I.KWISBURU C.IROXICL.K AND WEST HltAXCIl FARMER Public Sale llflLL Us exposed lo Public Sale, on W Satur'lag, the 2lt of September nfxl, in East Uulfaloe Township. Union county, Pa , the following real olate, lo wil : Thirty Acres of Land. More or less, wilh a Frame House and U ink Barn, and all necessary oiH-!mi tid ing. There is a well of never failiiij! limestone waler near llic door. A fine Apple Orchard, and a large number of oiher fruil trees on tlm premise. The l rum is situated about iraf mile below Itrtc isburg, on the road leading In Selinsorovc, n (lie right bank r tlw West Uratich ol ihe Susquehanna river. Tlie land is nil tliared and in a ood state ol ruluvaliou. U i!l lie sold as the properly of the heirs ol' Jacob Siroheckcr. dee'd- N. H. Any person wishing l ee llie farm before ibe day of lc. can call tijioii itie prescnl occiiian Mrs Strobi-cker. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, when oiiditintis wil! be niaifr known l!V I llli IH JKS. An oust 1 1, I80O. I 'or ihr Ijnrinfitmf t'hnmiclr. Neit U. S. Senator. The Kaaierii pact of Pc tiny Ivania now a National Senator, and no ha the Western. The South la had rvrraJ.and in' North has had one. The Central pari mr U-lwve has had ntie. Tlie MWcrn S naim's lime rare with this Congress, ind the Stair Senators and l.eprcsrnlalitm . Iiom-ii ! Fall, will rurt his Mici-esor. 1 'KNTU l. IVitnsvlvama claims the neat, ..ii.i if he back op her claims by wiidm" .wrTatui men lo the liJainnvdie can ..-addy acrtire it. Hon. J 48 POLLOCK, .I" Norlhtimlnfland county, is lias Ilia l.tcalion, hi known ability, his tried inii'grily, and his popularity, all point him hi! as the man for I In- linn's and for the a'ion. Tim M'kst Km am 11. NOTICE. First Anniversary of the Socictv flMIK I or Moral and K.Iioi.ms ItMpiiry,'' 1 mvlcd wilh llie Ciiivcrsity nt l-wis. litirg, wilt he held in ll.e I'tiivcrsit) lluild 1111; 011 I lie last Lord's Day in August, 1Z U) at 3 o'clock, P. M. The Kev. (int. It. Iiik, D. I)., has been requested to deliver the Anniversay Ser 111011 before the Socirty. The public are res-a-ci fully invited toal t. nd. OIXL I. M'CI.F.OIl, Sec. vain Drills. IIMH? undersigned wish to inform the 1 farming community gf-ucrally, that they nre now manufacturing .. P. JiOSS' Xirli Imj.n.ii.l CI! A IX DRILLS, vr SOW IXC MA VII 1 XL. Without stopping lo discuss I he compara tive merits of numerous Drills now otTcrcd for sale, they merely wish lo invite Farm ers to cull and see the above named article lieforc purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish ail article i'iuI will give entire satisfaction. ROSS. GF.HUKS St MARSH. Lewisburo, Foundry, Aug. 13, 18511. NOTICK. I will be at ibe Public House ol A. II. Itlnir, on Wednesday the 4ih day of Sept. next, for tlie nunwwo of receivina the School Tax for the lewisburg District for ibe present School Year. DAVID IJKIIRR. Aug. 2, 1850 Treasurer. UNIVERSITY AT LEWISBURG. V STATED Milling of the I loam, uf TsU'stkks of ibe University al L:w isburg, w ill he held nt tla' University Ituil lings, in the rtoroiio.li of lcwisburg. Union romily, on Thursday, the 2'2ii of August next, at II o'clock, .. M. S. F. MILLER, Stv. fawisburg, July, 1850 A Staled Meeting of Ibe ('uralora of the University at Lewisburg, will las held at he University Buildings, in ibe florough of lwisbtirg, Pa., on Monday the 2fith day tif August next, at 'I o'cha-k, P.M. A full attendance is desired. An election will take place at that time ol officers lor the coining vrar. Public Sale. 'IMIK Hoard of Trustee of tla: University I at lewisburg, will offer for sale, on TiieaaTay Ike VtiU AR. itef. uuinlKsrof bnndsorms BUILDING LOTS 1 Pleasa:ly attuated on the Univers.ty Farm, Mween Ihe I etnelery and lU'wisburg- sburg- also, some LOT on be Krver Koad. Kale lo commence at I o'clock, P. M., when conditiotis will be made known by tlie said TRUSTEES. Lewisburg. July 16. 1850. STEAM ENGINES FOR S.1LE. ONK of 10 horse iowcr, with one flue boiler can be seen h operation. One f i horse powcr,wilh two cylinder boilers. Hoth made of tlie best materials, and war ranted' perfect. Enquire of J. SMEDLEY. Machinist, Columbia, Pa. (a Onalaate a tlie Vniterritt of I'eawayltaau.) hlrlaa & Surgeon. j-Office, o.ositi J. Diet KAiiit' tKrtcl : iiltratnliurfl, Union county,- ar. June K, 1-50. 3miid 'PHE Parrwrbhip herelwfoie exioling hc I twren Drs. HAYES and DAVIS, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. DrJUYts nuiy still lnifouud;al ItiaOflice. lownburg, July 311, IH50. WT'" rE ,'t', mni linseed Oil, for ale by Ur. Thornton v Hakei. SAM'L .ANDERSON, Fashionable Tailor, In the new Urick building on Market street, one door above t li. Bowes" Stoic. ClirriM! ud MAKINH done lo oniei. . Lewiai-urg, May 29, 1S5. LUOER m SALE. 'IMIE attliscrilier having leased ih lfirl--1 dale Snc Mill lormerly known as Duiis-hlv's in Sugar Valley, Ulinltm eounty. Pa., and boughl all Ibe sta-k and fixtures lM loii"ing lo llie same, now oilers lor 100,000 ft of Lumber al aid Mill. Orders will lie received for any kind of Lumber, by the umb-isimil at lewisburg. or by his Agent. S.CJjiii.L i.i:b, at said AMI, in Suar Valley. II. P. siikLi.kk. LewMmrg. June K. 1850 Car MVKIl rO.MI'h.VlXT, I Al iMiU'K. l.ii, IMinmie or NniMH ft I.-IkIiIv. dim ut llie KhIim-v. anil all li rmm iimii Iiihh diAMilrrrJ I J.r or Slonm-h, turh I- siliu'.n. Inaar.1 l'ilr, r iIiht ur III.nkI lo ilw Hfl. Ari.lily f t.KS Si. mum h, .juari. Ilmiltiurll Ji'-Cu-I lor K.ml. Kuliirn- m Wright in tint Mom h, X"n Kiorlali.wi. bulling or t'lut K1111R al ihr en .if ihr Sioaiarh. r w iminine oTUir HraJ, burfinl ik! Jilbrult llieatliins, Kim Iriing al Ibe ll.-art, rhkiiig or ull".ic-. luia S.naii.'ii win-it in a Kmc NN4ur.'.lmiiieiM 111 V iimi.ltit k Wetis Ix'lofe liic Sielil. tVvrr ami .lull I'ain iu the ll. j.l. 1 1. ti-i'iK ol lcriittitin, Vrllownra of Ihr Pkiu atij i;r iain in ibe Sid.-, Uarfc. I'lMia. I.lmlm r nitloVn Kluhr of Ileal, lliimiiig in ibe Klh. rorwlanl Ima KiiiniS" of K.il. and (itrat l'irnwion of Siirita, ria aii i.iir.rTi i.l rmr.11 r 1)11. II OOP LAND'? CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared bv ifr. V. a?f . JaeksoHy nt the (Jcrmnii Medicine Store," flO Ar li SI. I'lillad. Thiir fmtrrr rrr Ihr nlitire dimr St not rx rillnl. if jiwlhil. I' otii Mir jnvMinilimi in the I'iiiIkI Stiih x a the rum ullrnt.in many rttsr iiflrr skilful ( tiirian hail fuilnl. Thoe Mi lei are worthy the atlrnlion of ina li.l. IW'Iki; coal virtues in the rertilicaiion of Jipara of Ibe l.iver ami lesaer elanila, excrei ini the nuwl sercbinc poei in weakness anil ll.vli,in ol' Ibe tliirrntive oigan-, 'Iiey aie wimal Kile, ct itaiii and tileaMiil. If tn 1, r. rcunirm. The Hon. t!hs II Hineline. rdilur ol Ibe Vanulrn Ihmnrrat, the lieat aNT in W ft Jornry, my a. July 21st IIOOM.IMI'S IIKKMAS IIITTKI. W liiw " mnnv aalb-rina ii"Ibi- ll nB-.lir:w. anu in .unv h. nr.- tit.-, ram.- ,n.lii"-l m to mkr in.inr- rvin--. tinp it 111. nl. " fvnt in.iiirr ri- w Tuwl.-il lo ' lt.mi J IIIKl V ! h'UIKl II Hi1tlr Ml "I" mlfn n lli liv.-rawldh!rrtiwiWM.ail Itie irlul inltu.-iiv it -Tl Un Ti'tnilB'n-ll iirinwine. It rlm ihI ln iis-llB-n Hit nrnrnk tirillicil.R iIm ui iutu a nlj.1.- f nw', making nlffi rrl'trftliin. tr tliif im.liriiH' wn Biin ir-ai-rlly nwnl, we are i.Dnl Uieei- wiMjM he l.im K-kim. fro" I he -t. ,nm-h, j. - 1 mm.. f .-iu th. irral mmliiritr ef real ami i.i...n.lia...iii'miinale. Ilve llH-ln in a In sllhy eiin- .hl.n. Aii.l jou ran l.i.l .1. linnrr lo eleaiie p-nerally. Tliw tnr.linarv oelienic we wouiu in our irtvnuii aim rr al all tieliaial I" rtr trial it will then ree- .Mnm. n.l il-lf. It uleilM.in fart, la-1 erer? tamily. so .Sle-r aaertteine ran pnalure ih h em-nein ol mem. Fiom the mn Iter editorial. Vee 22d lr. Ililtanr 1'eHiral.fl loTBlan Hitter. the eure ..r 1 t. . i-.....l.i.. Ji.iin.lin.. iKaiatDMa. anil iliro.lH oT NerrinM IVlalitv. r oVarrw.ll one of the axiat kovaUr 1 mrllrltK of Uk cl. TIb-iw llillem hae l-en uned i v Oaal-amla. an.1 a friend al nurellaiw a ne naa ainia ii r.eei,.l from Ihe war of tliia rme-.lv an rftWtual. p--n-m-nt rare of Uer Coaai-laint. We are eilinei :iat. in llie of theae llllu ra. llie patienl eonlanll iiaiua liencth ami Tip-r a fia-t worthy eiaiaal. ralew Tle- are l-axant in t.tfle an.1 ann-ll. ami ran U- l.y ! r-'UK wilh lie- nnt tn-la-at"- at.miarhs witli mti-ty uieler hit eireummanei-a. We a- iM-akini( lnn ep.-ri rlire, and to the arllH-uil ae ail in- thrir ' SciJI'n Wei kill, one of the best liteiary papers Hil.li-hed. said. Au( 25th rm HawinlTia Itrrrrm. aiairafaetnrrrl lj Ur Ja. kan. arr'ro n-ima-nle.l l.y iie of the m.t .n. nnm-nt nH-inl.-r of Ibe f amily, as an ank ki of much rah-ai-T in raa.1. of f- malr weakm-H. A Mlrli ia tin- eaae, we w.Mil.1 al,in- all root Item to obtain a laSlle. ami thn .K.....ulr.-. ...n.1. .irknraa. IN-nl of .fc-Mlll.1t.il e.tilutH will Sml llir.i- BHIen- aUantaeou to their In allli. aa we know from ea-ore uj miuuij tln-y lia,e Ufion weak ayateai. Jude M.M.Nimh, a gentleman of great aeien tilie and literary allainmenlsJaid in hia"Kew York Weekly Meaaeiifjrr. Jan fi. lw.MI IH ll..-d.frti:rmn Itillm. lien- ia a "reparation hi.-ll IlK-'leadilK .r. a-of the I'lia-n .i.-ar uiiainmoiM in reoannn-mlini;. ami tlie reaM la i. II ni.i.le afl.Ta .ni-n.l n f.iri.lf IhiI by e IIh- nn-t eeLrl.ral.il .hyN-ian iA nnalern tirmi-lhe late Dr. Christopher Williclm Hootland. IToH-.-wht totli- I niTi-mtytrf J.-na, IThate l'hirian u. tla- Kins of l"rnMia, ami one of Ibe xreateat mlH-al writeratierniany haaer.-r onaluml. lb wa . ni.lialHnll llie enemy kKMlmg, ami tla retrm. a Bvilieine . whirh he wa the inventor ami eml.--r may be eonlaleiillT relieH on. He -r-eially ree.niBemle.l it in Liter '.wi.lainU Irt-nnia. Uebilily, VrrtHss A-Tl'ly f tlo- Sbmarh. maUti.m. ami all rnmnlaiat arjune rn a aia.w.i.-li'w nnwlila of th.- at-rna. a. tin- later ami tin. Inteatimn. Nine l-hila.l. I lna m-r e.n w their rontirtioa of ita exrelleme. ami N-teral of their r..llt..r peak of ili .-et fnn lle-irown imlitklual e-ra-n.v. I'ml.-r tbeae eirr,inislane.-. w- feel warrante.1. m .Hilt in ralline Hie alh-ulaai "if oar r-nfier lo the .r. nt ai-rti-'- (It.V. M. Je. k rearation, bat IB ree-owinn-mliiH; the aruVIe in all al"H U-l. MaitEi irwr. The PtiiUdelphia SaturJay i;axette, the larat family newpww puliliahnl in the United rlale, ibe editor aaj a of 1H lloolland'a (ierman Bittern It i m-lmnn that we ree.Hnni.-na what are trrm.il lal rwt M.-.lirimii to our r.-an' tr.iat-e ami ennMeme; ami lher.-li.re. when we renonneml In- ll1aml'.i ler man BiMera. we wifh H to tm dirtim-lly nmh-rsbaal that we are not aia-akinr: lire mmmma oi me uaj. nt a l.ra-1 a-ra.l ami are e.rt-- j IJ'JtSuaL (u. n,vrty ap.rtaioriiie r-aruity itn-ir. Evidenee on evidence has been rereivi-d (like Ik, er4n) from all aerti."" ' the I ni.n. tlie I art S t. ara. -ml r dm,,.! I.Him,mp ia lit .(. that "there ia more of it uanl in the prarlme .4 the regular 1,irian i 1-b.la.l. Inl.ia. tnan 01 an nnrr -."" e.aMmil a fart Ut an eauilt 1- .-l.iblih.-.l. ami fully i.ntinc thai a arn-ntilk- nreoarataMi will meet with their onirt anprotal .le a preaent.il eten in tliii. form, i nai I lia, nwiftrinewilleore Uter Complaint ami lvape ill. m. one ran hiI. aff-r nsinR it aa .lireeted. It art. 1i-ie-allt up.i the rt.arh ami Liter. It la pe f- ralrf.- to I akawl irr .n (araaw rfiaeuara. Tla: i-rl ia immeiliate la-y ran la- adminiMet.il lo niix or lriT wiUi aaMjr ami rliat4e iaiarat, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine has stunted that character which it in neceggary for all toaUaiu lo injure coouter friters b pat forth a? sptuiira arta-te at the rik of the lives nt thoe who aw innocently deceived. lnk to A? In Ihe mark of Ihr f.Viic They have the written signature of C.M.Jctts uikhi ihe wraiHier. and the name blown in the laitlle, mlinut trM thru are ipurum. rr sal wholesale and retail, al the t. hit MAPI MElICt.E 8TKR, N.a. Vi AUCU one door below Sixth. (Ute of I7 Race Si.) Hnlad- el4iia. and by revcelal.le dealers ceiieianv, iu country rbiougboui. ly3:JU Alaf.iritrbifXF.L XShALIUwiiAMrgJ a FPU SALK Twodappte, grey MATCH HOUSES. A4o, a lieuu tiful black llore.- Enquire at this oflice. July 17. ISM. U T ItlttrkNinllbet. BlTUMINObS OOAL, from tlie West Branch and from HoUitLiybburg, for "sale at tlie Simp of I In; subscriber, near the I Id y scales on Third St. ALF.X'R AMMONS. Ltuiiburg, May 7, 1950 luirge Suits J Imw i' rices THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE ami fiK'i$ up azaw ''limfiil with a stock of goods I.Al.tll '.IUSK'ITEI. tind CIIEAPEIt than ever! WK liavej.nl ri-crivt-d and are now 0N'uilii a large and i-plen.lid aaoHlineol of 8prinje Utlii Summer emlirat iug every ibing a-bpli d lo llie vant-d wanl and laates of lb community, au.l at prit-r that can not fail lu (itc unitrraal aiifucti.tti. The I. A HIES are aurr.l that we. bate a bellei aaMMlnarnl of IHrrwo lalMNlti than baa eer larru (irranitnl in Una luatkrt. We hate eteiy quality and dec rirtb.n of bViWrwrn'l UMif iiis' Drttt Hood, : I'aaaimerea. 1'ratinaa. Mummer lnift". fancy j CrataU. Ae. A uplendid l.t of II A I'X. I l'-i an.1 IIHNNElM. .4 tlie latei aiylra -K.bb.in. flower. Sil.a, I'alteor. I.rwna. liiliiiliaina, Ae. 1 1 .1 rd w a re t Jm"ens wa rr f las wa re, GROCERIES of all kiinla llao a la.ee ,lork ol llas(cr, Salt, and Fish, I at very k priors-for CASH or Ct)l'.TKV ri:Ut t K ol all kinJi at Mail.-t price. J.&. J.WAI.IaS. Iwialnirg, April 2:1. IH.'itt UNIVERSITY at leuisbiir. c I KIM I. Alt f.- ibe Academical Year com- ineucitig Oct. II, 18 1!. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Btereiaed in Spelling, Heading, DeGnition, English t,r.imniar, Arilhinelie, tSengrapby, Ilia toiy U.S.A., IViimaiisliip and t 'oiiihhiIIiiii. English Department of tha Academy. The Mine studies as in the 1'iiinary Urparlm'l coiuinurd in the uee of larger leil hooka ; ami to there are added (ieileral History .Algebra, Legen dre, and Elrmeiit of Suivrying. Classical Department of the Academy. Term Junior Armlemir rlim. I. Kniflifh Orammar. Idttin Oramuar, Arithmetir(to ilitiaiona.t loiirrnphy It. Tlie aame ftmliea na in I. Term, ami r.-nmaioihlp. ! III. Kni:lill liramiiiar. Ca-sar, .tnllinwlir eom.l.-t.il by 1st .liiiai itni-k liramnar, Jlialory tJ.A., IVn- luanlnii, ll...k-k.i-.iii;. Srninr Arnilrmir rlan. I. famr. Civk ll.-a.lrr, Alp-lwa (Kb-an-nta.) II. .Km-i.1, HI. j.. uo ib eianplt-tiil. lien.- ral lliatory, Ku.lli-li lnuai- ami CiniK.iliiJ. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. 1' milt mint rlii. I. Knclith LanKUaKe and Conieili"'n, Aliieura, Ury, Ali;llu4i. II. Plane lie4mtry. I.itt. Analnaia. 111. Plane. S..H.I ali.1 S ll. rBal (itiiioetry eoHI.let.il, U vy, Anlioia. Siihini.iirr rlass. I. Horace, Odyssey. Plane ami Spherienl Trlunmsm-try. l;. ilo do " .b-nfurali..M.Surteyiiir.NaTiiratj.m. 111. .lo eomp1.-t.,l. S-l.-et Oralamsof la;niiitllK-mis Khetoric, Aualytiral tinauelry. Juniiir tins. I. ta'TOatlieni-a on tie- Crown, f'ieem lie Offlrlis, Me- elutnirs, llyilnwlalirs. ami lly.tranliei.. H. I.-nealm-m-s m llie Cnian. Cavro .lelHBeiis eom plet.il. Pneiimati.-s, Ai-ouitM-s, Klectririty, Slajnie tiaui. ami imtiei. 1 1 1. lireek Trafnily, Tsritaa, A.lromajiy. Srniiir rlast. f-r Ara.lemi.iii Year eommem-lnir Ort. 111. lK.'al I. Iarir, Nalnral Tlie..l:y, Inb-lbetual ITiilna..hy. II. lir.-.-k. l-.JltM-al Keommit. Moral Pbiloiaailiy. 111. Itutler's Anal.a:y. C.t.liluli..a wf I. l Ih niitrt, l-ettin-s, Ib-m-ral Metiews. No rlass in the Kegular Course baa leaa llian .bree daily recital ions. Etery Saturday forriKMHi is levotrd ricloaitely lo Vocal Music, Declamation, and reading aeb-et and original ConiM.-ilions. The s.u.lenls air required lo attend, rrgulaily, some religious meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meeting as are rec.Miiliieli.liil lo them by their parents or guardian. There are in Ihe borough no less than six places of public worship, of aa many dillerriit Christian denominations. Ter.1 Itostka. :..f'iA wyor .'ml The flil.le. lVrfrrV mi.-lori.nl K.-al.-r, W.niesler'a or Welisler's Ihrtioliary. Ilolln-n a Knelisll liraiiimar. Parker's 1'r.nrriMOv.- Kterei a. -a in Kiif-lih C..niiti., I'arkrr's AUs, Hlair's lctur. ! il'liitersilt rlilion- ititin ra.a.ij.. Itiillai'sliraliiniar. Ilnltam's Ren.b-r. la-t.-r.-MV lata-on. ltiilla'sC.-eanr. KVIiinili an-l Xiimpt's Vin;il..Unr.n's l.i.y. Anlla's ll.aer, Tha.-h.-r's Cavru Jv otN.iia, Tyler's Tsrilin' tb riualiia et Atn..4a. ..rot lAiiijimyr. Ilnlli.riimmwr. Bnlli j:ea.b-r. Li.l.b-11 k Sairtt's la-tui.n. Owen'a .-m.ls.n's Anabasis, Owen's Homer's 0.lj?s.-y,t'li:uii.lin's lK-lma-lla lnK, Kisk's Classu-al Manual. .W.ira,.i.s. I.iii.-s' Aritlimelie f.-r A.-atb-mw-s. r.b-m-. nl.iry Alv-el-ra. HainbHi. l-crmlre. Surt- inK ami Natb ealoi.Anlyli.-llie..uM-tr.oliiu.l.il's Natural I1iibia.h; i-r-..liii-) oluisti-u'a A.-tnH,y. jumbrr r Sludeitln. The nunilier of sludenls during llie past y-r in the variotia Uejairtnieiita, waa IK I. Tlie number that have entered the classes in the Ke gular Course for the current year (exclusive ol those in Ibe Eiigli-b and Primary department,) is as follows : C'oixs.)B. Junior rtx-s S Sopleanore elara - is r'rei.lnn.in rs - - 10 AlAMSV. Sens elass - " Junifvelass - ki.,.9 Teacliem. STKrllRN W. TAVIslK, A. M, l'n.f. of Motla-malK-s ami Nalnrnl Phihaophy- iiKi.K K. III.IS.S A. M, IV . !reek Lanenaee ami l.it.-raliin. tiKOKliK W. AMIKIIHI.N. A.WI'mf.iST IjiUn UneunRO an I lateral lire. ISAAC S. IsSIMIS, A. M- 1-rinrllml of Ihe Aeaib-my. Al.r'KKIl TAVIill, A. M., Tutor in the Kii-lifh Isin-raap.- aisl Kteuli.n. UulMinga,t.lbrar; and 4pparaliis. The Academic edifice now occupied by Ihe mcmliers of Ibe University, has been erceied, at sn expense of .ft-Sssl. ami it is adapted b aeiionnvalate IMirtmb-nts. An-tiWrswiaar has bee w.iamil. n.. il.whh h is b. be nniiheil williin the eiajrae of Ihe p-,-n A-a4.-niie tear, ami to rontain atieit r.-im ami .baTmibsries bar llie areomimalation of 0s1mb-nta in llie'..ll.-2iate .lepartlu t. Tk.- library eontams a number of srleet tolumes, ami nmaantl. in.T.'ai It". (Iv-um-al Apiarallls has lai-n ornere.1 sm.-ient to supply Us- imiio-liale Keiml. The Apparatus tlie illustralioa f Mr, hanml I'hilusopliy, i m.w eouij.kte. Tuition and Hoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30, Academic f'2tl, I'rimary $1 J K-r year. Konrd, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be had in the village and it vicinity al various prices, from lo V per week. Semion und Vacation). Two Sessiiais in the year the former com mences on Ihe Slid Thursday in October, and continues 27 weeks ; lha latter eommences on tbe 16lh May, and continues IS weeks. Spring Vacation. 4 weeks ; Autumnal, u. By order ami in behalf of ihe ll.iar.l : THOM AS WATTSO.N. lWt. .EtMlliK F. MII.I.ER.See'y. Lewismirg, irubm Co. Pa. April 18, 18.p0 Dr. John Locke, si'rgkox DKxnsr, m W A V- be' fiuind'al bis C.HW and resilience 3 1 fi's1 'diiof ' of KJine's I folel the two weeks following 'the fiisl Monday ol each month, where he i DTeinred to f lecule all operation in i.;. line- nT hush iesa in a manner creditable lo Himself and satisfactory to those who may favor a.,,1, their nalronase Ur. Ii. speud llie tbitd week of each month M.lion. (j Aromatic Toolh Paste, put up in beautiful mcelain boxes, an excellent srlicb- for keeping " . I , . I. . L. a OS, he leeui clean anu oieam rut pet boa, by JOHN I.OC'KE. I). D. S. LscwUbor., Ta-, My, 1850 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Mifflinburg, Union county, Penn'a. coj 1 KMOECTKl U.Y intornis the eitizens ol , Union county, and the public in general iii.il he has leaded llie atiote stand, for many year orcupied by hi Father, and is now pre pared lu accommodate friend and the traveling community in a manner accrptable lo all. Tbe HOt SB is Urge ami roomy, well arran ged in all it departments, and every care will be akeu to render Ins guel roiufortable anJ bappv. Hi TAIII.E will alwaya be furiiisrM-d wilh Hie choireM .lelicaeii-s ol the sea.m, ami ihe heal llie naikel can alCwJ. The II A U will at all limes Iw alietidetl by esrefnl infsotia, ami nsHie but the very liesl of b.piota still Iw kept. Ill- ST UI.EM are ainpl. and r.Miv,-iii.-iit, aibl Ibe tMTI.EKH puin lual and at entire. In short, he pl-ilges himself to endrator to gite g,rral atistaetiinn lo all, ami upes by strict atleniiiHt to husinea to Ore ill and receive t liberal share of pairouage. Millliiifwrg, June U. INMI (ii trtaiwas to r. a. wnrn,) Wholesale' ami Uelail Dealers in limn. Medicines, ('hcmicals, I'aints, Oils, Varnishes. Window Class, Sash liHils,(,lassware,Putty, Dyc-stiiirs, Blushes of every variety. Perfumery, Confectionery, Fruits, Funcy Goods, iVc. iVc. IW lVmr at..t.-lb.- pleat Mammoth Store of J. a J.H'ILLS, Mahkkt St. Lkw ism'Kti. .4 Ihvgt and Mnllrinn warranted t'mh and Utauiue, rriH E subscribers return their sincere thanks lo those who bate so liberally mlronized them duiing the nasi year; and we would invite you. one and all, lo ell anil eiamine our stork and prices larfoie purchasing elsewhere, as we feel roi.fiitcnt lhat we sell as cheap, if not 25 per cl. rheaper, than other of the trade. Try ua, and see lor yourselves. N. II. Mediral advice will In) given free of charge by Ur. Thornton, al iho Store ol Thorn Ion rt (laker. T A H TIIOKNTON.M.D. JOsi., KEIt Dentistry. WM. C. STEWART, LATE of Thilailelphia. ia now located on Market slreel, Lewi-burg, opMisile Mr. J. Schrever's store, where be attends lo operation on the leeth at a redaction of hi former prices. Teeth and roots of teeth removed, wilh the aid ol improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivots or plate atten ded to according lo the latest improvement in Ibe profession 1 Ilcerated, spungy , and inflamed gums cured. Thankful for past tavois, he solicits a ronlinuanre ot public patronage, no impuie materials used for 6lliags in leeth. I ySHS SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, AUK AO OF All. OTIIP.Rs! The I'.ovyofall Pill Manufacturers, ECM'sE they are safer, ltler, and more clIn-ackHis than any others. roo,oofs uoxch have been sold annually for ihe last lire years. Vi.i so asa Ou, Mata ab Kmiih. ran always take them wilh eaual safely, without fear. fills be riefessory for purging and cleansing the Stomach and Dow els, and purifying tbe Ulood and fluid of tbe bo dy, mke no others for no other pills produce those combined rll'ecls, or coutain Sarsapjrilla in them. Eal, Drink ami Live at usual, and pursue your usuM occupation whilst taking Idem, without teal of taking cold, during all It imla of vreslber. One TliousaiitJ Dollars aie wagered mat moie v.. v physicians, clergymen, Slemisirs M r congress, anu resaftal.le citizens) call lie produced of their flicacv than ol any oiners. mm TEN IMH.I.ARS ill lu, f.rtf.-ited in every instance where One Uoi will not do more gooa man i wo uo 01 . a . av r any others. e ... n o. : i, 1 1 forty I i"s in n . . I ..J.I .1 TwtHlvfire Crw o Bur, with direction and much wljiaVwjme advice accompa nying each bos. T.. V .i " l" i" l.iiii '. Frrc frm e ..mire y IW-r no eirtwrss. fmilimg. a-ialii, Tllt r Mi .'"' AT "-ee- ,i ...l.J..I f s.l cwaswai itmlimtl. No one hating once lakca Ihem will I willing aflerwards to lake any miira,isi ways do good, and if they do not, then no orbers ilL rr N B lldy, Tne Troprittor and Manuf irlnrer, is a regular Pruggist. Chemist, and rhy,iciaii, of nbeen years' eiperieiice in I'blladclpbta ; t .rl- . m II....b laaasamask U Oflt. lisle of Ihe i ntvetsny ... . r...... t.iiiCa.ai Me.ln al Inslilullous of Thilailcl- phia New York, Boston, llallimore, Ac, an., aniciate and wresponding memlier of severar Medical Institutions ol Ietinlon an-i I aim, c . ... Itnisirrat.-Ileware el an pill called ny names nearly eimnar. "- L.ld on the reputation of Ur. UlyT SarsapanH ULmmI I'ill; the first Mirsapaoua puis e.e. ,m . . ..iu ..au .aniatninff Sars:irsirn- trmluietl ami oew...j , ." " " . . . la Take no other ami you win ma " . Oilier by simils' "' ur'1 ",U.'." . wa . alVa.t nf I eniaaatlll Ii kll ' gross fiaud. ucwaro, I-jrrriiictpal Depot, llr. l-eidly's disienary. No. 111 Noith FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and dd wholesale and retail be r- w fll trri.F.. Is-wisbiire IJ- " raslow. Mill. ? 'vii r..aw II ' W Kessbt.N Kerlin W. P. I. Hainb-r. Mi.nry l-!AUZZ. u,li..l-nnr lit Smith, A.l.msbon! Tst b-'s. swl Stitser s. .....--. i. j llotrr, Kreebnre Yonnnsn a ;: - :, . , s',..tL.. A My-rs. h-y X '' " ; llstis Srhnure. elinirr..te KoKn Sinith.Beaterlw n c,..oi. Xlirfali-bur? ?LZX"? WHK,;Ular.let..n fiJlrSem la- lK.AKoush.tnlr,-,ill-tnJil JM,waiisai.vrl; and by Dru:ists an.1 Store- T.ner'thnHrgtHSrt He- '' 8ate- lh SCHOOL-TICK ETS printed and- or sale at this oflieiv s 1 ALT and FISH on hand by Ap 3 RcbCe & Iddiiigs. Tt: C'ri iit'sf i' '..'r i'f tkf Aip , Km Dr.Trask'J HAGNETIC OINTMENT Ir rtmainrilty rlli cling rurr t llie nlir.tr.t iiniriaiiv. Thi crc.lxl.tu- an iriiii ; (he mn-t lailfitMt, c.in-i'Ilt-tJ t l-lic in (Im pwwrf ami virtue of Itiin yrt t iffimly. It is Bnitf r-all imiIII w lh iff. -I M'tirfut vatilsiliatlli.M Lftvl si lb t-rM lh- imiih.'t- r lle-f f ! '.- ntft lMtt. It ntsr fmtlf vliiVr llfrt l'iMatit wtlltVrirlil hit- In rvwtrv m niliral mikI Itvttllli. afrtr l ItM- rxllar !.'. f tla Un. mni ;... t th rtrt uht t,m ( tu iw.-W. Ht llttf mi-atiw. m nnirlliii? -.t in rain. rTY IK laaaaai nuhMallt fs-rltl t llM-n-w. htt an les la lat.liM'vl fltlt tt At- T rt WrsI,. 1-ta h t ihr Hir of Ilia otlnnatiaN, that it vlmla-i Ut r-ry frtPtt f tl linmxii fraitts-; ri-r ! at ttitiM tf. tr-in, tt-rr not titrm-Mt i aa-nn-hatl Ht 4 Hisfls- vii-.t.en- ttf inritii-nty all! iM-aliiif UiHita-nM'. lli-nctr itrviw-p n tvashlv wilJi iuhrmtl am rkla-mnl t-it--T. NiiitH-nn Mii.timi an- r.-sTftl, In m this ri ui-ly hs ntan-l IkhIiIi .altriili h in-nr ilk' imte lh..t th iif-l irtnl .iita-rtiMl n-iiaili4w failnl t nluv nit, H.t t. MM'h Iw frwty nliy U-rii I Ik- -um- in Iiitsinuiuliun uf tbe Dow's. Ktiivnt Dsrsil itt with ilii tit-- lte-r llw Mn-.tH'tic Hiittiftit rn Iw l-laiiM-y. Thai tlanr-rt -u-i e.hi-niii-. Vt.mn n tin- I'lTUIH K.KVSIl'KLA.-. r:in nlnays U runil ly tltist rrmwly. Fr JM'L I W W.I 7V, r 1.7W V I f.v.lf, litis l iiit ui-'iit i" th' Hi' ft iitiiitt .-iiia'yly ever r-i'ari-.. In rain- ihiI .f lu. it mill an..rl rul',rr rlu f Ut llie wrst ca-H f Ncrvoiia, Hf;n.ichc in ." itimtt.-.. Kur Vt.ii IHiu3ai. tttv- ri-mtiir i-i l iiiiimn-i- tH. Alrt-fll'tM ft" tin- iill-. Kfh'lltil:itllll. l.nlK' !. I L--Ittliil S"ii Tlif';it. Hn-tii-liilM. rictiri. t'niiiii. t'htfl-. flii'ls-ra Mrl.ti-t. m in Hit' Vntf or Hivnst. Ittiriif. ScaLI 1 1. I, S n-tiila, Salt lilir-uiu, Krvr-it- las. I i.lUtn.tl KfH. r'.T S-rt-st, A-., hill hr iimiioli it ty r-lh .-! ' tin- ujtr tf thii rcin""ly. SMJ iy 'I'hitmtitn V ifAfr, Iniiluif;. Iim.l.rt I, K 15 1' TTEHFI KLH,jTllV At iPrttit a nil I10 R N AiM E N T A L TREES. I'he aubscriber ullirn for sale a lar"e assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hih, -IU varieties. all warranted oeiiuiiic I'eaeh trees, "'U varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, loeiher withsoniu R or 8 varieties ol'l5raie Vines of I In- best native and exotic varieties. Oriiiiiiienlnt Trees, such as ihe Paulonia, l.imleii, rVc. N. IS. Persons wishing to procure a quantity ol the Fruil trees, arc requested to make immediate application lo the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties mid size wanted. II. It. NOLL. lywisburj!, March 1, 1850. l i; i s it u ii (. Wlutlcsiilc ij- Rtiuil f I1HE siib-rrila-r, thankful for past lilapral pat J ronae, would inform bis friends and public generally that he ha just ree'd and is constantly receiving frt-sh supplies of pure Meilioities, Drugs, Chemicals, Kxtracis, Herbs, Koola, Minerals, Tinc lures. Oils, Ivsscnccs, Spirits, Oums, Plasters, and o:licr gooda in bis line of business, which lie oilers with the full assurance of their being gen uine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Physicians and other in the IraJe are particularly invited lo call and examine for themselves. Also constantly on hand a large stock of Window Cl i., White Lead, Chrome and oilier I'ainN. Drug gists' and rhysiriaus' tilaxsware. M ortais.Spachuals.t rueilib-s.Tru-se. (ropal.Japnn and Spirit Vanii-hes.Flai-aeed, Sperm.Whsle, l.ard. Pish .Eiherial, t'osgine, Cainpli.-ne, and I'ine Oils I've woo.1 griHind and rhips-.l, I'aslile, liar, K.tsin and other Soap. Hold. Silter and Metal l.c.i(s, Ko-iu, Pitch. Tar. Tubaeeo, Scgars, Comlis, Urushes. Walking and Fishing Canes, Jewelry, KjZois, Knives. Fruits, Confectionery. Ar. Ae. Ar. C. W. St:il Al'1'I.B, May, 18.W. Hrugtii-4 unit ' 'Ai. IVttticc. QUIiSL'UIP.KI.S lo Ihe " Un'tversity nt O Iewisburo" are respectfully ieiiiesled to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who hnve no! paid Ihe Is: Install nre respectfully notified lhat nil such delin niciHs will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become dm?. SAM'I. T. WALKER, Taas. Ie?wisboro, Feb. 'ZH, 1850. S 1 Tvwr - u u a a u kiw- r,aj.n wa .-. LAST ? 1M5ST! G. E. B9MES IS now recei1 r l.i roe end a choice I slock fd SUMMER GOODS embracing IlrV faOOlla) latest styles I res t roods, Silks, SilU Laces, Pnrasoletlcs, Liwns, Prints, Vc. Ate. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, a ;ood vaiiety. Our sltH'k was nurchasetl on reasonable terms, and is ollered loold Iriends and new nt Ihe clupesl living rates. Tlie Iradiii" public are invited to call at the old Vhrap ... ., e at l. ... O. -l.l wore, sotitn siue oi miirKui oi. and 4th rfis. C. E. BOWES. jewisbur, June 2ft, IS50- Ta Jusllccst ol' llio" I'cacr,' 1 I NNH JUSTICE, new edition, can be bad " at Lyndair U.sikslore. ill ihi place. Lewisburg. April H. '"ftO. A l.t r of Fine Wool for sale by1 June I .1. HAVES A. CO. - pin M I ritcst Awival ! II lit l A. C'fl. take pleasure in announ cing lo the public lhat we are mow receiving lr..in the city oite nl llie largest. eliea(s-iJ ami best selerted st.H k of tiinals ev,-r ollerrd to the Hllilie. No la'.aif has Iw-rn .pared to tender their sl.a-k ron.plete, sitil , iililrui article ol g.asl i.Mlity.s.i lhat it can tar relied upon Hi it whateer they shall ..... w ,.it aa.e ttiii lie jilsl wiliai II IS repr, senu-u. They hate an rirclk-i.l assoriment uf Drv .otitis - "r,Z"? ''I T Ti1" "7,,nr? ' te.i uiiii.-r ibis head, annnig wlin h aie liriatd- llolllS. I lam and fancy Cassimere.. Gannett.. Tweeds, I a-binar. II.-., Ilraietlea. I 'udiiHgtuna, Plaid l.in.-ns, Ti.-kms, liiiMings, Uag-'irfb, tjisi lon and Hemp Car jit Chain. I'lai ii untl rnnry c.onilw, s,-lecte.l wilh pailicutar reference to the taste an.1 eontenience of the Ladies su. li as I hi.r-al.-, 111.1, 1 .rcnailiiie. anil Foulard Silks. Fuel at,.) I'lwin I.iruartine ihlairte-., f 'raa finished. Fit-.l and Plain Linen Lu-ttes, II. in re Ileal ones, prin ted Kri ii. Ii L,awns, Silk !lu-ions. Pink, liutr, lllni. and Crimson Taitet.ius. Plain and Figd Itlue and Pink (do:teil) SSwiss. Linen, C-ainhnr. and Lawn II.JUIs. lib.te and llosieiy. ItolllU't. Fans, ParasoU, Parasolelle. al Fine Moleskin, leghorn. China Pearl an. I Palm lral HATS, at lower txit-es lliau ever olF-red to lliis roiiiiiiiuiity. gaQ CTvomir.o Gns$, (Jurciis, ttiii5, and Croi licry waa. To l!it- wl.ii wih Id (iriM'ure ai.ylhiii in tlit lin cillicr for uliliiv or tuiuinciit.thcir a-borlniciil )-jnicul:itly rir.mimn,H itstlf. I liirtl ware cutlery, fHass ainl Corn Scythes. A ie. Sliovels, Spudes, Straw Knites. Manure and ITav Fork (of sujie rior ipiality.) Door lriioiiiiugs,l.las,Putly.Nails Iron, Steel, c. UA II rr.TS-liASKETS. FUir and Stair Carpels, Oil Cloth, Window shades. Ladies' Satchels. Traveling and Work flaskets, also Market, Clothe and Cm HaActs, Vrdiinritrr., Ii'tilif .i, f-c. A'C lu courbision, they would say that their good hare In-en bought al terv low prices, ami will be lisNcd of on the mo.-t ri-asonaliV- terms for Cash or counliy Pnaluce and to sausly the public (a to pliers) just call nt tlie Cheap Stoie of J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg. May Im.'iU I noii savki), I, vltH SI.K-a superior Washing shing Mixture, I1 whirfr remote all dirt and stains ol various kinds in a lew minutes, wulioul injuring ihe texture of Iho cloth. Persons wi-bing to avail Iheniselte ol tins taluable niitlure, with full directions for it use, had belter call at the uew Uiug and Chemical Store kepi by II THi'K VI't.N .V UAKEK. LewUburg Latest News from California ! - MORE MV GOLD! 4 LI. Ihe world and the test of mankind" J aie respectfully informed thai we have 0M-ned an unusually choice assortment of SI'KLM. AM) SI! MM Kit. Goods, comprising a splendid variety LAMES' DKESS liOOIlS of llie newest styles Calicoes.Uelaius, Ciiiuliams, llarage. Silks, Parasols, aud Fancy t loo Is, and for lienllemen's wear a large stock of ('lolls, C'aMtmrrs, Summer Siuils, Vesiinos,Suinnicr llals,&. Salt, Fish, Nails, Qucensware, Hardware. 0 roccries, etc. etc. All of which wo offer for sale at our proveibially low prices, lor CASH or PKODI CE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lewisburg, April 22. II..! all t.-u toiuij men ahoiw- fin- frani.-s art .-xpsisliii:.'-An.1 bo n.-.-! b sii..rt too. a a.W umlwt-.mlimi W Is-n tou Ihii.k h.. in linn- pat S. ME .l. al. rs h-iri- Lit i -al. Just eonie b Srtvt Llsiix's fc-r l..4; Ibat aill hi .n. Is. ton want s..ine m-w Cooks o. s..rli--a. an.1 ... .r-lt! s.tna- crate aial s..il- kay.an.1 m.ii,--.Hi-r alei -s.lu.- silt? for a .l..llar in- two. St'vk will cits yon s tr -ssnre That sill la- all your ha-liin.- a fountain of iih asure. An.1 if yon rhatice to U' in want of l'.l ..r est or Tr.'w-rb.iis. Just Co b l.taioia's. li-r .-u .-ali't Buy half as rls-n. of oib.-r 'coons. An.1 now I.T!nIX w.-t.l sat j"! w..r.l b til l-l.II.-s. I'..r well .l.s la- know how ii.i..ri:tiil lls-ir sal is Mr has --lea-set all Sis. W Imrr r r-r r-r-r-r Consam it. Itos t this 'ere Poetry Mttrbtne's broke ! I lowsoineter. llie soi .stance of all we had in tbe hoptarr is this tlrat 1 Or F. LYNDALL has tbe liesl and the clH-aiM-sr lot of BOOKS a'' STATIONERY, nd th i .r-s. nn. I tin: be-t ussoitiiH iil ol CStttf t 3 and . IB Oi.S ami Ladies' (Jaiters ami Slippers, ll:nl were ever seen in Lewiabur" or any other gieat seaport. May 7, 1S5IL Dr. Rose's Medicines. The subscriber havmj; been appointed sole aoent for Dr. Ifn-e's Medicines, for Unirm codnly, oilers them to the pulili. wilh urcnt coofidenet! as In their Ifi -acy and certainty of clTccliiij: run s hi all cases for which Ihcy are designed. A ainole lest only is retiuired lo establish the fad. Sept 27 SSP.AUTON Miiulow SASlt. A lot of SI0 Window Sash, from the cheap Mamilaclory of Sprout & lltirrows, on hand, aud all sizes got to order on short notice May,ISt jLjiwsho XT' fl lT not refused nt the OlVuf JY 1 tL 'he Lewisburg Khronicle. fOOls for sale at June Keber it IJJinj:!.'. Store.' A. l IFRKSIl (iOODS! ll4KTO, .l:lOI JL .nK.a' U.VG fnfuifl it CrJ.finer.hii ip lhe Mercanlile buiir-, and enlnrged list tSioierisMii lately occupied by S-S. Barton iiipo.itrr Klint'i Hotel' are row oeninK a wr-ll selected and etcnsive atta'k of Aler- chandize, coll-Hling of 1 1 A Ii I) U'A K K, C! UTL-KltY, Cari.fiiifr.' 'l"tHIs, Qiuensware t SALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Giussware Window CLASS a ".eneml ftsoftment," Coal, Waattv, liar, llcil, ami llooj Iron, Nails," ami Stikcs,' Tinware, Sheet Iron slnd Ulelal Pans, iiud a more general assortment lhan is usually lonnd in country stores which lliey .Vdo9 iheiiiselves lo sell ut eiy low since.-. Per -mis n a liislnnre wul iiri.f it to theirt advantacc ti buy lor Cash or we will take in Kxchiiioir for tlooils, W beat, Kye, ' Corn, Oils, litickwheat, Tiniotby and t;io- vi-r Sit-ijs, Puller, KoirTallow, Hard Soap,,' Inn swax, I'V.iiln rs, and all kinds uf trade' or country produce. The patnuiiioe uf ibe pulili-; ia rr;snci.' lull v solielieil, and every assurance given' ihat iio'lun eiiliie a!;.-l ; shall iClioll. be wanting to render SXM'L s. 1SARTON. xamlel t:i.lti:s,' JAMES f. MAK?ll. Ivwisbur, April 1, lt!iS. MUDIVAL VAIilt. ES?. Jl. KArDS' Ki-sci'tful!v niinoiinces lo his friends and ibe public "eiwr.illv, lli-il he has reiiH.ved bis resilience lo Ihe bousi-.f bis father, (foniM-rly oeciipu-il by tYni. Potter,) a few ilmirs north id N'me's Hotel. Ollice, Col. M'Kaddirt's new brick btirlftirrg, ncsl door above I. V. I!nr' Siore. I'wi-biiro, April I, 1850 JOHN i;. MiLiiKK, TAIL'MC, resp-vifiilly informs his patrons and lite pt.-ilic rhn: his Sboji is now al bis bouse the new brick i.jijMuile Mr. James P. Kiiss'. mi Third Nl.. where be will be bappv to wait on all w ho may honor him wi'h llieir patronnoR. lA-wisbtirj;, April l.'rll HENRY C. HICKOK, ATT'IRXEY AT LA II', Lcwisliur, Union Cmnity, IVnn'a. Piaiiires iu I'nioii and sdjoining rouulies ab-t attends the courts of Perry county. 0 FFM 'K on Second St., lately oeeupiccf bv L. I!. Christ . FJsq. Wfa, .nil 'IIIK nnderaioneu con'mucs ihe LII'L L KV m SI.YI.SS al Ihr- Old Stand, on North Third St., near M.uliel. ai'iiF resiiH-tliillv solicits the patronage el hri I'ricnds and the public generally. CIIAKI.IS F. IIFSS. leewisburi;. May Ti, 1850 Spring it Snmmcu CJOODS. J UST received, and now opening .it FORSTER'S NEW STORE. second dinir east ol tliie's Hotel, a nev and SpIeiiJiJ As-n rlitieiif of Goods suitable for this atd the approaching sea son, cotisisfing oi CLOTHS, 4-41 JII'.KS,'. KSTIXCiS,' .atliet' llrrssi CaOodH of every stle and variety new styja Ringe-i, Iiwhs, Arinurc lcbiua-s, tJitijr li.iins, tVe. A jrreat variety of styles ( hints, I ait cocs, :... A beautiful' irssrwrment Ln-ilir-' I nraso's, ine-co an.r Kid SHOES and CUTER lor Irtdies and Children Aln. a boico select toil tif GROCER. IE S , latuccuswartv fcv,Si,nll of winch art! olo'.'cd rrmirkaliU: low lor Cish or Country ProJ'ire, by ibe. subscriber, J. FOIISTKK .iwisbiir.j, Xjiril :i, I85ft Fur llie Ladius. C..1 e lie- bn- tr Tliat I r-S.e al ea. e , w TIT II one of tSo-e nice aiidVheap F.!V- llial can he ha.1 at Ihe l.ewi-hurg IMog. Paiu-a I .nods, .oti-ii am' a.i.-ly l-.inp.Mium wl-re the largest, lioe-t, and l--t a-witiisrnl ut" Feather, Fancy and PaH?r Fms ar kept. Aba, latent patterns of Itnlfibs Shell, Ihwn, !nle Itark and oiher ROM Bs besides a wl vitrn iy of other nri-e riling. Call and see ar c. w. w:ha:ti.k. i ssae'ilts IUBit lltkll iWf-r 'IVnia i'" jilsl ro-il Irmn llie l jnloii lea orn y . tmnv, aud for sale nt New Tork ictail priiis bv J.IIAYI-ACO. Lewisliurg. April l. 'fV Itlark Wulnnl lTtnrted. VtIIA."NTITY f Black Walrm t, eiibet iu logs or sawvd h onU-r also, Walnnl t:r.nrhes tbe whole lit he delivered oii the Pa Can!, at of near Lewisburg. For further par lirulars, en.uiiie of April 2 i If- C. HICKOK. 1-cwi.barg y i t for Jusiicis,lii'a- ) 1 1 1 V l IV M bltasAc . on band nt ihe Chronicle oflite, orprin'ed te Older.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers