, sir." Did he ask if I was iu?" "He did, sir." "Aud what did you say to bim ?" "I gave bim au evasive answer." "An evasive answer, Patrick?" "Vis, yer riverence." "Aud what did you say to bim?" "lie axed, was ytz iu '( and I tuiclJ hitn, uas his yrnndmothrr a dohkry ?'' I And beie is a specimen of answering a ijucstion right to tbe point. ; A gentlemen who has lived in the coun try so long that be might fans for a uative c f those dL'pirjf'!., though be was born in o c tLe city, was obliged to visit New Vork en business a few weeks since. Ho took quart its at a boarding house, and his rus-! tic dress and appearance exposed bim to i . . 1 i- . lue otiservations ana rcaBmi. m uiun vounir ladv who eat opposite Liin at the dinner table. Taking bin. for. decidedly , verdant sou of the soil, she proceeded to qu z him at her leisure. The gcntleuian , j ereeived her drift, and humored the joke. In the course of her inquiries, she asked : 'Did jou ever visit our great city, Le- f. i. r j 'Yes, madam, several jcars since." j ' 1UJ ou come by railroad or steamboat, : iu lho.se da)s ?"' I 'Neither of those things were in use ; when I eaute to the town." ; ' You must have come by stage ?" j 'Not exactly that way, neither." i "You tnut have come on foot?"' ' Not tiactly so, ma'am." 'Will, Low tLcu did you come? do tell us."' 'Well, if you must know, I was lorn Jitie, at ireein?j ttctuty miitutrt juist tiro v'iM.; I'. I , Juue La, 1S14, at No. 40 Walker street, near the Jiowery." The young lady was pcifcclly sati.-Ced Sue uroppcu tue couversauon,uroi jieu uer uat.kin, and liiiishtd her dinner another , , . . u time, having learned a lesson to mind her own business. j - - - A ui itr I'LAfE. in one oi our coun try ci. i-anges we find the following rcc omiueudation of a thriving little town "A few days ago, a gentleman, in convcr- j (j i.iii wiih some friends, was praising 1 ii-. . .i. -ii.... m: ,i.A ,t.;n. ....1 . ; i ouuiiieCi aiii.r- luu eatic?, auu ic j , . . . . . . i ..UJ,.b u.u... .uiuj-, . the most iiuiet and peaceful place he ever -wv.w. , --- fiuarrclliiiC nor rowdy- ! , ., j .ooui. tbe streets; It a saw ; there was no ism, nor fighting about gentleman insulted another he vat quietly "oj totrn, and there teas the latt of it !" They mean to raise a tall lot of students in Wisconsin. It, board of education has revived "to erect a building largo enoogU t. a.eomiu.ai .tr A lttmid UHjrHls f, K-ti,i prin!in: nn Bikini, In pood Sljlc and on ralr Tonus, T TUT "PUBflHIf1. C" flCCIPC i ni i in. uiiiiumuLb vi i iuki ISarket Square, Lewisburg. i lilts "I rl, 1IUIUUIJ .-aa.iaaa. I I I ! I I I ! I I t I I I .' ' i -i ? I r. ' i , ; i t : i i i i:.iit;:i:;iMiit iri l i l I I :-".-r'i i 1 i . tlar li i Seil'inlu-r -l ' 'J a1 'ill. 11,1; 1:1 f, r.: 7 ' '.1110.11 I. I 'u'r.li. i:,t''i;-ljn lit i : trt ii. t.'ivrr. -;''--'i'':;!-''-'i-' ' I'-i -";--.-'' 'I . .--'--....,1 i i .;s.v..i; I 'II April 4)lllK- J I I i 1. 1 '!-'' .". li :A i;, "I v In it lf'riiU i.-i i.;rl i7isjf.'j:;i.jj j l I o!tn li:u;i:i, II li,tt.i; is lfijit-'l'f-.'ii-.:4 an 1 I I May ritilit-r I.IJ ..I .1'. I ni 4i f l.t li t-j .; it :is . .7." I ' II IJ lr ll:1.Vt'l;tlsjl! so'i 3i',rit J u lie I,!-,! a! J:.1 lf'iiilx r If i i i i 1 4' 1 1 r v ! t. 7 '.. l-.'lPlJ ' t:.'nl!:.'T. !l7 ls'l!i r. ll't-.ilr'l- Is 1 nsi'a!:iT2,ss I 1 I I Executors' notice. E is hereby fjiven, thai Letters Tes- lami tmentarv on the last will and testament of JAMES SI.MO.NTON S, laie of Bntliiloe township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, bv the Iieister of I'ninti roiiiitv, jn ,,,le ,,., of ,au. . lherer,.re, all persons knowim; themselves indebted to said estate, alc, r"lted to make immediate payment, and those havms justclanns aaatnst ihe same are ast, requested lo present them properly authenticated lor wtirm-ni. SAMI EL I!. S1MONTON, UENJAMIN CHAMUEKS. March 9, 1 80 Executors A Great Book for Agents ! 171 FT V Years in lliains: or, tlie Life of an AMERICAN SLAVE. Wtii'en i bv himself. 430 Pases, Cloth, (tilt Uack. : 11.:... m 1 i Tbii. it- tli titti of ona of tti moat intanH.-ly inti-r-t-; ins bi..i:raplii-a of tli.- dav. It ia thi- plain lutory . f an J ', Aiaeriran .-tavo in tb -far Soutb. who. alUT two or thr.u I .rai and r- rapturu, finabv. an old man, tuuud Ins;- ! iidiini.ftSohii!'to. . .a I fa... atraa- IIIIUI 111, " - ) Tb. atorv i- t..ld ai'b gri-at lompiiritv. but witli ninrli j power aii.l Vatlio. b..-or ukea it will f ltd it .otnr.ilt n. lav It down until it ia tiui-li-.d. .J(i.u .!, Wh- I inn. lb C. j A narrative of n-al .xp..ri-ns, like tli al.v... will bav.' !.i r ui-'i.' efT..ftai;aiiiM. iav. ry limn tbe ini:. i i-ly i ,mu bl ooi. l. bowivcr true tu lllv ita nicturrf. mv I. . .n-ptit ... , II. r.. i. u l...b nf farta. atranirer tban firt.n. and a : ttl-u"li'l f'd't no.le ttirillint:: a ini'le tab, of life l'n o;.pr.-..l'li. rei. alin truly tb.' workilvtf of ll p.- II- ..Hid lu re i.- 1 mt'Ty aorlli readni,:- A TIMIt.il lilt 0 ANVAfsr.it WANTED, In eii.-h -omity lu tl.; fr,. statea, to enL'a-e in tlie ral. ot tbe above w.rk imuii'diat. iy. Ir'Ufb can i:iily flt-ar from 5o to ftioo im;k moxtii. Tb work i Wautitull; ribt-d anj )uiil, and larsanthe lr.k. that f-Il fr rjl. ; luc n w ui-n toKllat I st o: bi xunrn Ttmr-ASH r-.iii5. tlir- ti rit s. ntf. -Kt- h mfclf tin r.-tjiil.ri. i only O.N KlMH.l.AJt. A PAMi'l.i: I'OI'V f tlt IrWik will W t-fiit yy m;nl, ; f.tjnr- .ni.. nn prciit if tiM-rirp. wi.dnur -riTtcvir-! cular to AruLt, Willi teraii.. -If. A'Mrr II Vi k. ruini-iicr, Cmo Nn. JJ Add 8tn--t, N w Vui k. fC& C. W. SCHAFFLE'S JfiSf WHOLESALE am! RETAIL Druy and Chemical Emjmrium Market Street - - Lewisburg, Pa. REMOVAL. JEW and Mapniticrnt Slnck of OM'i:cTioi:itii:s J F. EIC1IOLT7. & CO. have elesaullv refitted the Storeroom formerly occupied by 1 f Mi nsrh. on Market St. near Thin), where they will keep on hand for sale the very best of Cotifcn,..i,rries, Toys, Fruit Notions, &c. (. ii j if... 1 I I.eui,bur!r. Annl 9. 1857 James B. Hamlin, TTOUXE Y at LAW. j IVOtlirr on Second St. west siilc.Mua il.uir wrmth rtf f;irL-l. I.M1 iKlllll'f. - - Lnion Co. Pa. .. DUVALIS GALVANIC OIL 1 EL1EVES all pain and soreness in from , 5 to 30 minutes. .se aantftfr atlumn. , rnee M) cts. per bottle only. Miipped to all parts ol the L. S. ror sale by Jn'iah Bain r, L.-wlKe I W W Limlrnmutri, IlutTo Ilcti l CIil:..n-li, N. w It. rlin lu.arpr.Mr.rri- A Oi. Wiunrla la-viComly, TnrtU iillp I U II Mill,-r. M.tllitil.urt; i uuiuiin a Wliitf, llartlti.n. nmTOO IS. H. Dersham, H.D., PKACTICINT, riixsioian, X .Vorlli Third Nlrrrl. 7119 LEWlSlllliV, TA T J YI' IIOO KS- liaptist, Presbyterian, l Methodist, German Kelormed, Lutheran, Ac. of different sizes and bindings, at '.nil Act ins & lo'. l APdlllFICR, or Conrontrntctl Lye war-j rantoil to ninke iSoap wiihoul limt, and nil littlftn-uMi'. W ith onemkenf lycan-i fi.ur.oiiTni ; ("up r';it. ynu "in mnke fiftpen pallnnn good w-ft tp. : Hard soav can l luaJe in tlie eam way. r file 1-y K. fii. CAI.IiW KLL. MACIIINI-: I5ELT1NG, &c. INDIA HI IinElt Belling of all sizes stipe, rior (talc tan Leather Ilelting .Mill,Ctr citlar and Cross-cut S WS and every des rriniinn nf u a D nAJ & nr Wholesale and Ketail by btwis MliuntiMi, Viiliampoit, Pa Orders by Express or otherwise promptly attendfd uZThMS CASH (imf.i"'jd James F.Linn. J. derrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LINN, Ot A Attorney a at Law, I.EWHSbL'KG, tH Union County, Penn'a. Engraving and Seal Cutting L' nil L-i'mL.- ot Oft t f'l.i.ennl Street a ii- ail ninu,fti ui, iin.iuui i ii.vij y. pjijAD. Visiting and other CAKUS, Corporation and oiher SEALS.and everything i.ui j'ri iiu.'ii .in" i .... o in our line of business, promptly attended to, in good stvle, and on reasonable terms. Or- iers fcom rjlv all(j Country solicited. K. II. FULTON, y W.G.MASON. William VanGezer, TTORXEY at Law. i 1 !. hbnrg, I uion Co., Pa. I tc Otlire opposite Kline's Hotel S4 r; ANK Contracts wilU 'I'earhers and Or tiers on Treasurer at Chrouicie dilice. January j July J, ) LEWISBITCG C1M0NICLE & WEST BEAACll i EducationalJ LEWISIJUKG ACADEMY. JUIiG ACADEMY. iv, . ; ,. ,.r 4i.!.. i ..! THE Summer Session of this Institu- J. tion will commence on MOMMY, ilU or April, 1.S. to rontinue 13 weeks. All the Branches of a thorough and Classi cal Course are tati.ht and 1'upils are pre pared eillier for College, for Teaching or for business. The Bible is a text book. A class cf Voung Ladies is seenred. TUITION' per session of 13 weeks, including contingent expenses. ritlM AltV f Rrmlinz, WrilinS. I", finir, AritlilDttie, . linilil. ami I!. S. llist.TV. -Vm AUV A'CI KNt'l.lll all not lurlu.l'-J hoT.l i, a ,;t'Ai;Ks. - - - - - - - - s.iht No additional charges; also, no deductions j excent for nrolracted sicknr.-s. I JNO. KA.MIOI.PH. April 9, 1R5S Principal U N I VKRS I T Y S(J 1 1 OOLS "lAHLL opon for the Summer Session, II uf 1 t weeks, on 'rii:trmIuy,AiirUi'i. TUITION. CoLLtur. for the Session, - - - . fin 00 Chartres, Ar.iiir. Knitlish. ------ do. (-lassic.il, - - - - - t-'hares, ------ l'tMiLt IssriTtTt resular course, . do. I'rrparatorv, - Charges -' - - 1 SO r. no 7 till 4" 10 III) 7 no - 20 A. K. BEI.I.. ; n Ag t & Treas. I.ewi.sliurs;, April-, 1S8. FEEECUlJCr ACADEMY XOUMAI. SCHOOL, m- ... a.- af ...... 4 Ba I"r ft ri-vuin ?3 uvi twuiiij, m. . t T 'JlL rourin bcniKMiniidi .-session oi this Institution will commence on Tuts- I uy. Jung S, and continue 2r weeks. Its I location is pleasant and healthy. Buildings new and commodious and Terms low. Ii is the con.stai.t aim of the J eaehers to impart sound inMi nclton.an,! caretullv rlevelope and , direct Ihe Mental, .Moral and Physical enrr- j iesof the stu lents. I lie course ul sluiiy will ilinrouuhlv prerare ihose pursuing pursuing it for Col- lese, the rmdy of a ProlesMon or btisiuess NOIMJII. Ij:ilItTM!:T Of In-t S-s.-;o:i !uir''df.l lwvi.nl i-rtatinri. atil it ni-ni'-m pi- 1 rrt-iiittililc .x.iinii.nt.oiiH. .Muy jounc I-... km! ecu ll- nn 11 attini'U ii wlio l.v (.rcrtir.-ii fc. i.v U nn r- now nmone tin- uint-l nrrWu. tiirlnri. li.Mrftf ot t!.iiliiip otlf r mi in tnnlith'H t(.r thn roiiMy .rfp:iria tlumMUf to Wn.nn Tr-.irh'Tri. Itiut Pi-ii.itttn.iit K- r'-"l'CMfJ en tlf I'-l'I of -MAlfll iiml. r -Ini itt'T.- t.tv.-r;i.1.- HUi'if-!'. Tlir PuMi S hool KV-t-in will (mvf n r..uill' t'' f;n!iirt uulft- oo Tt '.11 l.'tf an- .r'-i.li tor it, nml iliii :.n only ! tlotit by tbe imtfii n -rt.- ot ViTfi tors, 'iV'-ln-ri. nn-1 fri-nl! cf Hilu riitioii. Tlifir co-oinTuticn i- ll.cr -fuic rtr.--KCtfuny non-""ite'l- T K It M S . K .r IloiirJ. Tuitl'-n. Koniu, ttr.,i'i.r nt.-iuD. tor-i) Tuition ni. me. i-t n-ii'i.in. tu $11 Tuition nlnti. in Nornml D-pt. ir ijuiirt r. Mui.-, K r-nrh. Drnvtin uxii I'jtititintr, Kxttra. Itonriii'i: in the Till-uf. fl.-'-'' to vr wwk. tict Cntl--ii'' rontniiiin furtli- r inirtictiUr. Ailln-M CiEO. F. M'KAKI.AM), iVincipal Kr-a-bur.?. Jan. 1, l:t';i L. II. Lwhf. L. I), liiir.vi in. a n i : ' j i t 11 , THE UUf FALCE MOUSE 'J'his llote is directly oppoMte Ihe new Court Ilotie. It has been lilted up al considerable eipens... u ithlhe view of all. rding every con venience; and no eflort will be spared lo ac c.oiiin.'date Ms patrons. 'I he House is lar', I, .,...1 vl.Ml.U'..ll, Im.a.v.l.allltlias been netiiv tutnilid tbrooh..tit. LAWSlii: & UREWER, Lewi-biir'. Aupr. 'o7. l'ropnelors. COMi: ONM, COMK Al.Ia TO Till: CHEAT PUY GOODS STOKE, T V) IVckI .Milton with ail your niisbt, You II i:et all vou want, and hnd em ntrht. J. 11. I) AT KKM AN, he is ill man, asain. I Where you're iure to be suited, and then come When more you want in the same line. His rule is, note's the time To " settle" that's why he's so cheap. Cash" is his motto, and he can't be beat. J. II. Ilalcsmaii, -l'i"V, lias received his second lot of Sprinp and Summer (aOOtl from .New York and l'hila delphia, consisting of CLOTHS of every grade, plain, black and fancy CASIMF.RL'S, aNo a beautiful variety of lieady Made CLO THIMi of all descriptions. Also, Ladies' Hress (ioods, such as .vAt.v, 7Vr, Oe lMirn, Dim Cub, l'rintf. White t!oods,t.in!;am. I.m- hrmrfr-rtfx. Kiblwn, it'tsttri, titoces, yc. Straw lioods. Hardware .Cedarware.liueenswarc, Ac. All kinds Produce taken ill exchange for (ioods. Cash paid for Grain. Also, Joint, Sawed and Lap SIlilldCN constantly on hand. J. U. DATESMAX. June IS, IH.'iV rPIIE subscriber con- L tinues to carry on the :I - lflJ IlllsimsH at , the (lid stand on South J:e!l public generally. CIIAIiLEo i-.lILHP, Lewisburg, May 22, IH.'iO NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE ! north Market ft., Lewisburg. A BKAXOEMESrS have been made to i XV have constantly on hand a supply of the ' llvl 'a.l.'-a I':. ! I'lnnr. (from the ; ltaliiinoreCitvMills.)liu kM heal Hour, ! " ....... - - - , , HS1I ll.iiir- f'oril flea I. Corn and Itje t Hop, Itl'Iiri. Ship Mull, r-horts.Oais, Corn, and l"i:i:l ot all k-tmls. at tair Trices. The proprietor IS induced lo open this j Store for the purpose of accommodating the public rrenerally.and re.-pectlully solicits their patronage. tar Grain of all kinds Wanted.-a THOMPSON G. EVANS, Agent. Lewisburg, October 23, 157. COPARTNERSHIP. rrnr The undersigned have as- -r'sJ0C'aIt' "iemselves into copart tir, iii.,,S73iiership for Ihe purpose of rarry-"-ftii,g on the Lumbering, Planing, and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the t'ciuiobnrg Steam pinning fllills, where they intend to keep a stock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, 4sh, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring, Shel ving, Siding, Shinzles, Lelh. Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Uoor and Window Frames, Doors, Shuilers, Uiinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. Planing, Stilling, Scroll Saw ing, &e., done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in jTice and workmanship. J. U. DIEFFENDERFER, MARTIN DREISHACH, 11 EYE liS AMMONS. Lewi-bura: rtaninir Milla, April 1, 1S0S. Vocal and Instrumental Husic. ' rpHE subscriber having locate j J Lewisburg, is ready to teacl tal Music in all its branches, viz. located himself ir leach Instrumen- Piano, Melo- denn. Guitar, Violin, Violincello, Flute, and all lirass Instruments. He will also teach Vocal Music. Having been taught in the best Schools' in Germany, he deems himself qualified to ren der satisiaction He will also tune Pianos, and rut them in repair if desired. Residence on North Fifth street. Jan. 19, 1S57. Pnor. P. HELD. Agricultural. ma ti TttEKO ! . J, w. i kkuvias guano. Also super-Pho X lihaleof l.itne of superiorqiialtiy. Pure t'ernvian, Chilian ami Colombian uuano. Land P'aster and oilier Fertilizers. Constantly on hand, Snap, Candles, Starch, Spices, fait, Paper Hans, Ac. A ho, Heef CracUinza. IHMJN A KI.Kl.NTOX, No. 40 South harves. third store above ap'Jml Chestnut St., 1'lllLAHEl.l'lll A. Farmers of Pennsylvania, TTENT10N ! ! You can supply Jl yourselveswithCHKUICAi.MA-M KKS n armntril mire, and which have been in suc cessful use for the past seven years suited to ;our varil)US crps uf .... . Curn.l'utalocs, Wheat, Oat, Orasf, fr. tlx fiicli.inir In l. tt. r -h.-k nil N. Jwf'-y or r.il..-l.,i llnk, or I'V ti-fen-im- t.. lo.y c.l In 1-l.iliul. li.l.li.. or in Kx. hn l..r 1'iUHil I k f S""T ... n , u.,1, t fnir Matkrt pri- li. r.-- yur or.l. r. ill b.. tli:.il ..nd .uiii.li.-J to jou J"f Kvi ry Mrticle wU I'V ni.-. l.uarttin. .-.l or ioi orler gili-n lo mj !! nt.will r.-.s ivf orolui t attention. Su r 1-luv.pliats of Liluo " -' ton lloi. rii)'Lat "'I ertllixor A Lartil If unVI,T.t f..r n irre of ground ''r1' "' ri l. K IH'XK HI ST, Ml I ami?, t l.r b irr. 1 or ::S M-r t..n, now rv.ly-'..i"r-'". No. 1. fi lwrr, K f i 10 0 0. r bi,rr.l -!!. Vl,ut,r. l.UH l..irr.lf. fl to : Vet barni l,rruuin,'liilin ali'l I'alaK-nian '.u;io. O. A. I.KINAU. I'roprtetor. Nn. 21 South Front St., I'lilLiiit-LfUlA, t'a. t,A litural Uiscouut to VUoltsl IahIitu. l.nso s Sn r l'lifphat of I.im. A r.-rtiliwr. ha l-in M ri.srully n-d by lb- l'r.-fidi-ul of tbe L . i.. oil bis card, n, i.n.1 on tlif public (iroiind t tbeCapilo at a-bil.cton ; by 1. Iwke K. and J I. K.- .-J of latkea I,io; Senator Itola-rt". in Mill, r and l liarb i "rk r ai.- M:.v: Tboma- Millf. r.l i:-.. of l aiiot. n: IT J. pb k-niiK of ll. r.1. nlo.r.: Ilr Knibt, Mr Ki. Id. Mr AtVin ..n. l- i .lolmana. ol J, r y. Tli.-Jr nav It l-i Ibo I lim-t:.VI A.l MOST UKUMlLH . IA' ' now in u -. U ini; pprmani nLinii ruvinx tho land and c-nritu-iugthrauil. ,j,l'amphl. t.on application lo ii a ll llll I'ri.i.rb t.T. 4m- j 21 is utli Front .-t. I hiiad-Hhia j v ronra f.heller UUJ16 .... .11 The Vltrnjtcsl, Hi'mt(etr, mou uuruu.c ('ORX Sll i:lLIi:lt Cr lulfllti'd! fMJE subscribers would most respectfully I ca he allellUon u( Speculators and s , ,hjs W(,(,erful machine, now on . M FADDEN'S Hardware Store, in .., . T?-i:,.,,ntr Kiehts in the Stales , ';. u- iv ,,,,1 i;aiirrnia.fer I I niin)lVtlllltt Illlliuvrtj a.. , .t nn il.o ni.m reasonable terms. Machines will be sold in Union and Snyder counties to all who may desire fo purchase, in order to test ihe utility and durability of ihe same. 77" hrll prtcn cum oi irc7 an dry clean trom the cob. Call and see them operate. Price $13. Or address L. & J. li. KI KTZ. Nov. 19, 18.V7y Aaronibnrg, Pa SPROUT'S Combined Carriage Spring's rpHE best Springs now in use,tiarruntcd to J eive entire satisfaction. It posesses nine distinct mlrantagn over Ihe Eliptir, aud a carriage can be made cheaper after paying the following prices: Sulky Springs Open Utirsy f 10 Slide feat 4 passenger 17 I'J 15 Hi 1 op do G passenger All orders mnt be addressed to E.T.RPKOL'T, 15 Hughesville, Lycoming Co. l'a Important to. FARMERS ! fpHE subscriber is prepared lo rtmn I 4'lntrrMeo.l at the well-known Mill ot Wm.T. Lis in Kelly township, I'nion Co. on the shortest notic,and warrant uu damage by breaking of the seed, fr-Jor the Fifteenth Bashdl'A Thankful for past patronage he asks a con tinuance of it assuring his customers that he will do his utmost to give satisfaction. Nov. 1S..7. liEOKCE BAKEK A Call to Farmers. Farmer, dmp your tools pause a little read thi, and rihet!.' "FARMERS' PROMOTION BOOK." 4 KEW and scientific manuring system, J for the cultivation and increase of all kinds of grain, grasses, fodder and pastuie, upon all kinds of soil, proved by actual expe riments and based upon evident truths, desig nee! to improve agriculture in all its branches ; represented by upwards of one hundred and fipy enzravings of the most valuable gras-es and plants connected wilh ihe system, by Dl!. C. 11 REINHOLD, of Boalsburg, Centre Co., I'enna. Jtr.CdStMEXDA 170.V. In thi tn-atise it will lie ai'cn that the nljprt fiaa taM-n to Hire Hie farmer that kinil of information w hirh rnal.lea "'' ! " tauirht l.v tl.i? manurinit. andf.ai.i. r, an.i.aatun cul- tiralion ava'u m. are rati .nal, clear ami ei.l.nt, an.l rua :fc ...I in ,o.li. ol a.'rii'.tlturt. litthfrti. I- . ' , . i..k .t -.i i .a UIIKUOWU in our iirnii", a..- ( uu carefully nnirtiisMl ean not fail lo advance tile i..t.Test.i vt the fariiiiii)c romniuinty. surh a work has bern'murn wanle.1. aa it fillaa ToiJ whieh ha lonj; len felt, but .lL.k h.a hillirln twain DO att.'lnl.t Ol iUI.T.IV. And aa farmera of tVntre an.l llunlinirdon rountna we reeommend the work to every farmer, aa they a ill reap the ijreateat nosaible benefit from it. Christian iale,(leorire lluehanan.Panlel Moaaar.flron; Tt'ial. Ja.-oli Moatrr. t'ranria Alexander. John ltaily. .lolin NelllKin. Samuel Ilunean, John Hotl.-r. .lona. M'lVilliams, Jaroli Meynr, 'ieurse Ouyer,.lr., Henry Mi-yer. John Car )ar, Saciuel llillilaii.l, John llaffon. Ueo. .lark, Samuel IViW.nTJolin Herman. O.W. Meek, rhillip Meyer, ttnit.'.'l For sale in Lewisburg by Da. I. BKl'GGEK. gTFruit and Ornamental Trees, SiJiiiliJijiaii'i q3 flolTi'l-iog i'liii)!?. The subscriber has just received a splendid collection of Fruit and Ornamental TKEEs, from the celebrated Nurseries of Ellu-anirer Jr Harry. Rochester, N. V". embracing the very best varieties of Apples,Pears,Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, Grapes,Goose berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries, ALSO Large Horse Chestnut, European Mountain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever blooming Hose, and a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. IVNursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile nf Lewisburg. All orders addressed to HENRY R NOLL.Agl for J.MLKRILL LINX, will receive strici attention. Trrnn inrariubly CASH. Lewisburg, Aprl 9, lt?S7 LUMI5KII ! LmillEIl ! ! rilHE subscribers have for sale -rrarTaa -J. (in lots to suit purchasers) fegU.rai a large stock of li2VNft3 PISE BOARDS Panel Stuff j&&3 Plank 4c. Also 5.UOO i'Af JtAIL.S. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality Also Souare Timber for Buildings : Which are oflcred low for Cash, at our Mills I va 8uih Branch of the White Deer Cr-ek in 1 Hartley township or delivered on the Uriish i Valley Narrows road at the end ofonr Road. I Nov. SO JOHN M'CALL & BRtt'S. i rAlliJEli.---.MAY 11, 1S,'8. ... II. I.I.KIIillT. DEMIST, Market street, next door to Brow IliM-i-V Store I.EWISlii.'KU, PA. j SR. KELLIWG'S ', Canrrr Instil ulo, for the Treatment 01 j Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Ulcers, Scroltila, or anv Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases pene- railvcan becured (ifcnrable) without surgical operation or poison. Forall particulars write, I state diseases plainly, and enclose 'i 5 cts for ; advice; Letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pay answer. Medicine sent any distance. Address C L KKLI-IN'. M D, ) Mechanicsburff, Cumberland -'o, Pa. j Mi.rlianif!.nrg 1. 1 tuilrs 6-r-m llarri..r.nrif.on tln'C V". Itailroa.l.Hnit a.xsibt Imm all part, oflli I'ni'.n. Old and ollnir. "r and rirb, rom;. all wi!l do you ; ftA. :To tb.f. afflict! wbo n not vlcit m p-t.-o- nally.l aill i" lot. Ir mail, on rrci-i.t of ?5 only. a K-H-ij j to prfpan li...liclit'.,wiiti full lirf?tionM ftT ii.r,ie. ."tati ; all jiartb-ular?. Addn an above Cuiir7U j HOUSE BUILDERS, j rflAKE NOTICE! The utit!ersij;ned are: J appointed Agents for the sale of j Uoortt, HliiKfs & IVlndow Sash 1 of all sizes, made of the best material. All ) work warranted, t "vT.Maite by L.M.SPKOUT, iluuhesville. Pa. and for sale by i t,7D CHKIST& CALDWELL, I.ewisb'i DENTAL CARD. 'THE new niellio.l of iiiM'rtini; ariili- JL cial Teeth, (Join, Ac, known as Allen! Continuous Gum fVoiK, is, without exception, the best improvement ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work, when properly constructed, is the most beauti ful, the cleanrstjComhines the greatest strength with durability, and adds more 10 a clear and distinct articulation, than any other kind of work rt'r brought brf'.ri- tb publi... And l-Y .J 1101 only una. iiy a i.'auinui ui-."..-ry ill ijnioiuaii.'u wiiii inia Mil.' 01 ra, w 1 an (tif till" faM ita natural st.r.-. alon. witbont-ln ttn'l.'ai.t. interfering with Uie uatfului ra of tb.- tovtb in nntii ation. I v.ould tab.- t)ii mi II..J of informing tho lntirotl tbat I bavi purrba-ist tbe l'at-nt Kipht for thi valuable nnproyi'mifUt, ot tti iiir.-iilor. J. Iid Atl. n. . now of York., for tbl. and .ri-ral adjoinin1; counti. aud tbat I oral aujoinin am now nianiOa. titrini; an arti. Ie of Tth an.ll.uni'.tbat willoouil.ar.'f:iT..rabty witb any llilnii in tbat linf tbat baa rrt-r laa-u made iu tbi" or any utb.-r rounlry. I ak all, and i.ai'ial!y tli. tbat lu-d t.'th I if tb y b:iv.'riag-d tbt-ln or not.) tu call, and i-xaniiii for thi ui-olrva. Jons ijii KC, l.tiu-m ri. Offiri- and Re..i.lnre on Third Mn-rt, n.-ar Marlo-t. Offlre in MiLTox.on l:rottdway.ui'ur(adwall:idr'i.p"riH'r ! West Eranch Insurance Company, ; OF Lock Haven, l'a., insure Detached J ltuihlins. Stores, Merchandize, Farm ; Property, and other buildings, and their con-1 tents, at moderate rates. l)oin business on ! bothCash and .Mutual plans. Capital, :)no,uo0. 1 DlltECTOhS. Hon John J Pearce Hon li C Harvey ! J.din I) Hall T T Abratns ('has A Mayer I J Jack man i ( has Crist W White . Peter Dickinson Thos Kitchen Hon. li. C. HARVKV, President. T. T. A DRAMS, Vice Pres. j THO S KITCHKN, Sec'y. JAMES U. HAMLIN, Atrent. 67 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. TAILORING. JOHN B. MILLER thankful for past favors would state that he has re ceived the Fall and Winter Fashions, and is prepared lo CUT, MAKK.and liKr'Alli garments as usual. He will endeavor, as heretofore, to .execute his work satislacto- rily lo all. Lewisburs, Aur. 1U,1N57 NOTICE. n IHE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb. I 4 t i57. pntered into Co-Partnership for the pvrpose of carrying on a i.enerul I'oniKlry IlM'aliU'Jit al the brick Foun dry in Ma'rket street. Lewisburg, under the name and firm of Frick .V Lillev. WILLIAM FKICK. JOHN LILLEV. Lewisburg, Fe'o'y 2, 1S57. A eeneral assort mentof COOKING STOVE. for coal or wood. Stone Coal Siovcs, Wood Air Tight and Parlor Stoves, Ac. in varie ty always kept on hand. CASTINGS of ail kinds made to order- f ni'iOs'i's'& tiFjjljpijIjs TiiiitrqiKJ Cotop. K.W. COR. afCOND ASD WALSCT STS, fniLADLLrUU. Capital SI.-250.ooo. Assets $iiiM,lul 13, invested in Bonds, Mort gages and other good securities. VKE YOU INSURED AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE! There are but few who receive sympathy whe incur loss by neglecting this most nectary and ubtimtiul precaution. We often see it announced that persons have lost their stocks of (ioods and Furniture, and results of years of industry swept from them by ihe devouring element over which ihey have no control but by being insured. Insurance protects you from the incendiary, negligence of servants and the casualties of your niirhhora. It will impart coutijenee to your rre'l-it.-ra. ana bit, a rhararti-i oi pruueiice and iirteantinu lo all your l.usineaa traniaM-tiona. It reimirea but a ery nmitll mm to Inanra la um ranziiiir from $tlW to tloiHI. anil yet how many tli. re am nil., have no insurance uiou lioujs. aurnitiire. or any-ll.in.-li'! If your Stock ia aniall, atill the Loss to you Dli'.'ht la serioua. Thin Cmpanr inFurea Brit.DIXll.1. MFRCHiXn UE, OOUUS. FlU XI nut. MAVHIXKB land SI OL A 1'ltOJI S1U0 to .")lll)0, at the laiwist Katt-a and ua-n the moat l-itn-ral Term.., and l'HOXl'T 1'AlalL.NT on the B'lju.-.tment ol ia'aa. MIRECTORS. II. n Tho.n. Florence I Jamei- K.Ni-all I V tw it Helnotd li. o II Amiftrenir 1 Cha'a Iiinir,. I I A'arrol ltrewt. r t'liK.A. Itnt.iiitMUt I Tli Manderaeld I.-uac Lei.-ch. Jr. tieo. ltetmt-.l.l I taineral Superintendent JOHN TIIOMASOX. THUS II. rl.oKL.Ntt fretideut. EDW'D R. tlKI.MI'.OLl), Sia-retary. J, MERRILL LINN, Agent, CSV LEWiStSVKG, Uuion Co. Pa Ordinance lor Markets. CI ECTION 1. He it ordained by the iiurwrsj 1 O and Town Council of the Bunuirh of Jtv i .- ; . , j i i J i . , ,. J ., Hburg, and it u hereby ordamtd by the autho- rity of the same, That WEDNESDAY and ' SATURDAY mornincs of every week shall j . a ara.a i- -, ,. . ' he the Market 1 inies for said Borough, i when it way be lawful to sell and buy articles ' f.f nrodlice li r familv iisp. nn.l ilm HI:KF.t'- I I.,",. f . , j 1 OIUl.t,i,Jfum oeeonU to tourth Streets, Shall j be used for SnCtt SalesWagons & C. to OCCUPV i Iha siiln$ of iha nm-am.ai, .fc ..fc .. .. ' . . v, ii.v oiicci iiom inc nrst ot irctooer iu mc hrst of April, and the souih side of the pavc- J ment the remainder of the year. OErTio- a. lie it Jurtur ordained, I hat it j shall not be lawful tor any person or persons, i either the producers of marketing or their ' I immediate agents, as hucksters or otherwise, ! tu peddle or sell in any street or alley or in : any part of the said Borough, any articles of produce for family use, other than at the i times and places specified in the first section of this ordinance; and any person or persons 1 violating this ordinance shall incur a penally of from One Dollar to Five Dollars, to be re- covered before the Burgess or any Justice of ; anv (,lh(.r manufacturer in the Vailed States the 1 eace of lnion county as like sums are j April 3, lr.57 fiTiyl recovered under the laws of Pennsylvania, -Tl.efo':iowinnani.a!:...tmen.r..alJntorReaJ-with costs, in the name of the Burgess and inp and it i.-initv. wt!o saw the tire have .ureiiaej Town Council of ihe Borough of Lewisburg ; ! S'VJJ'"' AISO-N "" Ul bu""ni: P ' one half of said penalty to be paid tu the j 3! .. Xtai'li, tpuM nitab. re Bulb. Klrkt nria Overseer cf Ihe Poor of said Borou-h, and i 'r. lti" a.! i s.n. Henry w. Mlajiiwr. Ur.w )i..re, the other half to the informer. 1 1'"" "i1 ''J -V'"vHw" i'f. wtrt. , . . : " ., , Kautnian a Itaum, Yt m Merarlier, tleo. J. li. kert. J. M. lassed at a meeting ot the Council, Tues-. i o. iv. iianst.ak, Em Mill. r.Jaa.Jami.-on. J B a.b. day evening, Nov. 3 18S7, and ordered lobe Warner. Jaeob Selimueker. Ytm. King.v. K. s.hoiienWr nilhlished J SCHI.'FVFlt ltrroce pr. It. U. lomp my. II. A. lanti. YV. C. 1. H. Krroan- piinitsneu. j. MLMULitK, Burgess. ,rot. j. p. iitlJ, ,.,. 1011-., I'oiimer a Co. :t. Iov. 6, 1857. LK.4SES. Illank Leases for l andlord and TcnantJ.fi.r salt aitlif-reinVtV ollire., -Philadelphia. ALEXAKDER KERR, ir tt'r V i Jl I ,l I ' ' IV 1 ij Ik l ..V'-V.T.i".- Wm.LtsiLt DtAtta t j cm v i:t ISuulIill lian cs,riiilaH liIila AslitouVFiiie, Liverpool (JrounI, J At-liton'd ami .Star -Milld, Dairy ussor- j tcl sizes, I constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit ! Ihe trade. A. IS. Orders solicited 'orH-.'.p 1 ; jNICHOLLS HOUSE, (i:iiioiioaii I'lan) ! 113, South Kihlh St. below Chesnut, j riIILM)EU'IllX TIIIsHou.se i: for Permanent andTranient l.odin. Cfry ell'..tl will be ma ! by the Proprietor, I:. MCHOl.LS, to give sait i lartion to his Patrons. j Thia lastabliahment is situated in the heart i of (he ciiv. renter of business, and ci.nveiiieiit I to all places r.l a'r.tt-pmnt. The Mercantile and Traveling ri tpmnnity ii-iil find it a desirabie place for coinb il, ' cleanliness and economy. ' I i Sinu'le rooms fill cts per nlbt by the ; week .'0 and upwards lyV-M ; ! W. S. LAWRENCE'S ! ' X K AV PAPER, PRINTERS' CARD, AND i ENVELOPE WAREHOUSE, , No. Coiiiinerci' St., 1'liilatlflj. hla. . '. J3?"Ca.sh buyers will lind it for their interest to call. l'lulad, Jan 1, ' y yWY. celei;uat.:d lillili 11 U li t Ii ; M'HE i !.!:. T AI'IM-SIVK. Stfut useful artirl iiivrnii-tlt f.-r Lou' cU'rf or ltift. c.irpi..-.inv: in util itv fTi-rv t'th.Tirhiit l'uui. mui'i!:i.:. rnr-! .r r.-mt-nlt Tr known. ALWAYS Kt AUV 1"U A 11' Lit' ATI' N. a lht mh i ii l';i.-r. t'i"th, L.-atlW. Furniture. I't-rc li in. i ti ns, Miirbit'f'r.Ia!i. F-.r manu!;i' tiiriiiij Fancy Ar;it ;.-. T", vie., it hn." ui -ui'cri' r. not unly i i.-rn-!!',,' r :.t- r slrriu'li itinniiny otln-rarti',i'..utJbfre!'irTr .juii kiy, li-avtiiL' nf- -ti.in win re tLt'i.artf arc j- in I. N vm k Within Ibr 1:l-1 thr. r xt uj.w.irii- -f .V'.'Ji- U-ll). tt tin-juftly ffltrati-i I.I'L'Il liLt'K hf hIJ, aiitl ihi ifrrnt coiiTt-ri-nc; v ti'-li it htt j-rcve-i in f''ry ra-, li:u Jt-MTT'-iily -vt'iir J U-t it a ik-uinu I w Inch the uinit!;"liiriT h '( util it.attimf. tjifticult to nit-el ; artvD"lt-i by nil tt h" t::ivc U3.-J it. that it- ujfrit-u.rt: tar tt-rr.it- ny p;niilnr atlt-'lc cut cfvrt-'l tn the ,u! he. f, tr-ts iij.l H u trlm ir- ty cuuuUrftiUd iJ.?--rr the !.,!, y. frt.it (' ' 'i'-"' t.i'l'f ' Hi!ut.thtirejtt A'l'firt." r.'l'noi.d-r. nr.,TYt-l A ( US IS A iifirlE. .MiiUiiruciim-J ne ifoM, W h.i.-ah- nml Itetmi, v W M. f. M. JIKA, Sttir,i..r, Ciit-.-tnut t., 1'hiJa i !( Ma. tit 'LirTaI in lu nn ut-i-tttrrj to jx-Tx ris lie i'U9 Kliir) the alve art:.-!-. For iale bv t IIs in Lewisbur? HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. i f I'MIU testimony ot Frof.Booth and Ur.Urin- I kle having previously been publ.aheddie j following is now added: Fr-in I'rof. rCI."sKKV, f. rm. rlr Pri fr-MT rt Tl.--. ry ; an-J I'rart:-1- (-f ir..- in tl,.- t iiual.- M.-.:ir:ii e'- .1. j- e! l'.-nn-.yl.ania. an-1 lat Ir- t.or of curery in fie ; Aun.ti.au cl Mi'tii. in-. a..-. ' I HiLM-lLI-nu. V'T.'jT. Mr Jo-.- h E. ll'.r.-r A trial ..1 .-ur Li-;ui.l Hair I'yr a ill e. ni in.'i- the ui.-t ck-1 ti al thi.t it luMia-.- l. : ili , tr.Sr.ta rubui.'cuaiTut.ti. n.nuti.- b.a.i.nnj t hare uu h.-.-it.tiou m e Inlulidliii 1'. to ll.ust rf;inrni.- 'ieh an ill a:. Vo walaxuuilv, J. If. X. MVkosKfcV.M. I'- Hate St. au.re l. lh IIoVcr'N Wrlt'IJS InKt. incluling j Hover's Writing Thud and Hover's lnd-!,i-i .lit-., ciill maintain their lush character.ulncli ha always dis'intiiNiied tbein.and the exten sie demand f.ri created has continued unin terrupted until the present. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory. No. lit; RACE street above Fourth. ( I 1 .'o. 1 1 n Philadelphia. v.-ii; receive prompt attention by fiVJy JOSEPH E. UOYEK. Manufacturer. EERRITJG'S SAFE. T1IK iCKDWI FnfiTH ' 11 M r O ! fc-,-. THIS avLLl'.M Till ALr -it 1.. a- ?: ;fj ; J di:.- liT vvl'Tf .1 tl,.- .utr-u: 1 '"fT". TTVv r-"-''I jubi t-j irtK'ii. n-i cnr'trnifl the i,;l "N-n tfjrf t.t.Ii -t of m-Ti- than -"tt j,o -i,ie- t- .. : t:il tiff s, piuiuir CMrn lu-ivt ty that lit rnui: l tLe 0Li eAFt tuat H tract trt-m tV.e rommitt'-c's K.-i.ort u the Trial ti fnii- at KfaJinj:: n lh -'"th cf F'-tTUary nil the m. mTtrscf i!if r-in-mittee Bit t to witu'-f tli salvs sli! ..ck rn 1 jut-, ll-lfo-J in them.) ai tl wt-re pert. ct!y atil.--d tli.it ini w.i ritht. The day ft.lliiwinir. the ,.ur':iir; V" k I'lao-Min-;- r tiie PUTXTintvudcni'e ct the tVniiii.tt e. Aller a f:.irnd iinprii--i1 hurnintc fi-r five h"r. the Sale ( f li r! Kr.ii:.t X Wiit-on va. ftr-t ort n d, the rr.fe I vin n tire io; t-', an 1 the c iitrnt artbu-T n nsunie l. l.i!e the ci-nt'-nti. in the ?f.- ! M. rn. l-nrrcla d. litrriu Wt-rc in pr-d rfin-litii ii. hd-I n-1 fire in.-ide.-' I;, adiiiir. Manli lV'7- tned.) If. F. FFI.TT. ) i. V OH.hMAN. Ctmmittee. A. II. I'KAai'K. I And endorsed T ct-t ."o uf the l.-ft ci n -f Rt -litis. The :il (.ve P can be in-) -t-'d tit '.A .itmit tr. ft, whvrv tlif t uhiie t-iin :.tUty thtni.-ecs f t the irrcjtt u- I l-ri.Tit t the li.'rriiij-' I'utcnt rhnmi'ii-n." m r the ' il teatcd aJJld ufS'l-vf MMid' In-n l'r-r n ! .ituanJi. t." I1AILEV & IIKKKIM., ;,1 Walnut S:r-et. Fh'hi'l.-lrMa. Only ma hers in this raV Ji'.rruiyi J'a'ent Oiafn- 'V'T( S-Tt'.. The att. mpt niBile h? other pTtie tt lo!ftT np the ri'iuTati"n if a ale which hus juti'd o iznU in ifn drjitv! t rrf in Fhilad Iplda. ( ri.int, ad 1'ian'.) ly takirnt i.ne flit f an iv-nt's .-tore, H. A. Lant. ma le d thtc'irrss. (. hilVrvnt frm tho-e Th.y sell.) to -hurn it" one ol 'lli-rrinjr'p. t half f thick) ha." met ith it true rr wnrd. llprrimi'rt S.-tfe c-uftl it' t r I unit, pnirir I't liclu-iv-Iy that thronly rrlil.- $nif m w niadf is"7'rnr;;'', ' of w hit h over ; are now in m-tual u.itnd tiiorv Lhan 'J.ot) have hern tried by tire without a Uns. r.VA.- &. WATSOX. Philadelphia Manu factured :?!3; Salamander Safes Miafe v.. S. F..rh si.. rhiliitltlj'ua. Truth is Mighty, and Jlust Travail. Report of the Committee appointed to super intend Ihe liurning of the Iron Safes, at KeadiEg, February 27, 1857. j lUirrrn. March 4. J Tli nniliTjinc it. mi-mirs of tlx cnumltt. . do r?-p.-ctlulty T. jH it. tl at wa faw thi' two Sat.'a crU'inany ai:na-J v.yfV ty Kam ls Jt IK-rrinir arid tvan.A Witffii, ; .Iar.. at.l ry si.te ia a turnari'. tu: the aIt in u-c tv tin. I'arniasti r of tlio I hitaJ, lj hia anj lira.iuis- Itnln al 0ry. '" his otric.-at Kedin$.Banu:artunal l-v tar- r.-U .M tl.-rrin?. ari'l the Saff in usr rv 11. A LantE. in . hif ,t..rr-.mui.r...-tiir.si t.y t:..n9 a witsun, .ua jut in tankaar.i r..rs r,i.ivnhki.. i Th lire w trt.d at ?, o-elctlt. A. M and t,f-t p , Hilt ll ll'Ur C.T.l-of prvrU tl K-.TV. two ixr.t llry Oak HtlJ h,f cno,tI,ut top mxj aim .ntiniy .tnom-j. u.e , h..tf uh-i.t the aui rrintiii t.-uia. or the titM-rit r.. . m.-nitarK . f th. f. mniitl..-. Tlie Sat. s were then r. i.l. J ! ott ith arat.-r. after whiih th.-v were ors-iu j, ana tte jo, an I ap. r tak. n out l y tteO mmitlieaoJ tnk. n I i to ll. A. l-antr'.-. at. re t..r f ill lie examinr.tii n.att. r tl.y wire tirateaaminlan.l marki 1 t Ihel.mniitue. Tlie i Nx.ka an t rai tak. n from tlie Safe tu:lliulaitor.-il I'V Ktans&itat TO I.Ut .li -tltlv atr.-ftial I'T tile intern- lieat. while these taken from tlie Sate niiiiiuta. tur .1 l y Varrela Jt llerrinjwen.. in our ju.lm-iit.uaiiiiii:il fully tit' au f.r rent, more thau tho.-e taken frim Liaus j; Vatarn'a Safe. ,e l. lieire the nN.ye to hare tven a fair anj lurartial trial ol the reai-setm .luariliea of la.lh Sal. .. J AO. .1! II. UYMIK.lt. DAM KL S. Ill MKIt. Haying hern at-aent iturinit tlie tummr', we fully eo inri.le w i tli the atore atat.ui. lit of the eenaiti. u i f the na era auil ta.oka taken our Of the re?)-rtiT Sales. tl. A. MI HLI.S. II. II. SU'lll.K.MtKltll. J AM KS .11 lLllol.LAN P. 1"V!M1S Tint soil have now on hand ! 300.UOO poitll.H of the above SAFES .h.i, ii. , .1.., ! . .t,.. ES, -- "- - 1)T AT17U tor Justices and jJXlY ll dVO Coilslahles, lor salt- ' or (Tinted to orJi-r.lU the Chronicle Office i t ;t 1 1 1L: U i v isrj-,'" I I attS i Uew Arrangement! A T the Mammoth Drng i . ICiiiporiuia of -d F. S. CALDWELL. The ondcrsirned havir.r purchaser ne Mammoih llrug store formerly lapt Thtirntun V Co., are now ready to 6il ij. " and Prescriptions at a moment's notice " have a larite and well selected storfe 0j'. ' atrl pure HUViiS, M EDICl.S T. CteaJM I'ycaiuifs, Oils, Paints, (iiass, Puttv iM lKLliiIIb' CLASsWAiit, All limit vf 1'utiht Mtdiciuti, Fruit and Confecticti. Tobaeco,Snnfr,and Imported Cipaisol choicest brands, Fanrt Sutfjn and Tuiltt ArticUt i Fine Toilet Soaps 5c Perfumery of j ,. s liucsiii s asn Cujibs or inn tt,UlJ" ISuokH :inl StalioiMry apeneral variety ol Literary and Sch'g.. I'lt.e O.I, Lard and Fluid Lamps r,f , rtesrriptK.n ; fresh Pine Oil and Paitu li it.: Fluid always on hand. PI Ki: WIN tS and LUPOUS of a:;i.. f. r Me.liemal uses. Fiie l'n.'.f and Zinc liint. J'rtsi rvic' anj rieklinp Jars, i. rKr Customers tviil find our stock corr.p,., coniprisiri? many articles it is impossir.,t ;.' to enumerate, and ail so.'d al moderate pr". Call ai.'I see us, one ar.d all, and see s'i rk ; and il we rant sell you cheap gt. tee will not ask you to buy. We are always on hand lo wait on custom Remember the Mammoth DrusStrrt' F. S. CAL1V m Lewisbnre, I'nion Co. Pa. 709 LEWISBURG FC0KDR7. wIhe subscribers, thank fn .. "IviaaMipast patronage, would .t: , -'Jthe public that they eonnt.c. , tftl.jj."'1.'.-' 2manufacture all kinds of .y ; I'tAlil.M; and other Castings. Thra t". Maehiiies and other Machinery repaired .i test mannrr. Castings warranted to h enrd material, and at prices that cas i to pieave. (iEHUES, MAR'sH 4 Leu-ibiire-, Feb. T.A Cloves, oi various a:-r.i J and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for u. atthe Lewisburg Foundry by (ieddes. Marsh & (. STOVKcS I'arior, V.'ood, and t7t fiioves, various patterns, for sale a: a Lewi-borg Foundry. litddef. Marsh 4 Co. "V1A"J,':S Patent liang Plows. V rior anicle, for saleat Ihe Lewistt-. Foundry by lieddn, Marsh & to.' GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Pan" decidedly the brst and mcst dura drain Lrillnowin use.for aaleal the Leibi F oundry by Geddes, Marsh II lo for cuttincr both Grain arid Cni AM FACTI KED and for sale a; j LeAislurs Foundry by liEDDES. MAKSH A CJ "VOTH f;. lla vijisr been arpoicted::- i-i !E.TO. to the Lewisburs t'unrr ihe si;t -criler would state that he is rrerr; to perl, nn ail dtitie? connected with ihe ban ot tiie ibad.i n short notice. Also that hf attend loth" re-interment of deceased perc: ! ";'-'!' ''r'-n vr,,fcfir surv'tlDR f . kesi'.ecce :n the Loi're at ihe (iate ritt:- cf t:- Cemeterv. liEOIJCE HON ACHY. l.ewiburg. May :i(, 1S54 iech! if.cn:; if.cn::: 3 47S I ES- jlst reciiu-d at lb' HARDWARE MOKE of J- SI I'll .VeFAIHrK.X. Farmers and Elaci smiths, call and see ihe Icrgttt end tot K si rtn.eiii , t ;r,.n ever ordered cn the We liranch. Il.iv.rg the tjcetutit' control of '.r. celebrated Vili.tims Certre county Ir: lie is enabled to warrant every bar. A sizes Tire, Scollop. Hound and Square; Him Mire, Nail Rods. Ac, at Caa prices to a.. Call and see ihe Hardware Store of JOS. M FACDEN. Lewisl nr?, May 10, 1S55. Ilclnibold's la ctiirte rrc-puralioi cr IttgMy ci-ncntruld Comround Fluid Eiircct OR Ihsi ases i f Blajder, Kidneys, Crart Pr -p-yAVeaknt sses.Obstructn rs.fc: lhx i f :h. , r eu.ale I .'plaints. ar.d a.i itiseasc: Tii.il I'rzana arisin,: trim eireMitr .Ed iirfn;-: en. ? :n I::. , ai .1 r. n;. ir all lini-rcfer l'lfrt ar.. :r.l ll:e Hia.. I. r. l '. Iriey. or PeSUal tVaDS.w hotter es i t iu Male or teiuaie, In in wLau vt r cau.-e tLry ma., th cri-iuate.l. and no matter of hrw ling standing, giTinir Hea'.th ani Y'v- r to the frame, anj Blccm ts paliid che. k. Joy to the AfSicted! It Nt'TT' i:- nrT D. hilitatid 'uf- reri. rd rrBWtt aii the tVMI'Iu.V.amin huh m W fouui In. (if ro-iticn ti exi-rti'-n. of j.w.t. U- cf trje-B tit tli. u.ty if t rvaUuiifT. yiTi-ral t utt n t rr r i eHS-'-weakEtTTL-.tr. nil liuir.drm.ltul Lfrn rcl JaUi. Bi-'ht cwfat.s to'.d feet. ak.t-luir.e!i, d'lcru- i? Tit-ifn. lan.iior, un:vt:l i.-?itutie cf tte B-u tui-ar vt. ni. ttn tT-nrmcu fi-t;tf witb Kiy -i-fitic u.f t ius. hit tar.iii-. tlul.in)! ff tin- li'iiy. ilrxne- cf the ?1i:d. pnllid n ua teT:a!ii e and prurtii ii? on tbe tare, f aiu in liie hm k. fc-nrine! cf the -Te-..J.-t, tr.-;utntlv (-.si k itjiotJ tlTinu: tfhr Xl,v eves with N miorry iittukjn nJ 1. ff v".'t, want cf MtU-ntavn. crtt ai-'V iIity. an-i Tv:'. with horror cf fceii ty. Sutl.ir-r is nu re Jeirahle Lo tui h frTx n?. tbsn MilitU'lt-. and noihinjf the ncrw tin ail t.r tear c t tht m.-eWfS ; no re'peae cf mnnnt-r. no rarci.-Tnt-!.-.. no fi-Tu!atif n, tot liurrnd traut-itii u fn.ni cn quttKn to another Ttee svinrni, if allowed to f rn whirh this nrf rire inikiiat'iy nnicTeji 1011 fbllowii Iaz i)F ' K.tiitv. ys Ki tic IT5 incnetd which tte j-.:-'-n'-ty t pre. M to cn m that tb?! ct$tr rnv M ln.;u.-ntiy fHcwtJ ly tl.ov tiin ful dLear I-' '7 ittui ri ii--i!C)rtin '' 1 he m-vr.!- f the Inane A-y SiV. I the Hii'tiiDrhnIy death Vy Consumt ticD. tear E, ' ti .-tiuicny to the truth cf th'- n-.rrticn.. In Luo-" Ayium" !tie mrt melamhr-ly eih:litu u pnr. ; rciiiit nnt;o ti artually -... m acd quite J ?i:ttT n" tlier uiirtb cr cricf eTer Mt? it. t-huuid si'iui-if - cci-ur, it is ntrrW artitaiate. With woelul niva-Hri1, w.in despair Lovw sullen oan'lf In itriel b-iruiie-i Tt 1 iliiy is mt ,t tirrir-.e! and has brought tllBl!", tif-cn u'UiarJ.- to untimt-iy gruTr. thus b'a.t:D;: ' urn! Hi n td'm.u) not!- Tuiith. It rtn be curtd tj - ' us. vi ttu INi t KEM Kiy. ! If v.- u are ynfVrit wth riit cf tK' ahore dfcitr,',i ai!nii.tw. th- Ll 1 1 EM KAlT I'll lit will cow 'fry it :md te ct'niiL.ed it rlliraiy. i if tH A( K tTKt.5IS A QrVl ICCTf,IS who faKdy bast 1 aVilitu-s and rtfi renrett. fi: . Km v atid a id tin ni. and mtc lean fui. nrj. . ' an.l ej ftfiirt'. by 'dlnl T caiiin;; it (Hi. It iJ 1'. ui-ir and leriffit- Kmreily. ' It a!!a- all i:n and nti'-imatinn. U ffTfi r:.y rVaitf in it." taU- .m l edi r, but iciiut-dia! iu it.- a-t: n. ; llKMUOLD'S FMJUCT Ll CTir ' 1 fr pared dirrt!T arerdine to lh Rot- ft '''' ' Jl l ' AM fHlMlIH with tb irtatest arrar : t,d Chenm-al kntiTt !.Ji-r and C: re deeltd in lU"" ni.ti. n. Sir I'rftetHT iKweea' alualle W tk t Ir. - tn-e if I'bjfic, U.J uivit of tbe laic unatvt ri ! On. IIundrd Dollar, will l paid tuany ry"" evv i rw.e that the Medici ue eer injurvd a KiK0t , the ti;:iu'iy cf thou-andi-can be i-rtwted tyn irt ! it Uoen j.leat gt od. 1'aM'S of frcm one week If tndinit bae been effected. The Bia- cf ' tar Tt.morT in rnaeswen cf the FrOfriirUT. "'"t 1 nauies well iiit.wn to t( li-.NtL AMj rAMt- j 100,000 Et'tths Have Tnt and not a n;c instunrc if a failure ban her" r r.t ra.!y apreatt d lefrre lue an A!derD City id rLiUdtli-bia, II. T. IUhbi LD. I hembt, ttnlv nwcrn dies v, that ht treiaratun n nia I Nam-tic. Jiertury cr ir-nrl. u Vtx tf. tut a re i ! getutle. II. T- Ilm loli. i'le Manulc i Jiat.rn and tubecriUd V ft n- me 1 1. i M di ' 1 ' i Uu Kv i. U- K ItlliKAKR ' j 1'ficf, fer liottle.cr Stx fir 3 VtUrtrt any Addros. fr. afprmtYanutl bv rei.al'ie tttd rtri n.-u if . aepomoanieu rv rvoai'ieauu i - - - .oit-.r"- 1-rt.Wn ot Midi. at Colleiea, Uergiraen 7j".;4R ri.iai.aaujsout-r , T ' ",, -Va. Si Scu!h Tenth S,t,.'i. -''"'J,.",lMiral T- I.- Wr Irva7i tnl PSm '"'" li.u.ii Kul. (Uliu.MjaJ t,l . ItWABB OF CCUNirtrEITS. A.-k f r HfmLM'a'Tuke "..''"' J..a...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers