U)it anb Cjumor. Ihe Old Spirit Col. S ,of Vermont, wi n officer ... ihe war of 1812, and M S' ..ii the Canadian front.rr during that mrm . ruble struggle. He was small in stature, l..it of a heroic spirit, and, without being n blusterer, was as brave as Cresur., Moreover, according to the fashion of J !ay, he was something of a piigilUf, and -a'her a formidable antagonist fisticuffs. A better nalurcd man ncr lived, but when he was provoked ny intentional in Milt, which was ot often, the offender rarely escaped chastisement. Soon alter i he close of ihe war, the Colonel joined the Methodist church. Meeting one day Squire 11 , a fat. lubbery lawyer of prcst size, and an old enemy, the latter, ilesignin to take advantage of the Colonel's profession of religion, In gun to ridicule r.nd insult him with unmannerly jokes. At nil these the Colonel only laughed, till :hc 'Squire, angry at his equanimity, told him that he was "a coward, and his father In-fore him.'' The Colonel could stand it no longer, and with all the spirit of the M.ldier, he retorted thus : "It's not much matter what I am, sir, hut my Jather was a brave man, and an hoaost one, and I should be ashamed of the religion I profess, if I could allow his name to be insulted by :i scoundrel ! Now, sir," said the Colonel, squiring up to the Vquire, " you must -wnllow your irorJf or your tsethl" The "Squire chose the former alternative, nnd did not again venture to insult aQld sol .'ier because he was a Christian. Boston I$t. Another Voice fur the I nlon! THE CHIVALRY IX ARMS i! Alarming Spread of Non-Intarcourse ! ! ! The Hobbt Hollow Gazette, printed in i'.k very heart of Old Jersey, publishes the ;. incxed spirited resolutions of the aroused Chivalry of that gallant State. "At an enthusiastic meeting of the Planters of o!s Hollow, hclj t the "Oyster & Turnip" Hju, Xo. 20, 1850, Gen. JOHN FIKE in i ,c Chair, and Col. E. L. Sana, Secretary, tha (.."owing Preamble and Keaoiulfons were unan- tonsly adopted : Rereas, tba people of llobbe Hollo have, i..ce the formation of the United Htalea Govern i iit, pursued the vocation ol planting oysters i.ii.I garden vegetables, and Fi lling the product of '.:r plantation in the New York Markets ; and i licreae the City of New Voik, regardless ot our 'Inn, baa pursued a ay stem of aggression upon -ir institutions, devouring all we can raise, and . : iinoriiig for more ; and whereas the said City i- i;rotin rich and populous by feeding on our -iti and o.ber surplus tiroJucts which lliey i .y from us and pay u fur thus impoverishing . i-, and wherras,we can not look with composure ii ihe giowth and prosperity of aaid City, now i timbering more than 5(10,1)011 souls.while Hobbs I!. How is at most stationary, and our soil snd .. rier-bcd are becooiing leas and less ptontaMe r ry day : Therefore, liesolved that as chivalrous and noMp sops of ': -bbs Hollow, we stiali noid no lunner inter ttrse with said Xew York City ; that by with I . Ming oar sole snd surplus products from the I -tiatical consumers thereof in raid City, her pop il.riou will soon dwindle, and linbhs Hollow i il become the most prosperous portion of the J 'be. Kesolved that the sons of Holibs Hollow are .it only the bravest men on earth, but that they the most hospitable, talented, and fond of all .is of danger and of " plucking up drowning nor by the locks," and all that sort of thing. Resolved that we will not buy an) tiling which r mes from New York ; that vie will not load t . tiure or clams on Ira Brown's scow, be baaing i uht her in Xew York, and being also Xew Y -licr by binh. Itcsolved that we pledge our iivrs.our fortunes, ... lobster-pots and clam-rakes, in the holy cause TtVis.ing the fanatical op regions of Xew York i this last, great and alarming CRISIS, and that : if 'iment of Gve men be foithwith raised to en ' ce our rights. J. FIKE, Ch'a. L. fmip, Sec'y. legislative Anecdote. An amusing in i cnt happened the o'her evening at Au- --a. Two gentleman met,each unknown t the other, when one asked the ether if ' T; new "where John Hodgdon could be . jud.'' "You probably mean John Ilodg .! ii of Aroostook. President of the Senate Wi, I'm that John Iloddon myself." it'ctlX'n the otlitr onejhe Representative , ..n Liiicolnville.' Belfast (Me.) Jour. Voncc a iotijj vhile ago, I vent into my . Me orchard to climb a brar tree to get me benches to make mine vrow a blum li i Ming mil ; and ven I gets to de lobcr in st pranch, I vails from de lowermost ' i N mit one leg on both sides ofde fence, : n likes to shove my outside in." A certain editor having heard the Night, i ; ip, it was reported that he was com I V-cly carried away by it. "Carried ;i ay V exclaimed his wile ; "alas there is t! .-uch good news." 'lij. Noah says : We recollect that I-.-' first money we ever had, was two ' all in specie. We felt a hundred ' i"s richer then, than we ever have been A man in New York has inventedasub ti n lor tobacco, which is recommended vastly superior to it, beiug quile as ii -tp and live limes as nasty. ' I say Jim, what meckanieul work did ' " first da !" said one darkey to another. hv, why, cut leeth, ob course," replied . ut her. i' ial of Job's Patience Looking lor s nightcap, when half asleep, and your .'La. Kul e ,ic UUi, I. -ugh at no man for his pug nose you 't tell what may turn up with yourself. I"-ivy Punishing ourselves, for being i rior to our neighbors. m m.j m mi TEAS ! rinir. c.in.n Tea cwwv rf.Kew Y"kr 1 the ..Idcst and ...gel bliAinent ol the kind in .he U.S.-universal attention to Ihe fact ttut.tror. their so,.r,o. "n6'nnj inll T'-mf purrr and rraprnn ?rZ.?S: lh n.rt-r rwt bty " '; 2i..rM -rlh wab r ro..l I. f"t 0!un p. r. ami are tTf-tU smir. f.m and air, to that the uoatilv is i-.i':n.l... W .pt"TT"I in any climate. Th. atmre T.a", tr. W e's t.. f';-'".!?!. TT'.'- " sak-lnr J. H.tU .S VO. yx IS. S.Jc AihuU t. Lcwi'Liitir. 2800 LBS. Puiuts. hue Lead, Ked Lead, Ven.Ked, tfpa iiiU liron, kellow Oilier, 1 urkey umner, and Yellow. Paris Ureen, Prus. Blue. Vermillion, Urojt lke, Carmine, I.ither age, &c., dry and ground in oil, at ihe Droe & Chemical Emporium of C W. SCHAFFI.E. "I GALLS. Sweet, Linseed, I S II I Caslor.Siierm. Lard. Fish, W hale. Tanners, and Pine O.I.3, Burning Flu 1 ids. Spitite Turntine. fee, at the Central I Diug & Chemical Emporium of C W.Scbaflle. GALLS. Copnl,Shellac,Rsin, Coarh. Furnituie, Japan. 1 at- I ti-m. M ip.Shoe, Kpiri:. and Harness Varnishes. ' at Ihf Ceiilral Drug & Chemical Emporium of J C. VV. Schaffle- j ALL KINDS OF JOB P1UNTING, NEATLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE "CHROMCU" OFFICE. THE NEW FOUNDRY IS now carried on n. usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of CASTINGS 19 kePl on hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES. also PLOUGHS of differ- cnt kinds Curs Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not he beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Iwishuro, Sept. 22, 1849 Aolicc. SUBSCRIBERS to the "University at O Lewisburg" are rcsectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to ihe Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is: instal't are restiectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged j Interest on their Instalments from the time tney neconie oue. SAM I. T. WALKER, Tatas. Lcwishuri". Feb 95 tana 11 T HE iiinlersicited contiiiurs the LIVE- 111' niSl.YESS at the Old Stand, on lorth i.'iird M., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage oi his friends and the public amcrally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, May '22, 1 65(1 Oook0 Cooks! MIE subscriber olT. rs for sale at the ewisburo Post-OlTice, an assortment ot the most useful Paper, School Books, Stationery of all kinds also the best Cignrs,Tobaccot JOHN Y. KENNEDY. Lewisburg, M.i) ?, 1850 Important Notice! fPHE public are hereby informed that 1 JL am the cxtluive pmprietor of the Cooking Stove known as 'White's Patent' or 'The H'hi'e Stove,' by virtue of valid letters patent granted to me by the proper authorities at Washington ; and I hereby caution oil persons not to manufacture or sell the same without authority from me. as 1 shall promptly seek legal redress for every infringement of my rights under said letters patent. The public are also cau tioned that all stoves manufactured by me or my grantees or agents, are marked "James White, Patented June 10, 1844," with the additional mark "Re-issue, Aug. 6, 1850," on the slide plnte. JAMES WHITE. Milton, Sept. 11, 1850 3m THE undeisigned continues to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms. Pianos, from Ihe Manufactory of Co a an Msrta, Philad'a. whose instruments are too well known to need any panegyric, having uniformly received tbe cmm Dilations of the most eminent professors and composers of Music, snd the award of the premiums in New York. Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone op to conceit pitch, they can not be aurpassed by either A meriran or European pianos. Instructions given on the Piano as heretofore, Relerenee may be made to any of those parents or guardians who have pupils committed to his charge. He may be seen at his residence at Mrs Metzger a. First street, Lewisburg, where terms snd particulars will be made known. The most popnlar and favorite Aire and Music of different kinds received as ii is issued from the dilTerent musical estaMirhments in the Cities. Mar 13 CHARLES KALISCH TT 4 ATTT'CJ for Justices.Consla Jjjj AIM JYD "I.,Ajcm on hand at the Chronicle office) or printed to ordur. asm 'f fT"vv .. vvVa..v--..i --1 "':'lTlClB LEWISBURG CHKONICL.E AND WEST BRANCH FARMER M'LAXE'S WORN YEUMiriGE. flilE following ordeiefchow at once demand for and excellence of this great medicine : Yobk. July 38, 1847 "J Kidd & Co: The Vermifuge lett us on sale some time ago by your agent, is sold. It giiee very rapidly, and gives great satisfaction. As we are entirely oui of the article, and have frequent ralU for it, iilease seud us so-ne immcdia.ely C A MORI! IS & CO. 'SoMEBvitLE, Trnn. March 1. 1J7 "Dr M'Luie Dear Sir : The Vermifuge you left Willi me last fall bas long since Iwen told.anj I could have sold a great deal more if I had had it. Siuee my return from the E st. I have been called upon nearly eery day to write to you, requesting an immediate supply. I have alieady tried your Vermifuge in my own family and find it to be the best I hare ever used E F MOKKIsON. Men Cbeek, Steuben Co. Sept 7, 1H4T I This may ceitify'that we have sold DrM'Lane's "J"' .:r., Ameucan Worm Specific, or Patent eraiifuge. ihe past year, and il bas given unlwunded satis faction. It is no imposition on ine community, but is what its authors recommend it to be a uuiveisal specific for those atllirti-d willi worms. -H. HUJHES & CO." ACENTS C W Sriirrn:,Iwisburg; J II Caslow and J II Kastr, Mihon ; I Cicihart, Se linocrovrr J W Friline. Sunburv : Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland , M C Crier. J Mooie, Danville UNIVERSITY at sLewisburgr "IIRCl'I.AR for the Academical Year com V inencing Oct. 17, IS50. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Exercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition, English Gr.immar, Arithmetic, (ieograpby. His lory U.S.A., penmanship and Composition. English Department of the Academy. The same studies as in the Primary Drparlm't continued in Ihe use of larger text books ; and to these are added General Ilistory.Algebia, Legen dre, and Elemcnle of Surveying. Classical Department of the Academy. Tarta Junior Armitemie rlu. 1. Knelish (fraiumar. Itin iiraiaiuar, AritliOKtic (two UiristoiiM.) 4lizrapln . If. III. TU.' same xtu.livs In I. Term, ami Pnmnnliip. Bucjivli llraiumar. IVear, AritlioifU.. eoml. Ual ly Irt iliTi.k.n.lip-k tiralumar, Uijtory l'.S.A. IVd- UMinrliip. IkaikwpiuiE. Senior Aenicviir flam. r-ir. (.'rwik ltrailT, Alp-bra ( Klc uwnts.) .Koi-al, fl ln ,U do lo romplvtol. 0ne rat Iftrinrj, Kn?lili Lancuatrt antl OnuiKmitiun. COLLEGIATE DEFAHTMEHT. Frrtlimnn rltwt. vjii7lt-.-h Ingune an-J'CuuiMiti'.a. Algebra, Uvy, Annlnoif. 1'lalM Uwltivtrr. Ury. AnaLaKtit. I'lanr. SInI an4 phVrical tir4Betry eempK-tail, Ll vj, AaatMi-is. Hnphiin,ijrt elms. Iloran-.OJywy. Mitmratsl Spherical Tritfm.aM;try. So do lt-iturntion.Siirvcyiiis-Navintioa. 1o r..nititt-l. S-l-rl Ur:it.n.-"uf lHiuioiitb-U4.-f. Klietorit', Analytiral ln.ni-tr'. Junior chtss. nmrt.t!Min-- rm tlia Crown. Cirro ill flII-ii.u,'Mi f.-liniiH. Ily.lrortatfe. anl llytlraiilirp. lViuiMUlifii ia tin- lYowB. :h-n. .lllfRaii .ai- 1. 11. III. IT. III. T. II. III. I. II. III. I. II. III. plcbl. rn-umath-g. Ai-ou.ties, Klta-tricity, Maur- tpm. ami llptir. OrM.-k TraHly. Tncitiw, AtroiKij. Senior rla.in. Loyir. Xatnra! Tliili-y, tntWk-ettlal Pliilosnpliy. Urrrk, I'oliliral inoliiy. Mural riiilnsoliy. Bntlt-r'a Analogy. I'ontilution t-f l". t'iii-nii.-'trT, l-vlurvs, In-nvral l,vlt-irs. No class in the Regular Course has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Declamation, and reading select and original Compositions. Tbe students are required to attend, regulaily. some religious meeting. Minors arc expected to attend such meetings as arc recommended to them by their pa ents or guardians. There are in the borough "j less than six places of public worship, -r raanv dillerent Christian denominations. Text Books. KrvjUth A"7'"' ud KUiruli". The Rill TorU-r's nio-toricitl IU-nlrr. IVi.rrwt'T'i r Wlwt-r IHrtionary, liullionV Kolo-ii llniRimar. I'arki-r's ln?rwMvr Kxrrri in t:tii:li-ti tViuii -nition, l'arki-r's Aiu, lilair' lA-elun-s trnivt-r-ity llttion.l . ."' Iiu'tmiijr. nollionVOminmnr. ltnllion'a Riilc-r. l-Ti-ri-lt'K l..-xin. liullHin'nlVar. s.-hmitx nn.l Ziimpt's Vtr?il. i.innilnn l.ivy. AntlHin'a lloract-, Tba-lH-r i.'ivro dt- Olririi. Tir Tacitu-' llt-rinania at Airrieola. r.Vci' OiH"!r. Hiilllon r.liruiiiiar. Ilulhon Header, I,iI.Wll k. Salt's l-xiron. Ilwi-n Xen.ipliou'e An.-il.axi, lhr-nii lljMrr tal)ssi.y,CUanilina iK'luoittii-ne, t'isk's C'lapfinl Manual. .IH.lha.ilio.-ItaTirs' Arillimolie r Annli-mics. Klf-m--ntry Alirl.ra. nounlon. U-i-n-lre. Snm-yini; anil N'uvi-(rjitioii.Anslytiwllo-ometrT.lllmrti's Natural I'hikwmpliy (KU-n-otyd,) Olnutb-il's AiuoiHuiy. Xumber of Students. The number of students during the past year in the various Departments, waa 1T'2. Tbe Collegiate classes already organized for the ensu ing year, are the following : Fenior class ... 8 Junior clans - - - 14 Sophnmor class - - 10 J-'rcKliaiau daa - - Yi. Teachers. STEl'IIKX W. TATUIII, A. M, IW. of Mathematics an. I Natural liiiloaophy. omiUiK K. HUlr.S A. M, Prof, of firi-vk Lna?u.ve and l.ifcn-atnm. -.Va ill) ; K W. ANnEltR, A.M Prof, of Latin Langnaga ml uti-ralure. ISAAC N. lalMIii, A. rrincipal of tba Acalrmy. ALFUKII TAYIJlll, A. Tutor in Hie Engluh Lan- puai- ano r.iocuuon. nnlldtngtijUbrarw and Apparatus. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members' of the I'niversity, has been erected, at an expense of $H.nno, a,nl it la adaptcjij to acmmmo4ate 1.j0 stu'lenta. AnotlH-r inline, is nearly onmplcteU. and is expceUil to la- niuly for occupancy at Uic eomnH-acemcnt onto next Ti-rm ucu i, in. Tlie Library contains a uumt-r of select voluncs, and is eoustantly incrcasinir. i'liemical Apparatus lias been procured raftldeot to supply the immediate damand. Tbe Apparatus tor tbe illustration of Macbanieal Philosophy, is now complete. Tuition and Board. Tuition in tbe Collegiate Department 30, Academic $20, Primary .f 12 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 to $3,S0 per week. Arranemeats are In progress to furnish Hoard, exclo sive. of lodging, washing, fuel and light, to such as may desire it, at $1 per week. Sessions and Tacatlons. Two Sessions in Ihe year the former com mences on the 3rd Thursday in October, and continues 28 weeks; the latter commences on Thursday, ISth May, snd continues 14 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 8. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATTSOX, Pres't. GEORGE F. MILLER, Sec'y. l.ewieburg, Lnion Co. Pa. sept. 1, 1850 IT IS A FACT, "NE self-evident, and worthy of everv J consideration, that no Miller can make food clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell you it Is to get one of JSergttresser s It heat Scourers, or Smut Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got np and put in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it docs not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burs, by Messrs. Geddes &i Marsh. Orders for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all orders. Address J. BERGSTRKSSER, Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. fssd Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S DTHOTiTEIPTIC MIXTURE! Ejirxe Bottles Only One Dollar. Tli Proprietor of llie Great Arorriraa Keamlr " Vr's VanaTABta LiTBOfcrnirTir lllTl'aB,,' indacnl by tha nrrrat Mlk'ilatio of h AsauU, tluoaslwut lha tmuj tatea and Canada, baa now Bed need the Fries sf hi' popnlar and well knows article: and Trass Ibia dais, aenronb. be mill pat an bat one aixa oalf bw quart UmLes : tlie Mail rriee nitt ka 0HE D0LLAB. Tlie pnWic mav rert aiaarad that tbe rharaeler ef tlw Mli oinr, its auiwgtb. and ceralita itomyua kill KSM4IS ramiuia, and the umc care ili ba bvlowad in lra- panus It as lasviwloa,. A Ihw mcdicinr. ander 11. rwlneefl price, will be parcnasrii h, ibowb. b... not h,tito mte ti-mi. .J"'- with it ino. Uie iHopnwor wnald Iteir to mtiawie ibat b i.DO,-n.eBJ3 wlIh . wnatrf Rmal artic of tor day ;" it alaini. lor itself a greater krmlimlt power, i'a mil luauri. tiaa sag Mkrr prrsaratiwa awst erjvre ut rrl4 : ami has mtainrd iuetf lor ei;ht jeara by its Miwrioi meiliral rirtaea. ami, aniil thb redaction, coaaaiamled doable tlie jince of anr ether article in tlus line. KoTirg PaSti. i i.sl, tbi arucle arts with craU.eal ins power and certainty, niton tlw Blood, liver. Kidneys, Longs, and all oilier organs, apon llie laoper action of which likr aad health depend. Tins aiedicine baa a jolly ki-h repote as a snaedy lor Dropsy snd Gravel, and all Hiena of that natal. It mar he relied apoa when Ihe inlellirent phrttciaa has akamloned hi. patient. and la, Uie dutreaing diMwa. moreeepeciallr Danpsv, the propri etor would earoe-tlr and homwtly ecomasnsl it. At Its present pries it is easilr obtained by all, aud tlie trial will pear the article to ba tbe Cheapest If edicine ia the Wcrld ! ty Please Mk liar pamplileu the aata fire them away they contain over nixtern pages of receipt. On adthuon to fat medical matter) valuable fur bnunrhold pnnww., and which will ave maar dollan par rear to practical honwkeeperi. These receipta are introduced to make tlie hoek of grea value, a-ide from its character as an adtertiting medium fo 'the medicine, tlie uetimonr in laor of which, in the form ol letter, from all parti of the country, mar be relied upon. tjf " Vaughn's Vegetable I.illiontnpue Mixture th Great American Remedy, now forsake in quart Iwttlea at S each, small hot lie. at 50 eti each. No imall I ttlra will be ieiaed after tlie prwent stock I. dnposed of. rrincipal Office, Buffalo, N. V., gtl Main Runt O. C. VAriJHJI. f ..Id Vboleitr and Retail hy OI.COTT M KESStlN fc CO.. VH Maiden Lane. New York City. N. R. All letter, (excepting Iran agent, and dealer, with jrhom be traasads baae) mast be post paid, or no attention will lie given to them. 05-Dr. THORNTON. I.ewishuro;, is General Agent for Union county J.H.Caslow, Agent, Milton ; I. Cr-itiiABT, Selinsgtove 1 5:343 THE WLYTEIi SESSIOX or THE LEWISBURG ACADEMY 'IT'ILL commence on MONDAY the 88th of V (Vtossh. In this Institution, all the Branches of a thorough Academic course will lie tauuht m The communication of knowledge simply, is not the solo desien of Eduratiitn and should not ! m.ide so : its hishe-t aim is to strengthen and brine out into action, tlie intellectual and mora uonn-rs of she student. Throw around him all the facilities necessary to his nioaress, and af ford him all proper aid, but do not flatter him with the thought that he must rely upon another and not uuon bis own ( Hurts for success. lnd pendent self-reliance is one of the first lessons thai should be learned in a school room. This kind of earlv mental training prepares one for vicorous and manlv exertion in after life, and thus gives him a marked advantage over tbe ig norant and uneducated. The main efforts of I TeacK-f should, therefore, be diitcled to the for nation of sound habits of study, for when this end is reached, the progress of the pupil becomes at once certain and rapid. Composition and Declamation, as formerly, will roceivc due attention particularly the for mer- nnil tnc i'nmar iier""""" special care. Tbe subscriler feels flattered with the growing pro-ueriiy of the Institution, and shall labor to merit its continuance, by increased exertion. TfiTiox Per Session of 20 weeks, for the Common English $6 : H igher English, $8 and for the Languages, $10. JNO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9, 1850. Principal. TaiiiiingandCiirryiiig FOR past favors, the subscriber returns hi 4 grateful thanks, and herebytnakes known that he carries on the business of Tanning antl C'urrjlnt;, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which lie hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Dark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 77 Grtntctt Ditnoverjf nf the e Dr.Trask'i DA.ONETI0 OINTnEMT TS constantly effecting cures of the utmost X importance. Tbe most credulous are cox. vrwcta; the most faithless, compelled to believe in ine power and virtue of this creat remedy. It la nniversatlv ejtmittMl tji 1m th. wnrt ,,ln-fl enmbimtlon knows to tin world r tlie tmmnliotr n-'ls-f or aispass ami pain. It m-ver tall, while there remains sntttrient lift- to restore a natural arst healthy artksa to w eapiuarr veasela or Ibe isajy, ana e7w.rl.se tkr arrulH tim of the. Manet. By this means, a eontrollinfr power is Sained over the avast malitrnaut forms of disease, whtrh ean not be nlttained from any other remedy, rtueh is the power of the eomhinatina, that it penetrates to every portion of the human frame ; every bone ami mnsrln, veia. nerve and Hjraroent is st-areh-i out and made sen sible or purifleatioa and healine inSaenee. Uence it copes as readily with Waranl as eiUrnal diseases. Numerous inatanees are on renatl, where this remedy has restored health to patients so near Ihe grave that the most powerful internal remedies failed to produce any eneat. Bueh bas fmiuently been tlie ease ia Inflammation of the Bowels. N'o patient aeed die with this disease where the Msewtie Otntiuent ean he obtained. That drtneerous eiititemie, known as the I'lTKll KRYSlr-tXAS, eaa always be cured by this remnly. For IXPLAKMATOKT KHECXATISX, this Ointment is the most complete remedy ever prepared. In l eases out or tin, it will afford erif.es fWt to the worst eases of Nervous Headache in So minutes. For h'ervous tHaeas.-s.this remedy is of hnraense value. Affrctions of the Koine. Hheumatisea, Lameness, T'lre- raiea ryire Tliroat, Bronrliitis. 1'leurisr, rroup, rhilla, CTinlera Morbus. Ague In the Fare or Breast. Runts. Seald Head, rterofula. Salt Rheum. Krrsipelas. InSamed K.ves, Fever Sires. Ae wUl ba Immediately relieved by the uae of this remedy. Sold by Thornton 4 Bakmr, LevrUburg. 0mS:s) IFDn ihw, Trsvg Agt MW au 1 lit I ?! AX0TI1F.R SVIKSTIFW WOSVEIll PEPSIN: The true Il(;ESi lV E FI.L1U or GASTRIC J LICK grtutJ)))Wia Vurer .' Prepared from Kennel, sr the fouilb stomach of Ibe 0,sfter .lireciions by Baron I.iimo, the great physiological chemist, by J b.HoceiiTos, M.D., No. 11 H. Sth SI I'hiladclphia, I'a. a TK1I.V u.inJerful remedy for tadigatmn. JJutprpsin, Jaundice, l.iotr Complaint, . ..,;w,;i and Dtbitilu. curing after Msture's own process, by Nature's own agent, tbe Uastnc . . ..... t .I.'.. tfl..;.l 'ktii4l 1 uice. rrj llsll a leaspoonful of this fluid lulused ' 1. enn .liapst Or dissolve t 1'OUnUS Ol n tar i tor ran (liffPHi or uwsio roast beef in about two hours, out of ihe stomach. DieenllUU is chie0y performed in toe stom ach by the aid f a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of healih, called the gastric juiee. This fluid is the .rrfU token! of Ihe w-the purifying, preser- . r iL. .inmanh lid ving and stimulating agent ui : intestines. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nutrition but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. Pepsin i lh 'hit element or great digest ing principle of the gastric juice. It is found in great abundance in the solid parts ot the human stomach alter death, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest or eat itself up. It ota in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &C. It is the material used by farmera in making cheese styled Kennel, the effect of which has long been ihe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk is the Crst process of digestion. A call s stomach can curdle nearly one thousand times its own weight of milk. Uaron I.iebig states, "one part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand patta of water, digests meat and other food." Diseased stomachs pro.luce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show mat mis wan m. l fcclly supplied, we quote the subjoined scievriFic evidences' Raron I.IEBU:. in Ms celebrated wor on An m . mi-trr. --An.rtili.-ial dig. -live Hold. a. ; U.iiistrieJ.lica.av l readily pn-pan-,! ln.lu l- n.ucco. n.eml.nu.. of tl.. sf.tn.rh of the calf, in whn-h vawms artielw. of f. as meat and eggw, will I digests in tJic aU1c uiau-r as in tlie human f '"''" W. IIKKKI It A. in lii famous trcalw on r.s.l ami wn. ,.l.li.l.l l.v lowlers Wells. New Vork. pat-ej to. statea ill.- sain.- grunt fiu-t- snd d.-crib.-s Uie mctliud i id pr. parar Iron. There are law hisher authorities than lr. I er. r in. Ilr. ClIMIlaV in his valuable writing on tlw I """"-' of W-eslioii. oliserv that "a diminution "' "' ;" yuanlitr or Uie liaslrle Juice Is apnaanneut snd a l-pre-tailin "cause of .t p-ia," and r- stales that '-""-uirh1-dpr..f.-..r..f m.-.licine in l.ndon.who was severely affli. t,w with tliis complaint, tlnding ewrlhlii else to fall, had recoiirs. to tlie li.nric June, obtained fr.m i the .U.iua.-h of living animals. . hs-h completely -eded. Iir l.li 1IA M.autls.r of the famous work, on vegetable KieUsaTs: It is a rciuarkald. fact in I.vswv.v- the ..i'..acl ,.f suiiuals. mac rat.-l in water, tn.pi. rtto the floid the pmlH-rtv of dhwdving Tarions articles of r.a, "ad of ema-Ung a kind of artificial digestion of the". m. wi- dift.-r.-nt Ironi Uie natural .lige.uve proi-ew. Ilr M tluN'. -rest work, tlw tiiesaistry of lan.(ls.a m Itli.o'cl.ar.l. fl.ila.l- l-Oo. PP Mi,'-) "VS.'liTe? taT of lVpsin ..rui. a m w era in the rh.-nii.-al "''f 7. c.li.n. Fmm recent i-xm-riuH-nts. we know that Ssalis ion. r mm i - -)- .. ---- . , dr. d as raphlly in an artin. ial digestive fluid, prvpsrwl i l'e.-.i. :.. it i. in the natural ..astrie Jutce .H" " of IMMil.lHIN.of the J. ff. rsi.n Coll.ge. I'hllad-in diss1 rr.nu his tsrrat aork ou Human .iy'tol.y..i.-"- ffftv iei-cs to an eaaminalhsa of this u..jeet. Ills espt-ri-nieuts li.l. Ir. B.-au.uoiit. on tb lia.-lnc Juice. ol.taincl from lie- living human .tomach and from animal", are km.wn. - In all ca-." be says. 'dig.-8li..n oreurrr.1 as .rf.tly in the arUm-inl an in the natural diip.-sls.ns. As a DYSPEPSIA CI'KER, I)r Houghton s ..rer.aretion f IYiiin has uroduced the most mar- telous elfrets. It is impossible to give details of cases in the limits of this advertisement UUl au thenticated certificates have lieen given of more than TWO Hl'NDKEI) rapid, wonderful, and permanent cures. It is a great Ntavot s Axti- nore, and particularly useful for tendency to bilious disorder. liver complaint, fever and ague, the evil effects of quinine, mercury, etc, also for excess in eating or drinking. There is no form of ULUSlUMAtn iu.m PI.AINTS which it does not reach and also give instant relief! and repeated for a short time, pu rity of Blood and vibo or so in follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cramns. soreness of the uit of tho stomach. distress after eating, low, cold state of the blood. heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, ernaci- Price, ONE DO 1,1. A K per bottle. One bottle often eflects a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWPETtS sent br Mai!, free of Postage. I'or convenience of srti-ling to all lwirts of the eountrr. the lri-'.-sti.- Matter of lite icii.i put at-ill th.- f.-rm of Powder... with directions to I.: dii-olel l.y the patient ill water or syrnp. Tli.-su .-dvrs coutaii. jnet tin- Mtme matter as tbe bottle, but twice the uantity for the saute price, and are sotit l.v mail, free of Postage, for l. sent i post paid) to Ilr. J. S". Houghton. No. 11 .North Eighth St. Philadelphia. Six packages for Everv bottle.and package bears the written sig nature of J.8.HOi;UHTON,M.D.,Sole Proprie tor. Sold l.y agents in every town in the Cuion and by most respectable dealers in medicine. To be had ol Ur. llttiltA I ifit, l-ewin.uig ; J It Caslow, Milton; Thompson, Mililinburg; Wiltdc Eilert. Haitleton; Win Koshong. New Rerlin; ii I Ufouse, Selinsgrove; Mrs M'Uay, Northumlwrland ly335 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, AHJflinbittg, Lmon county, I'enwa. "TbEsPECTH I.LV informs the citizens of XV Union county, and tbe public in general, ihat he baa leased the above stand, for many years occupied by his Father, and is now pre pared to accommodate friends snd tbe traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. Tbe HOI HK is large and roomy, well arran ged in alt its departments, and every care will be taken to render his guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the market can afford. The BAR will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none bat the very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLES are ample and convenient, ann) the, OSTI.ERS punctual and attentive. in abort, be pledges rf.-.tf to endeavor to give general satisfaction to .11 ,nj horea bv atrict attention to br;jnegR t0 ,nd receive ''w' i!? l-fKtronage. Mffburg'riune20. i850 iTiiY the riEu Finn! WTKOFF tl HOUSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. WykofPs old aland, opposite Hunter rardoe s shop, where they keep on hand or make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, of various kinds, Settees, &c. Acc. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice nnd in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscrilicrs intend to be strict in the fulfilment of nil their promises as regards work and so doing, hope to receive a liberal share of puMic patronage. John n. vvvKurr. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewisburg. fVov. 1849 Farmers' Produce Wanted. OUR Agricultural Friends will greatly oblige by supplying the Printer, immediately. with Wheat, Corn, Buckwheat, Potatoes.Cider.WooJ. Apples, &e. Aa this has been a plentiful season. eke PitoMst sad Idl'tw hope n aba re of it. HOARDING. rilHE subscriber avails himself ol the col L utnns of the Chronicle in publishing to !l.i pjiiwns of lewishur!! nnd vk inity thai he has opined a liOARMNO HOL'B in that l.rve and comfortablv arranged hoose. formerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two doors east of Ihe Franklin House. Market street. He is prepared to say thai his Table shall have ho twit the Markets can afford, and the Lodging shall be as comfortable as can be desired. I. H. 8TEKMER. W n. A team and carnajre j fc tg eon,e passengersto and from the u.-a.ta. I . awhiirir. Aiarcu 1 BVV. s, BjiSiia O " - - iFrult nnU ORNAMENTAL TREES. The subscriber olTtrs for sale a large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hih, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Fear trees, together with some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the bcsl native and exolic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, Lc. N. D. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fiuit trees, are requested to make immediate application to thesubscfi ber, in order to procure the varieties nnd size wanted. H. R- NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. L1VEK COMPLAINT, JAI'NDICE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debilitv, disease of the Kidneys, and all dis eases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, auch as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulneas or Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, dis gust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the e.nu.11 Son, Rruetalions. Sinking or Flut tering at the pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, hurried end difficult Breathing, r Al tering at ihe Heart, choking or suffoea. ting Sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision.Dols orWebs it,. sil,i Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, ellowness of the Sain and Eyes, pain in the Side, Bact, Chest, Limbs, Ac, sudden Flushes of Heal, Burning in Ihe Flesh, constant Ima ginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits it xrneTr4Li.v craan av DR. HOOF LAND'S CELXBsBATED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by Ilr. r. ? . Jkon at the German Medicine Store,w l iO Arcli St. IMillad. Their frtrrr ttrrr thr tibttrr dhear is not ex etlleth if e'wtWtf, htj h other preparation in the I'titfrft Sfate., a' the tnre attest, in many east after k'tlfnt physician hail failed. Three Uiiters are worthy the attention of ina lidtf, rosfessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the l.ier am! lesser glunJ, eierci ing the rnont acarcbing power in weaknew and atl'ecliooa of tbe digealive organs, thry are withal safe, certain and pleasant. Read A?n roxTisrci-. The Hon. Chs D Hineliiie, editor ol the Vamtlm l)emtrat9he bent paper in West Jewry, says. July Stat . lliMKLAM"S liKKMAX ItlTTKUS. H h-iTf many t1.ilft'rin nrt . "f thif iii'l.fin. awl tlie wmw wh.-no- tli4-v caiiu- iiulunil u to make iw,iiirir-v nerf inir ni!t wtftunil it !fii.r in n- wiin hi ihe liTrnd.iigeitiv-.r(fais.Jiid tin- H.wt it fXirts m-in n-miiif' pr-tntti"n i.trvally i Hlein ill: rnu iiinui ntf sturpriMni:. It raliu an4t tJrirUts-is tli m-r MntftiiK tii. iu iiito a ..a. saf CMMslSI'. lJaW .lefD rrrn'ftlllll- If lit if UilliiM werr Mt.ar ml Iv uM. w .tv at iKtVsl tltri! wtulvi l It-rti wM-kiMfsi, tu fn-ni I In- ntouiarlt. Iivr, ail inTVi-o fvUui th irn-t ifwrily t i-nl ami imarinury ilisniwii cmanat. I lav.- tltrm iu a he althy mo littn. ami V'U ran Im tl-fl:inr; tn T,ie-mic jrn-r:.lly. Thw xtrwrtlinry nw-tiritit- rr woiiM aliw nr frts-miP who an- nt all M.ii--U t a trial it will Hn-n tv-i.mUH-ii'l it--lf It jti..uM. in f:.-t, ! Iti -ry fituiily. No othrr iin-Hlirin mn pn-hir- Mih rvfn4 of iiierit. Fiom the limhtn ifee etlitoriat, Oec 2'2d Ir. ll.HtflaJul'i' tVlrlrjtU-tI M-nnan Uitt-r.s It tti rur of IAwt O-mi'Iaint. Jauii'lin'. Iiyypvjia. an-l Chronic or N, TTro" Ikflsilitv. in irv.-vlly imk- vt Uir nHt p.Inl:ir BiffslH-iiiwi of tlir tlay. Tlies- ItitttTM havi- lfO u.-l Iy thoumntli. and a frh-ml at ur rllsnw mk he hv btmtwlf riTt-ivetl fn.m the u- t this tvni.tly ao flT.TtuaI. tnii.v nt'Dt run of litr Complaint. W - an- invin-ti that In thr ur f them Hittvrn. tlw pat tent nHiMautly nitis itrwnirth and ijt-'r a f.u i wurtli) of tcrcal cautfHivratin They arv plfamnt in la! ami nwll. and ran h djumI ry Mrrons with tin; nHMt deliaU tiini.-wh. with ratVty uixltr any ciminu't.iiio. We are wakin from epri enw, and to tin- afflirVd ? a-lTim their u. Scttt8 WeMtfi one of the best literary papers published said, Aog -Mh Itt, llotrL.!n'ri tintMAK Bittols manufartur! hy Dr J:rk.tn, are mw rrtnniimi iid 1 1y tutnr of the mont pn-mitu-nt UMtnlspr? f the KaultT. m an artifte of murh t1iraer lii ran; of feinaie wenknen. An wh is th cjvue. we won Id atvim all nntlMri u obtain a bottl, and Oiu unTo tlit'iulTeii murh nit kiie-. iVrKon rf aVhtlitatvd rtmtftitutHins will nnd them- ltitteialTantairajitnthir )Haltli..as we know frtnn rx,erienc tlio salutary vaVct they haVe myen weak yrteiui. Judge M.M.Noah, b gentleman of great scien tific and literary atuinroeidaaaid in hUw York Weekly Messenger, Jan 6V 18.'0 r. IfmifiaMTt trmfrn Mttr. Here U a pre pa ration whieh the 'leadinic pw aw of tbe. I'nkio appear unanimous in reri'UiiBentlinfC. and the. reaaon m ohvious. It in nade after a prewripti-m fumifhed hy one of the mot celebrated phyneianji of inndern tiuren the late Dr. Christopher wilhelm Hoolland, IVivfifWfr to the t'uiTersity of Jena, lrivate Phymrian to the Kin of Prnrwia. and one of the fCTvatrrt metlieal writer fiierniany baa ever produced, lie was mpbatirally the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the inrentor and endorser may tie confidently relied on. He ispecially remmmended it ia ! UTer Complaint. Tryrpepiiia. IVhihty, ertiffovAcidit"i l the Stomach, Omstipatioii, awl all ' -oiaisnW from a dwrfdered eondition opttgtipOJjyij tbe I11I1 1 lln 'I I il UllUfflf L ... erinYVrrKm of its excellence, and several ol tueir Editors speak of its effects from their own individual experience, t'nder these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in falling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor (lrr. C. M. Jackson's preparation, but m rec ommending the article to all afflicted. Moat Evidikce. The Philadelphia Saturday Gaxette, Ihe best family newspaper published in the United States, the editor sayeof Dr Hoofland's German Bitters It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Pat ent Medicines to our resdrrs' patmnace and confidence and, therefore, when we recommend Ilr. Hoofland's tier- man Bitters, we wtsn it to be distinctly understood that we are not speakimr of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and are foricnUen after UMy have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prised, aad which has met the hearty approval or tne f aculty itselt. Evidence on eviJcnce has been received (like the forefntnirl from all sections of the Cnlon. the last 3 years, as the urrmgejBt testimony m us fantr. is. that there is more of it used in the practice of the re-ular Physicians of Philadelphia, than of all other nostrums eomhiued a fact that ran easily he established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even iu this form. That this medicine will cure Livs-r Complaint and Irysprpsia. no one ean oouht, alter tiling it as dtrectei. it acts specific ally upon the stomach and Liver. It is preferable to Calomel m oif orients .urrtafs. The effect is immediate they ean be administered to muz or irr.v.xT with safcty anu renaoie uenent, at auy iur. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine has attained that character which it is necessary (or all to attain to induce counter feiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. XawA; well to the mark of the Genuine. They have tbe written signature of C.M.Jacasosr upon the wrapper, and the name blown in tbe bottle, without whten they are rpurtou. For sale.wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 ARCH St.. one door below 8iith. (late of 178 Race OL) Philad elphia, and by respectable dealers generally, the country throughout. ly-ISO Abofortale by S.F.LYXDALL,Lewuburg,Pa Also by THORNTON, do TVR. STEWART Surgeon Dentist J haa removed his office to Fourth St. near Blair's "Frankliu Hotel." "An ounce of Prevention Vorth a pound of Cure in that awful di$eae9 CONSUMPTION ! DU. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisbur by S. P. Lyndall J. Houghton and it this office. Price, 75 cents. IM EACH BOTTLE-Ows VUmej.l a eW Tsaiaa iawat a day Oae seta cuntaiaiaf b t ataee. laa Twr.Iy-Oaw- Ustysa frier (I.SS aar BullU, ur ia JWOra ur i-f PURIFYING EXTRACT assjss. QIART BOTTLE'S aad U ef ttw gam. wtedioMt itmtth and ttaaery as tbat iu the WMff ssctfwi The ereif tmperinrtr, nf Thii Prairica over KaaiAraaru. and all other similar meritcit, may in ass. meaeare be uudMt toud from the foUowtwr facts: Vibst IsscaUM It aeS unlw puesessee, as aertasuof its medical uas, Ihe Fuse ucs el Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, Cherry aad HeuMMUrsui Brhs, smcs tetmt, more m-eeruHy eemttntratei, and lorore saaaa) aae af Met A tbese pmmien in est MS of it tbaa eaa be fuusd In a bottle of medKlue, called tUU-iet of Hamrarilla : But. StiosULV-enni, Thle P.rifier aim j II Bs mail leal cSkwey and amine earriMS . wssrul s4ae Bests, Darks, and readable, Sv PvairviNft snseafl of srlitch are ererls st-rraiOB te HmrmMpinlta, an.1 when are cipo.inded with S.H was nU,,. tllo I. te-y. rnnd Siwtns, tle-r make ftw. ewds. eavthe ma aeM end erra PanHHeT wf tbe- Blwwd as aw teorU. t... true la Uus, thai to bave Mry dmrtd whn.l ceaV Ihe Dosr ts Oml) Our TableapMuf.l, 6Ver MeMS. Dm. But U is oM so with Estraet ot Serwreoeitti, SxtacnnerqueiK. ol its mtdiratiom In l"r bottln hnina so much westhcsjesl and reduced tie I"' of Sarsapariila baa to be T1 Three, Mmrr Tettrto-Tiuis. got-m, or ttuai t,ma a bay. ' bav. u siesinrl eftvti aa. . bame ot ftarMpartlla only b.ls trfr-be qeavre, Uierefore, so spooaliil. at a it, and so m doses a day, will use up a booieor a la Fear, Viva, or Sis Days, which dww tint a botiutf Brawl's ParMer.win last fraa Twelve to Mxlrea Dv toejr tbaa a bottle ef an Pmllai aad if Ha deily medical efheacy t in email SMn.1 M as l-airvist aud Hl.uiss aa the daily fUury mmn) ef str. panlia, then it Paovas that One bottl. of CSw Pt-atrita a. wonk rarer, fear, of Fax ruaei more than a buitie of Sane, panlia. The above eomDerisoa dnee not yet show the ereaf 4tfm. case in safes between the Wilms! o of BasMT'l Pcainsa aad h.as.e.s.LL. This will appear by taw certfeeKs el rarea in JsnsaT. rtmpkbu, showm Uiat ONE BOTTLE OF BMANT'S sURIFIEII has mora efficacy, and near awes leonwe tfsod saasaa, tkaa TK Battle, af fanmpwrilla. It then. Owe Bom-a mi Pearrira seli. for ()r Dotlaa, law itoCUVe 8ermtrmu alioul4 sell for Tea i cel.. CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. B Hamci of Rnme, Onfida Co., N. Y .wkowtM eurt4 .rf Scrofula in 18t. wor t tne ( ma rt.-vtrii t--i..w, 10 ftB rt.ta tn Si premc Cih it in t! City of .Vw York, on ttw 26 f )f J2mnmbr. 11:4 under Ihe tblluWiu? riiramtut3S) A person ta the Cityf Sew Yvrk hma msmufeurtnrvjwl ml refMled a tfrwu, art K" Irt f metlirine. CaU::ne it Bhawt'b mm MEDIC l HE. lc tmttotiom the ytnuumt Mnrw H wm prvmtMtmt to obuitt dttruitpt, in tLvs Stipreme Coin -A Iho City ol New York, and tbe ewe was reftrrtd hy rW Cmrf fo J. K. BoswoTH, Eq- h Liberty atrvet. an entnent L-nrtr. aa Hefrrm to take the tentimoiir. TM deferidant pief! 4 mUtyatM of sjimtai ftp, ibat tbe PropritoTav of Brant Mriixiaa kad in m tnm published faur tTTEMFrrs of tmm, antl bus hi trommined a frmd on thw puhiic. and, tnrfr. w Mat entiiletl to ilairuurea. The cast ui .Mr. Hnakin wu aeifw-fM. aa beimg file, and HaMkuia wu twor aa a wttnem In rard t the Kacts ttf putUbl, aud Au 'afimoMy XOKE tmah mTaiiic W .waMtnifiria. Mr. a), I an wH arcj-mnTseJ with RraafV Punf.-i; trmrt h- ttvel t (sr JtrraVsL ANout thrw ywnn Mar, I van badly- aitU-tsiJ bj it ; 1 W aitafttoVrl by trial dxnttitw tbty all bj a I ctnU ssisl liv tltt ittt nis-aV'irM crsuril riirr m. In itnmrm--m 4 tm.h iaJifTnstn. t T bm mmmtk tsrt I J firmumt', l"-. of. rrw au nMilarina. Whn 1 rommsncvJ urirv; th ftmnfitr I ba bsum ronSnrvl tfsa hi bvxJ hiaa; ttaM ; I coukl tvaf rsuss my awiW ta toy asMad ; ra, aaa. (puts atsac tasWr m fn-il fruM ff Is r-sr ; wow aatr waa ar Mtv?a out reMino it, UuC tt rnuld mr lirtrsi ut 'tut irf its fvftar. st ooljr boljiitf; lrr a fMrw a W-y ; a 1x4 mtet rmitn titrmmtth aaw anmi yr. as. ihsit m braUi p's"1 at anal nut l ta t-'U- ; aa ksT wu rut isusje.twr m ty rut aa-J, aeUvatr waa mamwr my arm iiilj a Ufx, wbwb bast eaiei Utrute f mAm. w tbat ai tst. oak) hst kethvl ittn ; an utrcr m bit aim ri-s-n-teai from ntf attwiii-letr lo mr ribuw ht k h d ta tb- bona ; i r,J ral utbs-r iai.r. atau. I tiasar, Brmmt't rmrr m rmutU hmt'i. tir-.al bni lastbrd rtm I wm au I naly took na lAnV -4 a fsrsonul at a ; thnt hottl wu alrr-nstSe-cse-l ris. u tn tiat.ie mr -wt sit of bsJ: thai sVCSissairsDltW ttsrtfc tb fuJI Jssa afssHHtful). Wfaav. atrnriesnr( mm mnm beJeJ mi airsM. that 1 wa .- ta . t-m aa-.o ta tba drnf ! tt BsswsH A Le-aaoarvJ. ml R .itm Ctrs.. m,t I tb-rttrd btitOa ; tbta bottbi HKI.KU ALL Ut I t.rKRI, bil trt tmmul t-rxt ataoat an li m the- ito-i ' mi th'imb. aivt I iWa - "" at .-avawsHa anssMl 1 iir. Vtx tt-mvir mt-e. mhtrk a PHHHt'T CVHtZ a-t rf-d mm fc, r w OM t tLL rJKnUf BRANT'S INDI AN PULMONARY BALSAM This Ralram poasrssrs aff the ceaieaf and r""V Virfaer gl the al.e naine.t n-aimrlN. tXTaacr, aaj prseews eereral other iwcllcalions. sawawb aa.l (rr Sew, .Uneed to cure COl liU.S and COS.-l MITIt l.. arefi and rail l lfrr. w 4r and elsswh.-re u.lr-l- ly. as raa.lily and aa easily as too runting Urtrmrt Seals aasl eurea exfrraelly. Tho1'sa(ds of cures ef the woar kfrlen Coesnimpcoj fully prove its almo mimcul.aif ettU-icy bb est dtsea. tbe Ll'NIiS, TllKOAT. and HKEAaT. ADYIXG W03IAX SAVED'. CONSUMPTION CURED We pre the f-llowin- certitWate aa a fact of cure, whir goes to prove the power lo sare litis, even when Ihe per, eetma to be in the rery last sts of CTiiS.'wea, wbea ffreaia feS'ie. Pafswaery Jlalsaw is adinuustcred : We rice the following eerttficate as a fart of en re, whirl Soes to prove the power to save lite, wren when the prm seems to he ia the very hut staees of existence, when Brant Indian Pnlmonmy Hulmm M adminiatered : Ttatf case does not stand alone we could name makv ci-ass as aMrrr&me and osrawadfse1 and hnnHreiie tf kptkm cases, and rfamniarf of cases called CONtfl'Mr ITN. THIS Cl'KE was elfected on the wife ut Mr. ia Ptxsma of the town of BnUeron, Sarmtorn Ot. X IT Mrs. Dykemaa waa pronounced tfyiar. aad Mr. llykrroa. went to the store of Mr. Joint Warr to mn-raa.-. rwet for a nkmnd. and ssier earsal saattraaa, cxpectini: h.a woe would soon die. She was in tbe lam way. ot the Asraee -was mneJk eppreemd and dtsrrsssed and n relieve ber reesr diatrrss, and nuke a dmnm mnMow mire assy. 3r. lykemnn wee persuaded to aire her some of " BRANTS INDIAN PI LMONAKV BALSAM." lie took the rkuetm home with the ahroud, and save a portion to bis w-.te reuevra nor sue continued so taae a until ane reco'erra aooo H cal Til. and she has csariaiuHl veil far aeor.'y sar yaas aii. Pamphlet for partk-ulara. Mr. DiraaaAK swore to the above farts before Taos. ts. Yocko, Esq, of BaUtum Sfm, 29th April, letrl. Thos. U. Youxo, Esq., Justice, certinee that he ass known Mr. Dykeman many years and thai be is one ot heir sssst swrtAy and rssaacMMs citizen ,- and Nr. JotM Warr. tbe merchant spoken of above, also arrrisrs th. food character of Mr. ihacssaa, and that be waa as quainted with all the acts, baring heard them often apoav ca of by lytcaiwa Brant's Pnlmonary Balsam cares COXTMPTIOX. Coiurke. Cold. Spain- of Bl Bleeding mt sjjr s. Pain in tAe Amur and Suit. .Vas- 4i, r -i . - .ejmmpiainU.nndALM , VZa. JUf iU'iir .3lKSjCT- ' Tnu-Tinov.ini nhmfd 7..fTrand 77 A.?fl VJ ssufuni. n.l.-.l liltANI iiyHOiavAv'Jrtl.'lt.tB. The luuWhal ttmriZr; and Phneicimm have tusk y recommended B RANTS MLDICUIKd : Dr. N. lit BBAKD. t-tamford, t'onn. Dr. J. N. SMITH. Watertowa. M. Y. Dr. KOMSMAN. 132 Henry street, BrooUya, B. T. Dr. T N. HI NT. Auburn, N. Y. Dr. KO. FKANCIS. Middletowa, Cobb.' Dr. GEO. A. KOGKKS. Bath, N. . Dr. 8. WHITE. Fredooia. K T. Dr. C. B. GALESTINE, Byroa. . T. Dr. J.O. aniPNAN, Fayettevukr, M. T i tn.oMEA- Ifl? "rooklva, n. T- area. w. k'lUt Man, "TJIrnia. Ii. 1 . For sale by Or T A H Thornton, ! -bum ; Edwd W'ilsoo, New Berlin ; 8 J dotes, Selinsfrove ; O er F C Mover, Freeborg ; H Backhause, Mitldleborg ; Wilt &. Eilert, Haiti on ; Antes & Mencb, Mifflioborg All letters and orders most ba aaWresssd a Wallace at Co 106, Broadway, N swYork lfa24 t3flnMBo THE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the tbllowiog new and valuable Stoves: Inn Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, wits Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor 8tove, Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 3 sites. Coal Burner for Parlors I aixe. 13 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron. Parlor Steve t sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood J sixes. Egg Stove the very best in asa for Store. Offices, Barrooms, and Shops. l ne celebrated tieneaee Air-Tight Cook siovs. The Complete Cook 3 sixes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Sto' Ploughs Castings. &c. &e. CHRIST & M'FADPIN Lewisburg, Dee. 19, 1849.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers