JL i: LEWISBURG CHUONICL.E AND WEST I5KANC13 FARMER Cuf rectal ihu uay. Wheat Rye Corn Oats Flaxseed Dried Apples Huiter ; Jv-jijs . . Tallow i Lard Park 85tr00 JA4 ... 50 ..100 ::'S W ...10 ...10 . 4 .. 5 MPORT4T to those having impurities ,rtha 11looJ.-yKA.NTS FI'KIFVIMi EX TRACT, the most wonderful Purifier in tlic world, is uw put upin Wr:T Bottle j"' s'T sdurtisernents headed ! DOfES. It it to snoni; ami purifying, that one kittle lusts from Un lo tixltin days louver than Sauapariila. Di Thornton, agent, Lcwulurg. 2ro3-3 'notheiT r.:iKXTirir wonder; Tmw.liu tnu ligr!in Fluid vr V.nsltieJuin! A great Dyspepsia rurrr. prepared from Rennet or the fjui til stomach of tlie Ov. after diiections ( Baron Lir'iig. tbe srrai I'liysi.'Jofiii jI chemist, .x J s Houston. M 1), No 1 1 rWtu Eighth si. 1'liil aJi lpbi.i. 'I'liii. is a truly wonderful remedy f .r indigestion. ly .vp--i.i . jaundice, constipation, siirr complaint ui J debility, curing after Nature's i-rn method, by Nature's own tcei.t. t!.e Cislric Juii"', Advertisement in another column. GUI. AT COUGH RHMEDY! CHEIlTiY PECTORAL: F" or l?ie Cre of COUGHS, 00133, HOAHSEIJSSS, BHOIJ--CHITI3, CROUP, ASTH KA, WHOO?5KG-COUGH aito coirsuTvrPTiou. TN olli-rtne lo the community tl.is jntiy cele brate! remedy f r disoa-c.: of the ih.-oat and lungs, it i not our wi-h to tri.lo wiih t:;e lives or health of the sllhcted. but lr.inl.lv i.i lay Uf..re tiiem the opinions of di-!i:;eui-hd men. anil some of the evidences of its succc-, from which ihev can judsc for themselves. We j le !t'e our selves to make no wild a-seriions or filse -taic-rnen'.t of it-. e!'..-ar , nor will we hold out any li.ijie I ' suncrinj; humanity which facts vi ill iiot jrr.ir.t. M my i-nncrs are here Riven, and we Folicit an inquiry from the public into a!l we publish, feel ing ntrured ihev will h; .t them perfectly reliable nod the mcdniue worthy their list confidence "ii.J pair iagc. l'r-f. Cltartlit'iJ, uf ll-fthin V-V.isr. Mai it f, ft'ni... I !.. .!!! Ill' etf.- T- f ir " I flKlikV Ifi "I'M. i;i n:v 1 nil 1 itih. Mil t liiut . l' In;, fr;' I.-i-. iiiiti:n -mi,1'nV-,l-ii Ti. -'i.' I; .l : m. .i.riii.- I t.. r t:i' '.vn i - r.-vt t . tuiii . tu-':ul ia t jc.:..' Jtinn.;.- '.t it..- ihrriit uij 1 lan. -." li'-. Or. ".'if ...,.' -ri."Tht b -i.-i-l. rs -i 'iil.ltht 'T' 'T: Al.' thf Mfvtry 't- I f r l" " H to : t " It:- -b.r..'!M r. iti r S- n't-M . .1 I u l;i f r 1 i:r l..-.it. aVIi'i Ulntt-ll.lt Ii'-J-ls'II.- f the u1 "I tbc . Iirrv JV Ma:, unr. J.' l!-IHi!'('t i. II, I I'UIH ll.'t -1 f N- Y' r, " 1 Jrivc b- - n a 4.r a tiifT.Tr wi'h H. - hit. : NuT f-r tVu.-- T lh. t'h KKIi . VW 'J";.iliAI..'" T iii: ftiv' r-nt-TiunJ l - o f' .rmany car- to tnu. tct t'-v I.- Ciir;'l id fci.il I am tapy u War t--.-unriiy to i mODc-? " Fran iucH lenun ny we aE the puMic lo jut'ge for themselves. iJtar the Valient. Tr Ayr lVar Sir: V-r to ys.r I fit' fciTlictfl wi:h t vrf 'vpr-' fT'iii-h, :if '.oiiiv:iiit,l ty -tuiinj; tf Mci rniid yr-jfuv ni.'lit l titv I'.'ivif.-. f mv :itis'Tilin hr.-iau I wa,:ii'!i-. j to iic,. (,ur ( If r Kit V I'KCTtHtAL ul c(iUtinot"l to do 'r till I o-ii-i l. rt J m If rurttl. aul aacnbe the'j-'-t to jour , r- ;-arnit..n. JmIIX KAM'Al.I.. Hyi"XT, Sr!;TV.,Fin'-. Nr v. -7. 14. TWi 1t .-.tM kI" Tf iiMin-i J(-hn KanlaH. an J jcjcx-iaUic4 tin? at-vTd staii-uit'nt tru-- tn .q- r-j-ft. L 'ROZ" NvKT Ju.-ti". The Ix'Hicrfy that Curt. J' jItT! U'l. Mi , .':.n. In. IV. Ayr I Jiftv Ut ti l-i.if arttictiil itli Atljma wlii'h ?" arlr tors- tmtil lt autimin.it Lrcu-rM vn a etu-h hich v.nf.ii'-.. m- in my rhamt-r. .-in 1 Upui to aumcthca!rm:n: evmploiiif. .f c.nMimj'tif'ii. 1 haJ truM the W-t n an.t th t in-'li- in u no i-uri-"-unUl 1 trie-i .ur Cl.t:i'K I'Kt ToIl.Vl.. lilv li hw cm afjtl vou mx will L- luriut, iirati tull; v., mm. .1. I I HIXI'S. If thtre if a.nr valtt in tli iu-lirmriit of tU- im. fals frc.m -t'-ri-Uw, Ure is a uiiiciue worthy of tbe fUlJlC COUliJfliCV. Prepared b?j J.C.Aurr Chemist, Lour ?l, Ms. Fotcale l.y V W SCHAFri-E, KpwUl.urg : H Ciwlour, Milton ; Iiaac (ierhart, tSelinsgrave, anJ hy Druggicts gci.eiaHy. On tlJ lVth inst, by Kev John (iiiyer, Wm. Ectx and Mitt Louisa IIoi hl, both of Dela ware Tp In Muncy, 1 7th init, Sr ivrsTf a HtsTtnand Mist Maut IlvarooBT, loth of Milton On the 10th ulu by Jacob Ho-lerman, Esq., Josara Koisca and Miss Saaaa Armaoast, loih of Fiecburg, Union county. lfir.lt : In Lancaster city, 13th inst, at the residence f her son-in-law, Martin Ltruner, in her 87th year, Mrs. Mart Ubat, relict of Capt, Gray late it 4'i",H2- in the scenes cf triumph and in t,ast dih..-a . rV- '' TElizabstu, widow of Ssniue. ..T.i. In Walker Tp., Juniata Co., 2'.ih ult,, aged bout 57 years, Jons Fcsk, Esq , some time a Representative iu the etate Assembly bom the L'nion. Juniata and MiSin district. In Sunbury, 17th inst, in her 49th year, Mrs aar 1. consort of Caleb Fisher, Esq In Milton, 18th inst, aged about 4 years, Ma tilda, daughter of Peter Smith In Danville, SSib till, DiiTin Halidst aged 5 years, and the 6th inst, Ehhta aged 7 years children of A O and Eehecca Voris Just nccelved, BV Adams Express another lot of superior BayStste SHAWLS a fine assortment of French MERINOS and an extra quality of Silk Plush CAPS, for sale by Dec 31 J. HAVES & CO Dr. Jaj ne'K Famous Medicines 1"1RESH from his Labaratory, for sale in Lew- isburg by D T1IOHNTON 1851. -ALMANACS for 1851 satis I the Lewisburg Dtug and Chemical Bloie of Dn THORNTON FOR SALE. LaaT. inMlEsubscriberoflersatprtcatc X. ale, the property he now occupies, on the corner ot Lewis and Third trecU, opposite to the Lutheran Meeting house. Tbe situation is one of the pleasantest in town ; the bouse is large, pood, and convenient, with vsry necessary outbuilding, good water,atable,&c. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to all soon. Coalitions of sale will be easy. DAVID DYE. lewisburg, Union Co., Dec. 34, 1650 fXlr LBS. Prime Cheese, just re JUU eeied and forsale at the Cen- tn! Drag & Cheoiical Emporiam.Faney Goods, Jsjrfcjn, ol Vsrraty Btore of C. V JsCDaCls. 1 ,E' tx . , Union Cameron Guards! -r(il, are hereby commanded to meet at the House of A. H. Hlair, in thin Horo", on Wlioehiivt the l?t day of January next, at 10 o'clock, A M, aimed and equipped for irade. N U At which time and place a Court of Appeal will be held ; and all Hereon havinc orders or claims "frainst the liuanis are required to present them for settlement, duly authenticated, a above. Itv order of the Captain : c. V M'i.Al"(.;iJ-lN. o a I.ewisliurg. Dec 2tt, IKoO OUriS4.S' Ol ItT S4l.li IV order of the Orphans' Court of l.'nion i ) county, will be sold on the prraiiaes in ! .srt itmv the aftih day of January next, a eer- j lain Hol'tSEanJ l.t T of (found, situated on Market street, Selin-grove, I'nion county, ailj.ii- I ning lots of V.'m. lJeyers and Henry Lloyd, on . which are elected a double two stoiey h'rarnc House and other neces.-ary buildings; I Also a part of a LOT in said town, adjoining ' lots of the Methodist Church, Wm. Severs, and , Charles Kieir.-r. S fuel wide unJ 35 feel lon. j Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock. A M.when terms will be made known bv I JOHN" rAUtiART, tiuirdian of James 'J'. Samuel C and Wm S M'Cormiek. 1 J. ..T-T-.it. Cleik U C. Hoc. -4, 1S.SO j A (JKEAT NATIONAL 1'lCTI '!.!'.. v-"- . . ! iVoii Stunrt s n.'iit ctclirch J 1'itiiil.vg. j riMIH large and in.ii;iii(icent l'ortraitof W.isn iMirioi, from the buiin of an American ! aiLi-t, is considered by all who have seen it to be one of the most beautiful specimens of ail ever ! published, and a correct likiness of Washington, j The sue of the plate i Is by !!S inches, which will make a handsome pic ure for the parlor, and ' slu u'.d te in the h.iii'Js' of evtry American citizen, j It is a correct copy from Siuurt'a celebrated orig- j ir: a! painting now at the Stute House. Hartford. I. It i? lineiy ingiavc-d printed on superior plate I apcr and that it may 1 c w ithin the means of all, J the pulili-hei ha? reduced the price to One Dollar. All ergons remitting the amount. may rily upon j receiving a perfect copy by return of mail to any art ( the l imed Sietes, caiefully put upon rol- j lers m'.ie tor me urpose, iree oi po.-ispc. ( Add.ets all orders, post paid to the 1'ubllsher, j JOHN !S. TAVl.oi:, liookseller lit and IVohsher, .New York. noticj-:. IN llic tnrtttrr oftlie f'urliilon of tlie real c-l.iie of William L. Haki.is, l;i e of I ninn county, dccrrisod Notice is hereby given lo the heiis and leal rep-er.eiitntivf s of the said Wm. L. Harris, dee'd. ' i. .at the i.rulersimd has been appointed an Au ditor by the t trphans Court of l uiori county to I distri ute the amount of the rerogriiziuec among them, and that he will meet at bis olTice in the Borough of Mercer, I'a., on the 8tli day ot Fi b ruaiv n il, at 10 o'clock, A M, where tiny may auend if Ihev see proper. WM.IJAM STEWART, Auditor. Mercer. I'a. Dec 17, 1-50 tyf' .nr Tin: last liOA rs.-'iii r3 MUS. f. K 150 WKS I S just reoeiving a choice assortment of J (iOODS tmbracing Dry Ciootls, Groceries, 1 Ian I ware, iVc. of good qualities, for sale on the most reasonable terms al the o'd tstab-b-bed Cheap Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth. The public are invited to call and examine our stock at.d prices, l.ewis'jurg, Dec. 17. lf50 The Holidays are oinlna; ! ND ns they are, we will prepare for their reception. Ice Cream of the Lest kind, Oysters, Cakes, Confectionery .:. mav be lound at liKNOKM ND1K'S Cuke and Dread Uakery, Ltuvisburj;. r4 !Z ho r J Quarter, Half, and Whole Boxes lor Family use, also Keg Kaisins, Santa Fee Currants, Figa. Dales, Prunes, at the Drug &. Chemical Emporium of C. W. Schatibs "I Q ( LBS. Almonds hard and soft lOUU ihelled.Creomand Enolish Walnuts, Fihieits, Pecons, Ground nuts. Cocoa nuts, fcc, at the Central Drug & Chemical Em porium of C. W. S'chaffle. Q7" GALLS. Port,Madeira,Sherry OUU and Lisbon Wines, Pale and Daik Urandys, Uin, Hum, Jamaica Spirits, Al. cohol, and Eye Whiskey, expressly for medical and Sacramental uses at tbe Central Drug & Chemical Emporium of C. W. Schaffle. (J rf Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, zfJJ Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Ginger, country wttn" iaiiace. Ac., at the Central Drue'd: Caemical Emporium of C. W. SchaMle. q snTi FEET Glass rom 7 by 9 jzjxJyJ 28 iy 40 inch iS"t8 also Looking Glass Plates, Druggists and Phys icians Glass ware at the Central Drug &. Chem ical Emporium of C. W. Schaffle. -f. AT! f f CLOTH, Hat, Hair.Tooth, LzJyJVJ Nail. Shaving, Painting, Liming, Wall, Bottle, Horse, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes at the Drag & Chemical Emporium of C. W. Schaffle. 1rry GOLD Breast pins, Finger Xvlvi'X and Earrings.Chains.Pens, Pencils, Silver Slides, Spectacles, Steel chains, Ac, at the Drug A Chemical Emporium cf C. W. Schaffle, fPf BOXES Cologne. Bay Bum, J0J F.xiracts, Bear's Oil. Ox Mar tows. Magic hair Oil, Quinine, Chinese Oil and Rouge. Pearl I'owdeis, t ancy noapa, eic. etc. at tbe Drug A Chemical Emporium ol C. W. Schaffle. ft(f LBS. Logwood, Kedwood, 4h4UU Fustic, Camwood, Brazil Wood. Madder. Copperas, Alum, Indigo, Coch. ineal, Liquid Blue, Solution Tin, Ac, at the Central Drug Sc Chemical Emporium of C, W. Schaffle. - gT" TOYS, Perlumery. Jewelry, J J J Notions and Fancy Goods, Fruits, Confectionery, Tobaccos, Spices, Paints, Dye Studs, Segars, Glass, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Extracts, Tinctures, Essences, Sta tionery, Soaps, Brushes, Oils, Pocket Books, Pockei Knives, liaxora and Strops. Port Moniss, Card-Cases, Cigar-Cases. Snuff-Boxes, Combs, Spy Glasses, Microscopes, Therm ometors. Mag nifying Glasses, Mortars, SmelliDgBoules.Beads, Hair Pins. Fancy Boies, Fiddles, Accordions, Flutes, etc., etc-, at iha Drug & Chemical Eon porium ol c. M. Kchaffle. Lasrisburf , Dsa. 1M0. cwisbunj JTonnbrn r"pHE subscribers, thankful for past pat J ronsge, wottlJ inform the public that they continue lo manufacture all kinds of Mill (icaring and other Castings. Thrashing Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai red in the best manner. Castings warranted to be of bod material, and at prices that can not fail to please. (iEDDES MAKSll. Lcwisburg, Dec. 18oU CAST tt'ater Wlieels for Lcwisburg foundry by tieddi suic at tin- s & M.r-h. HJUKINt; Sp ol 1 :h.i. -i..'S l-ir tTiill or Wood, I u .-li' at the Lewi-i't.i 1' Irv by V,ldi-s -V M irsh. STOVF.S r,tii..r. Wood, iind CmI Stovos, various jint'frns, for ,-a'e nt Lewi-burg 1'oumlry. (ieddes A' Maish. rPI!liASHl.(. M.tJi lies nod PLOWS , I for sale lit t tie l,eisbori I'tmndrv . C.'ddes & Marsh. IIMAI'"'5 r.tlem Chiiii Plow, a mim- rior article, for sulo at the L" i-loiro. Koundrv by (ieddes iV Mi f li.MN or Seed I r:ll K )ss Patent W decidedly I he ht .sf and most ilinnhf liram Drill now in u-e. lor sile :it the Li-ivi-l u.: 1'ountlry by tird.les.V Ma-sh. ( t (iEN'EKAL a-sortment of IrV ;Otls V. iron-rlr, &.. 1,e sale at Auction t the I He Sloreroom ottered for j of Sami 11 j i.li K, dec d, in the Hoiongh ot l.ewi-buig, i n Wedm'slay the ht day of January next, I sale to commence at 10 o dock k, A.M .w hen terms 1 will be made known by Jil.NA. WOLFE. CEO. F. MILL!'.!:, A.liniiii-tralors of r-.iinu. I Wol:e, dti'd. I.evcisbur. l'cc. l-"'" '. II. Persons who purchased at previous sales of the per-onal pn jierty "f Siiinnl Wolfe, ilec'd. BllJ hue lieglecled to pay or give their nines, are icsp. eifully rcpiested lo call and settle iv ithout delay. ri.n.v.jh I.. ),.;., i,i y To ISie ruhllc o lltiiiiiiiip. 15 AKTo.N. (iEDIH A- M AIISJI, having received a fre-h consigiiment of Br. J. S. ROSE'S Family Hedicines, cm olT. r them to the community with great con fidence, having tested their elii.acy and known irtit.'. in - nrvl ili-l:o:'.-. A' 'I i- IHi-'.-m-l.t :.-. tn .. i!:-. ar. uti-n -r- li-;o- -nM,. T o. ' ' '... ' ' Lis. i'l'lfi.!:ry .l. .reic. l!' v wilt f.,.l 111- . Vl..:.,i,.-n-ial-n l t' 0:' .s einin-ii-.. a- . . r . . tT . ..u. 01 1 !i.- n m .f :t. . mi-' i-n-luciiik' Oi. tn. :o -1 III. rr-f.,r:.l. 11 ' t : ! ti.-ilttt If Oi.ts :;re ioi r muii - . 1 --.r 'ii .1.-;'' t" ! t"...l..t. iti.-v will n .1 lr.;.- r'-liev :. r.:-'i'::J nr. . .-LM.1 r. il v T. ilis Ir. '.tr. I 1. J. .- I.'.-K. VI 11 . Vi. :.rr.f th- l ll -: l K . .!T . I'll. l..-M.i.iy. DecD il tt'l'1 1. I, Kl'l'l..- A M.U'.sll "7OTICE is hereby given to the Stock i. holders of the Eewisburg Bridge Company, ttia'.'an I'.leclion will be held at the hou-eof A. II. I'lair, in the Horouf-h ol Lewisburg, on Mokiiat. the f.lh day of January, lt51, for the purpose of electing one President, sii Managers, a Treasurer and Cleik to conduct the concerns of said Company for one year. WILLIAM CAMEHON', President. 15 rT HULS. Water. Soda, Sugar, Hutter. Central Drug Chemical Emporium of C W. Schaffle. Dentistry. V7H. C. STEWART, DEtTlS T, .continues to operate rn ihe TEE I'll, al moderate prices. He is now located next door 10 Dr. Leiser's, on FOl liTJI Street, near Mr. Blair's Hotel. Thankful for past favors, he woald'ropcctfuliy solicit a con'inuaure of the same. Lewisburg. Oct. 7, 1S50 SSS LEWISBURG BAKES Y. : rpiIE suiiscri'ner having commenced Ihe baking ! I business in Lewisburg. nearly opposite H. : I . r-nener a store, iniriius ft.cei.iiig iuiisiiiiuj. ut. j hand the best of 1 FANCY CAKES, together with a good supply of Common Cakes, ! and ItftlMD which for whiteness and quality ' will be surpassed by no baker in the country, as we have the services of a practical workman. In connection with our Bakery, we have an where he will serve up at short notice O VSTEKS in any style that may be desired. (Jj-Oysters received fresh every morning. FA KM EES and persons from the country will find the Bakery a convenient and pleasant resort for the purpose of obtaining refreshments, such as Bread, Cakes, Pics. Oysters,, Hot Ceffee, Ac. Ac. Afso, 'FLOCK for A. fS4ENORMANDIE, Agt. Li-witburif. Dec t KP Try Ibe Sew OenVJ Tailor t rpHE subscrilw would inform the peSF. - J , iye ancJ Corn, and correspond JL Lewisburg and v,c.n.ty. that he ha. openeu VVmj ror other producc.in exchange a shop in the large Brick corner house, opposite ,' S 1" 1 . B Vjril. .".I t r. .M.t J b,v a I'll I'.i.u . . CUT OUT AND AI AKK UP Gentlemen's and Boy's Clothing, in the best style. LATEST FASHIOMi constsnlly on band, to suit every taste. By punctuality end good work, 1 hope to earn a living patronage. Country Produce taken in payment. J. W. BENNETT. Lewisburg, Nov. 25, IS. SO MARKET STREET PROPERTY M for sale, cheap. 2 ras it- m r..u Tk.lt I .nt in it. fifiurishinff Btiro' J of Iwisbuig. north side of Market Street, i between Fourth and Kace sireeis. now occupieu by J. ti. Mensch. is for ssle, cheap. There are Frame House, Stable, and other outbuildings, and a few Fruit Trees thereon. If not sold by the 1st of January, Ihe above proirtj will be FOR KENT. v 1 ' P. HL'KSII. Lewisburg, Nov. 56, 1850 Stone Coal for sale. To Blacksnalibs. BITUMINOUS COAL, Trom the West Branch and from Hollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the Ha vacates on Third St. y ALEX'R AMMONS. Lewisburg. May 7. 1850 11-"v "V TV. Wsnw4 en swirtt, hnmitl. sttha $i.OOO m or 111 Cabinet Furniture Fur Sale at Dmwrhy'i urrrmm, IOI.RTH Street, south side of Maiket.at ihc sign of .5 If. Wijkojr ware-room lip stairs, where is offered a splendid assortment ol ' It .V77 7i;,as cheap as can be purchased thi-side of t'hiladelphia such as Plain, Taney, and llieing Bureaus ; Sof.i ; Otiomanx ; Mahogany (.'hairs; 1'iei. (Vn't r. ('jrd. Sol.i and Dressing Tables, Uieaktast and Dmii'g Tables.&e ; Bedsteads (( (ctii iin.I'ieneh an I Comm in from a2 to "MOU; al-o st.ini!- ' if ,-very v.iriety, ' II m-ikL w.-rriit.d lo be irell n.l le. -Hid on the ino-i rea-ouat-b' terms. (!-!. ('toioir I'ro dtiee, an. I Lumii-f Inken ill payment. f. A. DON I.'!1V. Li ai'bii' -. .Nov. ;. w."0 . WiriTEE? BBSB3! J.' UtVE A- CO. are now ree.'nin-,' a I iriie anil suitable ass-'Mnei.t ot 'iier (Jo,-, Is. and a.- there ore liuiny arlit b s ot winter wear not to be had in early pii'chse -e would ie-pertiijly request all in wan" i f W inter (io els. lo rail and examine our stock, as v. e le. I cotilid.-nt Ihev can be slli'eil as to (ju:i'ity. .j.i.in titv an.l pii. es. Call ate! see at the ..Id stand of Nov. V.;i J. HAVES ,v CO. t FKis, MI FF.-'' A superior lol ol Mull', ju-tt reed and for sile bv J. II ES CO. 1 AKPE I I.(i y jut reed at; good assoitment Carpets rind for sale by J. HAYES S. CO. N I.N El's.- A tine as.,ortm. ut utn ut Vel. i t an I ilk Ilouuel patterns, of litest styles. -t r. c.l bv J. HAYES A. CO. HATS A. CAPS. A superior l.t Mile Hats, and Silk Plu-h and Cloth Cap- latest style, ju-t reed by J. IIAYL'S .: CO. Tlic Old EIp;i1 tiartrrs ! ' FF.IE3' TArJIMERY. .: tin; sul.-crii.er re.ne. tlullv iufo'ins his Men. Is und tile nuhlic cenerallv, that I I curl ii a on tho ' Tanninii ami ('urn ins; loiii;e j t in full force, as usual, at tiie old e-til It-he, 1 head i quarters in ihe iiorouah of Lewisburg, on Si. ; (i.orge'. stieet, near Ihe Liver, where he ketp. ' ' a constant and lull supply of E A T H E Ft of 1 j .11 kind- and the best .jojl.lv, wtneh are ..l-re.l 'CHEAP for CASH or in EXCHANliE lot i 1IIUU- and 1J A KK. -lno Cor.is ot i;KK wanted. !I E.N It Y W. I'lilES. j Lewisburg, Nov. ill, li."U oil I JVotki: Kxtka. , persons knowing theaistlves indebted lo the bee r inn ot Dr. Tliornton &, I?:ilvcr, are hereby notified to call on the sub-cnber and settle their acenunts on or before FRIDAY the 20th day of DECEMBER next. I rr.av be found at mv Drug Store. JO-IAH HAKEK Lewisburg. Nov. 20. IK'iO 1 in "Siuall Profits and Quick Kales. II. P. SHELIiKK. fOULD inform bis old friends and the 1 public in generul lllrfl be lias now on band his FALL AND WINTER STOCK o! Goods, such as DRY GOODS. G'iOCKUIF.S, IIAKDWAUr:, I QULsr.AsW All ft. HATS AND CAI FISH, SALT, IltOX, j Ac. Ac. These. Goods we offer unusuallv low , fl,r (;h Country l'roduee of all kinds and i l0 Vfmllili ailJ ulutual pavmasteis as usual. ! eall itnU See L'-wisbur", Get. 30, 1850 ew Goods! fPHE subscribers have received and are J now receiving their new stock of Fall & Winter Goods, which they ofier to Ihc public on as accom modating lerms as they can be had else where. Persons desirino to purchase, vvdl j . 11 a : c- .1 .l til! please call a no rxiiiiune 101 iiiumseites. .111 1 kinds ol GRAIN, PORK, Potatoes, and Wood, wiil be received in payment. 1 . . 1 .. li -,:n l ..:.i (... w t..i Ief I 1 1 M 1 1 BARTON, GEDDES & HARSH. Lewisburg, Oct. 28, 1850 Town Property For Sale Cheap. FULL Lot on North Fourth Street X otw which is a two siorey Frame House, 16 by 33 leet, :!. mnnd (Jc ar under it a tnii Fran.e Stable, 16 by 20 an out Kitchen, and oilier out-buildintis -now oc- cupied by David f"xylJ- VIO SlIAMP. enquire oi HAVID REBEU, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, 1H00. LEWISBURG READING-ROOM, m?J 0?2S33 OX Market St., south side, between Third and Fourth Sts. over Stove Wareroom. Open until 9 in ihe evening. Charge until the lat of April next, $1.50; for one month. 50 els ; one week. 25 cts ; single visits (permitted if ,hey do not incommode regular patrons.) 5 cts. Each member entitled to invite in strangers, as visiters, for a lifiited time. This enterprise is undertaken with tbe belief that the 6rst town on the West Branch will gen erously sustain it. All are invited to visit, and f if they approve) patronise, (be Reading-Roora. in wey sou WORDEN, Proprietor. Lewisburg, Nov I, 19S0 1400 received and pore cuninij A splendid assortment of assorted Candies for tho-e that wish something nice for parlies, llol Inlays, &c, carried away at all times, by those that like -wee! things, trom the Central Drug A Chemical I'uipoiium.Kaiiey (ioods, Notion, cV. a riety Store of C. W SchnfiU j J EE)S of a superior form, for sale at she j 1 f Chronicle idlict, ft els sinslo .u!l per d"Z. r CAUTION! IT EAVV complaints b.ivin been rnrtdf to the II inutii authorities of Hi-or- d'-r V eiuidin l bv hill-r.iwn Imvs prowlinj- j iil oill the stieet- at l ite hours of the night, NO- j Tli.E is herel'V given that the ToAiiConncil h iii. .tie ori.tnu'l'lii'-li's to have a!l slleh otleialer- . I iM,piv nrrc-ied and puni-he l to tile full ejteni t of'hela'V. All l'aretit alol ''U ti.Ii ills me uibi- ' r.,1 u look well to tho,e under th ii charge. i I,'y order ol ti e Town Ci.niu il : i Joil.N 1101 (ill I'ON", ( Icr';. Lewisburg. Dec. 3, ISoll I DnqucmolnjKG. I I E M11. ItAHNE-'S inform. ' " , those who wish to hive ; . I heir Likeiies-es ta.en, or i ' &?-fZ- a 1'ieioie .,1 a .!.,irle.! : JlM- f iend COPIED, thai hi. ! - . y--. -ly D:iuerrejri room, nppo-ite , ' i . '! ( ireen's. will be open ; '. on S ATI ,'IIDA Vs lr,..n this w..k until the 1st of M irih. Ills prices are luo.h r.ile. and maicri.il go .1 . :.!! be a-ks therefori) is u tnr trial, alter which it a p . tuio doe. not please, no charge is madi.'. Lewi-burg. Dec. 1 t LOT of ii-w M XCKEItEL N .s. 1 and J. ju t reel and for sale bv .1 il WES A I O. Is AKE and (iround Alum SAL T ji-t i"C.l by Nov 2:, J. II WE-- .V CD. ALL jYli'DXlil); Ji 2 A Jia i-i -i:.t.- v;, if- & .1. ALLS, !l AVINfi p-pleni.he.l the old Miiniin'ili'i .Voir, and crammed it lioio pirn-; In ei ilur wiili evi-rv vanetv o! t iooiIs re.-piireJ for SaW anb lUintcu ' riifi-uitip'inii, p'-prc; lolly request Int ir old friends, the tia line; coiiiinunily, to call and evtrninf tln'ir stuck. I SirrJaSSABA and Produce of till kinds I lionht ns iisnnl. IvuisburL', O 'l. 27, 1850 Eliamlrelirs !'i!N Are .Wi at -.") cts ptr li jc ( f. .'t full tlinrtio: 1 v J. HAYES A t ()., I.ewisl urg. ai.d by i oii: Agent only ill ev ry 1 o-.mi in ihe I I'iiioii. Eaih Agent hi- a Cefiitu.ite ot Agency. : Illumine the box of pills ulw ivs an I compare it ! with the fac-siinile label- on ihe Certificate. As 1 there is a counterfeit of the new label out. this is j of much importance, as there is a decided tliifer ; ence between ihe appearance of the true I .hels ! and those of the counterfeit.. The counterfeit i. J done on stone; the genuine are done on steel: I the appearance of the printing on the counterleit j is ragged and bluny ; ihe genuine Libel is the ' very pink of neatness, both in printing, paptr, j urn! generul evecution. j He very carelol and go to the Agent. when you ... . genuine aitiele. When you purehi-e oihervvi.e. 1 11 H u ire of I lie seller whether he knonj the piils hi oflVrs vou are ihe ieiiuioe Itran.trelhs T ilv. ,.rv ,-, "knows whether the article he oilers i- t.ueor false. Eeware of cheat- ! " MKDU A la OTI(M:. I) !l. T. A. II. TilOMNTON oilers his profe-.Mona services lo the citizens j of Lewisburg and vicinity, 111 the various j ' branehes of bis profession. ' j I'esidenei- Tem;Pranee Hot! I. j ' Oili-e Drug Store, one door above ihe XlHmmoth Store of J.v5cJ. Walls. j Lf wishurg. Oct. 1, 1830 JToi Sale. iv- I 'I'llAT liffie otid desirable property on ; 1 the corner ol Market and ater ots., 1 wcli situated for a residence, for business, , or (or a residence niid place of business. I There is a lar.:; BliICK House contain- j ing 4 large rooms on the first floor, 0 bed rooms on the second floor, and two large . ,!, A fC.i.-I..... iiiiiancii u""ns uu - .. - and Wa-hhou-e adjoins, and it has also a larue cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of oood water, and all tlie necessary out biiildinos. For terms &c. apply to (JEn.F.Mtt i.i r, F.srj. S. K. DAVIS. Lewisbiirfl, Sept. 23, 1853 Bread without Yeast ! "1 IFFEKVESCINU (;OMIOl.'ND, manufac J j mred by Babbitt &. Co , i a most superior pieparation for making Bread, Tea cakes. Buck wheat cakes, quickly and elicaili. for sale bv Dr T A H THORNTON Family Soap Powder. Y ihis preporaiinn a single paper costing 12J cts. will make 12 quarts of the best Family Suit Soto. Fur sale by Dr T A II THORNTON Fire-Proof Paint IS an article worthy the attention of owners of buildings of every description. For sale by Dr T A II THORNTON Dr. John Locke, SUJIGEOX JJJJXTJSr, MAY be found at his Office and residence first door east of Kline's Hotel the two weeks following the fust Monday ot each month, where he ia prepared to execute all operations in his line of business in a manner credita'. le to himself and satisfactory lo those who may favor him with Iheir patronage. Dr. L. speuds the third week of each mouth in Milton. j-Aromatic Tooth Pate, put up in beautiful I poTCCiaiu uutn. mn cvciiciti .....ic .v. ihe leetb clean and breath aweet, for sale at 25 cu per box, by JOHN I.OCKE, D.D.8. Lewisburg, Pa., May, 1850 HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORXET A T LA IT, Lewisburg, Union County, renn'a. Practices in Union and adjoining counties also attends tbe eoorts of Perry county; OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. JVetV &00tsl NEW GOODS ! ! TL'ST received rit "For-ter a'ore,'" une door H ist of Kline llotrl A lull assortiiiiiit 'if i-'nl! r. Winter flood, Sliell as (JiotllS, Cusiui're. cv-:. Also, a variety ol I.n I),,-,, (i'lod-i, such ni Merino', Silks, Ca-I;mere-, Debt ins. An i also, a well selected assorJnsent ! fresh GFlOCEaiES. Lewi-btir, O.M. 1)1-00. LOOK WJJJ)! Vol' ih.it k'-ep C1...L-. Watches, uud Je.vl.y li -rll. because 'J'.;'iv Half eld & Thoxrs?' t-4fij!r rf"1' ", i r r ' f? r-. ...... .. t. a. . r ;., f"f II aet.i-v in ( oi s?S. f ,. Jilt ASS CLOCKS, !.au Usui!. M-o. a new and f -!;i ju;i' U- nt ol JE WELLY from Niw Y. -k.e-Iv low. :o i:vur.. : - i S -' t'li.-lif.!, ; 1" 4 S. w ' ' .:;it r : I' I. r I ro-i.r . .: I r n H i. -. .1 :. r I '!. I.- .. 1 I.. Mi.-I-.tij.ert.t. r 1.1. 1.- - ; t .;. . is. ;. S, and avari. ty of articles spbn.li.I go . !---: I'Uiiieious lo ir.emiori. ' ''l i'ii-r th in tNew' e l.y H ViTII'.r.D TtlOM,.-'.N. N. It. Ail warr.ii.t.d I . be whit sold tor. l.eni-burg. 'let. 2s, l-.'O. XHW (iOOIKS f FIRST ARRIVAL or I'Ai y H'jots. Jift('(:s.,i::.i . or ma M!i:-: s.j I I.MVV jubscriber has just received and is liiw rijiPiiiuj il iar;o cssor:neiil i I i'anev Notions, which wiii be Mild In l.e.v tho former puces for the " read;, John Davis." O.-t.O D::T A 11 THORNTON. Mr.tT --T. I.Mvi-,,; :-. .. WHOLESALE U RETAIL DEALER IN nrussMi-iliclncM,! lH t:iitaJ.t53- S. Mils, U Is, Ulas, i'erlunnr, Confcclioncry & Kai.ry Ariicle. Ir 'i horntnn rurn his Iriiinki i-jf llie lil-er.il jntf 'r-ie wlrvli .: hi ro i ivr J. ivt If ;i-fr.w Uv criiiiiuiiity that vwry ::! nt,in t' JJt. t its- r .mpnunthuir ( Mv-' iri -. u!I ITU ;:i;iii mti, .. t t. . t. .... , ) tor iiv :i(i ;irr.ti;ieM lo W -t:r' jm;! l"''' liinc. rt ' J'rr-crij.ti.in-. uiteii tree i.f iiiar; al ir. T;rrfirini" lJ:u s ih. ii int-niltfr ! .ill :t ifit? M ft-in.T. fir-t i!jjr a!")t iht' MrviiriM'iIi toie f J. ?. J. Wj:I. Fresh arid Genuine Me.!i I lies 'i'lir. subscriber has j-i-t reeeivtd 'in I a lditoiniii supply ol X! 'd cinrs, w.ir- ranted of the best quality. !m a p'ii-ra. n--or;meiit ol nil such, artte'es a- u.i.a!! are f.,und in D1U4 Stores, a'l oi" w!i::!i he oilers tit the Ijwcs ens!) price. D:i. TtiO.'l.NTON. " -T-TvKfi "ofla-n stipp'y of ibis very V' celebraifJ uriicle lor coughs, i-o;d.-,'C. on hand and for sale by I),,. TIlOilNTON. T Full I . M I.il 1 . .lu-t recenej .1 lr-sn . I.isl reeeiv 01! .1 fr. J (,t ofall kinds of Peifuiiiery lor tbe i,j:!,;i anJljr sile bv Dr. TIIOiiNTON. . , T- , ii o 7 I AKl), fsperm, ami I'1 V '"r I 1 sale bv Dll- UK HtN lO.. 'OVi: WARK-UOO.M, AVury iinposile II. J. .Sirllcr Sinre. flIlR l,xi in I most annroved COOK I NO. I -!!(); OKKIi.'K or PAllI.OIt Steves. ; I'lou, dis, Cistii)". fvc. cniusT at low rates, bv & M r' XI Al KKKKL, LAUD, cm.!: v. ... ... , i l.AKI'. ( .1 1 r. r.r., coustantivou iitinuau't i SH A D.COIUTSII.! for sale bv SALMON, HKKKlNtlS, 1'OItK, II AXIS, S1PKS, SUOULDKKi?, J.PALMKK&CO. XIarket Street Wharf. I'hiltlth'j'l'ii'. Olll'JO I rain Drill rUMF: un.!ersined wish to inform Ibe funning community geiieir.ily, that they arc now manufacturing J. J'. JtOSS" Xnrif ImpnirciJ GRAIN DJllLLS,or SoSMSG MACUIXL Without stopping to disryjss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offered forsale, they merely wish lo invite Farm ers to call and sec the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article thai will uive entire sntUfnction. ROSS, GF.DDES & MAU?H. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, l.'iO. S.MTL AXDERSOX, FasMoniWe Tailor, In the Brick building, lower Market street, one door above J. Nesbil's new Brick House. CUTTING and MAKING done to older. , Lewisburg, May 50, 1930. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can ba at I.vndall's Bookstore. in his pU'S Etwisbtirg, April 10. '30. bad 1 "o "iTs bJ!a -"-a li Ji.---.ju - - j TQ OUR PA7E0N3 ! Tiie pe"sent in tiif mo;t fuvonsl!. season, t not oii'v f-r r.'uiliur', but for protuviirj; sitb i-nprioiis i t ,i'w-i..-ipLT- ami i.j u.i wl.o think t!i'' 'l.'hroiiii-li;" i!e-rv'.ni ,f -iln.r:. wo fl'i-r tiiis iiiJuc(.!:n;.t uu:il ti.u 1-t of .l.ni!;.:rv : AY.' )u;t eil.tr l lift - n a 'i f..r itt nt!- l, i'.,r ..is- a. .1 l.t- i-ir suf:-:rt!,'.rj Tt-t 'J'.'rf. (S'l t-.t'V..) J'.r oiu '! i.';" .: lUr V-ifh I'-ti-l it' A'l im J'if:V i i..in: j'm f r oi.'t:iiiii!i'.r a new 1 !-' - ts i worAy of the It. row iJiT. w J ILL be rented PL i'-'.I'J OUT( !iV on li.e prcm.sr-s, on HiNC-U V. tiie ZD v il I)i o.';i.i it li v, 1,1 It ,-lork, A 3 a'e, Ian: he Jo:;t' tr it L - l re..l ;i 1 , . '-''c tlie esti.tt: tf.'Jtt'rt Wi ot'd si o ito ;:i tl.e i'oroi'h of LtuUl ,. ni.lv i 1' I'. to : : lu Tb-o MA.NsloN SiOrSK now it. :.o p r. cf th- idi'.v o! said dtc'o, i-ua'e .! Wider s'leet. which is a Utgv in 1 eon.. i.i'd nis ! .ve!.:iief. i I. A l:u, IV.eh itYt l.LLING Hon. .i:d s T' J'.ll'. H i it., ;. i n:her i.ecesn;y i iM.!', "il '.Ve e-.ri.i r i i Mai'-.r! nru Ya .r sin ' , . ii fi'c.i'.o'ed for t'.e M. rcnt:- It I 11- purtii.se iii--', ;.!.! !..-- iiea l-i-J fjr Il.at r a nv kit i I erir-. iri.-k W AKK-liOl'.-'Kon ii vr r, w ni. a m iv b rL': "SIAUF f.Uoa M'.'Mi t." the lower i.d cf ti i 'JI A i.:r- k Ol' til'1 vi-r;e tit ' I'ii: ban and i'"!' WA uK-iU 'US''! r.l the lo' Wb.irf. :- i! I W . is ii t.i-'v i.-i.nrj ti.;it rati be u-et! 'I'll Ti i ins w iil be tt.u ie ei.lv r.e 'li n li.w wntcr. now a cn cay ol rtntni. cai ii ::;nt. whi.fi A. M. LAW-HE. Tllo'S 1IAYII-." (iuard:an i f ti:e "..i!rju ot - ;ai'l Yi'u'Jj.J Lew i-'ilirj, Nov. 3, 1-j!. Almnistrator5' Kotlcs. ilKUKAS, L't:ers e f Arii:.ii.:-T!i'ir.n on th.- e,Mte of tjAML'KL U ULt'i:, l:ff the l;..r. "! I.'".v,-!o:r;-. I !... Il ( o , dreea-ed.b-tve teen rnnled to the : ': ! :-r-, re i l-:it t:i -o d 'i..r .ub, bv the I'.e-ai-'er of .-a:d eountv, :b. it.i :e ai! erCti ttw-:. make inir e i .-'.i;i: are re.j.ii s.L J in i nr. i-iit, atid h"-e bav- tmn:" gains'. t;.o same, are rrquirtd tirpre-ent lle.'iii, duly aT hemic attlleir.ent. w'.sho'it (li'lav. ite J, for .ION A I1IAN WOLFK, i C. I'. MiLLK!!, AJi; II. Y. Fall a-d "R rW fi .31 JI'ST reet-ivi'ii ' ;.v t:,e not ot.iy riuV-'.b'U v arranted to mnke i 'xar.lv like tln-tn. No f.t 1.0 pny. CiOTirv I r.'uu.-c to,. ;i in pit v meet. I.f v, ' ho I'.rick House, opposi'e James P. IU, Lew isiuire joiix b. :.i;L!.i:it. (. 7. l-5ti. SARSAPARILLA BLOOD FILLS, A UK AD Of ALL OllI EH 3 ! Th" F.iivy ofall Piil Manufacturers, E('IE they are safer, better, ai.d mors ciii.'acious t':an any ollicrs. have been j!d annually for the lasi five tears. V.IIMI 111 tl!.:', M.VLt iXU l'l'i.ll. ! can al.vas tike ibem with i.pul safety, withcut ; tear. f l'i'.ls . nre.ssiiry ! for puri;inc ami cleansing the stomach and Bow els, and puii v in tlie Blood and Cuius of tLe lx ' dv, take no others I',.r 1:0 Oil er pill prjduco ! ibuse cjn.bii.ed tii'ect", or coiitain Sarsapinlla in ; tbeiil. j F.ni, Drink un t Live as muaf. i and pursue your usual occupation whil-l taking them, wi ho'ut fcat of Uki4 cuid, sluriu. all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars are watered tint more grvuinc certiiicales (from i.h.-ieian. i ter-vim a. Members ol Congress, and ie-pectab!e citizens) cm be produetd of thtir etlicacv tQan ot anv otat r. and 1 will be forfeited in .very instance where One i lio will uol do mure goJ liisa Two Boxes of anv ollicrs. r- p,'t, : , n,. " ami sold at TivtnlyFin Cutis a Bit. wiia j directions and raucu akolcjom: advue accooipa U)ing each box. l T 'V ft.i-f ifi fi'tf r r.r'!"'rct tmrjt, frtt from dittl .tr jAimi- r ..J ait Jf I nirf. Ii . u.,1 grip Iht Sti.miKlt i r H ir.,'4 I', ..!. ' ho .iVim-m. rtiKlilintJ. IT b:ii frrli3ti Tltr AUK (""' AT ALL TIXS, Ait'l au.'s.! fA ttfit tiistosr etmrnon to mnkhfl. No one having once takfn them will be willing afterwards ! t.b ny others, because they al . ways do good, and it they do not. Ihen no o'.heis will. Dr. II. B. Lcily. Tic l"rormctar scd ManntVictrjeft is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of fifteen year-' experience in riiildeli hi ; (irsd. uate of the I'oiversitv of l'ennsv Ivanit : McDf her of different 3'edicsl Inaiitulions ol Vlii!.el pbii. New York, Boston, Baltimore, &e.. atd associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institutions of London anJ Pails, &e. OtTs as n IsrosiTiott. Beware of all pills called by names nesrly similar, got up to bo sold on ihe reputation of Dr. I.eidj'sSarsapatilU Blood Fill; the first Sarsaparilla pills eve, ir I reduced and ibe only pills containing Sarsap.ril !a. Take do othets and yoo will not be dectisJ Others by similar mum. of nearly similar, are a gross fiaud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! .Prinnpal Depot. Dr. I.SRlly's dispensary, No. It North FOURTH ST., FhiUdvlphi and sold wbolesale snJ retail bo f vr tnnrrUl Lrwisl nr 3. It. Caslc.w. Itiltc VvrBsV.VW-T.X.Br-W.P.I.KtateT.T. svtinor-. tsv'llviSKVW. r, fctssrth. 5lWl. l'ric I i Rohrcr. r-.- S falls Willi FikH.llsrttek Ti..m liw.-r. ShanmliiB Dam 'K..t l:svj(i.,-ri.lrevi. , rt J. M. JiKlJ.W illiniort: ari't tr PthsT." " kee;FTS tbrouiibunt the fntteJ Stst-s. -'f-g SCHOOL-TICKETS r"0' ri,d '"c aW 1 this olT.ce. r . " vvinter Fashions icr ? r .it.- I ;' i-lf 4. Ji
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers