L'EWISBURG CHROW C Volaxe VII, numter 5. ITh.ob Kirnier 317. E C. EICEOK, Editor. 0. 11. WORDEW, Printer. LEWBBUIIG, UNION CO., PA., MAY J, 1850. The Icwlsburs Chronicle is issued avert Vt'edaestluy morning at Lenisburg, l uionl tonty, Pennsylvania. " Ho very good." As they went back, the Indian said, . i r. t ... i nn ..... r... u . i I '"Miose no maxe u any more or--. advance; $1,75, paid within tlirer months ; $2 him all ao oul, if paid within the year; $2,50 if rxt paij 'jrW q ,ju, i-m co!j an(j em afraid Miss iae year expires ; single numbers, o crnis. i-u acriilions fur six months or les to he paid n ailvance. Discontinuances optional with the Publisher eicent when the year M niitl up. AdTertisemt-nU handsomely inserted at 50 cts per square one week, f 1 f ir a month, and ?5 fur I year ; a reduced price lor longer tuivert.,eine-i.li;. the tail trees, tuminir ihetn into stalely uil rr- & - . t 1 . - t eiceeJine one-fourth of a colnn.n. quarterly, fit). ' 'ar,i upholding a magnificent Uild mteimi- Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid ! llhble come. A:I Li y. n l the immediate lor when handed m or de.ivtr. d. I circle was intensely dirk. The Indian All s Mmiin 1 1 innj fiat art-all ml I t . J ftiJ. accompanied bv the aJ.Irres of tb writer, to j between the fixe arid the lake.- receive attention. Those relating en 'uMvely to j Miss II(irtli!ton was tttreadv in her liesf, H.cSoic.Efa..E,Wr-and,.llonl.uiWt9belwr',n"-J " military cloak, and fust fifty dollars. But when 1 bought it. I gave you all it was worth then! Just so wp, when we bought your lands, gave yon til! they were worth. They were woriS no more to you than any piece of hunting ground. By our working en '.hem, build ing road, and bridges, houses, ?nd s'.f.res and streets, like my rifle, they nre now The light shot up amon;; i worth a great deal. You see it would boj wron;; to come to me new and demand that ; Kite will be so also." With that he gathered the brands to gether, piled on more wood, and soon had a rheerful bhize "llu has b'.'en taught o.' heaven,'' said B.iel. When the i-oTT.in: light had relumed, Kile ca;i:e out of litT bed of hemlock boughs, and fouti I Fuel sitting over the embers of the fire, not having dared to kin dK; it enough to ereile a light. "Are you hb'e to ride Iil.ss Hamilton? 1 trut wu s'lit luiit a non-id :ind seme br'akfast within a few niil .-s."' ;.l I1 adlrmucd to the Publisher. OtHce. Murke! St. bftwien Second and Third. O. X. WORDEX. Piintrrand Pjt.li.her. 1 r W From H'illcn'3 i)i.l!ar Magazitu. The Fctitico. I ack not wcaiih : if it fe given. It could not purc'.i.i-o peace i;i hiavin. I ark on ear.ll a rural cot In some swett, calm, retired spot, And there la love and friendship stay Till lite shedi her lakt partine ray ; Then, where the weeping willows wave, Give me and mine a ineci-ful grate. I ofk not sculplurcd tombs of art, Oul stamp my image on the heart. With fond affection, pure, rcGnrd, Where it may ever live enshrined. I ask for grace, for faith, and lore A resting-place a hnme il ote. 1 ak not fame 'tin poisoned breath. And can not save the soul from uValb : Hut in my breast, am'uiiioia fire Did the immortal soul avira To Glittering crowns ei.d robes of whit With an immortal ra.lidU' e bright ; Where taints and ser-lis evrr sing Prai-fs to heaven's Eternal King. asicep. tiucl was ei.ent, (hitiking nt the moiiir nt of the pe ril in which the Indian, so fultiiiol to him and his country, now stood, when n bold whistle on the lake, and close at hanJ, was heard. l' an instant the Indian stood up straight, turning his face towards the water, nnd in another in stant a gun was fired, and the Indian fell. Btic-I suiiiclied his i;fl(, from hieh he sel dom separated, nnd rushed down to ihb w a'er's "edge. In the darkness of the night he could jus! see a canoe moving rapidly off upon the lake. A shriek from the poor girl, who had been suddenly awakened by the report of the gun, recaileJ his thoughts and he hastened buck to the wounded man. He tlii-n threw a quantity of dry wood up on the lir, by the light oi which he hoped to examine the wound of the poor Indian. The blood was streaming from his bosom, i and a single look showed the young Lieu tenant that the wound was a deadly one Gently raising his head, and drawing aside his clothing, he applied the handker chief which Kate had already dipped in the v.. . k i :. ,.f .... I nuu Inr thf. fnnl n'l l-t tiur rifTt. 14 nnW 1 ' .. . , ' Indi.nl I'rie worm, uon t you see iu, vnssir.ueno : 'Yts, mo see him p'ain no.'1 j 'IIow tntich ilid you p-t fir that die which yon tamrd and sold at Boston k THRILLING INCIDETJT. Shortly belore the commencement of lie war of the Revolution, a young Amer ican c fficer, Lieut. Duel, started ou a jour-j 'ale to the wound, and by pressing hard t.ey, on hor-eback, from Albany to Boston, j "fort i', was enabled to keep the blood Ciom ccominnird by a lady, Kite Hamilton, co;i,ing out. But the pale face, and flagg- who bad been placed tinder his care. j mg hmbs, showed plainly that !:'.ti9 could bs done. " Oh ! how I wish thero w&9 e doctor.or even a house; near, that we miht have soma aid for this faithful friend ! Oh ! must he die ?" said Kate. " White Fawn sees that I must die. He summer ?" -Ten dollar." "What was he worth when wild, at the time you caught him 7" "He worth nothing. Mu sell him for two nioulhfuls tobacco.'' "Very well. Yo'jsefit is iabor and s'nil bestowed on anything that makes it valun Die. niv latners did not jjive me Indian much for their wild lands, because the were not worth much." Me see it all now nil plain. My ejt s wide open see straight. Thank God, no more wicked feeling come up in my heart about it. While man work like horse, and grow great Indian no work, grow small." If I am not right, my dear friend, it i unintentional. I have answered vou as a child would about a father, whom he knew to bo henest and true-hearted. But now, Cassiheenn, there is a more important ques tion which I wish to ask you.' 'Me answer straight, plain and true.'' "You re a dyinr man. Before the sun rises, you think you will be dead. 1 want where you think you will go They were benighted the second day oul, on the shore of a beautiful lake among the mountains, and being unable to reach any settlement, encamped in the woodj. Early in the evening a friendly Indian, Cnssihee no, came up along the lake in c canoe to the shore, and after an exchange of signals ; Canada Indian. Me 'spect he kill me one joined our little party, and partook ol ihcir evening meal, to which he added a supply offish he had caught in the lake. The nanative then proceeds a follows : It did not surprise Hue! in the least, that his Indian friend ate in ferfccl silence. It was ihcir w ay. But when aOr supper, the Indian, in the most indifferent tone pos sible, said ' Maybe, while White Fawn go her bed, you like go but yonder and smoke, ' he knew that he had something of importance to say. Following him alr-ng the margin of the lake, till they reached the outlet, and where the dashing of ihe waters over the stones, made u noise sufficient to drown their voices, the Indian stopped and sat down. The young efficer did the same. What for you three day 'fore you come so far as this V " I found it difficult to obtain a horse, suitable for a ledy to ride on. It took me more than a day to do it.' day. He never tire on the trail. It would have made a beautiful picture. The poor Indian lay on the ground at full length, his head resting in the I.ip of Kate, his bosom heaving with the cflort to breathe, while the blood, despite the appliances, ev er and anon, silently flowed from the breast, or rattled and gurgled within, at every breathing. Henry Buel bent over him as tenderly as a brother,,wiping his brow, and frequently applying cold water to his lips, and washing his face with the same. The bright glare of the fire showed every chunge in his face. ' Cassiheeno," Said he, in a tremulous voice, " you are badly wounded, and you know too much about gun shot wounds, not to know that you are dangerously hurt, and I greatly fear, though I hope and pray differently, that you may die soon. I greatly fear" That me die any moment ! Me know, 'fore sun rise never see him face again, " Big officer say he want me run thro'j me dead, lou good friend to me always, woods, get Tore ycu, and givs ycu that now w&r't ask you questions which trouble letter," at the samo lime handing out a me. small letter. Lighting a small piece of- " Do so, dear Crtssihecno, and anything bark, Buel opened and read the letter. It j ' on do for you uow.or after you are gone, informed him that the enemy had made a i I will promise to do most faithfully." decided movement, and things were slinp- "Well, jou know me friend to Ameri ing in such a way, that a battle miM soon j ca, me scout, fight, get wounded, and be fought ; that he must hasten his jour-1 now e killed, 'cause friend to your people, ney, and be back at the parlies! moment j Canada Indian say you ail thief. Great possible, and nt the ssn.e time adding to j hi!e ago you come over great water. In fhe responsibility of his duties at Boston, j dian then own nil. White man take land. After musing over the lioirgs awhile, J3u-' Indian move further off. Was that right ? el, turning to the Indian, shij. i " Cassiheeno, how came you on this pond, fishing ?" " Ma come to road, see no horses le gone 'long no track. Me hungry, and find canoe and spear in him. Besides, me. 'fraid ; was going to spend ell night on water." " Ah ! and what was you afraid of V ' " Me set out yesterday run some miles, top on hill and look back, and see Cana da Indian on trait. He have gun. He read soft. He have girdle light, so much run. Same Indian shoot me, w hen wound ed before. He know I scout, and British efficer give him much mone)- get my scalp. He somewhere near now. Maybe si. cot me any moment ; no can help it." I hope better than that, my good fel low. But now you have done your errand you must go back to camp. There he can't follow you. I iu wre a etIer ,0 Colonel. In the mean time, wo will go back to the camp-fire, and say nothing bout this, in the hearing of the youn la dy. When she gets fast asleep, and she so tired sfis w;l! sleep soundly, then we will take the horses, and ride over the nwuntain, towards Albany. Your 6nemy probably between this and the moun tain. Ho will thus lose your trail, and I H get back here before daylight, and start early. What say you to that plan'" What say ou 1 Me much troubled about it." "It is true, that we have got your lands and your livers ; but it is also true, that we paid you for them.'' "But no seem pay. 'Spose now you be Boston. You buy him all for few dollar, and now you tuke great price for little piece just so much cow eat one morning. You no pay Indian so much 1 You no say that right?'' "Cas8iheeno,I want you to look straight, and have your eyes wide open. Do you remember my meeting you one duy with a dry root in your hand and what I said to you "Yes. You take him, look at htm, ask me w hat do with him. Me say, going burn him. You say give him me, and 1 give you piece ol tobucco. Me say yes, and sell him." "We!!, did I not give you all the root w 39 worth to you ?" "Yes, plenty much." "And how much do you suppose this beautiful rifle is worth thiswhich you have often admired?' ' "Why, 'sposc him worth fifty silver dollar." Very well. Now the stock which you so much admire, was made of that root which you sold me for the tobacco. By adding a barrel, lock, trimmings and wor king it, the root is now come to be worth to know "What for you nsk ! You curiosity ?" 'No. But as a Christian and a believ er in the Bible, 1 feel anxious about your spirit. Oh! why didn't I talk with you about it before, when you were well ! Do you know anything about Jesus Christ ! Did you ever hear of mercy through him ?" "Me know much about that. Long. lone time ago, me very young, go east of Alba ny to see Indians at Kaunaumeek(Nassau). In a little log house, in green wood, live pale man, all 'lone nobody but Indians near him. He look sick, but meet Indian, talk to them out of the Spirit-Book, he pray with them. Make much prayer, and ma ny times look on Indian, ar!d say 'poor friends!' and his eyes run down with tears. Me stay many months, and learn much from him." "But could he speak the Indian Inn guage?" "No ; but he have young Indian, John Wauwaumpequunnatitr who take what he say and make him into Indian," "What can you remember about his teaching V Remember Son of God came down to earth, look like man, he preach, make mir acle, same as make sick well, blind man see,broken-bono man jump up and run like deer. He die for sinner ; while man sin ner, Indian sinner- lis in heaven now, and love poor sinner who pray to him with sor ry for sin. He send good heart and glad with joy, and make sinner no want to sin any more.' "Have you been in the habit of praying, my friend V "Always ; ever since be with pule white man.'' But how can the death of Jesus Christ save so many sinners "Just same little piece of gold buy very much thing. He worth so much more He Son of God, Ho all good, H; all beau tiful." "Do you feel that you should go to Him when you die V 'Oh ! yes.- Me certain Jesus Christ no forget poor Indian. Me never forget him one day. Me hope see Hint, hope see pale mi3sionary-man,hope see John Wauwaum pequunnaunt 'fore morning. Have no fear, inside eyes all open, inside heart all still and smooth like Lake Sanhellon, which you call 'The Beautiful.' I very weak now, 'spose Canada Indian come get scalp now.? ' "No, not till he gets my life first, my dear brother !" "Oh ! thank you, thank you. Now put my hands on my breast, there, me never move again till ange'.-trumpet awake me. O Lord Jesus, pity poor ignorant and sim ple Indian! Make him white like snow, make him bright like sun, make him beau tiful like rainbow, make him all good like thy own self, and let him live with thee for ever, so longer sun and moon shine. Amen." The tears ol beautiful Kate fell fast up on the face ol the dying man. She gently called him 'brother," he could speak no longer. The young officer look his hand, but it was cold. The bosom heaved gent ly a few trmes and was still. Not a finger straightened or moved as his spirit left the body. "Who would have expected a poor Indi an to uttar sentiments so sublime, and to die a death so beautiful !" ssid Kate. "I Ime t.ken care of that. I have tie- posi:eJ it where his bi'.lercat foe? can not linJ it, to get his si-jl." " Buried him ?'' " Yes ; bat so deep iu the Lake that no one wiil find the body. I do not believe I could myself find it in a week. I sewed him up in his on blanket, and then in birch bark, (or a coffin ; 1 put in stones enough to sink and keep it down. The luiih fol creature will tliere sleep till the resur rection. We must go. 'You look tired, Henry!'' "I am ; but it is n.t safe to remain here, even if my business were not most urgent." Kate cast a umurnli! look on the beau tiful lake, cow turning to silver under the light of morning. Tlio loom sent uu his mournful cry ths only watcher fcft to gucrd tho dead. The travelers rr.ontsd, and went onwards. Sartuin's Cn.Mag. From the P iWjrfMnw J. W. Folnet, Editor. Wc liatt n-vi . d fruru our oiil friend, 5! ii.va Kmd, Es-t. oll-knom in thi -it- n- .n; of the al.Ic.4 and bravest yonni mc-n of the day. the U.llowin;; thrilling poem. With the urdor of a true soldier t-f freedom, h? volunt'-en-d to fisM for the t'nited States in lexin,jtnd th-re won iniper-i-htiHe distinction, haTing ne-irly lot his lif- f.-r his adopted country. W hen war broke out in llunjary. he emigre t fljrht f .1 him from earning, after endering many privations, a living by his oen. lie exj'et- to get taek to tLi country in a few mon'.lis. An English Laborer's Cottage c"'1 a,t bul!,-r l,,r f-llhcr cnd the h" , .-. . . eldest btivt, forms tiie entire repast. There Lo.nuox, March 18j0. ;. . , ' f ' . ' , " tenner beef, bacon, nor beer. ireau. Since I wrote you, I have traversed in a . , , , ' ' , , , , i potatoes, and wntt-r !orni the dinnpr, as length and breudth of the fast uncnorc ! ,, r , , e. " ; we.l ol trie srnwin chili!, a i f tno work- isfc'naving vw ,m wlc lu",r t in- man. Tfiey bad a little b .con on S,t;- lovely highland of Scotland, where 1 havc , h :a no TJlur,BV. anllhev :; oeen enjoying in? megmnceui seem ry. 1 i - ... : .1... I I nave spent some ii.nc ... ru,... u., , ; IU.)S not t.lxTl ljit.n ,(! r l t 1 I I : I . I. A 1 ri. r.i ' and. nnn iiiiiuireLi inc "aiui .roM; . ., . , . o . i.-jcir scai.ty repast, itl us take a e j t!;cir sleeping accommoJatioiis. nre ab ive, nn i arte guin- d tored, the intellectual training of the p as ant is. unror:onttely, not stiL'h to m ike contrast on his side very favcr il'e to him. Thus much for the romance mi l reality of an Enslishcoitnge. X Y Home Jcuraal- Nsw G5cer3 t ba Electei. hot taste b.;coa till Sunday ogatn, and j.er- ' Act for the K'c.rti.m of Auditor General, m t'.ev nreover uce at : 1.1. iiiiurr, for a fortnight nast, and I have i n- 'The-e joyeci myse.! murii 1.1 w untie. uS u.. r ..... , IlMri (lf ; few r cko,y an J aa:e, ana lea-img my eyes !' .!llci, t.8J ,j,ro0,B s;W:C 0, .a..,!!V,av glorious landscapes. Nothing pleased me' ,,.e c(,uin 1Vs, tbrr ,s b.-t w rm. 30 much as tho picturesque abearance t.lit,aiJ vl e couu'ed nine in th iMu-'.y ! .1 - I.' I: u .....u .I ,.:, 1 1. .1 .1,.,,! 1 - ' u.e ruutian tu-.n.rt-, ...v.. And irh .1 r,i.i... t The...'! e t roots. , How beautifully the poet sins I knew by the smuke that to gracefully cur'ed And UaiJ.il 1 here's peace to be found m il.i, wo.lJ, froin v(,ry tloor.so lint it is only so tha The hea.t lliut is humble might hoje jr it Lre. very cen'te of tho a; a rtn.cnl that vou We will look ":ere,"' am! see ive wilt , have any chao'.-c of .--t lad!:.-; t recr. T Survevor (i.-neril and Ceiiuty Survey ors by the People p teJ Ap.0,ls50. Section 1. Bo it enncieJ fcy te euaa j,y 'and House of IJ.rprcsentatives of ihe Cam jmcnweahh of l'enn-v Ivan'a in Gt-cera? room: I.'isstii.i vi;;.iovV!!i in ro ! admits just c-iicj'i to en:;i. e you t o di-cern its charctrr &n-l dimensiocv Tl.e rafters, which are u'i exiio-ej, siria-' Assembly met, and it is hereby e:iicteJ by the authority oftiie saf?,T!:t the qu.liiied voters of this Cointnnnwostih slu'l chco.o by baliot oao pcrs..:i lv '.'. the oCice ot Auditor Genera!, and o::'j ersoa to fill li.t: c.T.c.j cf h'jrvcyor Gnra!, on t;u 2 .J Tuesd-.y of OtuU'r, A. D. 150. e.r.d n' tlcciicn tv.rv tiiirJ vtu'r thatch cor.es thr.rj'. supports it the wl.o'c be -Tfi:t; and djst. r.nd re:r u 1 enter the cottage with t!:at .!.! !c:i:cn who isrccotinoitrirg outside. We find on in troducing oureUcs, he is one of tiie com missioners appointed to examine ui.d re port upon "the conditions of ihu working classes of tho agricultural districts of toe county of Berks. Oxford." I have been giving you the exterior romance, such as' their bed.-, lyiiej sid.; by sido en !; would meet the eye ol a casual observer ; alino-t in ci.i.ta;:t with c.i.-h o:!:i r, the commissioner will give you the interi.r , cupyiaj nearly the wlr.ie leu 'tli ...... : 1.:.. . . .1... .1 : ..... Tt... 1. 1. 1 ... I cut, u i.ia .rim. i ,t uu.l.l..it tec. i it. a. 1 w' iii.i.t 11 , i 11c Leys a iiir: MiCiiS.lii.t ti 1 '11. ...,.. I L .(... .V C . I - t . . . mm. -- 1 no couage. says me commis- j ua 1:1a cauu 01 o us, ftr.ici: '.tie laborer sioner, "is so rude and uncouth thut it has ' sometimes gets, and at others purchases less the appearance of having been built j from his employer. The cha.Tof wheat -di'r r G I.'.-!:'.! ,:ii w..:..-. j ri;i.':-l wi !. ! !i v ro.io. : ifitr? in; no rol.tvcli lit t j.ide.- oi;lv spreads his nit where ll.es are liktlv to Le I v.... 1..,.!, :,. ,- . .. .... . . election, - p..... .uu ,wi.r ,uil, I tjl t. - .'.II. , thtfL- is nr.r? ir. r ..'in. 12.1 ;!:ero are '.: Ho-.r. -..id oc of the 1 r.eru! tuij J. n pursu .C19 t.-.':a!i Le o:n- . J s ii a-.-. t.i.r genera thereafer. fc'-c 2. Th-.t the A; t!i- Suivrvor Gt :i: rt,! t of the f.lV. svliri: cf l!:-S ai-rnii-io::t d by tli' 'J..-vtri. -r,::t the c!'j :"s ' ti t r n-.i .:;: tint Tut Jay ol" ll.i 111 ' nd yii(.i I.'iS-l'-S granted, pi:!un:i r.H li.y dati.-s, nil bj ,su!jc! Ij u!I ih.- t-;ia!::es impost d bv the existing l.ius of this C'vn:i.:onal;h ret ' !. to AuJiior Gtl'-eral i.:d t'uneyr; tJer.era!. ' Sec. 2. Tr.?.: :!;e p?r:c:! tleciion laws j now in lb roc for the unite of a Governor I of this Commonweal!!). ha!l reg'I.i'e the cf Auditor Gei.er.il end Sorvevcr 1; t ili.ts 0:1 th j en-uin tbeir il the powets ik.n ,.r 1,...,:.. i... ...i 1....1.. 1 1 : 1 c. . , e..uoi.a iii uavui uv.-t.il ruuuvui i.l.unu UJ. ' v..u uu.iv.jr .1 urr-u oil tut; liirill lor Oilier out of Ihe .rroond. The !,., h is .,..1 nh,J 1 urnosr-s. Tl.. I. -.I .,... l e. .K...., . General ; and in case any vacancy should C O " . i I " M . -vv - fy VAR. lt r.ile Iip a'.jurr tl,v-r, nd pratr al-uut peace Fur that in tb fnttUUm of tici9 mu th.-y po; Ia't tin kinir on his thriw, s h siti at hi eatv. To his million ai:l mtt.ittni n-acb up statu quo Mat u nun to a sI.itc! rout; nnilt , j-.,u rnT. SrirH quo to a flare The peacti of Ihe gibbet, the jtiil, nti the grore ! Anfl tli! i the dnrtrlne yc ptfarli. itml vull truch. While ye tell us l.y mison our purport Q KAn IIow long iniplit the F'ave from his master brst-rh, Kre hed ltin irann," aii'l rtrike off one chain y, leohen one link? Hut for Ti-iiiruaiicvf and war, Ift.w loujr, i!oye thiuk, n the lttL-xinn Cxur, Or f.-r reason, or rtiyn.e, Would k-Id to hin jwo-jlt the jtiUee of Ilt-aTrn The right tlutt ty Uod and 1 Xittiirc were irenf Not till ryr!o "n cycle had cud-d all timet They fall thee "unholy : 'tio true, tbou hast been. Too oft, in the family q'i;irr'l8 of king, But the rude mediator twixt Satan and Sin: Thus, the la.-t to di-ft-r..! th- e utre he who now mgt. Hut dirT-r.-nt far. As the nt-ou from tlio niIit, WIi- n tho trumpt-t .if art Summon Crth In thWr mi 'tit. To appeal uuto thv f r their long-raTished right, The peojilt Ion,; lowly t, then thou art hcly Aa II(.aven own lig!it ! Pacred ai tarrifir.' r'i-iiig to HVarr n I. the wnohe from thine altr.r. th fkM red and riven I Holy thy havoc, whfre heroes hare Ftricen, A n J kiii hate lie n cruhd 'nat h tliy hrazen-n heel'd car. lh.Iy wi-'ll d'-em th-v, Though lil.Mers Mattpheme tho And better, by far. In thy anarrhy. War! (Though trnthers ai.ty mourn thee and widow tray wcepl Than CU'rnity's h-zs Of pah- StnTranee and Teace Cnder S?ItTtrys tIt.epl , occur in t :t!rr of sn::J ( fa.-es by dea h, re-MgR-iciua or oil.rrwi&e, The s.me shall li 'filleJ by s;:).i.:mrnt of ihe Governor, and : the jrersan so appointed shnll continue in ofHce ui;:i! the enJ cf thft itrra for which his predecr-icr was t!e:'f?d. ( Sec. 4. That so much cT th3 a-l of S9:h March, 1809, so n.uch cf the act cf Sjh March, 1311, and so much cf any ' o:IW act or acis of AsCR.My now in force, C3 re!;:tes to ths appointmem of an Auditor General or a Surveyor General by tha Governor, be and tho same i he:sby re-pcaled- I Sec. 5. Th.it the r.a!tfed voters of each county of Co3.:nonea!:h shall, .t... . a T... j r rB..t . door is awry, from the smkiig oi the wail; ; rojeetu assemlilae cf m tterinls. It not , ' " 1 , , i j , , . ,, . i.i. iar,d on li.tf snme oav cverv third Tear the glass in the window above is unbroken, ! cnf.vquenHv happen? that the domes worn . ' J but the lower one is.here and there, stuffed by the parents it. the day-time, form the ! .'"ercafler' l'ect 0:,e wnipe'cat person, be- i.i u fi..i;tt.u. Ktirvcur, iu aet as v.uuii!V t rr.au x.w York u, L,.ni.,a. i rva.iy u. ; fifteen feet, its width bcitif' ten and twelve. ! that of the faiher and motln r, it!. l..-.:fi tho Magyar; lutCuriy s treisoo prevent. J .... .. , . , , , ,,. i . . . . , , . errvin? out bi wish. He is new in Load, 1 ne v.ll,hich has sunii at dlilerent points ; sleeps the inliitit, Lorn b .t a f.: w monilis and seems bedewed with a cold sweet, is ao in this very room. la tl.e other beds ccmposed of a species of imperfect sand-' sleep the coileren, tho bos and gii's lo stono.which is ftuil cruaibiing to decay. Iitfieiher. Tne tlJost ti.-i is in hr tweli'th is so low, that your very face is almost on i year, th eld'-st b..y having ne-r!v comple a level with tha heavy thatched roof that; teJ his eU-vet.th, and th;y are l.kelv t re covers it, an J which seems to be pressing ! niain for years in the condition we now it into the earth. The tl.atch is thicliiy I find them. With the exception of the incrustcd with a bright, green vegetation, ' youngest children, :!ie family retire ta rest which, together with the appearance of t!:e al.cut tiie same hour, i;enerally undressing trees, and ihe mason work around, well , lelo-.v, nud then ascenJirijj nnd crawlin ' attest the prevailing humidity of the atmos-; over tai:h o:ber to their respective re-t'ng phere. In front it presents to the eye a ' places for the nij;ht. Tliere nre two blan door.wilh one window below, and aticllier, j ets on the bed occupied by tha parents, a smaller on in the liiatch above. The' the others being covered wi:h a verv ht-te- Surveyor for ihe pro; er county, for the with r igs, which keep out both the air anJ ehiefpartof the covering of the children the sunshine. As vou look nt the rmrv bv ni 'l.l. S irh l ihp H irmiinrv In .. k;,.t. fabric, ou marvel how it stands. I: i, so ' Ivin-side by si i-, the nit.e.whr.n, we have ' fceH twisted and distorted, that it s.ems as if t left H-.w at thoir wrctch-'d mn,', will I fr"!a" '"t du!l"' and hlV2 anJ had never been strong and compact, andip the night. The etc ventilation the cmf' u,ne;!,s f tai.iii.g ,o the as if, from the very first, it hJ been erec through .he .mall aperture occup ej bv j rcsfc,,ve d(?Ue cf 'l-eSurveyor General, ted, not as a human abode, but as a hum-' what is termed, by courtesy, a window ! Sec 6' 1 hnt lCs re!urcs of lha. ble monument to dilapidmion. Bulk-tus'in other words, thers is scarcely anv je'' C,'"ns of aid County Surveyors shi'.l be enter, rou approach the doorway thr..' ventilation at a!!. What a d; n in the ! J a,I J LV":l vy ,!ir relurn 'UJi- ihe mi.rl. r.vpe -.ro I,. en, .. I, hr.i-r nf ir-L rfis nr Jwh I l'.'l..t . ,.,. : es, 111 the ir.r.nnr.- rejcriljej by the lav Then wetromr, thriee welfome, thy f -eantry proud! L':t thy puns V unl.mbt-retl, and dt-af. n the ear Till the world b- rnvTraii-d in a svilj.hury cloud Let the fLout and the F..jek and the charge and tluebecr ! huil,rS K.njr over tin1 earlh Till bi-r rajlit-s t trn L. t h.-r hil.r ! birtn .. .., . . . ,. . . fc..,. , mere are three ou chairs, one without a l n01pTaceH.frsIkinL'freuii.llthro.ii:shaTebeenhiirlra, ! ' And thiir birelins be. Is have Urn swept from the world.' ' back, and 8 Stool Or tvVO, which, with a Ve ry limited and imperfect washing npparu- rock under your feet ; you have to stoop! indued, r.t any time ! regu.-.ting .tie ueneral i-...-et:oa or this for admission, and cautiously look around j -Let it cot be said that this picture is j c""nonwea!tb, r-ne copy whereof shall be ere you fairly trust yourself within. There! overdrawn, or that it is a c.nwntraiion.for j C1 w".n L !t'rK ' 'nC C0Urt ' U'Jar" are but two rooms in the house, one below I effect, into one noitit. of defects sDre.td in l,tr ce"'"": 01 lr,c I'P" cocnty, anu me, and the other above. On leaving the bright reality over a large surface. As a tvP? of 1 o!ht'r trwlvc j b' 10 1 I -ft j- ( a 1 j s f light without, the room which ynu enter is ! the extreme of household w retchedness ;a tn;-':a,. Ir je " n's su dark that, for a time, it is with difficulty ; the rurttl districts, it is underdrawn. you discern objects which it contains. Be-1 cottage in q-n stion h is two rooms : some foro you is a large, cheerless fire-place it j have only une, w ith ns great a number oi is not every poor man that miy be said to! inmates to occupy it. Some of thcm.agiin, the r.rf.. urvevor e, and nc- .: -fi- t .- . 1 11 1 . 1 ., j'l, I " vl "'3 e:ecuo:i snail ue given uy me re turn judges to the person receiving the highest number of votes a!! contested Then not till then let the more be broke, And beat ou the anvil to furrd-:!. the pKntrh Turn tl.e lance to a pond, ard the svl to the yoke, And tear the b'.uek aur-!t. or vtnr from th.- brow ; Thn only tl..n th:dl wnr r:.v:l;r-s cease. And will, olive in hand. Like a brotherly lnd, We would ,r-acl. to all meo The f ure prec-pls of fs-ace. Thi-n not tiil tle-o For as ton? as on cart!.. Its. fair stirftie to mar, TUerv's a throne that's not tumbled A crown that's crt.ruMed We'll welcome tliee, M'ae t LOSTOX. 1S50. MAVXE RI'ID. Maj. O'Brien, an army officer, who served with distinction and lienor at the battle of Buena Vista, died at Indianolrt, Texas, on the 30th of March, in the 32 d year of his age, of cholera. He was First Lieutenant in Ccpt. (now-' Lieut. Col.) Washington's company of flying artillery when it was stationed at Carlisle, Pa., a fuw years ago. He was acting as quarter' master, which pest he had resigned, and was preparing to rpjoin the 4ih Artillery in Santa Fe. when he was cut down by the prevailing epidemic. His last words were, "Not rny will, but thine, O, Lord, be done." His wife and children were in New Or leans at the-time, making preparations to accompany him to New Mexico. A Frenchman who had heard the phrase 'I've got other fish to fry," and learned its application, was one day invited to go and walk, and being otherwise engaged, he thought of the above expression, and gave it a little altered.thuf: "Excuse me to-day, sir mu go fry fib '" t lections under this act she!! be suljected to have a hearth with a few siiiouiaerin . have three or feu.-rcom,wi:h a fami!v oc- . , , , , - , , ,. , , . ; . , , ., '"f trial of contested elections of cuuntv embers of a small wood nre, over w hich ; conving each room, each fami'r amount-1 ,,. pot recently usea tor some ing, ;u some cises, to nine or tn im! vij- I , r ..... ,- culinary purpoe; at one corner stands a: "is- in some cotiages, too, a Jer is ac- I er.,oli ;..L-c .. ...i.iA u,k;i... ,. 1... . 1.,, ,ln.,ji. ...k ...... .1 . i ...u. ui.ntii ,u.v.i, w .11 ok et.uuc.ru auuui twii'imiuuiru. no ut.vi. uiv-3 iuu sa.i.t.- uf art- : r . . . t. rt ICrt rtmnAp o.in"tv .-. a ... n I nr-rpit ! A. ment ns the fiimdy. Such is the condition I ,. ',, ! '' , , . .. . as praclifab'e, tai;e and subscribe an oath ol a vcrv great number of :i"hshi::eR, not - . e ,, ., , , r , , , , " ! or niiirmation to perform all tiie duties o! in Ihn l:iel tvon.w rtf a rpmriTo s.:.lAfr.cit I ' - c -11 I - - - - j hw olTi--e with fidel ius, nntl a sliell or two, tor plates, tea-cups, i out 111 toe n-art 01 Angiooaxon civiliza- j etc., constitute tho whob furniture of t!ie lion, in ihe year of grace 1F.tO." j apartment. hat coulj be more cheerless fcuch is the comusioner s report. Were; or comfortless! And yet you fancy that I, an American, to describe sjch a scene . 7. That the Person so elected shnll tit the next court ol Quarter Sessions .lv. you could put up with everything b'Jt Un close, earthy smell, which you endeavor i in vain to escape by breathing short and quickly. "As ynti enter, a woman iWes and sa lutes you timidly. She is not so old as she looks, for she is careworn and sickly. She has on infant in her arms ; and thtee other children, two girls and a boy, are roiling along the dump uneven brick floor at her feet. They have nothing on thpir feet.be ing clad only down to the knees in similar fjnnnents of rag and patchwork. They are filthy ; and on remarking it, we are told, whiningiy, by the mother that she can not keep them clean. By-and by, another child enters, a girl, with a few pieces ol dry wood, which she has picked up in the neighborhood lor fuel. Nor is this the whole family j et. There are two boys, who nre out with their father at work ihe three betnp expected in every moment to dinner. They enter shortly afterwards. The lather is surprised, and lor a little.cv idently somewhat disconcerted at the intrusions-doubtful as to whether it may bode him good or evil. We soon put him at ease and the family proceed to dine. The eldest girl holds the child, whilst the mo ther takes the pot from the tire, nnd pours out of it into a large dish a quantity of po tatoes. This, together with a little bread, as has been depicted above, tha rocital would probably be doubted ; but r.tt Eag- Sec. 8. That the Courts of Quarter Sessions of the respective countit s shall ihava power, on cause shown, to remove any of said County Surveyors for neglect, refusal, incompeteney, r inability to per- I form the dunes of his ( fli -e. and shall Is3 lishn.an, and one too in authority, has de- ., , , . r - 1 remove them on bein convicted ol anv iu- scribed Ihe scenes within .hit cottar, in j filmo4 of n,:sje,ri.uncr. " . ..(Seal document, ami the M .ruing Chron-1 &c- y Th M of f .iy nca1tey i,le, ... publishing theaccount says : "From j occasinneij c ,e,lU. Bf rem0, our prrtonin it'jierwmn c.ia at- . .,- ,, . -, . ,. ,, ... .M.U.I. ...o .w.ut.j.. t.eu ejr (j0U(., cf Q.lnr!,.; ine commissioner. I have been a traveler, now, for up wards of twenty years. . I have been in the "quarters'' cf the negro slave of the cotton and sugar regions, and in the wig wams of the Indians in the primeval for ests of North America, and I know thot they are infinitely more commodious and comfortable than the lubilclicn j.ir-t de scribed. The negro slaves aro princes to the 1 Le tl.e duty of the ssior.s cf the proper county to appoin! a competent person, be ing r practical surveyor, to fill such va cancy until the lime prescribed by thij ac for the election of said officers. Sec. 10. That so much or any a:t of Assembly as authorizes the Surveyor G; n eral to appoint deputies, be ar.J '.he same is hereby rJf ealeJ. At Binghamton N. Y., a fow days since, .v...., tt.,.S I.ia u-if.. frn. litT hR fDls. and wretched peasants of England. Slavery in j K.milr hat lhry had Mt realifv, tnousn net ta name, 13 letivrea 3 : nn imtinrlnnt .... MM with far heavier chains in ngiond tnan , . ' , . ' ... , ,. ,-.i,.,j I ira.u nau siarieu, nuu t.rj iviw-tu, namel; .. S-.noi ..nr. for Uod's sske ! we've .1 : .k ..ti... Tk. 1. , (- t . r .nan ... ...t? ..-.uy . a n ; ......iii-;s u. a., iu- - . -1 1 1 left the child I uian w.tjwuio ure more uom.ori'iuiu uu i- in America where il is more in the dependent than on Engligh cottag?r. The difference between a savage nnd a civilized man it a mere differs r.ce of condition. Physically the American Indian is in ad vance of the English peasant. He has bet ter shelter, better clothing and better food, and has plenty of it. If the Indian is uniu- The train was slopid. and ihe baby, which was quietly ,lctping on one of the seats, was restored. Married In Louisville. Ky., 27th ult.. Miss Rachel Fitzheingirtzspinger, of Ger many, to Dennis O'Kecfengreightery. of Ireland. ij: m 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers