,r)`4-,. c—‘n ' ThoiCourml is publishmlrvary Km‘lday morning. by HINRY J. Sunk, at $2 00 per Annual if paid strictly Ix Minuet—s 2 50 per ndnum'fl‘ not paid in advance. No aubscription discontinued, unless at the option,“ the publisher, until all meat-gee we pdd. humanly-rs inserted Mtheusudl . -. - Jon Pun-mm donejith [zealous and dinpafich. . ’ Omen in South Baltimorq short, nearly bpposite Wamplem’ Tinning Esmhlinhment 1'9”.“ Plum-m) Cum” on tllcninn. l U BBDRBESMXM’ $313330 Law Partnership. A. DUNCAN J; J. [l. WHITE, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ,Will promptly attend to all logni business :atnzsted to thom, Including the procuring: of Pensions, Bounty, llnck Pay, n‘nd nl'l other claims against the United States and State Governments. . . , 03cc in North West. Corncx of Diamond; Gettysburg, Penn'n. Apr” 3, 1805. u Edward B. Buehler, Tronxm AT LAW, will faithfully nnd A promptly mum] to all huaim'ss entrusted to ml "a speaks the. German Innglmgc:—- ‘Nfice M. lhb mme plncn. in So In ltullimnre Etta-V, nmq Por’nny’s drug 50.0 , and nearly opposite 0.1“" h Zirglor’s s are. Gettysburg, March 20. ' J. C. N coly, TTORNEY AT LAW.—il’:nrticnlnr nttrn- A tion pain] to collnrlinn of l’mminns. Bunny, and I‘,.uck-p:ly. Ulfice in the S. l‘). rgrvwrflf the Diamond. rtlvllysburg, April 6, 1863. tf D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (ogicc one door west A of Buehlc-r'h drug “ml took stor¢,’()lmm l-f-vsbm‘g sum-1,) An’onnn um Souclmn lon I‘m-mu Mn I’mnmx‘s. Bounty Lam! Wnr runls, "Auk-pay suspended Claims, and all nflwr qluim; against the Guyurnml'nt athsh inz'on', l). (7.; nlsoAmoricnnCluims in England. LJIHI W.er:L|lL2 located and sohlmr buughlmnd hiuhmi prices given. Agents «named in lo thingl wnrrnnts in lawn, Hlinnis nnd olhv: wrulorn .\'Luns nrjrApply to him persona“)! m" by ’I-Hv'r. A Gotlyslmrg, Nov. 21, '53. _ ~ Dr, J. A. Armstrong, ' .\\'l.\'G Hlnnll‘d Irnnl NI-w Salem, Ymk II hunnly, and having im'und M. Middle. ImAn, Adams cnunly, ollkrs his Prnfvwm‘ml svl‘Lit-ffi to (he Imhlic. Hulv 31.'U3 um ‘ ' Doctor 0. W. Benson. FHUE M \hc Ramona Hun-I‘, (fruntroom, fnrmexly ncrupird My Ur. Khmer) g . H'r'l‘H'la’fUWN, PA J-me 19, 13455. 1r . .\ ;J. Lawrenco 11111, M. D. AS hi’ilnlfino one L if * - II ulnar “(out oflbe‘f‘ SEWfi-r {(‘.-£1 Luthnrnn church in , 5" Dhmnborsl m 1; sun-m. nu?! nppo‘lll- Pivkmn's More, u :1 -rc thmo wishing to have «:13 Drum! ()qufiml var-{armed nro ro‘xpm-tlum imilm! In v. 41 Mari-unvvas Drs. Hurur‘r, Hm: (t. P. ll) , ltov. H. L. Ikuxszhor, I). D., Rev cnlm, .’rof. .\L h. Sunver. Kr ul‘l. U PIM‘. M. J rg, Ayn! 11.’53 (lt‘lH’K‘h l Dr. D. S. Pefl'ér, unor l‘S'l‘OWN, Adams cmm'y, rantinuns A film [Lax-glue 9f his profession in all its ln-Invhm, nml.’ would respeclfully imiw fl“ In-ruuw ullliclml with any old standing dus ’q-H m tall! and musull lnm. l Urt.,3, lam. u’; - Dr. J. W. c. O’Noars- T FFH‘I'Z mnl Dwrlling,‘N. E. cornornl Ih]:- 0 fimurn :unl 111-1 h Elll'vclfiflu‘nl' l'rt-slg l! riuil ('hnu-h, Hetlylmrg. I'4. ‘ Nu". no, lat-3. If Removals. , 7 ‘llEllnxlrrfimwdmcingHm“nnflmrizmljporgnn [ in mukn rmnn\'.xl~l‘inm) I‘lwr (lrvvn (‘emm ll‘l'Y‘ hopfl 1 mm sughns rnntn-mplulo the n-moml 1)! (ho rumiius m” «Ivan-mod mi.lli\'l‘s nr friends xx 11l Lvuil llu-mrch‘os m lhis‘svumn nl'lhr‘yvnr to Inn nxlnm‘. Rmnmnia mmln \\ uh pmmlrlnvsg -- Lo‘nnn' low, And no efl'hM slum-«l In pious". l'El‘L‘H “JOHN,- Km-por ofixho Gown-u ry. Man lul'l, '6O Hardware and Gnoccrlos. 7 “IE auln‘rrilmrs have juht rolurm-d from l‘tlm rilh's with an “nun-use supply (I llA\|:ll\\'.-\Rl'} k GRUCERI [-28, which tlwx are bHPHnL’, :21 thr 0M stand in, ltnlllmnra strvrt, m [uh m: tn suit the tunes. Uur stuck wash: in (ml M _ - ' ." IiI'ILDING'MATERVALS, UAlll'le’l‘hß‘fi TOOLS, ' 17L:\CKS.\II'I'II'S TOOl S, ~ COACH FL‘QDIMJS SHOP. mexns, . : . «auxin-:1- MAKER'S mom, - . mmsmcnumm’s H}; “mm, ' null. KINDS 0|“ ”KIN, kc. (z “()CBRIES UR ALL KINDS, “n. 3, I‘AINTb, kc.‘ kO. .Thcrc is no unirh mrludml in tho snvcrul d} pannwnls monlinnul “have but what. Fan he had at, this S‘OlK‘. Hn-ry ( lazs of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools and findiflfl§,nl¢'"ou9l'kl'(‘ptrB can find «very Article in their fine. Give us u mll, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash -n.~: any house on} of the pity. JUhL U. BANNER, DAVID ZIEuLER. Gettysburg, Ray 16, 1864. ~ Grain and Produce. I AVING taken the Inrgé and commodinns Warehouse recently occupied by Frnnk florist], Esq., _ , . IN NEW OXFORD, w? are Napalm! to pay the highest prices for all kinds oI‘PRODUGE. Also, sell M. tho low @‘st prices, LUMBER, GOAL and GROCERIES, pfieyery criplion. g A. P. MYERS k WIERMAN. New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. tf T The Greatfiscovory F THE AGE-Jun story and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using I]. L. iILLER‘S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIG MIX ‘URE. Many prominent citizens of this, and -tile“u§jginiqg counties, have teatified to its great utiliti. Its success in Rheumatic nfi‘ec ‘tionsflms eeu_hitherto unparalleled by any npecific, introduced to the pytflic. Pyi¢e 60 seats per bottle. For sui'c by all dr'uggeists and ptorokooptrs. Prepared only by 11. L. MILLER, “$916116 Mid 135 ml Druggist, East Berl'u, I ins countyfl’m, denier in Drugs, Cbcmicxéb, . Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, but ! tlpd Oils, Essences and Tinctures, .Window .. Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c.;¢c. WAX D. Bnehle: is the Agent in Gettys. , biting for “ H. LtMilXer’a Celeiggutcd Rheumatig $330", _ _ [June 3, 1861. tf ~'* g , Young Man RD OLD HEN, do not nllow your mothers A pm! you; wives to wear out thcilf fimciou's ivea— our the 61d Wash-mt, Ibnger, at like Imam and benefactors, present. them with .- sxcnlsgon WASHER, and mama 6i frowns amigos» words on wash days, 631)qu lupon it, cgfinl faces win grew. you. TY UQRQTUERS, Qettysbnrg, Pa. Pom“, 1863. ' , _ ~ Battle-field, Vzewg. 6" FULL an) of our ‘lglologiaphic Yfewg of , 1Q; Bath g-field o Gettysburg, M equi . #l9: “19 R 0 idnya. The finest. ye pnbhpfieq u: be 391253 the Expelsior galls”. A TYSON BR9 mans, Gettysburg. » - Wanted. FARM h Adnms county, for which! win 1 ’ox‘ghlngg choice Western Lands, ag a pan; 95:0,. ARNOLD. Aug. ‘1865. , 8110234111), «Roma-w. a; my mm “d MEL, wi‘lh‘mff 300.1“; ma n ‘ rm y ‘ In My» mature. ROW a; w’lyo’pgfc Br 11. J. STABLE 4'79}; Year- Two Valuable Farms’ ‘ 1‘ want: SALE—On warfixnsnn, A ”.0 20“: day 0‘ SEI’TEMBEI next, in yunsuume ol‘llhc Will of Peter Troslle, dc reused, the following Imal Estate will be of ten-ll m. l‘uhlic 3.1%, no the premises, viz: No. I. THE HOME Fi\ll.\l,ronfwiniug 152 .\.-m, mure (or less, situate in' Stmbnnitowni slnip, Adams county, mm mile and a hull cast at (:l'll)"l)lll‘!?. on th" York Turnpike, adjoin ing lam-la nl Joseph Wihlo, Hvury chLPrE, and otllcrq, impmrml will: n "N" Twu- ' gr.- slury BRICK llOUbl"),Dunk Barn, '5“ ‘ _(lnru (Jrih, annn Sh¢.l,C:\:-ringe (1‘; ‘ ‘ llnuvfifiiprihg lluugo,W.'lel Human, 3..” ‘_‘» Slnulu- IInIISP, llug Pen, Mi. all iuuoodmder; u nmer-l-iiliug \‘anl mu! spring ol‘wamr, bolh nun llu- hmmv; with a Quad Apple Orchllrd, and all olher Mulls 0f mm. The luml hru boon limm‘lmnl is un‘ll'l’ good cultivation and gnml fencing. This Farm is one of the host in the calmly, being granite soil, equal to limestone. Water in nearly all the fields.— Almul 2!; arms are Meadow, and between 30 nncl 35 an: Woodland. No. '2. 3A FAIL“, containing; 112 Ari-cs, mom or lcgq, adjoining lands of John nulmncl, [innit-l Spglnglt-r, nnd ollwra, situate in the same Hm nahjp, and nhoul two and nhnlt miles hem Gettysburg, having thereon '1 - a Two-story; Smut: DWELLING {34s ' . HOUSE, Rank nm, Corn Crib, f 7: _, .1! Wagon Sheila Carriage llunsn, . Q ~ ' Wadi nnrl Srhoko House, Hog Pen. kc.,,niao m pnml nrdo‘n There is 9 never—failing well, bminjcz n npring, nonr the. buildings, and n Stream of water through the farm; an Apple Urclmnl nnd nllmlu-r fruit on me promises.— Tlm land hug been limed, and. is under gnod l‘ullivntion undgnud fencing. Alpnnlnl‘B acres are Meadow, run] about 30 :erfi: Woodland. TllcsPnrl' gory available propel tics, and per suns Vi‘mlillg gnu-l fin-ms should not. fail Lo :s: tL-ml the s-le. 'l‘huzo \viahing lo vivw lhom nre rcquenexl m can on the Executor, residing m llu- nnm?‘ township. niff‘SJhs go commencq nt 1 o'clock,,‘ P. M , on run] any, \vlu-n altomlmcq \nll be gin-u and terms Imulu known by . - J LAMEL STALLSHITH, AM. 21, 1835. [5 Actingfixwutnr. = ' Something New; ' V \IPE WORLD RENOWNHD ’ > l \\'H.LOUGHBY'S ’ GUM SPRING GR'AIN DRILL. xuvncrrutn m‘ cuoxwuu t mvmox,~onlsn- our“, rnAxKLm 09., m Thia coln-llrnlt‘d Dull i: superior to any other In whim ol 11w kin-l 501 introduced to 0m pub lic. Animu: its mlmnmgofi are those :I—h dis- Iribulcs lhe‘grnin \rnli peril-cl. regularity. If. new-r chokes or breaks the gmin. Rough ground, or Hm. or slow driving. will riot. vary tho quantity: sown lo the nave. hymn [Sc regu lutM whilx-tpn motion. The too‘th or shovels am so conslwrlcd ns not \o’brmk wlwn rnm ing in rn‘ulnct with roots hml slonps, but spring hall to ”Mr proper lecns. IL firill sow every hinnl n‘l gmiu \vnh llw :nmr- hopper. 11. also monmrm llu- qnnulity ofgmin In In- sown .m the n(-rc,‘nud‘is simple in 1!: construction and m‘ily I\‘mnnpml. ‘, ' ’l‘llh) GUANO ATTACHMENT. This invention for sowing ALL KINDS of (lnmm nudfl‘mmpost mnkl-s lhe Drill’york'ct nml cmpme. 1: sons the grain and mnnurcs the grouml'ul. the sumo limo. This .canalrur. mm of Ihr 'Aunchmr-n! is rvry‘nimpm and is c usily ropnii‘ufl.‘ 11, will sow f-nm nno lolwc-n -ly Imshrla to ”lo ncro, am] the firm] can be rvu’nhtml whilst in motion, to 3 lil .poor or lich ground. Thmo mnrhines nm-d only hq soon to ho :l‘dmircd. All who have tried them prnnmnmn them Que most mmplew arrange nn-nl far the purpnsq m‘ol‘ bill-11d In [_Jm puh lic‘ Ilnndrrd< n! n-nifimlca can be produced frnm lr‘u‘liral fan mors in Franklin county and inJlnrylnm! tr) prove "LA the melc'hihé is no lunuhug, and has glvt-n entire snlishulon in mm) cnsr wlu-rv iv. has boon trim]. A A WLI.LIAM WHILE, Agent. . Ann. 7, “‘63. Lf ‘ i Cumberland Coal !‘ q LARGE supply 91' superior - BLACRSMI‘TH COAIJ, _ a . .- . 1’ npw on hand at roguced price. This; Con! is l supogior to n“ dxlml (30:11 in the Unilv‘d Slates fur welding and other Illnckamith puriwbsos Fnr sale by . l". H: PYEER, Cay Coal Yer, Frederick ci'iTy, Md June '29, 1505. 1y! Notions and Confections. A wohn- TO Tm: mmm‘. 0F TOWN AND COUN TRY t HE subscriber keeps a Notiontaml Conn-c -tionam Star» on Cnrlislo «tron, nearly opposite the lemnd Station, Gnuyshurg, whom he has constantly on hau.l,-cml)ms, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, &c.; Tolmccos and chnrs of .all kinds; ‘l‘ockot- Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, hm; Soups and Perfumcrics;.‘also some GROGE RIBS, Sugars, Cou'ees, Rice, with the him-rent kinds.“ (Terers. Ice-cold HEM? at all times. He invites cnslnm from town .and country, agd sells at and] prams. ; LEWIS STROUSE.~ ,__“_“g;7'.l§§?l;_'7 Notice. AMUEL MYLLER'S ESTATE—Lettgra tos- S tnmontnry on the estate of Smile! Miller, late of Liberty township, Atiams county, do ccnscd, having been grrntcd tq the under signed, residing in the same township; be hereby gives notice to all persons infiebted In said estate to make immedinté pnyniem, mud those having ciaims Against the same to pre~ sent them properly authenticated for settle meat. JACUB mum, Ex’r. Aug. 7, 1865. 613* thxce. ’ ARIEL n. onnna's Esm‘i'ltPLmers of ndmiuisié-ntion on the estate ofDnn'ic-l l. Urngr, late 0 Meridian township, Adams county, decé‘nsed, having been gmntegi m the undersigned, residing in the same township, be hereby gives notice to a" personsindo‘nle to via estate to make immediate payment, nnd those having claims Against the gum? in pre sent them properly nnlhnnlicmnd («it with» men. HENRY 11. ORRER, Adm'r. Aug. 14,1865. 6'. FQI,‘ Sale. VALUABLE MILL mommvm w... A Maggy cri-‘ek, wigh 46 Acres of. ‘hoi'cefiyanflc Meadow Bottom, 5 milgs ,4.- MI ettsbnr. :.-- 833' g GEORGEALB’OQD.) Gettysburg”. lg, 1865. Dr. James Cress, . \ , Mn Asalsuxj 39mm: u. a. an}, HAVING returned‘home“wi{l resume flu: _leice of his profession in Géth‘burz :Eg‘wel‘gifg Qflicg in Ydrk sum, hen dn - . W I m tore. : I . Aug. 28. 35:11 . I _ ~ ADIES mutant, in ‘grest v'n _ri9t.y. a. ‘ i : ‘ scngcx's. ADEME‘XGRATE AND FAMHLV JQURNAL OF REAL ESTATE—{m SATURDAY, the lmh day of SEPTEMBER next, in pun mmnce'uf nn (hill-r nf UIF Orphan’s Cnnrl. of Adams county, will hl' oll'u-rml at Public Sale, on the premises, the real estate of Henry Hershey, Sn, (11-ceased, cnnfieting n'l' A FA RM, situate in Highland township, Adams «‘n-inty,l’n., mm mile from Carroll’s trm-l, mu! niv wost offlellynburp,nlmul't’nnliles l’mm Hollr’s Church, and one mil:- lrom Mc— llhvnny’s .\lill, adjoining land: ol Henry Ble aeckAr, PM.” llm-kJoseph flarslmy,nnd others, conlnining 153 Achs, more or less, of Patent ed Land. The imprmcnu-ms are :I’l‘.voyxlmySlonellwulliug House, will: :10ng-zuul»n-!ml!'b'lory Hitch. on, Bank Burn, part stone, part frnml‘, with n gnml Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, n Will of water, vu'tll a. pump. nexu- lhe door.— The Western Btunrh ol llnrsh Creek runs thro’ n. cornor nl'llm place. About forty ncrt‘s are well so! in good mmulnw, nhul about 25 in guild timhnr. Part 0! the farm has‘ been limcd. The land is oi the rod gravel, under good fenrinz. Thor!» iv Alsn nn Urclmrd of n vnriely of fruit. (in the Turin. Persons “isbing to \'i( wit are imploslod In mil on Joseph llorahoy, retiding nmr by, or on lhc undenigncd, residing in Franklin [11“ nlllip. - . ‘ 36'3" Sulo to cnmmcm‘e m l o't‘lnrk, l‘. .\l., on raid day, “hon ultimlhncc “ill be ”hm! xynd terms made known lly ‘ (mornin L;\DY,A«lm~'r By thv Court—J. J. Fink, Clclk. Aug. 2‘l, 18%. (s Farm and Woodland ‘ T PUBLIC SALi'}.-:~0n SATURDAY, the A mm (inv orsnvmumn next, the Heirs of 13m: Brinknrhofl‘, ticvdasmi. will ofl'ur at Public Sula, on [he preinises, the Real Estate of mid decedent, viz: - A DESIRABLE FARM, simnll- in Slmhnn township, Aninmg county, Paw, adjoining lands at John G. Blinkerhnfl', Isaac E. Buinkerhofl', Wm. Stallsmilli, nnd.otlwrs, containing 169 Acn-s, mam _or loss. with. due prpportions of Meadow and Wumlhud. The im provements cnnam. ofn Two-story Dwelling llUUh‘lfi, :1 Frame liirn, ‘ “'r-gnn 511 ml, Corn (.‘rih, (in n ingo 11mm», Smoke "misc, nn'd other uoct‘ssury out huilulings. Thorcisn good spring of im lor n: Ihn buildings. and u runningr strvmn through lhr Farm. The Gettysburg lluilruad passes within lmlfn mile of Un- place. At the snm’e time, will bu oii'orcd, in lots: to suit purchasers, about 20 ACRES OF~WUUD~ l..\Nl),cm’crod with prime limhnnnnlltilunlml in the same township, m'joinin: Linda 0! Jacob llnchor, John Bushman, and olhors. it also B|.jllilis the Ymk I‘nrnpiko,nnd Ihe Gem's bnr: Pulilmzul [HUSCS lhruugh it. l'orsnns uivhmg m ‘il'w tho propnrly are rmuu sled to call upon John Stair-y, residing on the Farm. ‘ 11:3? .\‘.dv m cnmmt‘m‘o nt 1 o‘clm-k, l‘ .\I., on SIN day, \vlwu nth-Inlancc “I” m- mum and tI-rmw urn-h- lxnnwn by_ THE “Ellis. Aug. 21, mos. m Orphan’s Court Sale. N pursnnuro (II (\n Older M" ”In (h-plmn'fl l (‘unrl 01‘ AJ-mn county. will [no oll'l-u-d :n. l’nhlir S-lln, on Ill" pwmisvs, on SATURDAY, the Ililh day or SEI'I‘I‘JMBERMH, |he l‘olluw. inr; thug-film! N :11 estate ol Guoxge W. ’Sclu-L Na drcmm d. to wit: A LHT (Hl‘ (HlUUßDfiilunte in ihe Borough “I Unushurg un Snulh UJIIiInOfL‘ street, :ul juining his 01 Janws I‘irrcc'on the north, “mu-y (Lumh on the south, and an “Hey on tho “yet. Thuinn-rovomcnlsnrqnnew ‘ , Tun-Nor)" [in] Ix Unoliihg “UUSI‘IMMII. n l) mmrnt. :1 Hum: Buildinznhmu Su In! uhonglh, “ill: some Fruit Tron-$l. nus-mule to commence at I o'clock, PAL, on said llny, “hon nttrmlnucc “ill be givgg um! Nuns mud“ men by . m ‘ IH'ZNIHE’I‘T'A SCIYHIVER, Adm'x. By the (‘nurl—Jumts'l. Hug, GIL-Ik. - Aug. 2|, ISGTI. ts ' . =ECM \T PUBHU SALE—Am SATURDAY, Ibo j Hilh day 0! SEPTEMBER ungin pursu :lM'L‘ of an Uulcr of the Urphun‘s (‘nurt of All nus county, will In“ offered at Public Sulo, on tho promises, thercul estate of Mary Brough, dermis-ml. cousis‘ling of A LOT OF GROUND, in Hampton. in snid county, fronling on the Hanover and Curlislg Turnpike, hounded by lots of Franklin Noel on each si-le and a punlic ulloy’in Ihc rear. The implovcnwuts um u T\\‘o- ;i' slory Ln: Dwelling HOUSE, one swarm Lm,r Riuhon, Ldg Shop, Log Stable, Well of .\Vulcr ucur the duor, with u variety of fruit trons. s¢3~Snle Llo commence at 1 o’clock. P. BL, on said d.uy,whcn nnendnncc will be given and terms mmlc- known by , LEVI CHIIONISTER, Adm'r By thc ("mire-James J. Fink, Ciel-E. Aug. 23, 1365. ts“ Pennsylvania College ND ITS PREPA RATORY DEPARTMENT Tné Exercises of this institution, iOi'nltd :rt Ge'ttyshurg, I'm, will be usumed on‘the 2lst September. The Preparatory Department, re organized by the Board of Trustees at their 1 Into. meeting, will he under the Principnlship ‘ of the Rev. C. J. Ennnnmr, who will devote himself to the welfare of its pupils. Arrange; meats Me in progress toercctn suitable build: , ing for the exclusive use of this Department. in the meantime, provision has been made to lodge nnd hem-d such boy: as may be commit tcal to the Princip-il’s charge, in the College ell ifico, iniwhieh be will for the presonneside. This schoqi, located In It mornl and intelligent community, and surrounded by historic nsso eintions that are imperishnhle, present ndmn ages im- the acquisition of knowledge which an.- nnt surpassed anywhere. Parents sending their sons hither may rest assured that they will receive every care nml attention requisite to their connl‘ort‘nud improvement. Tuition $l2 per session. of 13 weeks. ‘The price of Boarding will he made as reasonnhle ns possi ble. For further particulars, nddress ‘ D. A. MIEULER, Sec’y of Board. Aug. 21, 1865. it . =I OTECE ii: herrby giron to the ‘nables of Slrahan township, in [my the bounty mu! 1‘" capila tax assessed in lurch last, to the several cqlgectnrs. In cast; this notice i: no! cnmplied with, FIVE PER GENT.,will b 0 nddod I) all persons failing to pay an orbrforr the 1'11]: day or What am. - - PHILIP DONOHUEJ ’1 JACOB B. MILLER, HENRY BUCHER, DANIEL THO\IAS, ‘ mum a séumvm, ‘ ~ ,WILLIAH STALLSIHTH. August 28, 1865. 8“ [IE PAMPBLIGT LAWS of the State have been roceived at this ofiice, and me now “fly for distribution among mm entitled to _NCBiFe them. «[l6OB BUSUEY, Prot‘nly. J'rothanoury's ogce;6euyg. ‘ . " tsurz. Aug. 28, was. 3!. } AGO, Amw {too}, Corn 3min, Rfc’e-flnlr n‘nd Gelatin, for sale dz Dpfil-UIENER'S [lmg Stow ‘ .‘ . . GETTE’SJEURG, I’A., I\IOI‘TDAY, SEPT. 11, 1805. Public Saie Real Estate Tax Notice. Pamphlet Lama; “nu-m l 5 Incrm AND mu. PREVAXL.;' PUE‘E’RY. NEGRO Sl'l-‘FIIJGIL' The “1061]” of the Logan “Hanna" ocminmlly tie“ of! some good things. the [o‘lluuing in one of hm hm: producuum : ’ , ‘ ' “‘Clnlk nu] nor]! "no l and shins ‘ Sambn'n glory new mini! ‘ (:0 ’way white man! Vniu don‘t know ‘ How to vote right—LlN. in m, Yaw, yaw, yuv l—Yaw,‘ yaw, yaw ' Dc lup‘piesl day l eber Phi! . “War‘l do “chm ”Ft-$ll ‘em straight ' 1 votes early—l votes In a— , I votes oMn—l vows 144M— 1‘l no ignor-n‘us Wllitfl‘r M 'm Ind brudnler—eqnamtorn ~ Do Miker’n Image (In a Imm 1) Do glory ob de flalu“de—‘ no cull-Id cum from Anfia ! . oh, kinkfy, miulmy, stinjky. ah! 1: dis ain‘t. glory, mu mé so r" mxwmbmw ,7, :‘g':;:,'.:,r.“__.i A '_ _' : COL. W. W. I‘H. DAVIS. We guve u very hrio‘g‘ sketch of the servi ces of 001. Davis on Sulunlqy. But as ma ny rczulors may (losiro‘l to have further pal-_- ticulnrs‘of the nnchchr-nls at the gallant. soldier who heads. th‘e Dumnrrulic wat, and lo we THE NEXT lAum'rnu (immul: or PENNHLVANM us holis‘ we aunplnl'y our sketch. 1 . . Col. I).wi§ was imrn’ in Bucks county, in this State,;lnd‘ is. the} only son: of Uunoml John Davis, who fornicrly represented that. district in Congrpsa. \ He was educated at the Military Academy at Norwich, Ver mnnt. Immediately km graduating. he mm appointed professor 10f mathematics and mililzu‘yinstructor at llm Military Acndnniv at. Portsmouth. V” mm; Hg remained thnro twn‘yonrs, wluq‘n he retumed homo mud studied law, and was admitted to the bar. Thcnco he rntdriwl the Luv s‘olmol nf‘ ('umbridgo l'nivu-xilty. At this timn tho, Hun. Culcl) thing} was mising his "gi munt to go tn Mnxu'l . uilh whiqh country the United States “I: (lwuut “nu. Mr. Davis shut up his in ‘books and Onli~trrl as a private in Cup ruin Cl'UWMlngihtplli’d enmpany. lliskuuuh-dgu ol'xmhlmy af fniusmmhrnug‘zhtln iplunnlicw ”owns. commissioned utim’u‘nnntgmul then made ndjulnnt ol‘ thr- ru-gix n-nl. Win-n (Jamie-l Owning wax plmunn .l in H a- [i- M, I. vu- Innnnl [twig was (.l-vnul‘lho u. :j ..-I|,_v of lecginu-m. but in 11: : 11-mh-n d Um [lo2i tmn (If aitl-(Ic-mnng uml :ut'mgi «MA-.h'ufl, mljutanl gem ml m: Ihv :l:.ll M (i. u. (Sush ing. lm nm‘r‘p'l «l [ln-Ilulh-r. Hv :mmd on tho uHu-r hnc uml -r (in-m-r:x|v,'l'.-3.lnr [or some lime. and [luv] u:- hmvfi ll'l'lJ “ill: his brigade In lhh .ij‘nwr Imv In Imnfurca (h‘nmul Scull. “0 h nhmcml Hwy-lump; o! quark r'mznlnr m [inn-mum (“mum on the nun-h lroni II':| Cum, In Hm guy of Mnxicn. In the “mar nl’ lr‘lh’ he \vnq‘ promoted m a cap! lint‘y by an ur-lcr of (Emma! Smu. and 11, and: suvml lo the. mud n! lhr- “at. l A On his rolurn h hr in Juiy, 194.9, 110 05mm! an office in u-ylmtoun, and mm moncod the pmcti ~o nl law. In Sop tomhpr, 18.155. Prosit onl. ‘l’lnm appointed him “islfik‘l Auornuy M the United States for the ’l'vrribory anNcw Mmico, nnd’lm crossed Hm groan ruin, in Nuvvmlwr, Of that year, and 100' up his rrsiuk-nre in Santa FO. The l)i.slrirl. Munrnry was obliged to fidn thm- rruil. a thousand miles in extent, lwicc a y‘ nr. mu} «mu: lho great dr-svrl, known as Ifgvlurmuln dd Mumln, the Journey of Heath, where fm‘n distancn of nmcty miloq water} ls fonml in onh‘ one place, 1111.]. that coHprlc'l Irom rnim. The cnuntry Wm infi-stqd Ivy [nodule "Indiana, and (he trawl wn (Innyvroufi. Captain Davis made this trip in the spring: oi 1851 in company willrfn u members of the bar and the Marshal. in the summer ofthat year he was appoii‘Lntcd Secretary of Jim} Territory. which position heheid unlil No vember 1357, when he resigned and re turned to Bucks qounly. Meanwhile ho Was acting Governor and Supérintcndant of Indian all’airs l‘nriovor aynar. While he resided in Santa Fe Jhc cdilcd and published the Santa Fe Gucule', in English and Span ish, over two yea'ré. Colonel, Davis then crossed the great pinins that stretch from the Missouri river m the Rocky Mduntains several times, and inlet with numerous :ul ventures. 0n oncloccasiun ho was return ing to the States ill charge ofa lady, her servant and child. Whoa the little party he was travelling ith was sumo four hun dred miles oul,an on the Uimmnron riv‘cr. they were pouncediupon by a war party of mounted Arrapnlxine Indiana‘ and made prisoners. thnitha Indians were seen approaching, the females and child were covered up with bl nkets in one of the wa gons. as their presetnce always increased the hostility of the sajvagcs. The teams were? stopped and the on obliged to get onto the wanons. The’ilndi . sat down on the ground, in a circlé antfield a. council of war to determine the fate of the prisoners. Finally the chief agreed to let them g 0 on condition that (hey would divide their provisions, which being considered a cheap ransom, was,ncccpted, and the party was rel «sod. At this‘time there was nolriend ly Fwistanco nearer than three hundred in» cs. in the Fpriug OHSSS Mr. Dwis, purchased the Do‘ylestown Damrcragvone of the very largest county newspaper establishments in tho country, and sinée then has been engaged in the prolession of n' public jour nalist. The rebellion of 1801 found him busily engaged on his papt‘r. When the insurgents fired on Sumter he threw down lho'pen and look up the sword. He raised the first armed men in his county and Con gressional district. to sustain the govern. ment. He called a meeting in the Court. House on his own roslnnsihilily. organized it, tool: tho rostrum, and in a short speech called for volunteers. In two hours sixty imd enrolled their mmex, and in two days ono‘ hundred and titty had nth-rod their services. He went to Harristngg with his company, and was thence sent to York.— flero he wns‘ofli‘red the h'u‘ttennnk colonel cy oi the 16th regiment, but would not. leavehis compatny,nnd was then transferred to “1025“! Pennnylvnnitt regiment. in which he served as captain through tho three months’ campaign, on the Upper_l‘otomnc, under Gen. Patterson. Capt. Davis was on: dared to gunrda éix gun battery from York to Washington, and his company was the first. body of ‘trmra which missed through Baltimore after the hloody riot of Ami! 19th. HlB men Worn hook dat and stoned. and they sat. on the trucks, mth their rifles cocked. ready ton-25in attacks. but none were made. g : ~ ‘ , ' Cnpla‘m Davis} was mustered out o! sei ‘iCl.’ Ihr last of ”My. In August h_o went 5 'I 1;. / to Washington and again tendered his acr lrices to the Secretary of War. He was im mediately authorized to rake a regiment. of infantry and a battery of artillery to serve for three years or the war. He fixed hi 9 icamp at l)oyleslown,‘and in a month hi-x regiment, the 104th P. V., w“ nearly lull. eompoml o.‘ the very flower of the youth of llueks and the neighboring eounties. He turned the entire control and manage ment. of his newspaper over to Doctor John D. Mendenhall, a ventleman in whom he had coniidenee, and gave all his time and thoughts to his military duties. 'Jle did not resume. the. charge ol'his luapcr again until thy lid ol‘January, 18115. I Colonel Davie marohed to Washington the first. of November; amLmany of ourl nitifins remember the Splendid appearance of his regiment as It marched through the city. In less than a week, he was placed , in comrnnud‘ol a brigade and ordered to organize and discipline it. 111-torn ho had i been a month at W ashington, hc <uhmiltod ‘ to General McGlelhm, then Commander— in-Chiel’,“a plan of harrflclci to winter his brigade in, which was- Approved, and he was ordered to build theni. They were erected on Meridian Hill and the. work was ‘ entirely done by his soldiers. “For the last ‘ three, years they have been known as “Uar- , ver General Hospital.” Colonel Daviq'look j his brigade to the Peninsula in March. 1802. and commanded it. until the. lad of 'A pril, when he wnq relieved by General 11. M. l Nngleo. He their returned to lll‘l regiment. llis regiment participalml in all the opera tions in the campaign on the Penilrtula, and with the 52d I‘cnmylvafiia regiment leddhe celebrated reconnaissance from the Chickahominy to within four miles of Richl mond. Colonel 'D.lvis,’ with big regiments, brought on the celebrated action of Fair Oaks, the first of the series of bloody en leountcrs around the Confederate capital. llien: he lost forty per cent. of hie men. and received a painful wound, a title hall , penetrating his left elbow, at the joints.— lie was also atruck lg n. spent musket-hail, in the left breast. lie was laid up by his wound two monthr, and rejoined his regi-‘ ment at Harrison’s handing seven days bo llore hie leave ol'ahaence expired, and when [lre.couhl not mount. his horse Without as aislauce. When the Army of the Potomac‘ [returned to Washington hii division ,(L‘cek’s) wan retained on the Peninsula, ‘and Colonel Dwis Was placed in command {of the important peat at Glouccisler I'umt,l “gall‘imned by it ‘Fmail brigade. llmput thcl leatenmvo works them in complete repair. . 9 in Deer-miner ol’lhalyear he Was tranél’t‘rrcd to North Carolina, when . General Foster 'l-lnl‘ul him in command of his old brigade again, “l|l('ll ho r- tained, with an oec l l non'd change of regiment. until nearly the» end nl lllS‘ ,lerm at service. “is emnprand l mu transferred to South Carolina, in Jan n:ny.l.‘x‘t'»3. with the army that WIIS intend-il ed to attack Charlmmn. llrxcommandcdl a brigade, or divnion,~ in the suhsrquent! foyeralious before that eily. He was with ; tit-nelal ’l‘orrv in the action on James ls—l land, July 16th; he was next placed in, eommmd ol the important post ol Folly; Island; rheneetransferrml toMm-riq lel‘und,‘ and assisted in the siege. operatiom against‘ Wagner; and Sumter. “IS Irrigadpwas one; of the two sclc'etcll by General ’l'erry tar make the final assault on Fort. Wagnch the ill: ol Septemhrr. From the ltllh of; ‘January until the 25th 0! April, 1861, Col-I lon’el 'lhvis was in command of the opera , tions on Morris bland against. Charleston“ the only place in the department where ac i live hostilities were constantly carried on. i'l'his was at a limo “hen there-were eleven - general oiliecrt} in the department. The unit that Colonel Davin was entrusted with the command at the post of honor, pives’ l evidence of tllri great mnfidrnco his snpc-l rior repored in him. anrMouis [74:de -hc “‘th transferred. to the command of the! ‘ impel-taut Dntrict ol lldton llead, extend ‘ ing from Saint Helena sound to, and inclu ‘dimr. Fort Pulaski, at the month ofSavan , nah riveryadislanco olaixly miles. When i a combined attack waq ifiado on Charleston, in July, 1864. Colonel Davis commanded ‘ the first brigade ol llalch's division. 110 l led the advance up Johm’ Island to within ‘sight of the city. On the morning of the ‘ th, while examining with a glass, a rebel battery that was pluying upoa his; men, ho I “ma struck on thc’ right hand Ly a shell, r which carried away the fingers and tore the hand terribly. ()l' course he is made a cripple for life. Atm- hc had so far recov cred l'rom‘hia Wound as to be able to do llight duly, ho was made President of a general court martial, in Philadelphia, ‘ where he remained until he was mustered out at service, the first or October, 1864. Colonel Davismns never promoted, the, reason of which the War Department can give. He entered the aervico with more knowledge of, and experience in, military matters than ninety-nine out ofevc’y hun dred ofiicérs in the volunteer army. lic has in his possession the very highest tes timonials from his superior officers, and was frel‘lucn‘tly r'ecdmmbndcd for promo tion. lle waa'honorably mentioned in or ders for his conduct at. Fair ers. : After the fall of Wagner and Sumter, the AdJu taut. General of the army wrote to General Gillmore and requested him to report the names of the edict-n,- of his corps who de served promotion. in the reply the name of Colonel Davis stands number two. but therd‘it ended. The-others, we believe, were all promoted. Four out of live ot'the regimental commanders in ~Colonel Davrs’ brigade, and of courng his juniors, were made generals.. We are speaking at” iacls in this connection, not finding iault. It may be entertaining at Home tnno mask thereason. . The Wm- lkparlmonl would not promote Colonel Dalia. The I'npnlur Dupunmml m Pennsylvania will probably correct cx~ ocuh'vc emits 59 lm- as to elect him Auditor G‘m‘wraL—Agg. ' . V A Radical I’ujwr Billing.~'l‘lm'l‘roy (Ohio) Times, a radical Republican papa: in Miami county, is! not salislii-d with tho uctmu of the Royuldican SLIIO Convmilion in inilorz sing Presiilcuf‘Johnson. Itsuysmnor qua: ting the iuilom‘mont: “This of caur‘zn settleq_thc matter here in Ohio unLiL the next Convention mom. Those who [whom in supporting the Fresh dent' in his whninsule pardnning ofrcbt-h 'nnd in refusing Hie ballot to Culnted ml- Fliers, will ol'cnuimuupport the mmdiilau-s ”hat “and on this plauorm. Fan-our own' iparb, we support no such principh-s nor the men who advocate. _ . ‘B’lml’s the Rita/z! Mung f—«Somo people dpeak of the internal rpvonun as um “inger. nal revenue.” ‘Dat an exchange, in -viow of the; probable duration of the germ for which, it. will be imlml, angggcxts that "elm-mi "venue" would hem-r oxirress publlc opiuion’. - A TWO DOLLARS A—Y HA [L =I A NEW Anom‘non mower. General Cox, the Abolition canilitlsto for Governor of Ohio. isi afraid to avow hinuelf tiworahlo to negroisntfmge and equality. hut suggests another “plan," which, in Me own words. is to “take contiguous territory in South Carolina. Genrgitt. Alzilunn and Florida. and thermjumler the envereignty of the United States, and with ail the taciiities which this Wealth and rumor of the Government can give, organize the. Freednmn in n dcpmidcncy of the Union, unstu humus: to the Western 'l‘cgitnries." Now. what. is this ”plan 3" Stripped of all verbosity. and rfiitlered into plain An glo Saxon, a cotempdriiry say-w it is simply thisiz Alter cxcmyiting the bowls i‘uuod hy the Govern menti in the hands of North crn capitalists, from all taxation, even to pay the interest on} the enormous sum of‘ the nation’s iudchwdness. and casting the whole hurthen upon the men and women oi. small means—the toilet-s and producers of the country—then with all the facilitiesl Which tho power and wealth of the. (levee nor can give, provide a paradise for the negroc: in the fuimsl portion of the cantiucut, at the cx~ pause of the white mac! 'l‘hih scheme ot'gjgnntie robbery- for it is nothing else—J3 to be accomlihahed. we suplmsc, by taxing the white in iahitzm‘ts o! the North to tho extentheeeswry to so. cure the 01-ject of this Abolition leader. -” He proposes to depopuinto this mat. (cu-ite ry of white people, drive them lrom' the homes of their ancestors, and than to pop. uiato it with blacks. and thus establish a black "dependency? to be summrted at the expense oi the white‘mx-puycrs of the Union.Sueh is the “plan" of thc cmuli dnto for Governorgoi tho uncalled Union party of Ohio? w¢ shall await. with some nnxicty, the rcsult‘of the election in that! State, to know whether such a vilixmous scheme will be endorsed by n mnjority oi the voters. ‘ I! the neurons are to be colonizwl any where within lho‘limim of the United Staten, we mink flow England the mast fining plnov, as it. would not be nocnssary, thnm lo’ nxputrintq the while popn‘nfinn,n Samba and erathanxwonid nifii‘mte in Man achuscus and the 'montiguous States Wilh oul. any trouble. We go in for making the experiment. é ~ Gm. Burkxdalc's ificlzl (Hasn‘t—On Satur day afternoon Mr.§Charlos 11. Urall'cn. ol the Philadelphia 'm-wamper fmlcrnily. was presented with an cll‘gant pair of lit-hi gla‘sscs, whiéh wort- used by and for merly belonged to the Rebel Gem-rel Barks dalo, killed at Gotl‘yeburg. "They came in tn the pnssominn of one of our suldicrs. who disposed of [ham to a‘n ullic‘or who was mmpicunus m. that memorable engagement. lhvmg «Inlnrmined [0 pm with them, they were purchased by in law gentlnmon. sover ‘al at whom were oxmllicors of the army, and on Saturday they were formally pm scntcd. as stated nbpvo. 'l‘ho glaqaos are 50 arranged that thoylcan he used for thcalri all purposes, and are said by judges to be amongst. the most. powerful in cxnslcuco.-—-. A silver shield ornamems ihrm, bearing the mama and Rate ol'thc battle-field where they were captured, and lhe names of tho folluwing gentlmncn2—'Cnlnnul A. 11. Ih-y -nalds, Captain 'l'. G. thstnn. and" G. A. Jones. law ol’ the Sixty-eighth Pcnnsylvw nia Voluntccw; Captain E. J. “when, William Mower, Jéhu [l. Downing and 0. C. 111-own, E (11-3., who presented them. lay'fiisnp’s Fahlds are of great antiquity, but—therein consist-s the test of true genius -—thoy cnntnin something applicable to ov cry age of the world nml cnnd'itinn of man. llcro tor instance, is n fable that. seems tn have been writlt‘a expressly to moet the case of the present futile attempt to men;- mnrphosc the negro into a whim man's equal. Our readers will all remomber it: Alsop says: “A certain man having {bought a lllncknmoor, was msimplo as to think that tho colbr of his skin wzm only (hrt aml Illlh, which he had cantrnctod for want of due curo tinder his former mash-r. This fault he imagined might be easily removed. So he ordered the poor black to be put into a tub, and was at considerable chat-go in providing aqhes, snap and scrub hing-brushes for the ophmtion: To work they went, rubbing and scouring his Hun all over, bfit to no manner of pun-lmse, to: wlxtch‘thoy had repeated their washings scvpml times, and were grown quite wnary, all they got by itfiwas that tho wretched lilacknmoor caughl cold and dichlJ’ 8-“lndcod the recorllof Col. Campbell kxtcnds ovor fields where some of the hardest fought ,batllcs ol‘ the wax look place.”—l7uwisburg Tea’rgrupll, 18%. Will the [l3smm bovgood enough to men i “OW “fields." eknuw thauhefillh regimen during the lam your ofjls service. l took part. in soveml engagements will: credit, but ilslrikcs us the Colonel was not "in.” Perhaps, however, we are uiialnkcn. ‘ If we are,_we would be pleased to have the [lcahn set us right. One thing is certain; that. while the regiment. for ni-arly thrue years Wis scattered along the ILLJLimoro and Ohio ruilroad,‘n distance of about/wily unles, ollcn dangerously exposed, the “hoadquaru-n.” invariably were somewhéro else—not so dangerously exposed. Per haps lho Hessian meansclysiuu liulds, instead 0! battle fields. ‘ Will (he Hessian nlso plmm say whether tho Colonel resigned when his rl'glmenl was onlnrcd from the railroad lo the lrrnul, and the Shenandoah become tho grand theatre of war? We honor hrnvo soldiers, huggo first want to know il [boy are snlxlnm or shoulder tzlrappml radium-Jun. lec an the recorll.~—lmnul d; Union. . Kmurly Elcctinn.~—'l‘ho result at the doc. lion in Kentucky for momlw rs nbengrcss,’ is (attic-fully nnnouncrd as lolluwx: lat Dismal—L. S. Tumble. Damnmal. 2d l)i.:!rid-B. C. Ritlar,l)umocmt. ‘ Rd Diun’ct— Henry Grid", Democrat. 41/: Dismal—Aaron Harding. Dcmocnt. 51h thicfi—Lovofl’u. Rom-02m, Adminis lrntinnist. ‘ ‘ , cm Disfict-Grcén clay Smith, Adminis “Mi-mint. ‘ ‘ ' ' 4 71/. Bimini—George s. Shank“... Demo cmt. ' ' Bth District—Wm. 7 11. ‘ Randal]; Adminis tmliomst. . ‘ 91h Dm-fimuel lit-KM, Adminiw tmlionisl. Total—s Democrats and 4 Administra lionisu. ‘ . meraUe Criticism.-Tho Imulnq Tim" any: Gnu. of Shel-mum’s upmh M. St. Imus, that lie is no modest in his victories as be wk: bold and valiant in battle. fiTho London Lancet advomlea the writing of pity-mini presrr‘vptions in plan; English iww’ad of hhbrcvialed Latin. TH] 11033038 0! 91‘. mo. TM Iceman from (loads ud‘othu {ulnar Uiemmfla tho following 03- 4th from Wl’s life of Wailnglml' particularly up Nprilto. We will Add. [Mt mum brief noonmt onto limo! SL Dominm. It might [unison '0 nay um them atrocitiéa toot: piano $r the frmdont of the black». and did not made, it. It mu; not tho chained tiger atmggiing tohrcak his chain, but it was the dint!!!) n! his ferocity me: he run liner-tally the French Jumémv pilifimtkmpcst: : “Early and bitter fruits of thflignnnt philosophy which. (linrr‘gnn mg tho' actual state of tho warlil. and mtimnting It notbo ing the min-rii‘cvuhi vth pottinn of tho human ”02,63" coolly and deliberately pumm. through ocean: of blriod, abstract nyetnms for the attainment uf mum fancied untricd good, were (Wherry! in tho Frrnch West Indies. lnfizml ufprnmodingin the comm-tion of any ill-um which might 0&5“! by tin-re Sluw nnxl ciutioug stop; which gradually introduces rxrfurm without ruin. nliich may prepare tin-l lit. minty for that i better amt..- oft-hing) designed for it; and which, try-not attempti-n'g impossibilitiou. lllllly enlarge the circlv of happinem, tho revolutionistu of France pursued the eni'l ‘ mu! Nicki-J project 05 spreading their doc trines of (quality among persons. nnd b - twecn (listiuulmm and prejudices which vxiqt, to be su‘uluod only lny the gramm— Tho mge C.".Ollf‘tl by the pursuit nfthis-viw ionury nntl luluul'ul theory, nfu-r many tlurnutouiu}! uymplnmq. lillmt forth on tho :5“ nf Auvu‘u, 1791. with n fury ulikn doav tquLlvo and ;g-eneml. In M 0 night. :1 prim cmicortml insiirroctinn of tho niacin-trick plum in the colony of St. Damingmaml the .whim inhabitants, of tho cnuutry whila sit-oping iutliuir lml‘z. \vcmjnvolvml in one imlwrmnimte nlaughtcr, from whlch mi» thnr urn nnr rox could w“ an exception. Hillyxh few females, ms: at! fora mm mom crud than death wéro spnrcd‘; tunl mt many Worf‘ fortumto mough tn oscnpo intn tlm fortified cities."—-Murxlwlh L 92 0/ Wishing/lon, vhl. ii. The nimlncszs of the French Revolution" in in: worst. poriodts never exceeded the blind and infatu‘ttoil .Imolnniam pmvailing nmnng the nholitionis‘tq of the present day. We lvur that nothing but some great ca tmtrnpho will awaken Etlmm to comma" Muse and real humanity. The progress of fanaticism is nmazingfi We meet ovary day with men who hold the wiltlmthdoc ”mm. which. ”imparted to them» six innntln ago thr‘v would have rnjoctod with imllgunthm. Whom is this to on“? It is as cum-in ma thq iimd tlwcreea of the Al mighty that the white man must. be tho ruler in this republic: mill in :231e m. bloody confl.ct. the iuforinrinuo muat por ish. Wm) .to ”man inl'ulun'tnd moi! who provoke um. entitlictl~t,lirl4‘alc Phluruccr. NC").. 01 EXPENSES AT THE WHITE HOUSE 'l'hn Ilocllonlcr Dcmorral, (Ron) bxghinfi how lhn late l‘rcsillont‘ldncoln was n. In to save $130,000 h'om his salary. It. says: - “That the trouble with u new President of reasonably lmgal‘ habits is not hovi to nave his salary, but how to spend it. In “in linst place he hm no rent to pay. Congress furnishes the White Home from gin-rial to collar, and provides all that is needed in kitchen and pantry, as well as in parlor. He has no wagca to my. Congrous ml hi; wrvuntq from private Secretary to 't blu‘ck xmd Ecullion. ’ “it also provides him wiih fuel and lights and pays the expenses of his stables. It provides him with amnion and n corps of gardeners, who ought to son um ha pap nothing [or vogciables. or fruits, or flown. in short, of tho onlinnxy expenses ofhomu kcoping. the only bills the I‘m'hlcnt h called upon in [my are the bulclior’a and the wine mcrcimut’a. Even the mm but; not. inlien upon the mean occupants oi mo While flmr n, wimw ceiinyn‘hxivc boon kcflt well flocked with presents of wines and iiqunra. , a "When these items nre'dmllcled, am} when it is considered that it is no otiquoyo in Washington to enll‘uhton llm Prosidm} for mutribulions to on ‘nary clmriljes,. it cafi‘bo easily understood how Mr. [Jasmin could lay up one hulf or more of his minty. An! this economy will be moro enmpnr Mable it the £2va hrs universally museum! and credited in Washington. that the em pqnses of the parties and State dinners oco mgionnlly given by tho I’maidont note. .1 Mrs. Lincoln’s rrqucul. paid fa]- 011le Mm mrulfumh. All this was (,lill'orofl’undd' lormarVallminintralinnm” ‘ As the Dunnrnd in Emlml in it: Rnpublil canism and supported Mr; Lincoln nm’l moreover is mvnog by the ox l‘osmualnr of the last Cams: but (me. n strong no; meiican Huuw (m); we shall believe the faces as they are stated. ' . . A a Lndquite Term—Many of tho lrnopsin the departmont ot Virgima damn: 10 be' ing longer detained in the service, having. as they allogc . enlisted for the war. (loner al Torry has issued an order (lufiulng‘flu ring tho wu” 16 mean as long as a military necessity in any of me lace insurrection": States exists. 'l‘lmt necessity, if the radical policy be pursilod,‘ will exm until the end of time. _ ‘ Smpmshn of Pardons.-—Th¢ President hall roqumted tho Mummy General to suspend. the imua of wnvranls for pardon mull fur». thor orders. This action has been taken in «order wfacilitaw a goncml cit-wringing! d the numerozn and complicntml petulant now before tho President, to give Jim I.lm oppm‘tunily In mlopt some phm which wilt prevent unncccszsnry nml shameful inwffi vention by thc'pnrdon brokcm. "11!£w_qmalion."—A singular case of mi:- cegcnnl‘mn came bomrc “10 police coqfl. i 5 New mark or'! Monday, whr'n it was rfiacovf orcd Umt Chm-1m Henry Hanna. a Miami waiter, had not oniy married (LWhflß we; .nL-m. ‘hut. had deserted her and afterwards tnkvn to himsn“ annlhcr. By both ofthbm ho had ‘childrcn. The women were cent. to Blackwu'e Islantkl'or six months. ~ fizß‘Thc‘ Lynchburg and I’etcrsbnrg pm petal state than in some parts of Vargiuia the fraud nogrocs have doclnroll that My mll not~nssis¢ in putting in a crop of wheat for the nc-xt year. The roman assigned I‘d this is that ”my lmvc imbibed the [lO6Oll that on tho lazul'Junquy noxubo United States authorities are going to [meal out among 11mm tho kmdr; belonging ‘0 their latte mdstcrs. ‘ ' V gay-Tho «are 0! Lewis Washington. 0! Bellair, V 3,, is now in (bi: éil‘y. impoun ning for the restoration of their farm "Melt mu; confiscalr‘ll in cuquuance of 1M rel:- oh‘am of her hmhmu'l. lu-wja Wnsllilgtod i 4 unlative o! the “ anrr n! his comm," and was, it win he read": rlmlftnkpufdh tum-r nam- Ihrpcx's [*‘uxry by Old. ‘ obi, -I::'own. ’ lfir'l‘lm Chicago 7311 mm: recon"; ' ulmnl-Ihé nrgrocs: ‘."J'hcy hava [than “mo, am first born, and nur mont'y Italy. 'l‘lwroupnn the 104 mm!!!) Juurm! M “Muyhn they hm! nnma claim In your fins born! What. culor was it I" - ' ‘Gzn’l‘lmilala ’l'Am}.~'l‘lio only pot-Id a while lady’s head you: than Mia colored sw jm csnnot imllam ix the ““7anth ’7 and on um account it in ma subject ex it“ the ridicule they can command. ‘ [WWMMLV’ the la-xiug'lon conepnn‘ Aleuc o! the Cmcunmu animated]. “)3 “'2 mad “loyal" has been to for shaved (In it “has become d Itench in the nomihq'i the maple?" ' ‘~ ‘ V , , new mvwwwm mum! Iylvnu‘m regi ’Gd'i‘ping d' . _ ; mhiaed um ”plain of his «many-tot alleged [mull lrcalmcnt. while 691 m U." ' .v v9~ 'l‘ . 88111920 «to 10,1“ armor-s at Q" ’ in the city of Nu-hv'vfle. l» 1360’ ' MN on}; ‘“‘ / "" ' Ellf CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers