1 JjCii'is!ttr0, Fwpat Morning, May 14, 1S58. !. -ubnr OHC.TI in uij - , , -i... .' nr.""-;:: hxh a t:..U. Oft... """ 0M.iuiU itud aJ". i f ltl; "J's'co Xew A.le.lcii.cii. t& Vmon County Court, next week. iKu't forget tbo Printer or the Binder! A. II Vorsf. Eq., f-rmcd a part- i I M l' ivc Ksll.. ID lue 1 Il'.TSUlU Willi w- . ' ' , , mc:ieo of the Law, at Middlcburg and at J -i. ... M ,.1.1 nhnr.r .fMiiUiui.urg -Mr. iusck u. . , Juud Mr. Vursc at MilUiuturg. '.3 a-wThe ears on the Cattawifsa Road iun off the tract, ticur Kuigtown, cilues- djs of this wci.k. iNoU'dj Lurt. It is i-tnted that tLero were unity- i., miuv duvs in May of last year. This !jear,also, May Las bceu decidi-dlj toV. toy-Foreign news announce the contin- ' ' ,iud fiucc.'iS of the Uiitiih arms iu Hindu stan, auJ great losses to the native iusur-. 'g,.Lts. There is work to he ihuo, there, jit, lut it teems to he iu a fair way for thorough execution. ; lSMr. O. Marsh has opened out a n larce Etocli of cluthiny for the umferstawl inys, in a room newly adapted fur the pur- , iose, and desires only a fair trial of his ; tock and prices. 1 s3,Jortj Porter, Esq., cf Milton, in , lends delivering a Free Lecture on HUtery Hit Miltuu on Saturday evening, and iu Iu dependent Hall, Lewisburg, on Monday , evening ucxt, at haif past seven o'clock. ! i Bi-'ear thn West Branch we never raw Wheat h)ok better in May then it belies now. On the lands further back, it li- not in all cases so uniformly good. Trum other States, we have the most, . cheering reports of the present prospect of . Hho Wheat crop. ' j! There is a fair promise of fruit. j Z l5Messrs. Sciiocu & iIautulette : -expect to have some good BF.F.b' at tho ! Jlaikct, to morrow morning, from 0 o'clock j i. till 9. (They intend to be on Laii.l,ith meat, ; i icery vvtri-rt morning, Wednesdays and I I. ': Saturdays. Come ye hungry, with your I ;' Laskets and your cash !) j I iSTLast Saturday, while the workmen j f were CDgaged iu starting a circular saw, ' the new saw mill of Smith, Haum & 'lowrcr, at New llerlin, Mr. Mowrer's ! Land accidentally came in contact with j f 'the Baw, which cut several lingers severe-1 ly. The hand is doiog well under the ! circumstances, and it is thought will heal i I w ithout any of the lingers being taken off. j 1 -SrAt a preliminary meeting in Indc- r j indent Hall, last Monday - evening, aj ; committee ws formed to report a Consti- j - tution, &c., for a Young Meu's Christian ' ? Assoeiatiou for Lewisburg. Tho Commit-1 i tee it is expected will report at tho same i I j.laco, next Monday cveuing, when all who desire we suppose are at liberty to ; J attend. ! - J""Signs ara only signs," and yet ; we have often been tuld that we needed a i more confpicuous sign for the Chronicle j ) establishment, although now on tsff- htnth year in the same block. Last week ! i we had put up a very neat but conspic fuoussigu i painted by Joiix IlEUTZ)ofj j" I'bintinu'' and " Hindi so" plain enough, we hope, for any oue that can pee ' lit all. l-'ollow tho wires, and you will '; fmd the Telegraph the Chronicle and the j limucry signs ana ail. At Last. Thouch not a soul from Minnesota objected to her Constitution, I yet tho Slave power in Congtcss kept ! back tbo bill for her admission until they ' Lad passed the nearest Slave bill fur Kan-; sas they could. Ou Tuesday tho bill pass- j I ed tho House, by a vote of la" to 38 4 the cays being part Dem. and part Kep., ' who objected to some questions connected 1 $ with Ler organization. She is allowed 2' Kepresentatives, one or both of whom it is alleged Lave been twisted into Tro-Slavc-1 ry men since leaving Lome. : I Cobbectios. In making up tho list of ! ; luria's in our cemetery for a year, iu our , last week's paper, one page of record was . ' accidentally overlooked,which added sums : -'-.'. up as follows : ! lioronn vouniry i uiai 50 1! 69 7 3 10 i SO nnd under . 60 and over 10 to 60 7 6 12 Totals 61 17 91 I Those of sixty and upwanl.-", were agcJ Decease of a U.S. Senator. Wtish i injton, May 7. Josiali J. Evans, of S.C, I ufter atlcndicg the session of the Senate i Yesterday, had diocd nith Lis colleague, Mr. Hammond, aud left for homo about 10 o'clock, apparently enjoying his usual , good health, lie was attacked with d':s 1 case of tho heart, or apoplexy, shortly af ter reaching hia lodgings, and died in a short time after. lie was 71 years of age. Salt Lake Mail. ,S'f. Louis, May 7. A weekly mail fjr Salt Luke, under the new contract, left St. Joseph's,Missou- n, on fcaturday last, with about 00 founds of mail matter aud several passen gers. The line is to connett at Salt Lake with a mail for Shasta City, California. Tho service to Salt Lake is to be perform ed in twcnty.two days, and from thence lo Shaala City in twelve days. Mi'.vcirAL Election at I.NDiAXAro Hs hulianaiyolit, May 5. The Muni "Pl election yesterday resulted in the saccttsof the entira Kepublican ticket, by from, two to three hundred majority. I ivc out of seven Councilraen were nlso 'ttI by the Ilerubiicanf. 7'Ae Hera Missionary or a History of the Labor ol the Kv. Kuoilhio Kiscjun. Ily AU'rivi 8. Pailnn. New Vork H. Uaytun, 1UV Nassau Su" The above work Las been compiled since tho last departure of Mr. Kiucaid from our th nres for Lis field of labor iu liurraah, and is not as full and accurate as longer ' time would Lave enabled tbe autLor to j nrako it. It is, Lowevcr, a thrilling and inciting narrative of the efforts of one of j tho boldest and most untiring Missionaries j of our age grouping together evcuts known to many, but here presented in a now and more striking form ; and inform-1 iug thousands of dangers and sacrifices j unknown to them before. The work com-; prises 312 pagfS, and is embellished with a pi rtrait and two illustrations. OEOltiit: M'Nair, of the University, is Ageut for , Uuiuu aud Northumberland counties, and . will furnish the work to all who may order throu-h the Tost Office. Price, 81. ! The f illowing news reveal most chee ring' pijmio of the opening to Christian tii.Iit of the country in which Mr.Kineaid so lon6' labored. The Emperor of liurmah ia a p. ri.iual friend of Mr.K., who conveyed an uilicial communication from him to I'res. liuohanan, and bear with him a reply. Next week, by way of coutra:-t to this'ttatc of thiii"., wo may c?py a sketch of the porils euduied by Mr.K. during the britisb and lJurmcse war, about 1117. J ; Interesting from Burmah. Interesting intelligence has been recent ly received ut tho rooms of tho Dunliat Missionary Union iu th'13 city, from their various stations iu India, of which wo givo the following synopsis : Dr. Dawson writes, Dee. 21, that the King of I'urmah is reported to Lave withdiawD his confidence from a host of UuJdtiist priests at Ava, who havo Lith trto crowded the royal city, having Ian t:,hed hundreds of them from the monas teries iu tho neighborhood of Amerapura, who have accordingly emigrated down in to the Territory of l'cgu. This measure has been carried out not by any direct persecution on the part of the King or his Government, but simply by his with drawing the royal favor, through which they were enabled to subsist and to main taiu their popularity among the people. I he enemies ot the fatng assert mai uo , . t.- . .1 L . ' has embraced Christianity. Others re port that, being a strict Uuddhist, he Las undertaken only to purge the priesthood of an immense number of unworthy mem ber, for the honor of the Institution. It is also a well-known fact that the King is a great student of books, arid tltero is a i strong probability that ho may havo taken ; to the study of the Uiblc, a copy of which was pat into bis hands oa the occasion of i Dr. Dawson's visit to the palace in April, 1S55. Bjituii Traveler Miy blh. System of "Literary Exchanges." Since the establishment of a Bindery in I.e- ..;h..,rm.n.. Iherilirens are huntinff ' .--.j -j - u , tip, aortinout.and arranging their documents, . magazines, serials, newspapers, Ac, for the , long-waited-for rrformer. In the search.often, books and magazines are found belonging to I ,0,eW, ese. (and promptly returned with aa ; inward promise of doin belter herealler we hope;-) but many "come up muring" break- 1 .. . . - i intr a tile, ana pernaps trustrating tne aiS.. of celtinc ihe &ett bound' To remedy in a measure this latter evil, it is proposed lo make the Bindery a medium of exchanging odd numbers of Ilarper's.Godey's, (iraham's, Putnam's, Peterson's, The Guard ian, Knickerbocker, ana ctner most current Magazines, Ac, so as to give the best chance i. i .n,nl-ii nnih;i U14HV " iiu uat; uinncin.ic.',iuiuur.i.uHuivii ti.. ir. -:ii i -v- .1.... ..t files. We will enrol every Xo. thus received, and sell them if we can at a fixed price, re turning theprice.orlhe Magazines on demand. Many complete sells may thus be made out, j and cah obtained fix refuse magazines to j the decided pleasure and advantage of binder, lindee, and seller. AVe have some of Harper's ! and I'utnam's on hand for this mode of sale ; or exchange, and invite any, in this oradjoin- J ins towns or country, who mny wish a chance j to dispose of surplus stock of this kind,lo send it in to us, when we will do what we can to I sell it for them without charge, and return all unsold. JTho friends of tho Leavenworth j Connilution in Kansas, bare nominated : the following Ticket for State officers, all j of whom stand pledged if elected to ignore i Lecompton in cvory shapo. j Governor Henry J Adams of Leavenwonh i Lieut. Governor C K Holliday of Topeka j Conaress M F.Conway (form, of Baltimore) Judges of Supreme Court m A I hillips, Lorenzo Dow, Wm M'Oay Sec'y of Slate K 1 Bancroft of Fmporia Treasurer J B Wheeler of Doniphan Auditor U S llillyer of Grasshopper Falls Ait'y General Chs A Foster of Ossawatomie .Sup'i Pub. Inst'n Jn M YValdcn of (Juiudaro Com. Son. Land JuWttnbinson of Manhatan Ki'prr.Sup.Court A D Richardson of Sumner Clerk do V F M Arny of Hyatt tayAbout I liia timo two years ago, sumo Democratic (or other) friend in I'hilad. Bent "Worden & Cornelius" a very enticing "Vaux PorLLi" free pass card up Salt Iiiver. Wa remarked that wc should not go would wait till tho next trinl. Wo nn'mp that llio "Vaux Pnnuli" men of that day now adopt the opinion of t . . r .i. ii : : .i.;,. ; XiOtou l iiuh, iitao uiv;u is, iu iuis easn "Vol Diahnli." Two vcars of com plete Locofoco misrule wag enough to correct the mistakes of Whig Philadel-! phia. The clectiou inaugurates a mighty revolution. Bf3i,Thc Election in Philadelphia, lir. I Cobb, we think will woik far more bene-1 Ct to Republicanism than a dozen years of defeat on a straight ticket would have . dono. Wo must work by degrees, re nicmbcripg that the American Revolution I was a work of time taking stands, from ' year to year, best adapted to do most good for the time Icing. Aot as we I uoulJ but an we must, in many cases. j ! Ca.Ey a Telegram from Jons A. GkicroI the Susquehanna, we are glad to learn that be has left Port Royal, and reached New York on Wednesday last "very well homo soon, I hope." Wawto Arctnr.w T.nsf rpnin on N. 4ihSi tn-o , ni .i . i n. i were racing ihcir leams.when one ol them ran over a little son of f?amud Ain-n dce.'d. hrea- king an arm and badlv injuring his head An r"!oK--m?n! cj Jaw i nrclcJ in ibis ras-. LEWIS11URG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH JSTlif new house cf worship of the United Urelliren. at Aew Uerlin.will be dedicated on Sun'iay, l'ih of May. Bishop Glassbrenner , and oiiiers are engaged as preachers. j PosiTinx an Appeal to ihe Charitable. Ii is desired that a donation visit be made lo Mrs. Mary A. Uritton at her house on Friday ihe 21st of May. Sicknens and want is the cause of my soliciting aid. DU VALL'S '7ml rwW.', bf 1'IIOF. n. DC TALL, tyrui'Ttyni tln.iv.ll-ol Suiyisn, Pnrui, II, N'JW OIFKRI.D TO THE I't'WUO UJ-fortK'Cun of all rte aJ J 'inul Diuau.M.t 1,'OK lusUncn 1'ain nrltrnaFl In any part or the vt'Ui, ItlieutuiiliMii. iMiu iu th tnok. krtat or aije., bt'Ai:J brvasLn. Ni-ura!i;ia, Mtirua, Sprnhi. llfa'lacl"., Oauip iu the Stomach, or any oltir li'a4r thut 9 St.'ith aii'l rMNr'L'l.. nri it i only rir('.ijWtjafo(di!en!'-neclaiiil l'Kltrt T VIC T'I:V. We my t'O-ntir ly to oar i-ntroTi. ir can n-lifve thn Hiitlurcr -J liiav out of l.io. W would ju-t to tU- pnt.li... I'rot. Un Vail aaa y.-arji iu trii.iiiptotltiinii-'ili.'tiio up.'riorityoralli.tln'r-. I'm-., i-i fie .r l-ottl-- i , or . t oil to ILe trade. 4 jt-All oi- l. r- niu-t ! nl lr.'.d lo J D. bTONtKO.I), S.le Agrnt f.r I'S, July'oSy Iwitt"in. Mi'in i'o. 'I. VSee advertiMMiient Dr. Sanl'ord's I.ivtn IxviiionaTon in another column of thi-i paper. -1 lu kiii fri.-iid . ftiiirt, wlio U on tl;H nwh n-.iii?-.vl..t huii'-v (i-u.l. il, ..nt v f-w lUy-, UM-1 IT..1. Wi-i-r Miiir i:.-t. r u l.i n-tiuii rnlL'ti t.t hi UxiyAufr, Lut I tw UnJ tin- tli-t ret rouujruirij l.iui : miJ ihi-fttTnt-il it3 f.r n-u-iii of ti.msWf r,f l .rty. th' Ir-nii t!:c -i1 Ktiu-, Stil l M!ltU.t ! iiit-il.HL' ly l.ut anf.-ntuIU . hacr.ii.-.l tc UnJ l. win ?upvini (pi; lii-; f-rtiirr M-!f in .irtiii..n:i of th ln-ty, nteh r iUM-1 Uiui I A - h.M .1 tii'.wn; tut tli tfJy MVs tliat hv tl; MiittTl.it Uttrr ttit.n ttw on. i.rtl iiii-rt- tlmt U- f -u tin u-' itt n c . vr i t u-tb 11 tir Ktoni'.T-. To be hnd uf tlK-.lriiL'' j.-t- Lou is Moroiii'illcrahl. z-M by 11 i!otl lr.nL-U irvltKiil--ol'U'K NtiSTKLVH AM ul'ACK lK0- .'j'j-1,1 ,",,'"',' it, l!t.-!tub(!i'! I ! i i - v ' tir-tit rait' i.siriu-i Iti-cKitooftlii- UliwJJiT. Ki1ii""na riu. i-ttti tlie atlMTtibtuitul," HluiU.l n lituu- rrt'iamrntioc." .llOVi:R & HIKER'S. CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING HACHI3MES, 4'Jj BROADWAY, Nsw Yiikk 730 CHKSTNLI STISKKT. flit I.AHtl.flll A. . a.llie-e .Mn-lllncff ar uo justly a uuitir w or. Itl.tf bt lu lor Fionily Scainc, making a uca., troii'. and cta-lic t.lrh, wlii. Ii will hot rip. ercn 111 ;.-T.-r tourlh .1:1- li tie cut. Circular! ecul ou ajipllcm itioo by IvtUr. Avutd Huntt-d. j I f.It in a ico-l HnJ. uM.'.l fart that Pr. Swi" 1 : vit..-f fs:, et l.iv.r IN nmly. i- t.n I Ik- TratHt itii- , cv.i' S uiifK iu im ili' in; lin I'flft century- It tias i bfi-u a ntti-ly of the Or , tiuriiin twenty eri practire, j ' to tiutl h Iihi tartKMiUr orait. wl.eii tii-eaM-ii.cauwil tho ; ' ((rfi.t-fl uuuibiT ( ill- ur h ii" : aii'l his rout 1 us ion id, tht the liver if thp irrt-tttfit regular "r of the yMetn, ! and the taunt lial-let" uis.-ae : which if kept free frnin U a .reV'-ninti- nl Pyix-jia, J.iunJioe, k- iht- f al d bilitv. Ac, while, la-t bat Ur trta we nit-n- 1 tion C'tifumi.ti- ii ; lt-r I'lir r-.-nein-e is that m-Te ra- h-h ol coiiuiiiplifO (itrur iri-iii liiRt-a.-tetl lifer than from j , all oiln-r catif-i i put t(& thrr. I t T:ikmt this to 1-f a rorrert hvpoth-'tifl, we have tut to I fnt.J a reiu.-dy with . hi' ll to r,,ir, ct the liver, and W i - mr- - f nit iiie aiwfif we an nuljrt 1 W niDiplv uii.s a preienlbtiv-'. That tli !ni;;urtor : is cu-h a n un dy, it iev,.nd J -ul t to all who try it, for '. it virtiifi are muIi thai fr all wmplaiiit ari.inc from i li v r derail s'tn'-lit. it is an unfailinfr remedy, while a ill a faniilv nit-in ine. fr nil diatiaw of the Moutarhor bow- j el , C1U ,, , , F:,u.r or K.,s j,,,tee hy nr. er dt rann ni. nt, it ii the t-al'eiit, surent aui uiot edlca- oUi reiiUHiy knnwn. arXDisUurs iHavUtt. Currrrhd Weekly Wheat... .70 to l.Oi) hjics. 5 8; 12, 15 ye 0 ii r.r; Tallow Lard... ISacon 121 9 piaXge'edV.."..". 1 25 i)r;ed Apples l,-r0 ISuttcr 1 Ham "u iY " o ! - ""w1"-4 .... 124 Clovcrsccd 3,50 M.ni5IF,I, P n.'T. P. Bii. r. .Tth nit . DAVID HENS and Mis EI.I.AIIKTH DKl M, tnith ot llnlfjlm. Tp. lin the vtb int, ly Hit J PMIiiwIrl, IIKNUV ItOffH itiM KI.I7k iii:iiki:i t . u.tl, id UI.MWm.t on Die l.'.tli ult. I-T K.'.!r.Vi;Ii.iran, A. M.WAlXill ot Ti'l'-'lo. I" and Mi'a Sl '.AX 111 it'll Kit ol f.imrtilonvV. He EW ...IMIalUlMh It, IIA ll r. .WSt. M ai jAK(iAKI!T MI KIlAY.all or lanllle. aHHHHHMBaHa TlirTY JJltUt in Ia-l-bur. morning or "ih inst , atler a lon anJ l. In i.,i,bors. Tih iut. HKMir hkss, auii OJ j.r. il. ttlJ io Uwukurg, rmn Lin uatira iiitrlana, .Innf th. rr IS 17. i,,,t, GRIFFITH, m or PanM ami .M:ir'artt It. ttaiin-r, ttff-i :i yi-arn. 11 dm, dy. In '.'uilliMiuatur., 4th in.-t., CHARLES ton of William aul KhlalH-lhtlllV-1'U., a'o.1 4 yvara. Nar Ni-w B'-rlin, Saturday list, k chili or EHaf p-aiilr. asid about I month. On tlw Tlh iust-, in I'miburj, 5IARV ralict of Philip r.ouyh. aired 76 y.-ara. In ll.-:ivcr Ti, fur an rn, lltli nit., J All III KM.I.r.K. ii-.l G T'r.i. In lit arer, lw Uit ll n am sTKlINWhIl. a.-i 8I Years. .... , . . vm lnU-w.t..wn. 2 .Jult.a.-.-J.t.utMTrnr,,Mr- ANN rrli.-t t.f J.imea Millikao dec il. im trie sstn nil. J r.! A. I'L NN1 Noll A1, Uinetim". luc ivuiorraoc tjnor lor Mifflin ri.mity. ai:ttl about 4tl.y-ara. On tb. --ytn ult, i l UAM'tS M'OoV Ksq. ad atout 72 Tear?. In iH-rrjr T.. llth ult. JOHN lll.Kr: Jr.abt 35 vra. In lintill..U ult, LEWIS K Al, I -l AN, acd yri. ! In Mnncv, ith int .1 AM KS I'lltt'l.KIt. T Tr. In Ma.tionT..3J inat. 1AVII MASTERS, in 70lb jrr. , In Miltf-n. f.lh inst, afred aliout ir j-wari.. Mrs. CAT11 A- t P.INK 1.. IiVHULUdaucliUrot Jffta.. ivrrionon WANTED, 5000 Vmsli. CORN 5(i00 bush. OATS 1000 lm. li VE 1 500 bu. Potatoes, For which the hizh'st Market price will be paid. CH AMHERLI.N BKO'9. March 1 1 Wolfe sW arelioasc.Lewisburg LewIsTmrg Cemetery---Election. rM!E Annual Election of a President and 1 seven Manatrers to conduct ihe affairs il the Lewisburp Cemetery Association, will be held at ihe Otlice of G.F.Miller Esq. on the first Monday of June next, (June 7,) between the hours of one and four o'clock in the afternoon of said dav. THOMAS HAYES, Sec'y. I.cwisbtirg, May IS, 185S SOMETHING NEW! The subscriber having rented the long established and favorably : known llollr a Jtlilln, near Lewisburc, is prepared to attend lo CUSTOM WOlilv to order in the best manner. j CHOPPED FEED of all kinds, ! and I'LUI R, kept constantly on hand for j sale. ! rsCnme and try work at the Old Mm ; under the Niw Mi.nsti V. V. BREWER. Buffaloe Tp, May 12, 185S fJW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. This Way lor Ilarpnln ! The undersigned has just returned from Philadelphia. where he has purchased an E.N 1UE1.V .NEW assortment of 1100TS, SHOES, Ladies' Dress hoes, Gaiter.-s, Slip?, CLilJrens and Misses' Shoes of every style. 15oot3 and Shoes for ' Men s aii'l Jioys wear all of which he oilers 2." pr ct rheaper for t'ash than the old Credit prices just lo suit purchasers and "the Times." T.T .- f- PrniTr.tvn 1 iUA.MtAtlLlini.iV done to order, and all work Warranted as represented. :i"'re room newly fitted tip on Market aireet a,l i, ,i i. i n o- ,,lfe & Baker s Drue store. Call in! GRItitiS MAUH. Lewisburg, May 1" IfSS DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL I"EI.lEVESall pain and soreness in from s S to 30 minutes. Sre anvthfr column. Price SO cis. per boiile only. Miipped to all parts of ihe V. S. 1-or sale bv M O iirht llanrk.Itur X lids W W Llii-lrnmulrt. Iluff, Hat. 1 braver, Morri. ft Co, Winfil l VfUinian I'". 'trt t) II Millar. :Sin-ti-c Vlarji M HM c w sriiutn. do t'DRoush, s Berlin ' lipri I'rPBilr. Tiirllr.llla 3 h L'ar..uiaii. K.-llrTp 1 (.uamui.'4,..-.!Irtlfttn KEEP i ool. ! T mE Ice Wagon Will Start OUt On Moudav Nornlnff. IOIIi lntt. I All those who wish to be supplied wiih Ice can then have an opportunity of doing so. tV Persons wishing Ice at eitra times, will please leav word at M'Faddin's Hardware i Klore. JOHN' I.(t;KK. i JOSF.I'H M'FADDIN. j LewiiburR, May 5, 18.riB. j GOOD NEWS! I "VfOW Is the time, and at GIBSON'S j ll New Hat ManufiK toi ' is the place to get fine UltKSS HATS maite to order I at city prices, and have ihetn Iteoaired when ; lhey neel it without charge. Al",a gtn.d as j !.ortinriit of Suniuicr Hats and Caps very 1 I cheap for Cash. Lcwisbuig, May 6 ! Vm. it J. II. Ilrown, j Market St., above Fourth, LewiaUin g;. I ! LAIU.K assorlilieiit of new Si.riii J 1. ami !?uiiiuier (joous lust recrtved, consis tine; til Clotlis, f'as5imoroi,ContIn!.',Vr.,?tiMgs ami Summer Wear of all kiiul. Aa assortment of DREisS GOODS, vu : Calicoes, C'hallie.'J, l.awns. PeLaines, Uarcire?, Hre.-'s Silks, (jinghaniH, ore. Shawls, a lull asportment. Links axi Whitk (!oois. lii-U Linen, r.Ieaelieil and Jlrown Diill- illfJTH, Sheetings, Ac. (Jroeerie, Jlunlwaie, Ceilarwtire, QiieriH and (Jlassware, Fish, Salt and l'laster. CnM and examine for yourselves. Produce of all kind; taken iu exchange for g May 7, luii. .d. CIIAMI5EKLIN JIKO'S, wulke's wap.eiiocs-e and I.c Isburcr, I'll., W UAI.P, A RE prcparetl lo receive ami forward -i- Produce and Merchandize of all kinds, and luriiish good stcraje nmin when desired. , Having superior facilities for cnnduclin; ' this business, we do nut hesitate to ask the patronage of the eomniuni'.jr. i We design keeping a large and complete Htock f;f GROCERIES, which we will sell, wholesale or retail, at low prices, for Cash; and eichanRe f.-r, or pat Cash for all kinds of Grain and CVuntry Tro duce. FOR SALE. SALT Ground Alum. Asliton, Ocu- neisce anJ Dairy. COALS, PLASTER, FLOUR Extra Family WHEAT Extra Whiie, MACKEREL Xo. 3 1, 2 ami 3 SHAD, WHITE FI.-U, HERRING, (..i.LifM CODFISH, SUGARS assorteJ, COFFEE Rio and Laguyra, SYRUl'S, M0LA??E.S X.Orl'ns,Triiii.latl..tc, TEAS Green and Dlaek, a fine assortment, RICE, CIIEEsG, VIXEGAR, .STARCH, CANDLES, Adaman tine and Tallow, SOAPS Olive, Rosin, Castile, Toilet, &c, SAL SODA, BAKING SODA, SODA ASH, SPICES ass'ted, CORN STARCH, Water and Soda CRACKERS, winnv fnnct' l UICII t 11 VJIilj.v.TH, KOSEXDALE CEMENT, CALCINED l'LASTEK, WHITE t?AXD, TOBACCO ass'd, Chew i rig .t mo'g, SEO A R S various bran Js, C E L A R Wli E, C 0 Ii D A G I ,T W I X E, BROOMS, BRUSHES, Ac. From experience, we are convinced ihat the j Cash System is advantageous to boih buyer and seller. We puirhase for Cash, and sell at a small advance, determined to adhere strictly to that rule. WM. II. CHAMBEKLI.N, May 6, '53. It. H. CHA.MBEIiLIN. Administrator's otlc. . TyO'lTCE is hereby given, lhat Letters of! Ll Administration on the estate of SAM- ! I EL STR1CKLAMD, late of Lewisburir, I n- ion cotinly, deceased, have been grar.led to the j undersigned in due lurin of law : Therefore ' all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment ; and those having just claims against the same arc also requested to present them properlv authenticated lor settle- ment. JAMES MERRILL Ll.W, Adm r. Lewisburg, April .10, 1SS8. ; TEW GOODS, j li at Jos. I.. It tW.Vii, j Ap 0 (firmcrj Sy t.er'i Hit .SVtwc.) A FRESH SUPPLY j OF Dross, Mfilicincs,Notions,Painls,l Varieties, htaiionery, &c, purchase. I in . Mationerv. Ac. rurciia.-e.l in v.,,1, ,,i Ph.i,j mirV;a h, ..... h.. "i...u ".Vii .u uZZL.y K. S. CALDW ELL, Letiisburg. LEWISBUF.fi HARBLE YARD. rilHE undersigned have formed a Panner I ship under the Firm of I'. A'tiu V Co., and have laken the former Shop ol S. Rittlii at the tipper end of Market street.I.ewisbutg, where lhey are prepared to manufacture MONUMENTS, Head and Foot Stones, and all work usual in our line of hnsiness. AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MAKl'Lh kept constantly on hand. We are prepaied to do work 5 Good and as Chetin as at any eslab- i .h. K.... ., rpner.lfii!l ask a i share of the public pa'rnna;e. PKTKK NEVtr.a. ' iMiKKW I MMIMiS, I April IS, I5?w3 AIIRAIIAM WIIITIaJCK. NOTICE. MEETINH of the Executive Commiltec of the i'mou County Agricultural Soci- : ety will be held at ihe Office of J. A. MerU in X,eWlSOUIg Oil .-rtH.lMrt ...t ...... . , neit, at I o'clock, P. M. Hv order of Ihe . President: J. K. MERTZ. April S7, IN58 Rcc'g Sec'y. i:-l i .. .1,- i;.t. Atv t.r w IMbltl RIVr.RS' C OM. al the very low rale r-f l.?,t per Ion, for sale hv feb 4 UI w AM. FARMERr - 3IAYli,1858. THOMAS G. GRLER, Wulcbinakcr and Jcwciier, . uVvi.kwwiiiKu.ii. i -,Imr. Watches. Ac- repaired on short ': ' j notice and warranted to give saiislactmn. tVAn excellent assortment of Watchen, Clocks and Jewelry on hand Cheap fur OuA. GILT FRAMES of all sizes made to order. , Lewisburg, April 29, IBM 1 1 Bargains Bargains !( BEAVER, KREDIER & M'CLURE i 4 RE iust openins a varied and eiiensive t assortment of G0OD8 adapted lo the wants of Ihe community and to the season which have been purchased so as to enable them to sell at prics that defy competition. Call and ire ! 11. K. & M'C. Lewisburg, April S3, 1853 I ) I. ASTER and Lime-burners' COAL fur sale by (anril S'Jl BEAVER, KREMEK MCLITtK it THE BEE-HIVE! THE "old Mammoth aht'iid Sol -1 wuhsdn-liiig Uic hard limes and Hank suspensions, J. & J. WALLS have received and are now npening an unus ually lar&e and well selected stock ui SPUlXa AXJ SUMMER KOOIt cumiMins; parily cf Cloths !' every irra.Ie. plain.bUck and fancy Cissnnei es, a r.raMUlul visrit'ty of V.-ftsinj9, I'.aluD Ctoth.-, Jcaiii, IwJ ku inter wi ur, aim) l,iiliH Or ess CootN, uch n filk. TiBr. IflniDo, li-re.-a, 1'rlnti. Wbit ii.rtfJ;.,tiiol.jiii(i. kiul.rid--rieit. liiMH.uH, It' (-It!, hloachej aui hruwu Mtiflim, Irlch LtiieQ M jh, ai-d STI!.V fiOODS of wvry Tarifly and ljl alo a fine n-leclicli of 1 1 A II IY A UU, ii !' KEXs W A HE, Ceuap. AND WlLLOWWAKB, I id Mrt. A c. Ac. mlud toal! thewants olllie oplv a iUirL let ct CAT.PETif.SS, taken lu icUn, ahirh th..y onr to tlivir rn.trmara at net-.. ltra:ii anl ..inT country itju a aacLao4 far Ooodi". l.wiflUIY. At'. 1. h NEW GOODS 0m cn. ci uif nil. wi h all ?iar mklit. You'll K' t mU you whiit.auJ i.uJ It ri' U II I It S II & rjUJl t, Ilnyes old tUnul, TIIAKE great pleasure in anouncin:; to ih--r J customer"; and lh" public eenerallv 'hat they have j tit returned frnin ilie ci'v with a uj Mvll UtM.l bL.m k bu.uj Itt tl.e tuiivj TUiir atoca cuuaiftta in part of lhf fallow ilitf artic.t : Prints. GintrbatiiK, Wnnl ! Laini), Muntia Lain. t'Laltitr, LwrapfS, Iwiicn, Lawn. Si'k. Shf'hT'i' rimJ. vlin nd burml Jarnt Mull, i-lm au i t -ttl Vioturu Uwd, Kwliop Ijiwus, Urtllinnt. Mt-ita ki1 IM Lam hawlp, UntilIj, an utittLrsa Tartly .f i'ollar, L'nJttrnIe7Tt-a. Clietiiim-lU, Swim anJ J,wt VAitx arnt InertlitKi, Farawilii, ErabrolJ. kirtl, all kiu4 Mu.-ho. dliftne. inh J.tnn. larrrl l.iDcn tr w?ar, Liun iucks. Twvd, Krnluvky Jraut, Cloths, Cas3l:neres and Vestlngs, Groceries, Hardware, Cedarware, Queens & Glassware, Stone and Crockery ware, riastcr, risIl -a IIerri..B,Wh.u.flah 4-('ountry Produce taken in KichaDg. for 'iood "V Terms strictly Six Montli-". fLTKK HI'IISII. I.cwibbnrg, April JNO. II. UtAlDMAV. 30 BBLS and half lbls.Xos.1 SL 2 Massachusetts MACKKKKL. 450 lbs. Fresh .Salt CODFISH, 'i't kegs NAILS assorted. Just rec"d by April 19 HEAVER, KKE.MER A M CM RE m- .; ai msSlHAJUMIKLlMIRh, Ao. '2'iG Arch St. bit. Seeontl and TUirJ, (Oi-poaite Rroad strcat,) rniLAVELl'lllA. CIEVES.Riilillt's.Sf reons, Woven Wire O ol all meshes and widihs. with all kinds of Plain and ra..., Ire Work. Heavy Twilled Wire f.r Spark Catchers; Loai, Sana anil t.ravel screens; Taper Ma ker's Wire ; Cylinder and Dandy R-dls. cov ered in the best manner Wire and Wire Fencing. A verv superior article of HEAVY FOI'N DEi:S SIEVED. All kinds nf Iron lire Wire and Sieves. 731ml BAYLUSS& UAKHY. USHIPj WM. nAYES, M P. A. r MFTI.F P.T, M I. . HAYES & MEYLEKT, lhyslrlan & Miiccon. r'Residence and Oihce of l'r. Halt s. W. corner of Market and Water sheets. tT'Residence and OiTice of Dr. Miitur Market W. of Fourth Su norili side, tinineji- ately adjoining Brown's new Store. Pr.Meylert rerpcctfully refers to the follow . ing gentlemen : l n.r. w. il. v Brmj. M ! I Vll.FSTIK M--TT.Sl.il. ; .1 -lis W. liEiriK. M. I. do J -tin T. VrrrLrit. M. P. do IlAVIT. W 1I"-T ; do J-ll N. C-.STSt.HAX Nw T. rli rity to :r---e. Ta. I'..au.ta M Wilk- a llarra N.-ratitrn Lvaisbur Col l. W. HrKASTos RfV. II am Malc Ti I. Lewisburg, April 1, 18i NEW II AT, CAP. an LADIKS'FANCY FUR STORE. MMIE subscriber, .icin; a PRACTH'AL L ll.VTTEK. respectfully announces to ihe citizens of Lewis'.'itig and ihe surrounding country, that he has jio-t opened ihe above business, in Ihe new Store Km-m on market St., between Front and 2d, (next door lo James Crisweli's.) where he is prepared to furnish customers with any arti cle in his line. t?'ttrirl attention paid to latest Sulci. rim- Hal made to order. OI I HATS , "r11"" a. "". I prices lor Lastl. la- Jiy own wora repair.-u lirntis. JOSEril (ilHMO.N. Lewisburg, April 1, IHS1. EVANS & I'O. have rennn rI their I'loiir uikI I'ot'U Store 'a the stand recently occupied bv Ilrown A Mt- ncr. on Market street, where they are glad lo see all iheir old customers and as many new onrs an possible. April 9, 6S. Aiimlnlktrator'n ollco. AT OTH E IS llCrPDy gIVeil, Uiat LrlltTS " ! ll of Administration on ihe Lataic ol .e..H have been .rante.l to the undersigned by the Register of I'nion county ! in due lorin ol law ; tncretore. an persons in . debted to said estate are requested lo make j immediate payment, and those having any just . claims are also requested lo present them le- gaily auihentirated for ''lement. " v- " ' C i . j-.a million. Milton. LAW OFFICE RE MOV K P. John B. Linn, A TT A h" TTOUSCT AT laAW OHiea il h-nse r ?. Market M. nt. i'i a I.1iaiirg, I -a, I yE V ANS & S.NOWiHASs are nellinit Kitra r'amily Flour at aud Superfine at $5.'2.. I'S' MARRIED IJL1 ' G i ET married when vm wish, only so vou cail at M'FAUUI.N H A KUW AKK sloRE.and e'ti lirvt rate COOK SI'OVB at j,rjt cost, as 1 want to close ont inv t-k- of co..k stovet. JOrt. M'FADDlX. Lewi.ibure. March II. lb. ' Dissolution-Notice. rilHECo-Hannersh.nheret.Joreeiistinitbe- 1 ' '"" me in ih. wy ., mi. b. ...... - ... ... " to be jellied at the Foundry, and the business carried on lor the present bv John I iiiev- WILLIAM FKICK, I JOll.N L1LLEY. I T.ewisbnrg. Feb. 18.W BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. . TP? The 5tibseiiler i itVrs to sell the arise Itin k Foundry at the w..t et srrel, inc!i tint; tltltre, ant the Mjclmi. ry at'.tched sN. a Ur-e a'r.unnt il Pxlteriia for Patent Ki'i'', t. r Am.cilturat Machinery. S.v.-. Ar. It is rar'ie' 1 as one of the best loe.Ttions '. ra e'0'!,afe I '.iainrss. The Proprietor's lime is wholly engr.'sel in anotlier eiuplovilient, wlnoh is lln: render, lie ilesir'.s to dispose of this Foundry. Fer any tutilier particnlai, a-liiies WILLIAM FKICK. Lewi-burs. Feb. I'nion C j. Pa FULI0 NOTICE a"! uh'iin i' may foncrn That ih- Ilo-.ls.!' l IlUiiM U.N A. M'.M.AL have tr.'n ril in v.iy h ir..i f-r Nt-n!einf:.t lectiui.. C ' A i I person? (Uitiiia to call ant! !rMil? their accuuiis on or bf '".-rr 1st day ot April t.rx, w:!! be- .suJ ftn l c -Hecii.tn made accurdin to law u ;!h 'i !'inh--r n tice. WILLIAM JONES, Ati'tmt'v f-T Thiuti'ii A: M'Neat I.eaKburrr, Ftb. L-.'.S p I'i -U ring rf tb i irn lu Ii Ji Ui , tf (.! citr'.n, tbf 'jrnn t.J auiv ; TU'-y -in cf ill'1 fr:r-ii.-e a h iiffatl by tLu tir- m ut .n h ti f i'ttl I'lifUf. I.vt tL iiiun- tx ast 1 i-ali L;L rurf 1 U-b, Thf rvi-r of win or i'r-tn u branjy, Tvr irnrif of th iit usmi.-! i.ii'.p r m cumj a: Will ilt I'k.i RMtlt s Oili lw. Fit!. atij frti!, a-i I w.i-t lwnr my .- jj -t-l 4jr li?hi-s I' r -(. )".ti-! libv ; lit; I tli qki' t:ri !i t!.l I wit I f) '. Jr-'.., -:t w fa hi Ta!nir. r. !r. i l.-i.tv. W 1'tial Lli-r if n'H'j of tL-ni !.lf t r.'' b i rlirJ, It m tin ;( ,rntiu4 tbn I t ti. : 'Inu ly, A tta wvtf-t n( .iULl!;. ev. ry wlt.r. iJu.tAMtl 7trs. I)rnori:antII ti',cs i r. int. raiinc her i:u ii-i-.'i-' frin ia pieasuro . that .-h. has rrenllv retirtel hrr p-it ..r-i. ar.! i ifitf i.ret..reJ to f.irr..sli 11 1! I'kKAU.CJaK ....l i i.NKEi; I Hi.N'EKIES iu such as iu;iy lavir her with their custom. r7'lartie supplied at ihe shortest notice and in reasonable tt-rms. (.UOCI RII H! Chenp f,r ri-r in exchange lor Country I'o.dure. Cull and see. MKS. DE.M)KMA.D1E-S, one door west of Fnck's Foutnlry . I.ewisbarf, March 4. 1--5S ! nit. H. JAMES' lract ol'C'annablH Indira, Calcutta.) won rat, fir mas in r ccrb or c o x s u m p t i o x. DiioxcMTis. Asthma, Corpus, CoLi'S, NEKVOIS DEBILITY. 4v. Price, $i per bottle ry.None genuine wiihnut -Dr. II Janie!9 lirand St. Jersey 1'ity" blown in the bailie lor sa; Dy J. A J. w.i.T.r NIe Agents, Le-islmui .tsulKncFst' oflcr. "VOTICE is hereby given that the under- 1 siftnc.l are dulv appointed Assignees of , I Aimii Ahucst, of White Deer Tn. All i rer!,ons tnou in themselves indeMeil ei'lier ty nil,e or bwk aCl.OUIll aTf. rei4U8,te.l to j caj anj make immediate paym-nr, and those ' ' having claims against the same are hereby' n'l'1";J to rr"eal x'Mm l""r(T : I "'Hcrr.ent. K L- II A H IU.D. . Feb. w AL, 1 Lackawanna & Bloameburg RAILROAD. AUklTALi ASD VKl:Hri l.LS UF JiTJ.'.Vi (iolitK ortli. ! jr.irM.si V.ir IVr IVainl T UO A M. Ar-fnme-atuft. I :ea j Fupart BliM-mntiirrg ; tnl-TO-Wll ; Lima Ki-iga I H- rwirk lnacli llaran ll.irli oroTa MiK-kbitinr HunlorK a Craak Nantic"ka ' rl.ni--uili Mill a ax Kin-;-tr a tKava : Kin. -n . Wrir.ilitr w-t I ii:ti n ' I'lttf-tori lAiMnnanns I lnl--rtiie ! AI.I.IVK ax ! S.-rtnton r'-io ,,:. 3 ti. r m 3 '.- df. 3 .a do a 45 do a lo .1- 4 'S do 7 is -lo 7 ) do 7 do lu do s 2( do ;u .1- e do v Od do 0 M do i) do as -t- v :.- d.- 9 f..'. do 10 0-1 do 1 1 1 -Ij 1 o - do 10 00 .to a :i.t dj 4 do IS do do il d to do t. o-l Jo ' 0 -.o d - '. iS lo H 4o d.' e :o .j.. 1 :. p.m 1-J d.. 'J '.o .lo j The NewVi'rk Vail Tr.im o. nnects u-itu rhe 1 I Eipress going East on Uie Delaware, Lavka- I wanna & Western Kiulroa l. j Arrive in New Vork al V l." P.M. i do Pluia.U'plrat-) Caiiidni&Anib.-v Railroad al SO P.M. j Fare firm Hurn t It X- ir Tor?:, $'3. 1 The Accommo-Jalion Train N-.rtli r.trmrcts at picrant.-n w.lh tl.r E.pies T.ain ue.t or. the I'. L. .V W. Ilailioad. (.oUu Soulll. A Cluni-e to "Live. Ajrain ' irsxn tW St'i'i. Av'i. .V r SI M ?rmnt. n t- A M. 1! .; A M. 4 ,, ' TvI.Till S 4l. II 4S lo 4 I" t. !.-r-kllliBt. V "-it i!o lit" M 4 Ltl d.. Pitt ton ! ao no i: !i I' V 4 . -1 Wt l'ntt(.n ? 3S dt 1 - .'"- 4 '- ; Wynmin S 4'i Jo 1 4 4 4.) di UF.a, At Kilirf-I. n 0 do 1 L'J 'to t t't rl" trAVt Kinie-r.?n P 1-0 ! 1? !. r.iD' nth i' I- Jo f jo Noii--. k r. d,i ltui.Io. k i 't 1" 4" ! 7 o) ; M.i. l.b!ittiv 1 1 ! d 7 .j.. . IV::. h iin 1 1 1' 'i.t 7 40 J.. l:.-cli lin it ... 4 : ... do ! H. r-t, k ll .k .;. si. 1 I iuij K !!; J- 1" I l fc '; do I f -.w!rwu i: 31 -Jo R 4i .1 . 1 lilt-inI-aitu 40 do ;i ARMVR A I j Ru-rl 12 .'f ttf Pr The rhil.t. Mail Tram g iri -W . onncis wiih Ihr Mad Train at Kuprrt going East at 1 10 P.M. for CatawisM.I't t linioii.lViiM ilie. Reading Ac. arriving at Phiia.l. at SS P.M. Also with Mail Tram g'i'ig I'Vf al 3 P.M for Ianville. Mihon, Ilcss'ci-arh to Lewuburg,) Money, M illiamsport nnd Elmira. Passengers bv 4 P.M. Train giio -Vyii.'i can take the II P.M. Express Train for Eluiita a.na,,u; est.or k-dge at Itloomsbure and take I rani going East, arriving at Phi- " ' I Hassengers for iorri.-i.. direct w take lh N.Y Mail Tra.a I P.M A rm Son-h. ron. .i p.,.. ci,.,.. ..h k. n...nk.n x- ' Susquehanna Railroad, arriving at ll.uiit.burg at 17 o clock noon of neitt tav. i' j leaven worth, s,irt Scranlon.Jan SI, IS58 3ui?2l NOTAUY rUHMC William Jones, A1 TTORNEV at Law.---rolleetiiini Jl promptly aiien.leil lo. niiirr on oru n 1 i Seconi '., tf rn"V bv II r Hick .k. LT. i 680 i.ewfR'-;rA. Oissolutlou of Partnership. HE Partneibip herei..!,.re i;:iDg and tra-tirioj under the name i f '-(oyjinan Cliamberlin." is dissolved this lift dJy ot April, uy mutual coiiwy. J jtl ' ti 5IVAV JouVN lll.OILtKI.lt Nite Persons ind.:!.tr t to the ahf-ve Bun are requested to c-ll oninedia'.ly and irake lettlemetil. f"i"AII accounts not Mii-factor;! closed before the -'oth i f Mar rut will be placed in the bands of aa oilicer for peremp tory collection. 'I he Books of the fi-m will be left with Cl.amberlin Bro's" ( Wolle'i varehotie , hta are author z?J to art t..r in Chan.herlin. Soih pnrties wilt si'n in liquidation. A we have itehts to pav, we must re'iane pruipt ettle ment by those indvbttd to Ca. J. 11. liauBsis Jit. Cu tsiaaait. ts,- The Merchandizing business is rotiua ued al the ll.W US suikI by liiTEIl Bfllflf. J. U FIRST OF TIIK SEASON'! 1 S' lIHKVKU & SON have Jual k- ) o ivej heir stork of .(w SWIM AXl SrVMM COODH! uiilch tr .v are m'. i.vcry ch ap. 'i'h-.se u h . buy tt t'jh are parcrti'arjy tnvi.ed l call. Apnt !, lo DISSOLUTION HOTICK. V w'n ihe iiit --'M ili'-rs, kr.fiwn a" the lirm l UnrriMitHrm, Vurta m A V,,.. r cen tl.is day dissolrcj, by mutual consent. Kcuben nv l'-r baviii Uis ir.tt ict in &a ii firm t.j lierr Arntutnb. Thr husiness tll t cvritn.ueJ ci.iler ihe sa.me natie aud tyl ui ihe fTriirr lirm. J I. mrrFFNl'ERFER. I.fuisV'irr. ) MA.iTiN IKKt4lMCH, March S'J.T.-. iUM ULN bNiL'Ki;. Elssolution. - - -Kotice. T IIE t-Ypar'.Lr-rhiD hcrCufure exiaiir.s h- twet5 the sutj-crit-ers, knuwn ih l irm i-f UtkTfcR, UKiiir, .MaRii A. I'u., hs hecn this day dissi.ivcd hy mutual cfneni, Chiis. E. Morris having rerirtd (Vom saij F:rm. Mal-U 1, lji). tuut. I'l.l'U Hi.tVlK. t-hl'i.Ks "Hi:;ll ro, i im - :. :.ji:i.is, mil! in ; i;-jvKt. Ailmhilstrat?r's TJotlce. w 'IICKCAn, l.eueta of A H.;'.in atton to ihe estai.-.-i ri;i:ui:nn:K marmh. lale I.rwtsr n.-tf, I'ni-n r. i:niv. diceasel. have been pruiiit-d i., ihe ntcriber. tv ih I'f.sfer A Ktcider of sa d county, all per 5. tii i!j.!e!trd I. said estate are requested ta make niiini d.ate payuwnt. and thuse having claims aaint tne sari. ui,! present them Jjly aiitiit-i.:l.-r1U'.l f.-r srtrlrni'-hi u Cham. v.kHoHKI.F.Y, iin.mjiratcr Lewisturi;, Marrh 1 I "-"-. fcxrWAHTED IHMEDIATELY L'XiO Hl'SIIELS CORN! '. () mSHKLS OATS!! llVUllKLS 11 V K ! ! ! For which a fair priee will be paid in Cash. Inquire at the Flour and Feed Store. Ap.Swl EVANS A FICHT1IORN. Administrators' Kotice. w THEREArt, Letters of Adnninstrail.iTi t the estate of Mrs. MARY MOCKS. late of Kel.'y township, deceased, have beeu duly granted to Ihe ucdersignr d, all person kiwuiii? themselves iudebied to sail estata are reque-ted lo make tinmediate t annen'. j and those having claims upon it will preem them lor settlement to me. THOMAS .st,.K, Adaiiaisiraiur Milton,. March, LttllS IMDIKR, A RIIIITECT ami Iil lLDI.K, u:Mshl j;g, pa I OtSce in the I nivers.lv Builclit'? 6a stmi:L ii. outtii., Atlurnry at l aw. OFFICE on S..ulh Second near Market Hi. J.LWl.sHLUt;, FA. iu All Professional Business entrusted to his care will be faithfully and promptly atien- ded n fept. 1 1, is.,, aev Goods " Old Stand ! ERAL assortment of Itry .ood. nuflrup Ctflhiuij. - (m Hjctt Haril Ware, Queens Ware, Groceries. SALT, FISH, fcc, all of which will be s.h: at prices to suit th limes. Liberal rtednetions made for Cahl MVREHJHT .V HAtCK. Buffalo X Roads, Nov. 30, lo7 LOOK THIS xotili:: sotjcl:: w i : UAVJM'. ju.st relumed tium the CItv uh an unusallv- large Mork and il sel-cted. and am now prepared lo sell gooca lower than can be bought clscwheie on line si.le of riuiaJelphu. Hardware! Il.ndware!! II irdw.-iro ! ! ! .allN-.ail Locks, Lalcl.e-, ll;nire Screws, li ass, pU::y, I'nitiis, o.l jn t.ici erj t hin vou may want to build j eur seii a tirsi-rait.- house or bam ten:v per er nt. I,.wcr thai ever IclV te. Vtj uy 1'hift wiy ' L'AKI'ENTKRS.here V '-i dm gel ihe n traltd Otcennfi.l I'lanes. iear A Ji..-k-n band, tenon an 1 rip s.ir. .. Il-iteher's. Beany' aid Hradv's I'hiMrls ami I'l.ine Ir. n, patent and common Brres. !rare l;,i:.. Aner, Squares. t;ii3-rj, L n Screu s,( n ras ?aa, llaniond's llamniers. A.-. I'-arksmiths'lroH y;i. IRi'X- AI L Kl.Mis- Bar. eoli p. Tvie. O-. .il. lu ui.d and i!iare-l'at su el. S; i i-gan.l V:,? '.5li S eel. ise-i. An v lis, rt-'l-ui s, Srri I'i.-ir- e:c. IKH'fEKEEI'KRS.! T.t'.-le Kntv and Forks, Carvers i-or.s. K. !!--, l.;M-jps, C:w- .lla-tick.. r-tf-e S!,:!a. ".!! -It- "-I :-. l ut... r ill t'Afkl: v .u i : c-.i .!i th.at-ii i;;vt hi;m ar Hi-. 11 ia: u r (vi.K, .t ,.,( J"I.I'!l i I 11 I'I'N. ti: th. i.l l vEaii.n f iMi t. T l.tt -!M K-. Ta Trrs- n.tr.' Iktsrai th-: ''ut ('".v an.l 7". 7c 1 MO llitai K. 0 'on ri:cT i on i: n y. f I 1 1I K sut '-cril or re.spret!ll!"v n!.. s -! nia I thc'-l to mil int The Cim. 'in i f I.. wi-t -.:ln ni.-l viciniiy in crnria.',.n I il-'- I ?..'.. :;i par liculai. ih.it he b.is , ; n-.l a S.':il.-i) and lli I'liitlK'l V. ' ii Mnrki rn. in Mr. Krdicr's liuiMing. uhrrc l.e ui;l ie iady to supply all who mt.v favor him - h a raM with the bev. ,.f f tervthii.? m h.a line rf bu sn.ea. FI;E.I, CAKI.S .-:.! tl'MEC Tlt'NERVon ban.t at ail mnr. Being a pruclical 15a'.;er and Ci n'ertioner f r urn arda of ta'cnty-five years. lie i.-.-ls et-uiiii :i.at all who favor hnn wan a rail or e've h m a trial shall not be dapr-fn'e-l. e.i lines and Parlies supplied at the h- i c ' lu-uce. on .he i "" reasonab! teini. .VI srt.s oll'n.a- i mental Work dr-ne lo or.'rr. BREAD dtlivne ! at lb-uses at s'l time. hen desired. CH AKLEK III'.INER. Lewisburg. O.-t. 7. IS7. 1OI'TV I.AXD WARRANT I'miks n r ) all engaged in Ihe wrvire i f he I. S. j in the War of 115 and f. r iheir W i h.ws, at . the 0(J,ee of the l.wi-sr-.irir Chirro.-Ie. ! Dr. I. Brngger . Dr. J. F. Hiiwey HOMEOPATHIC MysiriaBJ. sonth Side JLulce' S". hnirr" t'h A 'h j HMO lE'ilFrnr-. I i L A V r"' t r J Copy V?e4jc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers