imp m: ”WWW DRfl‘JJFLA o.’ In 3. ”ml. ”1101 AND mnmox Tiammb, PA. ”SBA? MORYLVG, 413 Y 1!: X 336 Paul—"Th: Bay: are Coming Em."— ,Wflfl] nction of the Mate—in Inert. from every section onho Northern Staten come! the plening ianige'nce that con icripu have been discharged. that the re cruiting Ind provost murah‘sh office; are 'Ming’glos'ed up. and that the‘armiea in the field nrebeingdisbnndcd. Thegratification '3l. thee glérious indications of a return to pace are hailed by no one pariy osclnss bfpoople, but. by all. ~ I Thuoia icy and glndneu, in reality, in (ho had. Not only are fa'milie: Again re nnibd, whoie “an and piolectnn find keep hobbled. up by the remorselen {urn of $l3; wheel of ohnoe, bu). thouunck of city I ran! firegidefl're dive and jßyoul at the ‘MW'I thatiipregdl {éand near-"the Boy! In coming Home !” ' n‘l'hero wu'iln ‘in‘loymnl nieeting of 3.110 Court It Fullil?tbn'oh ’l‘u nfifiich In to try tho'mm nation “imam”.— Boven oyf llzolcculed were brought before it Ing'reqneitegl' lo'ohéése their coda-9'l. Dljld E. Hurtold named FreH.Stone,-Jo final: 3. Brodie and J. M. Curlisle; Lewis Ynyno named J. Moon Campb'ell; Mrs. flurry“ named Ben-rely John-on Ind W. W. Kirby ; Samuel Mndd, unmod, Robert J. Brént. The remninidg plight“. Gearga ,'A. Atmroth. Samuel B. An: Id. and Mi chul Manughlin, di‘l'not mania whnsél. It _hn nét yet b'een decided whether thq lrid'vill be open or lecret. ' ‘ ‘ The 11in] commenced on Wodne-dny. ‘Gen. Hunter prenitlestover the .court. lie; . portal are not admitted, an'd the' particu-l Inn will not. be made public untilAtho end of tha‘trial. Judge Advocate: Ilolt.~Bur he" and Binghnm conduct the prosecution. ‘9ez’zernl §hermau'a lrmy, which by: .5!!!) marching from Raleigh. r‘enched Rich fnbnd on Monday. The advance phssed 3hmgh Eetenburg on Salwdny. Four corp. compose this colum‘p. They are 'lcqmyngij‘ded'by ‘Genemls Begun-d and Slo cum. 1! in' cppposed that: Genéral Meade, wit!) the 4rmy of the Potomac, who left. Richmond on May 3, his, by this time, ar flvod It. Culpeper. Virginia. Sherman’s troop: wili follow Mude'e army. as soon as ghq have received their supplies at Rich- will be diatrihumd all over the Slate.— Nurly every town in the interior will be 'strrimnedl' A women! infnrmation hns beeq received In Washington that Dick Taylcr Has surren‘ (find 111 the Confederate armiea in Alaba hn and Mississippi. They receitecl the nag arms u were given Gene n 1 Lee. Th'en’no now no nrmcd bodies of C(‘mfegle y!!!“ min b! the xississ'rpfi. ”A proclamation has been Ismad‘hy Pmidnut Johnson, winch gives notice to tor-tip: nations that Confederate cngiurl fill ,byoc‘qnniderodu pirate: dyer they sh.” hue feceiyéd potige of fihig proclamstion. ThugPtufdom bu also issued a proclups sign n-utablilhing the Fedenl civil tu thorhy infi'irgfnis. ' 7 . _ green. Schofield has issued In: impor.‘ flat order in ‘3oth Carolina with p view_¢o \ $llO more efl'eotunl cum-3mg out of President ‘ ‘_muoln's EmancipatiuQ Procla matién. [ln 3 holificg {ll I'm-mar mulorthnL their ne w in how free. nnd sdrisea them fair couponiltion. He also tells {madman to lump! such paid service. und in I" wnya‘to ‘ dam nun-elven wortbily of um pug, audition; ’ ‘ ‘ ‘Myn’e.’ the main, ha quy con “ his crime nnd‘nll the dam}: respect ing i‘t. Ipd the difleumes ho gncountered, Esonfima {any the story of the colored who let him into the house. and aka WSlwu-d's account. Thedetqjlswhich he givq no. for obvious reuona, not made ilblio It pro-eat; he aye, however. that gll th‘c pins ofzhu Friday night not being curled mil: was 1116 greatou {niluro that in: occurred. Ho has not nude my rent . . o ~ ‘ ' flog NE” 1m :05: my“. more in I report that Sharp R. It“!!! and Bonrly Tanka- hue left. How ind ind gout in Hue direction of Balms. M Thompson and Clement C. Clay, it. g‘fil have 30116 to Europe. Willis!!! 0. ‘ ‘ in new in the bnpda of If» papudilu @OO3, having surmpdored him-chi RI! in remarkable Hm Lll‘the ,ndvo ”acidic. war in the beginning. Gréeley, M Germ Smith, Wendeu Phillips, fl 10‘1”“. m pleading for ‘ genes-on; ‘ j tof algal ofi'eago. ' , .‘lho New York Dibuu says it in re ‘ ~in Wuhihgton, tbn'fiimou Cunar 1* icon urging the' appointmcm of “W- For-0y” Secretary ‘6! War, upozi ‘Mut Johan. What a nice little ar- WW‘ ‘5“ ”91‘ b" to be lure. ' ‘ . .\ 9c. 9! gen-n 1 Nuclei" urn 7 . 2b hivenwbcd 32110 Main, ;: , WMSnYM 18! Warhead-y, } 9.? “we“?! ynlrcp. The Army of 3 ‘ul. “Mun. “- SI 'fitfi, il redrivoup {lf ”’_Wi‘uchafir. prepuat'ogy to lanai: ‘JfiQQ‘Wuhingtcfi. ' i ‘ , w. mmndefi of tha robe! Gen. . 7.lmm mama. uhde’r his bon s6: MM by an «new {flight L‘Uufiiflfled qt. 9mm»; :5", «mm: lnut. ‘ ' "‘~ - ‘-‘ “W.“ "-’ MW in Imam Horace Greeley an: I In an Philodelphle Wof the 3d. 'o] it is reported that the hou- on Geo’getm . .‘ . ‘ He he tl led h 0 1 “CI There ll dopranty. but no dough. in the find the following Wuhlngton dark}, I hukbmméin’fff'f “3'1," mu." ' ”95"“ °!' the mod fool "P 0 '33 1'” ' 8|"! from ll! Wt “A, z” . Preudent Johnson. ‘ L‘”°°x‘;‘:::rli°g‘.‘mn;.ama?r 523:} , “There in certain imitation- (Melange: Charla 1 cm)“ m. “gum" tiller W 1:10“? a]. ions In Ition Slut gw‘to Iho'w that Praldent Johnna.h.ke_ __ o; the Con-etch) Bank, Phaedelphh, 71120 nl S3M“ 1 his Seen“. via...“ an“, llmented Lincoln. in hie'laterdeys. u m needed hit my, wit hunted on Xonday kneel: order that tlfomleadln fold. may a“ «ser rudzhnb ‘ wide In!" End I fin!“ 1 Solomon, P" mg" a,“ wildly: punkhme‘nt '5“ hi ‘ notltzng in “g“! "1“ the prnclemngn‘ The out: of Illegienize hll been taken by "Q 1" dnd'of hurt would be' ed ’ I film“!!! the nth to trade mil be $O6O citizen of Sound: since February let: m . . ve "m ‘ ' ”01‘0"“ by evidence: ntill moreoonclu‘ni'v‘ei A young lady in Connecticut has become ln l Th." n oonnd phtlowphy ttrtlnle, my. 39’ the deeire of u" PPM“; to ”“11?" ‘ lane on neconnt of President Uncoln'a uns a contemporary : but presumption in guess- L breech an quietly end p eesnnt y a, pom le, tinatloa. ingotthe dengue of Providence has been ““1 ““1“” ”"h ‘1"; "section: “8““ m 03°} Former: in Eastern Pennsyivnln are hiring comm 'n the world, and we shall, per- he’rmomou! woe. _ ifl , l' r laborers among the rebel pnrolrd prisoners, at W, other 3.. the end of it. These M l The “50"“ "W “Z“ cont ““91 1891109. : tholow rote. of $8 to $l6 per month. 1 who th' kth ' - 1.0 d 't and probably accounts for the reticence ofi The oyertge yield of West Virginia oil well: 5) . m -ey are pm" ‘ aml the radical journals upon public afl‘niru and ‘i' “id ‘° 5' “50“”an bum" P" dfil- 1 Ihdt they no nnnen, and deserve more‘in raise end .m ort ofthe new adminin-E The "be“ “m “in“ crop is reported toba their day oondign punishment man could I: f Th pp rt f tla G lin excellent condition at the West. inflict; and if they escape at ill. it will be $l7” 1;"). l e "Ith OR in overnment‘ Duvnl Mch‘nltr, a noted nerilla, and eight‘ from Divine mercy dotjustice. When they: YR“ e emento ‘ e 9P“ can party 1’ of hi: men,Were captured in Tennessee, a term lull: fli Intl 73f condi n unishment ‘contingent alone now. as it always was du- . days ago, and immediately hung. .t 1h l , .3? h, l k 81.15 h dl' iting Mr. Lincoln’s life, upon the adoption} Severnlof the military hospitals in Philadel-t ; Nn l ’9! etter 'OO ' a 1' e a 9“ ° of the men-urea “I",de out bythoextrem-' phi: lfl'e been ordered to he closed and the} ithu future-retribution m which they pro-l. ur x F.B. HM J h h imam: force reduced. There are mu 7,4,61' Men to believe. and odhnt up whet they?" ° ‘_ew “‘3‘” ' "f’ “m”. u inmateain lbe howitellintb‘t city. ‘ ‘ have to look for if oondigl punishment b idetermxned onlthe course indicated, n 1'! 301’": "had It 3150 can be 50“!“ iii ’lnflicted on them in that world to echo _ [absolutely momteot that no threat: or ln-‘ Philldelpbie at from $1”) to 3120. Good ar-| iTh Im, in of ”be“ an be u total ltimidation—eo potent heretofore—willdri" tillery hone: are selling “3120. l l e.B .8 . y ry 8". . {him from his course Thou hbe may lose Recruiting for the Mexican army, under the: l” lb?" PW“ feelings; but, after '1" ‘t " lth t f h 'd’ l g h guile of emigntlon,doe'a not proceed very rap-l .but denth, which they have to suffer them- l ° ”PP". ° " °’3 “’5 ’v ‘7 ° Peme‘“ idly nt Walhingmn. 'eelvee, in some way; and, therefore. how ‘9'"! r‘m‘éicm‘jzld “19 Governjnefit 591;! TheTmnlflryilszlgtqutélfiflginz “Infil ’ - - - . .‘vice in in uent osilions, an t. oug ments to pay a t e 36' in e e ncss me u- Emtteh more lufi’enng "l". they tnfllot on lthey may oppose in: embarrass his efl'orts! ding the nrrenrngee end hountiee, to the umpi few “I": ””Y mu" _BO through them- ‘in man we 5 be “h have nothin to f I" The number of vessels in the Potomu flotil-. ‘aelvell We presume, if the guilty rebel l . y.y ’ _ .. . 5 en ila. is to he reduced one-half. l whould cheat hi: Satanic Mnjelty at last, :no proeecutmg hll patriotic labors, for bill Gournorl’lerpont. of Virginia, ha: declared: and get to a better world, whilxt th'ese i'cu’mn' °f strength #94 "WOW-50min“ civil-olflcel'ln that :Stete vnclut. He will‘ Pharisees get to . wane q", the letter will J .\orth and South—dull largely oouutervnxl "ZION h" film“ ‘0 ugh-"1°“ “9“ "9“- - . . N . F b all the lost radical powers and numberl.—— All the prmte and a cull paper: of Fuel conuder 1t very u gir. or nug t we If it in true that the President .0 full com- dent Lincoln have been cnrofully collected,, know, or they either, Thin may happen.-- ~, r , ,- y , dilulcd up and lorwurdtd to Judge Dan-11, ofi Upon the whole. "é wofild "88'“ that prehendu the ntulnon, Ind ll deterrnme Bloomington, Illinois. I ma hid betzer look (4, m. an, up, .114 ‘° {mind “ QM“ “'94 0" mm" mend-3 It in said amino. Davin 1m rented . honte‘ m.” undertelte to gueu at the "‘3 of God ship, esteem, nndthe intereltl of the whole in Porto Rico through on Agent in that city. f Th Itt (5' . - ll‘ . hytkil d do. people, instead of acousolidoted yet weak! The Biohmond Whig of Tnelday states that‘ e' or ere cer ."f‘, i. .“g ’“\ con 1 onto unciolion of Stotel innedtu‘d’ all the leading otllcinll ofthnt city hare not neodanr unpervmon ; the former vet-\y 89m . h _l: P . like“ we oath of allegiance. i doubtful atrbeet. Itlbolu to tn e very but “"3"; '“h,h.”°’"°t:’ ‘ en ;: o f 03:21.1 Gen. Halleck reqnierhan oath of allegiance n elervln o e In - - . symptom, when we filttEr onrnelvea that gsfioytic and loyal man.—P§£¢l& Ifnion.’i3:2:f1:11lgxl:lill‘l;{)I"):f?:c§?dnl:.gdel::nottl1:nge:::- we filly are “5:“93‘! 91?: "939“" ‘2“ ———————<o.o--——-———- mance of a. marriage ceremony. “0d “13mm" ign punts meat on 0‘ or N T E It in thought that both Bragg Ind Wade people, (0 P 195” m. ' ‘ ’AN ARM? PF 169,000 ME 0 3 Hampton. have Red with Devil. Sergeant Corbett, the man who killed Booth, writer from Wuhington thuthis line has been threatepeg, "in the moat bloodthirsty mnnnerlfl A dollar subscription fund has-been opened in Sun Froncisco {or a. test' onto! to Mr». Lin‘- coin, and also one for I @ment to her in mented husband" 1 4H Confederate prisoners in the North are to be discharged upon taking the oath of alle glance. [cw sucn THINGS m mac} (a. above heading the ,N- Y. 731'- Imne bus sczzé comment: upon the recent proclamati x' of President aohnson, offer ing large raw-ids for tile arrest of Jefferson Davis and several other prominent rebels. on the chm-gs zhnt they were' accomplices p) the usufinntion of Mr. Linpoln. It Inys‘: 4 e , Until the facts thall have beendiwlosgil,‘ there willibe I natural hesitation to be lieve that the Rebel chiefs deno'nnced in onl- »pew President’s Proclaniution were really implicated ii the inurdef of his-la— mented’ predecefisor. There can be“ no doubt whatever that there is "evidence ,in the Bureau of Military ’Justice" that Jef ferson Davis £500; abetted the massination of President Linholn; but that evidence has not yet been traversed. and sifted, and scrutinized; and it may be found to consist bf ’henr’sayi‘tafrand the ambitious ontgiv ings 9f melo-d mntic villains of the Wilkes- Booth,genus. _ Innocent letters have often been made tohear a sinister interpretation in the light of events undreamed‘oi when those letters were written; and universal experience has long since affirmed the in security ofjudgin a case whereof only one side at most; has Eeen heard. ‘ Amm'mation is not an American hus- Mm. We do notznow recall a. single previ onn’cano wherein persons of any note and standing inltlfis country‘ havg conspired to efl'ecl. a great, public and by this meant—— 'l‘hen Davis and Thompaon have been col dier‘s. and soldiers eminently «late-t nuns lins. For the honor of our country. it may be hoped that this crime of crime: will not be fastened on men who have worn all but the highest. honors of the Republic, and who. prior to the rebellion, had borng fair personal reputations. ' 33.1116 Cincinnati Gazette any: thxt. a le -r has been received from Gen. Sher man . which he any: that. the war now be-~ ing over, he expects to~ be t hoine in i few‘days. ‘-e refers to the Sauce confer ence with Joh - ton, and states that‘when the facts m oi- ' lly promulgated. his c'ourse will be sustained by the country.— 'l‘he party'who receiveji the letter being fa miliu with Sherman‘s policy Is instructed by the late Prelidefit Lincoln. meme that the agreement with John-ton mu only that wl.ich.Mr. Lincoln foreqhndowed to Gener el Shel-nun it the meeting At City Point.-'- The huty end gratuitous conduet. of Hel leck and Stanton in‘cenenring Sherman. it is predicted, will reset on than gentlemen with tenfold severity. ' i ‘Thevphenrdity of Bepuhlieu: renou ing was never more gleringly exposed than it he: been by recent eeeutl. After Presi dent Linepln wu murdered e oertein clue of radical Republioens professed to believe thnt it was God’s will, became of his (Lin coln’s) leniency towerd Lee end his army. But {resident Johnson, judging from the Jaime muted the rebel Gen. John ston and bin; may. which are preoieely the «me u the.- mated to Lee. appears to he follow ling in the footltepe of hie predeoeuor. and henee. we must conclude. according to this 'ndigel them-y, that God’e plan for the pun iehmt of the rebel leader: hue {tiled l 'fiGovel-nment has given up the éx periment of‘gnpporting the blacks at. Freed- DOO'! Village. Arlington. Work is offered to all wimp; tohbor, In the usual prices. and rent in charged them for their tene menuqfl per month. All. incafisblo or unwilling to accept these ter-mm to be remand to Maon’l Inland, near George -90373. There are numerous applications froni \ho North for their services, but in k alum-t impoulblo to induoe any of them to migrate in that directiop. lowerufflugu and MI [mod Again! I From] (Emmet—A dispatch from Wuh-l ingtox': to the New York Times state. that, ' Juan: hu iuued letkn of innrquo and re prinl again“ French commerce, 3nd dds: 1 have the authority far no stating of a‘ «Miami. who mi- ~fonr of these dean-J wen" u inbnth‘ no. intended for tho PO élfic waters; lnfl it. in luted It the sum time that uimilu lane" for the Atlantic water: had been issued. The well-known Mexican General Ortega and ltafl'. who has been spending seven! days in New York, is upwind w {my hare tomorrow. fiTho New York Tribune fimtents apinu’ the trill of Booth’s accomplice: by c militari tribunnl. u directed by thoseo. retina of Wannnd insist: thus the time hi: npw come. if indeed there ever 'wu_ . 3.. acuity for : ‘difl'erenl comm, when all crime: spins: the 9m: law should'bo 'tried by ; court sail jury, as required by the Quantization. ‘ #lllde D. T fluency, 49-107 of tmificsw' Johann; ”d Jun?- 3M": 999 mm; .0! 61w¥im 9r: . i v. 38, Qalefi Unit-38th. ‘m ’rémi‘ ‘5.“ “" ' j“ *‘ nmrmzn. It is said, aneshington circles, thst the army in "only to be reduced to Your corps of 40,000 men each, snd‘that two of‘the corps ore to he negroes. Thetsxwould leave the country hurthened with {standing army of 80.0001hite soldiers, and 80,0Q0 negroes. It is estimated that every soldier _oorlts the Government3l,ooo per annum to maintainl him. Not in depreciated currency but et 1 gold rates. To rnsintAin on army of 160.4 3000 mm would involve. therefore, an arr! uunl expenditure of one hundred and sis-(y! million dollar: in your ' Is there any reason why the people should beexpeoted to continue to hear such , 'un enorq'aous hurthen‘l We do not believe‘ there is need of one-fourth of the proposed , armly. A wise and conciliatory policy 1 would bring every Southern State into the! Union>within' less than three months. and - to firmly establish nli relations betweenl them and the Federal Government that we’ should not need any larger army than we; had before the rebellion began. To carryl out the grand schemes of the radical lane-ii tics. who are raving about extended 5 pun-! izhment and sweeping confiscation. would K, necessitate the employment of large and expensive armies; but the government: cannot possibly derive anything but detri- i ment froflx sueh‘a course. We hope Presi dent Johnson will adopt such 1 policy as! will enable him to reduce the'army to the' old peeee‘stinderd before full. He can do' so if he will. Whether this is done or not, i we hope do portion of the permanent. standing army of the country may ever 3’9] negro". The people will not care to have to sustain an :rmy 'ot‘ hegro troops, with. whom they can hsve no ayrnpsthy.—-Lanc. I Intel. ’ ' i B‘Now that we are to have pémce‘for ‘ which God be thanked—the great princi ples of our Republic—the questionl dis lcussed by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, \ Madison and Hamilton—willcome up ngnin fresh ore the people; 9nd with more sig nifiufi Ind importance than ever. Let every Democrat, whose position is founded upon the principle; of free government and the rights of the people. stand firm.— Swifuy as the never ceasing whoeil of time, we are nppréaching ad” in which fin: yrim'plu are to be discussed; and in 111” day the Republican put: with in ineongfli on: élemenu mutt be divided And sub-divi ded. Thomas: who belieyo in the doo srinel of Jefemn will rally round the Democntic bmner. _ S'Abolitioniun in a singular institution. 11. d'eifies John Brown and recogniies the hind of Providence in the removal of Mr. Lin'ooh. In the one me it makes a god of m eunuin.end in the other it nukes an muein of God.—Chicago 13m. smm. Ex-Presidont Fdlmon wu absent from home, on his way to meet the rennin: of Mr. Linmln, lomo Jnoobin m ods daubed the front of his house wikh ink. giving as ; xenon for the outrage that the building was not decked with mourning. Such Ire the men that. are considerei “the best. citizens” nowadays! » flDispatchu {ram Washington say that if the Mexican emignlion project gains much fax-tho! headway. the Government at Washington will interfertmnd have n proo hmntiop wmiag sgziult I violation of the neutrality luvs. In is aid that President J obnson '5 privm views are ii: fiver of the Monro. doctrine. but that he will at” ulter the policy hitherto puuued by Mr. Seward. [9* Lieut. Gan. Grant bu issued In order directing um I" the psi-0163 rebel soldiers now detained at Aiexandrin, V-., be sent. to their homes. Thou when former resi dence: were in the layel Sines will be re quired. before being permitted to return flasher, to hire the oath prescribed in the Presidena’l amnesty proclemalion. ”'MukJWr words, Lin :1 of 2M Wit (jimmy Q’Danocmtic ucmdcncy. p? TELEGRARH YESTERDAY. CAPTURE OP JEFF. DAVIS! “Am, G&., XI, 10, 186§.—Lint. (in. Grant 5' Z. 1. Santana have thc honor to report mu 5: dlylight on tho lath luL, 901.1%:th are, commanding 4th Mich. Om, cnptund Jot. Dnvu lad {tailbwilh 803133. It. 003., Col. gun-hon, I’riv. 8607.. Col. Johuop, A. D. 0., Col. lonic, 3nd others. 00]. Print-ad urpriud thoir cIIIp u Ininnilh, G... ‘n mflulonthun 6! this plan. Thu film he be}. when“ high. '_Sh'll b 3 (bu-Edi! my an“; em: tum-£31,. I win (and hither puma-I'm n‘u‘gu ‘ ' g. “Twink, 3m. 11.1.6“ E~ ~►.t-j4;t a ~~ A Mn. Crnnd-11. of LA Senf, Minnesota“ n soldler's widow, was lately reduced by a fellow ‘who boasted of his exploit. His victim beard ofit, Ind shot him dead. ‘ General Early is at Lynchburg, confined to his bed with rheumatism. The President’s mansion iv to be repainled and refurnisbed throughout before it. will be mkcn poeseseiorfiofby President Johnson. Gen. Auger has ordered the} no more sol: dicta be disintened from the‘ In of May to the 151. of October. ' The seal. ofjustice of Snyder .co. has been removed from .\liddleburg l 0 leinsgrove. Shad are caught in the Susquehanna river nenr Sunbuly. Une, weighing 141le, «.131 sold in Suubury fur $5. ' ‘ ‘ The recruiting of negro troops in Richmond ha: been suspended. The money order peel oflicc at. City Point in closed. ‘ Governor Currin has changed the dn‘y ofhn milimion in Pennsylvania to June‘lbst, so I: to conform to Prezident J-‘hnsun'l'proclama non. Gen. Hulleck hnl o'fi‘ered to give cltixrna of Virginil. transportation to their homes in that. State, nrd to supply Iliom with condemned Gonrnment horse: for agricultural purposu. A huge qunnri‘y ofmilroad iron has bet-n forwlrded to Richmond .md other point: South, to rel-air nnlroads in that lection. - ~ Geu. Anger bu issued nu! order permining full supplies of provisions to go to Virginia at. points opposite Washington. All but. {our of the iorts encircling Wush lngton are to be placed on n peuce tooling. The Mississippi equndron is to be reduced to 25 Vessels. It was formerly over 100. Mr. Ephraim Potter, of Wautngn, N. J. has a breed of turkey! of extraordinary size, some of which, at. one year of age, weigh thirty pounds. The eggs weigh over five ounces each. The summer Erin, at New Yotk on Tuesday from Liverpool, brought twrlve hundred pas sengers; the Jargeu load of emigrant passen gers probably ever received: A \ Up to Tuesday the resignation of thirteen generals had been acceptgd‘by the WI: De partment. ‘ Twenty-one couples were divorcedin Button on Friday week. ’ Thu well known ekphnnt Hannibal died a: Cenhevme, Pym}: Sunday week. The caterpillen are doing inc-lculnblo mil cbiof to fruit "can in the vicinity of Boston. r Mrs. Betaey P. Enumnn, of Salisbury, N. 8., completed her one hundred and third year on the 23d ultin'ro. ‘ Ahmbtm Lincoln, at the time of his death, vs: 56 yum? month: and 1 days old. Secretary Sewn-d Ind son continue to ibu plo”. ' Tho price ofconl bu been reduced to $8 a. ton in Chicsgo-on Ml of 81 within 1 few wool“. ‘ A Gulditn farm" recommondl wild pep— permm: u an anemia-t 9): of rm from bung. “canonmnom IN mince. During the put week oomidernhle ex 'tementend much interest hevebeen mon ilflaged by returned Volunteers in the ru mo in regard to the formation of regi ment: in this and other cities, for the pur poseof fighting under the flag of June: end the Republic of Mexico. In regard to it vagiouu mmora have been flying about, ions of which can be traced to any definite sources. One rumor has it that recruits are to receive a bounty of $2OOO in gold when they land in Mexico. and $22 per month thereafter. Another that $3OO in reenbacke will be_ paid them here. and 51000 in gold on landin , and $22 per month- Another has $6BO in old, and another $3OO in gold, with the $25. month in gold. Some ugue advertisement: have also appeared in several ofthe daily papers. which have been supposed to reler to the ell eorbing topic, Mexico. The,whole sfiair seems to be only a colonisationn scheme, headed by the well-known Mexican Gener al Ortega. the full particulars of which will be made public in a few days. the General having on Monday returned from Wuh‘ inglon, and during the present week I. meeting will he held at. the Cooper Insti‘ tute for the advancement of the whamm— N. Y. fiibum. The Ezudflion Question—The ides abroad that. Jefl’erwn Davis will endeavor to make his we! to Hexieo. calls to mind we fact that I fix Hexico we have no extradition treety. Even i! We had, there would be some difficulty in selling it executed, sup poe'mg Mr. Davie to take refuge there. end it. were determined to seek his delivery Ind return to the .Uniied States. This Iri m from the {not the! We hive uodiplomet io rel-tion: with Meximilien'a government; and rho republmnn governmem of Presi dent Jun". which do do ”knowledge, is no‘ in a. condition which would be likely to enebb it to efieez ennhing in tint. behalf.‘ Ne ulndiflon demn'd'hu, however. been gede‘fipondfinglwm connection with e 0 er min ' I chugeq win: complicity g the “(in out - firm. end whelreia’cene‘de‘. {Mark with shad we have not straw. mum “lewd redeemed ten“. by w murmured will be nude or nonfat mun: to be teem—Sun. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘', ' . lowa 8: 30mm, a-m: mm for comma mum. of the Paco—u [find by an In: tam-J Isle mm 63mm: aloe. l ‘REMOVALs-lr. E. B. laugh, our aux. ,L wizing Np" Agent, in moved than“ to; Chmbeuburg street. ”fir, 09mm flu i Luther“ Chmch. Bo bu hid bl: momsi belutifully lined up, and I: betterpnparedy than ever :6 accommodate the public. Bil: Stock of confectlunl, toys and notion: but been ‘ replenished, Ind in addition to th. viriousl periodicall, plpgn, kc., he hu on land logo very in. partrliu of Pro-idem. Lincoln, of dif- I luau. ulna and price). ”We no requested to auto that Mr. R. A. Lyme will touch one month during the lummer mention. The school will commence on the 52h dq of June. Tenn. $1.25. 33-01: tho 281.11 of Merck lent, the Fedenl gunboet Om'gc we: blown up by e torpedojet Mobile. Among the victim! of the dinner. run, we no bony toy-word, It. John Ever hnrt, of Wisconsin, lot of Mr. Ji’cob Everhnn, of Highland township, this county. He was wounded in the left leg, which was broken, requiring amputation, and his death ensued next day. His age was 39 yet" 1 month and 24 days, - His remalnnywsre taken to his home, at Berlin, Wisconsin, end iuwrred there. May he rel; in peace! PAIXFL'L ACCIDENT.—We'ngm in learn that 3k. Thomas Humve,‘one of the Con msctoru 'for Idling the Hatdnonel in tile Soldier'l .\'Miomfl Cement-y, inc: with I severe accident on Wednesday. 86"“: naming in moriug‘sloul when one of (In large (unite stones fell over and caught his leg. crushing it Igainst another stemsl with ab much force I" to frncxure the bone in 1.30 plnceu below Ihe knee. Bow bone. oflh'e left lag lfl broken ton:- inch'cs above the ankle, with another se vere fracture l 19w inrben higher up. Surgi cal aid was immedigfgly' called And every nt tcnkion pnid ihe suffer-2|. H 0 is not; flo’xug n well .“5 pould be expected unde; the circum shades. ' ' ~ FRIGHTFL’L.—A little child of Mr. ,John Forney, of Cumberland lownlhlp. wu hon-i -bly bitten by n vicious dog on Snnrduy last. The parents, ite believe, were or) a. visit to Mr. Henry Mon'ort'l n the Lime, and the dog and the child were in the ysz In the 'abaence of oxher persons, the dog seized the child by the fomheud and worried and bit it. gll over the crown in the man frikhtful manner. The screams of the child quickly utfirn‘cted the M.- tention of its mother and otheu, but Vbefore the dog could be taken off it had tom the flea open in several placra to the bone. The child M. lust ncL-ounlu was doing wgll. We publish this as n warning :9 others—Star. We have ominnd to notice a change of Teachers in the Public Schools of the Borough. maw about. the middle of April. Mia's Withe row having resigned her pneillon in School N 9. 5, Miss Swope, o! No. 8, was promou‘d to fill the vacancy; Miss Gilbert. of No. 7, was advance-1m .\'o. 6, and Miss Virgina. Powers was elected Teacher 0! No. 7. The schools will clme the 1:le of the presuul mnnfll. RAILROAD I‘.LECTKO‘.\'.—on 310m} xy IMI an ch-ctiou mu héid for Pruideat mid Mun ageu ofllhe linnove‘r Brunch Railroad. Th‘cre was grant activity mnnifasled m the eiection on account of there having been two tickets nominated. The following was the resuitz‘ For. PEISIOIXT, ‘ ‘ A.W.Elchcihcraer, 180 I John 5. Young, 130 run ‘LocAnew9 D .\l. .\lyora, 11-6 H AnYummfi ‘199 Stephen Reef", '_’o6 Jno. 1;“ Jenkifis,‘ 329 Joseph Ahhufl', 200 Henry Wirt, 202 Those mnrked will: nu asterisk (*) were pinced upon both lickzu. ' , _ 18‘“. becomes 0.”- pujnful duty to "card one of the mo" d=-'.r:-lain€ nt‘cidgntx which has occurn‘d in ”w hmmgh fiincc our rm: o]- lection. Currie, an intereJin; lntle « Li'd of three summers, daughler of (‘yrnq and “try Dlller: was drowned 1.!!! Thursday b) falling into A meat vessd in winch there was at the time but 9 few inched of "-uwr. h i: supposed that in reaching for n dzppcr “7)th Iny M the hqnom of the barrel she 105‘ her bnhncfl, and her feet. catching npm) the omm rim, kept Im besd completely immersed ; numby prevent lngher Rpm calling for help, whim ihe shape of the vesiclrit being much narrower at the top than thé bottom, rendered her struggles to extricute bun]! wholly unnlvuiling. When found life was wholly extinct.-—llanor¢r omm. fi‘Among the most commendable sets of the Legishtnre oi Marylin!) ut its recent 565. sion was the pssssge of an Act incorporating IXntionei Cemetery Company‘imbe under the control at each Stnte oi‘ the Union alike. nu thorizing then: to Lotte, purchasennd orna ment s. Cemetery upon the Bettie-field of Ar.- tietsm, in which to re_-enter theremsius of the heroes, both Federal and Confedersle, sink: in that vicinity. 0n the put of him-land, Thom " A. Bonit, Esq, of Bogarslown. Dr..A~ngus too A. Bins, of Sherpshnrg, Genernl Edwnrd Shriver. of Frederick, end Cheries C. Fulton, of Beltimore, are nppointed Trustees. The ti tle of the corporation is ‘_'tho'Antioteru Katina sl Cemetery." . f ‘ The Act prmidss for 1 Trustee irom each , Stnte of the Union, thus “rowing n Nislionsi I MARRIED. representation sud securing n Nationsl inter-(d 0: “if?! :E’fig é'gglfiagfl‘ a“ 337' - 1 on :m , r. . . 0 no I cat to the enterprise. Ten acres Orllfldtlllvfll rifle, to; Miss KATE, daughter 81 Mr. Henry been purchased u nioo-tton for the Cemefery,’ .\linnigh, of this plane. ‘ , hot the Trustees hue not yetheen {oily organ-l 0n the evening of the 16th tilt, in ,Litlizs ind II n cor-pout: hqdy.-—Hogorshnon Jlmi. , 'o'". PI-y bi “"3 S, “"171: 3"- THOMAS 3- ,___ - . -7. ”I l B. FEETE, at .\iiddletnwn, Mi, to Miss To: Ln: Bsn Rosstsr.—’i‘he robbery of. (_.EORGIANNA L. H. SWOPE, of Littlestewn, the Bank offi'tstmimter, which Is noticed: Adam! Col-I'll”, Pu! ' II 1' Md .... «mm m an! almost impenetrable mystery. Suspicion has. 61h 1‘“. “MI”, to Miss HEB!!! B. YOUNG, in; been nusched to John C. Friuie. the cssh- E tor-mar); ‘of Leeshnrg. Yo. in, en investigniicn was had before Esquire Mitten, not} enter 5 psricnt Ind thorough ex uminétion of some forty or fifty witnesses, a 9 facts could be proven on him, and he was an quittod.-- Westminster (Mi) Sm. lff S‘Dr. Bush, at Chester county, PL, ssys that one drop at strong spirits of hertshorn will in an instant remove the pain caused by the sting of: bee, wssp or hornet. It should he at herd in eiery hail, where there Ire children fl'Coal oil bu been rim-cud in ~3lan tormhip, Cumberland county. ”Booth the murdereg, had invented eighty dollars in ope 111-re of Western oil land. When he fled it In: worth 3155“). fi‘ln s upeech delinug! It. the Enig- Ground in Spripgneld. tho,’ ip 1361.1“?- drew Johnson axpmpod a with far “a up long laugh to [gay (Jae Abolifionim qf lbs Noni mmmmqw Wat m mix-gr. ~ , ... _‘J’W' . , the Hon. I]. D. Home, gm Tm. am for ('th yam lift. Mud from mad the 1» int. 'lynixwim n. Kéhflé,’ Suu‘ Tram/"0K“, mined, MOM». Treasury Want an the nun. day. ‘ '’ ' ‘ ' In. Imam—The hm: publidnd in II Lam q»... o? m an. inn, will: u odilorhl ”medal, in An inpmtnn. it is cruel Old wicked ftbficuion. Sinco tha prose. cation command 1 hue not written n mm !o W. V. Gotnid. and into new deem-ed, notunidoclnu him, innocent. of lint chug. viiich 1 hp." nude,with knowlodge sud under tho sanction of an oath. Aimon crushed by thin lut, moat unexpecud Ind wnnton injury, 1 shall neck the mix-m which the luv Itordl undjustice requires. MTIONAL DEBTS AND USS. s'ro OX3. The creation oi'nntionnl debts is not 3 mod- ‘ ern improvement, but the ability on great on. 1 tion to provide for n greet debt, and w mnke it the most ‘convenlent and best form of per-l lousl property, is a modern wonder. The ,‘ debt of Great Britain was begnn by raising a; million sterling by loan in 1692, and when her ‘ greet contest with Louis XIV. WI; terminated, the debt had reached titty millions. Many ‘ statesmen and economists were ‘then alarmed st the great burden which had beer: imposed upon the industry a! the country. but when the war oi the Airstrsin snccossion hud swel led this amount to eight; million, liscaulny says that historisns and orators pronounced the cue to he derpernte. But when wnr ngnin broke out, out! the notional debt was rapidly. carried up to one hundred and forty millions, men oi theory nod business both 'pronouuced that tho total day had certainly nrrivd. Dl \‘id Home raid that, although, by faxing its en- , orgies to W 9 utmost, the country might poasi- ‘ hly live through it, the experiment must new, er he repented,—even A small increase might be {Mn-i. Granville sold—the lotion must sink under it unless some portion of the load wul‘ borne by the American Coloniee', and the st tempt to impou- this loud produced the war of the revolution, end, instead of dimniding, Add ed another hundred millions to the-burden.— Again, lays Macaulay, was England given over. but ngnin she was snore prosperous than ever before. But_when nt the close of her anoln onic wars in“ 1816. this debt hnd been swelled up to the enormous sum of over ouht hundred millions etejtnz, or four thousand three lmn~ dred millio dollars. or nearly one hnlfthe eti tire prapertyl of, the United Kingdom, the stout. est heart, the firmest believer in national pro gress not} national development, might Mii hue beou nppnlled. But in the wry taco oi'_ this mountain of obiig.ttion,——to say nothing of her rust colonial possessions J—the proporty of the British nation has been mon- thnu Iroh led, and her debt is now a charge ‘of but 12} per cent. againstJt. All that tin-it Britain hits done in pnyinz hc-r debt, no simil do, and more, with ours. We have (nit territories un touched hy the plow, minor ofnil precious met: his ofnhieh we have hardly opened the doom, - population full of lite, enrrgr. ontorpri-e and industry. und the m-Ntmnlutrd "midi orthon e_v and inhor of the old countries pouring till-O the lap at our giant and t‘r‘T-lfl-llfl unilud re pnblic. During the ileum-x nnd mum exinus ting of uli posuible wurs, we int'r dunomtrn led our notional :trang'lh. and all the war” our, national strength is lint unoiher nnme for nntionuicredit. ‘As good M l'nilhl Slum Stocka" will soon be synmntn In: the woril orer~with"ns good as British Conanht." For our part. we think n L'. S. Treasurynnto. hear ing seven and three-tenths annnnl intern-t. In just us mu'ch hfl‘ter than ilrjtish llonsuh M the rate of interest is higher.. Stum- oi‘ nnr timid hrethrem who shipped their gold to Lull dun nitrl inn-stt-i in console. “to now gl id to sell out and inn-st at h'mlr- n‘ n mun-l lass nn'i serves them right.—-.\'en' Torin-.- ‘ Ixcol: TAXEl.—lmporlanl cha'n'vn ~The fol lowing deciiion will interest real came on n- Ofiee of Inlmal Heriuw, W'atfiinglaiiF Afiril 28, 1865.—Sir: Your inquirirs of April Wih Ind 22nd. in regard to deduvliou iur Hues, are received. Irepiy, that an incuuw l‘xci paid in 1864 nit-proper deducnuns lrom income ofthnt year. Asaaasmcms made by mnniripfl corporations for Ihe injixig am. or ulndm: of ntroets, the cunstruut'un otwnlks, NHH‘X“, kc , may be deducted from income uhx re Hwy Jl'K' Ini: upon nil lax-pnyers wilhin Um (urpurn tion; but. ifthoy arr hid only upon the own ers of property supp‘osed to be inrnp n-d Iu ulna by the improvement. , nn dcu’uciiun um be nllowed. All town and cunniy lnxrmin rlu-ling 'tiues asses-ed for ruismg I 01: inn mny he‘deducieJ. , G. D. Klinefelter, 151 Jacob Funny, 14! 'thn Newman, 108 Joe. W. cm, 152 Vevy re~pcclful'.y, F. A. Ron'u. Fe; uh (‘omnnpmmr ' 11-rmrrs.-Tho New Yurk 73mm, Aboli tiuu, says the “farmers notorimhh emuyve llneir‘sliare of taxation." ll [lllth an in New York. but. it. is snmuwhu! miduko-n as to l‘e-nmylvnnm, as here they pay a: rfiurh in proportion as any other inn-rm". But if fnrmrrs can slnnd any wore u-xes, thn Repuhlfcun putty knows how to Hun-41L' them out of them! ‘ fi'A merohnnl ofuuilfonl, ('onnemicufi. nnnwd A. C. Eggleslon, was assassinated on Mun-Jay evenmx at nine o'clm-k. 'l‘he assusui‘oscapod and is suppowd m .havu gurge to .‘ew York. . The Criutndm Lompromiu.- Andrew John sdn. llne new Pmideulol the Units] States, voted for the Crluwden Cnmpmmhe in 1861. as n'bntisfactmy mljustnwm of the dificully between the North and Sonhh. « ———-—-————«.»—.——-- ’ w'l‘he "cent exhibitions of poyular vinlenco in Philndelplnin no receiving lba unquslified oondenmnhon. not only of we bmn citium of all plrtiegbgt also of the press ol all part- of the comm}. It was imtigated by the shoddy conspira cy called the "Union Lengué." . 8T1": 'Dcmocrna have carried Nimb qille. A: the rebellion recedes, Democracy 'umncesf ‘ DIED fi‘OMm-ry notices 8 cent.- per fine for all on: {our hues—nub to uccompuny notice. At her naidencefin Wuhington, Pm, Much ‘ 27m, 1865, Mrs. MARY McCONAUGHY, mow! ohhe 1m David HeConanghy, D. D., L. L. D., I tormerly President at Washington College, nged 83 yenrs.’ ' ' ' the! 6th his!" “lE-Piwigk town-hip, On “.-_. ....u., u. -... .._._ A Adam- coum‘, Mr. PETER HULL, nged 35 years. _I. ‘ On thcfeth inn, is Bmshmn, Adam om, Hr. JACOB ADAMS. Iged 587“". A: Quincy, Frnnilin col, PA, April 4, 1365, GEORGE RESSER, lye of East Berlip, Igcd ;1_;2;;;2 mohths find 15 drips. " _ I '-- flu an: um, .11,ch vmcnvm, dlqghw ' 0:112: 61b in», “my- , -mm, u-“ tcy of Tubing and Ahmad: Cover, of Ftauklin township, aged 1 your 9 months ind 28 dun. i ' On the M 11: of—April, oquod flint, Hl]! cohuty,“chruh, Mn.'l.§BTH¢ I. KILLER, ‘ wife 9: Ir. mph-um». (found!) of But. Benin, um county.) and 18 you. Ind 11, months. ’ ‘ " ' ‘ % cum: Ynllay, MAUI}! AIRBOSE, lon of ‘ and Kn. omg, aged 2 month: sad if d’i" . ~ . a ht, Im, JOHN DAVID BAKER, In of Soylordon‘iua Bufin R. Bikin'of From townlhtp, aged 10 month- snd 2! tr, :- Sgfiugflald Ohio, on Ii! ”‘3‘ W,of2 scarlet ram, 11'me null; em.“ m s'" El! o.’ nd mm 'l. Cumming fr"; a math; and 2 duyl. _ _ ”3", n ‘ 1 (Cf=mlipatit) Gnrnwn, X" 13, ll“ 1‘ ELIZA J. WALTER. SPICIAIZ IV! eikirrura noir Tall ‘ AMINO”? WATCH COXPA. I: huh. com to play 330 an min: of [III Amman Wllch bu. upon tho nuke: in (rest number, by 15‘“: up": woflhknnfll to Injuu m n pumlon of oh): genuine products, to proud our oyn interests Ind the public from {upon uon, u ’lgdn publish the trade nub by which our Wntchol may invulnbly be known. » We ngnnfnctni'e {our fly!” 0! Watch". Tho Fun bu 1f:- ham, “AMERICAN WATCH CO‘JVanhun, Hut," coax-Ind on the inplde plate. The Steam has me name ~ «annex, TRACY t 60., wan-m. “ML," engraved on the inside plate. ‘ The Tam: has the aims l “P. S.‘ BARTLETT, Waltham. Nut," a: grand on the inside plate. All the then nylon have the nugo Quart? pan thch 00. minted in: the am, Lad It, urn-ranted in every respect. _ The Four: has the um “WM. ELLERY, Baton. Mum," engund qn “F imide plum-and}: not mud on tho dint. All the above ducribcd wuchu :11 undo of union: sizes, and are laid in gold or Illrer cases, us may be required. l: is hardly pouihle for u to “cur-lily describe the numerous imitation: to which 1; luv; alluded. They no nan-ll: lnlcrihed with mum IO nnrly npprouhing our own In to «cape the chromatin of tin unhccul tamed buyer. Some uc represented-u lyric by tho "Union Watch CO., of Bunion. Hun." -—no tux-h company existing. Some nr‘nnmed the "Soldier‘s Wslch," to be sold as our Four-iii or Wm. Ellery style, ullfl'iiy krrown n um “S oidier’l Watch." Others are named lhn “'Appieton Watch Co;"-othera the “P. S. Bunny,” instead of our "P. S. Boning?" be lidu many \‘nhieiics named in 'luch a haunt-:- u m 'cunrey the idea :hal they rrejhe rarin ble prodiictibns oflhe American \VntcLCom lpnn'y. . ' ‘ ~ , We nllo tnulion the public, and parlkulifly soldiers, against. buying cermin nrliclea CALL :u watchel. In "my ndrcrusvd in iliustrllrd paper} II: “Army Watchu," “UificenWVntclum.” *angic Time unset-verse," “Arum: Watches," (in, the prices of which no stated to ho fh-m seven 10 sixlern danrs. A good watch. in these times, ‘cnnuol be nfl'urdvd tor un_\' such EMM .\'Hftle Intention on (be part of buys” “in {mm 6! them fibvu gross ixnpmiunn. ~ ROlml‘Jn‘ .t- .\I‘PLETUN. . , Agonu fur the Amvricnn Watch (‘O.. My! a, m: H! Brmduhy, .\. Y. 10 “Hf. l.\' A BAD (‘AI HE Is “0-? who ml} in (he N'M'] rnnlm lugdonhl mil. Lin, i~ funli-h. Jim on the “11;” thud m‘l-nxn rm: AJHJUD cum}: u thus» why are who and pru-lvul euuugln m {Pfllfllh‘ The «lva-V- » u! nmure with CHMSTMN'RH'S ”A”: m H, arrld‘nhxg eury div, in an) ('it) M We l‘. ninn, is mm.- m 1; pniriu-wvrtby. TI 3:: pI-u- e. mi xernluvf :n A 4 gning nu ll»wn;.hnm ”to whole LHIIL and thin [mun] mm hfmu my rup p'unyhoamiinh‘: :u :1 "mm g‘ui'}: \lnlvll'm‘u Hm-ni i 1) JayllleAl'()l\(),.\n. 1. Au.” Hum", .\L‘W \ulk. Sold by Uruggi‘xs. AppHA-d h: u“ um mmm. pt.) a.- m 'lh'F. GREAT EMILISH REMEDY Fm JAKE: (unit's L't‘wuunn Fun] PILLH. Prop-led Iron: a [llt'll'l'lpt‘m m mt LUMM‘, M. D., l'hybicinn Hmrunrdnmr; m lhr Quo-eu. This iumlunhlr m-‘dn‘lu‘ it uh. tailing iu lhe cure n! all vl-ulu [minim nut duxgerom diseases to which the 10mm: (‘uu slilmiuu in pulq'vcl. IL mudgmfen all gmem nml renames at) ohrhucuum, um! :- aywly cue Inn) he u-litd an. . To Mu rim! Ludirs ii is peculiarly mill J.-- I! kill] in n shun lime. {up}; on Mn: muuuny ponod “ilh h-zulzuiu. th bollle, [.rirellnr 001' -r. lunrs H o Goverumrnl Stump “f (.r- In “hum, 1.. 'l4-. “mt t-Mn.N-rlo?4. _ i N TI4IV.—-Th{'l: I’le ‘h-uuMmuv. M- tuli- n I} F' Imm» during 1h» nu] prnu nun-m wt 1"" Hum}. n~ IL») .rrv mrv m erp‘ 1m EH»- rurrmur. Lul M uh} mh -r‘v m: (In) arr r -u. In .:Inmc- of Serum: nudmvmvl Ant-«3nd» , "nine in the ILL l; um] Link-q. I .-::-,ru-.v vn 1.2:,“ t nerlior. l'blyvituliun of ILw ”"I”.“wa o, and \\ hlvw. Ihlu- I'm; ml} .157 ul .1 .-Im- “LI-u an min-r nun-m 1..ul- fai'mf, wu :lvhu-p’) k )-m\ m‘ 11l rum-d}. un m-I nmh'fiu in numhmuu, mitiuvungfi anyhmg Lumui tn ch ruukmuf than. } l‘ u” .lirm-Lions in thr pumphfrl pm End on. ‘) park-g”, which should be um.- ull} preserved. hold by all Drnggixls. boh- Agem 301' lb. Uniwd Ham; and Canada. l; JUB 310555.31 CorllandtS'..N. 3'. N. n.-—51,09 and b' posing: Humps onvlowd to any upthoriud Agrn, till insure Iyouk, cuntniuing no Pdil, by return mail. Suld by A. l). Buelder. ' {.\'os'. 14, 1864. 1y DRIMARSHALL'S cnmna ssvrr Thin Snufl' lune thoroughly pun ed itself to he the best article know n for rurlng the Cut. nh. Cold in the [lead end Hredlehe. It has been found an excellent. remedy ln many cues 0! Sure Eyre. Deafness [m been‘fl’mwed h) it, inn'd fleeting hue often been greatly lmpron-d iby its use. ' ‘ ‘ It is frugn‘n‘? and ngreeeble, end Gl'ld tu unnun um" to the dull heavy puma cavml by disease. of the head. The sensations aft” using it are delightful and invigorating. It l opene and purges out all obelructmnhelrengthv ’ cue the ulnnde, and givcele healthy ‘ection to the nuts Ifl‘ected. 1 ‘ I More than Thirty Yuan" of ale and nee 0‘ ‘ “Dr. Mnrehnll'e Cetnnh and Heedeehe Bmm." bu proved it; greet value for all the common dieeneee of the head, and at this moment 4 “and: higher than ever below: l 11. in recommended by man ny of the but phy ‘licilnl, and in need with great uneven and satisfaction everywhere. ‘ 3 Bend the Certificate: of Wholenle‘ Drug, glue in 1854: The nnthnigned, hunting toe 1 many you; been enqnnlnted with “ Dr. Kara ehnll’n Cmuxrll end headache Snufl'.” ”d 1014 it. in dur ebulesnle trade, cheerfully state, the! A we believe it to be equal, in every nerd, to the, recommendations given of it for t. 0 care i of (latex-the! Afi'ections, end thet it ls decided . ly the but nnlele we have ever known lot 11l common dime" of the Head. I Bnrr 3 Perry, Boston; Reed, Anston l 00., Boston; Brown, Lawson & Coe, Boston; Butt, 1 Cutler t CO., Buston; Seth W. l-‘cwle, Bosto ! Wilson, Fnirbmk t 00., Boston; lleneln Edmund & CO., Boeton; 1!. 11. my, l'mtlend| ,Me.; Barnes id'nrk, New York; A: 3- k 9. ; Sands, Newi‘ork; Stephen Pen] 1 00., M» l York; [and Minor & CO., New York; Ste-Kn"- K lon & Robbin, New York; A. L. Scovlll 800., ' New York; M. Ward, Close t 00., New Yotk; Bneh & 0-1:, New York. ' For sale by ell Drngglele. Try It. ~ . Nov. H, 1864. 1y A CARD T 0 INVALIDS A Glenna-n, whne refidlngin South Amer ica u - madman} dilcoundn “to ind lint- E“ "3'5! for tho but: of Norton! Wonknofi, "1! Deny, Dismal d! the Grin-r: Ind 80-. m 1 Organ, and the whore tutu o! disorder: bronsht on by mm “a vicious may... Greu number: has been slrendy cured has]; noble “Indy. Prompt“! by I dad" to a: ’ 5! the Aunt-Jud uhd unfonnum, I vilhond lid recipe (0! u'purlhg um! um; thil ueiiciue. In I Icilocrenvelo'pe, to Any one who ltd" It, "I! 0! Gun”. " ' ' -, ' ' Plan Melons supper! ffl'plOM “Mind to ”an. ‘ Adam: ;- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ JOSEPH flaw. 85.6611 1'), 5 V 3mg, ’ 99%“: z“: 2552:5025} Wilfé‘f: ‘ son ‘ if; , ~ a: 3.5 5. u!tlpl'fl_ “I ' ‘0! _..~ *1; fit? . m. uafir wfitfi ““ ». ~ a i‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers