Hlnislering Spirits. We are lold of ministrring spirit." l.y l lie lips that can not lie nnd rrP " aerilrge to dcubt ifr mi n. Bui i they come never to torment rr terrify they held no commonwD wiih the eye or car ol sense. In that solemn hour, when the soul hovers half way between two world when the veil of earl lily vision grow transparent with the dawning li-lii of eternity, it may be il must be that revealing through that veil are sometimes given. A iittle girl in a lami'y of my acquain tance, a lovely and nrecuciou rhi'd, Ins" her mother at an age too early to fix h loved features in her remeniueranre. She was frail as beautiful ; and as the bud o! her heart unfolded, it aeemrd.as if won by that mother' prayers, to turn instinctively heavenward. The wret, cnncciiiiiious, and prayer-loving child was the idol of llie bereaved family. Rut she faded a ay early. She would lie upon the lap of the friend who took a mother' tind care of her, and winding one wasted arm aliout her neck, would say, ' Now ! II me about my twnrritri.T !'' And whrn the nft-told tale had been repeated, s-lie woul.l ask, softly, "Take me into the parlor. I want to ate my mamma !'' The retjiiesi ns never refused ; anJ the nffiviiona'e sick child would lie for hours, coiitiiitril'y gaz ing on her mother's portrait. II it " Pah an J wan he gtvw, and we-aMy Dealing all her pain' so miik!y, 'J hat to (hrm .lie villi grew ilrarrr, A the trial" hour drew nearer." The hour came at last, and the weepinc neighbors assembled to ee the little child die. The dew of death was already on the flower, as its lifc-sun was -loing down. The little chest heaved faintly spasmodi cally Do you know me, darling ! sobLcd, close in ber ear,the voice that was dearest; but it awoke no answer. All at once a brightness, as if from the upper world, burst over the child's colorless counten ance. lneeve-id iuiht'tl opon, trie lip j parted, the wan, curdling h-mds ftvw up, in tho little one's last impulsive i flart. as she looked piercingly into ihc far above. " Mother!'' she cried, with surpiie and j transport in h r tone nnd passed with I that breath to her mother's bosom. j Said a distinguished divine, wlm s'ood J by that led of joyous deuth, "if 1 had j never believed in the iniirstmiinn of !e- t parted ones before, I could not doulit il now !'' Nation.tl I"ra. I lUit nitii Qumor. A good story is told of an un-inpliistiea-U'd young inao, who a shocked at the excessive refinement of his sis'tr, on hT return from a fahionaMe Imardin school. " I declare,'' said he one d tv to his fnher, " our Sally lias got to bo so lain -d ih it I can't understand abuvc lm!l what she says Twasonly this morning that she stuck a po on to tuttr, and a mo on to lout. A lad, who had lately gone out to ..pr- vice liavin" had sallud sencd up Ht dinner ! every day for a awk, ran aaay; and when asked why hn had led his place, he replied, tlieV made lll JCr.t grass i' the , summer, and I wur alrahl they J make me eat hay i' the winter, and I aland that, so I run ofT." inuld not A hibulous wag, who thinks there is no , luxury like being " fuddlid," complains hitlerly thit champagne is n deceitful ! wje you fancy yourself tipsy i'h it, j and ia half an hour you have the mortili- cation- of finding yourclf rH-rfectly sober ! f Try Jamaica, olJ chap lhai'll fix jour! flint for you Yankee Uladc. .Hi"h shirt collars are unfashionable in ! raris? Kx. Paper. j tJlad to hear that, (or it is agonizing to ! ee the awful danger a great many joung- ! aters' ears are in from the "stand tips," re- j suiting cither Irom the collars being too , high or the awra loo long, e can't tell w hich exactly. ! The following wa senl to a schmdmi. j tress in a neighboring town : j Miss , can ynu allow our Henri I etta Georg'ana to come and nurse Claudius j Alfred, while our Louisa Ann Victoria j goes to dancing school !" j "What is a ax-dend t" aked aj young 'un ofanolher who had not j-radu- J ated at Lynn. What is a waxed end '' i A waxed end," was the roply, " is llie end that receives the whacks.' The pleasantest hour of the d.iy U about five oVhTk in the morning, but there are . few neonle who know it. ; r Except our humble self.' A-hem ! - I Never give a boy a shilling to bold ; vou shadow, w bile you climb a t.ee" nnd : , . . . , . ... ' .ak into the middle of neat w.-ek It is; iiiouey thrown away. ' - - - : A pattern woman i tuie wIioin you would have your wimin imila'e, but whom you would not have ( r nnvtVeg. whom you I God o'len gives incut to I In we who h.ne no teeth and also money w i hout timius. Theliest way lr "v-fcpnnd il f i U-st" is to hnvo-a large heart iiisidoHf it. "Tltere is no J..iil y in creation so verwdeu as our a'.oiirai h." IN KACII BOTTLE 0 TabUtpoofml a 4.m- Taait Dmm a day Omw fcrflie eouuminr. 4at TwnlrlM Ways. Pria tl.no per Battle, mr Sii BmttUe S'.(A PlJRIpyiXC EXTRACT h mow put mp ia QI'ART BOTTLES, and is of the Mine mtedtrml drenytk and efficacy as tliat in the mmtdi bottle. ?" jrmit mtferinritti of TH1 Pl'KIFII'K over 8srj.Bll.I. and ell ihIkt wlnf nIicuk, may ih tome meaMirr be under a(4Hrl from ihn toiwm t'nrt: riaT twratiM il mot tip pottrnvtotsm, ac portmm of iu tuedwaUou,.the I't'at sckcc of Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dbck, C' berry wtmm HaMMfma Bark, -..j.. ... -j ..j ,. i nind . ti- p-mim nmhoiUe,( it Him can tw fajund tn mm tmlilr m nieUicilie, enllert Kjtrurt mf Sanajiaritla : (till, ne.( ont.T HtTWie -rwl 1'wrillrr mlwa jmumsmm UWJ medical r, and mvnl.mm rutma . -r.ro mtktr les. he ruatrviMG pmpertim if which are vrairy M'rrRma to MrMfsirn, mikI i wti tmtm are rtnipHinted with tUmnpa rUta, 1 War jMr. Cherry, axd Sana fra; !i-y nitskt- tmm mtedi- csssfilrf nutfH rrrtttim and fr Pariflrr mf thr Blaf m (a oorld. ho true lm Uiih, liat to hae awry damd medtcul fffed, tint liosE U Only One TablrHMinfHl, thru timtm m Day. Bui it bmit o wiih Kxrrnrt tf StrwrpariUa, for m cotrwrfftrrtire of ita fNcdsAfrtmt fim forge kule) hem? ao much wrnkrneal a'ti reduced the Ime f Suntaparilla tiaa to le Twt. Three r Mere T'lMetpotmtuim Three, Koi'a, or ftloac time a lnv. lo have Mr wteditxtt ellect ; and mm a InHtte of SarMpiirilla only lioldtt nfly-four mpoanfmi, tlierefirre, to mmm pomiutsi at a tl-e, and ao aswy duaes a day, will tue up 'nr. Fire, or Six Oavn, wnirh fthowtltaraanrrir. Braat Prlfiers-UI lnt fam Twelve ( Sixteen Iv Umgrr than a burth of Sria- trula; an.l if it daily medical elfk-ary (in tmnU stMn.) bu aa Lirviu and lli u.i; m lire dailv Ibir dime, at S-rm ftanlla. iliea it I'aoves that One bottle of caw Purifier ia wtHiii Tkrrr, Fuur, or Ftc timet tuore Uian a bottle of Sarsa- I P Tileb.rt-e c.mpari-i doe, not vet atiow the frmt Jtfer- irinri;flietwt!entIwid.eiivcvof Urant1 ri'airiea arrt SsRvtr-ARiu.. Thia will appear by the certiucaieB of curt" u ramiucrt, iMwiug UUU ONE BOTTLE OF BRANT'S PURIFIER has more rritrarr, and nra TK.N Uoitlra mf HantRMrillR. If. ilen. Oik Bottlr of PtairirR pelln f.r Owe Dollar, Ita Httlt vf Sai rnt ilia atHHlld mvll for Tea Ceilffl CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. B. II of Itmie, Oneida Co., J. V..who vrnaenrcd mf Scrofula tn Ri, nvrnre to tin mf mm related beltiw, tn an art .on in itie St rai.MK Cihtrt in llie C.fy . Arta mark, on tba Mf pf iteeember. under the following cirrnmstancea : A r'rtm in the Cittof Sew York had manufactured and ended a frMM artirle of niedicin railing H Brant's wtMAii Mkdii lata, ir. imitation nf the ten tin medinme. He wax proteutrtt to obtain damatsa, m the Supreme onrt of the (:ny ii( New Y"rk. and tie- cM waa reerred by the 4'nmrt to J. 8. Boswoth, Kwi-, M Liberty street, an eminent Lawver. aa Ueferee to take the testimony. Ttie defeirdani pleaded In mttitfntiom nf dtfwoort, fhat the Fnrpnt-KMTirif Krant' Medicine bad in nmc oiaet publicised Falsk STATKNKNT i rPM, and Uhis had cnnuiintl a rti'rj on lha public, ami. therefore, waa wt etuiUed in dam ire. Tfie ca-e of Mr. Htukim waa avlecied a- betuf . , and Hack in waa ww a) a tfifaeta in regard to tht Kalts ajs published. and u (csfiaaoay more THAN fcVSTAiNtO the publmitiam. Mr. H VKt a(Jt I m w-U arqnainted itb Bnrnt'a PanMnc Ei tt 9 ,r u-4 it f"t Vr.Krf. A Hit thrve -in-, mj vrtf ludty alBh-tnl b it ; t waa'a'tr-nJil lt svrrl dftrUif tij ( ni I rtisU live. tht mt aeila ns? ttMikl care rrw. Id His-iit-,t- ,4 ttrli irtf rni4tn. f. Imw ssmswA I u4 Hrstt't W Her, Ur-m su sanU tsir. Wtten I . iimneia 4 asinj tW i'tri A-1 aad -anhretl V my lesl liq luiw; I tteiM wt tust my barxl Ut my teW : my Mnt o m'ttr in frtint trrs rmr m rare ; rt rr was o iKtt ntsind It. Unt a rla1 bv liltml up out .4 tt plnre, a only IstiMiwc H a !(- at ;ba 1 tp ; a Ik4 rut (Ar'Wi.'A aay Hn-fpjtr, M that ! Krrath pavj m I and out at tie- tf aa T-T I aauther -3t untit-r mi arm injHv as larr. wlm-h liait rn thfouU (sa ni aiiiiKir aw tarxw wm) hand. f aafr, that mi b Jr rwiM b aied tutu ; asi lrr ki mv at rit-ndr j frura mt sliouMn u, m lt. .w (-t bad Mtcn K. tlx Iwne ; 1 lial sv j aral (Mt.f nhwt9 "In. 1 i7 rami's 'wHarr in smi7 tmilf. His- yrr M.iurrM.rnirmi,n atifitbnJ tn sutd WaW my mj that I aUb .is, tm sa .. tit h Jri tkta Uittltf j,.,..t, , i . i. .t it m. itc-. mi, i ft :llw ; tin. (mfli. HKI.KII Al.l. MV I'l.l'KHJI, but tUret saiV svarvt abiHtt ttg m tbnl uf my thmnh. att.1 I tUn a.irLs-J a rntfn- kmL 1 umI V.r sViatrr. an , wl,;, l, n .,t- a Pf.lf KKt'T CURE, ar.4 r.fT-J nv u f.i krUk. tu8 ILL t'.IKTICV lajjur, jteK mumYrs rjMi'Hi.KTS. BRANT'S-INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM TBN !'ai-an p mtt the cfoansine and jswrfvtnr Tira t tli- aUre-timeil PraiFViM F.XTBACT, and ai-u fxe.,!.- -rfr:tl other tnedieatiout. partifufarlt and prra har'v ' di-ti d torntvrOL'(.IIS and CONSr.MiTlON. it be! and rwrrr I Veer ra Af Lf. and elsewhere wrraal iv. a-1 readily and Mi ea-ity aa the I'urtfytng Extract facala and rurea eitrtmtHy. 'riioi4i tf cure of th moat kopelet ronatimption fully rwt it Mimon miraculotii eificn-y iu mil dift-uca of tfce LI M.S. TliiaMr, and HULA. ST. A l VIXCS WOMAN SAVED ! CONSUMPTION CURED t W, r, ,1a. Caa.aH.fnaP.a fart of r.,r... which tlopromttMwtoMwUfeamlMlheHiMia .iu.liuthcr.rTl.tii;M..fexwtcs,hamr.aft a.iaa ltt)mtm-uy UaUmm X adlOtiiisterrsi Y jjv t'w f.l iw n7!frt;tiaf0 a a fart ofrurr, which I Co a tn pmvf th- mwt tt.aarr liie.evea wlin the i-raa j a-t-ma tu t-e in tbe Very laat at ixr of whn , Brant' Indian Pulmonary Haitam ia adnutiieto-tvri : Tnia r r.ii- ilia-a nrit etmnd mhm- w " namr Ma.xr . ai martiloua and ntottMiiu anr kindred nf knpelcgm cwf. ati.l tkoua4 ot raai-ji ca'lt-d CONSUMPTION. THIS Cl'itK waa rffV-rtetl 'n tli wiM of Mr. ZfB f rYKRMAt ot th Unrm of Umllnta, Saratoga Co., jV. Y. Mr. liyki'm ai wa pniumiiM-eil dyintr, and Mr. iiyliemaa wvnt to rh rtitrr of Mr. Juiisr Wait t purr knur cloth tor a tkrotid, an! otJier burial vnrterialtt, expecting hi wife would hmi die She n-as in tu tax rtage ot the 1 ( -waa td njiprfxttd and CwfrrsteJ and to rclifva hrT erat dittrr, nnd mki a dyitK pillow more taty. Mr. i I'vio mn Mrttd it t trivp h-r nif of KK ANT'S IN i HAN I'Ci.MoNAH V HALS AM." lie took tlw Uxttam , liotniwitli th hriu l. and chv a portion to hia wit it r.-lnVf.i ti, r an rnt;iitmi tn tak it until ah rvri.v-rva ,";' '"" '''" for araWjoar Mr. IIvkkman Wn-1 1 ttM aiMirt fnrta Krf4r Ttna fl Vorxo, Kq, of linUttan Sa. nh April, It-. Tiioa. i. orxo, Jttmtire. rt-rtit: tht he hna known Mr. Iyk-m:n m-ny rpuraand Umt h- ts one of tVirnnW ir..",fi,iij fytrtahU rm:,mt; mid Mr. poo.i rhwnrt,-r of Mr. i9irmm. n i that h.- JOHJf ra to Die quainted with rnli tlte J'ttf-'e, hating beard tbcin o.ten aiiok-t-n of tijr yjtaaaa waa ac Brant's Pulmonary Balsam rniva COfif MrTIOX Cot. (Vrf. Sp.ttinw of Bind. HUedimt mt the 1.?; Vaim in the Hremx and Higku threat, Serrnti Complaint, Palpitation nf the Heart Cholera SxaniVM. tf mrerw. Summer L'jmploints, and ALL IL MAI.E U EA A'A iV.v.SA.s; wttkout any Jading whatever DIK'TOBS AD rilVSItllXS RCCUIIEXD. The filiu-inj-ntn'fl Ihmtonmnti Phwaiciamm hare biga I r.T.mimi-n.1. d IIKAM'S M tlilClNKd : !r. N. Ill'llll IKIl. t.iinlor.l. Conn. Ir. J. N. SMI I'll. U ,i, rt.,wii. N. V. Ir. Hos..mas, vti li.-urjr Mr.r. Urouklva, .r. Ir. T. H. HI NT, Aubnrn, N. Y. lr. I.KO. KKANCIS. Miil.tlrtnwn. Cona. Ilr.liKll. A. IKHiKKS. Bath, N. V. !r. S. WIIITK. f r.-d.mia. S. Y. Ir. t. B. OAI.KNTINK, Hymn. N. Y. Or. J. O. Snil'MAN. K.y. tu-.ilU-. N. T. tr. J. KINXKU. Il.-nry r.--r, Brooklra, N. Y. Pr. O. tllll'MAN. CorUnnd. N. Y.. For sale In Timrnton At linker, Lwis lurg; Eild WiUon. Ucrlin ; b J Ciou-e. Sclini!rovr ; li F V Mover, Frrrlmi; ; II X lljctliiHisr. Miililli-lmrf! ; U ill & Eilcil, II in Ir on ; An iV Mrncli, Mifriiiiburf All I. Hera and orders iiiumI he aillrred lo alUcc oi to tllfi. Ilro.ulnay, New York IT IS A FACT, ONE elf-cvidctit, and aorlhy of very ciaisideration, that no Miller can m.iki jKid clean flour without he has good clean wheat. I siiipoe you wi.sh to know the remedy. I tell von it is to get one o erffsroser'a Wheat Scourers, or Sinm Machines. h ing nn old, praclical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and in in KUiresful .eralion the best Wheal Scourer now in ue. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards hnHiiiy i that it-dH's not prove to operate as rpprc- senied. there sh itl he no ssie.as tin s- m i chines are to be warranted go d. Further recommen rations are tnoiim unnecessary ; lie is now bavins .a supply made at 1 wis ; l...r., I.v Vsrv fi-ddes Marsh. Or, i rs " ' J .. 7- ... , f'" ni. chines, or letters of inquiry, . id b. J P"'"l,y attended to. Machines ill b. ! sent and put tu all order'. - Adilres i I. IIEKGSTUESSI'I', j LrisliurT. Cninn Co. Pa. 1329 '. i it- r.i: , u wuuiHjUf iu vOtifCturs. ; I 1.1 iTi.llecror of Staie nnd County Ta : wiM.iii Ihe i county ol Union, knowing hein-t lve in arresrs with their Duplicates ' i.f an eail er rtsie than 1841, are riiiiesteri i t:t pny fl their respective amounts due nn i or before tVp'cmber Court next ensniii", : I other ie their J'unds will he given ii.lo itTe I ! hn.l- ,.r-n A,lr,,n..v f.,e e:l.. li.,n i lium , J ' restcl of i er.ons, HVXIEI. HOHLACIIEK, Tr.ast.rer .v. U il n, "ulv 1. I.EWISBUKG "ciinOXlOLB AND WEST Tlie Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACADEMY, WILL commence on Mosnaf the 29th of April. Instruction will be given, as for merly, in all branches necnwarj to a (borough Academic eoure. Our endeavor shall not be iniplf to communicate knowledge, but to excite the youthful mind to act for itself. When thia it fully attained, the progress of the atudmt hecime at once certain and rapiJ. The kind of learning which moil of our youths in this country neeu, i that solid literatine. which, while it matures their minds, prepare them also for tl.e practical duties of lite. Composition and Declamation will receive their full chare of attention particularly the former. The Primary Department hall have our special ' rare, riom the ilinosiuon manunieu 10 ukjih ' tne tnstitutiun. the subscriber feel stimulateJ to . ! irnrwru raci ihfiis. : I 'I fo 8ef,in Kj eonKIKt of two Ttrm of 1 1 j I illir, .,!., inlervenine. Tui- , linn SiR fur ihn rammnn branches. $8 for the , higher Ei.gli-h, and JS10 fir Languages, per i tH-ii,ip ier Term, one half. JSO. KANDOI.P1I. j March 57, 1830. Principal. m CT - c II OR past favor, the sulHcriiier returns hw grateful in nks, and hereby mnkes I nnan llirl Iia rrnP on tlio lill.net of I KllOWn Illbl CHTrieS On IHC UUSIIJC33 UI n that he carries on the busines Tannins nnd Currying:, I lt the 01 J SlUllfJ. Determined llOl tO be :n ihi. in-.niiir-turn nr fttttli of hi "Utfjone in IrU5 ID.inUIUClUrC Of IIIIISII UI Hi work, he is Imund to have the best work men and miileria's, and to treat those who hae so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to insure him a full sh re of public pHtrouage. Ml kinds nf Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Park not refused, for w hich the highest market price u ill be paid in cash or iii exchange for leather. L. STEKNER. March S". A D. 18511 WINFII-XU WOOLEN FACTORY, A'car Ilartlcton, Inlon Co., Pa. MIC subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on his old estab lishment, begs leave to inform Ins friends and the pnl.lic in "ei.era!, that he has now removed hi's Machinery into his New Mill, (luo miles uhnve nr(o,nenr thoTnrn- . pike.) tt Inch has Ixcti liiiilt.nnd nt'en up on J . ' , . I ll k . llie lliosi linprovtru iiiiu nm iiavn mi by the middle of April nn entire new sett of JENKS" lato.t IMI'KOVED MACHINERY, in addition to his already good sett, which will make it the largest and best fitted-up estuhlishment within 100 miles of it; nnd with the advantsge of one nf the best water po.vers. he feels safe, in saying that his .vMlilishn.ent is not and shall not be sur passed by any in this part of the country. He has cng!ed a good sett of workmen, :ind is now prepared for manufacturing , Br0ld Namw CL0THS j ,,, , w ,- .,, j CaSSimerCS, 1 WmJS. featlliettS, Tiiinj Fl'IIIPPk Til;tnl'elS &C , JIUUS, 1 lillli.llS, JJIdH&CIS, 111 the best manner, on He shortest notice, it reduced prices. C7For tho nccommo d;itinn of customers. Wool may be left at ihe following Depositories : New Delia: E M'ilnnn'a Silingioe : l)ais & Shnur tin John Hariman Jr Frrrhnu : (i & F V Mover Store !.; .lo Miil.lli-liure : SvrrnclrAHawingprilo Ailaniilurg : Henrv A SSmeh i IViiiikValleyNarrowa : Mrs Mnatz MiflliiilxitK : Henry Uaxt ! Kant UutTalu : !S.int'iel ItrtH-r'a Tavern liuolt'oX K'aU: J M Crright'a 8tnro I,enUIurg: J Hayes ft Co do il.i Kt'lier & hillings ilo West Milton : Juhn Datwrnan ilo Mikmi: Miisleller A Swenk . tin ilo Saeenpy & lla.ig l I.ilirity I O : WinD ilc" Hcnise I.i nrftone : Weiiienhamer'a Store Potti'grove : J.ime Ktt il do A "oml assortment of ('lo'hs, Salinelts, ( -assiriieres.Tweeds, Jean, Flannels, Ulan kets. Slocking Yarn, &c always For Sale or Exchange for Wool or country Produce at the New Factory. CM R MSG and FULL1XU (is usual. MMMv HALFPENNY. AVitifit ld Mills. March 1, 1850 GOLD and SILVER Xif only ht Vulifurnia, hut aluo in lwihttrg? A i;o-.m1 aso.tmrnt of Vatclira, Xilvcrtvarc & Jewelry, of fine quality snd at City piiccF. Halfiell & Thompson Itc-rx-clfiilly inform tle citizen of Lrwiurg ami vicinity, that thrv have entered into Partnership at ihc Ol.U S TAXI) on Market St , opposite J lljyt-n & Co'a Store, pirpired la execute every kind of w.irk in their line in the beat manner. They carefully aetcrled of the beat Knglih and French material. Mainspring 7ylinder. Erap' wt.ei -Is, and a variety uf Vnlcll Jewels, and Hitler thenieles that their knowledge and akill in the liu.inea will enable them to cjve saiUfaetion tn all whn may favor them wild patronage.'), FI.N'E WATCHES, such aa Duplei. raiiemnt, I.epines, Anch.irK, Detached, Patent l.evcm, Itepeatera, and Musical Wauhen, Ac neatly rrpaiird and wairanteu AIo fur ile, variety of Gold and Silver Wali-he, Patent Levers, Am liar. UeMrhed. Le ;ioea. Quartiera, an I Enfli-h Watches, (told Chain. Ilreat-p lis, Finger and Ear ting, (iold n I Silver Uell Midrs, Bracelet, Gold and Silver r"5v&jr"" l Pencil and Pen, do Spectacle, -frSil ver 8man, Sanv toii.lcnili, A;e Ac in nhnrt, a lilile of eervthine, and snjlhing else, not mentioning knick-hiael.. A v.iietv of Bra,. Clocks for $3 and upwards t whoIeMu ,nJ ,exM reron, j,,ilin8 , B th;nf , r;A woolJ Jo well by giting the .uhsciibers a call E.perience tell, u thai the Credit Sy.tem can not alt.rd a living. Therefore, in order to "push aloiiE and keen moving." the Cah Svslem must "') " "' '" necessarily be enforced. Feb 28. 1850 - A I.' H XTFIFI I) WM H THOMPSON. RKCEIPT Sr ths ret. brsts.1 WASH I Ml JIIXTIUK a OZ Sl Ammonis. 16 o 8pts Turpentine. 4 4 ez pii Camphor; mix in buttle. Take" 6 8 Ublespoonful aloe mixture : 1" pints soft T aJMiary tub of hot .ter ; mix ihor. l''' ,hr" -,0t '".:l.ahe. in the tub. and let them remain fifteen minuiea before was h ! ing them out ; then rinse Ihem through two or hree waters, hang up and dry. This Washing .Miii jre fur sjle by C. W. THAITLE. More Sew for tbe Sick t - CERTIFICATE AXI TtSTIMOSIALU mttimg forth Iht mtfkrfmt rtrtmt mf Dr.Swayne'a cekltrated Family Medicines. Dr. SWAYMK'S celebrated Coronound Syrup of Wild Cherry, TUB MOST COMMON SAVIJSG 13 Tliat t would not iriTe nr hntlir oT" Or. (' OaBrwmarijrnipifWUaclirffj" ti .r half a dioru ol any otbrr prrr ,IH.n.. 1 harr trW all hr opl I, nt Hit .uimI unrivalled for lle curv uT llir X'IIowiiik ilimn. u- lHmMu iij;i. twrfr, (Wmdm Xyittimy of hlmal, IMpHMiim mf lit ll.nrt, WkawiHy 'immjl), TiMimf or Kitiny Km nl..m . Iht rkrl. UnmCKtla, Jtlhrnn; ur lli.iiM mf Urn- Xrrroms Sfdm,nr im-inun-a nHilllilti"B from lir caun-, anl to mt mm frum Jkllinaiutoa JlrcfiMe.luwnic dfc'iue tiaa m itual, ami wlM-n ! aiurh l'alBrl or guiniix haa hrm lut-a, tliif mclirine will in-iit lt il 1ioB Ihc ,im and rvir tar biliary fuiH tiolu. IfhMMlKAltLK ei'RB OF COSSt MIVluX. I Abraham Hunsickrr, 2 onle Irom MiifpacK- illr. r.t conlracleit a tevertf coW, which coughing great difliculty uf breathing, analmcea formed in hi lung, and made Its way through the tide, and discharged large quanlitiea of pu eiteinally. This mournful sute of thing con tinued fur a long lime, anlil making use of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which performed a perfect cure. Have you the Asthma, Liver Cotylaint, or Bronchitis! If o give this medicine a trial. It seldom tail lo cure. VEKV IMPORTANT CAUTION. Be very csrelul lo enquire for 1K SWAYNE'8 COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, as some unprincipled indi vidual have atolen Ihe name of Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from thai alrea dy established. Remember, the genuine i put in fquaie bottles, covered with a beautiful wrap per, (ateel engraving,) with the portiait of UK. SWA Y.K thereon, also hi signature : all oth ers are positively Jiei ieurjia aw a" counterfeit." Swajne's Celebrated Vermifuge. -A sale and effectual remedy for Worms, Di pr;ia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dispepiie Children, or Adulu, and ihe most ue fnt Family Medicine ever offered to the public' Extract uf a Letter to Dr. Swayne. Dated. Andereonlowu.lndisna. A man purchased a bottle of your Vermifuge the olher day for hi child, and by it use dis charged aixty three of the largest worm he had ever seen. Il is mimeahat difficult to get ihe people tiy il. a they hav been so often gulled by nmiseuu and wonhleM worm medicine. Your being o very pleasant to the taste, at the same time effectual, I shall be able lo dispose of a large quantity. Repectfully. your. Tuwseb T. Suaar, P. M. IIEWASE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. wayne'a Vermifuge i now put up in square buttle, (having recently been changed.) covered with a beautilul steel engraving wrapper, with he portiait nf Dr. Swayne thereon. Dear thia in mind, and be not deceived. See that the name i spell correctly SWAYNE. CLEANSE AND PURIFY. Dn. SWAYNE'8 SUGAR COATED SAR- PARIIXA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, great purifier of the blood, they correct all Ihe function of ihe l.iver,and a an alterative in Dropsical alTcciin. they are very valuable. Giddinesa of ibe head, dimness of sight depres-iou of spirit, headache. Ac, are cured l-y these purilying Pill. No medicine can have a better effect for monthly ir regularities, which occa-ionally happen lo wo men, thev are perfectly safe, and will in conjuue- ''"n. ""h u- rw?.oe - "-""P Wild t- liery, lake all psin irom every pan oi . thesytem The above valuable medicine, are prepared -m- ly by Da SWAYNE. N. W. corner of Eighth j and Race street, Philadelphia. Agent for Union county. Pa..-SeiMFn-r ami Tikwntos k 11'kkk, xwiV.Mrr;; c. vv. li W .Kessler K.H ilm,N lVrllli Me Sierht, IteaTertown liavis A Srliniirs. SelinsgrviTe Yutinni.in t Walter. Ilry Valley Ki'hIm-u Keller. Navv liiinl H. M.nrh, Millrr-I.ur.- 0. J. Ifciver, IVnln-ville L. A Tsvl.T. Mimintmr lmilb.M,isrrs Valfc-jr Wilt a Kilert. lln'. li B llt.ver a Slimuiers, I'reeblirtf Smuit llaliit, Jr. aid by Storekeepers generally lyS'JO HOARDING. ritHE subscriber avails himself ol the co!- umns of the Chronicle in publishing lo ihe citiiens of Lewisbure and vicinity thnt he has opened a UOARDINC HOUSE in that large snd comfortably arranged house, formerly kept a a Temperance Hotel by Jame Kelly, two dooi east of the Franklin House. Market street. He i prepared lo aay that hi Table shall hae he best the Market can afford, and the'Lodg'ne nf Hoarders shall be as comfortable a can be desired. I 8. 8TERNEK. N. B. A team and carriage will lie kept to convey passenger to and from Ihe Packet U rals. Lewisburg, March 18, tS50 rpiIE subscribers offer ihe public, al their X new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : lrn Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parhv Stove. Casl Iron ir-Tight Parlor Stove.for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Uuruer for Parlors 1 sue, 12 inch ey I inder. Louis Air-Tight Csst Iron Parlor Stove 2 ize. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 5 sixe. Egg Stove the very best in ue for Stores, Office, Barrooms, and Shops. The celebrated Oenesee A ir Tiaht Cook Slove. The Complete Cook 2 sixes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coat Stoves Ploughs Casinr. &c. etc. CHRIST t M'FADDIN. Leaisburg, Dee. 12, 1849. Brand reth's Pills are sold at 25 cts per box (with full directions) BY J. HAYES &. CO., Lewisburg, and by omv one Agent in everv 'own in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency- Examine the box o' pill always and compare it with tbe fac-simile labels on the Certificate of Agency. As there i a counteifeii of the new label out, this is nf much importance, a there is a decided difference between Ihe ppea'ance of Ihe true labels and those of the counterfeit. The counterfeit is done on stone ; the genuine are done on steel. The appearance of ihe printing on the counterfeit is ragged and blurry ; the genuiue label u Ibe very pink of neatness, both in piinting, paper, anil general execution. lie very careful and goto the Agent.whrn ynu want Diandreth Pill : then you are sore of Ihe genuine article. When y"U purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he knowa'lhe pill be offers you are ihe genuine Brandieth's? Ev ery man knows mbrtber the attic's he offers is true or false. Beware of cheats ! VTOTES Promissory, Judgment, and i J j'mt Notes (blanks) at this oflico BRANCH FA11MEK "Small.rrafiU and ulck Sale." H. P. SHELLER, "11 7"OULD respectfully inform hi old friends 1 and Ihe trading community in general, hit he ha received a LARGE and GENERAL STOCK of Merchandize tot Si pring ami Sumiticr wauls and uses embracing DRY fiOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QITEENSWARE, JIATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IRON, Ac Ac. These Good we offer unusually low for Cash Country Produce of all kind and lo prompt and punctual paymaster as usual. Call and Sec ! H. P. SHELLER. Lcwirburg, May 7, 1850. TO PHYSICIANS. DRUGGISTS. & COUSTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER &i BRO. most res' peel fully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol Engl'uh, French, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, I'aiuls, Che uiicals. Oils, DycstulTs, Glassware,' Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, Jtc. Having opened a new alore. No 29. Market al, with a lull supply ol fresh Diugt and Medicines, we reapeclluliy solicit countiy dealer to exam ine our atock before puirha-ing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to u Iheir patronage, to aell I hem genuine Drug and Medicine, on as liberal term as any other houe in the City .and lo faithfully execu'e all order entrusted lo u promptly and with de- pateh. ... One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, afford ample guarantee of the genuine quality ot all article aold at Itieir eslaDiisnmeiu. We especially inite druggists and country merchant, who may wih to become agents for Dr. Kccler'f Celebrated Family Medicinrt. (tandar I aud popular remedie,) to forward their addrea. Soliciting the patronage of dealer, we respect fully remain, J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, ly2M No. 29 1, Market St., I'hilad. THY THE jew Finn: WTK0FF ft H0USEL "ITTOULD inform the public, that they W have opened a shop on Fourth street lower storv ol S. W. WykolPs old stand, opposite Hunter Pardon's shop, where they keep on hnnd or hukb i nrurr Fancy and Common Chairs, Hoston Rocking Chairs also Riirenus. Tables, lieds'ends,' gf.J'JWW'Vf of various kinds, ttTSa Settee. A:e. All work in our line warranted to be weli made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTINU atlended to by the subscribers on the shor- .est notice and in the best sty le , i .. .. ,L : Country Produce nnd Lumber taken in payment-and Cash not refused, but rather preferred I'he subscriber intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards nr and so doing, hope lo receive a litwriil a.hnre ol niiVic natronace. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOt'SEL. Lewisburg. Nov. 184U PURK FRESH COD JLiver dPit. fPIIIS new and valuable Medicine, now X used by the mediciil profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol Vulmnnary ComumpHon. Scrofula Chronic lihcmnittitm. Cunt, general Debility, Ctiuiplainta of Ihe Kidney, Sic. Ac, is prepared from the liver of the . OD-FISI1 for medicinal use, expressly lor our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. B.WiLt.iA. M. D-. F R ., Professor ol Medicine in University College, London, consul ting phyician lo the Hospital M Cnnau.np'ion, Ac, sy. ; " I have prescribed the Oil in above four numbed esse of lubeiculou disease of Ihe Lungs, in different lages,which have been under my care ihe 11 two year and a half. In Ihe Urge number of cases, 2U6 out ol 23. it ue was billowed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of Ihe disease md a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restoration to apparent health. The effect of ihe Cod Livei Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few day Ihe cough wa mitigated, the eipcc oratioo diminished in quantity and opacity, Ihe night sweat ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and stieugth were gradually improved. n conclusion 1 repeat that the pure fresh Oil from Ihe Liver nf the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, thai ha yet been employed. As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quirters, it can now be had chemically pure, by ihe single bottle or in boxes of one d"Zn each. Its wnndprful efficacy has induced num erous spurious imitatiops. As ita success depends entirely on its purity, too much care can not be ued in procuring it okm- ik. Everv bottle havins on it our written mat, t .a AannnAoA nn mm m.nt.ina. iljiuiiuii;, iihit - " - fe Pamphlets containing an analysis of the ; Oil, with notices of it from tho Medical " Journals, will be sent to those who address ! also PIOUQIIS of differ us free nf postage. ent kinds Cora Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., and the Wholesale Drtigzists and Chemists, j Self-Sharpening Plough, Iy28fl 100 North Third St. Philadelphia j ALL KINDS OF TOT. PRTNTTNfr XE1TLY & EXPEDITIOCSIY i bxkcvtrd IT -rtr iiAiinni.iair,. .,. AT THE CHRONICLE" OFFICE Notice. ALL persons indebted to ihe estate oi Jacob llorsKL aud dipt. Wiluax I "ousel, late of this place, deceased, are reques'ed to make immediate payment to the undersigned ; and all persons haing claims against said cstates.or either of ihem, will present them to the subscriber for set tlement, without delay. II. C. I1ICK0K, Attorney lor the Heirs. Lewisburg, July 10,1950 6w ri"IO Messrs. Kidd Si Co. Druggist s.corner I of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburg, belon-'s ihe honor of inducing the inventor - j er... :. . .k. e...l.li ol tuts (reai remeoy iu nr, , m ...... , Thi. h. h.s don. throuch Ihem. It has been! :...i..-.l ;....ll .eeiim! .,f ihe I'nion. and ha' " ""'" ii'L :. m,mmn 111 ml I COinUlele aail-.BCl.u... iik.w has been tried it ha been pronounced Ihe lesi ! remedy for aormsever invented. 1'amiliea should never be without a supply. We sdd tbe following from hundred of aimilar leslimonial : -Howard. rHeuben Co, Ky, Sep! 6. 1817 J Kidd A Co: We had a lot of your Vem.ifuge and can recommend il as one of ihe bet medicine for worm we ha.e ever had. Dr.M'Lane s Ver mifuge never has failed lo produce the desired effect. J- ---"1 C"- "Almrnd. Allegheny Co, Pa,8ept 1, 1S47 J Kidd & t lo : We received a quantity of M -Lane'a Veimifuge by your agent, which we have aold to our customer, and in every ease it has had unparalleled ucce-. and has never failed. We can cheerfully recommend it as the best Worm medicine that we have ever known. We might mention sny number of case, where il has bed wonderful surce, if il waa necessary Kits A RlCBABVSOS -Iihara'X.Y. April 15, 1847 Messr Kidd dr. Co, (ienilemen : Our stock of , M Lane Worm pecinc I exnauweu, lhat of all Ihe merchant in thi county. There i quite a call for il. Oblige u by (ending a package aa soon a possible. ,- If it would be agreeable I., you we would set as your general agent for tin county. Please let us hear from you oon. tkariLis & Co" Tbe above are among thoosand of certificate and order cnlantly pouring in upon u from every quarter. Such are it best evidence. AGENTS- mJC W Scairvtx, lewisburg ; 1 II Caslow and J H Kar. Milton ; I fierhart. Sfe linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mrs M'Cay. .Northumberland, M C Grier.J Moore. Danville a XI'AV PTTfmii"V far sale, cheap For a - - t further particulars, enquire at this .. v . ,alli (llhce. LeWtsbUrff, i0V. 7, 181'J LEWISBURGFOUKDRV rpHE subscribers, thankful for past pntro- nagr.would inform the public lhat they continue lo manufacture all kinds of MILL GE.'IRLVG. rm .ii' . mi i of the most approved Cast W ater heels ,,,. Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invite particular ajtentton to a new article Viard't Tattnt GANG PLOCCBS, lor srrdillg il Grain. Farmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, as in ihree days with common ploughs. nninm and Cumins, and Fitting Ihe same. HOLLOW WAKE. Kettles and Tots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kellles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Fancy.Parlor, Wood.Coal Stoves. AIR TIGHT STOl'ES, Race') Scir-rr-ailalrng Alr-Ughf 1'arlor Wood Move, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best mannei and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and at prices lhat can not fail to please. GEDDES V MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 1)209 Pianos! Pianos. i riHE undersigned continues to furnish lo order I on Ihe most reasonable terms. Piano, from tbe manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philadwboae instrument are loo well known to need any pan rgyrie, having uniformly received Ihe commend' ationa of the most eminent profeora and compo sers ol Music, and the award of the prrmiuma in New York. Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in lone up to concert pilch, they can not be surpassed by either Amer ican or European Piano. Instruction given on ihe Piano, a heretofore. Reference may lie made lo any of those parents or guardian who have pupil committed lo his charge. H y be seen al his residence at Mr Maixe's, Market rlreet, Lewi.burg. where terms and particular will be made known. The most popular and favorite Airs and Music of different kind received as it is issued hum tbe different musical establishments in the Cities. May IS CH AKLEi KALISCH The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription of CASTINGS 's kept on nana or made to or ler such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cookiai; Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. can and see and judge for yourseltres. I CHRIST dc M'FADDIN. lewisburg. Sept. 22, 134!" COAL OF ALL KINDS I j"-" sate oy I REBfctt ,V IDDINOS. iiiir?, w. ii "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure,M in thai awful tlitease, CONSUr.lPTIOIl : DU. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Contvmption. This popular work for sale in Lewisburg by S. F. Lvndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price. 73 cents. TRICKS OF ftCACK. Lrr Evavao tu tb l.aaiti'ri.i.v.-The" h a Jarnanlta lor ule iu h dlllere..-. tm raited r KS.". Sarwi-r.il. i.l.rma, ll-.ail... NAl UKNl'ISB.M' all IUL Tins T..wuisl uno,k- 25 V"r ; lut lun.r;s a .V""--moi the llkje. h. "U. m !, a ; n.iemk.l tiii'.liel sehi..n.l pocuee.1 hn n,rn lrm m p f "b'j life )rtw il.' ' n . "- . t' - cljnr'rrtiil xeraeity ol ihr wim. I . ..J,.. Whea will mm lean. Wbei i uu k tuu ifver nt-te ih-w mnintw- mt b i :. " . ,t,..r .U-muk ..el iwmww wuh iwir fc-l "-' ... u I i i s Utuii:;ni.niM him in at ii auke. a a lis.ueeni.-iii to emlirll m llie hwis-. 1 1. ik, have been einiu """" "". 7. !T. : Srnem..r.ler t iunr il- Mul..ic l-h Ih. bre, u i Ihe Oia Ihanor's Sani-nlla rex the trnmame. a Sarmapmwttla. nuele Irum llie i Itri-.nal I.- I. , fl,,, P. Twn-eil I ha Ih " "' y balne T" ' "! ' bin. - U Ul I J diice on fUfle liry iru.l .! liil-. Ills Jaiem-ie- ol TlenirH,in. Skilliiwii . ... are u.U.1..- hul a n- ! fiil-li.ol. sniil uia-h' l" ilerei. llie .'Mie. n.l k the trmh t,t n l:i r.-i.tnl I' III. e.nrr. rmrmtinm- mm pound. Tills I" ejiuim Ihe ,ul) lc l porch- mmu- nu OM lr. JAI'OB T'lwn-eisl'i S,rssxmil-. luvtie u r Urn Old Duclor's llkeiw:-. hi f'tMtlj CmiI mf Arm; miri as rnauireaeribel' 1 Srius. ..... nT.1 n In r.nh Tmincfinil THE OBIOINAI. tHSCOVKBEII OF TIIK Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. i.l.l IH T.iwiisel.l is te'W IH 7 yrmr' ol ;.. iirl iw iTlSTuKS CISK UUHUSAI. -TOWSsKS!, SA H SA PA HI LI. A.'' "-" " limit II. m....ile.ure. h. wl.if 1. ks n h I. en k-, ..! . m.rket.a.M ll sal- rrw.nl. .. r i pnveu n ."nifc (IW r . . I tern helled l sure il c:,lud ni u.lerliil ' 1 U . J llwM- MM. ll-t 11 ,Uue!S aisl saetl lrm ue.tin. HKAl.lNti IOWKi:. TusCRANUAM. I KUI l.l.i:l I'KH'AI: 1 I . RMnutactiireJt.uthe Uisrt ieat..ni.! I. ea:ie.l tli.'-t:), uul llie lewfila an-l breiUi oi liw- l.n.l. .- it loiiral lisr-cable -H tr!;. i-r.,lni dtMnm-Mi. titllke iuns A P. Tumsmii wir.--. .:hu-. IMlneer"clialu-'esbul ..r lis-Seller : rs-eaui: n !- i' rV" nn mtitnt'lic .rimripjt l. a sri-nlifir wmn. T'e I..... I KiHiwIeileV nl l.'hriuilry. aisl ihe U:ert tliiieen'". n. have ll Is-ei, bssiefl.i io re.inini.i ir. ihe t...i.: . mr- H Die Mi llr J SirMf inlU. Trte 5ar-ia.n. . t ... H I well klewn I" m-iirt nn-o. roieaiifci m.il.. Ir.- ..- iP.. nrt-nie. nI ie win, h are umrct i .-,. awt wilier., wlm-h il rvi-iir.l III .rrXtni:" it l"' '.t ( rfnee frrmmtalinn ami mrt. wiiieb M ii.jnrioin Iw Ii'-M-m." SiMiie ol llie ,.ri-Tlles ol Sar.Mrli a jre ..... thai Ihev emircW ceaj..lc ai.l art l'-l ::. llie -ri.ei::'. U lltfj are m.k pivsrrvr.l tie a mrtri.ir -ntrtmrn. k n ly l lli--e e(erieneeil in k. iiianu.artiin-. t the vMtlii'r fiimrif.u wlie!l rty oil lu e;,..r. "e .,- i. e. kaUlaw. '"!. le al, an- llie . . ''' m-uVu y celiea ol llie r.. whieli sive lo II ail IU :i!oe An; lenm fan b"l! "r llie root liH Uee ret .1.1 eiWoreJ ll'iunl. whieli M more Iroin llie "l""-- iimiti u tlie root tiiau Irom aiie: Uioi ele; lbe ran ihrM -ir ti;. i.ii. Insiiurl r ai..l Imnnl. .weehu wild or m l Ihriirall H - MABSAI'Altll.l.A l:Ta AI T or MY Kl r ' Hut .tiell IS liol llie artie'.e known a. llie GEN L INE OLl Ml JACOB TOWN.SEXDS SAl:SArAII.LA. ThHi. ma pre retl 'li alLihe inert prnr"ie of '' Saraai-arilla pt are ail ra,e.t erervlhlns eai heeonuue ae4l or lrtiieiiia!io.i w eMrai-i.il ami r.jrrrp: Ihen eeer panele ol nie.!leal virtue le eenre4 Ir a ( n aint cn.iee'airale-1 lonn: ami Uiih ii fe remtrt.! liieii uf laM-ina anr ol n. valuable an.1 liealititf pnuienK-i. pared UI llili wav. r ma.le 'lie in- -'"r.il .w u. li e t are of lunaaicrabl, lUmramrm. Iler.-e Ihe nw wk we liear e..nme.Ui.iis .m rv-r le in iu laeor by men. women, and chiutren. w e lion n doins wii.Vr. in iK eure ot voxi-MPri., -vi'KPsl.i. "i t MI.AI y.ail in KIIKr.it IT7.V-V. " '' I t. HII.KX. i iixTII K.KSS. all r.- tic's t:nri'Tiox. i'im-i.t:.s, i;l"T''HE-'. anil all :ilfre:i.m ari-iu? I'min JMPL'UM'Y OF TIIK RUn. It p.-u-r)t--i marvsflUm- rtTfiH-v in nil r-rii--l:.nr- ;tn piiiif Imm lml'i;rtn'rt. Inmi Aridity -if' the .Stitmwh. I rum uiKpl-l Cirruljli'Hi, it lertiitiw:i hi i "tln-wl lit tlie h-l, tkalt(iii-Hi ol ihr lira it, o!'t an.l !ian.!. rolvl rhilf- tl tt-v-iM-3 MTi-r il.- lnt.!v. Il liai nirti.i.l in "V. atct Vvmgh; ami nMiiitw."r.ii- et"raiii aw gfnis- r-trirati-it. rrlaAlu-; sificiuiv ui ih. Itm?. thnwl -uttl rfrrt other wmrL Km in it-'tKins in ii exe 1 Inter mtr tn-iniP-ntly m-m mn-1 ackuwwlvdzerl ili;ir iu ail kntaU ntnl rtHS'-a ol FKMAl.K IMJ.MPLAlM'S. It wrrki woii-trrn in nvm f rnr .Vbma htfrm, KaUtM of Ihr H sml. f .i rfrrf. Suppr!. m Pmnfiii Mrmtee, Irrrffhtluj itvi tit niriruu.l ic.l.--h.-tM I rhr !:k.; ant b rrtrfiiwl in ninn- nil tlie niwii Kid Wim'-, Ky n-iiHivm oiwiriKitiMM. an-l rriitlaiun ihr -.-iwr.; WA4.CI1 1. It 1'IVri t'KK 8lrll-'tt lU tllC wUole k-) , V t tfius curtM all ktriUat 4 XrrfOR. DlttraMii and Or bill! jr. ami Hum pre rut- r rrltr a terrai v-trtrty ! .rli. - -n attlrn. an Npinttl irrittittvn. Xwalfia SI. I'ttu' :. . Strountaff, Kuilrpiir rtu Vvmr(.i-m. 4-- Ii clrairf4- ih- bltNitl. exfHrsi ill li-er iu iralih , tone the Mtiiaci, anl sivrr ni tltr-iiv.ii. tr!; boweb ol luqtor awl rmm iiai tott. a I "a 4 sirtimmti'"'. 1 nnxm tle Kkui. r.pi-ll-w (he rirruUitHi ol the l--t. Ncins Eetitle wamitli e-iimllji all t.r ill btl,a.ti tt mnimlle rwr-pira ! : rrl-- ttrtrtnrr ait ttul.'ii- ,. moves all vtMruriNm, an-l ini-r4ii.4 ihe rmiir hvh-mi fern. I ihi iht. then Tki lHcdirln y mm trentlnrnll'r trrJ ! Km rati any - ihr-e tluiif h tail S P Toj- um tiJ wleiior anwlr 7 ThH nm; mtn'i lHti-ht i rf N COMPAKKO WITH TIIK DLI IKS. beran-eoC imr lilUMI FAIT lhat ihe one r tCAPA Bi t l UfcTKItlnit ATION, an.1 .KVKK MHII..S. while ihe other NKK- mutriniT. f'ntntmT. nut t-'-trrr.f lAe battle etatfaiwir il inr IrMffntsetiv : ihe -nnr. IhiuhI rxli'r.Mvl dnmatfiuc oilier -rM-.N Vn-i i'"' 'fi' rrihle rinnfMHiiHl he HiHHHMr to the .-tii ' t' ft put metd into a aysfem irmly dieara iri'hmridt W h: rau-trti hr-e-ia hm an-l ( kwr l al kno-K th t ml'- fciori mmr m ir tiita.-cti--. vhai nMrhiwl n jn-i' -flatwletitrr. hretrthiini. aliltat-n o (he hear, iivrf .f.: KlahiC. riiarrli-r. sly etii'-rtf. rnate. t4 corrtittft! "' hr lotial 1 Wltal w VnMiila hm n an.l humor in Ur !-' " What proleei all the hmitor ht--h hmr ia Kni;''-""' ' th Skin, iV-itd Ilea.), Silt Khriun. Kr-i(--:.s. WMe SwHlMign, Fever Somt. an I a'l ylrertHMw inlrrnat ahI-" lernal It m Mothiac it- ler heaven hni an aril -iu!--whirh Mtiin. aitoMhbM ptviU all ihr tluhloil the (!. ntre or leL What eaue-t R tf it hk ti- ttt hut a t-"r an-l '' flaitl whirh iiMMiiuaiea ii-elt heiwern the joint aiwl i-i-"-where, irritarin-r ainl inif.ntiin the tlefie.i e M-in- ip"n which narul So ol irwrv.MM sli.-!..-. nf iini-un-. t it hhtrtaLof -leniiiifril cirrii.iihin, aiiti nearly all ih aiim-n whteh altlirt hiunat nature. Now M u ivk birrnble lo nuk ami -ll. ai-a mtfn:7rf tear to tr thw S4I RINt;, Ffcl(MFVni;. Afin "lOMPlMMV Or S. P. TOVNSKM, ami yet be wonhl fain have h iiivlvn-ioiJ that OM Ih- 3th TowtmihI- tlrmtiite 'hifiind Maraapurtla. ItsaiilM 1 .1 1 n - n rm inier-ror prrpara,(ln : llearen hrhnl thai we h-iuhl ileal iii an arti.-V mhKi wouWl bear the rhm dMatit rettembtaiire to S. P. X --se.t-r article f We wttb K vMHlrtort-t liern-v H M the nhoHt frtsj'. that S. P Towitaen-r.amrle and ohl It. JarohTow .t-rH'!' Saraaparilla are haTn-wi.l- trpart. and intuit' ' dor; that they are unlike iu every (anirur, hamc toi utm SHii-ir inniz in comment. As S. P. TowiiwihI m m l-rtt-r. ainl never . H ahemint, nophannarettii!4 know mi itHtrr of n;tUcirr ttweaae than an other rum tie m. tuiMetenutir. mt,tnir-i--iat man, what rmnrrnn' ra tlie paoit-t hes'e thai they are rr eeirtuw a eriMiinrjenntit mevli.-iire.r"iaiiii all the-fii-lueol ihe antrir w-e.l tu pre-arii. . ail wbivh are Capable ot rhan-r. whieh imh n oJrr thru, the AUKXTN I' lhar-aw iwtrml h.-libT Hut what elt-r t-htMfhl eiWfe-l I nan one who knnv jothiiiat rn.(Mratie; ol ioe.iMtte or .li-v-r ? t rrti-un" a rtertHMi ih shmim t-eriene to ri.k arc! rrra npeTen a CtMiHTtna tW- iu iimmL llow iitm-h nre iinirtrtaiit i 1. that ihr iier-un-r win iii.ni'etiire nteitettre Wirtel ftir WEAK STOMA IIS AMI r.NKFUIil.r.I. SVSTFV. ahoulri know well the nie-Jie-l f rnpert iea rat plaul. the br-l ntaniter ot --rnrii)-r at. I rtrnretar-nitu; tlieir Waliii; vin'if. al-o an e-cterHi're knowlwler mi the nnn- lia-r vhi. l anVr. the hitman ityt-trtu, auil how n adwijit rrmr Ii- lbee iluteanes It to aiTtMt frataila UMo the unfortiin.ite. to p-mr 'i' into wutinleU humanity, to ktn-lle h'xv in llie ociainn? boMiffl, to ivisKire health. 9nl Moom. aivl i;or tm" thm crhev an-l hrokeru an.1 to banih infirmitv that Ol l lK JACOB TUWNSKND ha SOtJUIIT auJ FlMM'' port unit r anJiuraiw to bruit bis . Gran! VMlvvniail Conem rated Rrwrf within th feaeh, aal to the kimwteile ot all who n" A tisal thev ma learn ainl know, hv . it I til e-ipeneia-e, IU - 'Trwncawwi Pwer ta HcwU AnrifTs for the above Medicioe C Schatlle, Lewisburg ; Joho II Rasi-r. Ion ; Forty 1 h & Trieslly, jNorihun.b'Inn.l TVNE Bu:rey nnd Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Wagon, On 1 ruck Wagon, For sale br U P ShH.Vr - - i i l 1
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