.angfllflmu ~ ‘ macaw-mm n 1111wa aver Monday :mornmk.‘ by HENRY J- EMBLEM Q 2 00 per an m X! Md‘ unvuy xx waxes-02 50w an )mfnu not pgid 1p mh'anqe. ”No W“ a”, conflnumfiunlm at the option or the publisher. until ntmrrmrgm are mid. ~ nnvnmxsmmx'm inserted at chom'ml mes. am; PRINTING emu klnds 010110 with nuances .aud'tllspamhg up ' OFFICE m‘: South \Bnltlmnre street. between junk: and than, near the Font omcc-J‘Corppl léyPrtlgtmg che" on “Whig“. . '_ Piofeésiflciida Dr. J. A. Armstrong; -~ AYYNG ‘rémoved from New! Salem, YOrk Htcouity,{?l having located at Middl - lowu, Adam: nnt'y, olfers his profeuion services it) the pubh’c. [July 31,"65. 61:11 . Dr. 1;. 8. Peter, } BBOTTSTOWN, Adams county, contlnnh ‘ mg nrncucgot hippmfcuiaan 4mm rnnrhca, and would respectfully invite 2m persona amictrdimth any old. standing d1;- exmu to call and consult him. Oct. 3, 1864. If , ‘ Doctor'C. W. Benson. ‘ FFICE m. the Rniirond Hon-12. (frontroom, O formerly occupied by Dr. Kinzcr,) ~ ‘ LITTLESTQWN, PA. . June 19. [865. If = ‘ ‘ ‘ Dr. J . W. C. O‘Neal’s WHO}? and DWI-Hing, N, E. corner of Bnl-' 0 [Emma and High slree‘!s,ncur Presbyuzrhn (Hung-h, Gettysburg, PA. ’ .w.a0,1363. tr - , , . . a J. C. Neely,.‘ *Tmnmv AT LA—\V.—l':\rticulnr men- A tiul} pull to cullqction’ of Pensions, ounty, and Back-pay. Office in the S. E. burnt-r 0f the Didmond. Gettysburg, April 6, 1863 ;, tf A Law Partnership. ‘N? A. DUNCAN 8: J. H. WHITE, . , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ‘ \\ xH prompfiy attend to all lvgni business entrusted to them, invludin; the nroenring of l’rnsjona, Hountyfiihlck Pay, and (”Lather claims ngnin'st. the Unitud'smtes and Slate Governments. ( 7 Hrflice in North West Cornet of Diamond, (‘.'-nysbnrg, Penn’n. . Apr 113,1805. _ tl - - Edward B. Buehler, ‘- TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and A pr‘omplly nttf‘nd to All business entrusted to lulu. He speaks tlle.Germnn lnnznnge.—- (Jilin at the same pllxce, in South Bnllimore unmet; nesir Forney’s'drug store, npd nearly opposite Dunner 6; Zieglcr'a store. _ G:~ztyabprg,llurch 20. ‘ " I‘. MaConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (olfice one door west [A of Uuehlcr's drug and book stornxChnm-l‘ ’ enflmjg sin-ch) Ara-mum? up Soucx'ron FOB Puss“ no Puxsmxs. [Bounty Lund Wur rnmu, Back-my suspended Uluims, nml' all otbrr claim: nzwinst the Govbrnment at Wash in-rou. D. 0.; :IlmAmericnnCrh‘iins in Enhlanfl. Land Mcrnmz}: located and 513111.02- boughtmnfl highest prices given. Agent engnged in 10- ~outing warrants in lowa, lllinnis and other [western-Stun“ “Q‘Apply to him personally or by lettm‘. " ‘ thryshurg, Nov. 21,13. - ‘ J. Lawrence Hill; M. 1)., AS his office one $513.“ 95777 II dual-“mt ufthe“ “‘l‘... W Lullmruu church in hm C’mn'pcra‘urg street. nnd oppoute Piekingls sure, wh w thus? wi~hing to have any Dental Upcm‘ir‘n pc'ful'med nu- rclrfirtt'nfly invitedtc ‘ ul, lurkilimcas: Drs. Hurnm', Rev. C. P. Kr uh. I). I) , [lOO. H. L. Hrumner, D. 0., Rev. Piers“. J.luv)lnq, JrofJl. L. St'uner. . betryshurg Alml 11,'53. 4 , Removais. VHF) 1'11" lonsignedflieing the authorized person '1 to make- rcnwm'ls inn) Ext-r Llréon Ccme-g to: v. how-s that such as unmemplute [he rerfin‘ulf of mu rcmuius of deccnsm rohujw; or trim-ls “ in Mail themselves at this‘season u! zlmyenr (up 11.n'eitduue. Removnls mile \\ Ma promptucaa; elexmilow, and no etfarf >l-aredm plu-n_'=c. 1 PEI‘ICR TH‘UIEN,‘ l] Keeper of the Cemglery. ; March 12, '6O -Harlware and Groceries. Y ‘Uli Jubsrriburs hiu‘e just ‘relur’nc‘l from 1 the cities with an imam-nae atnpplfgf HARDWARE & GRUCERIES, which they ux‘e uni-rung at [Law old nmnd in) Bylumnre Bth at, m. prices to suit. the times. Ou ' stock c9u=iszs in pun 0L ‘ > ‘ #CILDING MATERIALS, ~ ‘ C.\RI’EN'I‘I~ZI{'-S TOOLS, ' ‘ BLACKSAHTH'S. TOOT R, . ‘ ‘ COACH FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS. _ , CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS. HUUSI‘IR‘J'YFPHR'S FIXTURES, .4 *.\LL KINDS OF IRON, (to. ‘GROFERIES OF ALL KINDS, ans, I’AINTa. .n., «c» There Is 119 Which Included in the several departments mentioned fiIVUVC but what 'can be had at this Store.— Eyery class ol‘ Mechanics can be accommodated here will! tnolihnd fluidingsmnd Homekeepérs (mi find evexy nrlll‘le in their line.. Give us a .cnll, M we hre prep-wed to sell as low for cash as any huuse out of the city. JOEL'B. DANNER, -, - D‘AVID ZIEGLER. ’ Gettysburg, SI If 16, 1864. ‘ . The Great Discqvery F TUE AGE—lnflammatory and Chronic O Rheumatism can be cured by using H: L. MILLER‘S ÜBLEBRATED RHEUMATIC Mix- TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec cumsY has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, introduced to the public. Price’ 50 cents per bottle‘. For sale by all druggists and storeke‘epets. Prepared only by H. L. )I'ILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county. Pg dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, pils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essenqcs and Tinctures, Window filass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, t‘ci, he. ' 38'A. D. Buehier is the Agent in Gettys 'lurg» for ” H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic illnure." « ‘ [June 3, 1861. cf Still at Work. .HE undersigned continues the ‘ - T ‘CAIIIiIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, 'an Ml its brnnohes, st hia\old stand, in East lidxlle street, Gettysburg: \ ’ NEW WORK made :6 orderbgnd . ° ° 1:. E AIRI N G i Aon'e promptly an'd at lowest price - Two first-mic SPRING WAGO and a ELEIGH for sale. JACOB TR EL. ‘ “Dec. 7, mpg. T . Bale Crying; ‘ ' ‘ _ W. FLEMMFNG continues the bushes A. of S’ALE CBYING; and solicit: the con tinued patronag6 of the public. It is his con stant. endeavor to give satisfaction. Cha‘rges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. ' ' , P. S.—-He is slicensed Auctioneer, under the ‘.’l‘ai Law of the Unitéd Slates. , Nov. '24. 1862.. flaw §.\_fi < ‘.‘, Wa‘hted. . ,1!!! in Adauns c l‘nvflor which! will { "q’xchnnge c oiée western Lands, M 5 rm )‘xcé. I GEO. ARNOLD. Aug. 7, [865. i ‘ Do You Wish pteservg a GOOD likeness of yourself, your. childron, or you: iriends'b go at pncoto )lUMPER'S‘GALLERY, the best. place ’1: the cougty to secure that class pictures. - A Few 7-30’3 TILL on hand And for sale 9!. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG. GEO. ARNOLD, caihicl, g out. 9. 1305. .6: ' taggc'rme ATTENTlON.—'—Tbeaqperior ‘ glues ”ken It ‘XUM‘PER'S SKY ? A!” GALEEBEM Waist macaw atgdge ’ " ngfin , qu 13pm; up; 901! a . ngohn‘c‘rgwm IppeHl?! to 11y avg: ungainly: Sis pug? aggd. ‘Vm-“fi o}- ”W": 1'35.» ..‘ln. .'.' .fl :_: -., ““"‘ "““'~'*" "WW“ "w . . *‘ V ‘ , . ‘ ‘ ' \‘ u t Y '.‘" _ , ' “I ‘l, ' - V . . , , ~ ’ ? ‘ 7 5/6/13? ~K/ u? wfifirrfi’ fir? @4534» 1; 0 m n. J. B‘!an 48th..¥ea.i‘. Adams County , UTUALJ [FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY .‘ Ixcokpoug‘un} Mum 18,1851. Orricsas Presidgnl—Gcorge fiwope. . Vice President—Samuel R. Russell. . Secretary—lD. A. Buehler, Treasurer—ELL}. Fahnestock. . Executive Committee—Robert )IcCurdy, An drew Heuntzei’man, Jugob King. - t _ M4nuzns.-—George Swope. D. A. Bm-hler, I}. McUurdy, M. liichvlherger, H. R.'*l’.usscll,‘ E. G. y‘nhncntuck, A. D. But Net, R. G. McCrenry. Gettysburg; Jacob KIIIR, Slrnbun lOWuahip; A. Heimzchnnn, Fnuikiin; Wm. D. llnnes, New ‘Oxford; Wm. IL Wiiso‘n, Bendersville; H. A. Picking, Strubnn township; John Wul ford, Lnumore township; John Picking, East. Berlin; Abel 'l‘. Wrigm, Bendersvillz; Abdicl F. GIIJ, New Oxford; Jus. H. Mnrshnil, Ham iltonhnn township; John Cunningham, Frec dom township; John Homer, Mountjny town ship; \Vmfilloss White, Liberty township. ner’i‘his Company is hmimi in its opera: lions m thv county of-.\dums. 11. has been in operation for gore than 15 yenrs, and in that' period has mu .but one as'sessmcnt, having paid losses by fire. during that. period amount.- ing to sl3,‘Jdß—sG;769 of which have been pni‘ri during the his}: uvo'yeags. Any person desiring an immune can apply to any of the above numed Managers for further information. WT)“: Executive Comminec meets at, the office of the Compnn), on Ule‘las: \Vcdnel any in every month, at. 2 o'glock, P. M. 1 ~ Oct. 16,.1865. n - ~ Great Attraction T PRINKERHUFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FUICXISIIIN'G STORE, in the North East Corner of tits- Diamond. The, auhsvriber is causing in mciptni'fresh goods from the Eastern cigius. His stuck of ’ RE \DY~MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the (‘htmposl establishment of the kind in “I? country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VES'I‘S. nmde up in the most fashionable ntylos. nnd of this bl-ss materials, of all sires “‘.‘"! phi-es, for men and boys-‘7- (ienllemen's iumishin: goodsot’every descrip tion; Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Rhuts, Merino, Wool‘and Coyon Drawers, Hosieiivoi'levery description Buclhskln. “Mine and Cotton (mm, Hund ktrl hi i:, Neck-Tick, Crnvnls, Linen and Pnp’u Collars, Hats, _C‘\[N,- Boom and Shoes. Cm brellas, Trunks. anu'Ps, Carnot Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes. Hnir mnl‘l‘oolh Brushes, Shoetfilnching, Packet. and Dressing Cog-ribs, Ivory Combs, Wutches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins nnfi Violin Strings, Soups and Pcrl'umeries, Siniionei‘y of nillxinds, l’ockét Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tomc ‘co, Pipes, an extra quality oi'Si-gmrs. in incl, his stock embraces owryJling’ usually font“! in n first class furnishing More. I imitc the aneuiinn «7qu to come and see For them t‘IVL‘S, n 4 l «in dcleuhinud ‘tu sell goods lower than any obiwvcsl ihlishmPnl in the muntr)‘; Dou’ form-I. the ‘place. Corner oi York siren: nn thr- Dinnmnd.‘ JAEUB IJi‘ull‘iKEßUUFl",~ Jug—4, 1804. ‘ . l Established 1850. 1 TQ’I‘ICE '0? REW‘W’AL. / i h LAWRENCE D.’ DXETZ & CO., rosprrtfnlly Mg leave to notify their friends, cusmmers and the public genemily, that they have removéd from h0._151 Frnnklm street, to' the cominodiols fuzxr-§h)r3’ Wnr’uhonse, NO. 308 IiAIfl‘UWRE STREET, ‘ belwoen Human! and Liberty, where they wt]? for the future conduct. tLe Wholesale BusL mess. snlely 4n ? HosieryJTx-imminks, ' : ' Fuxnishiug Goods. ! - Perfumery, Notions, ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ' Stationery, Cutlery, ‘ - . Toys, BIL, kci] I'o which they invite the attention of city nu country purchasers, feeling continent of {bail}; übility to ofi'grginducemeuts in priCes an qunlu’lyofGofidn. ' - ‘ Orders by mnil will receive prompt atten tion. Address’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' LAWRENCE D., DIP/I‘7. k' 00.. ‘ 5’ 308 Baltimope streef, Baltimore. March 14,1864. : t, ‘ Fresh Arrival. AIS, CAPS, BOOTS A; SHOES. *‘ ' COBEAN & CO. hum-just received and opened another splendid assortment. of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES; for Summer wear, which they are selling at very low prices‘ considering the miles: The latest. stfles of Summer Hats and Cups, ofrerery descnption and price. Bbots and Shoes, ofasupe'riqr‘make, and?“ warmmed to 61, alwa; s on Lend. Work maide \0 order and repairing done on shortne- Lice, by expevlenced workmen. Al3O, . HARNESS MAKING, . ‘ carried on in all its branches. Persons want ing Em; thing in this line would do well weal]. [(E‘Dou’t torgex the pld stand. in Chambers burg aII'GEt, ifyou want. Bfirgnins. # CQBEAN J; CRAWFORD: J““°.BLSSQ§L_ __,.___'_ J ohn;W. Tipton, ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-gnu cor .ner of the‘Diamond, (non door to M:- Clellan’s Hotel.) Gettysburg, Pa. where 2 can at all times bé found ready to ntteml to all business in his line. He‘ has also excellent m siatauce— and will ensure satisfaction. Giyg him a ‘chll. ‘ , Dec. 3, 48,60. . Estey’s Cottage organs. 1 ‘ RE not only unexcelled, but. they an: ab solutely unequalled, by any other Re¢d lnsu ment in the country. Designed express;- ly tor Churches and Schools, they are round to be equully well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For snle°only by _ 4 . ' E. M. BRUCE, ‘ ‘ No. 18-North Seventh 8%., Philadelphia. muse, .BRADBUMQS mums, and a complete assortment of e PERFECT ME- Lounov. Oct. 2. ms. 1y: Howard Association,’ HILADELPHIA, PA.~—Diseases. of the 1]) Urinary a‘nd Sexual Systems—new-and. re iable treatnent. Also the BRIDAL CHAR, BER, an Essay (if Warning and Instruction, sent in éealed envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress Dr. J.,SKILLIN EDUGHTOX, Howtrd Association,—No. 2, Soush Nimh Street, Pun... de’m, 9.. ' [W ‘ Western Lands. ~ » j HE subscriber hafi’so’me valuable Wm. —~‘ERN LANDS, which he wiflv tndé fornhd army; FARMS in this county. The lung are well located, and very desirabh (or 191:?- ing. 'Early opplfbatlon (lbsired‘) - ' ” JACOB BRINKERHOFF‘.‘ Gettysbntg, spm" (1865.. "If ‘ : .. . an‘fiéfi’s (11353??ng (oi pup Homer’s Drug ahd 'M lag-13% E 29,; 651 _ A DEM©©RATH© AIME ’FAWLWJNAL Jury List for January. Own Jun: GotlysburgTH: J. Stable, (Foreman,) Henn- oimch. '~ ’ , . Highjand-E-Joscph If. Kerr. . ‘ Germnny lJohn G Byers, John Diehl. Bu Her—lsrael Bri ‘ker, Edward Staley, Jacob ' Rufieneperger. Raiding—Lewis ro'nister, Michael Alwine, John L. Tanghin‘ "ugh. . Lntimore—Jncob H 3) berger, Cyrus Albert. Tyrone—Philip Cooley.‘ ,_ a : Hamilton—John Myer-. 3. Jacob Wehltr. Moumfilensanu—Jacob E. Miller. Unmnvflenry Fellv, Sr. lienallcnq—flenry Reamer, Hiram Grieat. Oxford—Henry JFKuhu. - Huntington—Peter Frey: Berwick—Cyrns Wolf, Jacob Hull. ‘ ~ - Gnmy'b Jcpv. ' , ' Oxfirrd—Jumea Robinson,Jr. ' Union—Amos Busehore, Abraham Rife. ‘ Reading—Cornelius Myers, Andrey ’ Haut‘z, \\'m. C. Beck. ‘ I Cumberlnn'd—Wm. Ross! Win. E. Myers, Geo. Weikert. ‘ Mountpleasnnt-DxnjelKohlerflincentO’Bold, Alexander Little. . ‘ ‘ Gettysburg—John 'W. Timon, Joseph Wible, John Wills-l Edwnrfflfenchgyy/ o ‘ Stmban—Jncob L. Gmss’, Wm. L. Thomas. ‘ Huntington—Adam Wei‘gle, Emanuel Al‘enggs, Isaac Myers. _ —‘ ‘ _ Menallen-Solomén Hartman, John B. Hoh- man. ' . ‘ 1 Conowngo—Amhmse Eline. ‘ Butler—Solomon ()ruer, Noah L'iiler. ' ‘ Germany—Wm. [mum-n, Jesse lckcs. ‘ Liberty—Frederick Mtzlntire. i Freedom—3oslllll“ Brown, Sr. 1 Highland—lsaac Hercler.‘ ‘ Hamilton fil’elernufl'beints, Samuel \liHer. ‘ Hammnnbam—Robort Watson, Wm. T. Reed Lalixnnre+Allrallu ergler‘ ‘ Dec. 18,1865, \ Tax Ap‘peals. % ' Y 11E Gommhsiumrs of Adams county her“:- ‘ f by give nutice shut they have fixed upbn tue folloMng limes for lee holding oprpefls Not the sevoml Boroughs and TOWuahipsyot‘ lLAdnms counlymt the othce ol the County Goin yxmssioners, In Gettysburg, When and whére "they will ncte-nd' to hear ‘Appenls, between I,ser hours of 9 o’clock, A3ll. and 3 o'clock, P. 11., 1 of each day, as follows : ‘ i I The AppcMs for Gettysburg, Cumhofla d,‘ .Germmn), Littleslown, Oxford, Huntingtgn, rLmimorc. and Haminonbnn, on TUESDAY,‘ the 16L!) day ("JANUARY next; - n For Franklin, Strubuu, Menulleu, E'ltlerh Mountheas-am. Moumjoy, Highland. and Con— ow‘gn, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th‘ day of JANUARY mm,- . ~ - g 9 For lit-:uixng, Hnmilvon, Liberty, Tyrone,l iUnioumFrcL-dom, Dex-wick hon, Mll Bemick :tp., on THURspAv,me lam day of JANE—I ‘ ARY next. . g ‘ \ ‘By order oftbe Cnmmhwiomrs, 4 J. M. WALTER, Clix-1+ Dec. 18,1865. t-l . ; ‘ 'Proclamgmon. WHEREAS the Hon. Ross” J. $1515.11, Presid‘ nt of the several Com-ts of Com mun Plené in the Uonntiu: compodng the lDth Dismct, End‘JuSlch‘ of the Courts of Oyer rlnd Tvrminer and General Juil-Deligery, for the trial o'f-nll genital and o’her ntf‘mders in he said di‘strict, and DAM!) 21mm!!! and Is.“ E. eruun. an§., Judges of the (glans qu m mon Prens, nzd Jusnves of the (nu-ts of O‘ver and Terminer and Gsmrnl Jail Dvlivr-rf, {for the trirxl cf all capital and other oll'cuu’crs in the County of Adams—have‘issned their phe cept, beuring dfte the 23.1 duythovr-mherj, in the year at our Lon) one thousund eight 1: n dred and sixty-five, and to me directedffor holding a Cuurt ol Common Pleas. nud Genfgul Quarter Sessions of (he Pcncv, and Central Jail Dclivery’ and Court of ()yer and Tarminer, at Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the lath 413% of JANUARY instnnt— ‘ . _NOTICE l§ HEREBY‘ GIVEX to all hho Justices of the Pence. the-‘Cbroncr and Con ta bles within the said County at Adn'ma, limit they be then find there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Rgootds, Inquisithns, Entru inntions, and other Remembrances, to dot 'O3? things which to theiroflices and in that be alt" nppeltniu to be done, and glso, they who 'iil prosecute against the prisoners than M or then shallp'e in the Jail otlthe laid Count ‘ of Adams.- nre toJ be then and there to proscclute against than; as shall be just. ‘ , ‘ ADAM REBERT, Sherifl. Sheriff's office, Gettysburg, Jan. I, ’66. Begi‘stefls Notica NOTICE is hereby given to all Lemtee's and ‘ other persons concerned. that. M Ad-. ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphen‘a Cour! of Adams county, for confirmation and allowance, i on MONDAY. the Ifgth day 01 JANUARY. 1866, M 10 o'clock, A. EL, viz: . 248. The first. account. of Andrew Blip finger and J obn/ Bittinger, Executors‘of J aoob Bittiuger. deceased. ' ‘ 249. First and finhl account of Daniel S. . Diehl. Administrator of Samuel Sadler. dec. 250. The eccouni of Benjamin Malaun, Administrator of the estate GFJ. C. Albert. settled by Samuel B. Miller, one of the Ex. ecuiors of Benjamin Malena. deceased. 251‘. ’The first. and final account of Daniel Longenecker, Administrator of the estate of Susan Keefer, late of Mt. Carroll, Illinois. and formerly of Adam; county, deceased. ". 252. The first. and final account of Hon. Moses McClean, Administrator of the estate of Geo. Codori. deceased, embracing elm an accouns of sales of‘real estate made by him aesttorney in fact for the heirs. 253. The iii-“pt and final account of John McCleary. Administrator wiih the will an nexed qt MuthaLec-per, late of Liberty tp. . SAMUEL LILLY, Regisler. - Begister’s Ofice, Gettysburg, ‘ December 18; 1865. td' } ~ Election. IRST NATIONAL ‘BANK OF GETT’YS— F EVER—Notice is hereby given wthe ‘tockholders of the First anionul Bank of Gettysburg, that an election for Seven Di‘rec tors. to sure one year, will be held at. the. Banking House of said Institution, on TUES~ DAY, we 9m day of JAEUABY, 1866, at x o'clock, P. M. , , 2630. ARNOLD, Cuhier. Dec: 18, 1885. 3: , z 1 Bank Election. . ‘ ,: GIT-Insane NATION“. Bum, ~ . , Dec. 9, 1865. ‘- }' AN Election for Director: of thin Bankfln serve for the_ensniag year. will be held M the Banking House, on'TUESDAY, JANU- AaY 9th,lB66;u§:ln'clock, P. I: ' ‘ Tu - . 4P. D_. CARSON, Cubist. Dec. 18, $6.5. 3t _ ‘ - Plcture Frame; GREAT €gfiety OLRIGTURE FRAMES, with nlnigjnd convex glasses, forjaa‘lo ts nmer‘s Drug 3nd Variety Store. 1 A A , 'June 26.1855. 1' . l . ‘ LL who} via 5 fine gubug, go ‘9 s. H, éfimxxaflfiwmm iaflhlflhflr mu. . .... .-_.~ 2' . . ‘.-..‘:~ Rh: “Tl-cal; b.3l9h’y, and m Prawn.” GE'I‘TYSBURG, PA, MONDA‘Y, JAN. 15, 1866. ggxiczfl‘tm'al g; énmrsztit. -- k..__; .L. u In 1%, Harder) (irevley ofl'ered'prlm or £lOO ozthnr thv In“! apple. pour and gum run-.gcmu'nl cultum,rl-frrringtm-decislaqsmumflorllcultuml Department, 01' the Amerivan léhulnte. The mane-r was plat-ed In the hands of pm-h'expcri on'wl fwnhulngistfl as Charles Dawning, 'C. M. llhvvy, Dr. LA. Wnnlcr, nml othrn, m n. commit lmu Believing the nine dfiuwed for compeuunn too short, they did not. make 411 award In 1864: 'lqu only on apphs and pear in 1863, leaving the grape sun open to cmnpeminn, became nu mates: lmd fully pnmd it» If am meeting the require ments that had been fixed upon, L 0n the Ith ofi'mwmlwr, the mmnfii'gtgq Imm 11 long culmfltatlon, decided to award the plemlum {or the best. “pl-Io fur gem-n 1 cultivation 0:; tin- IL\I.DI\‘X.\',IUM for the lust pmr fur genenil cum vuurm w the BARTLETT. , At 1m Ir lam! meeting. the mmmlttee fixed upon hm vurh-tlés mvh, uf’mnfimvrhfull and Wimvr apple“: and noun, m rccmnmt ud’f‘or gmncrulculu vntiou—ns mllmm: fil'PL¥S.~.‘lmn mar: Pfin'mto and Red Astmflmn Autumn: l’ortrr and Umvunstomu ' Vilntvr: Hubbui'dston Nonsuch and Northern .‘tm’. . ' ‘ ' I’m\n¢.—Summor: Rostlczvr and Mnnnkxgls Elizabeth. Autumn: Stet-kw! and $llOl 11m. \V'lqtcr: ann'nu- :md Dana‘s Hovey. FEEDING CATTLE; A correspondent. (loam-s to know how mm-h ynung came, from mum-um rive ymrs old, wuud probably gum during. my. five months or wimcr. ll red on good lmy and “pm tour to my five quanta ofmrn munl per duv. ' This is n bu‘njovt nphn which we are not. able 10 ppm); from pomnnu} ()YIM'I'VJIUIHI, mm mm llmt/ some (“If nr nmy-ux‘uur Imm rum-n Wlll furnish for the Auflx-ultuL-l Column of the CUJH'IZLEB the dwlrcd mfi-u mutton. IMO F: W the. pruwnt,fic content oursqlf with the ful lnwing {rum :1 cm. nummi‘y: , . V - lf,um put :1 1101‘") ism-rs 111104116 stable on tin-I first «i. ‘\ t‘l‘vhl‘lill‘fuf nearly equal weight “rill (-umhiiuu,:nu! luv 1!): liljlhtnllkl‘hfl‘inl-lii()i|lh~_ itir'iil ho mum] on wvinhing tlmn tlmt some hiu‘d guim-d rum-h more than Otlll‘hk-‘N'lllll‘ have cun vun‘t ll min-h more orthv futxllmu futV minim more into munurv. ’Th‘h tun-hrs the ohm-nun! remini tir't high NIH'D‘: will (hpomi \"u‘y min-h rmjmil r'uu» bi'let‘tifln of sunk—he mmt gut thoso that’ v ill mun-rt u hmhei 01 grain into thé Most hunt 1 Again. it is important [or him to awn-rial): how,“ much taxi my h Llljlnfll Win (‘Ullfli‘llilu with pram. I 5 \nu- h l (Iv 1x minim-rt n»): :uv- timing lust \riun‘: llu-y gin ;. ‘it (-r in! [hp {and iti ”I‘M titt- (ii-in:.lm\,‘ Hut c-xpvrlnmzitu hi‘n'o shtmn th:.t “inimu'inlu mi-i muy mmume at («-11 \ln quantity—gay four quarts 0f tuml Ivor thy—with pruiit, if tiw uli’nv nm-e be dunhlr-d, hp will not hit tense in \wight‘i‘n‘ ‘pi uportiun tn the fwd. In other words tiu- animal! .syx-u-m is :lhh- ttgnmnufm-turc a certain quantity! 0t tin-sh nr rm, ix‘uuppiiui with tin: rr-quL-dh- food; g but ifnn nvonhwo Iu- given ll Will H- ri-jm twi 9nd : pu~x€|l uli‘mi.) tln- n-.\l n mrnh‘. The :unmmt (It. wviiht gJizml in 3 («Twin pound of {coding dot-s ‘ not .h xx-ntl <n muvh nu tiwqunutitynt‘ {9od eaten, I ha it ill“ ‘mi the capability ofihx-zmimul tn’mn-g w H that tumi ‘uit'i mmt hiidxr thv imurhh- (~ir-' Llutbi‘lllu‘: “ith which the rectiqr thullld sur i'nillitl it. ‘_ ¥ ' I Timt prup. r clien- r and cnrr’lmvn much to do in i don rmining liu- pmfii nf fnmiing, is M) trite 1m “li-l st'rvntiun tiuA‘ it uv "hli\l]l‘\<l4llt'ih‘rutk‘it. Butl the pru-timmt‘ uvgh-vllng thcw ilupm'hmt rmui sitm in (‘qnuiii' trite. How lilr'a’i‘ a rd‘uportmn of the {Milan n! the country :tippl: foul ;.n~l think , to lhi-i’rstmk wlth (-im-kJiko regularity—liven} ”will in tin-Im, \wli vvntnlutul, “arm Mubie‘l, fur xu~h prop-r hx'l‘iling: -in <hurt, surmlmd thorn \vtth vii the vii“ mnaudu‘rs that in :mywisc pm in nh-thoir Imm? It [rm inn-n dumuiistrutcd or ten that earn and :h-"tvrulonc Will turn the bid nncc fz'u'u ler (I) prom. , , 7 .\< m 3 u.‘:.i‘l'ipie of umxififr‘LVlinuhnti its rcsultu, we cannot (in better, nt present, than to quh' the ntzxtmm-nt of Mr. G. V. Sackott, Seneca Falhx, va ‘ York. Thirtem hmd of (mm: \rt-ro, on the first at September, put into pustnrrs with road («ml , and runnlng “lilol‘. During thmnonthvi October . they “ore ted pulypklns' which did not n~~uit to »t“<>2r'u-m (it, ms the ownor thought, on :wmunt_ot' ' tlw effect ofthc scoda. liuring tiu- DHDDLII of XO - they were {ail on gm“, one hushrl vat-h ‘ofrmts per day. Ik‘u-mln-x‘ thin! they ware put, into tho stables and {ml \vhui hayjh‘oy would amp: and. twalve‘ qtmrts of cum int-ad ground wiuxthc col). half in the lumping and the rest. at. night.— Thom-st u'ng' OlScytcmbeme thinner: bwld awe< ‘ rygod hithL-n hundred and tort) pounds each; the sixth (lily of February, when driven away. they averaged nlnutcen hundrui and seventy. pounds each, having guiued during that time Lhrce hun llfl‘l] nmljhirt: pounds emh. ". L ‘ From this atutcmcut our corrosrymlibnt may draw some Intu- -nc(~‘otthe probable result o(gnod can: and feed‘dtg. We should like comnmnlcar tlons [com experienced men on this subject. 110 A D-MA H I NC. It is hard total! why it is (hm. own on otherwise well-mannmrd farms, no little attention in given to mad-nmkjng, or taken when made, to keep them in good order. A strung” appwhing a. {ann huuso, and un'nct-Mmmed to suck ways, thinks his neck or lower limbs Enumngerm coudumflly. nrat. 1- ns' mm findg his carriage marital and shaken must unciviliy, but the owner is use}! to”, and day by day, pawl over the same mndsfllou'liess an“!!! and wishes Oman-Luge us his carriage, or iabtvr to his team or risk to himself. Indolence or [too much cafe for other thing's, combing “13:11:31)". to have so important. a mama:- 13.6 good mud: greatly too much .oveflookm. No tarma- who takes proper pride in magnum of mi pwmim,to say nothing I)! the'oomfort and economy or the thing, \éill'mi to keep 1115 mm! in proper order. To make a new. mud, the plough should be used for the swing of labor in rounding up thehed, It. )should be very modfintvly raised in the eeuln: ‘ and alofilng somewhat to the skies. An ofill'nnry carriage road, wk hln the melofqures onhe 'fnrm shqqxa be about wn'm twelve rm 1h wmm. my 0!! the road when; Granted, driving short stakes along the centre“: mark it. distinctly; A. 'staiuly ‘ plownmn with n. iwohorse plough Ihould then i drive directly over thesinkm, “mowing the WW to them. and drivlng hick, hack furrow it, no thnt. the than: ”hm furrows meet. against the stake; The plowing hack and forth is then continued until the whole width in plowed. It mandb'e narrow eddown with a hearydmg and rolled. These op entlons will leave the road «lightly mixed in the centre. If in is thought tube not sul‘l‘lclentu' no. VHIB sakes must be set again in the «rum. and theme p 1 ocean repented. This will give it will. -clenl elcvntlon, with so gentle a slope to tho aide! ‘ ns/«lil allow the waterm pass of? madlly when ‘ the unravels made mméth and’oomjw-t. After ‘ the second plowing lt‘should be' narrowed and ‘ronetl pefergfumes. to nil§up lneqmdlues and give lraflrmsnrmce. The mes-e that canbe done In this way by home-'powr-rfuze 1953 or oonme tube done byhnnd. It must be levelled and smoothed, final]: with shovels, andmch moderate sille drains nindé as will be sufficient. to take 03‘ all mix-{nee I watelf. These should not bod-2e13,. and mum have I Mmmtlete to guard agslm washing. ”the ground he at. all manshv or wet, ditches nuifidmt to plow“ thebed or the road against mo much wa- ‘ ter, must. of counsel»: made. A dry road bed is of 1 the first lmportanee, and this secured, the nexus 1 a ninooth and arm aux-face. To give sondlty ud- Ailrmness, stone properly broken, or gravel, or hotbr should be used. The quantity or this that. maybe 1130235951? will depend on the chdmctei- of the‘flfil men‘compae-me roam A light son will reqm'ro lea! than madam-plan _ _n_ giggle novba put/on mmbmpecom .9219“!!me ms: has been Packed are”; legal-“wean: 9m. It. A newly made mall shouid not My much used when the ground is suit, eupechuu for heavy haul hlg. ' The IBH'X ofa snfl. winter makes us feel the mm run on: firm road, and the dlmnflm or Lhr- uppe siwpoudmun, nud although this is no Mafia“ for making a. road, we may make up our mlnvl to u now, and provide the ways and moans.—-{\\’wk-. 1y Suu.‘ ‘ A Little 31m (‘lljflvldll'g We new: harrow cnnughf we never cultivate enough. Tm mulluw gluuud unmet be made—— the nu-llowvr tho Dexter. ADIH'cl weharnrw slm p!y to rover the gmln, nnlosn the land is may rough. Tlrla in all wnmg,wroug. Let thcuultivn tor be gum! Indy. {ullnwcgl bythe 11mg {rm-Iy. Lot tlu-m "nWIm" (in-ough the son. Some grnuml ‘ncehs frequenf ploughing in n-ldluon to the t um nmng. You cannot pulveflze vnough. “But there Is no tune to do all this." True. And horn he the grm‘c (difficulty: wc have too much; too nun-h lxgn‘L; o 1' work hm: got the start of [ls-mad it will keep It always when: [hm-a Is so much or“. Better x-ultlmw one Mn- thqmuuhly than two in the mel mnpuvr—fot it. willyicld ammuvh as u»: two «imam manure, unlmz yourlnnd in 1n u very mbuly‘ coudmun, whim in randy the case. unr mw mpre; cultivate mama—[Rural World. one of the ‘llomi The hex-glance J'buruul tells 'of anm-en him that. lx-Iwwu the ‘Zb‘lh of April huluud tho 292110! Inst month. a pcflml or sown mnmhs, Inhl sm‘t‘n tyvtux egg, und hatched up one tlnu- flw tlukn-ys nml thn-nduvkn. and at nnntherumeclewn ( hick onfi. Tin-promlssum-dthus: Tht-\vholcuxnnmlt of receipts 92‘; 37; and HH- whole (influx for 1x114)- vldiuhs or foal was 39—1 uu'hlgz m-l pmfiuntsn' 8T I—und the hen, the capital sluuk, rermlns good. f: e 23‘ 521 mg? :LMrtfrn. ‘6 ‘’2 ~ 9. Snow-Flakes. m' n. w. :msm‘énmw Out oflhn bosom of the air. » Out 01 th utnml lnlds of M) hoanm shaken, Over the \umdlnnd hymvn and hutc, . O\ erxlm lmrh M. IiL'IIXh h-naukcfi, ‘ ‘ Silt-m untlmil 3121:131qu Dwucnd.» thu aim“. “ LVen n: our ( loudy {am-1911 take .‘lmldmly ramp“ ln wine divine nxprmfilon, liwn us thv trnuhlg-d him‘l doth muke In thn whim votinu-nnm-é- mnllsskm, Tho lrouhl. .1 sky n 9» cal: ' _ A The gnu-{it full» 3 ‘ Thk kHm povm of tho n 1? ' ‘ V Slmvly in “I’m syllu‘flm recorded; Tllh Is the sec :1 m‘dn-spmr Long: in In dpudy lmsnm llmnled, .\_'ow \\'hlhp(’flDL’ untl rem-uh Ll To wood and “DIAL rp-nm. Dru"; the ram! wind up mu ull the wny? , Yea In the may end. w 111 ch.» day's jnurm-y take (ho whole long any 2 From mom to night, my'rrit ml. But 1: tln rv for lh‘o night a rrtking plncvp— A roof; xor. whon [hr slow ulnrk [mum h-gin, Muy nut Hu- dmkm-xs him-1t from my tau-‘.’ . \‘uu cannot um,» that ln_n. Shall I must mf- othvr wagvfzix-crs at night ? ' Thaw who hm v'ghnt‘ before, Thcn Imm 1 kno. 1;, uncan whcnjust In sight? Thu'y wiul m a. keep you‘sumdmg m. {lqu door. Shall I mm comfort. travel sore :fiud weak? (DY luhm' yuu shnU _fln.l thP Mun. - Wlll there he lwds for nw Lnd :in who sc‘ck '.' Yak, huh: for an who (-oino. . @i‘sis‘b égismllmzjy 5 ”v L “ Jest us’! “'rll. It." Doctor N—-‘—, of North Carolina, rep- 1 resented his di=trict in Congress some twen ty years, ago. He was in the habit every 1 season of "getting up” weight-page speech , for the edification of his constituents. Me i usually' employed some one to put them “in ehupe"hefote.sending the manuscripts to theprinter. lithe Doctor ever had been , on speaking terms with either Wrbater or Murray, it was pretty evident 'he had “cut their acquaintance" long since. On one occasion he took his speech to the printer in his “own hundrite,” as he expressed it, adding that he wnsa'”poweiful pore writer, but asulen from the handrite he reckoned thgy’d find it all correct.” The foreman. glanced at it, pronounced the writing plain enough (as it ivas,) and gave the whole of the copy to one or the chmpositois. The first paragraphcontairied a large number of agricultural curiositieé—such as “hey,” ”0195," ulalem'numg'n “wheat," “kOID,” etc., etc.,—which served to amuse without perplexmg him. He could correct the or thography ; but what license should he take with the grammar? That point he sub mitted to the foreman, who told »him “to give it n free translation intodinglish l”—— He did so—~relating the leading Ideus, but so modifying the construction of the whole speech that the proof-reader: found it im possible to read it by copy. After he had 'given it n bilent reading; comparing it with the original tosee “tho: the trueinvent and meaning thereol” had been retained, he inquired ior "the man who set up Dr. N—‘sspeech,"remarking: "Whoever did it has made quite a respectable speech out of vory‘poor material; and [‘don’t be lieve the Doctor mllmcogmzeit as hisown.” The Doctor called in to read the proof, and after he had perused the speech carefully, he exclaimed, “Well, I do declare it is as t‘onishlng to me how yOu printers can do these things Without making mistakes l I don’t find a single one in thqwhole of this yer speech. It 43):.“ exactly a: Int u, word for word I" ,‘ .. ' WA gentlemen in Alabama, in exert ing Bimseif one day, felt. a sudden pain, and tearing his internal machinery had been thrown out. of gear, sent for a negro on his glnumiom whomade some prawn eiuns to medical Ski”, Lo presaibe For him. The negro, having investigated the cause, prepared and adminiétered a dose [0 his patient. with the 11mm?e confidence of a speedy cure. No relief ing experienced; hOWever, the gentleman sent. for. a physiv cian, who, on arrivmg, inquired of me ne ro What mdicine he badgiven his master. Ebb promptly responded, “Roam and alum; sir!" "Winn. did yougive them for 1" con tinued the doctor. "Why," replied Bub, "do alum to draw do pans -togedder, and de main-touxider umJ’ ~The patient event.- mlly recovered.—-[Ex; ~ ' Question by 1715 defendant’: mud—“ Did my“clienc enter him I anilive agreement tq muuy 109 2" Answer.-,-“Not emfly; but he courted me 2; good defl, and he lhfl ed m‘y lit tel Jane :21!“ he ihfended to math xy mom Emily." * ' ' 4 ‘ ' '33-; aingulu.écho.indd {a xevetberde umnwgm mm Nahum 1611 a. b pays. “MW'M-I" ;5. _ ,1 ~~ D s: m ADVANCE. A [tomcat mic. There‘ is litersture, it warns. mien in the land of the Houeutom. I'o 3 Mr. Bleak h.\s compiled a number of fitment“ legends, comprising seven‘ g‘mst ‘stories. four ac counts of men or anima'h. eleven hauw bold tales, one legend. and one fable. and published them under the clumsy title of “Royunrd the Fox in SW}: Africa.” The materials for the comphtion were originnl manuacrpts in the fibrary of Sir‘Gcorga Grey. Here is a specinmn legend‘ which contains an [den almmn identical mth that in We favorite story -ol' the Fisherman und the Genii, in (He “Arabian Nights." “A Dutchman was walkingnlnne by him 'éelf‘, and saw a snake lying under :1 ‘lurge stone. The snake implored his help; but when she had become free, she said— “‘Now I shall eat you.” “The man answered “"l‘bat is not. right. Let u: first; go to the hnre.’ ¥ ‘ "When the bare Ind heard the affair, he said— ‘ “ ‘ It. is right.‘ "‘No,‘ said the man, ‘let us nsk the hy enn.’ . "The hyona declared the same, shying—- “ ‘lf is right.’ " Now letlue'ask the jackal,’ said the man, in despair. -. ‘ ~ “The jackal an<wered very slowly an! consnlorately. doubling the whole sulfur. nntl demanded to (KS! see the plnce, and whether the man was :Ile to lift. the stone. ’l‘hb snake lay down, and the man. to prove the trutl’i of his account, put, the stone again over her. . ' “When she was (Mt, thejnckal said— “ ‘Now let her 119 {here} ” , in», Ask find ,(‘nplaln While crossing the plains to Santa Fe, Genornl Kearney was some distance ahead with the advance gual‘d.‘ Uue of the oili oors belonging to the rear division singled Bub out. and sent. him ahead viii-h a letter to the general. When he came up with them they had camped, and Bob sauntered into the‘geuerul’s marque. _ "We'ie glttin’ along right sharp,~Geire ralfi’ said he. ‘ . f‘Yes, Sir," answered the commander. “I wish you'd jisn look at. that. hoes o' mine, General,”l said Bob, “and give me 'your ’pinion how he’ll stand the racket clar lhinugb 19 what we’re goin’.” "Have you a capmin al, the head of your company?" inquired the general. , “Wall, we th, hose. and he’s some pun kina. too,” answored Bob. 5; “Whenever you wish. to learn anything -in regard to your movements. then,” nu the general, "inquire ol him.” “That’s mililaiy, is it 1" inquired Bob.‘ “lThm, is military, sir," answered the gen era . , “Well. General, they gin me a. letter for you, but- cuss meg‘f I know'whetberl ough ler gWe ityou in pusson,‘ or send itghrpugh your orderly, so I’ll go back and m]: t/ae Cap’n,” and back'ho went, sure enough, wah the letter in his possession. A Terrible Story of llydrophopm. From LheMadisuu(\\'u.) Journal, December 26. Mr. Henry Drew. Assistant. Supsrintqnd ent of Public Property, his related to us the particular-9' ol‘a case of hydrpphobia at the villqge of Waterloo, which surpasses in Magic interest. almost any awxy of the kind we ever read. ' Some silt or seven years ago a mad dog went. through the village of Waterloo. Jef fprson éoullty, and bit a number ofnnimuls“ Among others n. mapped at the Mg ofa cow belonging to M‘i'ußabcock. The ani mal was GXlllulnvll, but. no'murk Was found, and inwaagsnpposed that it escaped béing human. The'unjmul mus sfwrwnmu sold to aman by the name of Garrison, who used her mllk veryfreely. as did two of his chll-' dren. Some of the Vneighbors, including Mr. Drew’s tamily, were also supphed wnh the mxik ol Lbzs cow. ' ' At dxfi‘eéent times during the time since the cow was bxtten there had been me»- plxcablp and fatal sickness among those us ing hp:- milk, and two children of Mr. Gab rison’s, two of Mr. Drew’s, and two others, have been nttnckr d with spasms, and died in great agony‘. Mr. Garrisqn has also been attacked at. times with spasms. The my:- lery ofthis sicknesa was solved by the (129 m, with every symptom of hydrophobm. a short. tune ago. on the cow so alightiy bitten seven years ago. and m whose system madden has been Latent. ever since. , The case n! a singularone, and worthy the attention of actenufic men. Singular Cane. , One cf our exchanges says there is a young mun in a town in Vermont tow can not speak to Ins father! Previous tohts birth some diflerence arose between his mother and her- husband, and lor a considerable' tuna she relused to speak to him. This difficulty was subsequently healed» the ch ld was born, and in due time it began to hills-but when uiuing with ms lather wu invariably silent. It. continued so till it Was. five years 0131, when the lather, having exhausted his powers of persuasion‘ threa ened 1!. with punishment for its stubboi'n ness. When the punishment was inflicted, it elicited nothing but sighs and groans, which wld but: too plainly that the little sufferer wag vainly endouvarmg to speak. All who were present united mi this Opin iun. that wimpgstible for lltc'cltildto Wat; to iafadwr—und tum? proved their opiuwu to be correqk‘ At a:n.iature age its elforts to donverpe with it! fiat-ant could only pro duoé- the‘mbst bitter Highs and giouns.- New York bddgar. [if A “my”. ' In‘ e year 1664, on the sth of Decem. . ber. 3‘ boa crossing the Mania Slnils,mth 3 eighty-one,pusengeli, was upset. and only 30:19 05 the company. named um W5l; 1 liams, wu's gated. On the same dnyfinulq ‘ year 1783, Wm! “1159} ginger bout cbngain mg about. sxxty, passengegs, and. every per son perished with me exception of one, whose numgialso wan Eugh‘ Williams, and on the 51.110 AugustJlßSU, alhird been met. ‘ the same dmuwrmut cue puiengen ol this i . were no more then twenty-five. and, sing» 1 Llzn- to relate, the. whole perished mlh the ‘ excepuon pt one, whose name was Hugh Wuhan». ‘- , A Slupid Gram—The head of a turtle, for several days after us separation (mm the body, reams and‘exbibits'lutmal life and'sensatwn. An Irishtmn': had decupm. ted one, and some ‘dnys tuner-wards #35 amusing hi‘umlffly‘ putting may in its mouth, wtgjqp ifiyxgy vicilpgosa A Indy «Mamba, :0 .. 1118.939 a' "W' . Pgl‘rick,‘l £63m the 'mrnegp'jesif" ’99 g: y, nu’un; but the crud": nu mm. o it. ' - fl Mil web-"um 0,1513ng 9g «in MM Min Democratic mac-ting in Brooklyn, 31., Y., Hon. Gem-go finkne‘r (Junk, Sn M 601133 of fn gloquent mute”. reliant“ lolloiing Icons in the chamber of Lhe‘Hcin. Wm, during the mflw his life}. . . , ! t ,"In the earlier part ofm hf ‘1 Va | l 11W ibupwgl ot‘ Duniuly Wg'bster. Ti: : school in which he truinod the young man ‘ #llO came u‘ndar hia infldonce and rally ‘ gun themselves to bu mchinun,~wn'con. i tirelyjumsiuem with. my sympawym ‘ mowmwnfi in» imbued party; and it Wu only_a s prtJJnm hulnrn his death My“ ‘ the tendenéim ot a hrge~pafl of Northern ‘ Whigs to donvurt, themzulvos into a mti'm al‘puty began td appm; ..:But the signs of 1 thigchpnge did appear, and Mr. Webs -r nnw and chmpH-llt'nfled their lull imgA‘t. ‘ lle mcxmt tn Wurn me. as he did of m. [against .thfgm“, and'tho mlhnor in which l he did» it. in my. aural 0t"! neverthrget. Thg scene was in tufit plainly [urn‘iq'layd Apartment. his own chamber, _in the large house at Mtthlxfiulvl. now so memorabilia and the lime wow lhrse dnys lieforé hn‘t death. “dried“! the \nntlozi'. on A little - i Lificxal lake. there mile always a “It?" pout M unr-hor, with nu American fll,’ t ‘ its mast hem]. so placed ‘thnt his eyes court! rest upon it, if light. sulllued. M he cloud them at right. and‘oouhl pp;u it. with tho dawn. l’mynu-l the luke‘ strelclmll .1433 great. farm which he so lnhcd' to cultivab. and tlwz’. the lmv hi‘neh‘t and the Win Ho had bot-n very ill 10'! several waoki‘qfid it. was Apparent to all ntmut him that. his life was u-mr drawing to 3 Lime. “6th that morning, for the ill'rb time Ilurlug sey~ 29ml d'nys, paid some uttmitmn to pnlilicml news; it Wuq just before‘thapresidéminl election which remitted in the uhmce of Ganeml I‘iexco Ever General Scott. and lhq ruuum from some ot'the prevtous State elections were coming in pretty heavily against the Whig. Weideru nlnne togeth~' "er. and I mentioned to him the news which had cumeslmy’n from lbsion the night. hr. fore. Calling‘ me to hia‘ hediixln‘ by my Christian I) mm. ilt‘ s'li\] : “‘l’he Whig ca'uc dnlnte will mt ho alt-91M; Yam love yotft' country,‘and you think ligature involved in Whig success. This h bven 30;. but. let. me warn 3.011, as ynu lévc your country. to give no countenmiee ti) 3. sectionnl. geo graphical ptu-ty. The Whigs, after this election. Will break upggnd upon ths I‘- ins olour party 5; sectional puty wnll arise. Tue stability of the Union 1.7.61 [term/tar dupertd upon lite DUIIUCI'aty.” . ‘ » 7-7 M - >+- ———» - The Pre-tl'dmt? llmlw-éltxnmple of Ils pub lean l~‘r.l*‘t|lil9. _ 'l‘he 'l‘hirtv-aixth Congi‘o‘<s, by the not of February 2f. .1851, n‘ppropriutetl fnr m-Tur. niqhing the President’s in nu» tweniy thou. sand dollnrq, tn ha expeniled uwler the di rection'uf the President. in mldltion to the. prnceeils of the smile (it'shc'u of the furni ture and equimge I“! r‘niu‘ut be damaged and unfitf'm: use; and “I 0 forty t‘nur hlm-_ drcd and twonl’v dollars for intrmlucmg thb‘ I’o‘tomac water into the President‘s house. The same Cunzruss. nine ‘tluy: after, by tho not of March ‘2, 1861, up :r'upriated for an nual repair; of the Pruitfient’s hnuae. furnis ,ture,‘&c.. six thouannd do ‘lars. 'l‘ne'i‘hlrty svanth Cnngrbus', Ulliit‘fil“ ll ite-ol March 1., 1802, apprnprinted lnr unnunl rennin of the President’s Home nn‘l Mrnitut‘e livé thnu-’ sand dollars; and by thel same not npprd— printed twenty-six llnan-Il and thirteen dollars to bnable the 0011 i missionerol‘l’uhr lio Buildings 00 pay (or Mm purchase and repair «of plate, and I'Pplllrlllg thg gash);- ture-x of the President’; House; and by Lhé name not. {515107 n t'urthci- apprOprintlon of forty—five hundred (lullai‘s iur adeficiency on acmunt of painting rind paperinit the Pre‘aidcnt’rhoum m the autumn of 1862 ~— The same Congrcsi (thvll'lt hjinaer‘tml in the deficiency bill of February 12. 1863; an afi pmpr'mtion of one thoue ml dollar; to sup ply the deficiency iu~thliifonucr appropnq: tinn for annual repairs [if the Pres'ident'q h'nuae, and also, uhdnr (late of March 3. 150.3. appropriated six tlimuund dollars for nnnunl rv‘p urn (7f the I’m ident'a house ind. furmturr. 'l‘lin Thirty-Ugh”) CUngressbu July ‘.’, ISSL. upproprifitevl sii tlmusn'ncl dollars for unnunl repair nfthe President/I house and furniture. 8;!) three thousand dollarsfin addition 10: fepairing, refitting and telurnishing the I‘rusirlent’s summer residence at tlw Solilier'n llnmx. 'ln addi; tion to the nbovP, this snnm (Jancrelrs up. prnprlau‘d' twelve lllmb'anli dullam to PD!!- ble the Cummiséionur Off Public 'Buxldings to cuuw the atuble at. th Pwsident'p housq to ha rehu.lt. ~ ' A Hero nra zipprnprintio s made and expon decl by the lin'phhilchnlpafly, in less than four years, of upwmds of savasn‘ ruouaiku Donuts (S7U,OOU) tor luruuhtng houseilftd' stables fur the Pl'cbi'iculr.‘ . EMI No. 16. But this is not 11!] I ~ Ir. Thad. Stevens‘ from the Cnmnn'tlue m Appropriation: has just. stand to lhp (man that {I flit-me} expcmmure of 1”“:ij 'rliacsaxn DOLLAR: ($30,006) m'ust. be had -at once to proudu lurnlluro foe-21m exoruiive mansxon. ~ This lust sum will make qnn hundred. thousand daily.“ of Repfibhcan experidituro in fivn years, chit-fly or the [uranium of: hoinse! Think of ic.taxpuyers.. x But. the worn ia yet (to come. The 36v ernmem has next to 71 (king to show for this enormou§ amo’uutk-Aflf. Wurld. ~ What the [lnpubllca- Party: In“ hone. I The qublfcan May "has ended all chum-u of dissolving th‘e Union."—l§epuuc can pupcr. ‘ ‘~ | ' How so, when your ri-isuniou members of Congrnss ciaim that! 0 Union is named?!- aolvcd, snjq- refuse tn 1.2%: come together 1’ . E “It has abolished S! pry eve'rywhei'e, ex cept ifi'Dvlaware zmd k entucky." " " ‘ And now it is starvin or feeding them from “It has plaéed (hd footing with 11mg of Europe.” ‘ 3 The Republican .pv credit at par—Bun ILQI and has It. no'w at 40 J dud. . l “It has given an gm to our domsfic mdus l tecuvetanfl'." " I ~ll'ns n’c it ‘thougfil Eggs 25, pothe 45,13: for everything I I “It has developed ii: the iepgbfic Hie greatest‘possible geql‘ug and ‘curncflj for war on a. scale of any agmeude; f , ' _ Two firmer; can 81:: develops grept for nine for lawing—buc but. about mica" It has: simply devel-ped, Hut fools can. make a bloody, bu gliug, wastefualoagr‘n vihic'h statesmen knig-t have preveift: A ' A colony oTfi Yam»: are prepnri 1 next (or Painting «1 land. They- ynlAsél shall have 1,0 ptlyrlhe the‘Turks. Bedouins} ihllnci. .1 any 0! the] - 1:427er I:nproudmer§l.—lL is. stnfi‘eaeflo Reading ruilrnull company contétfip‘vlfo pkg-n 3 le tracks mtthair roam-(inflor pgs‘engeuaud touri'o freigm. Tina} hvm nogyhrea trucks overia good pgwonnuhn A ro . ~ ! ‘ ' ' ' ‘ E - BT9}: Ibdianq lfigislgmgp’ gcfiouud, cine fizz on the 23d, af’ r übling arespgqq'gg‘, against the pardon otheflerson Ravi-52g ,1 ' ,5 I IQ’The ymm "who fainteq_nwny ha been told bran? . {lnflux W helpers delicmfizr. _. n MAW-. 32 <n.G‘E'neralg ‘ wr‘ both mustnp'hir- - very txiendly meetiu = ‘. the nigger: tb death he treasury: ' tioual credit-hp” a thé‘ besj. nutiou'iu y‘ took thei‘nfidofi'd, win to‘ 275 béloy par; ms buldw the may recedankd £15994.“ y by means of}: PM" .‘1 ; ¢ ,1 Butte:- 59 «33.5., 25,_audvthgeg‘flxcea ty familfes 07 33:3: :3 t 9 daparf‘lfi I’m" 1" d weylnveiio t‘ la‘nm .Jilfino’ Wot Mary 903Mw~ mm and we Rail-g her yet @xfsl.‘ ' @373? .:.W chi mud: Imm: . a?“
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers