0 .VARIE3tTS , .‘When the question?“ reconstryrtmg North Cacti“ plaenwl like“, trio diale mien: iron: that State pressed their él-ims .npon President Johnson—one radical. in favor of negro wfli‘sge. consolidntion, con. fixation, and a general enslu'emept oi all nnm'de Hie pals of their circle; the other ionrgvntive Ind respectable. To the lat- 1 bar the President gave his approval. He has apfiointed I provisional governor, who ,is’to ,toke megsprea to hold a convention to lament! the Conutitulion in respect to'nlave ry. The election‘ii not to be I bayonet alliir, but it is to-be held under the old .L‘ongtiluhon, And nll men who are le’gnlly Hualified and who line taken the _unnesly cm. are to be considered loyaqlwd nllnwfl’ to vote, Thin was gnll’lo the minority ndiw cuts or North Curolinn, nnd. of course, 'also to their rapporteur and prompters in Penn-1 sylvania and elgewliere. But.“ that was, guli to them, the Preeident’s “dorsément‘, ,oftln pyinciyle of State Rights has worm-' Hood. He Inn's. in his proclamation, with: n-ference lo the restoration oi civil author }ly in Nor”: Carolinl: ' z t ' “Tire said convention when «gained. pr the Legislature that nifty theren ras teuible. will prescribe the qualifications of planters and the eligibility of persons to hold oaica under theL‘op-slitulion and law: of ,lhe Stats, a pawn (lit prop/NJ (Ila shtvnul Slated iofll’msifl'q (It! Federal Union Innk Tlgltlflllly Tr/‘ciml firm (It! origin qf (lie (luvcmmcnlta I/lr prmnt time.” ' No wonder the radicals around us are tell“ as mice, orxonly given to low mutter: tugs, under so summurytuquelching of the ruueojidation throw and negro nutfruge.—- For taking this position Vrenident Johnson stolen-veg the most sincere thanks 01 every :filmxcn’ative map in the country, irrespect tve of party. for ugly through the opal-3130:: pt such principles as he has foreshadowed can |l_te nation be brought. once more back to a state of peace, outer ayd comltlgte and tasting union. 1 ‘ I’unlon ,6/ Columbia ()Imnly I'risanm.—-The following article, cqufi-om the Columbia. Dcnwcmt, will explain Piuell'. It. has caused unlense gg-alilicalion in Columbia county, and deservedly so, {qr (hero ngvevr Was a ‘ greater outrage fierpetmted‘ upon any pod.- ple than the punishment inflicted upon 4th3 men: ‘ " - ' a. President Johnson has pnrdoned Jahn llanlz, anontme Fell, Banquin Culley. .luseph M. Vainwickcl. and John C. Lemon, the inst of the 46 men arrested last Angua‘ih by the Abolitianiats. in the mmnnmhle "Cu lumM-A (lamp/y Invasion," They phased through Bloomsbury on Wednesday of lust wet-k. irom Furt‘Mifhin. to their homes up Fishing creek. 'where they will enjoy the moiety of fricmds and horde unmolestéxl, and live respected. as they eyl-r have done. while their sneeking, 'lyingy‘loyu! accu- Hars will find that in warm territory for them to inhabit; and mny. perhn ', be com- ‘ yelled to flee the country. . ‘ i The arrest oi these men and heir col leagues was both ilinnl and u ijusl—ior many of they: were discharged ithout a hearing, and tliospimprisoned we eeonvict pd by perjured Witneasm—alldhénm‘. their pardon was demanded by every considem— tion ofjuatice, humanity and Christianity. “‘9 than say. so far bully for Johnson. *- E'Demwréts heave the same right to speak that Abolitionisla have. hm] May will exercise it. For ngr year’s the Denjoqracy have pin up with a}! kinds of slang and abuse, and, they have concluded that. that is about long enough: The tables are turning. ‘ , \ S‘l‘he New York Sun suggests that. Jefferson Davis will raise an important. int in his trial, as follows: “Was not E 35 discovery, notwithstanding fine crino _iihe disguise, a rccogqition‘of tno ‘Conl‘ed male Government? " 0n the Republican pheory that the Presidentis the government, §t cegtninly was. «.. . RSVP-he Louisville Journal thinks, and a. great hany people lvill agree with it, that “a salaried law Officer of the Government is alWnys liable go incline, perhaps uncon sciously Lo hinlself, to the notion [but it. is 3' part of- his official duty 00 find authority for what the Government wants done." fieThe Mobile News says Southern Gen pral Dick Taylor, séon after his surrender, xemarked to qua of our oflicers : *_ “We am fairly beaten, and there is nb nee rolonging thefitrife; there is nauseeilher in Being hbstile or sullen in acts or appear nnce; but. now that ib'ia all up with the Urnledemcy. it becomes the people‘to sub mi; and return to their allegiance, and be~ come goal and pewnable citizens of the United States; and,” said the General with emphasis, “I intend to do all I can to influence the people to Luke this course!" [e‘Among the new fulsions in New -York,_at present, is this, that no Indy goes to lbegravowitha husbnnd. child, or frjoud. Woman are cqmpelled Lo ail. solitary in the house. whileithe ggutlemen attend the hu rial. Many lament. the heartless custom, _but fashion is Enegorable., A . , fifresldent Johnson has respectfully ,leclinbd the coach and span of horses len (lered him by the merchants of N. York, for, the reason that he has ever held that those occupying official positions should not Iccept such presepts. _ ' Veteran Regiment: 20 be Bctained—Tbe Ad jutam General of the army has informed ‘General Meade that those regiments which have continued their organizations by r& cruiling tiller their original term of sen'ice has expired are to be retained as vetem’n _rpgiwa‘nu. , t‘ @Tbe Baden Lam‘monmeallk, Abolition, _aayn the Govern menihaa “bowed itaelf. and crawled in abject meanness before the enr dinnl principle of the rebellion.” This is because it won’t let. the "culled brethren” gq mp voting for thewhite trash. 13001100. WThe Western crops are said to be growing very finely, and will be earlier ghan usual. Hands are yet hcnrce, but. be tnre the harvest bpgins they are expected 10 he plenty. ' Rtmrkable.—-A 23$ wbp‘ for two years VI! pqrs'er qf glue (gnfedemte privateer Al !bfiwavfifi been appointed to a first class :19“??? in fihe Land-office, at Washing on. .lB§§. Spring Millinery. 1865 : ‘c'C ARY is justo suing; Int-go Lglfsd Lnfiul assortment (ff HATS, BUN EE , RIBBOBiS, Roma’s, Lace and Fancy goods, 91f”: description. Qnd All ohhe mfs; fa hi 9” 10, 33E", which she wilhbe plus; to aim! ghoul v ‘mq. ("or be: with a can. 8h: i 3 uuo prepared to do up Hubs and Bon net: of ”my “pd, 1n the bag; mnnner and on h \ 'OO- ; ,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' D % 39mg 3096» 49 3911 n ain, will " flinging; [image tq purchase fern, r), g $912,111! meiripgamg-na apd Imm ‘ I w ' A . m??? an; s; ‘ ‘ , BALE rut 11:017de _ @346; befnfixsrocx fig ”g Agncultml Chemical Call an P FERTILbZEBS. Tho- Fertnlnerr. prep-red by the Agricul tural Cbemicn] Co‘. (a Comp-n] shunned by the LI-gmluture with a capital of $250,000,) have beru proved m practice to be the cheap ut, mm: profitJSble gm] but, for the Farmer, Gnrdqor nud Fruit-grand, of flllconctntnted manur‘es now afl'erzd in any market. The Uompgny's list embmces the fallowing: ABULBTTB This Fertilizer in com- P ‘ | posed of night 101 l and‘ the rerlilizing eleinents of urine, combined chemically and mechanically with‘ulher vult nble ldrlilizing agents and absorbent”. 11. ii reduced to a pulverulenl condition; ready Lu! immediate uqe, and “hunting: of its big ly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. It: iiuiversul applicability to all crop. And lolly, find in durability aug mm quumu, are wrl known 10’ be all that ngriculluriul cuu chire. a l v cazthL cdfiros'r. 35:5"? largely: compoud of animal multerfluch u we“, bonv, fish, leathcr, blir Iml wool, to. grllur with chemicals uud inurganic fertilizer), which decompose the mass, Ind retain the uilrngvnoul elements. . l: 15 n‘very valuable fertilizer for field crop! generally, am} especially for_ pontoon, ”d {gnrden purposes. ‘ ham-anew qualities, strength and clump neu; have mule it very popular with all who have qscd it. _ F - . - This hi h! Composxteg Pertmzer. -,,.,.,.,,,,E”{ fertiliiu i; pdnicnlmlyéédapud {or the cum.- “Lion of trees, (mils, lawns and flowers. 1!. will momma a Very vigorous and heauhy growth of wood and fruit, un‘d largelx incl-cue the ('luuulily and-perfect themalurlty of the Imin ‘ l-‘oi- lmt’house and hountold plant: and NW2”, it \fiill be found an indispensable arlivlc Lo soc-nae their gregtest perlection. ‘ It Mill 1: gym; and (turn ”sensed coudihons of ll“: pr. ch 99d page, and il en'elle‘ut for gun and In n§.‘ ' It is co‘nypr-sefl ofsuch elements as make H Idaple to the growth of all kinda of craps in aim. or =oils mmrmuh or method of combining i ent lertiliziug' ingredients have re ceivfd he bighestnpp‘rovul P] eminent chemist und sc'r nlilic ugricullurifls. . a : a o l - The Agricultural 4 Phosphate of Lune. Chem“. C 0.,. ' my mnn'uf‘cture n Pbonphme 0! big in sc cn‘lnnce him at new and vujunble'for uh by u bush 5 Very suprrior urncle is produced, so u 4.0 be sfl'orged M a less price lhnn ollitr manu fimuqrrra charge. Practical tests have proVed Ilmtm \‘nlue,u.»n ferljlizér. is equal to the has! Phosplutc .of Lime in} tbg market. .' TERMS CASH. All Orders ofa Ton or more, will lu- delin-red M. 'be Rnilrond‘ Stations and the Whmws or Shipment, free of enlarge.— cnrtnge will be charged on ‘nll orders of barrels or has: ._ ‘ One dixllnr pm- Ton allowance for car-toga will be made on an sales delivered at the Work» of the Company. on Canal Wharf. ‘ \GIHCULTURAL (‘JHEMICA‘L 0015 WORKS A 1 Gnu. Wm", ox Tun Dnuwmu. ‘ Ofliccg'élli} A?” 51., [’luludelpllifl, [‘ll. R. . Fl'l‘T§, Gel-end Agent. The Cumpnny'a Pamphle} Cir’eulaf, embmc in: full diregt'mus fur using the abovu Fermi izerg, 5911!. by um]. tree, when requested. Mar. 13, MCI; 6m New Warehouse. . ' ~BIISHELS‘ UF GRAIN 100.000 WAN'ILEDmI the nprrain nud Produce House, in Carlisle street, adjoim iug She-ads J: Buchlgr’s. e’smbliahment. The highest. market. price will 'always be paid in cash for GRAIN, of all kinds, ‘ ‘ . ~ . FLOUR, SEEDS, tc'. Always on hand and [or ‘sale, at. the amines! profits, , . ‘ GUANOS, ' SALT, FISH. , * ‘ "j GROCERYES, hm, L _ Wholesale and relail, TRY US! We shalLdo our best to gin satisfaction in all cases. . _ ,McCURDY & DIEEL Gettysburg, May 11, 1863._ 1y Blacksmlthmg. HE undersigndd would niosc respectfully __ inform the public that he continues the ‘ ‘ BLACKSMI‘J‘UINGBUSINRSS, nt‘his shop, lately Philip Dmrsom’n, ndjoining 'l‘roxel'n paint shop, in Enkt Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at alkcimes be pre pared to do Blacksmithing war to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,’kc. That he knows how to do all jobs of the kind wiu not be questioned by those who have a knowledge of his long experience R}. the. business.. Come on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you take it away—nod for which he mll receive Cash or Country Produce. ’ e Z ‘ 4 'ADAM HOerwoms. Mar, 2039415. tf ' __ ’ a New Spring Goods. MALL -PIIOEITS & QUICK SALES. S , J; . L . SCH I C R would resp‘actfnllypny to the cltizenl‘ot Get.- tysburg anqi vicinity, that he is now receiving M his atom“: splendid ST le. 01“ SPRING GOODS. | V The slot co'uaius in part of Fancy and Suple DR GOODS, of every dencripuonl SILKS.- ' BIQUE, EMI ’ALLIES, BELAINES, ' BOMBAZINEB, < . annoy/ks” ‘ LAWNS, CALICOES, |en 3nd choice-t styles, which will IRIUES TO DEFY'UUHPETITION. 'URNISHING GOODS 01' 3‘l quali be sold at iucluding Silerinen and Cotton fs, Gloves, Stockings, kc. lendid assortment of RIBBONS, gings, Umbreilu and Pamela.» - VHITE GOODS“ will be found full -, and cnstmners may rely upon :5 good goods at the lowest poni- of all kinds Handkerchi: Aléo, a s' Laces and R: My stbck of I an compk 'alwnys geni' ble prices. , Geatlemel’ will find it to thin agnntage u call and ,ex ’ ing: my dock of CLOTfisy . , , CASSIMERES and . l vss'rmcs, or all quaint. es and choices! styles. ‘Apx-il 24i865. . - J. L. SCI-"CK The 'E’opular 730 Law. § HE FIR“T NATIONAL BANK 01" GET- T TYSBURG has been designated a Deposi tar; and Fin‘Huxcinl Agent of the United Slam; and will {finish tho popular ’l-30 Coupon Notes, free . om all taxes, and convertible It. mlurily inw 3-20 six per cent. gold interest Bonds. Will also furnish 5-20 and 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificate: and all other Gov ernment. securities. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Coupons. and make collectionu promptly on all nudesnible points. I l GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. _Dec. 26, 1864. U‘ Lands! Lands! . APT. HZ‘OfiRITZMAN, bavingjust return ed qum strip to the We” And- All the LAND‘regions in God’t great labyrinth, in would inform the citizens of Gettysburg and it: Ticinily, that be is prppared, not. ONE :0 ofl'e; OIL LANDS, but LANDS 0? EV RY DESCRIPTJOX. Persona visiting Banish"; would do well m as“, as in vii! furnish nil in. formation. 11. CHRITZMAN. Jan.2,18§5. tf Picturgs! Pictures! EYI . UMPER having pnrchun Samuel L Wain PHOTOGRAPH GALiEBY, in § p‘rcpnred,to agents work in his Elna; ya; to ‘ any establishment in the State. ‘l' ya]? duh-9 a 300 i! likeness, finished according no thelnusi ‘improvements in the an, cull If the shows - bug-established Gantry, in West Middle ”mt; Qfitysburgv [Jam 9; 1865. M'llqlgmsar. GOODS. » large mi chum “WWW, to be 1m! 911 d M , '1 " . AHN£§ $535 mm SVGAES .i :m' 1 . :: 4- '-‘§?m%€a"c'§§s" ' Coal. Lumber, Stoves, 8:0. “ EARLES B. BUERLER ‘ Would resprufnlly intorm the public that he will continue the business htely con‘ ducted by lhcflrm of Shetdl & Buehler. at the old stunt. corn: 0: Cnrlille and leroud line”. H. will be preplred to furnish THE 3331‘ QUALITY or 0033;, sud every variety of LUMBER, including 909 m, Shanon, Sub, tc. Also, every Variety m" 000“? Scans. Imong chh In! me 3031. COOK, _ROYAL _QQQE,»\Y§L[.ING TONLYfiFEXz_“QESE'RPHE ORNAIENTAL COOK, tc. Aha, PARLOR, DINING n . noun, SALOON AND SHOP 5’ T O V E S . Alla, every variety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, manufactured by the best work man. Alto, HOLLOW WARE ol'every 'uriety, inqludingn luperior arm-h- of enamrllt’d work. Mcedcvery variety 0! Kitchen Wure will be kept constantly on hand. “10,11": ("darned “U N {VERSAL CLOTHES WRINUER,” {or which he is the sol; agent. in the county. \ He in 1110 the Agent for Wheeler 3: Wilson’- Sewing lwhinename best. in use. ' April 10, 1885. C. H. BUEHLEE. , Cheap Clothing. SKIS WAY FUR BARGAINS! : F.B.PICKING’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING STORE, \ Barman Stun, Guru-um. - 011‘; Spring Ind Summer supplyjusl Opened in the largest. and bestseleclsd stack of Cloth ‘irig eter brought. lo Gettysburg, embracing I l the“. 'ATEST STYLES FOB HEN AND BOYS, among which are fine fining Dress and Busi ‘néu Coats, Cloth, Cnlsimexe, Silk, Stalin and Cotton Venn, Dun and Business Pants, of gvery nyle,guaJity and size, Under Clothes 0! eve dflcl‘ipfion. Ms), {éyENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. ' mbrncing gloves, Collars, Neck-ties, Sus penders, Hosiery, ac. 10, . NOTIONS H: sum. 33 mmmf, such as Violfiu, Acrordeona, Violiwlrings, Clocks, Hair ‘gnd Cluthel Bruahe Combs. Enzou Ind Rhwr Slropfl, Soup, Spectacles, Cnnh, Pen Kni'Vel, Pencils, Pens, and Domi noes. Also, ‘2 § ‘ TRUNKS, -CARPET l ACKS, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO, Sl-JGARS, ‘ and indeed a little\of everything will be found in- this Store. Hu‘ing made our puzchusea tor Cub, and n a mwtable time, we nre pre pared to sell chexfim an“ BB THE PLACE. ' If you Josh: to Rave a good fining suit, mode 0! good finlerifl, call and examine for yourselves, nnd SAVE-\IUNEY. April 24, ,1865. \‘ F. B. PXCKING. . New and‘ Cheap oqg’s‘ AT REDUCED muons—unsa- S CK BRUTHERS‘ have received nnd In new opening Huge and varied stock of SPRING GUODSJO which Ihey invite the a!- teniion of buyers. E‘ lmDreu Goods their stock consists of‘ BOMBAZINES, ‘\ ; ALPACCAS. \ ‘ SHALLIES“ . ' DELAINES, \ . MUZMIBIQUES, MOHAIR,\ _ _ - MELAbx, umcoss, &C., of every nyle Ind quality, find which cuuuut fail to plane. \ For Gentleman’s wear we-hare a \cboice sc loclion of , \ CLOTHS, FANCY CASSHNRES, vas'rmas, :nd low priced Pnuupoods, at prices which we guarantee to give latistlction. In home:- ttcs. we can ofl'er MUSLINS FRUM 1'25 CENTS UPWARDS. 4‘ . ‘ In addition to the above we have increased our stock of Queenswuw‘nnd Hardware arre duced prices. Al‘so— ‘ Gnocnums AT THE LOWEST turns. In fact, our flock comprises everything which cunomeu may desire, and at. prices lower than any other establishment in tin) county. All we ask is an éxnminatgm to latist‘y all thnt it is to their interest to n: us a. call. l-‘AHNESTUCK BROTHERS. Mn: 1, 1865. . Great Attraction 1‘ BRINKERHOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FURXISHING STORE, at the North ‘ut Corner of the Diamond. The subscriber is comtantiy in receiptotfresh goods from the Eastern cities. Hil stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well no the cheapest eltabliahment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials, of all size: and prices, for men and boys.— Gentlemcn's turnishinu goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and .\lerino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery ofevery description Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand~ kerchietsfileck Tiea,‘Crarnts, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Cnpi, Boola and Shoes. Um brelloa, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Boga, Clothes and Shoo Brushes. Hair Ind Tooth Brushes, Shoo Blanking, Pocket and Dreuing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watchel, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pintols, Violin and Violin Strings, Soap: and Perfumeriei, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Piper, an extra quality ofSega‘ré: In fact, his stock embraocs everything nsnélly found in I first clue furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, on I am determined to sell goods lower than my other ettablishmentin theyonntry. Don't forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. July 4, 1864; 1 No Humbug. ‘ EMOVAL. HULTZWORTE ALWAYS AHED THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH has just returned from the City with the largest and most complete assort ment of .HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND ,snoss,lhat ha. been brought to, w this town since the wur. His stock is not only complete, but is GOOD and CHEAP embncing every variety of Roots and Shoes for lien and Boys, whilst the Ladies will find everything in their line, from tha finest Guiter to the heavielt Shoe. Children's Shoes of fiery delcription, in great variety. Also, La. diel’ Hats, fine quality, and Children’fl Huts, oflll utylea and pricu. Also, Trunks, Car pet Bags, Valiscs, Umbrellu, Gloves, Stet-k -ings, Tobacco, Cignu, and Notions of every depcription. fiDon’t forget the place. South-east Cor. of thc Diamond, Gettysburg,'Pa. JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. ‘April 10, 1885. u Dissoluuon. HE partnuflaip heretofore existing be. '1: twaon the undani ned, under the nine In 'flyle of FABNES'FOCK BROTHERS, is this day dislolvcd by mutul connnHimes F. F ahnestook taming. ' JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK, , HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, . ‘ - EDW. G. FAHNESTDCK. HE undeniguod, remaininiug rutners of the tinny! PABNESTOCK BROTHERS, wxll continue the buline‘sl u lb. ulna place, nndor tho lune nun- Ind uyh 0! firm. HENRY J. FA HNESTOGK, ' EDWARD G. FAENESTOCK. In. 9, 1865. Fresh Arrival F WINTER GOODS AT 4. soon; a: SOX’S.—Wc inviu the Attention of buy. enfla our "pct of Winter Goodn, which will be gold cheap, consisting of « ' LADIES’ muss GOODS, Sharla, Cloaking Clothlr ”9., etc. For Men’s find 139 5’ y’veurrwa hqn Clams, .Cusippeyu, Gynanlg, } egz'mgs, I'M: A "that; at Damn]. mien, in, to. Cull Ind see- ‘ 39v. 28, 1864. A. SCO'I’TL SON. Do You W18]; 0 12:90: V! . qnon likens-9 of yourself, your “Lil’ldrpn, or your trundl? go at once :0 HUI ER’B GAILLKBL the beef. plus in thc'countrjo locum @ll9 all“ matures.- J:u.9,1865. ' r -R. mu: '37 Mi" 7 7.7m} 7 Timmf: 'inr flongg'ciifi‘qfi’ma, ”fluid In; 8)“ 9d] It ”I Pll. . 1.9”. ._mm ‘ m; , - . Ina: tori Bargainé ‘2'! W ‘ WOODS, Corker; of York Sued nml the Diamond, F umnsncuu. THE 3331- ASSORTMENT or GOODS m 1 TUWN xx mam LINE. % nus: HAT“ HATSH! 1? Y 0 WANT A HAT ' ‘ (in'! buy it below you see the Inge g:- fitomnent o! nil kinds, ‘ OF P R, FELT AND s'rmw HATS, . inst. opened and for sale, chenper nun they are sold elsgwhere, by 1 ROW & WOODS. SHOES! SHOES” SHOES-11l , BOYS‘, LADIES', ‘ lisuu’ “d Childxen’n Shoes of every age and quality, just received and sold n little cheaper than nnybody elsg will he“ the same article, by ROW & WOODS. MEN’S, NOT! what fit and: thll 1 than a Good; . [ICE THlS—Nearly all our shoes In re called “Home-mud: Sheen." and are the best‘mnterial. We say it. boldly keep for sale a better quality of Shoes generally lound in Shoe Slorel. Dry ‘Store Shoes" are tho truth in muket. Il Hats, tr «kc.l all" LADIES, Mines and Chiidren, we have mmed 3nd untrimmedflosiery,Gloves, Bold cheap, by ROW & WOODS. KS, Carpet Sucks, Umbrellas, Riding Window Paper, Window Blinds. Bm, BOW h WOODS. Whips, BT3,'French, Shoulder-brace and com best material, at ROW é: WOODS’. COR~ man, 0" RS, Straps} Shaving Soup, Shuing , all of the best quality, at the wife ROW & WOODS. RAZ Brush ETS BOOKS of all kinds, for Ladies tlemen, by ROW & WOODS. POO ' and Ge AL INSTRUMENTS !—Accordeons, Violin How's, Violin Swings, 123 m, prepared for use on the how. old 1 prices by ROW .2 woons. Violins. I especin) at luwee spoo' penden,‘ Linen, (3 the star-J COTTON, Patent Thread Fans, Sub flutters, Cufl's, Collars, Shin- Home. -non and Cnmbric Handkerchiefs, at. 1 of . ROW 5: WOODS. l' RS, Grunts, Neck-ties, Butter-fixes, lg newfat ROW 5; WOODS, COL somelh me those who have been buying of 1 others, that. our present stock of ‘ been seleéled with care and will be xenp‘aa possible. Give us a call be ng whatyou need in ourline nnd you 0 away disappointed. 8 ‘ ROW & W ODS. Gettys‘ urg, April 24, 1865. ‘ Wé Ii:-1 us, and 8 goods ha sold as «1‘ fine hm" shall nou‘ FOUTZ’S CELEBRATED 550 m and (lame @de ThesePowdem will strength ’ } , culheStomach ‘ and lnteslinw, cleanse them 1 ‘ from ofl‘ensiro l manor, and ‘ I ; ; . . I bring them to 1‘», ~A-"’_.._-i j_' ‘_ .35.; nhealthysmte. " ;,_- " Theym I lure preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy fix all Discauus incident to the Horse, such asGlan— ° ders, Yellow Water, Dis ! e :11 pe r, Fouu d e r , I! e 0. -\'§ 9, Slaverib z, Coughs, ,I-‘n~ Vera, Loss of Appetite and Vital Elgar— glv BC.‘ 1 1 ‘ In poo’r. low—=pirited animals, it has m. m: bennfivial cmxct. The use ufthem improves thewiud, strength en: the Appetite, and gives to the Horse 3 fine, smooth and giuw‘v skin—thus improv ing the Appearance, viyr and spirit of.thii noble Inimnl. x z \ _‘ O The propgrty this Pomk‘r posssees in in creasing the quantity of Mnlk m ('ows, give! it an Impoymnce and value \\ hicb should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. Bywtual expefiment it. has proven that it will ihcmzsejhe quantity of Milk and Cream ywenty per cent, and make the Butter firm and Iweqt. . In fattening Cattle, it gives them an incme, loosens their hide_ and make- lhem [bx-He much faster. 3: EE‘QGS. Xn all Dinfisea of , the Swine, ch as ‘ 55):; 3 Caught, U 106“ in 693%}; .' the Lungs, Liver, '~§ \K‘.‘ , ‘- w, ' kc. By pduing \‘u . 'A‘ fmm halfa paper ‘ —.l g-rpesmgw »,. ow en in a; nr— .‘ » 7i -: ml of Swiu; “18$ng Ibove Diseueg can be cured or entirely pre- vented. By 'ps'ng these- Powders the Hog Cholera an: be prevented. Price 25 on. per Paper, or 6 Papers for $l. ; mammal) BY ‘ fl 3. A. FOUTZ & 1330., ‘ ‘ ‘ AT 73:13 WHOLESALE bRUG AND EDICINE DEPOT. No. 118 Franklin St, Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Dragging and Storekeeper lhroughou: the United sums. For sale by ’A. D. Enabler, ‘Gettynburg; Laughl‘m a; Bu‘phfield, Wheeling Va; 0. C. Bender k 00., Pjtaburg; Johnson, Holloway J: Cowden, Philaldflpbia. ‘ Nov. 28,1864“! 1y Globe Inn, YORK 81‘." NEAR THE DILKOXD, ' ETTYSBU‘BG, PA.—The undersigned G would moat: respectfully inform his nu merous friends and the public generally, that he has purehne‘d that long established and ‘ well known Hotel, the “Globe inn,” in_ York etreet, Getty-shrug, end will spare no effort to conduct it in 3 Inner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table Will have the belt the market can nfl‘ord—hin chambers are spacious and‘comfortable—and he has lnid in for hi 3 bar a full stock of wines and liquors. There in large stubling attached to the Hotel, which will he attended by atten tive hostlers. It will be lye constant endeavor to render the iullent satin action to his guests, making his house as near a home to them as ‘ possible. He ask: a share of the public’s pa ‘ tronoge, determined as he is to deserve a large put of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in York street, but near the Diamond, at Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 1864. u _ New Goode. EORGE ARNOLD has just. received from the city a large supply of CLOTHING, Men's and 8031' wear. cumming- of 111 kinda of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, EOSIERY, kc . —‘ 21 In A. Inge Itopk of GLDTES, CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS, to" km, all of which will he lold as cheap u in be had elsewhere. Giyu us a call, and if we can. not. pleas? you in a. suit. ready made we will take your mulqre up; nuke you up one in 5119:: notlpg. [Nagy 30, 18;“. bums! ‘ L B U I S 1! ‘ AAL_BU l s 1 U ‘> nut naked 5 urge Ind buutifnl nuan luent or Photographic Albums. which we om being city win». '1 $1303 53011338. pm". me. ' . ,ly. . .:tamination is vu— riously caused by mercurial .dilease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and. above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be it: origin, it in hereditary in the constitution, deocending “tram parents to children unto the third and fourth germanium" indeed. it Iceml .to be the rod of Him who says, “1 mil visit the iniquitiea of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it. originates take vnrious names, according to the ortmns it attach. In the lungs, Scrofula, produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the ghndl, swelling: which suppurate and be come ulcerpus sores; in the stomach and bowel), gerangements which produce indi. gestion, yspepsin, and liver complaints; on the lkiu, eruptive and cutaneous affections. The-e, 11l having the same origin, require the lame remedy, viz“ purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distemper; leave you. With fieble, foul, ‘or corrupted blood, you cannot luvs health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have acrofulous disease. .2 , Ayer’s Smapufilla n is compounded from the most effectual unti dotes the medical science has discovered for this dieting distemper, and for the care a! the disorders it entails. That it is far supe. rior to my other remedy yet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does COmbine virtues truly extraordinary in their efl‘ect upon this cluss'ot' complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publlcly known and remarkable cures it hufnade ot‘ the following diseases: King‘s 2711, _or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Eagles, Rose or St-Anthony‘s Fire, t cum, Scald Head, Coughs frosn tuberculous deposlts in the lungs, White Swelling}. Debdity. Drop”. enralgis, Dy'giellim or Indigestion, Syphilis and gyp tic Infections, Mercnnsl Diseases, emaleWenJmessea and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Arm’s AMERICAN Auuxuc, vgliich is furnished to the druggistx {or gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the rcmuksble cures which it has mudo when all other remedies had failed to afl'ord relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of .the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofuls depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victilm far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the Average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now ofl'er to the public under the name of Ann's SsnssrunLu, although it is composed 0“ ingredients, some of which exceed tho best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you my protect yourself from the sufl'er ing and danger of these disorders, Purge out the foul corruption: that rot and foster in the blood, purge out the causes oi'disense, and vigorous health will follow. Byits pct-u. liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. ' We know the' public have been deceived by many eonipounds‘ of .\'«u-mlmnlla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by nbum dent trial, and there rcnmins no question of its surpassing cxcelience for the cure of the omit-ting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very difi'erent medicine from any other Vi hieh has been before the people, and is far more cf feetusl than any other which has ever been available to them. AYER’S CHERRY PECTOR-AL. The ‘World’s Great .Remady for Coughs, Colds, Incxgiont Con ' eumgtion, and for t e relief of_ onsumptive patients 111 advanced stages ‘ of the disease. Thia‘zhas been so long used and so uni versal!) known. that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best. it ever has been, and that. It may be relied on to do ull it has ever done. Prepared 1:}, Dn. J. C. Ann: 8: CO., Mimi and Aiullynmlvt‘hmlistl, Lowell, Mali. Sold by all druggim every where. guy-For sale by 3. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, and dealers generally. Aug. 8, 1864. e‘owly New Goods. AHNESTOQK BROTHERS Are constantly receiving choice nnd de snrnble goods, from Key York. L’hilndel-phia and Baltimore, and are prepared to offer GREAT INDUGBMENTS to then about. purchasing. ‘ Having selected with great cure, from the three leading markets, the public will look to their own interests by examining our stock before buying elsewhere. Call at " FAHXESTOCKS’ ‘ May 9, 1864. - Red Front. Somethlng for Everybody 10 BUY AT DR. R. 'HORNER'S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— ‘ Just opened a flu assortmenkot‘ ‘ Drugs and Medicines, ‘ Patent Medicines, ‘_ ‘ fiSudonery, 2‘ ‘ - . “ME Goods, ‘ (infections, ‘ \ Grocerien, _ hotlons,’ TOBACCO, SEGARS, ac Jun. 18, 1864., , Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continues the business . of SALE CRY ING, Ind solicits (he can tinned patronnge oi the public., 11, is hi: con— stant. endeavor to give satisfnction. Charge: moderate. Residence in Breckinridge meet, Gettysburg. ' < P. S.——He is a. licensed Auctioneer, under lh'e Tax Law of the 6mm] Staten. Nov. 34, 1862. sun at~Work. HE underligned continues the ‘ CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in sll its bunches.“ his old stand, in East Middle street. Gettysburg. NEW WORK made to order, and REPAI R l N G done promptly Ind at lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS Ind I SIEIGH for slle. JACOB TBOXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. Howard Assoéiation. HILADELPHXA, PA.-—Dlseuel of the Nervous, Seminal, Uriixsry and Sexual pump—new and reliable trument—in- re pmu of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail in awed loner envelopes, free of charge. 1 Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN BOUGH TDN, Hownd Auociaziou, No. 2 .30“: Ninth Street, Philndolphln, Pu. Ang.£,1864. Jy ' ~ \ New Goods. Boaoa‘ ARNOLD bu now on ma hi- G‘ stock of SPRING CLOTHING, mostly of his own mlnnfacmriug, cpnsistlngotallkindapf COATS, PAgTS. ‘ V STS, BLOUSES, . SHIRTS, DBAWEES, £O. ‘Aluo, I. urge hock of Piece Goodn, such a CLOTHS,CA SIIQEBRSJRILLXNGBJKANS, tc., to. P 194“ gall beipre pnrchnping elu whin. {rhsj no a chap,” flu gin-p 9; !‘7 3'3, .1865: ‘\ ' ' mm" min: at m which use :norcu lurks :onstitulions of «ks of men. n wroduce: or is ad by an em ‘ vitinu-d ‘xtnle flood, wherein id becomes in em. to sustain A force: in their at action, and the lynem to dinorder and F WATCHES AND JEWELRY. . , $1,000,000 WORTfl' To be diapnsed a! at Ox: Donna each, u uh nut regard to value, not to be paid (or unul you know what you are Lo‘rcceive. BY A. H. “OWEN 4?qu (Agent: for the .\lnnufaczurerl,) No. 39 But“: S'flllfl‘l‘, N" You. find the following [lsl of Annie: to be sold for ONE DOLLAR :- 100 Gold [luau-pun Wnkbu, «ch 9125 w 100 “ wmbu. Vltiwl nym, -‘ 76 on 200 “ ladiu’ Hold \chhu. “ 50 00 500 Silnr witches. out: 8% no lo 85 no 0000 lulu! Ilyln ml b. neck ehllll, " . 500loI: 0c 5500 Ulnt'n Cahfuml: dumnd pin», .. 500wI) cc 4000 California alumna nr dwpl, “ 5W'OlO 00 3000 Illnumn Revolnng Pun, “ 6‘ no to lo 00 2000 Californm Damon! and ellun- , ‘ oiled Gent‘s sarfpml, new nylon, U 500inla 00 m “tunic MM! EmMem I'm:V “ 300‘0 10 W m Gold Band Brmleh, ens-rzgfl “ 30nt020 Do 3000 Jct Ind Home Brooches, . H I! on la 10 no 2000 Clmeu Brooches, U 6no (1120 00 3000 Coral Eu Drops, H 6no‘o 6 on 2000 Ludnu' Witch (lb-Km, " ‘8 oo ‘o 15 no 6000 mm‘: has. n Iplendid unor'l, H 2nololn no 4000 50111.1!" Sleeve Buttons, U 3ontoln no 3000 Sub and Sleeve nuuuus. in sets. U 3cotolo no main" Buuout. plum. Ind vng‘d, “ 2onw 8 no 10000 IeID Ind engrlwd “IDKI, U 250t010 00 woo Lockets. richly engraved, ‘- ‘.’ 00 wlO w 1.3000 n“ lmdnu’ chvlry, new In) hm: Myles. 5000 Handwuw Sui Rings, 2000 Mt; 80mm Studs, 1000 field You And Gold lloldm, 2000 5m Jas m: can Pim ad in Drnpl, Intel: styles, nry rich, “ 6 00 to 10 00 2000 (MM Thimhlu, Panciu. an. H 4 00 10 o no 10000 Gold Pon- uxl silver mm, H sootn 3 no 10000 -- u Ebony buldeny “ ¢ ”o‘o 60° This entire liat of heuulifal and Valuable goods will be sold for On Donna each. Cer tificates 01 all the above article: will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelope! are sent by mail, as ordered, without regard to chance. 0n the receipt of the certificate you Will see whut you are to have, and then it is at guur option to send the Dollar and take the article. or not. Five certificnlu can be ordered for $1; ebven for $2 ; thirty for Si; tiny-five for $10; and one hundred for $l5. We will lend a Single Certificate on the recoil". of 25 suntan- Agean wnnved lowhom we can: npecinl terms; send 25 cents for one certificate and our circu -1.1! with terms. A. H. “OWEN & (50., as Beekmn Street, N. Y.» I‘. 0. Box 4271. v May 22, 1865. 6m ,L - New Goods !—~Lh.rge Stock! 1‘ ERCHANT fmwxym. . JAcußs a BRO. have just received from the _citl’es a'lnrge noel ol good: for Gentleman’s wear, embracing; variety of - CLOTHS, ’ - CASSIMERES, - VESTINGS, Cassinets, Jeans, &c.. with many olhur goods for spring and summer wear. They are prepared to make up gnrments at the shortest notice, and in the very best man ner. The Fashions nrc n-gulnrlynccived, and clothing made in any desired s‘yle. They n!- wnyq mnke neat. fits, whilst lhoirsewing inure to be subsmneinl. They ask a céntinunnce of the puMic's pa tronage, resolved by‘goud \wrk and moderate charges to earn it. Gettysburg, Apxil 7, IRII‘J. 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. T)§\V FIRM ATJ‘HH b ‘ ‘ULD WAREHIIHb‘I-I. WM. E. BIDDLE 1 CU. would Inmrlu the public that they lune lensed the “'nrrhouae on the corner or mmnun “rev! and um- Ihul» mud, in Gettysburg. “her" KIM-3 “ell mrrg on the GRAIN AND PllUlll/‘(V‘E 1H SINI'ISS. in all in branches. The lnghut plu‘l’a “uh ul wuys he paid for. 7' mu: A 'l', ul‘ n, cons, OATS, ULuVEII & 'rmmnv surnu‘s. FLAXSEED, b l'.\l:\C, . . ‘ “.\Y & M‘unv; Dried Prux“, Nuts, Snap, Hams, shoulders nud Sides, Potatoes, with eulylhiug elsem Lb: couulry pwJuw line. _ . ox 11AM), FOR SALE, Coffees, Sugars, “Muses, Syrup-(l'9 us. Spin-s Salt, Chm-be, Hangar, Soda, Mimnrd. b‘mrch, Bruums, Buckets," Blm-kixxmdfrualn-s, Soups, sw. AlJo COAL; 011., mu on, Tar, m.— FISH of DH “ups; NAILS~A.\D bI‘IKES; Smoking and Ch Vina TnflmN‘Os, They are ulwnfi}; üßlc In sum“; :1 first. rate nrticlauf FLOUR, with the damn-m kind: at FEED. ' Also, GROl’xD PLASTER, “111 l (:I'ANOS and other ferlllllL’l‘S. WC‘JAL, by the bushel,\un. or our load. Their Cars run in Bullimme and Link min a week, and they will he happy to can} guodsy either way ut moderate chug“. .\lurkvtlnen, couuu-y men-hunts, and others, will fuul n. w their udmnmgr to pnlromze Ihis line. ‘ They ask a shnre uhhe I-uhlic's t’u~thm,nnd Will spare no cflurv. to render sulnlmliofi lu' all, Sellers or buyers. WM. E. BIDDIJ-I ll: CO. Aug. 22, 1864.. tf . ‘ F PARTNERSIIIP.—Thr (‘o-pnrtnorshlp existing belwu-n the Hnbsvribcrs, lml been dissolved this day by mutual Camry“.— We return thanks to our lriends arid the public for the liberal support extended to us. Uur books will be lel'. at tha sture; and we earnest ly :equest those indebu-gtto us to cull and make immediate p 33 m‘ent, as we are deuiroul to settle our business without delny. ‘ ALEXANDER bunny, Jun. 30,1863. JOHN CULP. HE subscriber huving‘diapmed of his in- T term in the Store of Uubeun 1. (£qu to ohn S. Gnu-ford, Esq” reapcmully mks the continuance of his friends and customers to patronize his successor—where Bargains may be had Feb. 8, 1864 N THE HAT AND sum; BUSINESS—A. I Colman having nssocinted with him in business John 3. anlord, who purclmled the interest ,ol John Culp, rugrcltully an nounces to [he citizens ol‘Uenysb g and the public gencmlly, mm. the business w ill be con tinued at. the/Old Stand on Clinmberaburg street, by A. COBEAN l; 00., ‘who will con smmly keep on hunt! a large stock of Gdodi, in the linn of SHOES, HATS. CAFS, TRUNKS, . CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, “2., gm! Ihey will also continue the Manufacture ol hoes. [From _their long experience in an the nbove branches, they flute! themaeh‘u that they can please the public, and will Re" cheap for cash. A. COBEAN, ‘ J. S. CRAWFORD. Doha business under the name and firm 0 A. Column 5: (20, (Nb. 8, 1864. Good Thing: from the (My! E are raceivfng twice a. Week from the Us city: variety 0! article; united to the wants of this community, viz: Frelb‘nnd Salt “FISH, flnma,‘Shonlders and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt,Apples. Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tobaccm, Segnrs, with many other n'nicles inJhia line—all received in the be". order, Ind sold at. the lowest profits. Give us a can; in Baltimore street, nearly opposite ‘ E‘shnesmcka‘ store. WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all other country produce—for which the highest cub price will be paid. ‘ SWEET POTATOES—baII, qunllty, u low !“ living prams—always on hand. Allo, OYSTERS, fine and fresh—in the shell or shocked. Restaurants Ind families Inpplied. STRICKEOUSEB & WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg. May 18, 1863. E undersigned flu opened a. PROVISION mom; ataeom Little‘s old mud. _in en mddle street, Gettysburg where he WI" always keep on hand. for snle, BEEP, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, V POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AhD ' IRISH POTATOES. QAHBAGE. BEETS, TURNIPS, with everything all. pp the provision line. He will an s; mud; mama, and mu a? efl'on to zen”. " FatCaEflc, Begin, Swelli- (2.312;? b?" a!“& ' ehi 9- n e . to}: wglch a: 2 P JOHN NQEKBECK. ’ Oct. 17,1564. 4' _A H - . LEGEIOK huh-Guava ‘ ”- Jafi?&*‘3§°§§‘r‘é‘é§fim ‘ °’ ‘ .. . in 1 Law. 9! . befiaf Great Bali “ 600102209 “ 300 m 800 " flbawaoo H 1500w2500 Dissolution A Card. JOHN cum Another Change Provision Store. _ OLD AND SILVER wnoafS. ‘ .mv M’ to.- ON m: on: DOLLAR PLAN. 'I'II Il'l.l ITOO‘ 0’ ;oue Gold and Silver thch hummer, 'l‘wo Immense Jewelry Belebflehuenu. Ono Sllver Pletlanm-houn, One Gold P'fi Ind Pencil Ink", , ; To be dllg‘eeed of I'm: dimteh ‘ Wl’l‘HOUi" EGARD I‘o 908‘“ y The Good: ..n of {Albion-ble etylu end no“ excellent workmanship, and If! uetlfleed in this hammer to relleve the proprietor! from ll humement occanuned by I diluutin‘ clvll war. It Ihouid be prqgiqentl; eluted, Ibo, that they are mostly of V l AMERICAN IANDFAOS‘URI, and thereforehgteetly enwlot to the zoo“ lmporled from nbroed Ind hlwked shalt II the cheapest ever lold. The eimpll duty on imported goods, end the laugh prmlnn on Gold (all forelgn bill: In payableln geld.) amount to more then the eltlre coat or men; of the article: ollered by 11l to the pnhllc. .To facilitate the sale ONLY ONE DOLLAR wil} be charged for any aniclc on our lilt. the! this sum the purchaser need no‘ pay until 50 knows what he is to get! This pln accord. wuh the method rocemly become I 0 pop-1n for disposing of lugs atom of Junk, Ind similar productions. . THE PLAN IS SIMPLE! The name of each article ofl‘ered for role—- ‘33 “Gold Hunting Watch," "Gold Ont-Bond Bracelet," “Pearl Brenst'pin and Eur-Drops," “Gold Enamelled Ring,” “Silver Pllted Coke Basket,” he” is written on icon! and encloled in n sealed envelope; these envelope: Ire then placed in n drnwer and well mixed; then II In order is received, with twenty-five cents for return postage and other chnrges, one of the cards or certificate: is taken II random and sent by first mall to the customer, who will see at once whnt he can get for One Dol lnr. If he is pleased with his fortune he cui forward the money according to direction: on the ccrtificute nnd lecure the prize if the article awarded should be unsuited to the purchllH—M for example, a net ol Penrl Enr~ Drops nud llrenetpin tu a young man who cuuld not wear them, and had no one to in them to—wo will rend any other article 013th. catalogue of equal priee which may be pre lerretl. Or if, for tiny reason, you choou mi Venture no further, ‘tlien you can let the mo:- ter drop where it is and rpend no more. 8;- nmine carefully our Catalogue! _V_ WATCH DEPARTMENT. A 300 Genu‘ l’ntunt Lci‘eruold llunti ' ing Cuse, $5O to 3200 300 Gente' lletnrhed Lever Golfi’ Hunting Case, '4O - 175 400 Gents b‘uissuold liuutlngCnufiO - 100 ‘ 200 Lndiee’ Gold Ennmeled in! Case, 0 - 80 400mm.”PiuentLeverSilverllu - é . ing One. 35’ - 90 400 Geuts’ llet. Lever Silver Hunt ing Case, ‘ 30‘ . 300 Gents‘ Derched Lever Silver Open-Fnce,’ 300 Gems' l'ntent Lever Silver (Iron-Face, 300 (lenli' Swirl Silver, JEWELRY DEPARTMI-ZN'l‘ sun Diamond Rilign $4OlO $llO 300 (Icnli' Diamond Pin! 20 - 3000 ”out.“ Cnlil'n lmmnnd Pin! 3 - ntxmnh-Ms'Caxifu Dinmnud Itiuun 3 .5000 (:ejup' (ioid uud l-Zuumsled Fab ”min: 4000 (:«nla' Hal-l Veal Uh |inl 4mm l'mr Uuuu' (Zuld shew Bu: ‘ lullil wuo PM: u nls' (:uld nud Hum alt/cw Uunous cum SW 6. un' Gold soon Genls' None Sr! and Sign“ Rings - 8000 (u‘oms' 'Smne Set Ind Signet Ennm Ring-l ‘ 4 - lb (£OOO Lndiea’ (:uld .\'ock Chains A 5 - no 404-0 Guld Owl-”mid lir-crlru 3 1 N 6000 am And Jet [Br-Leela: ' 8 - I‘l 50ml Gold und l-Inuuzrlod Bram-let- 8 - 15 3000 Gu'd Chaleluiu’t‘ludnl B - 30 ‘Luw I’nir Ludws' up.) Slcmc Bul- tuna ’ = 3 - 4000 l’nir ludics' Gold Enameled Shen- Bultnns 4 - 8000 Sulll lire Hold nrnoohel . 3 - uuuu Uurul, Upnl and Emu-nth! ILowhes 3 - 5000 Gold Caméo & PeanEnr Drop: 3 - 7mm 11»;ng Jr! Luu ugdfloren tine [hr-Drops ‘ I - 50 .u GUI-l ’l‘hnnl-IH 5 b - lUuUu (.‘m'ul, prll & Emcmid Elf lbrupa 3 . 10000 .\lmiumre Locket! _ 4 ~ i 000.) \lin'e Lm-kvu—mngirlpring 8 . lmmu l'lnin Guhl Rings 4 - mum» Sets Ladiu' vachy. Gold ' uud Jl‘l 5 - 10000 .\‘uu lmdin' Jewelry. Cameo, - Pearl. kt, ‘ 5 - loom) Lndle<' um and Jr! Bunion, 4 - luuup Ladies' Gil. and It! HI! uny puflfl‘. ,- 1 - SILVER PLATED WARP; 10- 00 (‘ups 8000 Goblets ltmou Pulr Napkln Ring: ~ 2000 Curd Ihukels 3000 ane [Lulu-u 4000 Caulur Frames-complete with bottles . , ~ 6v. 20 2000 [re Pit hers . lo - 20 0000 Fair unner Knifet \ 3 - I 5000 Soup, 035'" & Gravy Ladlu 2 - 8 1000 Engrarcd Pie Knivel 3 - G 8000 Dozen Ten Spoonn, per dbl. ‘ ~b - )5 6000 Dozen Table Spoon“. do. I - It 6000 Damn Deuen Forkl, do. 8 - 'l5 6000 Dozen Tabla l-‘orka, do. 8 - 30 GOLD PEXS AND PENGILS. ‘ ; 12000 Gold Pena, Silver linen-ion l Holden ' ’3 to SIC How Gold Pent, Silver anmed "older: 8000 Gold Pens, Gold Mounted Holders 6000 Gold Pené with Gold Ethn sion Holden 6000 Gold rem, columnar: m 1 l'rncill 6000 Gold Pencils REMEMBER THE PLAN! In all case: we chug. for forwarding the Certificate, postage, and doing Ihl bulinen, the mun ol‘ Twenty/iv: Cenla, Ihlch mun)» qnclused in the order. Fin.- Ccrtiflclm will he sent. {or $l ; eleven for $2 ; thin, to: $5 ; sixty-five tor Smmne hundred for $l5. AGENTS ARE WANTED throughout lb. Country to operute lar us. A large compan ntion will be paid. Semi for terms. 8c" on-. closing stump. NEWBORN t CO., Mar. 27, '65. 3:1: 75 Fulton 8%., N. Y. Lancaster Book Bmdcry. EORGE wux'r, , B o o x RIND I 3, AND ILANK 1001 lANU'LC‘IDIII, Lucasna, PA. Plath and Ornamental Binding, of every duo lcription, executed in theme“ nubfllflill n 6 Ipproved styles ‘ iioss E. W. Brown, 2311., F xrl Bunk 011 nm”! WfL. Pciper, 85.1., Lunczner Connt] Bnk Samuel Shock, I'.qu Columbia Bunk. Samuel Wigner, Elq., York Bonk. ‘ » Williun Wagner, Esq" York County Bonk, T. D. omen, an.. Bank of Geuflbm’t- Peter Martin, Eur, Proth’y “BMW“? ‘3O-, ’9 Geo. 0. Hawthorn, 383-, 398 m" " “ Geo. Whitlon. Eng" locordor “ " April 15, 1861 '_ Everhart's RANKLIN HOUSE, F can:- or lowan g Hunt: "at", BALTIIORE, ID. Thin Home in on I dine: lino human I» Northern ,Cegtnl And Bdflmon sud Ohio M -139“ Depots. It ha been "and 9nd eon. {orubiy mjugeq to; me «191091,:ch Ind thy gamuinmem of 3mm. Uh Oct. 31,1864. tf .’ New Bakery] lmgfii‘h 3V 21:01.33, Mugs?) 31k, or: an: nin 0 I m .op tbs Elsie Houl,WTg§3 . fig."— onannuy on Imm, the but at B .Ap, cucxms, CAKES, ”nanny, yo. Per lqgl winging frown?!“ wI in _ av wins, by In“: “Mir MIIM‘ M A: the misery. Every .lmj- . :to In” Blyuu n cam . [film] .20, '33: . t! waw .- ..- II 20% 50 25 . tio IV . 4U e • 40 5 - 40 3 • 1,1 I $210320 3. ,u 2- u 4- u a. no 2. I 3- 1,5 10. 3 10-30 8-20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers