FNMA Elmrs,£~a %lobo OP THE OONT/LBIL, The Colnm in pnblighod eyory loudly .n.-31", by Hunt 1. Sula. d n 00 per nnnum if‘psid strict}! xx mules-42.50 per mm if not. pic! in «lance. No nbocripvfon dinooatinued. unlou u the option of the publisher, until .11 me‘tygu we paid. ‘ . A Anna-minus imertednt tbs nun! Mu. Jon anérxxo done with nectneu tad dispttch. f - ~ Onto: inéSoutb Baltimore street. nearly oppotite W‘hmplen' Timing Babblishment -—“Coxrn.in Puu'nna Omen " on the sign. PROFE3B§®2§AL @ARD3. D. McConaughy, TTORN BY AT LAW, (oflice one “or went A of Huehler'l drug Ind book unhappy onbnrg "rec-9,) Arron" um Scum-ton ion Pun" no l’unon. gaunt] Lind Wur runu, Buck-ply Inspend d Claim-r sad I" other clniml ngninn the Go'vernment “Wuh lngton. D. 0.; alqumericnn Claims in Englnnd. Lnnd Warrant. located and told," bought,snd highest price: given. Agents éngl’ged in 10~ cuing warrants in lows, Illinoil Ind otho: western State! fi-Apply to him perlonuuy or by letter. . Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’53. Edward B. Buehlqr, 1101 mm AT LAW, will tm'nmn; and A promptly attend to all bulineu entruued to him. He epoch th’o Ger nnlnnguge.- (Mice A: the lame pllce, lnFomh Bnltlmoro “not, non Forney’l drug tore, und nearly apposite Dunner t Ziegler? uore. ‘ Gettysburg, March 20. Law Partnership. W A. DUNCAN x .r. H. wmm, . , . ATTORNEYS x; LAW. Will promptly Attend to I“ legal business entrusted t?) them, including the procuring of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, and all other cluimi «gains?‘ the United State: And Sinus Gonrumenu. ‘ ' ‘ Office in North West Cornet ofDiamond, GMtysbnrg, Ifenu’n. ' Apri13,1865. u ' J. O. Neely, TTORNEY AT LAW.——Purticulnr uten- A Lion paid to collection of Pensions, ounty, and Buck-pay. Office in the S. E. comer cf the Diamond. _ ‘ Geuyabnrg; April 8, 1863. if ‘ Dr. J. A. Armstrong, AVING removed from New Sslgm, York \county, and having locued 3: Middle lawn, Adqma countyhofl'er! hil prpfeuional aervicos to the.pub)ic. [July 31, ’65. 6m Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s ‘ FFIUE and Dwelling, N. E. corner of. Ba]- 0 Limure and High alreetl,near Preébyteriau Church, Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 210, N 63. u ‘ Dr. D. 8. Pefl‘er, BBOTTSTOWX, Adm“; coun'y, continues the pmctice of his profession in nil in: hruun'lmn, and would' respectfuny invfie a“ persons nfllicwd With my old standing dis emc‘s to cull and consulthim. Quz.3,13m., 1f - - Doctor C. W. Benson. FFICE at the Railroad Home, (frontroom, fiurmerly occnpiv-d by Dr. Kinzer,)\ ’ . LITTLESTOWN, PA; ‘ Line 19, 1863. :f A J. Lawrence Hlll, M. D. HAS his office one ‘ door west 0! the ‘s‘ ‘.'. Lxxtlfirnn church in Clmmherel'urg'nreet. and opfioaite Picking’l flora. \Vh we those wishing to hsve any Denml Oppmv ion performed are respectfully inviwd to mm. Rwannxcu- Dru. Homer, Rév. C. P. Kr‘ 11;} I). D ,Rev. [l. L. Bungher, D. D., Rev. 9101’. \I. Jacobs, .‘rof. .\l. h. Shaver. ‘ bonysburg, April 11,’53. ‘ Removals. HE umloraiznéd,beingthe authorized person T to make removal; into E\er Green Ceme tery, hopes that such as contemplate the removal at tho remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themsel Yes of this season oftheyear to have“. done. Removals made with promptneea ~terml low, and agile” aphred to plane. \ ‘ ~ PETER THORN, March 12. '60.. keeper of the Cemetery. Hardware 39d Grocenes. HP! Jubscribers have just. relurnld from T 1m; cities with an immense supply of HARDWARE .1: G RUCERIES, which tbe'y an, oflenug at thear uld stand in Baltxmoi’e street, at price: mum, the tunes. Our stock consists in pm! of ~ BUILDING»MATERYLLB, K CARPENTERS TOOLS. \ g BLACKSDIITH’S TOOLS. ( COACH FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET MAKERJS TOOLS, . ‘ BOUSEKEEPEB'S Fxanns. . ALL KINDS 05' 18023;”. 0110633138 01" ALL- KrINDS, QILS. PAINTS, ML, he. There is no nude included in the levernl‘dopertmema mentioned nbova but. whet. can he hsd n this‘Sxorefi— Every class of lechnnice cen be ucqommodnté’d here with tools engi findings,end Housekeeper: een find every Irficle in their line. Give us I ; . 11, u we are prepared to sell 3: low for cash ‘- my home out ot-the city. ' z , JOEL B. BANNER, ‘ DAVID ZIEGLEB. Getty-burg, lay 16, 1864. The Great Discovery V THE AGE.—lnflnmmn.tory and Chronic Rheumuismcnn be cured by using H. L. g LLEB’B CELEBRATED BHEUIA'I‘IG MIX URE. Many prominent citlxenl of thin, end the adjoining counties, have testified to it! ’grent utility. Its success in, Rheumutie nfl'ec tjons, bu been hitherto “funneled by my specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 ‘c‘euts per bottle. For sale by all drugglsts Ind Wigwam Pregnred only by l]. LAIILLER, \ ' olenle Ind Batuil Drng‘gist. East Berlin, 6mm: county, Pm. dealer in Drugl, Chemicals, fig, Varnish, Spit-in, Pslnu. Dye-nub; bot (Jed bill, Essences Ind Tinctures, Window #1953, Pcrfinnery, Potent lindicinei, kc" In. WA. D.'Buehler is the Agent ln Gettys gurg for “ H. L. Miller’s Celebrated Rheumatic inure." [June 3, 1861. tf Still at Work. THE undersigned couunues the CABRIAGE-XAKXNG BUSINESS, A gl'l all If; branch“, gt his old stand, in But iddle swept. Geuysbnrg. , NEW WORK undo to order, Ind .--REP A I R I N G done promptly Ind at. lowest pricel. 'l'vo ant-rate SPRING WAGONS sad 1 BLEIGK for 5:16, JACOB TBOXEL. Des. 1,1863. 1 ' Sale Crying. - = w. FLEIIMING continue- the business - of SALE OBYIN G, and sells“: the con ‘ud. puromge o! m. public. It in his con ”lnt OWN! to give udstncdon. Clinge learns. Residues in Buckintidge nun, “Wham- F. B.——He In I. “caused Ancfioneu, under the T‘s-Lav o! m United Stuns. now. 24, 186:. , PARK in Alan may, for which! will exehngo «mu Walmu Lam. n: I . price. » _ L 930. ARROW}. Aug. 7.1885; T g .-- DO4 1911 Wish - . 9,}, ‘0 pvt-om I 100» iiknnell of young”, .1‘ -. your thfldren, or on! Mend-Y so u: w. and. to lUIBUB'S GALLERY, the but puc -- Que county to ”:91?” gm elm pickups. 'b " ‘ uiéaiuozmm ggmr Sfirtoxfl 34mm um V m.- .~. ' 330; 1930591 ”3“! OctJ. nm. at . B! n. J: 32mm. 48th. ‘Ylear. Public Sale FREAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.— Ou.TUESDA 'l', the 9th by ofJANUA RY mm, the subscriber, intending to quit boule keepiug. Will sell at Public Sula, In. his real deucq, in )lummaaburg, the following personnl property. viz: ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ l on: HORSE, 1 Col', rising 2 yem old, 2 , Cowe, dnp nearly fresh, Clare: Holler, l pur ‘r Breed-hands, Plow and Harrow, set ofHarnesl, ‘ Sleigh Belll, Bedundl t Bedding, Cook Stove, Ten-plate Stove, Comer Cnpboud, Kluhcn Cupboard, Sofa, Sink, Cheats, Tabla, Chin, , 2,010ck1, LookingGl-ues, ’l‘nble Clothl, Tow els, Queens-int , Crockery-mare, Copper Ind Iron Kettles, Barrels, Tubs Ind Halt Venell, Axe, Maul and Wedges, with I lot. of Carpen ter Tools, and many other nudes. z, ‘ ”At. the nine lime and place, will be of fered, A LOT OF GROUND, in Middletown, Butler township, having thereon I. Two- ~ Itoryt Frame WEATHERBOARDED. HOUSE, with Basement, Fnuue Stable, and other out-buildings, with a choice vnriety of Fruit Trees. The property is well calculat od for a.Public House. All wishing to View it are requested to call on Michael llofl'mnn, residing near the property, or on the under signed, residing in Mummuburg. fiSnle to commence at lo o'clock A. 11., on mid day, when attendance _will be_ given and Lermu made known by _ ' _ ' . SAMUEL LENTZ. Jam, 1866. tit Jury List for J anuary. ‘ Gum Junz. Geuyshurg-H. J. Bulb», (Foreman,) Henry Guru-h. ; } fiighlnnd—Joueph 1. Kerr. Germn‘ny —John G. Byers. John Diehl. Butler—lsrael Bricker, Eduard Sum-y, Jscob Raifensperger'. ' ’Readin'z—Lewia Cbmniuler, Michael Alwine, John L. ngbi‘nbnugh. .Laljmore—Jncob Huybarger, Cyrus Albert: Tyrone—Phifip Cooley. Hamilton—John Myers, Jacob Wehler. )lonntpleunnL—Jncoli E. Miller. , , lYnion-LHenry Fehy, Sr. - {Manama—Hem, Beam‘ei, Hiram Griest. Oxford—Henry J. Kuhn. \7 1 Huntington-. Peter Prey. ‘ Daniela—Cyrus Wolf, Jnoob Hull. ‘ ‘ Quinn. 10“. Oxford—Jimes'flobinson, Jr. Union—Amos Buaepom. Abraham Rife. Radium—Cornelius Nye", Andrew Hunts, , Wm. 0. Beck. 1. , Cumberland—« Wm. Ross, Wm. ‘E. Hyena, Geo. Weikert. _ , Mouutpleuant—Daniel Kohler,VincentO'Bold, Alexander Little. ’ Gettysburg—John W. Timon, Joseph-Wible, John Willa, Edward Menchey. - ; Stmbnnqlncob L. Grasp,- Wm. L. Thomas. Huntington-Adamecigle, Emnnuel Manges, Isaac Myers. .. - . “mama—Solomon Hartman, John B. Rom .mnn. ’ Conowngo-LAmbrose Eline. Butler—Solomon Omer, Noah Miner, Germany~Wm. Duuem, Jesse Xckes. Liberty—Frederick Mclntire. , ~ A ) Freedom—Joanna. Brpwn, Sr. . Highland—lsaac Hereler. Hamillou—Pelerflufi‘heins, Samuel Miller. Hamiltonbnn—Rober; Watson, Wm. T. Reed. Latimare—qxbnm Ziegler. - Dec. 18, 1865. . .» , Adams County UTUAL nan mammal: COMPANY. M Ixcouonrln, lines 18, 1851. \P . ~ Onions. _ ' i-{sidenk—George Swaps. ~ Vi 'e President—Samuel R’.’ Bunsen. ‘ _ . Sec tarp-D. A. Bushler. ~ Tress era—E. G. Fnhnéstock. 1‘ ‘ Execuu 'e Committee—Robert McCurdy, Arn drew Heinl lmun, Jacob King. ‘ _.'.' Masons. Geofge Swo‘pe, D. A. Bnehier, B. McCurdy. Eichelbe‘rger, S.R~. Russell, E. G. Fshnestock, D. Bnghler, R. G. McGresry, Gettysburg; Jsco King, Stmbsn towaship; A. Hrinizelmsn, nklin; Wm. D. Rimes, New Oxford; Wm. Wilson, Bendersvilie; Ha: A. Picking, Strsba township ; 'John Wot. ford,LsLimore township John Picking, Euler. Berlin; Abe] T. Wrigin. B nde’flyilie; Abdisl F. Gin, New Oxford; 133. . Marshall, Hom monban township; Johnpn inghnm, Free“ don: township;Jobn“Hox-ner, unfioy town ship; Wm. Ross White, Liberty wnship. i @This Company is limitedi its opens dons to the county of Adams. IL h hub in operation for more than 15 yet", an in shot. period has mane but am nssessant, sing paid losses by fire during that period un nt ing to sl3,ose—se,ms of which [“7O b n paid during the I»: m: yesn.‘ Any pénr‘ni desiring an Insurance can apply to my 0! tho size we named Imogen 'for further idem-don. ' fi'i‘hs Executive Committee meets ut the‘ sflice of the Company, on the int Wednes d-, in every month, at 2 o’clock, P. M. i . Oct. 16,1865. u . 4 Estey's Cottage Organs RE not only unexcelled, but they are eb- A wlumly unequalled, b} any other Reed Instrument in the aounu-y. Designed exprew Ky lor Churches and swoon, they are round 90 be equally well adaptéd to the perlor end drawing rooml For sale only by - E. I. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh St., Philadelphi‘. ~ firms), BRADBURY’S PIANOS. sad I complete assortment of the PERFECT 1E [553% (on. 2, 1866. 1y something for Everybody 0 BUY QT R. B. HORNER'S DRUG AND VARIETY Bronx.— an opened a fine “garment of Drugs 3nd Medicines, , P‘unt Medicines, Stationery, _ ' My I»: am, y , . ‘ , Confecuonlg ~‘— ‘ ‘ Groceries . ‘ N‘bfiOll. ‘ TOBAOCO, BEGAN, to; Jun. 1?, is“. * ‘ . . N . Howard Association, ILADELPHIA. PA.—Diuun of a. flying md Sen»! Shams—new “a .re 35!. Easement. 4106 the BRIDAL CHAI BER, n‘lm.’ of Whining ad Inna-action, «it in M envelopes. fractal-urn. V Ad. dul- Dr. J. 83M“ BOUGHTON. flown-d land-don, Nod, South Ninth Street, Phil;- Qelpbis, fa. ‘ (Oct. 1, 1866. 1y ostern Land; TB] lib-crib" hu some ulmbh WEST. KEN LANDS, which be 1111 min for on: um “an: In mil canny. The Ind: awamhgd 10;; Ila-inner!” (an - xpu' fin «1:32.. ‘”. . ‘ JACOB 33 VQBHQH', gmpbu‘, April 3, 1865., I,} A DEM©©RATH© AND FAMBLV JOURNAL. THE Annual Election for 5 President 3nd Twelve Mlnngen for the Gettysburg Rail road, will be held at the ofllce of :heCompnny, In the necond slory of the Passenger Depot. in the Borough of Gguvsburg, on the SECOND MONDAY 0? JANfiAßY'next, (Jannury a, 1866,)u1 o’clock in the lfternonn. A! the “me lime and plus there will be held the result: Annunl meeting of the Stockholdeu. DAVID WILLS, Soc’y. Dec. 13, “65.. m ‘ IRS? NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYS BURGE—‘Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Hm. Nation-l Bunk of Gettysburg, the: an election (or Seven Direc torl, to serve one‘year, will be held at'the Banking Home of said Institution, on TUES DAY, (he-9th day of JANUARY, 1868, at 1 o’clock, P. If. . . GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier Dec. 18, 1865: 3: Batik Electzon. \ Girnanunu NATIOIAL Bun} ‘ Dec. 9, 1865. N Election {or Director: of this Bank, to A serve for me ensuing your, win he held at the Banking House. on TUESDAY, JAN 0- ARY 9th, 1866, It 1 o'clock, P. I. T. D. CABSON,CuHiu. Dec. 13, 1865. 3: The Oldést Real Estate a GERGY in THE . VALLEY OF VIRGINIA.— 'l‘hisAgency hlvlng euperior ndv'entugee, con show more, and better groin and gruing Farm and other properties for rule to penonl d‘ceirinz homfis, husinfsn‘ sites, he, in this heautilnl and fertile Va ley nt lose price: then any other establishment in the anley ol Vir ginln. Onr oflice being located in the town of HARBISONBURG, near: the centre of thin gerden of Virginie, end being in direct com munication by huge and othehlne with cl moet ovary part of the Velley. penone necking home: here, can have hitter fullitiee (for looking at andeelectingsuch propertiel u may suit thevarioua testes and menu: of the nu merous purchasers. ‘ . We would respectfully invite the nttention of purchasers the PROPERTIES we here on hand for an , being confident we can ec commodete th most whimsical on such term! es cnnnot be 0 ered at nny other ofllce in the Valley. Our properties route in quantity lrom (25) TWENTY-“VF ACRES, To (2503) TWENTY-FIVE HUNQRED ACRES, end in PBLCE, It tron: ($3) THREE DOLLARS TO ($6O) SIXTY , DOLLARS PER ACRE, end contain'some of the veg but grating Ind gnin FARMS in the Valley, and some of the most pleasant and beautiful localities in the Vulley. Our town lutl,b?lsineu sites, end town 'residencel, Ire not surpassed in the anley. , ' Tine venrAccouom'run. Any one went ing into ntion, can have it, i! any property nhouyéinilch they may inquire in our edver tisements by writing to us for n catalogue, containing prices, discriptive lists, kc. , These lunde hnd other properties lie in Rock ingham, Page,{Shenandoeh, Warren, Angnltn, Rockbridge, Pendleton, Hardy, Randolph, Al ‘hemarle, kc. ' »_ Give .113 11 cell and you can, from :he numer ous propertied we have for sale, be eccommo dntedon the best of terms, before you leave for your home. We are at all times prepared to convey persons to look at lends lying in the county of Bockinghain, free of charge. ' Address, J. D. PRICE & 00., No. I Ind 2 Law Bnilding. , Harrisonbnrg, Rockingham coL, Va. D 26 4, 1865. 3m * , el Virgiqiai Lands in Market. .. RTHUR L. ROGERS. ~ _. _ _ BUTTE AGENT, MIDDLEBURG. LOUDON COUNTY, VA. Having an extensive acquaintance with the people and (be Land of the Piednogt Section of Virginia, so celebrated u a fine “Gnu Country." [will pay particular Attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in this region, besides practicing hw in the Courts of London and Fauqnier. ‘ fi-I an Authorized to sell lome of the moat deairuble Farms in thin part of iho Sum. um} will corresrond promptly rm: persons wishing to purchase, or take plulure In Ibo!- ing the-winds to them, If they give me I cull. 3‘!"an and Surveys furnish“! when do lired. Addreu, ARTHUR 1.. BO(' 388, Anal-nay at Luv, Niddlehurg, London emf“. . Rnnuon.—-John Janna], Elq.,Le¢lbnrg, VI»; Gen. A. Rogers, Riddle-burg, V 34 John A: ~ dunno, Bath Jame: V. Bmoke, Buy. Wu remix, anquier‘ coupty, Va.; A. K. Philliin, Fte- ricklburx, Va; Fund! 1.. Smith, liq” Al drin, Van; Dr. Bewrlyfll. Wellford,Wm. B‘. MM: rlnnd, Esq., Richmond, Va; Meun. L. P. Bane t (70., Messrs. Hamilton Eater t 00., l. vet: Stella, Ballimoro, Md. Hiddlebu _, Vt, Oct. Is, 1885. 3m .- Estxbhshed 1850. OTIGE or macfln. ' LAWRENCE D. DIETat 00., relpectfnny beg 1e: Qb t 9 noxify their friends, customentnd the pu {i9 generaily, um they have remo ed from No. 151 Frnnklin street, :0 ‘the commodious four-ital? Warehouse, ~ No. 303 BALTIM RE smear, between Howard and Libert‘ where they will ‘ for the future conduct thenfikholemle Buli neu, 50‘.er in \ _ ; Hosiery. Trimmings, Furnishing Goodl. ' Perfumery, Notions, ‘ Stationery, Uu cry, . Toys, 3 to. to which they invite the “tendon of cityund connu'y pnrchuen, feeling confident of u: h nbflity to oflee . inducement! in price. In qumy of (3000!. e ‘ _ Ordorl by mail) will neck“ prompt atten tion. Addnu‘ 4: A LAWRENCE D. sz & 00., - aqa Buugnorn nun, Badman. Inch 14,1364. - ; Fresh Arrival. | ATS, OAKS, BOOTS 8 SHOES. I COBEAK t 00. nvejnnncelved tad opened anothe'r anexidld unorméuj. 9! EATS, CAPS, BOOTS Ind SHOE-S, (n Sum-m went, which they an «11in; u very low price! con-maria; the time». Thu hunt nylon of Summer {lna nnd Gspl, of every description and price. ' fimfiSbae‘, of wperinr nuke, “a,“ warm: ‘tofit, slvql on hand. Work. nude no order nadrppdflng done on shortw tioa, by uperiancod wokaen. Alla, HARNESS MAKING. tan-led on in d) in bfimchel. Persons yum ins Anything in thin line would do Inll on «11. Who.“ {ox-gel. an old land in mumm burz “Netti! you nut Bugtiul. COBEAN ’ CRAWFORD. Inge U), 1866; ,/ Picture Frame. , ’ smu- yum, of news: nuns, Ar; 2.3:» 2;; m? s-"yw "1' ”£253“? 9m ' GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY, JAN, 8, 1866. Railroad Election. Election. • “ nuts I: ‘; an" an nu. Plum.” Ithdtb lotirp. NEW-YE“? ”“833 or ' ," The Compiler” Carrier. JANCIIIII 1. 111114. Km: Pnnoss in Pmlns: Once ngeln To trespus on your purse 1 come. All lmyeer, through storm snd rein, And summer hut, so wesrlsome, I've brought you news of passing scenes, And kind novice, end wholesome truth, Have told you whet corruption mean, And who were pntriots forrooth. ' And then, too, 'tis rub holiday—. The first of‘ eighteen sixty-six- We have slow small debts to pay, We hope you will not “leave us stink.” But we'll let by-gones be by-gones, ‘ "you “shell out" the reedy’ “spons.” Now, while l write this emky verse, And, looking hock, ench line rehenrse, Deeeusber’s sky is chill bud dreer, ‘ s Decembe'r’s leaf is red and sear. No longer eulurnn's glowing red, " Upon our battle hills lubed. We only see'some faded pines, Only: watery sunbeam shines. We sit us down by creckllng fire, r With little spleen end less of ire, , . ‘ To think ; nod thinking talk, In furtherance of our wanted work, And if we trend our neighbor's toes, 0: show how crookedly he goes, Onllflwe delve into the drawers 0: printers, preachers, clerks end lawyers, : And tell you whet we find by turns— ' Say, MEGanghy’s deed, or “Tens returns"— Why, you'll excuse me, I presume, . Forpuly once a yea-t lcome. ‘ When Inst the yes: from old topew did chanie, Long had the Western world reclined its heed, Fell discord through our borders fierce did - rouge, - < ~ Anddwe with sorrowing hurts boweilnd our end. By lend san see wnr’s utmost rege employed, Legion-'gnilut legion strong was hurled in ‘ strife, . Nor Heaven repsired so But as men destroyed— ’Twu nssge—pilinge—fire—me [or life. in vain kindnummerplemeqnn field: benched— Ahirm from indon hon-d nil pimsuflrchued, In vain the vinuge iibertlly'flowed— Fur robbed the rich But-gunman gape 0f um. , T‘be umiipe of Nature could no blessings briné‘. Time It: distinguished by the word hd spear. ' i We knew no manner—no, nor flowery spring, ’Twns blood-shed to‘d In when the Inn was near. 1 Now penée,though long repulsed, has come at last, » Bids all~lhe nation ceue her wonted mono, And bids us smile on all our labor: put, Bids us dPstroy the sends of discord sown. fro valor, gentle virtue: now succeed, Wisdom and progeu in one breast can live. No longeris the great man b'orn to bleed,— Hamony,nlone, on make the nation thrive. Nor is it pence alone, but such a pesos As will the quin-keal heal the wound: of war, And more than bid the rage of battle cease, Can best remove our bleeding nation’s Iclr. Death may determine war and rest. succeed—- An exhausted nation live in deep repose, Cause nought survive on which om use me! feed v . ‘ Butir'reidship gloriong, mskel “Jove our ‘ foes. ~ Each wound received nocw plead- the csnu of love ‘ And war: which raised the foo,restorea then: ' friends, ‘ v And fufmer injuries ondeuments prove, And generous hatred in affection ends. Though Willon lovel the“‘Nigger" moye tad more— Thongh Sumner-’0 heat in “aloof ’gsinnt ' niercy’t all- ; Though Thad. to continent. thy South has more 5 Lightly th; I'm-d in Johnson's land will fall. Sun tide of time! through whnt mylterio‘nl change ' ‘ 0! hope Ind far has our full hark been < driven, ‘ For ne'er before vicissitudes Io strange Were to one me o! Adun’n oflepring given. Well hr; than Itood, 111, country] the brtu gt - 2 But vs]: maintained, throngh‘rgood report on 11, . In thy own conne sad in thy nnti e right; And inuheuen’l (me Int! 1' tics content on 1 - ‘i ' Yet 'mi 1 the confident ofjnlt renown— Benown den bought, but dwelt thus no quind,‘ ' ‘ Write, Columbia, the moral tench drum: ’Tie not alone the heart with ulor fired~ ' The discipline '0 dreaded 19d Idmired— Such ' any by (we be Aland—by gold he hired— _ “ ’Tis cénitancy In the'good cause done, Ben juatidu the mead thy volt-m. lons luv. won." . ‘ ' But then in than in this Mr Ind oflonn, I Who, whilx our nrounl were Mdonod with me It [O,. And angry Km, that brunt hem devonri, Wu rampant to destroy the nation’s life, He's; imeh we make nor had tho unnon'l x to", ' ' , Patriots shay were (7)4"): never Ith n hm; Their "loyalty" shove Ihe foe did poor, And where tho money no,“ cuund :here; And when u ham-mun proclaim-d their fraud, The, at uni; blood-hound, lpiu ape-Ail 9“! / soon the" imp: co pin their employer’n’lnnd, \ Invegfing words—misrepnunllng Mu, With '1 liny m 1 corn-Aim only In! 311 m those who cu them on to this fall deed, Bu ed the object. of Mr wickylnen— Thai villniny mun-d and flame: and. blend. (' . 'rhm half-sun nun who loud we: (or he “IDS; / ' In whom slam I» ”wound “malty," Who luyed n Home Wdeucrsto an Inn, - And all ‘holr neighbors xo caytivity, When-mod rebel)?“ caused from cm the land, When not, Ivan-{nu sheathed and buck “’39: 2/, . . I When every Sum from Urine to Rla9rnnda,_ Lnid down "tl um I: ugphiel we had lon- Their hum/:3! none unwashed with the night. ~ 0! kn“. plain: rod win: intern] (are-- 01' cue-yon: soldiers marred 13an n fight- Cry ,‘lmou blood I more 11100 i. to man h". / nor-”l ‘ ‘ _ ‘ 1 “Sheath noc a. sword. and m the are not x «pawl .\ l ’ PEvon {he dud "’ll not let rut ln‘pem"! { la “.0 thnt'rgdiull o’er mun. nigh? ‘ h ' MN} 1: our Union ne'er to ba relmnd7‘x Our Oonltitution held no dup dildnlh! . Will lured I?an no rowdy that ’ _ _ln ind r—gof an”: x ellod :- ‘l ”0:3“, or Bhujlmuehhd MP ' v"..- Who-I mam-(w Hyman-d B: fitment um and heart as pun 2.: hr“! Jphnson, we took to thee! Thou cum rebuke The fiendish halein these enthusiast. hreuu— Inhhee alone we hope! Though yon’re forsook By all those deep-dyed traitors who infest The Hall: at Congreu, yet the peeple will Susuin thee ’gn‘mat their "out: and venom , ed hue. . Bland by (he: honored Congtitntion still— . Btuékby‘ thy wt! Band by the unheppy me I But let us leive duals lad foreboding things, And contemplue domestic good or ill, Fox-tin her fallen state our country bflnga No plenum. thoughts to lreedom’l domicil. And first we wilhyon ell I 513 d New You, kAnd many more, yet suddenmny you‘lee, And when another New Year's day in neu— luy butter (all, nor turkey: be so dear, But all enjoy the ghdlome fennel glee. We 'gntnlnte the soldiers who have fought, ’.Their country’s Luvs and honor to Inluln, Thu, with their pain, much needed peace they bought, And they at home are with us once egein. Guard we}! shot Union you have made your lore, Your purpose let not radical: defeat ; Although you fought the Union to restore, They in ad: iegiemion say it. in no more. We 'gntnlsto ourselves on no more dram, 'Oar “quota? full," our: Mahmm in. ,‘t‘rue, our tun are high, but. then with cmfl, We'll get slang, and not be uhot therein. For Ganyobnrg bright prolpecu no in note. There in the "Mule-field” Ind nonunion—— Onr College too it round and leaping o‘er: In main! ways and narrow tenements. i And tlrenpnr Ruin-and too noel on apnea—— And Oil end Gael are in our county found I Aye, ton, end Hermnn'l Spring mun ’hnve s plnce ’ In chronicles of Inch historic ground. , And here’l n nary that cennol be left 013:, In mull. ll not poetry, but truth. v Thnl. ll be! ever been in preu, I doubt; And lince by eomeit ha been much extolled, I give it all u lung inact, {onootb— - Iu nix- “The Bonnie Blne Fleg," (Io celledz) There wee I led in our town, ’ And he I” wondronl wise, He tried through 11l his life to drew The wool o’er people’a eyes. He up: I‘very nlee young led, ° And always wore good clothe;L And when he came to men’l unto, Put gogyen on hia nole. ' He loved 3 thing the: met his gue,’ With 111 hie power And pelt. He “and before I looking glue.— The objrct was my“. \He first. engtged in Wentern Lends,‘ And every one he met, \ He’told with seeming homty Their: warrant: he would get. \ 9 Once on 5 time Mcheghy came 'To get hi: bounty lends; “ ' He gave his papers ell complete , lnlo mil lawyer’s hands. As fime rolled on McGnughy cope To ask if it was lain, ’ But every time tbs lawyer aid, “qu37, just can spin." Thns it went for nine lone yuan; A: xm, whey-e wu it found? Why, ante, among thin lawyer] landl— ' A lawyer of this town I , ,‘Ha next bent I“ hit energies ‘ r A pnperlo luppreu; ‘Suborned a man to “we“ a lie , A gaps-man to distress. This 'l‘ilnl Oute- tried very hard His villain] to lbiold, ‘ ‘He wrote to Schenck, he wrote to Couch Hit [mm were mauled. He mated to be Senator- Some though: h: In mumm— ‘ The people knew him very well A: only meretrlcioua. He mm “am“ the soldier vol; And Rebel “gauges, Form: the gonna that. he look Im- Stun’l nvugu. He an the Star. Poor moon-{wed John , Wu nowhere to be found; Hem it hard; like Johnny, :00, Rb m it in the ground. A for when he gun to count the vote , . He found be In: behind, L And being louu- in the gum He tried to go it "blind." / . He then bugged of I “whim/vow," But fund in on it: («5/ He tried to pun: it of on 1, ' \ But u would“ ”We. Ab, Ila. though Mn sud wickedness ll]! ‘ ‘ lo we“ thrive, In futm :e decreed A "p: to live. now I end my lny. .verrench oli-lay 7 d patrons, one and Thu no an Pexhepe I It, time ; bx So ihén, ll each— . 0: old, or young. or and, or ledy felt— Bellevlflg you’ll excuse my Awkward rhyme, And kin}! allowance mnke {or want of care, '1 I: e you in His bands who rule: our time. And/lg: the you this dey bu ushered in, I/wiehyon sll more blils than tongue con tell, I thank you {or your freely given “fin,” '/ Ani give to etch a. kind farewelll {nrewell l ’ THE CARRIER. tkoite ,tistalang. The Final Conflugntiol. Itil not slime remarkable that the pro. dicied burning oi the world, end the cir cnmhneu “lending it, u Yoretold in the Scripture. are both naturel and hue e Itrict coincidence with scientific probability. It is nompuwd by French utronomers lhu more shun 1.500 fixed stare have ding geared within the last three centuriee. lloe an that one of these “an, litueted in the northern hemisphere, gave the moat. indisputable evidenc~ 6! buying been con sumed. I; we: so bright as to be visible to the neked eye at mid-day: "first ol‘e daz zling while. then ruid'uh yellow. and lastly of An uhy‘fde color." The cont-gnaw listed, All we: visible sixteen months, when the star lorever diuppeared. _ ‘Tho pooplo of several countle- in [l. limit are min; corn for fue). Corn com 10 can” pct hmhel, And seventy bushel. m. s and; the cost of word in, khenfoto. 57. A cord of wood with the sawing of in. units” 50. 10“) an 50m awed; beside: which the com {nnku more but tbm wood. The corn amp )1, beyond the demand. It 10%| bhulng Know of the «atom ~~- dbqlnm.flshbditon , m'wnodpuu. \ Few persons are aware of the importance of having good musicin churches. and lew-‘ ,er s'till, perhaps, are willing to acknowledge its importance. even when their attention has been called to it, and conviction begins to force itself upon them. Men are very unwilling to he love that the means em ployed on almost every occasion, for the purpose of heightening unholy enjoymmt, ' and for ministering to pleasure, often of the l , most dissolute kind, could in any possible way promote thespirit of devotion. Many ‘ persons would shudder with horror were they to see a violin-employed in the church service; nay. even more, there are those who would think it sacrilege t_o employ any musical instrument whatever, in devotional exercises. It seems atrsn e that men. christiansmho read their hibie daily.should not there have found in the practice of good men from the earliest time, morethan suf ficient to convince them of their error.— Are we not there told that “Miriam, the prophetess, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tim brels and with dances,and Miriam answered them, sing ye unto the Lord,” kcj at another place that “David appointed Jeiel with psa teries and with harps, but Asaph made a sound with cymbals”? and also, "So the number of them with their brethren that were Jnstructed in the songs of the Lord, even all that were cunning, wasv two hundred founcore and eight "2 . Here it is plain that when David was Kingol Israel, and, even before his time, there were employed almost, if not alto gether, every instrument then known to the Hebrews, in the service of the Most High, and musicians were trained purpose ly with a view of praising; God by. means of their skill. It may seem ‘strange that de votion could be a matter of training; but it ceases to appear so', when we consider that the faculties with which the creator has en dowed us are only, legitimately employed when in his service, and when we make a dedication of our faculties to Him they are acceptable in proportion to their excellence. Our Savigdplainly taught this when he commend the servantiwho doubled their talents by their own shré‘wdness and in-: dustry. We are created with mind, but we must improve it. If God has given a man talents or music it is Hisfidesire that he, should dedicate those talents, at least in a great measure, to the service of the Giver, instead of employing them to pamper the lusts of dissolute listeners. ll‘ men have} been. endowed with the faculty of reason ing._ it is an argument of but little weight against the use of those reasoning powers, to say that he sometime employs them for the accomplishment of base ends; it may be for the very purpose of proving the non existence cl that Deity from whom he has received these powers. In like manner, if music in general, or any instrument by which it may‘ be made, has been so unfoi: tunate as to have been prostrated to igno hle uses, it is not much to the credit of ur Judgment if we say that it rusty not he or milted to redeem its injure repu ation, and be employed for the noblest fiends.— Again, men are created perfect iii/nothing; Whatever degree of perfection /they‘may attain is left to their own laboi/. No man would pretend to say that tho Preeidentof the United States, or his adr‘sore, oughtnot to be learned men. Very e_w will say that ministers of the, Gospeldaught not to be educated men. If any/ one has, the pro. sumption, or prejudice 'tosayso he will soon find that such a minifller. unless he be pos sessed ol‘ some gre t natural talents, will find himself withp’nt a congregation. He may indeed retain a few listeners, but they will beJthose hose" only creed is their fanatic epi ions, and with whom no worship is orsliip but that conducted in' confer ity with their own peculiar dogmas. If then it be' essential that the [in] tbe filled by an educated man in order at the sermon be good, why is it ‘ not anally essential that the music be in ‘ cha go of a competent choir that it also be g- - - 1 since music is but apart of the ser- 1 l ' cc of the sanctuary. .The first great step ‘ towards attaining the end here advocated i is the providing ‘ol a good organ, or some , instrumental" the same character. With out this the best company of singers will labor under difficulties, and with it even ordinary singing may be made to some re spectable. . ~ Il' than a church he provided with a good instrument, medium player, and singers, it will soon be found that the music they make will do much to render the service inter esting and the devotion more pure and fer: vent. As- an instance of the’ effect bad music is supposed to have had even in the earliest time upon a congregation. we may mention a decree oi the council of Laodicia, which eXpreeßly ordained that none but canons or singing men should presume to sing in tbe church. It is a fact worthy of a passing remark, that congregational sing ing at the present time, almost without ex ception, is of the worst kind. This is es pecially true in rural districts. But we need not reier to the almost universal cus tom of christians from the earliest times as testimony in favor ol'good musicin churches. Let every one appeal to his own feelings. and all Will admit that real good music ola solemn character refines the sensibilities, and rhises the thoughts to Him from whom is all rl'ection and beauty. Luther used to calfiimsic “a half discipline and school mattress, to make the people gentler, milder, more moral, and wiser.” J Zwingle, another great reformer, bears testimony to the same I?” eflects. What pathos, what heart t rilling efi'ect, in some of the tune; that have been in use in the church lor centu ries, when they are well performed! Good music goes home into the heart, “the great ice of unfathomable feeling that lien far, far Below the surface of the worldhardened heart." Not unlrequently it causes the unchecked tear to start-raises the soul into a higher, purer atmosphere, as it were, into the very presence-chamber ol the Most High. Those sweet sounds as they come stealing over us as “from the far-off land of iParadise," awaken in us emotions of bliss ‘ and conceptions of perfection—the only i true interpreter of which is music. There are but few persons whose feelings permit their thoughts to wander upon vain things i if those feelings are within the reach of nap, many; and fewer still are they who would . venture on such an towfihon toms”: ex", preuion to an idle 'es . ywe on _ ope that the time willioon come when all will have an opportunity of experiencing these h‘PPI’ 03am, when every church will be‘ {provided with good music. both vocal and ‘ instrumental. . Let, men cease to condemn the means instead of the end. Let them notihe an enemy tornuaic becamalaal toe ot ema played (or unholy purposes, and pr: will be a land of musicians no less than; had IiEZEI TWO DOLLARS A—YEAB INTc). IE3 For the C’o-Ipfkr lUBIS IN CHURCHES. of elm-final; When ugo In m W (#00110! in tlure!litfhl'omlgelug'llt’onghy"?‘t I §m o 0” I. ‘3 th:¥::ulilullly‘luflouud the throat of flu In» Huh, ennpturing huvon with thdr , luxuriant union of rich humour. 3. Haul-rung. 1865. BABE BAH. The Brooklyn Esq}: philoupher. in Ml mm. to keep up mu: the mnemonic of eh. 3e, hu el‘ifped into the hue bell i‘port. He 7 u. exp! m the science of the fine: The gems in A great invention. It ale ily understood. All yqu hue (ado in to keep your eye on the hell. I". all ghoul the be". ~ They also use a but. The but 1| I dub built on the model of the club‘Bamum kill ‘od Ouptgin Cook with. - 51M: 1: why the organisation} young.- ¢Zu ‘ . :. 4 One {mow take: 3 dub and undue}! A line, and another stands in {ml ofhxm, and fires the ball back At him. ‘ The chap with the club hit. back. The ball flag in the other direction.“ The first. fellow drops the club .- though he was scared. and runs like a pickpookot with an M. P. after him. ' Several fellows run after the ball; some body Catches it and fires it at. somebody 9186. _when the chap who had the club slaps running. . 1 Another fellow then nukes-the oluh pad the same man who.ia called “ itchy.” pitches on him, fires the bull at. Rim. lnd he hits back. knock: the b 5“, drops his club and cuts his stick' for the first bus. ‘Half a. dozen fellows out on picket duty genuine for the ball. , One relmble B. B. is pouted behind the club man. in case the club man mine: the ball, to see that. it don’t go by md In ’the Umpire. ~ When one side is out the other aidejoea in, and when both sides are out it in 0 led an inninge. {gig quite In intelligent gnme,defending entirely on the use of your loge. he fixsk prineiple of the gume iefrunning. When you are “in”L you run any {rain the ball; when you arefiout" you run ell ter H. ‘ It in splendid‘ exercise: keep! you go wum; consequently in 11w”: played m the manner tune. r. Church Etiquette. .: It. igfuhioneble with some people to go late to church, long after the service: have begun, to the ediflchtion of the CDIIOUI in the congregatiofi, and the anhoyenoeofthe mmher. A'ootempemry says it hue lately I: decided, on high authority, that the following rules be cheat-vet: ‘ V “Let_the 13$ advance one pm beyond 1/ the door oft _ pew she wishes to enter. halt, about face, and ulqte. The pew may then be vacated by— Inch gentlemen M er’e in ltby flunk movement. he squad ehqnld rise eimulbneouely when the ladfiy plague herself, and face b{ the right 1111;” en deploy into the his e, the head ma)! falling the lady. and the rest welklng afhle'eide nglhl nnd rear, the direction 9! the.line hem; changed by a tight ooyntexmjrch. end forming again into lmemp end _own the aisle, still faced by the ri tflenk. .The ludy, when she sees that t e coast is q'leer. completes her salute. an edvanoee whet position in the pew, T e gentlemen break 03' by fllee'from the rear and resume their places. Greet care ’ehonld be witch, of course, by other p tiee~not to entq the aisle when this ev ution in in progreee, un til itieoomple -- ’ + lam Escher? spplied for 91v in; betwee ’ rich :9d ”a course, b 6? the fa 7 “My 9" ill r be I i' e“ m: uncle. to whom his niece Jvloo on .the question of choos. / two suitan, one of whdm In: the bkher pooh-the latter, of eing the most ardent, as well as ,orite lover-denbentiously replied: ‘lear, the question being stnppq‘dnfku ny elemeuu, your choice amply lies een l_ovAe aygl beef:_ Novg, lovq is an (ea, w‘hilérbepf is a réality. L'ove you can egel: along without; but beef you mutt have. Therefore, make suns ofyour beef.”l 4 -——-—7-o-o-——-———-——— , Q‘A shrewd prespfler, after an eioquent charity sermon, said to his bearer" . “I am oft-aid, from the sympathy dis‘plqui in your countenancea, that. some 0 you may give too much. I caution you, therefore, that you should be jug: before you Ira gem erous; and wish you $0 understand that. I desire no one who cannot pay his flab“ to put. anything in the plate.” The; ooilec~ (ion was a rare one. 5 WA gentleman recently retarded from the 80th called on the President, and told him that. at Richmond there were in a sin le school two ‘or three hundred while chil iren 33:00: and ignorant as any black to be foun in the whole of the South, and urged that they needed the kid of the phi lanthropiceverywhoret Presldenl-lohnson replied that he was very glad one Northern man had discovered chat there were any white people at the South. Really had Forgouen.-An urchxn of six summer: was sent :0 school for the first time. The teacher, to test. his Mquiramanu, uk ed him: “Who made you?" The boy couldn’; answer. The teacher told him und degired him to remembér-lthoma hours after the teacher‘ repealed Kb. q‘ua tion. Tho‘boy. rubbing bu head in a kind of brown uudy, replied: “I swear, l'va fdrgottefi the gentleman." ‘ - fi-Negrooa indicted for penitenlilr! ofl'encos‘in Kentucky, plead “I't‘a Ilne, ' slid are let loose again on the community. So soon as dischnrged they become “I'- free," and go to stealing again. fi'h Is not proper to sddreu tho Presi dent In "Your excellency.” u some do. In the Convemion thnt (turned the Nation al Constitution, thin title was propoud and rejected, at the instance at Benjamin Frank lin, who proposed to unsen, immediately af ter, “And that the VlO6 President lbs“ b 0 Hi: Moat Superfiuous Higbueu l" li-A correspondent writes us from Gal veston : “I have today been a Confederate Colonial. with his full unifom on, um und all, driving a dmy, with a mule whqse hu neu was made of rcpea. A late Lieutenant General of the rebel army is I cluk in an express office at. New (News, mad '.he offi~ car who drove off Franklin and hia‘fiftoen thousand men n. Sabine, in nan-keeper at Houston.” Singubr Obitum-yp'l‘he Atlnnh, Gm. Ma nager giveu the “allowing odd notice of a. deceased cinnen 0! than game: ’ "He mm the father 0 eleven sons, five of whom marked fin mteu. He had one hundred and eightyniue grandchildren; tnd at his funeral, two weeks .50 [it Sat» bath, two horses were stung to death by bees, 9nd another came out losing“. In, by me “me.” ‘ fiSenator Pumeroyfo! Kunm, made A Speech in the court house of Bureau 00., 11L, in winch he made the lollowiifi um onable remark: "1 would rather hqlp tear down the Capitol than Allow the Southern States to com. buck mxo che fining: without letting the negro vote I” -'i‘ha.t,' l ekmd of sentiment that pervadu‘ “no a mien: breast oftbe Radicals. ‘ ' ""~ f WWW , comm—“Du: the wing-tor put a lump on you when you mu grim, Ma. ry T” Mary—“A stamp, Charhe 1. Int for pray T” Charlie—“ Why matches I!" 10‘ 3;! without I penny lump, yoxr‘ " W?" ”“1 mu be u home wisundny,” ch. young Indy remarked. u aha, followed. to the door he: beau, who named-$0 be wasting in bi: attachmegt. “'BO “it“ I," an the bruw’ueply. , ; 1:1; ' ' we. w. Bickley, _mdewor us. Knuth“ of‘um 60”. an [‘.- ,lemfo! ’Fmflm two you-- naught nonm- in ‘ , ‘ '. vvkwelsmnaz ' :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers