‘ M. N in} . 2gm van {a mu rO2 tun;- VI), mun,- e o briefly in t‘nvor ofcon hawk. war ti I “new wn abolished. 8W 1101‘ 7 the ntfiictio‘m of the matey would mum, ‘ Tim undoth I [mg-up}: in the report of the proceedings or Congrats on Walnu dny Im. H é It in the fashion of the mating Abolition ietl who nflict the country to tulk about "hunky." ,This in the everluting cant Of the snivelling philanthropists who in lubit the eoctlon in which Mr. Stevens ’drew his first breath, and from which he Ml drew: hle political principles. They find heathen: it no affliction that the Hood of white men is being ponred.out in tor rente. To Map the we? now end restore the Union under tho old Constitution. would be to them the heniest of nflim ttone. But to go on with the war, five, ten. twenty, fifty or n hundred years. till the whole white mpulnxion'ehell have be . me e t'mct. emf the negro alone shall in fibit tie land—this is me way to rid the country of her"nt§t.ctions."—-Imncmtcr In ulligencer. in T33CEI GETT!’_SBUI<G-Snunnn un- F 16!" Rye Flour. White W11u1...... Red Wheat.........‘ C0rn............,.....‘ {lye 1)uu.......‘..... 8uckwhut......... Giant 5ned,........ Timothy Seem... Flu 5ced........... P’uter‘ofl’nril.m W 1 Pinter gngnd, per bug.......n MLTl‘MORE—ann LA". - ‘ ..........H 12 toll 25 .....u... 2 65 to 2 85 l 73 to 1 80 I 69 to l 75 ..."... . 97 w 1 00 .........12 00 1019 00 .........l'l 50 £Ol9 00 ........,.32 oo mas-00 ..........15 25 {Ol5 50 3 33 Lo 3 35 "...... o 00 to o to 2 34 m 2 40 Flour. Wheat Kym... Corn.“ (ht! ...“... ......m Beef Cude, per huud Hogs, per bund..,.....; “Lynn"... Clover-1ced............. Flnxdlid. Timothy-02d" Whi5key................. 9 Exemrtor’s Sale ' FgI’ERSUNAL PIIOI'ERTY.—-0u THURS -0 DAY. Lln: 16m duy of FEBRUARY nexl, the lllhlrnlm, Hururor of Samuel Human, drcuhd. will 96'“ pt Public Sale, at. the hue resides. e of aux-ll Iluevleul. in Slmbm lown- Ilnp, Aduun want], me {ullmfing personal proph'r, vi! . d . 2 FIVE mzoun \umzs, 2 Com, (x chree you: uld nurl lhe other two years old.) 1 Bull, 'l hrec-luoqac \\“u_on. (M gnarl In new” Wagon lied, as Win; m Hr uue ur we hunt-9,, Carriage nud Ihr" ~i filliw'n unul llvlll. Plolighl, hur ruwl, Stag]: and lhmhlo S’hvwel I’Longhi,Corn lurka, lnrge‘ ('ulliutur. [And Keller, llny Mutiny-a. Threshing )1 whim, Grain Fun, (‘unlug Box, 1 itl.‘ of llreechlmndt, 2 BeJ'uf Yruul Guru. '1 Smlu’lci. (one as good II Mid) Check llllH., (‘mlaru Bridles. ”tillers, Jud m rrw, Lug (.‘juim. Hun Clmiugia, Ureant Chaim, ( uw Cllxiua, Singlfl and Unable-trees. Tlueq llama-fr.“ Sprtmlrlp, Croub ra, (irindslung, Hug-in nud L‘luvu r“ Cradleu. Shawls. FM‘EI. linke‘. ‘Naul nml “when. In: at Cut-punter '1 uulc :‘.wuh Hrmwhhl-l Mill Kuuhen Furniture, Mu h n! Curmr lllc‘plrourd. hilchap‘Cuphou'd. Hun-k nn-l (Sn-c. lirnl- «My. Wool Wheel. mud n urrnl mun.» when art-um, mo Immeruui Lo' nu» liun. ' f ”Huh- t . vmnmemc u! M n'cluck, A _.\l., ' o nan-Id y, wwn Mia-u “my “.1! br gum flmlx ”9- “mm: kn 4‘ n by ‘« .2 r Lu u‘ r. Hulsxnunufii‘. ; Jun. 237:655. u Excgntur. ; _ Pugh sale. ‘ | I ”E sub-rzr‘hcrfi'l'x-n-liug-lo‘rnfimve. will’ 011‘"! ll Puhlm 3.“. «m SATL'RDRY,‘ Hm 4 h dcry m FHIHM‘AHY not“, |l/‘hia rail-E drfidp. m Libvrty ll)“ ”ship. Adams rounly, the knowing prrwxiul property; \‘2: I I :‘arhUJHHLNI-l “3mm. Spring Wazo‘n, 1". Pious-31;, Harrow, Winn Ming Mill, Cutting! Mex, day L‘muf. ‘2 pt; Gum. 2e' Plnugh! inn”, 3.; .01 Nagy} “Arne”, \\'lw;lbnrmw.§ lug (z'hadfig [Leg |ya xlie mu. (,‘orutuvldcr, 8(1th Mu] Susy, Psintfliill, Slow unllj’lpe, l Suing It?! in“. HrL-f-mL Gtuirs, Squd,‘ 3x5": --|u,‘(‘JmL. l {2l: "'ruilhr. Min-is Men: \‘usvl, Work mucunviwh Kunlc, Benches, Buy, Barrels, mm many “au- articles, 100 taxman.“ Lugurnlion. ‘ ‘ fl 8 it 1.1) (mmmeure n! 9. 01134:, 'l’. BL; on DA”. Au) , \‘hvn |llL‘.\.fi-le:n will begncu 'und may mimic Imam. Ly JO I 21, 13G5. tyt Bank Notice. THEREAS, tun A'wlimw amoral, as 1'!- “ qyirm! by the Hxh Sortinn of Hl.» Am C .titled "An 'Act v-m'Jliny the h nks of Ihiw ‘Unnjmulka'uHh[ohm-91m":l~aut'innulxfl lor the pmpow of banking "End” the hrs of the I‘m ed Mules," pus: on the 3.4:] d -.y of Augllll. law, has certifivd to me that the ‘4me or GHI‘TYSMUHG.’ locuwvl' if! the borough pf Gruyshurg, Adams county. has furnished an|i~fucznry evidence to him'lhnt I“ the quxirrments uHlid Act have been con )»IIed will by the stud Bank, and that it bus Income anyuogiutiun fur tinfpurpose of bank lng under the hum of the Urdu-«181MH— -1 do therefore cause this notice thereof Ld'he puhlisbed in nccurdéuicc wixh the pmvimuu of the mid lltb Section of the mid Act, and do decl u-e that tho ch u-ter o! a lid uuuk , by the {cum ufmid Act. is deemed Ind' when to hv hareupon surrenders}! sub-jack to the prowl-nuns n.’ the first aectinu of mm A“, ,- _ A. H. CL’IH‘IN, Gov. of Pa. Execatite Chnmbcr, _ , " Jam. 11, 1865. } [Jam 23, 1.54. 3C ‘ ‘ Doctor ‘ a. GOLDsnoiROL'GH, SURGEON nsx'mu STATES ARMY, g, )m: perm-neatly located in HA)IPT()X,.AdImI county, Eu“ His ennnaiu experience in pri ute tnd hospital pnctice, ofers aux-y indu‘ce snout to thou Afllxcled with t/lflmu’c dileasea to apply for treatment. . Personal It I distance wishing treatment or pdvice :re rrqneslcd to address him by helm: or m pox-sou ng bin ufice, a: his tinge will not adlfiit of long INN except in surgical or ex tre'me cases; [.Jm. 2!, 1865. if Stray Cow. AVE (0 the premium of lb! sub-Krih», in C Harman} losnship, 11 mils and l huh“ umn ankmomal on inc TlM—flown .rond, on Fri dny week, Iyoung red UUW. The owner is requested to pun property, pay chtrges, sud 421 k: her Away. DAVID GULDEN. ha. 2:, 1865. at! Notice, HE account of Isaac Run. Assign"- nf Stmuel Sadler,’ bus been liked in the our: ofCommun Pix-M of Adams count}, and~ will be confimodb'y‘t'h‘e mid Court, on the 2mm; of FWLRY next, unlessicnus: be shown xo :21: century. ‘ 'JAUOB BHSRIY,Proth’y. Jun. 23,1865. m- Dissolution. ‘ 8 firm of Shem-ls & Bnehler having been. ‘ ’by mutual consent, dissqud, ‘0 like ef - on the Is: dl, ‘nf «Afirhut, notice is my, given tint. all accounts outstanding In; In nuled between this and um time.— ”manna unnamed on the first day of April rinks plan} it} the hunds of nu oEccr {or collection. ’SHEADS t BUEHLEB. Jan, 16,1865. 3: y A-_FirEt-r€ta farm FOll SALE 03 RENTs—‘Elgfin at thin glee. , [007.39.11th n‘ ‘ ‘ flew my I J , mo“ .I?me locum: Bak- ItQillfi-Vuhington street, but lqnm , m we Hotel, Gmryssppe. h.— oa hand, flu bolt 0!" BREAD, c , mus, PRETZELS, to. m. ”it ‘ fresh Brad will bu lured our; ‘5. i! hung their mwmm mp Snry don manta plant um th-ur [Mm :0.“ 13- H l l . Public 3‘16. HE aubscriber will ofler u public eele, el Er hie ruldenee, onejnlle 8. W. all lieu erlin, Adena: county, Pe., on THURSDAY, the 2d day (0! MARCH, 1865, the following persons] properly, viz: . 8 WORK HORSES, l yearling and l two yeer old Coll, 7 Milch Cove, 1 Fat Steer, lo Hop, 1 Buckeye;Be‘eper and flower, 1 pelen: lley l'leke, Tumble Beke, 2 Grain Drills, the one ol‘ Keelers‘ and the other of Moore's patent. Horse-power end: Thresher, Winnowing [ll}, Rolling Screen, 2 Breed-wheeled Wegons, with ,bed, bows enJ cover, Lime Bed, Two-hone Spring Wagon, Two-hone Carriage. Buggy with shaft: end pole, Sulky. Cert: 2 Log Sleds, Two-horse Sleigh, Shall Sleigh end Kernels, lCircular Sawl 3 lets Hey Lagders, 7 Long Ploughs. a. lot of Shovel Ploughs, lron Double Shovel Plough, Corn Forks, 3 Enrrowe, Three ,horse Cultivator, Single end Double-trees, z Spreaders, Grindibone, Culling Box, Flex, Break, 7 sets of Horse Genre, 1 Riding Suddle and Bridle, [mm-f, Cow Cheini, Log Chelns, ‘long and short Treces, two-inch Hemp BoneA Slnble Hook. Hey and Bluure Forkl, Rakes 1 and Shovels, Ten-grime Stowe null Pipe, 2 Bed- ‘ Blends, 2 Tables, Carpenter Work Bench, éc. 1 l Tne above articles with e {cw exceptional have been' nsefl but a short time, and are con: ‘ scquemly nearly new. ‘ } fi'fiele to commence at 10. o‘clock, A. X” 1 on slid day, when elcendauce will be given end i terms mede known by ‘ l 237VA1. .........1o 00 mo so s 50 ......... 2 55 to 2 so 2'45 :0 2 no - 1 so 1 as _ CHAS. E, KUHN Em. 23, 186?. ll‘ 3. l Public Sale. ~ r N TUESDAY. the 7111 dly of MARCH ; next, We lublcriber, intending to qull \fnrmiog, will sell at Public Sale, It hil resis [dent-o‘, in Gemnny‘townihip. Adnml county, Jbonl two miles north of Litilestown. the lol lowing valunhle personal property,,\‘iz: ' 5 bond of WORK HORSES, (one in a very ‘ fine saddle horse. another a first-mic lender, ‘nnd two are more: hcnvy wiih fool.) 1 three year old (foil, 7 Minute Mllch Cows, (4 of them will soon be t'rezlli.) 4 lleiiers, 1 large fut Bull (3 years old,) 1 Yeirling lliill, 1 Breed ing sowfi head afHags, l Broad-trend Wagon and Stone Bed One-horse Wagon, 3 Plougba, 2 narrow, 2 éhovel Ploughs, 2 Corn Forks, Double and Single-trees, Two-horse Strelcher, Helper and Blower, (Dorsey’s Patent Self llaker.) Four-horse Threshing Machine, in good order. Winnowing Mill, (nearly nem) Clover Iluller, glover Stripper, (new) Wheel barrow, 5 sell of Horse Gears, 2 pair or Short Traces; 2 Brent ‘Chains, Riding Bridle, { Blind Bridles, 4 Collurs. Wagon Saddle, I Housman, 5 Halters, 2 Plough' Lines, l’onr horse Line, Wagon Whip, Horse Dung Fork, Forkl, (lake‘s, Manuela, Gmiu Shovel, Luca, a lot of Cow Chninl, Roller, Grindstono, Log Chain, 3 ‘nueshmg Mochinp Roda with ox. inrea, llulf Bu~hel, to. Also. Hodysehold nndKitchen Furniture, riz: 4 1594131de ind Sodding, 3 Tnblcs, Corner Cupbonrtlplurge Kitchen Table, 2 Sinkl, l dozen of good Chairs, ‘Rocking Chlir, Carpet ing, 2; Dough-trays, ’.’ Ten-plane Stoves, 1 Cooling Sim-e and Pipe, Drum, Mumle Clock, nonvhep, Tub! and linrrcls, large (Topper Ket tlr,'lion lit-lilangot of lv'nn Poll, Croclu, large quantity of Apple-butter, Lord, Smoked llanu,’ Shiiuldern and Sides. Spinning Wheel, Wuol'Wheel, Dlrrelpf Cider, Vinegnr, Ermhena b) Ibi- ‘pound, and many other articles, too numeroui to mention. 1 i ..'..... l 26 .......13 00 toll 00 3 50 to 4 00 2.35 to I 50 ll 50 l 'l5 firsm to commehce at 10 o'clock,‘A. M‘ on unjd danwhcn nuexninnce will He ghe' and Leuus made known by ‘ ' I ' FRANCIS) GOLDEX. Jacob Klunk, Auolionrer. } ‘a ' v .un% 23. mm. M . 4 - | gmhc sane. , | ' ‘HE subscriber,inmndiuél to quit. fnrmin ! wmjwn m ruhn‘c Sale, on noan, t | 'uih dny of MARCH next, on the farm °“.*lli* he now residesfin .\lounwlemnnt lwp.. Adn :rouuly, on lhe road leading from Square Co in‘er la Sunns’ .\lill, me' lollowing peroon wroperty, including all.,§zis~sxo¢k, viz: ‘ | '2 EXCELLENT 'BROOD "ARES, with (0 ‘2 good Work Horses, Two-yearling Colt, g 5 “hid uf Horned (Junie, among which He 8 6 i tresh Mulch Cowg, Bull». Hogs, new Four-her. lib'ugon, with Lime Bed. uepv Ho," Curing ' l uy Ladders. new Wood Ladders. Twmhor.‘ lanon, Bockvurny Buggy, Sleigh llld Bell. Pioughs, Harrows. Corn Forks. Shovel Plough' iuew Thruhiuqflucliine. a splendid Winno l ling )jili, Shad! flutter, ,Hurnc Gears, nel l Imm Saddle. Side Saddle, Fly Neu, Bridle ILOK Chains, mm. Clmin, Grindslone, Whee‘ lLsrrowVGrlnim Crudlel, Scythes, Manet-kl ‘hfluu Chains, Cuw Chains, I lot 0! good Bug Mo! 0! Flax by the pound, kc., «kc. I .~ Alw, Household nuotliitchon Furniture, vi A lnrgeg‘iew Cooking Stove wilh all finn .' i T/eI-Nde Stuve, Stove Pipe, Clorhea Prcls,| “(and Bali, Clock, Tublel, Chairs, Bench ,Cuplmnrds, a barrel oi Vinfizur, Pomtnel~ :l , the bushel,‘ with nanny other Irficlu, n; i. mentioned. ' . B. 'A. Mummy“, ”Sale to _commence at 9 'o'clock, A. u on said day, w‘n-n itteudunpe will be given a term: made known by _A “A _ . _‘ ‘ ‘ -; JACOB swusnwea Jun. 2?, 1865. 13* ' ‘5 h' THI'RSDAY‘ MARCH 16, ”1865, is O undersigned will neil'nt Public Sale, t his Lende‘nde, in Hamilton township, Adns county. about. '«oimlee 1:01;: New Oxfo 3, three miles from Unmpton, Ind 3-4 mile fro . Green Ridge ‘PnsLOfice, the following pe -' qonnl properly. viz : ." IMAM}, J Yearling Colt, 1 Corr, 1 Heifer heavy with'culm 1 Fat Steer, 1 Sheep, ‘1 Rocknvny, 'One-horle Wagon, quse Gems, Saddle and ,Bridie; Hnlter end Uow Cheinn, Hay by the ion.» Meg, Household end thhsn Furniturehsnch u urenue, leiea, Chirp. Che-ts, Bodsunds, Clock, Cook Store and Pipe, Kin-hen Cfipboard, Sink, Apple-butter, Vinegar and B'nrrele. (hyper and Iron Kemee. Tubs, Stands, Spinning Wheel, Queens’ and Earthen-ware, Tin-ware. unlock, Axe-e, Shor e], and many other Articles. ‘: fi'Snle m commenge at. 10 o'clock, A. ML, on said day,~when utendunce nu ba girT: and terme nude known by .SAMUEL LIBKABT. ‘ Williams & Sou, Auctinneerl. ; Jan. 16, 1365. t: ‘ ‘ . stsolutlon. 1 BE‘ p’nllership in the Hnrble Busincs+, T heretofore existing between Cannon If A sir, il ‘hia dty dinolved by mutual co ‘- sent. Capz.,_Janlu AdAiniu retiring wonlp 'rsspccvmny uk fai- bls hue partner, J. Cannon, acouzinunn’c only kind and liberal patronage the 6:1 hnwzahv‘yt received from the peupb lofi Adtms coumyfand for which they hue odr tutu] than. JOHN CANNON, ‘ , “ JAHES ADAIR. fi’l‘fihusinus will be continued an herd lofqrc by John Cannon. All person knowink themselvel indebted {o the firm will please all on he und signed nnd’ mike pnyment. ant] those hnviniil‘fms will present them for m tlemem. JOHN CANNON. ‘ Gettylburg, In, 16,4865. 8:. , 1 * Cannon’s J DI A Brß L E W O R 5'83, Corner of Baltimore Ind East Middle Ihezté, opposite the Court. Bonn, ‘ ! vflrrysnand, PA. - ; Every description of‘work executed in thin - hnut. style of the m. _ I 3:11.16, 1365, :f 5 ‘1 Notice. i R. w, L. HOMBAOH'S Emma—Lem testimenury on_ the en‘nte of Dr. W. E omblch‘, late of Ndecu-yuown, Conowagp town-hip, Admin: county, degassed. huiu been granted to Lbe‘undenignafl, residing inghe um pinto, they hueby give 110% to d] person indobicd to and um. tn n immedme pcyment. m! than huing claimia spinal she tune to prelim: them propnlly umbenliuud for neglemeut. ‘ ; CHAS. l". HOHBAC'B, Executor, i . ANNA E. BOEIBAUH, Elvcnhrix. ‘1 . Jan. 9, 1355 m ‘ : xcELsion'l " ‘ - _ E ‘ ~ EXCBLSIOB . - , A , nxcmmml "l'he Excellior “'9lng urchin ii the but in the World. CnLugd enmiu it at once»,— Qfloe at the Exceltiu Sky-Mb: am". 7 A TYSON BBOTHERS.‘ film'mmsnmmmu tn; new, ~ -, \mfim- Public Salé. . ; ' e . Valuable Personal Property . Register-’3 Notice. 1' PUBLIC SALE—On THURSDAY. the OTICI is hereby given to all Legateennd A M day of MARCH next. the lobseriber,l other peflon! concerned, that the Ad jntendlng to quit forming, will tell at Pibll¢:minhmtiou Accounts hereinafter mentioned Sale, at hia rrrideace, in Union town-hi 1»; will he presented It the Orphan'n Court of Adam) county, about mldwny between thtlu- r Adnm count , for confirmation and allowance, townjnd Conowago Chapel. the {allowing on TUESDAé. the alrt-dny 0! FEBRUARY, highly valuable per-anal property, Vi! : l 1865, It to o'clock, A. It, viz‘: 5 HEAD 01" WORK 303555'3Wuy1‘701 125. The account of Wm. Guinn, Ad yeera old nod 2 one year old, 8 Cove, 1 Heifers, i minigtnmr of Jane Horner, dmd, 1 Bull. U “1'10“”: 3 ”00d 30") 3 WWWLI 1%. The third and finol account ofJohn (1 broad-tread. ‘ n“"°"‘”"d “d 1 “e'. Wieler and Jacob Wisler, Executora of the horse) Spring Wazom Cm “"1 Ems", L9B 1 in: will and testament of John Wialer. de- Sled, Sleigh, Manny Reaper, “innomng hill, i ceased. / P‘mn‘ 3;} 3"“: 21"" Hey udd‘" (”3de 127. The account of Jesse Lou Admin. '5 “9"») ““1”“? ““5“”! 8”" Bed,anon istrntor of the estate of Michael Agper doc Bed. 6 acts of Horse Gears, Wagon Saddle,l 128 The first account of Dr Jacob Pl Collars, Bridles 2 acts Corriage Harness, Hul- . 7' . . ' , ' .’ Smith, Administrator of the estate of Jacob terr, Cow Chllnl, 4 Pionghs, 2 Barrows, LS 'th d ed large ShoVel Harrow, 2 Corn Forks, 1 Shovel 1‘“ - 96°” ' “on b It a _ 129. The first and final Iceonnt of Solo yl, oller, Corn nheller, Jack screw, 2 B d E d Log Chaim, Fifth Cbm’n, Butt Chains, Brenltnmon 9“ er, xem'rtor Pf Henry Ben 9": Chains, Spreader, Double and Single-trees, ' late of Menallen township, Adams county, Crudle, Mnttm ks, Shovels, Pick, Forks, Dong decreases]. . ~ ‘ pork. and Rakes, with many other farm "gm I..O..(:uurdxanehip uccountoi'Jacob Forst, ‘ Clea. Also, Beds and Bedstesdn, Tables, Guardian of: Annie Laure Lerew, minor‘ Chairs, Bureau, Chests, Kitchen Cupboard, child of Benjamin Lerew, deceased. Cooking Stove, Ten-pinto StoveJ Parlor Store 131. First. account of Henry Clutz. Ad- Mont Vessels, Barrels, and n variety of othehminislrntor with the will annexed of Kory articles, too numerous to mention. Elizabeth Cimz, deceased. 30's“! to commence I“ 9 0'91““: A- “H! 132. First and final account of Richard on "id dill When attendnnce "11 be given Trimmer, Administrator of Peter Hobblt‘,l and terms made iknovrn by l deceased. JOHN DIEHL. 133. The first and final account of Wil liam J. Peters, Administrator of Sunnnah Peters. deceased. 134. First and. final nccountof Benjamin F. Thomas. Administrator of Henry M. Themsmdeceued. 135. The account of Amos Plank, Ad ministrator of John M: Black. de'ceued. , SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Beginner’s Office, Gettysburg, ’ Jun. 23, 1865. tc* } Jacob Klunk, Ahctioueer Jan. 16, 1863.. 15* Valuable Personal Property 1‘ PUBLIC S il.E.—On FRIDAY, the 10th A day of FEBRUARY next, the euhlcriber, intending to quit iarming, will sell at Public Sale, at his reeidence, in Huntington township, Adams county, about two milel tron: Whiter town and three mile: from Peteraburg, the fol lowing highly valuable personal property, viz: 3 HEAD OF HORSES, (onea young saddle horse and plough letder, one a brood mare with tool, and the other a young Inddle and harness maze) ‘5 well-broken .\lulea, (rieing 4 years old and will work in the lead in wagon or plough, or in harnesa,) 3 Milch Cows, (will be fresh nbont the time of sale,) 2 yearling Calves, lßroori Sow, 8 Pigs, 1 Broad-tread Wagon, Board Box, Feed Trough, Hay Cnrri age, Wood Rigging. 2 Bolsters, a set of Dung Boards, Spreader, Single and Double-trees, Falling-top Buggy, Sleigh, Horne", Side Sad dle, Plough: and Barrows, single and double Shovel Plgughs, Corn Cover-er, Shriner Win nowing Mill, Patent Hay Knife, new Wheel hunrow,Gi iudatone, 4 sets Horse Gears, Wagon Saddle, Wagon Whip, Wagon Line, Plough Lines, 6 Halters, 2 sets Long Traces, Breast and Butt Chains, 6 Halter Chains, 6 Cow Cheina, Pitch Forks, Manure Forks, Shaking Forks, Rakes, Dung Hook, Shovels, Spade, Grain Cradle, Scythes and Snathe, Bushol Baskets, 2 new Lnnd Sides for York Plough, Hand Sim, Auger-a; togeth‘erwith Household Furniture, such as Tables, Chaxra, Wardrobe, Parlor Stove, Wash Machine. lrou Kettle, Pot Itiuzk, Churn, .\ieat Vesrelt, Bairels, Benches, Tuba, Appie-butter by the eroclg, and a large number 01‘ other eiticlea, too numerous to meEiOu. ' Solo '0 commence at 9 o'clock, A. it, on said day, fihen attendance will be given and tenor made known by L. W. Heikfl, Auctioneer Jan. 16,1365. w Public Sale. X WEDNESDAY, the Bth dny of FEBRU ARY neu, the aubacri r, intending to [0 West. will sell at Public gale, at. his resi dence, in, Mminxpleaunt township, Adams county, one mile und o quarter eouih of Gol den’s Stnlion, the following personal property: »2 BROUD MAKES, with foal, 1 Three-year old and l Yearling 061:.4 Cows, 6 bend of Young Come, 3 Sheep, 2 Saws nnd Pigs, 3 Show I Three-horse Wagon, Spring Wagon, Limc‘fied, Hwy Carriages, Rockawny Buggy (nearly new) and Romans, Sleigh. Wiunowing Hill, Cutting Box, Horne Rake; Lnnd Roller, Plough: and Barrows, Cultivators, Shovel Ploughs, Com Fork, “'heelbn'rrow, Double and Single-(reel. Tliree-horsc-tree, Spreader, 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets Cruppers, Riding S-dtlle and Bridle, Bridles and Collars, v) Lesthtr Linea, llnlte re and Chains, Log Chain, Brent Chains, Bun Chains, Haul andWedgus, Maltock, Axes, Shovels and Forks, Rakes, 3 10‘ of llogehendn, Wood Saw, a lot. of Carpen ter Tpolr, Grain Cradle, Clover Cradle, Scythe: and Snell“, Mixing Trough, Grindstone, 2 snaps of Bees, Bushel BuketJhlf-buhel. Also, flouaenold Ind Kitchen Furniture,riz: .5 Bedslcadl. Bureaus, Safe, Corner Cupboard, 2 Dining Tables, 3 sets Chairs, 3 Rocking Chain, Chest, Sink, Carpeting, Sand, Clock. kicking Glance, Queens-were, Tinarare, rockerylwnre, Cook Store and fipc,’l‘en plefe Stove and Pipe, Pou, Pans, Tubs, Churn, lron Kettle, Brian Kettle, Boxes, Barrels, Be‘nchee, Heat Venela, Blent by the pound, Apple-boner, l’otntoee by the bushelflnd A great miny other articles, too numeroul to mention. . fib‘ale to commence. It 9 o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when utendunco will b‘e given and tel-ms made known by - ' _ JOHN R. MILLER Jun. 16,1865: ta" Treasury Department. Omc: or Coxprnoun or ran CUIIENCY,I Wumxaron, Dec. 8, 1564. 1 HEREAS, by antisinctoi'y evidence pre aented to the undersigned, it has been nude to appear that “THE GETTYSBURG NATXONAL BANK," in the Borough of Gettys burz, in the County at Adams, and State of Pennsylvania, [ln been duly organized under, and according to, the requirement! 05th: Act of Congress entitled “An Act to provide a Nl - Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide {of the Circula tion and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864,..and ha: complied with all the pro visions of said not required to be complied with before commencing the business of honking under said net: 3 Now, therefore, 1, HUGE McCULLOCE, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certi (y that “THE GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK,” in the Borough of Gettysburg, in the County of Adnml, end State of Pennsylvania,- ie mthorized to commence the busineu of banking under the net aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witneu my band and A teal of Office, thin eighth ds} of De {lnn}ccmb¢r, “64. . -.-a HUGE McCULLOCH, Comptroller oilhe Currency Dec. 19, 18“. Zn: Dissolution. HE partncnlu'p harewfore existing be tween the undersigned, under the name and uyle of FABRESTGCK BROTHERS: in thin day diuolved by mun-J consent—Jame: F. Fahneuock retiring. JAIES F. FABNESTOCK, HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, EDW. G. FAHNESTOCK, _ HF. undenigned, remainifiing runners of a; firm of FAHSESTOCK BROTHERS, w I continue the buineu at the lame plnce, wider the same Mme nnd style of firm. HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, ‘ REWARD G. FAHNESTOCK. Jam 9, 1885. Pictures! Pictures! EV! HUME“! having purchased Samuel Welvex’l PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is prepmd to execute work in hil liue equal to en, nublhhmem. iu the State. If you denies it good likeness. finished nccording Lo thelntcat improvement: in the art, call at the ebove long-eunblisbed Gallery, in Wen Middle Itreet, Gettysburg. [Jam 9, 1865. Give Him a Call! plus to obtain I perfect Photograph or Ambrotype, executed in the best manner, in st MUHPER’S GALLERY, in Middle “not. Jan. 9, 1865. ; Do. You Wish ; 0 preuru I soon liken» of yonmfl, your chijdnn, or your friends? go a: one. to IBMPER‘S GALLERY, the be" phce in me county :0 secure 5:“ ch»: picturpa. Jan. 9, 1865. , fiRAC'NNG ATTENTlON.—'l‘beanpoflor A Picture. taken a‘ MUNPER’S ABKY- I 81‘ GALLERY, on West liddlq IL, If. nttncfin universal “billion. flood judge: pronouns than “MW," Input am in “in plant. cm and 111-h. for punches. Jan. 16,1865; ' . ‘ .' , ? .\’ TUESDAY, the nth day of FEBRUARY ; next, the suhlcriber, intending to quit I farming, will sell at Public Sole," his rui demo, in Reading township, Adams county, g half a mile from Hamplon, the following per ‘ sonal properly, viz: _ I 2 WORK HORSES, 3 Cows, several head of 1 Young Cecile, Sheep. Two Wagons, (one two , horse and the other one-h rse,) Spring Wogou, , Rocknway Buggy and Hflfi‘lcfll, Lime Bed, Hay ' Carriages, Sleigh and'Slea, Threshing Machine, , Grain Drill, Cixcnldr Shw, Shrincr Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box, Horse Rnke, Plough, Har } rowa, Cultimtors, Shovel Ploughs, Corn Forks, J'Muadow Roller, Double and Single-Heel, a va \ riely of Horse Gears, Riding Saddle Ind Bridle, .Raku, Forks, Shovels, Muttmka, Hay by tho won and Oats by the bushel, and a great v:- s riety of other arm-101,100 numerous to man— ‘ lion. WEAR to commence at 10 o’clock. A. M.. on said day, when ”undue. will be given and terms made known by EMANUEL NEIDIGH.‘ L. P. Walker, Auctioneer. Jan. 9, 1865. 1.3 Valuable Personal Property 1‘ PUBLIC SALE—On THURSDAY,Ihe A 9th do] of FEBRUARY next, thn‘ sub scriber, intending to quit. farming, will sell at. Public Sale, at his residence, in Reading town ship, Adamo county. IP3" about one mile and a half north of Hampton, and hull a mile out of Adam S. Myers'a store, the following \‘slun hle personal properly, viz: .2 WORK MAKES, 4 Cows, Sheep and Hogs, Narrow-[read Three-horse Wagon, with Lime Bed, Hay Carrio‘ges, Winnowing Hill, Cutting Box, Grindstone, Ploughs, Burrows, Single nnd Double Shovel Plouglis, Corn Forks, Single and Double-trees, Horse! Genrs, Riding Snddlc and Bridle. ilnller Chains, (fowChnins, Rakes, Forks, and many other farming nttnsils. Also. Household,uid- Kitchen Furniture, such as Beds nnd Bugdstends, Bnrenus, Tables, Chairs, Cook Store and fixxurrs, Ten-plain Stove and Pipe, Iron Kellie, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Crockeryquro, Wash Tubs, Meat Vessel, Barrels, Boxos, and s \‘Ariely or other nrxicles, too numerous to mention. “inside 50 commence at lo o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when unentlnnce will be given and terms made known by S. C. BRO WK Jnn: 2, 1865. u! F VALUABLE PEBSONAL‘PROPERTY. —ou TUESDAY, the 3lst day of JANU- A Y insL, the subscriber. intending to go Eust,"ill sell'nt Public Sale, at his residence, in Freedom townshin, Adams county, 1; miles from Morixz‘s tavern, on the road leading lo Millerstown, the following Personal Property : l HORSE, 5 )lilch Com, 4. head of Young Cnltlet Brood Sow, 3 Shouts, Wheat Drill, Wire Hay Rake, Wheat l-‘nn, Harrow, Plough, Fodder Cutter, Rocksway Buggy, Carriage, set of Harness, Hay Carriage, Spreaders; Double and Single-trees, set of Horse Gears, Log Chain, Crowbar, Sledge, Manock, Grain Orn dle, Rakes, Forks. Shovels. Whetlbarrow, Grindetone, Cow Chains, Hay by the ton, kc. ’ Also, Household and Kilcbeu Furniture,viz: 2 Dining Tables, Breakfast Table, Kitchen Table, Stand, 4 Bedstends, large Looking Glass, Case of Drawers, Corner Cupboard, Eight-dny Brass Mantel Clock, Rocking Cm (112,3 seu ofVClmirs, 2 Rocking Chairs, Queens wnrc, Tin-lure, large Copper Kettle, Iron Kcule, cook Stove, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe; Vinegar, Apple-butler, Barrel Churn, Meat. Vessels, Tuba, 3 lot of Pine Lumber, a lot of! Oak Fencing Boards and Posls, and ngreat runny other articles, too tedious to mention. fi-Skle to commence at 10 o’clock, A. H., on said day, when attendance will he givenl and term! nude known by l WILLIAM L. McKEE Reuben Golden, Aunioneer. Jan‘ 9, 1865. u* ATAWBA BRANDY, And SPARKLING CATAWBA WINES, Equal in Quality and Chapel- inPrico thnn the Brnndies And Wine! of the OM World. For Summer Oomplzint, Chalera Inf-mum, Bowel Complains, Cramp, Colic, & Dian-hes. A aura Gun is gum-untied, or the money will . In supper! of-ths above statements, Ire pro. sealed the Certificates of Dr. Jas. R. Chilton, Chemist, New York ; Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Ohio; Dr. James R. Nichols, Chemist, Boston; Dr. N. E. Jones, Chemical inspector, Circleville, Ohio; Prof. C. T. Jackson, Chemist, Boston; Dr. Chas. Uphsm Shepard, Charleston, S. 0.; and J. V. Z. Blancy, and G. A. Mariner, Consulting Chemists, Chicago, all of whom hsvs analyzed the Catawba Brandy. and com p‘imsnt in the highest terms, for medicinal use. snalysis of the Hasslchnsetts Stats Ausyer‘, - Jan. 23, 1658. When evaporated ~through clean linen it left no ml or offensive mm. In every respect it is a run Ipixituonl liquor. The Oil which given to this Brsndy its flavor and aroma, in Wholly unliku fusilJ or grain oil. It: odor pur takes of both the fruit and oil of grapes.— Wizh acids, it produce: ether: of a high fragrance. Th. substitution of am Brandy {or Cognac Brandy will do "I; will: the mn nmctnra of fitmiom lpiriu, lold under this name boil: 5: home and shroud. Bupectfufly, A, A. HAYES, M. D., Annyer to Sum Hum, 16 Boyleuon n. By the name, in 1864. I hue nnlned “ L. LYgNS’ PURE CA TAWBA BRANDY," with re rent: to it: com. position and chnncter, being the name an that produced in plot yarn. A sample taken from ten mks afurded the same result: with reprd to purity ; I slightly ilcraued amount of flu principh on which its flavor depends was de termined by comparison 11th former mpl". The inflation: of analglil Ihow nut thi- Bnudy is pr acid by :11. um procul u non of the 114301 th Bandy. ' Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, 11. 1)., ‘ = sum Auger, 16 Boylnwn It. Boston, July 20, 1864. MANUFACTURED on n u H. B. JACOB ICO (To when :11 Order: Ihould be Iddmud,) Depot, 9| Liberty IL, New York. Not. 14, )8“. 3m APT. H. CHXITZHAN, hnvlnzjnu mim (d from . trip to the Welt sud 311 the LAND ngiou in God’l great labyrinth, he would inform “n citizens cf Gehysbnrg ad in vicinity, that he is pupa-ed, not only «1 OS“ OIL LANDS, but LANDS MVEEY DESCRIPTIOX. Person: viniting flirriabnrg would“ Idl‘w nil, u be rill furnish I“ in fatuation. .. I B. cannzm. K Jun. 2, 1365. at Public Sale. JOHN MILLER. Public Sale L. Lyons’ Pure Ohio be refunded Lands! Lands! 17:111 fßow & Woods, Gnnrswnc. , . WAR muxfimn muons: When In uy wo will all good; a: , '0 mean whtwe u] and will do it. We hep constantly on hand a Inge anon mem of ‘ HATS OF ALL STYLES, which win he sold cheaper :hn they can be bought ellewhere.‘ \ Onr unortmeut of -g ~ BOOTS AND SHOES for men, women and children, is nude up of flu ban qualities Ind Itylel, tad lold chup. ‘ Our ltock consist: in part 0! ' - ‘ HATS SEGARS, I CAPS," Tomaso.- BOOTS, HANDKEBCHIEPS, SHOES, STOCKINGS, TRUL‘KS. V GLOVES, ‘ 1 CARPET SACKS, WINDOW PAPER, GUN SHOES, WHIPS. BUFFALO SHOES, COBSETS, UNDERSHIBTS, POCKET BOOKS, VIOLINS, PURSES, VIOLIN BOWS, RAZORS, “ STRINGS, .STRAPS. . Aoooannoxs, POCKET “was, COLLARS. SUSPENDERS. NECK-TIES, CORK SOLES, UMQRELLE, he", km, kc... kc, kc. ROW & WOODS. ‘ mm, 1365, ‘ ‘ Herbst’s Line. . l, , , .‘ ~ . r. N . . V . = . .3 3 «- 'l‘, - 1" ~. n z A V “:31; Fifi... .25: .- 4‘. - l.‘.'lA'."'-U.l.‘ -U;) -lUU_-0() HE undersigned would inform the public ' that he in still running a line of FREIGHT CARS from Geuyubnrg to Baltimore every week. He is prepared to convey Freighteither way,in any quantity. He willattend. Ifdesired, to thevmaking‘of purchases in the city. and de livering the goods promptly at. Gem-31mm.— Hil cars run to the Warelxoun of J. H. 8031:] 203 North street, Baltimore. Ha invites the Ittcntion of no public to his line, assuring them that be wlll lpflTe no efl'ort to accommo. date All who may patronize him. SAMUEL HERBS . HAY WANTED. The highelt prico id for good Timothy. . Oct. 24, 1854. $5! Globe Inn, Yon! l'l‘., Inn ran DIAKOED, ETT YSBURG , PA.——The undersigned would moat respectfully inform his na memnl lriendl and the 'public generally, that he hes purchaied lhatioug eltahliehed and well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn,” in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no efiort to conduct it in n. manner that will not. detract from its former high reputulion. Hia table will have the beat the market mm nllord—hia chambers are spacious and comfortable—and he has laid in for his burn fnll flock of wines and liquors. There is Luge stubliug attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by ntlen tlve bottle”. It. will he his constant. endeavor tq render the lulleat satisfaction to his gueau, making hi: houn- au near a home to them as possible. Ile asks a share of the puhlic’s pa tronage, determined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember, the” Globe Inn” in in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 1864. tf . New Establishment. DOTS AND SHOES.—Tbe subscriber re- B apecttnlly announces to the Clllzeui of Gettysburg and the public generally, that ha ha: opened a. new BOOT AND SHOE establishment, in (‘hamberahurc ”run,“ Gettysburg, one door from the ‘Drug » Store of A. D. Buehler, where he is prepared to manufacture Boots andJShoes of every de scription. Gentlemen's Boots and Shoea made in the map substantial manner. Ladiea’work done up neatly and upon the shortest notice. All kinds'of repairing promptly attended to. Our work will he found firong, neatnnd cheap. We will guarantee our work to wear and fit. I am determined to put up better and cheaper work than any other estnbllshment in min: and would therefore solicit a share of public patronage. Call and examine our Work and giro us a trial. ‘ B. P. BRADEN. Jan. 2,1864. tf ’ Great Attraction 'l‘ BRINKERHOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISIIING STORE, at the Xorth nst Corner of the Diamond. The shhsrriber is constantly in receipt offresh goods from the Eastern cities. flis stock of , READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and buys.— Gentlemen’s furnishing goods ofevery descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino ‘Shlrts,-Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosieiy of every description, Buckskin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchiels, Neck Ties, Ornvats, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps, Boots Ind Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushchieir :nd Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blocking, Pocket Ind Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Wntches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and Perfumeries, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality at Segnrs. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in I. first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, es 1 am determined to sell goods lower then my other establishmentin the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of York street And the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHQFF. July 4, 1864. The Popular 7-30 Loan. HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GET- T TYSBURG bu been designuod a Deposi tary Ind Financial Agent of the United States, and will furnish the popular ’l-30 Coupon Nolel, free from all taxes, and convertible at mnturity inlo 5-20 six per cent. gold interelt Bonds. Will also lurnisb 5-20 and 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificates Add all othgr Gov ernment. :ecuritieu. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Coupons, and make collection] promptly on all ncceuible points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cnsbier. Dec. 26, 1864.‘ ll“ ' . * Provision Store. HE undersigned has opened! APROVISION STORE n Gemgo Little‘s old mud, in en )fiddle Itreet, Getty-burg: when he will “'l’. hmn hand, for sale, ‘ BEEP, 1! ON, VEAL, PORK, POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND "“83 POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, WI“! everything else In the proviliou line. He will ull at mull profits, and up": n; econ to pleat. ' Pu. Cnttle, Hogs, Sheep, Cflvee, km, rented, for which the highest price: will be paid. JOHN KOILBECK. Oct. 17, 1864. tf New Warehouse. BUSHBLS OF’ORAIN 00.090 WAHTEDme’enewGl-nin and Produce un, in omm. urea, adjoin-J h: She‘d: & Buchler‘l \uublinhme'nt. 'l‘lul highest mrket price will 51':st be paid in cub for GRAIN, of :11 kindl, - FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. Al's” on lamina tor sale, :1. the smallest profiu, e GUANOS, ‘ SALT, nan. ' ‘1 ' 0300311139, Bm, - WSoleulo and Mull. TRY US! We mu 0 our ban go fl" utiafmtlon in .u can. IcCURDY & DIEBL. Guttynburg, Kay 11, 1853. I, Revenue Stamps if any denominatibl consul)!!! on bud O Ind {ln «In at the Fm: Kilian! Bunk .1 (hag-ling. GEO. ARNOLD, Chili-r; Guttylbnrg, NO7. 14, 3864. ' 1845. 1 Tax and Military Appeals. HE Comminlioncn of Adam county hare- T Ly‘gito notice that they hue fixed upon the followiug times nd places for the holding of Tax nd Niliury Appenll for 1865, in the tavern! borough: nd townlhipl of Adams county, when tnd when they will attend to hour nppenls, between tho hours 08 9 o‘clock, A. it, and 3 o’clock, P. 51., of etch dny, I! follows: , For Mountjoy township. on Monday, the 23d of Jnnuuy man, It. the house of hue Light ncr, in Mouurjoy township. For the township of Germany Ind the bor ough ol Littleatown, on Tuesday, the 24th of Jlnuuy. at ‘he houne of George B. Ynutis, in Linlestown. For the township of Union, on Wed-udny, tin-35:}: of January, I: the house of George B. Yutis, in Littleuown. For the townshi'p of Concwago, on Thurs day, the 26d: of Janunry, M the homo of Jer. John. in Mcherryalorn. For the townshifi of Mountplcasnm, on Fri day, the 27th of January, 21': the house of J. E Smi‘h. st Mount Rock. For tbs, township of Strabnn. on Saturday, the 23m ofJnnum-y, at the house of lamb L. Grass, in Hunterltown. For the township of Oxford, on .\lnndnx. the son: of January, at the home of Geo. Shane, in New Oxford. For the township and borough of Berwick, on Tuesday, the 3X3: of January. at the hoxfie of Frauen: J. Wilson, in Abbomtown. For the township of Hamilton, on Wednes dey, the Ist of Februnry, at the house of Dm lel Becker, ln Eat Berlin. l For the township of Bending, on Thursday, the 2d of February, gt the house of Robert M. Diekl, in Hampton. ,1 For the township oanntigglon, on Friday, the 3d of Fe brnnry, at the h use of Mrs. Reeda, in Petershurg. For the township of Lotimore, on Saturday. the 4th of February, at the house of Mrs. Reed, in Pctersburg. A ' For 1h:- townshlp nf Tyrone, orrMondny, the 6th of February, at the house 0: Allen M. Cook. in Heidlersburg. For the township of Mennllen, on Tuesday, the 7th of February. at the house ol‘Chnrles Myers, in Bendenville. For the wwnehip of Butler, on Wednesday, the am of February, ot the houle of Henry Hartzrll, in .\iir‘dletown. . For the township of Franklin on Thursday. the 9th \of February, at the house affirm Brough, nenrfiilltown. ' For the township of Hamilton‘r‘an, on Mon day, the 13th of Februnry, at the house of A. Benchoof, in Fnirfieldi For the township of Liberty, on Toesdny, the “ti: o'.‘ February, nt McDivlt’l Hill, in Liberty township. For the township of Freedom, on Wednes day, the lsth of February, at the house of Samuel Moritz,in Freedom township. For the township of Cumßerlnud, on Thurs day, the 16th of February, at the house of Francis Bream, in Cuinberlnnd township.‘ For the township of Highlnnd, on Friday, the 17th of February, M. the house of Francis Bram, in Cumberland township. ‘ For the borough of Gettysbury, on Saturday. the 18th of February, at the Commissioners’ Omce, in Getty sburg. JACOB EPPLEHAN, SAMUEL MARCH, " ABRAHAM KRISE, Commissioners of Adnms county. Attest—J. M. Walter, Clerk. Domes, 1884. td _ 100.000 bush. Grain Wanted. TEW FIRM AT THE A b OLD WAREHOUSE. W“. E RIDDLE & 00. would Yuform the public ll‘ they have leased the Warehouu on the corner of‘Sn-nuon street Ind gha Bail roud, in Gettysburg, whore they will curry on the GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will 11- wnys be paid (or wuun, R‘s , CORN, , . CLOVER I; TIMOTHY SEEDS, * FLAXSEED, EUNAC, HAY a STRAW; Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Buns, Shoulder! and Sides, Potatoes, with overylhing else in the country produce line. . 0N HAND, FOR SALE, Cofl'eel, Sugars, Molusel, Syrups, Tau, Spleen Salt, Cheeie, Vinegsr, Sods, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blncking, Brushes, Soaps. «he. A 136 COAL OIL, Fish Oil, an, kc.— FISH of all kinds; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccoa. , They‘uro always able to supply a first nto nrtiEcl; ol‘ FLOUR, with the difi‘ereut kindl of FE . Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUARDS and other fertilizers. flCOAL, by the bnuhel,ton. or car load. ‘ The'u‘Cnrs run to Baltimore Ind heal: twice a. week, and they will be hippy to carry good: either way at moderate charges. Marketmen, country merchants, and otherl, will find it t 9 their aduuzage to patronize thl‘l line. \ They Mk I share ofthe pnbllc'l custom,snd will npnre no eflortto render ntlel‘acllon to all, seller: or buyers. ‘ WM. 8. BIDDLE l CO. Aug. 22, 1864. if Hardware and Groceries. HE uubscriben lava jug returned from the cities with an immense lupply of ARDWARE 3: GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old "and in Baltimore smet‘ It. price: to suit the timu. Our stock consist: in put 0! BUILDING MATERIALS, w CARPENTERS TOOLS, ' BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, COACH FISDINGS SHOE FINDINGS. CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS. HOUSEKEEPEB‘S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, kc. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, ta” kc. Then in no attic-Ia Included in the several departmentl mentioned above but whn can be had at mil Store.— Every clan of Mechanics can be accommodnted hero with tool: and findingt,a:d Housekeeper. can find every article {a their line. Give as n call. us we are prepared to null In low for cub In any hon" out of We city. JOEL B. BANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Getty-burg, May 16, 1864. ‘ ‘ New Spring Goods. MALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. . S J . L . SCu I C K would reapecflully uy to the citizen 0! Get tysburg Ind vicinity, “no. he is ‘now receiving at his store | splendid , Swen. UP SPRING GOODS. , . Tho stock consists in pan of chy lnd Syple DRY GOODS, of every ducripzion. SILKS. ' MOZAMBIQUE, OHALLIES, ‘ DELAIKES, BOXBAZINES, ALPACCAB. LAWNS, . CALICOES, of I“ qutlitien Ind choice“ mm, which m“ be lold It PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of All kinch, including Silk, Linen Ind Cotton Hmdkorchiafn, Glam, Stockingu, kc. 'Allo, n Iplondid summon: of BIBBONS, Lac" 3nd Bdgingn, Umbrellu and Parasol» - My neck of WHITE GOODS will be found {nll tud complete, and cuatomen may rely upon nlwnyl gutting gqod goods at. the lowest poni ble pricey. ' Gentlemen will find it lo the“ Idvanugo [c all Ind examine my flock of CLOTHS, 05851113338 And v VMISGS, or :11 gum!” nn'l choice". “flu. May 21, 1864. 7 J. L. SCHICK. Sale Crying. W. FLEMXING continua the bmluu _ . of_BALR OBYINO, ud solicit: thus:- ud pntxouge of the public. I: it his gop tn: “can: to gin Imam-flan. Glut-gen minute. Residence in Bmkinrmge mun, Myth“. I’. Split it a “canned Auction”, and» the Ta Law of thl Unmd Stun. . Nov. 24, 1802. E hue just received I new assortment , onueennare, to whirl: we mm flu! Attention at huyern. A. 8001'? t SON. ’Qofidi‘éibfihfm W by. m L m nu amp » sculcx's. * Q Afr ‘ ~K 1: “w » A can wining: h.‘ “ Dypepaia M: the y S‘inptmqqg let. A connunl min in would": "shag“ of the stomach. n . 2d. flatulence Ind Aridily. x Q (38. 31. (‘osfivcnon nnl Loss 01 A ‘. 4th. Gloom aml [M‘prhuiuu {vim sth. Dun-hum. Mrln sniping. ,5‘11713»; 6th. Pmnin All parts of Hm Spy-u; .m§~‘~ 71h. Conwmptive Symptom; wind Pt‘ipiln. lion of Ibo Hurt. ' . = 81h. Co'ugh, with Phlcgm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Aflecuiou, Jul mu“ 0! SIM-p at night. ' ‘ loxh. Loss or Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizzineu, Dimneu of Wuhan, Ind Long?! Sight. ~ S l ‘ 12: . Hendu-h and m or n in In in with grout. Weakgfla. 8‘ t I" I» i om. omhe thousands of can of Dyapaplll. Itbul In" used Dr. Widprt’u Grunt Amer‘und 1D; speluil. Pills, not mm nf them has I'niltd of a perfect rurm We wnrrunhn rum in every ‘mw; no nmncr If M L'weniy yenra' nmuhngw— Suld by all drnzgisla erorywhore, nod}! Du. Wuhart'u ullire, Nu. 10 N. flccond ureal, Philam lph'm. Pu. an examination! and con. Jnlmtmus lrm- uf l'lfllr;9. Sum} {urn (insular. Price $1 pm Lax. Sen‘t Ivy nip“, [ln 0! charge. on receipl or money. '-' ‘ ‘ A DYSPEPSIA, Ds'srpvsu, DYSPEPSIL l, ELIZABETH ltuxsox, of Brandywine, Dot, formerly of Old Chester.'Dnl., do'certify’thot. {or one year and a hill” lufl'ered everything but. death frowns: awful diaeuo culled Dyl pepsiu. My whole system was mourned with weakness and mrrnur debilily; I could not digest my food ; ifl me oven scrnchr or flu amnllest amount nffuod, n wuuld roturn Jun ‘MI I Hrullowcrl it; 1 hocunc m unslivc in‘ my bowels that I would not have nrpassnve in la" than from four and alien cialxldnylg under this iqunc-use bull‘uinx, my mind seemed eu lirely to give Wny. l lmd dremllul horround evil furelrodingm l Lilonglu everybody lulu-d me, and I haired r-wrybody; l could not but my hunbflull nor my own children, cwrylltlng appeared in he hurronruicken to mr ;\ ll lm-l no nmbnian t i do nn\ thing ; l lost all In} lo?! olflunily and home; I would rumble um! 11'“!- der from plane to place, out Lould not, be eoxl‘. lei-ind; ll'nli that l “atlloumirl ‘0 hr", and (lint there was n; truer: 4‘l r in", and was oi ton temptod in mm ml S‘lJ'léll‘, 5 ) near won my whole nervous -ys(cu: denruyod. nml nl‘o my mind, lroru that nulul compluiul. l‘yrpep sign.“ my friends thought best to have Inc placed in Dr. Klrkbride‘l Houpilal, West Phil~. odelphla; [remained there nine n ro‘..s,,nml thought} won I liule boner, bu' in :1 RN day. my dreadful complaint wls raging «a had an ever. Hearing of tho wonderlul rurrn r”- tormled by Dr. Wisbnn’o Grenf Amvncnu it": pcpsin Pillt om] his treatment fur Dyspcg-liu, my husband called on Dr. Walnut and mum my Case to him: llesnid he h-{d no Vim-hi he would cure 11’ So in three day: mun I roll ed and placed myself under [he‘lloclur’b lr'éul-., ment, and in two weeks I begun in ..I.cu-my food, and felt that my discuss ma l.l~_l grring way, and Icontinned l 0 rncover fur dimming; months, and at lho‘prcaent Linn l (-1.) \y pu fect bullh of body and mind, and l muss sin cicrely return my thanks to n mfl‘l'll’ul (lml nnd Dr. Wishnrt, and to his great Auveriv i-u Dys peplia Pills and Piim Tree Tar Ul-r-hul Ilmj and me from no Insane Asylum and 11mm:- ture grove. All persons sufl'eriug will: Dy» pepsin. are ntfliberly Co‘cnll on me or write, ‘1" "l nu: willing to do all the good I can for In!- l'ering humanity. ‘ Emuni‘rn Samson. Brnndywme, Uel., formerly of Old Chest", Delaware county, Po. , - Dn Wislmrz’s Office, No. l 0 Norih Second Itreel, Philadelphia. ‘ -. Dispspsu! ' DYSPEPSJA ! Dr. Wishnrtz—l have been a constant In!- t‘orer with' Dyspepsia far the hut eighteen yem, during which time I cannot any that I ever enjo‘y‘ed a perfectly well day. I There were times'when the symptoms were more nggrnv‘n ted than at others. and then it seemed it would be a great relief to die. I had at all time: an unpleunnt, feeling in my head; butintterlymy sum-rings so much increased that lhecnme al most unfit for business ofnny kind ; mg mind was continually filled with glqomy I ought. and torebodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a senhatlon of icy coldness in connection with n dead weight, n: it were, rested upon my brain; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the atom nch, and great pain to my eyes,‘ necompnniell with which was the continual fenr‘of losing my reason. I Also experienced great laun tude, debility and nervousness, Wllitb made it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became averse to society. nnd diapered only (C seclusion, and having tried the skill a“ num ber of eminent phy sicinns of various schools finnlly came to the conclusion that, for this disease at my present age (45 )enrci there mu nocuro in existence. Butl through the inter ference of Divine Providence, ta whom'l dr v‘outly otfc‘r hay thanks, l M hut found it sore. reign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and To! Cordial,which leem to have ell’ectuully roman ed almost the last trace of my long list of nil mentn _nnd bnd feeling-1, and in their place hellth, plenanre‘and contentment are my every dLy compenionn. Junta M. SAuxonl, No. 453 Sorth Second St, Philadelphia, , Formerly of Woodhnry, N. I A POSITIVE CURE FOB DYSFEEWM lIAI WIA‘I‘ 11. (on! I. PAICOOK IA". No. 1028 01m) Smut,- } Philadelphigthni 22d, 1863. Dr. Without—Sir :—lt is with much pm. sure that I am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, Lhnve been entirely cured of thst moat distressing complaint, Dyspeplin. I had been grievously ufliicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time hove not been free from its pain one week at n. time., I hue hid it inits worst form and hnvodrgggd on a most miserable exlslence—lu pain a and night. Every kind of food that Into Eli’- etl me with windnnd pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to follow. I lmd no appe tite for any kinds of meats whatever, and my diatrels was so great. {or several months beloro I Heard of ion’r Pills, that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had board of for D 5 :pepqin, without receiving my benefit; but. on your Pills being recommended tc me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a. trial, nliliough I Ind nu iaith in them. To my astonishment, i ,iound myself getting better before i had taken one~fonrth of: box. And, titer taking half A box, I mm a well man, and can wt nag/(lung lunch, and enjoy a hearty meal three times u (by, without inconvenience from anything 1 cut or drink. "flyou think proper. you nre at liberq to moire thin puhlic and relcr to me. 1 will cheerful}; give a.“ desirable information in In; one who niny call on me. - ‘ ' You", {'eapectfully, 'Joux 11, Bucux For sale at UL \V‘iahun’s lit-diam} l‘cpm, lg 10 North Second street, Nuladniphin, P..- Pnce One Dollar per bu. Bum by mail, 03.. of charge, on ncuyzvf prica. .1.» The above are a few among. the thcnnph which this great remedy’ has pang! Mn is untimely grave. ‘ .‘ ‘ . .. We in, thousand: of You": l'rom phg‘d cinl sat dragging who ham preterit-ind told “me Hedic'lo‘fl, ”:1!!ng an, Inn nonr u“ or laid]: medicino which psl Inch ulnah Iflhfw on. ( 4. . Proptnd any Qua Prmielur. ‘ ' DR. L. Q. C. iII7tBUART A 1‘ ‘, ti,“ No. to Noun handgun, . - I ‘ Prim-mg Sold by Draggin- uni! mum-$.15.“ ‘:‘ ' '«E “ :-, 1 Ui’ki‘éiclvin am 25. munfiflg. 15g, .3‘. ; ‘1 ?.I»d€:fiei; CI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers