> - B:ol2thst NERVE; BOX}? ABRGORU ‘ L. I a? I u a N 2 1 ‘ mg buy on 332482: g *WARBAXTED TO CU RE Rheumatism. gnaw. Swellrd Join". Sore Thromfrmled L‘ In“, Poioon. (‘ld Sores I“ “talus, th (hm, ,Ooru. _Mumps, fetter, Pllnl In the um: . nd Bnck, Swan], on “m or Nut, Diddle or ' gnu" Uall". Distemper. Scrucha, ha, 0;: arm Ind MD“, and All Datum ramming .n External Began]. ‘ The «Ranging of zho public It Wildly dirwughfio we Lbove Preporulon, as being on o! 93. x“ and man ‘eflcxwioul exurnnl 2. midtown" in use Thu fact 1: band upon ‘ tho (antimony a! mound: 9| pend" who ‘ hue sued it. ' . I ‘ From me an amount of good this Linimsuc l the donuts: all‘cnsu wherein it bu bun used, . “duel? non: nppliatlo. min for it. the‘ impriclw'iu been induced to pllco i! belon‘ tbs public, and let it stud upon again good } poms, knowing lot in every can when it. in‘. mud.“ [in raconmend itself. All he u‘kl ll ‘ A Mr IndJmpnninl trill, Ind l-f mod “cord- Jng to dlrnfions. and no benefit, no chums.— Aanlng Ind unlimited confidence In it! cur? |lve powers, he' bu direcud Ml Agents to ie .l.ud-.‘be ,money in all ems when this Lini an.“ in until with no head“, the bottle with s. ‘ .yortlon of m content: so on returned to the ‘ Agent. ‘ ‘ 11. wlll.be found I shre remedy for Rheum-1 tism, Synlnl, Bwelled Joints, ten, and in fact, ‘ {on-ll um he chim- forlt, it. excels sny srti~ {q}; of tho kind yet tried. It in ”tho nn inf-lilhlu cure {or many discuss ,of Bones, such as Kicks, Snags. Sullings, fipnlnsyold 801‘", Scratches, Collar and Sud :dle Gulls, Ind tll distuu nquirlng an ex. terns! tamed] {or Hones nndquls, it bu no e unl. V ‘ . q'l‘llls Lining“ should be in the bands of eventually, putlcnlofly the there are chll n, as San: ,prou. Sculelinn, Group, (Quincy, to. are disgusts thu our, many chil ‘dren to their graves. . This Llnlment will be found a sure And speedy all»! injuryguu where it is npplied in Ii . As this Liniment ls v'vnrnuud to give saxfsctionfin pl! uses. no one (‘MI risk anything in trying it—nnd if one bottle {mused you will never be witho us iHn the‘house—so pnrchnson boulc 1114 be ponvlnced of-the facts above. ' ‘ ' Stonebraker’s ORSE AND CATTLE i P 0 W D E R S l Ulre yo‘nrlfirses STONEBRAKER'S HORSE AND CATTL POWDERS. il‘ )ou finnt fine 41ml healthy horses. and you are sure to here ‘lhem. Aloft-.sure and speedy cure formughl, Colds, Dietempers, Henves, Hi-le-bound,Worms, Bots,-Bourvy, he" in Home, Loss ,of God, Blockl'ongue, em, in Cycle. , By the use of these POWDERS the appetite [of the Horse is improved, nll dersngements of the Digestive Organs are corrected, and the nluggishfiess of the animal disappears, he be coming lively and spirited. it softens the skin, giving the hair I sleek‘ and shining ap eannce. The great superiority of these ;owders over all others arises iron: the fact tint they nre‘componnded of medicines that lute laxative, tonic and purifying propertios. The laxative removes all impurities from the stomnch and hostels ; the tonic adds new tone and vigor to the system of the horse, by which the appetite is wonderfully improved. and the pnrllying medicines ‘contnlned in‘ them cleanse thb blood from all lmpurc matter, and give a henlthy and rigorous circulation; they also improve the mud, end are a sure [gret'eutlve of Lung Fever, Yellow Witter, Fouqder, Loss oprpewc,'nnl many other diseases incident ‘ to the Horsey ‘ It is also isvnlnnhle its a Condition Powder (or Cows. increasing the flow of milk and pre- i renting disease. ‘ All persons owning cows! should ask for STUNEBRAKBWS HORSE t CATTLE POWDERS, us it is very important ‘ ,througb the winter that they should he used to improve the condition of: the cow. 'They hsve no equal for fatteningnnitle, as they give them on appetite, and loosen their hide, by ahlch they thrive mllch faster. . These Powders are a sure preventive o! HOGICflOIyERA, and are particularly Ida’ined to the disease! (.0 which Hogs nfiso liable—- ‘lnch as Co‘ngthlcers ofthe Lung; and Liver—- cunning them to improve' mnl-h faster. They would I); used in the beginning v.O fKtleu Hop. u much feed may be saved. There Powder: will be found much stronger ‘thnn mou powders now in use.'lnd at the sumo time the man powerful towl ever used for Horgoslnnd Cattle of I“ k .‘ All person: no plrticulnrly invited [0 try these Powders, knowing the] will continue in use them. 12m 11ml: (0 Wm: 0!! Q, their Hula to 0.2! Stonebraker’s AT, ROACH ANDS MOUSE ‘ REXTERMINATOR! We invite the attention of the public'to the above preparation, an being one of the most :fl‘cctgsl prep-rations evegintrodnced, for the glow-nation ofthc above vermin. We wan-um. it a DEAD SHOT FOR RATS! Try “—04.1, 25 cent: a. box. , ‘ _ 'fi‘Sold by dealers nmi countr-y “one taper: gunenlly. _Ang. :14, 188,5. 6m ‘, a _ 4 Tailoring. EMOVAL. R‘ 'ECKENRODE IN TflE‘DIAfiONDI GEORGE F. ECKENEODE, l-‘ASHIOXABLE TAILOR, mforms his friends And the public nor-11y. that he has REMOVED hi: Tailor fng Eltnblilhmen‘ to the second floor of San:- pon'u building, (over Brinkerhofi’a Clgthin Emm) northeast cornor of thefublic Square, nntnltu on Ybrk Itreet, where he in prapnrad go do '3l! work in his line in the Heat manner, find 730 the utilfnctitm of customers. He em ploys none but first clus hands, nnd receiving , THE FASHIONS REGULAELY, be an wan-Int fwh‘ionable flu Ind nest and Inblunfinl levying. He ulna n Ihnre of the public'l pstronnge, promising to spare no ef foruo delene it. His churgea will always be found u moderate n theflmen will allow. Cutting And Repairing done at thq Ihomat poticz. [Genylbnrm April {0,1866. New Goods !-—Large Stock ! RCHANT .TAILQRING.‘ » M moons a BRO. u jun received from the cilia & large flock plgoodl for Geinzlemen'l wan, ombtactng I variety of ' GLOTES, mssmnans, . A 1 vas'm'as, 1 Outline“, 19m, tan. with may other good: 1 (or spring and summer want. ‘ _ ‘ They no prepnnd to nuke fip menu st. ;he {hm-Les; notisn. and i 9 {bounty but man- ‘ an. Tb: Fabian! u’u regal-Hy received, and 1 clown: mm in wy‘dulred “no. They .1- malnut- men flu. whim moi: “wing in mu w W“. , 'lhcy uk Lconflnumce of the pu‘blic’l‘ paw" "Gauge, received by good work Ind model-see phugu to earn iL, ‘ _ _ 3 Gettysburg, April 7, 1862‘ ‘ Good Things from the City! ‘ E IN! receiving who 0. week from the‘ city 5 rainy of u-tlcl‘en united to the main: of thin community. ris: Freah and Salt ‘Flsy, Buns, Shoulder: und Sid“, Hominy, 5913., Ap’Flel, tenth", Onnzu', Lemon, 0_ omens, obsccm, Scan, With any nthqsniglga ip thin line—all received in the jamming, “A 3911 gt lye lqyen p’rofiu. Give an 1 null, in B‘ltiman ”ran, nus-1y opponite Fnhneuoch’ store. WANTED.——jiuner, 23‘ Lad 3:}! 3!! “her country produce—fur hick LLB hilheflv I:th price will be paid. f‘. 815:? POTATOES—4m“ qunlllyd, “I?!“ all ' aroma—nl3» s on tn - 3°: ”781'“ng 5n “d bib—in 3n shell or 93“!”- Ruuunuu and {milieu supplied. -' STBICKHOUSBR g WISOTZKSY. Bonylhnrg, Kay is, 186;. l ' _ 628. 300% Shuts. 628- OPKIXS' "O N. M’JKE": OF HOOP . SKIRTS, are gotten up apron” to meet 0 III"! of flgst cuu T’ADI. They embnce I complete Islonment of all the new and dgniyxble Sty& Size and Length, [pr Wiephx‘hua' an: 1:1:on lgd are sn . iii—iriw7 flat to: cum-um eiqpointnf mmeuy, Sale Crying, W" “a durability ; being made 02);)“ sum WJ’LEMMING confirm” “phylum ”pend Eugfish Steel SpvringaLu-im Line. ‘A, of BALE cums, .nd mum. thecon- gun-m qums. sud hI-"nc n“ "I; wet-die udpurougo at the pabfig. n. 3. m. can. 'umning. immovthly. Ifinfld‘» by unpl'uved MW“: to gin mummy. Chase: unchincry. They remyn lb?“ 59399 MM 3h}!- podnnu. Mom in Fuckinfldge “n“, 43¢:in pa w: last—and Are. win-mule}; to an Befiflbug. , ‘afih mthfwlion. _ . V _ P,8,-—.Heinlicenu-: Auctioumflndpxm .Mm. non-t mu m may! 9' MI Img! 0‘ fu Lei of me mad sum. ' ‘ 800“”!ch flu sauna. u veg low :35.“- 391- 26. Im. ' . :vkinl'made m ardarhullcrpfiugiwnpfiy ‘1 ~ --'----4—--—-—————~~ hog-:19 ”5d gen ,a: unuv I! lOCIRISSFA ha In u ‘in. ’ ' . G ”tanks, at uEfih-rocxs'f“ iigggggfiflfiw 4"” g“ m" 5"" . ._—_.___.______,_ . ‘ .V 1 names as» mm s. .4. g ‘ prurmsnup. 0119?:ij Quill. Ran-f- Pm as ”my“ 9‘9"“ "‘s' 4"? w-r-u a-r——- --.-- ' “a--- «I --‘ ! ;oopoo bush. Gram Wantegl. TEW PM“! AT “ll! '5 ~ . OLD WAREHOUSE} I'M. B. lIDDLE & CU. would inlunn :hc pub": am they have lent-ed the Wuehmiae on the count of Station mm and the 8:113 find, in Umysburg. when- we; will carry 6)! 1.11: GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all m brush». The highelt price! will I“ um". h Kidd tor 4 3 I'll ‘A‘l‘. RYE, ‘ 5 ‘ 3 CORN. OATS, - gt CLOVER & TINOJ‘HY SEEDS; FLAXSEED, sumo. '. HAY k STBJW: 4 Dried Frugjnu, Song}. Ham Shoni‘dm Ind Sides, Potatoes, .with "eryth‘ng also in the country produce line. 0" “AND, FOR SALE. _ . Colon. Sugm, Xoluaes,syrnpn,'run. Spice! Salt, Ghee-e, Vinegnr, Sodn, flush-rd, Burch, Brooms, Buckets, Bluckiq , Brush", Soaps, to. Also COAL 011., £5l; (ill. Tar, he.— lISH of I“ kinda; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smoking and Chflwin Tub-cm. Th 7 are slv yn ugh In Illpplx a first rule :1?“ opt 31.00%, with tho different kind: at I“). ‘ , _ x A Mad, GROUND PL‘ASTEB, with GUANOS find other fortlllzen. ”COAL, by the bushelJ «on. or cut load. Thelrgm run to Baltlmora nd bnaktwlce a week, Ind they will be happy to carry good! qither Why a modal-ate clurgel. Murketmen, c‘anntry march-nu, Ind others, will find it w flair advantage m-pnlroniu thin line, P‘9 ' ' The, lak A than out: 'pgblic‘n custom. and will aqua no eaon to~ rendnr ”tiara-tion to I“. I: len or buyers. , y WM. E. BIDDLE l CO. Aug: 22, 1864.. t! ‘ \ Great Attractidn 1‘ FRINKERHOFF'S CHEAP CQOTHING ; AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North hut Corner of the Dinmond. The why-fiber \ l is constantly in recoipt of {rash goods from~ the i ‘ Eutern cities. His stock of \\ l ‘ READY-MADE CLOTHING \ : is one of the largeat'nnd molt nttmctive, a I well as the chenpeu establishment of the kind in the country. You will them find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made upfin the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials, ‘ of nll'sizel and prices., for men and hoys~‘ Gentlemen‘l lurn‘ishing‘goodl of every descrip- ‘ tion, Wool Shirts; Muulin Slilrtl, Hickory ‘ Shirt‘s ,nnil Merino Shim, Merino, Wool and ‘ Cotton Druwera, Hosiery ofeveryflescription ‘ [Buck-skid, Merino and Cotton Glovos. Hund- ‘ kerchieis, Neck Ties; Crnvntanunen Ind Pnper ‘ "a'Colhira, Hats, ‘Unpa, Boot: and Shoes. Uln brellan, Trunks. \‘nlicea, Carpet Bugs. Clothes I and; Shoe Brushes, Hair Ind Tooth Brushes, ‘ ‘*Shoe Blacking. Pocket and Dressing Combs, ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks nnd Jewelry. Guns, Pilmla, Violin: and Violin Strings. Soaps nndPerfumeries, Stationery of all kinds, Pockgt Knives, Smoking Ind Chewing Tohnc co. P pen, an extra quality ofSegnrs. In fact, hi. uuck embraces everything usually found in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, as 1 am determined to sell goods lower thnn any other establishmentin the country. Don't forget the plans." Home: of York. street bud thv'Dinmond. JACOB BRINKERUOFF. ‘July 4,1864. J . Goal, Lumber, Stoves, &c. HARLES ‘H. BUEHLER ', 0 Would ‘renpectfully inform flu! public that he will continue the business lately cnn~ ducttd by the firmo! Shoot]: 2 Iluehler, at the old otnud. corner of Curliale nnd llmlrond streets: He will be prepnrc‘d to furnish THE BESIQUALITY OF COAL, and even- vnriety of LUMBER, including Doors. Shutm‘i.’ Sash. kc. Alan, every rnriety of Cooking Stbvemnmmig which are the « . .\'oum conic. Roux. coax, szuxc mos, wuznm, mayor. ROYAL, ‘oanwnxnn coax. kc. Mao, mama, mmxa now, snoox AND $309 5 T 0 V E ‘S Also, every ynriety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. manufactured by the be [work'- lmen. Also, HOLLOW WARE ofeVeriV-‘nricty, includingn superior article of enhmel _ (1 work. Indeed every mriety of Kuchen Ware will be kept constantly on hand. Also,the tar-famed "UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRISUER," for which. he is the sole agent in the county. . » ~ . He is also the agent for Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines—the best in use. April 10, 18653 . c. H. BUEHLEB. Blacksmithmg. ‘ HE undersigned would most respectfully ~. inform the public that he continues the ‘ BLACKSMITHIXG BUSINESS, at his shop, lately' Philip Dmraom’s, adjoining Trnxel's paint shop, in East. Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre pored‘to do Blueksmillxing work to Carriages, Bhggies,-Wugons, kc. Tim! he know: how to do nll fobi at the kind will not be questioned by those who have «knowledge of his long experience 5: the business . Come on with your work, wdjou will be satisfied when you take it flay—and for which he will receive Call: or Country Produce. ' ADAM HOLTZWORTH. Mar. 10, 1865. if ‘ New Skii't for 1865-6. HE GREAT~ INVENTION 0!" THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. —J. W. BRADLEY'S I\ew Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING 83131—11353 invention consists of Duplex (or two‘) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously bfaidgd tightly and firmly together, edgeptof'edge, making the toughest. moat flexibleilxific and dumble Spring ever used. 'They lejiom bend or break, like the Singlg Spring-;agid consequently preserve their perfect. and beayéiful Shape: more than twice at long as any Single Spring Skirt. that ever has or can bu wide. A The wonderfizh flexipility end ‘great comfort, and pleasure” dry llc’y wearing the Duple Elliptic Shh-13ml be experienced particularl? in all "ode Assemblies, Opens, Curing“, Railroad Ce Church Pawn, Arm Ohn‘lurfo: ’P-xomenndo and Home Dre", u the Skin can be folded when in use to occupyn nix-ll place as easily and conveniently n u Silk or Muslin Dre". ' . A ledy heving enjoyed the pleainro, comfm t em! greet convenience of wearing the Duplex Elllptic Steel SpringSklrl for eeiugle day will never eflerv‘vordn willingly Gispemelwith their nu. For Children, Misses Ind Young Ladies, they no superior ‘0 all when. a The Hoop. areeoorered with l-ply aonble twisted threes! and will weer twice es long as the single ylmcovenn which u need on all Single Steel Hoop Skiria. The lhree honom rod! on every Skirt are nleo Double Steel, and (wire or double covered to prevent the cover ing from veering 011' the rod: when dressing down unite, none steps, #l., km, which they are conshnlly Inhject to w an in use. All are made at the new end elegant Corded Tap", Ind are the best quality in every part, giving to the wen-er the most gncelnl 3nd perfect Shape possihle,3nd are unqnengontb): the lightest,‘ most. desirable, comfomble snd economical Skirt erer undo. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, Prom-Iota" of the lnyention and Sale Mnnulmturera, 91 Chamben,and 79 Ind 81 Reads SnuNow York. FOB SALE in sll' fimvcluu Store! in this city, Ind throughout the United States and Glands, Hnflnt do (lulu, ‘Mexico, South Amman, and tho Wu: Indies, fi'lnqnin for the Duplgx Elliptic (or, double) Spring Skin. ' Aug. 21. 1885. an , Farmers of Adams, TTEND I'o YOUR INTERESTS! 05 A THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A 0 D PIA ’UGH !—‘l'he undersigned takes an- lulhod of informing the Farmer: of Adam county thnn In: hu boon nppninlld n Aguilar the tale of flu CELEBRATBD PATENT 1R0): CENTRE STEEL )IOLDBOARI) PLOUGH, minntnclured at Piulburg by Hnll 3nd Spa". Amongthe Advantages which this Plough has He, that it runs only, win not choke, makes the best klnd of work, and u durnhle beyond all other Ploughs. It bnslm-n and in this count} for annl pure, and tn ll] can given the night“ utilfnetian. Those who drelro'n 6n! nu. Plolg'vh unuot mnke n mistake in purchnzing thin? [I in guanntoed "rent, Instance. ‘ . All inquiries will "naive prompt nmveu‘ by being nddrnud, to the lubnrlber, at New UhuletkP. 0., Adnms county. Pa. PHILIP DOXOHUE, Agent. CERTIFICATE, ‘l'hl undenigncd. having use-l the “Iron Cunt" Steel loldbonrd Plough," mlnufuc turn by Hull & Spear. Pimburg, be“ cheer ful ulumonflo In Value. Being satisfied 0! m Inperlor qualitiel, w. do not huiuu w "commend in use by I" funnen. Gen. I'. Hudson, ‘ Philip Weaver, 1. Upton Neely, ‘ John N. (inn, w. T. Hofl'mnn, IL}. “you, John H. Major. Aug. 28, 1385. 0! New Goods I‘FAIBP l E L D . A _ BANNER t SHIELDS; hue just N'eeivad from PhilMulp‘hin n fresh, Inpply of Goods, which thev are prepared to; or“ at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Then-I tenlinn of the fiublic in p'nrlicululy culled tc our fine unortmenl of - READYgMAhE CLOTHING. ~ Knowing «he difliruhy heretofore up: ricnced m procure articles in lblqllne by our custom. or! we lave determined to spnre no effort to accommodate will). uni ‘nll other: who may favor us with n cull. We six-ll endaaror tol ender amiafuctiou both 111 to quality lndl pXiL-o. We have an excellent assortment of J \ ROOTS 8 SHOES}, ‘ which we are selling VERY LOW. Also, Drugs,‘Perl‘umery. and Funky Soups. in‘ grail" finely. Pnlent Kedicines, Oils'g Paints, itch! In inc: In mm: everything usually kept in av first class couniry store. All we ask is that the public will give us a call. In we leel confi-, dent that the; will go away satisfied that. it will be to their interest to come again and huy‘ their gnvds where the)" can gel. ‘bemw the best advantage. - . WConnn-y produce taken in exclunnze for Goods. \ JDANNER & SHIELDS. Aug. 21,1965. If ! New Shoes. A“. the latest slyles and beg! quality. just é received by ROW & WOODS. imvv Boqgsg, for men'nnd hnys. omen kinda, sold cheap. by ROW & “11008. ARRIAGP. WHIPS.'—-The largest anon.- 'n\:nt ot Carriage Whips xn Gettysburg, ,or uie cheap by ROW t WOODS. ATS! xius 1.751.»: mm in Adams county Lb huyhnts (if any kind‘ is the cheap store at ‘ ROW k WOODS. _ ' 138 nm sums, with heavy soles. for winm‘r Went, for Lulies and miaaeg. sold cheap by [MW k WOODS. answer-m best mung and mostcom fortuble Corsets a lady can wvnrnre those sold by ROW 1: WOUDS. OTIONS.—An nssoétmnnt of all kinds‘ {m sale by ROW 6; WOODS. ‘ ‘ HERE TO BUY—Anything you want in their line can be bought'a little cheaper thnn anywhue else of A Aug. 23, mos. . ROW 3: WOODS. Bargains! Bargains! . EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ‘ FAlle-ISTUUK BROTHERS lmve just returned from New York and Phila dglpbm with one of the largnt stocks of new Full nn‘d Winter Good: ever offered to the citizens bl Adams county. They were pur chased belare the late ripe in goods and will ‘1: sold at corresfonding prices. The unusually great demnnd for good! of every description for the Southern inurket, will undoubtedly cause a further rise in the prlc: of goods. We then fore advise all that ' NOW lS THE TIME TO BUY. Our stock of L'iidiea' Dress (loads is com plete, consisting of French )lermoes, very cheap, all wool Poplins, all wool Plaids, Dc lflines—Shcpherds' Plaida, Calicoes, Ging hnms,,l’luid Gisella,’Coburgs.Clolhs lor an‘ice' Clash, unusually low, Silks um! all the latest Itylea of Dress Gnods. , CLOTIIS. Cnssimens, Cassineu, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, bu. for .\len'a Wear. 7 FLANNBLS—the largest smelt ever brought '.o ‘hig market, and cheap. Also, a large as ‘sortm‘ent of Cloak Trimmings, Slmwls, Hoods, Ballmomls, and in feet. a full and complete u sortment of all kinds of Staple Bud~anuy Geode. Our stock having been purchased low, we any again r ‘ BUY YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW: Having replenished our net-k in an in: dd parunente, we'nre prepared to supply whatever may he wanted in our line of business nrprices till: «Iqu campetifiom. 'Call a: the Red From. FAHSESTOCK BEGTBKBL‘I. Sept. 4, 1865. List of Jurors FOR SPECIAL COURT, OUT. 93, 1665. Xonntplpanum—Eliua Mayer, David Luwrense. Liberty-anmes Corry. ‘ Humilwnbun—Wm. Culp, Benj. J. Reed. Gummy—David Schwartz. Butler—Wm. Eichohz, Jacob Y. Bushey. Littleatown box.—Ephrnim Myers. ~ Oxford—Slime) Senna Mountjoy—Hem'y Beizler, James Rider. Slrabau’Jno. G. Gilbsrt, Geo. B. Mouton. High'land—lunc Hereler. lenallen—Wm. B. Miller. Gibson' 8011, John Schtomx, Wm. McCteu-y. . Cumberlsnd—Geo. Spangler, Geo. Bushmnn. Franklin—Noah shady, Bolomou Bum“, chob Mark, John I. Brnly. Box-wick twp—Joseph Grim, Cyrus Wolf. Hamilton—David Brown, Charles Robert. Luimore—Wm. H. Gordon. Gettysbprg—D-vid Troxel, In, Em’l Ziegler. Betwick hon—Hop” Mayer. Raiding—John A. Dicks, Jacob Miller, Inch 8. Toughinbtngh. ~ Sept} 16, 1865. . To Consumgtwes. LU‘S COD LIVER 01L JELLY, up. red by the Andean of Medicine.— ghs, 0014:. Bgonchi-i Ind Tubercm aumpfion, Scrofula Ind General De- The mos: mild, bland and nutrhioui which Cod Liva- Oi! can he and, Ind are benefit‘lecured to the Entiflby a pupoonfnl of this Jelly, I n by dbu- Equantity of the clear or unjellified Oil, f by all druxuisu Ind by rE. R. TRUE!» Wpaleaule Drcggisl, s No. 15 Begkmlu BL, lieu York. E2B, 1865. 3:21 . . 18653 PHILADELPHIA Im. Q“ 9" Po: em! I" 00 mm}. farm - with “'1 ling]: --: ble the! Po: :31; EZ! Wan Papers. I OWRLL t BOURKE. lsnnmclnren of PAPER HANGINGS and ’ ¥ \ WISDDW SHADES: Nora. Em emu roun’m ma mum Streets, PMLADELPIUA. N. B.—-Aluuyn in‘nore, s large stool; or LINE)! nd 01;, SHANE. Aug.2’!, was. an Hay and Grain WAXTED‘e-Tha subscriber continues to buy HAY Ind GRMN 9! all kind], 5% Guam Bunion . flue ulso gun, at the IQ“!!- ates; SALT, rtsu, mum) ..ac. ‘ ’ FEW)? HANK. July 17, 1865. my Jhn w. Tipton. 'FASEIONABLI BANNER, Noni-eon car no? of the Diamond, (am door to m,- Glenn's Raul.) Gz‘tyibnrg, PA. ‘ where he an n d} tin-i be fojnnd may to sand to an I win“! in lat-;lino. 5 He has the “unnatu |uimxm “(1’ till 'll-'3- mhhcuon. Gin NM «11. 1 Due. 3.1 m. 801 an Pacific Guano. 081 8: 3383' t 00., 'Nowuu AID nun. Anm 10. THE PACIFIC HUANG COIPAXY, ‘H Scull Strut, Salaam”. .' The Balnblt l'uafi: Guano usemblee Pavia (Jun-o ln eppcernnce, odor. end compmmon. The value or ell Gannon end Super Phosphata of Lime, dvhateru nemn, dependn, u in roll known, upon the per cent; of Ammonia. W I'lwopfiula and Bum I'ltotphlt of Line they con tain. Thin Gunno diflers‘ from Pernvien only in an em (but it nonuzon len 4mm, but this diflennce in Ammonin in more then med. up by the fact [but it contain almost double at much Soluble end Bone Pholphlte of Lime. This dlflvrence mnkel it n durablaferlilun. with ell the activity or Peruvian Gunno. Although the price of thin Quinn in only one-half the price at Bavarian. and ll not higher than the Super Phosphates nt' Lime. yet it conuine, as jil proven by nnelyslj end llupectiau. vastly more of ammonia. notable, and Bone I’l-uplmle, thnn ll found in the but of them. Hence in economy And intrinsic yelne Innet render it n object orgmt intern: to lumen genenlly. We wish lumen to uh upeeiel notice. the! the conditions upon which we hen the agency of thin Guano nrrthnt every cage in regularly Inspected and ennlyud by Dr. Lie big, whose nuthoeity in lppll getter! in pue mount. Thin Imngemeut Iflordl 11l and consumer! a protection not had in the purchase of rennin or; generally. It must 1110 be noticed that. the phorpbnn or this Game, no not mineral, but earthy Phos‘phnm, which ll greatly to in advantage. The followlng 1: a runway of nunlylil of Int Cargo 2 ‘ A - Blantyre. )0 per cent. OrganicComb'tible Human.“ “ H Earthy Mutter, 60.28 “ “ Yielding Ammznh, 3.40 per cent Soluble Phosphue of Lime, 17.07 H ” Bone Phoaphnte of Link” 24.22 ‘I “ RFC! Sale by ‘ McCURDY 8 DIEHL, . General Produce DBIIPH, July 10, 1865. 4m ‘ Gettysburg. Bone Flour. _ .\'ADULTERATED, , ‘ quhcrcun a! "I BUSTOK MILLING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. The vnlue of unburnt, unadulterated Bone, is‘well known. When reduced lo the condi tion 0! Fiji“. it. in as native as if dissolved with fluid, and ii [at better, because it retains nll its Phosplmjea. It: superiority over the comnion Box: Dusr is two-fold or mare. his a consummation sought forin vain for the lust hull lentury, and is destined to give new value to llone as u fertilizer, Inrl work a revoluiion In its use. The BUNE [-‘LOUR is made only by the above- gtmpnny, and is brnudod with then trude nmrk, which i: the guumnlec of its’ genuiucueds. JOHN S. REESE & CO., 71 South Street, Baltimore. General Agents for Maryland, DL-lnivure, and the Southern Stun-i. WFur sale by McCURDY a DXEHL, Grneml Produce holders, Ju'y 10, 1863. 4m Geuyaburg N 03.11 Walker & CO., CLOTHIERS, . ' \usmxa'rox BUILDING, 165 um 16': [humour Stun, keep constantly on hum] I large and well as- sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate MEE They supply orders for the finest to the‘ lowest priced nrticlea, eilher ready I'nado or mm]: to mom-urn, to my part 01 file country They keep also an extensive stock of FURN, ISHIXG GOODS. emlSmcing every article of Gentlemen’s Under-rear. Also, MILITARY CLOTIIS and every variety of Military Trim- wings, as well as an unortgd ItOCk o'l READY )IA DE MILITARY GOODS Baltimore, Feb. 22. 1864 i No Humbug. EXIOVAL. . HULTZWORTH ALWAYS AHEAD. 'IHIS WAY FUR BARGAINSq—JUHS L. HULTZWURTII has just. returned from the City with the inrgrst and most complete assort ment of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, tlmt has been brought to, 1“ this town since the war. Hia stock i. not only complete, but. iLGDOD and CHEAP embracing every variety of Boots and Shoes for Men sud Boys, whilst the Ladies will find everything in their line, from the finest Quite; to the heaviest Shoe. Children's Shoes 01 every description, in great vnriety. Also, Ll - flats, fine qunlity,nnd Children’s Hath, chill styles and prices. Also, Trunks, Car- Pet‘~Bugn, \‘alisea, Umbrellas. Gloves, Stack .‘mgs, ‘lobucco, Cigars, Ind Nations 0! chry description. fi-Doujc forget the place, South-cut Car. of the Dianioud, Geuyshurg, Pm . ’ ’ JOHN L. HOLTZWOBTH. April 10, 1865‘ u , ‘ New Warehouse. ‘ BUSHELS 0F GRAIN OO.OOOWANIED,M, tile nemein and Produce House, in Cnrlisle street, odjoin iug‘ Sh'eads & Buehlor’s establishment. Ths highest mrket price will olwsys be paid in cash for _ GRAIN, of all kinds, ‘ . FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. Alwoys on hand and [or sole. st the studies! profits, ‘ ‘ GUANOS. . SALT, FISH. GROCERIES, to, ‘ Wholesale Ind remil. TRY US! ~Wo shall do our best to gin ntiafnction in all cash. . 'IcCUBDY A: DIEHL. Gettysburg, Map“, 1883. Ivy 4 Fresh Supply. aw GOODS.—A. soon a: soxs have jun teceived another fine Anon-uncut of NEW GOODS, confining. in part, of Cloths, Cuaimeru, Cnuinetl, Kentucky Jc-ns‘, 3nd Tweedl, for Gentlemcn'l wear. A 130,: fine auortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. \ ' Our stack has been aexected with great cafe, end we are prepared to eel) as cheep u any other eneblishment in the couniry. We at the public to give an a cell and judge for themselves. We defy competition, both uin quality end price. A. SCOTT .8 SUNS, Beer. 11, 1865. ' Still at Work. HE undersigned continues the T CARRIAGE-”AKIN“ 317571383. in all in bunches,“ iii: nld "Ind, in In“ Middle umt. Getiyehurg. NEW WORK made to order, and BEPAI B l N G done promptly and e; loves: prices. 'l'wo first-rate SPRING [WAGONS end I SL6I6“ for sale. JACOB MKS!“ ”SF: 11 )3631 Cannanti MARBLE WORKS, u; an Corner of the Din-and uh ma, non amt, um], opia’ouize he Bur once, , _UETA‘I'YSB RG, PA. Every description 0)! work .executod in “I! ~ ‘ nmat to ' 41314117.):65.‘ «’ ““W‘ Per 3116. ’ . YQQUAB‘LB MILL PROPERTY,“ A Hugh creek. with ‘6 Acru of mGQane-nndow Bolton, 5 .11.- Wolt W. , ‘5 Glow! mow- Quantum, Aug. )4, 1865: Carriage-making Mined, HI In being out, the andmignod hug resumed on CARRIAGE-HAHN! 30813385, u “d: old mud. in But liddh “mt, ‘ GETTYSBUBG. whpu they nre ng-in prepsred to put 1: pork In the man fuhionnble, Inbuunu'al, ans gape rior munner. A lot of new ad neondcbsnd ‘ CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, tC., on hand, which they will moon 0! M the low-cat price! ; sud nll ordeu will’be lupplied u prompfly and utisfncwrily .- poslible. fi- 8 E P A l R l N O , dam with dilpltcb, Ind 11. chen 1 mm. ‘ Inge lot of new and old HARSESS on had {or Illa. Thankful {or the’liberyl pm awe hereto for; Enjoyed by them, they lolic rand will en aqua: to damn 3 Inge share in the'rnlu-e' DANNEB ZIEGLER. July 10,1865. u Shenandoah Valley d 3! nL ,BS'I'ATI AGENCY 3. R ”AT HARRISONBURG. VA. OWN AfiD COUNTRY PROPERTIES W. h-u not for “livery duinble Puma, ; localedin 1h couhiu of Augusta, Barking lmn, Shenandonh, Puge, Pcudleton and Hardy. - The hm: conum from 40 to 500 Acres, Ind yr In privuegod go nub-divide large mum ofland if dgnind by the purihucr. Inn; of the Farm are within 111 easy drive of the county ton in which they are located, thereby securing an early mlrket. The improvements m gonenlly good, and on the luau m Iprimzl and running “mums of water, u well u plenty of the very best “11:13". ' . ' h in lumcient recoumcnduion for these lands m any that they lie In the very bean of {pa Shennnbah Vllky. which hu 1 world wide reputation to: fertility of mil Ind bunny of nanny. - ‘ #130:- deacriptlon of propqruu Ind teml, Apply or nddreu In n! our 061 cc, In Huh-150n buxg, Rockinghun county, VI, » J. D. PRICE 1 CO. July 3!,1885. 3m . OUSE PAINTING, . . ' AND GLAZING. The undenignod reipeétfdlly announce 'to the citizen: of Gettysburg and the public gen. erndly. that they have opened A NEW PAIXT IXG ESTABLISHMENT, in York street, Get tysburg. (in the building known as the old Slough propertr,) where they are prepared to curry on the huslness in all its Mrions branches. Conch Punting. Honke Painting, Glazing. and all other kinds of work in their hue will'be promptly attended to and satisfaction guaran lied. Work done in the but stfic and Chnfgcs reasonable. With this assurance, tlu-y ask a share of public patronage. J. G. FRY. .July ‘24. ”63. N H. J. FRY.‘ ATS, CAPS, BOOTS'J: SHOES. , COBEAN & CO. lmvgjuet received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, for Summer wour, whjch may are yelling at very low prices considering the times. The lute". style: of Summer Ham; and Cups, of every description and [:l’ive.‘ Bouts and Shoes, of superior ranks, and; R warrnu‘ed tn fir, always on Land. Work made In urdL-r nud rgpairing done on Shanno lioe, by uxperiencod workmen. Also, HARNESS MAKING, . carried on in an its branches. Personé want ing nm) thine in this line w‘ould do well to cull. [firDou't large! the old island in Chambers blug street, it you yum. Burguin’s. CUBEAN k‘CRAWFORD. Junfl 19. 1885. / BALTIMORE. Wall Paperm » “EAT REDUCTION . G xx 7n: rules: or ' WALL'PAPER, AT GILBERTHORP’S, 19 We" .\lnrket Street, York, Penn’n. . l mu now offering a very superior and choict assortnn-nt of WALL PAPERS, at . x .13 CENTS PER PIECE, ' 20 CENTS PER PIECE,~ . 25 CENTS PER PIECE, ‘ - ‘ THOUSAN DS AT 30 CENTS “ml 3 fins lot of SATIN PAPERS nl {he old prices; :1 lo; 01 L'p‘lmlslcriug goods, 3 bunni l‘ul lot of Noxinghum Curtains, Coruicu, uu-l Curtain Bands. ‘ ‘ . Also-“‘indoi'i Papers, Oil Shades; Piclnre Cord and Tassels; White and Cht'ck .\lntting; Flour and Table Oil Cloth; Venetian Blind Tximminga; Damnsks of nll Colors; Curtain Fixtures; Do‘or Mats; km, &c. QM! of which he will dispou‘ of on A: reasonable germs.” times will permit of lur cn'sh. PAPER HANGING ntlcndedio in any par! of the State, on the most reasonable (unis.— Sntisfaclion guarantied. _ ‘ June 5, 1895. $5 ‘ New Goods! Cheap Goods! 111-I PLACE To Ger Till-2M ' l.\' HANOVER!— We heleby inform the citizens of York and Adams counties, that we lime established at. tho southeast corner of Centre Square Enid Baltimore stroet,_BANOVER. formally ocru. pied by C. E. t 'l‘. T. “'in, a, Brunch Store, (the principal business houses being located in New York and York, FA.,) where we will keep It I“ times 1 regular assortment of Dry, Domenic and Fancy GOODS, olso, A well le lected Monument of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, COTTINETS and CORDUROYS; Chins, Glon Ind Queenlzware, Lndiea’. .\llssea' and Chlldren‘a SHOES; also, a nice and lull unortment of all kind; at C,A,[u'ET,.F]ugr And Toblo Oilxcloth. ‘ We hove eleo ea fished in rooml edjoming the Central Ha I CLOTHING STORE. where we will keep constantly do hand a well eelected unortment ol Keldj'emflde Clothing. of the hunt styles, end a full Assortment of Gentlemen’e Furnishing Goods, such as Hats; Caps, Boou,‘Bhoee, Ma, which we wlll sell M :ednaed price’e. AI our motto 11, end always will be, “quick sales and smell profite?’ _we hope to recelve e share 61 the patronage of town and coun~ try. Oar connectlon wlth the large whaleenle homes In New York Clty Ind York, Peqivhere ere elweyl stored on extensive stock of goods, which we tell u wholenle and mail, enable: us to lupply our old friend: and such of our new ountomere u will give as n cull, with the very he» merketeble goods, at lower men then on be pnrehued anywhere in the State. Cell end lee for yourselves. ‘ JOS. LEBACH & BRO. Hemmer, June 26, 1865. 1y IRVINE IHPBOVED SUPER ' PHOSPHATE 0! LOl5, MANUFACTURER’S DEPOTS, No. 2'! N. From Street, Philndelplgia, and No The Inblefiber begs lane to inform Dealer: and Consumer: thu he is now prepared to fum‘uh HOBO -PHILLIPS' GENUINE IM PROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE 0F LIHE, in our qualifica- The natural nlinfnction thin article has glvan during rho pul‘fonr your, bu no in oroued thedemund tho: 1 MW hup compelled to may culprgo my ”pacity for m moun (ocnre,ond hove been induced to esublinh n bunch house in _the city of Baltimore. I trust tint] will be Able to fill 1]! orders during tho lesion. Yet. my role isfird c'mfim med. Price in Phil-dolphin $6O per tan, 3000 lbl. in Bouillon same price, freight from Phila delghin sided. . “count to Deolers. . fii'or my I»: W, R. 811‘?” k CO., 6;:- tpburg. 4 ’ , no, a ‘ :W; ;;WS' e m r e f t . . X!!- .30: ”0.9;.g‘; .r M “in 9° We? "mm In: none valuable WEST: ERR LANDS, which be will hide {or one ornou FAQMS Kn this county, The Ind ”: well loaned, Ind very delinble for farm. kg. 39!!) Application desired, ,1 JACOB BRINKERHOFP. (Jaguars, Apvil 3, 1865. t! Inn's PLANTATION BITTERS, or 011! 'Bomuuad Tonic, it Dr. B. HOW? 0 to Dr. RHORNIB’S mm Mp! Gunman!» copay cup?! ‘ FOR SALE Coach Painting, Fresh Arrival. Moro Phillips’ 'O3 BALI AT M Bowl)”: Wharf, ‘ B A L 'l‘ I M 0 B E. Western Lands. 1 Fo' 1171* 2' 8 § OILIIIATID sam and ma: 3mm Tmeowden will amph enthesmuh and lnlulina, cleanse than ‘ from othmivo ‘ nutter, ad I bring mom to nbulthyn-u. They In I. an preventive of Lung Fever, nu! u certain y in all Dill!“ incident to the Horn, ncthglhno den, ' ow . , , ~ » mm, Dis- V I, \ I e In P 0 I” . W . F 9 q n d 6 r a \‘4 ‘ '. ‘ Homvpu, «‘r . Slavennx, “- }? Cough 1"“ ’ an, Lo- 0{ ‘ ' A fi‘fl MI ‘ myrr- , , , w~~ - hi POOH low-spirited animals, it has Ih. no“ 11810 ch mm. Thine oftbau‘lmprovcs the wind, strength .” an A'Lpemo, and gins to the 110 m a fine, nmoot and glossy skin—thus improv -2521:» will», vigor and spirit of un n . The proper-1y this Powder possesses in hr ere-ing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give. it til importance and value Ihich should place it in the hands of every person. hoping I 00w. By Mind bxperimcm i‘ has pun thn: 1: will inmnhe quantity of Kirk and Cream twain; pet dent, and make me Butter flm And sweet. In.“ amening Canto. it gives them mvfippetite, * loosens lhkir bids Ind make- than Mnlmn('h mm. H 10 G 8 . ‘ In an Dime; of i we ngefiallrh Ali (\r/ff;f’f‘£ * Cong ln-rl in ‘ ’_.~_'o-"'=* VJ: _" ;j': the Lu'ngs, Liver-,1 ' «i {if} 23'}: _ :e. 331'! putfingi \‘ ‘ ‘2: ‘ I am a A paper - ;n a paper of flaw \kr’f‘ .fi; ‘.l 'awdum in a r- ‘ . -. §«2 rel of Swill, thg {.\i " ‘ above 0‘ mn be cured or entirely fire vented. Brualng those Powders the 0g Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 on. pet Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. PREPARED BY 8. A. FOUTZ 8: 13120., u mm - : WUSALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 118 Franklin 81%., “Baltimore, lid. For Sale My Drugyisla and Swrckwpen throughout the United States, For sale bv A. I). lhlchlcr. Gvnyshnrp: Ln‘ughliu & Buihfield, \\ bet-ling, \'u;‘t‘, C. Hanan-ht CO., I‘maburg; Johnson, Hallway & Cuwdcn, Philadelphia. ‘ Nov. ‘l5, 1364. 1y . Globe Inn, , ‘ you): $l., sun nnz‘rmunsp, ("1 ETT YSUU “U, PA ——Tho undcrzignrd I Would most rc-pL-Ltl'ully inhmn his n]- nu‘runs lriuuds 11ml Ihu puhllc gl'lll‘hllly. llmt he has pnrclmwdl‘lhal long esliilrlislml xuul well known Hotvl, the “G'luho Inn,” in York ureut, Gettysburg, and will spare no efl'ori to conduct it in u manner that “ill ’nnt dctmcx from ils farmer high raputnlinn. llis table “'1“ have the best. the market can nfion-J—hii chambers are-spacious nnd cnmfurlnblt‘v-nnd ho: has lpigi in [or his bau- n full slouk‘yol‘ wines and liquors. 'l‘lnre is large stuhlin;r attached to the Hotel, which '.‘.'lll be attended by «Hen tire hostlers. It will he hia mush-int entlon ml to render the lullost satisfM-tion to ljis gurus, making hiahouse as nenr n horm- to lhrm 3|: possible; He nsks n shxlrc (ifthe pnhlic‘s yu tronage, determined :18 he is to nlcservea Luge art pf it. Remamlmr, Ihe "Globe Inn” is in g'ork llrei‘t, hm near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL \‘l'UlaF- April4,lBo4. tf ~ _ Lancaster Book Bmdery. 4 EURGE WIANT, - BOOK BINDER, AND BLAKK BOOK MAS! PACTI‘nEII, Plain rind Omamzntal Bending, of every de scription, executed in the most substantial and approved 51310:. _ REPRRESCEH E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Unnk of Lancnnter W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lnucnsn-r County Bank - quuuel Shock, Esrh Columbia Bunk. Snmuel-Waguer, 12.11., York Hgmk. William Wagner, Esq ‘ York County Hnnk. T. D. Cnrsnu, £514., Bunk of “flushing. Peter Martin, flaw, l'mlh'y oflmncnseer co.l Pa Geo. (.‘-. “mums-n, l-Isq., liptriszer at n V Coo. Whitson, 15qu Hum-Jet “ “ April 15, 1861 _ - Everhart‘s : BANK“)! HOUSE, , ' uousxaqg 119513;?! [gums "am 9, . BALTIMORE, MD- This Bump in on a direct. line huween the Northern Centnl and Bunimorr and Ohio Rnilo road Dvpols. I" has been refilud and mum fortably arranged for the convenience and the entertainment of guests. OcL 31,1864. tf : Somethmg for Everybody ’ O BUY AT DR. It. HORNER‘S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— ult opened 1 fine assortment ol _ ”tug: and Medicines, Patent Medicines, , . Spuiogery, , ‘ . . Emmy Dry Goodl, ' Confections, Groceriu, .\'utlom, . mucco, 8563118. to. 11511.18} 18“- _ -w New Goods. GEORGE ARNOLD bu now on hand his flock of SPRING CLOTHING, mom; of lan o-nmnuf-ctnrinz, consisting oflll Linda 0! coma, PANTS, - VBS‘I‘S. BLOUSES. 531 nm, DRAWERS, ac. Also, I large mid of Piece‘Goodl, Inch cu CLOTHS,CABBMIEBEB,DRILLINGSJKAKS, in, kc. Plea: cull beioro purchasing clue where. They no u cheap to the cheapest; my 22, 1865. New Bakery! 3 WPORT & ZiEGLEB, Mechanical 81k } era, South Wuhlngton street, halt [quite ,’ on m Bugle Howl, GETTYSBURG, Pun l Con-null on hand, the “but of BREAD, CRACKIgS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per ' noun Malling huh Brand will be served over) ‘ mornin .by lunng their nuns! and reliance. ‘" the {War Every efl'ort made to plans Give In Ia ll [April 39, ’63. t! Revenue 'Stamps I 111, denominttion con-ungly on Mad ad for sale u the First Nations] Bulk nf Ggg‘ylburg. 030. ABN OLD, Capler, Beanbag, Nov. 14, 1384. Excusxo’ar EXCBLSIOI . xxozmonn "93‘9““!!! Walling Hubble II the belt in “IQ World. 0.11 Ind up?!” it It once.— Ofipe at the Palm»: Ské-lmht Gallery , . my on pamuzas. Albums ! I. BUI S H ' ' ‘ ALBUIBH! Im. mohpd 5 km and bunufnl nun. meat of Photographic Albuml, which we oh: below any pripcn. TYSON 350111338. Doc. 14, 1‘53, M * \ Picture Prunes. - GREAT "rm; of 9107115! mus, A via pin“ an convex (Inga, an n]. u can't Drug and Variety am. June 1., Im, ’ cum 8 unssmw's 2.12 m. ' AVING purchased the Wuehonu Ind Can henkofore owned by Sum] llerbu, the undersigned Luke plenum in Innounclnz to the public that they will mun ‘ > LINE 0F FREIGHT CARS from Gettynburg to Ball'lmon every week. They Ire prrpered lo convey Freight either we}, in enyqn-mlty. They will “tend,” delired,to the ranking of purchase! in the city. Ind deliver insz *he «cod- promptly at Gettysburg. Thnir clrl run to the War-home of STEVKN' SON k BOSS, 165 North Howard "realign“? Frunklln,) Baltimore, where freight lbo received at my time. They invite-\he ntte‘nfiw of the public to their line, nearing then that they will spare no efl'ort. to eccomnodete ell who may patronize rhea. . Bering purchued the hgildlnll led lot on the Norman: corner of ll’eil'roed In} North Washinmn ureeu, Ueuyeburg, their Depot will remain. there, Any penon luring hulk neu in the forwardlnx line are respectfully in~ vited to cull. CULP I EARNSHAW. ‘ Aug. 1,1865. ,1 F WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ' , $1.000,000 WORTH I To be disposed of at. 0“ Donn ouch, vi"? out reg-rd to value, no! IQ bc paid tor umf you knot what yo-r In‘to receive, BY A. U. 110“?! t 00., (Agenu for the )lanul'nc‘nrorpfi " No. 38 Bun“: SHIRT, Nsw You. 1&9“!!an the {allowing lin of Article: to be mlrl for ONE DOLLAR :—. ' no «all [lnna-nu! Wuhan, mach 0135 m. 100 H "shin. urb- uylu, -‘ 15 on m H Lidia' Gum mm. “ h on. 5008"": WW. Mhnhfloo Booolnlutflylavntklulohiu,“ 5001020“) momma: Cuilnroh drum-l phi, “ bno In)" or» “00 Cllilurnh d'mml «raw. “ 6w\nln no 3000 Miniature Bunk-m l'lun, “ 5 u bio on 2WO L‘Amour-ah [films-d I'ld unla- ‘ omau‘. uprfpim,uv lulu. “. 5 00:01!- no. 2000 Manic nu! Embkm his. " sonloln no 2500 (luld Band Bmkm. Ih‘nvt‘ \ “ lonwflu on 300. In "ad Maul: Brooch-I, “ 3.1 m lo I» on m: Cameo Brooch“, “ 50n1n20 00 3000 Cor-l hr Dropl. “ 4noto 0 no 2000 Lid-er W-lch Chin. “ lonlnls 00 6000 Ganl‘l I‘ll-I, I nblcldil w’l, “ 2MIn I. no mSolihirr file." Dullnu. “ Bnomln my soos!.“an Show Hutu-a. In no“. N 300InIn no 5000812". lubwufipl-in. nnd «4", -‘ 2m-tu I my mum plum luv! Human-d Xingu, H '.7 50 to In no mLocleu‘ ndnly enprfl'rl. ‘I 2toln )0 Im -15007 uh: Lndmx’ .enelry, new Ind Ink-n IUIB». ‘ 50m Hun-Imm. Em) Ring», 2900 Fe!» Bn-«mb‘rmln, m §OM Pun wavM 111-[xterm “82l- Jchand (ml-l I'lli- an} in Drupn. 'llcll null". Very rich, ~‘ ono to intro s7oqu4 Thunbl-n. l'rm‘iln. an , u 4noI» l no law. GulnL Pens all alhor Mi, “ bnoln.7 Lu hoot .. '0 Linn) huMm, “ Inoln 6 In. This euiire 11-v, of lwmnifgl and \‘ulunlllc goods with: 50le for Use DuLLm em-h. l'rr tlficnn-s- a! o‘l] Uu- nlvmenrll- In “in he plum ll in rnfrlopoa. and M‘xllrl’. \Thrsu run-101w: nno’ sent by mail; :13: (min-red, \vilhuu'. [mu-I'M choice. Un lin—‘mw-‘pa ofi rhk-Namnnur pm" will see nlmlju. .:.? Brzlnuu and lhul- Rik M vour option In smith: ‘Adlhr and lulu Hm M‘ido, or not. ‘ ( * fine u‘nilirnu-s run he ozgluwl hr $| : eleven 501'5‘.‘ ; ihirh fur Sfisrw‘pJS-u 5;: i,L/._ mu! onl‘ hundred fur SLR We bill! sum“: sxnule Ceflfimle nu thr n-vrim of :55 cum ‘3‘ .\genl s \\ nulc‘d m \\ hum \\ 0 of!" sw‘n-ixhunun’ ; sou-1 25 cents for une curlnfirnn- Mummciruy. lur \uth tern”. ‘ A. U. RUWHV (LOU, "‘ “3 i=3 Bet-khan b‘lru-i, .\. \‘f I’. 0. flux 4371 .\luyzznsus. 6m_ ' J Fresh Confectionery' k AND “'l5 UREA.“ SALUUN. '1 In- suhrv‘yllu; n-spm tfully informs llu- rhi. lens of (hit) ~1-ur: um! \hmiQ llmt ht lzw It (3mm umm-ry Rial-[Mum ul. mm «In: r ¢ m-I uf‘ zlle tingle llulrl. uu (‘lmmlwrshmg rlncl. m “hiah he “mum imitc tin-1r amt-"lion. ‘ (‘n'uem (‘umlii-s. :nu) «\er dumiplium of Conlu uh'an-I. Ingi-iigvr \\i'.h .\'ull. Oranges, nu'l ull kinds m Hum. uhmphn lunnl. Farm-s, publiy nud "run". mi \u-ll 111 ("mi lies, “in be luruiuln d “11hullkuuiu-H‘ukw, Ice (‘n mu, (in w rumidul form or otln ”in ) and ull.L-r min-Juneau uL their houses,‘ ufiuu 511 m: noticg. ‘ ' llnviug (about a life-“ma n 1 lho‘ l-ndnmu. he flutters lumseh that he undrr-lumls it x-nu Um! he is uhlL- lu It-hlh-r vmiw smiduclionfi Cull and Ice his Confectionery. ' April 24, 1865. If _ JUJIN GHI‘EL I. K. Stautfer. “7 ATCHMJKI‘IR .V JRWLLKH, .\'o. 448 North SECOND Stun-t. _ ‘l‘ corner 0! Quarry, PHII..\IJ£I.-&é HHA. .\u asmrmmnt or - WATCHES. JEWELRY, SHJ E“ k PLATED WAN-2, mndtuml} on hand. Sl’i’l‘MHJ'l FUH HULHMY PRESENTS! L.\3OASTHI!, I’A'. Wlicpiuirhig or \WdlflA‘i and Juuvhy prnll'lptly nllvllgiud ‘.O. ‘ » (in-. 12, 1364. L 7 -. NANCE UF THHH—(In and "fur Thu!- C (bly. fimrmlmr I'M, lbls4, Tmins on llnl km"! “ill run '(la lqllung: FHIST ‘I‘R'AIS “ill lulu- Hnnmt‘r N 81- A. ll" fur llnllimme nud julrnnulinlr Huliglu. SLCUSH TRANS will lynw M 10. A. .\I , for Y. rk,fll{|i~lurg.(’olnulbi3, l’hyudellluiu, and Ilne,Kun|| um] “'O5:. K THIRD TILUN will Icnr'c at 2.25, P. .\'.. I: r Baltimore. l‘nssen‘nrs In: York 911 d Ihurir. burg l-y Ihia train will be delnyml two hours :1: the Junction. ‘ I). H. TRUNK, Hnuuver. Nu'v. 4. WM 'Pianos. lANUS !.—The undersigned wouhl ruptu inlly infor’m Hu- puhliu that he cn‘n furnish ‘_AKUS of the following manufacture". oy Ibose of other'mniw; it desireg, n flu 10"”. possihlg prices: CfilL'KEnleb 80x3. DECKER BROS. ‘ HAZLETON 8308. ‘ \ . . RAISES BROS. ' ‘ » GEO. STECK. _- ‘ ' A. I]. GAHLH ICO. STEINWAG & SONS. WPu-licnisx attention in given to tho n. lemon 0! Piano: ; nu] whrn no selected, in 1d...’ lion to the mnn‘nfucluterl' guarnntee,the Films" an rualmi by gar. _ . - M MASON A! HAMLIN _.5 CABINET ORGANS AND, MELODIANS. -‘ ‘ The tocent. iwpmvrmen‘l l 3 ‘hgu inmn’z mum Ir; mph u la full! “1"!!!“ "1111 p“: are FAB SUPERIOR (a in; olhet mlko. On; of the hen ofldencu of their merit in, that their improvements nu “aimed by other. make“. The new style, {out slop orgnu, hm w ‘I 8M)- Bus and Octave Couplrt, making it n inurnmout captain“, adapted w Chm-ch In: Sabbath School pal-pom. DESCRIP‘I‘IYU CIROI'LARS , wiH be sent by mall to per-on: desiring thnn. Pianos tuned regularly. Pinon film: In on. chunge.’ - PETER BEN'RZ, _ No, 30 But Market 8%., Yorkflh. “1:012,le Om' ‘ B. P.- Bayley a: CO.» _ “was xx x CHINA, GLASS l QUEENSWARE, ATED WARE, PINE UUTLERY, CAs-rona, &C., No. 6 Known SilllrLg‘n‘Lßu'rx-on 81., mmmohpi, up;- ' ‘ . GLASSWABB :—Tnmblerl. comm. Winn, Luge“, Flukl. Blk. Bowel. 01nd, Im, pg. ”puu, Prel. pin-es, Fruit Bowls, 3d“, Qu um, gun: 89:19., Key. 14mm, Ker. Chm-( I an M c. n'éfiEfiNS{VKRE c—Phtel, rm mung, gay (10., Covered do., Covered Bolton, In on, Sn‘pn, 0755;},‘301710, Pitcheér‘y Chub?“ Buinl n g (p I} ' p ”09!! n! “”6T°§°‘p§x":;‘°" If.) I m; , ‘l‘ ~14: : ng- m_ en ~ mg; in, go. “WA ply—i, 139's. 1,: . Pictures! .Pictnpegl ‘ LEVI “VIPER having £ll!th Bulge! Wuver’l PHOTOGRA a BAMRYJII prepared to execute work in his [he find to on; patghluhmonl in the 5:159. ;f you duiro n good ukoneu, fininhgd "morning to they-:93; improvement“ in the an, all It ”I. Abe” longmhbfi-Igd Gunny, in Wen Middle “not, Gettylbur‘. Jun. 9, ;865- Giye Him a 0:1: I w: 3 pile, to obuln g ”:9“ m , lA, 1 ‘ ... .. .33" .s army“, sth ;n- v. ma. ‘ . Forwarding Madness. Great Sale “ - Clt In H'uw “ I no {u I in)» “ ‘_' 5“ la fl m)- “ ISoom‘Jéw Hanovbr D. Railroad. ISIEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers