IjKWISBUKG- CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER ttHt quD Qinncr. A Gen. An orator out West (by-lhc-way, all the lofty bursts of eloquence come from " out West now-a-dt.) in coinntonting on the dangerous character of circumstantial evidence," is said to hare closed ith the following gorgeous prrrfii!n. Shade of Cicero, hiJe your dimmis-hed head ! "If circumstantial evidenco were person itied, it should be the form of a beautiful woman. Her brow should b the brow of Mmerva ; her smile the smile of Venus ; her voice the voice of a Syren. She should be ciad in the while robes of itiiioeencc.bul on her garments should be seen "clouts of blood." Her step should b the conquer or's desolation ; and in the bark ground, haunting her lootntpps, should appear the (.hades of unquiet, perturbed wpirils.ranged in groSpsoftwslve.rr-pret-entiiig the jurors ho had been led nslMT by her knowing brow, her treacherous smile, and yet mora seductive voice." Homrxpatiiy. Ibfe is a homrrpHthi: dose of nn argu ment for Hnrociyathy. Though but a drop in fciae, it is higiuy cimVciitrnted, and may have a powerful c-fleet on some minds : A strong, healthy, couutrv female was stung in the arm by a wasp. In less than ten minutes, the limb b emno intensely ,niiiful, end, with the whole body from head f" foot, swoil n m rrd as scarlet. The tongue became U much onlarjted, i.bs'.ruclt-d her speech, and threatened .ul" .lcation. Her brain Hcame alTerted, and her eight confused and indistinct. It was rtrr days before she llmro'ly recovered, .'.i this case how powerful the effect, yet h. -.w infinitely small the dose! Did the rtiost "powerful ni-rrnsn.t.j ever detect, the 'nest balance ever weigh, the nicest test . ver discover the oil. 1 flu ersthe marsh miasm, the infection of fuver.er the ver. im ,Va waspT" Veitlhama Iloiinepathy in Acute Diseases Ci.rr.GT akd JocK8T A clergyman who was in the habit ot preaching in diffe rent parts of tha country, was not long - nee at an tun, -wh're he ...served a horsy ickey trying to ttVe in a simple in, i y imposing upon him a broken-winded t 'rse for a souad one. TI10 pardon knew Use bad charnetar of the jockey .and taking t g.nllaman a:t!. toid him to lie tuti- i. rivof the peron dealing with. Tha fc-ntlemar. finally declined the purchase, the jocsey rj .' " -.- ".'arson., had inur'si rather hear you preach Han se ymj privately iutrrferc in bargains between man and man, iu this way.' We' I,'' replied the person, if you had Isfii where you ought to hnvo been last 5 mday.you might It iv heard me preach." Where was tint V inquired the jockey. In the S.'att Viri,''rctorted the clsrgy ;an. Eipkesivs At a fire in Dr.troit, late ly, no little merrinn tit was created by the iclamation r.f n tali, l'are (..rruan, with f. night cap and grten gogjlos on. lie hud -rtnoved all l.ii ocxi from his sure, ma ny cf-.vt'ch wcra Ir&ker-.'houh his house escr.pcd the Sanies. Surveying the wreck of somf! of his crockery ware, he ex slairrd.1 "ITi.h is too cb'r7 ,inC prokc, and iiot:rg pirnt !'' Xjrllorace Greely calls juvenile tobae co chewcrs, -young donkeys who are just learning to brut;'" themselves by the use i.f the vile weed." lis sw-aks from experi ence, for !s says r.hen ho was six years old he smoked nearly an inch of c gar him tcir. He winds up by the remark, " do not say that every sn.okcr end chewer i uecesarily a WackguarJ. tut ihere is a very steep prt-stivity t'r.M way." LMiKND - t kOAl ll THI X: Twa r,n the tp i this high h.!l St. .'.trick j.rc.tched a hrniint, Which dr ve the fro-s into the b.'g, And bar.i--r.ril all the varmint ; The frogs went -vp. thts toaV went slop, l'lump, da-h int the water, 4 .v,o 1 rommittcd suicido To save themselves frm slf.ugh.sr. j I?ir.estis; tj OittLS. When a h .et j arrives at any f the landm-i in Iowa, ha- j viug young laJ.as on board, the b.i. h-lors ; rod and hover abo; alter ie n.anm-r t of New York nod Charleston cabmen, and kiog out, ' Uavo a husband Miss ! hava a husband !" A rterchnnt examining a hogshead of hard rare, on company it with the invoice r...,mA nil r':..l.t xreBt one iiatnmsr. -Gh, don't be troubled, my honey," said the j Irish porter, "sure ihe nager took it out to J cpea the hogshead with." "John- Dunn is now et the American ! Theatre, Cincinnati " VrlI. 1st him remain :!:rre we'e dun enough here, eln-sdy. Flatterers only h:' rrnn uj, as the eagle doe the tort.ese', that he may gel some thing by his fall. ' "There are two s-Jcs to this buiues,'' as the woman said when she we turning the j.ancakr. Whviaa lawytr like a tailor? He esiwe he U always ready U commMica a luit. j T11 give frme to the-stuii.:'-li I-'f? j w.;h Ml-ta-.'at.' ACCOUNTS OF LEWISBURG BORO' tor the year 1S43. J. alms irr, Orirtetnvf Poor. 1R. l a amount o( Duplicate for 149 .'jOyi.Uj Dy anil rxriiilei Hannah U.-rat $97.2S Jo Mrs Connor 44,55 lio John.M.loy 11,74 tin transieiii naupar 02 du I.u inda Kree 51,42, do Harriet M't'ulum do larah Kuigaa 4 ,3 da Ktbeeci Goad 30,37 do burah Machauiar do Maria ililca do Thuroai Hani Hooks for duplicate Stc Overaecrs' tVis I'rrCentag for collecting duplicate 8,48 3,00 40.0'J SJ.59 SI, 05 Lionerju.ms on duplicata liaiuncu due I3orough 1 15,0t) $591,95 To Balance due Borough $115,01) Exonerations Poor Tax, 1 S 19 Amnion Suaa An ! -r?H. n W m X ftsvwn 4.1:ritUUI Itnrf Thimai John Ikv r rMl llru-li .fa ib luJ t piH-a t'um -rf.n v ui B i'm -Ihw SAr&h Crt? liu-- J 'ho CtarttltT! Wta OllUer J" Dull J O l:n k-re JaW'b l);u!orr la;r Kirbrrt Ji-uu Jr k'ui.iin-r ikcut".,u K-l-r Ira K ' Tu-kiu on FUg.T tiiU -:iv Il'Vti r. -i.hu:; jum 11 ilrris Mary 'luti.'ii-t 11 N-D'-y li' ii I Jv b Jr i.v Aii'Ir- w Hi hz J tk-Ih llt.nl. r ! i Ji'IlitfjU iKutj I K.nnitlr Ixuiu 03 Aj 1t1i;.j Mm W i i LucrcJuhit 23 Laii,! J KUi.-s B 4 j Zi Lacuv U B l I l.uk -11. E i t j IS Morton Nmi.-y il 2J Murtiu John IW ti M ( kir,' Kirlutr.! U Hit ai'Clun-Jonaihaa S3 4j Vunii'.ii Muruuu J3 M.mt I'M'. ;J 4s li M'NvUL'urtla t 44 il N.-;ii:.n JmI.ii Jr C 1 i NVwuttu J.ihn i J3 iMifaut J.'bn 'Ml a IV... KVhanl S 44 IVt'-ri. John 3 1. IL ll.-nry XJ I'nJ..l.n 12 1 Uan..... John- H S.1 4 biri-ki..i.. .-nttiu.-l 67 K 45 Miafi-r Srui.n. l. rj 'J Murk An'iii w U S E 4;. iutumn auiufl t'7 46 'lu.-lin A 4? t,7 i.'UTri I'utlihua 4o 24 V, ;,lia'f William 1 M .dl.iO- jiry 4. aa w.-.it.r sjuiu-.-i a; 'il V il.-on A a a. IS V.-t Ih.mia 7 t ii h..l,J J.n. -Jil fU.'.U n,l.'. Jus. GLxs Collect ufBiffo Tax far 1813, DU. 1h5( M.trrh 26 To ant of duj licie 1311,31) UK. Hy cah puitl Trt-hur. r $C3C,UU tVb 28. Uv iiuru' scriu tiken in payment of uxes !ntor'lt cn same .M uch 11, Uy Uoiuu.jh Scrip luieitt on e.uuo Woik ti me on aStrceU Prfi-ntjpi on duplicate Kioiirratiuns on tiuj UcaU BulaiiiC due UuruugU SS,23 7.35 7J 45C.Hi 5n.:i 63.87J $iS!1.9u Exonerations Ilo:i'l Tux li'J. Amm- ui. Supaii llruh loc l-'i l l St -a O-m. i.a.- :'.rfth I rul .l.mbiiiti t.i.il Jos. ilt iliU'l.T.' Jj.""b I . -I. il J .;.:i ..r-trt:..!: l;.Ul;v liiv'h I...-I li.-.-r.-i-: Hut' KirtM n N..tw lit-i'ta ;.H vV.hii.-Mn It' ry K ii.'lili-'ij Ih-H-itt E K.i-n -y J-'m l..'ii4.:-.y '".? l.-l'K' ,.;iIM'- K l.uU. iu- .1 K U-'-Ti .'.ll.'l li v.u.i.Tj- .lf-hn M l';.:rf Jiu'tlian v. i . luii.l t: .N.'aiuan J' l.n Jr K .iiiTHnt J.h!i !Vl-r- .l--m ttaii ! .Hj.li J. bn E .-Jil. r J im Miijr Ifav: 1 iUlUi.ll! .-"itll'l 1 '';U.a V iticull U :.'! r smii-l Uiiit.-IU'MI' K b.7i DO r-i t.i. & t,.. ft i) i.ii i.) bo It-fa- Thm.n M r !i. i'-ru.-b J..01. ti.:n- TMn V.'illlamS (..rii'-imj Jtit.ii Cour.T .to.u pl, 'rr-.-;r.), kiitiaza J'aii J. .;! ii r'ri.-t V. iliiurtB li. i.-.i- M. hiUcrrK tl.il. hal! J-.l.i. it ii Ji:.rr:- Mar.K lUy Aii-iivx liunUT 11 1' K.-lly Jui" Kr-1 'r ii'kiiitit R K. !! . .1 uih-h B I.i.t.- Ji.hn 1 1 1 ..it v i: M rl -f V I Ki. i.nrj lr J .!! T r.r:---ii !uiu?on M'.N.ilCilrCi R N.-wii'-iii J',T:n rr.- itirharil !.'. Ill I!. ..ry :rl. .-'atrtKl i-.!.. k Aimr-w T.:-'i!. A K V. limi- N'Mi.- V iiM.n .4 A t V tUlllJUil JIU. A 1,2-. l.'.i M 7 !'t Lit) )." 1.7.1 1.W i.-.: I.iki Wtuiiuuii Jtu. j l -'i -4 v;st John Houghton, Treasurer, Dll. 18IS), March 2t", Tu tulatice due U,.ra' un atttitmrnt if 157,! 3 J Juua 'i. Cash rccJ of J 1' Kw far J V .hrincr, Coli'er lor i!.? ym 1814 15,0(1 Aug G, fftai JoCia9, L'i.lfer for 1819 S.i.lM 70,i'0 63,00 5(1... 'I sa.au r Har.sclrnan'a reel fur ! il! for u of houe c to hold It.-.ro flrction Mar If U, ii-tl ol J U'iim, Cil 4,00 22, from j'jj (ila., Coil'r fir 40.U0 ISSJ.Jana do J. 7.1,00 il tlo tlo ;io,oo Fb 7, fiom J P Roc for J W Shrincr M3 10,00 14, ficai Jot lil.M, Co!!'r for 14M 116.00 3. Match II, ai. Jo Jo Jo Jo ui) 35,011 Jo Jo 2G.52 do in rull toll. dup. '47 8,:tii 8 Rittr, So poorlai'4S 25 J Glaw.tulen f,,r n'cTownllail 0,10 Jo fine im;K.rJ on certain parson" for diaor.lrrij conduct 5,00 itjru'crip with int. tukn hy J U!aaa,Cbll.forl4iM,Ft'(i.8.'s6 35 f.I Saiip of Jo Jo r. 1 i jo 3.73 Jo Ja $bS0,ri:j CK. Aug C, 1S49. Dy ctsh pd A'Vi'inenardrn in part for brcati.-ij nunc to MacAdaiuiae Market atreet. pr racri; t $15,00 7 Wm Ditly. tiauiinir alone for do 25,00 1 1 'l ima Walfrs, ijuairring do 5.00 li A VVinraardeii " Jo 25.00 V'l Wm Ditly do 40.00 .St i.tr 'l'liti Watrrs Jo 5.00 7 Wm Hilly d i 3(l.0!l .! A ViiieRrrdi-n Jo 31.ni) 17 J VBu:kirk,in pat! f .r lixe f.-r D2ra'!?,4S '41 TUoi Water, quarrying a, iiia 10,00 viuM.Klu'r,t!r urd.lor JiiWraarl iG.OO St Jo Jo Th Water a 1 1.00 24 do Ja Wm DlltJ ll.i3 Oct 2i Wm Ililtv 20.00 Not 3 A Winrga'rdr'n 21,00 10 J fJlasa for Hiiiselinin, ua of boas 4,00 12 A Wineisarili n 60,01. 22 S? Reca, wrvg notices on D iro' Ofll. 1.40 ilec t J V Dukiik, in f jii lor iiuin .3,12 Jm 1, 1850 Cash pd II W Frica hjr ord of Council for li .rouU iScriji 52.12 5 Wm Dilly 20,00 7 H I' teller pr orJ for Wm Ditty 47.G2j U Wm Uitta 10,00 A Wimgurden 6,00 16 Nnius&li' !er protd for AWineg'n 13,54 Feb 14 Jt;ias8,rtct pj 'A'l'ameron for atone 4 1,-0 Jo for John Wcrol in full 58 Thomas Wuttra do 1.58 William lliltT Jo 16 91 Mar5 ALHalfi id,i.arl for k-H-pngT Clock 10,00 2G (J l'onacbr.ofrv. v High Constahle 5,00 P llanclman,asr liouxe Mar 1 V 50 ,00 H Miller, fount , eprving notice of . j rirrtion on U 'ro cfcrra for '50 I,f O ON Wordrn. puWishg "undry r.oti- rrt and the j.resrnt Statement 13,25 J A Morn, Ksi. iju aVfying liorongb "fficcra f.r ISl'J and 150 3,00 Vr'm Roboi.(r. ijte Pr.:th' lni"n ' o, lull of co, u allowed him ty Auditor, f ii ccrti 'uri in aui'a brou't !.y Prire acainot Uoro for insuiii" Scrip in 113 15,00 tilJitoia, tettlin; l?oro" account 3,00 I'lerk. maki.'ii; out du;l. eaten f.r lloro and Po)r Taiej fjr 1S4J 5.00 ClerkA Treat's a:!nry koejoie arcta 25,00 Roro' tScrii' ai.J int. rcrj by Jlaissj Fvb 28,'5' cain-' lled hy Audilora 35T.1 do J(Jla. Mil ll,';-: Jo 3 78 Jo Trea. ainco lat aetlle't do 43 SU Ua'ance J te die U jrouli 115 82i Id, tio til .epl 7 Jo ii 21 ! iIj 'ii do !. Oct Sl do Jo Njt 10 tlo Jj Wa the anderaiffned, AuJitorg of the Borough of I.ewiahurg, do certify that ne have examined the furcgoihg account, and find the same to be correct. Witnes our band, the 20th day of March. A. 1. 1850. JONATHAN WOLFE, 1' JOIi.N WALLS, ACDITOBS. , iolicc. OUnSCRIIJERS to the "University at O Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those hrt have not paid the 1st instill' t are respectfully notified that ali such dt-linqnents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the tune they become due. HA MX T. WALKER, Tana. Lcwisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. 2 3 " 3 r c 5 2 o O c c 3' S -3 o 2. 3 tl n rr - 3 T s a S J? ? 3 o r. ? 3 . re : o - a 3 . r ra o 2 7 c C 5 C o ax C5 n c JJ o c sr I -x 3 - a. 2 S.- .n TJ v., - E io f5 r'" "Sii's sawi c t -t- o3 S "?5 2?!15 P E. o ?43 if 1 s C- . S-2 x 3 HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwisburg, I'nion County, R'nn'a. Practices in l.'nion ami oO; iinintr,oui.tie altcsis the courla of Prr? co-ji.U. -a 10 0 FFK'E on ScconJ St., I;:ly occupied by L. LI. (Minst, Lsq. I3randreth"s l'ills are sold at 25 cu per (villi full directiona) 1Y J. HAY! J ) by o.nly IvS cc tX., Lcwisburg, and one Awnt in every town in the I'aion. M.mh A"cnt has a Certilicnls of Ajri'iicy. miiiii; the hnx o' pills always and eoinji.Tre il will: the fic-siraile laic's on lUc t.'criiti.ir of A jcricT. As there is a counterfeit ot the flaw la!l out. thia i ff murb itnpcrtunce, a lStri i a decided Jirtvrt'nce tictwecn Ilic rtj'pcarance of I lie true l.i!'eifl ai.u tlioc of the ryuM.rfe.it. Tbc counterfeit is done on atone; ihe e mine are done on tci!. The apppernnce of tt.r printing on the counterfeit ia ratre.i and l.lurn ; Ihe genuine lahel ia the ery fit.k of iatnea, both in pinning, paper, and general I'xe-iition. IJt; very careful sn.l goto ihe Air:it.iiP.-i you .ant Draiidrei:,' 1'illa : then you arc jure of the genuine article. When y'u purchase othcrwire, inquire of the aeller rheilier he knows Ihe piiis he oiTera you ore the cei.uine IJiamheth's? K erv niin knows whether ihe mticlo he olTcra is t-UG or fale. Uewire if cheats ! ma '"PHE jmh-xriliers offer tho public, nt their I new Kriek Foundry, the following ne atii rr:lu;i Irle Stores : Iron Wit. Ii Air-Tight Cookitig Stoves, with a Rrkk Oven. La.ly Was'uiniinn Tailor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tiglil Parlor Slova.for Wood 3 sizes. Coal Ilurnar for Parlors I aiso, 1 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove S :x-s. shield Air-Tight Tartar Stove for Wood 2 sixes. E;g Stova the very le?t in use for Store, ()lTi;s. llarnom, and Shops. The celebrated (Jmicseo Air-Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 2 site. Also, nil kinrls of Wood and Goal Stoe Ploughs CHslinos, A:c CI IK 1ST & M'FAPDI.V. Lewisburg, Deo. 12, 1949. LUMBER ! V HE subscriber s'.ill continues to keep a l-trge stock of Lun-.berin his ard for salt, coitiprwinej the lolloping, viz. Kill 0(10 feet goiJMry Pino Common and Pan 4") .000 feet joist anil Santlin?, nel Boards, l",et)0 feet gooil dry Poiilir and l.i.'iu Boardj, .'ru.OUU Joint and Lap Shir.glea, 8S,Gn0 sawed Ceiling Lath, Pine Rail i and Square Timber, Maple and Poplar heanlling. Weatherboards and Pine Piling, Salt, NaUs, and Stone Coal, Oakum, Tar and Pitch ; r.!l of v?h!ch he will sell at fair prices. THOMAS NF.SBIT. I.pwisburg, Jan, 22, l?5t 3ir. FRESH supply received at ilia Lewis j burg Cheap Bookstore : Fiske's Manual of Classical Literalarc Ouvies Analytical Geometry B'air's Rhetoric, (University edition) Comstock's Mineralogy The Complete Tanner, I vol, 62 cts The New American Gardener, 1 vol, $1 The Book that will Suit Vou, or a tbrd for Everybody I can' furnish the above works, with a great vnrietv of other?, at rrry Inn prices. May 3d " S F LYNDA LI. Window SASH. A lot of 910 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows, on nana, and nil sizes got lo o.-uer on shcrrt notice. . M:iy,l?4!) I G Lnvrsho A NF.W EU&GEY for snle, cheap. For V further particulars, entpira at. thn ortics. I.ewsbur(f, Nov. 7, 1849 N 70TMS Proniitso-y, Judgim-nt. and lotn'. Ntjres (blank) a! this office. yf i) Dr. Swayne't Celebrated Fatnily Medicine. CURB FOLLOWS COBB ! Moro Proofs of the Efficacy of Dr. S WAYNE'S cuxrorjKn siitur or Wild Cherry. 1t Origitwl ami Genuine rrejiarulim .' Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, llronchilis, Liter Com plaint, apitling Ulo.id.diliiculty of Breathing, pain iu the Side and llrcasl. palpitation f Ihe Heart, Iiiflucnza,Croiip,l)io ken Conblitution,sure Throat, Mervous l)e!iility,and all diseases of Throat, Ureoft, and Lungs: the most elTec lunl and seedy cur kuown for any of lbs above diseases is Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup of Wild Cterry. Huliable Testimony. John Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy. Mass., was attacked with a aeerc infiama lion of the lung, accompanied with distressing cough : after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ot Ur Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect health. WTc!. Montelius, a respectable merchant of St Cloir, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1819: "Enclosed I send you a certificate of Win. lieau mont, a citizen of our town. , Hia case of Cons umption is wcK fcnown hers.and of long standing: he attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cheiry." lie not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but sec that the signatuie of Ur. Swayne ia upon each bottle, which is the only guarantee against imposition. Himtmber ! ibe genuine preparation of WilJ Cherry is prepared only by l)r Swinr, N W corner of Eighth and liace streets, I'liilad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, "A Safe end Effectual Kcmedy for Worms, Dys pepsia. Cbolers Morbus, sickly or dyFpeptic Children or AdulU.and the most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the public." This reineJy is one that has proved successful for a long lime, and is universally acknowleJucd hy ull who have Iried it to be far atiieriir (being so very pleasant to the taste, at the same time effectual) 10 rv other medicine ever employed in dii-fRsiM tor which it ia recommended. It not onir destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole system. It is harmless iu its effcrts.and the health of the patient is alw ays improved by its use, even when no worms are dii-covered. yBewure of Mhtukcs. Rememlwr Di S's Vcrmiiuge is now put up in tquurc bnttli-s (hav inn recently been changed) covered by a beautiful wrapper, '-eel engraving, with the portrait of Dr Swnyne thcteon engraved. Hear lii.a iu ciind, and be cot deceived. PR SWAYNE'S srOAR COATED 8ARSA I'ARILLA AX D EXTRACT OF TAR l'lLLS. The virtues of these pills can be appreciated I only ly those who have used them. They are adopted to assist navare in carrying r,U morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of Ihe blwd. &c. They are a gentle and elective purgative, correct all the ftictions of the liver, and as an alterative in dropsical affections they are very valuable and should be in every family. They have an outside coaling of puro White Sugar.wbereby everything I diSreeable to taste or smell is entirely removed ! without in the leat allect.ng the excellent quail- i ties of the medicine. Lemember ihey are now put up in boxes l:irnea out ol tne ,..a woou . covered with a red label bearing the signature ol DrSwayne: none other is genuine. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only by Dr. S WAYNE, N W corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Jlgtnts for Union County, Pa. C W Sehaflle, and Thornton & Uuker.Le.visWg J .Necbold and Beilm'" cncui ivlillersburg Ed Wilson, L. cq 'iaylor,.Mifllinburg Mos Specht, Boavcrtowi,. Wilt & Eilert, llartleton D i I'hyer, Ccjiierville Saml llaupt do j lAAVSchnnre.fselinsgr've Voungniau Welter. lit.'i.klT.M'.IL. Ilrv Valiev I , O . .Ill , . J ReuliKeller.Xavy IsUm1B.& FuP!mers.Kr.-el.urg end by Storekeeper generally ly'iUO P Ull 15 FRESH COD JLivet Oil rpiIIS new and valuable Medicine, new used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrnfula, Chronic llkcumalhin, Oimt, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidney, etc. &e., is prepared from ths liver of the ! COD-FISH for medicinal tine, exprmily j for our sales. fExtrccl from the London Medical Journal.! C.J. B.Willi M. D.. F.H.S, Professor of ! Medicino in University College, London, consul- j ting pnysician to tne itospuai ior vuiisunip.inii, dec, says ; " I have preseribed the Oil in bovej four hundred cases of tuberculous disease ol Ihej Lungs, in different stages,wh:eb hi, been under my care the last two years and a half. In the laree numbei of cases. 206 out of 234, its use was j L.llowed ly manteu, unequivocal iniprovemeni, j . , ,: I varying m tlegree in un.eit iu rases, irons tern- , ,.i..7; f .t. ,,... f I nd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to more or lesa complete restotalion to apparejil health. " I he rffoct of the Cod Livei Oil ia most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few diys the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse bc:orro elt,wcr. and of! bef.er vclume, and the appetite, Ocsu and stiengtb d all roved i ""In conc,usionirrVwa't that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of lhe Cod is more beneficial in I the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or rsgimenal, that bu yet been employed." j As we have made arrangements to pro-i r.urn tho Cod Liver Oil fresh from br ad I quarters, it can now be had chemically ! pure, by the single bottle or m boxes cf , "''i.sw'onjrrfll efficacy has indued ntim-j crous spurious vuuatwns. As its success , 1 .- 1 -, . . , care can nol he used in procuring it or.nv ie. Kvery bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the' Oil, with notices of it from the Medical j Journals, will be sent to those, who address ! us free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER .J- CO., Wholesale Druuoists and Chemists, lySSS 100 Norlh Third St. Philadelphia ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, KEATLY it EXFEDITIOrSLY EXECUTED AT THE " CHRONICLE " OFFICE. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELEIl & DUO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock of English, French, German, and .American Dnigi, Medicines, Paints, Che micals, Oils, LiycttulTs, Glassware, Perfu mery, Potent Mediciues, Varnishes, &c. Having opened a new store, No "iit, Mirket at, with a full supply of fresh lirugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country deal n to exam ine our stock before purchasing else.t here, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Mrugs and Medicines, oti as liberal terms as any other house ill the City, and to fe.ithfuliy esecute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with de spatch. . One of the proprietors being s regular physi cian, afforda ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. Wo especially invito druggists and country merchants, who may wish lo become agenta for Dr. Kcclrr't Cthbrated family Xedieintt, (stenderd and popular remedies,) to forward their adJress. Soliciting the patronage cf dealers, we respect fully remain, J.N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Drnggisle, ly284 Ho. 294, Market St., Philad. SAM'L AMM ON, rilHANKFUL forlil-eral patronage heretofore I received, respectfully intorms bis old friends and Ihe public generally that ha lu removed his Toiler shop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above C Penny's aaddlery flute ihe office of II C Hiekok, Lsq) where bo bopas tu suit all who may give him their custom, aa he does all work in his line in the best and newest style Bnd on short notice. lie hj? the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, anJ is determined to keep uj with the times ani merit a good share t. patronage. CUTTING dono to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Lewisburg, June, 1 849 ly2"0,7 Myers' Liquid Cure ! IS a positive and never-failing Remedy fur PILES' whether internal, Kx tiTiial, Hlitid or bleeding Scrofula.White Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan eous Diseases, Mercurial Aectio?is,-c. - also for Scalds, Bum?, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses, tVc. &c. We feel justified ill pr.ielaiming ihe Fact to the World, U, at of all mcjicinng ever bro't before the public, nunc have ever been more beneficial to utiheted Immunity than Myert' Liquid Cure. We know this is saying a great deal, but if we were to write volume ne could not eay loo much in ululso cf tliij nF.ALTii-iiisri.iiii'r.,i.irE rnoLoimio mmnDi. IIl.n,Irej!S llRy ,bou?ands llesa the hapPv bour wC11 fir6t ,hey werft maJe acqaainu,d w'..n tran9cctllinnl virtues ; and our present purpose is u ini)rm 0hr lhou,ar,jSi bl)W ,uj ;;,.r(. tn0 ol)tsjn ,Uat i i(,f whicU lH b h ijng fuUj(lt f,(I j,, vain The super:or cxc!.ru.ce 0f tl,U pf-pamiioii ovpr other meilicine,t for lhe peejy .,, f ure of ,,iu.:.s js wcj, kP(wn 1 hlVe j, f ha8 ecn uv. . ofint4a auJ h ' t0 cure the J)Wsl llbxlhwfe anJ confia..,t it nivir fail if p.4, d a proper length of time accord- n.g to dirtctio;;. Aa a proof of our entire eonfi' deuce in itj t .'U.'ary, we assure all pur. hrisers that il. hf'Cr a proper trial, it prove inefTeclua!, the Mjney paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Cure is an elTeciuuI remr.ly for ttingworms, Bi.es, rimples, Uarters Itch, I r.xled Limbs, Chill ld.-.i, belt Kheurn, Musijuito Bites, stings cf poisonous Insects and Cutaneous diseases of ev?ry dcseription. It is both safe un.l effeetunt f.r ItuKt'iATisM, giving itnnieili.ite and petnianeul rebel. Its etiects as a rml l:iu At,r, oro lutigical. I.V1U1 IIMILI it Tllk un should provide theJiHelves will) this Invaluable Preparation, the cheapness of wlrith places il w ithin the reath of ail. Full Directions srrompany each Bottle Pamphlets, c.miainiiig copies of certificates from those who have tested the Liijuid Cure, may he bad grain of our authorized agents Miners' Liiuid Cure is prepared only by JEROME A. CO. 21 Spmcc St. New York A genie : C Y Sehafile, Lewisburg ; J (i Raster, Miltovi IveeivSti WYSCrP & HDUSEL "ITTOULD inform the nublic. that thp ii . . v. ' f have opened a shop on fourth street lower Story of S. W. WykofTs old stand, opposite Hunter 1 ardoe s shop, where they neep on j,auj or make to order a panc anj Common Chairs, H , ' r. . ! to" ( hairs-also Burraiis, rubies, Bedsteads, f5?j of vaiious kinils,r w nwnsj ,. . ty - . e Sent.es .(j. J. ,t-,wTfiI T A II .l, : . . . ,, A" work "ur hne warranted to be well mad(, am' c" rnost reasonable terms. House and Sicm PAINTING Attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in" payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred The t.,L.,;i,n,. ;,, , i. .v .v . . lj., , c .ulchu it uc stiit.i in nit; fulfi!mP,1t of all their promises as regards -K Hnd 80 oomg, hope to receive a liberal Share of public patronage. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOL'SEL, Lemnburg f,ov. 18-10 ' OLD DR. and S. T. TOWNSEND'S compound syrup of Sarsaparilla. T11,'1'0'11 ?e ol J Dr. a large and f. . . , from the princ pel Depot id New York, j ticf.i auwpiy ui ma cc-iuurntcu meuii'ine I'crsons wishing to procure Sarsp.parilla can have either the old or young Dr's, gen uine and fresh, by calling on the Agent, Lewisburg, June 26 C W SCIIAFFLE Dr. Rose's Hedicines. The subscriber having been appointed sole ai;ent for Vr. Rose's Medicines," for Union county, cficrs them to the public with great confidence as to their tltuacv I and certainty of effecting cures in all cases i for which they are designed. A single test only is required to Mtablisli the fact. n S S BARTON Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's O A RSATA I. r f.LA also P. P. Town 1 j send's Sarwiparilln fur nlo hy I'r. Thornton fit linker. 3 EQlITtnL LIFE IXSrit WCE, Annuity and '"rut Company. Office. 74, If'ulnut Street, Philadelphia. Oipital, fjiaJiO.OOO Charier 1'erjM-tual. fllHE Company are now prepared to transact I busintss upon Ihe must liberal and advanta geous terras. They are authorizrd by ibcir-cbarter (sec. 3) 44 to make nil and every insurance apper taining to life rinks of whatcvor kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endowments, and to grant and purchase annuities." The Com pany soil annuities and endowments, and est aa trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required fir the Assurane of 5100 for lite whole term of Life. frein. Ago. 1 rem. nge. mm. 16 $150 31 $'10J 4b $3 8C 17 1 33 i'4 1 li 47 4 4'J 18 1 5G 33 3 20 4 3 62 li 1 5t 31 8 27 4U 3 77 20 1 60 85 3 33 SO S 64 31 1 63 89 2 40 01 4 13 83 1 C6 37 2 47 5 4 33 33 1 6tf 33 2 54 53 4 51 Si I 73 3'J 3 63 34 4 71 SS 1 76 40 3 70 55 4 tU Ifi 1 85 41 3 81 SS S 12 87 181 43 2 92 57 5 33 33 1 91 43 3 01 58 6 54 29 1 99 41 3 13 5t 5 78 80 3 01 45 3 S3 . 60 C 03 The pismiuma are leas than any other company end the policies adord greater advantages. Mar ried women and female children can inaure the Uvea of either a husband or parent free from the claim ot creditors. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rate of premium, short term, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forms of application are lo be bed at lhe Office or of the Agent. Hate for insuring $100 on a sing I Life. Age. For 1 year. For7yeara. Tor Life. 20 l 81 VI 1 60 SO 0 Wi) I 30 t 04 4U 1 3t 1 64 3 70 50 1 89 8 07 S 4 S9 3 49 97 0 03 Example: A person aged 30 years next birth lay by paying the Company 99 cl would secuie to hi family or heir $ 100 should he die in one year, or for 9 90 he secure lo them $1000, or for 13 00 annually for seven year he secures to them 1 1000 should he die inseven years, or for 20 4) paid yearly during life he secure $ 1 000 to be pt'i when he dies the insurer securing his own bonus by the difference in arnoent of premium fronribose charged by other olTiees. For 49 50 the heirs would receive $5000 should be die in one year. PETER CULLEN, President. F. W. RAWLE, Stc'y and Trea. For further particulars apply lo HENKV O. HICKOK, Agent for Union and ailjvining eountit. Consulting Physician Wi, Hails, H. ii. Lewiaburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1843 LEVKBURCJFGUKDKY rpIIE subscribers, thankful for past pjitro . nage, would inform the public that they continue to manufacture all kind of MILL GEARl.VG. Cast Water W heels of ,bs ao M,raTJ pattern. Threshing Machine. Qr.e and Two Ilorsei Ploughs. We intitc particular attention to n new article Wiard's Patfnl CMC PL0LCI1S- fcr srfdin? in brain. Farmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, as in three days with common ploughs. and Fitting the same. HOLLOW U'ARH Kettles and Tots of various sises Smooth ing Jrons and Smnds cast Tea Kettles to suit cook ing stores. COOKING STOVES, the moit approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Faney.Parlor, Wood, Coal Stores, AIR TIG II T S TO I 'ES, Ilaee'K Srir-rostilatliiR Alr-tlgbt . 1 ar.sr cod moves, (a new article.) Threshing Machine? arrJ other article of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war- r.nn:ed to fc of the Lest materia), and at prices that can cot fait to pUmse. i . r-KHDES iV MARSH. Ltwislmrg, March 23, 1848 1200 II i -- . r I 111 C Under mtonmiX vantr llama. aA f.a:.k 1 ". w IUII11VU IV Orjri I on tne most rrasoncble Icrmf . PiaDo. frnm wie manuiactory of Conrad Meyer, lhilaJ.,whose . ...... a.c u.) wen Known io netil anv nan. egyric, baving uniformlv received the alions of the most eminent professor ami coinio aers of Music, and the awaij of Ibe premium in new l ortr.l'niladeluhia anil Itnstnn. Kna ...liil.. . tunc, ioucd, and K- ing in tone up to concert pucn, mey can not te suriiafsed by either Auier ic.m or European Pianos. Instrurtions riven nn lhe Piano, aa Tiarainrn.a. j) ,r ' . ' . ... .wienie may ne matlo lo any of those Darenta or guardians who have pupils committed to his I cQargp. He may be aejn at his residence at Sirs j ... -.,, .nnn aireei, j.earisDurg, where terms I nil n.rf ... ... : I. t . I .... r.luvu,ai, mil uc maue IDOSD The most popular and favorite Air and Music I of ilitTerent kind received aa it is issued from lb auturent musical esiablishmenta in the Cities. May 15 CHAKLEH KALI8CH The New Foundry S now earned on B3 usual, at the upper end of Market street, where evcrv des- nptiOa 01 CASTINGS i kept OD .., j " , 1 I hiinu or made to order such The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal or VVopd and all other kimls) of STOVES, also Pl.OTTClIfS. of differ. ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Puff Plouchs nr.. I iKr. Self-Sharpenlag Piongb, Q new article, nml wKlr-h ... I , n " . " ue i i eunsy ivnnia. Lull and see anrl in,;., i. . 1 utaiii for VOIiranlvna JUUKC I . CHRIST & M'FADDIN. lcwisburg. Sept. 22, 1S49 COAL TOR sale by OF ALL KINDS 5v 1 . . REpEg a miMXnst. Lt'srishtnyr. Juno jRij " An ounce of Prevention wortih a jxnind of Cure," in that awful distuse, CONSUMPTION.! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prove, lion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work forcale in Lcwisbttcg by S. F. Lyiidull J. Iloughipn and a this ofilce. Price, 75 cents. TRICK) OF tlVhCHH. Lwr Kmnmr Rd r i saavni-w Tlvsw a Uratrarilla fof sale i tl dnfcram ealll ft Towrwt'3 friprill. k i lnhd tt.s ORHsJ, NAU tiEM'I.NK, iJ U n-l- Tim T..nieikl mimidcw jkI kvn ; bul ws 0.rnrljF a w.wSer on railr. la. ca, ball, an l thn lit vcl wunw ih" "'! 1"" r lv Urp" of mui crwill for what he a. a., lie h ha aiu?n.U-.t iwo iiralical acliowla, aiul praciirr.1 u tftMm vtars1 '" N" tlnir'h is. h ntrrt -'irr.l mclirinaa tlar m his life K-h teilnl. virkrt ..wi.reatnisuaa looks baU to the ctiracuiraiiU vtrtciir til U-.a t:u 1 ial Binn wnrwlj, l. liaI nricx dis.It iIhv SI? leinnila f In sell ur ol m. Whn will mm Ujara to M luaicai ami irai ful in all their uValio; ami irarrcmM who il.sir fcKu. meu 1 lie ! plie.l l. one It sl l.'iafP u vitut huu :n rr.ai alacturili; his Diunire, naline lhe lane sums ha wuul inakv, as aa u.ceiilil lo emburli m ilir kuajuess. T..a tnen have bra n-sulim arnl hbllirHl Hie m ail fMaa.a form., in ortrr w impress Ihe public Willi the balleT t-k- the Ot.l I.atnr's StrHaMTllta aa mh III e-rwMta. srina tUtrt4ij-artlla. ins le If.iD the iMd Doctors Ortftmal pie TtinS. e. T..MHn.l says I have U the uss CI i-y uik K.r ! a week. I will ive him ' il ha will pa duee one ellK-le n.lilarv pr.! of this. Hiv etaiaiMai.u J Thompaim, Skillinaa Co., are no.hinf bjl a ussua i niUe)t.MMl).. eiruplv inale to deceive ti'. publie, and k v the truth .lowii in regard lo his tunriu. ftrmrnling ex pound. Thi i lo rAtiti.m the public to porches na-f b OM lr. JAL'IIU T irtrna n.l a Susaunlla. hairK oa Old IMW i likencas, hia family Cull a -Ut, al La. sunaiureacroa ihe M Arm. Privd QUI. 1 .VaaaaM-elreff. ft. T Cirw Vfcv-, JACOB lUW.iltt , 014 Dr. Jacob Townsendj THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF TT'E Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Ol'l Ir Tiwimii.1 m now shout 7l ve.ira ol a?F. an.l Kas lunxbeen tnovn the 71 L TU'Ht ao.1 DISCO VEKEA of the aBXinSB OHIUISAL " 70l.V.Vf.Vi5 BAUSAPAKlLLA." Ifc-les poor, he was cuu.ue.lau limit Its mauulncture. by which mean- It has heeii kept ue, of markel. and the li-s circuinacribej lo ihuae or,.y wIm had pruved im worth, and known iia value. I. luul raaetaal lilt ears of miny, nevertheless, as thaae pen..n wau ha baaa hsaied of sure tlldca-a, and aavad Irou daa., slalu US wundtfrl'iil 1IRALIXG POWKR. This GRAND AMI U.NRQt'AI.I.r.U FKr PATIAT:'. J. aanuiaclumJoii ih Unr4 maUr.arv.iPv i3.eJ .r !.-j;v m th lenrth anl btuU:h ol ih lsot. pac.a:'v u a Q founft iitraabid dceeneraiius or fk;:eriimiinn. L alike 7001 S. P. Tawn-acrey-, il impruva. Hh v Uil never chaiufet but for the b"itr ; b.cii i: i pi- on tKientHir frritseijUa by tjritntifa mnm. The a.gr.tut kiiow!etVeo, Cheinwiry. wm. ike Uttt dnctrii ui 'Lm art, have all i-n fcn-ti?lit into rprjui-iti'm in ihm muiuu ir- ot the Oid Ir Sar-.rii!a. The SnrBai-arina rnk H U TMeli kttown tu medical men. cou;ine Ptury ruriajj propenns. anrl ni r-'erie which are kt..r: wr um hiri oihr. whl'-h if rfiatintl in (rvinn it trf tt-s. vt ditcc ftrmmiativn arttl trid wlticb t injur.ocv .he 4 It,-ui. Si im? ft the pr Hriir ul irr"i "TiI't "" r r mm. tahjt they chutHt evfMiraie aivi are 11 :nf pfsr::, ii they are r.ut prcTT(vl t.y a ttie ti, fneM, k:-w:i m It lo' thnee j.iriircir-J iu iu manufacture. Mweu'h Uivt toiait! princijdts. which iy o:l m vir, or a an halation, urttkr heai. are the cry ffmtutl miiud titit ol i.tv r"-i. whurOg-rf i :e i; -il. iu value Any i-mm can Imh) iw the nn,: ii tt.ey $ a dart eiri tiqtti'l, wtuch te m.T3 from the tutoring uiatter u tin) rwt lii.ni I rem .nfhtrti e'su ; Uim can ibee --traiu u-Jtt liriijri or Tpht iiiji.t, etwerh-n wi'h aQr TtK auJ theucail K SAKSAI'ARII.LA KXTKACT or AY ft I f. Hut furH w n-t ihtf anic.e kn.wn a ;he GENUtsNKOLD Dtt JACUiiTOWaSEMfl SAttSAPARILLA. Thn in m pn pnreti that all tho nrrt properUea of ssWm 8onw.siiril!a rurtt are fiwt ivmoreJ. e--rrtniiif eauahe m beronunaT acid f ItTiuciitainui is vxtracted atl fjtumU ; tlien ever j-ATit ie ot me-iirat virtue l at-curtM in a pwi aixl Cuov'mrairl i.rm; ani ttiue 11 h rerwlered utcapobA ot l(xir .i'iT ol iu vaiiuhle and tiellruf prpruee. Pra pftrod in thh wav. it i niait- the mnt p-.wfrlul aree tm tM Cure of Innumerable Dtifawi, ITenre the irawti wUv w hear evTiim-ahiiHne oo eeewf nle in ibi laewr hy men, wnrnen. ai4 Ciudren. Wo $md 4Ui WfHT.'-Tit in tJ! cure f W&SUMI'TIS. OISPEPXIA. anrl hlVBJ Cf HPT. A 1ST. an-I in Rff(fATlSM. M'MQM VLA. i'A;.v. f '0.vy;.v;.v.r mil 17 7 J4 ei s XKi prr'tw: vimpLkss, bloyvhm IMPUKl'l V OK THE BLOOD. It pwetsttea a marretlou eTi---y m nil complainJa aatV tnt; Irnm Itviifstum. I'nm Aettitty ff tkt Stomach, froea aii")Jal c;iTu!.tn:i. irittiti.rjw ot Mro. u the heatk patpTtatimi of the hfrt, co!cl fpet am! her.!, cwtd chfjleaas hut ll.-(ie-j utrr Ui- lioJy. i has not lis rquel in Cidmmm CvUtrhm : ail iinnr'Hfn ! exnectoraf m and cemie tsmm piration, rviaxiiuj tituciiee ol' Lite Itt'jra. thrcxi an4 oher iart. Rut in iiotlime 19 cxre!lfr.ee more manHettt!f tMa tm Clnowieiier.t th n in all knnm nu tMft of FEMALE CUaM PLAINTS. It work- w..Tili-rf in rnv-s df ftuur Album nr VLfek I FriiunfoiheXYnmh.fthsjtTurtM.Sujtm Pm I ttnjn. Irrrgu.ai tiy f (lie ineiMtnw princi. ar.J Ute tut Utl is ctfrfiu.il m cunniE a'l t:.: trrm tt Kinney lhamm lie removing (titrurtions. ami reautatine tho miafai erntem. it etrrn tone and MrenctU lo lhe who beajy, mJ U.09 cur-i ail jvrirw .t , KrrTntu Ii.Trf:ea ttttd DfhIHtr, oil ihtM Tveuis or reiit,ree a creat variety of otiter i a.! if a. ast .V'Jitf tmialnfii, gut (Lrtti, .t um Dm It cicaoi ihe him!, excitna the tter a beallhe loiwe tlie n.oin.icli, and ei" ti litcrtin. reieve t bowe cf mrpor anil cortetirt.aatiin. altaen iiitlatttmaiion, l riliee the "-kin. mi:.lix: the cirrulatiun ol the Woo-i, pro Jocui gentle warmth equally ail oer ihe bmly, aoJ ia IwrnnniMe perp;inifinn: relav- etneiiiree and ?Ktr dove all oh.ruti.r.. and invicorateii the eitttro nmtm Tho lIe1lrln yon pre-eminently neotf 1 But can anv ol Hie thinei he ui.l ..i H TutvnMaa win. r nm mi, incn f mierittranirie f i nn e.-mne man" luimd ie nt lo ho I I'lUfPi I? WITH TflL t t I -a nti a? I w'.a a. iiiii.i' I 1 t i 1 tUl I TV .T, I Er"?'"" ".T N n F- th one is INCariy I HI Kill llelkliinniTIIW a. a. I IS KVEtt' SPOILS. while lhe olhrr HOLS: trmrinf. frrmttuin. an.) t aaaaa the hollies ror.lainm; il inlo lra:menu : the eanr. a! ' HOui.l explrnliiu. anrl damaei:.!- orhrr rooja r Mac ant th airihle n.mimn.l.l bo p-..'li'Hi lo iLe aram 1 irA. " ' fr acid ino a syt'em alrfuty riimratt rilh arid t VI eanaee lT(w.r.i.v lm .irH I l, wr rau all know laat wSa. HhmI auura in mirat.iuiarha.wlui m.rt.t -.- Aatulenre. hanhurn. flfrttarttm f the heart, hrer era- " plaint. rli.nTha?v. iWa-iia-rr, roiie, an 1 cnrntprinr nl tha ' Di..! I Whal b STnf-jla but ar. t,I f:a.i.if ia-tue IhmI.t 1 What protlnrea nl! ihe humor. hjl. h, - u..,mu.L ' Ihe Skm, tvrahi llcn.l. Silt Kheiw. klrrtaHas, Wlwas . wr'Unc.. t-rrr rvr. I lernalt Ii nrrbin? nn.lr kirm b.u aa . -..i,. pannnp.. rerer ?n.. anil a.l uirer.:r;r- lolamnlanns h h "TV1 '" l"1 ui.isofi anrv.Banrs fluM whirh ire.im.ait. i.-if beiwcn the M, d L "r-."";' am mnamine u? vriira:e imat uroa " ' ' ... ncrruw UMa. im mi nr.nH.i -i ":T. " - . ""'.affiK "nan namrc. ' " nnm in it ix h nornbie to make and aril, and j il,, fTffree to t rii-. -SOI RIM;, Ft K ?rf E NTt N f?. Ain TOMPOrIw OS s. p. tovvm:m, '''! t would ftin hai- it i.nIrntv.d ihat Ohl fr Jmy fib FownerriJ'- tfrnuim fm trust XamUMtrtUM, te mm lm ITATH of hi interior prpara?iti ! I lea Ten fcrbl.l that we h.mlil in 9Pti. w.-av -m' ' 0"uul 1 "mn-" " r. t . VL v"Tl:r?re X .'rh.e "2?' -,. S!"Mi?n"? '" ""-n vide rnn. ami nlnitrtyH,. lhal thrv are anlilco in everv tnicJlar. Ia,m, naa ane single tl.ins in rornmim. As S. P. Twnaei.tl ta nn aWwr. rA aavrr w. is na Memut, no .harnirrtilU knnwa n-, more ..I me.iirenr Osrase than shy other common, onarietririe. nnrrofe.kiaal isrr; whal ruarrml-e cm lhe n.ihlic hve thai il.ra ar. n. aatvinj! a eenuine arienlitir meiiirine. rontsii.i... all iheetr lues ol the arltrlea in prenarl.. it. ami which are ia sapabla ot rhaiurea whirh niijlu rewlcr llisra the AUKNTS f Iliseaae tn.tea.1 ot' h.-nllh t But whal elae aknwlj Im erperte.1 fimi ene who k.iowe lothinceomparr.-iioiv ol mej.iiiw or ili-raar Ii ,..,.Vaa a peraen of aonie eivcrirn.-e to r..k anl serve nprvea a common" decent meal. II., w much more imu.irlai.t a IhM the nrrsrna who msnnnelnn- mrrKine lr.ienrj hw HE AK SrilMAI IN A Nil I VVH .li 1 ei a-. ue should know well the me.lical .rownie. uf nlanta. the brat Planner of eerurms and coneenlranns iheir hr.lin.- rwtura. also aa evten..iv k oowlr-iv. at ,i. rlI., j. .- . k Jjt. ,he ""man system, and how 10 a.-..t remeilies icS " " rr frau.ls Cprwtbe tinfmursite. to rocrhstav two wuiirnled auimnttv, ta kii:Jle korw in the despainiai MacKi. 10 reatora health, ami Mnom an.1 n. tha eni.hril aru hmken. an.l io h. ....I, iniMu. . ii nit JACOHTOWNSF.ND has SOIItiirT aa,l FOLNlnhaoa. P"unitv ami means to briar his "'""P rewh. ad u tha km.wie,keoi ii wim safft oraaa laivtmal rsartalrslia Rriuar' ;' ValTsrsal CsaetalvaM Rtavrf, Ulal duty mny leant an.) know. h H'vtul ei Agesits for the above MedipieC rV . Sciiaflie, Lewisburr;; John II Raser, MB-, toa ; Forsyth & Priestly, Nortbumb'lani 0F. Purrg-y and Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Waeon. torse v8pon. Mi&&Js 'K One Truck Vann. Por -r.e bar ri P She'fer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers