rwlq Difldénd. Kl Pruklent nd lumen of the York and Geuylburg Turnpike Rand Company Inn ded-red n divldnnd of» One Dollar per ahue on the espitnl Stock, ml» [mid to the lwckholdan or 1!:an rcpt-cleats tivel, on de mand. GEORGE SWUPE, od. 23, 2865. 3!. _‘uiunm Treu. Fyou with n nice nssonment of flue Candy. go to E. H. MINNIGH’S Confectionery, in Uhunbenbug street. , New Millinery. 5 138 MARY M. BEKTLER has commenced M the Milllnery business at. her father‘s ate residence, on the Baltimore turnpike, three miles somh of Getfysburg, where she will keep on hand, for sale. at the lowest profits, BONNETS, FANCY RIBBONS, Feethers,Bsnd Boxes, Straw. Leghorn Ind other Million] Goods, oflhe new esl sad best styles. Reedy-trimmed Silk Bonnets me st all times In lie Ind. ~ Bonnet-making and trimming attended to with dispntch and chm-(mess. Latest‘fssh lons received for Fall and Winter Bonnets. Oct. 23, 1865., 3t ALL anti lee—the finennortment of Tdyl and Fancy Arm-lea, u E. H. MINNIGU'S Qonlcclionery. in Cbambenburg street. Notice. ‘ n , > . EORGE SPANGLER'S ESTATEg—rLeuers ol’ adminiumnion on the «lute of George Spunglcrflate a! Tyrone township, Adnmn coumy, deceased, huvjng‘ been granted to the undersigned, residfng' in Suzbrn town ship, be hereby given notice to all persons in debted to mid estate to {unite immednue. phy lnent, Mid tho.“ Knvlng clnimn agnilm‘ the sum.- '.O present them ptowsriy mnhenlicuu-d for set flement. . A’E’l‘Elt ;MAL‘KLEY, Adm’r.‘ (m. 2,1, 1865. an» , . . ,1 v..._+_.._-_..____ you wish Toy Wa'gone, Buggies, Curls, Wheelbarrow: Mad Drulnl, gr: to E. H. HNNLGH'S Cunl'ectiouery, in Chumbersburg areal. ‘ Extensive Bakefy, om: STREET. GETTvsuvuu, PA. ‘ i I. R. a c. s. GOLDEN, MANUFACTI'HV. BREAD AND WILLS. WATER. SUGAR, SODA AND BUTTER CHAZCKERH, ' vimsngnr,(-‘,nmlullulhcrt‘AK—ES. wAXI ordrra, from home and Albruml, prumluly attended to. [UuL‘JIL Irma. If LL “—l.O wish a fluo- Mbum. gn to E. 11. .\H}NIGH’S Cantu-tion”) , in Clmmhcxs tun: Hrut. ~ I K _._.. .____-..._ ¥ 7,1 1 .__ ._._____ ' ‘ Collecto s, A ARE NOTICE !—'l'he C let-tors nf Tnxns tor 18M and previous rs. hI/Ihr dif firenl‘lomuhipa 0! Admin: nut}. nre hon-by nunfiqd Hun. they will be required (I; sxlllo u’p llu'il Alluxlirum on or M-luh- thefiglh day or I\UVHHHKIC non. on \\ hil h duy flu‘; (‘ummxs iunrrfiuill moot «It ”ll‘ll‘ 011 i 'O, lo g'u'e lhu m:- 40-4 I‘)":X!Il1tFflli(lllP,&C. . Tlu- (‘ollcclura u! the pr 5N]! {_wnr “3H he roq! fled tn “my mm to [he (‘onn'ly 'l'ro.t»mvr i] numit-s which Inny be ('0 levied by HM: Nu wmbur Gaunt. ‘ 3 ; JACOB Cl'PEL\l.\.\', j SAMUI’. “.\lnlu'”. ‘ ‘ ABRAH \\l Kth‘); ‘ ‘_ . memi~simqu u .\dums xuunly. Altar—J. .\I. \anN‘r, Clerkd _ . Oct 23,1805. Id ‘ ‘ . : r l" fun Ma!» n prime artix o of (‘hvwfig and 1 >nm|unu 'l'uLn- x o, ligu :1. km, go to H H, .\.INMGH'S (.‘gnlriliuuc'y, in [‘ll unhonhurp sin-[xi “ l . , Nona-ii ‘ I IHlfivcnduc rum-s 11‘ W . L )thV ghou j Junumy 31H. 1|“: «I|ch ..'I~L of (hh hnr. mnl lch “ilh mofnrrullm 11-11.”! (in-4 n .\lnuul b'lurt'. ' I. l’. IHHILUL m1:2:,1-261. H“ 1‘ ‘.H‘u wuh .\lngnz’mts‘ ‘l‘rlimluals. Toy Mn kn. Nouspul-ers, ur «n 1 ]~, go mE. H. . ”\MGH'S (.‘nnreunurmy, in UhfunM-rsl‘nug v-nu-L. .I’' ‘ " ' ._Pubhc Sale I" HEAL liSl‘A'l'l'L—‘l n TI'ESDAY. Ibo 0 Hm I! 1y MINUVI'I “EH.“ "ML, in purin um «- 01 an Unlvr L! the hphnn’i ‘(Tmul of. .\.mm gummy. will he HITI‘E"! :LI l’uhln- H 'lv, .nu lllc prvmuu. llxe real resale uf, Dari} dekh art. \'ll.: TUB FAR“ of an“ den township, Adams county. 21 Jucuh' Um‘erL‘lork, Wi‘llfmu 'l‘lmm‘ Is, and others, 15 mxlv (:ouldxn's Sm'flnn, cmmunin or has, impru'er with n Tn u ILRI‘ K LUUM‘I, Two-.:lurv Hiloknlmillllll‘z, _'uu’ o‘ls kl‘ \\ Ill) ‘n (‘I-tt'rn, l’ouhlc B ”I log dull [Mn Imm“. \vaur Crib :luuchcd, Shulflmg :11l j‘nrliugo Huusv. Hug l'L-n. n_ It": door, It good 0r: lutrd p 1; fine Ln! of Penn-II trees h] luv-m been Iliuenl, some uf' 1! [Wire ‘tc Wmvdlnnlf. TJIC vae lucnfld, and easily culliulh ‘Any per-"m desiring Io \ “ill he slmn’n i'. by .\I. I}. L “ugh, resulingtnormu. ‘ “(EHSJIP to comment!- M on will dny. when unondun umLurn s mum- I\nn“ n 1y ‘ M. E. L‘L‘Kf ,~ HENRY Tlll By the Court—James J. Fiuh 061. 23, 1365. u - F , , ______ IF you wish fresh Alm English Walnuts, Full» (.runudmuts. am, :0 to " Conlecliouery, in Chambers Notice ENJAMIN’ MALAUX‘S ’.STATE.—Lettcrs B leammentarv on the «full? of Benjamin iiuluun, late of Bending ownihip. Adams connxy, deceased, having be granted 10 the undersignethc-firsl muncd esxding in Mount joy township and the ins: nmed in Bending township. they hereby give ‘inolice to all per sons indebted to mid enmie vb make immediate paymeutnnd those having aims against ihe name to present them prop: iy authenticated inr lglflement. v - _ ' SAMUEL B. MILLER, QEMUEL MALAUN, .Oct. 16, 1865. 5: ; Executor: _ Noticefi AMUEL GILLILAND'S ESTATE—Letters S of ndminiltrntidn on the; estate of Samuel Gillilnnd. late of Tyrone township, Adnm. ponnty, dammed, having bden grnnted to the undersigned, the first namel residing in the name township nnd the list hnmed in Slmbnn township, they herehy give ‘notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make immedi gtte payment, and those having claims against ghe same to present them properly authenti gted for settlement. ‘ SARAH er.LlLANn.Adm'x.. FREDERICK QL'ICKEL, Adm’rx Oct. 16, 1865. 6!. 3‘. Bounty TalNQtice. ERSONS owing Bountyi'l‘ai in Cumber lAnd township gre herfby requested to {nuke immgdiue paymentu All who fail to y bythe F£RBT or Novfifnsgn um win give FIVE? RCENT.pdded to eiramonnts. By orde; of the Bond. ‘ 1 . P . ' ' ‘ B HA PLAN teas. Oct. hues} M X2‘ K’ Brooms 2 quomg! [IVES underlined has re-opcned his BROOK FACTORY, opposite the’ Depot on Carlisle mm, Gettysburg, and in n'pw prepared 9,0 m:- :ommbdue thp public in lii: line. He will _, either [mks Brooms on the shares or to order. n In, bo~deaired. A stock of Brooms will ’ always be found on Mud. sive him a call. Oct. is, 1865. §fi 35. B. TIPTON. , genes” ’ AOO3 MAR HALL'B ESTATE—Latter: {catamemu-y on the 9814+“ of‘Jncob Mu ; All; I“. of Conovngo tow“ ship, Adams cm, giggled, hum; been gunk to~ the under uigud, nuiding in oon munihip, he been, gt!!! notice to‘nu who»: indebted to aid in.“ in make jmmeditm pnyment. and wou‘hpfi plains against he am: to pre leqt the; gag”! nnthenticated for settle nm. ‘ Idacgg IA-BSHALL. an. ‘WtJylGfl. fit! 1 ' 1' PUBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, the A llth day of .\'(WEMBEK nut.the lub acribcr win ofl’er 1: Public 8-12, on the premi lea. his um Farms, viz: No. 1. THE HOME FARM,uituntein Stra bnu township, Adums county, on the Gct'ys burg Railroad and the York and Gettysburg Turnpike, one mile from Gmylbnrg, adjoining land: ofGeorge Wolf, Henry lunforhx liah Banner, and others, containing, _ -, more 91' less, with due proporfions’ ' nd and meadow. Thelmpraumenu are a large Two-wiry Dwelling . 4} HOUSE (put brick and part 4'l I,” weather‘fbonrdedfi 3 Log Barn,. arr-0;“. with Sam mund it, llorae Stable, anon Sheds and Corn Crib, Carriage House, large Uog Pen, Blacksmith Shop, Ind other build ing; an excellent well of water near the door, and a good Orchard of choree’ fruit on the premise:. N 9. 2. A FARH,sitnate in Butler township, Adams county, on Ibo old£hnmbergburg road, adjoining lends of Wm.Richo!u,Jola Quickel, John ‘u’isler, Joseph Hayley, and when, con taining 259 Acres, more or less—about 60 acres in limhor, and plenty ofmeudow. ”- The improvrments are a Two-story Log my": HOUSE, Lng Barn, anon Shed, Corn’ Crib, lc., vi? a good well in front of the home, Ind} v riety of fruit. Ihisfnm would suit. well (or diviaiorr, the old Cbunberaburg road running Ihrouzh the jniddle of it, and lciving neurly‘iqaal puyts 9f wood and cleared [and to each. Pen-pm; wishing to v-iew the Flu-nu an to qpested to gall on the subscriber, residlng on No'. ‘l. If they cannot. be sold,the Farms virill be offered for rent. on.s lid day. _ ”Sale [0 commence on Farm No. lat 10 o'clock.‘A. 3L, and on XO. 2 m. 1 o‘clock, 1’: M" when attendance will be given and terms nmde known by DAVID SHEAFFER. Oct. 23, 1865. ts“ ‘ _..-H.__.__ , . -..r:___l-____ ‘ Pubhc Sale. N THURSDAY“ the 2d day of NOVEMBER 0 next. the undersigned. intending to quit. housekeeping} will sell at Public Snle, at her residence, in liumiltonbnn township, ‘Adnxns «minty, about one mile and .\.):nlf north of Fnirfieiti, the following personul property, viz: r'l MILCH COW, (to be fresh before the Holidays) 1 Ilugfl,(ouc n iérood Sow.) Hny by the ton. Potatoes by the bushel. Shovel Plough, (‘urn Fork. Grain Crudle. Mowing Scythe, Whoelbnrrow, Shovel. Spwlo, Rakes. Manure nnd Shaking l-‘orks. Flux Brnke, 2 builders, .\lull and Wedges, ll und Suva, Wood Saw, Angers, Drawing Knife, ;Chisols, Shaving Nurse. with a lot. of Shut-maker’s Tools, nml n firsttmtc-.Smnoth-hore Rifle. Also Household nntl Kitc'ien Furniturr, such as iivds nnd He'd stcnds, Tables, Cluttfl, Cupboard, cook Stove, pipe and fixtures, [winking Glasses, Yankee (rim-k, “'uah Tubs, Meat Vessels, Bunkeis. Queens-ware, Crockery-ware, llnrr'els ’nnd lmxce, Apphuhutter by the crack. a hurrel of Vim-gar, Sunssngc Slum-r, a lot of Geese and Chicken. :1 lot or Ilnpe, old iron, nvui aynri‘ei ty ofu‘tht-r articles, too numerous to mention. Lug” Sule to commence m. l‘) o'clock,.A. .\l., on sun! dny,'\\'heu nttenddnciufill be gheu nud terms made known by , _ t. 2.,, 1863. m - X BENDIQRSVILLE. .\T PUBLIC SALE.— 1 (In SATi'RDA) , lhc lllh (In? of NOVEM- Mill my. the ‘snhscrlbcr wilt oflnr at Public Halo, nn lhe‘ prmuiwwy the following property: 4 HITS (JF URHL'NI), in Bi ndersville, .\vhmq county, I’m, adjoining John M (:Knight. on Xhe «min I\HJ E-luurd Blather on lhenorth. {ln mm Of the lots are armed a .Two- ' «h-v‘y Du-rllmg ‘HIIUSH, (p‘u-t brirku'fi um! [um fr:lm-,)wil'i Ihlsmnrnl, n gun .\'mhh- nnd l’urru- Floor, ”0-; Pen, kn, with (run er‘s on the lot. This property is \‘erj' dwiruhh'. ‘% @‘Salo to (‘nmmehcc nt 1 n'flock, P...“ , on paid (li!y,“\ll(}n nllendunce Will be given and terms lnzgtiq knom» ly LUSRAD BENDER. Oct. ‘2l}, 1895. fs* ‘ TOT for political purposes, but. tor pur p‘mcH of comfort, during the coming \\ mu-r, WE! $9. hold “.t the new_ CHEAP (‘LUTHIXGJ‘ - 7 77 - ‘ 0F THEODORE c xormrs. nn (‘hnmherehurmstfeet, Gettysburg, one dbor B m of “Miller 5 Dru‘ 15love, every day during 1h" hll lie has on fidml Boy‘s Juckecs. , " Buys' (s9.lm, . Boys’ Hugs and Caps, 'Mpnj.‘ in Fir Inn rlj fining lands at 'l'humna, Gvnrac s uanh-cnsL from g 60 'Acrn, more Mary ~ Hr'u-k in #5 u . . xi :z'.‘ (awn. 5; 4. him”@ .\lcn’s 9nd: Cn'lta, \ . Men's English Walkinc‘ConN, . Men’s French Suck Conls, , Mon’é UVI'TCUHVS of all kinds, Bllck Pants and Fnkncy Pants,in {nut every lh'u'rliullon of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Rein: I: new beginner, and determined to sell as cheap as llu- cheupt‘sl, he respectfully wlicits n portion of public patronage. satis ficahllml he can please the most. fastidious. Also—’Fln- latest inyle nl Gentlcmcn's HATS and CAPS, coualanlly on hnn-l; ‘ ' THEODORE C. XORRIS. . She-l mnl Umu "Mound the burn. wull ut‘ “Au-r nvur xxu~dl:mly,mldu mg. All of itlms AhnuL lO :u-re‘e; eal mule is Well \i. new tho prnpcrly rkhart, Adminis- Oct. 23, 1865 '1 o‘flar‘n P, Mi, 5; w ll be ghcn Jurors for quember.’ Gmxn JURY. . . g-Rending—Wm \RT, Hm“. .\l.\S.Adul r ,Clurk . Emuuucheidi‘ch. . ° Cumberland—Michael Frey, [Jesse Shnrretts, John F. (,‘urrens. . 1’ _ Berwick 1p -—Jessé Kalebaugh, Geo. Oastersw Oxfunl—Clmrles Trimmer. ' “mallen—r‘nncis Colo, Nicholas Slnybuugh. Union—.\‘mos Lefever. . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘llighlnnd—Jncob Plank. .\lountplenshr—Samuel Sbnrh,Wm. .\[cSlnerryn Fraufklin—Wi Ham Srule, John Brady. thmore—John Martin. ‘ flcrwick hon—Wm. ‘Bitfinger. Monptjm—Jucoh‘Kcetanrer. Hamiltonhan—Georye Q. Crag. ‘ Huxxtinglon—l!n_rney Gardner, Philip Myers. Gelfi'stlrg7Robert “twin. 2 Butler—Willium Cgum. ' . antnAL'Jpnv. nds. Palm .\'ntq. fits, Cocoa-nun. '. H. .\IINNIGLi'S urg‘ street. Mountpleasnnl—J. E. Smith, Peter Smith of P., Henry J. Hem’ler, Jacob Spangler. Oxford—John Runes, John Clank. Couowngo—Matthias Ginter, Levi Lniwrence. Strahan—Jncob Crisw‘e’l, Joseph Thomnn. Reading—J. J. Kuhn, Efijnh Myers, Benjsmin Chronistcr. ~ Germany—Mose: Schwartz, John liming. Liberty—Gregory P.l‘oppel . Mich’l Slnyhnngh. Mojmtjoy—Edward Spangler, Jacob Diem, Samuel Baker, Samuel B. Miller. Lafimore—Johu H. Myers. Franklin—George A. Cox-well, Jno. W. Lott, Daniel Kuhn. ' Cumberland—George P‘iscel. Box-wick ban—Wm. L. Gitg‘Frederick Wolf. Union—Edward Rebert. Wm. Sliter. ‘ Gettysburg—Joseph Gillespie, Wm. Shillenn, Wm. E. 3mm; j ‘ . HamiltonbnnLJohn Sanders, Wm. Walter. Hamilton—George Baker, Ohm-lei Rufl', Daniel Ebrehnrt, Michael Bohu, Samuel Orndorfi‘. Littlestown—.—John Butters, George Gonder.‘ Tyrone—Jesse R. Grpup, Levi Rafiensperger. Freedom—Jacob Brown. Butler—Jacob Gardn'gr. ' Huntingt‘on—Joseph rimmer. : Berwick tp.—John Sttubangh. Oct. 23, 1865. ‘ LENORA M. ,OSBORNE’S ESTATE—Let- Vters‘of administration on thy estate of Etenorn M. Dahomeyinti of Huntington town ship, Adam: county, (panned, having been granted to the‘undersigned, residing in Tyrone township, be hereby gives notice to d! porno I indnbted to said 09% to make immodinfie payment, and those having clnims against the same to prnlent them properly ,mzhenticated {or' settlement. . _ >_ . _ ’ FRANKL'm H. EBERTyAdm‘r. 5ept.25,1865. mi _ AXES MURRAY’S ESTATE—Letters of ndglinismtion on the estate of James nrrny, late of Strnban township, Afiams Cpunty, decmgd, having been granted t 3) the undersigned, residing in Gettysburg, be here by giva notice to all persons inde'ygd to aid, eat-to to undo Inhedinto payment, and those having nlnim min-uh: anode pre lenttthem properly nuthentluud fol! unle- Wm - - ‘. W 1‘ an m' . On. 2. 1865. a‘3 m’“ t Two Farms SUSANNA MILLER House ‘and Lots, Grand Mass Meetings} llA’l: AND CAP STORE M'cu's Fine Cloth Coats, S. Hildebrand, (Foreman,) Notice. mam I - A Good Farm .. 1' PUBLIC SALE—On FRIDAY, the 1001 IA day of NOVEMBER next, the subscriber 'wi offer at Pnblit‘ Sale. on the premises, his FARM, situate in 11.-nnltunban township, Adams county, dm- xmile from Failflcid, nd joining lands 0! Jncnb Mnsee-lmnn. David Mus selman, Wm. )lrl‘lenf, Joseph Reed and Major John Musselmnn, mnlniuing 130 Acres, more, or less, about. 30 nrrcs of which is in wood.— The farm land has nll teen limed. and is nn-' dergood cultivation. Tiieimplore- ‘3 ments are none and a hull" story H" Dwelling HOUSE. 9. new Stone H“ Spring House and Smoke House, 3 Burn, and other out-buildings; it well ofnercr failing wn'er urnrthc borne. with all kinds \of fruit. apples, peaches, cherries nnd pMI’S, nearly all grafted. A beautifulmemdow fronls‘ the house, and ‘there is a strum oi waterl through the place. ' 1' $831!: to commence at Lq’clock, P. 51., on said day, when uucndmceyill be given and terms made known by ‘ ‘Oct. 16, 1865. u JOHN BENNEIT. Two Tracts of Land, 1' PUBLIC SALE—OS SATURDAY, the 25th day of NOVEMBER, next. the sub scriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premi ses. the following Real Estate, viz : Ko. 1. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Ber wlck township. Adam: county, about two mile: from Abbottslown, adjominz lands of Jacob Lillich, Wm. llufer, Jacoh Sewers, and ' others, containing 6 Acres und 6 Perchese—l The improvements are a one and a half l story LOG HOUSE, Lag Barnye good m“: I Apple Orchard, 1: well of nH‘er-fnil'ng “ water M the dour, kc. The‘ buildings are nearly new; as are the fences. The land is of goo'd quality. A _ No. '.L A TRACT OF LAND, situate in ‘.he snme township, on the road leading from Roi-I linger’n Min m Spring Foxze, one mile and in half from Ab‘bmmown. adjoining land! of David E. Boiling”, Pele: Sibling, nnd Widow Eider, containing 6 Acres nnd 9 Perches— abom an acre and a hnlv in wood. The cle Il’rd lam] has been limed. Brni‘er creek runs thro’ the tract, a part of which 18 meadow. » Pertone wishing to virw the premises are requested to call on the eubseriber,‘ residing near by. , WSnle to commcnqe at 1 o'clock. P. M. on'said dny, when attendance “34'” be given and terms made known by x . muxcm. Lucumy. 0ct.16.1865. 13* -, >_ _ ‘ -__ Virginia Lands in Market. mum: L. uocms. M ‘ _ mm. ESTAT AGENT, MIDDLEM'RG, LUL’DON COUNTY, VA. Having an extensn'e nuquuinlfince with the people and (he Lnntl of the Piedmont Section of Virginia, sp ci-lehmied as a line “Grass Country.” 1 will pay particul-Ir attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in lhia region, hesides' practicing law in the Courmof Loudo‘n npd Fnuqnior. » 3%.! am :unllnuzt-d to sell some of the most dmimhlo Farms in thh part 0‘ the State; and will (‘urrl'ilO'ld prnmlnly with perh‘ons wishing to pinch use, or take pic-mun- in show ing these inn-is to Ihr-m, il 'rhcy give me n Cull. WPluts and Surveys furnished when de sired. Adulrms, ARTHUR L. ROGERS, Attorney «L Lmv, )liddleburg. Luudon CO.,Vn. \lknrsnksvs —Jnhn Janney, Esry, Lceshnrg, qufien. A. Rogers, .\hddlebum, Vu ; John A. Spilmnfi;\l'l-‘q.. James V. Brooke, Esql, “'nr ronton, Fn uier cuumy, VIL; A. K. Phillip=, Frodcrickehu “L; Frnncis L. Smith, E<q., Alexnndrm, \'al.: N. l‘uewrly, IL Wchnnl.Wm. H. .\lnct'nrluui, [‘qu \Riclunond. \’n.; .\lcssrs. L. P. Ihyne L: CO., .\Nssrfi. Hrmillun Easter 3 (‘o.. I. New“ Strlic, Baltimore, Md. ‘ Middll-burg, Y)... (m. m, was. firm AMaryland Farm for Sale. A RARE CHANCE Illi‘. l_'li.\'.\'S\'LV4\.\'l- ANS ——Tlm snhsmlhcr oil'vr; :ii l’riwtc b‘me, n. F.\ll.\l, snunwd in l’il‘vll-rii l; cunnfy, ML, nlmnl two mill-a lrmn l'nion Brinlgn, the terminus of the Wasn‘t-n Maryland leroml‘; and about one mile From lln- line or the con !empln'td “tension in llngemlnwn. This farm cona'nins Kim} .ICIIFIS (H 7 LAND. nlmut 40 of which are m;ll litnlwrel. the balance Mable, and lni l oil' into convenient H 1M» un der goml fem-ing, with wntgr In nearly all the fields. qu‘cr Dam slrcn m puszing llirmigh it. Tlxi< furm has I'cr -ntly)i(-l-n IILKH ily lilnoil and “ill in a few _\'_eins lu- sccnnd to "one in the neiglxlmrlmod. The human-€ 93 menls comm of a rcmlnrluhle '1 £155 Log D\\El.l.l.\(i, Log l'nnn :lan gmzfié all other nowssuy o|ll-sl|lldlngi.&,gk_‘_¥ Th re i 4 an excellent. Orclmrul of Apple 'I rues, 111333 large qunnlity o! _Clien-y, l‘ench nnd l’lum ’l‘rers. ; Any person wishing to View the proper'y can do so by c.\llilg upon the subscriber, living at Union “ridge, who will Lukcpleasure in show ing it tn tllcml. ' Pricn 340 p‘or Acre. Tqrme nccommodaling and made (0 suit the pnrchMc-r. ! GEO. P. BUCKHY. ADM. 16, 1805. 4': Farm for Sale. IIE snbsenbvr, desiring to quit farming. T oli'crs’nt Privntc Szlll‘, his FARM, situate in Highland .township, Adams cnunly, hall a mile nurth-wost‘of llcllhenuy‘s Milf, on Marsh crevk. r-vmnining 2:20 ACRES, more or less, of which’f'u or SO-ICI'T‘S are good tim- ;;_V: her. The improvement! are I “843‘ V one "M a half story Double Log "3" :': . HOUSE, good Burn. Wagon Shed,‘ if“, pf". Corn Crib: &c., with plenty of Fruit, of all kinds, and excellent never-failing wnier. This is a good grain and smelt Farm, and should at lract‘the mention of buyers. ~ Persona wishing to \‘iw 1?. are rpqnested to call on the nremi'stfi. JOHN BUTT, Jr. Sept. 23‘, 18652 flit—4.. __ ' A Valuable Farm T PRIVATE SALE.—The subscribe; Ex- A ecntor of Joseph Hemler, deceased,ofi'ers at Vriane Sale, - A FAR“. situate in Mountplensunt township, A-lums county, Pm, three milcl east of Gli tysburg, near the road léading to Bounngh town. adjoining land: of Abraham Renvsr, John Greus,John minimal, and others, c‘onbuin. inf; 173 Acres, more or less. of pntentegd land, wont 30 acres in timb-r. with a sufiicipncy of meadow. The impronmonts .ve ‘ $1 a. Two-story Frame HOUSE, with, 745 Buck-huildin§;Smoke Honse,two- f: I story filone Spring House with a z‘;,-,__ :_~.' never-tailing Spring. a Lng Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs. with an Orchard ofclloice fruit. It is in a good state of cultivation and well wntered with never-failing water in nearly awry field. ' , Persons wishing to View the Farm will call on Jouph A. Howler, residing thereon; GEORGE HEHLER, ~ Sept. H, 1865., ti Executor. A Splendid Farm ‘ F r 34 ACRES FOR SALE—SIOO to the 0 person bringing a. purchaser within 90 d \y: tram date. This Farm, 6} milel‘north of Geuysburg, on Curlisle road, will mommend itself. .A bargain oi $l.OOO can be‘ had by purchasing soon. Title good. y JACOB HEAGEY. Aug. 28. 1865.- tf ~ “'7”. ~_.__....._.._._..._:___._ For Sale. ‘WO CHOICE FARMS, in the im- 1“, 1 mediate neighborhood of Gettya- Wl}; burg—Building! nnd Land good. ‘GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettylbnrg, Aug. 14, 1883. .Teacher Wanted. ‘ 0 Info charge of the Colored School, in Gettysburg. Apply immediately to Oct. 23. v ll D. A.VBUE'77CER,'y.. To the Public. HE Inhacriben having opened a shop in Lilllestown, I. few doors ens: of me quare, respectfully announce to the citizen: of thdeslown and the public generally. that they intend to mnnufacture to order all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, nll of which will be made in the most. fushionnble 3nd anb aton tial manner, and will be sold at the lowest pricel. Old Furniture repaired at [be short est. notice. UNDEILTAKTNG.—aneg a good Hearse, we are prepared to mmoms of en; desired quality and atxefidtuneefi the shortest no tice and on lenne that. wi ~ ot fail to pleaee all. - We hope to merit end recelxe the liberal patronage o! the public. _ We intend keeping in our emplay e No. 1 gorkmen. B. FEETR g BROTHER. Oct. 9. 1865. m ‘ "Valuable Farm ‘ 'l T PUBLIC SALE—WiII he 801 d M. Pub- A lic Sile, at the City Hotel. in Frederick city, It 1 o'clock. P. .\l.. cu SATURDAY. the 18111 0! NOVEMBER. 1865, the valuable Furm kLOWfl!‘ ls WHITE HALL. situnted in Liberty diatritt, 3 miles north of Liberty, Am! adjoin ing the lands of Col. Thus. Hammond, Maurice 'l‘. Staff, Esq..nud others. There are three or {our large Mills convenient to it. besides Union Bridge, the terminus of the Western Maryland Railrogd, which constitutes 3 good market fur all kin' lor produte. The land is ofthe best quality, limestone, and in a good state ofcul tivution. It is known as one of the surest cropping {arms in the county. There is upon it n large Brick Dwelling HOUSE, nith all modern conveniences. n r - large Tenant House, fine Burn, g with :Stnhling, and all necessary out-buildings. The Orchard contain: some of the ch ‘ icest fruit, nnd is scarcely ever known to fuilT in beefing. There in an excellent springl with dairy, near the House, besides it pump at the door. This Farm contains 160 ACRES OF LAND. 30 of flich Ire hennly woode . the hnlnnce arable, anti divided intn com'el%ent 'sized fields, with water in, or con venien‘ to, each. , , Thii hm can be purchased a: Private Sale, nft my time; between this and day or Public-58310. ' Terml nude known on the day or sale. Possession given on the lat of April, 1866. Persians wishing to view the premises can do so by calling at. the anb=criber'a, residing thereon, or if any further informnlion is ‘de sired, lemrs addressed to Libertytown. Fred erick éonnty, Md., will re‘coive promo! “men'- SUX’lll A SIMMONS tion. 0ct..16,1865. u ' I Trustee’s sale F'VALL'ABLE REAL ESTATE—By kir tre of a Dcrree of the Circuit Courtsz Carrol county, sitting us a Court of Equity, the undersigned, ”Ernstee, virill sell at Pnh lic Salle, on lhe premises, on SATL'RU.\Y. NUVEMBER 4th, lBb's, at l o'clock, P. .\l., the Real Estate of which Churlea Richards died siezedland possessed; situated in llnmpstemd Distriét, Carroll county, AM, on the Emt Branch of the Pntapscn Falls, tonmining 235 Acreslof Land, more or loss, which will beach! in Lot‘s, as follows: ~ . .LOT NO. 1 CONTAINS 162 ACRES 0F LANU,moreorlesa. Theimprovcmema W. cnnsis‘l of a comfortable Log Dwelling. HOUSE. Stable, and Ollier out-build ings. ‘There is in spring of good wuler near the Dwelling House. There is also on this l'arm an Orchard of apple and other fruit trees.. This tract. is lnid off in ficllls of con venient size, is well watered. and contains n. large quantivy of Timber Land, and is situue on the road leading from llnmpslend to West minster, about lg miles from HmnpSio-Hl'. LOT No. 2 adjoins the above tract and con. tnins'26 Acres. 2 Hood: and 29 Perches of Land, more or less—about. 6 acres of which is in Timber. , LUT No. 3 contains 12 Acres, 3 Hood: um] 2‘7 Pe‘rches, more or less, all of whichjs heavi ly cov'cred with limher. LOT .\'o. 4 t-nnmina 8 Acres, more or less, m'ostly «)enred laud.‘ LUT Na. 5 contains/28 Acres, 1 Rood and 24 Perches, more or Irss, about. one-half in Timber. " LOT No. 6 rontnins 13 .\crcC, 1 Hood nnd 7 Ponhcs, more or less, All in umber, mostly chosnut. The above Ron! Eamte is wdl located’nml o:lsin cultivated. A plat of {Le lnml will-be exhibhetl on HH- d'l)’ 0! sale. ’ mThc Terms of Salem pre=crfhr~d by the, Court} nre—One-Ihird cash on Illa J ‘y of sale or thq rutifirntmn'lhl-rcol, «uni-third in moire months, and [he l0<i~hl(‘ two yourvx‘frum the day of flan—lhl‘ (‘l'l‘dll [I Iyments tn he on in terest [mm the day “1' 5 110. wuh sm-urny ap proved by the Trns'ee. ANDREW mm \I “Hi, Cruutv‘ & mars :ider, Solicitors. l‘rule-e. 011‘. 16, 1365. n" Public Sale F‘ \'.\L['.\!H.E lii-LU. lih'l‘ \Tli—Tlu- anh -0 qcrihvr. [lv-mnnr ul‘ tho Mini» 0! .\hm lwn Ecknrt. )m‘ M .\lountph-wml hm-uhip. Adams coumgr 11mm '94 «I. nil] MH‘ nu. Hu prcmirr‘i. (m 5' \TI'IH) \Y.lht- ~51]! of SUVI‘I‘I INCH, H 1* 6."). Um I'UH'm in;_r 491-1 film! rt HI o-m'o, thmf‘d m\:zn! mun-hip, cunt Imm: H 3 ACRML of uhfch :m an ,_ .\ro cow! \\ .»ml‘..Lnd, [Lo hiJnnL-c in \n Lug-u! :ldtu ul (IIIIiLH nu my! ("chm-d \\' lh\!ir~l-x-no {n-‘xxciqu ' 'l:.i. prupl t_\ ii lm‘ntwl Abdul.“ unlns trnm Hanover. nvnr Hm Slulc roan] ham"; Rum [hum-u- m Gm} iurg. un'l übum E) "Will‘s Frmn Ihe Lunar ~lnl lho- Lilly’s .\Lll in"! 'runnin;v ihru‘ m, mljaming lflnvL O'XEZPI' \\'e.kcn‘ 1 Fnhu-r. [\hruhnm Rife. :‘lud when:— Flare, the fa Sn m u mprovmnont‘< are a Twa “IHCK HHI'SE. “ilh I: Ch- Tue story 5:. Brick Bank B Irn,\\'.xgon Carriage Hnnsc. Smoke h’uildii hhed,;_ Hous (Jilin and Work Shop. There are to n—‘H 4 wells on the prgnisw. and n good Or} With :1 grant hum: oft-[mime fruit. troM, "bale to cummemc nt 1 o'clock, P. .\l., lid duy, ~vhou attendance Will be given inns manh- known by [ EGBERT 'EL‘KERT, Exqqutor. 9, 1865. 15* ” -‘ on s: and le' Valuable Farm Ii PRIVATE SALE —'l‘he subscriber oi ers or. Private Sale, :3 DESIRABLE FAR); situ‘ite in Mnnnlplcnsnnl township, Adams cou Iy, Pn , adj iining lands of J. a E. Miller‘NfiJ/gn Carl, Soiomnn Hudisill, and other}, n the road leading from Huuursmwh to Mq‘Sherrystown, comnining 163 ACRES, more pr less, about 40 Mics in good Timber, with :1 due proportion m Meadow. The clear— ed land has all been liined once. “llli port of it twicei—is ’in good cultivation and gocd Oeucing. The improvement! are .1. one- and n in: half 'tory DWELLING HOUSE, an a a , pgr: tone and part frame, Double 19"“; Barn part frame and part bguisi‘ibi Wag n Shed, Corn. Crib. Ilog Pen, Smoke Hous , and other out-buildings. There is n new: -fniling spring of WBIPI' with a pump in it ne 1- the house, and I small slrcam through the F rm. A good young Apple orchnrd,wilh othe fruit. on Ihe premises. Persons wighing to View the property are requqsted to call on Isaac Snorer. the wnant. ; NOAH MILLER. cod. 9, 1865. 2m* Clothing EORGE ARNOLD has now on hand the Elm-gent stock of READY-MADE CLOTH- L Gin town, consisting of DRESS AND BUSI NESS COATS, of every desc ' tion, OVER COATS, in great variety, Morale] Jackets, Vests, Pantaloons, Shir's, Drgwers, Gloves and Hosiery, stacks of them. By best clothing are mostly of my own man 'nfncture, and will be warnnled well man, and well trimmed. Tpgelher w'ith a large stock of Cloths. Cas sinetq, Jenna, Drillings, Shining, Flannel, to. Also,},Benver Cloths, Doe Skins, Over Coatings and T‘rimmings in great variety. all of which will he sold as cheap as the cheapest. Cull and ab: them. GLttysan-g, Oct. 9, 1865. 3:1: Reeves’ Ambrosia. FOR’TBE HAUL—The. Original Qnd Genuine Ambrosia is prepnred by J. Aux: Runs, and is the best hair dressing and preservative now in use. It stops the hair falling out, cause: it to grow thick and prevents it from turning prematurely zrey. It eradicate: dan drnfl', cleanses, beautifies and renders the hair aolt, glossy and curly. Buy it, try it rand be convmced. Don’t be put off with a spurious article. Ask for Reeves’ Am brosin. and take no other. For Sale by Druggista and Dealer in Fuicy Goods everywhere. ‘ Price 75 cents per Bottle—s6.oo per dozen. Addrehs REEVES' AMBRUSIA DEPOT, 62 Fulton St., New York City. 0ct..16, 1865. 6m - i ‘ . Notxce. Oh‘ICE il hereby given to all persons not N to buy from Lewis Noel any can, one, when; rye, bly, alrn‘w, cornfodder, or other pro arm. or stock, raised on my fnrm, litute in Moqntpieunnt to'wnlhip ; and to return to me any property sold or given by said Lewia Noel, my hulhaml, as the property is mine, and he.’ has and had no authority {quell or dis pose o‘f any produce or stock rn sod on my farm, or any other property belonging to me. . SUSANNAII NOEL. Oct. $l6, 1865. an ' ...P y 1: wish Oranges, Lemons, Raisin, Figs, 1‘ or slel, go to E. H. lINNIGH'S Contac uoneq, in Ghnmhcnbnrg men. Great Rdme'dy ton-wooing ELI/S PECIORAL B n I}A_L§A)H_C_(_}QR_DIAL, on EXPECTORANT." A Remedial Agent prepared to men "up ur gent demand lot I prompt and sale Antidote {or all Pulmonary Disorders. lf pmporlr used it will give inshnl relief in nlmoal ever» In slnnce,nnd will pron- nn cfiertlml cnn- in A majority of the following cases of rim-(tion: of tie THROAT AND LUNGS! such M Calm, Coughs, Aulmul'rc Tendencies, Whooping Cough, Saunas: of the Breast und Bronchial Afl'ectionn. When we first commenced mnnufncturinfi the Expectomnt for our home coneumption 1 was not o'ur intention nor our desire to put it before the public as a “curenll,” nor to putt lish n long‘list of testimonials u an evidence of its curative properties. but. the demand for it being so grout anddecidedly on the increnae, has induced, and in feet compelled tie to pre p'ire it. on a much larger scale. and also to umbliah agencies throughout. this section of the country. All we ask is that those thns nfllicted mly give it e fair trinl, that. it may pron its mnny advantages our other preparntiuna ofa similar nature now being employed. The price toothrowa it. within the reach of all, being‘but 25 and 40 cents a lionle. , ; Bell’s Worm Syrup! ‘ HE .\lUS'l‘ INXOCI-SN'l‘. PLEASANT AND l EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE ——.-\ Rn -10? PIRFICT‘ I! hunt—M2 Gum 0:1 to be ‘ Tllkcn.—ln this Pleparunon we hm'e included ’lnl’h remedies only as have linen tried for years and me known to possess powerful nuthclmintic viglues, [combined with mild npcriems, pleas-m aromatics-uni! sugar. An thelminticc of themselves cunnolfpul‘orm their peculinr fnnctionsor 'hnve the Idesired efi‘wct. pales: lhe bowels are kept moderately npcn. 'To' produce this. gentle purgmii'es are neces ‘mry and such only onght to be (used that can- Inot. interfere with the nnthelmirilin- employed. ‘The advantages we claim tnr lllls Syrup are: l 15!. Its power of DESTROI’ISG AND EX tPEI.LING WORMS! l 2d. its mild nperienl effect npém the bowels. 3d. lti pleasant taste and. odpr are mlrnn macs possessed or claimed by vgry lew Verm ifuges. I v ' 41h. Ila harmless influence-nphn this system, mmrquenlly no injurious elf-qt: will result fx'um its use should the patient hue no Wormi, but un apparent disease, nrisi g from some other unknown cause, which is‘frequcnlly the case. . - ,x The constituents of this Sy'ru and its effects are knoun to many Physicmnga who are now using it in their pructice to in Luke extent. Price 25 cents a bottle. I . x --.-. i . The Gtgeétest Limment 1n Use. ELL'S WHITE O!L!—T/1c Ip’landml. (”Imm- B a], moat I’endrulmy and ulna! Hmnomzcul Linfment m Cam—A powciful ()lcnginus Co-n -ponnd fur the Speedy Cure of} Rheumnlism, Strains, Spifninz. Wounds, Numbness of tho Limbs, Fréétvd Feet and Hnmls. pru‘in. Sail dle Gulls, Poll-Evil, Ring SOM, Bruises. Swellings of all kind, and in no; awry dis ease for which an Embrocationiis applicable, either in .\lun or Benet l’rieebxt-onts A hot tle.——This prepni'ntion, which Ju’iginul'with us. will be round to be one of Ithe nircst and at the 5 mm lime‘one of the moist relinble‘np> plimlions extant. ' llnvinfi been employed veriv euensively since ils introduction mud feeliifiy: sa’islied of its remedial properties, we recoyinicnd it with the ulmoat confidence, knowing that no one will be dis‘nppoimed in its usti. l' is, us its name implies, a while liuimeng ol the‘consis tcncy oft-ream, containing nothing rfl'cnsire, but, on the t-onlrnry. will bi found more pleasant/thnn ONIEI‘WISL’. ‘ Bell’s Alterativc, R COJDITHLV PUWDERSI __ I‘UR lIORSES,‘(?ATT].E & SWINE 2.": rcnls 9. paper, or five papers for $1 The lmmente sale of these I'owdx-rs during thws‘lmr' period they have Men before the public, is n suflicil-m gunmmem nflheir grant. Immhyi'y’, and the decided bchfiLs dexivcd frn-u Iluir use. I , They are cunfidrnfl; rommmpndeil nnl nniy n: :I'prt'vcn'ivp, hut. as u‘ (mnplr-Ic HirP fur nu (invites incaaeu‘t me imam}, cow or ”on, MS Loss of Afitite, Coughs, Ilenvcs, Yellow Water, Distemper, (Hniiiivr‘x, km, kc. By their use the ”oer .\ppekne is improv' 94,:111 deraihgo-nmns of the dig-35th? organi 'corrccteli, softy-min}: Ihr skii‘md giiing lo the com 1!. sleek Mid shining :Idipezmuice, .md may be used with perfect Sglfflp' at all timr-s, as it. coh'nins no lngiedil'lltj which cnn injure :l horse, wht-ther sick or well. 1 " . They cleau~a the breathinglnppnmtus by ejecting fr m the air veils club/plated muth-r,’ or' UH". formation “inch so severely clogs (hem, causing n lightness in Man hing, and by their peculiar m'tion on llmt‘pfirt, they muse the mncnu membmne Io rewiue its nuuml dimensions, thus equdlizing :heiein-ulnlinn M theiflood and restoring [he disheuded vessils to t ir natural snze. ‘ 1 --For "Honing enlile they nlire invaluable, also pos. hing peculiar prupi-rgies in increas ing the qua .lin of milk in Cowl»,- thereby giv ing them'xu impnrmueo and: value which should placei m within the hfmds nf'dfi in terested. : All disonseslo \rhjvh xbe ”cg is subject. as Coughs, Flow in the mats and Liver, mud n! a gene“! purifier of Nlnod'wc guarantee their eflicnvy ifonre fuirl} med) 1 @‘Sold at Gellyshnr2\by A. D. Bnehler, “Apothecary. and by DrmgisWSlorekeqp er: generally. Ask fur Hall‘s pnrutiona. Prepartd exclufively hy W. 1).. g", Apothe cary. (Graduate of the PiliEntlelpthollege of Pharmacy,) Wrst Wauhiugtom Stlfflagers; Kown, Md. [UCL 16, 1865.\ 1y ‘ Quarterly Report \ F THE FIRST “Trout. BANK CF 0 GETTYSBURG, rendered‘ on the morn ing of the lat Monday of October, 1865: DR. L Bills discofinted, Furhitnre and Fixmrea, Expenses, ‘ Taxes paid, ’ ' remiums, Cash items, stamps, Due from National Banks, “ “ other Banks, U: S. Bonds, Other U. S. Sernrities, Cash on hands, i $317,90 60 CB. Total, Cnpilnl stock paid in, $lOO,OOO 00 Surplus fund, , 849 72 Circulatigg not" oqutan ding; 89,980 00 Dividends unpaid, ‘ j 43 72 Due to bunks, 1 - 1,330 19 Interest, {to} " ‘ 2.346 75 Deposits, . 1 123,368 22 Total, . 3 $317,918 so 1. George Arnold, Cashier oi the First)“- tlonnl Bank of Gettysburg, do iolemnly swear that. the nbme Imminent is true to the but ofmy knowledge and belief. . GEORGE ARNOLD, Ousbier. Sworn and sp‘bscribcd before me um 13: day of Octobex, 1865. A. J. £O7“, .1. P. Railroad House, EAR THE DEPOT. ‘ N HANOVER, YORK CO., PA. The undersigned would rupeetfully inform his numerous friends and the nhlic generally, that he hos leased :he Hotel lg Hanover, near the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah Kohler, and will’spnre no efl'orl. to conduct. it in a manner that will give genernl satisfaction. His table will have the best the markets cnh Ifl’ord—his chambers are Ipncious and com fortnhln—nnd he hos lsid in for his bar a full stock of choice wine: nnd liqnots. There in emhliug for horses attached lo the Howl. It will be his cansmnt endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house on our u- home to them as pouible.- He asks a shore of the public pn'ronnge, de lermined u be is to deserve a large part of it. Remember the Railroad Boone, near the De pot, Hanover, PA. A. P. BAUGEIER. Oct. 2, 1865. tf . . Notice. LL. ~ 3 Me notified that casting A A nbbiah, Filth, Garbage, or other q and" or upon the Streetd or Alleys, is prohibited by kw; and flu: the Borough Constables Ire required to uh notice of, and enforce the Ordihmcu mint oleneu of this kind. R. G. HcCBEABY, Bun-gen. ‘ Oct. 15. II“. It 263” in: nnoon.‘ fl! OIIATIIT Ilchlll 0' 11l 10’. SURE Antidote fof‘ sickness. Ind I refuge A from Sorrqw, Pain and Dileuc. nuns“ vac-nun, no admitted to be the BESI‘ FAVHLY LIED!- CINE lor general use, Purifying the Blood and cleansing the system fr’um all impumy. regulate the Slohach. Liver And Billiary Be. cretinna, which 10 the chic! cause of Nervous new, Uiddinesa.lDimness of Sight. "anthem, Sick Slam-ch mgd olhur kindred complain". Hundreds of Fenificntca can be Shown. They have been qled by thousands with nuccau. BRYAN 8 LIFE PILLS, are Idnpted {or'-ll Ages and coaslimflonl —- They are compo ed of the active principle: of Herr-s Ind 800 .culled from our fields ma forests. They re mild bu: certain in their open‘tion—prod eing neitbor cnmpa, gnpinw, pain: or lioknes . They any be mien by In ngel, sexes or cqndiuona without. fear. BRYAN'S LIFE" PILLS. Cure Headache. BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cure Sick Stomub BRYAN'S, LIFE’ PILLS. Cure Giddiness. BRYAN'S LIFE: PILLS, Purity the Blood. A Box ofBRYAN'B LIFE PILLS will cost but. TWENTEY-Irlva csxrs, and will nccam 'liah all that is represented. They are elog}mly put up by the proprietor, the inventor of‘ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WA FERS, a medicine long and lu‘ornbly known to the American? Nution. -' ”you wish Elmo's Life Pub, and cannot get. them quouédrugg'xst, don't take any other, but send Twenty-five Cents in a lettc’r to the ploprie‘lor, and you will get their. by return of mail, post-paw.“ Address, 1 DR. 1. BRYAN. 442 Brondw ', New York. P. O. Box 5079. Deniers can ii snppliu-d by Demas Barnes 5; CO., Wholesale ;Agents, New York. (31: A D NE W 8'! mafia: upon-run“. UEY CAN BE USED WITHOUT DETEC-‘ TION, and‘ do not, inh-rfere with business pursuits, and ND CHANGE OF DIET IS NE CESSA‘KY. Ball’s Speclflc PlllB 4 Are warranted in all ensegfor the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Ureth ml and Vmginnl Dischkiges, -Gleev, ‘Sexunl‘ Diseases, Emissions, Impotence. Genital and Neruus Debility and diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. ‘ . They are adapted 'or mule or fcm‘llc. old or young, and Ire the only reliable known for the cure of all diseases arising from n YOUTHI-‘L'L ”DISCRETION. . In all Sexual Disenses, ns Gohorrhen, Stric ture, Gleet. and in all Urinary and Kidney complainu, they act liken clmrm. Relief is experienced by linking a single box ;‘mxd lrom {our to six bong. genernlly ell‘cct n cure. Sold in boxes containing 60 pills, Price One Dollnr, or six iboxos, Five Dollirs; ulan, in large boxes, containing four of the small, Price Three Dollars.’ . Private Circhlnrs to Gentlemen only; annt free on receipt of directed envelope and slump. {I you need the Pills. cut out his advertise me‘nt for referencq. and i‘yon cannot procure themjofyour druggfat do not be imposed on by any o;th remedy, but enclose the money in a leuegto ‘R. J. BRYAN, Consultinz PhysicTnn, Box‘ 5079. 4 442 Br‘oadwny, New York. and they wull begun. to yofllecuré from oh servugion, by rélui‘u mail, post-paid, on receiyt of the money. 1 Dealers supplied by Dumns [Lu-Hes & CO., \thlrsule Agupts, New York. ' IMPO‘RTANT TO LADIES. V ’ Dr. Hart'ey’s Femaie Pills, HE most. infullihlfi and pnpuinr‘remedy T ever known, for all dine-tars of the {whale sex. They have been “sell in many thousmnd mm with unhtiling success—and may he rbo lied on in crm-‘zv case for whirl. they are re commended, am] particularly in all cases nris~ ing from ‘[ OBSTRI‘PTIOX, on STOPPAGE OF .\‘ATI'RE: no matter frmnlwhnltcnnsi- it Mines. They are Qh'vt‘ttml ln resuming to health all who use suf fnring trom Wzmknoas and Ughihty, Uterine Dischnrgu, Nervousucsz‘, km, 43.13., km. and they “Act like I. Charm," in slrcnzthening the system. Thousands of Lidia: who have sul fered‘lor years lnud tried vurions other reme dies in vain, mite a renewal at their health and strength whollg to the cfiimcy of u DR. IIANVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. ' Thry nrc peflfectly harmless on the‘system, may be when at. any lime will] perfect an'ny ; hut. during lheeurly stages uf Pregnancy they should not be taken, or a miscarriage may be the result. The, never cause my sickneis pain or distresg. Enh box contains 60 pins, Price .One Dollar. . DR. HARVEY‘S GOLDEN PILLS, frame” for ap‘ecinl cases, four degrees strong er than the ab ve; Prige FivelDollnrs per box A Private Ci culnr to Ladies with fine nnu tomicnl engm ”1233, ten: free on receipt 01 di rected en‘velop‘ and stamp. ’ 38-0“ thli out lifyou desire Dr. Harvey": Pills, And if yo'u Cannul procufia them of your druggist, do not tuke my other for some dealers who M'e nnprir‘xcipled will {command other Femnle Pillt, they can mnkc‘ a large I' pgpfil on—but Enclose the money and send—dig feet to i DR. J. BPYAN. Consnhing Phyficiun, Box 5079. ‘ 442 Broadway, New York. and you will feceive them post-paid securely sealed lrom ob‘servution, by return mail. Dealers supplied by Denms Barnett Co. Whoksnle Agents, New York. $104,885 24 . 100 00 " 292 ms 7, 619 so ‘1 1,820 92 1 . .488 11 1 3,866 17- 1 234 so 3 150,250 00 ‘ _ 21,410 00 ‘ 33,311 00 Th 9 '« ”vats Medical Adviser. . }Exclnsirely for Ladies) , - N invaluible treatise of 100 pages', by Dr A J. Haney;xpublished for the benefit of the sex. On receipt of TEN CENTS, it will be sent post-paid, in a sealed envelope, to all who ap ply for it. Address DR. J. BRYAN, 442 Broadway, N. Y. Bo} 5079. . Love {and Matnmony. NY Indy 6; gen‘Uemnn sending me an ad ‘dressed envelope and stamp, yin receive lull direction: for gaining Ine ufl‘e‘clion! of the oppohile lax. end which will enable them to may hnppily, Irrespectiverof wealth, age or beauty. Address. MRS. MARIE LEHOILLE, Hagen: P. 0. New York City. GENTLEHAN who sufl’ered for years from Nervous ‘and Genital Drbilily. Nightly missions, 3nd Seminar Weakness, the result ofyomhful indiscretion, and cnmr neur.ev-d -in his dsyu in hopeless mieery, will, ‘or the lake of snfiering man, lend to any one Imlctfid, theaimplt mums used by him, which efl'ected a cure in A few weeks, after the failure of nu meroul dedicines. blond n. directed enveloyo and stamp and it. mil cost you nothing. Address, EDGAR TREMMY, ‘ Station L, mu. St., New York Ciz‘y. THIRD EDITION, Fifly Thousnnd—‘mo pagel. by Ron” E. Bun, M. D. A cnu lion, nddreued to youth, the untried, and than Connru-rmo Shannan. Sent by mail poshpnid, on receipt of TEN CENTS. A core ful pernlnlof this umall book ha been 3 Ban: 10 HI Armour), and has saved thousand: iron 5 life of misery, and mi untimely grave. it tn“! on the evils of Youlhlul Indiurerion, SelfiAbnle, Sennnal Weakness, Emissions, Sewn] Diseases, Genital Debimy, Loss of Power, Nervousneu, Premature Decay, Impo. -tenqe, Em, kc., which unfit. the unguar- from ‘fulfilling the Obligations of Blurring». Addreu, DR. J. BRYAN, , Camellia; Physician. i - Box 5079. 442 Brawn-y, New (Yuk. Ala.” HIM I- x . Bryan’s Life Pills‘, I:=G=l Errors of Youth. Manhood ! [lB am only nnexccllvd, hm they nrc ah ‘A lolntoly nmq'tallm’, n" any clue: RON! nslrumenl in the country. Designed expro'q. )y waChurchcs and h‘dsohb. the) are hand :0 be «luau! we!) adapted to the ‘parlor And during room. For Inle only by ‘ I , E. M. BRUCE. 4 No. 18 North Seyenvh 81., Phil-dofihia. n-Also, BIZAUBURY’S PIANUS. and I «mam-Io nuoflmc-l of the PthFl-‘iCT MB- L 0 Box. liens, 1805. !y ‘ ' By , Picking. ~ .\'OTHER PMCLARMTION. - A HIGHLY IMPORTANTy‘ \\ "mun. the American people have suffered under at {our yeut‘s I'flf, during which time lhoy hnrc born bulkhened with teary cages and lreqm-nt drama, ' ,K _ Ann manna, The nrenncs oftrade land he come dimrmnprfi, nxpll the [nice of gnods, pilr fi'culnrly CLOTHING, havmg reached I high umndard, musing mmy n patriot to become wuk in the knees. and any to himself, then shall 'bese things end? 3 Ann wnzuus, ‘Blnny a woll-to-do mu, who in formrr times wa'ked the urea” in llqu. cloth. nn’d whono‘ern conqunenco of tl.e high prices, has bun ‘compclled to go about 1n rugs, complaining pitcously oftbis sad sum; of llx‘ngs ; 'Nmm Tummy-om. I», 17“ me n. Prensa, would issue my I’ROC-LAMATION, “3mg '3 u]! people lh"! the avenues oftrulv. n 1 Iva-1m firr M 1 am concerned, have bgm ”ppm-d, an! 1 nm doingbusinns on n - PEACE [3 \SI“ Haringfiustretuméll "rum Hm City, I mm mm opening Lhe largest nml but film-ml atom of Clothing ever brought. to um; sbure', emhrmu ing all the, LATEST STYLES FOR MEN AV!) BUYS. among which are fine fitting Ilrw‘: uml limi ness‘Uouts, Cloth, Casaimcze, \h‘llk, S uin Inn-I Colton Vests, Dress and U-Hincsa I‘nnn. or every style, qulilyfind size, l‘ndux Clothe: M every description. A 153, - , GENTLEMEX’S FURNISHING (10009. Embracing Gloves, Collars; Keck-Wig; Sua pumlers. llbriery, hr. Also, ' _ NOTION'S IN ENDLESS VARIETY. annh as Violins. Amordouns, Viuhn Sci-fry. Clocke, Unh- mul Clothes Bmshev, Combatl Rumors and RxLGr Straps, ,Sonp, Spel'i'lclci, Cant-a, Pen Mikey-Pencils, Pens, and Domi noes. Also. . TILUXKS, (‘ARPET SACKS. UMBRELLAS‘, 'I‘UB.\CCO,CHG.\RS, ‘ ' and indeed n Mule 01' e'vuryangwi'H he found in this Store. Imin]; m’fldo‘ our plficlnm {gr Cash, and at E Invomble time, we are p 70.- flnred (0 50" Cheap. ' t REMEMBER THE PLACE If you Jesire to have “food lining suit, mnde of good material, cal} and examine for yourwlvos, and SAVE MONEX. ' Sap}. H, 1865. _ F. B. I’ICIflNG. Something “New. 1113 WORLD RENOWNED ‘ WILLOUGHBY'S :Gt'“ SPRING GRAIN DRILL. ' unvncrcurn BY cuoxvmr. A human, Gnu!- CASTLE, 111” th co., m: This cch-hmted Ilrxll is superior ta any other nnchine of the kind 59L inlroduéed lo the pub lic. Among; its adumagesnre these :--lt. dis- Irihutes the grain with perfect rogulnri‘.y. It never chokes or brenki the grain. Rough around, or fast or slow Qriving, will not‘vnry Ilie quantity sown to the ucre. Iv. can he regu lated whilst in mntiou. Ths teeth or shovels 5:13.80 constructed m; not to break when com ing in contact with roots and stones, but spring back to their proper plan‘s. ll will'sow every kin lof grain with thu snme hopper. 11. aim megsures the qfiuntily ofgmin to be sown to the acre, and is aimple in its construction and easily mnnngnd. 'r‘ua. ammo, ATTACHMENT This invention [Ur sowing ALL KINDS of Guano imd’ Compost mnkcs the ‘Drill perlei‘l. nu-l complete: It. sows tliggmin ruid manureq llie gmund at the smne time. This (tonilrur tion of the Attachment is very gimple uml is (”any repaired. 1: will saw from om: lamen ly basin-ls to the acre, and “no {well can be [ogulnled whilst in motion, to “it poor or‘ rich ground. ,Tlieao mucliinca need only be seen to be ndmirod. All who have tried them pronounce them the moat rompleie arrange ment l'ur‘lbe purpose ever offered to lhq pub lic. Hundreds of ceitiflcfites cnn be pryduccd from practicp} farmers in Franklin county and in Maryland to prove th it the machine is no humbug. and has given entire Intisfactlou in every case wherein has been tried. WILLXAM \YIBLE, Agent. _ Aug. 7, 1965. if i , New Warehouse. ’ BUSHELS 0F GRAIN ’ 00,090WANTED,uHhenewfirnin and Produce once, in Carlislc street, adjoin ing Shends & Bnehlcr‘s establishment. The highes} market price will always be paid in cash for ‘ ‘ , GRAIN, of all kindl. ‘ a FLOUR, SEEDS, kc.’ Always on hand and for anle,ut. tbe'lmnucn profits, ' ‘ ~ , . GUANOS, SALT, FISH. GEUCERIES, hm, Wholesale and retail _ TRY US! We 51ml! do our best to gin satisfaction in all cases. ~ . McBURDY & DIEHL Gettysburg, May 11, X 863. 1y Good Things from the .City! E Are receiving twice a week from'lhe E» city 5 variety or article: suited to the “ants of this community, viz: Fresh and Snll FISH, Hnml, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples; Potatoes, Granger, Lemons, Confections, Tobgcemy Sognrs, with many other articles in this line—nu received in the beg‘t order, Mid sold ntthe lowest profits. Give us you", in Baltimore stunt, ‘nparly opposite Fnhnestocks' noun ‘ ‘ WANTBD.—Buuer, Eggs, ;Lam; and an other conntryyroducc—for which the high" (Lush price will be paid. . SWEET POTATOES—beIt qunmyfnt low: on livin‘g profits—always on hund. Mao. ‘OYSTEHS, fine and fresh—in the the“ or ah‘ocked. Restauranu and families anpp'lml. , STRICKHQUSER &,WI§OTZKEY. Gettysburg, MuyJS, 1863.' ,- Notions‘and Confections. A WORD TO THE PEOPLE 01" TOWN AND . ' COUNTRY. ’ . HE anbscriber keeps a Nation And‘Confec, tionary Store on Carlin]: gtreet, nearly opposite the Railéond Station, Gettysburg, when be but causganzlx on hand, CANNES, NUTS, Fists, P‘isius, L'emona. Orange-I‘, “4' Tobacco: and chua_ d‘ all kinds: Pocket- Booka, Suspenders; Keck Tin, Collm, ML; Soups and Perfumflies; also some GROGB RIBS, Sugars. Cofi‘ees, Rice, with the di'fl'ercn: kinds of Crackers. Ice-cold MEAD “111. times. He invitel‘ cnnam [rum town Ind country, and yells at sm'tll profits. . LEWIS SWOUSB, Aug. 7.1865. 1)’ Blacksmithlng. HE undérsigned would most mpeolfully T infqrm the public that ha continual the - BLACKSHITHING UUSINES“, at Ma chop, lately Philip Dmrsom‘a, udjolniag Troxel’l palm nbop, in 1585‘ Middle alt-bet, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre pared to do Blacksmiming work to Cardinal. Buggies, Wagons. kc. Thur. he knows how to do all job: of the klnd will nocbe questioned by those who have a knowMgc of bin long experience 1‘ the busineu. Come on will: your wouk, Ind you will be satiufled when you taken away—and for which he wxll noel" Cash or Comb; l’rollnce. - ADAM HOLTZWORTB. Ihr. 20 1865. tf IA. Paw 7-80’§ .; TILL on hmdnn'd for Min 5!- THE 71m: Im‘IOXAL BANK or canvas”: 3 5 010. MOLD; cull‘h - Oat. 9_ leeklt J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers