AniE soirt4ft-g. The“ two, John W. Gen-y and July; 15‘. ,Fornoy,’ha_ve bound themeelvcn in mutual suneuihip. Forney ialin heavy bond; that Genry. b'eing a ngocrat. shall not. betray the Repubiseam; and Gem-j baa givvn an indemnityu‘hnt he won’t. turn Forney out of the Executive Mansion, or give him In ugly mum—Age. . Another Veto. Governor Cumin tum yetood the Philadel phmnnd Erie Rnilrow lull. Hie veto Inkoi the ginnryd mat the prlvflega accorded the Philadelphia and Erie RXIIII‘Ofld tin an“ in fnngement of private rightp. and that in; 0119 mm.“ would be _conduvive ‘lO the fog. tel-mg of monnpqhes inslPull of the promo tion 0! £316 general prepperit} __< ...- - - _ (frat! Robbery in Nan Yuri: LThe banking imuso of Ruin: Lard in Exchangv Plucu. New York city. was l‘nbbml- on Stun-day Week of 5L.51}0.000 11l have: nmen' .nnd oth- Gr weurnio-n, Two hundred thousand dol lflfh reward is offered for we detection of the thief. . [3”l'lie%(3s§ouri j-svlmwkors, have a Ml} ‘l. for? “)9 Rump Smuuv,’provirhug fur the lmymi'nl o! SB‘GTJJNM to the "Miasnuri nul- Hm,”2 Inr “wrvxcvx” rcnrlarnd th'e Govern moot. lfthn‘no law-defying, Gall Inrsnkvn “mum-s and murva'm-g ' hayn't. Maren ('lmlxph‘fsnn) the p'eoph‘ of Misanuri to knep thrm cumfi'nrmblu for lilo, It. '1: a mys‘wy. WMI‘ ~ Polezqon, the individual! in “'htm- hfnm- I'x'emdvnt L‘m‘bln «lxethm We 13‘ h 0! Apr]! mu, m \V{l~lvl§xwl)n-(_‘lly, hm. ‘l‘» :1 *r: d u ’Clnllll. znnuimd lguifiqvunmu-nl u 5.! 2.3!) for damage done L 0 in» lip); ul'ly (n um ncchsion. - ~ , MARRIED hn lhu Hih ln'sLJH this hnluv of tho gr mm‘A hm 1‘ Lu Huntington wwn‘mp. hv ‘llu. I). .'.l.‘ “I I- lun-hlvr, .\lr. .\hIUH SI‘ANIIY ('1 MI“ l-I.\ll-.-, I.lx)“l'lllcll.\l.\:l'hk,lmmnlmuurnn 4 inn-Hr. 1 Mn 1.?"- L’llh ull.. luv Hm . PI. lln-hlvn‘lmxzh.ln Hm. Llun-‘x nu I'M-Imum, .\lr.(‘l'Klufihm‘ I,l‘ll. \ .lA.\h I‘l,l\. I'llt. Imll) ux Cumin rlmlHl ""i H v Iluv MM hut . m lhv with . n} Ih-~ l"| \hl' Hi: Hf ’.‘l' hr!!!" s‘lnulln'l \lr. (nXJ DI’J H" lxl.\l I, Nahum l‘uunlnp, '.’ \IH» hrx. .\L n \.\'|\'l~2.,nl I'uxn!u~r-I I.lm luvuunlp. , ‘ V 1m [hr *1“: m~l..‘n\" Hu' ‘ulllll‘,!'»”u' Lullwrzm I‘l ~nl|l;_'-, .'ri..lH‘H\ HI ILIHN‘A, ul IUwJ, Lu .\h, \l\|l\‘.~~)l|lant'l-imznll. . \I Ihw l'u'urm'n Ilmlw. Hm :In. \\’i~'.,'uu [ln 2 n, m I'. 11. m llrvul'. “.n.-Lu. mm Al!“ .\. I-II lIVEIJC. ‘l<\‘|.. Imm 1h m At] mu ”Jun” I'.” 103 m» MAIL: 1“,.‘-h\_"ll,ulDanni”. QM@ t"; Imiunry "mu-in {m-ms pvr lino for 2111 utu-r I'm: nu. s—! “~11 lu at vulnlum)‘ nunm . _' ' ~ (mnmnn‘n-wzl :l (ml'H'L'thlnd,,lnSlrulmnhmuwup,|.u‘.\'.\l:li 1' \ H k, mu m Imm- J“. ”le“le K. Hunk: r lmzl‘ ngmi :x'u tumult! -m ”l‘. " H- .uv-M l'nlhl, Hmu lm-l lvll nu, ' ‘ H. s-- lln' luv ~... :h-. I.IV 1m 1‘ )'.ul huh; 1 [L d Imlll ‘vl-x- 1: us, ‘ ’ H mm ull nlu' K'll'l‘ln\\\ In ..1." nk'l'lb’l" 7:- \ n K ET 'l'}! I ('35 Celt:, On: r,7; SEE ’h |" 1")!'11|.....n.- \\ nlfu Win-Mu" 1: ll “1"IIL'IL0...” Ural-...:..."...HZ R3O: . U 11~ . .4 ll~:«.‘.\\ln-m '1 mmrhy hu-Il LAX .‘t‘1‘11...... :se , .1 I 111111=1:12 Il‘nlr. \\'lw ll ‘lu (‘mn (‘uH . (‘mn.- ‘l'] .. 'l'r'uhl \—~n' J 4 ...• /. I WI II 8w! I'.L'IL-,lu-r {guru} Lee 1 mre. 1)]:V DR. ('HXHAH \\lllxh§i\er lzi~ popu _ \, I\r Lt-Nme.‘ on “Mmhn-filnn.‘ in St J_"|l-~Lnt?mrnn('ElllTl"l,r-ll \[|)\U.\ Y H\ RX ]xt'x. .\I'IJI‘ “Id—TIM" IMHMHL‘ In he n‘uphuil lu_l!w I'lll'l|1|.l){ nu Hrg n lhmr<uluu M L: n" hu‘k‘ Jung-«inn 'l3 crnfs 'htlwls m l-v had n Hm»: .\l-Mvglcr s, L' whit-4 3, .\lm anin .firll¢l\urli~‘.—.~Lnl«‘s.. ' \l mh I”Y irii'}. Ill: Dina[within-Pay l'p! r ‘HI: huu m \\ \i In. l'lH'llLl‘. .t "x'. II I: hN-n l «‘.l~~-l\ul l‘x muln lr'.m~x-'xxL .-\ ll'trwfll‘ ilVuh-lnml m _Mlld I} m “H vuluu'o‘l 1n cvll‘m ’huu NH'UHHH on m htjnfl- llw ll£:>'l' (ll: ‘ .\l.\\"ntxt. u :I‘J‘x‘l lhnl «I II»- lhoalt-cywms mll 1w )1 mm! 111 me lmmh M:‘ mfic- r 'or CUHK‘L [It-EL \\ \l, I-: Mme. ‘* (.M). (X SIMCKIIUI'SI \lnr. 11‘. 10805. In Just the 'lhiugillu- hum-’.‘ “' I h nv Lut'nm‘ iIIVHL' m m.\' lnrlr, ‘ "l'|~lh.--~l.lnmkvdnll.»c .‘.‘l‘l': sharp; m m mid! n.uv.!,lHan:-Hx :iuy, lm' L/rv: I" ll i~jul Iln Ilmy; ‘ y'l,l‘ mmh n! “ chmrSH-vl, :md hm“, . .‘ ll! l:k“:||!|ll'lil)nu\\lH\|!l’;|2~‘~': "I u 111 I m the :1.x11v:1 u l~m)l~, tub, .\im] up |kn~ I‘m-m “Mk lml‘A sh up um! lruo "I |~ llkt- u H \ lhl .;_'. pl‘un mul m-mx . .\‘rml m tle! llfil|lll~'('lvn\|>'i'l_3 ;“ ’l\\ ‘H rule A nu! dun! -I'u}unn"« ’| '.l|;" ”Nu-nl. In wimxnun sumo; II a, In my :uvl'x- ILmuL ‘ Q 'i he \- n luv-I Ihing,_\l-l tn prim] - 'l M d!!l|(‘~l§l’i>b-:l'z Ln {'o‘ found, In Hal} rhmr the n'nrld.:\ronml. 111%?“ 0 \IWI-IYCVEY, Huhwhurr, has [his drnmhh- huh‘ ura- {lthth ml: ' kw- m 51w ~~1-I'.l_~‘l!w‘.H'lU‘LVl‘UN Lug}, IZIIJJ'IR, >Onullxing nu'u'. and the heat thing 0111. ~ ? [\l.u-. 19.15150. ":w‘ New (.‘. nods at Grimm‘s. T.\.\ld‘.-‘ .-\. “RIMES, In ank slrl-cf, Get- Q I_\'~burg. his 3m! rel-«wed n lurgv-lot 0H “.' \\ (HmUiaiHEr. kin. whivh, luring himghtl for ('ll"h.}|i (in: l.tie.~t chuud priues‘ rhe Is! yu-pmml (a ()"ll‘ clmwpu‘ limu they 11.66 been ' Mid lure far sen-ml year.» His llESermeul is \‘vri iuil,enlhmcmgihe mm! Ehnicl- :H‘i'CiE!‘ in his iine,.m plm‘c which he asks his um “lla iuzm-rs mul Hm yul-iic gl-mmil,‘ to LA” nnd' vx‘umpo for tlxmv'm-lu-s, III; FUI“H‘.ES, 'ims, swuna _ ' smcvs. firnlssxs, FRUITS, NUTS. CONFI‘JC'IIUNS, . - ' . 'IUBACCUS. mamas, .n., in, he \i crrtaiu will piensénll “"10 may try tin-m. énd'hé Al‘ho'rciore miss ’punh.i<era,‘. from town find counqu to give them :1 trial heron: buy ing elemvllere. He is dnlerminefi'gu lu be un-lcrsohl by 2mg other estublh‘hm‘em. ' “is large stbck of ' - ‘ FANCY ARTICLES is kept lu'll by constant mlrlitions, and overv ihing in Lin-l. line can at nll times be lmd good ‘and_clleap. Indeed, he flrutel'a himself that hi! Stork, containing as it. does so large a va riely of Goods. nll new und in thaws! congli tum, c.l’nuol be}. be luokpl upo_n as among the moat. nltrnctivéin tow". By unending closely ‘la business. and selling at. small Pl’QfiLa, he is \. doing abnndsdme bu‘siu‘ess. and will spure no effort to iucre‘nse it by giving antisfnction in all cases. ' ' ' [March 19, 1866. N (gauges rind ‘lfgggies. A . rE & 0 U L P .- _ ' T ’1 are new building a "wary of HiCOAC H W 0 3 K I‘ of' the Inteit nnd‘most approved styles; and j Constructed ofthe best material, to which the: 1 invite the utehtiod of buyers. Having. b'ni‘it "' our work with great care and of materigl " 'aelected with special relerence to fienuty of style and durability, we can, gonfidemiy ~re ' commend‘ the work as ugsurpassed by any, j either in or out of the citiel. E j All vein]: is an inspection of our work to «, convince those ‘inwant of any kind of hhicle, - . (“this is the' place to buy them. « . REPAIBXNG in everyhrlnch done It shim. notice and on reasonable terms. «- : . Gin us I can, at. our Factory. near the ‘1 ‘ corner of Wuhiq'gton and Gbnmnenburg' streets, Gettyabprg. . . . ».. P. J. TATE. C 1" WI. ECULB. z"; ‘ 15.2.19, um. . . _ ‘ i . , . osim'vnwrcxmo in Calling gooa. no bhup, computed with former 1M0“; u w mania All. ' ,' 2 [ -'slxex-ifl"fl Silt”. , ! l .V' punnsncr of aundry m- 2: Eiari Flyinu; 1. n‘nd Venditioni ErgonnsJi ml out onlue ‘Ubnrt of Common les 0! Adams cpunty, Ind ‘lm me enema, win he errand in ""5“” 84.19. 11 the Cuurt House, in ‘}¢“,Vlhur2,~m’ swam)”, [he ‘nh- day "€41,1 e mu, m. l l u'rlouk, P. .\l., thc‘ipllmxigig dcsqtibtd fled litg'me, \iz: _ . , - i g A TRAUI‘ (VF l,.\\'D. Whale in Huntin¢-‘ ,mu |lbW’hihl[l,«.\dlLflls «runny. on the public Null leading from \Eixiles‘nwn '0 lhe Bender-i -. ville rond. adjoining land! of Jacob Mom-r, "(li-urge Hnruizm, Jen-min?) Beau“, John “(3.! Kinnuy, n'nd mhera,£unluinlng BU Acres,mgré; 101% lan, ”apron-d with u. 'l'mo-slnry Log ~_.. r i .Im‘elling HOUSE, “it“ I. woe-story”? ‘ ISinne Kitchen attached. Log Sum», iwjnh n. Thru~hing Floor al'u- lifd, Spring ”romp, n we” of water near lhe d. or at the '3d\ve£ju}:, an ()rLMhLOf chum: fruiL, he... Est-il9l] and tnk‘cn. in execution an the real ‘esjmmg! J, D. Su‘wnns and Mun! Sow-cup, 1 ‘ ‘ [Alm.Al'lß;‘H‘.'l‘Ul-‘LANl),sitll.nein('umJ 'hérlnnd township, Adams county. l‘a., “jog“! 'inig lands a! Lennard Bx‘Lc'fl-r. George Bushlj ‘ m’fln and (Emma “'elkcrj,"._nxll the p-xhlic mm“ 'zlcéuling (mm. Gétlysbuvg‘m Tam-flown, con ,Ldining 1:1! Arros, murc‘br Yeas. There in ".1 'u‘yll uz'wznm' on me Im:mi‘sfi¥, wjlh some Imin ‘u‘m-g. h-iyul nml mlun in execution us the Hum esmh- ‘l” x-nng'u. ‘ LLI4”, ;\ 'l‘::.\«:l"s,n-‘ mw, sihnle in Hunt tiilglun I 'vxx~h}p, .\‘lamsmfm'lly, 1%., ndjoin -1n"; murkgiflloseph Trimmer, Mirh'u-l ‘Buwtrl thn .\lxl'hv" .\llrL}! .\lallrr, and qthcxs, com... “fining. 7 5,.-\-::L~~.‘mvnr~- ur Iris. iuzpruwdrépx‘ “fill: .L 'l'w-vatury F'nrnv l‘mughmul H: {nu-Hing lhll'ra! wnh hr.) Uue-smry Hume liollgh-:wf‘Kxulit-nulfldchml, i 1 Tennn‘t- EHKIUM‘, u lmfihlc Luz Mnrn, “ith Sliclli‘mh -1.131 hu'L'n Duulrh' Inmc “'.lghu Sfmd, Cu". m'l w H )'|"':, with 'Il Shel am. what]; How Su.‘ 1" . ’3 , LL". .\mnku, ”oH<(“‘fl “ml of water "our 1!:- d-Bm‘ of [he dxwlllng, llnee Uri'lmrdi. two «I? Affine and our of J’cwh. .\ public rum] Int—v“: the lmilllmfi, run] a ‘|l 6f “kn-n thrnngh Luv (r .H. 15"chth um} taken ip' rdcrux‘on_.-51hr: real estrte of 31.319 .\mq NIEMMS.‘ . P , I Am.“ mmnn'r. mm, FIN-HE'S “office, (in:tty:bnrg, .\l:}r: 19, ‘ol}. I Alerrr'l‘L-u [wr cvnt uf llw pun-hue mom-y.- ujflou all H 3. 9 11;. lhe Simrifl‘ mus-L 1w [Lai‘Lqu-ri ”35m: «In-Ml} :xllrr Eye min qty l-‘ ftrm-k 4?!"qu “Ii uprm lui‘tun- In (mnyl) tlu rcwith 113 a: prop? r: tyi \yill be- {pin put up fur Sllh‘. l 1 fliegifiu‘r‘n Notiveu. ~' " V 4 tTLii‘F?’ i~ in-rohy giyon to all lA'KAU‘CRQP’C i- bin-r 4 pcrxms CHLyclm-11. Um: the ;1- ,”L” lelium .\m unv'h‘ hhre‘n .Hor mgnwllml “fl. he print-111w! :u 7.lch Hrplmu‘s (juurg 01 .\ ;. nu - LUILIQ'. Ihr cuufirm 57:10.:3md nihnmnr‘o, \ U, \HM’DA‘Y, m mhd..yor.\muh, loco,un‘ l' u‘clu k. .\. BL, ‘11.: ' . ’ 1 ;27.".. The Sunni} m-vnuut of Julm Rxlln Tfnum' m .h'uh 54-11;“!le Unrric’i .3011 In: “Me: uni-l cililnr'L-n. Ifildcf HM: \7lll of Jacob Eu“, (finllmi‘rlp) klctt‘zlifd. ’_ -j " ' E 274 Aviuuut 6t 53mm} G|ll|lunli,'Adnxin. H) slur ul \\ llhnm 611131,}1141, .‘lccemmh’splupd hj 5 Huh (hUilnud and l’lqdchck erik'kt‘l, All- I:f;~yll:.|.nto;é ufsnid 33mm]Ulhilluiul. ‘it‘rvdm d. 5373, A‘ our": of D'm‘nl .\lnnftln, Adxukul‘hm- Fir n! [NJ/“Hm!!! .\lnllnl. dunnht‘xl.‘ ‘ ' 423;. first nnd fiuul amount of him Gard “.h uml ilun. hum: [-2. \Vicrwnu, Admxmslm ‘lr. nt Jacob (hrdncr, Jl}. «Incas‘cd. ’v; 1' [lll7. Tin: N'.‘mul'mscuuur. ul‘ (leor’ge Flick 'gl-r uml ,(h-nrgre Laugh, leeclfiorE. ul Jplm I. dug”, Ilm'enwnl. _ ‘ . trrs hut and HM] Elm-cunt of Joseph J. 'nhu. \l-H‘II'JIHU 0t Hunr) [IL-“one. , ~ [273. Tim his). :Lpddnml .Lycuurt of, Joseph rpm, .\'lllniu.~ua:mr n‘f Lin: taluc of (1:0. A. '. ”n\'l~l‘u\',ll~'l(Pl-Y, '- ‘ rm. 'l’lu- xu': cum I»! Hohj 3min .l daun,Cu:\r- H 1 u‘ the-1319'? ul' #:mmn-l, fluid, Joseph H! \\'l"l.L"n Hmhngr-r. mgdn‘ u-hllxnnn of k'n‘lln'l h Hnummr, m ‘ cm ‘l. <elt24-I hymn-. - ‘l’li.-.\iul(~r. laxt‘cutur ut~ Lin: um 01 Ihuj smin- Llum , ducww-L " ' ‘ , ' ‘L'Jsl. burnud .'.IH fi-xml nc-qut at“ David I}. lurw”, I‘l~q.. .\dniinutmwr u!‘ Daniel Sn)- r «L'mdSl-d. ‘ ‘ - " ' y 00 io fe 7.0 ME 1‘ ill) [0 '.’ H" 16010 13.". ‘.’. 50 to 1: (u) I .71“, 34in 4 an m u (M 3 no u, “ Itj‘ . ; ‘(' 3 m: n, '.' {)1 ‘ 7:. m Tn." , _ I . ,l b. ‘.u ‘0 ‘ 4', '0 ~ll] ll 3 3’) m (‘r L" .3 u.) to i ‘1: lg 'H mm .m 25.’ Tlm wrath] and fime:n‘_co,ufit of .\‘ich'o-l : I). :nrick .uul Muir! 'l‘. Cindy, .\du'xiui Lru-J r: ut‘iho ”mt-- UH) HM U My. déL'elsE-i. .'d L l’n A And 121 ml AE'UHLHL 3)!" John F. FNH‘ , .\"mv'riélminr of [he [‘sl \lE'of Jurm You Hi imu u! S'rubuu Idwnahtp, Adams cou'uty; v: th ' ’ . 1:5 t’fl’l'ho account of'WnL. A. I‘n~ cm, dyd‘ m~rfi.\lurn' J.u k'E-r'n .\. “nydur. du-I-u “~er . 25:13. First: nnul lfnnf :ncruaut uf‘Jnhn llenr)" _H-ru, Huh Admiuié'mmr u! Slim}: Fil‘kcr' Q -s.\..\xq"r.L _LILIZY, Register. ,rgiatm'sOfl'uv.“efl_x-luirg, L \1 Irrh I", IMZG f N J . I 17 ~, ‘.,,]'Q (In =I lEEE J uro‘ré 529:3? I pril Torin. } Gmfln Jum‘. - i ‘ Qi-Hvdunc—Tsum‘ Riflx'mnn'. l-‘nreman: ‘ 3 l‘mnldm—i‘hn 15“ .\‘Miner. R dwrl \lcClonf. (hv:muny—Jncuh Pint-anu-Itlmn Férest. ‘ [ln numbn—Julm ['l. Lune. >331“!!! -x}—-\\'m. Nullémi'h. Daniel: Spunglcr. ”.mn‘uuulnud—‘A iHimn ('ulp. .\hmuuoy—H. nr)‘ Hurl‘ml. (Emma—Hymn W 194. William Emmert. _ l; munv—Vlmllt‘s Spanglcr, Jezse Eppelmun.’ Hamilton—Jul”: Rum . l‘xlwuy—Jnhn v2u~~elnnn. ‘~ ~ ' I“ I£o;|:luw:‘—Su.oxnml Jncolm, Jacob George. l‘fmnflplcnsnnl— \‘mrm u llcever. _ _ I." : .lnm—aqu-h. Unfl'mau ' I , . unnllcn—«l wvu‘zv Simduc. _ ” mullvr—Joscph \le‘. 3. l 5 r‘nno—«Jum‘n Funk. ' ulm.\ugu§-J:uul> Schwarti. ; ' (:mmul. JL'nY. L b i nfion—Sm‘nwl Young. llvnrySpflding,Amos Sin-My, John. Stern”: I #rnnklgn—hn (lbw Inning". Jnhrl McKrmjx-k, ‘.luhn P. Bun. ‘ luminqwn—Al-mh um Shnfn-r, Geo. W. Men]; (h urge Fir,kl-~‘;Jolm U. .“inl'l', Wm. [LI'NE la‘n-Umn—llv xrx Smck, Julm Dellone, (“verge Krng, Hrnry Humor - —_ " 'brunu—JJ. I’. )lilwr, Emanuel Cnmper,.+mnk ' lin Elm-rt. | slo"ntplunsnnL—Jacob In“, John Lafirenre, i Pun-r Stallsmfi'u. ’ - l‘lnnn'jn}—\V|lh.unlEliue, Samuel Baker, An ‘ druv llellucr. , ' immihonhnn—“os'es Seabruoks, John San— dt-rs, Georg; Sprunkle. ‘ ‘ , Under—2km; Loner. Jacob .\lowery‘, Henry ‘ (i. Koaar. ‘ '~ ’ *mumbre— Charlrs W. Griest, Wm. F. Bonn , L Michael filmuhangh. ‘ _ GQ-llyahurg—Nlcholus Codnri, Juhp 'Rupp‘, .f- John Sorlwck, George “extra; GIN-rmau’vl—Jlichld Funk, M.min stably. Preedum—Cnh‘ili'l’. {{lisq..‘|)uvld Sheers, Llhc-rly—John Nunmmkt’r, Reuben Shaver. ! "onowu'go—Michnel Little:Adnm Diem. .mlemown—~—l~lphnilm Myers, H. H. Kline, ; Wm. F. Grouse. . I Evrwirk bun—Henry Kohler, Franklin Grove. 'trxfifmu—chrg M'jlmor, George Wénver. len'rd—Josepb Slouch, George Shane, Elias i Sl'ngle. , ' . ‘ - Cnmlwrhnd—John Hérhsv, Henry Brpnm. Melmllen—lsnn'c .\hller, Chrysoslliux Kppelman. 2' MM. 'l9, 1366. g ‘ _ Notice. ‘ 'OHN CAMPS ESTATE.—LetIeu of Id.— LI ministratinn on lhe estate of Juh‘fl Gnmp, Mile of Oxford town‘ship, Jeni-used. havingbeen grs‘mlcd to the un lei-signed, esiding in the city of Bdtjmore, MIL, be hereby given nolice Io all persons indebted to said estate to make fmmedm‘le payment. and {bake having claims hgninst the same 10 present them prdperly Mlthenticaled for selllement. ' ' JOSEPH CAMPrAdm'x Marc}: 5, 1866. "61f \ :~ ' ~ —_ . ~___., .\.. ”...—_— i‘ . Tin “'are and'Stoves. ' ' HE anbsqriber respectfully i‘nlorint the i public that he um cuntinnes‘ the busing” ofmakiug, ‘ .. ‘ ' A _ , , ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE“ at the— old stand, (formerly A‘udrew 901 mm,) inlYork street, Gapysb'urz, where he has the laréesl assortment of fill Win)!!!” the county, wilhmnny other articles for kitchbn use. kc. .. Also, COOKING STUVES & NYSE-PLAN; STOVES, ot the very best. kindy. —_ r - .'. Mar. 12, 1865'. am _ {m pmm onppe: League: Gowns; afoul; own makemow gaudy and for sale. - - D. McCREARY a: SON; { —‘Tt7énmqn qqniiy of tubes: Loudorf Dun HAIIBS,‘WMI orffltfibut ffasten: "Inn, f 9! 3:]: by ‘ D. ficQRE‘ABY t‘SON. . 'annwanmmsr Imm pie m-vgu the Taxman-u In discs“! of mm (up: ud pu‘r‘ifies may». ‘ x 3 V Grout Reduction of l‘flcea [tunable Properties for Sale. :‘I 0R 9‘ ‘l’ H‘LL ‘ Pé ' "T. THE- —_" ‘ ‘ 0112‘ G. Z'TUCK, hum Angst. Al ‘ -. ‘ A cnßApaß o c E R Y! J ‘ NEW OXFORD, ADAMS ('O, PA.,i' \Gmm hymn! ‘ cuuun or 'nuwosn Axn'cuuuassuw Haj“.- lms fnr‘ Mk :1 number of desirable m) crfiu‘ , ' J!“ [1 NM, 3 W A _V’ - ‘to which Misksthenttentiou ollho‘se Eishing'? shgcr-Ps‘osphzie ~~ [Min 'vL-l returned from the oil . re! eel-I‘o Pu" “1‘”: ' ' 5 ‘ ‘ ' {ugly 1.1513...” his customers, and ti? plfiflic, A {155131.01 M“ Acres. l" ‘Mntr'ft'mntf Lj‘e , '1 Nu ihe has nvryreded h! inm'ling n conneclion” w'“**”l‘~"“h 13°01! SMIWHOM'V "I"“HW3KO'I' V l f ' ’ ‘ v , with one of {he first Importing Houses in the ‘ House, (,‘urn Cnb, Cn'rmge Dunn. and other; SEA .\ DA R D L: L ARA 3‘ TE 3 an 0! Bullimurr, by whirl: boil ”mm m ‘oul-bnjhlinza Orchunl, kc. Near l‘tnplken ofi‘Zr Groceries M- 1 lower figure than they ; “15 ”mm“?- ‘ . ‘3 can be purchnsml else-Where in the éuumy.- .40 ACRES '.‘"“h W 9“ flousf',‘ It“? ““1 ll: ‘s'”me ‘0 M.“ ‘ ‘ . Eotheront-ht.l]dxngg§,(”chm-J, kc. 1m lyftom (301.1951: 32 cents ",1” [l’lill’me Guod chance. Termfiensy.‘ . ; fiI'GAR. z“m for 25 . u .. 9 MILL PIun‘ERTY of d? .\Cfci. M!” In!!! SYRUP, {mm 40 a '05130’ {two run or" film's, _m‘dinnry vhqghipory. good and w” amn- Ihinza «Loorresnondingl-utcs. “'3‘?! I‘"“'°Tr“3' “H!” from L"”““OWD, o°ll - ‘.‘," would sn“. "mm,” can :It‘lhe Uhcnp_' vement lo lraxlroad mnd‘ turnpike. Terms Grhrerywnmer ofl)inmon-i and Chmnhersburg‘ ”0‘1"“9- I - ‘ ~ SW”. m. “H, "£lo4,“ij CNN,“ is} A FARM of we Ages, near .\Hv Cheslter, "Hurmmm to be ahead at all others in ”mug . good [louse-”Haul: Burn; Mid other out-bulld cheap. Give him u call lu-mre luurch using "’SS- Land ”1 8"“ _513“ “f pukivntiuu. , elsewhere. . JOHN M. SWAN. 1 A FARM 0'3”": Acrmnflnmbr-rlandm-rn ‘ ”hip, Alums cunnty‘ 3!;in iron: >Grnysburg lat which thL'c la “inch and good market.— [Thia tux m mm lmdn’ided iuw tw9 firms. th’l‘rc hcing ulre‘ldy um sets ofimprov‘emenn o‘n lbs Barron‘s Safety Lamps, -‘ A\D ~ L¥C7flo-'[NE(Hc-I)FLCXD , « I’ATEV‘HLL HIS Lump nppni-‘l‘; I.vlrnszti'lfnut uni/‘- T I/uny In [’o4 1!. It has, bouncy. a un tlru] whinl) nhaoms file liquid um! g'n as if. to lhv {1 mm, partly fguul the wxck. my} putlv in thc‘l mm M gun but. so as to produée perfect wmvvuqmn. and ig vary e 1 unumicul and All'e. l: 1‘ mm wilhuub n chimnoj, and pnfk‘ctly lrlu.n~u-!,l|rn~s not, w okc ur ~lllch ; it. 13 [ht-[(3- hun .upc-ml]; mlmlul Lu Hn- pulpOSfS uf' a "x m uh ml, 'nigln, unrw. «hop nr hgh-l l ‘ml'y ‘m huh m. TM; (0:! of- hruken chimney-z, "1mm“: 1 nmrr‘ than [my [Lu- etgat offihislump. Eur; Ju‘milg needs one or_umr9. I ._“[l._i< ju<t whnt I have; “won long looking for," “Tilt"! n modvi‘huhw-krrn-por. "I mal'ul hmily know how to do WHhont it; wrnva unmhvr. V » ‘.\ [wrttcl (w n:r'x\'," writ": :\ third. ‘ “L'rl'l'xmxc who are Sid-Ducal try n," “rites n funr'h‘. , ‘ ~Fur wk: by JOHN W. S\V.\.V, (‘nr. ufajnmnml mm L‘hmuhu-hburg :-'I. WTIH- L‘g-ru inc Fluid nho mr mic M the Emma plm n‘. L‘lar. _l‘2, HUG. - Son-omin: How & l'soful. ' g 7 ‘HL lunlvr-izum \xuuM ro~pcrlquv inform‘ 1‘ lh.‘- mun-m Qf‘Ali-Ima t-runly Ihru. llnfy hinu purcl..|~l-nl ll)" l’nlunl Rzght (if tlin chim n' lnr ”11‘ In ‘muiuluru .m'l win 09 “FUll:.’h('|‘, hammer A ‘IM 21-! m - VHXI'H <lloli lUUNV'HI m: m m- \\'Y:_.\Pvl€i_¢, nqwmml my. '.’fith‘: 3M"; ilmHhM' uiH In .1 few KLH" h- Louly m" «lxqmsc m 'HHHSH'H' [:HHI'K‘\3 ‘.r m:«'>l,:\"~'.§' {0 Sn t pxlnlulsel‘i. We claim [or 1111»: pn'h‘nlf— ‘ K \ , E! 1.:. We (“m rhnyinn‘o, you {hat this isé [he has: "Hrnum Wm‘b; or" in use. ‘1 ‘.‘:L “'2 cm: mim'in‘céuvun that this is (h lighted "”hmm~“'!"lf)pl'l‘:' in§u~‘(=. ‘ 5 ..IL’ We mu— mmnmo yhglhhnt {hi is th Ich; nwux “Hrnd'n \\ nmwr,’ Na usr‘. j : 4th. \\R c n rum‘ime yhn ”N!" _mu mn‘savo, rum-Bull" [he first. year whn \(lxe orllinary lnronms run youl , ‘ I .’.:h. We (:rn mnrinve v‘nn 131nt\aflor the first war your brooms will ngn cos: _wgu o\‘er lo cunts apiece. . . * mm‘mws Mt'mmntxg, ‘ Imm.\m minim: MM. 123. 1352'}. 3L Unnyslmrg, Pu. I'3 ‘3l <,;.\'.1~; Y/Aj [Ln E . «.\su man :u .irirw‘rizji _ / ASH x'xgu'as 11150531)! ‘1: The Ifndéraiznml‘nnrc 'rimnvctlu‘dy imiLe ‘hl'il‘ Md cuzunm-N um! 1h;- yuhlit, gunuxul‘ly n, r l“ ..ud sre khcu‘ haul: :u the It“ pxicn. \\'c lum‘t ‘ f A FI'I.L .\.\'D WELL SELECTFD STOCK, j' irluch v.O lune ‘ cuucnuh-dztu run of! at X 111! g Mun! pass-I vh-‘pri-ei. ,ngmcml duing'Mx \[ r‘ yrs lumen-L1“ u all [n-rsuns desirumol In mini; l‘munty mum'- 99430.: “.13; (I)9'3‘s.t\'lnq'lt in lhcir § {iurch 50:, “111 ‘nm mu m gh‘e us :I call, mi N xv( pr: mm: 11mm 111-" y sly-xll not be disap l pnihhd. . _ ' ll \\'v- arr: Ileanle for file putt very li‘wml‘ 7pm: fix. uze “A?LAY“l‘v'(‘li"l'll,.'|ll'l {run 111»: we: “n \ll mun! at wumuu lliu'l utixhc samv; and ,‘ ulna—4|: \rc sh~H ":0 our best writ-mus lo ‘ ,plm‘wuil. .\lm um) lacur u<,“ilh‘n Cd“. f | guy-Um” largcluthe.p!.nfe. - ._. v ‘ I).\\,\'El{ s'.‘ SHIELDS, I . ‘ I'mHivllL {\«Luns (:punty, [’fl. _ N. 8.—.W9 qrr .\gqms («u \Lxll‘cr's Sup‘wrior anih' Flying-1211!Jol:u.~r;n‘s L't-h-bmu-d Blglsl iug I’uwdcr. ' [Feb.‘ 26; 1866. ‘.l‘ Reqluto‘r‘g .\‘ogia-s.‘ I _ TUTU‘I'. i~ 'xn'rthy gin-n If! all lu'flfltvvn and J‘_\ nt‘u‘r gu‘r‘mu: cu-vwg-rnyJ. “1““ (119‘ An]— nnni~trn2inn Act-mum hvrvinxller mvntionud wxll he 'nrkulvtl M. thwflrphhn's '(‘olht of .\bél : muMy, for L'Jnfix m-uian [and unh‘wa‘nco, on \IUNI‘AY, the ‘ZU!|I~d:I_V 0! MARCH, 1800, at 10 o'clm-k. .\. .\L. v’7: mil/The firs: uchnut‘oT Abmhhm SFecly, Earn-uh; of JAcob Slm-ly, decensed. . 2:41.“ The hrs! account 0| Isaac Ligllnner, Ad'ninibtrqlnu of the czmte of- George J. Fet lcrhnfl‘. _ . 2:21;. Thu-comm! nudjn ‘1 ar'cmmt of Giorqe Waller and .lvlmru Lixgn, A—nlv.finlstr\tors of th'e cslnu- nfllil in»! llorrirxg~4lql-clwo-l. 26%. FIN and final '(-¢-nll'll,nf.luhn Pi(-king,_ Adlniuiqumr or Ih’raurd “lldchl‘flltl; dec'd. 26.3. Tin- nu‘uum «)I'Mxlvgnret Talc, Admin i:lr:lh'i\ hf [Lu'xd Tug, dwnuu‘fl. 2th). The fir»! aruénnt of EHJS Juhm. Ex- N lenr "“110 will of John .lulmwlleteused. 2-‘7. 1’1“: :unlfin 1] HW‘QII'll ofJamM H. “C. Elm-e nml Bu jnnm i‘. \\'icrm:tn3 EXH‘IHOIS at \he Luv. “Li“ und testament of ngmes MCEl wee 3 "A 20:8. The‘ncrou‘m n! .\bmham Flohr, Ad miniscmnm of [Lmiol Duywult. deceased. , 269. Firstfimcount of Amos 'ochloswr, Ex ‘ecutnr of the last \\ [H and imminent,“ Charles ‘Showeh'. dear-Mg]. ’ _ 4 270: Tim (ir:t_ unxl‘fin-‘l m-counfi of David ‘nu-m. Adnniniumtor of me estate of’Amos Sanbic, l]el'C:\"Cd. , , . ‘.'2l. The fin“. and final nrcount-of Dnnirl- Linn-1!, A lrn-inistmlor o! Amos Lady, late of .\lwmllen township, dcceust-d. 271? Tlw-firsi :wéuuut of Abraham Guise, Avlmiummlur For the esmte ot'Petcx’ Guise, dycmu-d. ‘ ’ . swum. LILLY, Register Regina”: VOW-e. Gettysburg, p). l‘ebruuy 2n, Isms. td .1 . ' Reunion] Priecy. _ lANO3. \" \MIM'IT AXI? .\.‘UIRN‘AV‘ 0R- P (SANS. Supt-nor “lined 7 UNIT! YLUV'OS .mqn S ,5!) ‘upwnrdsx . URGANS Chm 3*!o upward; ‘2)” instrummxts spit-Nerf, wre (‘mmuondod andsnld ly'mv, additiuunllygflar finned. ”Inch-Med circulars sent by mail, when desirvd. ‘ A P. BENTZ. No. 30 Ensthrket Sheet, York, ‘l’n. Mar. 12. 1:66. ~ ‘ { V ‘ " Notice. ' AMUEL BIKER‘S ESTATE—Lama of ad- S ministration on the 081,3 th 0! Snmjxel Elkt r. law oi Highland township, Adams conn ty, decemefl. having hodn grriietéd tn the un dersigned, residing in Hamiltontmnicownship, he hereby gives notige to "all persons indchted to mid emne to make immediate payment, and :hosg having chims Against the same in preseql them properly authenticated for set tlement. ‘_ ‘ ‘ JOHN H. BAUMGXRDNEB, Adm‘r Mar._12,18;’36. 6” < ~ g Bounty Tax Notice. ‘HE Schonl Directors at Slrnbnn township! '6l ,will Allow‘nn uhaLemPut of,FiV_E PER ENT. on all Boun‘ly Tax levied for 1866, paid ‘ on or before the 2d (lay of APR“. next; am? in ca'sc suid tax Is not paid within one month lhemalter. thefnme will be placed in the hands of an olfirer, and its collection positively en forced, without respect to persons. By order oftlie Beard. - 1 ' ' PHILIP DONIOHBEJI-eaident ‘WX‘STALLSNH‘H’ Senegal-yr : 1J1“. 5,1366. L‘fyl" .j j - ‘ v ~ Estate Notice. , '1 STATE OF ABRAH‘AM HART, SR.——The ‘ mnde‘nigned. Agent for the Heirs of Abraham Han,Br.,late of Mnmmnsburg, A'hms onnty', (hauled, hereby mquests all pe’rnuua ndebted to the o_uate of amid decedenlt to ..nke immediate figment, and those having [aims against.the same to preach; them roperly nnthesflficaeqd for svttlemem. . H ‘ ‘ SAMUEL HART, luck 6. 1868. 61) Funklin tp. S. ‘G'. COOK. N dRDER‘w’ mike room for gpring pur- I chum: MCKIRG 2| selling. Dun Conn 11'! chup- . Money 'Saved IIES! p A EMAIL FREE“ of to Arms. Nth [3oml “m‘rfl um} I‘- z' :.I-'\ I all oux-hdijL-Ige.- ‘ L und in thol mm- at c :Ituutinu, firnniStun-jlgmd— ‘Clmnln: m keg-p mu gm; and ultu‘nd lu pus:- oflil-v. 'l'? mu (arty. .1 , A I‘M!“ (#lO5 _\. n-suon the: Carlitle turn . 111 k”, lruul Imdc-r ‘.'/Ind Emu: ut'Lii'livul-m, largo Brick Hun-y. Bank lilm,-\\'.r;_r§m fil‘u“. (‘vrn ('nlrl Cun‘ingu [lousqhud vllxen'quL—bmldmg, (can)! new ) ’ ‘ anGE FLOUR MILL, with 2'. Acres of Land—lm" pair Bum, \rithnll machine” fur doing: wdrdmnt work—best w nter poker in r the co|x.:lry—in gopd grain country. Will’hc moldmhnn. 1 A FAR.“ ‘or m Ar'rea, near we erVielo turnpike. good Ilnusn, l3;lrl..unlnl! ncm-s wry [ out-buildup. I,san in high :tate of cumm- Hion. Wirl be Enid n 2 is lmrguin. *2, i A‘F \IHI 01 195 Acres, mmr flunjt‘rstuwu, {good Hausa Barn, and other out-burying.— ; Terms nrc'unmndni'xtz. '. ‘ ' g. A HOTEL in Xvw Oxford, twp-story, roomy and. convenient for business. Good chance. I Terms may. ' Al 4), :\ numhor of from] Brit-k Unmet, and Ems "m' ~|||«-, in New UxfnwL'. ' flari’crwn: 'whn wiah to buy Raul Eaxnto, as “all m thm‘v wlm wi~h In W“, are requlr-L- M! (u qiu' Ihr- aulm-rihor u. mfl, u! Ins “Lore, in New Oxford. \lld'néa’ . . , Jinn—(‘. Zl)l'@\'.Auem. Nrw (HUM, .‘.d.}!lls county, Pa. Jun. 8, 1866. 3m ; Now Firm: {r Tm: um) smw. ‘ m ‘ ‘ [v'sranmmnn N 1913'] . l mvu ncsnx i' fell u'xlh um, m llLl‘.~ilL“'SY my son. Jnhn F. )h-(‘rmry. _umh-r’mc film and style of l). .\l l‘rn-zu‘y k Sm], :Ile _l vhm’rv '0 54) to my 0H f'rmn 19 um! lht- public uz- mrlHy lhm Anon thp mm, the Humming-nu." of Smidk-s, I. 'us Cll 1““. . .t K " ‘ ‘l. . tlzflljréllq‘hliq’hlm! nnflcwy‘efi ;::;lrxfift‘a|l:§du::‘B‘nxlf «if 1"!001" 0‘ i;0|l(‘.” Hume sure”, one srpl.\rc:south oi ihe‘Cuun. \VE mu gn‘e n Ihhnf‘ll glmxuntoc ofthe Huuw. (hvtmlmrg, P 4. | ~ 'pru'i/y of this firxiclc. It is pun- rm -1 “ML f" ’33“! "'1 (iv-‘l'rffiicm‘f‘ “f i 4" yem‘fiviln ahmucd, unlluml bone, rffluccd to: (Inn/111mm! uf $131321. l':;::.::;uln tof<'"ls;tl;;;l:t;étl:\‘vr.‘ ““1111; 4:7”; wlngr mid; 100 per cl to i:s>\.\lnbe.‘ IL turlhm; mrril .md lch\ P A full :lurn nf pu‘up ‘5 ,“5 THC/f'r‘fln} 061:!" n 5 .'u‘id 41mm! .'.”; hm" 11c putl‘bn.|ge. ILU ID .\ILUiII-Iill)’. " I‘M-me its \ffizedsgvuétly' giénxer, humus} it .. . ~ . _—.-- ”1“. .. "v ‘.toulgias‘nefilhor acid (an wmer, which nm 0:1 b‘ . mm. a or sva the \runm‘ut all those who 'mnv noel vulunble- elements. Me rgcuxqmeml 'Jg’) lhs‘. In!) Him; In mu lilw. We eipocinlly m‘l'the Wbe }l"(‘d in 01‘300 lbs. Wiper Plloflllhtlt‘ nfzc‘qlinnfnf‘anmrs and mhers \gzhc .upf-rior o: dinauhcd‘ bone. ‘ - l XA'H \ H l q , ' ‘ ?'A.|3ll;Jr 63.2““! Sun! qulc [.Ln‘lhnri, . ‘ ': JOHN S‘ REESE h or" 1|..‘~ mm —93 L kinds", Wm,‘ . ‘ Ggsrnu Aqusrs‘ poi: nu. S: ”.“1 ..:n Mil-HM. Vilnnnw. all 'nuls, mm . A . PiJi'} lor Quilted” ll!‘\Vllilnlltitlfillelliggi i. 71 Four}: Slmrl, b'u'il‘lmine. rm nrn. nu<ln'_' . ‘ ‘ ' ' ' I’ill'}‘l>l' Qull'l .1 .\Il-ntfiwmlil‘illl.irs(lmther)l DEB‘Ml'Lurtly 1‘ “will,[\gulllSh'LuflX'lbbul‘g. Suit: Salldll-s, l“' " (Vlcljngh 11“.,12, ”(’s‘ 8m ‘ _g Plnin ur l-‘amm Sitddll \‘o Sonm Cdllnri _ > ' ‘ ‘ "‘.‘A CluLlls, ' men. Welt Hui‘ncs's Col- ' ’ ‘ Poudrcflo! 1 . WWI!" swamps, 3 “my ‘ . ‘(smrpnn yuan; P‘lllv'rlll -L .‘f , Ruling lilidlvs. nf nll'l’nmnt LP'ulmi "nllnrs, & PICYS‘SUN, l'llll. \lll‘3§.Plll.\.T—l'OFD kivnl:. hir or black“ smuliL-dmynnsliuhc'l‘ 1 . RETA'E, $2O "(2 Iwrlqn,bkonlrolutne nunmlmi or 11”,, - ‘l3-‘~‘t LC'uliH‘r \"JJ‘UII l'.iu\vr};llui~se, or, 3‘) mm: per l. iiilxl and .\l:\rlin_rnl~', . ‘ 7 \_\'l.ig:<,‘4, 4g and 5 SlO 0” per'nn in My. sz‘ith‘W‘vl :1: .‘.IC-Jlll- Carriage ”"F'W-l’x’, nll‘. lee: Img, ' ilmm. Mill Rutmnd uni-"m. ln l’iliidl (lpllm.—— stylessilwror bl‘ck‘Plnm-il Tmm Whigs, E .\lnnn wen-rye, lir‘y’s Ferry lllmd, :lwiu llzu nmnntcd, ‘Trntlinr‘Vhips. ‘ ' l‘AlEelg‘li. lflnl Id n. l'enor, Pry-so 5 FAN”, "le; hxnft flatness, '.mlins’ Ri ling Twigs,' ‘ Gloncwler, N. J., Woodbury rundm‘l Blind Bil-hes, i‘villll Lnnlms, . . i Uliivo—lLillrnry Rt PM, No. 4'lo, bgck of the 'GirlhE, ' ‘ .‘ 'llorsn l‘lnnlicts, iNew I’m: 011‘: w. Pldhnlvlphin. Denlvrex (:mppm, . 1 &c,, .5... ice l “mun, alumnus s.- (30., _ In )lwrt. H'L‘ryllii'ig lhnt pmlnin: 1.: :l first , “ Fourlh & Culbnli'll S::., PLli .«h-lp‘nid. cln~s Li-n‘o-rnl lmrte fumiclnng‘eshhlishnmnti Mirth 5,‘lSG:‘I. 3m « ‘ cons'antly 0.1 h:in or mnde Ivy, net? )rom .z'v -—.-"*-9 - -" ‘- t , ~-—‘-~—"~- nf ilm vmy best In iterinl. nn.] {if ”minim:l ”Ii , Izicndenhan's poriezm ll workmun in the rullnhrz. (I m; l'nv— \IPROVCb cliLl‘JU‘llNG ' y . in: ‘.xnrl‘nl in ll“: csmblislmi 'm for the. Inn 1 ‘ l -1!J A" D L!) 01’ thirty years.) _ ‘i l'l'lsscssas superior ndmntfigpf avg; al} ‘n'tl-c'r “'0 arr mm" nmnnl‘nctnring :m oxrnllrut l'rlt'iland Loom=; is more snup e ‘yil’ n'mixle; of llcuy Drmt'mnl ”arms. (‘01) ire lnr tlwsn-e'anvr'nnduxalud'dg Cnsiu‘ w “gym-Wy- gumm wlm pref“: our own to‘eitylm-ulv: work. “ reliable. nit“ %l' 1:: pniring of nll kinds done at zliort. notice l~‘.\l{\lllll§ can he in‘ll‘nl‘ufim“ ‘l and on re~l§bnnhlv uuxne.‘ Enl‘: lhumgoods Fm- lmmu “T ‘.’: , ‘.‘ All urn cordinlly invited to call and exnmlnr- lmll lmprowd lland I.4mm. H. . , for IIH‘mSOiVIS, 8;: our work cannot. full to '~ 59$)“me I‘s to 4.0 yard: _3‘ "( recommend itself. ' lit‘ m n day. _ _[l .\"i sliill is rcqnirod 1‘) ~- ’ .° Eran il,.he yr n 1 Ike sizn; l 0 turning of llllnfitfl’ crank. A , . * '- " :- M'nnnn 01: child gun olwrnh- it. Imm: 1866! . 1866! l Tina .\IENDENIIAIJ. ianovrni lwnn “ l’l) USE T.\l,l\'l\’(}."—Rui if \ou Wain “omm Jenns. Stun“, Tut-ml, plan nu] iluuf b n good and cheap Hat nf Ellll' lxiéll,Ei‘l-- plain Cloth. Lindsry 11l Lulu“. l‘nlll, lmn-n. alwuy: go in Rug 5;, “[0093. l Towuliug, ‘Binl e_\e Diaper, ‘Bixlnioml Shirl ‘ ._. _‘rj..._-. . ~..._. -.. _ ‘ ‘Goollsi, &c , Azi- , nll OIL lht‘ “"15 wnrn, V‘ 4“ Fl.P(§‘.\.\T-—lll€sl‘ lN TOWN —'l‘ll§ lnralfinne liml- drfiwing 'in UN llumczs. 1'- "l 4! J n<surllneutol Shoes now soiling at lowest . waives all Wool, Hemp, Linen 11nd [l.lg Cur prioes. by ~ BOW rt WUUDS. Inning. - "* ".~*' —-—~'. ' ‘ 9 - EACH L 001! IS WARRANTLD mbe nblo. “qHARPH‘. THAN A fill].\'Gl.E "-Th’m“ to do as rrpxcsu‘nlcd, uud cnuuol fml Lu gne L svupmor thurs—all cl bust lndm‘leel 3 cum-e summation. ' —fomme cIH-np by ROW 6; WOODS. ~| INDUCHMHN-TSTOPURCHASERS _in”,- 'Tnge“: Cur- punhnscrfif’lhe Imprqu-L'lmmu “ill in: ul ‘npesl out. luuml vll libcml cummisgion on emli Lnuni WUODS 'sold by them, mus enabling lligm n H!- n hull: ' :exlrz'uon, to rccehe bM-li the “rim: lur their Loom. . ‘ ‘ ”(zoomsflmomFindingsfllnckandWhitc Comm Yarn, Filling Yam, $O., gunsmngly on 11‘: ml. ‘i, . , ‘l . il‘or sesciiptire «tin-ulna, list. ohpriws. and samples nf-cluth wave on the Lean), addrens, will! stamp enclosed, ~ , ' A. B. GATES & 00.. 3‘13 (‘lwslnut :1, Philadelphia, I’4l. Jan. 26, um. 41' ‘ D. )IcCREARY & SON Feb. 5, 1866. u LEAR THE riage Whi; luougm it. of V IBl‘ 801—“ J guod Overs) ET ONE—We are closinzsout another-1M of. Children’i Hula at le price than the mntcr‘ial can be bought. Don“ miss u bar/gain. ' BUW & wu'ous. “ 171 T, BEETS l"—Gues'|s you come fzom ROW «5 WOODS Sn're, far the best ahd cheapest Boots come fronj there. r ”E REASON “'HY I ht; my Hosiery. Gloves. Seal-9:, ”mac, So my, Brenkfnfl Shawls, Tin-end, ”.\ndkcruhids. and all oglror notions of Row & Woods is bfcuuse they sen cheap. . ' LADIES BASKETS. Carpet. Sacks, Thir Brushes!Y and Reddipg (lomhz, for sale at. reuuced prices by v ROW & WOOD? M __‘ , , ___... __. The Far Famed - G‘ TSIVERSAL CLOTHES warmmx: L Besides the gran! swing of Labor, the saving In the wear and leurpf clothing in a single year, more than nmcu-ts to the price of this Wringel'. II is strange that any tamily should be Willingto do wnhbut it. For sale at l-‘AHNESTUUK 3808., mad at C. H. BUEII LER'S. » [Feb. 19. Bounty Tax Nblico. HE School Directors of Uxturd Vownahip T will allow an Abatement of FIVE PER CENT. on all Bounty Tux levied for 1866, pm on or before the 2m: dny: of Intel] next. 'By omen of the Board. ‘ K HENRY J. KEEN, Pres’t. P. A. Mrsna,‘Sec’_v. ' Feb. 12, 1866. td . fi‘Sentiuel copy. Mohey Wanted. HE School Directors OLdebeannd tawn- . T ghip nre prepared to iique Township Bonds 1 bearing interest nt the nto cg six per cent. per,‘ “nun. payable yearly, clear of all taxes. Any ‘ person Inning mqney, to lend’would do well by investing iq these Bong. ' _ I 4 ' , _ABEAHAS! PLANK,Prea’L. Nu-n'n. henna, fioc’y. ; Jnn. 15, 1966 L tAp' ’a'l‘l‘ ' ‘ mum Fab.“ UNDER—BIGKING :5 13111;- his Ore? Conu qtqug-bwfigures that ke all down. i , “1‘ O —Th'e"y‘ar hit: but ammonia} 11. 66. m 1 with-irrtcxma 1m re‘dudo‘ ' prices vonderfnlly. . ~ , ' g 66 If yofhie clmppéd—hanlely’l = or nughvskin, no mo OLE“, re? d 5,1». = noun. , 4 - ~ ATEST AG um. 15. p, owns a; J GAPS. sq {I Hanan-v For 5.!!! at, Manufacturer’s Depots, '.'7 North‘ifrant SUM}; Pkiladebrhm, I’d H Bavley'l "7mm 5.115010", J”. p ‘ j And by Dealers in gtfgeml Lhruugqut the .'l'he “Marni a} which HOBO PEILLH‘S‘ PHOSPIIAfiE is manufactured contain! filly per cenfl. 'more Bone Pboaphate thin.Raw-Benchthorécfuru it is more durgxhr». TIE“ ammonm pIPS(nL gjws it grcu uddniunnl {cuil'zzing mluc Five yuwra' cxporlvme‘lhas proved, to the FArth‘ Um! it. undue}; hennyicr grniu than evnu 51:1!ch manufic, and is um. onlj auive but lusting S I]! I'lnfiriciul‘ I’ll l .'rL-uulusuu r. kir'l’rzc‘e‘Sho pcr big—7:ooo wands. DH cum}. to do .lur-L , Ffi-l. 12. PM}. ‘lf ‘l_ [3 _ » ~.;___ Soluble Pat-in .fflamno. . ' - LIN. S¢ILFHLH PAL'JFH' HUANG 2‘ N) épvnl.[il,|s TI) lb}. «Mum! nmflcr.) ielding 710 25.n-3‘. (iffl'Vlh'l'll Alw 80 [u .’l'Ol'ls.:'rlr‘.’n//:m‘m l’hml-‘mfc fifllmi. 30 Hl5. 91‘ \‘xhich’nrlganiub/c I’lttnfilnflf. : I! Cumbines All'éxe udvfmugeg of flu- but brand: of Super l'hi).-ph§ne, with thgse at I’9. rnvinn Guano l:_.~ ri-nmn n" in g’nw‘fc'r rom-mhqh‘lm, we ro cmnmuml._‘(> ,wr 01.3313 1,; w Sum to I)? used per mrc, than u: {nu}- tcrulinr tumng [lu snmc 1d r ton: :xml‘ ’l‘.” nmrn- per ucrn than 0f those sellin': at ‘lO [lrr CL more in tun..— Ih net.- {l.l unun‘zny. K _ I This guargn weirh: “3‘le. p'or bilald‘lkllt‘llt‘e {infilvpbinq u fnll'Hl'W'Sn'l‘l3t be guuxntd \ly ‘rwelght midm‘ot 1.3: l.u‘x}i,fmilismlfih hgl h-r 1. than the Supt-r Phosphates. 13va on,» duly I Ink}: clczl Jon)? S; REES]? & I‘l7, Gnu“. .\nsr‘er: run Tm: Surm, 7) 3mm: Siren, fixtmmre. a pair of wyys'go lo VUODS. IS6“. ‘ Phfladclphia .-\ LLI’_.AI’EI'.S. \V ' HOWELL: ‘k BUIHKI Mnuut‘utmror: cf PAPER HANH‘M}S and \\ ISDUW EHAI’EH‘. Corner FUUBl‘d_& MARKET Streets, . PHILADELPHIA. NIB. Always in smrv, ml mgr ~mvck of ‘ , ; 1415523 6! (ML SHADES. .\lnrch 5, 1856. 3m ‘ ,A Gold. COIN and’COUPU.\ S, bought at the First Nulionul Bmk of Ucuyshurg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Oct. 30. 1865. L‘ . ‘ (‘oal and Lumber, . - F erery variety,“ the Yard of , . 3‘ vj . C. H. ‘HUEHLER, ‘ Febvfl.‘ . Our. Carliyle and ilnilmud Its. _,, - . L.‘ ~ ,~¢——-—-———.—-—***- NEW stock ,of. - 1 A GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, selectgd‘wil h especinl care and warranted good fiime keepers, just regeived and tar sale at ‘ ’ , .J.-BE\'A.\"S,' ' ‘ . Oppopilc the Bugk. Gettysburg. ‘ .1.» o 0' xx, 3. (j Now on hand ({LOGKS in great Variety, from facggfleyghw mgbguepunzinn in the country, and warranted good time-keepeu. Canon a . J. BRYAN, _. “ v ‘ Opposite the Bunk, Gelzysburg. _——V_L._— . 4.4 9 ..- ‘ —L V .__—..~_ - Agents Wanted to Sell ’ . ‘33 ”GREAT 551 mm“ QALIGRAm T 1023!. PUZZQEPflbe’diéAyesj and most wonderful Phil}: ‘6! ‘}§E"figg..~figents . can casigy'm'nk: Txopi'fil‘o to $2O .I. fay. ‘ I will give irrfbne’ ng’n $10311)! clan sell 30 thousand. Send ”gem IQrZsaxlppl'a Puzzle. 4 " j » PHIL P HILL, ' ‘2s33fq'rké'tjll;l’hnadefphin, Pu. ‘flfarjh‘ mm. 4: .‘ ‘ " RAKE’S PLANTATION amms, or one ‘ .Homesteag Tonic, '3! Dr. R. BURNER-’5 Drug Scorn: . ‘ . ‘. , ‘ - ~ (HIE Mfume mlurgo'anfl' well ae ' lewd It“? crowning, lid the rbduced prunes yoncm-Mlyii§§M, M ‘ _PIOKIN G'S. ~ ____..._ -7 W, 7,777,”, mcns REDUQEn.—Picking is «filing his Busineu 00“! It e‘xuené‘l: low rates. Cunotry ( STIWRO PHILLIPS yin: den- CIE IS6O. :,__,_ -—---‘ ’ . .. . ' \- x ' ‘ '1 Poof “use Amen-nu. 9 - Anothcr Grout Cure 1 . . . , v Man Eithlm i .. Trouurur. In umunt . . . ”J Wnlh uw Directors 01 the Your .md Huuwm' N $1“: CII\ 0F hEW .YORKP gumploymculor thrt‘uunlyo!Ad;mncmmg Imm ' ' -,_. _ J- , sh?“ 43"? 0f JMIEI‘RI'YA- UAW.“ “101“ ‘10! 0L m u lnghly rospoolnfiie clhzcn, wenhoqn t? $“"“”"“'D'Kl"°‘” DR. _ ‘3 ‘ the .\lertnulilochm'nunlly, hy. '-' ‘ To orgeron (‘mknty’l‘rmur'en 31.2108; . D I'-- J i H - S.UU B N u"\i‘ {‘ “ “ ' ‘ ’ ' 'rm; mun u .\n DOCTOR I“ mums: 'm ' !(‘nsh frnmthr‘ Mambtuul woo; 'hm . . '. ‘ ‘ "Q "9* Order on L‘uumy'l‘n-nznrw, low «I; v Olfipv N. 'l . nan ll?lll Inn-150.. ; m l 1 u a} u ‘ “U (I, '. 28 NI-snu l. N. Y. J Il . A ‘("‘: 'Quhfnr finmoiJohn Elwin-LEW” ' (en “,1“? H Vitufk LU, .’ 3“”: ‘3 "' ' ‘ than) from John MananuLurcst’ou L. " ' H ‘ I'm ‘ ”'71": oR‘ ‘ .‘llorl‘nnl'e note. . 6 m fillcvn _wura l lune Igccn lrnuhleu tub I. .‘..“ iOrJL-rupu U”“H‘-,"”““‘¥"" {vi-:3 W \cle cough, nud’uhu Illy \Wo .q- my“ am" 4 . ‘ I‘Dh‘hh-ndi on 1;“. “mum" u!‘mk,\'ork ' w‘ your niLh more or less hemqrrh'lgn, which 1.0-, .5 } 'lLl3'l‘?-ll)'~!v‘-)fg Tu'upikv‘_ 20 m gel'wr, [or flue-hm: few yrzu'A. Ins ken mt- thin sif}:lrl:,‘.',":;‘\s{‘l“"fl! {M'f‘fffl "1'10“ “ML ,“3' [lf in flesh find too funk In 0:) hm‘nuis of' n'ny l “ o“3 ““1“” ' (am; kind wizlwml :ufl'cring. _in Angus: km 1 mt- “ 5 " ‘g "rr ‘ i Lunm awry sewn: hmnurrhu:e,flfl". m‘cnrquw / § #33331"; $333329"; ' ' =: ‘.‘; mm« mor n mm: sw a. pm». In » 90,.“ m, (‘onn'ty’l‘mmnrer, , ”.'H g.) “m qkuEwl‘ns beyond Ihe mun. nhnedh-lm, llh-lunnlwlp.v Ab|7-|l=|ml\'ribc. 23-1 find who wished to be pmmrrd, so far u- 4 (Ir-harm Lougt)’ frcahtitt r, « H 33 3:} PI‘OI‘MC‘ ”Hz“; were conw-r‘ued. “1““. ““92”? £OO9OO worldrut'. =hmt mwce. ' TLe [munch-u (and (m 1|" my go'n'd Irivmls) rlliil lhntlhe lint ruldl took ‘ ”5933 must, pron: tuul, Earl» In .I-nuzry Llunk a ___.".:__ sen-tr ('n'll. nmt‘ fotlu'mtlh‘ u-n urn-upyinz $13.!“ ’.'7 rooms at .\‘n ’.’ HUXD h’l'Rl‘ZliT. «l'wnrllvntgr ' PR. ‘ _ _ \‘uurumcc. [think about .hv huh (I! January . In h‘l. duvTrnusunrnt laplwmnm‘m. :35 -‘.’4 [ mm “.‘. n] I 1.. n! \u u- h': h - qr“ . ’ “mum: mum r".~uz.purl M- ‘o' l ‘ ‘ H“ '. - ' 'nu-M ‘" I x‘ , ““1“. “in “Him ~ 3"”; 3.10 mi .mr-mmlnl-d uknu; u 'r :1... \Y) E d :yld .. l. .v;. m- n 1 hug] and hm-un. 1.2“. 77 {llium ud‘fi va mm It .=.\_\va- n. and all ma,- ' ' uni-‘.‘- unus‘hlm.“ .umu.meopnndJnngw, 1.47: v ‘l‘ lnlelumanrn ”Wm neml] Mum“; Nguyen”. Hung-um” Inhznmlmg, 3,.‘Htl ~ , > . . . ”n. 1,”, “own—k. 7.»; u: PM) my (Md. [Hm fox n.) Inl x-gr pzuuvunpfl , 39"“. mum-1 lrnu. ' ' . 17’; .1 “ml st-u- d m Imn llml 1 gm- n'mug ynuruwdir lrnb uud mmuqln. 2. 3 " plum and film-r rlmui 1': -m h hnn mu!“ \'-.,11»w:2: . ~4l] ’:1. ~ " ‘ - F ‘ ‘, ’ 3h)!“ “I;".{2‘ "Em“ ralls,&r‘ ’ 2;..‘5 [mung hum! of llmn ‘LL- .hc ”Mn-1|: "You: ,é F- und. (1”,: ' ' I ‘.'H .'.} Mn luL'e them lulu H 4. ur. \ MM IIU uu mg" Imu m - mnns‘s; » 11X 10 bfiru '9 “L‘ Mai. ‘ in. Ln ~.\ “hut“ Int-JV T )‘uMh‘uu; :u-unnuts, &c.,‘ '7" “'3 ' '. n . - “ Vluvv-rsqu —g. fag) you In t Hmmn'r. and l «I: .he ' ”1.2 now, YT Stun-Irv “puma, - ‘ - ‘ 2'41 T yuu hue-nywunmw in Alan“ p.l‘o am pin .5. f'l'n‘l‘x'l“:‘l";{;‘:”'v I . '11" fl ’uofl‘." ‘Hv: said In \nhvr-fuuuh n. n h('."l;ullJ‘ _ fl 1-{.vqw,-.n'v\‘-'mmrv, ' 13;. m . see no ln-pv fur um." um] my h 2: wk: and rclu. r 1m 11mg mm a- rvk‘u. . . {(5 (II [inns ccnrludod my time lnxrlyanw. ,At lbw fllz:.‘l.l:‘l\:xfi;ii-"r' * . ‘- 431,3), Annr- lum mkmg (reoly of}unnufuiimnmhnl v 'hrmmnrrx': Q‘llu‘ry. [A ‘ ' >m m; lmd PM. sun ym_‘l H- «‘.m mr cnllwl a Fey ‘ Balance(:l.handsnl"l‘rnnsuf-‘l'. ; ' lil 4“" limbs. and mm ‘l\w- (m u-h m hi‘ swfl‘risé. T 16": - 7: MM.) imp'n-vm; unll lur- I'Ulll‘ no! ulnlerwhmd ~ 7 )V'hy. My an‘h “.u' u-u'rusmg xn your main Nines, and] Inn! :1 \\'i la In luu L‘ 31)!) ex mgmo - m} c \sl‘. n'u! SN" \vh-rt \nu hnd In sm’ \\ hm: \uu lirq ('.nlnfihmnw‘ qum mm mmlc ”1“ fl.' ‘ I= Cash or George \V. Pililnps for horse, 1. .'. 1.7“» -1; “32th \'l"<"lnn N. \mlimrstnvhlunu . - .yuq l':- I’d! In Amuuldn 11:: In I- by mHm I" I w.) h .\w 1 \ununuJ I‘A-‘Hn!l|~'\\hl -huunl,u~.-lh.- Imu ;- nu; a-.:-n||l|l.:nn-l In.“ Ihr) an Inn. ‘ l «h mg. Imm [he 1: l (X 1) m .Yunnnry, \. D., 1"-‘:. (u lhu Lil. dny at January. A. 1).. low, ml}. 11m ~ ’Hn lll~|\t‘. ‘.l.\~w: ‘HH I.“ ’ ~ JIM. PJ'HKI 'l. J I'. PITL l‘..\ LI'BI‘, _‘lm'nn (TLP. Bu‘” ‘xtn. ml, In :ht'uu'nt “Jiq’ 0 1m Ullvvlnri u' HII' Pun 5-1“! ”V l‘» ... I 1114 ’.lm m- nlul'HHH mmyofAdumr-l--"l .' hug-A $l.: .41!va n] J madly. .\. D., 1:63, m Im. ~[II [Llj 01 S: I “(min-r, .\. TL; 15%: . , . | HR. ‘ To ml mm- m ham-J; u] b‘tv‘nm l :ILLLA, ' wlxlvmvnl, I . 5‘5" 111 (Hull my calf, 4 : 3'ol} ('uph [dunll u xlil ‘ulhdliu- Ruth. 1 .H' 1' «Hum I. H -v ..2 Mi". 51‘)” “.I\!|lll)‘.1'!’.|” ‘lekmlurp s hursn, (.m‘l iur MnnLLhNL . (leh lur Xglliuw. 1 _ my“ fimva :le L‘utlzm‘imx L ngurj (" r'x zur h.r-l, , 1m 1 xi, 1:01 I Andrus-{Polly («121leth I'L-H"\Fl-Hll':|.\‘h(u_" (u ‘.- nun r'rgusux'. r, (‘.‘sh mr hnv. ‘ . 0 HI I- r nu ’lu-nun-rvr. 15. x), um dug Sh.“ .Anl, ‘ (1!. By xvi-n! ml I'Vpflt‘firi, (‘.an mu! hnr- In “and hurvcyllng, R- mmsnuq || my 1“, liv!n."l:|n.;'l;u|‘., I"__A:l::'.":.\.s. - ‘ \H .u mm; mm 11 uit, {‘ Nah" . l,l‘xu-, . 3 \‘wll .md fish. .\hnn . .\lr. “.\nlww . (114) 'vxxus' .\«hu rrmng I‘blrnys. l-‘n-Ighl. \Vv. Hu' un-h rdgnml. Alulilun M \Ptllt‘ :url 2M jusl. mp PunLn: Acuuumaal 1 cum-'- LILII um Inn-.- 0); unme Hu- 1!. KM whim-n ( rump-m» MI.- übuvv m-munl. and do rnwmrl Hull. (Aw ls rum-H— -th ‘ \nmv- exnm'ut-lm: lhn :u-rounl o|".lumh (lulu, tlw furmvr va ml, from the. '.an dm’ 1,»! J.muury. A“ r)“ m 5, 1.. m - titth any or 31m. mm r, A. 11.. loss—mm any. uulusne. _ J \HH‘, lII’I.L. J‘H. I!"‘.’.Klil‘l. J. A '. I‘l i"L‘l..\'l‘L’i,RF‘_ .\ud turn. ‘ - . ..» ~_J_—. - ‘ ‘ . TOXA‘? JO“ .\‘S, Fwy" flluwnnl. in mrmu‘yt with Q the [Mr-w lursm nu, P-mrand ”Hus-n! limpluy mum uruu- l‘mimv ur .\ul‘nus —‘n in}: hum 1h:- I~t (Ln' nf firm!" r. :1. D., NY). In) th 313 mm ohmnu m_\,.\.uql\m: . ' Tu ur Ya'r on 1’: - lsurt-r By amoral nxpr-nsvs, . R‘ 1‘ -I n. puma-r 4. , \'. a tuhlns ou Hull, I m) , .\lx .-, -. Shntrb. liyx- Straw, (‘.rn '«-I'x---f&x ~ ‘ Bulunvfi ml: Ind: ofsrfi-“and, ESE 5| '1 m “'l‘. thr- snhunnhors’, lAudunre tn a. air :n'fm 7-71? Ju~l lln I‘nlvln- :h-cnumfi. tlum-rlny llmt \h lmvu I‘Lumnnl Hw ltvms'wblrh mum-ow m.- .nunv .u mxu', :m I rln [vpgrj that thr- mm" I~ horn-11* Nu a nun om vruvlnu lhv m-mmnl nf .lummx Juhll‘, NW M, N m .\l» “'.er, from nu» I»L day um. um r. A\. ‘c . l~ ,‘- In :m- Ix". «my utJamuur: , .\. 1.1., 1566 ‘r' ‘ nh ~,:uulusl\'v JAI‘UR ”I'LLI Jus. m “Ki-‘14., J. (.‘. PI 1' my“ RP, Anvmnra L I"\"I‘ ('l‘ I‘H'I‘TRS rfm'lining in I'm .\hxfi ‘ hJuwofAdamswunrygm‘lhr lav. ”I Juuuu.y, huh” I MAL <. , .'.‘J I Innulufi, "" f "(hiMLn ~ k uh: red Tmm‘v m pmxrwfs. l’n'nm’n‘h HF FARM FORWY’. \‘flh-Lnl, lvuafgulyi‘ 1:} “I n: U H =. ('- n R. an Ila-i “ (luv. ”mid,“ I , “I: nH'nx‘nfwldq-r, 'l:.llv~()ffl:u,\‘. ‘ llmuh 0| ('.unmgnl 4 ,3 Pounds 01‘ ['ol k. . .' "-5 >7 my»; JdHXR, Sh mm " In re ra Mlu‘vh 5. IPM}. 1t A Few More Loft. N order, to make mum Mr Sg-rmg'flouds 3mm s A: m ninpr)_\'l~;ncous .\T Cus'r Cu“ and Iduk‘dl thvm. ‘ _ "’ ‘ ‘ MES \\'\Nl'ED t'n purflmw Coats, DU 0 l‘unlf un'l Vesta, .n. NUIULIS‘S.. . . < _:_ ... . Osmvrzm, .\‘gmus 1m the be! miezy of (iuntlemr-n'u‘ Furnishing (POM: in to'wn, . Ut‘K'NUHD‘S Linea Lined I’tpt‘r ('nl'ari J ..z .\‘wmuss. _ {ARM} P‘H’ER (‘ULLARK of m-m m. rm; :m‘l sylc, at ’ .\"RJH" .‘. ‘o3‘ 1‘ mm“ Fint‘ktfizfits gm” w: ry'. . Llnnu‘in Hm chxlomrm's lint,ul his New Sun", in Ulmmberihurg street. UN'T FURGFA‘ that. KURRIS keep: nothr I).:ng hm the latest sub-s, um! in onlvr to lunnc‘room {or new styles, x.e gulls vely (Rump. ll 3XUVER BUCK GLOVES, and all kinds vul' Buck Gloves and Gnuutirta, :n ' ' .\"UIUIIS'S. L —A - ---<~—~—-- r— _, w 4 1"?- CAI‘S m'ru-zy “rig-Ly and style, at [Jam 2:, 115611.] Nomuss.~~ Picture”! Plclures! EVI .\{EMPER unving purchased Snmnal L “’emu’s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. is prepnrul 1o execute work‘iu his line equal to xruy e~mlnlnhmenl in the State. Ilt" you desire A good hLeucéifinifimd a‘ccol'ding Lo lhelntcst improvenwnu iu the -nr‘t, call It the above lung-esmblished Gallery, in We" Middle Street. Gem sburg. . [Jam 9, 1x465. , Plcunfe Frames. A GREAT VM'icly of PICTUnE FRAMES, with plain and cuntex gluhea, {or Isle at Homer's Dpxgaud Variety Store. lune 26. Psfb. - ‘ _ , )URE SILVER WAN; and '5 I ‘ . SILVfR HATED WARE u! the very best qunhty, new nusonmentilut received" Call In!) see li. _J. BEVA‘N, ‘ Oppouite thc'Bnk, Gettysburg. —————~‘rx-—*__.__ .____ .. _‘__ GOLD, SILVER. SIEBL, and owe} . SPECTACLJGS, to suit all tgu. always on but nd film! to 313 m. ‘’ ‘; , .J. EEVAX, , 'Opboaige ugq Bnnk. Gettysburg. ~~ 4-—...—+...x_ . At HORNEflSyon can genlyure 6. Mdicinu, Dye Szufl's, PM“: Mcdicmey, tc. 1 1'0" its wéxngfi to dpnryhm‘m " H's :- ace prices a ‘ 0. ‘°°‘“"z ‘7 Plom’st. ACK Bos't h‘u come and .11 who win: 5 J- good~ Over coat'would do well to call ‘n. one. M. Um. lb, '66.] PICKXNG’S. mninmmg. )nu Linn, m;- 0 ul ‘uulv vhuuul'hge. mnmy Inn u | xi.“ ruhh‘u \.~ .\}l!l~~«‘vdK mduumq, ‘ uflm Irv: I. w; h'lyul mu M :1, II: nip-mu in: dmirul Iv‘~‘. Tl.» luwwi lun" Hm! _\ml ‘ (Ill! Al‘. mull-u: ,In * slull g uuuu. \nu pu’c ms nu maxfi-mmt, Mumg, "m; ~.\m;,uun‘s ,m-ru HUI Hung. Up- l'ul m-rJ' {:lan Sr l—\\(:nd Tmm- '1 ml ‘~l.'uxL:l'u- l’flll V L-mf Mcll'd 11GC it I (Inu'nfi' “3 un uhniml, III) cnulh_ my nppr- ’ me. all lwgfn lu/xmprnw, um! I‘ with! \mlk 4; about my ‘qum u huh. \ n \i-‘xl- :1 mu 12¢: 11}; Yum-y 'l‘lltiv‘lll’v. and {w - 9. I. .' .x 1‘: ‘\ . inr.’ NIH] NIH me not to 5,5” my n: ---y y.‘ nu uu- ‘, 5:151:15 r 1.: the Ilhl-l’n} (I! Mr). 1 “wk [:0 «n‘nl uhil-v . umlvr )mn‘ trullnuniymy .nmmnlr: lrL‘L- :x.o lil\1:r.»l". and you 10111 n- m on: our.) ”.111ng “MINI m u numtium 11%|”;ngxe In L-". rcn. nhuut 1h:- u‘wm M muzh .u prminkc. lM- , l|1\\'(|l)nll which and to HM s'urinuc ul my nM/yhnm on and [rim-15,! seem much hen” I h H‘«' Moon tar sew-ml yen-'.‘nnd breathe lu-nw than I mm Wyn-Med A person couldwml mm lunumlmv h n In- ng ronlplclvly dui‘cd up. 1 Im-l \cly gmuhll In mu. nml cuusldchyuut “ducal-w! mt-diunu-t m'vnluxlbhy. _ .'"Ulllfi, truly, ‘ T. S. SUELDUY‘. < BEI '30.“) 'J "'7 l m In) ”(I ‘.'J n laEl lEEE BiZZI 11 f I 111 12 7 ~nr'. Slecm‘n vhrn Sin—.\bnugtwo 10 [fl up” l‘\\.l~ “pr. “Mu xl-\'(-|'.\' Iglhlygomu rough ' nm! :1 pain in nu hu‘ m; <e\'t'n 0| ciizhlumullln p :smd anAy \\ .Hnmt my doing ll") thing‘ tnl“ ' lm M If. TA~ILI :fibplicl m n 1"!) m ian. who ‘ ntlnndm! me for ulmm. lhroc'nwnxlm wilimnt . n'n'lmih" mo an} sorvn'v. IMSn obtained the . mhim '.I‘IVI tw'tnw'l! Mn ph} siriqn in one of ' our hwpituF. 'I: II 311 9 had the udviri‘ Img! arc-.vmcnt nl mu ol'wr pk} minim but nlllo no pull-«hr [Lxrmg xln-' Img ~‘p.ncc of 6:)qu (, ~ was newly dyad; Rm HM muea my (fistula came to sue nw un-i '.'-Hun“ my exiymlu lhn ' cpzril-worm. {w nsvcomim-dg‘d my bed lwo moullm ul um: Hum. My bl :I'Llung was ex cemiingly bhult. l gnve up savuul'times all .' hope «.1 gcun‘g better; and us u-unrdnl gL-ulug ‘. we“, that. wad cum- I) out of [be quefiionré And to think this d.” lamwn 11 and hearty!-- | I WAS mhhml by amnc of my' friends to try Dr. 1» Svhl'lu 1“; .‘iL-JILHILJ. ,1 uccurdingly bought. .4 MAIN :Llh r lquJv, untiv rcnrhvd the ninglh ; .’ than! 6mm} .1 l!l(ixh‘l clmngu in my rough ' - Tor Hm Lem r. I sum-rm] severely from p.\|_piv v uuiun of Mn: hch, nnd lwo weeks ufter‘l «'omlm-nued taking )uur-medfciue this dilficul- 4» ‘ ily tensed. ' ‘ '. . ‘ . 6 Ii; 47 “\w‘ 8 'l) :3 Ir.) IZEI 5:0 I'lo .'m m Sim no 59 'll 3 s‘o (i ‘lO \l in u I first went to Dr. Sclmnck‘s‘afl‘wa it was will. ‘l”"ku’k’ that [could gl-uip in“) his. rowp'inn mam. l “M in \w-uk Hill] s‘olswEllcd ; ' myskanVM n 3 sullow us thdngh libnd tho jnund’oo; l~ feigdull, heavy and aluupk'u. D‘r; Sclienvk. ntur «Minivrin‘g mt‘, said both my :nng- “an :Hln-uwl. and gun} me but, little . lmpv; but In; mull: mes, inubonltwu weeks. ; lotik right lmll nl mu; it srcmml to in riglit through my ulmlc symim. The l’lilmuuit tinny, Sou-“owl I‘olth and llnunlmkc l’illqp all look right mild in the riglit pligcé.“ Thu l‘illa lyruughL away grvilt qlmnliliea of Milo ‘ and 51mm; 1‘1(--.‘$_-._mp launched the matter in m) lump, whu h mmc ofi'flrry free; the Flu" \chd 'l‘uuir gnvu nl'e ml appetite; and can-ry thiug sevlnml 1:) mm» good. ' -'ln show Mum gnu-at. poivcrllne medicine. 11“ v in pun!) Lug my r 3 =lelu.unli to show how ilmi I\\tla (the. all, infil'ic all the anc- thu‘ ,lu:=l'li my i):\\(ls,.nlhllhé grcnt quumiuei 0!. 'plnivum 11nd uml‘rr -l expulnrulonlh‘l broke" 7nuL all owr in huge boils, tlmz Would continue !lI- 'LmIIL-x‘ nvul‘ mm for nlmn‘ cix “rcks, and l ‘ Hmd :11 um- l‘illl' on chn‘y in l‘ liolli. {lure 'nollli A; u." lln- kiml mm. in l Merl like nuotber ‘px-rmn nilpgzfilu‘r. _I I'm uti-ly sny‘tlml. [I 'IIYH nrn. 34d 9 Ml Kut'li hLJ-Ul fur the )t-{lrl 1!! ll do mm, mm! pinnur [imm- vou and your. Lnu-dican renough. May (loil abundantly 1 hlcs~ anll'préw rve yml, i~ thv- uim‘rsrc dl'iin- "I lam: “(10 has br-l-p .=n \‘mntlrrinlly relieved i‘nnuugli you‘r llgcncj‘; xmd if any oufil‘étflri‘l In knnw uni: ri-gau-d In lhc '.rmhfulue'ss of ”11l ; lrvpon,” L‘un \\illc.i‘|l|l)olu nuyfil’ my niunds, 1m" upnn nun .\ I: t llrrglqu Place, “(HIPT’IOMPO r l son six-em, lmnw 4L:d.mlmler, l’hllmlelphi'u, tin" Mi“ be p Tit-1'11; mlhfied with the \‘nlid ‘ll}, a; tin: use. Yoursrwnh muvh mama, l ;, .\mxn’ scgsxlm‘. : Tlu- ntmc (he, us‘ draunhtd, H pelican] " correct. I Lhuw 11, lu m.- Lune. Yum". , I . . 'l‘. a. .\ith‘i'}, I ‘ P.xslor of lllwl 3d. .\l in. Uun'uli.‘ ’ 1': Ih'J In of) 3 K 0 R N) :H 10 EE .. ”an In}; Dr. SchL-nck “VI 51; pm‘ 4-2!!”1‘13 übh’fl pxiuciiul 1,1“ ~(-. .\‘u. I" .\urth SgLn :Irwl, (‘Ul‘llf‘ of (Emmett-I', Phihulmph‘nq,‘cw‘ry Sm " day, t'rmxvfl .\. .\l. Imm 4 1' \L;;\'lb.3:lhm.l Flruul, .‘"vw Yan, “wry 11195111). from? 193 g .\u. :25 .H‘unm rr swam, lhslon, “Ms ," créry \\ Mun-lay. from {0 In :1 ' nut] «very other Fli duy at 109 I! lximcm-‘trucl, Billimme, 3111-4; All advice flu-p, but far n. th )rnugh examin tiun 01' [ha lungi mm his lluyu-umuwr, Um ch‘uge' ii three dullnrs: , Price of the Pnhnnn-ic Syrup ind Smwéed oan—j eachj! in; per h‘nmy, or $7 50 p’er tulfduzen. .\landmkg hm, 25 (int-Jerks» I‘m mic hy ull Dung-gist: .I;de Hedi}. ’ MM. 12. hUG. 1m ‘ A ' , Glolpeln‘n, 7 you; .n. mu Im. mn‘muy, -- , _ ETT YSB l'fiu, PA ~Tlm uudcrsigaeé , . G wnuid min-l respacllully inform hilly-v- » Int-rune IriL-nd‘ null l’iieJul-lw nenemily, [but be lmi pJN'hllhl'll iiml lung eunhlislwd lml “ “ell knoli-u Ilmnl‘ the "‘Uiulw inn," in Yurk - n street, thtysburg, run] mil unm- no effort In can-Ina it In a manner 11.. u “in "nut drum-x frum ii! lurmcr high repumliqu. {dis lublo mil have the‘ but the erkrl can ward—bin clmmbr'rs are within: and comfortable—sud ’ he has laid in 101: hrs huén full stock of will" ‘ and liquurs. There is large atnbliug Attachl‘d , . tollie H‘htei, which will he nut-ruled by nuan- ‘ . Live homers. It. will be his constant rndeuvurr to render the luliest szltisfnction 10 hi: gueslz, ‘ making his huuse us [mu m hrump to "arm ul‘ " pouiblc. "He— asks a share ofthe publiu'a‘ pm " tronagé, delermiued as he in to (it-servos large-b ' art of it. Remember, the “Globe inn”'ilr in.“ fiork street, but near the Diam‘ond, or Public" “V 3mm. SAMUEL mm. m - Apt-£l4, 1864 i tf ‘ . l: ‘"5 OXETHING NEG]?! -, I v S ’ 1 WM. H. BROGHXIRH ‘ n! .llcShqyalait-n, Adam: county, I‘ll. "v ~ ' Munhctgreatwodifiurent and," 0! SMOKINQ '. ~ TOBACCO, which cannot' be beat. Than-. 1 ' mild tad pleuum,-I!l [he poison“: wle Ma ing extracted, and yet she. flu-or [l'M]: "Wk: toned. 'Smokers, give than; 0 "ml, the [old 'wfi! be pjeisgd. ‘ 2. x h I~ . >Orders from A distance sollqii.u§..h x _ , .u'uu Fm‘zglsce. or , ‘ . . v, , 39.4,“, “M...“ __._,__._‘ 1 Al. HOIINERQ- Mon mm 3‘gbl‘{d 18b6, Brmhes, Combn, apt, Purina. cry, Dix-final, kt. Ragngvuinu. ‘ , Smoking 'l‘pbuccos. e• ;i1 =Ea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers