W‘ , A For "In Couplhg. , ‘ “xxscsmeaons listen. I sihqmpo-ed of 28 Imm. ‘ ‘ J I] ”"20 9 m 5 is n unimpl. L' g :1 12 um cxmgns. _ ‘ fl. n 2511 n 1 38 b a. gun a: s Gwen-bf _‘ , .‘I 2* 415 15 3f: H untidy“: uzm. ' 1 121716126“ of die inn”. ‘ A. 2 G 25 u whu In; Imm lust h“ nub.» y“): 21 0 “arm n m an. V 19 16‘s 27 {ln Janet. _ ' 035103.32f518hflu “no of: - hunk. _ , ‘ I, when I: becoming wry aspen-Mt, but "601 nm his ury Implants“. ‘J. c.'!. London, Pa. . j THE EANK OF GBTTYSFURGn—‘flu to!- into; ‘nntment. of tha Bulk-‘0! fifty-burg. w. ‘3'“ {mm m In} AME-l Rigor: of the in“: gnd Suing Inimuionn of 150 Coni mnwnhb,’ jnu yuan-bed. The upon wu rendered on 11,19,111: of .\’ovember, ”(3'4 :_‘ •SL2II. ' Gold and silver, $56,708 87 Nam, chock: And pm: 010nm bunks, A Bills’nnd notes dkcount‘d. \ Judgments held and await] by tho ‘ bank, \ ' .),8'23 45 Re-lume. A 6,400 00 Due horn solVenlbnukn, 518,102 63 Public; And carpprue flock: Ind loam. ‘ ‘ ’ Bond: bald b: the bait, . Expcnlu, . ‘ ' ..me property.“ the bank, N MITLITIII Capital stock semi-:1] paid in, $15,150 00 Note: in circulnuou, _ ‘ 321.75.200 Deposit". . 7 ~ 85.685 57 Due m the (buxmonwcnhh, ' 8.621 90 ‘1)“ to banks, , ' 753-5 98 “gurplus, amunzrh! or linkhg fund, 69,400 00 ML? nun. not ;mb:u4egi ah ha, 10,121 10 a. ‘ ‘ 13647,:an bl prelbt DI 1864, May 3. Dingond 3 per ct. on $145,150, , 511,6}: 00 Jam. Nut. 1. Dividomf 8 pcr‘cL on sm,u9, human? 10 Dupuualn Schwinn—lH: or ought to be known t 9 soldier. {who so to Wuhington to gel "rem": of pa; and bounty. that thecam of trlnsponmion lo and iron; that city ii dcducte‘d from their lcconnt. ‘ Thtia d‘e .ductipn, \he l‘ittsh‘tn Chroniéfe' says, can be llved to tbr :01de by enclosing certficsw of dilchnrge and hinnk vouchers, signed, to Col. Frank Jordan, the Pennsylvania State Agent at Washington. Such accounts can be coiiécted without tin presence ofthe loidier. Ind who u enr the pnpéu “J (lightened as hat. direvt ed, C )1. Jordan will sea tbn: nl‘l “gaunt: xbul euu-um-d for settlement to his depurtmont urn 'cnlloctod,and ‘the sums ’retcived immediztely remitted to the soldiers. . ..-«bw_—-..._-_L 36-Ju- Indrrstobd that the Coynmitzne 0! WI): (and Means (affix: House of Repremnts. fives Me, with a Singlr exception nnnfimoudy hi favor of the n-pcul of the nnporlum. duty tn, priming paper. We {run that no memhe‘r o'f‘ the House, u hose constituent: read, wiH‘hil ta; guard his vote against [ms tax upon knowbi cdgf. The duty {wt only produces no revmufi! bu: add: about one minim of dol‘unper nil-r: nfum to the coal. ot‘govcmmcg! printing .-~—~—-—“<“.h--~0-—>>r ‘ fiMarie Antoinléfie is the Empreu Euge‘f nie's PflSaiUU- . Sb‘e Una n‘fimwing-rovzfi a: “[9 Tum'eries uhxcbjs Elied with relicl, ponraiu, mmgrnphs lud furniture: of that. unwanted gang, and she has ngentz’c‘onagnmly omy‘oyed hunting every tying which is ismcia‘tod nth: her. ', WTM military cgmm'mcn ofrlhc Qwited State: Senate have reflisevl 1,0 spin-opting $393, 300 for-the creqh‘qu of; nationai m'onumqut at,“ Gettysburg, the; c" {dering such Lu u;nl-' flituu no: warranted u = gun-t. _‘ - 35135-711. friend» of Lint. asp! Grant in , vqngreu no laid ta be not an} «ugly to‘tho pfinnotjon of .\lnjdr Geuenl Shel-mun w,v.he flunk (-[lhutennnfi Gena-n], provided tht tha flange: gromo‘ted to the Junk of Ge‘gerul.“ \fi‘mnt Maj. Gen. Tcrrflwho command pd tin Ind forcel m Lb. snub}: on Fort Fishy, 1m 313'0n in Connecticut; Inn comminion ed a colou‘el‘ It. the outset. of the wutsnd wn promnted md brevmndfor unit." in Virgin it, North Cumin: any] Florian. v ‘ VIE-Gen. Butler bu bqen remov’eq, We pre nma all the dogtin {he South huo- beep. kill ”ed. Ll“ wnmen pm. {o.lth “Avocstiqnlif' did that no election: mun be held $OO5 ii: Np" York city. 5 ' ”The law three‘cenz Irncfibnfl éun‘ency vlll we‘ll be issue? by tbiSifii‘uyldf the Tgmnry; * . Revenue! Sficxmar} in to be' preuenmd vim-£lOO,OOO by the citizen; ofObio; .. Provision Store. HE undersigned hn's opened dPRQVISION 1 5193.15” at Gcbrge Little‘n old “and, in en liddle street. Grflysburg; whszc he wiu nlwnys keep on hund. for sale, a; WHIP, BUTTON, VEAL, PORK. . ‘ 'I'OO’LTRY, ”mas. SWEET AND IRISH POTATOES. CABBAGE, BEETS, ’WRSIPS, mth everything else in (ho p‘rofisiou line.’ _ f H- wm‘sell M. small pron", and Ipari no ,efl'on to plea’su. - . Putin-13,3025 Sheepf Onlvu, to” gut“, for which the highgswrices will ha p 5! . JOHX NOBBHGK. '5 bat. 11. was. t: New, Warehouse. _, “1385113.. 0!“ GRAIN OO‘OOOWANTBDKY. the non-Grain Ignfijroznco Hem, in Can-lid. attest, adjoin luth‘Sheadl mßncbXer': elmblishmen. The Sic ell. markeup‘rico will away; he pnid in cut. ror . _ ‘ "r GRAIN, of 31% kinds. , , ' . , FLOUR. sans. kc. dirty: on haul np‘d to: me,“ me amines! profit, ..- , " ‘ GUARDS. ~ _ ‘ ‘ 5.11.1', 5151:. - ' ’ ; GRUCERIEF‘, te,~ 3‘ 'Wholeanla um! um“. TRY US! We shall do our 15ch $0.33". nunuuou in lense'S-"" » g . ‘fi ' :Ich omm. Getty-bum?!” 11.3853. 13 ‘ . g a'l'ho Popular 7439112“. ‘ ~93 {HIST NATIOKAL FAKE O‘F‘GET- A TXSBURG m; Wdasignates l Deposi hry ind Financul Agent of tho United_Su.m, ad will furnia‘a mu pawl“ 3.30 Coupon Hot”. [no {mm a; tuna, sfibcqgvetfible u. “my imo 5-20 :1: per. céit.\gQld-ingeet gm ’Wiu also lurnis'u we find mm ' bu you Danielle: Ind number Gov: ”agrarian. WI” bay Gold. 811 , and? :13. ad mahwhguoanxfimw on All mafia!- points. ‘ GEO. $35055, Gabi". . . it“. t! , ' ’36”an Stamps gufflmipkgop 900:1;me on land 'ufianau “ ths‘mm Nsuom Bunk 'Qmm... r mausowmuuu. ; Wm“. nuns? GOODS, Bonn“, Ribbon “W 3. Shh»; md Imm. hm}, Mud. “on Mt York, chap fl. Fnbn. may”. sh ‘3‘?" °' ’ #91308; D'S.' HEAD SLUI'IHNO: - A . . , t = BALTIMURE s 1". GETTYSBUKB 1 Purmxo's (momma 51mm. BALT. Vsn'. P'mKlXU's cm‘rmm M‘LHIE. BALT. SM Maxim's CLOTHING moms, BALT.‘ ‘l‘ I {cszxo‘s cmrmm STORE, BALT. 31‘." ICKH‘G‘fi CLUTIII‘XG STORE, BALT. 'l‘ (may PLACE Tu BUY ('LOTIHXG, : 0%“ PLACE TO um' momma; - a . AT PLACE To BUY CLOTHING” on“ PLACE TU BUY cmruxso, - 65,9“ PLACE TO BUY CLDMLVG,‘ . AT 1?. BpPICKISG‘S: ‘ AT E. m PI{:KX>:G‘.3; AT 1?: B. chmxu’s, ‘ g , AT F. B. PICKIXG'S ' AT 1“. 3. PICKLNO’ F W BALTIMORE STR I'. IflrflALTIHOR'E s‘mx T, ‘ INTBALTNORE sm: 1" - Ix “muons smam’, «IX BALTIMORE STREET, 'Gz'r'rYsßUßu, PA. ‘ .a-nne uock m FALL AND WIN“!!! GOODS fun reteived. C3ll and examine. ' Oct-31, 1864. ‘ . BASYBERSBCPJ} S‘l‘. ALWAYS AHEAD. Anus WAY FOR. B.\BGM.\'S.—JOH’N L. BOLTZWURTE hm just returned from 2h! City with the i agent, and men oomph-museu men: of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, that his been brought 10" this luwn nince the Eur. His stock is ~ n‘ot only complete, but in (5000 and CHEAE embracing every varictx of Boats and Shoes far Muxnnnd Boys, whilst the Ladies will find evendfing m their fine, from the finest Gait" to ting heaviest ~Sh‘,”' Children‘s Shoe. 01 every description, in great variety. Also, 1.:- dms‘ flan, film quauly,and Children's Hats, of 321 style: and prictl. Also, Trunks, Cur pe: Bags, Valiant, Um’cxel!u, Gloves, Stock ing, TumccoJ L‘igxfu, and Nation: ox Oth‘y dgmlpticn. '. ' whon‘n forget \hr place. Chwbcnburg um I, uyyonite [he Lulhcrqm Church, Gwyn- Lnrg, if“. . 4012:; L. nomwoura. .\ur.,p:, 1364. u 20,823 20 391.195 (.9 2,846 as, r 95 57 4s $547,569 51 /.(l I ’ ,l/f E. Coy-nit Tentlmnd Chennai Streets, N. TWILAUELPHIA, ‘- ‘ ....- Wan. ran MANMEEMEST or ,°L.F-AlnuA rm: 5-. A‘. 31.. ffor 1M lasLlullr yam Prinuilml and chlerba llilnaes mmmleiof bunt: & man-103's Cum- Lmorulwl College: ' ' x l.’ A: MUUQL BUSIYESS COLLEGE, J‘Cuhducted ‘o a m-w system 0! Actual Business: I'l‘rm'uinz, tlplugn flue eatahlishmvnx of legin- DR RA‘la, \lluh' ImAUxIEs, A.\ la. MED finale Offices and Cunnliug-Ifliusea, mlureffnl- F BUGS, MOlll5 IS l-URS. WUOLENS, lug dim-rent dqvunm‘uus 0! Trade and JOHJ‘ ah}; INSECTS 1)}? PLANTS, FUWLS, ANl lmcrce. and n rcgulu' Bank of ()gposn. and I», SEALS, M's—Pu: up in 25c. 50c. nu-l $1 00 531.9, gn'l‘ug flu! stuleur ulltlre flawmmges 01‘ Ham's, “ole and “his. 33 and $5 sue: {new-u phclice. and qullifying lgim in {he ‘ for HoTst. P‘rnmclxsln'uuoua,ac. ‘ ‘sluoneu pmsxble mne‘nud mosl fill-awe mun—4 ‘fOnly inf‘dli‘nle teluefliqs Luown." lnet’ for the \urious duh“ and emylnjmcuu ol “ Free from Poison." (bu-Imus life. \ l ‘ “ .\'ot d.xl.geroll§]olhe Human Family." I! The Course ofinsu'ucliou in the Theoretical‘ “ [his come out. bftlu-xr hole: to tile." j‘Dnmumemémbr lees Buok-kegping, Commor- ' wfi‘old Wnolus‘ll‘e in all large clues. wlal Caluulnu-ma, Lectures on firmness Main, L 33-50.“ In; all Druggists and Relxilers cur)- Pon‘mnulhlp, Cimuuciul Lug, Forms, Carrea- . when. ‘ pondlnce, &c. ' . ‘ ”I 2 ! Banana 11l ofall worthless imilminnl. In th: ‘s2}?See than “Cost-Aria” name is on em.“ qu, !' BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Bottle and Flask, below you buy. 31hr. Stu-10m. oumraupun the Grnduming Course, . macaw“: HENRY R. COSTAB_ 'ylm'h imuu-Iu .m.uminuanca in the nboVa"fifnmcx‘nL‘anor 432 BummeS. ‘l'. gang”, why. Muir pnuiml applicmiun in all Egg-Sum by all Wuolesnlo null lchul Drug nm’r duals. llc ml: in gum fill the position} gig” 1n Ueuysburg, ya, inf A. Gouum’nt urn! Propncmr xn we various; Feb. 29,1864. EDeynmnean'nf V‘.'llolo\xJ-: and Retail Trade“ —. ll’urwargimg, th'fgiug ‘nud Commissicm> Bu’sx-l New 6’ost !'-L3rge StOCk! ‘nos‘a. B:1:~kiu«. .\lx.unl.:r:nnu;:y quiflg, Steam-. 11 ERCIXANZV TAILUIHNG. §.bdlling, ku, axlvlgfil‘mlly will not A: Cfiéiluzrpl I JAfiUBS J: BRO. 'BOuk~KE"[‘-er and il‘eher in theyßauk, in el ch . have just received from L‘..e LIUES :1 large slack [at wincn yuaflfrpnfl I'.m_ prev“ us knowledgeiol gnuds fur Gchilemun‘u View, embracing I. Lw‘ I):- put (.1 {he mlhsi pramical test. lnrlezy nf ~ ; '1 g lmwlilnii-ln ofi'ers lu young! men nnmn. 1' LLOI‘HS, ‘ous- drnutues not passessel by any otherl CASSIMERES. ‘wmmuxnnl collage in‘ the qute. I; is com ‘flelc in lzl‘. lgs n. jm'n'llmeuis :5 |IS! the out.» Janituiio.‘ i 342“: mule conducted on actual bei-zestprindplu. Tha course of instruc livg‘fis unsurywefi, nml may h: complmed in nbout um hull zhé time usually spent in other iumuunns. in cubseqqznce a: an entirely now rmngeymn'. And we Mupllon of the new firmrlcul system. . ‘ =Dfinl'nmls n‘vnrded npon the completion of the Cnmmefi‘hd Cozy-Ea. which embnceg all .excep'l the higher acts of Ban‘ung, Haunt-updr ing, Railroadifig, ht. Send fur 1). Circular. ‘ ' Poll"), 1884. 10m 8,709 00~ - r . ‘ ‘ ) ‘ I) . , k: ._ NTERNATMHL CHAIN on - L 7 coumcun COLLEGES, hushed in lhé following ciliqs: 5. 2.00“.” of pr‘entb 3nd Cheanut Sta" . New York. "Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, Provi ' dentin. - Portland» qutford, Burlinglon. Ne wax-k, Rochellgr, Bufl‘alo, Toronto, ‘ Clevelandrbaqoit. Cniugo, Mil- ; ~ w-uke: and St.“ Lo‘nis,’ ’ Thorough theoretical‘and' pructicnl iagtruc. tion in 111 branches pertaining to: finilhcd Busin‘cn Education. ~ ‘ The Philadelphia Collegevsunds first in the amp, both in pnint of reputation und loul sdvuzugel. The pointssimed It is, to place Commercial Eduégtion where it belongs—in thc' {rout mull of'u‘seful instruction. To this and. e‘most “201110911 course of busineu train ing is adopted uzi‘d carefully enforced. under the parlor] supervising of Competent Pro fessorn in the vsribus d'cptirtments. The most perfect ‘ryat’c'm or practicalitraiuing ever do— vised has been put in operation, and is auc cc‘niully curried out. ufi'ording to students ad }“lntagcs each In harp hither-when co‘midcr ed possible only iu‘connectlon with tbg;couut ing-huusc. ‘Ancr b'ecoming prufigientlu t...- Scietire of Accounts, Penmanship. Co Incr cinl Cplcnlutions and Commercial Lax, the Student i 3 advanced to the Practical Began. mutt, when "becomes an actvuu Book-herp cr and Merchant,- pagpc’gtgroughAMejt HOWWWurn pa Teller :uhier, &e. léamt tin duties quid respontib 's of em: nice, and becomes thoroughly in omit-cIJ not oily i; the forms which an in universal use, but in winging the Limits of business with cyatequd duspntcb. f Scholarships island at one POiIHAIPG good, for In uniimitcd period, in the 'lightun Col leges comptjsing the '- Chain." Ihplommaro’ umrded‘ to those only who fulfill thu prescribed couru of study, Ind put the requisite ex'tmiustion. For further information send (or t circular. Addrl‘u: ‘ - ; " BRYANT, STRATTOR & 00., Feti. 5,1864. ‘ly ’ PhiMclphit. 65K FHCKL‘IGERS'S ESTATE—Letters of ldixfiuil:ntion Jpn tho um; 0! John Hickinger, Inn of Be?wick township, Adam: ‘ county, decenedesvinx been granted to the undnrpigned. the fifiz’fiamed residing in the aims township, and the Ins: named in Hamil top luwnuhnp.’they hereby giv; police to all pertains indebted to said «late v.O make im- 3 medium: 3133130111,, and yhose having ‘claims ”“11”..de ”we to prueut them properly lon/tbcnuuted i 0: uttlemem.‘ “ ‘ ~ ’ GEORGE FLICKINGER, -; ' ; GEORGE LAUGH. . D”, 26, 186‘. Gt“ Administration. <r--~"‘—'-——V—'—-——-—-—9p-b .. John W. Tipton, HIOXABLE BARBER, Northveun enr _ _ ,- _ " an: of the banning. (an; door to sic- V ”" “~"'""""" “ " ' ""‘ ' lallnn' HOl 1' ‘0“ S “I" , I. he 5 ' » - ‘ ’ I ma PLANTéTPON surmsqroglm ,ta’lmmzflbe mid “jam hngnfi‘: Home. ‘ g . . 810.3 D§Y- H. ,7 U Hammad Tome. M 9:2 R. HORbEß‘Bthmun his lino. He has also ucuilentns- no. w. scumvzws ESTATE.-—Letlen AGE-TS WANIFWr-T" "331° .2" “75.5? Jr“): SW“- ’ , - lai'auuce and will ensue sttiifammn. 6ng of administration out-he camowam deLTENDELS‘AU ‘”m 93‘4“; w unuwxmn GOODSI—A good,hlm mu. [Dec.3, 1850. m. swim, m- at Getty-burg. Mun: AGE- ““3 “We ""1“"! 3? Maw - “gunman of mu and Winn: good- u ~—‘ _- m . ‘ '._,- .puuny, drccned, hiring been mated to the I’ll” of ““5”: 18 “he?“ 2" Pnper. 16 have. chap» m. cheapo}: A. st 3001‘? q 505:3 Battle-field Views. 'nndenlgned, maid-n; in ”the lune dplnce, 1121:!!!“183:3“1*:e%.n;er1flc‘1'§:l;iorz}10:53: fl g _ ‘ - ht- 'n . ‘ the hereby gives nouce to‘n person] in glued e 6,! , __ - - _. '. . ‘4 lg;£%?;kgfghca?{i niaréghfinéfind ‘ frank-31:23? 01:53:35,121“ “(13:10: to “m “a“, m makfl imi'nodine mmcét, Apron, Hor Embromrgd Gnlhr. l for chm o w Dr' R- noaxzs’q Dru am and uup endid gm for m nundm Thyfium ‘e: “‘1 “1°“ Win: claim 82mm m was to “WI “9% 3 “’5 “"1“": WW" ‘3 SW“! (-1. übxdnsa cobalt gun? ‘ ’pnbliuhed an. now: was Emma: any: prmnmem properrruntheafimedfor mue- W" Wm P‘lbhflie“, "“5 m“! ”0“?“ ~ ,' f TYSOV BROTHERS 9it at" ‘7- moat. HEXRXETTA SCHRWEB, “43mm- htommtmn. “3°! one hunufnl CARRIAGE} wmrs AKD ustms, good. * ~ ' 1 “3' 5 Beam, mu. m A‘dministmtrix. 'lrtlclaofs’l‘l'l'gff We.“ "Emma“ w _ -__—...“... ._ .__». ._ ...__ .__ «.-.—.. ‘ . I u . . “'iam’mmmwmw’. .vo ' 0°” 91”?“14'“ new"! 1‘ 13!- R-‘k ALL PAPER! WALL PAPERL—AL ‘5” "I ”P mafia: mm SPthG BQLEXORQLsugxuac manna n . 8?“!!!th pm; B.lmm the pur- Sglp: \ "'l." u 1... jun received .1 Dr. R! 4.1 813mb Third Si. Phiudelpmdj-m _ . ‘ Lt 33W“ 880! p 92¢ 0 Lime or pram-mg may. , 1;“) is!” o:s:an Yum! SW“ [1 sw“ ”He'd- ‘J’ : 1.- CLO TEEISGI OLOTEmau..memyotui good: jun opened. Also Boots,Sh ’ < “3175,60: kc" all chap :1 BRINKBRADFm’ F. B. :Pickmz- No Humbug. PH!L»DELHX~A. ' Notice. Mafia: Book Bindery. c (1 was: \vum, :1. 1100 A" umzzwk. an In“ No; lacuna-cum, , Lucumk, PA. Plain and Ornamental Ending, of ever, do gcripgioufexeunted 1n the most. nublunfinl Ipd Approved “flag. . unuxcu. ‘ t _ B. W. Brown, Ba.,Fumqs Bu nk of Lanomxet w; L. Pew-r, Esq, Lancnhtei Cuuuty, Bank ” Sunnel Shodk, Esq., Columbia Bank. Slums! anzwr, Esq, for]: Bank. Willitm Wagner, Esq.. York Connzy Bank, ’l'. D. Clraon, Elq., Bank of Genfsburg. PM! ”Ania, Esq., Proth'y oanncnner co., Pl 000. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Regine: “‘ “ Goo. Whiuon, Elq., Recorder “ “ April 15, ”61 ~ Universal Clothes Wringer. ELF-ADJUSTXXG AND ADJUSTABLE, WITH COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. FOR BALE BY SHEADS a: BUBBLER, Gtrrnnvna, P 1 From ‘ innumemble recommendations, wt g’azhér :hofollomng: Letter from Mn..flenry Ward Bucket-. 111 1861. Inm moll hanpv to speak huh: very high uL term.- of the “ Universal Clothes Wvlnger." The hardest put of ansbing-dny'" work in, in my opinion, the winging: my! the inventor of this machine may hut: the namfnction of feeling that he has changed one of the malt toxlsomo puts ofw‘omnu’a work into I. vcry alum-two nmusemwt. The hundreu look! upon it as a great blessing. I look upo‘n it as lmong the most useful uniglw in the house. Brooklyn,.october, 160:. , Price—SV‘OO. [Hay 2I 1864. . VHSTYNRS‘, Cnssinets, Jeans. kc}. with many other~ pad: for spring and summer Wear. They are prepared to make up garments If the shortest. notice. and in th! very best mu:- nar. Thé Fashions are regularly received, and clothing gada in any desired style; They al ways make neat film, whflsl their sewn: is sure to be lubauntial. A ‘ They ”km continual-mg: of the mhlic's pa tronage, resolved by guod work Lad \noderate charges to can: it. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. ~ Noah Walker 8; Co.. CLO-TRIERS, WASHINGTON BUILDING, 85 up 167 Buhuou §rfinn keep conutantlj' on h-gd a large aid wen u- netted ltoqk of all kind- 6! good: u. modem: CO= The] supply orde’fl for lb. fine". to the logos: priced wicks, cube: ready made In made to meagre, to my pm of flu country ‘Thsy keep-also “Bimini” flock of lURN ISHING GOODS, embracing every Article 0! Gentlemen'l Underjvesr. Alsop MILITARY CLOTHS ind eveiy nrlety of Military Trim- Innings, u ,wel! u so Assorted stock of READY “31:an GOODS. ’ ‘ Bultimored’eb'. 22, 1864 ‘ ~. Piano Fortes; - mans :1. 3mm; ‘ : lullUflWTVlill O 4mm AND SQUARE PIAS’O FORTES. Mutujnctoqr 112?. 19.5} )0] Pynnklin ureeh Wnrerojom, N 0.7 NaniLxlvzsll¢ZglrgeAt Constantly a large number of PIANOS of my own Mfinufictun on hand, with the Full Iron Frame and Over-strung. Every Instr-m gent. warranted for five years, with tbs privi lege of exchung‘o within twelve womb! if, not entirely satisfucxory. - fi‘Second-hnnd Pin-lo: ulwaysan hind at prices lrom $5O to $2OO. - Baltimore, Sept. 5, 1864. 1; 3m“ ' Blacksrruthmg. BE undersigned would molt. rcspeclf‘uny iniorm tho public thu he bu commenced t e , ' = rBLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, '1 a: h Ziegler‘s shop, in East. Middle . -Ge:tyabnrg. when he will it :11 times 1' ”pH-ed to do Blackumithing work to Cu filgos, Buggies, Wagons, kc. That he know: .bow’go do all jobs or the kind will oLbe ques tioned by those who hang ‘know‘ledg-e of hit } long experiegce at the business. Come on with your work. and you wtflbe agiisfiod when ”Intake It nwhy~a¥ld for which ha tun re~ «it! Gish or Country Produce. 4 ’ ADA)! HOLTZWORTB.. 15-3114, 1864. tf \1 1‘ ""‘_‘~*'~_‘l-”’T‘_‘.‘_' " {l Ladies’ Fancy Furs! ' 'l‘ JOHN FAREI. BA'B old Mub .-ci FUR HASB J‘ORY, No‘ “B :H Street, the" PHILAD’A. - I now in nor. of own Importation )Knnufixcwte, on m LARGEST and LBEAUH‘FUL Io :ous of FA )3 C Y AS, {or Lsdiea’ Ind :dren's run, in Que \l. of Gént’l Fur AI myg‘nrs Were all purchased when Gold In at a igulch lower pxemluxn than M patent, I am an: led to dispose of zhem a: very rel-l sonnblo 4mm, and I would therefore solicit u call from my friend! of Adam: county and Vi~ cnuzcy. ‘ Wflemembcr the nune, number sud duet! JOHN FnRKIRA, H 8 ARCH Street, than 7th, .onth side, PHILADELPHIA. '6" have no partner, nor connection with any other More In Phllndelphlu. \ Sept. 12, 18%. Gal ~ . STABLISHSIEN’T.~-G EO. F. ECKENRODE FASIIIUSABLE TAILOR. nuupts mi: method of informing his friends Ind the public generally. that he has opened a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore street Gettysburg, (lute Post. Office.) near the ma mond, where he is prepared to [do all work in his line in the best manner. and to {be satis facnon of customers. He em'ployl‘none but first class hands, and receiving THE FASHIUNS REGULAELY, he can warrant fashionable fits and neat and lubatantiai sewing. He asks a share of the public'a patronage, promising to spare no ef fort to deserve it. His chm-gen will always be found an moderate as the timu will allow. Cutting and Repairing done at the shone“, nolico. (Gettysburg, April 7,1862. (V EORGE ARNOLD‘Ims just. ruched from I the city a. Jurge supply of CLOTHING, Men’s and Bovs’ wear. consisting of 111 kmdi at? COATS. PANTS. VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS,‘ NECK TT‘EE GLOVES, HOSIERY, kc. A large étgclLof CLOTHSJCASFIMERES, CASS‘N‘ETSfIE ANS, DRILLIXGS. he” Am, nil of which .\xill he sold as cheap as can go hm}! el§ewheré. Give us a call, and if we cnn not please you in i Euit ready made In: will mke your meaaure and muke you up one in short. notice. v ‘ [May 30, 1864. 7 Everhar'n’S' RANKLFY House, COBNIJB OP HUWAED ‘er‘NKLIX STIERTI, This House is on a. direct line bevween the .\'orzhern Central‘nud Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Doan. it has breq refiuvd and com furmhly nrruugrd fur lbw couvufiencr and ‘he‘ emeruunmeu! of guests. Oct. 31,1864. If HE undersigned contlnhea lhh , . T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS. _ in all ils-hmm-hca, a: his old same, m E‘s: )liddle‘strnet. ‘ie'ljallulg. ' ‘ .\'EW WURK made m (min, and ' . - : REPAIRING done promptly and nt’ lowvst Drivpa. , '[wo firs,t.lute anlzXfl WAGUNS and . SLEIGH fur (sale. a j JACOB THUXBL. Dec. 7. IHbB. ~: . ' ‘ Somathmgv for Everybody ‘ bUY .\7' DR. R. HORSFRH‘. T DRUG .\SD VARIETY STORE.— slusl owned a fine .Isrornncul of _ . Drfzgw and Medh inn. I'th. .\levfirines, A / St‘liunvrj'. ’ . Fupc)‘ Dry Goudl, Culdecriona, ‘ ‘ Groceriqr. ‘" ’ _ .\'otmne, THRAFCO, SEGARS, kc film. 13, 1564. gnmctuml mimic gamma \. ~ . ThgePowden Will strength _\ .1 enlheSwmuh ’ and Intestine, . ', cleanse them ' from chairs 1. gamma!h Ind . ,_ r7l 41'. , rid: en: t“ :e;*_,_:.s§_lf’;s3::~j,£3: a healthy auto. Theyml mnegrevenlive of Lung Fever, and a certain am y for all 13w imidcn‘. no In; Home, ‘nch u Glan ders, Yellow Wner, Dis ! e m p e r, F on n d e r , B o s v e c, Slaverinf,‘ Caught. £~ nu, Loss of A petite sud. vrm Ener gy. be. In poor. low—spirited animals, it has the mos! beneficial sfl'ect‘ BALTIMORE, The use onhem improves the wind; strength on: the Appetite, and ghee to the none-u fine, womb and glossy skin—thus imp-ov in: the appearance, vigor and spirit 0 this noble animal. The property this Pow der possesses in ir Wednfmthe quantity of Milk in Cows, gim 1% w- penance and value mhicb should place it. in the 51MB of era-y peyson keeping f I Cow. By actual experiment :2th prom ‘ that it. will increase the quality of Milk and Gram twenty per cent, and make the But!!! firm end sweet. In fattening Cattle, lt ghee than n appetite, logseu their hide and Mics them thrive much faster. H 0 GB . In all Disease: of 7 mg m as ‘ :;_,’37§:=:,_ 55 Congas], filter: in g‘fifig‘g: 7; 7‘ “I 38', ,LiYery . .\‘.: 1‘ Ev . «be. By puma \y‘ *‘ "A ‘1 from hell's paper ~ ‘ *bl 114,153.ng thbe‘so ' . even a p‘ , ~-:;‘..~\ : rel or Swill, the ‘7’: :1 {5 ‘ than Diseases can be cured or entirely pre- vented. 'By n’ngn these Powder: the Hog Cholera. an be prevented. 4 'Pxioe 25 on. per Paper, ‘or 5 P 31)”: («$l. so. 118 Franklin St, Baking“. Id. . For Sale by Dm‘gcisu And. Skim 01:“ng the United Bum. ' ‘ - For “10 by A. D. Buehlu. Gettylbnrg; Laugbiin t Bushfivld, Wheeling, Vt; C. 0. Beadak Co. mebnrg; Johnson, Hollow” & Cowden, Pbiladclphis. , Nov. 28. 1554. 1y Now Tailoring Now Goods. -.- a I 8 0 -...-• BALTIMORE.' MD Still at Work. F-OUTZ’S' ~ CELEBRATED PEEPKREU BY 8. A. FOUTZ & BRO., , n m WHOLESRLE OMS AND MEDICINE DEPOT. m: pecg‘in taint or m'rction which ‘q call Strum”; lurk in the constitution! of Imimudca of men. 1: smm produces or i! ,‘rovluucd by an en feehli-d. I'il'latt‘d sum of! the Lloml. wherein that fluid becomes in mmpetcn: Io wsuin the vital force: in their igoruul action, lad eaves the system to W kill into disorder nod déay. Thacrofulous contamination is ra riourly caused by mtrcuml 4159 a“, lw living, disordered digestion 150.!" unhealthy food, impure nit, filth and hid}! lllbml, the depreuing ricer, :md. above 111, l 1! tht- venereal infection. Wliatctcr be. its origin, it is hereditary in the conmnmon. descending “ from part-ma to childrcn unto the third and fourth generation; " indeed. it secms to be the rod of lino who says, hI will visit the iniquitics of the bthcrs upon their children." The dircases it originates Like varioun names. according to the organs it attacks. In the lung», Scrofula prOdJL't's tubercles, nnd finnlly Consumption; tn the glands, swelling: which auppurate and he come ulcerour sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspep~ia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous nficctimu. The», all having the nine origin. rtqnirc the some rvmcdy, rm, purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and there dangerous dintx-mpcrs leave you: With feeble. foul, or corrupted blood. you cannot have health; with that “life 01' the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous til-we. . - Ayer’s Sarsoparilln. . is compounded from the most effectual antl doten that medical science htul diocutcrcd for this Ifilictin: til-temper, and for the cure a! the disorder: it entoilm- That it is for supe rior to any other remedy yet dcvlued, in known by all who have given it atrial. That it doe. combine virtues truly exttuordinhry in their effect ,upon this clnsl of complaints, is inditputahly proven by ‘the grout multitude of publicly known had—remarkable enter it has made oflthc following dijseasu: Ki ‘3 Evil, or Glapdnlar Swellmgt, mafia Eruptions. Pimples, Blotcheriand Sores. Erynghe‘lu, Rose or St. Authony‘a Fire, Salt eum, Scald Ilead. Coughs from tuberculous degoaita 1n the lungs. Whito Swellmga, Dehthty. Drapsy. Nenmlgia. Dynggpm. or Indigestion. Syphilis and Syp llitic Infections, Mercurial Diseaser, FemaleWeaknesse‘fi and. itttlcod. the whale scrit-I of Colllplulllll tutu. mlrc fl om impurity 0f the blood. Minute rcportt of indivtdual case: may he found in Artn‘fi Anvmcn ALMANAC, which irt‘urnished to the (ituggizu for gratuitous dintrihutiou, wherein may ho learned the directions for its use. and some of the remarkable cut-or which it‘lias manic whcnrttll other remedies had fu'lcd to nflmd reli'cf. .Those cases are purggst-ly mitt-n from all sections of the coun ', in ordcr tlutt cverscndfl may have access to route one who spell: tohlm ot‘lu Nntfil. hom personal experiencc. Scrofuln (lt'prLESt'S the vital energies. and thus leave: in vn'tinn tar more subject to distue and its final results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tcnds to shorten, and dot-u greatly shmun. the average duration of human life. 'lI-e \‘nst importance of these crvtnitlcratiuus has: led us to spend years in perfccting it run}. (1;. which is titlt quatc to its cure. This we now otler lo the public under the name of Ann‘s Sutsamnuu, although it is totnpostd ut‘ ingrt‘dicuts, some of which cxté‘cd tit; lot of harmparilla in ltllt-nltive pour. y in nitl you may protect yourtclt‘t‘rom the sulfur ing and danger of those tlirordcra. Purge out the foul corruptinns that rot Hx-l fcttcr in thc‘hlood, pulgt‘ out the causes of (lincnte. t-nd vigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar VlflllCl this rcmcdy utimulutet the viml functional, and thus cxpcls the (llélullrflll which lurk within the upturn or hum out on tiny part of it. , We know the public have been (lvtt'ltbd by many compounds of Sancpmflln. that promised much and did nothing; but tlny will acitbcr be (ltcciwd nor tlhllhpf‘lfllt‘tl in thin. ll: virtues have lnccll protein by vim!» dam trial, and time Jinnah-s nu qne tin: of its Sllfpltafllllg c:~.ullcnu- 17mm? curv ut‘hfie afiiiuting discus-s it in intended to l'.u:tl. Although undcr the slime num- , ll 1.- a \Cl}' dill'crcnt medicine from any other wl-th lhtl been bcfore thc pmple. will is fur mne ef fectual than any othcr'u'hich be our L-ccu available to thaw. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL. The World's Great, _P,emody for Coughs. Colds, Incxglxcnt Con . sump‘tionmncl for qrelicf, ofponsumptivepaucnca ’ 1:: advanced surges of the disease. This has been so long and and so unl versaHy known, Hm: we need do mumoro than assure the Public that in qnuluy in km: up to the beef. t ever has been. ad that i: zany be relied on to do all it has ever done. Px‘epucdlny DB. J. C. Ann: 8-. Con Pradz'ml and Analytical (-hmsm. - ' Lowell. Mags. Sold by 1:11 drugsisu every where. . Wp‘or Me by A. D. Buubier, Gem sburg. lmd dealers geurrally. Aug. 5, l 8“. eowly ‘\ Cannon 5; Adair’s NEW MARBLE WORKS,'L‘-orncr of RultL J. more and East Middle street», ammunc the Court House. Gettylbnrg, Pu.-—We 'nn prepu'ed to furnish lionuments. Tumbs. Hud atonea. Marble Manuel, Slabs tor Cabinet Skiers, ind all othe: fi'nrk appertaining to out businels. We will guirlsulee anti-faction both Is to execution and price. (71“ and Eva om designs Ind ipecimenl of work. Feb. 2, 1865. u Good Thmgs from the Clty! .r 8 no ,receiviag twice n week from the city: urietyaol articlel‘suilcd to the Want: of this community, vizr: Frag: nud Sal! FISH; Hamd, Shouiden and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, épplvs, Danton, Omuges, Lemon], Confection, Tobaccoa, Sega", with mun; other articles in this lino—lll received in the hen order, sud sold In. the lowest prams. Give us a. call, in Baltimore street, ncdrly opposite Fahuumchf “are. WANTEm—‘Buuex, Emu. Lard, m: all other county producenfur which the highut cushprico till he paid. ~ SWEET POTATOESgL-bQIV quality, It Inw est living prnGtl—nlwuyi on bud. Also, OYSTERS, tin: and (rah—in the shot! at Ihockad. Restaurants and fnmilim nunfied. STBIUKUOUSRR EWISOTZKLY. Genylburg. May 18, 1663. ”, Shanda 8:.“ Bughler, DEALERS 1:: COAL AND LUMBER, RTav t s . TIN-“ARE, HOLLOW-W 435, tC. , —' “so -—~ - SUL‘TTERS, ‘BLINDS. SASH. ETC‘ Corner of Cgrlislo and Rsilrmd Strata, oppo site Railroad, Depot, GETTYSBI'RGLPA. Sky 9,18 h. ‘, . New Goods. AHXESTOCK BROTHERS . F Arc constantly receivina (hair! and dh’ lirabie gouifiirom New York. Philadelphia and lithium-53nd ue prepnred to offer I “‘ , GREAT INDUCEMENTS , 3 totbcse abouv. pnrchnsing. fining telecud with gnu mmgfrom the three leading mun-ken, lb! public yin luck to their own inn-real: by “training ofir flock b¢foro buying elsewhere. Call at- PAHNESTOCKS' lay 9, 2854. RC.) Front. . . M i . - ‘ . v » *,j- r n An Interesting History ’amm l'cnn protl'uru i-‘nnnber a! throw 1: ‘t'wgwfhpm a paw-nu mm‘enjuyluuobd health. 0 on. scnrsox's owv CASE, ‘ "mm“? "m“ 3“" I-"urvl'u 1"“ “Mud wm” “mm“ ”n“,m“uw“o\,_ hy relumx lhree wrul have made In lie: And I’lU‘f 5m I’uimmc Sqmy, Seaweed Twit. and: ‘0“. ”I? Kunch "2‘ all. dlflerent, and wish .VJmlraka Pall; m‘" M .Mr Swim in filly-Ill! Ibo‘levlzln; {when “1 th. “3"“ Curb”, ”m may“. “My,“ gm vial: them. hm ls \m. Fulnw. rundlu' . than M .\'u lu: ){uuslon strum. ller hunhsad . GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT ! I !_ culled upon luv umy moms; .13 Band 1n... 1 And wished mu m nall‘uml" see her. lle “:3,- ll could do no good; film; he lnd bed all uni lhru medic-l nuondnuoq, and all nld Iho nu 1 5 too far [one with. Cu‘nwvnptllw, to bound; {but she hm h‘ennl m 90.)“: groaé curu l had * nude, and he llenirec] to until)! er winhu.-‘— ; fl called, and found Im- lyan confined to her? filed in menu. auge of mon‘rhlnl consump tion. and wivhout doubt must Ilhve died soon. ‘ 1 exnmlned her lunpflumxd both brunch!” tubes very much uflwled, bun-no nrltie’u but i ‘fomed, her cough mu verv suemf the null.- i has In: hull‘ lull of thick mu. Phlu 142),: 3 legs swollen very much ) nud' tons lh‘ln all ; .5119 had chroulc diurrhcx. Her bow-'l5 M; 1 been moved eleven than lb» a”. [told he vth she hurl lung: enough to be cured, but“ ‘ :hnmhis dinrrhmn’h'ad been of long lllnding‘x‘ [and her atumnwh muln such nu umrnlod coax} sdizlon (hat l mu afraid nothing each! be done. I Sh. lunisml l should try nnd do that] cnnhh . , fur her, ohurvlngumt she could‘not lnn long . _ m the condition Ihe mu lb. and 1 could mli ' ‘ make be: any wor‘w. Ignre her fir“ a do» "of my Mandrake Pllln. and the Tonchnd 7 Syrup freely‘. The was on Tnndny, and by; . the-nut Sunday the diarrhmu no uni“ on; her npp'etlle had relax-nu. and else could all up Jin bad ln'd cnl hv-r dinner. She ll now wall. land gave‘me a long unificnle, certified 1. by film Rev. :Dr. Dowlxng. \ Mn Bartholomew, 83 Was: Fm U-Ilth “net, i henna tn {n} [001!“ with u :mnor onju-r liver. isn’t w. fi low-upirilcd, skin ullvw, tongue cont ! ed, ham-i.- coslive, no appetite, and mu Iluk ‘ ing into the grew. The Said wmnr had been 1 running over (fifteen yum.- I~ give I»! ‘B3 rup. Tonic and l’nls. and [old hat 10.1.3. _ lhunj-m as the dlreclion' err pruned. all. camp hula I) my room, :HBond Hreu,inv‘m weeks, Inmewhnl holler; her longun had as gun to «Jun .1 little around the rdge! her skin whiter Ind lnr eyed brighter-mud the : tumor discharging very ofl'ennlre matter, much ' lulu than u had; ever done before. She he“ ’grmluully improving. end in about two munLLI {she \‘ILlnC w my PNIHIII wry much lrighlened. mulng lhxl the tumor had no. rly Hopped fun i ning, and w“ lug-din“ up, aw! tlml «wry dou ftur h-d m ll her Elm Vii. rvcr henlml it qul‘l :crnuen lwr «11-uh. Ilul'l llcrlllml lhr diam" ; h “l all ln‘l ln-r “Hem. .u::l.xmure’ would hrnl .lllr ulur ‘l’». Int; an: nuw healed. and hmu‘ “mun fnr nlu'l' x ‘\(.l'. urn! film 33 :u litany “I'd mlum lvunu x: u- .‘ -u M): h .d iuh u'uj': lwx'z. “be I; g: I; l-vr .nn- hum 1.. ...ll an 'u- r. ”m in“. n «13...»: l.\\ ~llmh‘n-w'ladlbhe 'lu-m: [l4, any}... 3 Un- lm -: .:c. .\ ul‘ gr: thm {u mm! a. 3: ue mm Tm me“. A. 5‘ )«h. n f'nzulicl ‘. 'rl--n 51. m. fund, Cuup. 51:5. ). .rlku‘fikvrw gm. lnr Jana 'Lu ~er “.3 gm} 1m hu lM‘a .n; v‘nlr n: 'n—s ’lmuw. Wnu. :Zn- :1: -: tun» t. "vru':mu.r-lle w.” :: my. Nu .-.-.'.m' nilh n J‘szrrnj‘ucuugh. nut—Eng l.r-qq mmhiu at m mul. [en “invd Ln lung}. .\hh ‘ c n-Iprmn-M- I. :md [a MA. ' xuncri'r n V-‘r mm; H H: vhlh oer lung an [l2! pm! um)! .I‘ ull v 1 l.r'.g\m anuwl. [Lucid :ml give “I‘ll"! «mrnunuxmnh l thou-:M Nu would -2: :mn w my m-uairhmrnl {ho I'm» mom: >l, rhp. firm-rel 'l'uuir, um llumhuku Fill? .xll wen-lea m 20 gig-ht in work. the lung ii all hu lwl (I\'t‘l‘. lCH‘l’m a Hulk) 0241'! ml u gn-n'u‘ l“; «”HO'l nmnmc, flue splrln‘ sud l.” ruined numc thirty five puun-la 1n “KL?“- . 5}.» has sump rung-h yr, \vlnL'll l (la nm nh'm‘is ‘ will lbw lwr hafram Judo. lilnml- think It w..ul : h; ..I gmnhnorm :0 am. ._- unluqumnd rllj'~fci.nn to Hall tilt :9 r - ~01, palm-"l ul \lx-e hmfiehl. ur :mf uli ll‘mlll nhn hale horn un- 4 l:3‘_m'\ quiivmcd. Th") nl’l‘ Imm r..ux'\‘u .\’mv. Ymk phm llm n'.‘.'.;.\- l .r'v all JHJH ”mm s an other; :m-l If mu mu firwm .url- ' on c n lml l' n purchl 13"?) M". lm-J I.“ nil-'2 han- lln ('fruxf an) the null ulul kmm \vlmru nuul b -\r Hwy~ may he curl-«l. J. 11. Su'lll'lh! E. M. l) I Dr. J. 11. firhrm k run he touml In his ynu. clp'll uflice. No. 39 North nth Street. Philndol-g phiaJver'r Suturday, lrum (I A. Sl. until 5 E“? _.\l , m giw .m»? 1:. 1723‘ al't‘h Int»; hut lur'A‘ llnll‘llllgll run inal'c." L: 4h.xr-,.u lll'l'r dum hrs. thin-flux Hm l'nll'nuu'c 743m]. m: h..«-‘ Wue‘d Tm imull. H. 451.“ manhunt 491.11.: mul due-u. Ala-air 5.» l':. ~‘ J?» 1 HI-' w: huxrn d are lur ml» 4".» ..II ['l' gig!- ~ l. mum». '1 Jung: v; 3Nl}. A); K Th- .an 9 in g, ~ arrest likeness ofDr. Svhrnck {ARCH many years L [0 after 50' km} I'L'L‘lflen'd 'fiom Cunqumplion-t h." 5 90‘1”: ‘9' “1' i “ Sunns'cx‘s Pruoxxc 57mm." Tl" “WM". ‘lllhongh‘ it does um repre en’ him nnj 1M“)? like us bud ‘II he “'l5 M the vs ”rat. 3‘“ W"! in 'Mrong «untrue: with the lmie nuu‘ “8‘0”” ' looks of Ihe Porlrnit lmlow, which is the "‘1? 4 likeness of him MHm present time. The 00"“ . trust betrncn 11mm llm portraits in M) l-rnut ‘ (hit—many would not byline them (0 be the I snme person. Yet {here are hundredi of per: . lons, in and Hound Philndclphiu, “ho will recognize to“) uortmils to ‘Jc true "put-acum ,msns» When-1M firs! mu Ink”. he woighefi ' 147 pounds; at xhe presenc time his weight. in j 210 poundi. " ’zw YEAH. Wm‘mdin‘. "lsuf; fl}. ‘6! I TO 'llli‘. l'L'dLllL ' T 2 i-ty years ago l \\.t~ in I‘m his! blues 0! Pullman“; l'ulhltlnpllnl’x, u: ll gm u up Ln iii-H l rt-Zw’nl m Pitilud- lphi n. mm. In. Just‘yl: I'M. .liflh, Lin-u nl thin, cu“; mwler-ui I‘uo to More-'- JON“ S. .1., ‘I rlu‘mm-I ul nu: miles, “high took IDI' um du_\- lo nu Lllt'H'. (In in) un'nnl l was put tmle, null literi- imd lnr munv wet-ks. "hi" \vn. my math: phi-e, “hr-e all my family liwd ilull I} .d died at Cunamnption. Dr. Thyruton. who .mcu'lml my Lulu-r in bid lastillucs:fwns mllml, :u'rl 2.1"» my one weak ’to 1i: up an alTun‘t. lic had seen 'n‘l lily lum ily kn Ilmt way. nnd thought! nu.» In (0. too. Then! Lem-d nf the rmurdicsl no“ ullvl’ lo the will c, whirl) sun-d me It recmml to me Itlmt i voulu {ct-I Il.u;u,peuctmln.g my whulr .sys'tm. 4 « f Thry 50m; ripened the matter on myjunm, ‘nntl I would spit off more than a pint ot‘olfen lflive yellow nutter vu-ry moxning. .u mun l as that Ear-gun tu :guhai-tt-y my cuugimvnr, pain, i night Sprouts—.lll 1": an Lu lcxtt‘c mo. unvl n); aputtirc batman. so prenl tlmt it 17:: with dif ficult; l cuul-l krux) {rum nun): tun much, I :soon pith-whit) ttr. nqtu “pl 1 have Len n grant. Zing in fit» l. ‘\!s2‘ \i' cc. l-or u) my }e.|l'll lmw enjnycd uniulnrnptnd gun-l lmnlti), homing 'thr l~ver umi SquflAl‘h lxmlt'n,‘ With the tea weed l'imEc and .\i nut-m him, as l Inn of .t ,hil-mm hum-mun Li. ”Y neifiut iamu he.“ dud .znul iv My pun; i:. (in my [moat-n 'r-‘t-I-‘u: \n\.i-luv::.a tor mt. fur and. nrdr, to age ii! ’Csxti': Cns€§ turn him mine l‘m' t~ii mu. gpose I [my prufvnlunn! \ip I.) 111 tin- linrav Li~ (tit-J. Tat- cwl..~hl:‘.l-i.‘t‘s huh tn su- lhc nu? {that "13in then! umd'uims, and \tho “.1; Ecuzed n 2 ceuwuyxiuu IQ menu. To make new 't-xugs, u lltlpu:'»i~ to; hit! minim iu the lthgs and chronic uftuutxt-ue aftlic llrm. hit 1 when - . m be hmled.‘ Sui h dunes are dying hunrly ‘fun'lcr the ordinary trn-Lment (‘l' pltumnm, iand just such are vure'd by tile pmprr the of Sthlinck'a‘ I’ulmnuxc wrap, :‘awecd Tunis, land .\l.tnrlr..ke Mile. 1 lnm now a heal h) man| with I. large mph: ‘in {ln middic lubv {-F the rxgh‘; lung. the iuttcr lune very much behind and cumplrw ..du hmiou at tbs pleurl. The M". luutz is sound. 'lud the arm! lobe vi the right lung is in a lolrruhly lwuilh‘s t-nuditlnu. 'Thc grrhtnu mn why phyaiclunnlu not cure conmmptmn ‘ _ __. _ M _’ ... _A _ is they trylodo mu muyh: the) gu‘etuediq ,‘ , , ciues to stop the rough, to ELUP dull, to stup . ' Agave” (fha'n‘gomi night nwmtt, hectic :ewr, Md, by so doing, 13* THE “A! AM:- Mlt'fi lilhlfiugf'r 1. Ethey drrungelhe wunlr digestive pnwchncL- ‘ flute.“ hum; .I"~IM!|.Iu:d will: tmn in ling np t!" SCCI'IJNOIIB ml; eyeuu‘ju‘v the p_ , linemen: J-nhu r". (Inuit-it'd, n-Lo‘guunln..-rvl tient sink. and diu. .~\f.er lttmlto u cmetul llxu iunjn-et u! Jynn L'ltlr, t'afilr-rllul'f 'r ‘examiunion ot the pnivnt \nth tlm llr~pirulu- "Mitre: to 'lu- ciluem urtu atyl'uf: "11 W" eter, and m“; “nmgrnuugh lrtt m 3...,“ 1.“. yahln- ,‘ZQ‘IZLI‘uih. Hut lit" In. jam nnl he run roct the p‘itleutlmw MEN-he [nng remvllrn linuvd— M the Old .\‘hmd (m "llll‘lfl|(’l’;ln.f' Remm-z the cuusu and the... “id ull 'MO]: or Nrrfl- h)’ A. ( “ii-HAN ,l. “U, a"... nil .mt. their run. actor»). 3‘; rmc cm lie “Med of “1“ ll; keepiuu luuru :t :er't‘ amt}. urticaria ounfnmpti'm, livx r umu-iniut. Quintin, ea- hi'Wfiliii" of truth. canker, nliealxtnl thru-tt, hale“ the billlld, HATS. (KC-P 5. Tlll'SKfi'. . liner 11nd. slumuch‘ are mad» hmlthy. In .\‘t-Jw‘l (An/LT 15513": CAlllllHLlul“. kl u Eugln‘ud thii ()Ulkfl, chronic cut-uh, ulrcut- and lbf'y W=ll .tl-o evuimue the Jlduqllullr‘. u! }(d throat.'elongn’tiuu of ninth, in mur': nrem- EMJH- ”: ‘ ~ . . g , lent tintn in any 0”“ r thiuu nl tine country I” W"; ““3” 10“! ngrlnnce In all the uhm-v u’l‘his it frequently caused by a foul Momuch.—- br'flc'wfiu ”1".“ “KW" {hm-1‘1““ er ”I" ”WI “‘F 1Y0“ unity hutn it out with cnumc time uni Mun" Lue {with}, and williell chat? {or can)? again, and all they will lit-ti: temporary when”, ' = A. _('Ultl-..1},_ _‘ Correct the stomach and In‘Ll‘, and they ni.|‘ J. :5 ORA“ l-(IRD. , healle tut-unplug. _ , ~ it ‘ } Minx business under the name nu-l firm‘uf 5 'Good nutrition in the rcmc-ly. if gou hive A’ (Min-an 5 Co. [Fm E: ”b" In discuss in nny .trt of flu bud', it “in.“w "“”‘“:”.’ '.‘;““"" ' ' ‘ “"“1' regain there and dogs; more and nilure untilE ‘ E’mblhhed 185°- yon cen get the slumch in the «audition to: \TOTICB Or‘ RENOVAI}. ~ digest food Ind make new [Hood to'htlte the} l ' LAWRENCE.“ DIETZ & 00., plume of diseased mutter. This is the only-reu[»rctt'ull3,beg leave torniotiry lbt-ir ltirmlc. 1 my ta heal cuitiel in the lungs um] ulcerated cusnomen and the public pmunily, that (ht) bronchial lubu. Correct the stun-act: and have removed from No. lSlgf‘r.lnklixt meet. to liver, (in? nature will do the healing. Mmthe commxidinn tonr-ltnry‘Wirt-buun, lPCrsanz haze in ii»: that 'cuiztin la-Itiieinra‘ NO. 808 BA L‘l‘lMOßl-I STREET, 'nre gre Atpurifiurs oftbe bluo-l. When blood is I between ”(uni-dyad Librrty. where they wiil 'ouue dist-used it cannot be pur‘fird; it isrdig- hr the {\ltura‘ (and—L". [it “'1; flex l». Um. eased this same as [in diit'dst‘d mwor in xha‘ mu swirl; m . < inysie‘m ; Lu‘ 3“: I'3; um: ml 3 h order. Lhr' iiupivry'. Trimmings, ‘ v Elite: :md n0t...“ h, :mll “Eu 1: “lost, at sum-- l'., msni .g death, . lislxiigfuo'l 1r wid innit: mw Mom}, wnich wil I'Lfth-{llH‘P‘VFSolityan'r ' tn)“- the finer n: Lt. it which is «lines:- (1. j . _ ttqtnmrry. l u'lmy. ; i Sehemk's l’utmuuic Sfl'll}! is one of We hrst’ . ~y M ' " To; n,'&c.. FO. gprepnutfons 01 mm in use, it is :t powerful ‘ to whit-lump} "7'th,th Iflvnfi” ”f C“) ”‘4 ‘Wnic of itself, and Wham the Fenwud Tonic t-aun'ry pIN'UIJaErH. influx rag-“tut Orl'tfl'if, 'dismlve: the mucus in the stomach. and it is nhil ty tn éflixr ildhi‘tflztnll‘filv priul u-d' lemma ofl' by thcnid Ur the Mandrake ram, qn-iily armada . ‘ "4 ; “M 'the Pulmonic Syrupi: and? into blood. This.“ 0rd"? ht- mni} will recein‘ prompt flHI¢ ‘is the only way to cute consumption. tr 1 tion. Andrus. x- , ‘ _ lcunnot get nguod appetite, null t'uod doe: nut‘ ’ LAWRENCE D. DIET: t {'(L; { , digut, Lmnnm. cure the patient. Never windi. ’0 308 ”ultimo" street, Bum-ore. ithe cougbhfimovah the cause lad ilthztll ”‘08" March H. [864. ‘ A -_‘ >_ _ __L_ lufitselt'. ain t e mosttwu e rev: 1 , ’ ‘ "'“ .‘ "n ‘- ' r ‘my patients nt~ tn; rooms. The, 'lfl’, “Doc-g Portable Printmg 0‘03.- ‘tor, I feel stronger; lcnn eat; my ukglttneutsx ‘ W U)! {be an 0| El” 50“". “"1 “7"“ bin" “‘o’! W 5“ “013$ Enchantmvulfl' my cough is M) but)“ ;’ Ind tin-y are salon- ‘ " T}: 1““, and h” bnoilelq iahed to hear me say that does not mutter, ~.,_ "fig "a memo“! urn remove the cause and the cough will “on of v ' J' ~.,.,x.,~.- who “,4, to do “1‘” Juan Schenck‘s Smweud create: Igood up- ... ‘ l _, _mm printingpnamr petite in about nine day, when lherc in no! r ‘M- and theuply. AMP. lung diacue, unless the hit! 1: so congestedf ‘~ -I" - ,_ / ted to the Mimi” of that the gnndnke Pilla‘cunnot unlock the; w. ‘ handbmfi’ ”Macy, duct. “.‘h' gall “Md” m ”I“ ”.0" "m“ : circnlurz, labels, CHM Ind sunfili‘ newspflpl’u, of lung, in 0m". to ullow the 5”" hile to Pu“ Full instructian; “companyiug melt ofiice en. 03‘. {set-p the‘ liver Ill“! stnumuh healthy ““diubling a hm m, ”a” old 1c work mun me than: lsrlts: mm“?! or cemumpllOD "f “nylcessfullr- 'Cireulm lON ’"C- Speak!“ other disease. It 1! hard to mt:- cold when. =‘bt-euofl‘rpe Cat» tc. 8 tuna. t » than crpnl are hulrhy. lhuae tinitare lnh- ‘ Addreu' ’ ,ADA'MS'IBESS CO,. 0"" low ’Pirmd’ d'.“"-"'fi‘"{mg 35‘.”de 303”": 31PIrkKov,N. Y., Ind'3s Linboln utreeh lgugne. poor'nppetltex'. feli\‘:’isl't;~oill::‘ib‘f‘r:; e 3°"an ”nu! o w u-r ll’l'lJa - ‘y| ‘ 10,. ’Zid'mfmflbn,‘?ane noun- or scuuscx'b'; ijiiwfz- .".‘..._~.A Mr.— smwrzsn TONlCnnduno box ursuumcx‘s . Albums! .. i. HANDHLAKE PILLS. It is (inly‘n L‘ull Miami?" L3U 3| 5!! ‘1 _ ’ doll" and menu dive Lenin, mth lull dares-f - N 3" Aln B I 8 ll! tiour. Th" 1' "‘fic'w" ”' "'~“"-‘"“““' to; mt received; llrge Ind begnllgluu'“: ' “titty that the m:du:|lle::' are. frequ‘amly’ I!!!“ o! Phummp‘fic Albnu'nfiwhkh" “M one bottle make: a great change. In tin. a} 1. "below éity pfiefl- .I.wa $30755“; tern. Ally [Anon thnt nun,” 0'41"!!!) hrulvhfi‘g, M N 1863. . v. I v__ _ by “mg the Suwuvl Tunic undhillnnkr..ke M.;‘—:Mb—d~w”*l"f ‘ ,’ fillgarngxnnnlly. utust unm- digemw 0:341:52 US‘l‘ggglvij tfl‘P'CKiXG'B Spring til‘ 1: tuck a "it”, Conlllli)" that me: becomcfgr Sunk“ flouting. 06mg uni and I"- D 1550): tiou O? P“, 'l-.\:.n.’\(3l7‘.—Hm L'fi-p'uho ”L n (3.74.ng tum unuuw .“Euyrxh-‘n. I q hum lll"~h“ru tin'.‘ J_ ’\ t... luLl:A.§'Cnx.»e:.n 7 Hr ryuru Ah 1.» (umlr "indium: I‘.“ puma Inrlbc mun”! n’hyuua’. nun-1n: mM. Ma hook: “I” ho- lrl: 41‘!!! Burn-i mul fie ruin-Hi Ky zequnt “Ante iud'hk‘ll m I to r!!! nn‘ mnkv im'u-v-mvcxc [myml-ut, u wr nu- dw:l[u,«4_ In “9.1;: ‘l4; b-ui'mat \ ihwut Grin). ' ’ 1 -’ ALL}. xv'H: ywmn‘.” Mu). I'llf‘ ' 7- Juu. !.•'i A third. - 5 ‘11: A‘l‘u-l-xlhr n"\.}u.> flush-I‘3”} (I’il'n mf i l: run in “HE-"IJ6 of L'nint '0 I. 'uq- Yb Jam .\'A'RMH-r'. 12 i ""1“” Mi} nu.- Hm euutiuumuv nf hie mun}. nu! unwind: w pmromzc ‘3'. mod :c.‘—..¢q‘u~- Magi". nay h. tum. - ‘ 3.)..5 ULP. Fm. 5, Wu. ' A ' H SISIZEI
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