9993 AND ENDS. lain. ma, “it and Mum, and ”at Not, ”I!” and I-llon to have a. Dutch .n.. I; Anointngqttu o.“ rfl'ho human! has iruod lhc following pimlar to tho hallo ofdppnrtmenu in rah, prone to appointment to office: } hilaminenlly right and prnper that thel governmaut of the Unitud Stale! would; an" “melt and lubstanlml evidence of in, ”a: appracialion of the service: of the pi- ‘ mom men who. wl.en the life of the nation ran imperillod, entered lhe army and navyl tn pawn/04m intrgrlly of the Union. do-' (end the governmont, and maintain and PQPPQ'NIIIG unimpaired in free inaliluliong.: It in thereforcliireoted: Fir”. That in, pppoimmenea to office in the severnlpxeou mite department: of the general govern om, and the v‘nrioua branches of the pub flunice nonnecled with said departmenu, preference shall be given munch meritori oua and honorably discharged soldier: and ullon, particularly those who have been diubled by wounds received or diseases commuted in tha line of duty, u may pos uu the proper qualification» Second, That. in all promotions in Ilid departments and the aeVeral bran'ohel of flu public service connected hherewilh, Juch Persona shall hm: preference when equal y nligihle and quinhficd, oger thou who have not faithfully and honorablv nerv-j rd in the land or anal lorcea ofthe United but“. ANuuw Joaxsouf- Executive» Man-ion. April 7. 1806. ~“<-----¢-o————i—’ r "AT A FRIEND 01’ am? CLAY u". To tho “old line” Whig: of Pennbyl "nil, if am there be who still revere tho pinup and the memory of that political or. mintion, we commend th’e following etc truck from a letter of Hon. Led“: Caught. of Kentucky. GrneralCoombl in wellhnown u tho intimite per-oust 'friend of Henry [3lll. '39 writes that to the Whigs of Kentucky; ' ' . ~ “A: A vetenn in the Whig srmyin time pau, Itandihg by it in all in dunner», an well as in in brief puriod of triumph, I tppesl to my brother Whigs in K~ulucky, what. will you do? With which of the two [reit- pnrtie- mm dindung the country will ybu cooperate?‘ Are you for the negro or the whit: mun? it" you coincide‘ with main ppinion, then I clllroat you to assemble with the Domocrats, and till others ofsimilar 110'" in your respective counties, and nehd our wisest and but men to Louiavilleyto hold coun-e-l together to row the State, and rmole the Union In our immortal Revolu tion”, l'ntheru made It. The recent veto mom‘s of President. Johnson, and the action of the Senate sustaining it, it calcu lltod to warm the hearts of freeman, and a)“ hope that. the usurp!" and tyrant: in ' ngreu will soon be puldown, and hone-it pigu trike then-places,” ‘'° \ - ‘ miner-n or ("11. ”on“. A very im ortant cane mu recentli" tried beiore the gupl'eme Court of the nited Stated. involving the conntitutiotuiity of the trial of citizens not in the military ser vice, by Court Martiai‘ The case wins the appeal from a United States Court in Indi um to the Supreme Court of the United b‘tetel. Three Citizen at Indiunmhed been tried before a Court Mm-tinllin that State, convicted of leome great but mldeflnuble ofi'enne and sentenced to death'. Lincoln approved of the finding and sentence, end the victims were to have been hung on the 19th of Mny. 1865. A' writ of Itabea: wrpm wn taken out, and the matter was brought before A Circuit Court at the United States and thence it went to the Su ‘reme Court. On the be inning at: March; {866, the e was figured; at Washington, before mime Judges. and a large number of the moat eminent Attorneys were concerned for and "lint! the prisoners. who lortunalely bird to this time been saved from death, but were kept an Mom in name Federal prison in the West. The qilebblofl was, can the heroin of Military Justice organize n Court )[ertiol and try before it A Oltllen not can pocted with the army or any, in I State where the Court: are open for the trill ‘of criminal otfences. It WI” be recollected how in the dnrkdnys of despotum, men gore dragged out of their beds and sent to or“. upon the tinkling of a bell) how Democrats men fully denounced the mount pd proceeding; how they seemed the idea that a. citizen could be brought under the dominion of ignorant military officers, his 'll tried and ”put to deith ;, and how the eye] worshippers of negro freedom clapped their hendl and exulted at these infernal outrages. Well, the dine at last arrived to an thele infamous deeds; The one has at at been reached, It was nrgued. on be- Ilfofthe prisoners, by Hon. Jeremiuh S. lock. of this State, who made the case so BLAH). by his powerfu'l- argument, thet the ,‘ urt we: compelled to declare that these (4141‘: were illegal. and that these Indian: roman should be set free. Thus has civil ribertx at last triumphed and tyrdnny hm Puma its death-blow in the bouts of in floods—Jute decinion having been made by e Uourtithe majority of tbeJudgen of which pa Bopublicam. ~ *1 In BETWEEN THE “EI- ‘9 lanommuu named Nye, _wlio‘ has course My found his way into the United State: note from Nevudn, med lo cut. 9 slur on rnidem. Johnson one slay last. week. bin pnly succeeded in bringing oulaf ct. which hit Ihrewder Radical associates in tfleSenate would ‘hdl have cancelled. Senator Johann, oflfarylrmddn concludi‘g hi: re -11 lo Senator l‘rumbull on His Negro infu- unused: hove but one word morejir. Prieeident; my friend adverts in rather wverefterms go ghe -Pmidenl.. The President. stated that, in his opinion, the bill is unoonsmutian‘nl, pad thinking so, it. we: hisduty to interpose? hie olfiectiouu. if he had not done so he MM hue been false to his plighled faith. to any suspicion of disloyalty Igninst in, his whole political course disprove-e flint. In 1801 I was here, but not. emember ol‘tho Senate; end I heard him standing in We midet of those who were plotting lo My the Union, and, in words the: bum ”.‘douounoed their smmpu It. rebellion. Hr. Nye—Will the Senator allow me to pk him a question? ~ Kr. Johnaon—Ceruiinly. - at. Nye—Did he not. M. the some lime pdlnlt me right of leeession? . Hr. Johnson—Certainly not. Quite the 7010116., TIM mutprominmlpublic man who ed mfld it we: the late lqmmled PruideutLinealu ‘4 e (puck in 18i7. ' . . l. ”The following h-om - recentguddrqu ‘ En. flea” Wu‘d Beecher mnku ex mely distasteful readmgl‘o: some of 9i: ‘ Poli‘ioul associates; ‘ . _ 1 I nhould be sorry to see any more gonna ugen'u spreading out though the land. ‘I the President would call home every Igeut that is disgrncxng the North, pad tho government, And humanity, sad plimtiu; the South, 1 for one should ba lu‘l. Hero and there lI'Q no doubt, men {II-Hum! above bribery tnd suspicion of Mpuw. noble men and true; but 11l rmggh the South. taking mam compre llve’R; they are u locusts eating up the «a , 9] no predatory nuxsuncu, und We ’tho norm, from which they come. so399”;qu under-which they serve. ‘ Wu , Zita! Wig—following. from rlnu'u Labor fLoet,” 'repreneuu m. 80- Public“: blatform: ' z—ngou rare ?ompey! , —Benoqpodhl2ompez 3 "1 I ! pan—Grouse: t. n .gm gun ' ' Imp!!! FWgEM misc! - ' A. W” . h '. .. .‘ bgig’znd of agemi'l'ug “ .4. M. f, 3&3”: b: beta givau n ‘ EM” n. '..Y.“4.,'4" , Ewygwm , m?“ ”Milan-[clack] ERCHKNT TAILUBING. JACOBS I BRO. “9 jun ruched hon tho mm o ht“ nod 01 sooth-{or Gnu-mum war, onbncin‘ I wrist, of CLOTHS, ’ ' ' a CASSIKIBBB, ‘ ‘ VISTINGS, Cuslnctl, Jun], ta, with may cum goodl for wring nd lunmer war. A Thu are prepared to nuke up menu st the abort“: nation. and in nu vary but nul ner. The Fuhiou no regululy rewind, Old clothing nude in In, desired uyle. Tiny Il vnyl nuke nest fits, whilu weir «wing in auto to be Inbuutial. They ask I continuum of the publlc’l ps tronsge, rewind by good lotk uni modern“ chug" to earn it. Gettysbutg, April 7, 1862 Great Attract“: l T BRINKRRHOI-‘F’S CHEAP CLOTHIIO AND FURNISHING STORE, n the lion]: ‘nu Count of me Diamond. The luhu-riber u constlntlr in meipl. offruh zobdl {ion um Eaten: emu. 78in stock of READY-MA DE CLOTBWG » in one o! the lirgeu end no" inactive, I: well u the cheep": emhliahmene of the kind In the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AKD VESTS, mule up in the mm {uhioneble etylea,.nnd of the belt-mlnrig‘la, of all plus Ind pricel, for men Ind boy-. Gentlemen’l furnishing goods of our, ducrip tiun, Wool Shiru, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirt- and Merino Shim. Merino. Wool And Canon anerl, Hosiery of every denriplion Buck-skin, Merino and Canon Gloves, Hand— kerchiota; Neck 'l'iu, Gretna, Linen Ind Pepe: Collars, Hui, Onpe, Home and Shoes. Um brellu, Trunkl, aniou, Cerperß-sze. Clo-thee and Shoe Btu-hes, Hair end Tooth Brushes, Shoo Bucking, Pocket Ind Drening' Combo, Ivor-1409mm, Watch", Cloc‘n Ind Jewelry, (lune; Pilmll, Violins end Violin String, Sonpe‘ nnd Perfumerlee. Slnlionery of All klndl, Pocket Knivu, Smoking Ind Chewing Tobac co. Piper, en extrn quality of‘Segan. . In fact; his flock embncel everything urn-11y found in I am clue furnilhing stark. I invite the utention of ell to come nnd see for themselves, u 1 Am determined to "If goodl lower than Iny owereiublfihmenlin the country. Don'x forget to plug. Corner of York um). and the Din ond. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. July ‘, 1:564. . l ' New Warehouqe. ‘ 0 0 ‘ BUSBELS 0F GRAW 0 090WANTED,A¢ thenemuniu and ProJuce cute, in Carlillo Erect, ndjoinu lng ,Sheadl & Bunhlerjl establishment. Th 4 highest. market ptice will Ilwnys be paid it cash for 7 GRAIN, a! all kinds. : FLOUR, SEEDS, kc: Alwnyl on hind Ind ‘lor aide,“ the "null”! profits, ‘ GUANOS, ‘ BAL‘P, FISH. , GROCERIES, km, , - Wholelnh and Mini). TRY US! We shnll do OUT ban to gin‘ “listacuun in «H can“. ' 'McCURDY & DIEHL. » Génylburg, In, 11, 1863. 1y NEW FIRM, T THE OLD STAND. ' Ab A [rannusaln In 1817.] l nve nuocln_led with me, in business, my non. John F. )lcllrenry. under the firm and style of D. McCrenry A: Son. sad I desire to My to my old friends and the public ganenlly llml linoe tln wanthemnnnl‘ucture of Snddlel, Harness, Collars, to" bu been revived M the old established and well known land on Bal timoro meet, ori'e ‘nqunre south of the Court House. Gettysburg, Pn. Having had an experlenco of 40 yoifi In this establishment, I feel snared. that, with renewed nucmion‘ to business, we can still further moi-ii Ind receiven full Ilmre of pub lic patronage. ‘ DAVID IcOREABY. With inorened facilitiel for conducting our business, we are heuer prepared than ever to Batisfy the wants of a“ thnse who mny’necd anything in our line. We especially‘ call the atmntion of Farmers and other: to the unperior qunlily of our ~, Plain o_r Quilted SeauSide Leathers, Horn’Saddlea, llummil all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Seal or withoulfuwningl . no Horn, Housings, ‘ Plain or Quilted Sou Scotch Collulfieather 7 Side Saddles, "“ “ (ticking Plain or Fancy Sad-ll No Seam Collars, Clouw, ' eat. Well 115 mm Col anon auddlel, _ ' lnrs, Riding Bridles, of all PatentLthel-Collm. kinda”. (air or black, stitchedorunnitched ~rounded or flat, Brat Luther Wagon Mnrl.ingals,~ ‘ Whips, 4, 4} and 5 Carriage Harness, all} leet Img, atyfea, silver or black'Plnited Tenn! Whips, mounted. Trotting Whips, - Heavy Draft Baum. undien' Riding Twigl, Wind Blidlel, Whip Lubes, Gtrtha, Horse Blankets, Crappers, Br", km, in. . In short, everything that pertains to a first ciul general horse furnishing utabliahment connantly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the moat ea perienced workmen in the country, (two hav ing worked in this enubliahmant for the inn thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excplleut lot of Heavy Draft and, Hurneaa Gollnra for those who prefer our own to city made work. Repairing of all kinda done at short notici and on reasonable tannin. All an cordially Invited to cull Ind admin for themulveu, u our work cunnot ‘mil to recommend iuelf. , D. MuCREARY B SON Fab. 5, me. u A Few More Len. N order to make room 101- Spring G 001“. I NORRIS i. selling ovsacous AT COST- Unll and look st them. . MEN WANTED to purchase Cents, 00 Pan“ and V 5013, u NORIS’S. ‘ osfi‘xvsw, films m m hen variety of Gentleman’s Furnilhiug Good: in town. ocwaoms "MES; Lib-ed Paper mm. In. ' NURRIS'S. G!.._AZED PAPER COLLARS, of ovary u riesy and style, at. ' NORRIS'S: ....~——- ~ - —~—»—¥-—— ON’T FORGET {Eat NORRIS hugs every ‘ thing 'in tho’Gepflmlu'l lino.“ hi- New Store, in Chambenhurg “not. ON'T FORGET ihm. NORRIS kgepl noth «Jng but the huge: nyleu, Ind in order to nuke room {or new gym, no «u: very cheap. ANOVER BUCK GLOVES, and All kinds of Buck Uluvos find Gunnueu, at. a NOERIS‘S. UR CAPS of every hu'lety and um n ‘ [Jam 22, 1866.] ‘ NORRIS'S. Carriage-muting Business. HI“. mu- being “out, mommies-signed hue named the ' a CdRIUAGE-MAKXNGflUSINESS, at their Old land. in But Middle street, GETTYSBURG, where they are spin prepared to put up work in m mon fushionuuo, Inbskutinl, Ind unpo rior manor. A IM. 0! new and second-bud CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, #O., on huud, which they will di-yose o! It the layout pricel; and I“ mden will in supplied us promptly and utisluclorily u pouiblo. [B‘ B. E P A I R IN G done with dxspuch, and In cheapeu nice. A large lot of new and old HARNESS on hand-for ule. , Thankful for the liberal pun-onus: hereto. for: nnjoyed by main. thty couch And will on-’ dam: to deserve 3 lug: lth in tho {mum _ DANNER t ZIEGLER. July 10,1665. t 1 Pastures 1 Picture: 2 EV! HUMPBB fining pnrehued Bmm] Wunt'l PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ii prep-no! to ammo war in bit line equnl to my uuhlishment in an m. I! you denim a good lihuau, finilued ording to thehku improvements in ‘Lo’ In, cull n ‘he Ibo"! lut—ubhlinhed Gulery, in Wu: Middl- Skeet, Gettysburg. [Jam 9, 1865. G M. WNER’S you en got 6. lruhu. Oombu, Soap», Perfum gry? Nofiqno, Qty. in great "tiny. ‘ The gm! Bone Pen-unmet. BAUo u . s RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, column: 59 per cm. of Phoaphm of Lime, And 4.05 pm- cont. Ammonin. It would ho borne in mind that tho Phoso plain of Lime inzthin uncle Ming obtain-d uclunvely (rom‘BAW BONES and I TRUE BIRD GUARD. there in X 0 PORTION of it XXUPEBATIVE, u in me can at SUPER FHUSPHATES madefromIJNEKALGUANOS -but being entirely SOLUBLE in the SOIL, continue- lo “(PA RT iu FERTILIZING qnnl ill" to tho CROPS for YEA RB. The REIARKABLE SUCCESS 'hich hu Attended iu me {or your: put, in : unfliciem GUARANTY to induce than who hue not tried it to do 10. The GRAIN CROP where tbil FERTILIZER bu bun applied is cuppa-ed to hue” Incl: INCREASED from 25 to 50 per cunt. by m me, while for TOBACCO Ind GEMS-‘5 LANDS in nose" ha been EQUALLY DECIDED. The price in Bdfimon il unifal’m via: the Xmulnosuret’u Fsctory Price. GEURGE DUGDALE, lauuracturer's Agent. ‘ ; 105 Smith'u Whurf, Baltimore. Id. Fat Illa u Mnnufacturer’l Price. Cent. 0! Trnnaporufion added Lg. swam. B 3331'. aaupbnrg, DAVID HOKE, Ncw Oxford. Feb. 6. 1886. 3:1: . ‘ 080 PEILLIPS' ~ Gambllmproud Q ‘ Sn‘p r-Phoophatq Lim STANDARD G‘ABANTRED For Sale I: Msnufsctn‘rer’l Dopou, :7 Km). mm mm, Philadelpku, 11.. 0:6 South Emu, Bouillon, Md. And by Denier. in xenon! througout the Country 1 . 2 Th. Haterfial of which Mono Pamupis' moan-um: II manufactured conuim any per cent. more Bonn Phonplhnte dun Rb! Bone, thueloro it h more durable. Th'e Immonin prueiu. given it great sdditinnal fertilizing ru’lu. Hr. ynn’ experience his proved to the Farmer thu it mnkel a heavier gr‘rln {lnn even luhlo mum, and in not only win but hating. ‘ ‘ XORO PHILLIPS, - Sore Proprietor and lflnufnoturcr. [Q'Price $66 per ton-. 3000 pounds. Dil count to deniera. Feb. 12. 1366. tf‘ ' Bargains! Bargains! EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS.- FAHNESTUCK BROTHERS nvejust returned from New York Ind Phila delphm with one of the largest stocks of new Full'nnd Winter Good: ever oflercd to the citizen! at Adams countj'. The? were pur chased before the late rise in go ds And will be sold at corresponding pricel. The unusually great demand for goods of every description fo: the Southern market. will undoubtedly cause I further rise in the price of goodl. We there. fore advise I“ am NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Our slack of Lgdiea' Dreu Goods i! com plete, consisting of French Merlnou, very cheap, I” wool Poplins, nll wool Plaidi. De; lnineAv—Shepherds’ Plnidu, Calicoes, Ging hnms, Plaid Giaellafioburgsfilolhe for Ladies' Cloaks, unusually low, Silks and all the latest awe: of Drew Goods. . CLOTHS, Casslmerel, Canine“, Tweedl, Krnlucky Jeans, to“ for Men's Want. L FLANNELS—the large” amok ever brought. to this mnyket, and cheap. Also, 3 large 111- lortmeut oLClonk Tr'unmingl,Bhnwls, Hoch, unlxnorala, and in fuel. a. full and complete 83- lorlmont of all kinds of Staple and Fancy Goods. Our stock having been purchased low, we any again . BUY YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW. Having replenished our stock (in all its de pnnmeula, we ar‘e prepared to supply whatever mu; be‘wnnted In our line of bunineu‘ at prices thntldety competition; Cull at the Red Front. \ ' nnxnsrocx BROTHERS Sept.'4, 1885. 1 \ New Goods: Ch‘eap Goods! HE PLACE TO GETfTHEM ' . ‘ ‘ =IN HANOVER]— e hex-by inform the citizens of York and Aden]: coufities, that we have established, at the lemma" comer of Centre Square Ind Baltimore street, HANOVER, formerly occu. pied_br{ C. E. c ’l‘. I‘. Win, 3 Bunch Store, (the p ncipal buslneu honlu belng located in New York end York, Pe.,) where we will keep at all times I reguler mortment of Dry' Domestic'end Fancy GOODS, elfifix well ee lected «neg-uncut of CLOTflS. CASSIMERES, cassxxE’rs, COTTINETS and coxnunovs; China, Glass end Queens-were, Ludies'. .\lieeeu' and Children’s SHOES; also. a nice end lull usortmanOl‘ all kind: of, CARPET; Floor and Table pil-oloth. ' We hsve‘slso established in rooms stfioining the Central Hate}, I CLOTHING STORE, where we will keep constantly on hand us well selected assortment of Reedy-med! Clothin’g. of the latest styles, And 5 full assortment. of Gentlemen’; Furniehlng Goods, such u Huts, Caps, Boots, Shoes, km, which we will sell It reduced pricu. As our motto is, and nlweys will be, “quick sales null null profiu," we hope to receive 3 share of the patron‘s of town end coun try. Our’connection with the lugs wholesale houses in New York City end Yor , Pe.,where use nlwnys stored 111 extensive stock of goods, which we sell at wholesale And renll, eneblu us to supply our old friends end Mich of our new customers he will give us a call, w‘r’h the very beitJnukeuhle goods, 1: lowe mu thnn unhe purchased anywhere in the Sate. Call and see for yourselves. ‘ JOB. LEBACH & BRO. Hsnover, June 36, 1865. >ly _ carriages and Haggles. 'A 1‘ E k 0 U L P ‘ ore new building a. nriety o! «GOA_CH YVIO‘RK of tho-lugs: aqd moat apprond “flea, Ind constructed of We host mntgrinl, to which they invite the Ittoutian of buyerl. Hsving built our work with grout one and of materid aelectod with speciol rater-once to beauty of Mylo 3nd durability, we no confidently re; command the work as nnlnrputed by say, either In or out of the cities. - All In uk iron inspection 0! our work to convince those in wnt 0! any kind of vehicle, thnthin in the place to buy them: REPAIRING in our] branch done It Ihort notice and oormomblo tel-mu. Give us man, at our 17mm non tho comer of Wuhiman And Chunnonhw ureeu, (Joby-burg. " P. J. TATE. WI. 5. CULP.‘ Ihr. 19, 1863. Ladleu’ Oyster Saloon. HE undersigned has the pleun‘n of lll nouncing to hit! frirnd: that, in connec tion with his CUNFECTIUNERY AND ICE CIIEA! SALOUN, he has opued all ~—OYSTER SALOON, with 1. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOB LADIES. India sud Gonuemen railing spin Hugo: will and the tcoommodltionl all they could deem. Oyoieu will b. lerve‘d up in my "110 Ind in nluperior manna. Gull sad we. JOHN GBUEL. Nov. 6, 180. tf ' Poudroue : (lIXTIII "nu n 1; mu 1) . ‘PEYSSON, PEILADIDPHM.—-POUD - -.‘ BETTE, $lO on per ton, cgken from the Funny Icon, or 60 cum. pot bushel, cud $26 00 per lon in bags, delivered u swun bonmd Railroad Depots, in Philsdalphia.— Manufaclory, Gray’l Ferry Bold, Ibo" lh'o Anew. Philad’n. Depot, Peyuon’u Rum, Ghana-Mr, N. 1., Woodbnry road. , Ofice—Libgnry Street, Na. 420, back 0? ch New Pm Oli'go. Philadelphia. Dealers, FRENCH, RICHARDS 8 co., Fowl: 8 Onllowhfll Sun, Phihdelphih. 11m 9,1855. 3:: - ‘ ' Take %stiee. FABXIRS AND DEALERS IN FERTILIZ EBS’IUI please take noun lbs: we but ndopled the following Trtdn hrk to protect onuelvu. and prevent. than who no our RAMBO)”: SUPER PHOSPHATE from bpin‘ deceived when puuhuing mannrelk We In" Been obligtd to give “I"pr tion to out ouuumers, in ccnieqnelco of II!- uni pinion having unlnviully used our dil iinclin mun, viz: “Ruw’Bone,” in oflerinzx their article to the public. This Trade Huh in adopted in uddizion to the line‘lihr Bone." which is our exclusive proper‘xy, And we enu uon all m-nufncwnn from using it in future. We would lute to the trade sud consume", that they will find i: to their interest to use am. the “Tr a Link" il upon en-ry bag-ad bmel they :3:-chug,“ ndno other in genuine. i BAL'GH k SONS. l 3‘4 0 u" u , s '-2 RAWBONE Super" Phosphate of Line, N-muflcmred by BAUOH k SUNS, No. 20 South Deluwnre Avenue, . PHILADELPHiA. The great bopululty- oi onrnrticle bu been found luificmnt inducement to certain imitators to mnuutnctnro Ind ndVertlu “an Bone Pho?hlul,un nnme which originated aith _in, ad in qgr own rightful property. We will auto for the inform-tier: of sll, that we are the exclulivo msnnfuotnren ol‘ thil Article —the origin] and solo p rotor: of it—hu lug been manufactured by l for n period of twelve yam. Also that it is cured by lev enl letter. P‘lten‘, hold only by unelvpa. We are now ready to luppl it in lugs quantities—lining made recent dilionl Ind improvements. Veg-cl: drawing 16 __loot of w-ter on land directly from the wlurvel of the works, which are located At the fnu\ of Motrin Street. Delaware River. We call the Itwntlon of DEALERS to this great adnntage. The present indication: Ire that we shall hue I grently lucreued' demand over inst Iprlng and ftli sauons, and we advise Farmers mum! in their order: to tho-ir respective D 881!" It an curly day, thnt all may ho lup plied Prompuy. . Soliciting your continued orden, We remain,‘ ' Your: very Crnly, ‘ BAUG & SONS, No. 10 S. Dela are Avgnne, l’eb.s, “368. 91:: P ILADELI’IIIA. magma: Confoctlonp. A WORD TO THE PEOPLE 0? TOWN AN‘D COUNTRY. 7 HE subscriber keeps a Notion And Confer;- lionary Store on Corlisle street, nearly appoint: the Raxlroud Sulfiun, Gettysburg; whore he hnl constantly on hand, CANNES NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, hm, Tobacco: uud Sega" of all iinds; Pocket- Books; Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, «in; Sonpl nmPPerfumen'es; also some GROCE RIES, Sugars, Cofi‘ees, Riga; with the difl‘lrent kind: of Crackers. Ice-cold MEAD n all timea. He invites custom from town Ind country, audlella at 1111311 profits. LEWIS STROUSE. Aug. 7. 1865., ly ~ Fresh An4ival. ATS, CAPS, BOUTSt SHOES. ' , ‘ COBEAN & CO. havejnst received and opened another splendid ulortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, for Summer weir, which ‘they are railing at. very low prices considering the imes. The latest styles oi Summer Hats and Cups, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, Ind, “ warranted to fit, nlwnyn on hand. Work made murder and repairing done on shortno lice, by experiencgd' grkmen. Also, HARNE§ MAKING, ' carried on inm’ll its bmnches: Persons wan:- ing anything in this line would. do well to call. la'Don’t forget the old stand in Chamberl burg street, VIN! want. Bargains. COBEAN k CRAWFORD. June 19, 1805 Eitabushed 1850. OTICE'OF REMOVAL. '. lAWBBSCE D. DIETZ _k 00., respectfully'beg lens to notifiy their friends, cuulomera 3nd the public generally, that they have removed from No. 151 Frunklithgeet, to the commodioal {our-nary Wan-home? NO. 308 'BALTXMOBRSTREE ,2 between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the Wholmle Buli uafl, Inlely in , n ' Rosier-y. Trimmingl, ',. Furnilhing Goods. ~ Perfumery, Houonl' ~ Stationery, bknlery, . To“, 30., he. to which ”my invite the attention of city and country pumhnlors, feeling confident at their Ability to ofier inducements in ~gricea nnd qnuiity of Goo-I|. ‘ . ’ “Order! by mail will nceite promptruun- tion. Adjreu ’ é‘ LAWRENGE‘D. DIETZ‘t 00., 308 letimm-e ltreet, Bulthpore Kamh14,1864. , . ~ I I f Adams• County UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ixcoargn'rn, 511203 )8, 1851, Orriczres - President—George Swaps. Vice Prelident—Snmnnl Enunoli. Secretary—D. A. Bnehlet. ‘ Treasurer—E. G. Fahnestock. . Executive Committee—Robert Bichrdy An- 1 drew Heintzelmen, Jacob King. ' , 1 Maximum—George Swope, D. A. Bnehler, R. .\lcOurdy. If. Einhelberger, S. R. Russell, E. G. Fahneltock, A. D. Buehiej', R. G. McCrenry, , Gettysburg; Jacob King, Slmbnn tommhip;: A. Heinuelmnn, Franklin; Fm. D. Hilnu, ‘ New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson. Bendenville; H. A. Picking, Sinhnn township; John Woi- 1 ford, Lnimore township; John Picking, Euti Berlin 3 Abel T. Wright. Bondcrnville; Abdiel F. ‘Gitt, Now Oxford; Jae. H. Mnnhnli, Hum iitonbnn township; John Unnninghm, Erec dom town-hip; John Horner, Monuljoy win-i Ihip; Wm. Boas While, Liberty towmhip. flThil Company in limited in its open iioha to the county of Adams. it bu been in operation for more than 15 years, and in thlt period has made bin one uses-went, hu‘ing paid losses by fire during that period amount ing to 313,038—563,769 of which have been paid during the last wavyeara. Any pergon desiring an lmurnnce cam apply to any of tho shove named Manage-rs for further inform-lion , H‘The Executive Committee moot: At thl oflica of the Company, on the last chnon dly in every month. It 2 o’clock, I’. 3L ’ om. 16, was. u l Pianos 1 Plgnoé I lANOS l—-The underligned would rupecu‘ lull} inform the public chat. he can furnish ANUS of the following manufncluren, or than of other nuke, if dam-yd, u the low,“ pouiblo prlcu: CHICKERING & SONS. ‘ .DEGKEB BROS. ‘ ‘ BAZLE’I‘ON BROS. , . HAWKS BROS. ’.’ ' _ GEO. s‘racx. l ‘ L 4. 3.oAmutco. “ STEIN WAG & 8035. . ‘.l’snicnlu nucnfion is given to tho «- Wection ofPitnos; sad when m «fabled, in 1&- lion to the mlnufncmren’ surname) the Plum] on yuan-« Mud by we. 1 lASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS 4ND EELODXAXS. The recent improvement. m then insin menu In lush u to fully wnrnnt flying they are FAR SUPERIOR to any other make. One of the but evidencn of their mem il, th tt their improvements Ire imihtoq by other makers. The new style, four stop (man, have a Sub-Bun Ind Octavo Couplu, ‘mnking it 11l instrument eapeciully sdnpt‘ed anchurch And Sabbnth School purposes. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS . will be um by uni] to peqou uniting them. Pinon tpned regain-Iy. Pinon ukan in ex changu. PETEB' BEXTZ; No. 30 Eat Kuhn 51., York, PI. Juno 12,18”. 1, ' , FOUTZ’S Bursa andMiinflera x ' nu mandala. , I, In: And favor-bl! .;4 m...‘ , known, :11! mor . ’.‘ .. ; . “my mfllonfl ‘ . i brain-dank Ind ‘ : low-«pm 0"“- ' by amazes“! ‘ ; an! chanting ”I. ; mama And take!- . ‘ . A. , (um. _i‘ ”,1. ‘> It lon-Imm \_ ._ .-‘ 2;! "nun of 111 du '_.l , , , __juu loci-hut to M nil-d. ‘n ”I‘L‘Dm' mum (5060:!» III? B. VIE-S, URI. was 0 A 1” 111" AH!) V!’ 3815861.“ 3- mpmvu {ln Vlad. tau-nu “WI!" I “noon [buy mn lnnubmn \ w m hoot. To km d Coy: thll prepmunn h inn'lulhk. I: W H» qmmy and improve: an: gum, 010 w mllk. It has hm prove!» by u‘ l‘ug . ~ tun! "perineum to . ' “ w - Increase the quin ’4 _- - my a! milk ma ,‘ , - ~ ere-m ":an pet ' 2‘ ’3 {i- ’4 " ‘ ff“ und mike “I; 1 - "é’ - a . In” firm An , > -. ‘9): ~’_ and )n (awning } ‘1 ‘ ‘ calm-J! given them ‘1 . ~ ”~‘ _I. ‘.' an gppruleJoou-nl .\.l’ ' “‘1 4‘ 4 {‘l I, lhou' Rude. Ind ;._ :.- ...;w‘ 3‘ mkel mm mm much tiger. In all discus of sfln‘, Inch u Conghn, mom in tho Lungs, Liver, " f " ' #2.. am nruoln 149 '" ‘ .. . uuug Ppeelflc. ‘.': . » ' By awn: from ‘ r " ‘- |_ “.2" ‘ ‘ ‘3‘" ‘ u pope? n n -. .-:. blruloflvilluhn 7} g; 1.133 nbovedinuu ;'—._ . e-s ‘7 Imbouwcuud " "...4 ~ ‘ u ' or allan preromed. If given in time. I certain gaunt”. and cure _for ‘hc Hog Cholnn doc 25 Cents per Paper, or sPapen£or 81. arABED 8! 7 s. A, 130sz a; 13120., L'l‘ THEIR . "omm hm no Izmqn “rm. ‘ 10. 118 Franklin St.. Balhmoro, Id. For I‘ll! by Drugpcu and survival“. Numb out flu CNN Sui-L1 For sale by A. D. Bnehler, Gettysburg: Ln'ughlin h Buihfiold, ‘Wheeling, Va.; C. U. Bends-rt Co., Pimburg; Johnson, Hollowuy & Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec.]l, 1865. 1y . Esters Cottage Organ. r RE not only nnexcelled, but they are ab solutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed express ly for Churches 3nd Schools, they are [ound to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawipg room. For “la only by ' 5 - E. M. BRUCE, ' No. 18 North Seventh St., Philadelphia». mum, BRADBUBY’S PIANOS, .nd s complete uqortment of the PERFECT HE LODEON. . (Oct. 2, 1865. 1y Lancaster Book Bindery. nones— WIANT, G» BOOK‘BINQER, Ann. tux: noox nxunc-runn, v! » : (LANCASTER, PA. Plain and 00m!“ Binding, of every de scription, cxecumed in the moat lubsununl Ind :ppmved nylon. ~ - =13:1333 E. W. quwiz; Esq., Fnim'xrs Bank of Lancaster W. L. Ponper, Esq., annsler County Bunk Samuel Shock, Esq., Culumbia Bank. _zamuel Wagner, Esq., ,York Bank. r 'illinm Wagner, Esq.. York County Bunk. T. D. 0336!), £511., Bank of Geplysburg. . Pour Martin, Fwy, Prolb‘yoanucnuter co., Pl Goo. C. Hawthoru,'an., Register “ " Geo. Whirqon, Esq., Recorder ’ “ “ April 15. 1881 ‘ B. P. Bsyley .S: Co., EALEKS IN .. CHINA; GLASS 2 QUEENSWABE, LATBD WARE, FINE CUTLEBY, . ; ‘ UASTORS, kc., No. 8 UAKOVIB Sun-r, nu Rumour 81., ‘ ~ BALTmuRE, 3m. _ GLASSWARE 2—llnmblera, Goblets, Wines, Lasers, Flasks, Blk. Bottles, Candy Jan, De canters, Pres. Disfiel, Fruit Both, sun. Unu wrl, Cnuor Bottles, Ker. Lamps, Ker. Chin. neya, Lanterns, 81c. ‘ QUEENSWARE :wPlntel, Flat Dishes, Dcop 110., Covered do;, Covered Butters, Ten Pou, SugamCreams, Bowls, Pitchers, Chambers, Buinsr and Pitchers, Mugs, Spillgons, Tu Sea, Toilet. Sets, kc. ' COX. STONEWARE :—'JUgs, Jun, Pitchorl, Milk Pam, 16. [MI] N 65. 13" Noah—“infinite Co., Opo'rnjnns, .v' ' WASMNGTON BUILDING, 1&6 All; 167 Bumon STRIIT, "‘B A m 1- 11,0 x r. , kepp oénltantly on hand I lnrge mud we“ I!- loned flock of :11 kind: at good: 53 niodenu prices. , . The} lupply ongen for the fine" to the lowan riced unicloa, either ready made or made :3 measure, to any pan. of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS. embracing, every article of Gentle-monk Under-won. Also, MILITARY CLQTHS and every v‘mely of Military Trim mings, r well. u u assorted flock oi READY MADE ILH‘ARY GO()DS.- ‘ [animal-e, Feb. 22, 1864. ’ . Cumberland Coal! A {(ABGE lupply of luperior BLACKSXITH COAL, now on hand at reduced price. Thl- Cod‘ h luperior to all other Cox] in the United sum for welding ud other bluklmith purpona. For toile by City Cod Yuri, Frfiderick city, It! Jun. lg, 1865. 11' 028.! Hoop Skirts. 028. Hurém's Hows MAKE," Mannfncmred . Ind Sold, Wholesale and Rat-nil, 210.628 Arch 8!. et, Philadrlpnin.—Tt\e moss com plete up rtment of Lndin’, Misses’ and Chil dren'i H ‘0? SKIRTS, in 4M3 City ; gotten up expressl to meet the sums of nan-cuss Thus; e sbncmg the newest and molt dosin hlafitvylo snd Sizes of “Gore Tnuls," of every length— on: 2§ to 4 yds. round—2o to 56 Springs, ‘1! $2 to $5 00. Plnin Skirts, all jean“. from It to 3 ynrds round the bonom, Itsl4ows3l6. ,' ‘ Our llne of Misses' And Ghildron’s SKIRTS, Ire proverbinny beyond I" competition. for urietyidfstyles nnd sizes—us well n for finllh Ind durability; urylng {tom 9 to 33 inches: in lennh;6 0045 Springs (t. 35 cents to §2 25. ; All Skim of “003 own MAKE," ere War ranted to give ntisrnclion; but buy none .” such, unless they hue, “Hopkin’s Hoop Skirt 6 Imufnctory, No. 628 Arch Strut," Bumped . on each Tab! Also. conltnnfly on had, won Sum, ‘Mnnnfncu‘nred in New Yet}, and the Enuern 3 States, which we at” It ry low Prices. Ar lqt of chomp SHru~l§ springs, 85 cents; ‘BO I I rings, 31 00—25 springs.“ 15—30 springs, £1 26 .nd 40 springs $l 50. gratin: nude to Order sud Ropsired. ‘ fi-Tnu Gun. On I’lch Oxnl ‘ Inch 5, 1866. 4a: ms PLANTATION ENTERS, or Old P Hammad Tonic, a Dc. 3. 3035328 “8 Sim. . AVING porch-nod the Wuehouu end B One heretofore ownod by Sunuel Herb-t, t e undenigncd take pleuure ln ennounclng to the public that thev will run 3 LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore every week. The] Ire prepared to convey Freight either way, in Inyqulntity. fl'heywill .tteud,“ deoi:ed,iotho muting of purchuea in the Lit]. end deliver. ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. 'Thnlr cu- run to the Werohuuee of STEVEN-1 SON & SONS, H 35 North Hownrd ltreet, *nhf Franklin,) Beltimore, when lreight wil be received at any time. They invite the Attention of the public to their line, ensuring them that they will spare no efl‘ort to accommodate I“ who may putronile them. Having purchased tho buildingl Ind 101 on the Northeu'v. corner of Ruin-end And North Wnshlngton Insets, Gettysburg, their Depot. will tannin there. Any pol-ton bcving bull uen in the forwarding line Ire respectfully in vized to an“. CULP l EABNSHAW. Aug. 1, 1865. ‘ N o Hnmb u g z EMOVAL. ‘ R HOLTZWORTE ALWAYS AHEAD. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH' he; just returned from the City with the largest nnd most complete mort ml-ut of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS no SHOES, mu ha. been brought to, w thin town [since the War. His ltock is not only complete, but in UOUD a‘nd CHEAP embracing every variety of Boou and Shoes for Men And Boys. whilst the Ladiel will find everything in their line, from the finest Guile! to the heaviest Shoe. Children'l Shoe: 01 every delcription, in great variety. Also. LA dxes’ Hats, tine quality, and Children's Hats, of-nil Itylea and pricel. Also, Trunkl, Cur pet Bugs. Vaiisel, Umbrellnl. Giovu. Stock iuyl, Tohnooo, Sign” and Nation or every dencription. \ _ gar-4mm forget the place, South-cut Cor. of the Diamond, Gettysburg, Fa. JOHN Laomzwoum April 10, 1865. u Cannon’l ’ . ‘ MhARBLEWOBKS, at. «all Oofier of the Diamond and Built more street, neurly‘ opposite the Star oflice, GETTYSBURG,PA. ‘ Every delcriptiou of work uncut-d [Q the hues: style of the an. “ April 17,1865. 8! ‘ ‘ .I Gréai Remedy for Colds. ELL'S PECTORAL B ___ - _ ggswlrcigonnuu on A Remedial Agent. prepu'red to meet the ar gent damnnd. for n prompt. and sale Antidote for all Pulmonnry Disorders. lf properly used it will give inlunl relief in Ilmou «very in. ammo, and will prove an effectual c oin n majority of the following cues of ntfelgrlonl 0! ate THROAT AND LUNUSI such nl Colds, Cuughs, :Aflhmnlic Tendencies, Whouyiug Cough, Soreneus of the Breast. and Brunchiu Afl'eotioni. \ When we first. commenced manufacturing the Bxpectoranz for our homoconsnmption it. was not our intention nor our delire to put it before the public as n.“cure-nll," nor to pub lish a long “it of testimonials as an evidenée of its curative properties, but the demand for it being so great nnddecmedly on the increuu, lino induced, and in fact. compelled us to pro pare it on I much larger scale, and also fit establish agencies throughoot this section of the country. ‘ All we ask is that those thus nfllicted my gin it a fair trial, um it may ptovo it. many advantages aye: other prepnmnons of: aiming nnture now being employed. The price too throws it within the reach of all, being but 25 and 40 cents a boule. . HE MUST INNOCEST, PLEASANT AND T EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE—A Rur- IDY Planet 11' [nun—No Can/or 021 to be Taken—M this Preparation we have’ included such remedies only u have been tried for yean and are known to possess powerful nnthelminlic virtues, combine-i wi'h mild nperients, pleasant aromatics and sugar. An thelminlics of themlelves cannot perform their peculiar function: or have the desired‘efiot. unleea the bowels Ire kept moderately open. To produce thisggentle purgntivea Ire neces any Ind and: only ought to be used that cnn not. interfere with the nnthelmlnvic employed. The eduntages we claim for this Syrup are: let. lu power of DESTROYING AND EX PELLING WORMSX 2d. IL- mild aperient efl'gct upon the bowels. 3d. Id pleannt mm and odor are lann- Mae! pouesud or chimed by very few Venn ifuges. , fl \ «h. In bunnies: influeqcoépon the lystem, consequently no injurioul 0 cu will rnsult from its use should the patientlhuve noWonm, , pu «in: ‘71.. ~ dent hnve noWon. but In apparent.- disease, M'i ing from some othor unknown cause, which }a frequently the can. The con ‘ menu of thfa Syrrp and it: affects Ire knowtflto many Phylicix I, who In now using it in heir practicg to I “urge extent. Free 25 cents A bottle The Greatest Mnimpnt inlTse. ‘ BELL'S WHITE OlLi—Tlaeißlaudal. Clan _ at, man Paulrating and gum! Economical Linc'menl in Uu.—A poweiiul Dieeginue Com,- pound for the Speedy Cure '1 Rheumatism, Strains, Spruinz, Wounds, N mhuese oi the Limbs, Frosted Feel. and Hen e‘ SpuinfSed dle Gulls, Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruleee. Swei‘lings of all kind, 5116 h“ loci. m»; die one {or which In Embgocilio in applicable, either in lien‘ or Beast. Pric 25 cenu that. lle.—'i‘hle preparation, which a oPixiflll‘ with on, will be found to be one o; the nicest end it the came time one of the union relierble ep pllcntione extant. 3 E Heving been employed 7 r; extensively since it: iniroduciipn end fee '11; utieficd of its remediel propenliee, we r mmend it with the utmost. confidence. knomgihnz .no one will bl. disappointed in m unis. his, I: in name infpliee,‘ A white llulmcq’t oi the conlie. tone; of cream, conleining uqthing cfl'ensln, but, on the Iconimry, will lie found mote plenum than ometmle. } , ‘ R CONDITION Pownzasr FOR HORSES. _CATTLE A; gyms. 25 cent. a. paper, or are ptpen far-$l. The lmmeme nle of the” Powden during tho short parr‘od the; hue been before the public, is; mfllcient gunmen of their great populuily, nd the decided benefits derived from their me. 7 _ _ They no confidently xecommendod not only an“: preventive, but. u n vcomplele cure for all diuxue incident to thrHOKSE, COW or HOG, A: Loan of Appetite, Conghl, Heaven, Yellow Wu", Distemper, Gllndern, 1.3"“, P. B. PYFER, By their nee the Hone'e Appetite in imprqv 9d, .11 derengementu of the digestive orgml corrected, lofteninz the Ikin, Ind giving to the cult I. lleek and shining eppenunce, and me, he need with perfect enfety at all timea, u it contains no Ingredients which cut injure A bone, whether lick or well. They clennu the breathing upper-tn! by ejecting from the sir cells congnluted nutter, or that fnrugntion which so severely clqgs them, ceuiing a tightneu in bree‘hing, end by their peculiar action on that part, they cauee the mucus membrane to resume its nature! dimensione, thin equalizing the circnlntion of the blood end reilnring the distended veeeele to their natural size. For fattening cutlo they are inulunble, Ilso possessing peculiar prupertiea in increa ing the quantity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing them tn importance ngd uluo which should plum them within the hand: of fill in terested. ' E All dxseues to which the Hog in subject. u Coughs. Ulcer: In the Lungn and Liver, and u & gent-ml purifier a! the blood we guuenm their eficu‘y it once {six-l] med. fl'Sold u Goltnburg by A. D. Bnehler Apothecary. Ind by Draggim end Storekeep er: genenlly. Ask for Bell's PrePH‘HOfll- Prepand exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe. Olly, (Gr-dune of the Philadelphis College at I’ll-much) We“ Washington BL, liege". tout)“. [Oct.l6, was. I] NSURE AGHNST ACCIDENTS in the I TRAVELLER; INSURANCE GOIPMI' or HARTFORD. It bu spdd-q “pic,“ of in". milliou, lldl euh nurplu “Ml" Hundred thousand, to pay loan. Fountain; Bullion. CULP a EAnNsHAW's LINE. EXPEOTORANT} Bell’s 'Worm _Syru p. Ben’s Lucrative, ANOTHER Om! GU33 It: not cm! or mm YORK, , U a highly retpeciabie citizen, well known I! the Mercantile community, g 1 ‘ on. J. H. scnnn K, n: oenr Leno nocrou or rmunnmh Ofllce N. Y. and Onions Land 00., ‘ No. 28 Nun-u St., N. Y., June rues. I Dr. J. H. Schenck—Deor Sin—For over fifteen years I have been troubled with a u vere cough, and usually two or three time: o year with more or less Hemonhnge, which to gether, tor the last few years, has kept are thin in huh and too weak to do hueineuof any kind without eufl‘ering. In Augnlt laet I had every severe bemorthgOfimd, according to thejadgment ofogood New York physician, I mu classed as beyond the reach of medicine, and was advised to be prepared, no for a! property matter: ware concerned, to leave thil world at ehozt notice. The physician (no! my good Trienda) aid that th'e trot coldi took muu prove fatal, Early in Juno-try ltook a nerere cold, and fortunately wan occupying room! at Dim-‘32 BOND STREET, directly over your oillce. I think about :he 16th a! January I procured a bottle of your Pulmonic Syrup and commenced taking it freely. My feet end limb! were very much swollen, and all the symptoms of a woody death eeemed to encour pany my cold. I sent {or my former phyeieian, and Itatedto him that f we: taking your medi cines. and otter Ihowing them 10 him, and having tasted of them, to, he replied: “You can lake them if you like, they will do you no harm)“ He mid: “You know whet i told you Int summer, and I my the name now, if you have any businesmto close up, do not put it all," He llld to other'i‘rieude that he“cuuld see no hope for me." and my i'riemie and rel» tioue'ccueluded my time had come. At‘thl final I" taking freely of your medicine, had not seen you. The doctor callcda eu' ’iimee. andjound me (much to his eurprine, he eaid,) improving, and he could not undentand why. My faith wee increasing in your medl— cinee, andJ had a wi-h to have you examine my case, and are what you had to any. when you tint came to my room and made the ex amination, you gave me but little encourage ment, but on the cuntrnry,cxpiesecd and doubt: of my ever-being helped out of my then Icem lng. diniculuiee. The eecond time that you called, finding me itle gaining, you gave nu eucourlgc‘mcut, ray-lug, “my lymptome were improving; the Pnlmonic Syrup, Sea-weed Tonio and Mandrake Pills had noted like I charm." My circulation, my cough, my appe tite. ‘all began to improve, and I could walk about my room a littlét You vlaitej. are nearly every Tuesday, and {nonw- Wnd told me not to go out of my room an il I e iiret day of May. I took no cold while under your treatmi-ut, my appetite became first-rate, and you told me to eat everything I winined of a nutritloue nature, and to Ole-YB“. about the room an much an possible. I tol lowcd your advice, and to the lurpriee of my old physician and frien-le..[ Relaunch better than I have been {or ten-rel years, andflnthe better than I ever expected a personpofld with one lung, the lefl. he-ug completely dried up. i feel very grateful to you, and consider your advice and medicines invaluable. 2 Yours, truly, Dr. Schenok—Denr tin—About two year! ego I was taken with e ry troubleeomb cough und 1: pain in my brunet ; noun or eight month! passed away without my doing, .any thing for myseli. Theni applied to u' physician, who attended me for about three months without rendering me any service. leleo obteined the, advice and treatment ofa physician in one of our hospitnlyend also had the Advice end treatment 01 two other physicians, hutnll to no purpose. During thin long space of time I was ncnrly dead; revernL times my iriendl came to see me and witneu my exit into the spirit-world. in: confined to my bed two months at one time. My breathing In ex ceedingly short. 1 gore up Icrenl guru all hope ufgetting better; and u regerde getting well, that was entirely out of the question.— And to think this day l em‘wdl and hearty i-—- I was advised by some of thy friends to try Dr. Schenok‘a Medicines. I uccoidingly bought bottle after bottle, until I renohod the ninth ; th‘en l found a. decided change in my cough Tor the better. I suffered severely imm palpi tetion of the bent, and two weeke after I commenced taking your inedicine thle dtliicul ty ceased. . . When I first went to Dr. Scheoeh'e olce it was with difficulty tbht lcould get up into hie reception room. 1 woe to week and lo Iwolled ; thy skin was as allow an though i had the jnundice; I felt duli,henvy u'ud uleepleu. Dr. Schem-k, el’ter examining-me, said both my lungs were ail'cctrd, and gave me but little hope; but his medicines, in ebont two weeke, took right half of me ; it deemed to [o' right through my whole ryetem. The Put-lonic Syrup; Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pilll, all took right hold in the right place.‘ The Pill: brought uwny great quantities o! bile and alime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which came 0!! Very free; the Su- Weed Tonic gave me rm appetite. and every thing seemed to taste good. ' T‘p chow what great power the medicinal have in purifying my ryetem,end to how how bad Iwee din-clued, beside all the bill that pureed my howelr, and the great q'lnntitiee of phlegm and matter I expe‘ctoreted. X broke out I" over in large boill, that would continue to gather and run for about six weeks, end i had at onetime over twenty-five boils. ‘1 but, nothing of the kind uow,and icei like another person altogether. I can enl'cly‘ ray that l hnrenot enjoyed-Inch health lor five year: II I do now, and cannot praise you and your medieiuee enough. May God abundantly bleea and preserve you, in the lifiécre derirr oi one who bu been no wonderfully relierud thronghyour agency; and it Any one desire! to know with regard to the iruthl‘ulneu oi thin ‘report, if they will call upon any 0! my friends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Thomp lon street, below Oadwnl-der, Philndelpbia, they will be perfectly rntlsfied with the valid. ity oi the cue. You", with much reapcct. ' MARY SCHNMM’. The share rare, as described, in perfectly correct. I know it to be true. Youri. ' ‘ T. B.'.MILLER. Patter. of Hancock I. E. Church. Dr. Schenck will be profenlonllly at hll prlncipnl omen, No. 15 North Sixth ltreet, corner of Commerce, Phlluiol his, every Su nday, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. ft; Ho. 32 Bond urea, New York, our] Tnendty, from 9 to 3 ; N 0.38 Summer "reel, Boetonfllnu, any Wedneldny, from 9 to 3 ; and every other Frlf day s: 108 summon "not, Baltimore, Md.—. Allndvléo free, bug for- thorougll naming, non of the lungnrwilh Illa Reuplromcur, Ih. chnru In three doll-n. ‘ Price of Lhe Pulmouic Syrup Ind Sunni oncT,lmh 8! 60 per bolllg, gr 3’! 50 par hdfdolen. llndnke Pills, 25 cgntl per bc x. For nlo by I" Druggilu lad Dede“. In. 12, 1886. m’ Wanted, Agents. F "' to $lOO PER MONTH for Grumman, [0 “d 83b w $75 for L‘ndiel, every. where, to introduce the Common Seinu Fami ly Sewing Machine, improved Ind perfected.— ll will ham, fell, ltitch, quilt, bind. buid and embroxderbeautilully. Price only s2o,mnking the elutic lock nltch, Ind fully unnuud {or three years. We ply the above wafer, or A commiuion, from vhlch twice the uncut can be made. Add ten or cull on C. 30“ E3B t 00., 015 cc, No. 266 BXJ‘lflh IL, Philndel phil,Pn. fl‘All lenen Imwgnd pi'omptl’ with clrculm Ind lama. v} April 2, 1866. at_ ____*_ ‘ * Cantu-en Wanted, E _ ’l‘ $2OO PER Alumni—We want ' A “8’9"" (none other.) male Ind I“) lnke Ihe exclusive age ncy In every county Ina cownlhipjn the U. S. w "11' the Photugrlpy {may Record, 3 work which every family will buy. It in bond like In nlbum, but ha: . printed blank page opponle each photo. graph, for A conflict; record 0! the hulblfld, wire and each child .0! a family; 1110 conuin lug mnrriage certificate , Ind plan {or nilitnry" history ohny member of the family. _‘Wothiug likelt ever published Ind no work the "on“ can sell lo readlly. Old ctnvunu And other. would and {or circular: end terms. It in new Cunt, to have copies of the work to «uni: with; price by oxpr’en $1 50,33 Mind 37 oo (3 style-)5 monquey he lent by null. Run. the townvhlpl tinted. Addrau BAMLBSON & 00., 8“ (mutant It, Phil-dolphin. a 5 April 8, um. ha .. z _ H mm: owp‘p‘n Loin!" comm‘ - l «09: an um, 101 n n}! Isiah: ~ ~ 9. than}?! t B'ol. la T. S. SHELDUN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers