U ~R r "" The Chm-yr" i! puhlhhod every Mnndny morning, by "It" 181 m", at $2 00 per annum N paid strictly m nausea—s 2 50 per annum if nntépnid in advance. No cuhscrintion discor‘itinucd; unless at the Option qr the publisher, uni!) all arranges are paid. Anfikfrrsusms inserted at the usual rates. Jon I‘mxnxc done with nonlncss and dispatch. ‘ . Orng: in South Baltimore street, n‘eurly Oppositd Wamplcra’ Tinning Establishment —“Coxmn I’xmmc Orncz " on the sign. «Momsmzm MEWS. I l; EdWard B. Buemer, TTOTINEY AT LAW, will faithfully and A promptly {Attend to nll husincmcntrustcd w him. He speaks the Gvrmfln unmann— nmcc at the mme plncr, In South Baltimore elm-1., nem- Furnoy'n drug store, and nearly opposite banner 1.: Zh-glcr’s store. (11-Ll; s‘purg, March ‘40.. J. C. Neely. TTUIINEY AT LAW.—Purticulnr-Mien— A Hun pain? to collection of Pumiuns, .‘5 m It}, ”ml! Hack-pay. Ufliw in the 8. I‘l. carul-r (if tlu- Diamond. (:1 LlJ'flnu-g, Ipm 6, 1863. 1f |. D.‘McConaughyg _ TTQRMZY AT LAW, (nfl‘cr‘ nnn door west A 0! i'Lu-Ml-r'n llr‘l'z :11an book =lrll‘v‘,(7lx'lm in I ”Hr-'_‘: iln‘k‘l,) A'M'mmnr .\.NU Somcfim mu 1‘; n .~.V rm mm l’rvsumn. Bounty L'nml War v mic, ”lurk-p 1y sxnpnndOd (Walrus, um] all In 1n : claims ag'linsl tho Gowrnmt-nt w! Wnsh- H: "m, I) (3 ; nlgnAmvriL-nnmnimnin Rnylnnd.‘ L mrl W Ilrr'mtsluczucd :Lnnl anhlmr‘hnxzvht, .m! hqhm‘l name“; given. Agents rngnqcll in In ( mug warrants in lowa, lllinnis nhnd ov'wr kum n sg3|Lcs WApply to him personaliy m In; hum: ' ‘ (my 111 mg, Nov. 21, ’53. A. 1 Ilw Partnershm. ~ zfr H my“ a.— J. v. wvn'm. ‘3",1 .\'i‘IOKNJIYfl AT Luv, , \x 13 pm nlnly 1114 mm m (Lll leg-1'» l-u Inm‘; ‘ . ‘vml ‘I"H 1n Hmm, inv‘nzdinl; All" pmvuvhw (If 1"»: iuné, I'munty, llnrk Pay, um] n” ol'nnr .Im-w {ugflim lhu United males and Sun: . (‘.mvrmhrnn. ‘ Vorm West Cornet of Diamond, inpri.' in . (n I.} -.-P'l'f, l’(-nn'.\ 1 , ~ tf Doctor 0, W. Benson“- ( I‘l' ”'l3 ..L Hn- {lnHmad Hnnm. (In-lullronln‘, ) I“]anl'J-V'VWIEJP‘I ‘l\' Dr. KHI'I,"I",) ’ \ HT'I'LEST ({IWN, PA. ‘ ‘ [luv 13'!. I‘UJ. H. I J J Lawrence Hill,-M. D. AS‘hiraMre one _€u*~.,__ / H ‘lnfnr \\ l‘vl|_of théwggfif inxzimr'xn church ”1 ' "Y I'9: mm sm: Strvl‘f. M“? U)‘i'"-“-H 1’“ " ”#1” w ,4-, \\‘ll>rl-l!'osl' Milling: Lo Lnu: any In um] Hymn '1 tn :wrtmmcd urn rrfinm'dlzllj imih ‘1 u: v \‘u H} v ..>".,\'NS: hrs. Hum“, (sw. (L i'. KW ”'4l HI. I) , 110?. H. L, Uuuglu‘r. U. D., Rev. l'lul' \l,‘J.u Mn, 3n)! s*. I..S'.u:\-«-r. (zutlyflvurz, Apnl 11,’.’x3. A . Dr. D. S. Pelfer’, HVMTT‘H‘UW .‘Z, An! \mq x-mm'y, t-nntinm-fl lA.“.b 1‘ MUM-411 hi: marl-44in” in NH I‘m hi ,mm‘z, mu! would rtnpwthalb imim :1)! gm nrnmnliuufi with any 0!} slunhng IFS \ . . . Loy-. 1“ um! rmr'nlt him. ‘ n {.l}, NH. \l' Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal‘s (‘ Y-‘l‘ll‘fi an“ Dwnmnz, N. E. con-or of HM- Impuru «ml Hutllshuls,l:curl’rcshytvxinn {’lmzx h, H. ;;_) ~hur-5, l’a. Dr. J. A. Armstrong, :\ KING rI-mnvod {mm .\'l-w Snlrm. Ymk II u‘mxuu', and l\"\\"m«: lo'c'un-d M. .\li‘lcllc hm“, .\IIAm- umlntb‘, “(Lt-4 hi: gunfiufi'mml ‘ ‘ l\i\'|‘~ mHM 17” th IJ-ll_\' 31, ‘h't. Um Removals. 7 mm I’lmlursiuno.l,lu-ingthu nuthnrizml person ! 1x m xlu» rn-nmmls into [her (in-ml (‘umw ‘. ,hnl‘w‘zlh If 5m h:\ : cuntynmlan- lixc romm .1! ..1 m.- m mun; ut' drcunsml n Inhws nr l'rinlrls r. v!) .( ‘ ...:I :‘u m (hr-5M ”IL, <o:l"ln:u.‘i.x‘)~lx‘_tl h x. -| ’lwu-. In mm .I-u\:uh~ “uh Inch'pim i -~ltll‘l% hm, nlni no 9111)“ spurml m 1m- .50. }‘ V , i 11:11:11 mum, ‘ Mum—l: I‘3, '6O. Keeper-1f tho Cmnomry. ' .llardwaro and Groccrlcs. I “lEI suhmribers‘ have jun returned Ham 1. Hm ram-s “ilh an immense supply M ll \RUWARE h GRUCERIES, which the) m 0 ollg-ungm their old stand in Bnhmwrc sun-L, m pm é-s to suit the times. Our studs cousins in [mlLiut ‘ lil'thlNG MATERIALS. 7 UAIU'EN'I‘EH'S TOOLS, ‘ ‘. \ BLACKSMI'HI‘S TOOl S, ‘ J COACH FIADJNGS“ SHOE :‘FINWNGS, . " ' 5 ' CAMSE’I‘ MAKER'S TOOLS, ‘1 f HUUSEK HEPI-ZR’S'd-‘IX I'URES, I AM. KLVDS 0F ”INN, (act (”RWCERIES. OF A LL KINDS, (HIS, .l"\ WTS, &c., Bm. Thc’re is no unirle nu lmlwl in the govern] dqmrlawgnts mcmioncd almvc but. “hm. can be hml :IL this Storm- Emory élnzs n!‘ Mu‘hnnics can he nei-ommodnlcd in re with tools and fixnlings,nnd Housekeeper: um {mil ovvry article in X'IL’IP lino. Give us u o 11!, ni we are prepwrcd to sell as low for cash‘ us my house out of the city. ' , ; JUhL B. BANNER, : DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 16, 1801. ' ' - fGrain and Produce. .\VING mkon the large and commodinua }1 Warehouse recently occuliied by’l’mnk Hunk, £541., , le NEW OXFORD,_ wn nrelprcpnrcd to pay the highest prices for all kinds of PRODUCE. Also, soll m the lnw~ 95" prides,'LUMßEß, COAL and GROUERIES, (of every description. - , A. P. MYERS & WIERMAN. New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. if , ~ ' ,The Great Dlscovory (F) mmAGE.—lnflammatory and Chronic ;If'[,rl|.;nrs{fii§m can be cured by using H. L. mung. ”My ‘l‘mmmo mmUMATIg MIX: Lhe adjoining cmfiiflcnt citizens °_‘, ”“3! “Pd‘ green. milky. Ila sucéaé‘fw “mm“; m ”'5 tionsflms been hitherto u‘fifl‘fizm‘c 350 g: specific, Introduced to the fin ‘1‘”! ‘9’ ““3 m-nts per bottle. For sale hy all firing??? (’9 slnr'pkeepqrs. Prepared only by H. L. and Wholesale and Retail Druggisti East Berlin, Adams county, Pm, dcnlurin Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Painls‘fiyc-smfl‘s, bot :Iml Oils, Essences and Tincbérez, Window Glass, Perfumery, I’Mcnt Medicines, &c., &c. WA. D. Buchlr-r is the Agent in Genr hurg tor “ H. L. Miller’s Celebmted Rheumatic Mixture."l [June 3, 1801. tr ’ Young Men M OLD HEN} do not Ellbw your mothers A and your wives to wen- out thoiflprecioua hvcs ‘ovcx- the old Wash-tub long", but like true men and benefncwts, present them with In: EXCELSIOB. WASHER, and 1113th of ” own: and cross words on {rash days, depend Mohecrfnl faces will greet you. ‘ YSON BROTHERS, Qeygysburg, Rn. Dec. 14, 1863 Battle-field Views. ‘FULL set of our Photographic View: of the Battle-field of Gettysburg, form a splendid gm for the Holidays. The finest. yet published can be seen sittha Bxccisior Gallery. TYSOS BROTHERS; Gettysburg. * Wanted. : r‘ FARM in Adsms county, for which! will A', excha‘nge choice Western Lands, at a Mr prlca,‘ ‘ . GEO. ARNOLD. ‘Ant. 7. 166?... ‘ ' HOES AND 300T8.~We no now receiv- S ing flhgo variety of Shoes and Boots for men, boy‘s, indies, mines, and ehudren, moi!“ we ”“Ist as possible. BOW k-WOUDS.‘ v- BY 11. J. STAULE fi/tll ‘1 (‘."! I’ . ‘ - Two Valuable Farms ’l‘ “IBM” 'SAI,P:.-—Un WEDNESDAY, A Lhn 20th ilay n' iwlil’fl‘l‘lflnlfil‘. nut, in llllr:(l‘lll<"‘ at me Will Inf Peter Truétlv, de l-n'IFI-11, Hn‘ inllmfing ln'f‘fll Estate will be:ol‘- ('.-ml at l’uhlir- 5L4", on tho premises, viz: No. l. 'l'll'b‘ HUME FARM, containing 152 Ann, more or'lces, situate in Strtbnn town ship. .\nlnws county, ont‘ mile and a hull" can a! GA I!) burn, 0:2 lhl‘ York Turnpike, mljyln in'; l-lml'l nf .Jnsvph Wiblc, Henry Eckert, and ulhcrs, imprm ml \. ilh n nv-w Two .utory lilili‘K UUUSE, Hank Bum, (‘rmn ('nliY Wn'nnn SimLCarriuge llnu :i-. Spring House, Wash House, Sumkr' tlnnao, lln': l'cn, ken, all in good order; :Inr--.rr-lmlng-uvll 'lnd spring of water, bath mm“ the 110x136; “ilh it good Apple Orchard, sinful] other limbo! fruit. The land has bw-n‘limcd, rind in mulcr good cultivation and unod: fem-inc; This Farm is one of thc‘best in the manly, hung granite soil, equal to lilnll‘s-une. Water iri_xlcarly all the fields.— Alont 25 norm" :nrn' llendow‘und between 30 and 11.”: pro Woodland. No. 2. A“ F \li'ul, containing 112 Acres, mowm' lmw, {lfljollllng lands of John Rummel, lLl'lill Slnnnzli'r, and otln-rs, zitunbe in the 21mm in“ whip, and about two and uhnll miles (loin (intyslmrg, laying 'lhcreon n ’l‘wo-xluxy Stone DWELLING llUl'fil-l, ll'lnk Hun, Corn Crib, ann Slim, ('.irringu (Honsv, ___ 'lk‘w I, find Smoke llmmo, llog PM. lit-,‘nlso In Lumd order. Tlnrc is, n nover-fniling well, In. i-l~~s n aprinzr. mum tho buildings, and a met/m nl wmr through the fnrm; nn Apple Ur hprrl ’lllll all 3mm lruit on‘lho premix;— Tlu- Jn'id Inns Lu n limml, and is under good onlt‘x'i "in." nnd znmlfn-ncingn About 18 acres mu \1 mama, 'mu! uhvut 30 no csjl'oodland. Tllcsv :IrH wr.) rlrmimblc pr rrlies, and per m M‘w Imin: gmnl farms sllo Id not tail tn nt temlube sun. Thaw wiqhi to View them ..rr- rl‘lllle=lo.l to (‘.IH on the E ec‘utor, xcsiding m 1111- .u'mic Inwmhip. ~_ 333'8J0 to (3anme M ‘1 o'ciack, P. M , 4m mi-l thy, when attendance will be given ~rml ‘exms made known by ' {.ANH‘ILE STALLSMITH, Aug. 21, 130.5. ls Acting Executor. A Small Property on rl.\LE.‘—Tinc subwriher olfe s M Pri _‘ wuv 5.1143 A TRACT UF LAX-f), situate in H mnlmnban lowmhip, Adams county, ‘31!!- jumiug I'l'uh I,t'(‘|n'is|inu Fl‘3,Jul|u I! 'hofl', and minus, mmnining 24 Acres, moreeg' fess, 0! firm 41m! “s4lth The improve n‘x-Mr, mr- :\ 1 mewmn L! g HOUSE, new 5? 12mm. (‘um (my Hog l’cn, &c. " l‘qmns “Min; to \ivw the property will lv- dunm tin-5.11m- h,- th‘ subscriber, residing JOHN lIONHART thvrmn 81px. 4, Mus. :m Something New. WE WORLD-RENUWNED " ; ‘ “‘ILLOUGHBY‘S . GYM SPRING GRAIN DRILL. uklxl'l-‘ACTE‘HKD B: CRnNWELL I. DAVISUX, unux; Mani. nmmmx 00., m. This cvlehrntg-Il hull is superior to any other Plflt'lniuv ot‘iln- Lindy-l introduced to the pub .'.c. l\..:on;: I” advantages are these :—lt. dis lxi‘nvw T ”in ;;min with porfect. regularity. It m-vur chukr-s or breaks the grain. Rough grndnd, or' Mayor slow driving. will not rnry Hm qufinlity sou-um the note. It can be regu -14% u yxliiist m motion. The teeth or about: are $0 « nnmul-Acd as not go brcuk when com ing ‘iu rgmmcr. with tools nml slonrs, but. F 1” 111;; high in LhL-ir proper plncvs. It will sow urr}, kilil or gmiu “‘1“! {hr same hoppen‘ It. nLén nlonsuresjho quantity ofigmin to be sown lo the next, and is simple in in construction and I&3in mnnhgcd. . , , THE GUANO. ATTACHMENT This invention for sowing ALL KINDS of Guano and Cognpost makes the Drill perfect un'llcamplltc. It sows the grain and mnnures the 1;.” ourd at the same time. Tillie construc tionml‘ the Attachment is very simple and is easily rc-paired. I: will sow from one lumen ty Lushuls to the acre, and the (ted can be n-guliucd ~n‘hi.lst in motion, to suit poor or nu: grnnml. Those mechines need only be seen l 0 be admired. All who have tried them pronounce then} Lhe‘moat complete arrange lm-ut luv the yurpose ever oflered to the pub hc. linmlrrds o! cerlificatel on be produced from prlu-tiunl farmers in Frgnkliu county and in linrglaud to prove that the machine is up hnrybug, and h‘flé given entire patisfect'wn 'in every case where it has been tried. WILLIAM WIBLE, Agent. ‘ Aug. 7. 1865. If‘ i 3 Cumberland Coal! _ A LARGE Supply of superior \‘ IILA-CKSMITH COAIS, now on hand {at reduced price. ‘This Conlja superior to nll'olher Conllin the United States for welding and other blacksmith purposes For sale by City Coal Yard, Frederick city, Nd. .hine 19, 1855. 13* Notions and Confections. A WORD TO THE PEOQLE 0F TDWN AND COUNTRY. v, - m sulfihpfiifi I(6ng 3 NMlon and Confec l Lionnry Store on Cnrlisle street, nearly opposite the Railroad Static ,‘ Gettysburg, where he has constantly on ha ,jCANDIES, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons, 0 ‘ cs, km; Tolm-cns and Segarfi of‘all kind’a; Ppcket- Asaqlis, Suslnmnlors, Neck Ties, Collnrs, 510.; miggsfi“ Pigl‘umerics; also sumo (”100“ kin d 3! of C {was Riceflvl‘h “It fil‘erent . “3° 9'?“ humid MEAD M all times. He Invite: canon: from town and country, and sells-at small profits. LEWIS STROUSE. Aug. 7. 1863. 1y Notice. AMUEL MYLLER’S ESTATE—Letters tes- S Lamcnmry on the éslate of Smncl Miller, late of Liberty township, Adams (ounty,de ceased, having heed gnuted to the undgh signed, residing in the some township, he Hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to mid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claim-against me name to pre sent. them properly authenticated for scale mam. JACOB MILLER, Ex’r. Aug. 'l' 1865. 81." mm ANIEL 11. ORNER’S ESTATE—Letters p of administration on the estate of Daniel . Omar, late of Meaallen townahip, Adgms county, deceased, having been gamed to the undersigned,rcsiding in the same’townahip, he hcmhy gu’es notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make lmmeditte payment, and those haying claims agafiut the mama to pre sent I.th properly authenticated for Betti;- mcnt. HENRY E. (MINER, Ada'r. _A_Ug._l4, west 6t “ umxswuzxm run sets 9: in pieces t A large :niaply‘qnn Be fcnnd st c _. ._ \ mssmoxsn A [DEMCDCRATHCQ AND FAMHLV J©URNAL @ll2 @nmpflcr. WORDS 0F ENCOURAGEMENT. We trust our friends in .no part of the State will permit themselves to be betrayed into I condition of innctivity by the im pression that the election this fall in of small consequence. So far from that being the case. we regard it asono of the float momentous campaigns that have ever been held in Pennsylvnnia. Not to speak at the great importance of the duties of the Audi tor and Surveyor Generhle’ offices, and the need of havingat their head men of weight of character, integrity and'ability, the re sult of the contest this fall will have a de cided influence over the Gubernatorial cen~ we": next year. lithe Democrats carry the day it will be taken an an nlmost certain in dication of success next fall, and the unre liable element, which always goes with the strong side, will hasten toarrny itselfin the ranks of the Democracy. A United States Senator is alsoflto he elected by the next Loginlalure, and every vote cast for Davis nnn Linton will materially enhance the chances of having: Democratic majority in that body. Furthermore, a Democratic victory in Pennsylvania will strengthen President Jolmehn in his reconstruction policy, nnzlcmsh for all time to come the mad and reckless determination of the Ab olition lenders to place the ballot in the hands of the negroea. We sBsler our Krethren that the pros pect is very far lrom being gloomy. Every ‘ where in the State the Democrats are a unit in their party fidelity. Never was there more harmony in our mnks than now, more unyielding, courageous devotion to principle, more enthusiasm for our tick et, or more zeal to labor for its success.— Ifrom every section we hear that the De ‘ moerncy are organizing with renewed vigor, ‘ and ar- nlmast unlimited confidence in vic ‘ tory. The opposition. meanwhile, are dis { trncted, lecl hy qunfieiling and unpopulnr lenders. and lacking in all the elements of l strength which made them m powerful du ring tho war. They know that. on the home ‘ vote_¢\>f the State lmt year they were defeat ed, and remembering thn l'u‘ge number of soldiers who either dill not. vote nt nllnr vo "-ted against their convictions, they have just. cause tor distrust ol_the result. The frantic nppfnls they make to theloynlty at their followers, and the disgracefui vitnpor- Mien with which they nssuil our candi dates, betray the fear and trembling with which they regnrd the prospect. From Ibis time on )9! the watchward of all Democrats be "Organize and Labor.” {Erin Town. the Rrpublicnn State Con. ventinn pronounced squarely in favor of negro suffrage by resolving in favofof stri~ Ring the word “white” from the Ststé Con~ stitution. At this the r'étnmed sotdi¢rs of the party bolted, 3nd the~consequence was the holding of asoldiers' convention which nominntal an anti-negro suffrage ticket, as follows: For Governor. Colonel Thomas H. Bmton; Lieutenant Governor, Colonel S. G. Vzm Anda; Sup'remd Court. Judge, Colonel 11'. H. Trim!) ; Superintendent of Public Instruction,&ptain J. W.’~Sen net}. The Democratic Suite Convention has adopted this ticket, and the Democra cy and “boysin Blue” are making common cause against negro sufl'rage. '; mm Democrats of the North-Eastern portion of the State have originated at new idea in political manoeuvres. They have been holding what they cell a “three days’ meeting,” at the West; end of Nob Moun tain, near Omngeville. Colombia county.~ A regular camp in: provided, tents and cabins erected. and. speeches made every day. Thomnnds attended daily, drug: there by the novelty of the thing, and it is believed that many were “converted” to the glorious old faith. The plan is certain ly not a. bad one, and we hepo tome it widely followed. P. H. PYFEB, fi-The miscellod Republican party 81» printee to itaelf the title of “Unionl! If bvithiu in m‘ “mum- .-..,....u_, -.., ‘mrt 9f the Federal Union, the name is n misnomer, for it is notorious that. in con nection with its allies, the secessionist, it did more towards destroying the Union than any other class of men. It proclaim ed the Union voluelem up to 1860,declnred that}; fugue: worth preserving, woyld adopt no measure to prevent civil war, and new numbers in its ranks all the origi nal disnnionists oi the North. If by “Union” is meant n eonglomeration of all the odds and ends of every dangerous fac tion that has ever had an existence in America, than the name is right, and we admit ile appropriateness. It is indeed a “Union”—of everything that is leptons, unsavory and diacreditable in our political history—W Obstrvn. Circulate the Dominican—A cohempomry very truthfully nys, now is the time £0 push (me Democratic papers in every direction, {or it is only by sowing sound seed that we can hope for a good haryest. Democrat: too often wait unliljust before election, be. fore they begin to circulate their papers, and that is generally too late. Republican tares have Sprung up and the good seed will not. take root. Reader. if you have a Dem ocrolic neighbor. or one who is amodom‘e Revublicnn. dam rest until you have in duced him to taken Democratic imper. filn one of the Ngw England {win fac tqries 162.000 of them: fiasl’ul little things are made, papal-ed and packed every hour. “ TRUTH I! nan-n AND “WILL PRIVAIL." GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, SEPT. 18, 18653. m nan QUEBTIONNOW m 13- The Mgrovoliog Abolition lenders ore trying to dodge the nigger question in this State, and striving to deceive the white freeman of the State into the belief that it is not involved in our comiugocgnber elec tion ; and they do this, knowing ”meow tray to be the fact. The following circu lar from one of their chief man, which is being secretly sent. broadcast over the State, speaks conclusive] y on this poiuL: ‘ Tbe undersigned respectfully ask the («10p tion of the following Pnorosm Aux»,- nn ‘I'O 1n: Uxmm Suns Com-mu- No State shill make any distinction in civil rights and rivilnans among the natur alized citizens oFLhe United States residing within its limits, or'-among persons born on its soil of parents permanently resident there, on account of race, color, or descent. I ask your attention to tho following an menu‘s of ensuring government proaperity in our country: Do not hustle State enactments to st:- ggnzhthe ballot. to tho disfmnchised at the .' uL . Pro-Slavery States will give a vote t_o the Freedman to be again recognized as SL3tos—; and when admitted, will take it, away and again orpresa them. Before any 0/ the rebellious State: are admit tal, make it tho FUNDAMENTAL Law of the NA'l‘lflN that. no State shall put. a him on any one because of race,color or descent, and than the otherwise del'enaelesn popula tion at the South will have the means to make thnir rights respected. ' Sign mnl have all true friendsofßch and Freedom to sign lhe petition on the other side. When you have ten names or less, see that the petition is sent. to your Repre sontativos in Congress. “you agree with this. do nnt lay it. aside. expecting nthorato do your work. Emvnn M. Duns, Philadelphia. Now, suppose the negro-voting amend ment to the Constitution of the United Shut-s, suggested in the above circular, to he adopted by tho Abomion Congress; it then éomes directly to the Lr‘gihlfituro of Punmylvnnin, for approval and rulilichlion, and would be decided by ”no Senators and ’momln-Ispf Assembly who nrg’to be 0120!.- ed at our next. Clectinn.‘ Consr‘qumlly, the issue of negro-voling in Pcnn~ylmnin is fully before our [M‘Uph‘pffll’ Uni» smm cir cular Amnndmcnl applies la n” the Elites. It says expressly that “so ST vn:~h:dl make dirtinction in civil rights mul priv‘vir'gNl." “nu account of nice. comm, or dvsconl ;" unit id, that. the “IIiV” liglllhmul privilogm" of the negro shall, in every State, be equal to (Imm of the white man 1 . VWhat say our while freemenewhat any thewhito soldiers—olPennsylvania. to this? If they are in favor of it, and want. to have negrocs as their political equals—they will wt» for Ilmtranft, Campbell, and the Al:- uliu‘nn Senatorial and Assembly candidates, in Oclobcr; if they are nfipnaeil to it. and wonlul'have Pennsyls‘gmia; préscrvcd as a white man's State, they will vntn against these men, sud for the White man’s, or Demcwtic, candidates. Such will be aim ‘of the real and important issues in October ‘next, and the Abolition leaders knoiv it, but an aiming to keep the mum: of the voters from so seeing and understanding it. RADICAL-BEPUBLIOAN “PRINCI- The New York" THOunc. of a recent date. laid down the whole Republican platform in the following significant sentence: : "When (In colored pl: of the South are cnfranchiscd there will might hundred thousand was given fir Me Republic Union ticket, at nql om: black in a hun‘drcdahhl be maxed or tainted into voting the (Ipperhcad ticket." This is the whole secret of the Republi can clamor for negro suffrage. In the light of this declaration the {natives for all the falsification: of the Declaration of Inde pendence; for all thevsophistrios about the “inalienable rights. of men ;” for all the prurient anxiety for the destruction obi» very and the welfm of the negroea; and foi- 311 the outrageous and unlawful mens urea to force upon the people the nwept once of negro equality, are' most clearly perceived to ho—tlw continuation of power within tile gasp qf the Naoddy leaders. and nor the welfare of or the acquisition of my pro ”mid fixrlut- “u a, -, ..au'fi-‘h ° Are the People prepared to lower the ballot-box to the negro level merely that, through the negro element. the Republioan demagoguee may wield powor and thrivét Are the People center}! that the Black: dull hold the balance of power in the nation and be come. a: they would it negro suffrage is permitted, fill Dorms-r Run II the People are not content to accept that deg radation. (at them refute (ovate farvany man who is not pledged and swans to oppose Neg-r 0 Sufl'rage,—Patriot d: Union. LANCASTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN . 151 ' Lancaster being one of the largest and strongest Republican counties in t 9 State, the action at the Republican County Con vention is important, and we note it briefly: . It "WM an endorsement of John son’s adm' tion ; It voted down an endorsement of tho President’s reconstruction policy ; ‘ It voted down 3 resolution proposing ygiveagood shareol‘ the otiicea to sol; mm; It. nominated a soldier for Treasurer by acclamntion, but afterwards defeated him by a ballot ; It delented all the soldier candidates for office—giving a lonfi list of fol. ofiloes to stsy4bhomes~bul nnlly gave the petty office of District Attorney to a solgier by a close vote. _ After endorsing Andy Curtin, Ind refu sing to endorse Andy Joh uson, it endorsed Thad. Stevens, a bitter oponent of the Presidem’s reconstruction policy I—Mon hm: Democrat. . SUE IN PENNSYLVANIA. =ln GM PLEB" IN A NUTSHELL. fl 3% M OUR STATE CANDIDATES. ;l‘he committee appointed to inform Messrs. Davis and Linton of their nomina tion, respectively, for the offices orAudilor General and Surveyor General, havo‘per formed the duty assigned to them, and soml us the respons'es, which we pgblisl) below. It will be soon that our candidates fitand squarely upon the glorious platform of the Democratic State Convention. Letter or m w. w. 11 Davis ‘Dox'm'rowu. Plxysnnsu, ‘ August 90m. 1805. ‘ Messrs. Jacob Zieglrr, thli-xm Bennett. awry 5.51 m, Wm. V: McGratk and Robert L. Johnson, Cummittce :. Gsxruns-J have the honor to acknow ledge the reception of your letter of the 25th instant announcing my nomination as Democratic candidate for Auditor General 01' the State. Although the position was not sought for by me., I accept the nomina tion, and tender my thanks for the compli ment thus paid me. A decent respect for the opinion of the people of Pennsylvania, whose suffrage is solicited, seems to require a frank statement of my views. I was opposed to secession, even when simply a political dogma, advocated at the ‘ hustings and at the forum; which is proved I by my subsequent conduct when it had grown into armed insurrection. I am opposed to negro sulfrage, as eVery whiteman should be. Nature has erected a barrier against the two races enjoying equal political rights in the same communig ty where they approximate in numbers 11‘s in the Southern States. San Domingo is a good‘case in point to prove the incompati bility of the two races exercising equal po litical privileges in harmony. There has been almost perpetual warfare between the negroes and mu attoea since the island has been in their possession; which has been only a struggle for the ruling influence be tween the pure African and the mixed blood. If this people, of the same race, but of dill'erent caste. cannot govern a small island in penciwhnt are we to suppose , would be t econdition of thing» when the negro comes in wmpetition with the pure Caucasian in the struggle for empire in the South? The lounders of our government intended that the white should be the go verning race in this‘country, and it will be it calatn‘itous (lay for both people when the black man is given the political franchise, and entitled to lroldrotlice. I am Opposed to any‘chango in the State Constitution in this rel-«ct; (ind deny to Congress all right wlmteverlnlix the quahlicatiOu t‘or suffrage in any State. ‘ I our in favor ol President Johnson's pol icy ofrcstoring‘llm States lately in rebellion, to their r-onurtutionol obligations. I can not admit thnt their ordinances of sneestion took any of them out of the Union. For n timnxnn armed lorce interrupted their con stitutionnl functions, but (lltl not destroy their identity as Suites. llence the States, in their political signification, not having ‘ been destroyed. they need no reconstruc tion, but simply to be restored to their re. f cip‘rocal rights and duties; when the Union 7 Will be made whole us before. Whenever , they shall send representatives to Congress who are qualified by the Constitution. and the laws ol the respective States, there is no rightful power in thnt body to refuse their ndmisrion. I appreciate the peculiar and trying situation of the l‘re~ident, and think heshould he trentcd with forbearance by all parties. “in plan ofrcstomlion gives evidence that he does not intend to ignore the rights ot the States. and be led captive ‘ by the radical doctrine of consolidstion. The Convention did well to demand an immediate and complete restoration of all civil rights in the oynl States. If there was an excuse for withholding them in the days of actual rclbellion, there certainly can be none now. '01: say to the President firmly, but kindiy, restore to the people r the [wow corpys, and trial byjury, as fully ‘ as they were enjoyed before the rebellion, and abolish military courts except for the trial of persons in the military or naval ser vice ol the United States. These things , are granted to the people by the Constitu tion, and withholding tnem violates it in spirit and in fact. When we ask that they be restored, we only demand whet belongs to us. I am in fuvoroi' the most rigid system of economy in the administration of public affairs. In view ofthe heavy taxation there should be retrenchment in every possible way. All oilicors. civil and military, whose services a state of peace does not absolutely require, should be disé‘9nse“ with ; and our system of taxation; ould be so amended and equelizedfihat every man will be obliged to beat his share of the public burden ac cording to his ability. I m pleased that the Convention took action on the subject ofequuhzing the boun ties of soldiers. There is every reason why the patriotic men who enlisted in 1861 and ’62 should be placed on an equality with those who enlisted eta later period. Should I_b3,sl:g%mnms%?m’sénarcm in obtaining justice for the early defenders of the government. Whatever honor teth ers'mny have acquired in the contest just closed, the private soldier, who bore the heat and burden of the day, will always re main the true hero of the war, and he is en titled, at all times, to our consideration and gratitude. My past history is suilicient guarantee that I shall not overlook his claims. I remain, very respectfully, your obedientservsut, 'W. W. H. DAVIS. - Letter of Col. John P. Linton. Jonnsrovrx, Pm. August 29, 1865. Gsxrtusx: Your favor ofthe 25th inst., oflicially informing me of my nomination for Surveyor General “by the Democmgc State Convention which assembled at Her risbulg on the 24th inst...” has just been received. Not only wathis nomination nnsonght and unexpec on my part, but ifl had been consulted beforehand I would have urged my friends not tointroduce my name before the Convention. Any hesitation, however, in now accepting. might be con strued into 3 went 0 appreciation of the distinguished honor conferredflhy the Con vention, or a want of inith in t e principles romulgsted by it. I certainly feel neither. ‘ Il"he importance of the Position would have been my chief reason or not soliciting it, and the resolutions adopted are but a prac tieel application to existing exigencies of those cardinal principlu. of Democracy which I have always conscientionsly main tained. _ ’ . Accepting, therefore, this nomination end ils responsibilities. I remain, , Yours truly, i , JNO. P. Lin-rim. 110 J. Z 3961”, Wm. Bennett, Henry S. Mott. l Wm. . H'Grath and R. L. Johnson. Committee. TWO DUIJLARS A-YEAR THE ISSUE IN PENNSYLVANIA—- NEGRO SUFFRAGE. The Shoddy-Republionn State Conven tion. in their platform, “shirked” the mlin issue as made by 21 large number of the newspapers and local organizations of line Slate—win Negro Equality and Sufl'rnie. This action. or, rather, non-action. on t a part of the Convention must needs be quite unpalamble to the friends of the negro, who appeared exceedingly desirous offigbt ing thmugh the campaign not only in "black unit” but on a black platform.— How they will get up “thunder” without their favorite dogma, is more than we can say. Herotafore. as they have occurred, wel have put upon record the sayings of such i of the Republican press and the resolutions 1 at County Conventions in favor of the Block Issue, so that most of our readers are ulrea» ‘ dy lhmiliar with the extent to which John Broivn’s soul has marched into the ranks of the Republican party of Pennsylvania. The following is another scrap of testimony —boing a resolution passed by the Relpub lican Convention of Crawford county, nuts 27, 1865: “Loyalty to the Government should be the only tofit of the right of suffrage—these who have fought to preserve the Union on the field of battle, whether whi_te or black. are certainly worthy and fitto protect it through the ballot bozéit is unworthy the age in which We live tel deprive men of vo ting who sustain the Government by their treasure and blood.” f , There is certainly nolequivocation in the above—it is fair and sou-re on the Black platform. This make; three Republican county conventions with have pronounced for negro sulfrage—Cß, wronu. UNION and Nonwurrox. There lure others. but we have neglected to keep a list of them. Our: Dsuocnmc covwhm' xxcmxou will please hunt up the will cc in their several counties, so that, in its ilence oh the Black Issue, the Shoddy Sta Convention may be shown to have bee false to the desire and “principles" of its organs and its mum beréhiln, as well as u truo to the Yankee insfiiration, which ca 9 to Pennsylvania, through the 'nddrcss 0f the Republican Stu‘e Central Committfe of Massachusetts, in t to following words to wit: “Loyalty must he lasistetl on as the in dispensable qualification of all voters, no matter whether constitutions or laws pre scribe it or not." i In the same black ‘tcahegory of Yankee fanatics, whose design‘is to overthrow our Constitutions and the Laws that “loyalty" (which means only Black Republican Shod~ dyism) may rul mu],l prosper, there are quite a number gf ch‘uhlic‘m newspapers. Thé following. among ‘othm-s, have placed (he'msclvcs fairly upon the Black Platform, both as regards negro Suffrage in the South, burialso in Pennsylvania: Fomey’s Press, PM. sburg Gymmercial,i Pillahurg Gazaltr. Yithburg Diqmlch, Reading Item-d, Lancas ter Examiner, LnbanonLCouricr, Kiltnnning, Armstrong county, Dbnocmt, Bradford Co. Republican, Cambria . Alleghanian, Mercer 00.: Diapatch, and H isburg Talegrapk— All 0! these eleven pa rs. with the excep tion, probably. of the ,Preu. and Telegraph, nd‘floubt are but, the rifle: of tho opfiniom OHS majority of Repu licans within their res motive counties. This. then, WI” ndnl eiggl morePconnlics w ‘the list in which the Re mblicana are in fav‘or of Black Sufl‘rage, nnzlnely, ALLEGHENY, f Luca-nu, Bsnxs. Lrnmnx. Anusrnoxo,‘lsnnurnan. Cuanu. and Mncn. Philadelphia and prhm Republicans In: 3114 in majoriv wear the Black Platgmn, {but we cannot u e um organ; we have mod a proof of the fact. Here we have at least elem: counties in which the Republican party are committed to ‘Ncgm b'ufl‘mgc. Eight of the numbei ,are Republican which inalms up nearly mu:- tlu'rd of the whole number of counties in the State costing Republican majorities. Hat} we access to the proofs. we have no doubt that we could show that more than oneuhnlfthe Republican counties in the State, and many marathon bolt the Republican newspapers. have glyaeed themselves on the Block Platform. ill our contenqtmrica bring up the evidence? The only difference of opinio' between the organs mentioned is, whether the change shall be made by striking the word “white" out of our State Constitution, or by an "amendment” to the already frag mentary Federal Constitution. Senator ,Lowrio, of Erie, the Bradford Reporter, kc. advocate the former, while others Adopt the unlawful and revolutionary method of the Mercer Dispatch, asexpressed in the follow ing declaration : “We say that we are for a uniform rule or autl'rnge {or white and black in all the Staten: such rule to be embraced in an amendmnt to the constitution of the Uni ted States.” ' We present these hastily prerured facts to the voters of Pennsylvnnin or rumiryn -19.. h “.._ - . . u ' - “shirkcd” Ltbe r 313”? 53', ser, 312122 Sufl‘rago is none the less a part of the Re publican platform ; in fact, it. is the cardinal “principle” of the pany—bemuse on it de pends the future success and supremacy of the shoddy leaders. By it, as say: Horace Greeley. they expect to secure cig/d lmmlml tllOusaml votes,- and when that. is rendered certain, fan-ewe“ to the sanctity ofConsliug lions and laws) Voters, onder these con. sidemtions, and if you gelieve that this Government. was made for white men and their posterity, vole only for such candi dates to hold office and make lawn us are‘ sworn to hold sacred Ihe Laws and Condi— tutionfl, and Do keep the Ballot-Box out of the power of Negroes.—thriot ti Union. Fall Fashion: in New York—ll. may inter est the ladies in pursuit of the latest null. ions, to knqw that. bonnela in New York, this fall, are made lower in the neck, leav ing less room {or “waterfalls,” which will probably be labooed altogether before Christmas. let ornaments are in vogue. many of the designs representing coin. Cloak: are to be worn lull in the back. Small sleeves still redominne: some are closely fitting It Jim hand; The regular {all fashions, however, will not "open” till the 1n 0! October. ‘ Suit f 0? Mega—Dr. Nam-m. Batch older, or Epping, New Unmpshim, ban com-7 menced a suit against Ex Governor Barry. of that State, for imprisoning him in Fort Constitution, laying his damages at. ten khanszmd dollars. , ”The leaf. of walking eight mflea in one hour was accomplished in Brampton, England, on the 10“] IN», by a ;u-destlian named Spooncr. 110 made the dim without exhaqsfion. within one minute and twenty seconds 0! an hom. us was walking a fifteen mu" match THE , CAFEEQLMMJP“ infiiifidfifm wwe!) Although the rhoddy State Convention feared to directly endorse negro antlhge, there is an unmistakable “ int" that way in the platform. It film observed that President .lolmnon in only to'be Imp. ported 1'! "W fl'llow patriot and sW’ of Abraham Lincoln. "who )uu beanwlled to‘ cont/71d: t/ce tub wile/l In: (Lincoln) lcfl mt rmxsnro." The "nnfiniahed tank" left by Abraham Lincoln was the mfrmhirmm oft/u: negro“, as indicated and declared in his letter to (14¢ Governor of Louisiana. Thefrer atom of the negroee hind alrendy been secured, and all that remained oltho “unllniehed tank" was the securing to than the rig/m ofcitheanp—tbe right to vote, to.» The Convention took exception to the ransom “MM! and general; MM! a/ norm rmua‘on” which President Johnson has mloptml, and refer only to "his untremling palliatism in the mar," (his Tennessee roili mlism, no doubt.) as n “guarantee (W'l'R‘Ml cruns the ulcers and liberties of ALI: tlu attic mu Qf the Republic will be neared.” The ; Convention and the party itreprenonbhavo always declared that the Northern people i purest all the rights to which they are en } titled; so, aoeordmgtotheir own touching! i and declarations, there is no necessity for Mr. Johnson to secure any further “rights” gto that portion of our citirens. In their ‘ lotform they declare that “the people Pately in rebellion cannot be safely ontrnat ed with the polmm! right: which they have forfeited by their treason," so that. the Convention cannot mean that Mr. Johnson shall secure any rights for that wtlon of the nation’s citizenship. The only class. then, remaining, and which is conveniently covered b the word “all," is the: Negro chm. It tynrther proof is needed that the i word “all” is intended to embrace only the negroes, it may be found in the repeated use of the woril“liberty," coupled with the word "rights ;” and in the quotation from i the Abolitionist’s Vade Memm—the Decla~ i ration of Independence-by which they make it imperative on the late rebels to incorporate in their constitutions n provis ion reouring "to AU. men within their border. their 't'nalimabte rights to life,’ ” tibrrty. and the pursuit of happiness. Hero is the inevitable word “all" again, with an unmistakable negro application. As the successor of Mr. Lincoln, there fore, it is expected that Mr. Johnaon mll lay aside his “mild and generous method," rejuvenate his past Tennessee radicalism, refuse to entrust the late rebels with on; “political rights,” and go at once to Iva at the “unfinished task” of guaranteeing “the rights and liberties of all the citizens” (the Negroes‘) Has not the shoddy platform a strong “squint" towards negro suflrage and equal ity—oris it even more than a squint t We will warrant, it the shoddy party uhall be sucoerrful in electing their candidates upon that platform. that it will be claimed ass negro suffrage victory! Therein not a radical negro mlfragc wtoocate win) is not «worthy that plutlum andtlte candidates upon it, and 't/u-y all claim lt‘axa strong compromin with (licirfaooritc dogma.—-Pambt (6 ‘ Uriv'on. No_ 0::_,) HARD ON ALL PARTIES I It is a pity of» man or a party that has not independence enough to oomeout bald iy in favor of what he believes to be right. It is proof of weakness in a political ergon ization, not to meet the issues that are be fore the people. It is a. disgrace to n party to set aside it}: own doctrines through four ol' delcat. and it is evidence of the mast contemptible cowardice for a set of politi cians to dodge the questions when the peo ple are ready to decide upon them. Since the Abolition party succeeded in placing the negro upon an equality with the white race in a military point of View, the great portion oi that pnrty have advocated the extension ofthntequnlity into'civll matters: They have preached through their papers, from the pulpit,the stump. the rostrum, the street corners, the her-rooms and league houses, .thnt ”be that has fought for his ,ceuntry, should have‘t‘nie right or helping to cheese rulers for’it.” They have made this an issue. and in States where they feel certain ofsuccrvss as in lowa. Maine. Massa chusetts and Vermont, the have content“ boldl in its feverin their political platforms: but llere, in Pennsylvania, where their chance of triumph has dwindled down until there is scarcely a. ~shadow left. they dodge the question entirely, place the nigger on a back sent in the synagogue, and tell their “men and brother” that they are not ready to advocate his claims for {our years yet. Why is this? Is Abolitionism not the some in Rennsylvnnia. that it is in New England? Has it notJhe some principles and does it’ not labor to accomplish the some results? Most namely: itdoes ; but on Abolitionist in lhine or sssochusetts can odvoooto 11l principles and still succeed, while hore‘tho great masses ofthe people detest them, and they must be sugar coated in some way or another, to give! em any chance ofsucccs‘s. It is thu reason alone thanmmlc the Aboli tion State Convention at Harrisburg on the 10th inst, fail to “resolve” in favor ol‘negro sum-age. It is an issue that they have brought belore the poodple—they know not what the verdict woul be, and cow-rdliko they are trying to evade it., Will the hon ost voters of our State let them escape the record they have made? Negro sum-ego is an issue. and the people must decide upon it at the coming election. Abolitionism means it here M iletcrminedly as it does in New England. though ,it fem-s to state it in in platform.——Ballq'rmtc Watchmen. Reconslruction of Southern Mails—~Leua from Gm). Perm—A letter from B. 1“. Perry, Provisional Governor of South Carolinaflo Postmaster General Dennison contaimvcry cheerful information. He states that the railroad companies of South Caroline are in a. condition to any the mail: by their rents, and by hacks?rom the end: of their roads M) the towns and villages of the State, and after referring to their wol’ul condition for the want of mails, says: “I have the poti lication of stating to you thut South Caro“: no is all loyal, and takin the oath cheer fully. . She will be the first to take her 331?"u'mam..il'z:3§im- nu --. "m first “229 On the basis of such inlormation no title, the Postollice Department on Saturday contracted with the Greenviile and Calum bia Railroad, in South Urn-olinn. One hun dred and sixty-seven miles long, to 'carry the mails three times a week to the twenty live ollices on its line, for thirty doll-re) mile per year. « ”Important if True."—We have important (if true) mformulion from Northern Mex:- co, by way of Sante Fe and Denver. The dispatch state: that. the Franc?) have occuv pied Chihuahua, and that Juarez sud his cabinet have fled to El Pam, a little (am: on the Rio Grande, juzl. at. the box-den: 9f Texas and New Monaco. IL is added that be mil probably soon be compeflcd to cfoal the river and 500 k shelter in the Uniwd Sulcg—N. Y. Tunes. ' ~ (‘otlon Erpomd from C'lwleston.—The Eric tish bark Etclmngo, with n cnrlgo c'omiu ing of 179 bales Sea Island, an! 842‘baleu Upland cotton, vslued 11. $200,000, cleared the pon. of Charleston. 8. 0., on the 2d inst., for Liverpool. This in the first ves -501 that has Icfl Chxrloskm with a cargo for n my port since the blockade bu Beat“ I'B ,~ . ~.'..«.1‘Z~ -——-—--o-c——~—’- 1’ . _ ‘ Bthn General Scheme}: mdm'Ki oxcludo ‘he Soulbem momheralfmm’theif seam in the House of ltepreseuuuvt‘s. be cause the Six-Lea thnl soul. them do not How 120ng to vote, ”E”! can turn mungknd reciprocate the compliment by a row “lon’ lo “(25:39 him for the name reason. 55'- Uhiod not mow negroes to vote, “In,- Gennral will find himself heated on his own petal-d. / y ‘i , “yrs. Pufing‘ou mains shah say: Sweet Are the use; of. 8:4 ~ menh." It’s so, ifSMke-mare don’t“! 111:1 z
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers