'13.“ sst ”muggy-m”? ..- Wig:;fvma V '-.*-..~.~___-:. i ;:A,cnmmm . g 4, fins. ~ _ ‘ mmfihyfism M" £5! ed “0.» we phi“ pay mamtfifin gum}! In *‘lion to what-F mgr. Ill] pertain to _Agicqnnre. Sp its vn-" right-inches. We Im've nlw'nys {alt n deep ' in _ m in “)9 progrepn gngyprmperily of 90! county, and knowingt at. in the im-‘ Maid the toil lie‘lbb grent' secret of, both, 5‘ up.“ be our constant mm, in thef WM and owemine. lo urge fmwm’d the #s}; papaya-y lowch imprqvemont. ‘ Iho‘ ml: “'in be pleasant, for up rcnwmwbe-i game file like farming, nnd liertfuse we “II ‘ homang. r l In um ,column wm be foubd whatever of ”In; in” come under our noticv. whethm‘ ;u'qfef to bettering the soil, impmyemwnt ‘olmd’niaing and feeding bf nook. fruit lcull'uflg, and so on. We exéect to give an articlo of our own occuionafly. and invite ,our fatmeririends 1o assist "is by nuch‘con *filgmiona as Mmir experienqe and observa 6th niray suggest. . 3‘ momellio, recipes, 5:6,, 11]! also find a ;plm'gnfliis .qolu‘mn. - » V ' 5» —-—b-——_——-.-. -70..- _A i “hm in Bcrh foqnlyJ . fl'hfiierka County Agricqltuéal Shciety bu q) inch a special comimitlee on pro‘ ,mofi'n‘géthe growth of Fruit in that county. .r'l‘ho tpmmittee commenc'e'thin {all with years; To ibe end in view, {heir intention .ilfio .f ‘misb standard Pear; Trees, of the ;best ‘in-Ms, to farmers and quiers, at pricgs 31th covering. the «on on purchase and ‘tnnsx‘aortntion—say five (1011 an per dozen X{or thée most. vigorous and chl ice varieties. vThé idea is Igood one, find shsbld be generlflly a‘dopted.‘ What. hay you toit, [s:qu of Adams? i - ' ' Ilpw to Bring Up Snnciy Land. Jul Clayton, Mason coun y, 11].. writés: We have a good deal of lnndiin this county I on which nothing but rye can b 0 grown. it bpingjneurly clear Hand. What is the best way I, improvethesundy soil? Such limd may mbably be brought up into condition I 0 that a tolerable crop of corn. wheat midi roots grill follow in a few _vem'a. Buckwheat. sown pow on land which hflé a small dress-l ing ofisomeammoniucul mar? r-. 100 to 150 €qu sor Guano, or 200 or ,300 pounds of" no not per acre, will giveffi good growth I probe lyz' Plow thisuzndertzoon after the first blossoms a mam-(and then now 179,. In spr‘ing. any the middle oflMay or first of Juno,‘when the rye begins to head, turn it under‘nnd sow corn, or sorg um, broadcazt, (or inldrilla it the land is needy. which it. probakly it} not) and plow-’ahia under in August, Ind “if desired: buc wheat or tur nip: may be send. (the latter quite thick ly; and this crop plowed under ; the buck: : entl,before frost, cr the turnips belore ud Qeezipg. After this you will be able in all'pro’bqtfility to get a good crop of red clover‘ whichimaans wheatoi- nnythingelse. (after h) provided the same system is kept up. and a well manured crop is introduced once in about four years. , l A link “are with :1 Cult. ' ThelFox-t Wayne (Indiana) Gazelle. nl‘llne 99H: alt. gives the following remarkable otdry. orthecorrecmmsofwhichitvonches: \‘lt n my be M s‘ome inlnrest to stock grow ers to know that. Mr. Robert. Bqnnett, of “finally. hu a mule will) a young colt. {_he Ingler‘abou; four weeks old. The fuel. in quite lomarxkable and worth remembering. ‘l‘herelig o mistake about. (he matter—the mule ls file‘molh‘er of the colt. MLConko lin, me Fhologmpher, bi-ought us a pholo~ graphm the mimnls this morning—a re marln‘bly good picture—the coll “imbibing” 3 breakfast, and the mother tied to a post with ;hnlter. The picture may be seen at puro ce. It ought. to be secured by the _Agricxlltuml Society. , ‘ :2 Facts for Farmers. t Subterranean Ramon—lt is well. known that cream can be converted into butter byl pimpl; being buried in the ground; but. Alta.“ is not generally known that. this mode is i comm use in Normandy and some other parts ff '.France. The process is as follows: “we eam is lilnced in a linen [mg of mod ente‘ihickness. which is carefully secured and placed in a hole in the ground nboutn foot nhri a half deep; it is then covered up nudlel't for twenty-five hours. When taken :out. the cream is very hard. and only re— quires beating torn short time with a wood en mallet, after which half a glass of water is thrdwn upon it. which causes the butter milk to separate from the butter. If the Quantity to be converted into butter is large. his left more than twenty-tour hours in the.[ ground. In winter, when the ground is, frozeng‘the operation is performed in the cellar, the bag being Well covered up with land.‘ lSome persons place the bug contain ing the cream within a second bag. in orderl to present the chance ol'nny taint. trom that earth. This system saves labor, producesl a larger amount. of excellent. butter thnn churnihg, and, moreover,‘it. is said never to fail. I l -—————<acc>———-——-—- , l A Poisonous Tomato Worm. The i’ort Byron (N. Y.) 75m1: says that peverai‘persons near Auburn have recently ,been {daily stung by a large worm that in fested tomato vines. death ensuing within a few Hours. A lady in Port Byron discovk ered one of these monsters on her tomato vine! one day last week, and narrowly en'- paped heing stung. The worm is described on about three inches long, of a green color, ‘ and fluted with elnwa and nippers, with a} block horn protruding in front some three- l fourths‘ of an inch iong. A wriwr in the 1 Rochester Eljfl'tas states that it few days lince he took one of these, worms from his tomatoivines, and confined it about a week in a glues jar, awaiting its change into the chrysalis state. Upon being released it burrowed a wu'y into the ground nearly a foot, 9:19:13; 3; the thread by which it was held w‘gpi permit. Under the impression that it might resurrect another season in the milder form, and become the parent of gangster-on: and destructive progeny, it was I .‘ o ‘ Early Rndishes‘. ‘ A writer in Gallagher’s llfmcnger ’slatea that mdisbes may be grown in a few days by the following method :’— Let. ”mergood radish seed soak in water {or twdnly- our'hours, then put them in a. bag and expose is to thesun. In the coufse‘ of the day germination will commence.— The geed (pint. ‘lhen be sown ih a. well ma-l “195! “bot bed, apd watered from time tol gage with lukewarm wuler.‘ By this treat-' pent they in a veg shay. time. acquire}: _lufioie'm. bulk. an are goqd 10 em.‘ ‘li :1 be tequired to gel radislieg. good in mute-r duringvlb‘e seiere cold, 4n 01¢} cask should be “37:“!- in lym, and one half 0H: filled will a d _eni-ih. The radish seed bfiglp ping goshoot “.befol’e, must. be sown in it. and the other half 0! the barrel put in the 30%;? the full oné, anti than placpq an 1119 so .I For wateri‘ng,‘ lukewarm water ,honid be gsed in' below. In the "course 91": _fefv flay: ping fadiahes will be fit to eat. '‘i ‘ ——-——-——oq.»—-—-———— ’grhe?’ pom crop'is fully mstprec} thmydnout the west, angl such an afiunv a:‘ t. :sle ilnot _witb'm the memory "of the ‘olgeJ‘ inbnfiitgpt. Tbe‘ wheat and ,5.. fi'dds'ke affluent. and have come pp. finely. ‘ ‘ b ‘ig’lbopt4iyxge to [eyive ‘thafi'old 'oke: I‘”th he's! agicuhunkl Turf—fu h’gfigfitenfl , 1' {we is 419%?!561119 seam? w» N 36 smm 188548. . HE GREAT INVENTKOX OF THE AGE ‘ IN HOOP SKIRTS.—J. W. BRADLEY‘S .\'t-iv Patent DUPLEX ELLII’TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT.-—This invention consists nl Dnblox {or hm) Rl'lnic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingcuimly hrui-lml lightly and firmly Logplhcr, edge to edge, making the «toughest. mnfil fir-xihle, elastic nnfl durable Spring ever well. They Heldul’ll bend or Link, like the SingleSpflngsmnd consegm mly pnurre their perlecl. nnrl bountiful Shnpe more rlmn IwiLe as long as any Single Spring Skirt mar ex'er has or can be m ldc. . ‘ ‘ The wonderlul flexibility and great comforl. and pleulure lo any lacy waning the Duplex Elliptic Skin will he experimced puniculmly in all crowded .\sstfmhlu-s. l'pgrns, Cunt-gm, llmlmn‘d Cnrq‘ f‘burch l'ews, Aim Chuira, for "mmrnmle and Home Dress, us the Skirt rnn be l'nlc'ed wlwn in list: to ocuupya small plncv us ensily and carnehlcnlly u 5:. Silk or .\'um‘in Dress. § , A lady having: elfioyed the pleasure, mmlpzz and gran convenicfice of Maul-Zn: the Duplex Elliptic Flu-l Springlikin tor mingle day will nl'ver ufletwnrds willingly llispenue with Lllrir use. ,For Children, fills cs nnd Young Ladies, they are so riot to when. The mag are covered with Z-ply double twisted lhrend and WI” went twice us long as {he nin‘gle yarn covering which is med on nll Single Steel Hoop Skins. The lhrce houom rod: on every'Skirt are also Double Sm], and twice or double COVt‘H'd to prevent the cover ing from Wearing ofl' the was when dmgging down stairs, none stepsl &c., km, which they are constantly subject to when in use. ' All are mude ol the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and nre the best quality In every pa rt, giving to the wearer the Hills! gracelul and perfecl Shape porsiblemnrl are lunplpslionnhly the lightest, most. desirable, comlurtuble and cconnmicnl Skirt. ever nrmle. ‘ I “'ESTS, BRADLEY A: CARY, l'ropnegora of the lnvention and Solo Manufacturers, 97 Ulmmbers,nnd 79 and El Reade Sts.,New York. FOR SALE in all first-clues Stores in this city,and throughout-the United Slntes and Cunuda, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South Americn, and ‘he “'29:. indies. l _ [G‘lnquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or duuhle) Spring Skirt. ‘Aug.21,1565.‘ am‘ , 628. ‘ Hoop Skirts. 628. HOPKINS’ "OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SKIRTS, are gotten up exprcsuly to meet the wants of flu»! cuss nuns. They emhrm-e n mmph-te assortment of all the new and desirable Styles, Sizes and Length, for Lndies', Missua’ and Children, nnd are an; pcrior to nll‘others made in point of Symmetry, Finish and dumbimy ; being mndeof the finest tempered English Steel Springs—with Line‘n finished Covering, and lmving n” the memlic hpstenings immuvubiy aecnrcd., by improved machinery. They remintheir Shape and Elas ticity to the'hsl—nud are wax-muted to give entire satisfaction. 3 Also,,cunsmntly in receipt of full lines 01 good Eastern Mnde SKIRTS, at. very low prices. Skirts 'nmde [0 Order., altered and repaired.— Wholeaale and '¥etail,_nt Muhnfucmr} and Sales Room, No. {528 ARCH St.,ubofi'e um, PHILADELPHIA. ‘ . _ ‘ WTcrms Cash; One Pri'c’e Qulyl Aug.21‘,1865. {m n . 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. TEW FIR-.\l AT THE D OLD WAREHOUSE. MI. E. ambLE a: CO.‘would inform me public that thé‘ hays hand the Warehouse on the corner (51' Strnuon 3249! and the Rail road. in Gettysburg, where hey will carry on the GRAIN AfND PRODUCE BUSINESS; in all its bmnc‘bgs. 'The highe’st‘princa mil al wnlyn he paid gar ‘g- 1 ' ‘ ' \VHEATéI‘JE, ~ COWS. OATS, ‘ ‘CLUYER & TIMOTHY SEEDS, f FLAXSEED, SUMAC, _, my A: ‘STRAW; ,1 Drin] Frni‘, Nuts, Soap, quns, Shunldl-n nnd Sided, Pomtues, wilh everything else in the counlry produce lir-‘e. ' UN HAND, FOR SALE. Cufi'ees, Sugnn, Mulusses,Byrup=. Teas, Spices Suit, Cheese, Vinegiir, Soda, .\iusuu'd, thrch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Brushes, Soups, Ice. Al3O COAL 'OIL, Fish Oil, ’l'nr, kc.— Ii‘ISH of all kinds; NAI‘LS,AND SPIRES; Smoking and Chewing Tobncgos. They IH‘e always able to supply n first rule nrtjél: of FL‘OUR, with the different kinds of FEE! . _ Also, GROUXD PLASTER, with GUAXOS and~ other. fertilizers. WCOAL, by the busliel,Qon.'or cnr loud: . Their Cars run to Baltimore and back twice xi week, and they will be huppy‘to carry goods either way at. moderate charges“ Mnrketmen, country merchants, and others, will find it to thoii- advgntngg to patronize this line. They ask a sham oflhe public's custom,nnd Will spnre no nation to render sniial'ncgion lo all, sellers or buyers. Ang.22,1864. tf . ' * Great Attraction ‘ 'l' l’l’thKi-lllllOH-"S Gill-ZAP CLOTHING A AND l-‘URNISHIXG STORE, "at the North linst. Corner of the Diamond. The snbsrriber is constantly in receiptot‘fresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of ,‘p READY-MADE‘CLOTHING : is One of the largest and niost attractive, as well us the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, mndelleup in the most fashionable styles, and of t , best mnterinls, of all sizes and prices, for en gmd boys." G‘bntlemen’s furnishing goodflt‘ every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Jluslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and .\lerino Shirts, iferino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosieryofeverydescription Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerehiets. Neckfl‘ies, Crm'nts, Linen and Paper Collars, ilnts, Cups, Boots and ShoeL Um. brellus, Trunks,‘aniees, Carpet Bugs, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blocking, Pocket and Dressing Combs; Ivory Combs, Wntehes, Clocksinnd Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soup Land Perfume-fies, Stationery of allkinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing .Tobnc co, Pipes, no extra quality ofSegsrs. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in us first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, as I am determined to sell goods lower than any other establishment in the cou'ntry. Don’t forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. July 4, 1864. __.,,______~______._s_-_____.w .._- Coal, Lumber, Stoves, Bw. HARLES H. BUEELER" - ‘ 0 Would respectfnlly inform the public that he will continue the business lately con ducttd by the firm of Shanda k Buehler, at the old suind. «corner of Cnrlisle Mid Railroad streets. He will he prepared to furnish THE BEST QUAgl’l‘Y OF COAL, and every rnriety of LII. BER, including Doors, Sh‘uuera, Sash, kc. Also, every variety of Cooking Stoves, among which are the J NOBLE 000 K, ROYAL COOK, WELLING TON, WAVERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ' _ ORHMENTAL COOK, 6m. _, Also, PARLOR, DINING , - ROUM, SALOON AND SHOP S T 0 V E AS, . Also, every variety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. mnnufncturcd by the best work men. Also, HOLLOW WARE of every variety, includingnsupcrior article of cnnmvlled work. Indeed oycfy‘mriety of Kitchen Ware will be kept cofismntly on hand. 2 Also, the Inr-(nmod“UNIVERSAL CLQTHES WRINGER," {or which he in' the sole agent in I file county. . lie is also the agent for Wheeler J: Wilson’! Sewing Maghipes—ihe best. in use. ' ' ‘ April go, 1863. _C. u. BUEHLER. ‘ Cannon’s‘ 7 _ ‘ ‘ RLARB,LE wonxgx, Suut «um. Carrier of the Pinmond ind anti: mom street, nexu'ly (gypositq the Star ogfice,’ GET?YS§ ÜBG, PA. Every description of work executed in the » hneu Mylo d the an. priln 1865. (r A _ ‘ , -, , C 4 Ban r Hmouu-ws of dhtinguhl-pd individuals, including A num bpr 0! our pyominen’. Gpnlerds, and the 013! lag-o John {3. Burnl, forioale It )he goupter _q} the 135311 ’l' Gaye”, Gennbn‘rg. ‘ - ‘ " :- mags mama ‘TQ; -:‘ggtgw‘ @‘vfif’j’lfi-‘QF—"T" “W '.. 4.7—2: 7 I' * ' intuit»! Manna! g . More). Phillips’ 37*» : EW FALL AND WISH“ GOUDS. EXCISE IMPROVED SUPER ~ l".-Ul.\ESTOCK lilw'l‘lllmst PHOSPHATE 015 LIME, hincjutt relurnrul from New York and Phil:- l m: SAL: u 7. delplna with one of the largest gtucks 01 new 1. MANUFACTURER’S DEPOTSVE‘ ' Full null “inter Goofis ever offered to the No. 2'! .\'. Front Street. Philndclyhia, tad .\'o. cilizvun at Adams county. They were pur- 1? ‘ H BouLVs Wlxnrl, . Ichased belore the hue rire in good:- and will? ' BALTI M 0 R E , .j. y be mhl m conesyoudlng prices: The gnhsuully :E The subscriber Inga le’u'e'lo iulormbulerl grunt demand for goods ufere’ry description for hm“! (tapenmerg "l“ he i, now ””ler lo I tha’Suulhpm market, will uggnnbwdlyg curte 4iirnish £ole PHILLIPS' GENUI. R Ill " firm.” rise in the prlqe'ofg’aggfi. \lethere- IfROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, in ,furq advise mum: ‘ - f T: Fig quantities. ‘ “ . l Cr-r‘ ’ NUW ls THE TIME TO BUY-: The universal sntisfnrllon this nrticle has ’ Our sloth ol' Ludiea' Dreu Goa-lull com-”given during the pan four years, him so in leP, 00"?!“an or French Merino“, very creased thedcnmnd that l have bun compelled ‘l3:”)ng \ruol l‘oplins. fill WOOl Fluids. De- .110 gn-nlly enlarge my cupacily for its manu lnine«——Slleplwr~ls' Hull"- CHIiCOESy Gimp facmrmaud have been induced to (slablish a ham, l‘lnid Ulscllnfiulmrgs CIOIIH h-anc'iew’ : brnucli home in the city ofßahimore. l trust Planks. unusually lau, Silks find all lllc Intent ' that I will be able to fill all orders during the style-. 0! Dress (iuode. :INISOI». Yet my rule isfirrl comcfirrt amcd. ULUTHS, Cassimeru, Caszinrtt, Tweed!” Price in Philadeli hin $6O per ton, 2000 lbs. Kflnlucky Jeans, kin. for Men's \Vcnr. fin llnltixuora same price, freight from Phila- FLASSELS—rhp large!- stock ever brought 'L'elphia added. '.O this mnrlio‘t. and cheap. Also, a large [IS-i Discount, to Dealers. norzmenl of Cloak Trimmings, Shawls, Homls,l wk‘or sale by W. E. BI'I‘TLE 8; CO., Get- WM. E. RIDDLE 3: CO ,Bnlmornhz, and In fuel u lull um! complete na mrlmcu! 9!” RI! kinds 0: Staple and Fancy Go'ods. Our stock having..been purchns‘ low, we any “gain BUY YUUP. FALL 5: WINTER GOODSXUW. Having replénished our 3m); in ull its de partmenh, we are prepared m supply wluuever may he \nlnth in our line oLbusiueus nt prices lhutdely competition. Oqlrm (he lied Fruul. FA HSBSTUCK BROTHERS. Sept. 4, [865. ‘ . ‘ r ‘New Goods! Cheap Goods! .' HE PLACE 'l'? GET THEM . if]? IN HANDYERI— I\\'e hers-by inforr% the citizens of York and [Adams counties. t it we have establi’hed, at -. ~ 7 , _- __, __ -._" _.the smttheust comer of Centre Square and llnltimore street, HANOVER. lormerly occu— FSIOVAIiNO ‘Humhl‘lg° ‘4lfo by C. 12.: T. 'l‘. “Lin, 3. BgnucblStortzx, ' ' ' , ~ [)3 irinci m UziHQSB ouses ein ocnte B "ULTZWQRT" ALW‘“.S AHEIAP' l(n .\'le Yuk: and York, Pn.,) wheregwe will ll H.” .WA,Y [IUP' BAR(IAI.\S.—Ju.Ih 1" hoop Mull films a repulnr assortment of Dry, "OLE?“ URIH hug Jun returned lrom the humutic and Farm-v GOODS. also. "58‘0“ “h kit] with the llltge‘sl‘fllld rrmst ‘complrte ussort- . lected “so,.”an o',- CLOTHS, CASSIMERES’ ment 9! HATS AND CAPE, "OUTS Q CASSINE'I‘S, CUTTINHTSnnd (‘ORDURUYE A?” ‘SHOE‘?’ thnt 1”“ been ‘_’rougln I'o, yClunn, Glass and Queens-ware, Lndiez’, .\lissea‘ “M “""" “u“ ”'9 “'"t- 3'3 "0°“ '-‘ gum: Chum-3's sumzs; also, anice Indiull "0'- only complete, bnt '5 GOOD “”1 CHEAP assortment of nll k’lnds of CARPET Floor gmhracmg every variety of Boats and Slim-s and Tnhle Oil-cloth. ' 1‘" Mon. "I"? 8051?" “41““ the Ladies “in find. We have also established in rooms ndjmning everything lntheirlineflrqm. the tines? Gnu-r the Central Ilurcl, a CLOTHING STONE; to. the henyifist élhoe. (,lultlren s 51’0” oh \\ here we will keep constantly bn [mud a well cter‘y description, '“ great ”UN-L “,130'1‘3' Iseluctod us~ortment ot Ready—made Clothing." d'," "M 5! 5”" ‘ll‘“.l“~"v “"1 Lhrltlrens "3”“! of the Inn-at. styles, undn {till :fssortment 0t 0‘ nll “3"", “,“d I'T‘fms- “s°! 'lrunkai 9“" Gentlrmen‘s Furnishing Goods, such‘ns llnts. P" Bug‘fl' lnlrscsfi‘ lmbrcllus. 0.10"” 5‘0”" Cups, Hoots Shoes kc. which‘we will sell at 311:8, _Tqbncco, L'lguti, and Notions or every reduced prises. ’ ’ escriptmn'. 1 g l As our motto is, nml nlwn s will be “ nick ”0.0" t' forggt. the place, Squthzcnst CO" rules and small profits," “eyhopc to rgcotilve n of the Dinmond,bcuy§hnrg, PM . share of the patronage of town rind coun- JU“) 1" HULTZ“ ORTH' try. Uur connertiun with tlrp large wholesnle IL4 . >___ __ houses in New York City and York, l’n.,wherc _ _ are always stored an wxlensivc stock of goods, which we sell m. wlmlesiilenbd retail, enables us to supply our old friends and such of our now cuslomcrs as Will give us a cull, with the very he~t marketable goods, at. lower rates thnn can be puruhnacd anywhere in the State. Cull and see for yourrelvcs. JUS. LEBACH tit BRO.‘ Hanover, June 26. 1865. ~ly April 10, 1865 , Fresh Supply. NEW GUUDS.~.\. SCUTT & SONS have just receivedfinuthcr fine assortment of .\EW GOODS, consisting. in part, of (limbs, Cnssimeres, Cnssipele, Kentm-ky Janna, and Tweods, for Gentleman‘s wear. Also, a fine assortment of 1" 1 ' I, [.ADIES‘ DRESS GOODS. Our stock has h en selected “301: great can-(5, and we are premix"! to no” “(151101113 «g any other establishment in Ihe cnllntry. We nsk me public to gn‘ us a cul) and judge for Ih'emselves. We « of; comnelitinn, both as to qxumy unnlvrice. A. SCOTT & SUNS. Sept. 11,1865. , The Sahib/r l‘grwc Guano resembles Prnwirm omm» in «mu-Ammo, odor. and composition. The value at all Gunnos and Super Phosphates ofLilnt‘,ofwh:ltrver nmne,depenus. an is well known, upon the per ce 1!. of Ammonia. Salt/le ‘ 'l‘nfll’ulir and [Jane I’luuphule of Limr they can ‘miu. ’lhis (lunnn (litigr's lrom l’eruvinn only ' in tlv- hict ll|:u it contuina loss Ammonia, but i this dilrvrvnre in Ammonia is more than unidi up in; the inci llinl it contains ulnmSL double Ins mm h Soluble unvl lloue Phosphate ofhxme. This dill'e'reucc mnlu-s it :I durable/rrlrllzrr,will| all the nctivity uf l’trm inn Guumi. Althnugh the pritu (if this Gunun is only one-hull the Ill’it‘l‘ 0t l'cru\i.m, uud is mil higher than the Supt-r I‘noslvlnm-s at Lime, yet it contains, as is woven by :Iliuljala and inspection. \ussly more at ammon'u, .yu'ublr, nml [lune Plump/lair, than is lbuun-iu the best. of them. “once It; l-rnuumy null iuliiu~ic vulue must rt-udL-r it an object offlrezll inleth 'o farmers generally. “'0 “ssh tnrmvrs '0 min: e-‘pecial uulirt‘, that the con» itiuus upon “lucu we have the "gr-nay (if-this (;uzmu ure that every cargo is rugulnrly inspwn-x: and anal} zed by Dr. Lic hig, “hose nuthumy in such umttcis is pum mount. I This :nmnponmnt nn‘nrds ns and consumers receive prompt nnswnfi a protection not had in the purchaser)! leruliu . the sul-guriber, I“.va crs generally. it mu.~t‘nlso be noticed llml. county. Pa. -1 the pliuiplmles or thi: (lunno, are not u.intt‘nl, P DOXUIIL'E, Agent. but earthy l’husphuzes, which is gruutly to its —— ndvantnge. ‘ - FICATE. i The tollowing is a summary of analysis of nving' used the “Iron last Cargo: . . rd Plough," nmnuhc- 1 Moisture. 10 per cent. , l’itlshurg, buur cheerfi UrgnniuComh‘tiblc Mutter-39.71 “ " lun. Being sutiafied of Emil)" .\lullvr, 50.28 “ u “'9 "0 110$ her-”Me“ Yielding Ammonia, 3.40 per cent. 'll fzirniers. . Sahib/t l’husplmte of Lima, 17.0? “ “ Philip Weaver, Bone [haul-hate of Lime, 24.2) “ “ Julin N. Gran, 331;“; Sale by iI-J-Aiyers, McCURDY a: mnuL. General Product: Deulvrs,’ 4m Gettysburg. , .r Sale. “LL PROPERTY,On ‘ with ~l6= Acres u! Hi. ow Bottom, 5 miles flu, - VALUABLE Marsh creek chums Urnniie .\‘.e “Ist of Gettksbur , ‘ i Gettysburg, Au u GEORGE ARXOLD 14, 131,5 s of Adams, Farm TTEND TO Y THERE iS PLUI'GH !—The un of informing the that he h IE heen up sale a”? the CELE UEXTRE STEEL m muhictured m. H 1 Among the ndr mmr nre, lhnt it runs an the but. [find of “'0 all other Pluughs. count} for several y: 'he highest. smisfiu-l first rule Plough m‘. purchasing this. It‘ instance. UR INTERESTS! 'OI‘BING LIKE A GOOD lersignml lulu»: {his nu-Ibtyl ‘urxuers of Adam: county nintml I\n Azl'uc for “-2 HEATED PATENT IRON MOLDBUZUII) PLHUHH, [aburg b}’ Hull and Spun. es wuic-h llri‘E Plohgh has y, Will not clnke, makes k, and Is durubjn beyond I! has hon-n nsml in this nra, und in all cam-4 given on‘ N ' Those who dmire :1 mm: Make a mi=mke in is anteed In every All inquiries will' by being nddressml I Chester P. 0., Alum! PHIL CERT The undersigned, I Cemre Stu-l \lnldbo tum by "all & Spee‘ ful testimony to ils r ip‘anperior qualities recommend its use by 090. T. Hudson, J. Upton Newly, W. T. Hoffman, John-1L Major. Aug." 28, 1865. If hoes. and heal qnnlity, inn! ROW & WOODS. . New § LL ‘ho latest style waived by men and boys. ofbest by ROW & WOODS. EAVY BOOTS, fo kinds, zold‘cheup ARBIAGE wnn’s fhe larges} assort ment. of Can" "hip: In Gettysburg, or sale cheap by ROW .5: WOODS. best place In Adam: 30! any kind is the ROW & WOODS. ATS! HAT county :6 cheup store of ‘hh heavy 50195,, for dips and misses. sold 1 ROW & WOODS. ASTLNG SHOES, winter wear; for 1: cheap by fitting and mostppm dy.cnn wearare those ROW 3: WOODS. - ORSETS.—-The best fox-table Corsets 814 sod by mom of all kinds for i ROW a: WOODS. OTIONS.—An nsso snle by Anything you wnnt be bought a little lse of ROW & WOODS. HERE TO BUY. ‘9 in their_ line on cheaper than nnywhtre Aug. 28,1865. New coda { ' T FAI R F I LD . ' A #- D,\NNER & SHIELDS have just rPceived from F’hiludelphin A fresh lupply nfGnods, which ;thev are prepared to a: l‘. at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. The nt tz-mion of the public is particularly cnued tc our fine assortment of I - REHDHLDE CLOTHXNG Knowing lhedifficully hieretofore experienced to procure articles in this line by our custom. are we have determmed to spare no effort. to accommodate them, ani ’all others who may favor us with u. call. We shall endeavor to render smisfnction both as to quality and price. We have an exceflenl assortment of BOOTS &.SHOE3. » which we are selling VERY LOW. Also, Drugs, Perfumery, nnd Fancy Soups, in great. varu-ly. Patent )le'licin‘ps, Oils, Paints, kc. In fuel we have every‘hing usually kept in 9. first class country store; All we ask is that the public willgive m a Fall, as We feel confi (l2m that they will go any satisfied that it will be‘to the” interest td come again and buy their goods where they Imm get» them to the best advantage. 3 1 ' S‘Uountpy produce alien in exchnnze for Goods. BANKER & SHIELDS. . Aug. 21,1865. tl‘ 3 Im. BmLAnmme 1865. " Wall era. OWELL & BUURK . Kannmcmren of H PAPER HANGIX 'Sfiud f “'ll:qu SHADES. A North. Em porngr Foam: liud muxm " " Streets, PHILADELPHIA, ‘-' ' X. lL—Alwuys in no ,"Iglpi-ge stoqkof 1.151;}: and 01L smm. “ . 4 Aug.2’:, 1865. Sun V - . f AGwe HlmLa Call! HE place to oblnin a. [fic'rfeetPhot phor, T ‘Amhroiype, execu'ed in‘the nnnu Is an mum ;;rs GALLERY, in , geek Jamg, 38625. ‘ I ‘ ,1 0012 53mm"; ‘m‘exyéiru [KC—n. BORNER’S Drug tom‘the pay; 831: phage of Lisp for gm: 1"?!“qu ' tyburg “ORO PHILLIPS, , Sole Proprietor and Mlpufmtnrer. Mar. 20, was. ‘ Soluble Pacific Guano. OHN S. REESE & CO., “'"OLfflAhK AND BETA”; AGEVTS FOE THE PACIFIC UL’ANU CKPANY, 7| Smith SUN‘I, Ballim ('. July Ic, 1865 Bone Flour, NADUL‘I’ERKTED, ‘ l ] )uuncn'nsn M 7m: BUSTON )lILLIXG AND MANUFACTURIAG 00.“ PAN Y. ‘ The vnlne or unburnt, unadulterated Bone’, is well known. When reduced to the condi tion at F‘Loun. it ii :15 active as if dissolved with acid, and in fur latter, because it retains nll its Phosphates; Its superiority over the common Box: pus-r is two-told or more. it in n consummation nought l'orin Vain for the lust half century, and is destined to give new value to Bone as n fertilizer, and work a revolution In its use. The BUNE‘FLOUR is made only by the abort: Company, and in branded with than trade mark, which is the gunmnlee 0! its genuineness. . - ’ tony s. REESE .e 00., ' - 71 South Street, Bullimure, -‘ General Agents for Maryland, Delaware, nnd the Southern Stuns. @For 3:19 by McCURDY a; mum, General Produce Dealers, Ju'y 10, 1865. 4m Gettysburg Noah Walker 8: CO., CLO'rH I E R s , WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 no 167 Buflxon Snnr, - BALTIMORE, keep constantly on hnnd n large and well ul- so'rted stock of all Kind: of goods at. mozlerate GEM They supply orders for the finest to \he lowest priced afl‘wlu, either ready made or magic to measure, to an! part 0! the country They keep_nlso In exténaiva stock of: FURN. ISIIIXG GOODS, embraifiug every uniole of Gentleman's Under-Venn. Mao, HILITARY CLOTUS “Never; variety of Milka}! Trim- wings, as wall as in ”sorted Itgck of READY “ADE MILITARY $OOOB Baltimore, Feb. 21, 1884 Western Lands. . IIE subscribe-HI“ lo’me vnlnable‘WEST i . ERR LANDS.-whlch be will tmdeil'or one it more FARMS ’fmfrbia county. mlnndi metre]! located, and you desirable for form ng. Early npplicgtibn desired, ‘ l ’ ‘ 38.008 BRINK‘EREOFF. I Gettysburg, Apr}? 3, 1865. t! ' - Pictures! Pictures! EV! MUMPER’ havin'g purchued‘ Synuel L Weavex'fllUTOGßAl’H GALLERY. il prepared to execute work in his line équal to any establishment in the Brute. If you desire ‘n gogd likgneaa. finish}! according to Went.“ ilnpnnfémentu in tho art, call it the above long~uublished Mary, in We“. .liddh greet, Gong-burg.- 3' ‘ [131.139.1188; ”3111:3113an n- I ~ 4,. f q .:.-1 I :rfija CQIL. «twp. :LTr’: _ *7? , CCLP t EARNSHAW'S LXXE AYING purchased the Warehome nnd Cars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbal, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run a r LINE OF FREIGHT CARS , from Gettysburg to Baltimore everyweek. They ’ are prepared to convey Freight either way, in any quantity. They will attend,ifdesired. tothe? making of purchases in the city. and deliver-‘ ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Tlimr curs run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SUN 5: $033,165 .\'orth Howard str'bot, (near i-‘rnnklinJ Blitimpte, where treight will he received at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. ‘ Having purchased the building; um] lot (mi the .\'orlheust corner of Railroad and North‘ Washington streets, Gettysburg, their Depot. will remmn there. Any person having hush! nesa in the forwarding line are respectfully in-L titer] to rail. CULP & EARNSHAW. §_llg~7,lB{3§_-_7_ 7-..”. . Fres‘fi Confectionery AND ICE CREAM SALOON. . The sixbscriber respictfully informs tho citi zens of Gettylburg and vicinity that he has n Lit-nfvclionery Establishment, one door'ensl of the Eagle Hotel, on Chumberaburg street, to “hich he would invite their attemion. Cakes, Candies, and every description of Conficfiona, tigether with Nuts. Oranges, and all kinds of fruits, always on hand. ' Parties, pnlilic and private, a; well as fami lies, will be h nislrtd with all ln'mls of Cakes. Ice Cream, (i: pyramidal form or otherwise,) and other rcfzfshmeuta at. their houses, up?! aborrumice. [luring :pentn life-time at the business, he fl.mera himsell that he under'stnnda it and mm he is “Me t 6 tender entire smisfimfiom Call nnd see his Confectionery. April 24, 1865. 11' JOHN GRI‘EL. I.‘ K. Staufi'er, ATCImAKER & JEWELER, No. us ‘V North SECOND Street, m-. corner or Quarry, PHILADEL-% PHIA. An assortment o! —. ‘ WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE. t-nnsLnutly on hand, SITI’I‘ABLI-J‘FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! gas-Rewiring of Watches and Jewelry prummly attended ‘.O. V ”Pf. 12, 1864. 1y . Pianos. lANOS !——The undersigned would respect- P tully inform lhepublid that he can furnish I’IANUS oflhe following munufncturvrs, or those of other make, if desired, at. the luwcst pup-:i"19 prices: ' cmuxnmm a; soxs. . hEFKER BRUR. _ HAZLETOS BROS. ‘ ' HALVES BROS. . ‘ GEO. STECK. ' X. H. GAHLE & CO. STEISWA‘G J: SONS. ml‘nrlicnlur nuemion i_s givon In We 59- locnun of Pianos; and when so selected. in ad liun lo the nmnufuclurcrs’ guaranteefihc l'mnns urr yuuranmd by mt. _ ’ ‘ -' .\XASDN‘ k‘HAMLIN’ \‘ "CABINET URGANS AND .\IELODHNS. The recent improvnneuls in these indw monts nre such “101'tu mutant 543,ng they nro FAR .\UPERIOR lo any other mnku. One of the best evidrncna of thqir merit. is, thn lh: ir improvements are imitnel hy ‘ omor umkcrs. Thé 'new styre, four stop organ. have n Sub- Muss and Game Couplct, mnking: it an induunout especially adapted to Chnuch und Subbmh School purposes. DESCIUPTH'E CIRCULAHS win he syn! by mail ‘0 persons desiring thnn. I’muos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex chbnge. _ , ' PETER BI‘JNTZ, No. 30 East Market St.,lYork, Pa. Jun? 11', 1365. 6m Carriage-making Resumed. ‘UE mu- boing ove'r, the- undersigned have remind the _ - _ - CARR!AGE-MAKINGPUSIXESS,‘ n: their old stand. in East Middle strcei, GETTYSBUBG, wile-e th’ey nre again prepared to put up work in the most fushiqnuble, substnnuul,lmdylpe rior manner. ,A lot of new and swoud-hund CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., : on h‘mdl which, they will disnose of M the hum-st prices; and an order! mill be supplied as promptly nnd sntisfnctorily as possible. 33‘ R E P A I R I N G dono with dlspnlcb, and (It chcupust rules. A huge lot of new and old lIARXESS on hand for sale. Thankful for the liberal pan-lounge herelo for.- rnjoyed by them. they iolicit mu] will on deuvor to deserve a. large share in the fmme ' . . BANNER & ZIEGLEK. July 10, 1865. n . Shenandoah Valley Lands! EAh ESTATE AGENCY . . ‘AT HARRINONBFRG. VA TOWN ASD COUNTRY X‘RLWEHTII-Is FOll SALE. We have now for saloyery llP‘h'nlJlP Farms, lot-media the countka of Augusta, Rocking hnxn,.Shenand9nh, Page, Pendlexon :Ind Hardy. The Farms _conmu from 40 to 500 Acres, and we nre privllegrd to subdivide large tmcis of hand if desired by the purchaser. Many of thu'Fnrms are within an any drive of the county town in which they are located, thereby securing an early market. ' , The improvtments Are zenernlly [3906, and on the farms are—springs and running ‘slreurna of water, as vrell as plenty of the very best. timber. _ , It I: sufficient recommendation for these lands to any that Ihey lie in the 'very heart of the Shenandohh Valley, which hns a world wide repuuhion for fertility of soilqnd beauty of scenery. ‘ . , Q-For description'of prOperlies and tqrms, apply'or address as n our otfice, in Hxlrri‘saua burg, Rockingham countyL-Vn _. _ . _ J. D. pmca t—CO July 31,1865. 5m _ _,_ ~ ~ ' Wall Papers. BEAT REDUCTION ' x G ' ‘ m ‘l3. rnlcss or WALLPAPER, AT GILBERTIIfljLIPS, 19 West. Mark» Siren, York, Penn’s. , lum now offering A very superior and choict assortment of WALL PAPERS, in 15 CENTS PER PIECE, , 20 CENTS PER PIECE, - ' 25 CENTS PER PIECE, THOUSANDS AT 30 CENTS and a fins 10: ofSA'I'IN PAPERS at the old prices ; o 10: of Upholsteting goods, 3 beauti ful lot of Nottingham Curtains; Cornices, and Curtain Bands. Also—Window Pnpers, Oil Shades ; Picture Card Ind Tassels; White And Chock Malling; Floor and Table Oil Cloth; V'er‘mlisn Blind Tximmings; Damask: of all Colors; Curt-in Fixtures ; Dool- lots; gm, kc. WA“ of which he will dispose of on as reasonable terms as times will permit of lot cash. PAPER HANGING attended in in any part of the State, on the most. reasonable lei-msg— Sntisfactiun gnarnmiell. June 5, 1865'. $5 Fresh Arrival HATS, 0438, BOOTS J; SHOES. A COBEAN a: co. havering received and opened another splendid use went. at HATS, CAPS, BUUTS- and SHOES, fcir Summon we", which they are selling at very low prioes considering the time). The latest, styles of Summer Hats and Cups, of every description and price. Boou Ind Shoes, of superior make, and, l“ ‘warnnted tofu, aims: a an hand. Work made to order and repairing done on shortne tice, '11)? experienced workmen. Also, HARNESS MAKING, carried on in a!) its branches. Persons want ing anything “I this lgne would do well to call. ”Don't! rget the old stand in Chambers. 'burg Itreet, ifqbou wufl Bargains. 4 COMM as CRAWFORD. June 19, 186?. .1“: . , mums PLA‘N’ITIO—N BITTERS, or 01;! D Honesty“ I'9qu 9212;. R. 508N331! Drugspayg. :3 . " ‘ “ “é " 573?. ,mi?“WT"’F§WWIWfi .. .. .»...>." 7'3“ ”WV? v ‘ ‘ FOUTZ’S Stonebraker'l ‘ ERVE, BONE AND CORN OILIBRATED L I N I Al F“ N 1. ' got” and Gum: gawk”. rOl2 MAN on 125.437. » ”WARRANTED T 0 CURE Rheum“!!! TheeePowderl Spruinu, Swelled Jolou. Sore Throat, "and Wlll etrength- Feet, Poison, (lid Sorel and Brnlln, Fmi! ~ entheStommh i Cute, Corns, Humpa,Tetter, Pain: in the lem . ““1 intestines, and Back, Sweeny, on Man or Ben-t, Saddle or ; 4 cleanse “‘9‘“ i Collar Gulls, Distemper, Scratches, he" on l~ from 09'3““ {Horses end Mnleamnd lii Dileuerrequuing -‘. fi. , 1. i bm’i‘te'vm "1‘! {an External Remedy. ; ._- 3 1 ““5. 9'“ o I The attention of the pnhllc is respectfully .--. . ;‘ ‘ ‘directed to the above Preparation. In beln . one of the beat nud'most efficacious externfi i remedies now in use. This {not 1: based am ;the testimony of thousand; 'ol perronu whn hove need it. : . , i From the net amount of good this Linimonfi i has done in all cue: wherein it hit: been med, and the frequent application made innit, tho 3 proprietor has heeninducetl to plnce it belorq i the public, and let it stand upon it: own good i metltl, knowing thnt in every use where it in insed.’ it will recommend itself. All he units in f n fnir and impartinl trial, and if used accord; 1 mg to directions. and no benefit, no charge.— ‘ Hut-ing ouch unlimited confidence in its curnu live powers, he has directed his Agents to re fund the money in all cases where thu Linl‘ ment is used with no benefit, the bottle with n , portion at in contents to'oe returned to 'tho ‘ Agent. - It will be found I mre remedy for Rheumh' tism, Sprnim, Swoilud Joiltth, kin, and in fact. tor nll that he cluims for it, it excels any lrtiq cle of the kind yet tried. ~ it is also an infallible cure for Innny dlsrnnes of Horses, such nu Kicks. Snags. Swellinge, Spruins, Old Sorel,‘Scrntches, Collnr nnd Sud dle (hills, and All diseases requiring an ex ternnl remedy for Horses in: Cuttle, it has no equnL This Liniment should be in the hand: of every family, partinnlnrly where there urn children, m Sate Throat. Searletinu, Cronp, Quincy, to. nre dieentes that carry loony chil dren to their gmvcs. This Liniment will he i found a euro and speedy relief in every one where it is Implied in time. Asthle Llnlmeut is warranted to give natisi‘nction in all case! no one oan risk nnything inAtrying it—‘—nud ti one bottle {ended you will 'never be without it in the house—so pnrchnse in bottle and be convinced of the fuels nhovc. ahmlthysma. They are I mm preventive of Lung Fever. and a certain named)- for nll Dismaes Incident to the Home, Inch as Glan den, Yellow Water, Dis t_e m p_e r, Founder, Hoavos, Shivering, Coughs. Fo urs, Loss 0! Appetite and Vita} Ener- gy,: &c In poor. low—<piritod animals, it has the most beneficial efl‘wt. The use ofthem improves (he wind, strongm enn‘tlle Appetite, and gives to the Horse as fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv hi the appeammv, vigor and spirit of this no lo aninmL The property this I‘owiier possesses in In creasing the quantity of Milk in Vows, givu it an Importance and mine “hid: shonid place it in the hands of every person keeping a (low. By nctunl experiment it has proren flmt it win increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, “gives them an Appetite, loosens their hide and maku them thrive much faster. HOGB. 1 In all Diseases of the Swine. :ul'h as ‘ R‘ffififi‘gggsq Coughsl Ulcers in 79,? ”1%.; a; the Lungs, Liver, ' \‘ {i '_‘-'35; _"f‘; ~ :c. '55:! putting. 3‘“; fx‘ ( mm a a paper a —. ‘ w 3 paper of 11050 ,~ a‘.-*.’”?;‘l Powders in n‘ are ;'j_‘v , _::—~’-,-_§ m or Swill, the r/,»;i'f;"” 3’3} ”"1 above Diseases can ‘be cured or (nfirely pre vented. By using those Powders the Hog Cholera. on be prevented. Price 25 ots. per Paper, or 5 Papers form. PIIIP \RED BY S. A. FOUTZ 8: BBQ, . AT mm WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, 13. For Snic by Dmguitm am! Storekupers: throughout the Cnitcd sums. Far sale bv .A. D. Buchlcr, G-tlyflmrp; Lnughlin A: Humfirld, “hauling, Va; CA (3. Bender k Cm, Pltlnburg; Johnson, Holloway J: (Ton-«len, l'hilmh-lphiu. ' Nov. 28, 1864. 1y Globe Inn. Yon: 51"., XL“! 1m! DIAMOND, 1 ETT \' 5 ll URG , I'Ax—Thc underaigned (I wmiid mm! wallet-{fully inlmm his n l mcruus friends nml Ilm public generally, that hr: lms pnl'uliupwl that long osmhlislmd nn-l well known How]. the “(Hunt? Inn," in York sbrect, Gettysburg, and “ill spur‘e no (4?an to conduct iv. in :\ minim-r chat will not detract frdm iI-x former high ru-pulntiuu. llis luble mil lune the best [he nun-kc: mu Miami—his Lhumbcrs nre spacious and cimn’vrtaJnle—nnd he has lal-ldn tor his baru full stock 61' \vim-s nn-l liqunrs. Tin-re is large Rtnhling allnched to the lime), which wxll lic :illg-ndud by ntlcn tire hustlers; It. will be his cnnsmm union“)! to render the lulled snti~llwxinu In hi: guts”, making his house as near n hum. tu 111111 l ns posmhle. He nsks a slum: ul‘ the pui lir's pix. unnnge, ‘dclcrmincd as he i~ :‘o «ken-YE :1 1..i;.-e put of it. Remmuher, the “Globe inn" is in York street, but. near the DIIIHIO’Id, or Public Square. SAMUEL \VULF.‘ Apiil 4, 1864. tf ‘ Lancaster Book Bindery. ROUGE \VIANT, 1100 K BINDER, Asn nuxx BOOK l!A.\LF.\CTl‘llEn, LASC \STEH, PA Plain and Omnmrnml [lnn/ing], of every dc sqription, executed in \he moat :übatantinl and applroved st} lcs. 111-ZFEIKTSCES E. W. Brown, Esq., Furxurls Bank of Lnnvnster W. L, l’uxper, Esq, Lancaster County Bunk annucl Shock, Esq., (.‘olumlzin lhmk. Smuuel Wagner, 1554]., York linnk. William Wagner, E:u.. York Gounly Bank. _T. D. Curson, 83:1” Bunk of (lollqalmrg. l’clcl' lla'rtin, Euq.7 l‘rulll'y ol'lmncxuslrr CO., I‘n Geo. C. Hawthorn, Huh Register “ “ Geo. Whitsnn, Esq., lleqordur “ “ ' April 15, 1861 * \Eve‘rhart's 4 R_.\.\'KLlN HOUSE, \ count or nowum a in} .\'Kus snarl, BALTIMORE, MD This Home is on a direct. line botwaen the Northern Centml and lmhimoru and Ohio Hail rond Depots. J! has been rofiu-J nml com fortnbly arranged for the commit-nee und the cnturtnmmeut of guests. ”Oct. 31,1V864;A_17f ,_ _d ’ » ¥ h“; Sometmng for Everybody ‘ O BUY AT DR. R, lIOR§KII'S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Just opened n time assortment at Drugs and Mediuinep, ’ 'Patent ”edioinei, Stationery, 1 ‘ ‘ Fancy Dry Goods, ‘ . Confections, ' ‘ Uroccriel, ‘ ‘ Notions, TOBACCO, SEGARS, t 0 Jan.>lB, 1864. - ~ New, Goods. EORGE ARNOLD has now on hand hi. ‘ stock of SPRING’CIMTIIING, moally of Ins own manufacturing, consisting oml kindaof COATS, PANTS, VESTS. BLOUSES.‘ SHIRTS, DRAWERS, kO. Also, 3 large stock of Piece Goods, such a CLOTHS,CASSIMERES,DRILLINGSJEANQ‘, dun. ac. Please cull beiore purchasing else where. They are as cheap as the chenpelt. May 32. 3869; _ New Bakery! EWPORT & ZYEGLER, Mechnufical Bab. N ere, South Washington street, hell equate from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pu.— Conuantly on hand, the beat 01 BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per sons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leannz their nune: and residence: 3': the Bekery. Every efl‘ort made to ‘pleue Give us a can] _ [April 20, ’63. Lf Revenue Stamp 9 any denomination constantly on hand 0 sad for tale at. the First National Bank nl, Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Get‘yaburg, 1191.14. 1864. Excusxpg: v. V ' FXCFLSIOB XC E ELSIORH ‘ The Excelsior Waking: Mucliine h the best m the World. C5ll and enmme it at once.— Uflicc at the E'peltidt Sky-"gs: Gnllerf \ TYSON snu‘mpgs. Albums I L B U h; S H ' »‘4LBU M S 1 1 I Just received a lsrgqnnd. beautiful noon. meat. of Phomgmphic Albumin which mg of" below city priueg. TYSON BROTHERS. 900.143, 1863. 4 _ _. ‘ - . Picturp Frame. . 5 GREAT art“: of 'HGTURE ”AXES, A with ‘phin m! conveg; 315 mg, tot ule u ’ one!- Drug pad Valet! Score. ‘ -:m35.1q6§:- '- fr 2.- ,- ~ Stonebraker’s ORSE AND CATTLE H P 0 W D R R 7 3 I Give ynnrHors-es STUXI‘IBRAKRR‘S HORSE AND CATTLE I‘UWDHHS, if yqugmm. fine and healthy berg-s, and you me Eure to Inna lhum. Amman: mudnpéorlycurc(mm-gin“, Colds, Disk-lupus, Hem cs, Ili-m-bonudAVunu, Bnts, Scurvy, &c., in Hum-s, Loss a! Call, Blnck Tongue, 910., in Paulo. |‘ By the use ol llu-se POWDERS the nppolita {of the lloru. isM‘od, all th-mnm-muul. ..r ! the Digestive are correctedflnnd tho sluggishness ol the nirml disumwurs, lie be» running lively and null-he‘d. 11. sum-nu, tho skin, glvilg,’ tht- hair 2. s]“ k um} phiuing up. pmrxmw~ The gm :1! snporlnvily of thew Powders over all other: nriw‘s lrom lho l'm I. that Iluzy nrc rmnpoun-lenl 1.6 Illfdlt'l vs 111 L lmro luxltlio, llmil: aml punfling will; rill-1.. i'l'hr: lanivu rhmuvoa ntl'. impurmvs [lulu tho; '.~L.nn:u h und bum-ls; the lame null]! m-w Imm: 'an-J vignr m the syn-m ul‘ Ihe horsr, by “hivlu hlwnppclltc u: womirrt'ully impmretl, nml Ihel '.ynun'ymg nu~dicinvs mmhiuwl in tlu-m champ. ‘LI-c luluoxl from ,nll Ilupuru mam", and give : ‘ hmllhy :Iml \igr-ruui circulation; they also limpmxe 1110 wlml, nn-l me u sun: prewulim ;al LII]: Fruit. Yenuw annr, Fonmler. Ln-s chums”, unl- mam) em; «Lianne: Incident ta. ”I?! ”anC. h is also i:m-Im‘:.le M n Cognition Pot-ter for Canal, in- rmixng the How 0! Milk swim» homing disva-e. All ["llth owning my) slmeH :uk It-r Sl‘U's‘liL'dlAk'lß’S HUNSI’I & CATTLE POWDERS, h‘ it is \uy important [hrough Hm wiul- r lhnl (her plmulfl he u-o-ll' to improve the ”find “flu or' liw mm’. Thry lnn‘v nu oqun‘l lur (mania; math, I» Ila-y givu lhmu an appetite, rind Mum) rk‘in‘b‘ule, h? “ML-ll llu-x lhnvv mmhflsnm - JIM-so l‘uudors mn- n pun- [‘.tvvvrm‘ve 1;? “(Ni CHULI'IHA, uwl nrc llnr'i- "Lub- Adm-[€4l m 1119 disonsefi tn wlm‘h ”my urn m Liuhlr’ :uch as lengflcPt! nflhx- Lungi mu! Lin-r}: ennui: g them In improve mvwthster. Thf'y shun“! be used in the beginning In rum-I. Ilogu, ng mllL'h “-01 may he mum]. 'l'hém I'owdvn will bu f-lund Inmh stronger lfi'm most. puwdcrs now' in usn, nnd n‘. llu- sang» lime the most powerful luuiu Mur mm my Horses and (hum: of any kind. All persona nre funiculnrlj' im‘uu! ll) try llu-w l'uwdcu, knowing they “'1“ continue to use them. Rafa ”ad: to Come (In! qfllmr Ila!“ Io Die! ‘ Stoncbrakor’s .\T, ROACH AND .\l”!"“‘}» v REXTEILMIXATORI We innle the nltcnlluu UIJhU' public in tho übme preparation, a: hrlu'zmm‘u! [he um-l. elftuml pn'pnmtmns Ol‘l‘f‘iul'rw] wed. forlhu dcs'ruvliun oilhe nlvm‘c \'(-rmin. We wurmnt xl a DEAD NIUT Fuul;.\'l's! Try it—uuly '_‘s cents ll buy. . A ‘ A wsohl ‘hy (lb-1W! 9qu country atom Revue” pun: rally. Aug. 14, 1565. Gm Great san F WATCHES A) l) Jl~.\l'l'll,lll'. l sl'mmlhml WORTH! Tu he dispOFNl or M Oxr: DuLLAII exit-h, him out rcgnrd lo wine, no! lo be puld 107 mm! i you know what you are to recehe, in' A. H. BOWEN k 120., ‘ (Agents for the .\lnnnfactxirerl,) i ‘ .\'o. 3'; Datum Mimnthsw You. 5 £33“th the inllou ing list 01' Article” to I'm~ sold l'nr ()NR‘DULLAR :\— 100 Gold trauma... Wntrhu, oath 91” 00 100 -~ “'ntt'hen. Various uty'u, -' 15 no 200 “ l-Mlu' Gold ll‘nlchel. ." 50 00 ‘ 600 Silver Witches. ‘ ‘ not 820 note 35 no y 6000 Lutut nyl- rant 1; mt clulnn, n‘ bno tn 2:: no ‘ 5500 (lmt'n Cnllfornln Iliunmml plan, " bonla'b on ‘ 4000 Cnlifurnil diunmnil enrrln-ys. “ I00(alo 00 i am .\llnlumre Revolvmx l'im, “ bnolal3 on i mo ('nlil’urnll Dllxnnud uml‘ennm. _ allod Gen"! eurl’plnl, new Ilylu,, H lontola oq 2000 .\lnmnle and Emblem l'lm. fl | m u; )o no 2500 (luld Band Bram-len. engnrod " Bnoin in 00' 3000 Jet and 11ml“: Brooch“, “ 3coto lo 04‘ 9| (It C-nwo Brooch», ‘ i u sonman on 3000 Paul Eur Dropa. « 6on tn Coo: 9000 [.mlla' Watch Chllm. ' ‘ “ 3coto2‘ no own Gaul'l man. - Ipleodld moi-‘9, “ 2Doto in oo‘ woommlre m". nutium. u anola lo on‘ 8000 Stud: and Flu" Button. M ”in, N 8 w to 10 co 6000 Sleeve Buttuun. plain. nud ug’d, 'I Inoto I 00’ 100 W Mn and "muted lllngl, H 260to)0 an ,8000 ken, rlchly engrave-a, " looto lo 06. 15000 «in Luliu‘ Jewelry, new Ind j-tnt elylu. “ 6onbll on now “mum. Seal Ring, n no to n oo' ’ 2000 Ecl- Domm Blade, N 50 to 6 oq 1000 Gold Penn and Gold Unldun. " 99 to 25 0” mongol. Jetwdflnld WM and Ell! H ‘ ' ' ' Drnpu. lulu! “yin, vary rlch; ” Ino to loot hm (hm! Thimbleu, l'qnclll, ML, “ 4onto 6 0 10000 Gold Pena snd Allver cues, " I oo‘to I 0 10000 -- “ Ehuny hnlden, ” I 99b 5 This entire list of heuulif‘ll and vnlusbl goods will be sold for 0w: Doumn enoh. Car; txfientes 01 all the nbnveartlcles will be placed in envelopes. and senltd. ‘ 'l'lit-ac envelope: art; sent by mail, as ordered, without regmd lq choice. On the reeeipt ofthe certificate you will see what you are to have, and then it in It your option to tend the Dollar and uh the article, or not. . _ Five certificates cn'n be ordered for SI 3 eleven for $2 5 thirtytor $5; sixty-five for $10; and one hundred for $l5. We will lend a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents,— Agents wanted to whom we oiler lpeclll term” lend 25 cents for one certi‘ficniennd our circu lar with terms. A. H. ROWE-V & 00-, . g - 83 Beekmanrétreet, N. Y. P. 0. Box 4271. May 22, 1865. 6y; New Goods ImLarge Stock! 0543? TAILORKNG. ‘ ' lyl ' JACOBS & BRO., ave just ygéeivcd from tho cities s Inge “act on goqdlear Glnqemgn’s yuf, mbming z variety of ' .: 'CLQTHS, , ; SASSIXEBES, _ ~ a mammal, - Cugineta, Jugs, #5., with msny other 3005!] tutti-lying qu ”1:56:- weikr. . ' 9y lie up; 3.0 m e u my”; I the uhongot’neflca. and it; the apps", 9mg, not. {flu tuition; In yanking; «961?, ix“!- clotplpg rude in qpy'dcofred atfle. ‘1 of al truimlta 393; Mi, whim “reigning {nun ‘01"): lubltkuntigl. i 91er ' b ‘ e} u I cant nuaqge ‘ 9m; _p’. pp twinge, i-uolved by good muggy? 3966”“ 7’ charges team it. ‘ ' ‘ , 1 Gettysburg, April 'I, 1862‘ n 3‘ . UPERIOR FRENCH ca’fi‘isbow _ g; S 5!: mafia»; Mu! mfg fit: ”at; man «tut an race I .. _ f; chub'br bgmg, 1‘ how t‘woonlfi: 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers