t (Com pain-y, 45.4..” Hunlulprfl .23 um' 51.1. Irma, 30mm AND mopmmn up: gornwon, 1... HINTS}! CLYMER. of perks county TAE spry 0! THE PEOI'LL ."a bolicvo it.“ to be lbe‘wlemn And sacred duty offihe pmpls to thaniw in every my ad lowmhlp throughout. the State. god the entin‘munu-y, in support of the pin tad patriotic policy of Presidpnt J obn n’an Yo:- Luv-peed}: restoration of the Union. _nnd lo defies! the purpose of th‘e Radical. pf making 0;; neyro the equal of the whim man. We beheve slat-go majnrily of the pepple of the North are with the President. -\Ve know the emu-a Democratic party sire w'flh him on lh'ot'e issues, Ind believe 3 large portion 0! (he more conservative‘ Republi cnnl are With :bxm also. Then let Demo‘ put. and ponurvulive lhpuLhcans unite in or‘wintionn 1113 determined efloru lo promoh {he success 03kg: President‘s pali 1. Do thin proper] and :nergetically. - - v.O I“! mm. on a certain undggoriom "umph. ' . mI“hIOIJND-IWBI.B!”' s Th. Dmnocrucy of Toledo. Ohio; lat-rind lyb late cny election by 32.5 majority:- no. year the Republican majority was 529. I mocralic gum 8.34! The low Congres ionnl‘ district, misrepreuented by the no rious Athlay, will be redeemed. - Th 9 Democrhtn of Fort Wnym, Indians, tried their wring elcétion by 700 Igfijority the llrgeal. majority‘ever polled mer‘e. gjho uljoining lowmhips‘the debcrabic _ ma have been from fllu toneVenty-flve. The Deniocrauc majority for Mr. Prince. :10! of 3?. Paul, M'mqesotn, at the late lemma, was 1,357. The eutige Democratic ticket pun elepwd by increakd majorities. Jam i 0- wef‘grouud Bwvll 1" Springfield,. Illinois, the home'of Presi gnt {ducal}. has elactod Bradford; Dem nt. for Mayonover Stein”, Republican, y 30 mnjurily—n Demo‘crntic gain of over since the last election. The entire vole lled was $4,415, against 1.776 lust spring, :1 the linger". Vol-e ever polled in the city; _ flipois promine: to wheel into‘ the Demo~ ipruinfmlpmnqnt tho first opportunity. . The Turing election: inh‘ew Jersey Iho' imm-p- ly heavy Democratic gain: over hurt my; yore. The State will certainly be re~ Licenfedmelt Ml; ' ‘ a 7 ! Kore “Ground-swells!" Columbus, Ohio, gpleou the whole Democratic ticket by I. lgnin of 300 votes! Dayton eleots all Dum imm: and gains 4501 Chillioothe, Demo 'cntio'mqjorily 320—gnin 4091 H.umlton. EEO—n 'lorge gain I And to throughout ~[the whole Buckeye Slate! - i an: Luz A my}: vacuum 1 The notorious Jim Lune ol‘ Knnsas has "on; been high authomy among the rudi gpdls. They ml! scarcely dare wquescion Mm coguckness of his View of me Counse l:icuv. election or ofthe truth or the prophecy {which he buc- on that. event. We com imend to their consideration the following I pxlmt from the angrmioml Globe.- E Hr. Lane. of Kansas—But it in said the [President interfered with the Connectiéut ‘gleotipy. Let me my to“the Republicans l'uat one word oh the subject of that elec filon. One more viotorg like that, and 1 j hohld think the Repu liezm party would Eye unhorsed. It is but. the first :crstch o! Ithe handwritingon the wall. lfyou permit Itho Democratic party to take and occupy “to Blufurm of restoring thes'e States to I) e nion, admitting these Senator: and l Represent-tins to thplr places in Congress, ’1 venture the assertion is: I politician. that ithe House 0! Repreaentutlvou mll stand at f the nextCongveason the otheraide as much as jl! “and: on our side this nation. The per» *3qu this unqutry will have those States 1 cred; they will hnve those loyal main § ben'in their places in Congress; and if the)! spinach do it through the Union-t~ party, i they will do it even through the Democra- H’" P‘"!- ‘ ‘ - ——~——«o» -—-—- fipmaidem Johnson was aeueuaded by 3 hr‘ge body of soldiers and Sailors on Wedneedty evading! Headdreued them at some length, éomplimenting their gallantry 3b the lad War. and announcing his firm fielermimtion to carry’ out his policy emf redone the Unio , lat. disunionms oppose nqd denounce film as they may. The {peach In I heavy shot. into the Radical pump, end mused quite a flutter Among the Eumpifel. We ivill publish i 9 in our next. “‘Pmicient Johnson Inf removed the L'nlleclor “Internal Rename It Pimburg. _uml appointed lii-Gov. Wm. F. Johnston in his plum.l The ofiioe is a very lucrative no. ‘ g 9 Keep ut ft. Hr. Pro-idem. Those ho B‘9 not for you, cording Ind openly/1;” .310 chin; upon your pa nage. Turn them mt- ' The Radical: may howl. No matter»— [a your «ion; to save the Union, you mum rxpoot the ‘hostimy of the Stevens and man. Dimnioniua. But. nu norm. m with you, Ind,will mania you. Yoxi hue 12‘" to “ pita: in," to win. men. Meade has been sent to Eut gufi Kine, to see Mu: the neutrality law »ro observed. There is comridonble ex» pihment in Calida in tog-Ltd to the Feai'm movement. ‘. It h aid Slut Gan. nude has meanw far Indra '.I'OOPI. , T 1 V 'ho physiciun on bond the Ihip £l);th u Hum“ have decided that the m which «appalled the vessel to put into um pan. igigenuino Aautio Cholera. ting- in is make/ed sure that, “In terrible locum In: racked our that’s. “.n. what mp in nu Mi‘uni v. 1.1 by. Ohio, Imam-only injured by the severe plum. In nimy put: of Pennsylvania n in aid to be flocking very ‘dnely-bnl we know that in tome action-um promise o! . crop in anything but eneounging. *X}. Thoma. “ Bopublian" member [if the fioqgo ipom philudelphia. said on the fiflth. i; QM "ml. “ “Him: was not far dic m-{lgp W Imld vote in (Ink State.” Thi: pun lupport: John W.Geul fur Governor, m 1101de ”gamma-La hipt _Tnu Repubii- M 9; gemylyanh. gill you win in W 3!!! is” 0‘30“ "1° film when“. 0.5 M will!!! MIR?! 8 -_.P‘!h W’f of tumor W. W, Minded ! negro for mm “(W ”draw! for himrbm haw-II acumhnhopeqo- nus-null“ «Juno: m“J ' '1! union. F ' " ' . WI’EIXOID. | The cloud: of mu- nro ngiin (littering TOWN AND: COUNTY- ‘ One of the not least lignificnnt he“ of over Europa, and itis‘ uestiouable whether: Imm 5. ' ~‘“ . the times in Nut the present, Gnvernor,‘ the set: M dbfiomacygwill and 1;: prevent: w Andrew G. Carlin, is the firm friend of“; bloodi collision. Not. long ugh Anslrill TO.ADV“:RHSEK‘9-‘O‘" “RUIN” "13"“ I Prn‘fsitlent John-Pg Ind hi? Kuwmionifld Prom-in, the two gloag fio'wers‘fl Uui! figrfiflgfifl‘fig‘wfifg '15:": «5:33: Pohcy, and that It wuleft for Mr. Wallace, many. joined in a war Lo strip the littleymue document"; ni‘ our 9“,". u, “the Chairman of the Dergocnu‘c Bmg Oenhli kingdom of Denmark of the two Duckies ' Filmy @msmy pmwd on the grunt men or Cmpmittee, tomqve for hing avoto oflhmh :Fuf Seth-Imm Howdy. fl‘heothergrea} an.“ mum 33mm nnd a; Bovemor. before the 6nd adjonm'ment points of Egr'ope uood upcomrnodly b, ‘h,,fr%&3s?mmfifieomgaut of the State Senate. bio one of the Budi-{sncLuw um robbery Imm. _tor of;es:,lz I:l,me «eve-nu numml,m6mmb cal Steven: ‘majorily uemed willing to ' course tha‘anies succeeding. Butane: the ”rm“ “ml "’4‘ 0‘ “WWW PUMA-“bed in the tender to‘him even the oonmion caurtesy‘robbery, the thieves quarrelled about [he mum” , ‘ ofsrebolution of thanks. and had it nofibooty, and ng‘m they appear to be on gluet been for Mr. Wall-ea. Gov. Carlin [quid 'poinc or coming k) htowa. Not one of the undoubtedly hue. gflne lbnnkleuly dot of many millionisubj acts of Prusaia or Austria oflice, so far In the Rniical lender! cfpl-f has’ the slighwst [moron in the queuion,‘ me Would hlvo cared. In rah-non tab“ yet my Lhoussuds auburn mm, by this I cpyrespogdgp; writes m [ln I: fol-'oompellpd to lay down their Mes just be- Iowa: > ' team: the K-ng of Prussi. 'nnu to diviJo ilex: ‘ “ The poihicians of the State were some what surprised to find ”ml resolutinns corn: nienllalnrj' of the course of the Governor ,nnd of his administration, had passed both ”bum unnuimouuly on the lust dny of the session, and that m the Senate the‘resulu iron was offered by theadiltinguinhelh and tble Drmocratic Senator from Cleurfield, ; Mr. Wullnce. This surprixe seems to have been such as to atnpely '(lf such a thing be I‘stsiblo) into entire silence the Republigan rhcctiu this town. How utterly wanting m the ordinary course of political courtesy such a course il.. No manly utterance oi‘ thanks to the pest“ Democratic party, ‘ which, Iltho'ngh temporarily in the minor-i ity, turns aside from all political bitterness and bommends the course of a political op ponent, and thnt. too, with entire unnnim-_ ity. The Governor bud labored faithfully, and the Democrats were willing to any so. He had, after meat labor and trouble, wrung from his Republican friandn in Conn you the $BOO,OOO which n former Congress seemed disposed to swindle the Suite out or, and the Democretic party are wrilin‘g to «word praise to him tor it; But the petty soul ot_the Hessian cgnnot we this, and unable to rise above the partisan vileneas of the hour. he has no words of. kindness to utter—no lauduion oLan act which, standing, M it does, won: in the political history of the Slnlr. l‘t'flflcls the highest honor on both parties. We are glad of this opportunity M say no. and 'we congrat ulate the State and the peafile who live‘ in the pure air of liberty. away from parties Ind partisans, that it is 50.” Another signifiéant (not inn, he mention ed. All but one of the living l-Zt (lover nors of the State—Democrats, Whigs and _Republiolm—namely, Gova. Porter, Bigler, Packer, Johnston and Bilner, are also in favor of Mr. Johnson’g pulley and against the revolutionary come of the radical Dis unionistb of the Bomb Congren. Distin guished all 11y age. ex yerien‘oe and mental ebilitiest enoh ol ,wholtn has, at different times. commanded a minority of the sufl‘ra gen 0! Pennsylvanian; and who, with hon or to themselves had benefit to the people have controlled the destinies of the Com monwealth; we find here six gentlemen, of widely diflerent views upon the ordinary questions of political economy, pohverging to a common centre—the restoration of the Federal Union—and uniting their individ ual efforts With those ofithe President to bring peace. prosperity, harmony‘and imp piness once moreto all the people. The spectacle is: singular and anomalous, no doubt. butlthere is so much of honesty.‘ goodness and moral grandeur in it, that he must be but a mi‘éemhle demagogneand time-server who can fail to feel the awaken. ing spiritoftrue pktriotism withinahim. as he seen these venerable men, stHvi‘ eJy difg feringpolitioally, joining h-inds‘ upon com. mon ground, Ind giving the last efi'orts of‘ their matured wisdom for the good of their country—Balm! d: Union. ; ‘ an!» BY “an. The lowa Legislature hm p ed ajoini resolution amending their Stat Constitu tion so u to extend the right of‘nuflnge to the uegroes. The Supreme Coért of Wis conain has stretched an old luw‘so .8 to al low every woolly-head to vote. In Michi gm. “the recent local election, negroea voted ,forthe first time. having‘been but recedtly admitted to the rightof suffrage. So we go with rapid strides wwarda‘univer ‘ . . i. i an] negro suffrage and negro equality. With | out which the diaunionists in (Jongres‘s de ‘ claim they iii] never aljow the Union to be & restored. Yet the Repuhiicnns of Pennsyl- Vania have the auda'city to declnra that i negro suffrage in not an issue before the l people. Such liars would shame Thu: Pep pat” _ '. i M s&3an mounted Van-um. When the “army bill ” was up in the Rump House, on the 10th, Thad Stevens secured the ndoption of an amendment providing [or two regiments ofL cavalry, (a to Wof W! White men can go on foot. but the hay nigger: must be Mount~ ed, so as “to make them as‘omuforte‘ule as pomble. during profound peace. It will take four million dollars 3 your to maintain this blacli enslry excreseence; and while ’thoee black vegiaanls ere lolling about their barracks, with nothihg to do except cook their rations end Ikylnrk among the weuchea, the white laboring men of the country must sweat and tail to work out thetnxcs required for the comfort uid pleaeure of such ‘trolcliersfl How will the working taxpayers relish it? Are the, willing to live their own hard-earned wage: taken for the support of idle acumen—worth less in time or war, but vume then worth len in time at peace! 19-1: my interest those members of the Republican party in our city and county, who mat-in the President in opposition to the Radicals, to know that the Administra tion has definitely decided upon removing all ‘he oflice hqlders who do not openly and boldly sustain its policy, end giving their places Johnson Rap üblieens. We know what iguana. when we at: this, for we hnve seen semi-oficinl documents no that efi‘ecL The Administration policy is in put. it! offices in the blind: of its friends—men who [me mad with the Republican party I if they our be found; if noi, Denma— ' Erie 063 m, WA Johnson Club has been formed It Wuhingbon city, Imh Hui. Kon‘fiomel'! Bhir u President. Such “Republican" I: Senator Norton. of mnneiou, [lrons J. Pun-on, of Kansas, und Senator Vnnl Winkle. of Wes!- Virginin, are oonspicuoux among its members. , S‘Tho Abolition jommh are howling furiousiy n Piolideut thmon for u few re: monk from omen of person. who have apoken “mainly of him 0! hi: policy.— Whnt wuld they In, if he should do n It. Lincoln did. um! than u: some Bu: tile! ‘_ mm H. Clay, our minihflr 3m -Im, upperc- rxesmewohm, ‘ V the booty one way, whilst the Emperor 0‘!" Austria vunts to divide it another. A great' saving a! nimble liver: Imuld beefl'ected it; thosa who breed the quarrels could be corn pellled' _to do all tha‘ fighting tlwmmivaal Such a ruie, ihfl’xibiy enforced. would huve" rid the United Stmtes of a good many had men in the last few years. , ‘ .. —-—A ~-- «I.» « r—-——-—- ml: Jvnt mu. mantra»). It afi‘urds us much pleuure to announce the defeat of the iniquitous Jury Bl“ con-i oocted by the leaders 6f the D.auiiionmal here, and attempted to he forced. on our’ people by the usurper McCommghy of thel State‘simute. The law for the selection of J urorn, therefore. remains unchanged. 'l‘ol thmé who tonk an interest in securing its : deleut. and our Senntorund Reprmntadva,‘ and other fair mé-n 6f both parms in the; Legislature. the people of York county owa' much. for their exemption horn than petty schéme of partisan malice. ‘ ' It will beiemembcred that the effort w to secure the pussnge ofuuch a law applica e to York and several other Dcchralic coun ties, as would certainly snoure half the Jurors to the Disunionisg, while the Demo~i crnh in such counties as Delaware, Cheater, l Imncauter-und Lawrence would have boen‘ systematically eXcludud from the Jury 130:1 by the Disunion majorities in those counties, as they have been for years, angt‘nuw are. Our pimple did not so much object to the law itself as to the motive of thase priming its puéaage. and their dishonest and unfair conduct m insisting upon forcing on York county a lawlwhich they refused With one voice to accept lor their own strong Radical counties. . . . Under the rcnmstancea, it is a triumph of a large an; rity oi nur pqaple over whiqh 7‘ ' “"offnird' " ' ' ' all love; offuil' déaling rally—heartily rejoice. Such féliows as McCommghy. “Spleenrul Tom," and the Thad. Stevedgisunionists generally, may well hung air heads in shame at. their miserable lailure to incom pliah their dirty purposes. Meanwhile the people will mark these political jobbers,fe~ memberinz that. “ time M. last sou all things even."- furl: 6mm. We begin to witness the fruits of the Civ il Rights bill. It has already caused the blood of white people to be shed in Nora folk; it has been the cause of neg‘rode' in finacon filling places formerly occupied by white laborers ; it. has given Massachusetts negroee the right, or rather they hav im fiudentlx assumed it, to take seats bglide white ladies in railroad care. when plenty of other seats are vacant. In 'ehort.; it is con‘iuually increasing the bad leelin ex isting between whites and blacks ii the North, while it is certainly not hri ging them on better terms of amity and m una cy in the South. We foreseen gree deal ol’trouble in this connection, even before the Cwil Right: bill is put into practical execution.—-N. Y. Ha'ald. ' The Republicms of the rovin of Madison, in the Suite of Wisconsin, gave a p‘raciiml illustration of the tenderloin of their do’c y'ipes by nominating and running a negro as Weir candidate for Mdyor. The Si: preme Court of theSmu having decided than, by a vote cast by the peOpln some time ago, negraes are entitled to suffrage, the Repair “can! made haste to demon’slrnte that next toyoting is being voted for, agd nccording iy put up a génuine specimen uf HIQ‘E’Zhl. opium species as aoandidate for tbepeuple’s aufi'mges. - =III Burning of PM ah PrinceH-A most ide six-active fire mculred at Port uu Prince, the capital of Huyti, on the 19th of March. It broke out in the most thickly settled district, andel strong breeze prevailing, the fire was not “pl-rested until it reached the edge of the city. About one thousand houses were destroyed, six 61‘ eight thou sand pemons rendered homeless. and prob ably fifteen millions of property lost. fi-Thej’residem has nominated tn the Senate for confirmation Mr. vatbe. Presl dent of thé Central National Bank, on be 001!er for the port of New York. Mr. Smythe ardently l‘upporu the President and his policy. I, ‘ [G‘A drunken Pgro at Murfreeeboro. Tepnesseefiran 1191135“. u little gsrl the other dny, and, angered [fistulas ahetwu in his wny. deliberately drew a revolvér Ind blew her brain: om. A little”manhood wine)- nge" quay do his cause good. ’ film“. week's negro committed a rape upon a little white girl often years,“ Pans, Kentu'cky, of which she died the name day. He was arrested nudput in jail, but. A mob of white men ”then-ed, broke down the doors and hung Ithe wretch. Hm body hung suspended for two daya’thereafte‘r un disturbed. , ' - fiThe military commanders in Alaba ma and Tennessee have teceived ordars from the War Department to muster out. immediately all volunteer organizations in their reayectivo commands.“ ”A dispufieh from Emtport, Kaine, says, that Gen. Meade hua‘ B!!aner his determinatian to line the border with 50,- 000 man, if necessary. to prevent. Fenian misohief. v fif’l‘he American Consul at Aspinwall reports the lppeuam of .mm» disuse "apposed so be the rinzarpest. K fi'l‘he Montreal Gazette reports the dnth ofOle Bull, the celebrated violinist. “Quebec, on the 10!!) inst. fink ship urived at Na; York on Thursday mth several marked was of .chalera on board. N ' 0n thel'rth lust. byßev. W. B. H. DeatHch, Mr. 10m: A. manual, of Humllwnban township, w Miss RACHEL P. daughter of Francis 0. Ogden. or cumberlnnd townamp, this county. > i ‘3' “mu-“a.“ :9“: °§ “www -11 unn n W . ..ev. ... WB - Mr. 53105 STAIQR; v.O Mun EMELINE CULIUNISI’ER, both gram county. Obituary mum cents 1‘ line for an over forgilnu—ash to spammnypgouce. um 13mm 11 man :ome ‘ Mr. ADA]! WOLF. aged 93 ”$1 month and 1%”. Na: Muslim Adams mun A H! 5 Mn. MARY AN gkwmmogfi. 29a QB year" month: and as am A um, um New Oxrord, Mn. ELIZABETH. vita Mr. George Myers. aged 44 yam 2 month: um i dtyl. _ A m mu, Mm ”SOPHIA MARY cumxmnna g gnaw \mmchtp. and?! yen- to monpm ha At Emmmbu on Fri week, Cal. ROBERT ANNAN, aged :3an a £2}; 0!: can an of Ann. n Catalan) ELLEN m: Roux wnmga and Suntan: fimmmedhyeuqlhuage. ‘ On‘ho 1”“!pr in: (Ba-morn. JANE ~IeOLELLAN in m. .mnAMlnd amnion“), 0!: mm A 150: um. WILLIAX , men m 5'17 dynm r 21“ "WW lowa-013:. 3:4 I amalgam Fruits of the CHI! nlshla Bill The WI, or “ Republics-Inn." iiiE3l MARILIED DIED, DOUB'l'l-‘UL BANKS.——-Mr. T‘ D. Carson, Calh ler of the Gettysburg Smiruul mnkr flu {ur nbhosl outta. the [ouuwlng lmofdoumm Banks. the mm or which are nocxecglved at M last-F ma’on: - , , * , Bah}; olemwfom Cmnlr. Mofluwrcnuc County. 011 uny flank. Vmu Bunk. Pamlcnm bank. The three first moonddued , mm. vlz:—Vcnmlgo and Pumncum, are teem-ed by gun: utu km: lurrN’ui'umnd mun-vellum!!! be good. Pen-mus holding nouns on they: Banks! shuuH um. muzrnuoe them. Notes on um uthur three are In: discount. 0! 70 mm par cant. All our-r l’-'un<:rl-v.|nm.’ Hunks rcpurtml fibubtful a. it w \vchs 4,0 .m: cuusidrrml Mic, ‘ CHANGE OF VENUE—Thr- man of the (‘nm munwcnlm vs. David W. Humor, Charles S. Hor nu-r, (hm-m! J. Ilnnkt-y, 13mm K. lhnkoy. uud Thwloru u. Human lndlt-wd for Hot and" usault umu .\ir. Schwartz; has been removed mFrunk lln mung-grind the suit of David W. Homer Vs. Hherlu‘lwlgert, {or depositing a small pistol bull in we pmtgrlorot llnrner whim lrying'm escape :Ith by we shanghai: been removed toDan phln county. Both canes gnw out at the Him and tun; lult first mnnuonedpudvet McCoanKhy lwl um” passed by the h-gislalurc to take them in iwudlm-ram «annual. ’lt in an insult to the in wllgcme pad humanly o! the Judges and Jurors u" Adams mamy to remote these uses: but. Me- CouJughy bus “cheek" enough for anything, and is only in his elamenl when he cuu give awe: people u'uqbie. I (‘ULLEUE AND SEMINARY.—~m consequence orllw l’ullgng health or Rav. Dr. Jul-obs. whh has flllud Lh-- chair-1f Mathematics, Natural Sultana-s. 3 an. In the Cum-ac, ever nince lgs organizuuyn. he 1 is about to mm: from mauvcduLy—un- limml lmv ! in; muulmouxb’ elm-led hlm l'mruuur Emeritus. ‘wuh n. sulury or 81000 per ,n-gu' during lire. A { your ago the dut‘kv 01 this chair Were divided— ' Prof. Mayer taking me Department. of Chemistry and Saturn! Sciences. qunlb‘h-m‘. '7‘ H. Um“, or Imlimupolis, was elected Professor of Mama tmutlcs, In place or Dr, lambs; and Rev. C. A. -'Smrk, urßzdtimorc, Profwsflr or Englilflmnguage ahnl lerulurc. “' Pmr. Elnrcimrt. having purchased the Vance properly. nA‘ur the Colle'gc. will reslde mm, and Lake vhuxgc or such mys or mud: age as may be committed to his «$l2. A building mus been put up for the purpose.avnh study rum". dormitory, ac; '.l‘lux nrmngumént ha however only tampon-- ry. mulling this collection of 'lundn to put. up a a 11mg," and lu-nnmfin building. but. under the crflch-n: mmmgemcrifl or Prol. Ehrchm It. will be' fuund I: nodded Impfuvcmcnt. The inauguration (51' Rev. Dr. Ray marl-or. M. Vzdemlnu, the two new l’roreuorsln Lhdb‘emln» ry, will take place lu August. 4 The l’rol‘eswm' buildings on my Seminary grounds are to be enlarged nnd lmprdvul. ‘ _ THE DUNK.\RDS.—'l‘ho gran AnnuulMeetlng of the Dunknnls, or Gz-rmlm ,Bapllsts, 'wlll com~ mence thln _ve-nrmu the 10th of May. at the real denve ol'Jm-nl) Price, near \Yayneslwro‘, Franklin county. Prm'lslou will bemmlc to [red a thorn unrl prn-xuns at. one time. A bakery Is mbe utm lcd. and some slx'ty—llve orsevl‘nty barrels of flour xvlll be pruvhlcd, wlth twenty fat. stirrup—besides lnrge (mammal uf haunt. butt/er, coll’ee. 'plcklxs, M. Ten thnusnnd persons are expected from IL hauls alonemml the other States wlll doubtless. also be largely remmwl. At these mommy; the gruvcr altars or the chun‘h/ura considnred uml declded. as In the Syuods of other dcndmlnu- Hons. Burl) a multitude Mia expected on an; mulon was never men at. any former mucking. :DAN RICE‘S Great Shuw exmmwd here on' Wednesday. afternoon and cwnlug. Notwith aanlng the rain and 9m mud—the lafier nl-l mos‘t. unparalleled—ma [LI-formant»: were attenv lied by immense numbers, crowding the mam muLh enclosure to Its fullestcnpaclty. ’l‘le large tum-put was a hlgh compllmpm w Dam, :11de 11: felt it, sevurfnl mm: ulh‘ldlng m It. in wnnls of {ur vem and eloquont Lhallkfulmasx. The per-font}- nnces were on: highly entertalnlug' and intermo- Iné chanwter—hi several fmtnreq unexumplod.4 Uranus Dan in the Show business. ' 1?“)0 “Immortal J. N." was here Im. Week, sth further enlightening the people In regard to his “ thmry." fin declared the “ pressure “ light flr, but Limb “ truth" required him to [wrscverv lu ma great wurk. He had been, In the-South, “Im lug the veil." and was gulnglhere again—_nlwnys willing to “assume the preasureon himself," even to enduring mmmemtlod, in order that the “the; ory" thus “ both are right. from their rehpeclh'e ‘standwomts” migm be esmhllxhed. The {duow mg nonce is kum the Washington Ctmsutuubwsl “Mon: 1 The Immortai “ J. Nu" Philosopher and Patriot. has just returned from thv‘ Southern summwhem In; wirirunsed six ofthnditfcrent Leghiutunu, mini; nunimously " i‘miua tut: vuli " 0t prejudice. whit now unlomxuutely envelopes the North an i Sullih, and which tn nll hut, um q‘the immortal J. 3.") nppmm a mystery. He Kl i Adam“ (M. least. he promses to do no; the citizen! of Wuhington. lo morrow m. ton o‘cluuk, on the uren space, corner of Louisiana uvenun uni St-wnt [siren-t3 “J. N." martyn to Short?! Howe". on the mm instant. at m: o‘clock. “J. N." says ”rat. the pnaiflon or President Johnson is a pecuimr _onu, bei u thnx 0! a phiiosopilivai stutwsumn, iuwing ‘ sxwriflcet int-x ph‘hflih'l‘i cnm-ndvrw! h)’ the“ n‘contwnr; and twin now determined tout-tor we goodot the whole country. ‘ ( ‘ Whom District N 1). 0 of XI nilngton mwn- i ship furnished intmcn for theyn , and we are re quested to publish lhn mum‘s. -hl<‘h we damsi follows: Jolm C.-'anrinn, 15 M. Brandon. Durbin Sadicr. James Davis. McGowan Duvilg Eplmlim Hulkes, Ch tit-s Bally. :uln‘uim Yeanst} ‘ Charleashnil‘cr,.lohl; Shnllz, Joh _Golwin, James snyder'. John Shnnéfcitcr. Hugh ulsh, John A!- hart. Henry A. Minis, Jacob B. Meals. G. W. ‘ Mania. (Forge Slaybnug‘h. John Bnydrr, Philip Snyder, John C. Miller. Joseph Slmltz, Aifted {U- ‘ mJoIm Weidner. John Rockey,Jm~ob mm"; or E, John A. Gardner, Arthur Yeanst, Samuel 'Glass. David Cunt, David Shaman George Smlck, Watson Sailor. Abram Meals, Thomas G. Nee ly, Harrison Wolf. and Jnmb‘leer—qnst. one- i half Democrats, and the other half Republicans. ‘ RECORD YOUR DEEDS.—Tho attention or wiles holding unrecorded Deeds 14le to the provisions or the Act ofAuembly. which re quire that “ All deeds and nonveyamw {or real estate in this Commnnwwlm, shall be recorded in the 011109 for Recording, Deeds in the county where the lands lie. wnmx 31x Momma after the execution or such deeds and conwynnoe; and every such deed Ind convaymme not recorded as aforesaid. shall be wudgfal FRAUDULENT AND VOID against “iv an sequent purchaser for wvnlunble mull-lean on, unless such dseds he Neorded be fora the recording of the deed or uonvcyance un der which such a. subsequent pun-unusa- or morb gages shall claim." This is a very in: pox-tame native, and those hold» lug nnmoonled deed: will see the importance or having them recorded without further d'eluy; IRON. STEEL, NAILS AND HORSE SHOE AT DOME—We must. make roam {or a largely In cmnled stock ofumoeneu and Queens—ware. Our Jobbing pale requires 1:. We thererore oflcr our whole stock of Iron, Steel. Nan-,nge Shoal and Banal Toes. a. strictly cost prices. Plane (all soon. Prion of Gmoeflal down. . wu. BLAIR ¢ SON. South End, CHINA. Pa. AME. was. '.’w We growing when: In this county m net!- ouly hunted by the fmeflnz weather 11: March, and we are Int-{nod w the belle! that a but crop can hardly be expected. The fine runs of last. tack wm, powevex. help it very much. aWe noelvai, on Friday. a. communication without man": to show who it. mine from.— W author'- mm is any: requu-ed’m insure pubumlon. 82 25 should also have uncanny-med ma oommuuleluon. u: my m.- M Ma. ”BAN. J. M. Hickhy. 01 New Salem, thin oonntaJul received and weaned until no the Englhh Returned church at Akron, Ohio. aid will have (or 111 l new field oHAbor has low Mn. B—M the elecmqn for County Buperlnundeut. on Quaint. or my. the Directors elected In 185 oniyun vote. Those claimed um Ipringdo not. go mw once until J une. ”Amt-lon In dis-mu m we “had-omen: u lmWahh, bailout u)” War. a?“ WWW manual-munch." W nmhmolpopuhnw,uuleonmd M lakes 00 the attention crawler: gmetflly. PROCEEDINGS OF (DUNE—Apr" Court eom- h [-1.-W Periodic" ”to”! wound on Monday lan. I‘m-Mum Judge “Eh": 0 6’5“ FN'I'IIC Randy, fin Irru-yulurilfu. ‘ mm Amman. Judgn. Ziegler and wn-mmmu4 Tnese Drop: In I niemmcuny compowmd.‘ gm mmn. The fulanlflß chm! we?“ “may 9" Mi}! PnP‘Mfimh. Ind “mu-r than an Pill nudxmmuwdthutflwpcmnl wgremvufmrdéfi at Ko-unm'é. Being liquid, um; WON: Pcuucuuuiy, mum may have gambpbfy W" action is dire“ and POSMW renderm ’them er bl-fore been sent. mm 13. umgh km Mm ramble, speedy and certain s new Ff 1.. ummcy. ‘l'hne of magnum-:0” “W”- cure of Illobumcuo. “M s'“ I“ 9" ‘ ° WWW" ““0““ “I!" “”P‘WW‘ M“ -“"“‘"- The" P‘Wnlufly i. indiléfitzhstomifr 03M ncmmx Imslnmln magma“. Ml (hlt over 100,000boltlegnre annually! [to]; 0019192: mt; , “Jud consumed by Ike ladues'of me (Inked t 'm‘el Grouse V“ )‘VW‘WNM 45m1", "9?! nlledwbom lpcak in Ihe ’lll’o) 3°" ‘0 ”WV“ 3‘3" “neg.“ h, u been med = 95‘ ”"3" °7 Praise of Lhelr great mer’iu ’l‘zg-' bylenumeDerenduuL We: {orDewldthm mph"), “bag the rlnca 0‘ e"; ey ' mxs. ‘ v - I Olher “Mam gm.“ m 1 ' Female Remedy, and no considered h allwb Gommmwcuun vs. ImhxmeandJohn cl. know nught at ”19m u lhé sure“, “a“ 3 —Slen; home» from Jacob K Wilmer and most infnllible Prep'anlion in the Ifurlj fifn George Lewd. Inn-whim“ arrawd—Kanullsltfl the cure 01.3“ female complaint! the “may": {“M‘ Ulrich 91"“ guilty “Whoa“ 0““ Obfltffimioas of nature sud the 0111‘ ' figurkzasgnmnced to twoyean “I the . i "0'“ of health, "811131 in “’ll Imm? E?! A " ' ' . ' ' pliciv. diiecuuns main ' '2 “WWW” “‘10”?! Am “$11.11.“; used, and explainin‘z ih'lgwu‘rihm’chz‘? m°"‘°w‘"g mm“ 'l‘" {Va-1: would not, nor. co‘um do! be used’ ’ilh ’é 2:ll;!gulfikglisgxxgguichQWJ~m Producing 986 m cmuhn'y to nMnr‘E‘a'wchoggré , ' ‘ . lmvs, wi be found car‘ ' : “’“m‘mmwlm “‘1 “our! Cflmzm'm‘nu each boluenvith the wrigggls’i'gfifl: s3.lm; ‘ “mu‘ismma. pr mm-‘mm Rh: “I“: ‘L. LYON, Withnllldhich none are 3811 M OH4; Inert. ‘Plfaud Funky. 1:11.] was menwnued wmng’ Prepaied by Dr. JOHN I; LYU‘I 195 11:. ymrsgn‘inebmaerfn l‘cnitel‘gtlgry. ‘ J n D Street, New ”WWI, Uontn..‘who‘ L“, b: 190) I 'Comménwmlm u. Ahuc-r Townéhy, r.— n - sulled either persona“ or'h ‘l an bin: 11).; warehouse or names (maiden. Mend ~ . Y. jmm ,(eucbuug ‘ arm and was semcncedwulle ywlu the Eu- sump) coma-mug uIl PV‘V‘W “ISNSea‘ and a," £vaan - ~. ‘ {fell-NIB ‘Veakpuacs. Sold by Druggists every. Counnonwenlm VLIJWPh Grids. (mlorPdJ— whue. GM” A 0' G‘ “PARK ‘.‘ 00-. Smiling ssz from. H nry Jolmwu. (colm'edJ—‘l Wv 6 ; _ Smut-01' U. h. and Luanda; Vv.~rdlct,;:ullty, and sentenced to two years }u the l ‘0 ' , .863. ~l£;‘_ _ ‘ .EnsLern l’uuimutlury. ’ I Conimouwvun'h vs. 11mm Cnrver.—-Su2nlmg ' brass {ruimicuyslmrg mulmdd (kunpany. l'lmd guilty. and was hunkuuml w the House of Ruluge ‘ ul l’hlliululphly =I Communwmlth vs. Moscs‘ Myers, 0! V.—-Fomt‘ calm-u um: mumly upun the person ut Sarah l-l‘ Guru-r. ,V'cnlh-L, guilty, undseuwucal m luy one dollar pd}- W-tck [or the maintenance of thn: cluld umu h. .4141] hnve reached Llh: age ol‘sewn ymm, 530151“ in L‘Xpuusuh'. 51 fine, and gulls of prose: cmmu. ' L‘wnxnunwwith’ vs. Chariot: LMghmM. Jr.— Su-aling a. pair ui'bunL-I I’rmn .lu~'i.|h Beams. Vcr~ ; dlci. guilty. and sentenced many day: in the Comm," Jail. ' . ‘ (:ommmiwmiih vu. Ahner-Townsiey, Jr. and Franklin Uulp.-—~s'L,,-:Liiug qur dozen may; from David simian Plead guiiiy,:uni Tuwusluy nau u‘uccd 19 tummy-mm hours 1n County Jail. and Uuip for sixiy guys. ‘ L‘omniunwmlili Vs. Wm. Thompson-« Surety a! the Peace, mmuurur Wm. .\‘uii. Dci'unJanL scu u-ncul w giw bull in am) for one‘ year, and pay the cm“. ? ~ In the case I? the Gomnmnwauth vs. Abraham Hosioue‘r‘xm lieuryu iiosictu-r, charged wuh .tiie killing of John liunxiituu, the Grand Jury Inuml a yrua mu against Henry C. Roan-tier for voiunmry manslaughter, but lguurcd Lhu Inil as to Abraham “mutter. The trial or young floatat wr was put. 0!! until. August Run. The lei the Uomnumweanh vs. Honry Mil~ tambcrgurJolm Mchnrick and Peter DQ-iiow, for riut. «a. wmfliwmx‘m .hv Lln: (junri Jury. Ind prosecutor. Alli-Img; Jlqulm, to Lu)’ the coals or prosecuz ion; . The Gmuq Jury paved upon a bliis,seveml of Wu or unusual importance. A n'umbero! the mm were settled. A i The Gmnd .iury Was discharged on Thur’imy morn‘lng. and Court. adjournrd on Friday morulng. Sher!!! Rebunsmrm fou’hllmlvlphlu this mont ing wlm six pnwncrfi—Juh n.l;lriuh, J oscph .\crés, Hoary Cummu, Abner 'i'uwudyy and Joseph Craig, far the Penltcmlaw, and J nines (MWcr, fur the Helge of Refuge. } ,t IFTNS I‘hnmlelphhr AGE says our citizens should not indulge In any unnecésmry nlann at the probable ndvunbor the cholera». But. they would oeMnli‘ 1x; ready Im- it, if n dues come.- The best way to prepare for It. is to Pmnu’rz } cunxmxms xx Evn-un' “’AY. Purify awry doubtful spot. about your premises. Whitewgh ‘ your'cellun. yards, and 9m. nausea. Clean “Way every kind of film that may ”~4lth accumulate. 51-‘At. monemtely all kipds 0t whqlesame diet.— Drfixk potting!» excess. Koepin good aplrlm. and (mighty mwud toyour builuum. . ”Two Emma‘s Were killed _{ol- Mr. mm. on the thuuslew‘n Railroad. on Thursday night. week .‘ by a train running’ over them. ““1113 Hanover Branch Railroad cloctlon y!!! be held on the 14th allay next. , [gaming {or on has oummena d at Hampton " —« -»_——~~ m»-—~——— Q'Clemunt C. Clay has been released from Fortress Monroe, on his parole. spun]. NOTICE. Keep I: About You. lf yon ore wise alwuys keep .1 hutll!‘ of Rud wny’s Ready Relief about you. [over he with.- ont it in your house. It ii indispensubl‘o in sickness as bread and meut are in heulth. You can always have recourse to it in calico, in spasms; in «hills, in dldl‘rherk, in ho wel comu plume and so on, with as much case as Bluekhérry Brandy. Old Rye, or Apple lack, and with much more security. for n. couple of spoonful: of the Relief, token in lulf u tumbler of sweetened wntcr,.wfll have :1. prompt reinc dial effect, while the Spirits my possibly do more injury than good. A bottle of whiskey will cost you n dollnr orso, 1t lenzt, while a bottle of [ludwny’s Ready Relief, expensin-ly compounded us it is, will only depriw- you of fifty cents. For sprains or bruises, too, what could hemnre serviceable than the Ready Re lief? All kinds of aches and pains, from rheu mntism to the toothache, from neuralgia dnwo to a cutfinger, from a bullet wound to u hl'nise, nJI yield Lt‘ noon to the mysterious power at this Relief. it is an apothecsry-shop in litLle. Have you I cough 'I. The Ready Relief super sedes opi m and liquorice. Have you dipthe tin? Yon can with the Reedy Relief dispense withglirgles and counties. Have you luster-- ice? The Randy Relief b'bcomes on agreeable substitute for tissafuatidu. Have you a. twinge ofrhcumntics? No more such dunget‘ous drugsl as o_ulchiculm no Tum-o such unpalatable stuff as potash are necessary .while you have the Ready Relief. It lifeverybody'a friend. It is the" per mun‘a physician. it is the rich man's ready estorer to health. It is a household necessfty in the strictesteense of the term, and no fifty cents in ever expended In its purchase that ii not worth fifty dollztrs, value receiVed, in good spirits mil sound constitution. Sold by Dr uggilts. ‘ - ‘ N. B. The true economist will find in Rad vny’s Ready Relief, the cheapest a wall as the best medicine in the world: One 5n cent bol tle will secure more health and cnre more com plaints than ten dollars expended for any oth er medicine. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. A 4 BADkaY It 00., April )6. 2w 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y. To Conon mptivoa. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by A very simple reme dy, after having snlrered lor several year: with 5 severe lung affection, and that dnad disease, Consumption—in anxious to nuke known to his fellow-sulrcreu’lhe means of‘ cure. ' To all who desire in, he will send n copy of the prescription used (free 9f charge.) will) the direcliuus {or preparing end using the same, which they will find a was cum: fol Conavlrnox. Aural“. Buoxcmns, Gowns, Conn, and ill Throat nnd Lung Alfections.—- The only object of the Advertiser in sending the Preflcl‘lptiou is to benefit. the afl] cled. and spread iulbrmdtion which he conceives l 0 be invaluable, and he hopes evexy sufferer will try his remedy, us it will cos} them nothing, snd'miy prove I blessing. Penis: wishing the prescription, ran, by return mail, will pledee nddreef . Riv. EDWARD A. WILSON, ‘ n . Willismshnrg, Kings co., New York. . nth 5,1868. [3‘ 1 ._._....»_._ Emu of Youth. g A Gentleman who Infrared for you: from ‘ Net-mun Uobilityfl’hmamre Deny, Ink ur the efl'ecu ol youthful lndiacretion, vi! for" the ab of‘lulnring humanlly, send eto { all who need it, the recipe And directio for Innking the simple remedy by which h wu cured. Srfi‘ai-ers wishing to profit by ‘ Id— " Miner’s experience, an do In by nddrosam“ JOHN B. OGDEN, ' No. 13 Chnmbers St., New York. < In. 5, 1866. 1.7 Eye wail Ear I PROF. J. ISAAOS, )1. D., Ocnlilt ind Lariat, formerly nf union, Hulland, in locued At No, 519 Plfifl Street, PHILADELPHIA‘Were yor 10111 glided with dime: on“ EYE or BAKE} will I). “initially treated Ind cued. ' curable » N. 8.-AB'I‘IFIC_IAL EYES inns-ad than“ pain. No chars-u made hr main— ficu. The pedlul malty is invited, u M bu no secret In hi; and. of uutquln. “ July 11,1865. 1, 7' ‘ ' v The Grant English [kn-«If. ’I Sm Jun; Cunt-2‘s Cewanusu Fun: PILLS. Prepared from a prxficrimion of sir J. Clm-ke, 3]. D., Physicim Exuaurdinnry to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is un faihng in the cure of u“ those painful and dsmgerous disc-uses to which the lemale con stitlltirm'is subject. II Infidel-ales n" gxcesses and removes Ml obstructions, mm a speedy' curc m \y be relied on. T 3 Mmried [.mlles it, Is peculiarly lulled.— It will, in a. slum lime, hung on we monthly period with regulnmy. /' : ,E.\ch bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Governmvm Stamp of Great Btitniu‘, no pru vent c mun-new. ' CAUTIONr-TBPSO Fills should not ’he taken by Females during the mun- “me luxrus ox Pregnancy, nsztlxey are sure to bring on Mis carriage, but at any other time Hwy are are: In rill cases of Nervousgud Spiu'ul .\ll‘eclions. Patina in the Buck and Limbs, Fmigue ou slight exertion. Pnlpimlion of the Heart, Hysteria, and Whites, these Pills will chat. a cure when all other means have tulle-l ; null ulthough a powertul remedy, do notconm n iron, culumel, antimony, or an) thing huruul lo the cmalim tion. . Full direoliona in the pamphlet urban"! each package, whim should be carefully preserved. Sold by all‘ Draggists. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada. JOB “USES, 27 Cortland: St... N. Y. N. B --sl,oo and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authoring! Agent, “'lll insune a bottle. containing 50 Pills, by return mail. Sold by A. D. Bushler. [Dec. 18, 1865. ly Dr. Marshall‘s (hurl-h Saul". This Snulfhns timroughly prove-l iluelflo b 0 hie best. unicla known tor curing lhfi Gaunt-h, Coldlin the Head and Headache. if has been found an excellent remedy in many cases of Sore Eyes. Deafness has beer. removed by it, run! Henriug tn: often been greatly-improved by its use. ‘ ' ' h is fmgrap' and agreeable, and was 11. XKDIATE nnuuv to the dull heavy 'puins caused by disease: of Hi 3 bend. The lousatwue after using it are delightful nnd lnv-igorilling. It opens Ind pu rgea em all obstmctions,urenglh an the glands, and gives a. healthy action so the purw'nffacted.‘ , More than Thirty Years‘ of said and use of “Dr. Marshall's Catnrrh and Headache Suulf,” has proved its great value for all the common diseases of [be head. and in this moment stands higher than ever below. his recommended by many ol the best phy-. sic-inns, and is used will: grant. success uud satisfaction everywhere. ‘ Bend the Cerlificnes of Wholesale Drug gigta in 2554': ‘The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with "Dr. {lM ‘lhull’s Ontarrh And Headache Snuflfi and sold it. m our wholesale (rudemheerfully stale. fibst we bunere it to be equul, m every respecil, 16 the ntommetdutions given 0H: for the are of Camrrhul ARM-(imm, nod that. it, is deciEed ly the test article we have ever known fu‘; all common diseases a! the H'cad. , Burr & Perry, Boston; Bard; Anston & 00., Boston; Brown, anson,& Co., Boston; Reed, Camera: 00., Bostpn; Seth W. Fowle, Boston; Wilson, Fail-bank &’ 00., Boston; Henshzw, Edmund & 00., Boston; H. H. Hay, Portland, Hm; Barnes & Park,” New York; A. B. k D. Sands, New York; Stephen mel & Co., New York; Israel Minor 5: Co., New York; McKen son 5: Robbins, New York; A. L. Scovrll 5: Co., New York; \l. Ward. Close & Co., New York; Bush .9 Gale, New York. . . Fur sde by All Druggists. Try ik Dec. 18-, 1865. ~ly LIFE—'-HEAlmH—srunmm LIFEJ—HEAL’I‘H—S'I‘RENGTH map—a EALTH—STBENUTH the Great French Bound}. ' DI. Jun Duuunu's . CELEUIHTHD sPEUII-‘IC PILLS, Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juzm Deln. man-e, Chief Physicmu of lhe Hospital du Noni on Luinoisiere of Pans This invaluhle medicine is no imposition, but is pnfnilmg in the curb ofi Sperxduturrhm or Semin il.W‘ea'-ness. Every species of Ueui ml or Urinnry krntibility, Involuntary 6r Nightly Seminal Einissiuus from wlmwver cause produced, or however severe, will be speedily relieved and the organs restated to healthy notion. . Read the 'following opinions of eminent From-h physicians; 5 “We have used the Specific Pills proposed by Garanciere & anont, No. 214 Rue Lotu bnrd, from the prescription of-Dr. Juan Dela: mum, in our privute practice with uuitunn success, and we believe there is no other med icine so well calculated to cure all persons s-xlferingrfrum Involnntnry Emissions or any other Weakness of the Sexual Urgnns, whether caused by umdenmry mode of living, excesses, or abuse. B. A. Runner-inn, H. D. G. D. Duulil'ul, 3|. D. ’ In! Ll LIUCIII, M. D. Paris. Namath, 1863." BEWARE OF COUNTERFEH‘S. . The Genuine Pills are sold u] :11 the rin cipnl Druggidts throughout ‘hu World. grits One Dollu per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dollars. ‘3 (human: & Daron, Sozo Propretou, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris. . Ope Dollxr enclosed w any Li'mhorised Agent, will insure x box ‘by return until, lecurely lenled from all obserntion; six boxes to: he dollun. ’ ‘ Sole Genera! Agents for Amen-fa; OSCAR. G. moans co., , 27 comm-.n., N. Y N. B.—Prench, Germ-wt. Hpaniuh Ind English Pamphlets, containing “in mnlculnn and di rectionu for use, sen: mg to every nddren. A. I). Buehler, Agent (or Gettysburg. Dec. 18, 13035. 1y , ' J BW, but. True. Ever] 'yonng lady and gentlen’nn in the Uniud Sum cnn henr something very much to their ndunmgo by return mnli (free of charge,) by “dressing Lhe- undenigncd.— Those having tear: of being bunnugged will oblige by not noticing this cud. All other: will plead nddrou their obedient servant, , ‘THOS. if. CHAPMAN, Mgr. 5, ’6B. 1y 831 Broadway, N. Y, : rel-rink Duck-Inn. ’ Notice Sun“ to: run limuox i—oA non vains- henby given that. l hue ”renamed tron bio and wonderlui pnhiimcion. A work of Henry moltennaidingm Berwlck borough, 400 on, ad 30 colored Engravinga. DR. Au‘ml county. the iouowing peraonnl proper- HU§TEWS YADE MECUM, an originnl and? C], viz: 2_ Home: and 0“", l (mg. I HI!- popninr trenuu on “In and Wong, them row, i Spun. qun‘ [fen-pine um "C. Physiology, Funcfions, nnd Sons! disorder! : P'rpe, Ind Gnin grow as in the ground,“ i" "if" “235 "‘“' N°¥£;F;L‘.l2‘sc§27’°3il"32'3§E°‘“‘§'3'&” iii'nfiimxréfir‘ifii or 3. mr I cure. I . I O HUNTER Eng ling been, and nil! u, unbound-f in me pongzdon 0! 53d loner, but a, rig“ ad, but amu eunut ”Imitation of nnmcmu‘ go i; i. in nowithenb)‘ relinquished. ~- pernonr, he ha: been induced w extend bll‘ . INGRAM; HOFPIAN, medical naefuinm through the medium 0! lb? April 13, 1868. 39 ’ ithDE “soon." 1:1. "alum that ahouidi - ~- » "w be in the hand: of "cry funny in tin! land, I: ‘ Hungary. > n preventive of lecrec vicar, or as a guide for‘ MRS. LUCY A. PAhblLLmnvlngm-non‘ the allocation of one of the moat swinl Ind frog Beecbenvl‘lln to Duh! p, WW!" destructive scourge: th-t ever visited mankind. _ hm a mile Mun Arudmllle, on m mu”: One copy, "carol; enveloped, will beforwnrd- town rud. invite. tholuiiu togiu be! null: an [m of you-Age lo my part «we Unimd |or molt Iniiincry work, mum: th- in“! W hr M «lush P: 0. lump... ‘Afwteu, [no will dofh Chongqing. '57 an“, E“; paid, DB. ,HCNTiIaR, N 0.3, Damon 6h, ner. _ ,- _,V . fi 9 ‘ "1‘ York. ~ ~ [Sept 25. i, < 1 April 23, 1886; at ‘ - mm Gettysilmo's. Flour ..n.................1.... ...:.... I 50 10W 90 Rye F10ur...‘.............,............ . Il° White Who-tn...“......«........,. 2 10 In I ’0 nod When............................. I 09 lo I '0 C0rn...........................u......... C. Ryan..." ............................. do 039......."..... ...»................... 40 Buck wh0.c......... .. 70 Timothy 8nd.......,................ 3 50 to 3 00 Flu M.......m.........-".n...." I 00 to I 50 (”our 5eed.............'.............. 3 16 w 4 00 n"lommwtmuumm 3 00 ‘0 9 0° Hal-m Flour" ............. . I‘oo to 9 50 wt.m.............. a: no u 2 so R)a...:................................... '73 to s'o C0m................-..................... 89 to 9‘5 om..- «3 to $6 o|orer-ued............................ 5 25 to 5 15 Timothy-1ee}!....,...................'. 3 3'! On 4 00 Hogs. per hund1..................:...” on M 3 00' Beef Cattle, per hund... ~.........u 00 loll! 50 Hay...” 30 mm 00 Whi5key.................,............... 2 M w 2 2| .7;- Nu vhnrgc for murmur-Inf mndldadul. unul thu L'mwunuun, 1: three dol up, can ll AD VAX”: ’ Communlmtlonn mmmmmdlng «mildew. ten cents Immune lnmuun—uhom Mun”; SHERII-‘FALTY. HAVING been loliclled by nun! friends la various purl: 0! 1h county, I ofl'er my sel‘ as a candidate for skimmer at the non elation. subject to the deoéuon ot the Demo crmii- County Convention. - Should I be non ingted nml electld, I promise to discharge the duticl of this ollice to me best of my ability. , , JOSEPH WOLF. Butler tp., April 28, 1866. 10' SIIERH‘FAL’I‘Y. ‘ I -RGED Hy 'mnny triennial (am-r myul! n J flflflndllhfit‘ tor SHERIFF. Inhjed of m. decision of the llvmocnlic Counly Convenflon. Should I be nomimuud I will npnn‘ no honor. Bllle efforts in secure my election, uni "elect ed, 1 will discharge the dutin ofthe office to the bcst ofmy ability. HENRY BEITLEB. Miunljoy lp., April 23, 1868. to _ H “ERII-W‘ALTY. NCOURAGED by numeroul friend! E throughout the county, [offer myul! u A cmuiidnte fiJrJHERIFF at the next election . auhleu tome c'rsionM “:6 Democratic Count 1 Convention. Should Ibo l 0 fortunate u ‘0 bu. nomlnmed and elected. I promise to dis charge the dudes of the Mike to the hon of my ability. JACOB KLUNK. Germany tp., April 9. 1868. In SHERIFFALTY. T Ihe solicitation ofnumeranl friend»! offer mylelj as a candidate for SHERIH’ M the nut. eltclion. Inbjovt to who decuion of the Democratic Coumy Cotvvnu‘on. Shauld I be nominated and alerted, X plcdge nyaolf to discharge the duties of. the uflice w a.- hen. 01 my lhllfl]. PHILIP HANK. Eunban tp., April 9. 1866. 40 SHE“! FFA L'l‘Y. 'l' the solicitation of numrmu friends, the A undersigned, (ruinflngiu Gettysbu’rg nine. April IS‘L, but. folmerly and for mnuy year: I resident of Conownzo lowmbfip.) ole" him self M a candidate for SHERIFF at the nan «demon, subject. :0 “IO docioiomof the Demo crmic County Convention. Should Ibe non inated and eiected, I win discharge the dutiu of the ofice to the beat of lII] ability. EKAKUB}. D. KELLER- April 16, 1866. u: . gunman.— { NGOUBAGHD by numerous triondl throughout thvzcounlyJ offer and!“ n mn-hdnle t‘qr SHEIHFFH the nut elk-non, luhjecv. to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should 1 halo {gnu-um as to be nominated md elected, I pmmiu w discharge the duties of tbwflice to the but of my shim}. ‘ , JOSEPH A, ORENDORFF. Hountjoy tp., April 16, 1866. tc SIIERIFFA LTY. AVINU bean aohciteJ byfany fricndn, H I offer my: If nil a candld- M for SHER 1r r ul. the next election, hide“ to the duti aion ot the Demucmtic ConmyJ Gauguin.— ‘Should I be nommgted and clerk-d“! pladgu angel! to l faithful dinhny- of the Zone: cg the office; . ' RE IBEX GO DEN. Cmnb'erlnndlp , April 16. 1880. Id Chea'ug flu- Cull! EW swam ‘ . SHOCK-IBIS S, LIQUORS, tO. '1 Hr: uu-lersigned‘ has returned to Getty!- burg, dud opened a new More, on Bnm‘ more slrect, men door-[u the Pun Udice, and handy uppuqiu: the C(mrl-uuuu, when M oucrs [or sulfr, cum? run cum, I lugs and cnoice assur men: or ~GHOUERII§3,-'-Sugurs, Cuff es,"l‘(-.n, Molasses, Syrups, Salt, dc.) with Fiih, Bncon, Lard. and It) on. ~ Mm,’ leUUßS—anu, mundm, Gina. Whiskies, Bums, undeleryzhing elyein the line. Also, any quwlity o! Nosiuni, to suit In] and everybody. " . Rucollect this is the plugs to buy cliur ro cnsu. ' M , (350. F. KALBFLEISCH. Amlflfls.‘ ' ‘ Reduction In Prices. 081‘ mm the 041 mm I Inge nuortmont ofthe best. and cheapest READY-MADE CLOTHXNG, ‘ ever ofi'eredin thtyaburg. Cnilind cumin. Also—A Inga flock of HATS & CAPS—SPRING STYLES. _ I led confident uantl hue the Eng» uleccron’ of flats and Caps ever ofl'ered lo the emu-u o! the County. Mao, Geuuemen'u weir at even ficswiftwm— ULUV ls, STOCKINGS, NECKTIES,BIHRTS, bUSPEN DERS, lI‘ANDKERUHIISFS, BUT - ’.l‘hl'.l"LYS, PAPER AND LINEN DOLLARS AND UUFFS Also, a find assortment. of Trunkl, Vallsu, TmVelling (mks, Umhrelhs, Winning Sticks. and Clock: of every .’.curipl’wn, coulmntly on hand. : . WPersons in want of lay of m above arm-tel will pleats cull Ind examine an, flock before purchulng ellbwhefe. ‘ Rememher the place, next doono“Bnehlet'l_ Drug Store." Tll2O. 0; NORRIS. April 23, 1888. K.» ' “ Chewing Tom-1 ELSE, DELLUNB t 00., u “may". Pm, continue the manufacture of 010’ 315 mm kinds of CHEWING TUBAGCOS, on‘ I [urge usle. Their Incilitiel {or mAnuf-ctur‘ ing Ire maple, nnddvm: the dummy. Lea], Ind best and most experienced workman, they cannot fail to turn on Tobnccol of the mle desirable Ind populu gndel. ’ Orders from sdismnce solicited, Ind prompk ly “tended to. The merchant. o! Ari-ml county «not do better th-n by buying {tum Welsh, Dellono t 00.. 1: Hanover ‘ April 23, 1866. Notice. JOHN HILBERT’S ESTATE—Lotter- W “memory on my out“ or John Hubert. km of Germany township, Adams county, do~ ceased, having been granted to the undumgnod, residing in Union township, ha how Kim nauce In all pmom indebted to ”a, to make immediaxe payment, and than in In. clniml aglinal the same to preunt then paper“ 1, suthemicuud for "moment. ‘ JESSE BILBERT, Executor. April za, 1m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers