IjtiWISBUltC CilKOMCLK AND WEST BRANCH FAUMER a"Th Cubans have executed four of the persoos Ukea at taraenas, ana nave captured others on the inlands near Yucat an. Aa the latter had not committed any evert act of hostility, the President has de fnanded their surrender, and sent a naval force to llavanna to protect American rights and interests. IMPORT ART o tkoe bavins ioipuritiee f tb Blood. BRAMTS PtRlFVlNU EX TRACT, lb BMMt wonderful Purifier in lh world, u now pot op in Qcaar Bot tie. OSee JiiMiiM bnded -64 DOMES." It is so strong and purifying, thai ona battle last from f tit to sixteen day longer than 8riariIIa. Dr Thorntoo at Baker, agent, Lewiabuig. Ln333 BJBBBAsljawBwKSHBVSBlMVSBBBBlSS CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Car t ootjohs, cox.d3, hoarseness, bbov ohxtzs, obovp, asth. ha, whoopimto-oouoh ahd coBrsvasPTiosr. The uniform aoccetM which ha attended tire tjw of this preparation ita salutary (fleet its power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, bave gained for it a celebrity equaled by no other metHcine. We offer it to the atllicted with entire Confidence in ita virtues, and the full belief that il will subdue and remove the severest attacks ol diseases upon the throat and lunga. Aa these results become public-, they naturally attract the attention of medical men and philanthropist! everywhere. Whit is their opinion of Cherry Perioral, may be seen below. VALENTINE MOTT, M D. Prof. Surgery Medical College, New York, says : It gives air preat nleamiie to entity the value snd efll waevof Aver', Cherry I'eetoral.whieh I onnlrr peculiarly adapted to cure disease, of the Throat snd Lungs. The Rt Rev Lord Bishop FIELD writes in a i letter to hit friend, who wa faat sinking under an affection of the Lungs Try the Cherry I'eeUtral, snd if any medicine can give yon relief, with the blessing of Hud that will. Chief Justice EL'SI I'JE, of l.ouieiana,write: That a youne daughter of hie was eured of several reset attacks of Citul'r, y the Cherry 1'ectoraL ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. The Cana dian Journal of MeJiral Science states. That Asthma and Rrnn'-hitis, so pr.-Ta.1eut in this Inel-ment climate, have yteld-d with surprising rtptditv to AVer's lh.TTV Peettralt and we can not l strunclr vert.oiinend this sa.lful preparation to tiie Profession and JuUic generally. Lei the relieved aufTSrrer speak for himself : IlABTr.nu, Jan. 2H, 1h4T. Pr. J. C. Ayer Iiear Sir: Marina been rescued from a painful and dantrernus disease, trrautude prompts me to Bend you this aranriwlrdirnwrit, not only in justice to you Xol a.r Uie information of others in like aRtirt ion. A alirht rv!d upon the lungs, nepleted at first, heim ao severe that spitting of blond, a violent cough, and pro. fuse night sweats followed and fastened on me. 1 became waaaeiatew, eauld not sleep, was dielreesed by my eimgh, mnd a pain through my chest, and in short had all the larmrng symptoms of quick consumption. No medicine seemed at all to reach my case, until 1 providentially triad your Cherry Peetorial, which toon relieved and now fees cured me. Tours with respsct, B. A. STtWART. From a letter dated Alv, X. Y April 17, 1R4B. Dr. Aver, Lowell IK r Sir: I was anln-ted by Asthma tn the worst form, no that I hare been ob":r d to sleep in ay chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe oa my bed. I had tried a great many medicines to no purpose, until my physician prescribed, as an eipe riment, your Cherry Peel-ral. At first it seemed to make est worse, but in Iim than a week 1 began to einerienee the most gratifying relief from its use; and nowin four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can steep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a stat of health which I bad never expected to enjoy. OiX). 8. f AKBA S T. Prepared byj .C.Ayer,Chemist,LmreU,Ms. For tale by C W KCHAFFLE, Lewisburg ; I H Caalow, Milton ; Isaac Gethart, Selinegrove, -and by Druggists generally (a Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania,) Pssyalcfaa A. 8 urge u. ftTKXBce, opposite J. Dkckabd's Hotel: Union county, Pa. June 12, 1650. 3mpd Attention ! LEWISBURG INFANTRY. YOU are hereby commanded to meet, armed and equipped, at the house of AJ.Weidenseul, in the Beroogh of Lea isburg.on Taeesna t the 4th day of July, 1350, at 10 o'clock. A. M. By order of the Captain : JACKSON M'FADDIN, d. Jane 13, 1850. O.8. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS, c. fFHE Slate Treasurer having notified me X thst hereafter he will not reeeivo the Notes of Banks out of the State under the denomination of FIVE Dollar; the Col leetors,Retai1ersofMerchandize,and Licen sed Tavern keepers.nre hereby notified that auch Bills will no longer be received by me io payment of Taxes, Licenses, &c. DANIEL HORLACHER. Treasurer of Union county. New Berlin, June 6. 1850. WOOL for sale at June 5 Reber & hidings'. LU?.3ERJ0R SALE. 1WE subscriber having leased the Rock dale Saw-Mill formerly known as Ltounhty's in Sugar Valley, Clinton county. Pa., end bought all the stork and fixtures belonging to the same, now offers for sale 100,000 ft of Lumber at said Mill. Orders will be received for any kind of Lumber, by the undersigned at Lewisburjr, or by his Agent, S.C.Sh el lei, at said Mill, in Sugar Valley. H. P. SUKLLEK. Lewisburg, June 5, 1850 8w SAM'L ANDERSON, Fashionable Tailor, In the new Brick building on Market street, one door above C. E. Bowes' 8tore. CUTTING and MAKING dona to order. Lewianarg, May 29, 1950. Ts Btacksmltnu. "DITUMINOUS COAL, from the West JD Brunch and from ffollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop nf the subscriber, aear the Ha-yscales oo 1 bird at. ALEX'S. AMMONS. Umisburg, May T J 959 ' Fa-cab Arrlral or Fruit Ac. JUST reeeivedaby TbomrwOn'a Express, from ftiilaJeluhia . Oranges, Raisins. Filbert. Lemons. Figs, Eng. Walnuta. CocoaNuts, luiopjs. Cream Nuts, Prunes, ' j?eltan Nuts, tirmind Peas, and a variety of CANDIES, all of which will be old low at the Store cf .Da. THORNTON A BAKER. Lewisburg, June 12 FLEA IX TO HEAD THIS. ScarVXe w Pictorial Works for 150 Great Chance for Book Agent to clear from $500 to $1000 a year ! Books of Universal Utility. Sears' Ar te and Popular Pktoriul Wort; the most splendidly illustrated volumes for famil ies ever issued on ine American lyontinrnt, con taiuing mure than Four Thousand Engravings. de.icneJ arid executed by ike mol eminent Artiste of Encland aud America. The extraordinary tiopularitv of the above volumes in every section of the Union, renders an agency desirable in each one nf our principal towns and villages. Just published. Seats' New and Popular Pictorial Des cription of the United States, containing an account of the Topography. Settle ment, History. Revolutionary and other interest, ing Events. Statistics, Proa-res in Agriculture, Manufartnre. Ponulation, Slc. of each Mate in he Union, iliuatinted with Two Hundred Engra vings of the principal Cities, Places, buildings, Seeuery. Curiosities, Seals ol tne rsiates, eve. c, Conmlete in one octavo volume of COO passes, eWantlv bounJ in eilt, pictorial mu.Iin. It.Uil price, $2,50. The Pictorial Family Annual, 400 naces octavo, and illustrated wnn i wo Hundred anJ Tavelve Engravings : designed as a valuali e and cnean oresvni lor ran snu teacbera to place in the bands of young people in attractive bindinga. THE HISTORV OF PALESTINE, from the Patriarchal Age to the Present 1 line. By John Knto, editor of the London Pictorial Bible. See. Also NEW EDITIONS n( Sears' Pictorial History of the Bible Piclnrisl Sunday Kixk Description of Great Britain and lrrland Bible Biogra phy Scenes and Sketches in Continental Europe Information for the People Pic torial Family Instructor Pictorial Hixtory of the American Rrtolution an entirely new volume on the Wonders of the World together with the Dfttou'ai iFamflff iJCWr. Each Volume is Illustrated with several hund red Engrsvings.and the Bible with One Thousand. (Jj-Sf IBS PlCTOatAl FIIV M81I!E for 1650, published monthly in parte of 48 large 8ve paeea, al One D.dlar per year in advance. Sjiecitnen copies of tne Mapsiine, lo procure sutiscritiera with, will be furnished to all who wish to engage in its circulation, if requrstrd fpnt-faid) al the rare of Twelve Nu-nbers fjr One Dollar, oi Tin Cents for single copies. AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and County throughout the Union, lo aril " Seart' Krwmnd Popular Pictorial Works," universally acknowledged to be the beat and cheapest ever published, as they certainly are the most salable. Any active agent may clear $500 or $1000 a year. A ca-h capital ol at least $35 or $50 ia necessary. Full particulate of the principles and profits of the agency will be given on application either personally or by tetter. The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to addresa ROBERT SEARS, Piausur.a, 128, Naasau Street, New York. To Publishers of Newspapers tlm uzhout the I". States. . N..wftnnrs corvins this ativerUsement, enire. well disiilsvcil, as aliovs. without any alfcTauon or aiinnirr m.ni linclndini; this liotieei. and rivinx it two Inside in sertions, shall weive a enpjr of any one ot our f ;..sj or works, (subject to their order), by eeodiag direct to the publisher. trVNo Letter taken from the uuice, unless post paid. Jint Received, A CHOICE lot of Black Watered Silk, and Green Fringed Turc Satin. Parasols, also an additional supply of Linen Luatres, all at unusually low prices, for aale by May a j. hai l,o ol v.w. A BEAUTIFUL aesortment of Scatlel Cloth embossed Table Covers, for sale by May 29 J. HAYES & CO. Oftrtl'BS- of Country cured BACON for sale by May 29 J. HAYES & CO. AN extensive awortmenl Baltimore olUAl, WAKE for tale by . -F-1. S. f f Alsy J9 J.llAliioa troois. LOT of Fine Wool for sale by June 4 J. HAYES & CO. (ecccsasoae to c. a. wiiti,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Sash tools,Glassware,Putiy, Dye-stufTs, Brushes of every variety, Perfumery, Confectionery, Fruits, Fancy Goods, &c &c One Door above the gnat Maamotb Store of J. A J.Waua, Market St. Lkwisbubo. All Drugt and Mtdicinet warranted Fresh and Genuine. THE subscribers return iheir sincere thanks to those who have so liberally patronized them during the past jeer; and we would invite you. one and all, to call aud examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we leei confident that ws sell aa cheap, if not 35 per ct. cheaper, than others of the trade. Try us, and tee for yourselves. N. B. Medical advice will be given free of charge by Dr. Thorntoo, al the Store ol Thorn ton ic Baker. T A H THOBNTON.M.D. JOSIAH B AKER Lam pa! LAMPS I "XT a u pa !lust received snd for Wholesale or li Retail. Pine Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps of ibe latest style. Any person or persons viiin ing it, can have these iunps on trial, and if they do sjot civs aatialaeuon. thrv raav beAeturned. Churches and Stores or Mtope aupplied on the moat liberal terms with the above Lamps, antf Oil by Dr. rhorntoa at Baker, Agentt for the Manufacturer. w HI f E Lead, and Linseed Oil, for sals by Pr. Thornton Baler "SiiiRl! lroat and quick Sale)." II. P. SHELLER, "lTJ"OULD roserifully inform liis old friends y f and llie trading eomtnir :iy in general, that he has received a LAKuE -..J liE.NEKAL STOCK of HcrchanfiizCi for Spring attd bummer war, Is and uses- embracing DRY GOODS. -GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QL'EKNSWARE, HATS AM) CAPS, FISH, SALT, I HON, Vc iiC These Goods ull'ir unusually low lor t'a-h Country Produce of all kinds and to prompt and pum tual payniasleia a u-ul. Call anD Sec! H. T. SHELLER. I.,ewit.rurg, May 7, 1S50. MR. MERRY would respectfully inform the public, that he hus taken rooms in M'FdiJJin's brick building, nearly oppo site Sheller'a S:ore, nhere he is prr-jiared to take Daguerreotype Likenesses in the latest and most approved style. Mr Merry pledges hinvell" to make his ork ptj'ml Id that of ihe hesi City artists. lie h.'S all ti e Inlest iinprovcnii tit-'omi of which he haud led to the art.nnd among tlieae is a V hetl iiuii, of peculiar construe tion, uy wnicn lie is enauiea I.) obtain a higher polish, sml thereby uive a more brilliant and life-like tone to his pictures. Mr. Merry, by rong practice and close attention lo the art, is enabled to show the vabikgateu eve, be it li"ht or dark, with all ihe beauty and brilliancy of life itself; and it i in this most tmutial point, thul more artists fail than in any other. Ladies and (ienilemon are invited to call and examine specimens. uniiirrn are taken m irom mrce to live .-econds And remomber,Rsnoo, pictures are taken in tloutly as in clear weathcr.tho' for small children a clear day is rerommendtd. Leuisliurg, Jjne 3, 1850. L E W I S 1! U It O WliriUsale Retail rptHE subscriber, thankful for past liberal pat I ronae, would inform his friends and public generally tiiat he has jnat ree'd and ia constantly receiting freth a'lpplics of pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Exirncts, Herbs Roots, Minerals, Tinc tures. Oi!s, Essences, Spirits, Gum?, Plasters. and o:hcr ro.Is n his line of business, which he oilers wi'.h the full assurance of ibeir being gen uine, and cheaper than can be bought ele.'ht:re. Physicians and othcra in the traile are particularly invited to call and examine for themselves. Also constantly on hand a large slock nf Window GUs White Lead, Chrome and other Paints,Drug gista' and Musicians' Glassware, Mortais,!Spachuals,t'nicUlee,Tru"eee, Copal.J ipan and Spirit Varuixhes.Flax seed, Sperm.Whale, Laid, Fish..Etherial, Fosgine, Camphene, and Pine OiK Dye woods ground and chipped, Castile, Ujv. Kosin and other Soaps, (sold. Silver and Metal Leafs, Rosin, Pitch, Tar, Tobacco. Segars, Combs, Brushes, Walking and Fishing Canes, Jewelry, Razors, Knives, Fruits, Confectionery, ic. tee. &.r. C. W. SfJIIAFIXE, May, 1850. DruggUt and Chemut. Made plain to See BY getting one of the 8pectacle or Spy Glas ses at Ihe Drug, Fancy Goods, Notion and Variety Emporium, where can be had any quan tity of Silver, German. Blued and common Steel Spectacles, Gogejea, Spy Glasses, Mathematical Instruments. Pocket Compass, Magueta, Tape Measures, Spectacle Cases, Camera Lucidss, Magic Lanterns, dec. &c. at u. w. suiiArrxs Easy to Cut or Shave ARE those Pocket, Dirk and Penknives, and the Wostenheim and Roger Razors sell ing so cheap at the Lewisburg Drug and Variety Store of C. W.8CHAFFLE. Lamps, just received MORE LIGHT, at reduced pricea ! A large assortment of LAMPS Solar, Supper, l ea. Hanging, cide, and Hand tor burning ol Pine, Fosgean, Lard, Etherial, snd Sperm Oils, for Parlora, Churches, Stores, Shops, Ac, at U.V. 8CHAFFLES Drug, Notion aiid Variety Emporium Notice. CI UBSCRIBERS to the " Universfly at O Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now cue, to the 1 rcasurer. And those who have not paid the 1st Instal't are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the tunc they become due. SAM'L T. WALKRR, Taxas. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. Black Walnut Wanted. A QUANTITY of Black Walnut, either in f loem or rawed to order also. Walnut Crotches the whole to be delivered on the Pa, Canal, at or near Lewisburg. For further par, ticulars, enquire of April 23 H. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg To Jnatlccs sf the Peace. TklNNh JU8TICE. new edition, can be had JJ at LyndeU'a Bookstore, in this place. Lewisburg, April iu, isau. RIED APPLES for sale at June, A Reber & (ddii LUMBER! T70R sale, at our Yard cn Third streat, nenr P. Hursh's house ' j Dry Pine Common and Paanel I;oan?s, do Joists and Studdine;, ' Hemlock Joints and Scantling, . White Fine Plank I bhirlgieJ Sqnaie Timber Weatherbcurda Yellow Pine Flooring Uosrds, Roofing and Plastering Lath, etc. AH of w Inch we oiler cheap lor cash or short credit. lirSSlI & A MM ON. Li3bur, April 29, 1930 F RESH TES.-Anoih-r lot of. ? lll....!s 1 i rn 'l'Uv. &UrCI Itir IJIilLvX MIIU Vai'-tt a . itivtl rt't iViim liio (Tnttin 'IVll I'llfTl ' i panv, nnJ lor ftli? at Sow York retail priws by J.IIAYKS&CO, I.ilmrr, April 16. AgnU. Latest Arrival ! Til t YES & CO. take pleaaure io announ . cing to the ullic that vte are now receiving irom the city one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stock of Goods ever oflered to the public. No labor has been spared lo render their stock complete, and to obtain articles of good quality, so that it can be relied upon that whatever they shall offer fur sale will be just what it is represented. They have an excellent assortment of fj Dry goods, vv-.i comprising nearly every article usually enumera ted under this head, among which ate Broad cloths. Plain and Fancy Casximerps, saiinett. Tneeds, Cashmarettee, Drapettes, Codtingtnn, I'laid Linens, Tickings, Drillings, Bagging, Col loo and Hemp Carpet Chain. I'laln an J Fancy Good, selected wiih particular reference to the taste ari! convenience of the Ladies such as hangestde. Plaid, Grenadine, and Foulsrd Silks, Figd and Plain Lamartine Deslaines, Crape hnishej, Fic,d and Plain Linen Lustres, Boreze Deabinesi prin letl French Lawna, Silk Illusions, Pink, Huff, Blue, and Crimson Tarlrtmi, Plain Snd Figd Blue and Pink (dotted) Svis, Linen, Cambric. and Lawn Hdkfs, Gloves and Hosiery. rf. Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasolettes, al.-or! Fine Moleskin, Leghorn, I'hina Pearl and Plin Iaf H ATS, at lower prices than ever offered tn this commnniiy. Groceries j a chince uketion. a Glass, Queens, Stone, and Crockery ware. To those who wish to procure anything in thii line either for utility or ornament.their assortment particularly recommends itself. I lard ware cutlery, lirm and Corn Scythes, Axes, Shovels. Spades, Straw Knives, Mjnure and Hay rorka (ol supe rior quality.) Door triiomings.Glaas, Putty, Nails Iron, Steel, Ac. CA K VETS B A SKETS. Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work Baskets, alo Market, Clothes and C rn Baskets, Cedarware, Rakti, 4'C ire In conclusion, tbey would aay that their goods have been bought at very low pricea, and will be disposed of on the most reasonable lenna for Cadi or country Produce and to satisfy the public (as to pi ices) just call at the Cheap Store of J. HAYES 6 CO. -Lewisburg, Mav it, I860 LABOR SAVED, I"1t)R SALE a superior Washing Mixture, ' which removea all dirt and ataine of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the texture of the cloth. Persons wishing to avail themselves of this valu ible mixture, with full directions for its use, hsd better call at the new Diug and Chemical Store kept by JJ THORNTON t BAKER, Lewisburg Latest News from Califoritin ! HORE GOLD! its 4 LL the world and the rest of mankind" J are respectfully informed that we have opened an unusually choice assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER Goods, comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the newest styles Calicoes, DeUin, Ginghams, Barages. Silks. Parasols, and Fancy Goo.ts, and for Gentlemen's wear a large stock of ClnlliH. C'ailiuern, Summer Siulf,Vestinos,Summer Hats,&.:. Salt, Fish, Nails, Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, etc. etc. All of which we offer for sale at our proverbially tow prices, for CASH or PRODUCE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lewisburg, April 22. 1850 ITo! all yoo youa men whose Brie frames areexpniiaing. And who need to support yoo, a r"i umlrTttandnp Vi hen von thfhk how in time past w.nc dtnlers have hit yoo. Just come to Stivs Li!iiiiU.' for Boots that will til joa. Do too want some new Books O. so eheap and so pretty! rome crave and s. me citv. ar l some queer and seme wittjr. t.ir a dollar or two, mm a will eive yoo a tn.ore That will he all your lifc-timu a fountain or pleafars. And n yon ehanee to he in want (if Ooat test or TrowcTloon Just eo to Lvsnux'e, for you ean' Buy half aa cheap of other 'coons. And now I.vtrhAU. would say just a word to the ladies, For well does he know how Important their aM is 11. has Bhoss of all kinds Whorr-r-M-r-r-r-r Consarn it. Boas ! this 'er; Poefry Maihine'a broke ! HowavMBever. the anbaUnce or all we had in the hopper is this that O F. LYNDALL has the hest.arid the O, cheapest lot of BOOKS KnJ STATIONERY, and tho larfjest and the beet assortment cf BOOTS had 9iiiOBhni. . Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, that were eer seen io Lewisburg or anj- other great seaport. May 7. 1850. ; not refused rHa 0fiict3 of the IjewtjburKwevWri Large Sales $ Low Prices ! THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE and filling up again brim full wiih a stock of kooHs LARGfclR.Bli'rrEU and CHEAPER than ever ! 'IXT'E have just received and are now opening W large snd splendid assortment of Spring ami (g-QOllg Summer embracing everything aJapUd to the varied wants and ta-tcs of the community, and at prices that can not fail lo give universal satisfaction. The LADIES are assured that we have a belter assortment of DrCttlt Hood than has ever been presented ill this market. W e have every quality and description of Gentlemen' and Hoy' Drtu Good; Cassimerea, Vestings, Summer Stuff. Fancy Cravats, Ac. A splendid lot of HATS, CAPS and BONNETS, of the latest atylea Ribbons, Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawna, Ginghams, &c. Hardware Queensware Glassware, GROCERIES of all kinds also a Urge slock of Plaster, Salt,aiid Fish, at very low pricea for CASH or COU.NTRi" PRODUCE of all kinds at Maiket prite. J. & J. "WALLS. LewisUirg, April 23, 1850 UNIVERSITY at Kcwisbui'i?. CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com mencii.g Oct. II. 1819. COURSE OF STUDIES. Frimary Department. Etercisr-d in Spelling, Reading, Definition, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, Hit lory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition. En;Iish Department of the Academy. The fame studies aa in the Primary Dvpartm't continued in the use nf larger test bouki ; and to ihese are added General History, Algebra, Legen dre, and Elements of Surveying. Classical Department cf the Academy. T rra Jnni:tr Aradtmie dun. 1. KnIish ilnmiin&r. Latin Grammar, Jtrithmrtie two divisions.! liiirraithv. IT. III. The mine studies as in I. Term, and Penmanship. KnJih (ralumar. Csaur. Ar.tlisn.-tie eompiefc'd hv 1st divisiin. llre..k (irtmoMr, Utslory U.A rVn- uac.-hip, buok-keHpin.r. Seniur Academic ela-$. Csssar. Creek R.sd.T, Algebra 'Ueavnts.) Jie-iJ, do do do do do eempleti'd. (Tene- T. II. III. ral History, hntrush Lang-oatfe and (. imposition. COLLEGIATE DEFAKTMZNT. Freshman class. English Iniiage and Composition, Algebra, Livy, Annlmsis. I'lane lleometry. T.ivy, Anahssis. ilin, S.lhl and bplurieal Georuetry completed, Li vy, Anabasis. Snphon.orc this. IT. III. T. II. 111. Horace, Odyssey. Plane and ."pherieal Trigonometry. do oo M-nsariitHnarveyinsT.avi?aien. flo eomplet d. S-lert Ortiotut of ItemosUienes, Kbttorie, Analytical Gtvtmetrj. Junior clan. .mosthenes on the Crown. Oesro de Officii, Me chanic, Hrdnwraties. and Hydraulic. n. 1. mi -1 li- Ti' s on the Crown, ('ieero SV (slcii com pleted. 1'neumaUi-s, Aesusties, Kieetricity, Magne tism, sna (ipties. Greek Iragi-dy, Tacitus, Astronomy. Senior class. ffi r Acadnmieal V,-ar eommenelne Vt 10. Wil 1Oiric, Natural Theoloey. Intellectual I'hiiosophy. (invh. I'.-l.tf-al tieonnniy. Moral I'h Josi-hv. lintl.-r's AnskHTS. O astrtutioo of V. Chemistry, in. T. IT. III. l- turi-s, Ornersl Kvvtcws Xo class in 'be Regular Coarse has less than three dally recitations. Every Saturday forenoon ia devoted exclusively to t ocal Music, Declamation, and reading select and original Compositions. The siuilents are required to attend, regularly, some religious meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended to them by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than six places of public woiship, of as many different Chriatian denominations. Text Books. Emfffirh ZiHVrwooe and EUmiim. The Itihle, Porter's Rhi'torieal Header, Worcester's or Webster's Dictionary, Bullion's Knjlish (Irsmmar. Parker's I'mpMaive Kxerei-S.-S ia Kns'i-h t'omiosition, Parker's Aids, blair Lecture iL'niTersiry ruiitiou.) Vttin Lanffvafif. BnllkiB'snrammnr. Bnllion's Reader. I-verett's Lexicon, bullion's Carsar. eehmiUand Zempt's Viriril,.Lineoln's 1 ivy. Anthon's Horace, Thaeher's (Jit-ero de (Ifliriis, Tyler's Tacitus" Gennania et A enrol a. rtfK Li:nguitgr.- Bullion 'sUrammar. Bullion's ltend'T. f.i.'.de)l A ertt s Lexicon. Owen's Aenophon's Anabasis, owen's ItHuer's Od vseey, Ch&mpliD's Demosthenes, aisk's Classical Muuual. M..tJtfm.irics. Iavies Arithmetic for Academies. Flem entary AlKehra. liunlon. Leffi-nilre. Surveyinc snd Navi (rsti. m. A ns lytienl ( Icimetry. Olmsted's Natural toilosftphy stereotyped.) Olmsted's Astronomy. A umber of Student". The number nf students during the past year in the various Departments, was 161. The number that have entered the clasaea in the Re gular Course for the current year (exclusive of those in the Engli-h and Primary departments,) ia as follows : Coiakus. Junior elsss - - rophemore class 14 i r'reshman elasa 10 Academy. senior class 25 Junior class - 40. ..9T Teacberti. PTEPIIKX W. TAYLOR, A. M, Prof, of Mathematics and Nalnrnl I'hiiosophy. liknUOK It. Bi.l.-, A. 31, 1TOL 01 unea Language and Literature. ti fciil.tih W. ANUEKSON, A.M,rrof. or Latin Language and fcitiTitturc. ISAAC N. I.OOM1S, A. M, Principal or the Academy. AI.FKKD TATIIR, AM, Tutor in the English Lan guage and Kloeution. RuUd lags, Library and 4pparatm. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members of the University, has been erected, at an expanse oT $,0fl0. and it is adapted to accommodate 150 students; Another edifice has been eotnm"noed.which is to be finished within the course ot the present Academic year. Mid to contain study rooms and dormitories for the aeeomutrstation of 70 student in the Col legist departm't. Hie Library contain a cumber of select volumes, and ia constantly increine. . Chemical Apparatus has Ven ordered snfleient to snpnly the immediate demand. The Apparatus for the illustration of Mechanical I'hiiosophy, is now complete. Tuition aad Board. Tuiiion in the Collegiate Department S0, Academic f 30, Primary $ IS per year. Hoard, including lodging, washing, fueL and light, can be had in the village and ita vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 lo f3,50 per week. Session! and Vacations. Two See.-i.ine in the year the former com mences on the Snd Thutsday in October, and continues 37 weeks; the latter commences on Ihe 16th May, and continues 15 weeks. Spring Vscation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, o. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATT80N, Prea't. GEORGE F. MILLER, Sec'y. LewUburg, Union Co. Pa. April 18; 1850 Jj--i Dr. John Locke, ZSXBf Sl'RGEOX DEXT1ST, r AY be found at his Office and resilience y I first door east of Kline's Hotelthe two weeks following the first Monday ol each month, where he ia nrenared to execute all Operation in hie line of business in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to (boas who may favor him with theif patronage. Dr. L. spends the third week of each month in Miltoo. - S --'. . ... , frt-ArsicaUe Tooth Paste, put up in beautiful porcelorr.' boxes, en excellent article for keeping ihe teeth clean and breath aweet, fci sale al ti eta' per box, by ...... V- JDHH tOCKE.D.D.8. fsarW 's-i ay, ! JVew Stove, AND FRESH GOODS! BtnTOV.OEDDES & 31ir.SHI HAVING formed a (Copartnership in the Mercantile business, ami enlarged the Storeroom lately occupied by S.S. Barton opposite K!inea Iluld are now opfninu a wHI selected and extr nsive s'.ock of Mer chandize, consisting of Drn 0003. Ga,!!f- UAllDWAlt K, C'UTI KUV, Carpenters' Tools, Queensware, SALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Glassware, Window GLASS a (jneral assrr;tnent. Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails, and Spikes, Tinware. Sheet Iron and Metal . Patis, and a more gnoeral assortment than is usually lound iu country stores wnicj they ledge thcnwlvts to sell at very low prices. Persons at a distance will find it to the.r advantage lo buy lor Caih or we will lake in Kgchango for Goods, Wheat, llye, Corn, Ojis, Buckwheat, Timothv and do vcr Seeds, Put!ek, rpgs.Ta'.l-w.Hard Soap, Hetswa. renihcrs, and a'! kind of trade or country produce. The paironat!" u ,Iie public i respect fully solicited, and every ssursnce ftiven thtt noih n shall be wanting to render entite saiisfaction. SM'L S. IJARTOX. KAMI EL EDDES, jmi:s S. MARH. L?wisbur;. April I, Ibj't. Ucmauol5. MEDICAL CA12D. iifswct fully announces to his Irk-nda and ihe public iceneraiiy, that he hits removed his residence to ti.e hou-e t-f his laiher, (formerly occupied by Win. Potter,) a few door nonh oi Kline' Hoiel. -il.ee, Col. M'Faddin's new brick building, next door above C. K- llowes' Srere. IjewUburg, April I, 1850 JOHN B. MILLER, TAILOR, respectfully in'orm his patrons and the public that his Shop is now at his l0ue the new brick opposite Mr Jatnes P. Uos! on Third S;.. where he will be happy to wait on all who may honor him wih their patronage. Lewisburg, April 4, IS. 10 HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORXEY A T LA W, Lcwisburj:, Union County, Penn'a. Practices in Union and adjuinine counties also attend tbe courts ol Perry county. 0 FFICE on Second St., lately occupied hv L. B. Christ, hsq. T A'J' BL'SLVESS at the Old Stand, on XHortn intra i?c., near xiarhn, aim respectful I v solicits the patronage ol his friends and the public t-enerally. CHAKLKS r. HbSJS. Lewisburg. May 22, 1850 BOARDING. THE subscriber avails himsilfol the co' umnsof the Chronicle in publishing to the citizens of Lewishtiri and vicinitv that he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE in that large and comfortably arranged house, formerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by James K-'lIy, two diHira east of the Franklin House, Market street. He is nrenared lo sar that his Table aball have the best the Markets can afford, and the Lodging of Boarder ahall be aa eomloital'Ie as can be itcsired. 1.8. STERNER. N. B. A team and carnage will be kept to convey passengers to and from the Packet Boats. Lewisburg, March 18, 1S30. 0pring vv Summcv GOODS. .1 tT3T received, and now opening at FORSTER'S NEW STORE. second door east of K'mc s Hotel, a new and nlendid Assortment of Goods, suitable for this and the approaching sea son, consisting of ( LOTUS. t'AMMGtW, TESTIXG9, Ladles' Dress Oootls f r'verv stvle and variety new s'jle Rara-ics, Lawns, Armure Delaines, Ging hams, Ace. . A ereat variety of stjics tninis, uati- roes, &t. . A beaulirul assortment Ladies' i'arasns, Moro-co and Kid SHOES and GJ ITERS lor Ladies and Children. i. ... Also a choice selection of Q R O CERIES, Queensware, . nil cf which are offered remarkable low for Cash or Country Produce, by the subscriber. J g- Lewisburg, April 3. 1850 1'or the Ladies. Owl Is the Ivreess TbatlmakeateM WITH ona of those nice and eheap FANS ibat can ba had at the Uwisbutt Iru, Faney Good. Notion and Vaiiety Eioriuin where lb large, finest, and best assortment of t. ...i... .-.l P.nsir Fans are kept. Alao sl ttoaof Burr..o.8h.1..Ho8.a..B"kJT a q f-r Just.ces.Con.... and other COMBS-he-le. great vamty ofJ JVO ble,&C , OO band at other iiica things. rr.ll and see at t;. w. SCHAFFLE. BACH BOTTLFOwa t. Taau Ma a ear One ssiav nwnunui avt slaw Twewtv-Oa) Vnym. frim f e r sr Ma &Mm f PU,,IFH.G liXTIIKT hmwrtn,im QTAKT BOTTI.tS, and !a f tn aMtVtl ti ri jfi m m tk hettlm. Thr ?rwr pr itift( Tut rrnnri w-r SW4P'U4 tfkd mJ. nb-r uilsir iuf iir-, mut m mmm n-vr ttd cimmI f'om I 'etv f"iio m tW'si: V m-r u m nlm pun i m friwm fit iu wodxm&m, tbm f m avtK4.a 4 8arsapaiill. YUow Dock, thrrrj mm4 frwm Barka. Mfff trnjli. nf". pwyfuUp ontru4 n Imwysjf sOatJaV fee (if awK Ol' UeeW ftianJUw i sjnt eWttsaf ui H 'iaMCanTt la tu4tuA j vty h-.:tue of Mt-ieite, CtVJi k rtnut SawmpmitU fiir, Sr.Luiiu..-iciiiM Thlw PariaWr mmiwm tba w)elar eJ1iasf and hcstltmg mtmm mwnai aatr ttsj-af , WW mA ViMblrs, .WrtviM eri4, mtk-i lq aaw FV 11 mpOUrMawMl WlLa rtMip nii. kWat ixxk. ( Verf 4 eViTwrafj, V-T nti k INrj jmW mm (tee- moavt rvtajaVt tvuei OsrftM P rTrvWr m flfts Kli W nnrUl 9u true a tbA tbi lo bv -rtf lumi mdi fmt Itsta fco-a 1ft (Mi Om Tfclppaa-al. ftftww ttmm m Da. But H im rvat with Kslnclof SnrMipmritia, fur m cmmwqnuMm na itai am irni fa an fist fnrna- faiifffrT I tiilinr tMt Hnu, il tasj aia UaWawawasI tvul rrdnctrd ttv l-r. jf srsMNril'a Lao ta w Tw9 Tbmu or .vtorv lahlntmvmf-lmTnm. root, or Mors tftrf -4-Hsir, U itv- tr mi ImU rrl ; (vmI aW m bsjttisl Off Bmrmpv -Uat on!T iv Ha-Nx ffrW. itVfur. rarnf Pct f : m sisisr, $u.d au mjnn itw -- lJCie ci u ut Far, Pitt, or Sis DTt wttcr -Vrw t!ii hniUt tf Bru all's Ptrlflcr in Im rVoa. TWflM ' IkltM 14 T lumyrr Kifl m but!! cf Sfa frtliit; tutd n tits d&nv mf-iica, rtf -rwv itnm-sil awr.) b rxitvilis avi Heli?. m the dii? siw- ( Sr4w. ptr.ti, iha-a a tom Tu.a Owe hioim tk Vim ftairiaa ia) V nh Trr( kur, or k iK4 timm Burnt tiiaa a butt wf ;jTnT panlla. TIm ahore Twr)W.tiffl dat not Tt-t thow U- gnat $tijm ftte tu tHe be-t veen Uw sMlacai ,&my uf ttB.irr'. pL.irikva. aoi EsAaswravtiLL. li; wtii an'pfw by im ccnJkcmtMum ot OwVnts IB JurC tmjUts, auuwujt Un ONC BOTTLE OF BRANT'S PURlfiER aa not. rifirvy, and curm mm aapara Uocd intnm, T-aa If. thn. On H'Trrt 4 Fl-riftp rv of n DoiL., Cuatf HMU mf SurtpiriLM aiuMmi ami iVjr Tra) 1'eaicaw CANCER OU3 SCROFULA Kr J. B H(vi of Hrmsf,Orim C. ! Y wh was wa4 f HcTufmm in irtaav wrur- u bit fU aa rrljkunl neiow, in aa avUou :n thm Mirxe Ch it m Um CUf .if .W Y-trk, un aw nf Vmmmbtr, !, attaJv-r ue toimtw tu CtrcaasSLa.ca : A iv-raun in ilm Citf of , Ywh had arianiifirrjn-d an4 w-rivW-4 aatrttM untrW nt aw-Iirtu. viiia; it Biaut t lalfMaVM Mr.fstl 11 at. ir. aauf,iJ,vaa saS aW da - -J U. jrata prweme4 iu utotmta 4amtn. in die iprvrnst 1 'urt o Iim City ul 4-w )', and time raaa was rrferrwd CrW Csnrt to J. 8. Buaworn, Kavq., Si LAnj atrv-vL a-i Mrari Lavr, aa Htferm to tae TtM lwWiiTKrv. Tkw ttt-iVi'lant p.-avid iu ataryaraoa aUaty, ibal ihe tnifftntm4 rv'.' Meit-Usai bad tn jMwMf pu'iiaVM?d rt. irsTtMKiiri rf nrn, and Ibua had coauaiU- ! a raW ua traa putuc. strvi. tisw-rv-tf, w aoc vntHtjd U iivt-vfarti. Tt esM of Mr. Heuttm vraij awrteij aa bengfUrt aud Hi4itki mm mtrn aa a evUatfa in rsar It the . r a oubiuucO. ana m iaswcNia utu. ttum atrstjUjiLa aW puUttttiMtm. Mr. H salMl eairrf. I ms vQ vtrafwvl wrik MrantS Prif-itkf l Iras-t UvJ aa-wd at taf A'ul ttsrwa , 1 vory kaU syakasl try it ; 1 wtkavvvVJ ks. w(PfM .-Ww-y M bswl rr I , iMlai mt lr"w tr,l ft., ro-J -jss? rw.id rafw me. 1 f.n sewj'iwd ws a iatt.rua.OJ -n. i-t $m anasrV bjplrww I ttwl Ur-tm't ff'tm. t tax aaW ar. V Use I . eTravs-r-J .Mng u i'aw .Jirr 1 aval Vea) reseffrW ty tav bnJ 4 " (un; I ruutsi ai rasxr mAi V my newt my sssv-ai f MM Vrrr ,e, "int Ir-MB -- e-r ; ont skar mam ' 9Vm tt rt-taJsd k, IumC It rrsiM (aa. lftl urn Hjt nf at Urw, at Ot ly ii'sln X "P I m WsTa Vav -, k tmfisr. lc l su wl statasjs-4 aa aikd 'Hit vat rbs t,te; mm trr m wrr- M'r Urj ant akt avawisi, faiiotttavr we H-nler mi arm "suly as I rjr-, whrn-ti iai aiia iur-h mf 0tfm Utl Bil basalt ritnltl 6 luahtd n.To ;mkf si ray Ma Wi wils-4 fro -a my tMiwit.W W au) aHtx.w wkc h ki sNkOvt t tl b.si ; 1 haJ afal "U-vr alrrta . 44 Itrmmi't W,ar m sa.ui Tast'arr Ur Jat awMUw Hk-r-w skrtn dy. I twaM .. W r.fiJi t. . tA- H wsT ' asanfl art da . thvt tstsW M (jTrs'siw4 mf, W ti. -"rt I ISw wp out of bm4. tlta vrawb- ttew 1 t4 tissr f-ia. oVsssy of ms,), :. fHswotb-siae-v isawaivs w-wt-j m -. . ttt I tri-kf n ttM. aa awa.o tbw irttn tf lsiajtai. atK le. u. . I r tawrAWtrftl, V:m brrttV Hkl r.l Al.t I' IX rZS. la-it ! sra-erj mrt SjtVsut M ,r Ls as tuw ) ray t;,oeni, A t law m--i4 4fa at eppmsj wrw t ms1 .r H istm . art,!, h a PIC H F tCff cl'kc. t --T-H nw t., i ,.". ttoM vi.u. rjMncts- LJMS, XS MUSI sTdki-BLXlS. BRANT'S-INDI AN PULB1DNARY BALSAM Thin f-" am ml tb clmnsnr and jmn'vmg r? rs ik lor ateuw-.'amrd vrsftio txTmCT. ant) ahva f-.j-a-. -av- Tta. tAhvT mi tcttn. j-rrftctt'-x'v and aarcaw tr.l fr.ryrL- COt-jHr and CONl MITUISS. 1 ifxtj? M..i are r rrt tn the ImsT and nf whrrw MMtrrmstJ h. as rvtvl It anl aa ca-alj aa ti Pmrtf yg iUirnct mmd rmv- fttrrmii. 'VM:su ist rurra of the mot Cwmaojkia ftti x pne i: nim-i-t niKnttrnUwi) rrhrarj la mil diavasura of lc'LI V;-, THrtOAC and b-CtAT. AOVINt. WOMAN SAVED I CONSUMPTION CURED! W- e rr tb frifiu-rjitr crttirtst aa fad tf rar hkSi Kim to pre tb- aoTr to life. rTn wb the peraoD v-vmtj to V m the trj Uat tsrea of exifc-W2; wbeu f-i i avfr-T P vasra-r-; Kj)Mt i afimiiiistetvd : We 4Tie the tU'ow ccttrtcmtF aa a fart of cm wika. ! Ui ir,.w,. ih hvt tuasv I re.eTfai whru tUr pr-rax-a vm. hr ia the rny ImM atea et nfiie, arhi-ei B-uni I tiivti r-imtytttry mmm ia adrniaiat. red fbva raae not stand aioe w? rou'.d awme wahv cvaaa aa marrri- tud mston mi k an .1 kxmtmtm or 4 f i,aat eevjaa-.. ac, 'km of tmm ca Ird COJ-SCMPTIO-S. i I UK waa rtftctei oa tbe .' ot Mr. Z.aa VwxwyfMt oi ti to oi Hailrton, Sarmtrnfm Cx JV. T. Mr, livk m-n wa tnooait-ed dyimAf, moa Mr. l5iTemaa Wrfit to t: ultir of Mr. J.mv Wait to purrkam HotM for aarai4. nnd oOur burial MirMw, rapertiau; hi witm aroald tt -r? A:n. t-h- wits ia the doat vrr ot tit diaeaae) -araa murj, emmmtmi and mistnwmd and to rente hr rr-at ditr?m. aod tn-ktt a dfitf piilom mure twy. Mr. lH-b-metn was p-rnia.lfd tn riT- fcr some of - BftAM MHAS PI LVoVAItV BALAAM. He tk the fruamm ha-vTH.- wrtli the tahroad. and aT a portioa t him wit -it rt'nT t 1. r tie cuntinncd to take it until the ivroT-reJ vmd HfEALTH, arrnl nhv hats ctnitinucd txeil ur neariw fomt at- f, tanphtet lor pXti'tt'Bra; .-sir. .rTKKM- awtitv. to the ahove facta brfota Tnoax O. Torsia, Em, of ttlttrm Si!i April, lt4-.. w"w. . E-wf., iisiiit, rt-ruiira caai oa aaa town Mr. Dj a.-ruMi muiv ytipr sari tht h ia one of 1'traivMf tttirlMw and Teenccta&t eitiitna: anJ Mr. J.im I Watt, the a-'hat por n ut abuvr, sue esrtyiea k taa I xm1 rft;.r m tt-r of Mr. f iram. aad that be wa aa- tjuaiisi-ti aritn mil Usemen, iwinj heard them oitaa aua -a at by l-ytxmon Brant's Palmonarj Balaam rnna COVfrMPTtQX roughs, Crttt Spitting ef B1mA itirtdimdr at Lm. Vain tm the ftremM aad Side, if -Strttattt, sVavvoas ComplaiHta. Pilpitxtion mf lW Hmart CUsra f'.ateta, lfmJry. Summer CompLxtmta. mod ALL tEMALE WEA KZi ESSES, wtiAomt aay JmiUmAj itiaar DUITOSS U rilVMllUH RECOllE.D. 1 tie fo!l.,w1i!;-n.med tktftor and iflUMJ havs taiaJa ij reenmni -mlrd IliiAM'd MKDIClNtd- lr. it. ill 'KrM-tii. ftamlonj, Conn. l)r. J. N. SMITH. W.tertnwn. . V. I;r. Klls.-.MAN, i:fc Uenrv street Brooklra, R. T. Ir. 1: M. Hi:.vT. Aiihnrn, . . lr. UKU. FKA.1CI8. Mi.ldletDWn, CowaV I'r.UKU A. KUtlbK.f. BaUl,ll. Y. Tr. t. WHITK. Dredia. K. Y. Pe. C. B. GALKSTIHK. Krroax W. Y. Dr. J. MLI'MAN. FayeUevulei, H. Y. tie. J. M?.StH H.:irTStrret,BTOakJya,l. Y. ' 1st. O. Mill'AM. tuniaaa, H. Y. t For '(ie bv Thornton lit Raker. Lew if burij ; Eilwd Wi'son, N?w 3erim ; Ji J Croc.-. Selinsgruve ; (i 4 f C Moyer, Freebur ; H N Uackbaase. MiUJIr burs; ; Wilt & Eilert, 71 art I e- ton ; An'es A Mencb. Miffiinburg All lettrrs snd orders most he aiMreesfd 10 Wallace A Co 1U, Brnadwav, Kew York lva281 4 FRESH supply received at ihe Lewis burg ('heap Bookstore : -. Fiskt's M.mual of Cla-sicci Ljer&Uiro )is Analytical Geometry Blair's Rhetoric. (Univeraity edition Corrwtock'a Mineralogy 'I he Comple!e Farmer, I Yoi. C2 et The New A me rienn CJarrfencr, 1 "'. Si" The Book that will Suit You, or a Word for Everybody I can furnish, llw above works, with a great varieiy cf othsra, at efrj lout prices. Mav 30 ST I.YKDAM. If indole SASJL A lot of 8x10 Window Sasb.Trom tha cheap Manulactory of Sprout or. Burrow oo hand, and all siies got to ordir o short notice. -' May, 1940 ' I G Lawshe TUS .J I. T received a penuine arttde ol t ea f.irer Oil lor whleaie or retail. Nov 13 Dr Thornu n & Baker NEW BUGGET for sale, cheap, lor further particulars enquire at this) ilhce. Lewisburj;, iNov.7, I33 N AILS and IROrf fosale by ApS4 - Reber Si Mdinga. lb fJhrOOICle ttIKe, or primea w nnwr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers