I.CWISBUUCJ ClU'CUMCm -AND WEST UltAXC'll I'A!2MEU -aT"" V -V Valuable Real Estate FOR RENT. WILL be rdTHJlTLlC OUTCRY on the premises, on Vr.nxs,Av, the 25'h d" of Di:CKMBm next, al 10 otlock, A. M., the following valuable real es'ae, lata the estate of Samuel Wolf, dee'd, situate in the Borough of Lewisburg, county f Union, to wit : 1st. The MANSION HOUSE now in the possession of the Widow ol said der'ii, situn'eon Water street, which is a large and commodious dwelling. 2d. A lare Hrick DW ELLING House and STOIIE Room, nnd other neressnry budding, on the corner "f M trket nnd Wa ter strrets, well calculated for tlie Mercan tile business, and hit been UM.'d for that purpose for a n-imber of vcirs. 3 I. A large Bri- k W.APJMIOUSE on the bunk of the U.vir, with a verv lirue nnd convenient WHARF also MUAh. ViTfR.?l()IJSK al the lower rnd ol said Wharf. Slid U'harf w the only one in I.ibur2 that ran be used in low water. The Terms will be made-known on day of rfcsi'.ing. CATHARINE WOl.FE, A. M. LAW SHE, THO'S IIAVK-. timrjian of lite ChilJreu of Sim 'I Volfe,d. c"d. lewisburg, Nov. 5, 1950. MEDICAL NOTICE. V. A. II. THOltNTON ..liera his professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg nnd vicinity, iu the various branches of his rifes.siiu. Residence Teinperaii-e lf.il I. Offii Drug Store, one d.nr ubove the Mirnmoth Store of J. &: J. Wails. Lewishurg, Oct. 1, 1830 I JOURNKY11 N to the Cabinet busi ' n'-ss a "kkI workman can have e.niil'ivmf'iit by ;;dvin! to the subscriber. A vuulh from 16 to 18 ysus old woi.ld be receited as au Aiikkntk:k. Apply to VM. ARMSTRONG. Lewisburg, Oct. 23, 185 ) "mall lrontt and Quick Sale." H. P. SHELLER, "1T70ULD inform his old friends and the I public in general lti.it tie Das now on hand bis FALL AND YiNTER STOCK o! Goods, !uch as DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QilEENSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IKON, Ac &.C Tboe Goods we ofler unusually low for Cash Country Produce of all kind and o prompt and punctual paymaster a Ui-ual. Ijswisburg, Oct. 30, 18B0 PUBLIC VENDUE, The undi'tfigiv il wil! offer al Puiilk Sulc on the premises of Si't Wolf, dee'd,' ia the borough of I,swishurg, on T1UIW1A the 21st of NovcMncn next, ihe following personal property, to wit : '. 1 good large canal boat and rigging. 3 horse, . 2 mules, Horse (ears, . . . A douMu fell of carriage harnc, 1 two horse wagon, 1 sled. Plough, harrow, wheelbarrow, &u. Hay by ibe Ion, - Shingle, 2 pair of large scales, ' Stocks. 2 shares of stock in the V flliamsport Bridge, 2U do Vn of Dinvillo, A large assortmi'iit of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWAE.!-- Faa AUHl Piaster by the Ton, Sicne Co:tl by the Ton, IJitumi nous Coal by thu Bush el, together with a vaiit ty of other articles too numrmui lo nwiilion. "iTSale to commeriee at 10 o'clock, A M, of aid day, when term of s te will tie mule known by JONATHAN Wt LFK, GEO. F. Mll.l.EK. Aditi'r of S im'l Wolfe, duc'd. Levrisburg. Oct. 22, IS 50 Aulitsr's Not' 3. jkJOTlL'E ia hereby given, i!.it I h ive been 1 appointed by ibr(iph.'.ii.' Court nf Union county, lo distiitiute the balance i.i ll.e bands ut l'ctir Noll, rtecu or cl I'ti ts (Jevca late ol K. Ily towiiliip. Union co.inty, il.c'J , to' und among the It-gutec uudcr Ibe I ul will and !r!a mentof id dereaurd ; anil lhat I will nit for that puriiote at my utVwe in the Iloroiigh of I.rwisbuig, Union county, la., on Friday, the 22d day of Kofi nibr n XI, al one oVImk, I'. M. f which all iiilerr.tc! i I lake noltrri. Oct C, 1850. II C. lllCKulv. Auditor. J7e w &6ods I NEWGOODS!! TUST received ni "Fcrder's store,' one O uix.t Iibt (J Mine's Hotel : A full a-MrlnMnt of Fall & Winter G.xids, such as (Jloths, Cttssimeres, &c, i'cT. A!s", a variety ol Ladies' Dress Goods, such an Merino?, Silks, Cashmeres, Dclmns. And also, a well selected assortment ol fresh GROCERIES. 18 '9 :q- Fashions for 'SI, JUS 1' r ecived by the subcribfr, h not only Plates, but warranti'd lo tnnku ' exactly like them. No lit no pay. Country Produce l.-skcn in paymei:t. Shop in my new I'.rick ilwue, opposite Iniiies 1'. Rose' hoii-i.-. JOHN IL M1LLEK. Lewisburg, Ocl. 7, IS50. Latest Arrival ! AT TilE L E W I S II U It O - Wioltiale tj- futail 1319 Hi nHE Coparinershiji heretofore existing I between the subscribers in the Druji business, &c., tinrii-r the linn of Dr. 7Wn- foa 4 ilalitr, has ' een dissolved by mutual consent. The ISiKiks nnd Accounts ure in the hands of Joiah B iker for setilrim'iii T. A. II. THORNTON, JOSIAH 1SAKER. Iwishur, Oct. I, 1850 LOOK WILD! YOU lhat keep Clock, Waichea, and Jeweby to ll. btxnue Hatc!I & Thaaipsaa m II Iruin IS to 50 prr crnt. cheaper than any other iu this section ol country. Jut received from the Factory in Connecticut, a large alick of Cno L'KASS CLUCKS, lonrir than uua. Also, a new and fashionable assortment of JEWELKY from New York, ex rerdlnly Uiw. Bran Clocts, 30 hour, at J2 50 lo fa 2.1 " " fiuwt flnlshi d, 3 SO to 4 50 " 8 dur, a no to 6 on " " fiiiwt nihl, T(tto l 00 3 30 lifHirs. with lUnnn, w All ASDiiKD, A!3A3?J J. & J. Walls, HAVING replenished the old Mammoth ' Afore, and crammed it from garret to vliur with every variety of Goods required '"'ail onii iDratcr consumption, respectfully request their old friends, the trading couunuiiily, to call and examine their stock. 0C7(iiEiAI. and Troduceofull kinds tioughl as usual. Lewisburg, Oct. 27, 1850 THE suWiiber, thankful for past lile al pat ronage, would inform bis frientl and public gem-rally that he has jusl ree'd an J it constantly rectiihig freb supplies of pure .Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Extracts, Ilerbe, Roots, Minerals, Tinc tures. Oi!s, Essences, Spirits, Gums, Plasters, anj other goods in his line of hainee, which he iter with the full assurance of their being gen- ine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Physicians and oilier in the tra.le are particularly milieu 10 call ana examine lor tnrmsrlvea Oi t 1850. DruggUt und Chcmuit Eread witiont Teast ! T7FFEKVE8CINU COMPOUND, manofae. J j lurnl by Uah'iilt & Co , is a most auierior preparation for making Uread. Tea cakes, Uuck wheal cakes, ijuielfy aud cheaply, for sale by JJb T A H THORNTON FamiJy Soap Fowder. "T)Y ibis p i paiati n a single naper costing 12 i ct. will make 12 quail of the best Family ouii ooap. i or sale oy D T A H THORNTON Fire-Proof Paint TS an article nortby the attention of owners of J building of every description. For tale by 1 I A H I HK.TON Hew Goods! s ' PHE subscribers have received and are I now receiving their new slock of Fall & Winter Goods, hich they offer to the public on as accom modating terms as they can be had else where. Persons dusirini! to purchase, will please call and examine lor themselves. All kinds of GltAIN, PORK, Potatoes, and Wood, will be received in payment. tl per bu.-hel will be paid for Wheat, 50 cts. for Rye and Corn, and correspond prices for all other produce.in exchange , T ' BARTCH, GE3DES & HARSH. lwisbur,;, Oct. 28, 1850 Town Property For Sale Cheap. FULL Lot on Norih Fourth Sireet 1 on which is a two storey Frame House, 16 by 33 leet, wiih a pnod Cellar under it a Frame Stable, 1G by 20 an out Kitchen, and other out-buildings now oc cupied by David Sham p. Enquire of DAVID REBER, Agent. Lewisburg, Oct. 30, lt50. LEWISBURG READING-ROOM, HOT ON Market Si., south side, between Third and Fourth Sts. over S'.ove Ware room. 0ien until 9 ia the evening. Charge until lbs ltof April next, $1 50; for one month, 50 cU; on wk, 25 eta; single viail (permiited if they do O il incommode regu'ar patrona,) 5 ct. Each member entitled to invito in strangers, as tiriters, for a limited time. This enterprise ia undertaken with the belief lhat the first town on the West Branch will gen erously sostain it AH are invited lo visit, and (if they approve) patronize, the Reading-Room. O. N. WOKDEN, Proprietor. Lewisburg. No 1. 1850 iffflar. G. T. tBll ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Lew istmrg and vicinity, that he will bo at Kline's "Washington House,'' on Friday nd Suturing of each week, where he of fers his services in giving private lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Thor ough Baas, Counterpoint, and Composition. Lcwisburj, Oct. 5, 1850." . i " t 1 UIOIEntJ A. L. UKNOUMANDIE. Court Proclamation. U'HKItKAS the IIt.n- AltHAIIAM f.VII, rrrndent Juljref)f tin Court of tVuimon I'lww for tl! Twenti eth Judicial birtrirtxi n wtinKof n.uutiwof Union ami Mittt in. au-i J aitb Wittemi ter and J MRd II iKWsoN.KMjr, AffM-rimt Judtrft in l'nin county, hsre tta-l thoir pr ci-pt. Iw-ariiiK ti-.u tlie 27th day of Spt, IsiHt. and U me d:nTt-d, ff.r tlie lmklinf of aa UriihAmt Court, i'ourt of C(.ititun I'lrax, Ovt k Terminer, and (spnersl Vuartr r-Hion-. at Nw fccrlin. for Uie omnty of Union, on th 3.1 M-indny f Dec. next, tU'ing the llh rtavj lsio, and ( rcntiiin two wpi loTMK Ik thrrcftin hwlty ri"on to tli? CorfrntT. Ju Xirm of th and Cn.stnb!et in ami ftr the county of iiHtu, mi a.in-iu- iii uiririina irviMr person Willi lUt'ir rollft, nwortl. imjui-iition', cxannnntionn, and othT rcm- cml'rHiiopst, v do tii'ifie tiling winch of their otncvi and in their behalf appertain to he don; and all witness and othir pcrwnjt prntrcutinjt: in Iw half of the Com nion wealth airainit any wm, ar required to lie th--n and thpre atunlinfr, and not depart without h-ave. tX tWir piiil. Justice arc mium-d to be punrtunl in their attunJanoe at tlte appoint 1 time ajrrceaMc to notice. .ivtn under my hand and seal at the Sli-rifl" oHlre In New Itcrlin. thin 17th day ol iretr in the vernr of oiir Lord one Ihouaantl eiirtat handn-d and fifty, and In the twrentv- fifth year of the lndrpcndnce of the Unite-! Stall of America. Km'Jv nave the Omnionwe.ilthl AKCiliUALl THOMAd. .licriff. JUST DECEIVED From the Cilia of Airu? York and VMlad. BY Adams' Express Line a new and splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER As we have DreSS 600d3 of all desirable styles and qualities, we would particulnrK invite the Lndes to call and eximini theni; and as for GENTLEMEWS WEAR, we have quite an extensive assortment of Clnths, Cassimeres, and Vesting, which will be sold at very low prices by J. HAYES & CO. Lcwi-burg 8rpL 23, 1850 Oilt Tirrw I'i.rj fur cbui- In i aud conrth's S OO to S 00 1 UoM Pt.lArt'rWatrh(.hrnvyiiiiu.7j'ls.46 00 " ll--t:t,-lw.l Lfri-r.Ifik. cis). full jt-w u, 34 U0 to SO 00 " L-iiur, lsk. rant, full j-wi-Uud, 3a 00 r?;lTr l-ntrnt Im re. 7 j-wl, IK 00 in 25 00 lv trrhrd Levers, fall Jcwdol, 14 IW to IS 0U " Li..in. . 12 IM ta 13 HI 3 Ksr Uiii;r!, Jeony I.ind and ottwrs, fine gold.5 to 5 On 5 Kins;r Kinpi, 8ue sold, S7.lo8 6"J rlr,-jt l-iiw, - 100 to UOr4, riiaiiiiruaniandfob.'nrrdtCk.tt ixrdirt. licit Slid.s. roI.1 ,n.l llv.r, JS to 3 2S IVuril i iut-s, line sold, 3 uo to 5 00 . -- - who yen, a Cinld Pow. siirrr ra.w, 2 IW to 2 511 filrcr Tlde iol.!!, 15 to II! S" 3 - T.- i co to S an i I1..1.I Siicrtiidr, 6 25 to 10 tut. Oilvrr " 1 00 lo 2 UO" and a variety of article splendid good too numerous to mem ion. Jjlwrr than elsewhere, by HATFIELD & THOMPSON. N. B. All warranted to bo what sold for. Lewisburg, Oct. 28, 1850. STEAM ENGINES FUR SALE. 0N of 10 hore pouer, with one flue butler -can be seen in operation. One of 5 horse power.wiih two cylinder boilers Both matle of the Lest materials, und war ranted perfect, buquirc of J. S.MKDLEY. M.icliinisl, Columbia, 1'a Sftuit jxnu ORNAMENTAL TREES. The subscriber offers for sule n large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hmh, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees, 0 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Pruuo aud Pear trees, together with some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of ibe Itesl nitive and exotic vurieties. vrrn.inien'ni Trees, such as the Paulonia. Linden, Sic. N. B. Persona wishing lo prcure a quantity ol Hie Fruit trecs.are requested to make immediate application to ine subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. II. rOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. NEW GOODS ! FIRST ARRIVAL OF FAXCY G 0 ODS, DR UGS, de. d-e. rPIlC 8ubscriler has just received and is 1 n w rqiening a large assortment of t-iincy Notinni, xc, nhich will be sold below the former prices for tho " ready John Davis." Oct- 6 T A H THORNTON Grand Jurors, Dec. T. 150. Kelly : Jn Bennage. -N. Berlin : Chrn Moear Hartley : Geo Droucher, M ichl Kcbnur. Ueaver : Geo A Smith, Philip Merkei - Ituffato : Ja Simonton Jr, Jn Simonton, 8ml L shoemaker E. Budalo: Jae Frederiek,Th Penny. Geo Reed Lesrhiburg: Gideon AngsUflt. John Miller ('enter: Jn P Smith, Did Wilson Middlecreck: Dnl Kessler. Fredk P Daus W. UufTilo : Geo Lepley, Danl Grosscup Union: Ellis Uenfer. Peon.: JUL Shindle Washington : Isaac Bickel Mifflinburg: 8aml Ulair Traveme Juror. lewisburg : Ool Kilter. Jn A Mertx, L 0 Christ Penn: Jn Park,Jo Eyster.Wm Bower, Jacob Perry: Geo Martin Fisher, Henry J App W.BufTalo: Jn Kline. And ldding-i,WYoung.8r Kelly: Dav Hinely.Wm Doagal,ThaHoward,Dn! Buffalo: A 8heckler, Ja M 'freight Kaufman Chapman : Simon Sholly, Jn Lenig, Dnl Brobi- ker, Phil Hilbun, Jn Seechrist Whit Deer: Aaron Smith, 8aml Marshal, Jas Marshal. John Ranck Washington: Danl Sterner, Danl HUhih Union: Enos Benfer, Ju Crougrove, Christian Dauberman, Benj Long Hartley : Hy Bartley. Jac Kathermsn, Dnl Long, Hv Hoffman, K V Glover, Jn Fillman St. Jn F Wilson. E. Buflalo : Jn Rilto W. Beaver: Peter Goss. And Ulsh i Center: EJw Stiayer, Jn Milchd Mifflinburg : Jn Detwiier, Wo W VsnValiah, 83ml Slitzer Petit Jurors, (2d week.) -Centre Jn 8englo. Jae Fryer. K Eisenhower, Gei Yatling, Geo Becker, Conrad WoelfJy, Jn A Scborh. Kelly 1 Emanuel Reedy W. Buffalo : Wa Watson, Haul Stout, David Kleckner, Jn E'igelhart, 8r Union: Christ Hretmld, Jo Wetsel Lewkburg! Hy W Frio, JsOriswell Mifflinburg: Benj Hans, Jn Gat 1 Perry : Peter Ackennan, Abrm HalJeman - -Chapman : Jn Craig, Abrm Look Beavet: Jacob Groas, Ner Middlesnarth -Peon : Jacob RMet, Hy Laode lschlsger, Hv D Corns. Jae Shafler. Ld App. H B Hettorich E. Buffalo: Abrm Aorartd. Robt H Laird Hartley : Wm Smith.Wm Fisher, Saml Hartmm W. Braver: Jn D Komig f i : .' -i r.dii. House & Lot for sale, OITU ATED on the corner of Fourth and O St. Mary's streets, opposite D.Philip's, being a lull lot, No. 220, and having on il a frame HUiJSL, a Stable, and other necessary out-buildins. During the absence of the subs criber, Wm. C. Painteb will show tho premises. Sec. ADAM BAKER. Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1850 fox Sale or Kent. fpHAT targe and desirable properly on J the corner of Market nnd Wn'er Sis., well situated for a residence, for business, or forja residence and place of business. I here is a large HRICK I louse contain ing 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed rooms on the second fl'ior, and two large finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins, and it his nlso a large cement Cistern, a Purnp and Well of good water, and (ill the necessary out. buildings. For terms &c. apply to Gko.F.Millkr, Esq. S. K. DAVIS Lewiiburg, Sept. 23, 1850 HOUSE and Small FA KM 2? 63r. T. A. M.TMMTiKl, - MatT Hv. trwisseuo, WHOLESALE at BET AIL DEALER IN DrurN,lilcdlciarea,CbriiilcaIi,Dye- SiuII'k, O Is,-Gins-1, Perfumery, Confectionery & Fanrj Articles. Dr.Thornt m returns his lhanks for the liberal islronage which he has received, and he assure the community that every attention shall be paid lo lha compounding of Medicine, and that all Drugs shall be fully tested before they are offered for s.ile. and warranted to be pur and genuine. . jr Prescription given free of charge at llr. Thornton' Drug S ore. Remember lo call at the old aland, firtt door above the Mammoth Store of J. & J. Wal's. a c ST 3 2 Q. C 9 g. . a. - S. a " m O O 3- -a o , 3 1 s-3 i : J"; 3 Sit?!. I 3 ..?. S PS -t w as .oa 0?1 t ?r Os,23ta?' 3 - s a. it. jr : i.ii?X fx -J W ZZ -i 9 S 0 L ewisburg, Sept. 18. I850. Or. Jolm LocJie, QEBBf srRGEOX DEXT1ST, MAY be found at hi Office and residence finil door east of Kline' Hotel the two week following the first Monday of each month, where k is prepared to eiecute all operation in his lino of business in a manner creditable lo himself and satisfactory to those who may favor hint with their patronage. Dr. L. spend the third week of each month in Milton. (j-Aromatic Tooth Paste, put np in beautiful porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping the teeth clean aud breath sweet, for tale at 25 ct per box, by JOHN LOCKE, D.D. 8. . LewUburg, Pa, Mjy, 1850 HENRY C HICKOK, A TT0RXE7 AT LAW, Lewisburg, Union County. Penn'a. . Practices in Union and adjoining counties also attends the courts of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. not refused at tho Ofiice of the Lewisburg Kbronicle. . Fresh and Genuine Medicines. IHE subscriber has just received an additional supply of Medicines, war ranted of the bet qu-ilitv, also a general assortment ol all such article aa usually are found in Drug Stores, all of which he oilers at the I iweat casn prices. Dm. THORNTON. COD LIVER OIL n supply of this very celebrated article for coughs,cold,&c. oa hand and for sale hy Da. THORNTON. PERFUMERY. Just received a frash lot of all kinds of PeVfumery lor the toi'et-& andfor a lie bv Da. THORNTON. ARD. Sperm, and Linseed OILS, lor L sale hy Da. THORNTON. STOVE WARE-ROOM, Hearty oppotilt It. P. Shelter' Store. rIMlE best and most approved COOKING. L SHOP, OFFICE or PARLOR Stoves, Ploughs, Castings. &c. at low rates, hy CHRIST & M'FADDIN. MACKEREL, I LARD, CII EESE,!Constantlyon hand and SIIAP.CODFISII, SALMON, . HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, for sale by J. PALMER & CO. Market Street 'Wharf, 1 huatMjihta. 3m337 KASH roin drills. THE undcrsi-ned . wish to inform the farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing J. P. ROS.f X'lrty Improved GRAJX DRILLS, or SOWING MAVtWXJS. Without stopping lo discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offered for sale, they merely wish lo invite Farm ers to call ana sr me hw, nnrc a,.,..... before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will cive entire satisfaction. r-va a aa a n fill ROSS, UKlllHUS 62 "l.lltail. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850. SA3TL ANDERSOX, FaaMonatle Tailor, In the Brick building, lower Market street, one door above J. Nesbit's new Bnck House. CUTTING and MAKING done lo order. Lewisborg, May 29, 1350. AiTiYlr. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had at Lyndall's Bookstore. iM pi LewUburg, April 10, 1950. LIVEIt COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, disease of the Kidney, and all dis eases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inn aril riles, r ulrii s or Blood to the Head. AriJity of tlie Stomach, Nausea, IL-ariburn dis gust for Food, Fulnesi or Weight iu the Stomach, Sour Eru:tationa, Sinking or Flut tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swiminiue of the hieail, hurrrrtl and difficult Uieallune, r lut teiiiig al the Heart, choking or suffoca ting Sensations wtten in a lying po.lure,diinuew of VUion.Dots or Web lietore the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficirncv of Perapiiation, Yellowness of Ibe Ssin and Eye pain in the Side, Unfit, Chest, Limbs, cVc.. odden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, constant Ima gining of Evil, and girat Depression of Spirits, CAX II BPFECTI' ALLY CCBED BV DR. IIOOFLAND'S CELESSATED GERWIH BITTERS, p rpareJ by ifr. r. .W. Jtckson at (he ' German Mtdieine Store." HO Arch St. IMillad. Thrlr power over the abort dLtases it not ex crllctl if emtalltd, bu any olker vrenartUiun in the l iuttd Slut as the curt attctt in many Cftsts after fkitful physicians had fulltd. Thtv Bi ters are worthy the tieutivn of ina liO, fowexsin prcat virtues ia the rectification of dieasrs of the Liwr and loftwr glands rxcrci n thi most searching powers in weakness and r tractions of the Jigcnie organ, 'Ury are withal a fc, certain and ptcaMnt. Read awb cosvictn. The Hon. Che D Hineline, editor of the Camden Democrat, the j best paper in West Jersey, says, July 21st IIiHWLANiVS OKRMAN MTTPR.v-We haTe mn many MaUi-nnir notinw of thin nuilicine, ami tli noitrce wlieotv tbtij rame induced u U make inquirivp rvtptintr it nit rilM. Fmm iuuuiry we were iMTsaatied to u.c it,and in ant my w" fiutiU it Hps-cifrc in it Action upon diMsm of trie iiTt'raJrauiafuveurpii)i.ana uuc povcrxui innurnce it vxprtu uiun ctTToun n nitration i rvally surpric iiijr. It ealuu and trvOf;then the nt-rrv-rt, briniug tlicm into a stat ff rtpnar. makinft: alwp frfnuhinir. If ttib medicine were more ttvnerally ami. we are 5al ifiMi there would be leea iickuciM. aj) frm the t'iuiach. IWer, and nervous ftyrtttn the frtvat majority of real aud imatriuaidiiwami emanate. Have them iu a healthy cin dition, and you can bid defiauee to epidemics generally. Thix estraoniinary miilicinc we would adviw our friends who are at all ir.d'i.4prwd to pirr a trial it will then reo omnv-nd iLtelf. It (should, in fctct, he iu every family. No other niodirine can produce i uch evidences of m.-rit. Fiom the Boston Bee editorial, Dec 2 2d Dr. HcM(tand'0 Celcbrafc'd Oerman Hitters, f r the cure of Liver t'nmilaint. Jaundice, Uynpvpitia, and Chronic or Nervous liVhility. ie dewrvi'dly one of the awiet popular medicines of tlie day. These BitU-rs have been utv-d l.y thousands, and a frit-nd ui our elrw jsays he l..v bim-k-lf refvived from the ne of thi rfm-.X an eUi-et imi. prm ! mnt cure of Liver Complaint. We are nnd that, in tlie nue of Lbo Bittriv, tlie patient cinstAiiJy fraini strvmrth and vior a fact worthy of irrea cnntfidrrtUu-O They are pletAut in ta.te and wnifU, ami ran ! anctl hy perwtns with the most detinue aioauicius. wiin rarviy under any cireuinrnaneet. We are pcaking from experi ence, and to the aitiicted ws advise their uW. ScvtV$ Weekly one of the best literary papers published, said Aug 25th lim. lliwrijixii"8 GEHSAJf ItrrrrB-i, manufaeturecl hy Dr Jnrkjtn, any now riT(mmnd'd by nome of the m-t pro minent mcmbcre of the Faculty, as an article of much efficacy in caws of fmnale wtaknees. As such ts tlie case, we would Adviie all mothers to obtain a nouie, ami thu save tht'niM'lves much sickucsn. IVrwms of ih-hilitatcd ronttitution will find theee Uitten advantageous U their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have uton weak systems. Judge M.M.Noah, a gentleman of great scien tific and literary attajnmeiit,Did in bis ".ewYoik Weekly Meawngpr, Jan 6, H50 Dr. Ifmfltm r$ German Jiitirrt. Here is a prvnaratioo which the lending pne) of the I'niou spjieiir unanimous in recommending. anl the reaeon is olTioun. It is matle siter a prescription furniihed by one of the mof t cviff.raU-d phynicians nf utiJ'rn times the latr Dr. Christopher wuaeim uocuaca. i"nieor to ute i niventy oi Jena, Irivate lhyicuin to the King of Prussia, and one of the frrwatrwt medical writers Uermany has ever prodaced. lie was ftmpbatirally the enemy of kuirthuy, and thvrvtore a mwdieine or wmcn ne was tne inventor ami endorser may he eonfiilentty relied on. He specially rrnmmendeil it in Liver Complaint, iMrspepsia, lability, Vertigo, Acidity of the eUrauch. Constipation, and all complmuts ansmp fnm a disordered eonditkm of the stomach, the Liver and the lntentines. Nine riiiladelphia paiters express their ennvrctloQ of its excellence, and severnl of their Editor speak of its effects from their own individual expemnce. Under these rircumtajices, we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor (Dr. C. M. Jackson's) preparation, but in rec ommending the article to an amictrd. MnaaEviDETica. The Philadelphia Saturday Gazette, the best firmly newspaper published in the United 8ta.es, the editor aa) a of Dr Hoofland's German Bitters It I setdom that we recommend what are termed Pat ent Medicines to oar Kssirrs' patronage and confidence; and, therelore. whn we recominend Dr. llooflamrs (it-r-mai Hitters, we wiidi it tn be distinctly understood that we an not speaking of the nostrums of the day. that are iHifted about for a brief period and are (brtten after they have done their guilty rei of mischief, hut of a medicine long established, universally prised, and which has met the hearty approval of the Faculty itselt Evidence on evidence has been received ('ike the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the ltvt 3 years, and the. stmngrit Ustium$ in its u rr, is. that then is more of it used in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than of all other nostrums combined a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with th:ir (iih t approval when prc5entetj even In this fornv That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one ean donni, after asiug it as directed. It ad specific ally upon the t0Baach uwt Liver. It is prefwralile to Calomel in all Mima ttVosss. The effect is immediate they ean be administeTed to muu or xatrairr with sufi ty and reliable bencflt, at any time. ' Beware of counterfeits! This medicine has attained that character which it ia necessary for all to attain to induce counter feiters to put forth a spoiious article at the risk of ihe Uvea of tho who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks of the Genuine. They have the written signature of CM.Jackso upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For M.e. wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STOKE, No. 120 ARCH 8t one door below Sixth, (late of 178 Rice St) Philad elphia, and by respectable dealera generally, the country throughout. Iy330 An!iil5tritoz39 Hotlcc. WIIEUl'lAS, Letters of AriiiariitftruTiofi on Ihr eme of S A M I' KL DJ.Kli, lute ot the !fni if LewiburiZ Lti-n IA. dtccaed,hnvc mn iirnnted lo tiw sutw:ri bers, reidont in ad Il.rtMih, by the U gi.er of smd roui.'y, tiicretort: S I j-rJiis iri'Iehterl tn fHi.J estii are rujurMi-J lo i nuke unriiediire prutnen', and th'wc hnv ing claims a;unst ine dame, are rwj nrr d to preM'Rt them, duly ou'hcuiicu'.eJ, fur scttletT.pnt, without del a v. JONAIIUN WOLFE, 5 A l.nV . F. MILLKt. N. U. Persnns Laving sottl- mrntf to mute with Miid estate, arc request' ri to 'ift at the store room of the i-;iiJ ilec'd vj-tht-r on l!.e il:h or 25ih Ojt. int , as ihe Adui'rs will attend sfx'ci'lv on tho days lor the purpose of runt in;; M ltleititiits. Lnwislmr'i, Oct. 1, K5t). mmm ssrw w - 8. Ho! all yoa young nvn whorte fine imofn areex-aiirinjt Anj who ned to NU'port you. a ymt u'irrtt'itiimi heu you think bow in tiiue part ti I aien' bit ve hi t you. Jut cuine to Ztzvs Lxi.ll' 6t Uot that wiil ht ym. Do yoa want sr.me n w Book? 0. so rh4np and pretty! somegrsve and mm gay. ami m ijuet-r aijd mir itty? For a dullnr or two. St-:vi; will ;ive )ua a trewure That will be all your LiV-tiia a fouutuin of uieavftre. And if ya chance to he in want 4tf mt r Vit or Tr wierloos Jut go to LrMnu-'a, for you can't Duy half a.- cheap of other 'coons. Anl now Lvvnux wouM fay jurt a wtvd to th L-.Jlr, For well doMi he know how important tlMr aid is He has boe of sit kinls Wiiurr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r Cn-arn it. Uose ! tbia Vre P.ictry Machine's broke ! Ilosrsofucver, ihe suUUuce of all we had in the hper in this !bM F. LYNDA LL has the best and the cheapfM lot of BOOKS am i STATIONERY., aJ the l 'BP and Ihe bet asortinent of OG . Ladies9 Gaiters and Slippers, that were ever sepo in LewisHur; or any other great seaport. May 7, 18.r0. Dentistry. v72I. C. STEWAuT, erilGCOX DESTIST, is now Wated ' on Marki I siiett. I.til ure, onpiMite M Schrever store, where he attends to operalion on the lerih at a reii j;tion of bi former prices. Teeth and root of teeth removed with the aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivot or plates atten ded to according to ihe latest improvements in the profession IDreratrd, tpunav.and inflamed iiums cured. thankful lor past favma, he suliriu continuance of puldic palronace No impute materials used f.r fillings in term. ly2H8 IM EACH BOTTI.E-O.c r.5Aww , x Tamac Ium s d.j Ost fcuoc cwa. S j - mi ttt m Tweaif j-Om rtimtlMjw Bcti,tr tit aiaajrtf. ' puRiFiivs mm hmewpvrm fJFAHT BTTJ.i:r, ami i of v Same mtditnj tren.jth mtr cfiotry am '.Lil iu :i.e awa7 bUl. Tb frnt mptriuritm of TW fiTtiriFS ?er and i!tottr-f tira.larnit'Lciii', but .n oaiH irrmun ix nadse srood fnsn tho UAiownn fart: it ormi W mla poafeuss m porttutof iU itijtica4aj, the Fvas kasKa wsT Sarsasiilla, Telle JDoci, Cherry mid Kaaaarnu Barks). Mr ttrmmtdm. mnrm nomerf-di tnmrttmtrt. umI ianar ! of utri .if IieW wider in enak Sttt .1 ttis, . fi hi mmp Itutlim of iueij!eii), c V.riruH of StiTwj-&m ; Dili, wruiuLi-teca.i4t I nit Jrartria-r m j- fimu BLSt i:oot, Ilrerki, and ecr taLlee9 the Pea i r visa searwt of wbu-h ma greatly svrcia tuwr.tp$rtila, mn'i wikti Utm ar c"inoirkr!oci wiUi ir4aa. raita. VMivm lxk. Cherry, ttnd .-Vtxr m, tlie- ni'tke tfsa. m ia sTu die iu.r certtii uk! uctim 1'ort'jrr f ' We illood m OW WW!. Sk UM IS UiM, UMI to laftve occraj 4mwmi nrriioif cisL tbw 10C a - Osjr One TwMcarjwanrs!. Arm 8mm m Bap. Bnt it is I o with Extnact of J4vwprst(a, ftirm rim.tinwniaa Ol Oaf (satKVriais f M iVfrjfV bttttinf beiUif M UlOCll TT f M W I. POtJ and redatsxrl the l-rr. of SnrMprijUa bai to Im Twa, Three, or .llAre TabieMaonttU!; Koca, or Mosaf rca Dijr, lo bave amy miiml efhtct ; aol ae a bum of KiwrilU utly iiuiaM lutf-fuv tptxmfuU, tLiiwfoet, m ina tooontufsi aU a &, acJ SJ aauas dujt; day, W.J nea bwUMi of a m Fair, Fits, or 8tx Dmy. which thaw ' a . firmnt's Purlrl. r, win !si fr-w TwrCTa u .-ixiHe lv loam- Qua a ooctie U Jw. p'Wi aiU if nm Ja-ty ejoiw-aj e.-nrcy tnvs.W4s.siMv,) a I LKirviKU iUkl.tMC a tlx- dtviy ftur-jt 4f of 3nrm Priii, Uicti it Pmuc ilitu iz btult uf Mat P'airtaa ia worth T&rw, ynvt taf km Umn Qrv iJi in a UoUiw uf 1im par. Urn. The abore rornrarinn A.mm tv4 yet abnar tlie avwrf W mt m sw-cunweu ij trjw of Hauler's Pvirvmn Bud JtRlRII.LA- TU W.u ftlrlMVs t IMI OoflAcmltLM saf euree in AroaT FmUtK ihowjo iii-t ON BOTTLE OF BR A NT'S PUftlFlKR has auwr efcrocy, end wm man imprm siuotf bwb TjK.N aluttles ef rarannarillaj 1C then. Onc Bottlc of pLSiriri aeii. for 0b Dou-a Om hottU V &,ip,tfiti ;oiid aeli fur Ten Cenf. CANCEROUS OCROrXXIaA Mr J. B. IIsirof iVsre, Oueid Co., !f . T . who ws wr ' efhcj-ottiln in Iff!, iwora n, tr- Jhfta ;r relarwi blow t m actioe ia the lH fit r.nt Counr m Om f ttpv isr. yQ ylff aU AwNstVr, under t!e &lkwuig creuAtstaa9es f A p-rtson in the City Aw Ywh had aioikctard ao-1 vended a fmrmm r.s of m"die;oe, euina- H tfitasva IMIMAK M'.oii fNfc. in rnurp aim uf Urn ummmm nain- U , Ue Lay o -w YirE. -.J uw uw wt. rtfnv4 by Um tl to J to. B.rtw.tTM, K-uj . SI L.trty . ma mmxrL Lawy.. as Ketrmio Utki tbe u-tuiKJuy. Toe defeo-lam t il mttiuutw 9f diimaijm, (hit tbe Pnxr.T..J Ur..i'. u. - - - R TJk. fll r ' .'; 1:11 Abo fur tale by S.F.L YKDALL,LewibargPa To tnackamltlis. BITUMINOUS COAL, from ihe West Branch and from Ilollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, oear the Udvscales on Third St. ALF-X'R AMMONS. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 . N AILS and 1R( N for sale by Ap 21 Ie?r 61 IJdinjrs. SARSAPAHILLA BLOOD PILLS, AfltAP VF ALL CTHEif! The Envy of ail Piil Manu'ncturers, EGA USC ibey are safrr, Utter, and mora eliiracious than anj other. 500,000 Buxoh have been sold snouallj tor the last five Tear. YoiSS AXD Ol.D, Ms Li 1D KtVALI. can aUajr takethcra with equal safrtv, mlhoul fear. Jf Fill be neeeuary for purging and cliniiig the H'.oinacb and Dow els, and purifying Ihe blood aud fluid of Ihe bo dv, lake no other for no other pill produce those combined rlfecla, or contain Sarsaparilla in llicm. Eat, Drink and .re as usual, and purine your usunl occupation whilst Inking them, wirhout feit of taking cold, during all kind of weather. x One Thousand Dollars are wagrred tint more genuine certificate (from physician, clergymen. Members ol Congress, and respectable rilixens) ean be produced of their efficacy Wan of any others, and TEN DOLLARS will be forfeited in every instance where One Box will not do more good than 'IVo lioxes of any other. Fortv Pi'ls in a B..x ! ! -..id sold al Twenty-Five Cents at Bur, lib direction and much bolesome advice accompa ny ing eat h box. Try harr no tnrtr or vnpUatant mutt, Free from dust or pmcttrr of ung kmd, Dft not grille the Hlowuxrh or H-m U. Pmlurt no ticlmess. romititut. r "Hn-M, THEY AUK HOOn AT ALL TIMKft, Awi atiapUd to wtott diseases osaSHl lo mankind. No one having once taken ihrm will be willing afterward to take any othi r, because ihey el wava do good, and if they do not, then no other will Dr. H. B. Lcidr, Th Proprietor ul Maaslictarer, is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Phy.icisn. of fifteen years experience in Philadelphia ; tin d- uale of Ihe Imiversity of Pennsylvania ; Mem ber of itiirercnl Medical Insiilotion of I'hilailel phia. New York, Boston, Baltimore, & c. and auoeiate and eorrespondins; memtier of everal Medical Institution of London sod Pari, &e. OcTaa.a 110 larnstTios. Beware of all pill culled by names nearly similar, gol up lo be sold on lha reputation of Dr. Lidya8miparilL Blood rills; Ihe first Sarsapanlla pill ever in troduced and Ibe only pill containing Saraaparil la. Take no others and you will not be deceived. Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a gross fraud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! ty Principal Depol. Dr. Leidly's dispensary. No. 114 North FOU RTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be SMI I. I U.i.U.1lrl riL T,TX. T, uf Uiu (mI eumuiiuol fraud on :, jbl ie, nL tti-nrura, w aot mjlltil U (iRirin tm Cr of Sir. Hteut r- h t B ieiHgfiilM, Ui'i H.i!i. wa, anr. , nlm i nw Ihe K r, a. p4tilisii,id.U r,fi.M.i, vwac this aVTAlk W Mndieutttm. Mr. HASK1 mA. I .H m.,!. .i, RrM(. ,wIIm B. tt J H t-r Vr-t 4.t tbM ihi, -w, ,.r. taly tfl.-toil s, ; I ,nl pj rf-1 , r. 44 M 1 nwUI Hul lin tlul in.., iiw cur Bv. , ,- - J r ' I eU r-r... I v 1. .r"ns " I J Si M I"-, U.. . I ,-Mkl T 1 m -. MM Mva 1'r.HM immt . fur . ut- ..' V : n,Bl ' , UMt . ro.U b. r,l ... -wt U . pW. . hua 1 .'l.. ' ; " Mr - mm it, mipi, i.-t .v l,r..iu ..i Md mil t tb- . -V : ma rf IU)B m, nViuLW, 4 n m, It lw .(hW iii, mwm rjuii) Lire urt ti U.-h M tk m bnl, r.w'd h. I -A-l Um. b M i", h,M,.l.r to m, m-t... h. h W ttfn uW'b ; I U. t. Wid fln 1 1 il It. m. m J' M , W1 NL,. t..- V. MMtl. taMtaa trrm 4au. wm a mi 1 ami, m Mmr4 . mpwoiul Hli.. U,n iMpttk, .Ur-r'v vl ,m mW, m Ut . .t 'if Iwd; Til. M t buttk I bt Um Clll (. mJ-mt.tl. w-A a trna-rt.TwH .k1 U-.i.-J m , tMt I - u, mr.M to tW Sr.tof. .,i Ami L.mH. ml ii- - ci-r- w. 1 . . mhiAtm"ltt.i it HKtl.K?, AM. .nr L'LCK.li m uZmr ammil turn mb-ml m. Ki,. . ".1.-. J a:. .O. .-i 1 ti fc m.. STW wi I jwil -W w ,. .I...-, 1, , PiKf.l BRANT'S INDlA.Nf rULSIGIJiiSY EALSAM Tim otsl am t'0eca tine rlanig and purifymt Virtue ot it. ttlnrfmfil li7aijrViK4 Lxtbact. aed auM pu(t)i s-v;-r.! viL r m. '-urif-ns. vcrru aiwv ao! mem ,'taWiii ifitn-ti lo care COfisTl Ct!SL'airvliA. t ati.j HOi' urt, l':tr$ tU Uaj''. and rbapwiv:r Miraai4 iW. m rsjual Ly aud a eaailj a the l-tYyi itUirmet ImIs. Sixl curttr extrrmt.lf. THui uNui ol cure of tbe smsT hcfttfm CoaauarCoiT fxxttr p-isrtt it s,ns't rn:rM.u.'U3 eff ttey iu mii iiia-saa of hc'Ll'M TUkUAT, and ZllLAHT. A DVINfJ W03IAX SAVED! CONSUMPTION CUfVED ! We : the Wltjwia,.! Mdcate a a - --a , ., . . fnr r-r ixvVz i.. swve hiV. e-a Uw pmr-m sffDW t iaa in :'. very lt ativeaof eriewai. whna VsMf't ftvlt KrN"rv Hmtum i admitered : Ve rive the fo! usn: eettfltea a fur o'ewre wi!!. got s to yr-i- th- (Miwe: Tt-snvc liir-.tteu w e-n to hrm. et-rna to h.t in the vrry !t stAi-a oi rt.nca, w j.-s. Brmu't htlicm i'.awaan Kaitam is admuial-reJ -TLl-s eaasr dure b. 4 eland au-. euuid Hinv avt ci'iw as mmrttiu and 0.omuir rvi hmdrtJa r ' ir c-ve. end dkm-iim t cs ca-l d C'UNL'M.'T1'.). THIS LLHH whs eff-ctsxi on the wife ot Mr. Z.u Praa.a oi an tmc. ol iiailaom. &trmc Co, A T. Mr. lvs ni"a mm ytv,ntm-r dyi.: m, and 3r. lyiietn-u w- of t kir et.r. of Mr. Johc WAirb. narrriw , ... .. a fimVfhd. IA.! mJmy brui maUruU. fi-MLoi bt vja srouid suau i e. She v in th Vut mUirc of dmmm w irj mm' 94prfM nod r itrrmz4 ud lo refhr m enl dii're, .,D.-i m .kv a dying sw my. Mr. lMk'me w icmu-.'1 d sr ar.ve htr 4ib i - Bit N l"e INWAS IN'LVuNARY BAl.s4.4H." 11 aHk the, itM hoini- u:i tie sh.imd, aad nve a portion to him wu.- 3 rt.it. Ted 1. r ctanimt d to tskc it until hr svwt rdi uoD HKax.ni. fthr has ronthitud tttU or um-tp J9 Mr. UrKrvAN ewi.rv bi r)if rili,r fas Krr.r. Tu-wi A Yoi-o, K-q of iilLrt. ao, Jilth April, leld. luos. u. or no. rea. Jumtux. rtrtin.-ti thist K Wmm knuwa Mr. Uy a. ut a mny yf.r and rul be ie u tswirsvwt mT-rfkf mn rrtftabfe eitizMm; turd Mr. Juh VV-ifr. La? tawtuUit ook. n ot ab-ve. ih nmmA t. got cl-rai irr of Mr. Jykifi, and thtt be was aw quaiDtril w Cm oil tie facts. fcvuu brml tueu uiea .ia ru ul l.y r-m-'iem Brant's Pulmonary ISaLsam mw.-fj mm w lmhj. i a. at gw vrr creaf MX1 ."VisW u-iUx, tftrcvus Ctmntoint. Palpittttutm mf tw Hmrt Cko ti-m i-.jatitum. Ihm-r. try. Summit Ljm;ii?,t. uiui id mum i.a ravsirrm fcECM"4t'?ic- Itie ("lUiwrn : n Mtrtortend PkwctmnS ha. a:xk J rxcMiim. n.i-a HKAN'ril U:-.:)iClNtd : IT. N. HI KKARII. Ctunlnrd, 'orm. Irr. J. H. .-Ml 1 H. V..trti,w . V. Ir. Hlt.-.M A N. 132 Heiiry rr,L Brooklra. at. f Dr. T. M. illM Au'.nra, N. y. i lir. gko. I 'UAM'in ali.:di. tnwB, Coaa. Ir. OKI . A. KLHJKk.S. lUlh. N. V. : Dr. . WHITK. Kr.-di.ii.. N. V. I'r. c. B. GAI.KS l INK Byron. H. T. Mr. J.O. .-Ulll MAS. rnjcttirilift N. r. k I'r. J. K NNKH. ll.nrv ilrrrt Bum,.. T Dr. O.SHirHAS. fu-CaiS. y. For sale uv Dr i' II Thorntnn, Lnvr burg; Ed.d t iljon. New Berlin; ! J Crous.'. Selnvrote ; t; & F (7 Mover, Freel urg ; H X Uacklinuiie, .tlKldlrbtir : H ill Oi Cileit, Hartlo- lon ; Antea oi Mench, Mifrlinburs All letters and onlera must be aaYI'e"! to Vt allace ic Co 1UC. Uroilwyt New Votk lyaSgl 0. W.SCIIAFFI.r. lewifburtf J. H. Tsslnw. Mlltno J.M.BVnft-r.tl.W.KeMler.N Hrrlln W. P. I. rintr. Muory Tjlor's.lils.r s,MilSinlrarjJ lly rmiuX Ailamiburg luuninnsD e wsiwt, uTTuiy wjr. iiwbui, Spotu a Xnn, Kelly X Kiads '.MiK.Srerhtllr.vertw'B Dvis A Srbnure. 3iliruvroe - Kiil.tiimith, .MnHli b't L. U. HnhrrT. X'Kiw U Mis Wilt EileTi,HrtIr-tna Thoaias Bo.er, SbaaaokUt Uaaa IK. A Koah,OtilrTttla Dr.J.M. Ju.U,Willimport: and by DrugisU ami Store keepers thrmurhout th fnited Stats. lySST SCHOOL-TICKETS printed and br sale at this oflice. s ALT and FISH on hand by Ap24 Reber &i IddinifS. ALARfiE lotofSlone Pickling and PreJetve J 4R3 just received n.l for sale by Kept I J. If A YES Ac CO. Aofife. QUBSCRIBEKS to the Universiiy ar kJ Lewisburg" arr respecttully requested li pay tlit'ir Second Instalment, now due. to the Treasurer. And thuse wbo have not. paid the Is: iut i!'t are rept-ftfuKy nit:fied that all such dejin.j.ieti's will be charjrrtl !:tereii on thrir lusla'metils from the tuna they btteome due. RAM L T. WALKER. Tssa. Le.isburg, Ffb. 25, 1650. Dr. Rose's medicines. The subscriber havinp been appointed) ao!e ajjent for Dr. Rose' Medicines, fir Union county, offers ihrm to the public with treat ctnfidrr.ce as to their t-ffit acy and certainty nf efit-cling cures in all enst-si for which they are designed. A single teat only is required to Cftsbltnh the fnrt. Sept 27 S S BARTON LUSER m SALE. IHE siilwcrilier havi.ig teasr-d ibe fJ.ici--fd Sate-M--U lormerly known a Doughty' in Su'ar Valley, Clintou county. Pa., and bouht all tl stork rl fixtures belonging to the same, now oflt r. for sale 100,000 ft of Lumber if said Mill. Orders will he received for tny kind of Lumber, by the nnA-rsignci n Lcwishtiri. or by bis Apni. S.C.Siiitl. ltr, at said Mill, " P"-'"' VhI'-t. u. p. s;ikll:!J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers