E nl ‘ ‘onns’ "AND ENDS. Kim mum, 116 and Rampant! What Im. mm .'Benj. EMAr-chohnd August Frecke, . recently convicted of she murder or nGer—l min named Foam". It. Boyd'n Hill. nan: anburg. were executed on Fridny week. Manchu mode mares-ion beférehin trini,‘ implicuing Frocks. who. “though the ten timony Ina against him. ppninlod in do-' dating his innocence to 11:01:11., calling on I Munch! on tyheoufbld 'to clear nimoff fibo' «bu-go. 1 'Dnripg the intense cold of Sunday' night week. I Mn. Lafl'erty was frozen to death, in New York, with I child in her! (man, and when foumd next. morning, the child I. endeavnring to nuckie from the; heat ("'3de mmher. : - ' I - amen. Thomas hm intorfimed the Gov. ernors of Georgia' Ind Alnbufin that, thg ul tional Hoops m to be withdrawn from thap’e States. “ ' J . filiahop Roseénns, _of (fincinqnti, WIS recently wnyh‘ld by highwpymen 39d slighfi- ly injured. A 1 ‘ ; “-The notorious Belle Boyd is enzugéd to make her awe-twee upon the Liver pool stage. 7 ‘ #4 little boy in Brobklyn. N. Y., has had to ”1811,000 for burning a school house. ’He happened to have sso,‘oooin his own right. ; ~- ”A mun in St. Louis shot. his wife ded'd while she damaging me' bed. . ‘ fiflenry Shgfidan. in New quk. com mitted suicide from gr'mf nt'lhe nbéence of his wire. .‘ ‘ flGeh. Longstrect-is now a communion merchant in New Orleans. fiSome 6f the Pennsylvania oi: oom punn which last yen'rfiin paying taxes. as sessed their stock at $lO per abate, now value the mmg‘etock'nt live cents a share. fiChgfles Lamb, when a‘}iltle boy, Walking with M- sister in a churcH-yard, Ind reading. the epitaphs,éaid to her:— "Where are all the naugfitfpeopfp buried?” fiThe negroes on thJ‘Red river are qdite insurrectionuy, andfa’nve recently :31- tempted. to murder“ their ovei'aeers. They had secreted [urge quantities of arm's and ammunition. The militia of that section are under arms. ‘ . filn strobe] officer died of starvation; In the "reels bf Mobiles _ , I 30'0” dry goods house in New York léld last year seventy milliqri‘s of dollar: worth of goods. ~ - fin is stated that Sguntor Wilgqfi’s army bill does no‘ acgord with General Grantfs viewa. ‘ ‘ . fi'l‘he mischievous winking of n bean slilul coquetle frnm {index- a swéet hood, is u very pleasant. kind of hood-winking. fiProfessor James L. Mapes, the dis tinguished agriculturist, died at. his rasi~ denfce in Newark, N. J., on the 10th inst... ngell 60 years. ’ - ,fi’A mass meeting to en‘Horse President Johnson’s admmistration in about. to be held at. St: Louis. , ‘ , ”The cattle plague continues lo in:» crease in Great Britain. : ' ”Many persons liave their beat-society lin ‘ their own hearts 15nd soflsfithe purest moinorles of earth and the weakest hopes of heaven: ; their loneliness cannot be called solitude. - . , flJ‘our men haw; been‘ arrested 'rgear Ashla‘nd, Penns'ylvania, on suspicion of be ing concerned in the murder of Mr. Dunne; ET)“: War Department. hu‘ issued another order mnstering out. thirty regi ments and qbo’ut 10,000 rpm. _ _ ‘ 1&ng; Weilzeland mefor-d‘regen'tly 3 pvendinper-to the Mexican Luberulé in Brownsville: i ad‘he Louisiana pr'éperty if)" Judge Katya-rebel agént in @in, has beefiye turned to him. ' [3311» city of Mexico is better supplied with water than any in tbé'world. It has two immense aquedncls—one seven miles long, and‘tbe tither'three—which bring the Water from the mountains to the very heart. of ‘the city. - ‘ ~ ‘ ia.A special from Columbus, Ohio, to the Cincinnati Gazette, says :. “ General Sherman has written a private letter to a prominent gentleman .newin this city. in which he takes strong grounds against any‘ interference in the )flexiéen imbroglio.” B-If Schenck beats Sherman, in‘ Ohio, it hill be the first‘battle’he his won since the rebellionpque out: - ’ ("n.A soldier was found on an Illinois rsilrgud, the othennight, v'gith his head out completely in two, and an' empty whisky bottle by his side. . EAlnbemg lbst forty thousand men in the rebellion. V - z lB..An’long the Hotteutnts, i; I widow married again, she is obliged to cut of the joint 'of a finger for every husband‘ she marries after the first; thie she presents‘to her new husband on her wedding day; be ginning at one of the little fingers. «Q - mGen. Spinner"; vignette will‘ edprn the new fifty cent currency. _ ‘ IG—A grain apecnlator in McGregor, 13., wmlpiwed suioige a few days aincq. la.“ a late public bull in‘ Viennn. an oflioer became ,entanglgq by’ the crmqline of his pupner; an: falling. broke one of much” the lady vblling om him in hér. turn, is“ on the' other lég Ind {mogul-ed it. likewise: . ' - &A m in Unity, N. -H., receqtly uprated from his wife because the used a pound of tea a week—E4s. .5 -a,lt in estimeted that every freodnhan in the South has cost. ever! white man ii; the North five thousun’d dollar's“ 4 "1 _an um 11er State of Colorado niere are 46 ue'groes in alipmd these 46, r a! portion of thgm, have petitionea 0931:3533 {hi-(mil: their méuLh-piéce. senator Sum-1 not. not. to udmii Colondo u .'Slate, by, «in. th._lhitel, some 34.231. Will not [my mic them to vote. ind will not piA’oe than 0:! I; quality with them—the whips. “he Fenian Convention having abol. mud/tho ‘ProsidjucyV and Benita. $13096- pniufion in red ed to in: primitive cou dllion. nilh U'Mioney a Head Centre. ‘Tflo first ad of the noon in the Satin ah river mien caught 6:: the 29d: of . v .. bu. ‘ , “- mlexande'r E. Stephens, writing from Ortwford‘uyiuo, Gem-gin, mm- that he finds .n. may on hi: return from imprison ment in Pow-uteri. m a worse wudition —phy|icsl)y, K orally; and poptxcally—thau b. “paused, \The genenl desire of the Is, be 3313;); lot a apeedy restoration 5 1:1.“ humony’; andahefifimself, is "kill ”(figment at. en . eexpress ,'..._n. :09. an: wisdom, momma. and mo Maul "116 the council: 1: Wall no». . ’ - ~ , Advfiextimg ‘ V'WCpi‘uans.” I.OM bunk. ant-Wm“. , TIW‘ mm AT THE . , ' OLD WAREHOUSE. . I. E. RIDDLE 8 00. would inform the publnghnt they Enve leued {he Wsrehouu 6n the come: of autumn ureég .nd the Rail roaa, In Gettylbnrg, where they will an ' on the GRAIN AND‘PBODUCE BUSINESg, in 111 In bracket; The highs-{prices mil 3]- wnpjfiz‘gaig "it. _ ,3, WHEAT, BYE, ‘ ‘ 2503 K, OATS, _ CLOVER & TIMOTIIY’SEBDS, . , .rLAXSEED, sumac, ‘ ‘.‘ HAY b STRAW; Dried Frnlfi,!nls, Soup, Hung, Shoulder! and Sid», Pouwu, with evarylhing else in flue country prodncmliha. _. _ . 0N HAND, FOR SALE. \ Colleesjngnrs, Molasses, Sirnpsflul, Spleen Salt, Gheese,,Yinegnr, Sod», Mustard, Burch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacklng, Brush“, Soups, Ic. “Al-o COAL OIL, Fill: Oil, Tar, kc,— Flsflmf :11 kinds; NAILS AND SPIKES; Smnking and Chewing Tobnccol. ' . Th'ey Ire nlwsyu able to lnpply I first rate nrficlb of FLOUR, with the dill'erent kind: of FEED. ‘ ' Also, GROUND PLASTER, will: GUANOS and ‘olher fertilize“. fi‘OOAL, by the blind, lon. or car loud. Their Cars run to Baltimore and bwk twice lived, and Ibex will be ‘lmppy to carry goods either way it moddrnm chm-gel. )lukelmen, country merclmnls, Ind olhers, will find it to their ndvautngq to patronize thin line. ' They ask a share ofche pnhlic’s customnnd will spare no alien to render satisfaction to ’nll‘, sellers or buyers. . ‘ _ - WM. E. RIDDLE ll: CO. Aug. 22, 1864. if > ‘ _ New Goblin! Cheap Gopds! HE PLACE To GET THEM , T ' IN- HANOVER!— Wc heneby in'orm “lb citizens of York and, Adams counties, that we have established, at. the aoutbqst coral-r of Centre Square and B‘uflimore‘utreec, HANOVER, lormexly occu yled by 0.3. a T I‘. Win, n_Br_anch Store, (the principal business houses being located in New York and York. PM) where we will keep M. nllxlmnu'a reg-alurfuonment of Dx-y, Domestic and l-‘nncy GOODS, also. a. well u lecled assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, COTTINETSand CORDUROYS; China, Glnsp ul‘xd Queens-ware, Ladleq’. Mjssea' fund Childrén’s SHIUES; also, a nice nnd tull assortment. of all kinds 0! CARPET, Flour and'l‘uble Oil—cloth. - . ~ We have also established in rooms adjomlng the Central Hotel, I CLOTHING STORE, where we will! keep consntntly on hend‘n qell selected nsstfi‘tment ol Ltendy-mede Clothing. of the latest styles, _nrgd a full assortment of Gentlemen’g Furnishing Goods, suchfisfists, Cups, Boots, Shoes, kcz, whi’eh we \wi se'l’l It reducndprices. ‘ . e ' -As our motto is,(and Slwnys will be, “quick sales and small.profits,” wé hope to receive 1 shire ol fie patronage of town and conn iry. Our connoetinn‘witb the huge wholesale houses in New York City and York, Ps.,wher'e are ulmfys stored an extensive stock of goods, which we sell at wholesale and retail, enables us to supply our old friends and such of our new customers is will give us a cnll, whh the very best marketable goofls. at lower rates than cnn be purchased anywhere ‘n the State. Cull and see for yourselves. , - ,- f _ ,‘JOS. LEBACH 8: BRO. , Hanover, June 26. 1865. ly Bun-mulls 2 - Bil-gains! EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ,FAHNESS‘UCK BROTHERS have just returnedjfrom Nev'v York and Phila vdelphm with-one ot the largest. stocks of new Fall nnd Winter ‘Qoods ever offered to the c'tiwhs .01 Adam! 'Qunty. They were 'p'ur- Jased belore the fie rise in' goods slid will be sold at con'resronding prices. The nnusu'nlly great demand {or goods dfevery description for the Su‘nthern market, will undoubtedly cause a fin-thei- rise in the price of goodsu We there fore ad'vise all that “ . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. 'Our stock of Ladiesl‘fireas Goods is com plete, consisting of nch Merinoes, very ‘cheap, all wool Poplin's, all wool Fluids, Dq lainea—Shepheyda’ Fluids, ,Calicoes, Ging hnms, Plaid Giselln,‘Coburgs.Cloth‘s for Lndies' Clonks, unusually low; Silks and all the latest styles of Dresa Goods. 9 CBOTHS, Canine-*3, Cassinetu, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, («2, 1- Men's Wear. FLANSELS—the lxirgest stock ever bro'ught to this market, and cheap. Also, a hmze as sortment of Cloak Trimmings, Shawls, Hoods, 'Bnlmomls, and in fact. A full and complete as sgnmeut of all kinds of Staple and ancy quds. ‘Our. stock having‘jeen purchased luw. we say again ' BUY YOUR FALL & WINTEWGOODS NOW. Having replenish-0d our stock in all its ‘de pantmuuts, we urge prepared to suppjy whatever mnjf he noted in our line of business at prices thJ:d'el¥compeLiLion. Call at the Red Front. ' 'FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. , Sept. 4, 1865. ' ‘ . Coal, Lumber, Slowed, fife. ' HARLES H; BUEHLER ' Would respectfully inform the public that he will conginue the business lately con ducted by thefirm of Shem a Buehler, at. the old stand. corner of Carlislo ahd Railroad streets. He .will be prepared to Furnish K THE. BEST QUALITY OF COAL, and ever; Variety of LUMBER, including Doors, Shuttei‘s, Sash, kc. Also“ every nriety of Cooking Stoveirgmong Which are the ' xoBLE COOK, noun coax, WELLING. TON, WAVERLY, PRINCE-ROYAL, oamuzxun coox, am. Also, PARLOR, DINING ROOM, SALOON upsaov ' S, T O V E S . Also,’ every variety of TIN. AND SHEET IRON WARE}. manufactured by the (but work men.‘ Also', HOLLOW WARE of every vurié’zy, including nhuperior Article of gnamelled work. Indeed every vuriety of Kitchen Ware will be kept donsm‘ntly on hand. , Alao,thelat-fpmed‘mNIVERSALCLOTHES WRINGELR,” for which he is the soleagenc in the_counc‘y. . A He in ulsolho ogept for Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Mschine’a—the best i use. 1 April 10, 1865, _ C. H. BUEHLER. ' , Cumberland Coal! A LARGE supply of superior ELACKSMITHIOOAL, flow on hand It reduced pljice. (This Coal is superior to all other Coal in the United States for welding Ind other blacksmith purpaaea‘. For sale by _ P. H. PYFER, City Coal find, Fyederick ‘city, Md Jung )9, 1865. Iy. xéuonn‘ ~ Confection}! A WORD TO THE PEUPLE‘OF TOWN AND , COUNTRY. _ p = HE subscriber keeps a Notion end Confec . lionary Store on Curlisle street, nearly opposite she ~Railroa‘d'SLstion, Gettysburg, where he hes consumly on hmd, CANDIES, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, the; Tobacco: end Segers of I“ kinds; Ptfokek' Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, ted 5081’! Ind Perfumeriefi slso some GROCE -3.158, Sugm, Cofi'eu, Rice, with the diflerenl. lgnds of Cnckers. Ice-cold MEAD u all .ulnes, He invnes custpm Rom town and" country, and sells et small profits. . LBW! BOUSE. £11357. 1865. 1y .- ’_s,_3'f' . resh ”1:1qu VTEW GOODS.—A. SCOTT 8 sons hni inn uceived upther an: Monument. of NEW‘GOODS, confining. in Ft“. Of-Clfllhfl, Cusimlrea, Supine“, Kemkc y June, sud T'eeda, for Gentlemen'l we“. Also; e fine assortment of . LADIES’ DBESS’GOODS. , Our stock has beefielected with greet we, and we at. prepared to all is cheap u my o‘hegembliuhmentviu the country. We ah the public to give na' I call end judge for themselves. We 3er competition, both I. w quell}; Ind price. . A. SCOTT REUNS. 85m, 1!, 1865. 4.: ' GM Till-gs Iron! the (my! WE fro halving "rice I week from the ' city I "riot, of I‘niclu tuned to flu , wants of thin community, Vii: Fresh und But ‘ FISH, films, Shoulders 3nd Sid”, Hominy, : 39"": s|“, Appiu, Pouwel, omg", Lemo’m, Ogufectiom, TObBCCOS, Segun, with non, other mick: In this line—all received In an hen order, ud sold ot the lowan profiu. Give no u all, In Bnltimon “not, nearly opponiu Fahnenoch' store. ~ 4 WANTED.—Bultcr, Eggs, Lord, Ind .11 ‘ other country produce—for which the highelt cub price will be paid. ‘ SWEET POTATOES-11m” quality, n low en living promo—4lmg)! on hand. Allo faunas, flue m 1 fresh—in the shqil on shocked. Rest-nun“ and {Amines Inpplied. 'STBICKHOUSBR & WISUTZKEY. Gettysburg, May 18', 1883. New‘aoodnx Luge Stgek : In] EBCEANT TAILORING. ‘ , JACOBS & BRO. ave just received from the cities 3. lnrge'stock olgoodl for Gentlemen’a wear, embracing I variety of ‘ » ’CLOTHS, 3 CASSIMERES, . VESTI’NGS,‘ - Oanlneta, Jenna, Iw, with mnny other good: {or spring Ind Inmmer wear. . They Ire prepnred to make up garment! (t the ohortest notice, Ind in,tha vary but man ner. The Fashions are regularly received, and clothing mnde in any deailed style. They al ways make neat fits, whilrf their sewing is slim to .be substantial. , . ‘ They ak n continuance of the public's pn tronagc, resolved by googi‘wofl: md moderate charges mean it. ‘ ‘ _ Gettysburg, April 7,186 i _ . .- 0‘” V -1‘ Monster Book Bindery. EQRGE wuxr; ° .BOOK BINDER, AND ILAIK BOOK lAIUIACTDIIR, - ~ ‘ - LANCASTEB, PA. Plain and army-mat Binding, of évery de- Icripgion, executed in the most aubstantinl and approved styles. ‘ ‘ BBPIBIXCII E. W. Brain, Esq., Farmers Bank of. Lancaster _W. L. Pexper, Esq., ancgate: County Bank Snmuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. ~ Samuel Wigner, Esq., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank. 'l‘. D. Carson, Esq., Bunli‘of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth‘y of Lancaster co; P: Geo. C. Hawthorn, 12:11., Register “ . ~ " Geo. Whitson, an., Recorder “ u April 15. 1861 Noah Walker st (10., C L 0’? HIE R s , ’ g r WASHING'gON Bmfimo, 165 AND 167 BAL-nuouf Swain, ' keep constantly on hand A large and well as ; sorted stock of 2‘" kindejof goods at modernite prices. ‘ L They sufiply orders for the- finest. to the “owes: priced articles, either rendy made or made to measure, to any prm of the country. ‘ They keep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS. embracing: every article of Gexitlem’en’a Under-venr. exist), MILITARY CLUTHS and' every vanely of Military Trim mings, as Well “sen assorted stockfiot READY MADE‘MILITARY GOODS.~ ‘ Baltimore, Feb. 22, 186 i New Warehouse. 1 BUSHELS UF GRAIN 00.000 WANTED,“ the new Grain and Pyoduce Hou‘sq in Carlisle street, Adjoin ing'Sheads & Bu’ehler’s establishment: The highest market. price will always be paid 'in cdsh for ‘ QRAIN, bf all kinds, ~ ‘ FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. Alwhya on hand and lot sale, at. the smallest profits, , ' GUANOS. l . SALT, FISH. ; ‘ , - ‘ GROCERIES, hm, Wholesale and retail. TRY. S! éWe shall do our best. to gin savisfact on in all (gases. ~ H ‘ ' H ' ‘ cCURDY ammm. Gettysb'urb, May 11, “63. 1y E New “(Inter Goods. MALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. S J . L . scH I c K would reapectfully‘say to the citizens 0! Get tysburg and vicinity, that he is 119 w receiving a: his store a Splendid Y ' STUCK. OF WINTER GOODS. L The‘ stock consists in part. of Fancy and Simple DRY GOODS, of every deacxiplion. SILKS. ‘ MOZAMBIQUE, \ ~ O‘HALLIES, ' \ DELAINES, ‘ - BOMBAZINES, ‘ ~ ALPACCAS, , LAWNS, " - ' CALICOES, of all qualities and choicest styiel. which will be sold at PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Linon and Gotta? Handkerchiefsk‘Gluves, Stockingi, &c. Also, ‘ a spleLdid assortment. of RIBBQNS, Laces and Edggxga, Umbrellas and Pnnsolp.- - My stock of W ITE, GOODS will be found full Ind comple‘e, find customers may rely upon Always getting ood good) at. the lowest possi ble prices. Gentlemen If“ find it to then- ndunbge tc call and exami‘ o my stock of - CLOTHS, ‘1 ’ ASSIMERES and . VESTINGS, pt all qnuhtie Int} choicest styles. _ ‘ > Jan. I, 1868 New Bakery! EWPORT & ZXEGLER, Hechunical Bak ers, South Washington street, ball squlre from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBUBG,Pn.—- Constantly on hand, the best 0! BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per sons wishing fresh Bregd will be served Dyer, morning. by lenvm’g their aver and residgncei a: the Bakery. EVER effort made to please Give us a call! ~ \’ [April 20, ’63. 1.! ME5—5331:1333, ENUINE mpnovsn SUPER ‘ . PHOSPHATE or LIME, ton nu Ar ' MANUFACTURER’S DEPOTS, No. 2'! S. Front Street, Philadelphia, Ind No 14 Bowly’a Whu-f, BALTI M 0 R E The subscriber begs leave to intern: Dealers and‘ Consumer: that he is now prepared to furnish NOBO PHILLIPS’ GENUINE 11l- PROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE 0? LIME, in on, quantities. ‘ , The universal entllfaclion this article has glven during the page four yeere, bu so in ereeeed the demand that I have been compelled to greatly enlnrge my upeeily for in menu fuggnr‘e, ud have been induced to eelnhlieh a brunch house in the cii‘t‘y of Beltjmore. i trust {but I will be Able to ‘ 1 all orders during the Benton. Yet my rule is fire! tmfinl carved. -Price in Philadelphia 860 per ton, 2000 lbl. in Baltimore me'price, frelgln from Phile delphie added. , Discount to Design. , ~fl'For sale by W. E. BITTLE & 60., Gat lytburg. ' ‘ .k " rIIMIO PHILLIPS, ' Sole Proprietqund Mm «ham-er. . In. 20, 1865. ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ B. P Bugle: &.00,, u , BALE!“ IN _ ~ 3 ~ CHINA, GLASS EQU§ENSWABE r uxn Wang, FINE cunnfi , \ ‘ CASTORS, 50:, No. 6 anyn Sl'rlllZinnn BALTIIO“ $l., BALTIMORE, MD. GLASSWABE; :—Tumblau. Goblets} Wines, began," Fluke, Blk. Bowel, Cindy Jars, De unten, Pm. Diehu, Fruit Bork, sun. Cu tore, Ontol- Bottles, Ker. Lumps, Ker. Chim neys, Lanterns. tee ‘ ’ QUEENSWARE :—_Pl-zes,l?l.t‘Dizhe-,mep do., Covered do., Covered Butters, Tee Pou,_ Sugars, Creams, Bowls, Pitchers, Chmbers, Begins and Pitchers, Mugs, Spjuoone, Tea Sets, Toilet Sea, 8c: : ' - ‘ ~COI. STONEWARE:—JugI,hu, Michel-l, [ilk Fun, he. [lay 1M ly‘ MISHLEB’S HERB BITTEBS {or "I: u} Rona“. Dru nd Teddy Store. ‘ Forwarding Business. A ‘QULP t EABNSBIW’S LIKE. AVIN’G purchased the Wuehoule “(1' H 9-H heretofore owned by Samuel Herb-g: t e undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run 3 LINE OF FREIGHT CARS , ' from Gettysburg toßallimore‘every week”. They * ore prepared to convey Freight either way, in , Inyqunntity. They will nttend, "desired, totho: mnking of pnrchnsu in the oily. and deliver-l ing the goods promptly ll Gettysburg. Their ' our: run to the Warehouse of STEVEN- 1 SON & SONS, 165 North Howard street, {neor‘ Frnnklin,) Baltimore, where freight wil he‘ 'reoeired at any time. They invite the nttention . of the public to their line, assuring them that' they will apne‘no effort to accommodnte nlll who may patronize them. Having purchased the building: and lot on. the Northeast corner of Railroad and North Washington streets, .Gettysburg, their Depot‘ will remain there. Any person having hugiv nose in the forwarding line are respectfully in vited to cull. ' CULP & EABNSHAW. ’Ang. 7,1865. 1 ‘ -Nol Hunlbug! _EMOVAL. - Honrzwonra‘ ALWAYS AHEAD. THIS WAY FOR BARGMNS.-—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH has just. returned from the Cl” with the largest and most complete anon ment of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, that has been brought mi“ this town since th Ivar. His stock is not. only complerejmt is GOOD and CHEAP embracing every variety of Boots and Shoes for Alan and Boys, whilst the Ladies will find everything in their line, from the finer! Guile: to the heaviest Sh‘oen Childreu’l Shoes of every description, in great variety. Also, Ln.- diesL Hats, fine quality, and Children‘s Hats, ofall styles and prices. Also, Trunl'xa, Cur pel. Bum, Vnlisea, Umhrellaa. Gloves, Stouk ingn,"l‘obacco, Cigars, null Notions of every description. _ ' ”Don? forget the place, South-east Cor. of the Diamond, Gettysburg, Pa. ‘ JOHN L. HULTZWORTB. April 10, 1865. u ' Cannon’s NIA‘RBLE WORKS‘, South-east Corner of the Diamond and’BnlLi more street, nearly oppbaile the Star oflice, ‘ UETTYSBURG, PA. Elve’ry description of work executed in the finest. style of the‘nn. April 17, 1865. tf . ELL'S PEC‘EORAL : BALSAMIC CORDIAL, on g ”EXPECTORA NT! A Remedial Agent prepared to m‘eqt the ur gent. damnnd for u prompt. and safe, Antidote for all Pulmonary Disorders. if properly used it will give instant reli'ef in almost. every in stance, and will prove an effectual cure in a majority of the following cases of REM tions of the THROAT AND LUNGS! such as Colds, Coughs, Asthmatic Tendencies, Whooping Cough, Soreness of the Breast and Bronchial Afii—eliona. B~ALT‘IMORE, When we first commenced manufacturing the Expeclorant for our home consumption it. Wus not our intention nor our desire to put it before the publlw as a. “cure-all,” nor to pub lish n long-list. of testimonials an an evidence of its curative properties, but. the demand in it being so great anddecfiiedly on the increase, has induced, and in fact compelled us to pre pare it on a much larger Scale. and also to establish agencies tlirquglioul. ‘tbis section of the country. . All we ask is that those thus afflicted may give it a fair trial, that}: may prove its many‘ udmul‘nges over other preparations ofa similar nature now being employed. The price todihrows iv. within the reach of all, being bui 25 and 40 cents n'boule. . 11E MUST INNUCFVT, PLEASANT AND T EFHCIENT REMEDY IN USE—A Ru alm'x' Prsnnc'r m heat—No C'aalpr 0:! to be Tuken.—-In this Preparation we have included such remedies only as have been tried for years and are known to possess powerful antheliuimic virtues, combined with mild nperients. plenum. aromatics and sugar. An thelmiutlcs of themselves cannot pnform their pec'ulmr functions or have the desired effect, unleés [he bawela are kept moderately open. To produce this, gentle purgnlives are neces ‘aary and such only ought to be used that. can not interfere with the anthelmimic employed. The advaubuges we claim for this Syrup are: let. Its power 0‘! DESTROYING AND EX EELLING WURMSJ 2d. Its mild ape’rient effect upon the bowels 3d. Its pleasanttaste and odor are advan tages possessed or claimed by very lew Venn ifuges. . O ‘ . 4th. Its harmless influence upon the system, consequently nO‘ injurious efl'ecis will result. from its nae‘ should the patient have no Worms, but an appnrent disease, arising from some other unknown cause, which is frequently the cue. :The cpnatitqents'of this Syrup and its oflects ire'kngwn to many Physicxnns, who are now using it in their pruglice to a large extent; Free 25 cinu a Bottle ‘ The Greategit Llnlmont In Use. ~ ELL‘S warn-1 on. !—Tl|e (Randal, chm ! all, most Renelraliny ahd moat Economxcal Lininmtt’n Uta—"A poweifn'l Oleaginua Com pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprainz, Wounds, Numbness of the ‘ stint”, Frosted feel. and Hands, Spnrin, Sad~ L is sung, Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises, Swellinga of all kind, and in fact every dil enae for ivhich an Embrocntion is applicable; i either in Man or Beast. _Price 25 cems abotp film—This preparation, which is original with us, will be found to be one of the nicest and , at the same time'one of the most reliable np plicstiona extant. ‘ Having been employed very extensively since its introduction nnd leeling satisfied at its remedial propeuiea, we recommend it witb‘ the utmost confidence, knowing that no one, will be disappointed in its use.' It is, as its name implies, a white linfineni at the consis tency of cream, containing nothing cfl‘enaive, but, on the contrary, will be found more' pleasant than othermae. ‘ J. L. SCHICK R CONDITION POWDERS! . ~FOR HORSES, CATTLE & SWINE 26 cents I. pnper, or five pgpers for Sl. . The Immense sale of them Powder; during ‘the short. beriod they have been before the gublic, is A sufficient. guarantee of their great. opnlnmy, and the decided benefits derived from their use. _ ' ’ They are confidently recommended not only as a preventive, but ad a complete cue for A" disease: incident to the HORSE, COW or HOG, ne Lou of Appetite, Coughs, Heevee, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glenders, he, to. By their author Horse’s Appetite is improv ed, ell derangement: o! the digestive org-n -corrected, softening the skin, end giving to the cont 5 ileekfnnd shining eppeunnee, and .may be used With perfect eefety It ell times, a it connine no Ingredient: which on injure n hone, whether sick. or well. They clennsei th’e breathing Ippnrntui hy ejecting from the eir cell: coagulated mutter, or th-t formetion which so severely 'clogs them,'enueing e tightneis in bren'hing, and by their peculiarnctidn on tint part, they came the mucnrmemhnne to resume its natural dimension, the: eqnelining the circulation of the blood, end restoring the distended vessel to their» ntnml eize. . For fattening cattle file, no lnnlunble, ulso pouuslng- peculiar pmper‘tiu in incl-eu ing M’qug‘tity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing than u imgtlnce and value "which should phclyha 'ithin the buds of all in tereiud. ’ £ll diseuep to which the Hog in subjecg'u Cough, Ulctrs in the Dung: and Liver, nnd as t general purifier of~Lbo blood we gamma their eficuy if once fairly mat.“ 8"Sold u Gettysburg by A. D. 'Buehlet, Apfilhtcary. and by Dnggiats and Starch»: on gonnlly. Ask for ell'sPrep-ntiom. Propuui exclusively by W. D. 8011, Apothe cary, (Gndmne of the Philsdelphin College of Pharmacy) West Washington 8%., Hagen town, Id. ‘ [Gen 16, 1865. l, Lb who wish I fun Album, to I. H. A mm 108's Confectiuneryfii Chub“:- nrg amt. ‘ \ ‘ mums" ’ n. .‘ Lw, .y' .A Ema-pg“ (ix-ea t “Remedy for Colds. Bell's “'orm Syrup. Bell‘s Alterutlve, f G I oil: e as I . 103: It, Inn n, buxom). EITYSBURG, PA.—The undersigned would no“ rupectfnlly inform his Bu meronn friend: end the public generally, that he he: porchused that long established “'.‘“ welljnown Hotel, the "Globe Inn,” in York' linet, Genyahurg, and will spare no eflon lo conductit in a manner that will not detrscl from its former high reputation: His table 'lll have the hes; the market. can afford—his chamber: ere spacious and comfortable—lnd he‘ll” laid in lor his he: s. full stock of wines nnd liqnop. There is large stabling attached 10-Lhe Hotel, Awhich will be attended by anon fife haulers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the lullen satisfaction to his guests, linking his house as near a home to them as possible. He asks a share of the pnbli‘c’s ps tronage, determined as he in to. deserve a large part of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in Yatk street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. ‘ SAXUEL WOLF. ,April 4, mm, cf , Consumptives, READ WHAT DB. SCHENCK IS DOING. R. JJI. SCHENGK— Dunn Sun—l teel it a duty I owe to you, and to all who Ire suffering under the (limit-ea known :3 Oonlumption Ind Liver Complaint, to let tuem know whet great benefits I have received from your Pulmonic Syrup and Sen weed Tonic in so short a time. By the blen xng 01 God it has cured me thus far. Dr. Schenck, I will now mike my statement to you. as follows: About eighteen months ago I was attached with a. severe cough, and it settled on my lungs; I could not retain any thlng I ate, nn‘d suffered with evening fevers and night sweats. I wait very much reduced. The whites of my eyes were very yellow; like wise my skin; my appetite all gone, and un ebleto digest what I did eat;‘ bowels ewolen, irregular and .coative. 1 was very low spirit ed, and Jim! ,s‘uéh violent spells of coughing when I laid :1 Wu at night and when I arose in the morning t 'at they would last one or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my left side. \I can not describe my wretched iufi‘ering as I would wish to.do. - Every organ in my body was diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my hed from the lust of February, 1862, to June, 1862, not able to sit up. I had the best of medical attéudance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked me very much. I at this time raised a lzrgfinnntity of thick, yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with blood, and it was generally accompanied by nausea anda fut-red and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly I would have sharp, shooting pains in my left side and heart, night sweats, ad‘d soreness all through my whole chest; had much inward fever, pain in my back and under my shoulder blades and in the small .of my back, and at limels so severe that it would throw me into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die. Otllersl had, and the best of them, but they could do noth ing for‘me, and-at that lime -I was nothing but shin and bones.’ I then was in the wes tern part of Missouri. ‘lu June last we left there for the East, andin August last we come to, New York, and lwats so reduced that I could only walk a line with my husband’s help.— ‘Alterl had beén here a short time the salt water‘breeze made me feel much better for s. time and then I had again to call a physician for aid. We'had four of the best physicians of New York on "the diseases of the lungs, and doctors‘of'ull kinds, but of no avail. They said I was past curepand that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cure me. But at this time I Was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anything. In Novem ber lnstl grew worse, find the consumption diam-hum setln and lnstéd about eight weeks. We had tried all and everything that I could grasp oflike a dying person for .my diseases consumption and liver complaint—but of n: avail. \ ' ’ ’ In Jinunry, 1863, l was brought down again on’my bed, and was notlexpected. to live the night out.. My husband stayed nt my side, and other friends, and they all give me up to die. At this time every one who saw me did not think l would ever leave my bed A livxng woman." The first night I was httncked with spasms, and was deranged most of.the time.— A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to'see me the lust of the‘ week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. in it was an account of a great cure perform— ed by Dr. Schenck. She rend it to me, and it was so much like my disease that I asked my husband to go find see him for me‘ At this, timé l had git‘enl'up all hopes of ever getting "well uguin,.aud made my peace with God, to be ready whenever he called for me. ' 0n the 27th of anunry, '1863, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, New York, and stated to him my case, with 5 re quest for htm to call and see me, which he did, and examined me with the respirometer. When hewus‘about to go I asked him ifhc could cure me 1’ His reply wns: “I cannot tell, both lungs are diseased, and the“ bronchial tubes are afl‘ectod on both sides.” And yet he seem ‘ ed to think there were lungs enough left to l efl'ect a cure it the dinrrhten could be stopped. I He said in order to do thishhe would have to .give me llnndruke fills in smell doses at first, l to 'carry off the morbid mntteé, and then, with nstringents, he hoped to check it, which hetdid, i but the constant coughing, night sweats, and ‘ dinrrhms hud prostrated me so that he was i nfmid my vital powers were too much pros } tinted ever to rally, and yet he seemed to think \ ifl could live to get en :ugh Pulmonic Syrup I through my system to chose expectorntion : there were lungs enough left for me to recover. lie wished the to try the Ptlltnonic Syrup'and . Sesweed Tonic at once, shying it would do me no harm, it it did mono good. The-first week ,fl ”pinto give me strength, so that on Sun 'd‘ny after i set up in bed nnd.ote hearty tor a sick women; but the next week I lost all hope ‘ and‘wished my husband not. to give me any more medicine. But the doctor had warned him of this, and when the medicine was cl’esr- 1 ing out the system it made them feel some «whut restless, and to persei'ere; and he insist- ! ed on my taking it 3 and now I feel the benefit‘ of it. For after eight days I began to gain my. strength, nud;with the exception oft! col-l that put me back some, I have been pining! strength at body, my cough is going av‘y,and‘ all my pains are gout; no soreness of the body, my bowels are regular, and my breath is sweet, and 1 thank God that I am now go ing about, and sew and read as well as ever I, could. i httfve taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good apdetite and rest well at night ;,my cough does not trouble me in getting up orlying down. I would here say to the mined with consump ‘tiou or liver complaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humhng. You can rely on what he says.— Delay not; it Is dangerous to trifle with these diseases. ”you would be cured, go at once; nndeny one wishing to know the facts as here in stated can call at my residence, 117 West Houston street, New York City. , ‘ MRS. MARY F. FARLOW. We, the nndeisigned, residents of<New York, In Icqnninted wjth Mn. ‘Farlow, sud know her statement to be twp. We also how that she used Dr. Schenék’u Pnlmonic Syrup and Sayeed Tonic,.uud have reason to believe um 1,0 Ibi; medicine she owes ber preservation from I premature grave. ' B. FARLOW, 117 Wean Houston at. EUGENE UNDESUILL, 676 Greenwich at. 3133. E. UNLER ILL, 676 Greenwich at. ' AUGUSTA UNDERHILL,676‘Gmnwich It. A. E. HARRIS, 117 We". Eonnon at. EMéLY GLOVER, 117 West, Houston at. J. . COLE, 33 Coluge pl. M. A. LEIGHTONL4B3 Broadway. Mn. BENJAMIN CLAPP-, 19 Amity pl. ‘ I fill well acquainted with Mrs. Bury F. Ferlow, Ind with her hulband,}lr. B. Farlow, “my having, for a. few months past, attended I‘my church, end'l am convinced thnt any _ tement which they might make may be re— lxed on u true. JOHN BOWLING, D. D., Pastor of Bed-ford St. Baptist Church, N. Y. Dr. Schenuk‘will be professionally at his principal otheefNo. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Set uldny, from 9 A. 3’. until 4 PdL; No'. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 38 ‘Summer street, Barton, Must, every Wedneldey, from 9 lo 3; and every other Fri. day at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.— All advice free, but for a thorough examina tion of the lungl with his Rupirometer, the chirge in three dollars. 5., ' Price of the Pulmonic Syrup Ind Seaweed Tonizeuch 3‘. 60 per bottle, or SM» per Eur lea. Mnndnke Pills, 25 come per'bcx. ~ For “I. by I“ Drunk“ end Deane. 9.5. 25, use. _ ln‘ m =I Home am Gama inflars. ,-~ This mama”. ‘ km. and vmbly \ M t I} known. wlll mor - 4 . uu‘my reinvigorate broken-dour: m low—uplrltcd homo, by urengthellnl ' and cleanuing the “much um lum ’ ' ‘ mini ‘ ‘.‘,‘l- -- ._ L I I sure “x".-v- ‘ k»- vemive 0! all m --ru-fv ~ gags lncldrul. lo [Ma mlnul, Inch n LIL" _. _—- YELLOW WA TEE HEA v Es, codafls. NS Iran’s“. FB~ YEM,FOUNDE' Loss OF AN THE AND V”. ENERGY,&¢. In lmpmvu ... wlnd. [neme mumflw-xir I Imooth u “my akin—«m ”dorm tht when“. Helm: hone. 'l'o mien at Con uni pmmunn u m-m.m." n W Ihe mummy nnd improve! the quality .. n! the UNIX. I! hll bwn pron-n by u:- 4 :95. ~. mnl experiment to V ~ '“w Incruhc me quan 14' ‘ 9.3:?“ my or mm and Una; : . cream ("my pet ‘ ‘ ,r‘s- \.. I cum nnd make the “1?": buuer um and \ - x”... ‘3 Meet. In manning \' fiqfi; P cattle it givelxdwm > _, § . ",3 -. an upped“, mm \J?ES "$7131”. 1 “Mr hide. {mi 1\- g - no \- make. them mm mnehlutcr. ___.._____._ In All durum 01 Swine, such M Coughl, mouth the Lungs, Liver, , '2,» .. ac“ LMA article . ””h ‘ .~ - mun-specific. -:’ w‘ ‘ By muting fi-um R “' ‘jv one- Ila [mu-r ‘ ‘ .r‘. . ' to I I})?er in a ; :? ham 057 ll the :2? 53¢... 5 2:2 obovedlauascu —;_-._.-‘.Ea '—-—- I‘fllbeenuflmwd 7"- ‘ ‘—,." ‘ or entirely pmx‘gnwd If given kn time. I ceruln "event!“ and cure (or flu: Hog Clmlcn. Price 25 Cams per Paper, 0' 5 Paper! {or .1. ' PREPARED BY: S. A. FOUTZ & BRO-g . AT mam ‘ “MESH! mm; AND lEDMXE DEPOT. 10. 116 Franklin St. Balumore, Id. For Sula by nmggl-lu and Swrekceperu through out .91: United sum-s. Fo'r Eula by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; Lnughiin i Buahfirld, Wheeling, Vu; C. C. Benet-8:00., Piusburg; Johnson, Hallofvuy & Gowden, Philndclphin. Dec. 11, 1865. 1y Geltyz-‘burg -l{ullrongl. HANGE or CONXEUFIONS.-—On arid nf ter Monday, Not‘emher 20th, 1863, Pus seuger Trains will leave tllld arrive at Gettys burg. ydiniake connections. us tullows: ‘1?“le TRAIN ~will lenve Gettysburg at 7.45 A. . ~ with pnssvnuers for York,~llurris burg, P ladelphin‘ Baltimore, and'the North nnd'West, arriving at Hanover Junction with out change oi‘cara, at [0.25 .\. .\l., connecting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Cen tral Railway, and arriving at‘ Baltimore nt 12.30 noon. ’Also connectihg with Mnil Train from Baltimore north, nrr.\ing in Harrisburg “1.20 P. M. Arrive M. (it'lljsbul‘g 1.10 P. 51., with passengers from llnr'riSuurg; York, Baltimore and Wnshiugton. ‘ SECQND TRAIN will lehre Gettysburg at 1.21), 1?. 3'., nrriving at. Hanover Junction at 3.15. and conuectiug “ith mail train Sh'th. A'mve at. [gatltitnore m. 5.150 P. )1. Arrive at Gettysburg at 6J5 P. M., wnh passengers from l‘li‘iludelpliir., Harrisburg and the North and West, and also with pnssengers iromVßnltimore nnd Washington by the fast line north, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Passengers can leave B'nltimpre in'lhe Mail Train at. 9 .L .\l., and arrive in Gem sburg at. 1.10 P. M. 0r leave Bullimow in the fast. line at 412.10 noon. and arrive in Gettysburg n‘. 6.15 If. M. But. one change of cars by the first train, either wny, viz: at Bmmvgt Junction. The fast. line on the Northern Centml will not stop 3'. any loan! sinuous, except. York, Muno kr Junclion und .’arkwu. Connections cer thin. 'll. McGURDY, Pljes't. N0v.»27, Is:;s._ '-‘“. H__ ‘ Hanover B. Railroad. HIE 'l‘_l'HLE.—Qn mnlulu-r Friday, Nov. 24th, 1865, passenger lmius on the H ‘n over Brunch Railroad will 1e we as fullows: FIRST TRAIN, (“Mun makes connection with three trains on the Northern (‘cnhul Railway at the Juucunn.) will leave Hnnovcr at 9 00 A. .\l., fiur York, Bullimore,flnrri=blrg’, and intermediate sinuous. , . ' ‘ WThls Imin zeturns to Hanover ”12 .\l and nrrives nt Grnyshm‘g ml I’. M. SECOND TRAIN lean-s llunm‘cr M 2.20 P. ht, and‘nrrives at the Junruun at 3.1.0 I’. 31., connecting With the Mail Train South, which arrives at. Bultimore at 5 i’. .\l. Pusseéugers by this Train for York lay over nt the Junction until 6:12 P. n. i g . Passengers leaning Baltimore {Dr Hanover, [thtysbarm and ”fill-slow", will tr: e tuber the Mail Train at 9A. BL. ‘or the Pals Line at 12.10 P. n. JOSEPH LEIB, .Agcm. Dec. 'lB, 12165, Reduction I Reduction! N nod utter November; lat. 1865, [he fol lowing redul-ed scale of prices win ha a opted at. the “EXCELSIUR” SKYLIGHT GALLERY, Vii: . , , Vignette Photographs, per d0zcn..........f4 00 “ ‘ “ “ l “ .n."... {2 25 u u u 5 1 75 Ines de Vis. or p‘nin, pert 3‘ 2:» “ “ “ J 1 7.": u n u .il u 1 25 u u nu} “, u l 00- mm: ow NEGLTIVES. .. u g u .‘ Canes de Vis. or plain, per dozen“ ' l‘ U i H ’.‘ Vigljettes, single copies, 40c. or 3 f0r.‘.....5;l 00 Cape: do Vis., or pluin, single copies, 35c; in 4 {oi-p.311 o( In addition to flip nhme every? picture'will be Leully tinted Without extra chlrge. A There i= a. feature in zlr‘e above to which I wish to direct SPCCLJI attention, viz: I will make four Viguelles, or three plain pictures from the first negagire. Herewfonit has bgen I rule not to make less than-31: of one and lour of the other. . ‘ - l tnke this apportunity to thank the cilizenl of Gettysburg mid the public genemlly, [or the may mun“. patronage extended to the “Ex cdsior,” since its establishment; and hope by strict attention to business, coupled with the advantage of pvcr ten years uuiuterrupted’ practice of the an, to merit a continuunce oi the lame. ISAAC G. TYSON, . Sucreqsor mane Firmpf Tvso! “305., Nov. 13, muss Gettysburg, Pat. \ Blm'lmmlthhlg. THE' undersigned would most. respectfully _ inform the public that he continues the BLACKSMH‘HING BUSINESS, . at his shop, lstely Philip Dmrsom's, adjoining 'l'rOXel's pniut shop, in East. Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will nt'ull times be pre pared to do Blscksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wugoni, k’c.. That he knots how to do all jobs ol the kind will not be questioned by those who have a knowledge of his long exp‘erieuce a: mo business. Come on with your work, and you drill be satisfied when you ukeit "my—and for which he will receive Gish 01' Country Produce. ADAM HOLTZWORTH. Mn. 20, 1565. 4“" Buggies & Carriages. . THIS MAY! THIS WAYl—Tbe under ligned ie engsged in we Carriage-making busineu, in West Middle 3mm, neer Geo. Lib- Ile’a old [gore stand, Gettysburg. and invite. 8!) who my need anything in his line-Lo give kiln e “11.. He puts up, in it}; very belt menner, Felling-top and other BU G 135, and all the difl'erent Myles of CARRIAGES.— With I. full knowledge 0; the busineu, end I deteminelion !o give' entiefnction, the public can rely upon his jobs being good. He will endeevor to deserve I lnrge statue of pl ttofinge, and hopes to receive 1:. , REPAIR! done a." the uhorteu noun. end on most 1‘ sonsble ternlxls. #0323?! to we ' * kninexc en or . p d g lull bet: e CHASJFEILBEBT. Gettynbnrg, Nov. 8, 1863. 6am” ‘ . For Sale. '.'-IWO CHOICE FARMS, in file in median neighborhood of Gen”- burg—Buildihzi And Land coed. - saunas Alison}, Gav-bug, Aug. 14, 1885. i ' , nm'snmvrnwx B. D Hon-um? Tom 1; Dr. ‘ a 0,16 Dug-Sum. c.’ f. not!” Publio Sale. ON WKDNRSDAY, the. In]! all] oil”!!- ARY, use, in pnnnwu of In Orhr Of the Orphnn'l Court or Mum county, cm I» sold on Ibo punk”, the us! um. of 0111101 Nygn, dice-ted, late of finding wwnh'p, Adam: county, P|.,viz: * A VALUABLE rAnx,conuining 1‘25 Acne. shunted in the above nlmd tovnuhlp, on the turnpike leoding from Hanover to Csrlllle, 1} mile: north-went from Hampton, end '1 mile. south-elm of York Sulphur Springl, Id’olnlng lands ofJohn Baker,Jolm Simplon,ud others. The improvements m a new ‘l‘wo~ story BRICK HOUSE, Brick Dry ' and Smoke House, a Bank Born, with a running lountain of voter in the barn yard. There is an excellent well of water near the door of the home. Alla, I Two-eiory Roughcut House, with Stone Kitchen attached, Log Bun, pump end miter between the house and born. The form in un der 9. good state of cultivation, the greltor purl being of the Round Hill foil or yeliow nu-i, under good fencing Ind hrwlng a Mr portion ol tlmuer and good meadow lend. Aleo‘. A young Apple Orchard of choice trait in' full benr‘mg. Two Pcech Orchard-which seldom miss bearing. . ‘ Persons wishing to View the property are requested to call on Adam S. Myerl, raiding near the premises. The above named property will be sold entire or ht part: to suit porch». sun. 11' it in not sold it will be offered {sprout prublic outcry on euid day. " , WE nle to commence at 1 o'clock. P: M., lon mid day, when attendance win be given - nud terms made known by l ' ADAM S. MYERS, Adm'r with Will annexed of Dmiiel liyere, doc. ‘ Jnn‘. l, 1866. {I ~ Public Sale P REM. ESTATEE In pursuance of or; order or the Urpfln's Court of Adnms' county,‘lhe subscriber will offer ut Public Sale, on the premises, It TUESDAY, the 13d day 0! JANUARY, H 336, the Real mate of Adam A. Myers. decona'gd. being A TRACT OF LAx‘jD, situate in Huntington township, Adams con y. adjoining land: of Peter Myers 0! P., Phil?) Myera, Heirs 0! Jacob Picket, deceased, and Peter 11. Smlth, con taining «H Acres nud L 52 'Perchea‘ mon- or less, on the “mower 51nd Cnrlllle turnpike, near the Hound Hill ore. Tl‘n ' improvements are n Two-story Log HUUSH,Log Unruond ngon Shed,» Well of\\'uter at the houi-e, and n Youm.y Orch'ur . The re bout 1 acrrs of Timber, and the fencrioug iI/lin good repair. The premisestwillbe shown by the Adminiurutor, residing on ndjoiningprupertr. WSale to commetire M ‘1 o'clock. l’. “l, on said duy, when attend-lingo will be giien and terms made known by i PETER MYERS of.P., Adm‘r. By khe Court—J. J. Fihk, Clerk. 323‘” not sold, the prop"; will he Rented on mid duy‘ .: ‘ [Jnni 1,1806. 15 ' i Personal ‘EProperty; i AND WOODLAND, AT PUBLIC SALE.— ‘ Un SATURDAY! the 2m] d-ly oi JANU. ‘ Alll' inst, Ich subscribkr, lus‘ingsolil his Fnrm, twill self M Public 84' e. «I. llli reeiJenee. in illighlnnd lownship. Alinms county. hall a mile scum-ens; of Eiker'u hop, the following pur sonnl properly. viz: f . 1 x 2 HORSES, 1 Colt, 9 Com, 4 head of Young ;(‘un.le, \l Brood Sonf, 1 Shores, 6 Sheep. 1 .'l‘hEeeJiorae Wagon had Bed, 2 l’longhs, l “lurrnw, Shovel Ploughs, Cop: FClkl’. Home l Rake, Winnow-ing Milt'llnl Carriages. Sleigh. 1‘ with harness and bells, Horse Genre, 2 neu‘uf Bl'eechlelllS. Dollar: 9nd Bridlep, \\'ng‘nn Sud. dle, Hun. Chains, Single and DJllllle-ll'l‘V'S, ‘ Spreaders, Rakes, Furl“, Min,- Iluy by the lan. Alson lot. of Carpvnter Tools, uni-Ii n 3 Angers, Chisels, Cruse-cut Sun, Ciii'uhr Shiv, [luring um] )lorming )lnchinqs, Braces and hits, kr. A: the smue lime mid ylucc.will be offered, , A TRACT up wuopmxn, cunlnlning 23 Acres, more or less, ailuule on the Mullen-Lawn ,rond, in from of Jraae'l’i Tupper‘a. I! will he 59h] in 1013 of from 5 in 10 neren, to suit. pur chasers. - ' ‘ [Bs"th to mmme+tce [it 10 o‘vlm-k, A. 31., on snid day, when :u enilnnee will be given iuxd lerms made known by - JOSEPH J. SMI—TII. Jacob ¥ickley, Auctioneer; , 1 e . an. , 1896. ls“ I . R . Quartprly Report . E the coaion ol‘élhe First NntinnaLßnnk O o|.Gemsburg,on '-hc morning of the flu“ 'Muuduy ofJunnury, Rims: ‘ ‘ . ~ _ lIDIJ‘I'IH‘KS.‘ Notes am] Bills disruumel, ‘ $103,996 31 Premiums and sundngs, ‘ ‘ 3,007 15 Dim from National ”Mks. 13,134 m us. Bonus,aomcru,S.sccurmcs, ”3'50" 30‘ Cash on hum], ‘ § .' 4 ,mr no LIABILITIES. 'Cnpital pnid‘ in, U. S. Cuculnlion, Deposits, Due to National Banks, 2km, I', GEORGE ARanJ'), Cashier or the‘Fir-t National Bunk ol Gpllpslmru, do solemnly swear that the above nuttml m is true to the bps: of my ku’uwlellgc‘jand bellel. GEO“ l‘} AllS(JLD,Cflshier. Sworn to and lubsc lbcd belore mu this lat day of January, 1866. I'. MYERS, J. I’. Jan. 8, mm. '3: Audlto 8 Notice. THE Auditor up hated by (he Orphnn's (hurl. of Adam county, 16 mke din lnbution of the ban ance in the hands of Leonard’Tuylor, Ad iuiglrntm of $ll9 eslule ol: Jacqb F. Knausa late of Mennllon town ship, deceased. to and among crediLOrn and parties legally entilled therein, will must all persons interested, for the pwo" of his appointment, I the oche of .d: W. McClean. Attorneys m-an. in Gellynluurg, nn SATURDAY; (h 27th day of JANUA RY, 1866, M. 10 o’clack A. M. 9 WM. McCLEAN, Auditor. ' Luxury 1. 1866. Ind 2 . x Dividend. . ' ‘ Gnhracna Nnuout BANK,‘ ' « J nnunry ‘l, law. I ' HE Directors of‘thin [Lu-k have thin day declared .n EXTRA Dividend of FIFTY PER 08812:»: the U‘fliul St‘ock, clenr‘ of all taxes, out 0! the Surp us Fund, and bnyuble to Stucwulnerain Unito’d States 7 3-lolh Treas- My Note: At pat, on pm] after TUESDAY, the 16th instant. T.‘ D. CAR-SUN, Cubicr. ‘ Jam’s, 1866. 3t f 7- Bounty il'ax Notice. ERSUNS owing Bounty Tax in‘ Frown township for 1845 and previoul past,- a - enby mauled to mke’immedinta payment;\‘ All who fail to pay h the $138? OFFEBRU ARY next, will luv live per cent. udded to \ their nmounu. By -rder ofthe Bond, “\ . JACO' DEAEDORFF, Soc’r. Jun. 8. 1866. at ‘ . EMI ACOE MORTU ’ F’s .ESTATE.-—Let¢en . testament-r, a the estate 0! Jacob ortotf, lsu‘o! Hun‘flng'on‘rownlhlp, Adllll county, deceued, Having been~ granted to the undersigned, raiding in Tyrone town. i ship, be hereby givu notice 10 In pmons in d’ebud m uid cum to mike inmodinu la,. mom, and than having chin" adult tho use ‘ to present them properly "theistic-Ital {at u! dement. GEORGE w. HARMAN, use”, Dec. unless. a M fh; fin} Ongu. Lemon, Buim'm, Figlk I or D'pm. go to I. H. HINNIGE'B Cantu i 0 nary, in Chambcuburg meet. IF ybu? with Toy W 350", Buggies, Cans, Whm’lburouu and Drum, a»; to I. E. )IJNNIGH‘B Councilmen, in C nboubnrg attest. ‘ - «. ‘ had no thuflne inertia!“ of Top In! Flue, Articles, I! E. H. KHDHOEPS Comedians", in Gbsmb¢nblrg mat. IF you wilh snfce ulortment affine Cindy. go to E. H. MINNIGH'S Confectionery, in Chmbonburz sugeg. - - ..-.._—~-—-~—e-—~-—-e—-—-———o"*"“‘ I you will! freak Almond), Pull 1"“, I Englhh Wan”. ‘Yflbem,’ Gdaohnntf. umud-uu..h., un, B. Mlfllfififl Commonly, hi cannaburxmwefi‘g k} ’ - . . " _ . . . - I v $344,321 as $lOO,OOO 00 82mm; nu 1138.24.39? 13,26! .7’;' 3334,53 153
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