tiJit cmi )mnor. In the wrong Pocket ! A can lid ne for Governor in O.'.in, du ring speech "I rin P,ace on ,he ll" serve, prooee led to descant oa ,he P,l,ra a-suce of tl.e ne. the - f v-'"1'1 a"h eo.fine clo.hes.a.id .he hke-declnrin him-ni-lf 10 be one , f tl.e p'ain yeomanry that he never inliU'd i anything of that sort a,io!JM!vPr"b-i!i'icy"!hit he ever carried, was plenty oo J eiiotijih lor hin. end to illm'tate lh-. f ict, the Judgf put his hand into his pocket, and drew forth, not silver '-buU'i etV hut a magnificent gull rtprtltf. Til", tdnute "f the cr wd can be better inioined than d!erihid. while the w.-u'd-be Governor m i le a pre cijiiate retr'n'. The f.ict is the silver wa'ch s crii-d f.-r t'ectioneerin;! pu: rr.ii c, nl d in il.c exciteirrnl f sjm-h nt. Vinjt, w hen he rnt n daw it forth he put Iv hand in the wrong j.ockft. 1'if.sUirg C I rr-cicle. LrAitsrD Blcsdch. When Dr. Ad am Littleton roniri!in hi Linn dic tionary, asited by ta arnnn'tensi--, hedie tti'ed he w"r I cinrirri. The scribe tip prina that ti e vnri.nn tctHM "I 'be word ill Entail wi..u!d bri;:n. as usn', iili the inn-it titem! or p, ftiM "To concur I suj pose, sir.' The Doctor ini neJi.f. ty rv. clawed peetisVy. 'Cm-cir! c-n dog V and nc.-orditiMy.tbe ananiien-is.supposina the latter word to be dictutid, imnvdiati ly wro'e t iming as the Iran-boi n of concur ro. It a even prinv d ihus in the frM edition of IC73.thni.gh th s In .heroin l.ltin der a contend iu the sub-e.iieut ed lions. A Mistake. A fin ny niiitnis" cenrred in Cni n county. Ark . hI the !a!e i-ecimi. The Democrat had a candid tte I" r the Si? ra:e named Huey. and in t-wn of Camden, in the si ee county, there was a very pop ular Whuoflhe same name. Many per sons under the impression ih it they weie cis'ii. ih. ir vo'es f.-r the Ja-ter, nc'tial y vo-ed lor the former, thus" eleet n. hitn. Union is a Whij county, and Mr. 1 1 tie was lh. only Dem.ieral e'.eeted. There. somelhins in a nam" once in a while. A Swam of Tees worth Hiv-ins. C piticn, n pravrrful. B lolii.' !e, H mild, D ! wa ol.m. B '"' cl"1'1. It rtu.li.'U. tlvn?'iltul, I'vine. U k'"J- V tn,r ou rruUe maM.r ?u!wtvi"i.t to m:nJ. It cjuii mi-. B nr'iii.M. I. ini-tml, tu, U cr-uiin"! ! "II- " it'On'ate with few ! It lfm i :a'! in ar?mi.' i't. eatir.p. n i limiting. II rnrr'iil i t n-nv. el '"' f'"1 ln tliit.kn.g J 11 ih.iifi:!. B In'. IS li.'i-iful. U tion, U ici 'lit. 1" ,'. ! ', ' lo 1 1 lern. It C"ir3?u li I; iil ' l. it jn-t. It "'"trc- vil tjj rW, tin itu ti Just i II rt it. i, ci'i i;iii.-li-i'. t'te " It ocliie. JmiU'.l, n l I'ailliful iI.m'.Ii ; B h.iiii!-:. B hulv. tranparei.t, rnJaie. C emeu- nd If rhri-i-like. "J J on II U ftcurr. On ti e day d mi n llie, I n : " 'he in habitants of Paris wrre without d 's. ; ro ided wi-h t. lescopcs and pic-es of sinnked j-las, no Eiili?hrr.an was ct n diiiinj: furiously in a fiacre a!ns one of the piin cijal s'rre's. Where d 'e, niy lord wish to o to ? ' said the driver. To see ibe ce!ipse,"'cx-ta-i:ied I he Ivilshnan. thrust, ini his bend out of the c.mfU wiodow; e.n!v Vnc np r.'itr to it as prss'.ble, fr I am sli- it siuh r d.-' The (o:u iimnn who dree Jnn L'l'd Uom tbe-V.Ti.lxa: to the Hi vere ll-u-e DosK n. il.us riJa u'.i d the inline :iimira lion whi. h his '-feliow c'M'-Z' n'' ers ex h.tiitin i Mour.tin? the Weps of tl.e hotel, h-i crii-J ' li re's the ban! tint lifed Jenn Lm 1 on! of I'ee coach. Cf ntleii en, w.u c;;n nt-y of o-i have tl.e pi it dorp ol iisina it f r h've dolJ.irs clii'J:cn h.ili Xo l i t: V suv one ol lh:; "srntll :a " t'i3i:!i! r diy hi In) ni time to re i,l. J! ttrl comp'ration he bad spent 3 7 out of the 311 woikin days in the yrnr, i i innin.. Iiinlnj at the s-'o'e, tav- rns, M'eiidii!! cales where be inlet. ded '0 l uv noth'tt.-, & r. Tl. i 's the way it is tti 'iiiil Sin h ixi ej t iiiiseis, who are too 'fct'nuy to li ad." Depending on C.iru.-iist.in.N's. Said Di rm'i to S.iiah", as they were taking a b.t ini pro ii.Mii !e, .in St. whit your 'pin in Vimi' d ; married lit' ? lin't it do most liappic,! !'' We:i, I' 1 :e 1 vti, dit me p n.is al i ped 1 r how i: y tT.j y Jem-elves-'' De not deceived by app aian.-'t Lord Pyron said : I never judj;e from mm rers, fir I onci; ha I my pocket picked bv thi citi esl ei-ntlcipati I ever ni't tthb; and rne of ihr: in b.'rst men I ve.- ii wus AS Ta.-lia. An vl t r in tl.isS-a'e t!:tea ens to break op house-leejiii: ami ;o to boarding w i.h liis dvliiv-j m tit snh riber. hating despair ed of pet'ini bis d.n; i:i any o her way. W'a say, pi i abe id. Tilt- C JV thai a killed at Troy on the Fourh, hv the en; l -sion of il;u u:u:n, is j;ett:iii l.e-!i r. The ecror.or at en him," till he was j;!ad to come I The DeniiKM S of Iowa have elected n Ilonn !t Coiire?, by "0!l m j 'rity. This is a ;iiiiMiih worth caekl'ng over. There is an l'.d.i.r in AhiLnii who hr.s two wives O t o scaoip ! i'j.tors tip this way can h inn v " " " Vou wiit se my face no more,' as iIip girl sod when akc ctvtrcd Iiet cheeks with rougjo. MEASE'S WORM tEBMIFlGE. 1UIE foli'iwinc oniehow at one dwnaail lot ud excellence of this great meJicioe: YaBK. July 28,1847 "J Kiild & Co: The Vermifuge Ml u on ide some time ago by your aeeut, w aoIJ. It goe veiy ri:iy, and given great tifewn. A we re entin-ly cm of the article, anil bate frequent rIU fur it, ii'.etut ttui u mm immeiliatrly C A MOKKIS & CO. oxciitilib. Trail. Match 18, 1847 Dr'M'L me Dear Sir : The Vermifuge you lift nl aie last fall ha long aince been sold.anil I coulil bate eolJ a great ileal more if I bail bail it. S ure my rituin from the E-i, I have been called uon nearly every day to write to you, n questing an immediate supply. I have alieady tcieil vour Vermifuge in my own family and find . .. it to te tne test I nave ever usro E t MUKIitJ.M. I "Men Cut!, Sleulien Co. Sept 7. 1847 ! Tbif mat ceitify that we have sold DrM'l Mv't Aineiican Worm SieciGc. Of 1'atenl Vrfaiifuge. i lie 4iit tear, and it has given unbounded salis laciiun. It is no imposition on the community, I ut is what its authors recommend it to be a ui ivriFal specific for those afflined with worms. -H. HLUIIE8 & CO." AGENTS--C W SraarFLE, Lewisburg; J II Cm I J II l:a.r Milion: I (Jeiharl. Se- liiisgriitc; J W Kriling, Sunbury ; Mrs M'Cay, .XaaUuiu'ti rlJiRI , M K. oner. J mooie, uanvuie UNIVERSITY at jLctvisburg. 1IRITI.AR f.r ihe Academical Year coin- y uirucing Oct. 17, 1850. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Eviri-isrd in SiM-llinc, Heading, Drfiniiion Enlioh Gr .mmar, Ariihmeiir, (iengraiihy. His toiy L S.A , I'enmansbip and (.'omiiositiun. Trc'tsh Department cf the Acadcmr- The fame sludies as in the Primary lfipartm'i con ii.nr.l in the use of larger text hooks; and to ilu e aie added General History .Algibia, lrfgeli di, ai.dtE!i iiin.ts of Suivrying Classical Department of the Academy. Tma Jiiiiur Academic clusn. 1. CDKlili liramm.-ir. Latin tjrammar, Arithmetic (twe division, i Uiiraphy. IT The nm.. Miiilii tin In I. TtTm. and Pcnmani.htn. III. Knlih Grammrj. Ow, AhlUmtic romili-tl J.j lrt d. vision. !p"k Uranimar, Uwturjf nu muufbip. Uoott-kei'Uiug. Senior AcaJ'Uiic c!a-$. T. C.T5r. Grw k n.'advr, Alg. t.r (Hi mull.) If. .in nl, do do HI. d.i d. do eomptrU n-bv ru! HXory, lnylifh Lao?aage and ComiwitionJ COLLEGIATE DEPAETMtRT. Freliman dun I. Ep?li.h T-anUiis and Cumitorition, Algebra, Livy A n..bost!. IT. r'unr l,i ftmctrc. IJvy. AnaLai. III. l'isn-. d slid .-j biriiai Ui-unntrjr comiiMnl, Li vv, AujiMfi $iphnn.nrt chirs. T. Horace, O-lvm-y. Plunc and Spherical TTipiHmcrjr II. do ilo .tlcniiratiiinurw.init..Navi:Uoi... 111. do rtuii.'.ct.d. S-ieiS Oratiisis uf lk-maslhraw. r.hctor.c, AanIilU-ul ticoiut-trj. Junior tlatf. I. P-moftlifn on th Cmirn. tVero de Ontclis,' Mc hiinir. llvdritatirs. and llvdranlics. II. Di'm- sfi-ein-s on llw I'ronn. Ciwrn df officii c fn- t .1. I'wnniatini, Annutins fclcclncily, ?iirni t.m, nn-J OnlM-n. 111. Cm! Iragnty, Tiicitu., Astronomy. Senior clt. I. Ijos'-: 'tnrl Ih.o!oKT, Intellprlnal Ptitlosojhy. IT. Un,k. 1'oiitiral l.'noiuy, tlorsl fhil.moiliy. III. llutl. r Aiwliv'f. (''inflitution of U. Clumistry L-turvs, lt uiral Kcvicwe. N'.v class in ihe l!i gutar Course has less than three di!v lecitaiioiis. Every Saturday forenoon i. ilevntcd esciusivtrty t. Vocal Music, Ueclamation. sn l rri.i'ni? ..crl ami oriEinal Compositions. The s udenls aie reiiuirnl lo attend, resulaily. some ri-liiji ins meiting. Minors are etpected to a iend rucli mceiinss ss are recommended to them v thi'ir eaients or guardians. There are in the ! !i roug!i no less than sit places of puMic woiship, ! of as iiiiny di;!Wi nt Christian denominations. Text nookti. EnrtUh LniQHiur vttd h.ltruti .. The Bitplc, rortir'n Pli. lor.cal li. iiil r.' tVorecsterir or Wehsu-r's Uictionary. JtuliUaa i:riiih Cn mmar. I';irk r i'rojm ssivc K.vni-f- :n tiie!ib l'oni;ii.iliull, I'slker's Aids, Blair's Lectures (Lii.v tiiv j.a.t.' ii-i LSui i.:;.,rtf nnllk.nVOrsniinar. Bullioii p Reader, s U xiion. ltuliion'sl'a'sar. tfibDiiUand Ziimpt's Virl. Liiiroin's Liiy. Antlion'p Horace, Tharhi-rs Cicero dc- iiT:ri.s. Tvi. rV T.u-ilus' licrmanla et Ajrricolp. r.r.-r: I. uijw;,. Itiillion plirammar. Hnllii.n's Frail r. T.i.td'-'.l Jfe Sibil's l-ioii. owi-n's X'-'noplion's Analsisip. ow. n s l!nT::i.r'!. i.li--s.-y,cbr.ini.lins IK-uiiUielicp, Fisk ri Maiuiul. i'.?'. ti.,tiv- v.r.xh r' Aritlimi-li for And mrs. Eti-m- entary Ali I nt. r .unli.n. Lri ndre. Surv.'j injr nd Savl- gin. tn..l t:. .-.Ill' .-im trv-.OImctil s atuml rnuvsoi ny i-t- rvvtyiH..!.; Ohn. tid's Astronomy. XumbiT of Students. The uumher uf students during ihe past year in ihe .vrini!. Pci artimiits. was IVi. 'hi t'ollecuie cb"es alieady oigauizcJ lor ibe ensu iug jtar. arc ll'e fudowing : S. n:or rlo . - . H Juni..r ciafp . - 14 . ptn.rnore rlsss - 1 Ir.shman class - - It. ...51 T-aclierM. tfrmn N" W. tlVI A. M, frot of MuhcmaUa. I ami V:.l,irl I'li.t. if -l.il t;;-iii:r: I:, ni.lss A. Vrot of (.reek Lanu.ii t find l.'l ntor... .... ;o::i i tv. a l'Kt:s(', a.m, in loi nann un-aia po 1 I.tt;-rtur.. IH. t.0 N. I.O'iMtS, A. M, Prinripal of Hie AcaA-my. A!.ri;l.t TAVIilt. A. Tutor in the Knli.-h Lan-gaa?.- : c.t filomlii.n. U:iiIiiag!,I.i!si'ar: and Apparatus. The Aca !em;c e!ifice now occupied by (he mrtntvis of the I "ni versitv, has been eree rd. at I an e-vivnpc of $.')9. and it is adapted to arrnmmodafa 1 l.. ptu-lcats. Ani tlii-rrdificeis nearly couiiil'tMl. and is j exi'-i tid In I..1 n-aiiy for occupancy at the conuw uceutcnt i oi ilu next T-ira i 1. 17. ls.'m. I 1 h L.t'rair i-nr.tainp a nuintjcr of select Tolumcs, and 1 is cnKtanty mereasinflr. Cbi iiiii-.Ll A;.f:iratup lias nccn procuni siimcn-ni vw noi.lv i!o: :muii;w d.mniid. nit Apparatus Ir Ihe UiiULruT..va of Merhs-mcn! I'lnlosoptiy. i now ii-mpMc. Tuitlitn and Hoard. Tuidon in the Collegiate Department $30, Academic ,23, Tiiinary $12 per year. Board, iin luilin j lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be bad in the village and lU vicinity at tariKu prices, fr.iin f 1.59 to J2.50 per week. Arnui Yemenis art' in progress to furnish Boarit. cxrlu pit; of lil.-ii'T. wn-Iiinc. fuel and light, to fueh as may desire it, al ft t Ir week. SfMloii! and Vacations. Twro Sessions in Ihe year the former com mences on the 3rd Thuisday in Octiher. and continue 2G weeks; the latter eminence on Thursday. 15t!i May, and continues 14 celts. Spring Vacation. 4 weeks; Autumnal. 8. JJy order ami in behalf of ihe D iar.l : THOMAS WATI SOV. Pres't. GEOKtiE F. MIM.ER. Sec'y. Lewi-burg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 18.'i0 il 13 A FACT, fE sef-rv.ilcnt, and worthy ol f very i J consideration, that no Miller can make am id, clean fl wr without he has eood clean wheat. I suppose you wish lo know the re nedy. 1 tc'l nil it is to uel one ot H izshtisti'' ll'htut A'f'i iirtm, or Smut M lehmes. H" lying an old, practical anrl exierienced Millwright lias invented, fl "i and iut iii successful operation Ihe best Wheat S.rniirrr now in use. Any person nrdi rin a midline and afterwards fmd no that ii does not prove lo operate as rppre sti'ii'eJ. there hhill be no sale. as these ma chices are to In- warranted good. Further reco'niiien 'a'ions are thosisht unnecessary. i He is now having a supply made at I-wis I i i... t... r:,.j,i... x. t i. ii i unr, uv i'wn. w tw is luin, vroers for midlines, or Idlers of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sciit and put lo all order. Add res J. BFttfiSTRlSSSER. T-pwishurg, 1'okfl " IV 3S0 I.EWISBUttC CIIRONICL.K ANI WEST BUANCH FARMER Price Reduced! . VAUGHN'S IJTHOIiTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Esufje Bottles Only One Dollar. TUe Proprietor sf the Grrat Aawtiraa Keatrdr " Tarnns's Vbbtsblb LtTBOMTBirric MixTrBK," indaosd br Uw arjeat okcitatiaas ef Bia A cents, tbrauhsot tha Uailad Stales aad Canada, las now Beduced Oa Prica of ks popalar and well knows snide ; aad from this dat. heacanirUi, ho will pat bp bat one sixo onlr, -bis qaart bsttlos: the mafl priea will be OSK DOLLAK. Tha pablie war reiS Bssansl that tbe character of the Me.fi. cine, its streBsUi. and cunuivo properties wtLL bkmsin uscHiKaSD, and the saow case will be bestowed la pie. pafitig it at Benlron. As u nwsiieiae, andec iu srdaeed price, will b parchssed br thaw who base not biiberto arade themrlves acquainied wnh its vina., the pnnoielor would bef to intiaute tblt hts article is not to be rlasied with tlaa east arnoantof " Essaedies of the day ;" it elaiaw for ntt( a gmttr kttlml prnxr, is mil dVseasso, taaa anp srair aeparaMB mmt atan tkt n-orU: and has sattaines UseU" far right yean br its Mprnoi BMdical viftsjes. and. aalU this icdaetioa, milianansit dbukle the price of any other article in this line. Notu t raBTii TiiiiT, tliis article acu wilh xreat heal ing power and certainty, npon tha Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Longs, and all other orsans, npon the proper action of which ufr and health depend. Tins inediciisi hat a jastly his h ispaie as a stnwdy for Dropsy and Omvel, and all diseases of that natara. It stay bo ietil apoa when th inteUitent phyMelan baa abandoned lite pauent, and fin these ifeneaanx dHaaaes, ancesicciallr llaopsr, the propri etor woo Id earnestly and honestly recommend it. At itr preteat prica h is easily obtained by all, and th trial will pros th article to be th " Cheapest Ibdiane ia tha World! Kf Please ask lor pamphlets the arents rive them away they contain over siaasi pares of receipt! , (in addition to fnl BMslical nutter) valuable for hoawhoM ponieses, and which will save Many doUats per rear to practical hoanekeepers. Tissnr psceiiiu nie introdnoed lo niai the book of area value, awde t'rom its character as an adiensitif meilium fo the aaediciae, the testimony in faror of wliieh, in the form ol letters Ana all pans of the conntrr, any be relied apoa. i"Vaafhn's Vegetable Litlnwtripuc Mittare" th Unrat Anwricaa Remedr, now fur in quart bottle! at eaeh, small bottles at 50 eta each. No small bottles will bt wined after the prevent stock is dHposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo. . V., afl Main Street O. C. VAl'fiH. 8otd WhoWIe and Retafl by OLCOTT Mi h ESSO.V k m.. 197 Maitbni I.anf. New York dir. S. B. All hsleis (eireptinf froat aeata aad ilea't with s-honi he transacts basines.) am be pest paid, or no attention will be f ivea to them. (KTl. THORNTON. lw;bur,. is Gi neral Agent for I men county- j.ii.IvAblo Aget.1, Mi:t n; 1. Gkbhaut, SSthusgiote I 5:343 TUB W1XTER SESSION op me LEWISBURG ACADEMY J ILL commence on MONDAY the S8ih ol (ic-roBta. In ibis liistiiu'iun, all tbe Uiancbrs of a thorough Academic course will be taught The eonimutiica ion of knowledge simply, is not tbe sole design ot Education and should not be m.ide to ; it bigbe-t aim is to sirengtben and bring out into action, the intellectual and moral power of tbe student. Throw around him all tha iacililiea necessary to hi piOi;re-, anil af f.nd him all proper aid, but do not fl itter biro with the thought that be must rely upon another and not upon hi own tffur'S for success. Inde pendent If-rc liam e is one of the lost lessons that should be learned in a school room. This kind of early mental training prepare one for vigorous and manly exeitimi in after lite, and thus i,ivs him a marked advantage over the ig noraiit and uneducated. The niuu eirorts of a Teacher should, lb. rehire, he diiected to the for mation of sound halite of study, for when this end is reached. Ihe progress of tbe pupil becomes at once cenain and rapid. Composition and Declamation, as formerly, will receive due attention particularly the for mer, and the Primary Department shall have our special care. Tbe subsenher feels flatlerrd wilh ihe growing jro-iiiy of the Institution, and shall labor lo meiit it continuanre, by increased exertion. Ti iTlow Per Session of 20 weeks, for the Common English $6 ; Higher English, $8 ; aril fur tbe Languages, f 10. . J.NO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9, 1850. Principal. .TaniiiugandCiiirying IOU past favors, the subscriber returns his "rnteful thanks, and hereby makes known that he carries on the business of Tannlug and Currjinp, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, ha is bound to have the best work men and materials, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall he pleased to patronize him) wilh that attention which he hopes to insure bim a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Dark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 2o. A D. 1853 The Gretct Discovery of the Ayr ! rs s- "r . ' "V J-vi. jn. Or.Trask's MAGNETIC OIWTDIENT IS convtnily rfTminjf cure of the utmost i m pi irt aiice. Thf most creJulous are cn- vivctn; tbe most faithle cDijHIIti In lflite in the power and virtue of this great remedy. It In nttlvcTwrnlly aJmittitl U be Ihe mrv-t wwrlerftil rnmUiutkm kufn to ttte world fur thn iinmniitttf tvlivf of atil p;un. It nt'tfrr fail while th-iv n miny nuttirii'iit lift t nttor a naturml ami IvNitthy ar-tinn In Hit trat'iHarv vomt li' of the body, and t'lnttliz tht rirctUa-t"-n of fte itl'tnd. By XU mtait, a contndlin? power in jrainHl mrr the mwt milrinuint fiinuii of dicar. whirh (TH ntt hi olilaincd fruio any tlnr rt m dy. Sarh in the power of tlw rontinstion. that it ptnctnite to every portion of Ui hiioaii frHta ; rvrry buiin and diusbtI, Tfin. nerve and lijnwufnt in 4archrd out and in 01 e cn ar:l.lf parifirationawd twaHointlu -lire. Hence it oopctf aK rejvtii? with inttmat aarxb rnal d.evascf. Nnmernu in.wt.intw air on r.r-nl, wh'r? thw rrmoly ha r-rrd health tn patlrnt so near the pruvr that the ni' Kvwt-rful inkm.il rcini-die failed to protluco any effect. 8ucb hu flrein ntJy Ijvcn Itn eao ia Infammaiion of the Bowe'a. N'n pat.snt nts'd die with Uiu dtonm where the Maziwtic Ointm.-rut ran he ohtaitied. That danirrooii epidmie. known a the PUTUIJ KRTfcii'ELA.S n always be euixtl by this remedy. For jyFLA MM A TOR T ttTIEVMA TTSVt thf Ointment !c the mnrt fntnphti- nmedr ever preparefl. In 90 cat out nf 1u0, It will afford mh'rt rrUf to tlie worrt ca-1 of Nervous Headache in 30 tainntea. for Nervoti Diavaaa. tliia remrdy ia nf immnae vaine. AtTectTOfiff -f the hpine, Kh-unntint, Iameneas, tTlee rntid Sore Tlirnat, Bronchititt, Pleai-in-. Oroap, Chilla, ruder Morhw. Afftv tn l e r Brpant, Ihirna, rVaJd Head, trkrofnl.-v Salt Tthcara. Kryip"laa. Inflamed Fjra, revf-r Sorea, ie will be inatediately rulitred by tlic cec of this trtnedy. 80U by Thorn f nn 4r Baiter, Lt wiebarg. m E F B-TTTtarfitn, Tif Agt E -V-TjwfT--nr5B&2t2 More IKews Cor tbe Sick! CERTIFICATES AS D TESTIMONIALS Suffitu M tojitl rrrjr aJumn oftMU pnptr. cn hrprudmcrd utting Jrtk Ve vxmrftd vtrtmM Dr.Swajue's celebrated Family Medicines. Ir. SWAYSE'S celebrated Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, TUB MOST COMMON SAVING IS That I would, not give on bottle of - lr. twajoe's Couiund Syrupof WildCherrjr" hall ihiai n of any other prepap utfins. I have tried all tbe popular ones, but this stands uurivallcd li the cure of Use f,.lloinK diseases, via. IsIsmM, Onight, t! 0,sjmir4.., fpilUhg W, lllyUatm Hit llwrt, WKaVimsl Omok, IMinf) or Uung tjltum ia ie Akruut, linmclittit, Attltma, ur llVusms oA .V.TSOB .Vysf.ss.or bn pair conslitution from any eaose, and to prevent persons frum tailtugiutna qiw,uii.ii.- Uliiin; una '." -'I'! . and alien too much Calomel or tiuiniue has born used, . :n ...il HfTv-tw on the till Bieutciua am j . i . . . rynem sua repair c j - - - HEM ASKABLE VLMK OP COSSC3IPT10X. ai...h.m Hunsicker. S mile from Bhippack- tille. Pa., contracted a severe cold, which set tled upon his Lungs, attended wilh violent coughing great Uinicuity 01 orcaintu,, lormed iii his lungs, and made it ay through the side, aud discharged large quantlUe of pus rxUtnally. Thi mournful stale of ih.ngs eon- linued for a long time, unui msKing sjsray tie's Compound Sjrup of Wild lbirry. which perfoimed a perfect cure. . t : ....!. ml Al Have you Ihe Asinm, s.ie. vvmy.., - Uronchiii I If so give this medicines liuL It sclJ.'iii tails lo cure. VEKV IMPORTANT CAUTIOX. De tiry careful to enquire for DR. SWAYNE'S COMTOUND 8YKLP OF WILD CHERRY, as some unprinciph d indi - i... i k .......... I. n iho name ol Wild Chill V. IIUU'IIS ll.v. iw. - -- - - ibniking to borrow a reputation from ibul aliea dy estahlisbed. Kememuer, tne geuumo n squaie bottles, covered with a beautiful wiap per. (steel engravmg.) wilh tbe portiait of DK. SVVY.E thereon, ul-o his signature : all oth ers are positively fclicioua and counterfeit." tiTi nc'4 Celebrated Venulfuise. i. sale and tfliclual leinedy for Worms, Di- pepsm. Cholera .viurtius, eitniy 01 "l"". Children, or Adult, and the most use ful family Medicine ever o lb. red to tile public" Extract of a Lelhr to Dr. Swaync. Dated. Andersonlown. Indiana. A mr.n purchased a boiile of your Veimifuge the other day for his child, and by its use dis charged sixty tb ee of the Urges! worm he had eser seen. It is some hat difficult lo git the people t.y it, as thiy havj been sj oflen guiltd l.y nauseous and worthies worm medicine. Yours being so very pleasant to t'ue taste, at the same time elf.ctual, I shall be able U dispose of a Urge quauliiy. Kespeitfully, jours. TotvsKo T. Suabp, P. M. UEWAKE Of MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Sttayne's Virutiluge is now put up in square bottle, (having recently been changed,) covered with a beautilul steel ei graving wrapper, with the portiait uf Dr. Swayne ihereon. Dear iiis in mind, nd be not deceived. SVe that tha name is spelt correctly SWAYAE. CLEANSE AND PURIFY. Da SWAYSE'S SI.OAR COATED SAR P A RILL A EXTKAirr OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, gteat purifier of the blood, they correct all the functions of the Liver,and as an alterative in Dropsical affections, .1 .... -i...i.l Ciililinena of the head. I lie V am ii'J -- - - dimness of sight depression of spirits, headache. Stc, ate cured l.y tnese iiumi.iiiB .. medicine can have a better effect fur monthly ir regularities, which occasionally happen to wo men. Ibey are perfectly safe, sud will in conjunc tion with Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cbery, take all pain from every pan of the system. The above valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Da. SWAYXE. N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Agentt for Vninn count), fa.: W.Kesslcr K.WiU.n.X. Berlin ll.Meiirh.MillcTsl.urtf .. . III I ltf,i-n. IVolri'Vil tti-.'. StM-clit. lU-nvertnn n 11. J. lloycr. tvntreville I.. 4 Taylor. Miflliiit.iirtt ll.-ivis k sieltnuri.. m-liiisicrove Vouniiman k Walter, llry Vails): I...I... Sf..ll..e Vull Iln.l .P.miin..'lonecri. n.-j U lit li S'll..r llartletnn lloyer Jiuunuers, Freeliurj rninmirii. ihtiimis and by Storekeepers generally ty-BO ISsml llaupt, Jr. - BOARDING. rpilE subscriber avails himself ol the col t umns of Ihe Chronicle in publishinjr to the citizens of liewisbiira and vicinity that he has opened a HOARDING HOUSE in that large and comfortably arranged house, formerly kepi as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two doois east of the Franklin House. Market street. He is prepared to say that his Table shall have the best the Markets can afford, and tho Lodging of Bonidera shall be as comfortable as ran be desired. I S. STERNER. N. B. A team and carriage will be kept ta convey passengers to and from the - . . u .a iuriv Tackrl Uoats. i.ewisourg, niaicu is, in.n. rpiIE subscribers ofler the public, al their J new Brick Foundry, the following new and vnluable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, wilh Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-l ight Pallor Slove.for Wood Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch c I " Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 size. Egg Siova the very best in ose for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Shops. The celebrated Genesee Air Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 2 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves PloU"hs Castiii;s. &c. &C. CHRIST & MTADDIN. Owisburrr, Dee. 12, 1849. Drandreth's Tills are sold at 25 cts per box (wilh full direction-) BY J. HAYES St CO., Lewishurj. and by o.nly one Agent in everv town in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Aaencv. Examine the box o' pills nlwn vs nd compare it wilh the fac simile labels on Ihe Certificate of Aeency. As there is a counterfeit of ihe new label nut. this is of much importance, a there is a decided difference between Ihe appearance of tha true labels and those of the counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on stone ; the genuine are dune on steel. Tbe appearance of ihe printing on the counterfeit is rageeJ and hlurrv ; the genuine label ia Ibe very pink of neatness, both in ptinling, paper, and general execution. Be very careful and goto the Agent.when you want Brantlreth's Pill : then you are sore of ibe eenuine article. When yon purchase otherwise, inquire nf the seller whether he knows the pills he offer you are the genuine Brandieth's? Ev ery maw knows whether the auicls be offers ia true or false. Beware of cheats I NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and J jint Notes (blanks) nl ibis office ASOTHBK SCIESTIPHJ W0SDi PEPSIN: The tree DIGESTIVE FIl'ID or GASTRIC JUICE agreaf Dytpeptia Carer f Prepared from Rennet, or tbe fourth stomach of Ibe Oi, after directions by Baron Liasie, the great physiological chemist, by J S.HotaaTos, M.D., No. 11 S. 8th St Philadelphia. Pa- A TRULY wonderful remedy for Indigetion, Dyipeptia, Jaundice, liter ComplatiU, Voiutipation aud Debility, curing after Nature s own process, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. (Jj-Half leaspoonful of this fluid infused in water, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of roast beef in about two hours, out of ihe stomach. Digestion is chiefly performed in the stom ach by the aid of a fluid which Inely exudes from the inner eoat of that orgin, when in a state of beul h, called the gastric juice. Thi fluid the o-iruf Wren ofilie food the purifying, preser ving and stimulating agent of the stomach and intestine. Without it there can be no digestion, no conversion of food into blood, no nutriiion but raiber a foul, torpid, painful ami uenarwc ive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. I'epsln i the chief element ur great digest ing principle of the gastric juice. It i found io great abundance in the solid part ol ihe human stomach alter death, and sometime causes the stomach to digest or eat itself up. It is sIm found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, Ac. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese si) kd Rennet, the effect of which ha long been ihe special wonder of the dairy. Curdling of milk i the first process of digestion. A call stomach can curdle nearly one ibou-and times its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states, "one part of Pepsin dio!vid in sixty thousand parts of water, dige I meal auJ other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastiic Juice, Rennet oi Pep.-in. To how that thi want may be per fectly supplied, we quote the suhjoinej SCir.VriFIC ETIDEXCE! Baron L1K1IIU, in his cel. Iirotcl work on Animal -nc-mi.try, sys: -An art.nciiU dicstiv Sui.1, anlSus to tli. iiiistric Juice.uiny Is- readily prepared Iron; the nfuci.tl ni. uibraiie of Uw stotuach ot the calf, in winch yanous articles of food, as meat and seas, will be soOennl and digested in the saluc manner as in tlie human stomach. li. lukl-lltl in hi. funwina tniatise on Foist and llwt, published br fowlers k Wells, New fork, page J 36. states the same p-rcut lart, and describe the method of prepara tion. Tliere are frw hishee authorities than Dr. I crena. Dr. COM UK, in hi ealnnhle writings oa the Phy siotiry ... . .: . i .1... m. .i.mlnTit jai of the due qitatitity of the Ij as trie Juice is a prominent and Bll-pre- lail.nr cause of llys-psia," and Be slaw s mav ...... i.. .i r. ... ..r i,b.ilrne ia ls,ndon.whow.ia severely alMUtiJ with this complaint. Boding everything else to tut, h:id recourse to Uie Gastric Juice, obtained from tlie . l ,.; :M.l. wlu-l n.mn'. l I v auceeedi-t. llr.OIIAIlA.H,autborifUjeliiniouwurson Vegcetablr Piet, pars: It is a remarllaliie l'l in piiysi'ieu.'. .i... . ..'.....l .ni..t. miuvisLj in aster, impart to it... t-ni.i ilu.nmivH nf duunlvinir vurious iirticlesof ft.' and id . nVcttnn a kind of artificial digestion of them iu no sisii d.llen nt trom Uie natural uigesuie proe.-". Ur. ftlMOX sj grunt work, the Cli.-uiii.tr of Man, (Isa o. i m.:i...i tun ..n n-'l 1 nv.: .-The discorery w.aiiiwtiu. i iu.wi-..-- fr ' e 111. of IVpsiu loruis a new era in the cl.ciui. nl b.story i ne f -t ou. Kriau r.n nt expttrinn-nts, we know Ulat 6d is iliMiilTiilas rapidly in an artinrial di.--ot.vi tluid. pn-naml from IViwin. as it is in tlie esttirul liastrie Juice itself. I'rof. lit.MiLlls X. of tlie Jefferson 1'ullege. 1'hila.l- in his Kri-at work on llumau I'hysiolo-jy.il; ; VoU-s niore thau lift v pain-p to an examination of this rui.ji. Hts eaperl ii. ll.. ..i,,.i.t. on the Gastric Juice, outatuiil from the livintr human stomach and trim animals, are known. - In all cases." he says, "digestion oeeurr. il as perfectly in the artiSeial as iu the natural diUous. As a DYSPEPSIA C't'RER, Dr HoOghlon'a r,reiisrati.,n of Peusin has produced the most mar- veluu iffecls. It is impossible to give detail of cases in the limit of this advertisement nut au Ihenticatid certificates have been given of more than TWO HUNDRED rspid. wonderful, and uetmanent cures. It is a great INxavnca A'VTI pote, and particularly useful for tendency to bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague, the evil effects of quinine, mercury, &c, also for excess in eating or diinking Theie is no form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAINTS which il does not reach and also give inslint relief ! and repealed for a short lime, pu rilv of Blood and viooa or aonr follow at once. Il is parliculaily excellent in cases of nausea, vo miting, cianips. soreness ot ine pilot tnestomacn, distress after eating, low, cold state of the blood, heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, emaci ation, weakness, tendencv to insanity, &c. Price. ON E DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle often effects a lasting cure. PEPSIN III POWDr HS sent by Mall, free of Postage. rr convenience of sen. linir to all parts of the country, the Digestive Matter of th "epsin.is put Bp in the form of Senders, with direeuous to ne aispoivci ny me .urui iu wat-r or syrup. These? powders contain Just tlie same matter as the bottles, but twici- the qusntity f.w the same priee. and are sent by mail. Free of I'netaKc, lor l. sent iost-paid) to Dr. J. S. HoiutliUiu, No. 11 North fclgbtB el, I'hiladelphia. his pucksges for Ever Kittle.and Dackago bears tbe wiillrn sig nature of J S.HOUGHTON.M.D , Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in every town in tne union and bv most respectable dealers in medicine. To be bad of Dr. THORN I ON, LewUburg ; J H Casio, Milton; Thompson, MifHinbnrg; Will St Eilert..Haitleton; W m Rosbong. rjiew Berlin ; G I C rouse, Selinsgrove ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland Iv315 BULL'S KEAD HOTEL, Mifflmburg, Union county, I'mn'a Tl ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of I Vi Union county, and the public in general, that he has leased the above stand, for many tears occupied by bis Father, and ia now pre pared to accommodate friend and the traveling community in a manner acceptable to an. The HOUSE is large aud roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render bis guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season, and the best tbe market can afford. The BAR will at all limes be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquois will be kept. His STABLES are ample and convenient, aud the OSTLER punctual and attentive. In short, he pledges himself lo endeavor to give general satisfaction lo all, and hopes by sirict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. '' Mitilinburg, June 20. I860 TRY THE NEW FIRM! WYKOFF & HOTJSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. WykolPs old stand. opposite Hunter rardoe a shop, where they keep on hand or make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, Hostnn Rocking Chairs also Riirraus, Tables, Bedsteads, of various kinds. I Settees, &c. ckr. All work in our line wnrranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on ibe shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend lo be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards work nnd so doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol public patronage. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewisburf;, Nov. 1840 Farmers' Produce Wanted. OUR Agricultural Friendf will greatly oblige by supplying the Printer, immeiliately, with Wheal, Corn, Buckwheat, Potatoes. Ciiler.Wood, Apples, &c. A this has been a plentiful season, tbe Printers ind Edi'or hope to share of it. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, mm fc IIPEDITIOCSLI . EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE THE tlElV FOUKDIIY TS now carried on as usual, at the upper X end of Market street, where every des criptioo of CASTINGS 's kePl cn hand or made to order such aa Tbe Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all oilier kinds ol STOVES. loPMUGIIK of differ ent kinds Cora Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Flongh, a new article, and which can not be leaf in Pcnnslvania. Call and see and jt-dgel for yourselves. UlilCISl dc M'rAUDliN Lsswisburg. Sept. 2i, 1940 fPHE undersigned continues tl.e LI I E' X UY BUSLVESS at the Old Stand. skT a rat. rt it t . 1 on iNonn intra st., near -tiurKu, aim respectfully solicits tbe pntronage of Lis friends and the public tenerally. CHARLES I. IIK53. Lewisburg, May 'Z2, 1650 Books Books! rpHE subscriber offers br sale at the X Lewisburt Post-OlKce, an Mur;nit in ol the most useful Paper, School Books, Stationery of all kinds also lhe best Cigirs,Tt'bccf, 8tc. JOHN Y. KENNEDY. Lewisburg, M iy 7, 1850 IRESH TEAS. Ano her lot o" . supeiior Blink nnd Green Teu-j .. just reed from thefanlnn Tea I'mn pany, and for sale nt New York iciui prices by J. 1JAYF.S & CO. Lewisburg, April 16. Agei.ts. Important joticc! fPHE public are hereby infor.rtd thai I J am the txclusive pieprii tt r of il Cooking Stove knonn as 'White's I'.tti'iii" or 'The Whi'e Stove, by virtue i f va-ln letters patent granted to me by the pn'p authorities at Washington ; and I herein caution all persons nut to niwriu'aciore sell the same without nu horitt from me a I shall promptly sc. k l u-il rcdn-s I. 1 every infringement of my njjht utub r sue letters patent. The public are also cau tioned that all stoves mtnufactured by n or my grantees or n"pnt. sre m;irke. James Vhite. Patented June 10, 1844, wilh the additional mark ' Ke-issue, Au 6, 1890," on the slide plate. JA.MF.S WHITK. Milton, Sept. U,'1850 3m Cciutsburg JTounDni r'PHE subscribers, ihnnkful for ptist pat X ronage, would inlorm the public tha' they continue to manufnctuie all ktmlx rf Mill Gearing, cast Water Vlittl ol the most npproted pattern, Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse PLOUGHS. He invite particular attention lo a new- article Wiard's Patent Gun Plough. for seeding in Grain. Farmeis by thi Plough ran seed as much grain in one da) as in three days with common ploughs. CASTINGS and TURNING, and Fitting ihe same. HOLLOW Wan. Kettles and Pots of various izes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves, fla. the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal Fancj rT PVfTT'i L 1 Parlor, Wood and Coal U Air-Tight Stoves Rice's Si If-reguluiin Air-Tight Pa i lor XVoud Sioves, (a new article,) &C. Threshing Machines and other arlicler ol Machinery repaired in the bent manner and on the shortest notiee. Ca.stin war ranted to be ol the best mn'erinl, and at prices that can noi fnl to plcae. r.KDOKS & MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1818 THE andcrsignrJ conlinura (o furnUh to orJer on Ihe rooM reaminable tern.s. rianns. Tiom the Manufactory of Cosbad Mat kr. Philail'a. whose instruments are loo aril known to need any panegyric, haeing uniformly received the eommrnilations of the most emiiienl profrs-ors and composers of Music, anil the awatJ of ihe premiums in New York, Philadelphia and H .stun Kor qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone uii tu cuiitreii mien, rnev eaii ti.ii h. ....... .i i. either American or European pianos. j instructions given on Ihe Piano as heieiofore. p- M u- 1 . e , Keierrnce may be made lo anv of those parents or guardians who have pupil committed lo hia charge He m.y be seen at bis residence .1 Mi. Metiger's, first street, Lewisburg, where leims and panicolara will be made knun. Tbe most popular and favorite Airs anil Music of different kinds received as it is issued from Ibe different musical establishments in the fine Mav 1 CHARLES KALISCH Mt "TTar Q '"rcJ "ficestConsia Jiill JVO Wcs.tkc.. on hand at the Chronicle rihce, or rrtntcd lo order. BlOaa. I sfyw-., Br. "An ounce of Prevention worth, a jiouitd of Cure," io that atrful diitatc, cousuriPTioii ; DU. FITCH'S Lectures on the frcter.. linn and Cure of Con$tirrption. This popular work for sale in Lewisbur,! by S. F. Lthdul' J. Unughtuc and at this office. Price. 75 cents. TRICKS OP ftCACK. Lt Fvkrtsoov Kaan nil l. vksieu.r. Tier It i etirssnaoil " tt" m-lti: l-wn called S f Towrss-ii iar-apirtfa. I is s.iverev.1 as tl e Oltll.I. .j.i ci-l l- -,ui jll to.t. Tills T .wiiieul isriti,; and ue.cr was: but . i-.riuer: a work-i on railma.l-.ta, aaK aisl the like vet he ' tit title oi l ..vor i. r mnan nl f-iinlnit'dclu for what tie as It-'ays -:. hjs iiiieiideiltwliie-li.v.i .iiU, and prar ue I i.m a years"" X-o uV'ra.h .. lie uei r praeiiecl mclTci,,, , day ill hi lll " ''. es-Snt imsiepn-arn-al. a itvfks hid t" llieeo-iririerati I vrncny of the man. I Sin most stoCelvl. a lel oei m.tle liio- staleir-u!. t h.-i aeil or ol toe. ttdni i:l irtu leiro to t,e !i.oe anJ tiu 3 ful 111 atl 'heir tlesleejs ai.d l.iie.coir e i:h their t.ll I mrll 1 He ap'(ld to oile Rnet Cajio to a-siw hon iBi ufseiuriie' bti i -is'iite. s-amot the Ui-p inn., tie ii,ie -make a an iis-waav-ttt 10 cmlsiik 111 tlie t.usioesa. T-ei . men bavo htcn issmitmai a.-l In- ," l " ' P"' form-, in oritur P impiie-. tlie ptit.lie arh the bein-i t.-. t the Old D-ctor's S itwiuriiia was nut the eriiiiine. " i ' tZXZZrit:.!. ma.! f. -'i the IM lrt r Unt.nnl .'- ,. TlusS. V. T.iwneii't svs 1 liave s... I Itie a- -o 1. , naine ..rl7 a wick I will rive tun, .-! ri Ue wit , . dttce one mtste solitary pro o! tin.. Ill- a aieit.i n: ! Thompson Siilt.nan o. are u.i Inns ! falsch'ssls. .imply mi l' o .W'i'c 'i-e pu ic nr. I s tlie truth .I..W.I cssnl to hiv wsi. Jfnyalinf t . rastsil This is o caution tlie pm. it l plucks f .ioo it tMd lr. JA H Town-" '- Sirai'SOt:a. lisinti 00 j Old liclor't lili-ness. tin fa'to-y C'al of a sienaiurearross tiiel o it t.t .".rttiP. 011 1)r. Jacob TowPaScn:, THE r-Rt'llNAl. lli OVKt:Eil OF TilK Genuine Townsoud Sarstpirilla. 1 l .i Or T li ' I li-' -e ' ' '1 ' c 'C " ' '-s i.n.. lieen IM1- 11' -t ' '" ! !! ,i I.Ht.H ! StltS.tPAtttLL t." H-inJ .af.lie wi i-t i limn nm muter u.c. Iiy 'i..-h mem- it !.j- -.- . I. - ; u ot nialket. a-i ' -I' " ei r i m-i . t had pr-vc-l it w.ir ti. ami ktt--wn u. v uuc. I'. .1 I tlierais -I man., intnls-.f. th-' ' 1-' ""' been heile.1 ..I -.. e diseases, aisl avJ lwi:i . ... r-: ..J . m .... ..I it. won w! nl UKAMVfJ I'f.V !'.!. Til' CRAMl.tMM NK'tl !.!.! lll'ltl P.'.t tT . A maiiolacure ioti ttte .arJe-1-. -.i-a!-..i ; 1 1-e-i - - out Hi' Id- h m I li.vi.ltli et ihe , J foil.pl l.ifJ..!." e "t .le.'eh' r.itl.m "f dceri": v I I . use v i.i.- S 1' T-wn-iiI-Mt 1 - r -ve. r.- - w. an'lneier'chi.i.-i.ut t T'h'N-tt.r: S-i-.:. erf.--..-4 on srni.li - .r..ie.j. by ."' "''' 1 ku.ii.!i-trie ,i; f':.c:..t.ip v. a:i.l me :aie-: ,1...-. 1 ' n. ha.e .1! I.ru b.ii'ii'nt ir re.in 1.1-n 11. r - : -- tur- ol the tl.i !).-' Ms i;ii"-i. e.e -rr. ' ' ' - -T it Is si ti i.iowi. l' l.s-.t.c.il rae.i. c.l.-i ...ui nt.i'l. m. .:,-:.-Ji pr.-t-er.ie-. a:si "i poiji. ri.e- s-h li z?....-. .-.t, a st .- tier-, wlii.-h il reta.nol to -n .,i.:t.J 1: 1-ri. e. : ilure rVeKit n t -til. wh-eh n.l.e.-j. J :.t r teill." S'Urt: "I -IC l-r-"l-ii tics : I'-O d " 1 tint thrv tii'tr.-:v e..'.i iteau'l-ire .' :.. fie .:er.. ... It lues aie lei' p.es. teeil 1-, a I ' " : ' "" ly t.i'ifnee ca,i'-!.c-.l in its tiiasti.a.",ir". Ihssw rs.'u.'i ;.f.ci., wli" a S 1.1 ..''. ' h 1: 1'l-.M. u,, tcr i,-s-. c-re Ihe very ' eJ.iu. ; er'.s .11 tl.e r -e. wli.-ilirl" I" ! I.- it- ' A-y wsvti l-'i. or ' t'-n " : 'v .1 I Mlorcl ii.Mii 1. witch v 111 -re fiotn the m-'-'i the r 1 Hi. atf-tluns H" :htu siram .1 ... el 'ff i t. .weetcn wi h "r " -"" 1 Uieu ell .. " sttlSAl'iR.l.l.v K TltAt'T or SYRU R.tt such e nm tae 4iti-- tlu , GtlM I-NuOLfJ lit JACOB IOV. .HtNDJ bAi-.AlUUII-LA. XI11. is i .reare.l that all rhe inert rr.Twrt.ies of Sar.ai.ai ilia r 'I arc liaet reirst.il.eil.iliv c(aa tMeoanuut act I .r l.rieiit.iil-i is ct I at, I re-c r- : then cv.Tv ..aric e oi me..icj! iiitur v .-Bre-I 111 .1 u. ami conceittriie I f.snn : and tlim it l- rei.te.e.! u . . .1 ol loi a y 04 it- raluai.te ami licatnuf pr-iferti-e. r aaretl ui tl.iianv.lt is ma.le tie- 111 . j-nerl Jl a.cu' .a .J 1 ( at ee at luniiuir rntile Diseases. Hsr-e tlw reason why we Iwar cvnitneM.i.uoi.s m c.7 aule in us Isv.ir Iiy men, "tiK-u, atsi l.e-Ueu. tt.-t:..-. a dollar wanler-Hi'the cure ..I C V.v-Ml'1 f'.V. I VVP.'JW.t. ai:l tl- 7 t'l.'.l.V7-...,el n. .'. I TIS M. ft I t i l-ll.KX. -',.v7rVK.V.V 11 1 .' ff.V ;(,'77".V.V. riMPLKS, HL'tf-htz. ar.,! all jt'-c: .ari.itr; ''",.., . i.MPUiiiiv oi- w.v. n.ixr l po-s.--esa nijrv.lliina eifie icv 111 a.l eotnt-tatnti an. sins ir.-to W',i tr A t-Ufj-f 4 .Vtosi . te-B u..e.iu.ll Circu .ill-'-i. .!. teentiia I .:i nl I...S-I to tle lie-., iiinuli.ai iH the heart, cot.t iset a.i.l ii.iniK end chtl i- ai.l li.M It lehes over the ltv. li h " isn Its eiinal m tVi'.ls i-' Voufht : am! jthii-'c. ea- ealc-.H-.i:toii aisl senile .iiallli. rt.aj.li. sill-lures ol Ljt tuujta. tiiroal aud v. " 'ilu t' m"!?. 1 . i 1 1 e i- r Pterlter.ee more mamfastljr sets at BCknowle.cd lh.ni in ail kind, ar-.-l sla-ep 01 FklM.VL.l-: COMPLAIN l b. It wink, wot: lers l.l ci-s "I K'u.r .ti'.a" or llt.fa ri''i H'"". "'.'r.-m-rsst. 4-iffir""--'. t 'J iPMses.trr.cav'tffirif.s) list iism-lru il wri-la. su I ii:t i. ami laelleviu.; It. riirlni a I .iie t-irol. ot c.". Ivu l ---a Hv rciiioln i.lllt "I and resnUtmt ll. cat a ypt'em. 11 sue- tone ai.d stiiiuia lo the a..a) 00.I). thus cm-' ail l ints "i . Kervoil IJIaeaae ml rellllty. art-l thus p even a ..r rc icve. a en-at variety . I " tn aities. as .Sy n.ll irritalio. SU4l.'eut. - " -icu.ni'. Kl .l'vtir f.U. Caaru.ii'iw. r It clein.irfs lite blis.l. excites the li.er lo hea'lhv ict.-w. toues the st.iwcti. and ives eood .ltsett r. re .. ci .-at bowels ol tnii raiid. o.isiiiii.v.i..n.alUi.v. inrtammatiott. ' ntie. tlie -ktn. c.u iilti . !:e circulation 01 tile 0. 'J. I J"Cliia cn-le warmth eiiUJliy all oiel th li-j..j.a... rnsensitile perspiraiton : re'area wncturss an.l ntthttip. ts move, nil orpMrMeisns. and iniijoralc the en.i.e r.s:'rs sy'fem I" n-! thi. then The Medicine von nrp-rmlnm'lr needt Hut can anv in ihe,e thtnes he sai.l 0! S. I Ti-a .-usr inletlor antcle I Tni. ...iitie man. Iiii;ii! is n..- ' ' c COMPARKO WITH THE Ol.P PU'tS. heratw of one t;lt tMi VtT. thai th one is INCAPis BI.B of OtTtKli ill A 1 1" N, an I whits the other POI.S- Z'-urit?. f'rm'.itinf. tn ! t'.-si the K.lt!rl PllT:f.t.ln,:'. it into trum.'i: : :h- -o:ir. Iinlli.l ext.lo.Iii e. :n..l d.imaaii.e nttter e,w. ? ' V t e,- florrihte cnmi-oni I lie i-.1-...;. .11- 1.1 -I e -.. --i te'-.Tl put Ochf in't! a sv-r'n-l n', rii.'f H'ttrtited tr:-h r.:'"i ' tt hit raines llv.tjr.i.i uih ael-l I IS. we 1. t a i -:i-'v.- i at n.un food pours in our vtom-ii-ii-. wr. it nit-elti' : it p t ' ltatii!en.-e. heir:!. urn. ji'i-lM-i.ti ot' th- l:c.r. leer s p'aiitt. iltJirh ev. .! .-ei.i.Tv, e i'ic. an i c-wriiji-' -u "l h:.-l 1 tt'iiat is Sen.. uia I. tit an act I l.ttn-T f. i -' What pro !t..-r- a' ' 'li- ii-iiiwirj wtneh S:-i,, 0:1 K- 1 ' the Skin. S-al.l Ileal, Mt Mhemw. Kiv-ipe a". It'll Saelllti;. Kever S.res. .iti.l .t'l ulcers: i oi-i tn'erna' ar-t ft trroal I li IS ii-uhli.- OieVr hss.en ho an ac t -el-ii-e-ec, which sour-, an-l thn. j-.il- ail fh- fl-n I .11 ihe ho-tr. n-"Ct or uw. tt tiai ran-e. Kh-'tniaii.in hut a .ur an-: cil ftmd wli:eli lii-'iiii ec.. i'-.-!t' - veee. tli- i.in- ai.'t .'-s wheie. irrtt.iii;U an I istt ltoiii? l-e etrltc-'e lei-o-p ot-1 which 11 act. I !i ol' n-rron. .tt-ei-c. 01 imr'trliy .-f -e M00.I. ol .terauze I rtr.-u' I'ton. and neariy aii the attsjifsts wtiieii altli.-t 'lu'ii in ii:ru e. Kow . it ii-h hrriuie to make aai set!, aa-l rnSi.-.y PTwe tn 11 tin. ; sajl klMi, IKIlMf.NTiNO. trtn sf-nttporNn" Ot s p Tim nskm. aist vet he wool.! t'.itn li.-ice 11 nn.l..r-o.i.l that O! ! Pr 1 ?oh T-'ivii-eii'!'- rj-u'ii';. ). itir'tl .Vu- rrpari.'!n. 1. ai- IM ITATION ol lit- .ler.ir pr-tiri-t..n ' ! Heaven torlmt th it we -Suit I deal in en e-tirV w't.rx wont.to.-sr the niiMl tii.tai.l lesrmhlanca to S. P. T.-v armPs nrtir'r .' We wi-h ii iinilertoo.!, heeati-e it is tlie it'.- 'av 18 A that S. P T-iwicen l'i ante:, ami ni,! lr. J :e.,:. r ' -'i ' Sarssparilla are loir., tri.. oyvrr. anf ea,ni- 'v '.' ilnr: lhat ibee are unlike m every amcti.ar. li.in.ii ss one sin'le ttiins ui C"iiitipin. A ?. P T-.wm-cii.1 i' no d.for. an.? never wi. s aheimai. no I'liarmaeetrni kts.w. n. nstre ol rr.-!'i-iie -e Ssseaop llian an. .sh-r ONTtusnu uu-ciei 1: c. un: .tr"'", man. wlial gutiritnl"; ran lite pith ic It.-vs 'h 11 l' v -:c -Ceivitur a fcltTt:neeiet:t;tic nij ttcitie. c-M l:.tt-t- " .t '! -t:e ! iue" t tllS Vl,r,r "TV" ' M ' I'l -nS ! irir-i.rr brihl But wlitl r'f i ii!J !. r rvfin! frirn oiif IKuhrnj ftrmiMtrtMvr'i ot mt-Vii. ir tlww ! !' rw''" ft pern im -nmr nin-ritf t ri"'k an-, 'wrr- u.'',,, Common ilt'Ctt nrf.i). II-'W ntm-h inr-r iini"f'"' w lhal h.' ir"n h" ty;ni'ir - 7TU-'rn- .'t tf?n I "r wkk vrouriis .sMTsrii;rHi..i vTt htm't know w)l ih" rnr-lip.il nriijfti" ' y' "' lh" minnr t "riirin! .! r i?riii!'tt,c !'ir Ur.i:ii.'"t,'7 ' atTec. iiot hrnnau ssie iniM'fnivi' fci. "'!,: nt 'h etri"ii' ''-"'tr " ' atlul LOW ll at 1A H --e- t into wounded hnTii.oitv. to kin-lte h.-e in the .!l'.i,ar, bosom, to restore health, aisl litiaioi. ami vt-or V'l.a 1 cni-hc! an.! tiroV-n. an I In leo.t.-h n'lirriil'v 'i "i jai-ihi tiuvvslvh ku i-i:it r ...i riu Mi h-f I pononiiv andmeaiM iobrm lit -S!S l"JXVtt??ZZZi w.il,.n .1. Mul. ... tl. b.. ..--.!..- .U' all WtlO I that they mv learn and know l iovtnl svnerleiics, TranaceBHlaal Pewrr Ileus Aor.fvrs for me above Medicine C " Schnflle, Lewmhtirtr ; John H Ratr, M ton ; Forsyth & Priestly. ior?hunib"'Sti4 rVVE Bur;r.s.y and Sett of Harnesa, One Two Horse Wagon, line 1 ruck wiod .s w$Tt - For mI by H P Sitl'M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers