LJ.j ;i ‘Miu *0! fioobs. [BB H. Izctgkkf 123 mi make! u DI hm ngl maxim nun-u! or m lute hue; Benson, Crnpu, ‘ '. Slnw do. A - Malian, Sun Hun. Ruchn, Shlku [loo dl, Fun", Ribbons, . Nets, Flowers. Pun, to. Also _n‘ganard ”acumen of Ladiel' TOI LET GOODS, consisting, in put. of Embroi dared Fun] Bad-dream, Pain da.. Linen M‘ Thad Luca Colin", Piper do , Thu-d Lac- ll‘ncy Conbl, Drum; do, 3dr Bmh a, Ptrfl any, Surnffowfien, Cox nu, Holio— ry.~Glom, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hoop Skit", and 111-aim. Thankful [or 11. libml patronage the hu necked in mm pan. the hopu La rout" (nun In: My friends In curly call. which Hen-bed Ind dnued in tho ben was. Getty-burg, April 30. In Agrienljaral Fair. I In; Annual Rxhibuion 01‘ m Lam County Agricultur‘d Societv' will In mid u tho um] time. n Bendemvillo , wheanre minus will I» trunk-d .for the best Icn of human, tho but five mm of Wheat, Byo, 0m Ind Corn, kc. 6 By on!" 0! tbs Bond. . - WM. B. WILSOU, Snc'y. April 30, 1868. 3!. wow" ud Sentinel copy PERUVHN GUANO SUBSTITUTE. PERUVLLV GUANQSUBSTITUTE. PBBUVIAN GUANO.SUBSI‘ITUTE BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE; B \UGH'S RAW BONE SUI’ER-PHUSPIIATEI BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE} FOB All. CROPS. -- fiQuiék in It! “lion, AND 0!" MORE {LHNXU EFFEUI‘TILLV EITHER PERU VIAV’ HUAV )un .h’Y SUPEIL—PHUSPHATE )HUE PRU! .\ ".\KU MIXER-AL GUANU. This in pronn by We". yet" at conunl an. I ‘ BAU G H t SON‘ S , Sole Hunutncmren and Pruprigtorl, Uficgfio. 20 Delnwnre Avenue, . immanent“ ‘ sAt'annno-rn nnsu co., General thlesulu Aroma, 1 No. 131 Purl/SE. coFuet of Cédu, , NEW YORK. cgoncn D‘UGD (Ls, Whofcule Agent for Maryland find Virginia, I No. 10!: Smith’s Wharl, ‘ .‘ BALTIMORE. - ' April so, mad. '4: ' ‘ lan Opportunity for Pmmablc lnvtnmrnl. b . . . 1“:ka u: mrnxsxox Silver Mlnlng Co. 0! .\m min. (VAPI'I'AL S'l‘Ul‘K.‘ 8590.000. J 1m IJ.-.I Ingu 40.0)! Stun-m. at em batch. o Üb'l-‘II‘EILW. Pn-«ldnnl—Hon. OEUIIUH I’. FIB-111 BR. Judge or Ihr! hupanur I‘nun, Washington. D. u. VIL‘I‘ Prawn-"(~11 r 4. I-HIEIM’, I’nIIurIPIBLIIn. Trvnmrnr—l-I. 11. II.\III~2I'II.(II Hum-t. urnt-y & (70.. Bunkers. I‘llllurlclphln. . . SMEM'~IA)U [5 H. MI'DUSOL‘GII. Phllndl'l 'n a. .; Hugpo-rintandmu' n! lIIn \llnm-—D. S. CIIILDs, .\li nln'x Engineer, Annun. Nl'vndu. Ol‘ r‘lUß~.\'o. I)” South 'l‘hlnl aln-u-t. PhIIuIII-lphla. SILVER MINING I'IIUI‘TI'A ”LE. That lhr nnnln-m or Mlnlnz nnnl n-duclngglh-or qu crtz In Imxnvnwly prullmbln, Is Innply'zu ll’fihfil b ‘ Ilm rmuln Wulcn h \\'r9 awcru-nl mun mo mun-I of Maxim, Pcl q, tic-nu my, and mlm- «I Iver-brat- In; nonmrlm' All-l um: ulvl-r I 0 Iva an r marku ial: I‘ll-11. .u w ~11 :u num -ru-1~, In N-‘len. we have clw wuhnan‘y or nur-lu-mun-ul and (Hiluh-h'sh‘d m -n M Hun-Ii) .51anan l‘ruf. Sllllm~m. Prat. .Jlunl-fibuun. 1 ur wv hrwlcy. s?“er Culmx nn-l SWIM/0f Ny ._ Who prrwnnlly v ”“1““ and qupvv‘t ..nl Ihl: (nlurm. ln-slum bun Areas of ollnzr mun-lan. uh \Vthanl now unguod In Iln- buslnvai 0! ml nln: In Ilut Stat». Prul. NIIHm m, thM In Nevada. dI-Ilvm-ed 0 IM turn- ln 1111- any .n Amtin. «lur‘nw mlgh he MM: " Wr- I~nnnut mun! upon the LIII‘I .~ when mlnlng wIII vmw to h» profitable In Ihl‘swlIIlLu!" Balm,» Rllnpwm, or In» )lV‘lhUd'H': chnrr-h. In a il-olure dellvn-n-d In UII'I‘LY of NM! Yurk, num hln rnlurn Irmn Nm'ndn, null : “\Yvrv the Ih'h‘ or our nullon “LIMIUIYLOIHJhon- I. w‘vnlth enough them. wh m our 111-ht Ix pKIII nlr In five "VI-Ivy 33L Il'uzr who rclunu Imm uur anLle-ltn d: mnukcu o! ullvcr Imp-n I nrlron. ‘ ‘ " Idn notupcak nnw Imm Idle «pv-nulntvlon, hut. I up wk of that wealth I' ‘ from olm vrvnll-m and m-tunl cnlmlnllon.“ ‘I WIIAJ lIIV’IIIIZNIN MAY BE EXl'I-ZL'I'EI". A! In lhu unmunl of rtlvldu-ndn Inn! Inuy M rmmn-Ihlv 1“}! wIL-d {rum n sllvr-I' .\llnlng (Imu ‘ 57 mv. on mum: In Nr-vudg. It. mmy bu not dum‘n .13 s3.lllng [Tom {on I 0 1090 per cent. per nnnnm, ms curdlnn IO Iln‘ urugrr-u mado ln lll‘c mlncsmn'l llw qlmntllv n.’ m.whinl-r)' At work. Itlll'po‘r'n \lonmlv Magnum {or Anznsheonm'ln ml an much: an “ .\‘m-nda “ thch \vlth qurt-fim In In»- pmmunr ullvl-rmlnlng. nah]: “ ”th mlnc hr: of own «Vt-mg» vnlue It‘cnn mrrelr Inllw mun-n from ten In Impel- mat. per month In lhu Inww-r, an I sum-r Imam ur uallkn gold mlnr-s, In that they urn lnexhuusuhlu, and may be workvd (or gono-rullonn when onw «mam-d." 4. rm‘enl Ixme of mo Plnladr‘lphln Evmuxn I‘l:me \I'K. n!) mklny or the suhlnct. saw: “The mlnlné nuIIuI cs 0! .\ uvndn show In Ilmc whenev~ or wgr ed with pr'lpf‘r nppllnnr‘es nnl underm mplauq “rum: mnm. Ines.- mlnm 'hm'opald {mm 1100!!) :3.) put centxper aunum up m the amt.“ nv-NI ," VH \T OTHER COMPANIFH KRE DOING. {new I: not a ulngleoompnny nOWIn OPI'MUOYI wlm "fir own muclllutu-y In Nevada. 111 {at as \w hnv earnml, chum In not n mmflctc Imcccnn. All Im- nunrnlng not only lax-xv mt Exornmn Dlvlds-ndl, and the prlcca of Iholrahm-s haw cor msponullmzly Mvanccd. For nuance. on Man-n 2,1. Ihn stocks at Ihcflmor Uompanll-a were qquml In tho clty pap": as roIIomI: “Gould ItL‘urry In); Hum-av. 59H: Chollxu- Paton. was: Imperlal IIIT; Crown Pulnt. 31.054): Alpha, 8280:, yellow Jay-kl'uSBJ." le orlglnnl {mm of mm stovks mu lent Ihnu Si’l—mmc of I mm only 810. And the Oompnnl-zx more m-mtly orgtnlwd Ih' not a null, lea prospamui. hut M far In! progrq-ueul glv 5 (Ivory {ll%)me ohm ultlm unnumt-uI-ven gn'nror than I mI. w‘hlnwnd by the (‘.onlll It CNN. For examplv, mm «In ~k oHlIe [lulu (L Non-mu Omn -3)mv.o( Nnvmla, thvh a few mnntfiu ago WM! worm nnly 3“. Is now quIIMM MSI If)“. So. also, Ilm Bowm and Exam 'lvul' .\ilnlug Company. w‘lluh com n mend W-Il‘k only Imgxnl: Its mama, fihonfll orlginnlly mld M. 310, umm want. u to 8105, and on run In nf )i-H'l‘ll hml wlvnnvml to $llO. - I THE N \TUR.\L CONVLL'SION. ‘ I 1:. my murnmro be snfnlv unnamed that. nn oIIInr .cntL-rprlm re-qulrlng Ihu namcmunn oI caplml, arr-rs *0 In my lanu-wnnvnts {or InvasLmonl, wllh m um» rln ,n- Sllver .\llnlng. Every Company ‘h-unwnl mluc. and Wm honr-mym to work,‘ guard“; sumac! Itcannnt posulbly tall. The puly Im. .Ince betwncn compunlcs at. work wIII I > g; -In th» Innunu of mm- dlvldentln. .I‘HE RE ‘ENUE EXTENiIOfi SILVER Ml ' XINu COMP IN} . own NINETEES pummel SUI-ur-bnarlng Laden: JIIu IM‘ 0 Lauder EIIII, nmr thorny or Austln. Nevada. ghek humane knguf‘embmw 41,60) loot—nanny alum, mum These Lodgm have all] been Ibomuhthy united by uhnfts,nnd the ores 5.3 mm from lem have Ismail Instances produced , me mnnnous yield of 10,0 to the lan, 01:8 of Inmfl, (hr Rc‘wnnu Extumlou Lodge In nowbolnlt "v )ruufly worked b 3 an Incllnod uhnl‘l much a 1525: h-pom my: own upwnrdn of 111 m 1 and had roluccd hlgmvgmurymg results, On .\l’arcll .m {gm Srpnrinwndcnl. telegram“: “Racelpm In Bul Inn, .1300." And mum on Mal-ch 21m, ‘ I'm-I gram Wanna Exlemxon better than ever 13.- I re." Tne or”: Hopkins Tunnel, commnnclng at. ,Ihc root of the hIII. unLI dealgned no penmnur It (1...“- Im-ough, mum; on lls way not only all or 111.194.3115.: n-fel'l‘l-d co, but, beyond question: 31.0 more 3:“; a hundn-d when, and at. «dun-hl um, whm o‘ores are always rlohmt, Is also the; propen or um oomYml‘. and 1- belns pusw‘dfi lowan-JV wIIh um his energy, 1:919: already. Icomrlmed over feet, w lan It In mml-mbered that every comm’ a; fitment mirage! In rednclug ores mm tier] 111 II n complete laces“: than one alone. In the monlh of J lunar)“ Inst, took out. $140,000 In nllvar, Mg,“ omvhsl report: lhow that. the average 3' .. anllon In thus Reese mver hlm-lot. In I. M ' two: [M was upward: of!“ pair lon. tho antenna uni bum upon wmch mls company but been or mu‘fi II at once mndc mlmlro-st. _ , E WII‘IMATE slam-1135 UP THE COMPANY ulnar-«ore, not onLv m-mnu but. mummy A 1" am noon. Befoyaétbe dmxohne coming amt; o"me 6 s—". wlll Dc- mum ”on!“ tho DIVIDErgb-PAYIYG companies, ‘ Ind In Block wul,lu dl£mhnbilfimummlu , “-3 Not porhm oven 91 Emma . Thefidbre.‘ ‘ now I! the tune to Invest In “lock. Tha work- , In: offlun remnnlng unsold I. am at!“ up FM 0 chm m. w pas-anon sad we Dnmtor- ' ”canon: mm should hadiwondoummedpl , 18913-111 magma morew be nqdehymmgl mama‘mm °4 W mm m» ' Puma-mama, Inn-t, beam-In «or pull-I unannu, “Him” ‘l5: d?“ In: - 4 30.859 th TEth‘fi‘ 56m: r2ll. "magma 1m . ' u 7 AL‘B‘ ind m the non huntitui “zone C Inuit flagE’WELBY, uuch an un- in, roPI‘ _ . ’.’."u .. ifnmx’iigéybachk, as“. u, ”Lav.“ LBEYA', “ prosm it! WWW. :•1 (:o.de flavoring Extinct-1 mm]. to my in th- uukouud "parlor E w my. in km: bouts. sad it old ynofl. w ' Wholeulo Agent: (or Baltimore. 4.- . .BURBOUGE 8308., 'holuflo Druggmn. i.iST.—Lemon, Orlnge. Vuiils, Ron, Peach. Numag, Celery, Allnpiu. Clot», Ginger, Birch, Cinmnon, Apple. Mulberry, Pine Ap plo,,3unnn. lace, Bupbmy. Pm, Pepper, Pmiey, Strnwberry, Bitter Almond, and 85- vory mica. The great dificnlly henmioro experienced in procuring true Flavoring Enmcu, ha in duced um proprietor to Ipnre no plinl or u penu. in giving to the public u: unicie which will be found Inf: to in man, and which will in no inlunce be 3 source of disappointment. it will he observed that our enact. of Lun on :nd Orange is I. propued utrtct from the Pal. which Any one may be -convinCed or by merely Imeiliudum. , The price of Valiu- Beau. too. bu unud more useJou hlm; of Yum; to be mann fnctuted Ind iota dun my other emnée ; being eithar nude {zom'Tuka Bum. er name other fictitious compound. hi our Exirnct we WILL GUARANTES’A. PURE‘ ARTICLE! made from the the Ben, without. my foreign Inblmnce ivhnlgver. , Bell’l Worm Syrup. ' 32-3108? INNOCHN‘I', PLEASANT AND T ETFIOIENI' REMEDY lN USE—A Rn- IDY Purge: xx Punt—No Cum- 011 to 64 Totem—ln this Pup-ration we have Included Inl'h remrdiel only I: have been tried for ymrs und are known to possess pawerfnl autbelmimic virtues, combined with mild uperienl’n. plea-mt, aromatics Ind Ingnr. An thelminzicl of themleh‘el cannot pflfurm choir ”CCufilf function: or In" the dellrcd duct, nulcn the bowels an kept moderately open. To produce lhiu.,gentlc plug-ure- Ire neces ury and wrh only might to be used that can not'lnledere with the dithelminlic employed. The udvanlngu my claim for thls Syrup nr’e: 111. Ila power of DESTROYING AND EX PELLYNG WORSE! 2d. m mild Iperient effect upon the bowel! 3.). Mn plenum! may: nnd odor are mimn. tam-a pol-eased or duimed ‘by very few Venn ifugea. uh. I” bunnies: influenée upon the Iyllem, cnmeq'uullymo injnl'i‘ul' mm-cu will result from its use nhould IhA pm :1! have no Worm I, but an apparent. diuns‘o, dging from some other unknown 01.1150, WM) 1: in frequunllll the cue. ‘ The countltnmn of thin Syrup and its effect: no known to many Physicinm, who are now unnx 'u in their prnéfifi: lo I. [urge Extent. > Price 25 cent: t boule. The Greatest Linhnent in Use. BELL'S \Vm’f-E (”Ll—Th: Blandm. Clean ut, most Palm-aging and man Econonmal Lmimeu‘in Usa—A poverful Olesginul Oom pound for the Speedy Curer‘of Rheumuiam, Sirnina. Sprainr. Wounds, Numbneu of the Limbs, FroalédJ-‘eel. and. Hundm szwin. Sad dle G-1111, Poll Evil, Ring none” Bruises. Sm—ilings of all kind, and in he: every dis use for which an Embroontion is applicable, enthrr in M in or Beast, Prite 25 cvnu A hot ilP.—~Thi‘ prrpnrnmn, which is ufigiunl‘wilh “a, will be foumi to be one or \he, nicut rind at the nine time one of the most relitbie up plimtionl axmnt. . ‘ linking been employed very extenuiécly since its introaiictibn nn-l feriing Istisfiei'm in remediul propor'ties, we rrcammeud it with the' utmost. confidencn. knowing thin no one will be difinppoinled in in use. 11. in. u it: name impliea. a white linimem o! the consis tomj or crum. containing nmhing oft-min, rm, on lhe contrary. will bg found mole plount mun emu-mu. . - ‘ _ '° Bell‘s Allen-Mire. B (‘OVDITIUV PUWDEHS! FDR HORSES, (lAT'I‘LE & SWINE 25 (~9an i. paper, or flu pnpna for SI The ltduwuae ulé of these. l’owdrra durinz the short per-ind may have been bexm‘e the public. I! Alufliviml [nanmee of their great pupuluiiy, and .Lhn dflCldOd benefits ~derchd frfi n {bl-ii use: = < ' They fire cunfidently recommended not Only as a rrexemivo, Hut u n comp)": rnre far A" dice-nos incid‘i-ut to [he HUIKSE,"CI|W or “OG, a! Lose 01‘ Appmile, (‘uughs,’Hau‘es, Yellow Water, Dislcmper, (H-gndfn. #O.; kc. By their we the “urn-'3 .\ppetile is improv ed. a” derangemepts of the digestive organs corroded, softening the skin, nnd ghing to the com A sleek and shining appearance. and m.:y'h¢ used wnh perrece safety. In I” Limnl, as It contnins no Ingredients which cm injure a house, whether sick or well» They clean-'9 the hrenthing’lppnntus by ejectingTrum the air calla. congnluled matter, or tlmt'forlnation‘ which so severely clogs them, musing a. tightness in brtl‘ty'ng, and by then- penulinr action on (but pin, they “use the muq’ua r'nemhrnne t 6 resume in natural drmcnaiq‘ns, thusmqunlizmg the circnlution of the blood and restoring the (ii-tended vessels to their-mature} size. , . vForJattening cattle filer" are iqvnlunble, 3,150 possessing peculilr pro artist in increus ing‘ the quantity of milk in 6013, thereby giv ing them‘ an importance Ind value which Ihould pllce them withinlho hand: on I.“ in terests d. ' , All diwenws to which the Bog la subject, :8 Couglu, Ulcera in the Lung: and Liver, and u A gene‘nl purifier or the blood we gnu-111120 '.lneir emcm‘y‘if oncg fairly med. SB6M at Gettyabqrg by A. D. Buehler, Apothecary. nnd by Dnggkinu and Storekeep er: generally. Aak for Bell‘s l’repnrntions. Prepnrld exclusively by W. D. Bell. Apothe cary, (Graaimle of the Philndrlphifi Collegfi of Pharmncy,) Wu“ Washington SL, Eager:- lown, lld. ‘ [Uct.l6, 1865. .ly _ ‘Greu Beduetgon In Prices. JUST "VII the 0.12; mm A large ulonment ofzhe host Ind cheapest ‘ READY-MADE CLOJ'HING, ever offered in Gettysburg. Ci]! and examine Alyo—A large stock of HATS & C.\PS~SPRING STYLES. I feel confident uni-’1 have the fine". selection of Han and qul ever ofi'ered :o the citizen of the Counly. A 156, Gentlemen] weer of even dencriptiou.— - GLOVES. STOCKINGS, NECKTIES,SHIRTS, SUSI’ENDHRS, HANDKERCHIEF‘S, BUT- , TERFI.\‘S, PAPER AND LINEN COLL£RS AND CUFFS. Also, a fine Assortment. of Trunks, Yalise}, Travelling Sucks. Umbrellas, \anking Sticks, 2nd Cloak. of everyfiuaription, connintly on Ind . } ”Pei-sons in mutt of any of the Above artichl will pleAse can and examine my flock ,hefote pus-chum; auction. . 2 Roz-member the plnco, next door to “Bvuhler'a Drug Slore." THEO. C. NORRIS. 1 April 23, 1866. - , Cheap for Call! KW swam _ ‘ GBOCERIES, LIQL'ORS, kO. 'lnnl underaignod‘ has rammed to Guiya burg. and opened a. new Store, on Bulfi mvre 3mm, next door to the Post Office, and nearly oppmixe the Court-House, where he ollen for sale, can! to: can, a. large Ind cnoice asmrtmeuc of GROCERIES,—Sngm. C‘fiuel, Toss, Molasses, Syrups, 8911, ML; with fish, Bacon, Lard, nnd 9n on. Also, LIQUURS-Winea, Bundies. Glnl, Whiqkies, Rams, nudeverything elpein thelme. Also, any gamma; of Nations, to suit my Ind everybody. , = Recollecv. this _in the plus to b‘ny can: rot. mu. : GED. s'. KALBrwsba \April 23, 1866 For Sale. SPLENDXD SEVEN-OCTAVE BOSE WUOD PLAXO. Origind colt 8500-- item on. of flu be“ Ewe. in an country. Will be sold chap. 49ij a thin 06cc. ‘ April 16,1868. 6:! Notice, PETER WEAVER’S ESTATE—Letter! of sdmlnmnlion on tin esum of Pam: Wen”, km of Mountplallnuvp.‘ Adm co., 'deeoued, hung been mated to the Index lizned, Raiding iii the same thwnlhip, he hm by (hp: notice td all persons Sndebud to slid mm to mm lm‘med‘uu pan-ant, nd mow ”ml! Chins ‘nkninu flu same to mount PM“! Allhcnlicsmdflor “filament. JOSEPH murmur, Adm'r. . Agra mass. 3: . Emma! magazines, in In“ W rim. 9 ‘ swell iti/Kkar done lbei==adidstis. anitl the Cectimutet, Ile new ur AD. 'MOM 3ng union- manning mam. . mu“: “new!” tum-dank names. 8111331". an . NOOURAGED by numerous friendl E throughout. the county, I oler myself u n rnndidnte for SHERIFF n: the up: election, Inbkci ‘0 the Gechion 01 flu.- Democnllc County Convention. Should [be no fortune u to be nominued and elecpedJ promisq todil charge the dutiel 0! lb: office In the heat of my Ability. ‘ JACOB KLUNK. Gem-my lp., April 9; 1866. to SHERIFFALTY. T (he lofleiulion ofnumeroul friendl. I A of" myself“ a. csndmne for SHEEN“? ll the next. election. “we“ ‘0 “In deem“ of flu Democratic County Cunvenlion. Should X be nominated and elected, I pledge myufl'to diuhun thc duuu of tha else to thejnn of my mm]. PHILIP HAS}; ‘ Bush-l Ip, April 9, 1866. k. sHmMALn. 1‘ the wliciution of numeral" friends, the A undersicned,‘(nsldin¢in Ganyaburg lince April m, but (mum-l] nnd‘for any year. ; resident. of Gonownzo town-hipJ often hlm nalfu t candiinm for SHFRIFF It ma next election, lubjec: to the dcciaion of the Demo crnlc County Convention. ‘ Should I be nom inated nn‘d elected, I will dischuge the dutie o! the allies lo the but. of my Ibimy. l ~ EMANUEL D. KELLIR Apr?! 16, 1888. lc- 9 SHERIFFALTY. SCOUBAUED by numerous triendi throughout. the county, 1 ole:- mnolru : candid.“ {.n- SHERIFF n the nut election, Invvjecz to the decision of flu Democrui- County Convention. Shaun” b. to forums!» u to be nominuod Ind’ olecud. I promiu to dilehugo the duties of tho office to flu but of my nhili’y. ' , , " JHOSEPH A. ORENDOBFF. Monmjoy tp., April 16, 1868. la " SHERIFFALTYS. AVING bcn’n solicited by many (finds, lolfcr my.‘ Has a candidnte for SHER r n- n me next oluclion, lubject to the drci~ lion 0! the Democrstic County Convention.— Should I be nommtged And elected, I pledge my “It to a {lithful dilcblrgn of the duties at the olfice. REUBEN GOprN. Cumberland tp , April 18,1866. lc ‘ sunning-Ann. [16121) by‘ many friend-v.l o‘fl‘er my”!!! M I candidate lor'SllEleF, luhjecl of the decision oflhc Democratic Couuly Convention. Should lhe “mingled I will spun no hbnor~ able eflorts go le‘cnre my election, and irelech ed, 1 will discharge the duties of :he office to the belt army ability. H ENRYVBEITLER. Mcunljoy Ip.,'April 23, law; 1c 9 SHERIFFAHI‘Y. AYING bun soli'iled bfgnany {gimds in H vanoui parts at the con‘p‘l'y, l ofi'm- my~ lel' : a candidate for SHER 1'? n! the nu: elec‘on, suhjeut. lo the decision’ or the Denim cratic County Convention. Should Ibe nom in "ad and elerted, I ‘promi'le I}, dischargn {he duties of the oflige to the best. {my ability. ‘ ‘ JOS ‘Pu WOLF. Butler tp., April 23, 1866. cc Register-'9 Notices. OTICE is hereby given to all ngntees and other person: enact-med, that thq Ad~ ministration ‘Accuunu hereinaller mentioned will be prelcutr‘d a: the Orphan's Court of All-\m¢ cuuntyforconfirmation and n‘lmvnnco, on TUHSD \Y, the 22nd day of MAY, 1866, It. 10 o'clo'wk, A. XL. viz: ' u 286. I~L and (Sun! account of I. C. Guinn, Exrcutnr of Lama H. Essick. deceased. 287. The In :u-cou'm of Ahmbnm Guise, Ad minisuuw: ot‘the esmte. or Peter Guise. dec'd. 2:18‘ The In m-connz‘ol Francis Cohléon, Exw-ukor of thc Willot'lohn H. Stilzcl, dec'd. 2.49 The account. of Henry H. Omar. Ad~ minislntnr of Daniel H. Orner, deceased. ' 290. In n‘nd film! noraunt‘of‘Jon-‘thnu Bow~ er, Executor of the Inst‘Will and Testament of Juarpb \mlrr. dw-nme‘l. _ 29L The new IX". 0! Banjamin Chronhter, .\dluiniurnmr-o! the estate (11‘ Samuel Chron~ jet”. deceased, 29:. Thu-Id nornnnt or Juhxi Wnlhey, EX~ neuter o! the 11m)?!" and Tosmmml 0‘" Mom ry Rex, Lue of Mennllcn twp" Adam: co., dec'd. 293. Second account of Butler Feeder, Ad; ministruu-ix 0) John Fecser, deemed: 29C. The M and final account’ of Joseph Camp, Administrator 01' John Camp, deemed. 295. The lit and final account of Pan M‘y- H's, (of P.) Administratur ofuu‘te offidnm A. Myers, deceased. \ «- 298. Fiur And final, account of Sumnel S. Déurdarg‘, Admiuiummr of David R. P. Dear dorfl', deco-sea. ' b' 297. Second and and account of Soiomon Miller and Adnm 0. Miller, two of the Execu tor! of the list Will and Teak-Imam ofJohu Miller,‘ dreamed. , _' - 298. Account of H'enriitht Schrirer, Admin .iatrurix of 600’. W. Schriver, ducessedu 299. First. account of Adams. Myen, Enq., Administrator with the Will annexed, of Du:- iel Myers, deceased. ‘ 300. The account of James Mnn‘mll and Elizabeu Andrew. Executor: ofzhe Inst Will sud Testament ot'John Eben, deceued. . . 301. The account-of J. A. Gardner, Gtgrdieu of Anderson C. G. Brandon. ~ ‘ . 30:. The first. and final mount“ of Michael .\h‘ers and Blind Albert, Executorl of [ballet wil'. and I'estamenlofSnrah Albert, dec’d. 303. The account. of John Krumrine, Exec utor of the wm ofJecub Smrner, deceue’d. 30}. The firu urcount of Elie: Johnu, Execu torof the mm of John Johns, deceased. 3625. The second Recount. of George W. Wantz and Samuel Swope, Executor: ofHem-y Wentz. deceased. 306. First and final account oilohh Trostle, Administrnmr of Jonathan Gilbert, deceased. 307. First and final account 'of Sin-jar Jncbb M. Bolling", Administrator of the estate of Jakob thr, deceased. 308. The first nnd fin-. 1 account of Alexan der Cobean,.l€sq., Administrator do bani: mm with the Will Inneged of June: Major, de ceuod. . ‘ . 309. The gunrdinnahip account of Andrew Rile. Guru-dim: of Jeremiah Stump, minor child or John Stump, deceued, exhibited by Gen. Throne, Administrator 0! said Andrew RRife, decelued. . L 310, Firstsnd’finnl account of Funci- Bream 11nd George Brenm‘Adminisu’nton or Hoary Bleam, deceased. 311. The first. seconnt of Joe] B. 3mm, Executor of the emu. of Zephnninh, Herbal. deceaaed. u - SAM’EL LILLY, Begins: Begiatu’l Ofice, Gettysburg, } April 16, 1866. w; - , Noiletb. GEN HILBERT’S ESTATE.—Lefien tel ‘tnmenury on 1h! estate of John Hilbert, late of Gummy town-hip, Adams county. de cnsed, having been grnnled to the un'ders‘xgned, residing In Union township, be hereby give: {notice to I" potions indebted to and nuts in make immedimepnyment, and those having ‘ claims against the‘snme Lopresent. them groper !) authenticated for letdemnnt. JESSE HEBERT, Executor. April 23, was. an m S hereby given um I hue pnrchned from I Henry Matter, ruidingin Bewick borough, Adlml 1:0“:ny tailoring pegoul proper. ”Nil: 2 Horn 9 and Gun, Conl 1 Bar row, 1 Spring ngon, I Ten-plate Stove Ind Pipe. um Grain growing in the ground, con rioting of O‘m, Corn, Rye, When—also Pot:- men and Hay. Snid personal property is left in the pnuouipn of said Home, but. my right wit it innovifii thereby mlinqui-hed. , > ‘ noun-:1. Barnum ‘April_33,‘lB66._»3tf‘__‘__ 009 i and Lumber. '% P every vuiety, a (he Yud of c. H. BUEHLER, . 4‘“. 19. Our. Culple nd hill-M "I. 38033 AGAINST ACCIDENTS in ill. I TRAVELDEBS INSURAEUB GOXPANY UA-‘JJABTFOBD. It. imam min”. all kind: arm", And In benefit: are neoivcd by all chum of hen. ‘ KSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS In “In TRAVELLBBS INSURANCE OOUANY U!“ HARTFORD. It Rm puid em on halted ‘l3in WW to, holder. of is. poli giéi,indnd{n¢}B§flo Kc (Hangout! policy “Mm: to: $512 1n pfgmlum v..... :v " ' .‘..1—9-7; HOWE” & DELPHI, , HI under-mu! in still Agent for thank at 13%me AND MAPIXG MACHJN'BS 3.0 m! Maid nod linglu lowan. ‘ Thou machine- an be Ind u Sell-Ruhr: ‘ot Blur] Btkel’l,‘ll firmer: any wiah. They no rude with Ito cutter bun, one for cutting gnin with sickle inns-caning I!" 2th nine inches 'ldl—lnd exert bu, with (an knives. .’or grun,-q:uttlng four feet lix inch” Vida, vlnving Iron or 'uodon fame: u desired.— Thcy but! two ‘drivlng wheels And fluzblo fin iger bu; . The compnny building these nnehinep have iocnnd by lone Ind purchn u, the control at I“ the delirahle Ind mu}!- rd pawn" now in Hue, among which no the , 3 OUIU AND BUCKEYE PATENTS, to which we direct Ipecinl nmntion. In con pnctnesl, lightneu ofdrufi, excellence of work nunahip mil fin'uh, combined vim non! strength 3nd adaptation to dl kinds ofwork, they will Compek vmh, sad we beliove. nur pus. any other whine now ofiond to the public. Fume" would do well to cumin. the" machiuu bdote purchuing toy other. They will be lold u chup In Any other first-clan ma’chlno nob! mufuxuod. and w. warm» them to gin cntin uti-vhsction or no sale. ’ fi'Extl-u Almtylkeptan hand. Specimen meh'um cm be Men by calling on thy Again, raiding on thn Humbug road, no mile! nub-cut of Getty-burg“ WILLIAM WIBLE, Agont. April 23, 1866. 1 'PICKING’S - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . “ mwfrllmxméfi _wfiXiTLARoE Stock 0! Uneap clothing at . . PICKING‘S. PLAYED OUT! ”THE HXGH PMCES... 0.11 m: b 0 “ti-fled by pricing Clothing u \ PICKING'S. T CAN'T BE DENIED. THAT PKCKINQ ha! I tho hrgurauonmeut of Guns, Panto 3nd Vuu, in the county. - ‘RUNKS AND CARPET B \Gh', in ending "rusty, chew at. HCKING'S. 3 'l‘ IS EVEN so: A- large stock amm _ shirts. Suspendl n, Umbrellal. White‘nud ' Culico lbiru, cheup It. PICKISG'S'. Tr'cm mcnrm xxcssn l x‘ Allklndnof h Sunday Ind every-day auiu~ cheap It PICKING'S. ENTEEL! GENTEELEEH GBXTEEL- G EST! I I Binck Cloth Frock, Lad Suck Coau; ulso all kind: of Unisimere, Duck, 00(- ton And Linen Cuhu. Cull“ PICKING'S. ’l‘, XS INDEED ASTOYISHISG, what" u I lug:- nnd chap “torment of Pants can be had at. . PICKING'S. EEP TI‘BI Fine assortment of Clock! cheap u I PICKING'S. 0 USE ‘TXLRING. SleZéhl; right axbng . and price Clothing, Notions. 3%,. m. , PIUKISG'S. USICAL INSTRUMENTS. I V'io’im, Ac ‘cordions, Flu“: and Flies, to.be had at PICKING'S. RE YOU IN? For a cheap luit. Thin calla: ‘ PIUKKNG’S. REENBAOKS, o I my other kind of good ' money, taken in “change for Costa, PM” Vanni}: ,fu PICKXXG'S. . 4 HR GREArvsr-zxsuxox‘or the day ! PAL-king's flaming-(Store. 3 new. cunt-ER, CHEAPEST-Pibk i C ing‘l Spring and Summer Ulolhmg. ‘ i G 0 AND SEE Picking] Chnp Clothing. TOP A MOMENTl—Whnt'i 'ha hurry? I want to get a unit It PICKISG’S. I‘, “THER EARTH iq putting on A newguit. L Let all ihe-pnople go Lo Picking} and do hkewug. " ’ [April 23, £866.] 325 HT ‘ 3:5 away, HUSLV 5’3: comma, _ HANDELand HAYDBV HALL, Ewan! no Selim Gum” Smut", . Putunnruu. THO)! SS .\IAY PEIRCE, A..M., President and Consulting Account-at. Exmommm Induces-cuts! NOVEL .2 PEMIANENI‘ Annmawaxr'or. - Busmess COLLEGE “mus. 1 ‘Fnou Ann. 1 T 0 0cm“; l, 1866, LID BUCCKEDIKO YEARS. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, ihcluding Bpokkeep ing, Busineu Correspoddenge, Forms 1,015. toms, Commercin} Arithmetic. Buaiueu Pen mnnship, Detecting Counterfeit Money“. and Cmnmercid Luv, TWENTY-FIVE DOL- LA RS: ' SCHOLARSHIPS, hclndingtha lune subjects us than. Tun leun to 13‘“: Menus, TWENI‘Y DOLLARS. PENMANSHXP. Three .\louthg... . . . . .5......’5T Penmanship Ind Arithmetic, three monthsSlo The nving ofvconl and ya in the summer months ban Advantage ofiuch importance M cushion the management of this College to make a convidernble reduction in the summer rates. a A FIUI Ocronn 1, 1866. to Ann. 1,1867, 'And aucceeding‘yezul, :8 before. Life 5ch01ar5hip.................................. $35 Scholnnhipl, 3 m0nth5........................ 525 Penmlnlhip, 3 months . $lO Penmanship And Arithmetir, 3 manila... 312' Specill Term: lor Clubs, Soldiers, and for tho Sons of Minister: and Te Ichers. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUCTION FOR BOTH SEXRS AND ALL AGES. In Btukmg, Storukeeping, Bookkeeping, Pen manshm, Pen Drawing, Phonoguphy, Arith metic. Monauraxion, Algebra. Geometry, An:- lylicnl Geometry, The cniculuu, Nuigation, Surveying, Engineering, Gauging, Mining, Me chanic-l Dhnving. Commercial Law, German, Telegraphing, And the English Bunches, u moderate pricel. . Endorsed bythe public A: theme“ lucceu fnl Business Collage oi the country, as in evi denced by the fact, that. . FOUR HUNDRED (I: TWO STUDENTS have entered in the FIRST SXX MONTHS OF ITS EXISTEXCE 4 , Principal of Dena-emu I News xu macs, A. m. GEO. B. SNYDER, R. S. BAKERS, CrNrFABR, Ja, . J. T. REYNOLDS,. HENRY KEN, LE. ROGERSON.A.M., C. E. Supparud h) an nbleCorps of Assist-nu. an or and for a Catalogue, Culley. Currency, and l‘aircc'n Practical Edmor. ; . OFFlCE—saxxomn EIGHTH 811, mm,- ADELPHIA. THOMAS IL Psugcs. 49:1123, 1866. an ‘ Tun-neg; g - ‘4 EELEY'S HARD nausea muss: S cure-a RUPTURE, frees the cord {l96m lul preuure; will nonrruu, break, limber, chnl'e,‘ or becomjlthy, (um line nee! Ipring being coaxed with hard rubber) ; spring undo any pnwer required; used in tubing. hurl to form; requires no strapping; cleanest, Right ost, onion, And best Trun known. Sun for ylmphlet. ‘ L. B. SEELRY. Soie Proprietor. 1347 Chestnut St., Philnd n , Pa. ’ AP!“ 9. 1866. lm _ ,- , _._..___. ‘ Blacksmithlng. THE indeysigned wouid mon nespectfnll] inform the public that he cbnflnlu the BLACKSXITHLN'G BUSINESS, _ at ,h'u shop, lately Philip Deraom’s, Idjoining Troxel'l puiut shop, in But Hiddle "reel, Gettysburg, where he will u m times be pre gnred to do Blacksmithing work to Curing“, uggies, qum, be. ‘Thm. he knows how w do I." job. of the kind will not. be questioned by" those Rho have a knowledy of his long experience a the busineu.» Came on with your work, :nd you will be «tight! when you ukeit Amy—lnd for which he lull receive Ouh of Counhy Pronuoo. , ADAM HOLTZWOETE! In. 20, _1865. u ’ OLD, SILYEBJSTERL, Ind other Gm fiPEUTAOIéKS, to Mr . that" on hm d Ind to fight. K“ 5" fins, We a» But. Gutnbm. B. non-rm PRAGRAKT XYRRE” pref D'méc‘un Tamara In disuse: him ”Mdflwm Midi; '‘ . Em CALL LID SEE 08 XI OUR m QUAB. TEES. ‘ ' GREAT ATTRACTION! MICHAEL SPANGLEB would mpeclfully Inform bu friends Ind lbe‘ public .gcunrtlly that he hu .oved hil Store into the comma. diofll room on the loutbetetcorner of the Din- Imam?y It whlch plug in no invited to cull. fle bu purchued the property Ind hm! it. thoroughly repaired snd Hand up in the no" Iplendid otyle,for lb: spechl comfort sud com “minute of his customers. W. now flatter ourselvel slut '0 have nol only the but. "or. room in the county, but me finest uock 0! good: ever brought to thin plan, :11 of which we no no- selling u price: to V DEFY COMPETITION. W 0 ctll “untied espocillly to ,onr “up!!!“ flock of DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY‘GOODS, embrmln‘ I“ ductipflou of O DRESS GOUDS. -' ' 5 DRESS Blhgiumni " . . usher-:3, cualxnzs, ‘ .. ‘CALXCOIS, ”SUNS, . , - census, Hoop Skin- for India and linen, Rosin-y, ‘ Glam. Embroidery, Tdmmlpp ad I. FANCY AfiTIULES. ‘ mg, can FURNISHING oooos;c1ouu, Mmem, Gluinfll,T'Ndl, km, to. ‘ . We we now selling-- Muslin: fr0m.................................12} to 28. Calicoes fr0m......... ..............'..........10 to 18. Ind other good: in ‘pmporlion. Having made our purchase: when goods were. at their very fewest gndo in the cifiy. we no now oleriug bugnins lhn unuot {ml to plane. We invite n.“ to cull n. our ,NEW STORE and see i( u h not. 10. | . n. snxaun. , ‘April 16, 1866. ' i 1 A Big Tumble xvmcnsww. , ,- PMNE Ayn snANalez, Ansmn‘svxnm, Have just run-mod from the allies mtl: one of the lurgeflgnn‘l best. spleen-d flocks of Good cver oflered to the people of Arnuduville-nnd lurrouuding comfiry. But their max-meat. in not only desirable and utmtlve; lt ‘wu bought. ‘t‘ Inch A reduction u to enable them to announce to their customer! god the public geuenlly, " > ‘ l ' A BIG TQMBLE IN PRICES! They offer Cloths. Cnssimeru:und Summer Goods for men and boys, at price: that. will utonishg—ahd thunmc my be uud of all ur ticle: lot Ladiei' weir. to. -Fnr <insunco, Print: at him 10 m 20 cents, Gingham. 25 w 2! min, Muslim 12} to 18 mm: ' They sell ‘Sugsr‘s n from 10 19 16' cent . Cof fun 16 to 30 cenu, Sump. 40 cant! lbél 20. Come and see for yoauel'vu. Come with 3 Huh. We have! plenty of Goods. and are al-. ways glad to thaw thr-In. Buying for cash, '9 ‘sell for cash; PLAXK & SPANGLEK. A'pril 16,1868. 6w ‘ Cabinet Furniture. 11E sub-Cube}: hereby intorm llieir cus- T‘tomen .nd the public gonenlly, that they line now on hand, nnd conliuuotp mun ufnctureiworder. . CA‘BINET FURNITURE, which. {or slyly Ind dumbxlity, finish and price, will compén with my in the cuumy.~ Uur preunt. nock'? conslatgiof every ntiety of Fumllure nan-ll] kept in If first. clan Furni wn Wun Room. Fashio‘hsbie, ornamental or plain Furnhure mnnufa‘ctured In Iha most uubnunthl mlnner, ly men experienced workmen, Ind u the lamest cub pricun. UNDERTAKING. _ , Having a. new Beam, plrdculnr Attention will be given to thin bunch 0! their busineu. They are-prepared to milk: tad tumllh Colin: at any desired qunmy, Ind ugh-ml Fem-:31; .1. lb. Ihortcn notice—lnd on‘uuéh term- 38 cannot {ml to pleue :11. . The lflblcl'lblfl relufil‘ tholr thank: to the public {9: the liberal puma“ exkndrd to them in—tbe put, nnd hopuo moritundreqeive I continuance of public ntmnnge. Shop and Wye Room 'ihird nuazng out oflhelSqunrc. ILTETK k BRU. , Litduzom, Api'il 16, {866. ,xr ' A Lecture to Young Men. UaT publinhod, in a. sealed envelope... Pm; 6 cent. A Lecture on the-nnmre‘ minim: and radio-ll euro of Spermnwrbmn, n Seminal Weekneu. Involuntary Emisrions, Sekfitl Deblllty and impediment: to Marriage generally. Narro'ueness, Uonsump'ion, Epi -1 pl], and F 3"; lontal and Phylical incapa city, running from Self-Abuse, Arc. By Rob eri J. Cniverwe'll, I. D., snlhor of the hGreen Book,” kc. . . The world renowned author-Amalia admira ble Leclure, eloxrly prove}, from his own ex patience, that the enfnl consequences 0! Self Abule may be efectutdly removed withong Medicine, and without dangerous surgical opo rations, bangles, instrumenin. rings, or cor-Ji alé, pointing out. a mode of cure at. once cer min and eflectuel, by which every nufi'orer, no matter whu his condition may be, may cure himselfgheaply, princely and red-celly. This Lecture will prove a. boon to thousands. Sen: under let] to any erens,iu n pluin, lenled envelope, on receipt of nix cents, or two pans mzc stumps. Also Dr. Culverwell’n blurring: Guide, price zs‘cenu. Address GRASS—SK“. KLINS £170.. . :27 Bowery, New Ygrk, P. 0. box 4586. April 23, 1866. I, ' ‘ Washington Hotel, EW OXFORD; 3 , ADXHS COUNTY, PA‘. The undersigned respectlully lnl'orms‘ hi: friends sad the public~‘g\3nenlly, thM he has purchased the above Haul, tad will attire t‘o keep it u a No. l House. Hm tnhle’ will be abundsntly supplied with l" the delicacies of the union. 9nd hig‘ bar with Ih‘ choicest liquor: and wines. The nu blmzrig‘lurgv and commodjoua. u: hopen by Illict M’enlwn w'meril sporliou of HM pub|.c‘x pauonhge. ~ ~ ISAAC B. HOUSER. April 16, 1895. 31!: , ' -———.« - - _._.‘HM... ’Pennaylvan-m College. ‘Hé Summur SeuiOu of Pennlylunja Col fl 1530 fid' Prepuuory Deputmem, will begin on and-pg!" 10m day of Mn}- next. The Principal of tun—Prepunury Drplrb men: teeidu nenr the College, and will receive into hi: Emily A [imm-d number of ’boyn— Additional intormuion may b 3 obuinod by npplneuion lo - H. L. BAUGHER, Pm't., or J. % EHREHART, Principal l’QpM'MOl’y Department. Gettysburg, April ls, law. 4!. , Notlee. RORGB SMICK’S ESTATE—Letter! of udminiuruion on the cameo! Geo.Smi(-k, lute of Huntington township, A‘dtml count), deceased, lining beewgruulcd no the unde'r ligned, residing in the nine township.lho harem lpy give: notice to .11 person: indebwd to said estate 10-mnkc immediate pnymeut, and ghoae having claim: nguinsc the same to "re un: mun properly uulhontirnted for unle ment. ' ~. EHELIXE SSHCK, Apri13,1866. 6t Administmuix. Inching Tobaceol. WAGEDvJGENFS-Wo cubmu ram.- na'ol-uer'. Individual Fulani."— Gris-m ln-luuun‘nts stern-Mummy my mu; e! publish-m. Agent: have In attire mogmp 013' in the :rrrilory «dim-d ah m, u then ' has bun nolhirg of (he ‘iml 'yav. Introduced. f’ mm with univenul Improul, In nun-luau], ‘ a.“ “cord 01 “I“ to these who hug u". 1 ed in our comm": defense. and to friend: at derelued loldivn. For chu-nlnqu, «Mun, enclosing “Imp, B. C. “.\Kfifl, Columbus, u. back 30! 979. ’ ’ “ ' { Afr.“ 16, was. 1m ’ “ ‘} Disabled Men. Attention 1' i WWTEU, One of no men, in (im‘nbnrg _fl , ,__W__, and vicinicy. :ho hum lon am; am Reduced Prices. ‘ Agents Wanted! .‘mn Qr'ks. to sell w. nswom‘ws wnua lANOS,CABIXET uh “union on son the Own America 9mm. the ”"0” WW“ 3‘““"° ‘.’“srn’ “" P GASS. superior §un¢d7 octave Puxus ‘ cheupenlmd most wonderful pnuleg of gen an") onenpeu (mm-1. Plum-m m. aux-keg Iron: $350 npvudl. ORGANS féom $2lO I e “e. ; Age-m can readily mike from 5“, rum 5. toSleper 4.1.}! on be nruig. 1' Addron, upwarhl. A]! ‘inmnmanu "Oelentecl, re- 10 $2O per my. I will gin my agent Sue if f“: 2” fr'l'tf'l‘f’ “"‘Pl’ ;‘““l,’“£“"' "'"h’uv commendldfind sold by mé,lddizlounllyguir- 5' Vi" V'” 50,0”. 5“" so 9"“ ‘°' ’9“ of l; 3' “11' 'Jf'l’ 2:; ‘3; In “fin?“ untied. mum-M ckcuhn sent by II." :Plflm- 4“ 01‘4“" ’"P‘J’l’w "9- “”1” m".-" 5"“. ”$252M. "' “H ‘wuen desired. ,g. “51;, ’,w mun, Impururnt pug, 0004:, m nun, “' m‘gmagugf'“ "Mum ’ 'No. :6 lat. flnkd Sumjm“ n, Hm 8:. mm... ta. . _ 0 _L‘PE’}. .2;.‘...;;_“ .____s___;__ In. u, use. : -‘ - , I fi-Ladiu' Media Book. calm-II: 1000" . 33' Dn. muesnt's Tofiéahds-QM .. . _._—m. ..-_—_'-_._._.:.L. ;_._.. .... the lam Nudlol. mm by mil ol‘nca'pt of [in gowdvnflur "03338 lid OA‘I'I‘LI FMEILEWS mm; mfl'nm' be pol. u. u mu. -‘- ‘ ~ -' '-' manna ”I. only “flimsy“... Bough Drug nd Yum, sun; 1 ”mm, 1866. l- . I an.“ 9, iii. .z a»?! OMETBIXG NICE! WM. H. BROGUSIER, g! .Krfi'herrvflovrn, Adam: County, Pa.. lhnuhchiru two din‘emnt grldes or SMOKING TOBA'CCO, which cannot be but. The; are mild And planet, In thapoinonoul uste bo ing cur-cud, And N the finer in full! pre uned.- Smoken, give them I trial. sud you will brpleued. ' ' 'Ordeu from n din-nee solicited. ‘~ Thchfi‘alen Log. 50!“! the Patronage om“ (Juiced Hutu Government, Mould: mm: nperinr lei mny be tech M the Agency thefiSLEX LEG Tova Property ‘ COMPAN Y, No. 3) South-88V!!! “131”“, T PRWATE SAUL—Senna HOUSES ' Phlhddi'hh- , ‘ Aan M punchmd at. Privm 33kb, all- ‘ Cu" amnl '1" them. or mu! far I cu’cullr ing on FAIIXhSTOGK BROI'KL'ES. conniving run information. . Dec.ls. use. a Apfl123.1368- 1m ~._ Pub. 26, 1866. t! 18 WOW“ .0 canvass“, DOWN 10 OLD Pflofll $8 Rata solliis st 35 an. letting a u §4 Running-Ma u. _' I‘3 int-“ulna; It“ .35. r , 82 nun-mums; 5.. nd :11 üboTI It. Ibo um l‘ldllcod 131.40“. W. 'm ull‘flug chow mu Hum, olu. Slam of T 1 um and .: Ndncod prion. ' Detemhfid II n In to col! chap, we have put good: H our flu don to the low-It duh prim. 3:1 u, and b 0 coming“. . ‘—r now a woons. April 1:, 1m; ; - Gr Radiation in trim. AKN ocx “Romans ‘ ~ ‘ _ m now lellmg Goo mucous AT x 23 Claws, ‘ BEST 0. mucus» MUSLL AT as 013., um! :11 Wait Goudifin proportion. . "you w. m 0815 A? 006th. now in tho tin u» buy their. 0.121 n ‘ co. " ofi mammal: 3301-3335. Beanbag, Ma‘r. 26, 1866. ‘ Grofl Reduction of Price 1' TR A r: annarnnoaxan CORE!!! 0, ‘muoso AID OIAIIIIIBUHG l‘l'lll‘l. ”NIH 1. s WA N, ‘ Bningflust returned from me any. rupee!- fully iufp : llil customers, and the public. {bathe b: 'uuccwded in forming I connection with one o h: first lmpo’iting House: in the city 0! Bel Imam; by Which‘ he it enabled to ofl’er Groq‘brlu A! a lower figure thnn :bey can be pnnchued elsewhere in the county.— He in prephred to lefl , COFFEE 25 cents per lb. SUGAR, ' [O I“ " SYRUP, from 40 “ 1031.20, and all other thing: at corresponding rates.— If _you would lave money, call at the Chap Gruuery,curuer otDinmond nnd Chumheubnrg sgrrrl. m: sell: exclusively for Cash, \ml in aolermlned to be Ahend at all olheru in sellxng clump. Give him A call before purchvlsiug elsewhere. JOHN M. SWAN. Barron’s Safety I.3me, 1‘ A. D ‘ memo-madam) FLUID. 1233:13312 BIS Lnnip nppnremly bnrnl' u-ithout uny— {hwy (a feed“. it has, however. a ma (arinlwhich nblorbs the liquid and gives it to the flzune. partly from the wmk, an; mrtlv in the form of gun. but no u to produce perfect comhnnion‘ and In very economical nu‘ safe. 1! l 8 med withou‘ achlmney, and peifectly trimmed, doe- not unoke on line" ; n in “$6- fore mpocmlly adopted to who purpose/- a "r In 3min," night, nurse, shop or hotel Lunp, or luutuu. The coil of broken chimneys, Alene, wlil more than pny the cost or think“: . Every ramily needs one or mUIO. "It in Jun what I has been long looking for," write- n. model house-hep". “.1 should hardly know how to _do wilhout It,” writes another. “A parka! contrlvnnco," writ“ a third. "Let those who nre’nkeplicnl try it,” wrltol n fourth. , ‘ For sale by JOHN M. SWAN, : Cor. ol‘Diamond and Chambcnburg It. ”The Lig-Fo-inQ Fluid also for nla at the same place. [)hr. U. 1866. Accidents 2 HE‘ORICINAL ~ . ' . TEA VELLERS LVSURANC'E' 00.} or matron. mung. Cash Amen. Doc. 1. $585,839.19, INSUEPA ABAH'ST ACCIDENTS FROM nvfimwu uonsns, .acr-xnnx-rs rnouSLm-mw SIDEWALKS ASSAI‘LTn HY Hummus AND Romans, spmmao ASKLES .u'n mmxax muss, EXPLOSIUNS, cuwsums, alumna a: DRUW‘UNG. ~ Accidmu of AlLKmdi. \ [Q‘Policies ofsny amount from $5OO to slo.ooo in case of hm! accident, or $3 to 350 weekly compensation in case ofdisablmg bod ily injury, and from one month In five yen-I time, n: qualiprmiumgk _ ‘ Oldul and Eat Auden! Ina. Ca. Eztant. ‘ J. G. BATTERS‘ON’, Prefl’t. W RODNEY 053x13, Soc'y. fl'FhA PICKIXG, Agent, Getlylbur‘. Aprit 91’ 18664 3:11 ‘ W. E. gIID'DLR. TI. 8. BENNER. 100.00 g) Banks. r(ll-am Wanted. EW IR.“~ AT THE OLD WAREHOUSE. “'ML'E RIDDLE & CU. w’ou‘d inform the ‘mblic llist_lhe7 have leased the Wrtrehour on the' corner of Stratum street and the Knif rond, in Gettysburg, ..here they WI” can; on THE GRAIX AND PRODUCE BUSINES3, In ull itngbruuches. The highest. prices will alwuyl he paid for What, Rye, Corn, On”. Clover Add Timmhy. Seerh, Fuzsred, Sumac, Buy nnd Bdrm, Dried Fruit, Null, so3l),“an Slwuldrn wd Sides, Pounoel, with every cbiuz els in the country produce line. (:flOCERIBS.—-Uu lm'nd, for sale, Cofl'us, Sugars, Mousse). Svrupu, Tran, Spices, Salt, Chem-e, Ninegnr, Soda, .\luslll‘d. Slurch, Brooms, fuckers, Bran-king, Soupi. kc. Alaq column“ rm. oil, 1'". he. run of all kinds ;.Spiku nnd Nam; Smoking and Chew ing Tubznccoa. " ‘ They are any. nhlc to mpply A first run lrlirh of Flour, with the dlflerenl kind: of Feed... ‘ : Allo,"yGround Hutu, with Gnunoc nnd other leqtilizcrs. COAL, by the laugh-l, Lon or ’o': land“. , ‘ ‘ 5 They will run I LINE OF FIRING“? CARS from Géuysburg 40 llnltimore ouce awry week. They we prepared to convey Freight either way jn any qnmuu, M REDUCED RATES” he} 6m mend, if denim, to m. making of patch-new in the city. hnd dcliririnz the goods pfomplly in Gettysburg. .Thhir cm run‘m (he Werclmnio orsurr I: Norma, No. ”8 ‘Norlh Howard smut-t. near kaliu. Biltimmle, when h‘l‘iglll will be reached Mi anytime. They mm the Mirntloa‘ a! the public to their line. Insuring then Ihn they Zv'dlepxd’e no efl'un Lo nommmndue all who i any pltroum them. ’ April 18, 1866' ll BIDDLK t 8333 BR i‘V‘NTED! Anna, Halo nd Pet-410m ‘ *25 to 6150 por- nomh to an nu (tu -4 cbruud. ‘ +cmuwx sans: Bum 53mm 5“. CHILE, ' Pure: 81‘ 00. . This \inchine fill do All kinds of work «Isl to Ih.- h gln ariced “lullil'4.lnd ialho only rmtil-nl and gclinble Unveil” Sewing .\hchin. m the win”. Sand for clunip‘livu Unrculm. Adder— succna A; ou.,cmcago, m. at Clevolsd-l. Ohio. , ‘ . Aprilin, use. Mr _ . - eIIOiSMA x. uh I. m an.” zuyaur Emma. BIS WONDERFUL REMEDY vu mm. and Ind lntrodncod Ibout twenty you. 10 by 1!}. 8. Choopuu, In eminlut I'2o,th : mun. Ho Ind tong neon mu! felt ‘he was! or lan. «Indy 'hlch would mm M an new»! an «H, and no prawn; much of m “Jul" which the human lanai], wu lhen confirmed w endure. Tho grunt quutlot 'll prnentpa to My ulna "my day in vivid cnlun .3 hi mud .. «non; the lick Ind dying, and oburved th- in eflcion of newly Illxtho rename! than In an. fins to mu 1c“! 10 think nnd oxpvri. mun; .nd nflor an ye'u‘l of mm; and hbor, Thrpraunted to Ms MIMI may die wonderlnl Zing-ti Bitten. The a! c: nf-xhie Meritlflou in Ibo prevention and cure of Man". 111 to mnvellmu nud umniihlog, shut the non 'huering marks of royn‘. turn won WM 1. an him who di-mvgm! u. Hln nun wu pram! upon the Roll of Nubian, gnd such! .n.!nl with-the, {alluring inscription—Dr. S. Cheapo“, the Pphlic Benelwwrrkn pn untod w him by the Viceroy. ¥ Tho propuuuo- hu bun and En noun! l Ipidulics ol cholera, both u u why-min Ind , eunuv. nun-n, nul Wm: ouch gnu uuccou that it In.- been inxeoduced into nengly ‘ll Ih. gonna] bospiuls “(be old world. . The old ”yin: nut .in dunes of provemlon in wot? a pound of can, applies with mur- Vollou force to cholm, Ind therefor. any “I! ‘ledy that will {gnu-ct u npipat shin urti ble diaom uhonld be truly Ind perllltently used. 7 All pathologists now agree '.th the chiral"- poilon nuts on the aynem through an blood, and that any combinnmn whlgh Ada-on the excretory 0' run, and keeps them in work ing order. must precept I wanton: Iceumu lation _of ghe pol-on to oxen its urribla ctr-cu on the orwmilm. This in true not only a! choh-rn, bu! nl neuly a“ pther m-lydiu, up». cinily the dilfereut. forum often-rs. Thelmguri Baum Mun such a remrdr u the above conditions rvquxre.‘ It nuts on um organs of excretion Am] wen-Hun, ken-pug" up a perfect balance l'mwoen them. Thh Him-u ll compoud entirely of man uni herbs, ,m nice}, concocted Ith every orgm in nui'd upon)!“ pm in 1.9119. In 11531: i: pin-am und in elect- prompl and luling._ Numeroul cue- ol tho ru [mung dissing In" bun cured by it: Uholun. Durrhqoa, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fen-r." s2llo.an voul Drbfiily, Annmin, Pmnnh- irrvguiwrn'u, Dyspapfllal'laulency. 05m, Scrofum; to. Price, 0 a duilu per qvnm bottle. Principal Depot. «1 11m “'.xlnuz :u-eot. Wh ”f, “uni-burg. I‘n. Sold by Drugguu, H 616! keopnrnk Grocers. F. “.\‘lIH-llt, ‘ ' Sol? Proprietor. ”For Imle by Wm. J. llumu, squ Agvnt for Gettysburg. * Apnl W, 'lB-56. 1y _ _ '_ \Ncw Goods at Grlmcx‘n. AVES A. GRIMES. in York mum, Get tyqburg. has just rgcnived rings 10!. of new GRUCERIES, 51.9., which, having bought {or cuh, M the latest reduced prices, he in propnred :0 offer ohelper [nan they have bun sold-here for several years. His nNurtment. in very full. embracing the most choicv articles in his line, to. prove whnch be sub his uld nus xomora and the puhllc generally to an Ind, eumme for (hrmulvas. Hil COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS. SYRUPS. KOLABQIS, FRUITS, NUTS. CUNFECTIUNS. .'I'OBAGC'OS. SEGARS, kc.,tc., he in certain will please all who mny try them. IndVlue Ifiere ure Ink! purchnerl. from town and country. to give them I trial before but lng elsewhen. He in «terminal nil. Lo ‘1" nndersold by any other ashblisbmenl. l’li‘a largo «lock ol ‘ ' FANCY ARTICLES in kept lull” by coultnnt mlditions. and my». thing in tlnl. line can at all Limu be had [land and clump. indeed. bu flanen himself than his Store. containing in il. dou I 0 large 3 VI; rial-y oonods,all new and in the bu! condi tion, cannol but be lookul upon us among the mostnmm-mq in town. By attending: slowly to humans, und swing at small profits, he ll doing n‘hnndsoma buninus’. and will Ipun no efl'urt t'o .iucrcnse 11b) giving utilfn-‘tion in all canes. t _ _[llnrch 19, 1886. 1 Fresh Supply. ‘ ‘ KW GOODS AT BngUCEU PRICES l— -A. SCOTT a 80‘ bun )Im received uuulher fine niaortmen! of NEW GOODSmoa dating, in part, of Cloths, Cualmera. Gnu!- neu, Keqlur‘ky Janus, qu Tweeds, fur 09n tlemcu'a tear. Also, a line “common! of LADIES' amass 00008 Our stock bu been seiected with gun: can, and we are prepared to sell as cheap In any other enu'hffuhment in the country. We uk the public to gave at] call and judge for themselves. We derrcomouitiou. bow at to quality and price. A. .SUUT'I“ I SUNS. April 2. mm. A Flour! Feed! and (America: ’l‘ THE CHEAP STOKE ON THE HELL. A H you with 10 buy may of the above Illi cle: cheap" Ind bauer than you on cut them, am when: cine. go to the Grocery Stan ouho undumgned an flu HIM‘, in mum-m mun, where . aswruura cm alw Iys be accommoda tcd. Ind where all are muted to call and no for themselns. The publw will Alwayu find I hm andchuice sawtunent of suums, CuFFEJBS, TEAS, snaps, no Lusas, Tomcuus. Clams, sxurrs, FISH,'B.\CUN, MRO. 011 mm. Cluc . Ksns, 11mm“, sues, .n.. ' —A L K 0— GLASS-WARE, CROUKEnY-WARE. ‘ 10~ TIONS. hC , CHM. 0". LAMPS, rxsn 011., “n FLOUR AND r5BO, , ‘ ALWAYS 0N HAND. WANTED. —l"lour,Curn. (Ills; Rutter, Hg“. Baco‘n,and Potatoes, for which the highest mum wigs will be plid, either in Ind. or cull. waving determined to conduct In} blul~ mu m n lair and hu-wr-hle way. find lo~nfl cheap, { invite all to give me a Cu“; HENRY GVLEDBIBt » April 9. L 866. u ’ - ft zatoTal. TMCKHOUSER 8 WISDTZRE! Hun remand weir establishment at tho wan lido'or Baltimon smut, A 111 door: sbore the Court-home. nail "only opposite tfn'u You ofico, when they willwntinho bul neu on 1 hrs" scale than own. .- - m'l-ZTI-Jlls AND mm nlwan to he hm] 'm lhcir smson, with Sweet ”a high "nmlou, Apples. Emmi. "uncouth AllO, ”AIS, smaunmms, AND SIDIH, Mackerel and Hex ring, Butter and, bird, Cheese, with nll other amok: in “1!: "no. «Also, Raininll Almondimldsguenl‘mr‘. man! at Confections. Summing rm! C‘hgwlng Tobmcos, Begun, Pxpea, sad 3 gl’Q‘lJMiM’ a! Notions. , Tim, Mi emu, convin‘eod um. they at u nys tell u cheap I; the unspou. A. tlwy ruu ('.lu to the city "gut-fly. mm opporm nizien fur kupmg uptheir Imrk nre unusual}! goodmnd Ling public can rely upon gating wanking [rein and Him-,f _ STIHL'KHUDSEK t “‘ISOTZKIY. April 17, ms. qr . REIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers