U)it anil junior. Jenny Llnd Leading the Fashion. The most laughable incident connected h the Queen of Song that. have yet heard, is s.d to have taken place at the lrvins House on the first day of her arr.v .1 in the city of Gh.m.3Ai the gong nng for dinnier. there - as a perfect stam pede among the ffR.t.le boarders cf the house to obtain the earliest pntaibta scruti ny of tho various articles, ribbon-, combs, or hair-Pin., with which ir.eSwedh night incale might be pleased to adorn l.erselion . her first appearance, bcloie ti.e j oung Ibu j i.imm,r females of America. Judge M ,.v .nJ mnrtihcattOO Ol then, 01 mesur, ..... . t.,.l ruts. when the unaffected .,.,i,eSs'ii.ie,d the room dressed in the simple manner pob'e.-n' nothing to pre .. fln.i.... locks from falling on her grace. fully sloping shuul.lers. but .a few plain ,..;,....: As the t ulr-red the room and . . iku li.lilr. there was an al- IW WTSiai. . t .,r.nimou8 i xcl tination o! " hat . .. on-,.Snthe back of the head! Oh, r u..UtunuteVUt 1 should not have known it. so that I might have I. ft mine m my room and us. d a lew pins instead. V., be it known to our male reader :... i.-. nnr;;iiii the qunlitv mat nn...ij . ondu:uti.y,ofJenn'- ncaung jinn as no: a fault or peculiarity uul..iij:iiige i .. :. ..i.. ... tho Tnrroumn ladies, tut one C!Ulr. iu B O that is inherent in the se us prcven jy the fict that on Jenny's reining u, her nicm the immediately addnca her drcawng maid a9 follows ouey,dear,I n.ti td all the . .entatlhe table to-day. lad their hnir dressed with great taste ami rare, si.d la tened behind with a large e.n.b-and as 1 do not wish to appear odd or eccentric while sojourning among gJ a people, vou will please go out shopping to-day dear, and obtain me a large como with which I may fasten up my hair American fashion." Wi a determination to be behind the Ionizer than coulJ possibly be fetpei,, something over a hundred females t. .:t. itiitinit the most of the were d'.ismj fo' - r ? , . . . day, in so dressing iWir hair ibat wi.honi the assistance of tomW it should apjwar a l Ui n : Kind. As J- nny entered the room Ibe wi'. day. what was her surprise nnd niortilicaiion,.... .i... I nf every hid , liavin" DOIIClUg - - . force Sornb is her hair as on ihe day .u- i,.;. n nvprv instance, was lasteried op in true roll hair-pin stv. The mortification or the fenmle boarder however was still :reatei thn that of Jen ny, to think that the entire part of the af icrnoon or the previous day and some three hours previous to the ringing f the gong on the'presenl occasion, had been d. voted to the subject of hair dressing, (the Irving in fact Laving been transfofined into a fix storied barber-shop) and after all the Nighnnate had made her seconJ appear ance in a largefcomb of precisely the same pattern that they had cast aside as usc.ess and onfa-.hionab'e. but i.cnty-fuur hours previous. As MB Father A common coac! -mm's la.ly, paying her daughter a visit a' school.' inquiring what Prrgre,s she had made in her education, the got ernes answerel" Pret'y g.od. madam; Mis is very attentive ; ilshe wants Birthing. u is capacity ; f r that d.fkionoy, you know, w'a roust' not' b'ame her." -No, madam,'' replied the mother, bus I Ui.me you I..r not having mentioned it before. Her father, thank God, can aGind a caps city ; and I beg she may haveji capacity immediately, cost what j? A gentleman hired an over cute Yankee to saw load of wood, agreeing to pay him sixpence an hour until the job was comple ted. He conducted the knight of the saw lu his wood yard, and showed l.itn a spe cimen of the proper length, it being some what of the shortest stove o-d ; but the cute individual turned on his h. tl, decla ring with a great oath, that " he was not quite so green as to saw wood as thort a thai for tirpence an I'J &.m wicked wajj of a lawyer, in one of our cotjti'rv courts, once upon a tiiiie.scan- dalized the bench, by pulling the following query to his professional breihrrn : Why is Judge like necessity !"' The "membeis of the bai' then and there present, quickly answeied : ' Beca ise he knows no law!' K nail from the finger of time may be aeen at cur sanctum, so says the llee. No d-.ubt if it but, if you will just step into the Yankee Wade office, we will show vou a few parings fiotn the nail of the "light, fantastic toe." Il ia said that the Philadelphia firemen re getting up a petition to Jenny Lind lor donation to enable tVm to purchase a Uule-fielJ on which to have their Cghu. A Dublin paper contains the fallowing : Yeaterday, Mr.Knny, returning to town, fell dow n and broke hie neck, but happily received no further damage " The London Chronicle ask. " W hat could If irshal Hayniu expect but malt treatment w hen visiting a brewer) 1" The Daily News says, "The aubmarine wires intend to prosecute the editor lor enving they were deranged Thw "Greek Wave" Is at a' fugifiee. M.L wXE'S ,WORH VERMIFUGE. 11 HE followinf onlcisshow at ooea demand for and excellence of this great medicine : "Yoek, July 38, IB I 1 KM & Co: The Vermifuge lelt ue od sale some time ego by your agent, i oM. " toes very rapidly, and given greal Mtwfection. A we are entirely out of the article, and he frequent calli for it, please eend ue eo'ne immedielely 'SottsaTiixx, Trnn. Marrh 18. 1847 -Lr?ML.ine Dear Sir : The Vermifuge yon Irfi iib me M Ull bee long since Been wio.sdu I could have sold a great deal more if 1 had bed it. Since my return from the Eit, I have been called upon nearly eery day to write to you. n questing an immediate supply. I have alieedy tried your Vermifuge in my owe) family and find il to be the Lest IJliafe ever uneu Un Cbeec. Steuben Co. Sept 7, 1847 -This maveeiufv that we have sold DrM'Lane's Ameiican Worm SpeeiCc, or Patent Vermifuge, be past veer, and it bse given unbounded ealia- faction. It te no imposition on tne commuDtiy. but it what its authors recommend it to be a univcml specific for thoae afflicted with worm. -H. HUGHES & CO." AGENTS- C W ScArtE,LewUburg; J H C..Um and J H Beser. Milton : I Geihart, Se- linrgrove; J W Friling.Sunbury ; Mre M'Cay,, Northumberland , M C Gner, J Moore, uanvuie UNIVERSITY at Lewistmrgr. J mencing OcL 17, 1850, COURSE OF'iSTUDIES. Primary Department. Kxrrci.tJ in Spelling. Heading, tb-finitinn Enelih Ur.oimar, Arithmetic, ti-6rpby. HU toiy LT S.A, Penmanship and t'oupoitiuii. English Department of the Academr The ame tude aa in the l'timaryl)pirtm't coniinued in the use of larger texl bonas and l ihew are at!d.M Oenrral Hislory.Algrb.s, l.egrn Ire, and EhmmU of Surveying CUasical Department of the Academy. Term Juniur Academic cta$. I. En-h Uraminar; Latin Grammar, Aritlim tic 'w" ditTxionn.HieojsrapbT. IT. 1 he same studirs in I. Ti-rm. and Pnman,hy. 111. Lnslih Onuntuar. (.'a-sar. Arithmetic c..mplrt.-d ! l.t division, tirevk Grammar, llisturf I Ji.A Vti mansliip. Uoofc-ko pini;. Senior Academic clan. I. fa-car. Greek Header, Algebra (KU-mi-nta.) ,( X 1 An do III! do do do rempleterl. Gene ral Hiatorjr, Kngliah Language and tonipoKiion. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Frcthman clan. I. EBtltth lAngnase and Condition, Algebra, IJtt. Aaabnria. Plene Hi ometry, I.:t. Anat a'i. 1'h.ne. N.lid and Svhtrical Ococietry completed, la- ejr, Aacaain. &ijihnn.orc clan. IIiiaea,OdvK V. I'laneanil Spherirl Triiroroinetry. do do MenniratioB.Survyinir.Saiiration. do eompleted. Select Omtioot of lleuoeUicuci, EbeWric, Aunlvtical Geometry. Junior class. II. HI. I. II. III. 1. II. III. T. lVroofhcnea on the Crown. Cirero e Otlleiii, Me- chan'm. llrdr,)?tntiep. ana iiyarnuum. !l:.nn.linn.. th. CrOWn. ClCCrO llr (ifllcii- COHI- flcted. I'uruuiatice, Aourtios E!tricity, Majne- tiiim. aai itpin s. Onvk Tragolr, Turitof, Artronumr. Hcnivr clan. l4r. nturl Theolnzr. Intellectval rhiloropby. r:i.b I'nlirieMl Knmomr. Moral Philoeophy. tri' l:ilrr'. Analorr. ( on1itu'ioB ft L. S, Cbtmiatrr II. Lectur-s, Oeueral Kcricrra. XoVtV,in.hr Uvular Cooie baa "Waa'll.an three daily recitaiions. Kvery Saturday f.iif no.ni i dcnl d riclu-ivrly to Vocal Music, lerlamatiun. and reading e.-lt and original Compoeiliona. The siudrnu are renuired to aitrnd, regtilaily. ome relirfinua meeting. Minors are expected t ailend audi meeting' an are recummf nded to them h their narenta or cuardiane. There are in the borough no lesa llian an places oi puniic wamiit of many diileient f. hriatian droominationa. Text Raokn. Fnjli'li lmf:nt ami KlMHtiu. The BitJe. Torter's it..iii...'. Vn.-th llraruninr. Inrker rrucressive txirci- tea in fcujrliili Cninasitwn, I'arkcr a Am, Ulair l-eciure illiivemitT tjJitivu.) i ...,.,. ,r l!nllir.nr;r;iuiniar, Itullien , KeadiT, LeTcn-tt'a U:xii. Uulliiin'e ta-Far. MhmiU and unii.l'a v;-.m1 l.i.nv.lii'ii l.iiv. Antbr.n e llnniei, Thactier". Cccro de nKrii-. Tvler'n TaVituV tWrman'a et Arnicula. fri- tJ..'.aunn. IliitlionXlniuiinar. liullifu'ii reader. Liddell i'coll'ii liexieon. Wi-n'i Xenophon'a Analianii, 0en'i ll.ner Oiljirj,CUattti.lin' Demorthciiea, Iwk't tlai":.eal Mituual. Jf'i(Ae!tt--fi. Pnvle Antlimetic iir amiinii w.iw rw.unl.in. Len nJre. Sureeyiiia and .vi Uon.Aii;ilytk-ali.ra.try.lilinsUJ Natural I'hilorctlii (fcti-rLOtriKtl.) onr.iefl a Aiinmimij. Xutnbcr of Studenla. The number of atudenta during Ihe paat year in ihe various Department, waa 1TZ. i in Collegiale claaics nlreaily orginizeJ lor ihe emu iog year 'are'the following : Senior elaiw - . - S Juniur elasa - - - 14 Kij.tiemore cl&sa - - 10 tneliinaa clan - - 1. ...51 Tvachera. STF.rnN W. TAYLOR, A. M, Prof, of Matiematjc and N&lurml I'hiloaoiilir. OMiltGK R. A M, Prof, of Greek Language and Literature. i KDl.o K W . AMtF.lUSON, AI, Prof, of Latin Language anl Literature. lAAC 1. LOOMIH, A. M, Principal of the Academy. AI.H1KD TAVI.UR, A. M, Tutor in the Engliah Lan guage aval uoeution. Bulldingslbrarj and 4pparatun. The Acailemic edifice now occupied by the memtwrs of Ihe t.iueersitv, baa been erected, at an exp"ue of $,iaiu, and it is adapted to accommodate 160 ftfuili-utK. AniMhiTeilinre ia nearly completed, and ia cxpvet.-d to lie rrtl.lv for occupancy at the conuaciicemcnt of the neat Term Oct. li, liM. The Library cmitaina a number of aelect otuma, and ia intaiitl) inereaKiue. t'beniiial Appanitua has been procured suCicient to arpply the imrueuurte dt-uianiL The Apparatus tor the ulualration ol Mecuantcal i'utiueoiuy, now coaaieio. TAltion and Hoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30 Academic fSO. Primary $12 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fort, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from f 1 ,50 to fez.ou per week Arrangement are in progress to furniah Board, exelu siT of lodging, srashinfe. fuel and light, to auch aa may desire it, at jl za per week. Sessions and Tacatlons. Two 8eesiniis in the year the former com mences on the 3rd Thursday in October, and continues 36 weeks; the latter commences on Thuraday, 15lli May, and continues 14 weeks. Spring Vacation. 4 weeks ; Autumnal, V, by order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATT80X. Piea't. UEUKUE F. MILLER. See y. Lewieburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850 IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, thai no Miller can make Kiod clean fl ur without he has good clean wheat. I suppose you wish to know ihc remedy. 1 tell you it Is to get one ol Hrrgitretier'i if heat Scourers, or Smm M ichin. s, IIr being; an old, practical and c-xierieiiced Millwright lias invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Wheal Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it dors not prove to operate aa re pre srnled, there sh'tll be no sale, as these ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Ls wis burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh.- Orders for midlines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. " Machine ill be sent and put to all orders. Addrese Law ialnrry; Unto. Crj. Pa. (SW KIVISHUKG CHRONICIaE AND WEST Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S UTHONTBIFTIC MIXTUKU! Large Bottles Only On Dollar. The Piopraur af the Cnt Axiiru BMd j " TAesaa's VeearABLt LiTaairreirric Mutcse." iaaacaa te lh ifMt loUciuiiaai ef aa AfaaW. thiewbeat ike Uaiwa Biaua aad Caaada. kaa n Seduced tha Wea W kit opatar aa4 rtl knewa ankW; aad tram tkia sale, heMeTonh. he will pat ap but ana sin nil. km un aaulai: ihe ruO price will be OHX DOLLAR. The pablic eaay Kit aad that lha cbaraetcr of tha Kadi ebia, its aueofth, and caruiira praixniei will aixtia enrauiaaD. and the ataw caie wUI be bartewai ia f aanof tt a acmaioR. A. tbi. maliciii ander iu ndaeed pnoe. will b paRhaaaf k. ik h.va mat kiihma auHla Iheawtrci aoiaaiatad with iu Tiitaa,. the BiopnXar would bet l iatiauta dm kia Ftk-b kaatttbttlaiTdwiUilha tart aawaat f Eaw ef tha dar ;" it claims lor iil' a grater aeaar pmr, ia tU iitautM. Uaa aa (Afr rrtpmtUm nrm mtfm lt cWd : and ha. tattained iurir lor aifht ream br ita aponal aiadical virtae,, and, anul this redaction, caaiaiandaa eaabla the price of anr other article in thai hoe. HoTtca rAanrCLABLV. th article act, with (real h las power and omaintr. apaa the Bood, Liver, Ednsys, Langs, aa the proper actioa of which nat a lastly high repots as s staaaly far Drapsy and Gravel, east all d masse of that natam. It anr be ashed apes whae the iitiellifent physiciaa has abaadoaed hiapatiaat. aad far these ill iminin diaeasas, saore aspsciaUy DaoraT. the pispri star would earnaadr and boaeatlr leLOiaasasst k. Al m prewnrt nnce it ia easily obtained by aO. aad ihe BhJ wiB pre ihe article te be the Cheapest Medicine ia the World! tya- rVu vk tar paasphlsu the ateata (is thsai away ther iwnlain over atstcsa paxes of laeeipta, Oa aititillea te fal aasdicsl nutter) valuable lor boasehold parposas, aad which will aare many dollar, per rear to practical hooaekeeprra. Thsss reeeipu are introduced to auke tha book of area value, aside iroat iu character aa an advertianut awdiaaa Is the aawitcine. the tesuaasnr ia faeor of which, ia Ihe tsras at latum from all parts of the country, may lis relied apea. Vaaghn"s VereUble Uthoatriptie Mixtaaa" th Uisat Aaasriraa Keasedr. now for sals ia quart bottles at S each, saaall bottles at 50 cu sach. Ms small bottles will be aaasd after the present jtsck is dUpoaad ef. Principal OSes. Buffalo. 1. Y.. VI Mais Slfeet 6. C. VAUGHN. Bold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON A CO.. 137 Maiden Lane. Haw Ysrk Chr. H. B. All leuera (eiceptnc fiwaa aceata aad deals, with hoea he traiaset, bauism) wast be past paid, m aa atsrausa still la fires te these. fO-DK. I IIOUNTOM. Lewisli-irg. is C neral Agent for Union county J.H.Ctio Agvtit, Milton; I. GranaHT, Kelingiove 1,5:343 . THE WINTER SESSION OF THE LEWI SBUR.Gr ACADEMY ITT ILL commence on MONDAY the 29ih ol W ctobsb. In this Inatilulion. all Ihe Branches of athrough Academic course will be tauehl The coismutiicstion of knowledge simply, is not ihe sole deaimi of Education slid should not lie made so ; iu higbe-l aim is to strengthen and biing out into aclion, the intellectual and mural powers of the aludent. I brow around mm the facilities necessary to his p-oare-s, and f.itd him all proper aiJ, but do not flatter him iih the thought that be must rely upon another and not Uon hi own'eflurie for success. Inde penderit erlf-relianee is one of the first lessons hat should he learned in a school room. This kind of earlv mental training prepares ona for vigurous and manly exeiiinn in after hie, and thus gives him a marked advantage over the ig imrsiit and uneducated. The main efforts of a Teacher should. lh. refoie, be directed to the for mation of sound halite of study, for wheoj this end is reached, Ihe progress of the pupil becomes at once certain and mtud. Composition and Declamation, as formerly will receive due attention particularly ttic for iner, and the Primary, Department eball have our aprcial care. The auhaenher feela flattered with ihe growing pro-peiily of ihe Institution, snd shall labor lo mciit its continuance, by increased exerliun. Tt'iTios PriSesion of 20 weeks. for Ihe Common English B ; Jiigner bugiisn, t and for the Languages, 1 10. . JXO. RANDOLPH. Oct. 9. 1650 Prncipal. Tanning and Currying 170R past favors, the subscriber returns . his grnteful thunks, and herelrjmakes known that he carries on the business ol Tantalus' and Curi-jlng, at the Old Stand. Determined not to be outdone in Ihe manufacture or finish of his work, he is bound to have the beat work' men and materials, and to treat those who have st liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleaxed to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage, ll kinds of Produce taken 'in exchange, Hides and Bark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange lor leather. L. STERNER. M uch 35. A D. 1850 Th Greatest Discovery of the Age! Dr.Trask's MAGNETIC OnmilENT r 3 constantly elTcctinc cures of the utmost importance. Tbe mosl credulous are cos- viscsn; Ihe most faithle, e impelled to believe in Ihe power snd virtue of this treat rented. It ia nniTcrsally admitted tn be tho .r....l combination known to tne world tor the immediate relict " T . . " TT tans While there remains suairVnt life to restore a natural and healthy run to the capillary Tesacla or the body, and nuntor the cirrmla "I T' Hy tlila ateana, a eontrolllne power is faincd evsr th most malignant form, of disease, which can not be obtained from any other remedy, grtch ia the powee of the combination, that it penetrates to every Prtion of the human frame ; escry boo and muscle. Tein. nerve and lieament fat ecarrhed out and made sen sible of pariScatinn aad healins in8aetiop. Hence H ennes aa n-adily with internal aa external diseases. Xumeroos instances are on accord, where this rrmclr ha restored health to patients so near the fray that the most powerful internal remedies failed to produce anr effect. Such has frequenUj been the ease la Inflammation of the Bow, a. So patiewt need die with this disease where th Masnetie Ointment can be obtained. That daneeroua emdemie. known a th PITKID ERYSIPELAS, ran aJwayTS eured hy this remedy. Foe INFLAMMATORY MBETMATISM, this Ointment Is the most oumplcta remedy erer prepared In SH ease eat of luO, H will aflnrd ewfire relief to the worst cases of Hers on Headache hi SO minutes. For Kervons Iriseasea, this remedy ia of iraasrmae ealne. AaTeetieaa of the Kptae, Rheums tism, Lseaeness. tie, rated Sore Throat, Hronehltia, Plourtny, Cronp, Chills, Cholera Morbus. Arne in the Face or Breast, Barns. Scald llesd, Screfsla. Salt Shews. KrTwpcrs. Iaflasawd Eyca, Ksrer Sores. o, will h immediately relieved, by tue ass of this reasedy. old by Tharnttn e Baker, Lewisbarg. , m1SJ E f BrT-rnsrtrt, Trsvw Ajt More news ror tbe SIcH! nrnrivirATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Sifficmd toJUi eserv estates) '?Z2''nmad Kttut Jarlk Hit wonderful rirtsaj a Dr.Swaync's celebrated Family Medicines. nr. SWAYME'S Cnmnound SvrUP of VViVavwavwi " g , T Wild Cherry, TUB MOST COMMON SAVINS II Tint I would not gise owe bottle of - Dr. twayaje'a Compound Sj rupof WildCberrjr" lor half a doaen ol aujr other prepar ationa. 1 hare tried all tbe popular ones, but this stands uurisalled for the cure of the billowing diseases, via. ajttatasa, Iba. OuuaMfidoa, Spuunf of iwsuu, j-uijm.- v UtarUWhauping IXmyK Ttckling r Amnj an suftVm ia the TAreus. HresieaUu, Asthma, or tht H'raliKW the Xtmmt Ajiateaa, or im paired constitution front any cause, and to present persona front fal ling into a Dtdint, this aaa dicine has not its equal, and when too much Calomel or Vluinine baa been i weed, this medicine will prereat iu avU efforts on tha system saw repair we ouiaei ,u- REMARKABLE CCKE OF COSSVUPTIOS. Ahr.h.m Hunsicker. S milee from bbippack- ville. Pa., contracted a severe cold, which set tled upon bis Lunge, sUended with violent coughing great difficulty of breaihing. ansbseeea forined in bia lungs and made it way uuB the aide, and discharged large quantities of pus eiUinally. This mournful state of things con tinued for a long tune, until making S.syne's Compound 8rup of Wtld Cherry. which perloimed a penect cure. Have you the Asinma, a.ic ..!-.-, - Bronchitis 1 If so give this medicine a trial. Il scld"m lails te cure. VERY IMPORTANT CAUTION. Be very esreful lo enquire for DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUAU blKtr ur WILD CHERRY, as some unprincipled inui .;..J h,.. siol.n the name of Wild Cherry, ibinking lo borrow a reputation from that alrea dy e-iaulisbed. Remember, Ihe genuine is put in square bottles, covered with a beautiful wrap. -. i . ..r ibis per. (steel engraving,; wun iuo n,i . SWAYNE thereon, also hie signature : eHoth. er are poaitively ficticiou and counterfeit." Nwavne'a Celebrated Termlfuse. -A sale and effectual remedy for VV'orme. Die- .... :.t.l. . nS.tinlii. pepaia, tnotera .ttornus, sn-ai, Children, or Adults, and the ui4 us ful Fsmily Medicine ever offered to the public" Extract of a Letter to Dr. Swayne. listed. Andcreontown. Indiana. A man purchased a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for hie child, and by its use dis charged silly tb-ee of the Urgest worms he had ever seen. It is some hat difficult to get the people tiy il. aa they have been so often gulled hy naueeous and wortbleaa worm meJicinee. Youra being so very plrasant to the taste, at the same time effectual, I ehall be able lo diaposs of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours. Tuwxsssd T. 8r, P. M. BEWARE OK MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Sway ne'e Vermituge is now put up in square tiottlea, (having recently been changed,) covered with s bcautitul aleel engraving wrapper, with lbs portrait of Dr. Swayne ihereon. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. See that tha nsnis is spell correctly SWAYNE. CLEAN8E AND PFRIFY. Da. "WAYNE'S SUGAR COATED SAR PARILLA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, greal purifier of the blood, they correct all tha funciiona of the Liver,and aaen alterative in Dropsical affections, Ihry are very valuable. Giddiness of Ihe head, dimness or eight depression of spirits, headache, ji, cured tiv these purifying Pills. No medicine can have a better effect f montU) ir rrgulerit.es. which occa-ionally happen to wo meu. tbey are perfectly safe, and will in conjunc tion with Dr. Swayne'e Compound Sjrup of Wild Cbery, Uke all pain from every part ef the system. The above valuable medicines are prepareJ on ly by Da. SWAYNE. N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelpliis. Agent for Union county. Pa.: r v Sen Am ami TMortttTo k Rssnu Lneitburg; O.W.KeMlerE.WUn,S.Berlin!. Meneh, Millerabure Moses Sperht, Beaeertown Daeis A Selinure, Hrlinvrove Vouneman A Walter. Iry Valley Krubea Keller, Navy Island D. J. Buyer, Centreeille L. k Taylor. Miratnburg DJjmith.Mcsaer's Valley Wilt k Kiler. HarUetoa Boycr k Hammers, Freeburg l.laml IIaupt,Jr. and by Storekeepers generally Ij290 BOARDING. rnHE subscriber avails himself ol the co! J umns of the Chronicle in publishiiir to ihe citizens of Iwisliurg and viriniiy tna' he has opened a HOARDING HOUSE in that I., and comforlablv arranged bouse, formerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two doors east of the Frsnklin House, Msrkei street. He is prepared lo say that his Table shall have Ihe beat the Mar. eta esn anuru, nnu i uuugmg of Boaiders ehall be aa comfortable as can be dered. I 8. STERNER. N. B. A team and carnage will lie kept la convey psssengera to and from the ' . . . .a ,ae. Packet Boats. IewisDurg, marcu to. i --" 8tiB1L1B nHE subscribers offer the public, at their J. nr w Brick Foundry, the tollowing new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tighl Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. 1...I. Ws.hineian Parlor Stove. Cast Iron ir- l ight Parlor Slove.for Wood 2 sizes. ... Coal Uurner for Parlors 1 sise, I men ej l- iniler. Louis Air-Tight Csst Iron Psrlor Steve 3 sizes. 8hield Air-Tight Psrlor 8love for Wood S size. Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores, Offices. Barroom, and 8hops. The celebrated Genesee Air-Tiaht Cook Stove. Tbe Complete Cook S sixes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings. Vc. &c. CHRIST St M'FADDIN. Lewisbur?, Dec. 12, 1849. Brand reth's Pills are sold at 25 eta per boi (with full direction") BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg. ana by osLY one Agent in eeery town in the Union. Each Agent has a CeriificaU: of Agency. Ksamine the bog o' pills always and compare it with the fae-aimile labels en the Certi6cale of Agency. As there is a eounleifcil of the near label out. this ia of much importance, a there is decided difference between Ihe appearance of the true labels end those of the counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on stone; the genuine are done on steel. Tbe appearance of ibe printing en tbe counterfeit is ragged and blurry : the cenuine label is the very pink of neatness, both ia printing, paper, end general elocution. Be very esreful and goto the Aent,whea yon want Brandreth'a Pills : then yon are sore ef ibe genuine article. When yon parch as otherwise. inquire of the seller whether he knows tbe pills he offers yoa are the genuine Brandietb'? Ev. ery man knowe whether the ankle Its offers i true or false. Beware of chests ! NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Jrinl NJew blanks) at this (We BKANCH FABMEK ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER I PEPSIN: The tree DIGESTIVE Fl.t'ID or GASTRIC JUICE a great Dytpepua Carer! Prepared from Rennet, or the fouith slomsch of tbe Ox, after directions by Baron Ltteio, tbe great physiological chemist, by J S.HoceaToa, M.U., WO. ll . oin m iuuifi-i - ATRI.LY wonderful remeny iorijw,". Dyspcptia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Coiutipation and Debility, curing after Nsiure s own process, by Nature'a own agent, the Gsatrie Juice. rVh a tesspoonful of thie fluid infused in wslerTcsn digest or dissolve Five Pounds of roesl beef in sbout Iwo hours, oul of ibe stomach. Digestion is chiefly performed in tbe stonj- i. . .i.. ..l . fl,.l hirh Ireelv exudes from .k. inn.e ,ut af that orean. when in a stale of bral b, called Ihe gastric juice. This fluid is the great solvent of the food the purifying, preset ving snd stimulating agent of the stomach and intestines. Without it there csn be no uigeation, rtn arnVatrasion of food into blood, no nutriuoo but rslher a foul, torpid, painful and destructive condition of ihe whole digestive spparstu. enaln i the chief element or great uige- etna nrlsaa-llilaB at the eaatric iuiee. It M found in great sbundsnre in the solid part ol ihe human stomach slier death, and sometimes csuscs Ihe stomach to digest or eat itself op. It is also found in the stomach of animal, as the ox, can, c. " is the material used by farmets in making cbeeee atvhd Rennet, the effect of which has long . . .. e .v i.: S...lln9 been the special wonuer m tne uairy. .- of milk is Ibe first process of digestion. A call slomsch can cordle nesrly one thousand times Its own weigh! of milk. Baron Liebig states, "one part of Pepsin dieaoleed in sixty ihouaand part of wsier, digenU meat and other food." Diseased stomach produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this wsnl may be per fectly supplied, we quote ill) subjoined SCIEVTIFIC EVIDENCE I n i l in. i tn ki. Mi.,Krb.l work on Animal int- .M;.i.i d,.iin Suiu. analaKOUS ts theOsa'uic Jules.may be readily prepared from the BM" membrane of the stumaeh of the calf, m which various artieles of food, aa memt and eex. will be sofwncd and dieesu-d in the same manner as iu the human stomacn. l- UL-U 1.-1 It A In h bmillH tTVAtiae OU lOOd SUd UKl, published by Fowlers A Well. New Vork, pap 34, statea ihe aame ereat fact, and describes the method of prepara tion. There are few biciier authorities than Br.ivrna. Ur. COM UK, in hia raluable writings on the Phyaioloor r .. Vmmmm ll..t M. HimiBUtioa OI tbS dUS Quantity of the Uastric Juice Is a prominent and all-pre-sailing cause of Dyspepsia," and he elate that "a distil.- : v j r. Xr ..n,,.. ,n lMulnn.whowaaaeverely arMivted with this complaint, ending eTerythinsjels i to fall, had recourse to the Caf trie Juke, obtained from tne stomaeh of living animals, which compleUly succeeded. Dr.Uil All A M, author of the tunous works on egetabie Piet,says: It is a remarkable tu t in physiolo, uiit tbe stomachs of animals, macerated in aicr, imprt t the flaid the property of diasoleing rartoua articles ol tooo, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise different from the natural digi-sUre process. it viMiiv'H rrvt.nt work, the Chemistry of Man, (Lea Blsn'cLard, Philad , 1SKS. ppSJla.) aays: "The disrojerj of Pepsin forma a new era in tha chemical history or in gestion. Irom recent experiments, we know that roodu dissolved aa rapidly in an artificial digestive tiuid, prepared from Pi-pein, as it is in tlie natural Uastric Juice itself. Prof. Ul'NOLlaTtN, of tbe JeBerron College, Philad, m bia great work on Human Physiology, deeou-s mors than fifty pages to an eaamtuation'ot this subject. His expert menu with Ir. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained f...m ,k li.in- kummn stomach and from animals, are known. "In all eases," he says, -digeaUon occurred as perfectly in the axUScial as tn uts natural uiccauons. As a DYSPEPSIA CURER. Dr Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the mosl msr veluua tflicta. It i impossible to give detail of cases in Ihe limit of Ibis advertisement but au thenticated certificates have been given of more than TWOHUNDRED rapid, wonderful, snd permanent cure. It is a greet Nxsvocs Am dote, and particularly ueful for tendency lo bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague, be evil effects of quinine, mercury, 4c, also for excess in esting or drinking. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give instant relief ! and repeated for a short time, pu rity of Blood and vieua or aoot follow at once. Il is particularly excellent in caes of nausea, vo miting, ci snip, soreness ol the pit of Ibe stomach, distress after eating, low, cold stale of Ihe blood, heaviness, townees of spirits, despondency, emaci ation, weakness, tendency to insanity. Ac Price, ON E DOLLAR per bottle. Oue bottle often effects a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS sent by Mall, free of Postage. Fnr mnreetience of aendine to all Darts of the country. the Digestive Jl alter of the "epsin.i put up in the form of Powders, with directions lo D uisaomea oy om paueo, in water or syrup. These powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for tbe stuns price, and are sent by mail, ire ef foatsge, for $1. aent post-paid) to lr- J. 8. Houghton. No. 11 North KicbUi St. Philadelphia. Six parkaeys for $3. Every boitlr.snd package bears the written sig nature of J.S.HOUUHTON.M.D .Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in every town in Ihe Union and by most fespeclalile dealers in medicine. To be had of Dr. TH RN TON. Lewisburg ; J H Casio. Milton; Thompson, MiiSinburg; Wilt & Eilert, Hsilletnn ; Wm Rosbong. New Berlin ; G I Crouse, Selinsgrove ; Mre M'Ciy. North umbeilaad lv335 DULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Alifflinbutg, Union county, FemCa TaESrECI'FL'LLY informs the citizens of Xi L'uion county, and tbe public in general, thai be has leased the above slsnd, for many yesrs occupied by his Father, snd is now pre pared lo accommodate mends end tne traveling community in a manner acceptable to an. The HOt'SE is isree and roomy, well arran- eed in all its departments, and every care will be taken to render bis guests comfortable and happy His TABLE will slways be furnished with ibe choicest delicacies of the sesson, snd ihe best the msiket esn sfford. The BAR will at all times be attended by esreful perilous, snd none but the verv best of liquors will be kept. Hi STABI.ES sre smple snd convenient, snd Ibe 04TLEK4 punctusl snd sttentive. In short, be pledge himself to endeavor lo give general sstisfsction to all, and hopes hv strict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of patronsge. Mifflinburg, June SO 1850 thy the tiEiv Finr.i! WTKOFF & HOUSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. V. WykofPs old stand. opposite Hunter rardoe a shop, where they keep on hand or make to oraer Fancy and Common Chairs, Ronton Rocking Chairs also Bureau. Tables, Bedsteads, t S of various kinds. jf sai Settees, &c. &c. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING am nded to by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. '. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards workand so doing, hope to receive a liberal share of puWic patronaee. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewisburg, Jot. 1849 Farmen' Produce Waattd. OCR AgricoHurat Friend wtil greatly oblige by supplying the Printer, imtasadtatefy, with VV beat, Corn. Buckwheat, PoUtoe.Cidr,Woo J1, Apples, alee. Ae this has been a pteatifnl snson, Ihe Printers sad EJi'ir hop to share of it. Bws3 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HE1TLT EiriDlTIOCSLT XXKCCTED AT THE "CmONICLE" OFFICE THE flElV FOUNCHY TS now carried on a usual, al the upper J. end of Market ttreet, where etrer? des cription of C A S T I N G S kept 00 hand or mace to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves for either Coal or Wood and all other kind ol STOVES also m.OITKllS of differ ent kinds Cora Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, nnd the Self-SIiarpeniiig Plough, a new article, and which can Dot te Leal in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. UIIKlsr at M r Auuiiv. Lewisburg. Sept. 32, 1849 nHG undersigned continues the LIVE J HY BUSINESS at the Old Sland, on North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public eiprally. CHARLES F. HESS. -Lewisburg, May 92, 1850 Books Books ! T WE subscriber oflvrs for safe at the Lf wisburji I'ost-Ofiice, aa assortment ol the most useful Paper, School Books, Stationery of nil kinds also thw best Cigars.Tobacco, &c. JOHN Y. KENNEDY. Lewisburg, May 7. 1850 IRESH TEAS. Ano'her lot of ; aujierior lilnck and Green Teas g-'.-; just rei-d Irom the I. anion lea com pany, nnd lor sale at INew iork leiail pricts by J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg, April 16. Agents. Important Notice! riMIE public fire hpreby iiifor.Tied that I I am the txtluMve proprietor of i lie Cooking Stove known os 'White's Patent' or 'The Whi'e Stove, by virtue nf valid letters patent granted lo me by llie proper authorities at Washington ; nnd I hrt-hy caution all persons nt to manufacture or sell ihe same without authority from nca I shall promptly seek leal redress for every infringement of my rights under sh'k) leitcrs patent. The public are also cau tioned that all stoves manufactured by me or my grantees or agents, are marked James White. Patented June 10, ? with ihe additional mark "Re-issue, Aug. 6, 1850." on the slide plate. JAMKS WHITE. Milton, Sept. II, 1850 Zitl Ccnrisbarg JTounbrn THE subscribers, thankful lor past pat r mage, would inlorm the public that they continue to manufaciuie all kinds of Mill Gearing, cast WaterWheels ol the mast approved pattern, Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse, rLOVGUS. We invite particular attention to a new ariicle Wiard'e Patent Gun Ploughs, for seeding in Grain. Farmers by this I'louuh ran seed as much grain in one day as in three days with common ploughs, CASTINGS and TURNING, and Fitlim; the same. HOLLOW Ware Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves, &c. tle most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal rancy r tfnv"T7pi Parlor, Wood and CoalJ HJ V iliO Air-Tight Stoves Race's Self-regulaling Air-Tight Patlor Wood Stoves, (a new article,) &c. Threshing Machines and other articles of Machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and at prices that can not fail to pleasp. C.KDUKS St MARSH. Lewisburg. March 25, 1818 THE ornlet signed conlinaes to furnish lo order on Ihe aioef reeeonable term. Pianos, from the Manufactory of Cosasa Maria. Pbihwl'a. whose instrumenie are too well known lo Deed any panegvrie, having Bnifonnl received the eomoieiiilatione of the most eminent protestors ana coaipaeers wi wiusic, ena tbe award of Ibe premiums in New York. Philadelphia and Boston. r or qualities ol lone, touch, and keepinc in lone op to conceit pnen. inev can not be aurDaaseJ b either Ameriran or European piano. instructions giva on ibe Piano aa heretofore. Rrlereoc may be made lo any of those Barenl or luanliaaa wbo have popils commiitesi to him charge. He may be seen al his reside nee al Mrs Metsger's. First street. Lew is burs, where tetwu and particulars will Be nude known. Tbe west popaiar and favorite Airs an.l Ua. of diflereol kind received ae it is sMoed from lbs diftereni mtMcai esnlHiskssenU ia the Ciliee. Maris CHARLES KALI8CH "DT A ATir Q frnJ ces,Coosta JjijAIl Ail b'e-A-c .on hand at thw Chronicle rvwct r wTrttJ tft' wrier. sEmL wSSBaarSsSawSWBBwaw JsS. "Ah ounce of Prevention worth a pouml of Cure," in that at r ful disease, COtlSUMPTIOH ! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prevee lion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisbure by S. F. Ljndall J. Houghton and a this office. Price. 75 cents. TRICKS OF 4CAC1CS. Lav Kvaayaonv Kaaa taia Cwifr ur.-TWi , siaTsanalllia (nr aals lu ths diffcraul lowna callaS S P. Towiraemt'a Sar-ani:a. It is silrrte0 as lh (illlui. NAI- VKNltlNICawt all trial- Tlit T.wnarral stswaocu and nsrsr was : but was Hmw, a worker ratlraaoa. ca sals, and in like j 1st s-suiik-s ilie ml ol tjeia tor uaj Mrpwe of eaimne cre l.i ka- what www. Laa attsnded two medical shoots, and prar trsd iw tflasrt Vara' '" Now insuu h i- he uerer pneticej sanncins a daviri bra life' Suth w.y. erst sisKrraisia looks bail in ths characicr aisl seraniy f the man. I wial inast auirerelj, he had uecr mle those waisusral el ens "T'rl7 "u ..il n.rn lu u bs aoocst and tnre nil in all tbe"- deillnrs an l mierewirw witb their Hltol nan He appueil lo 0,1. Rosl Oeur. f haa aass . ZrjL.!Z ausiurs. statiix ihe lares swrns ha sr..sll r: " . ..lu,i iu smtstrt in ilw huwnesa. TV ZZZ i... km, H-uluiiT and liurlliiig me ta all nosnk 'cu."Tnp,i the the Old Doctor's Sir.inlla was not the rrmne. M Smla. mta liinttb. .r.'i' S'. 5 tins S. P. Townsnsl says I hare aotd ill was al 1 .y CSwforSr . ... I -til five ht-a S X wiH . eScVonssinele solitary pru.,1 of 11.... Ilw Thompson. Skill moo Co, are no runs hot a use e. bUlooJa. simply mwle to ilecei.a th. (.nbli. and k p lbs tnuh down 111 rrgarvl to bw mmrmf. Jmtrmlimg s amnui. This Is 10 eauwn th poblt 10 purthas aua atsl bldlrr JSCOB Townssnd's !iraKtnl:a. han en r ti Old Duclur'a Itksrsn. hi asK'y Coat Arm, met I I .-a 1 .Y V I k Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, THE OBIOIXAL niSTOVEHEK or tuh Genuine Townsend Saxsaparilla. Ol.t Tw Townsend l Bow ar!lt 7U Tsar ol asr. an-1 has his bin kriwnV. thr- A CTUH ami UlSvUvEHER KSiPAMLLA." Hin r, U was onnpellsvlw it it manutsciure, by which means u aas rsrra Sew u ........ ....i --.:. airrnmscniieJ In tboss snls wus bad pruswl its wanh.rl known it vale. It bad tnct lii aar of maur. nesheie, as lh"e eer" bn nsaled of ior iliscasss, and aad frura dsaia, s.- a:amd ll wanilerful 1IKAL1NO POWKR. This GRAND AXU I NEt!' AI.LF.lt PSF.PARSTH N S BMnubclureJonlhc Utt,em aralcaislwcailsd lor -lir.ica. oat the length ami brsa.lth l lh laiiJ. ssrwrnLlj a. H fosmd ineatiabl ol Hecwrlio r irsisrwraiana. t'nliks younx S. P. Townsman, It imsirnTs Wlta . and never ebann hat for tu rsrtier : b. causa it m nrspara on teitntifte pnaciptem by a mrirmifit awns. Th hifw knwlciU" of I hrmmry, snd the lata dracorarMS o! ' art, base all been bronchi into requiaiuon in ihe niaiuifas. tar- of th Old Dr'a riraaanlla. The Sarw.;nlla rw K is well known to nmlical mm contain many nwcuciaw nmiwrtKs, an-l some ,.n,iTUss whw ri arc niert r wsricav, and othera. whirh if o-Jiiiid in .re;arins; u for ear. or, due rrmrntai and mcid, wines ia rajurioos la u tern. Some of :he ivS!rt;sof "sarsajianlla ar se '.nam that ths cnttrsl, evao..rr.t aisl are l" z. th prepalaifiw. tl the, ar not prewrvcl by a cirve T". " ly to thnae csiririH-ed lu lis niaiiufaciars. JSoro,sta thsw rsni.'r J ;, wiitth S oU in our, or aa an s tuloiion. u r.trr heal. r the very rtetntiul mutual p. a true, ol tire root. w.hKli ;l to n all its rala Any irson csn or stew ihe n-l ull ti.y get a da.S eolored liuuiJ. whiru nk'rc from th eulorie.; marur in U,e root liisu irvmi aiiyihini else; Ui can than alrara this limpid ur vat-vl lniui.l. seen with wnr inolsaae-. si J !lueall K -SARSAPARII.LA EXTRACT r Rt P. Put such rs not tbe article known '' GiLIEOLIltt JACOBTOWSEDS SAItSAPAKlLXA. This is an pretiared that all llie inert Worwrtea afti Jarsatwnll mot ar first rernorH. erythiiis enunble af bccuinin' acid or fcrmcmaiioo rs extracted and rejsosr.; then eeery panel ol mfchcal ,inu w ecnrsil in a fKtcm and conceniraic-l form; snd thus 11 is rendered mcapsbs of hini anv of its v.loabl and Iwalnnj proptnaes. Prs. narad m this way, it is niaile the m powsriul asea' ia the Car t IsiMWWaerwMe DtMWM. nrtvx the reason why wc Iwar c.nsUuiuS on rrwy wd la its faror by men, women, and chiidrta. Vis Bale dome wnslera .n ihe cure of . ,,.r COKSI'.HPTIOX. DVSPEPW.I and ArEI tO.MPis.Vr.and in KI:rVATISM. SVRvt IL PILES. fOSTIVKSEH-t. all CI T.iS Its EHVPiloss. PIMPLVS. BLOTlSMEi, vk1U1 rt'rcit'Ws ari:iS frt-m IMPUHITY OK THE BLOOD. tl liii-h in a m-irTiloii- rffirarT m all r-mplainM tnn IrtMn indiratunt. fium Acidity af the Stomar, frvr arm ii-vi ctrculjctou, irtrminauran m dhwu mm nj (Hration. rclaxui; a ' Hut in nothins is iu earcltenc more maniwstlj rassa aad acknawlederd Ui-ui lu all kinds ami suees ol FE.MALK COMPLAINTS s. k. l.n eaeaa at Fitter Albui or trsVss, FaUtrue of tht Womb, Ohttruettd. Supper ed, o. Passid iVenaes. Irregularity ol list menatmal lierimK and the lue; and w Hectual in curiiu;-all lh fonn, ol Kulmty ." By rsmonnj obslrnciions, and reeniaun, the rensra. avaism, it htm ton and ausuglh to lb whol kudy. aa thus cure, all forms of Nerwwwa Dlaewaes wtaal DehllHr. . and thu presents or relicrs great lanety of hsr sw adie, a Spinal areiioian, Ntnralrim, SI. Ka XWfs. Snvomne. KlxUvtx Fit: Csnrausions. k-e t cleanses ill blood, sacitc ibe li.er I health, setiaa, tone Ui stoma ch. and rives (nod .ttaestkin, rslieees Its bowels of torpor andconsiirpatlon. alUva inrlaaawialloD, nrie th akin, e.uJiiea ihe circulauoo arf th V01- J.icmt f cnilc warmth equally all er the body, aral la insansihre persptraTron : letaxes smetare aral uehtnesa. rs move alt obstructions, and invioratss the enure acres system. Is not this then Thw Mrtltettae yew arre-ewalwewtly weed t But can anv of these thine he said of S P TosissoJ's saierior antci t Thra eonne; man's Irmitd ts sn to bs COMPAUF.I) WITH TIIK OI.O PR'S, berause of one KR 4MO FACT, thai the one is ISCAPa BLK M UETERIORATIOX. sn.1 NKVER SPOILS. white the other IrOHS: mmrinr. frrmenlint. anJ .'aw" the holtlmj eemranuiis it into Irarmetit : .i.e ar. llnnid eailodliiC. sn-l dsmar;tiie other ffN! ' .tto-u c" trl sjomhle rompoutid he t.-itie to ihe svwsra 1 trof ' war arid rrsro 4 susfem aJrentiy diaeaxed wi!hact4l V hat causes llystierviia bm aci-l 1 laiwenot ail kr.ow tl-at w- ioo.1 aowrs in our siwav-h-. what misehn-r it tiwlnce,1 Satntenc. hesnbui-n. pslfirta'r'H, ot the heart, liver c -e-pUlnt, tliarrhft. dysentcrr. colic, sn.1 crsjviion of rr blond I hat is Scrofula bin an scut hirimw in tlie btv t What prod ore all ilie humors whs-h bnti on Froin,Kiv -t th Skin, Srakl Hra.1, Salt Rlwum. Erviila. Vh:'a Swlline. Fever Sores, sml all ulcersiions'intsmal snd cs ternslt k is nothing uialer heaven bt sn seal suharsnca. which sours, and tho et"e9 all the fluids of lbs body. nvv or less. Wlial caipves Rlieieinslram bat a soar and acif fluid which nismusies iieif bc'weew the iomia anal eies where, irntann aul inftamni the iMira'v tsavae a;s which il acta I Siirf Mn,m, di?. of imporn, -' rhs blood, of derarured cirrulatioa. aral neariy nit ta aiiswssi which afflict human rmtur. Wow is it m bomb! t sua aad tlT, aad miaWw arf torise this SOURING, FERMENTtNO. SCIT, "COMPOTNtr" 0 S. P. TU.VNSKMt, and vet he wonlit fain have n Brrlemoue lh ,t (M Pr t Sob Townsenfl s fsmuise ftoigimmi mmrmnmrtila, is ia l ITATIUM ol his inferior preparation ' . Ileaven fbrhid lhat we nhviutd deal m aa arr.c's which would bear the most distant icsemttlanrs in !a P. Ton snd'a mrtirlt! W wish It njervrond. hcvraa tl is the Wars rrsis. that , p. Tosmsend's artirHe and obi Dr. Jacob T,vwnwrs Ssrsspanlla are rWrew srifc ar', rnnd mfmrr " tar; that they are uu'ike la avcrv nantcular, hsnn; sat w atnrjle thine in common. AS S P. ToWllSenil . M Anee .l mmmer M. V ksmial, no pbsewiaccmw knows an mora of rnaJKir sr ewaaae than any other conirmm. amsrieiiiiric. ua(irtvisv snaav what guarantee can the public hsve ibM ihey arc cslvm a eniline erientilic rnedicilie, coniaininr sM ;Nv tneo nf tk .hi.Ih ..1 ... ... I .kvt are eapabl ef rhnnevs which mtht rculer thaa ibe ltif w at uwcas instead ol health r But what le should b etpsereil from ens wh kre WMhlne cumparwivery of medicuar or dnwasr "' awiiaiii cvjmwwiivery rneuiciue or oracaer i p " a psesoa rs) soms siwireneo us cook and serve upe 9 cornmon decent meal. How much more importsnt writ crovu iK iMifvrL'nii i ii sthv p pern who manu'arti isr-terw'o K STC should know well th medical pnvni.-ol (ilanirt manner of see arm; and mnrrntrsiinr; their aeoliot Ttrf? aha, an eaisfiam knowanlga af tha vanon diaesse" ,! eflee, the ktiinas ayawm, ami how to adapt renwiW hieM V.M ' kkh .V- . - M nOST tnta wounded kamanity. 10 kindle hope ta thr drP,n "i "I. in restore hrahh. arsl bloom, and vicor ""jT crushed and broken, and to bsiiish mtlrmiiv thai " "T JACOB TOVVfiSENU bss RIU CIIT and FOl poniantlv and means lo brine: his , raal Calvraal tneeatrartd ', Within tbe eso.b mm.1 I. tha I M.l.U. .J all wb SSW that Ihey may learn and know, by joyful eipenents, i raamaaaai frwwewr ss waa- Acrirra fur I hs ! Mswiirin-C " Schaflle, Lewisburg ; John H Baser, ton ; Forsyth & Priestly. Northunib'lB' NE Buwgey and Sent af Harne-s. One Two Hon WagoB Ooc Trae Wivm: stealer HPWr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers