E SPECIAL No] 1058. RUM ARKABLB CURE-9F STN‘F KNEE BNY ALLCOOK’S POROUS PLASTERS. How many persons; from stopping on a. piece of orange peel, halve been‘lamed for Me. A cue which migbthnvo been of this kind has just been bnouglino our notice. A gen “email, from placing the heel of his boot on a. piece of olfange peelfwus suddenly thrown flown, andv violently sprained his knee. He Wad six manuals confined to tho home, though he had lhe but medical advice. As u. but re qort a rel-3' eminent physician was called Id ‘to see if nnyihing more could be done. Mitt ‘oxnminnu'on he said. "My opinion is, your knee will newer be bent ngaini’ ,Hc recom mended that the whole leg andkknee should he encased in a plaster 0!"an bandage, n hich would accelerate; the pelma‘nent stifljen mg of the knee; and said, ”the sooner it. was Jane the better." glut the pnlieht,.hgfore . twing Iliii! npplicnfiqn and having a. alifl'knee an life. enveloped it in our Porousi Floaters, an?! in l‘l-ss than two months his knee was pr-rim-tly foul-ed. , . i Priy‘il‘nl Agency, Brantlreth Home, flew l'crk. Skills yard or single plaster. Sold by nll D . lers ln' Medicines. [Slay 29. lm WHAT HORSEMAN Will be Vmwut DR.‘TOBIAS’ VENETIAN' IIUIiSE LINHIKNT? - ‘ TAUNTON, M‘s: , Mn: 14th, Issod Dr. Tobias: Denr Sir—During 33 years that l bane, been in the livery businezsfi have med and sold a grant quantity of: various linio moms, 011:, kc. Some two wars since, héa‘r. jug of so many wondrriul‘ run-s having been mndc by your Venetian Linixncnt, I tested iii! moms, and films given the best. slnzisl'ncti‘on m nnylhingi evgr used. 1 never sold» any thing [fl-n! giveflsuch universal satislhction } among horsemen. L ivzis destined to supersedui all ollwrm Yours, tl‘uly, km, 0 i _ SAMUEL mmm. . Fob] by NI druggists. Oflire. 56 Cortlxtndt Hrw‘t, New; York; Price onc,doll.|r for pint balm-s. ‘ , ; _ ' ‘ neg'Pountr-y deslors nre informt-d that no ”M'Hurs ure uow sent out. , [Slay 29. lm “than F: 03! TH» . A \HIRI“ WATI‘H,COMI’ANY. h. hm lug (‘ 01h- kmmh-dgc that. imi lmunqfinfllw Amtnrnn “inch hme bani pnf Lyrll'l 4h.- mulkvfin grant number. mil-magi] I v Inch LHLl"\Ur‘|k¥(‘§>ll|‘=§'o.i"j”ri"th(‘ rn-' [alu'mn n!" mgr 1,5! uume proJm-ta. ll) )u‘fnm-r I n. r.“ n int! nu Li aux! 15w pubiir fxom‘impnsi -1m“, “4‘ «Ivnih [.UHNII llu- tzu-«II- nmr‘ml by u- 2.11 m” \\:H~h(-'1 m \) inurifihly he Ln'm‘n. \\ '~ In wuiwlurr- {our shlus 0: Watches " I Tim I'lu‘r haw llw ane Mm: :m V w .\ll n «)0 ,\\'n:m~.u‘n, 114155.; (V. rug-d «m “‘0 iMMo plain. .‘ ‘ ‘\ ’l‘Em Swimx- Lns le- name» 7: ‘s’ 3 \ “.\l’l‘l HTUN, TRACY I: (‘(L. Wahhuflln‘, .: ruprzncd on Llu- inside p‘mlc. Hu- 'l'mhn 1.1:: Hu- nuxnc' ' l’ .\'. I; \R'I'IJITI', WJllhum, Mafia ," vn- ; I \JJ nu Hu- l'minlx‘ Mule All I‘m- nlmvo 4tyle~ I; no the nnmc Ameri (‘H‘ \'\'.H‘l| (‘O. plin‘ml rm 11M- did, and me xx vrr. nit-J fremrrj‘ M-pu’t ’1 In» F-u Tn M: the nmnt‘ “\w li.l.l'_l{Y. Unsmu .\1 gs..'fion:-.m--1 r: ‘l4- inmit plum, um! is noz. nun-lied on the All flu» ..‘. m‘v den rilmd w-m 1m: f‘fP mm} ) of \a-mua 51:2». .uul uro 50L] m gold or sih’r'r 4' +2. n< may ho rf‘ll'lif‘ltd. ”Hun-v I‘. l‘ nmnrrnu: im'fl viivps 10 “MRI: ‘u ‘mv pllmlml. Tiny um U ml”) intrrilud ‘n M. rum '\ m nrmly :l] pronrhinpmr tmn m m («min- me (INN-runifm uf the unm’cns- \uuw: bmm Sumo an; [o‘ nu‘rnlui us nmde L} (2‘o - l'umn “’nldn i‘uq of Boston, Mnss.”; .4 nosurh rum-nu) existing. Sumo we named, Hm “r’nl-livr’; \anrh." In [-11 sold :19 (war Fourlhi u: \'~'m. 12H”) H5lO. tux-.:nlly Lng-wn as the “n‘lNuhw'fi \\‘ xuh."_ (”ht-rs me named this ‘ .\l'f'h h a “ah 1: CO ;" ulbma thv ‘l‘. 3.! I‘m!” r\'."~in=(r‘.u§ of our "I’. S, Harm-1Q" he- [nus mmy “Millie's nmm-xl in smh n manner: as m ‘undr‘y Ihr- idm 'lml tlmy are (I’m veriln-j 1 n r h, 11-- produvlwns 5f the Amcnvun “ any); Com-5 1 why. ‘ I 5 W 4» 41.150 cautinnj 'ho puMiqnnc] par§uhfly 'vnl-'ier.~. agnhmfi-Uuyug vermin nuixilos (‘.‘.LL-. l'n “aim-5, co the!) ndfml'md in‘ll‘gustruud r'llwl‘i;s ‘AI’IIU \Vnulns,""Ufiiurs"\_anchcs,"‘ ‘ .\hgiv I’3 mo Übscn 01's," “A nun; fitlcbes,”‘ Ac , (he prhrs o! “-11:41 "re em‘ted [96 be from :wcn'm Axtmn dollar}. A good hatch, in lhcst; Lixuci, cannot, be afforded loria‘fuy such mnnPy. : A ““10 nlhnlion on the part a; buiers will {mm (L mom from 21'qu iuwnsititm. ‘ nugxmxsqt AI'PLETON, Age-MS for the Americnn Watch CO., May :1.“ ha , 182 Broadway,—N. Y. TO DIE XS A BAD CAUSE (.3 those who run in the rebel mnksilundoubf mlly do, is foclish. But on the othdr baud DYI-ZING vim A GOOD CAUSE as those ‘_‘:le are wise 3‘ prm‘ent enough to M! ‘ remedy me defects ofnauire Witt ‘ CIIRIZTADORO‘S HAIR DYE, ~ are doing evcry day, in every City of. the U nion, is eminently prniaeworthy. ’l‘Lié peace lul revolution is going ‘on througlfom. the in. hole land, and tlins beauty and harfimny sup plant bomeiiuess and incongruity. Manufac lured by J. CRISTIADOROJ‘vO. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Draggists. Applied by an flair Dressen. K [May 8. 1m I MATRIMONIAL. - 3 Ladies and Gentlemen: "you wish to marry you mm do so by addressing me. I will send '5O“, without money and withoutprice, valua ble in‘ormntion, that will enable you :0 marry happily and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This infoi-mation will cost ypu' nothing, and if you wish to many, I will cheerfully nssist you. All letters strictly can fidontlnl. The desired information sant by re turn mail, and no reward naked. Please in close postnge'or stamped envelope, addressed. to some“. . Address. ' SARAH B. LAMBERT, ‘ Greenpoim, ‘ May 22. "am Kings 00.. New York. \ 1 ...-Lamb— 1: ”FORMATION FREE E To Nuvonr Savant-4A ; Ghtleman, cured of Wdig Debility, Incompémxcy, Pre mnmre Deny; and Youthful Error, actuated Dy 9. desire to benefit others, will .he bnppy to furnish to an who need it. (was: or CHARGE) tbs recipe and direétiohs for making the aim-f ple remedy used in his case. - Sufl'erers‘ wish ing to profit: by the advertiser’s and Experience, and possess: sure shd valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at. his pipes 0] busi ness. The} Rpcipe. and full informsgfix‘f—bt‘ vital impogmnce—will be cheerfully gun by remi‘nail. Address A JOHN B. OGDEN,~ , 60 Nassau St“, New York. P. B.—Nencus Sufism»: of both sexes win find this infatuation in'vnluable. [Apr. m. 3111 THE BRIDAL OEAMBFB K fate of winning and advice to those 1115 ("333,in Sewing Wakneu, General De bnjmso: lira-mature Docl’y, from whatever fimfiMl‘fik 3nd, Fondanm reflect! o M “ ' .. - ' " - amt“!!! “this. for lbebonofit at me 453% ‘ ‘_indk by main. “aria :. cw" filfis s: sauna, ”:1! 15,0, h: - 11 f Bandit”, H7l; 1: mum; WATCH: " ' ‘ Luann- Noun" 1: nguau' cusps nfthis watch Ire an entinly new in' “oan posed ufsix different. ml: canhi roiled 'fiigethcr and planithed,’prodncihi exact imitation of 18 carat {(046, “Had AIL which will nlwnfl keep its coior. They are as l-enw‘til'ul as solid gold, and are afl'ogded It one-eighth We can. The me In bun fully designch with panel and shield for nun ".11 Patent; Push Pin, and engrnv‘ed'in the enct 9:er oi the celebrated Gold Hunting Lovers, and are, really handsome and desirable, Mill no exact an imitation oigcld as to defy detection. The mot'ement is manufactured by the well known St. Jimvr Wntch Company of Europe, and are superbly finished, having engraved pallets, fancy curved bridges, adjusting regu lator, with gold balance and the improved jewellcdl action, with line dial and skeleton hands, and is warranted a good time keeper. These; watches Arc of three difl‘erent sizes, the smnillest being {Or Ladies, and are all HunlingiCnses. A case ofsix will be sent by Mail OriExpress for $125.00.‘ A singl‘e one sent'in ‘a handsome Morocco Case for $25; will reugily sell ior three times their cost.— We are ‘golc agents for this watch in the United States, and none are genuine which do DOl luxu- ouh Trade mark. Address . ‘ ‘ (HEARD W. DEVAL'GH it CO., J. r ‘lmport'ers, 15 Mqiden Lane, N.Y ane a, 1865.. 4: ’ DR. TA‘LBOTT’S P 1 LLB, Comp from me vulué,nr the Live Organs. Blood, a ham, Jll‘ ness, Liv Mvrcuria tor-quH half :1 pi ordipury will cur lqng stxa iupplief T}! i Sm JII 'sed of highly concentrated intact: is and. herbs of the higheét medicinal I infullible in the cure oral] diseases of or my demugcmém of the Digestive l 'ljheymcmoveunll Impurities of the (3 fire unequaled in “recurs of Dian. ndice, DyspepstScrofula, Bilious rflomplaint, Fevers, Headache, Piles. Diseases, llere‘ditnry Human-s. Dose. 3, mm pill in the mqming, children I. From‘oxie w- three pills will cure lenses, and Iron: one to three boxes an} curable sze of no miner how lding.’ Price 81.00 per, box. Trade or 81-nt by mail. ' 31ml TA-LBOTT, M. D., I: 00., I ~ 62 Fulton St", New York 5,180.11 1y chm; Exdms‘a REMEDY. mm Cum-1515 Cxuannzu Fun: iepared irom n pxescriplion of Sir Ptu s M. 1)., Physician Extraprdinnry to J. Clark the Qulc n. This invaluable medicine is un~ inillngli the cure of all those painful and dangcrb is disenses to which the female con- Etiluiidl is midget. lt moderates all excess nM l'L‘llOVcfi all ollstmclionsrlmd u speedy rule in be iclicd on. To . gin-iel] Ladies}: is pccnlinrly suitcd.—- 11. “ ill n n sh‘ort time, bring ofi‘tbe monthly period with regularity. ~ ' Em- boulq, price: One Dollar, bears the Chevnune L‘Smmp affirm: Brilnin, to pre~ l'l‘nl. all flailing, . » CM o.\‘.—'-£IHICSQ l‘ills should not. be taken by Fai: [as during llu- i-‘ms'r 11mm: nouns of I’m-gm oy, I!‘ ”my lm- sum to bring on Mis~ curring; . lmt “th other time they are Fare. ‘ nwscol'Nu'vuusjmdSpinal AHegiuus, lI.L~ 'JHTCL .‘uulLiiuhs, Fatigue on slight . l‘nlpmumu I)!‘ the “Part, Hysxeyirs, Etc-g, these P 1213 u in “Wet 3 mm- “ hen means haw hilcd ; and although a I TG‘M(‘n¢\‘ (In om: contain iron,cnlumel, In a I I’aim i firefly» Ilnd “.II a“ (MW [mm-rt: ,or anything humul to the constitu- n nliux'u tion. ‘ Full Inn!» 1; rt-(iinns in Lho pamphlet around enqh 'wM: L ghouidhvlnrt~lully prcsPrved 5' nHTNnggiets. Bah: Agcm for the Into: upul ('zumda, ME MIE Juli .\IpSES, L"! (‘orflnndt Sm”. Y. SL4 l: mu! 6 [mange smmps enclofi‘d mimrirnd Agtm, will imam a bunk, is: {U I’lhs, I.) xcnurn muil. Suld by cmcr. ‘ [N0v.14,1864. 1y _.__.m,, __ .\'. n‘. {a an} (‘UHLI‘H‘I‘ A. I). B .\LxBSIL} 14:5 CATARRH SMIFF. i n-ufl' Inns thoroughly proved itself to be ‘ nrucle known Jor wring the Cnhrrh, the: ”and 11nd UA-udnche. H. has Horn 'n gallant «rqnmqy in many cam-3' n] M ’ ' ' ‘ This Ibo he; Cold i‘x {onmlh St re Hy um! 11L: L, min l‘uJ‘nrss Luz been n-mun-d by it. ling bus uflcublén greatly impruved “‘rugrfin'! and agrcm‘ la, nnd‘mvns nl - causod . ‘s u! the brud.’ The sensations finer \ «Llighlhll 11ml oim'igomting. _. It ".35 out mil obstructwus,strength n d gives a healthy nation to ‘ nrs’ ofsnh End use 0! ‘2‘ mi Headnrhc Snuff,” L tor all the common 4 t- this moment :1! ‘ " m ' 9 best play .‘i' I 11-55 and Inn over) \let-lc. \. v 4 11111 'HDHF l") Edd: hung“: uw-ns u tunmr“; 3.1:: nds, ens Ihr. Ulfl- pm 1s nfl'vrh’d. ‘Hmn Thirty _ :JrslmH's (inlay: . Hurt“ ‘ Drift: lms pm dlSl’flSu slumlsl (n 1 its grunt yailué 701" mg Lend, , am ‘lighyr than evei'bé‘fore. \ 'u nlnnu’nded‘hy nmny of mud" IS 'used widngreut su It i? sh huh, sniiifs» ‘lln- Culifmu-s of Wholesale lig -1851: The undrrsigm-Ilflmvingki 1" hrs bile-n m-qunirfn-d with “Dr. Mur mmrh and llondm-lu- Snuff," and sold whulcsnlc t'mdr, thcc rt'tu state, that. \e it to Le equnf, in every respect, to limld gigts‘ in man)“ y eh:lll:s__ it in on “.4- mm the rum (if CM“: I)" 1210 l mum n Huff vlluszcn; (.ullc-r I \\ mob, F-lmnnd Ma; liu Ennis, 1 York; 1 son 3: R New Yo? Bush 5: ( For Sal I}n'!l9hd.lfiun§ given of h for the cute Lrlml Afi‘rutiuus, nnd Lhntit is decided lSL artirlcfie have ever known for all xdismsos ut'thc "mud. ~ , & Perry, 151mm}; Reed, film: 1: CO., Brown, anson It CO., ioston; Bud, CO., 110510“; Srlh W. chle, Boston; Fairbunk k (10., Boston; Henshnw, & CO., Boston; I]. Hulls}, Portland, nos 81. Park, New York; A. Buk I). cw York;b‘l9phcn Paul & CO.,NPW me] Minor 5 CO., New Ybrk’; McKeg- Lbhns, New York; A. L. ScoviH &C 9., 1:; M. Ward, CloSe & CO., Raw York; hllr,jN€\\‘ York. le'hyall Druggisls. Try it. x, gscy 1y OM A GEN'PLEMA‘I " , of Nervous Dobil‘jty, Premnlure De 1' xlle‘ efiebls ol youthful indiscreticu, nppy to furnish mm: with the [menus Um vf chargc.) This remedy is sim and vermin. Cured my. “I wxll be of cum] pie, SMI particulars, by return mail, phase 5 JOHN B. OGDEN, 3m \6O Nixsaau 8!... New York. address i .June 5? 'IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A lint: 91'3verything reialing to the human sfstem, ‘ ale and female; the causes and treat ment of :dxsenst; the marriage custom of the would; rhpw to marry wad! and a thousand things never pizbiisfied belore, read the re— vised and cnlnrgededition of: "Medical Com. mon Se so,” a curious book for curious peo ple, an a. good book for every one. 400 pages, OoJllugtr-atjans. Price SI 50. Con. tents t ble sent free to any address. Books may be had at the Book stores, or will be sent by mnii‘v post paid, on receipt of the pine.— {\ddressr : 3.4}. more, N. D., ‘ Jan. 30 ,6m 4113!) Broadway, N. Y. i * m v _— i A CARD {To EVALIDS. ' A Ciefgymnn, wiii‘ielresiding in Sbntb‘Amer ice as m miasionnry,‘ discovered a safe and sim ple remedy for thefiure of Nervoun Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of we Urinary and Sem inal (Trgons, and the whole train of disorders broughu on by banefulnnd vicious habits.— Grent numbers have been'nlrendy cured by this ,pobie remedy. Prompted by '5. desire to bene fit the nfliiqted and unfortunatv,’i willsend we recipe for preppring and usio‘g this me'liicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Fat: on Canon. ‘ ’ Please inclose a stamped envelqpe; :ddreiied to yourself. Addressm _ ‘ : ‘ ' JOSEPH 'r. mum! K Station D, Bible Home, OQC. 34, 1964. , New York City. % OLD EYES MADE NEW. A Pipphlet directing holy to speedily n:- storg sight and give up spectacles, without aid of doctbr or medicine. ,Semfiy mail, free', on receipt of 10 cents. Adam", \ ‘ E. 3. room, K. D., Jan. 30. 6m 1m Broulvgny, N. Y. S'A Wfiwr in the Concord Patriot can: those clergyman who arg so full of wruh an: 'all uncharitableness thew'glood-Kounfi 0‘ ’ion." vet appro ria esignafion for ‘firimsfgae death—pm:- Argus. Yes—quite as good as thtt which used to be gpnlied to hnmsdl by the R7v. Wm. Bivenn‘. s colored clergyman who ‘ travelled the annuity” ‘mSouthem Pannsylvania, Ma ryland hid the Valley ofVil'ginil. Who. bout it vgu that he was “6051 “mi ‘htx’s Buildulg, sent. here to back 3‘ lb. :' 'I fi’ mum " 5 ch Genes Leo VikmNewJlW I °.« . Abolition organ talks about the ,lgublic gag _ ““1 med“ 8.3"?“ '2’ “'8 "an” r VALE/ABLE mun NAL norm“. “‘l' Prom“! 5!“ m “‘5 mm“ the O ._otz' rnuasnan and summer .19 and destruction clover two hun- JLNE mg and 2411,, i 365, the “4mm“; ,‘9'SPFPH Pm _du’miy‘he f". Adminis/tntor oftho ecmte of William Bohr z_'lay military authority or famous bnhgy. late of Mountpleagnnt township, Adam Abolitiommoba. There is entainly “intel- C 0.,. demand, will sell at pnblic‘ we, Mme lestual freedom”onongh it one talks. thinks, We residence 'ofsaid deceased, one mile south. or write: in the interest. of Abolition and an: of Bonnughtown, near the Unknown shoddy. but expose a thief, condemn-a m.l”roaa, (on Peter Weiken's farm,) the following cally official or ogfloee negro equality and i valulble personal property, viz: ‘ suffrage, and see or! mochof‘fintellectnall THREE GOOD HORSES and 1 “are with freedom” has “been gained by the war." ( Colt, 7 Mitch Cows, 3 Heifers, 5 Sheep. when! - of H 033, l four-horse narrow tread Wagon, l -__ two horse do., nearly new, 1 light one horse Wagon, 1 Self Raking Reaper, nearly new, (Flickinger’s make,) Threshing Machine and 4, horse power, Winnowing Mill, patent Cutting Box, Roekaway Buggy, good Sleigh, ’il'iieel-1 barrow, Jack Screw, Log Chains, Cow Chains“ Pioughs and ”arrows, 1 new heavy Cultivator} Burrow, Double and Single Trees, ssets Horse} Gears, Halters, site. Also, 42 Bags, 3 lot of Bran, about 10 bushels of Buckwheat, and about nine acres of Oats in the ground, a lot of Bacon, 3 six shooting Revolve: and a good Shot Gun. Also, Household Furniture, con sisting in, part of 3 Bedsteads and Bedding, Coverlets,Blankets, Quilts,Sbeete, tom. large Diet of Carpeting, Tables, Chairs, Rocking Chair, Steve and pipe, Barrel ofVinegnr. Tubs, Barrels, Meat Vessels, kc, l large ,Copper Kettle, 1 small Copper 119., Iron Kettle, Pots, Dishes,Kiteben Dresser, Flour Chest. and oth er Chests, and numerous other articles not herein mentioned. Also, on Saturday, the 24th instant, on the home hrm,(forlnerly'Geoßair’s,)all the Wheat, Rye, Oats & Corn thereon, in the ground, and about 30 acres of Gross in the fields and rhendows, in lots of different dimensions; also slot of Chestnut and Oak Rails and Posts, about 300 Clapboards and u lot of Oak Boards. fiSnle to commence at 9 o’clock A. XL, on Thursday, on the Wcikert larm, and at 1 o'clock, P. Me, on Sntnrdny,on the home farin,| when attendance will be given and terms madei known by ‘ _ _ . I Agricultural Fair. [NOE peace has been restored, it has been resolved by the Board of Managers of the Adams County Agricultural Society, to hold a FAIR this fall, AbOlfl the usual time, a! lheir Grounds, near Bendersville. The citizens are respectfully invited to make preparations to mnke it'inlercsting. by the exhibition of an;- terial. A List of Premiums for Stock, Agri cultural Products, Machines, Fancy Articles, km, Will be published in due season. BIRAM GRIEST, President. June 19, 1865. Fresh Arrival. ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. . COBEAN 4! CO. havejuat received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, for Summer weer, which they are sailing at very low prices considering the times. The intent styles of Summer Hats and Ctps, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and, w wnrramed to fit, always on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on shortnog lice, by experienced workmen. Also, . HARNESS MAKING, curriedpn in all its branches. Persons want? hg anything in this line would do well to call. .G‘Don’t forget the old stand in Chambers bm-g sweet, if you not Bargains. COBEAN 8 CRAWFORD. June }9, 1865 Carriage-Repairing. HE undersignedlwould most respectfully inform the public thm he lml commenced t e business of REPAIRING CARRIAGES, BUGGYES, SPRING WAGONS, £lO., &C., at. Dunner I: Ziegler’s Blnchmilh Shop, in East Middle: street, Gettysburg, where he invites all in need of such work to call‘. Having much experience in the Carriage-building line, he is able to promise that. his jobs will be well done, and will prove satisfactory on trial. His uhnrgn will be as low as possible, the limes considcred—for cash or country produce. ' Jnuel9,lBos Doctor 0. W. Banson. FFICE at‘the Railroad House, (frontroom, 0 formerly occupied by Dr. Kinzer,) ' LITTLESTOWN, PA. June I’9, 1865.. cf .‘ Cumberland Coal! A LARGE supply of superior BLACKSMITII COAL, now on hand at reduced price.- This Con] is superior to all other Coal in the United Sln'tes for welding and other blacksmith purposes For sale by City Cont Yard, Frederick city, Md June 10, 1865. 13‘... , ’ Notice. " - ARIA BOLLINGER’S ESTATE—Letters of administration on the‘ estnm of Mann. lspiliuger, fizrte of Butler township, .\dntns cdnnty, tit-gousedflmving been granted _tn the uridvrsigne‘fl, resiaingfim the same townsth, he hereby gives notice to all pereona inuehud to snid estate to make immediate plume-m, and those having: claims ngninu thp same tu pr sent them properly authenticated tur sot tlcmont. - J. HAXJ'JS, Adm'r. June 13,11 865. 6: <. - . Notice. ‘ EUJAMDI FEESERS ESTATE.—lmtcrs B 1.! administration on the estate or b‘cuju mm Fees", late of .\lonntjoy iownship, Adams coujniy, deceased, having been gunmen to the undersigned. residing in the sumo township, be hereby gins notice to ail persons indented to {aid estate to make immedinle payment, am] tho e lining claims against. the same It; prr: It“; them properly authenticated for SHLIQ me i. JACOB I'l. FEESER, Adn'r. JLne 12, 1865. m :1 ; "ting "ll 3 Md 1" a, *n I ma ‘ Notlce._ UV ,éTIAN HOSTETTER’S ESTATE.— Len lof Administration on the estult‘ of Chrisljnnmester, We of Union township. Adams county, accused, having been gran Led to thy. undersignhlz residingin the same léwu slfi'p, he hereby gim notice to all pefsonsin dubbed to snid'estntefimake immcd‘mte pay me§n?, and those having clulms against they sure: to present [hem prcfiagrly authenticated _lOll settlement. ‘\ ‘ ' " ‘ DANIEL GEISELmy, Adm'r. .{une 123 1865. 6:! 1 Notes. \\ ACOB ADAMS’ ESTATE—Letters text}- ! menan on the estate of Jacob Adam We of Conowago township; Adams _conmy, de eased, bnvxng been granted to the under signed, residing in the same township, he be shy gives notice to all persons indebged to sail estate to make immediateynynunt, and thpse having claims againhmhe same to pre cept. them properly authenticated for seme mm. . MICHAEL QEILY, Ex’r. Dune 5, 1805. 6!.” - Notice. ETER HULL’S'ESTATE.—Leuets of ad ministration on the estate of Peter Hull, late of chick township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the under. signed, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre 'sent them properly Inthenticeted for settle menl_ JACOB HULL, Adm'r. May 15; 1865. M.“ Notice. OREAS SMITH’S ESTATE—Letters of administration on the estate of Botens Smith, late of Huntington township, Adams 90., dec‘eued, having been grantedm the under signed, residing in the same township, she hereby gives notice to_ all persons indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having clnims against the same to present. them properly authenticged for set tlement. LYDIA A. MITH, May 29, 1865. 6: AdminietFau-ix. County Treasurer. FELLOW-CITIZENS:—I offer myself 9. candidate for the office_ of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention, and respect fully solicit your votes. Should I receive that. nomination, and be elected, I will endeavor to conduct myself and the oflice in such a man ner, mu you shall never have cause to ”gun that. you' voted for me. Yours in hope, May 29, 1865. to H. D. WATTLES. County Treasurer. RGED by many, I offer myself as n candi date for COUNTY TREASURER, M. the riext election, subject to the decision of the Democmlic County Qonventlon. Should Ibe .lominatedJnd elected, I promise to discharge the duties of 2!! files with fidelity and to the best of my shim? ‘ JEREMIAH DIEHL. June 5, 1863. to County Treasurer. RGED by many, I ofl'er myself M n» undi dntefor COUNTY TREASURER, M. the next electicTn, subject to the decision of the Dcmocntic County Convention. Should Ibe Vuinued 11nd elected, I promise to diachazgq the duties of the allies with fidelity and lathe but of my lbility. ' .TAUBESHEADAS.‘ Jun 12, 1885. tc.‘ ,\ 1 . o to Dr.3.aomn-an “ aura—Tl Gm unions» comfluw; .“_ ‘F’_ WM. K. GALLAGHER ,P. U. PYFER, ELIAS MAYERLAdm’r Jacob Klnnk, Aucfioneer. , June12,1865.‘ 2t ‘ - Attention, Farmers. HE subscribers Imve for sale the CELE- T BRATED BRANDT RAKE, mn'de at 001- umbia. HENRY. THOMAS I: SON, May 29,1865. 1 Stmhun township. Pianos ! [ANOS l—The undersigned would rnfpvct- P lnlly inform the public that he can fqrnish I’IANOS of the following mannfnclurprv, or Ihosc of other make, it desired, Ant the lowest possible prices: cmuxnmm a SUNS. V DECKER BROS. \ ‘HAZLETUN BRUS. |\ Mamas BROS. . , \ ' GEO. TECK. X A.H. GAHLE kCO. . ‘ STEINWAG .L- SUSS. WPaw'culnt attention is givnn to‘the se lection of Piunoq: and “Ixen so soleczeq,in ml -lion}o the mnnuhclurers guarantee, the Pianos are guaranlud In; me. . ’ - ’ msox s; rumm . 'CABINET ORGANS A 512 .\IELODIANS. The recent ixnpx‘oveuu-vns in these instnh' moms aro‘Fuz'h M to fully warrant saying they are FAR SUI'EKIUR to My other make. One of the beg-n exidenct-s of their merit. is, that Unir imprmcmonts are imihted by other makers. The new 51313; four stop organ, have n Sub-Bass um] Oct-ave Couplet, making it. an Locially ndupléd to~Cllurch and :l purpnsr-s. EHPTIVH (HRCVLARS y mm] to pvt-suns desiring them. rcgululy. l'izlnos‘mkrn in ex l’l-T'l‘liil\l§rlx'l‘7., instrument es Snbbalh'Schu pas will He sent h Pianos tuned .' change 30 East. Market SL, York, [’ll. [65. Um Wall Papcjs. (liPUC'I‘MS m 1m: mum; ‘m‘ ‘ ‘ \\".y\ (.1. PAPER, VT GILIH‘J-‘J‘HORPS, 19 W 95: .\iuka-L Sum-l: York Ponn'n. »‘A’ N‘ Juue 12,1‘ (3‘ mm lam now n'Vorivi-g: u vrx} ‘sngm'im und choice xxssurxment u! \\ \l.l. PAPERS, ‘i 15‘» CENTS ‘iIR PH“ I'}, 2o (+515 l’l.R-P¥'~'l"“.. ‘ ‘23“l£.\"|’£\'l'LßPHTFE, ' THUUSASDS -\T 30 (YENTS, and n finc- !nt;nf'S:\ FIN PAPERS a! flu: hid prices; )1 14 . u: (”phat uring guods. :l hrnuli ful lot. of : minghmu Cumin-s, Curnices, and curtain Bands. ' , .~ Also—\Wmduw Pawn, oi] Shades; Picture (‘ord and 'Rngsolu; While and Cluck .\I-ming; Floor and 'TMJe (hi Hath; \'eueLi:m Blind TuimmiugJ; Damnks nf‘nll Cozors; Curtain Fixtures; Poor Huh; kc , &v. I 36““! 0! which be M]! dispose of on,“ reusonnhl tum: as lnm‘: will peuuit. of 10:: Lush. - ‘ . PAPER HANGING nucml- d to in any part. of the Smfic, on the man rwwuablerlennsu— Satisfnctiqn gunnmlied. June-MSW. $5 ' New} FirmmNew Goods. I ANTI: & MARKER, having taken the 01d and ell-known Slure Sttnd of Gm. W. ligwe. in | Li'l‘l‘l.E.Sl‘()WN, A inms county, would res eclfully inform their frien ls nnd'lhe public 3 (gully. that, they areprepnred to sell Goods as was they can be bought anywhere nurof thin cities. “(all nmny additions of new Goo , inst opened. Hwy offer an unusw uatly lurk um! aux-active “mm , consisting of DRY G ODS. for ME "3. WOMEN’S and icmmnmvs WEAR. . ~' 1 Gngcamas, HARDWARE, .GLASSJYA‘HE. Ql'l-lENS-WAHE, OTS AND SHOES, .~ \ A‘ND CAPS, ‘ JLS, GLASS, ‘ 'erything to be found.in A first we public are inmod to cull vr themXelvea. No _troublzs to Show Vith lux-gésgles nnd_smn.ll profits, all Hbe benefil‘ed.\' ' ~ _ 865. 3:11 K ' ' , . IL-t’l‘f IRON. ‘1; and in 98!“ class Sto and-ee l‘: Goods. 1 “I“! panics w Mny I, ‘l'aulormgK AL. \\ CKENR‘JDE IN THE DRHIOND! ”‘1 F. ECKENRODE, FASEIQNABLE Informs his friends and thé‘r :üblic that he has REMOVED his T: 'lor llshmem to the sebond floor of Sn. . ‘9'” Brinkcrhofl's Clothinr‘ REMO‘ .] G EON TAILO R, generally‘ ing Es‘ta? 3' TI , i .81.. son’s bui ding, (m‘er Brinkcrhon » iotu. Sung) n rfihcnst corner of Hie I‘ublic'Sqnm-c, entrnnpe n York street, where he is prep'ncd to do a]? drk in his line in the best‘mnnner, and to th sntisfnclibn of customers. He em ploys no 2 but first class hands, and receiving T'IJE FASHIONS REGULARLY, he can "armnz fashionable fits and ncni and snbslautihl sewing. He asks a share of the pnbiic’a utrnnage, promising to spare no ef fort to d serve it. His chm‘gPs will afiways be found as moderate 35 {he timps will low. Cumin and Repairing done at the shortest notice. [Geltysburg,April 10,1863. m I: P. Bayley 8; 00., was In: CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWABE, WARE, FINE CUTLERY. ' . '5 (:ASTORS, #O., was Smnw, xnn BAL’FIIOHD Sl2, BALTIMORE, AID. _ pEA fiflxw No. 6 11 GLASWARE :~Tumblcts. Goblets, Wines, Lngers, 'lnsks. Blk. Homes, Candy Jars, Do cunters, I res. Dishes, Fruit Bowls} Salts, Uns tflra, Gator Battles, Ker. Lamps. Katharin noys, Lanterns. kc. _ oust-fen” arm—mates, Fm Qishcs, Deep (10., Co cred (10., vaered ”Bum-rs, Tea Pets, Sngars,erem, Bowls, Pitchen, Chambers, Basins pad Pitchns, Mugs, Spittoouh. Tea Sets, Tqilel Sctstc. ’ ' COM. STONEWARE 2—Jngs, Jors,lPitchan, Milk Papa, azc. ' [May 1,1865. Iyi \ 1 Notice. ‘ . mm “st's ESTATE—Letters m mliministratiou‘ on the estate of Henry Masteruhle of Germany 0.1.1., Adams county, (homer, having been granted to the under. signed, _esidinginiheaamepwnship.they here by give! notice to all persons indebted to said estate 1b make immediate payment, and’ those having éhims against the same to present them pupal? aulhehliutcdfor settlement. ‘ MARY “Sims. HENRY MASTER, Admmiatmmm ‘ ”ragws,‘lB6s. 6: ”‘A I , Arrow Root, Corn Sun-ch, Rice-flth §an (“Mathn‘hr we M. w. HORNE!!! mg T“, E . , _ ‘ \ A Vahuble Farm \ T PRIVATE SALE.-—The.subscrihe|3, A Executor: of the lust will and testament of Leonard Delnp, deceased, 011'» St Private Sale, the follnwing Real Eslnte of mid de cedent, viz: A FARM, situate in Tyrone township, Austins county, Pm, adjoining lands of David Me, Daniel Brume, Rudotpb Deicrick. and others, containing 200 Acres, more or less, about 50 notes of which are woodland and 30 acreé meadow. The improvement! u-e . It Two-story Wankel-boarded I I HOUSE, 2Te n: Houses, large I Log Barn wis2Wagon Shds nlmcbed, Corn Crib, Smoke House, Spring House, 2 good Orchardifnmi n neverfnifing spring near the house. There is a stream of wtter running through the farm. fii’ersons wishing to View the proper‘y will be shown the same by calling ox; Daniel Deiup, residing thereon. _ > > > JOHN DELAP, DANIEL DELAP, Feb. 6, 1805. If Executors. . _._.. --_ _ _+,_ ~ .The Old Stand, N THE HILL. ~ . 3 J. M. ROWE, Thankful for fast favors, invites the citiitus of Gettysburg‘and vicinity to his stock of Goods, consisting in pan. of SUGARS, 4 . corneas. ‘ , snaps, ‘ TEAS, . J CROCKEBY-WARE, TOBACCOS, BACON, } LARD, LAMPS, BASKETS, ngn, OILS, sons, Nonuxs, FLOUR AND FEED, all of which he is prepared to sell low as the lnwest. Country producb taken in 'exchnnge for goods, and the highest prion paid. My mono is ‘finick Sales 3.: Smul'."Prnfils."-- Give me a on“. J. N. ROWE. May22,l -. u ‘ Russell’s, Screw Power VD THE ‘ _..__ QVESLIEEAPE'? 3.12310 me BOTH COMBINED MACHINES The lubscriher is ngen! for the‘above ma chines. The Screw powerlms found a ready market since introduced in this Conngy, Ind givcssntisfactiw, a fact to which many farmers will certify. ‘ THE OHIO REAPER “ has given satisfaction wherover used, over three thousand having been sold during the last season. The demand was so great the company intend putting out six thousand this season, which we considgr the best rgcommen dnlion for any machine. It is at cpg-gcnred nmohine,‘snid to be oftery light draft, work“! with gnse with one spun of horses. This ma chine, ns 3 Reaper, can be worked with or without n mke. Farmers Widiing to buy yronld da‘well to make their purchases early, its the demand will be great. Last season we “are unable to supply the demand in conse qiience of persons milking up their minds too late in the semen. Extrut always kept on land. Specimen machines can be seon by, calling on the subscriber, two miles northcnst of th'ysbu‘bg, on tho llarrisbur‘g mad. - ' " 'l “’ll. WIBLE, Agent. April 17,11865. (f . ‘ . S. ‘ 7-30‘ Loan ! THIRD SERIES, $230,006,000.—8y author ity 3f the Secrbmry of the Treasury, the nndersigfigd, the General Subscription Agtmt for the we of United States Securities, offers to the puhm; the tliix-d series 6foensm-y Notes, bearing seyen and three-tenths per cent. inter est per Imam, knownnq tho _ 7-30 LOAN Thesq note3“\\n§-o issued under date of July 15,1805, and rule“ payable three years Tram um: date in currency- or are convertible at the option of the holdkr into ' U. 8. 5.30 Six per cent.~ GOLD—BEARING BONDS These Bonds urcgnoxv worth, a handsome premium, and are eangpl, as are [all the Gov ernment Bonds, fron‘fi‘alc, Comfy, and Ham'- (I‘l2er mum, which n'ldil'from am (a three p'er crnt. per (infirm 7o Meir nzlm,\§ccordiug to thc mte lefled upon other profiéyty. The inlerest is pnynbfc semi-annually by‘tcou ponn nltached to each note, whichgmy be\\cut off and said to any ban].- or banker. The interest at 7-30 per cent. amountsto , \ . One cent per day on 3|, 550 note. Two cents “ “ “'\ $lOO “ Ten H H H \5500 H 20 u A: u $lOOO 1: $l 4 ' U M (1 $3OOO ll Noxes of all the denominationé named will be promptly furnished upon rccejpt of sub scriptions. ' , ‘ The Notes of this Third Series are prociaeiy similar inform and privileges to \hye Seven- Thirties already Soil]. except that tthovern men: resgrres to itself the option of paying interest in gbld coin at 6 per cent” instead of 7 23-10113: in énrnn'cy. Subscribers win flcduct the inte'resg in currrn‘c! up to July 15th; in! the time when they subscribe. ‘ .' The delivgry of {he notes of this third aeries 5 of the Said-thirties will commence on the‘ist of June, imé will be made prompfly and cou- s tinuously after that d'm. A . ‘\ The slight change wide in the conditions OE, this THIRD SERIES «_fi'ects only the matter of ‘ interest. The pa; men in go”, if wide, will be ‘equifalent to Lhe‘currcucy inlets}! oi the higher Mite. , . A Th'e return to specie gnyments, in the every ofyvhicb only will “I? opfiéfi‘fb pay interest in Gold be nmiléfl ofiwould so reduce and equal in prices that purchases madmilth six per éent. in gold would'he fully equal to _lhose made ,wltlx éeven _nnd three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is . ' THE. ONLY LOAN 15' MARKET » .now offered by the Government, and its supe rior advantages make it the - (then pom“: LOAN OF THE 950 mm: Less\then $230,000,000 of the Loan author ized by the lest Congress are now on the mar ket. Thishunonnt, at the rate 3g which it in being absorhehpuvill all he subscribed {9l' with in sixty days, when the notes will undoubted ly command a firemihinnn has unifhrmly been the case on closing’ thefihqeription; to other Loans. ' ’ \\ In order that‘oitizens of rely bwn and sec'tioh of the country niny b:vn\fl\Med facili ties (or taking the loan, the Nntio l Banks, State Bnnks, and Private makers filament the country have generélly agreed to recLeiye snhscrlptions at par. Subscribers will nelcék their qwn agents, in whom they have confi dence, and who only no to be responsible fér the delivery of the notes for which they re ceive orders. - JAY COOKE, Subzcription Agent, Philadelphia flSubscriptionl wiu'be received by the Getlyibnrg Nntiond Bank and the First Na. gional Bank of Gettysburg. , lay 29m 1865. 2:31 ‘ ' Notice. WILLIAM BAUGHER‘S ESTATE—Let— ters testamenmry on the cents of Wu ,lfum Bnugher, late of East Berlin, Adams conmy, deceased, having bun granted to the lundenigumi, residing in the same place, he , hereby given noting” All persons indebted m -snid esmte to make immedilte payment, sud those having claims against the semen pre— fsenc them pro "15 nutbenticutcd for‘seme. ‘x‘nent. -‘ $8 KGB BAKER, Executor. June 5, 1865. 81* - D CIDER.—Jm received at «Dr. R. , .~ HOW’S Drug Store, nu pure sax phnficf Mite “lift???” Cider; 1 Earn ”Ann"mqnnn‘ its: 12; and 15 mm, ac “ammo: 3 Important Annoufiégment.» 1,0 mm SALE _ ~ V I J , 0., . ’chr‘ms, CHAINS, DIAMOND 2'24th M) l mu; MILLION DOLLARS wonrm ‘ . _To a: Dispoun or 11' \ A ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without regard to Vnhle! Not ‘to bu paid to: anti) you kan-wbal you are to revoke! H Sphndid List of Armin“ All to be lold for Une Imm Each-l l3‘ . BOO‘Mnsicnl Boxes. \ s2otoslso each. 150 Musical Boxes, with Bells And (Instincts, . x 200“ 600 0“ ‘ 500 decr Teapots and Cofikg ~ i Urna, 20 “ 50 ” i 500 Silver Chafing Dishes, 30 3‘ 100 “ ‘ 1000 H Ice Pitchers, » 2o ‘\ 50 u ' 2500 “ Syrup Cupsw‘uh Sal vers, _ ‘2O“ N‘ 5000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ‘ ' ing Cups, 5"“ 50 ‘ 3000 Silver Castor!) 15 “ 50 " 2000 I‘ o Frnil,Cnrd and Cake Baskets, '2O “ 50 “ 5000 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons, 10 “ 20 do: 10000 ‘2 “ Table Spoon; and Forks, 20 “ 40 H 250. Genzs’ Gold hunting-case Watches, ' ' $5O toslsoehch 250 Ladies‘ Gold And Emman ed bunting-case Watches. 35 “ ‘7O “ 500 Gents' hunting-case Sil~ ver Watches, 3 35 “ 70 “ 200 Diamond Rings, 60 “ 100 “ 5000 Gold Vest 4!: Neck Chains, 4 “ 30 H 3000 Gold 0m! Band Bracelets, 4 “ 8 “ 5000 Jet. and Gold Bracelets, 6 " 10 " 000 Chatelaine Chains and Guud Chaim, ~ 5 “ 000 SolitairchGpld Brooches, 4 “ 5000 Coml, Opal and Emerald Brooches, - 6000 Musalc, Jet‘ Hum, 3nd Flr’ntine EM Drops. 4 “ 7500 Com], Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops, ‘ 4 u c‘H 4000 California Dlnm’d Brcaut- ‘ - pins, 2.50 N 10 -H 3000 Gold Fob & Vest. Watch- keys, 2.50 ” 8 “ 4000 Fob tVest Ribbou~slidcs, 3‘f 'lO “ 5000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-ML- - tons, Studs, kc., 3 ” 8 “ ZOOGGoldThimblesfencilsflm, 4 “ 6 _ “ 10‘ 0 Miniature Lockets, 2.50 “ IO “ 4000 Miniature Lockets, Magic Spring, 10 “ 20 “ 3000 Gold Toothplcks,Crosscs, 2 “ ' 8 “ 5000 Plain Gold Rings, 4 “ 10 “ 5000 Chnscd Gold Rings, 4 “ ll “ 1000 SloneSet& Signet Rings,2.so ” 10 “ 1000.0:11ifomia Diamond Rings, 2 “ 10 ‘l 7500 sets Ladies’ Jewelry—Jet nnd Gold,‘ 5 ” comm-ts Lndies’Jewclry—Cam eo,l’earl,o[u\l,& other-stones, 4 " 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Exten alo’n holders and Pencils, 1000 Gold Pens & _Gold mount ed Holders; 5000 Gold Pens and Gold ex- lension Holders, 15 “- 5000 Lndius’Gilt A: Jet. Buckles, 5 ” 500) Ladies’ Gilt and Jet. Hair Bars‘nnd Bum,- . 5 “ 10 “ ARRANDALE 5: CO., Manufacturers' Agents, No. 167 Jimmuwu, Nsw Yonx, Announce that. all of the above list of goods will be sold for 0.1:: DOLLAR ench. _ . In consequence ofthe great atagnntion of tradeiu the manufacturing districts of Eng land, through the war having c‘ut‘ofl’ the sup ply of cotton, a‘ large qunntifl or Valuable Jewelry, origiufl‘lly intended for the English mnrket, has been sent ofl'for sale in thiwoun try, AND MUST BE SOLD AT A'NY SACRI FICEI Under these circumstances, ARRAN DALE .12 CO., M‘ting us agents for the princi< pnl European manufacturers, have resolved upon a grent GIFT APPORTIONMENT to be divided occcrding to the following regulations: Certificates of the vnrious articles nre first ‘ put into eflvelOpes, sealed op, and mixed ;a_ud when ordered, nre taken out without rEngd to choic‘,\n,nd sent by ‘mnil, thus showing no favoritism. On receipt of the certificate, you will§en what you are to the, null then it is nt your ortion to send the dollar 1%“! take the article or not. Purchasers moyt us obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any Set of Jewelry on our list for Our. DOM-“l: SEND 25 CENTS FOR CERTIFICATE. In 1111 thnsabtious by mail, we shall charge I for (orwarding the Certificates, pnying postage, Laud doing the busincn, 25 cents each, whflch must be Enclosed when 'lhe Certificate is sent 9 for. Five Cemficmcs will be sent for $l, leleven for s2,lhirty for $5, sixty-five for $lO, ]and a. hundred‘for $l5. WHAT THE “ PRESS" SAY OF US. TIM: Lqfixyetle (Ind.) Dolly Carrier, March 18, 1865, says.- “A better selecwd, more varied or fashionable assortment ofjen glry cannot be found on the. continent than Amwdnle 5; Co. are now oll'ering. Messrs. Aurnndale & Co. occupy n high position in commercial circles] as men entirely nhove the common trickery or‘ trade. Their statementsmuy he implicitly re-‘ _lmd upon, bmh as to the character of their l goods and the. manner of disposal. Ladies 1 especially, in all pants of the country, nre‘ lrcfllizing handsome profits as agcms, and if . any of our lair renders desire to interest them 'selves m the enlerprine, they may do so with ‘perfectconflduncefl' - ’ _ l Gin-hr GIFT Dwrgxuwxox—A rnre oppor ; tunjty is altered for obmiuing gnu-hos, chains, 1 diamond rings, silverware, etc.,~by Messrs. Armnd do At CO., at No. 167 Broadway. Th'ey have an immense stoék of articles, varying‘in value, and -all are ofl'ered at fine dollar each. The distrihrition is very lnirly done—you agree , to take ll certificate of a cqrtnin article. enclos led in an envelope, and are not required to pay syour dollar unless you are satiafied with the article, which‘will certainly be wanh more than that nmonm, and may be $5O or $100.. *An excellent mode this of inyesting a dollar. J—Sumlay Tuna, Iv. I'. cw, m. w, 1865. Iv Messrs. Arrandnle k 00. hove long been .‘p’ersonnlly known to us. and in believe them in be every way worthy of public confidence.— N. Y. Scout's/l Amm‘cua Jaun, June 11, 1864. We have inspected, ”at the office of Armu- ; dale A: Co.’s Agency for European llnuufnc turinchw'ellers, a large Assortment of {ash ionolblo and valuable jewelry of the newest , patterns. We also noticed a large quantity of ‘ silver plate, and understand that the whole of these newly imported articles are to be dis posed of on a novel principle, giving great ad vantages to buyers, and afl‘ording cxlensh e ‘ employment to agents. We know the firm in question to be very respectable and thorough ly worthy‘of public confidence, and recommend our friends to read their advertisement.-—N. Y. Albion, September 3, 1864. Exrtowsur roe. Lewes—The most eligible and profiuble employment we have heard of for; ladies is the sale oi certificates for the Great Gift Distribution of Arrsndsle & Co.— A lady ofon: acquaintance has been very suc cessiul in this way, not only in filling her own purse, but also in doing a good-turn to those to whom she sold the Certificates, as will be seen by our advertising columns. Gentlemen can also be thus ongngcd.——N. Y. Sunday Aler tury, Au]. 14, 1864-. The British Wing of Kingston, 0. W., says, Nov. 26th, 1864, “One of our lady subscribers became an Agent for Arrandale k 00., and by request brought some twenty articles sent as prizes for her agency, to this once for inspee» tion, and without hesitation we can state that each and all at thoarticlcs were worth treble the amount at cost to the recipients, and some of them six times.” . Wexhare seen some very pretty specimens of Table, and Tenspoons, Gold Watches, Ladies’ Chains,-l’ins, Bracelets, etc., which have been sent by Arronaale & Co. to this place for $1 each—Amelia qurler,N. Y. Slale,l!’eb. 15, ’65. AGENTS._——\\’¢ want agents in every regi ment, and in every town aqd county in the country, and those mange: such will be al - 10 Cents on everyx ifica‘b orderedfor them, provided their remittance manuals to one dollar, also other induéemanta which can he learned on npfi'litmtion. Agents wifleofilect 25 cents by every Certificate, ' d remit. 16 cents toms, either in cash or pofiXge humps. ARRANDALE‘b 0.,“ 16'! Broadway, ‘ f. Jane 5, 1365. 6% Give Him a Call ! E plies to obtain a perfect Photographer, Ambrotype, executed in the best manner is as HWPER’S GALLERY, in Middle street. J: n. 9, 1865. ' ARDWRE no IRON, mm mi on. H of every description, at granny redueg Page}, .9, ._ ,- F§HKESTGCE'S. ‘ 1 65's] unawng‘enu c" (5“ ’, warmfimem iV mes. . sawing ND " ' - » ' * v. A Imm 191033- 1131911503?» 'I‘IIB “numb!“ Ant. Tha'oifl! Democratic o‘"me , . 7 [ml - ‘Publishod in Phllmlph‘fz.‘ M THE quN. rys‘coua'muudx, \ LID 1113 “when“? or THE LAWS i The publishers of themnaaapm. Age in: Vito the enrnost altpntion‘of bmineas rum, . thinking moo, literary men, and all «lip on in terusied in the various occupations «ml gun I ‘ suits oflil'e, to the Daily and Weekly edluons 1' their Journal. \ - uh I \ HE PHILADELPHIA DAILY AGQ, which dvo‘cntes the . rinmplen and polio; of ‘ the Dem‘ocrn'ie arty, rsiasned every mo nrngj. _ (Sunday: cursed.) ind contain! the totem - Intelligence 11: all parts of the world: with \\ carefiilly prep ed articles on Government, \ PolititaTdee, once, and all the cumut ‘ Huestious and dint \of the day; Local Inlel< licence. .\lnrknt Roper Prices Current, Stock Quotntions, Mnr'mc nkCommercinl lntdli- ' gence, Reports of l’ulzlic Hgntlierlngl, Foreign «ml Domestic Correspondcn , Legnlnnpnrtr” Book Nutivvs, Tlxoutricul Grit isms, Reviews ' of Literature, Art and Mualc, glimltuml Matters, and discuaslona of whate r subject. is of general interest and importance. . No event of nny imliortnncn occurs 'n no pnrt of the country without being lully Hg - - promptly télvgmphccl to nnd published prom ly inits columnst I! ha: all the chpalc/AM o ' the .:..wcl'ateil ['rm from every part of (lan Umted States, and flu nut-a from all yam of Ithrgpe brought by the alramera I's r'nfluhlly ldt'gmplml, from whatever point the shaman first (out. ‘ TERMS—Ten Dollars per nnnum, for a sin- ' gle copy. Five Dollars tor six months, Twor ‘ ‘ Dollars nnd Fifty Cents for three months. and for any less time, at thy: rule or One Dollar . per month. Pn‘yment required inmrinbly‘lu advance. . -- ‘ 20 " 30 " 4n 8 " = THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY AGE . is a complete compendium of the News of 5:10 week, and ,contnins the chief editorials, he prices cnrren‘t andJn-u-lmt reports, stock quo tations, intdligruce fur inrmers, correspbml-_ enca and gencrnl news rnnucr published in the Daily Age. It also contain it grcnl variety oi other lildrnrynnd mis‘cclluneons mutter, iu eluding tiller, sketches, biography, @rceiiau, and poetry, rendering ii. in_nll respects a first-class family journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, yhe Former, the Me. chanic, the Liter-My man, nnd all class” of renders: it has, in ru-L, every clmracxerisfiu ofn live newspaper, fitted for (he Coumim; Howie, the Workshop, the Fireside, soil the general render. . ” ' The Weakly A 9: {a mmlnl in «arm (a read a“ parts of I’mluyluania, New Janey, Ddrrware and Maryland, on or chare Saturday of arch week. TERMS.—Two Dollars per unnum for a sin~ gle copy, One Dollnr for pix months, 'nnil sixty ‘ cents for threé months. , One copy grmil will ‘ be sent {at one year to the person forwarding us twenty yearly subscribers paid in ndyance. 3 No paper willbe sent until the subscription is paid. . , ~ LEM EEMill 4" 10 u 6 " 10 " 25 u 15 9 Bperimen copies of 1% Daily and Weekly will be sent grmis to any address on applica tion. ‘ ——- ' The rirqulutin‘n of the Philadelphia Ago, which is steadily and rapidly growing, make: it nt lens! as valuable a medium for advertis ing as any other commercial .nnd lmninnsl newspaper in Philadelphia, and 1119.1 an that i: reaches a lnrgeploss “conservative readers, scam‘red Mer a mat extent of country, who do not take any other Philadelphia ppper, commends 3; to an exlmordinnry‘degr‘eo, as a. means of communicating with the public not possessed by any other journal published in this ciLy. ‘ The Age is now established on A square and permanent foundation. ’l‘hel’ublishers could easily fill their columns with tho unsought and most liberal commendation of the press throughout the country; but they prefer that it should stand altogether upon claims to pub lic confidence, well known and established.— It will be, as heretofore, the supporter of true National, Consgrvmive, Democratic Union principles, opposed alike to radicalism emf lnnstieism in every form, and devoted to the maintenance of good government, low and order. The res-[ml oi nil the business rein tinns of the country, consequent upon the sup pression oi the rebellion and, the restoration of pence, will enable the Publishers to make A» number at improvements in the various deport mems of this journnl, and they, therefore, re spectiully solicit the support or all who wish to secure one of the best Commercial, Liter-gr, Business and Family newspaper-fin 1 he country. ' ‘ ‘ I Now is the Time to Subacn’bel ' Address, / ‘ l ‘ ' ‘ GLOSSBRENNER & WELSH, ‘No. 430 Chen‘tnut Street, Philadelphia May 29, 1865 UTUAI; FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY luuonronnxn, MAM!!! 18,185}. Q Urmczul. President—George Swo‘pc. ‘ . Vice Pnsidenl—Samncl R._Ruucfl. Secretary—D. A. Bu‘ehler. ‘ Treasurer—E. G. lo‘nhnesiock. ' I Exocutlvé (30mmlttee—llobért,llcCurdy1 An. drur Ilclntzelmnn, Jacob Kl‘ng. Ll.\:zmlus.—Gemge Swopo, D. A. Enabler R. McL‘urdy, D. McGrenry, 11. Elem-Morgenfl. 11. Russell, E. G. Fuhncatork, A. D. Buehler, 11. 0. llereary,Gettjsburg;-Jncob King,Slr:t-‘ non township; A.llcintrelmu,Franklin;Wm. D. ”hoes, Blew leord; Wm. 11. “Mean, Ben. dersville; 11. A. Picking, Strabnn townehlq‘; John Wolfurd, Lntimorc township; John Pic - Jug, East Berlin; Ahel I‘. Wright, Benders villc; Abdlel l’. Gitt, New Oxford; Joann. Marshall, Hamiltoubnqtownabip; John Unn~ ’ninglmm, Freedom township; John Homer, Mountjoy townshlp. . ”This Compnuy in limitul in ft: opera« tions to the county of Adams. lt lme been in operation for more than ll yeurr, and in that period has-made but one assessment, having pnld losses bf} fire during that period muount ing to $11,)88——5G,769 of, which leave been paid during the last two years. Any person ‘ ; desiring nu luaurance can apply to my of the above named Manager: for further informmlon. * wThe Executive Committee meet: at the ‘ office of the Company, on the Inst Wedneh , 1 day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. 31. Mn. 13, 1865. u OTICE o‘s REMOVAL. N LAWRENCE D. DlE’l‘Z & 00., respectfully beg leave to übtify their trio-Ih, customers and the public generally, tint they have removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to tlie commodloae {our-story Warehouse, NO. 808 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and‘Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the, Wholesale Bull» ness,.aalely lu ~ 'k Hosiery. Trimmings, Fumiahing Goods. Perfumery, Notions, . Stationery, Untlery, ’ ‘ Toys, km, kc. to which they invite the attention of city Inf country purchasers, feeling confident n! theit ‘ ability to otl‘cr inducements in price! .nnd quality of Goods. ‘ J'i : ‘ . Orders by mail will receive prompt “ten tion. Address , ~. , LAWRENCE D. DlE’l‘Z & 60.. . 308 Baltimore street, Baltimore. March 14, 1864. _ ASHIONABLE BARBER, Northeast w ner of the Diamond, (next door to lie. lenm’a Hotel» Reuyshurg, PI. ,_wlmo kg can as tall time: be Sound randy to “and to pll isinm 1h mum He bu also excelled-a aia‘ 4 m and win inure utisfoqtion. 9ft”! time-. 14. ~ ; . manta, E3O 8103! ‘ » "5" . \ Exomxxé‘i. \’ a ’ The Exeehi m We Wurldfififfi 4L!!! 3», ._ , manna ' lie: E 517”? ,-. V” ._.. . . .1, t 7» 3‘ ("ROSPEUZ’D‘S 0! I » 1124 TO ADVERTISERS Adams County Eéiablished 1850. John W. Tipton, E 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers